Notes to take from the preparatory group of the kindergarten “learning letters. Lesson for literacy training for the preparatory group "Consolidation of the material covered

Notes to take from the preparatory group of the kindergarten “learning letters. Lesson for literacy training for the preparatory group "Consolidation of the material covered

Kondratova Zulfiya Zinatulivna
Initial deposit: Republic of Kazakhstan. place Petropavlіvsk. Preschool mini-center at KDU at secondary school No. 32
Brief description of the robot:

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Synopsis of literacy training at the pre-school group “Visiting the Wise Dwarf” Kondratova Zulfiya Zinatulivna Republic of Kazakhstan. place Petropavlіvsk. Preschool mini-center at KDU at secondary school No. 32 Read rebusi. Zakrіpluvati vmіnnya fold the word from the singing number of words; signify voices and sounds that stink; know the place of expansion of the sound in the word, signify the softness and firmness of the voiced sound; signify, how many warehouses in a word; put the words zі skladіv and insert omitted letters near the word.

Synopsis of literacy training at the pre-school group “Visiting the Wise Dwarf”


* Read rebusi.

* Zakrіpluvati vmіnnya fold the word from the singing number of words; signify voices and sounds that stink; know the place of expansion of the sound in the word, signify the softness and firmness of the voiced sound; signify, how many warehouses in a word; put the words zі skladіv and insert omitted letters near the word.

Ownership: Toy (picture) gnome, photo of a gnome, word schemes and chips, cards with numbers, pictures with little ones, puzzles, speech schemes, images of the cult of the representatives, leaves and olives.


Children stand pіvkolom.

Vihovatel read above:

Invented kimos just ta wisely
When zustrіchі vіtatisya: "Good morning!"
Good morning sun and birds,
Good morning trusting persons.
I become kind, dovirlivim
Have a good morning until evening.

Vihovatel(To children): Laugh one by one, give guests your smile and welcome guests.

Children go to their place and sit.

The vikhovator will guess a riddle.

Vіn wear zamіst hats
Cheerful pouch.
I increase wine less
Z childish cherevichok.
With a lighter and with a song
Ide in the night forest...
Don't have mercy, yakscho
You say:
-Tse (gnome!)

The vihovatel to bring a toy (picture) of a gnome to the group.

- Boys, the Wise Dwarf has come to visit us. How do you care, why do they call Yogo “wise”? (Vіdpovidіdі children). The wise dwarf having prepared a rich tsikavih zavdan. Vіn vyrіshiv marvel, like you vporaetes with them.

1 st.

- Why is our language formed? (3 propositions)

- Why are propositions formed? (3 words)

- Why are words formed, if we speak them? (sounds)

- And if we write or read? (3 letters)

- What are the sounds like? (voice voice)

– What do we know about vocal sounds? (they stink, and if we let them go, we don’t care about anything in our mouths)

- What color does it mean for me? (chervonim)

- About good ones? (the stinks don’t sleep, and if we wimovlyaєmo, we care about our teeth, ruin our tongue)

Gra "Say the word." Dosh cards.

– Name the letters written on the receipt


- Find out the name of the letter? (letter U)

- Why?

To that tse prigolosnі letters.

- What color do we mean softly? (green), solid? (blue)

2 tasks « Work with diagrams»

- What is the first sound of the word dwarf?

- Which wine is voiced or voiced? Yak vin sound hard chi m'yako? (zgіdny, sound hard)

- With the help of the color mi yogo it is significant, show the chip of the required color. (blue color)

- Let's think of a sprat with the sound G. (Children guess the words from the given sound).

There are schemes of words on the tables. I call the words z with the sound of pan, and you know your misfortune and put a chip. (cob, middle, end of the word)

Nut, wagon, sir, grim, warehouse, jackdaw, hippopotamus.

3 task Gra "Skіlki warehouses near the word"

- The dwarf wants to know, what do you know how many warehouses the word has?

I will show the pictures, and in your hand show a card with a number, how many warehouses in the word and say:

Pigeons, gander, pear, caterpillar, prask, rhinoceros, grak.

Guess the rule: How to determine how many warehouses in a word? (Skіlki at the word vowels, stilki and warehouses)

4 task “To solve puzzles”.

- The dwarf brought puzzles. We can't guess them, can we help?

5 Fizminka(to the choice of the vihovator)

6 task "Robot with speech schemes"(orally)

The lads need to tell us, the words of the word from the river. I am telling you the propositions, and I am giving you the yogo scheme. (skin child)

1. Spring has come.

2. Sashko draws a handkerchief.

3. Having planted a dіd ripka.

now you come up with a proposition axis for tsієyu scheme. How many words for this proposition? (Three, two).

7 zavdannya Gra " Put together zі skladіv words.

- The dwarf brought us new bags with warehouses and two ensigns with warehouses. From them, you need to put words together. (orally)

“la, ox, pі, lu, ra, ig, vaga, shko, ne, shi, on”

9 Gra "Standing up the missing letter."

- On the leaflets, the words are inscribed and there are no letters in them;

Gro., points., pі. a, n. From to. a. (on a skin child)

The dwarf was more than worthy, as you were busy, good rushed into the usma tasks. What did you remember the most? The dwarf gives you all his photographs for a riddle. (Vikhovanets distributes a photo of a gnome to children). The wielder propons to the children to say goodbye to the gnome and it seems that when they come to them at the guest's, they bring a day for the lads. The facilitator tells the children to say goodbye to the guests (Children say goodbye to the guests).

Look over the skygazer about the publication

, . .

Synopsis of a lesson in literacy for preparing a group for school, topic: « Pinocchio is our guest. Zgidni sounds [B], [B'], letter B »


Clarify the vim sounds [B], [B'], fix in the mind, conduct a sound analysis, give a description of the sounds.

Close the sound image of the letter B, fold the words in magnetic alphabet.

Vihovuvat spіvpratsyu robotі in pairs, groups.

Develop motivation before training.


I toyPinocchio; subject pictures for the sounds [B], [B'], chips for sound analysis, images of letters,« coins» with letters, magnetic alphabets.

Hid busy:

Organizational moment

- One, two, three, chotiri, five - stand in the colo grati. A new day has dawned. I will laugh at you, and you will laugh alone at one and the same guests

Wooden beshketnik
From fairy tales, our life has penetrated.
Lover of grown-up children,
Smіlivets i vygadnik vіvovok,
Kapustnik, merry and shakhray.
Tell me, what is Yogo's name?

( Suggestion: Pinocchio)

Today before us, the guests have come to Buratino. As you remember, Pinocchio did not go to school and did not know much wine. Pinocchio wants to be with you today.

gra « Nimi sounds »

- Buratino Chuv« Nimi sounds». Let's learn and practice yoga in qiu gr. Sounds show Danilo, but you be respectful (Child shows the articulation of voice sounds, and children imitate them out loud in chorus)

Sounds like they used to promote you at once, what are they called and why? (Voice). With some color we mean voice sounds (chervonim)

Revealing riddles. Vikladannya pictures.


1. At the zoo I know

Zviryachi tsgogo in rate.

Yakshcho vyyde vin on land,

Become invincible. (Hippo)

2. Pribula from the spekotnyh lands,

There lingered among the vines

I, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana. (Mavpa)

3. Axis of cognac, all in males,

Possibly, stink in sailor suits

No, stink of such a color.

Guess who? (Zebra)

- Tell me, what kind of sounds are heard in the names of these pictures? That's right - the sounds [B], [B '] Today at work are known to you with the sounds [B], [B '] and Pinocchio is known to them.

The sound [B] moves beyond the shuffle (to you to protect the lips), the yearly sound, sound, becomes firm or soft. Kolya, tell Pinocchio about the sound [B]. (Children independently characterize the sound)

Characteristics of sound

One, two, three, chotiri, p'yat - I'm gratimemo again.

gra « piss off the sound »

And now let's learn Pinocchio, assign the place to the sound B in the word.

Say Pinocchio de mozhe sound. (on the cob, in the middle and for example words)

One, two, three, chotiri, five - continue mi grati.

gra « Who is respectful »

I remember the words, as in the word there is a sound [B], you will clap in the valley, and as the sound in the word does not need to splash, be respectful

Folding schemes of words: bison, beaver, borsuk

And at once it will be shown Pinocchio, as we can put together sound schemes. From the colored squares, add the words bison, beaver, borsuk. What is the first sound? What color do we add a chip? What other sound? Why did they put a red chip? Skіlki vshogo skladіv v slovі, why. (Sk_lki voicing sounds, styles and warehouses. Perevіryaєmo)


Pinocchio stretched

Once cheated, twice cheated

Hands killed roses

The key, apparently, does not know

Sob the key is enough for us

You need to get up on the scarpets

Familiarity with letter B

Lads, let's tell Pinocchio, what do we feel, how do we feel? (Sounds). What mi bachimo, read, write? (letters). Let's repeat the rule all at once:

I feel the sound, I wilt,

I drink, I read, I write.

The sounds [B[, [B']] are indicated on the sheet with the letter B. What does the letter B look like? What elements make up the letter B?

One, two, three, chotiri, p'yat - become shvidshe grati

Call Pinocchio, at the letter everything will change. (Children« transform» into a letter, showing the letter B with the help of fingers. Write the letter next to the letter. Lay letters on the table with beans)

gra « Bring the word »

One, two, three, chotiri, p'yat - go to the grati groups. Pinocchio rozsipav his coins. A letter is written on the back of the leather coin. You will need to bet on a bet and put together these letters.

Work with magnetic abets

- Guys, now let’s learn Pinocchio to put you together for the letter of the word for the help of a magnetic alphabet. (squirrel, borsuk, beaver)

Sub-bag of employment:

Axis vy coped with us_ma zavdannymi. Guess Pinocchio, with whom we got to know each other today. Yake іz zavdan you were honored to win? And when did you recognize the hardships? Pinocchio is dear to you. Vіn otrimav shogodnі richly know zavdyaki you. And in the city for your efforts, I will give you golden keys, so that you could open the doors to the edge of knowledge.

Vmіst rozrobki




"Learning for Literacy"

Busy 1.


Program tasks: Read the children of the demarcation of the word and the speech, seeing the nominal function of the word (the main purpose is to serve as names for the most important objects).

Hid busy:

1. Prompt the children to tell and show that you can work with richness (m'yachem). Potіm hovayu rich and call the word M'YaCh. Can you throw the word m'yach chi kotiti according to the p_dloz? And what can you say with a word? (similarly: rich-book, word-book, bicycle).

So children sing spilny visnovok: Words and objects (speech) are not the same. Words can be spoken, written, heard, and speeches can be spoken, answered, spoken.

Gra: "Take the words into the box" - give the task of all the necessary speeches to be called words (leather put word chips in my box).

2. And let's play it right now. Show speech - objects, pencil case, zoshit, needle with thread, knives. I put the words in the box. I call out to the child and ask for some thoughts on the subject (not naming yoga). The child will be ruined. Todi I’ll clarify: for example, with my hand I’m doing the hands of the people that they are. And the next object let the child know, marveling that I am small on the doshtsi. It appears that the object can be shown with gestures, or it can be painted. Ale, with gestures like a zavzhdi, you can show an object, that and a little tezh.

How can I tell you about the subject, why can’t you speed up with gestures like a little one? (Name the subject).

What did help to find out about the subject? (Name).

Why did you have a chance to fawn over to name an object? (word)

Need more words? (to name) (show rich, children її call with a word).

I'll show you the handle.

What is the name of the object? (in a word pen).

Show me the doorknob.

What is the name of the object? (also in the word pen). It appears so that different objects are called by one and the same word.



How many squares did you paint on zoshit? Writing down the word pen (under їkhnіmi little ones), and skіlki pryamokutnikіv under the little thermometer, objects can be called the same, and in one object they can be named differently.


Word riddle: I am a collection of cards;

In the face of my voice, two of my meanings lie:

If you want - I change into the name

Bliskuchoi, shovkovosti fabrics I (a "tlas - atla" s).


A lot of different keys:

The key is dzherelo in the middle of the stone.

Key - violin, curls

І great door key.

Say out of the blue: winter - summer,

hot - licorice,

long - short,

light - dark hair,

lower - lift,

nich - day,

great - little.

I name the words, and you visualize:

rvemo tickets,

"With a word you can drive in, with a word you can cheat, with a word you can lead a warrior behind you." How do you know?

Sound analysis of the word "WORDS".

How many sounds? Vowels? Zgіdnih? Yaky 1, 2. 3, 4. 5.


short slo draw

cow word firewood

Occupation number 2.


Program tasks: Make it clear in children for the first time about the words that mean objects. Develop a sound awareness, respect. Learn graphically the words that mean objects.

Hid busy:

I point at the subject and ask: What is it? (Children say)

Who ate? (In and)

Who vodpoviv? (Mi)

How did I feed? (What is it?)

What is food. Yake pitanya I put? (What is it?)

Nutrition - what is it? put before sliv, yakі designate objects.

I put pictures on the board in the 1st row, which depict inanimate objects;

at the 2nd row - pictures that depict living objects. I give food:

What is it? (Children say)

Let's drink who? (goat, dog, gut...)

What food did I put on the cob? (What is it?)

What food did I put in later? (who?)

Why did I feed up to some subjects? And to whom? (because some objects are inanimate, others are alive).

How the objects were put food: What? (Inanimate). Like objects put food: Who? (We live).

(Children have pictures on the tables with living and inanimate objects)

Raise a picture that depicts living objects and put food.

Let's not live.

Let's ask the children to choose pictures:

a) living things

B) inanimate objects (2 children)


A) Listen to the words, name you, what they mean inanimate objects

witch, toad , sofa, spivak , violin, gіlka

B) Z tієї w low words to name tі, yakі signify living things.

So how do objects mean words? (alive, not alive)

Have you learned how to put food to the word - objects? ( Who what?)

Before some words-objects we put food Who?

Up to yaki - What?

Graphic images of words that signify objects.

Words-objects are indicated by one straight line (characteristic) _________.

After a skin word, you need to put it to someone.

Then I name the words-objects:

riba, chobit, stilets, olivets, pen, bird, coast, river.

____, _____, ____, ________, _____, _____, _____, ____.

Children in zoshites have a graphic image of their words, after which a number of words (marks) - 8.

How do you represent words, how do you designate objects?

What do the words mean, which you depicted with one straight rice?

Homework: Namalyuvati Z of the subject and signify them graphically.



It’s easy for me to go on a trip, it’s fun for me to go on a journey.

I am a screamer. I am a brawler, I am a dzvinky, round ……. (Drum)

On the gіltsі n a bird - the verek is small,

Smartly warm, like a hot-water bottle, who cares... (white)

Vaughn zustrichaє spring

Earrings are dressed.

Thrown over the back

Green braid.

And cloth - in marriage.

You recognize... (berizka)

At the little Katya

Sivsya on Makivtsi

Not a blizzard, not a bird -

Trim two pussies (BOW)

Pratsyuyuchi animals

There will be houses in the middle of the river.

Like a guest, someone will come,

Know what is in the rivers (BOBR)

Food for riddles: Who has guessed, what letter are written in words? (B)


Yakby, that yakby

The company would grow beans,

Buv bit todi not mouth,

And the whole city.

Crylate words:

beaty bikes- Ledarity, spend an hour empty, robiti is already clumsy on the right.

Occupation number 3.


Program tasks: Read the different words that mean the subject. Develop auditory respect and memory.

Materials before employment: pictures on the skin, pencil cases, zoshiti, olives.

Hid busy:

The facilitator starts the phrase, the children finish: “Our busy eyes respectfully marvel and everything ... (beep), respectfully listen to everything and everything ... (smell), the head is good ... (think).

Manager: Guess 2 words each, which mean living and non-living objects, depict them graphically and put nutrition before the skin word. I put pictures on the board that depict the objects of diy.

What to win?

Words that give you foodwhat to rob? signify dії.

What do the words mean, how do they tell the food what to rob?

How do you put food before the words, what do you mean by dії?

How to rob bjola, cow, dog?

What do the words mean?

Do they smell on the yak?

Come up with your own words what do you mean by the object and put food before them.

Show a graphic image of the words that mean the subject.

Words that mean the subject matter are represented by two direct risks - ______________.

I’m going to show you for yourself: litae, jig, grumble, walk.

How did you picture the words-dії? (Which words will be depicted with two little pictures?).

There are pictures on the tables: words-objects, words-dії.

The vihovatel calls uperimіzh words-objects, words-dії and pronounces a new card.

Splash in the valley: 2 times - words-dії; 1 time - words-objects:

dance, kushch, flask, mist, grows,miє,erase, sister.

What do the words with two bavovnas mean?

Do they smell on the yak?


1. Name the subject of yoga, say what kind of food stinks you should:

mukaє grunts


2. How do you change your mind?

cow squirrel hare snake toad human

On the yak zapitanya vіdpovіdat tsі words? ( Who?)

Add letters.

Rebus and sound analysis of words.

Occupation number 4.

Program tasks: Read the children to distinguish the words that signify the di ї of the subject, that signify the subject. Develop auditory respect and memory.

Hid busy:


In a number of words, name only those that designate objects:

whistle nightingale, twist, go, pen, bag, carry, choven

From the same row, name those words that mean dії:

whistle, nightingale, twist, go, pen, bag, carry, choven

(A skin child has cards from images of slіv-objects and slіv-dіy).

A) Pick up the reissued card.

B) Say, yakі dії can work:

kravchinya(sew, throw, pidshivat);

cook(cook, salt, conquer, lubricate);

carpenter(strugati, nail, hammer, hammer);

tidy-up(Pidmitati, wipe, miti, clean up, wipe).

C) Write the words graphically in 2 columns:

words are things

words - dії


Before us is the letter G, stand like a poker.

I like to the poker, to hunch the back of the letter G.

Say the words right away: quiet - loudly, cheerful - sumny, sity - hungry, dribny - deep, redkishny - partial, thick, clean - brudny, shorty - smooth.

Litera is lost: (G)o r a, d n ibut.

Zlipi z plasticine letter G and think of a word for the first letter.

Guess the rebus behind the first letters.

Explore the word, develop a sound analysis of the word.

Occupation number 5.


Program tasks: Close the understanding about the words. what do the objects and dії signify. Read the children to see the words from a simple unresolved speech. Develop auditory respect and memory.

Hid busy:

1. Prompt to name 2 words, among which the first one means an object, the other - the name of the object and put food on the skin, after which the children take up their job.

2. Dates of the date: pick up the card (words are given that mean the subject and the item is changed, the children pick up the card with their graphic images [ _______ - subject, _______ - item]):

board gomake up water approachingpush in

H. Write the words graphically in column 2:

in Persian - words-objects: vikno, gut, zoshit, pen.

2-y - words-dії: laugh, think, go, clean.

4. Seeing the words from the speech.

The fish are swimming. The sun shine. Wind fistula.

5.Familiarity with the letterD.

Axis stand, dimok let go

Litera D- The pipe is pichna.

6.Lost sound:

… Mom Z b eyepieces ( d eyepieces)

I sat down on the road ...

… On a galyavin hinged

Pic h ub ( d ub) young.

… Sili in lo well ku (lo d ku) i - let's go! -

River here and there.

7. Guess the crossword puzzle:

Sound analysis of the word:

sokira rubaє boy stand kіshka murkoche

Occupation number 6.

Program tasks: Learn from words what to signify the sign of the subject. Learn to correctly change the words that signify signs for childbirth. Develop auditory respect and memory.

Hid busy:

1. I preach to name the words-objects, then the words-dії. Put food before them.

2.Puzzles. Putting food to riddles and words to riddles:

fly, jizhchit, torment, chew, jump, іrzhe, lakaє, yavkaє, guard,

bark, swim, mutter, bleat, chew, grunt, smack

3. Looking at the little ones: ogirok, ripa, apple.

What is behind the form, color, relish? (Oval, green, savory - ogirok). (Round, yellow, savory - ripa). (Round, red, savory - apple).

You called a lot of words, and all the stinks signify the sign of the subject. Repeat qi words. Which I put food to the table round, yellow, oval, green.

1. Put the power to the bottom:



2. Think of a word that means the sign of the subject.

3. What do the words mean, what do they give food:

what? yak? yake?

4. Guess how the words-objects, words-dії were depicted. Words-signs are signified by one wrinkled boundary

5. From the sensed row, vibrati words-signs:

funny,grass , kind,veselka , garniy,olive ,

embroider , help , hearing, young


Occupation number 7.


Program tasks: Close the understanding about the words that signify the sign of objects, the object, the object of the object.

Hid busy:

1. Come up with and name in one word what the sign of the subject means.

2. Come up with a name to name a word that means the sign of the subject and that led to the question: a) yak? b) what? in) yake?

H. To slіv-objectіv konvalіya, birch, mood- choose words-signs.

4. Look at the object, give a description for the plan:

but) the form, b) color, in) for relish, G) on dotik

Words to describe: tomato, apple, pear.

Zrazok: tomato - round, red, licorice, soft.

5. Z tsikh slіv-sign to name the words that mean:

but) form, b) color, in) on dotik G) for taste,

e) material, from which the object is crushed

hot, round, tricot, hard, orange, slimy, skinny,

mezhivny, cold, zalizny, oval, sour, nylon, violet,

fresh, lead, square, midny, shovkovy

6. Take 2 words-signs to the left-objects, one of them means the color, otherwise - the material, from which the object is broken.

Zrazok: Plattya, Cloth- blakitne, chintz.

hat cherevichi cup casserole cloth.

7. Virsh V. Berestova. Name the words-signs, how to speak the character of a person. Say positive or negative character.

... It's bad to live without hot,

Yakshcho tee surly,

Fuse, forgetful

Frowning inanimate,

Beware of trickery.

Explain Viraz: beware of trickery.


Sound analysis of the word: SAW.

Activity number 8.


Program tasks: Complete the knowledge about the words that mean the sign of the subject.

Hid busy:

1. Proposal to name the words that designate an object, diyu, a sign of an object and destroy food from them.

2. Choose words that are close to the meanings:

neat(clean, awesome)

fearful(fearful, fearful, scurrilous)

sumny(smart, tedious, unhappy)

storage(fragrant odorous),

zhorstoky(ruthless, heartless, fierce, evil, angry),

cicavius(busy, hoarse),

garni(beautiful, charming, charming),

red(rumy red),

funny(Khorobry, vіdvazhny, fearless).

3. Before the words-signs, choose the words-signs that follow the meanings:

Zrazok: kind- Evil ......

sensible, merciful, liniviy, small, brudniy, slanderous,

cold, narrow, close, high, great

4.Guess riddles . Find words-signs in riddles, put a question before them.

a / Greylivy, hollow, balakuchy, balakuchy,

At the black shirt, run along the bottom of the ravine. (RUCHIV)

b / I - old and green,

Tasty and salty,

Tasty that Syria

Who am I? (OGIROK)

c/ Cheeks of red, nis white,

Darkness has a whole day,

And the shirt is green

All for sonechka won (RADISH)

d / Round, not moon,

Zhovta, not sun (turnip)

5. Listen to the verse.

Give advice on nutrition how gloomy?


Hmary, hmary

Curly sides.

Hmary curly,

Tsіlі, wild,

Light, easy,

Wind of hearing.


Repetition of letters of the alphabet.



Occupation number 9.


Program tasks: Close the understanding about the words that designate the object, the deed of the object, the sign of the object.

Hid busy:

Busy at the sight of the Gris "Field of Wonders"

I roll the die: vipadє task 1:

Name: words-objects, words-dії, words-signs.

(Children - winners are awarded with prizes - chips)

Task 2: Name the things that can be used by objects (show: letak, bird, sun). For example: Easy to fly, good...

Task 3: Name the profession of people behind their activities.

Strict, drinking (Joiner).

Cook, lubricate, mishit, bake (cooker).

Read, read (teacher, teacher).

Kriye, shiye (crook).

Task 4: Who is more likely to take slіv-objects to slіv-dіy.

fly (arrow, flyer, parachute, fluff, beetle, grandmother, blizzard)

Plive (steamboat, choven, riba, swimmer, deck, triska, pitching)

Spivaє (nightingale, spivak, violin, choir, lark)

Їsti (bear, puppy, toy, mosquito)

creak (doors, snow, vіz, tree)

crunch (Snіg, carrot, tsukor, cracker, ogіrok, cabbage)

Task 5: Guess riddles. On yakі pitanya do you give words-guesses?

Don't bark, don't bite, but don't let him get to the hat.(CASTLE)

Knock, make up all the time, not people.(GRIM)

Task 6: Name the object by the signs:

Haircut, fluffy, rudenka (squirrel).

Small round, prickly (їzhak)

Great, old, rose (oak).

Chervona, p'yatikutna (zirka).

String, green, prickly (yalinka).

Cleaner, fresher, frostier (repeat).

Warm, dry, gloomy (wooden).

Navpaki: Wind

What mood?


Task 7: Gra "Be respectful".

By ear, mark the words and pick up the card:

words-objects - _______________

words-dії - _______________

sign words -

Sound analysis of the word: M'YACHOK.

Occupation number 10.


Program tasks: Repetition of the front material. Read the difference between understanding the “word” and “proposition”. Correctly use in the number of words with a name. Acquaintance with the letter Zh. Sound analysis of the word

Hid busy:

1. Guess and name two words: 1st - subject, 2nd - diyu. Fold the proposition from these words.

2. Differentiation to understand the “word” - “proposition”.

I call words: bjola, dzizhchit What did you call?

Then I call speech: Bjola jizhchit What did you call? How did you guess? I'll show you the diagram:

Scheme of words.

| _________ __________ Explain the scheme of the speech.

| __________ explain.

3. Listen to the words of that speech, as if you will feel the speech, grumble at the valley.

Smoke, beak, boil milk, birds see the sun shine, jump, zhovtiti, leaves, I drank.

Like a letter to the alphabet, like її add, make 2 letters K. ( letter Zh)

Tse - F, and tse - K, tsiliy beetle, i piv beetle.

Vikladi z wand letter Zh.

Find the letter Z among the letters of the alphabet.

Bring the word :

A sluggish ruddy whale, bearing a... (Tvarin).

Mama is wearing a long scarf, bo blue ... (Giraffe).

Raining the rain is more cheerful, we are with you, comrade.

We have fun bigati barefoot. (By kalyuzha).

Come up with words zі sound Zh:

At the beginning of the word: beetle, crane, fat, zalizo.

At the middle of a word: Kalyuzhі, knives, lizhі, siskin.

Send by phone:

Garniy pyro well ok, the middle ones are creative well bl.

Zor well avel well zalizny lock.


Zhuina creature with a long neck and long legs? (Giraffe)

What is more expensive in people? (Life)

What kind of creatures can eat on your back? (zhaks)

Is the winter sport that children love? (lick)

Guess what the creatures sound like like images of little ones. Write your name in the cell.

come up with prilyv'ya for two words: LIFE, DO IT

life given for good do it.

Sound analysis of the word: FOX.(Show a picture of a fox)

Occupation number 11.


Program tasks: continuation of the front occupation.

Hid busy:

1. Listen to the words of that speech, as if you will feel the proposition clear in the valley.

Smoke, beak, boil milk, birds see, train, approach, gloomy, poke your nose, the sun shine, jump, zhovtiti, leaves, I drank.

How did you get it? / words be friends /

2. Recognize the proposition behind the scheme:

2 schemes: scheme of lines - _________, ____________. .

proposition scheme - |__________ _____________.

Z. Behind these schemes, come up with a proposition:

- |__________ _____________ .

- | ______________ .

4. Draw the scheme of my proposition: sunshine.

5.Familiarity with the letter W.

What kind of letter is similar to the number Z?

Z - not just a curl,

Z - spring, pretzel, shavings.

6. Bring the word:

... Yes, at the cunning hat, white smoke above the head,

The door is near the snow. There were houses. The night has come to us... (winter).

... At the corridor stupid nig, then the cry of all the class ... (twink).

7. Guess the words in a warehouse BEHIND.

8. The word rose A B Z A R T (TOMORROW)

9. Gra "Phone"

Know all the words of wisdom,

And the dunno to all the company only rozzyavlya.


_BEHIND_ _ 3_ _ Z__


apron, scarf, girl, boy, bag, style, vase, castle. lower, box, pitchfork, tsibulya, juicer, watering can, sack, kettle, cherry, beetroot, hammer, samovar, cabbage, knives, drum, shovel.

eat, read, write, dance, ail, dig, shiє, їde, pick up, water, graє, go, dress, carry, lie down, ride

Physical culture:

Anu, work for me

Right like this:

Up, down, stretch.

Throw off a line from yourself -

Before a working day.

Required before evening to catch

Everyone in the world will marvel.

Pograti, know, zumiti.

Sit on goidals,

Required to catch up in the evening.

Occupation number 12.


Program tasks: prodovzhennya.

Hid busy:

1. Fold the propositions according to the pictures. (I give pictures).

Write down the speech graphically.

2. Fold the words from these words:

wind blowing grass

3. Recognize the sound: shine at the valley, you will feel it th:

fox la th yak gravets disguise the nightingale th troll th bus car snake th im'ya cha th

4. Guess words with sound th:

At the beginning of the word ( iodine)

At the middle of a word ( T-shirt)

In the end of the word ( grass)

5. The word-vіdpovіdі may buti th:





budіvelnik - bud th ka

winter - winter th

liti - le th ka

chitach - chita th ti


100 " st STII


Tell me who can be so afraid

Yak club - dog,

The stone yak is a bird. (STRICHKA Y)

Occupation number 13.


Program tasks: Keep in children a clear understanding of the intonation of the finality of the proposition, the beginning of the folding of the scheme of the proposition, spiraling on the auditory sprinyattya.

Hid busy:

On the board of the speech scheme:

|__________ _____________ .

| ______________ .

1. Children are folded according to the schemes of speech from 2 words.

How did you know that the proposition ended?

What would you put in the example propositions?

Need more stitching? /for intonational ending/

What does the dot in the end of the sentence mean?

2. Listen to the speech. Fold yoga scheme.

The glooms have risen.

The sun has fallen.

The wind has risen.

A glimmer shone.

Grimіv grіm.

Dosh got up.

Let's try to write it down with zoshit. How many propositions? What helped to determine the number of propositions?

3. Graphic dictation.

Grass is yellow. Leaves fall. Dme wind. Go ahead.

Letter Y is "I short"

І yak І in your zoshitzi,

Shchob Y do not stray from I,

Write a stick on top.

4. Recognize the letter Y(blurt at the valley):

fox la th yak gravets disguise the nightingale th troll th bus car snake th im'ya cha th

5. Guess words with sound Y:

At the beginning of the word ( iodine, yogurt)

At the middle of a word ( T-shirt, seagull, husky, bunny, puck)

In the end of the word ( herb, tea, bark)

The word-vіdpovіdі children can have buti J.

a) What kind of drink do you know? (tea)

b) What is the name of the garniy waterfowl? (Gull)

c) What accessories are needed for playing hockey? (washer)

6. Change the word in such a way that the new one will have th:

budіvelnik - bud th ka

winter - winter th

liti - le th ka

chitach - chita th ti


100 " st STII

Litera lost:

sha__ba hero__ tram__ vivcha__te


Tell me who can be so afraid

Yak club - dog,

The stone yak is a bird. (STRICHKA Y)

Distribute cards and sound analysis of words: (group 18)

Words are seen: sheet z, k, s, s (4)

chowen s, to, s, s, to (5)

Occupation number 14.


Program tasks: Make it clear in children for a moment about the intonation finality of the proposition; the beginning of the folding of the speech scheme, spiraling on the ear of the sprinyattya.

Hid busy:

1. There are two schemes on the board: scheme of words, scheme of words.

A. know the speech scheme;

B. know the scheme of words;

C. come up with a proposition for the scheme:

|__________ _____________ .

| ______________ .

2. Graphic dictation:

Grass is yellow.

Leaves fall.

Dme wind.

Go ahead.

It's time for fate to go about. How did you get it?

How many propositions? What did you see? (ROSKAZ)

How did you get it?

3. Familiarity with the letterBefore.

Signaling trim two proporti.

With the proportions of vin, like a letter Before.

but. Zrobiti letter Before z 2 sirnikiv i come up with your own word.

b. In the address on the strength to know the letter Before.

place ІР Before TCB Before

street Before irova

Any before other Before and ti.

in. The messengers have characters of fairy tales, whose names begin with the sound Before, letters Before. (Red Hat, Whale with boots, Gingerbread Man, Carlson)

m. Gra Dida-Bukvoida:

sealed with glue

I was given a term before me.

I don't mess with yoga

I take it off - I'll glue it in a mitt.(THE ENVELOPE)

oh m peta r t a n i tto ip oo d i l

e. The word rose:

N K I A G - K N I G A Which word is used in which sentence?

"Spokonviku book to grow people."

e. Rebusi:




Z K I'm at school on the wall -

Burn, rivers are on me.(MAP)

Z P -I don't see you

I'm standing at the school(DESK)

Rest the words on Before:


"Crocodile tears" - what does it mean? (PLEASE SLIME)

Sound analysis of the word: K I N O.

Occupation number 15.


Program tasks: Read the children and put together a speech in three words.

Hid busy:

1. Guess the proposition in two words: a) subject, b) action.

2. Graphic dictation: The sun has fallen.

The glooms have risen.

The wind has risen.

Grim grimiv.

3. We practiced with propositions that are made up of two words. Today, we can read the propositions in three words.

I put a picture on the board:

Compose a proposition from three words.

Who? What to rob? What do you carry, take what?

The girl is carrying a ticket.

How did the word come from the rechenni? (Kvitka)

The more words in the speech, the more we know (similarly to the other picture).

4. Dates of the task: two subject pictures on the board.

For example: The girl took the grandmother

The girl painted ____________.

Bachila ______________.

(In children, plot pictures in the skin, and children independently see propositions from three words).

5.Alphabet continue our letterL- fox chicken.

a) name the toy, de є sound L.

b) Words rose up: M A A L P (L A M P A)

c) Bring the word: Young lady Lina,

Stick everything with ... (plasticine).

Andriyka in my garden

Watering the kvіti s ... .. (liyka).

d) Dіd z'їv letter: (L)

k u ka z t oabout withi to


W L I'm crying out

W F I fly in the air. ( BOW - BEETLE)

Z letter H me at night

I walk in heaven.

Z letter P often you

Bachiti help ( Moon - magnifying glass)


Falling from a golden coin


There were paths above the houses

Hanging shortbread shortbread


The swan is torn in the gloom,

Cancer back,

And the Pike pulls near the water. Rozbrіd, vіdsutnіst uzgozhennostі.

Something for the forest, something for firewood.


A) They knew me for miles.

B) Olena joked a hairpin,

And the hairpin ate the lava.

Under lava filled with boulo molt -

Shukala hairpin all day.

Sound analysis of the word: _____________________

Occupation number 16.


Program tasks: Close in children for the time being to practice with the proposition that is made up of three words.

Hid busy:

1. Guess the proposition that is made up of three words.

Guess the proposition behind the scheme: __________ ____________

2. Fold the proposition with three words from the pictures and the food:

What to give homemade creatures to people?

(Cow, goat……) The cow gives milk.

3. Inserting a missing word at the proposition:

- but. ………. put in nests.

Birds…… nests.

Birds in'yut ……….

- b. Fishermen ……… fish.

……… fishing.

To catch fishermen……..

- in. Rabbit ……… carrot.

……….. grize carrots.

Rabbit grise …………..

- R. Caterpillars eat ………..

Caterpillars ………… cabbage.

………….. eat cabbage.

4. Raise the spot, as the proposition is over.

They brought the whole. Robotniks dismantled the cars. Razchin was prepared.

Stones lay a chain. Workers bring rozchin.

Life has begun.

What helped you to sign the end of the speech?

Why bother with robots? (ON BUDIVNITSTVI)

How can you call a rose?

5.Familiarity with the letter M .

Good to everyone,

De metro, there is a letter ...... (M)

Who is bigger?

A) Guess what kind of berry starts from the sound M and end with BUT (raspberries).

B) Name the tickets, the names of which have a sound M:

M ak, ro m ashka, m alva, m argarite, chrysanthemum m but.

Hard - soft:

Pick up the blue chip, as you will feel in the words of the verse of firm happiness M; green chip, you will feel a soft sound M.

Scrabble on the ground m cone,

Sleep at Barloz Bury m ishka.

Tsey m ishka more m mule,

Only paws vin not m ill.

Went into a hole m cone,

Sleep at the barlig m ishka.

M alchik m al, hello m mule,

Win with water hand m ill.


war ………….. svіt.

weld……. put up

shvidko ………… properly

hard………. soft

stupid ……….. wise

great little

B. Write the names of objects near the clerk, including a snowman.

Q. Yake lost the word? (SVIT)

D. The word rose:

MAK + SHAR = V_domy childish writer (MARSHAK)

Occupation number 17.


Program tasks: Get to know the main members of the proposition. Train auditory respect and memory.

Hid busy:

1. Guess the proposition in three words.

2. Fold the proposition according to the picture from two words.

For example: The artist is small.

A. What did you put together?

Who did you find out about?

What did you know about the artist?

What is the little mitt? (picture)

How many words did the word have? (three) The artist paints a picture.

Removing the proposition over and over.

3. Reveal what came out of the proposition one word .

What happened? …………… draws a picture.

What did we know, didn’t we know? (They did not know who is small.)

Paint a picture.- Tse rechennya? (nі)

That's right, the proposition didn't come out.

And now you fall another word.

What happened? Artist …………… picture.

What did we know, didn’t we know? (They didn’t know what the artist was supposed to do.)

Painting artist.- Tse rechennya? (nі)

That's right, the proposition didn't work either.

And now you fall third word.

What happened? The artist paints …………….

What did we know, didn’t we know? (They decided that the artist should work.)

The artist is small.- Tse rechennya? (So)

The axis qi of the word is head in speech. Without them, the proposition will not work.

4.Manager: Listen to the speech, identify the number of words in the speech and know the head words.

Mom bring the bag. Grandma bakes pies.

Painter farbuє dah. I'm reading a newspaper.

Looking to marvel at the film. Potiag breaks lies.

Sunny to go early.

Clothes are shawty. Streets pіdmіtaє dvіrnik.

Ceglini clade moulard. Merezhi to pull fishermen.

Leaves rustled quietly. Roskotisto grimіv grim.

The music was uninterrupted. A bus appeared in the distance.

The snowflakes circled smoothly.

5. Look at the pictures and guess your proposition in three words, know the head words.

6.Familiarity with the letter H .

On letters H I, like not drabintsі,

Siju and I sing pisenki.

Hard - soft:

Raise chips: blue chip is solid H, green chip - soft H .

W n, chi n b, cos n a, h n eg, get up n b, le n b, H atasha, Hі n but.


Name the words that lie behind the zmist (antonyms):

left-handed…………….. right-handed

high ……………. low

upper lower

hang…………. wet

pіd ………………... over

Litera lost :( H)

іa (Nina) Ia (Іnna) pro c ia (osika) proi stink)

The word rozsipalosya = vodomy rosiysky sings that describes a hard part of the villagers.







3 lettersH, my friends,

I don't mean anything

Hon theWchange -

Feel free to put me in soup.

Do not take from lettersM

I open your coat. (ZERO - SIL - MOL)

Street of enchanting sounds:


Once - hoard,

Two - kopito,

Three - savings from a horse?

And a quarter is saved

It jumped like me.

Crylate words:

Hang up your nose.

Bully nіs.

Drive for nis.

Pid nіs (speak).

Ніс not doris).


1. Burn down on the fingers of one vider. (Thimble).

2. Between two luminaries in the middle one. (His).

3. All life goes to obgіn, but one cannot overtake one. (Legs).

Occupation number 18.


Program tasks: Continue to get to know the main members of the proposition. Train auditory respect and memory.

Hid busy:

1. Fold the speech in two words for the schemes:

|__________ _____________ .

| ______________ .

2. Up to the words-objects, choose the words that mean dії. Remember the propositions that you have seen.

Nirki ……………… (dissolved).

Grass …………….. (green).

Strumok …………….. (jerking).

Snig ide).

Prolisok ……… (color).

To the slіv-dіy pіdіbrati words-subjects. Remember the propositions that you have seen.

drizzle on the board).

Zhahne ……………… (grass).

Zhovtiyut …………… (leaves).

Penetrate ……… (wind).

3. Finish the speech, changing the word for the zmist (given at the temples).

Whale (gut, cochen) sleeping.

Cibulya (tree, vegetables) fig.

Hare (squirrel, mouse) big.

Strumok (river, sea, leaves) noise.

Agrus (raspberry, apple) mature.

4. Inserting a missing word:

Yesterday……………. sonechko. (light)

The whole day…………. plank (Yishov)

At night in the sky…………. month. (luminaries)

Rita………. stitch. (Ishla)

For a long time I didn’t finish it.

Grass ………. (withered). The tree……….. (withered). Leafing……………. (shouted).

The rest of the last …………… (flew). Cranes…………….. (flyed).

5.Familiarity with the letter P . (Fold with paper)

Approaching gates - go through, who cares.

BUT. come up with word with sound P.

B. Bring the word:

І into the wind and into the speck, into the wood you vkri,

And how to sleep with her licorice. What is it? ………….. ( Namet)

Vin at the station є zavzhd,

Pulls are up to the new one.

Podviyne R to avenge wine

І is called ………… ( PLATFORM)

Transshipment of ishov from krizhin

To on in the morning ………….. ( PINGWIN)

Art. Guess the word:

Lyudina, how to cook zhu? ( PZ VAR)

Day reception їzhi? (Pro BID)


Synonym for bad luck? (BIDA)

Acceptance of hedgehogs? (ЇЖА)

The word broke out: B P I O U A M L

(magnifier, puma, pidloga, little, saw, linden, opal)

R. Read the word:

Read the letters on the great books, and then on the small ones.

D. Guess the puzzles:

PE _ BUT _ _ Y_



Є. How do you know?

Is it true?

J. Sound analysis of the word PIE.

Z. Mystery: At the heart of the yogo plant.

And how did you see the wine,

Then put yoga on a dish.

Well, now the cry of the lads!

On shmatochku all z'їdyat. ( PIE)

Occupation number 19.


Program tasks: Read the children a little and see the voices of the first row

(A, O, U, E, S)

Hid busy:

1. Children stand. Sit down that child, like a voiced sound.

Use two rows of vocal sounds. I listen to the voices of the first row on the board and know them: A O U E I

2. Vision of voices of the first row of lower sounds. I am moving the voices and the sounds of the voice ahead of the voice sound of the first row. Children pick up a red circle (letter).

BUT M P At Z T S R L E Pro K T A L E P Pro

3. View of voices in the first row of warehouses:

A. name the voices of the first row.

B. show the letter what the sound of the first row means.

Art. am, rozum, im, wus, op, ir, al, ic;

ma, mu, mi, su, po, ri, la, si.

4. See the postal voice of the words, write down the correct letter.

BUT nya, Pro la, E la, at weaving, BUT Xia, about sa.

5. See the voice from the middle of the words and write down її:

l but before, d s m, h at p, s about House but before.

6. Name the pictures, see the voice sound in the names of these pictures, name.

Physical culture.

Finish the proposition:

Leaf-bearer to bring (what?) ………………. sheet

Perucar haircut (what?) ……………… hair

The machinist led (what?) ……………………. pull

The artist paints (what?) ………………….… a picture

Year-end to greet (what?) ……………………. annual

Weaver weaves (what?) …………………………….. cloth

The doctor rejoices (whom?) …………………………. sickly

Veterinarian rejoices (whom?) ………………….. creature

Poultry girl yearє (whom?) ………………….. jock, chickens, geese

Milkmaid to milk (whom?) ………………………… koriv

Groom godє (whom?) ……………………… horses

The seller serves (whom?) ……………. buyers

Artists hover (whom?) …………….. gazing

Listen to the rhyme, know the pardons, correct them .


Timosha and Grisha were at the fox's. Timosha catching beetles(zhukiv) Grisha knows zhachok(Zhachka). Grisha brought zhachok(zhaka) home. The hut had mice. Grisha let go zhachok(zhaka) in the houses. Zhachok catching mice(mice).

Store the word:

children to know a little hare (Children knew a little hare.)

Vova picks up raspberries (Vova picks up raspberries.)

Mom cook milk soup (Mother cook milk soup.)

fishermen to catch the majestic catfish (The fishermen caught the majestic catfish.)

7.Familiarity with the letter R .

What kind of letter is the other half of the letter F? (R)

BUT. Who is bigger? Gra "NEW APARTMENT".

Virushaemo to the store for speeches, the names of those have a sound R, for a new apartment.

Before R uvati, until R eslo, se R vant, cove R, zhu R alniy table,

ka R tina, TV R, what R ah, playie nar.

B. Bring the word:

The rіchtsі has a great beat: Where did you beat the gorobets?

Two brewed ...... ( cancer).At the zoo at ……… ( zvіrіv).

Guess what happened behind the words: centurion, people.

The word broke out: ROD = LABOR

Rebusi: but. R ebushi

b. rib but before

in. ra d uh-huh

R. R. і h

d.r about T ( RADIO)

Sound analysis of the word R A D I O(Guess to a riddle-rebus).

Mystery: By the way, by the way,

Plive the music before me. ( RADIO)

Krilati vyslavi:

BUT. Tremati in your hands.(Strimuvat rip your feelings, subdue the will, save self-control).

B. Golden hands.(Mister, do your own thing, my mastery).

Art. Drop your hands.(Establish building, or work for children, or work somehow).

Occupation number 20.


Program tasks: close the voices of the first row ( a, o, y, e, s), learn the voices of another row ( i, e, u, e, i).

Hid busy:

1. Ask the children to name the voices of the first row. (When it is difficult to see the table).

2.Opovіdannya-kazka about letters I, Y. (About the adoption of voices in another row).

There lived two sisters. The stench was more similar. Mayzhe were written the same way. Tilki at the letter Y the beast buv beret, and u І not bool. Lunali stinks mayzhe however. Tilki І- lengthy, and Y- in short, often. They often strayed. letters Y it was already unacceptable. Yakos letter Y came to visit before the voice letters of the first row and chanted at once to fall asleep. Y on the cob BUT- pidhopila. Their sounds were angry and a new letter appeared I. Todi reshta Letters Pro,At,E tezh began to sleep together from letters Y. New sounds began to appear Y - O \u003d E, Y - Y \u003d Yu, Y - E \u003d E. New letters took their place in another row, and letters came before them І. So the voices of another row went:

I E Yu E I

3. Listen to the words, find the vowel of the other row, show the letter:

I mae waking upYu brightI trumpete ehі glae SoI ShaYU la

4. Listen to the words, find the vowel of another row, like the words, write down the correct letter: ZoI roYu sebe cnі olde

5. I will show pictures of the movie, you know the vowel of the other row, and write її in zoshit : I blockoe wellі beforee lkaYu laі needle

6. Name the words-dії:

Before the skin word-dії vygadati words-objects that match the words-nutrient whom? what?

check ……………….. (friend) read ………….. (book)

I’m sharpening ………... (pozd) small ………….. (picture)

nazdoganya …………. (bus) cook …………… (compote)

feed ……… (hour) water ………. (flower bed)

7. Finish the propositions, showing the food that people should name their professions.

Zrazok:Digger digs the ground.

Lіkar ……………………………..(Lіkar cheers people).

Teacher ………………………… (Teacher teaches children).

Steelmaker ………………………(Steelmaker to cook steel).

Kvіtnik ………………………(Kvіtnik to write tickets).

Bjolyar ………………………(Bjolyar to breed bjil).

Lisnik ………………………….(Lisnik protects the forest).

Pismennik ………………………(Pismennik write books).

Sklyanik …………………… (Shklyar inserts mistakes).

Kamenyar………………………(Kamenyar will be at home).

Pokrіvelnik ……………………(Protector of krie dakh).

8. Finish the speech, changing the rest of the word correctly:

Mom bought a pot. (pot)

Kolya bachiv toad. (toad)

The toad was catching a mosquito. (mosquito)

Lastivki їdyat midges. (midge)

The carpenter made a stool. (stool)

Tanya knitted her jacket. (jacket)

Vitalik zmaistruvav clerk. (chovnik)

The hawk took the curch. (curl)

Sashko threw a wudka. (voodoo)

Merezhivnitsa is a weave.

9. Fold the proposition with these words.

electric train chekati passengers(Passengers checked on the train).

grass dew pokrivati(Dew covered the grass).

soak the earth(Dash having wetted the ground).

karasik evil pike(The pike caught the crucian carp).

10.Dating from letters X.

X - funny toy

Wooden turntable.

Derev'yana pinwheel

I will bring a good girlfriend.

A. Think of a word with a letter X.

B. Bring the word:

Clap - and shoot the zukerka.

Yak garmata!

Skin razumilo - tse ... (CLAPTER)

Art. Litera is lost : (X)

a l v a(Halva) l e b(bread) o l o d(cold )

R. The word broke out:

B Є L X =X L I B

D. Necessary know by the word H O R O V O D

1. A group of people who sleep. (CHORUS)

2. Komaha. (WOD)

Є. Charade:

3 letters X carry me,

3 letters W ask from far away.

(dressing gown - salad).


Lightweight, not fluffy

M'yake, not cunningly,

White, not snow

Ale dress all. ( bavovna)

Sound analysis of the word: COTTON.

Skoromovka: The fly-pity has strength in the ear.

Sending: Guess in two words: (garny, grief), (head, nasty).

Crylate words:

Chrysanthemums - flowers, similar to the aistry, companions of autumn. I'm not afraid of frost. "Golden flower" became the legend of the sun. The image of golden chrysanthemum was the coat of arms of Japan.

Occupation number 21.


Program tasks: close the voices of the first and the other rows.

Hid busy:

Guess and name the voices of the first and the other row.

How the voices of the 2nd row are settled. See table with vowels 2 and 1 row:

I pronounce the pairing of voices:

A - Z O - E Y - Yu E - E S - I

Podіbnіst - for articulation, rіznyatsya for writing.

Qi voices are called guys.

Sob not to stray at the sheet, we will learn to distinguish between them.

Listen to the verse:

What are you wondering, cow,

Suvoro and Suvoro?

Vedmedic-chovnik, through “a”

By writing up but ditch.

Check Vedmedic -

Convert to a bear.

Kishka grab a bear

Bude ledar nobility.

Write you Mishkov through “and”.

Level " Vedmedic”, “bear”.

What kind of letters do these words sound like? ( s-and)

a) Listen to the warehouse. What voice do you hear? (Children show letters)




How do they sing when they show the letter і?

What kind of sound is poured into the pom'yakshenya of the voices? ( і)

b) Write warehouses in 2 rows: h s - in pepper; h і- with a friend.


c) Insert the missing letter S or І. Read. Pick up the card, who has the 1st row, 2nd row.

Raise the hard word.

Familiarity with the letter W .

Feel at the dark sky

The letter C hung over the booth.

1. Splash at the valley, as if you will feel the sound in words ( with, with).

W lonenya, Zoya, h anki, matro h, gold, hіній.

2. Name the days of tyzhnya, months, for the fate of those є sounds ( with, with).

(h reda, h care, in h cre h yeah, august h T, h Veresen, vі h on about h yen)

H. Name the words that follow the zmist (antonymy) that start from the sound W.

World - welding

fearful - funny

frown - sleepy

lightweight - serious

salted ogirok - fresh

tіsne vzuttya - free

sour apple - licorice

4. Guess the sentence in 2 words: light, drink. (Navchannya is light and unchanging darkness).

5. Reshape the letter W in the next letter: O, I, X, K, F, L, R, E, B

6. Know word by word ZMILKA(skele, rocking chair, weasel, varnish, llama, creida)


a) How to write dry grass - 4 letters. ( Sino).

b) What can be done with flattened eyes? ( Dream).

c/ Yaku put a note at the soup? ( Strength)

8.Rebusi: 7th ( motherland), 100-lb ( Stovp).

9.Read the riddle. Guess її.

To love everything, how to marvel at something, then the skin frowns. ( sun)

3 sound analysis of the word: __________________

Occupation number 22.


Program tasks: Read the children a little, understand and understand the intonation ending of the proposition.

Hid busy:

1. Ask to name 2 words that mean the subject and the subject. Put together a proposition from these words.

The autumn has come, the woods are damp, the grass is waiting for the leaves to fall.

Chi was worthy of you rozpovid? (Not wise) Why?

Autumn has come to go. dark woods. Vitry the grass is yellow. Quote. V'yanut, falling leaves.

Why irrational? (destroyed sense of notification)

c) The text is read correctly:

Autumn has come. Go board. The wind is blowing. Grass is yellow. Kviti v'yanut. Leaves fall.

Did you understand? (SO)

Therefore, it is important to correctly move the propositions, work the sound of the propositions, raise and lower the intonation (voice).

What should be put like propositions? Show. (show)

2. - Write down the rozpovіd for the help of the schemes the speech of the zoshitі.

How many words-objects?

How many words-diyas? COB

Familiarity with the letter І :

I procured a hammer, having beaten the letter from the planks.

Skіlki here boards? (Three) What about a letter? ( І)


Splash at the valley, you will feel the sound І at the words:

yalina, chervoniy, hello, і ndyuk, iodine, і wa, z і n і y apple, І lyusha, sl і in and.

The word broke out: G I L A (I G L A)

Litera is lost: (І)



__ head



I lowered my curls by the river

I thought about it,

And what does she know

Don't tell anyone. ( Willow)

Sheaths everything in the world,

What you wear - do not dress. ( GOLKA)

I don’t snig, I don’t lead,

And take away the tree with a cut. ( FINE)


Peace of mind book grows people.


Yak on the head. Buti at the station of extreme lamentation, awakening, restlessness.

Rodzinka. Those who give the specialty of a person, strava, rose to be a miracle.

Virizuvannya SHEET. Sound analysis of the second word.

Synopsis of an academic lesson in literacy

for children of the senior preschool age

Theme: "Letter I".


Close the children's statements about the sound, letter, warehouse, word;

Learn with the letter I;

Develop phonemic hearing;

Determine the position of the sound in the word;

Form the first draft of the letter I;

Vihovuvat good-natured stosunki among children.

Demo material: letters from kasi letters, pictures from images of dwarfs, subject pictures, cards with words, Zaitsev's cubes, a poster from images of letters I and objects, name those based on letters I, pictograms.

Distribution material: sheets for independent work, olives, signal cards "hardness-softness".

Hid busy.

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher:- Hello, lads! Today I made a little bear for our group. Who did yoga? We know that the word is readable.

The teacher writes the word "GNOMI" with Zaitsev's cubes. Children to read. A picture from the images of dwarfs is placed on the board.

What's in which little bag? The teacher shows that the bear has letters.

Children:- Literi.

P.:- What about sounds? What are the sounds of that letter?

D.: Sounds are spoken and heard,

The letters bachimo mi ta are written.

II. repetition.

    Gra "Houses of voiced and voiced".

Gnomes lived together - boules

Or soup, compote cooked.

Tilki raptom near the forest wilderness

It's wonderful to know.

Why, wonder

Explain to our gnomes.

On the doshtsi - 2 buds: red and blue.

P.:- At tsikh budinochki live letters. How can one of them live at the red booth?

D.:- Voice.

P.:- What do they smell like?

All voices are singing,

To put words into words.

What about the blue booth?(Good.)

P.: A good time

Grunt, knock,

Whistle, hiss,

Alya does not want to sleep with him.

Come on, let's learn the dwarfs to distinguish between voices and voices.

Children, according to their will, take a letter from the little bear, call it and put it on the board at the old house.

    Gra "At the guest's voice."

P.:- A budinochka of the best has two stones: green and blue. Who lives near these kіmnats?

D.:- The blue room has a firm voice, and the green one has a soft one.

P.: - It is good to love to receive guests. To help correctly guide the creature at the need of the room. I'll show you a picture, and you name it and choose the first sound of the word. If it’s a firm voice, then we’ll see the guest at the blue room, and if it’s soft, at the green one. Vkazuєmo the right way for additional signal cards.

The teacher shows pictures: zebra, bear, blizzard, frog, witch, elephant. Children see the first sound and show a blue or green card.

    1. New topic.

1) Gra "Decipher and read."

P.: Dwarfs have come to visit us,

The dwarfs brought it.

What is it?

We know that the word can be read.

The teacher names the pictures, and the children repeat only the first warehouse, then they form the word “gift”.

    What is a present?

Round, rum'yane from the neck I will distance.

I'll put it on a plate, enjoy yourself - I'll tell you.

D.: - Apple.

P.: - The word "apple" has a first letter - Ya.

A poster is being installed from the letter Y.

2) Submission of letters Ya.

Have mercy on myself I: “I am the most beautiful!”

Lіvoruch nіzhku wіdvela і in the words of the dance went!

Zvertaemo respect for those how the letter is written (to marvel at the levoruch).

P.:- One of our dwarfs is so fit for the letter I, so that I can instill my own vigadav into this letter! Read tse im'ya.

The teacher vikladaє im'ya "Yasha" with Zaitsev's cubes. Children to read.

And the axis of Yasha, having pumped the lizard and virivishiv upipymati її, to play with it. Help the gnome to get rid of the lizards.

The gnome can go through more than 3 pictures, name those that begin with the letter Y.

Children follow the path with a marker, following the pictures: box-egg-anchor-apple-lizard.

P.:- The letter I is amazing, it means the whole word.

Say about yourself:

"Wonder, tse I".

I can say about myself: I am Evgeniya Oleksandrivna. Who are you? (Children say.)

Boys, how many gnomes came before us? (7)

Yakshcho skin say: "Tse I am." What can you see?

The poster is hanging:


Children solve a puzzle.

P.:- What is it like? Yaka bovaє sіm'ya?

3) Reading warehouses from the letter Ya.

P.:- Dwarfs want to play with the letter I. Let's get to know them from the game "Brothers and Sisters."

Gra іz Zaitsev's cubes. On the back of the child, read the big cube (for example, MA), and then the small one (ML) and I will carry two cubes. Further read the other pairs of warehouses: la - la, na - nya.

And now dodamo fold, and see the words: la - fields, mene - im'ya, nya - lazna.

Physical culture.

Our dwarfs are weary,

For a long time they wove letters,

I, sing-song, friends,

Vіdpochiti and us an hour.

Gras with a ball "Soft-hard". Children stand at the stake. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls a firm, vociferous sound (for example, “n”), and the child throws the ball back, making a soft voice (“n”).

IV. Fixed.

Gra "Replace the letter". Cards are placed on the board with the words: fe n , R but d, m e year.

P.:- We will become enchanters with you at once, we will turn one word into another.

The letter seen changes to the letter I:

hair dryer - fairy

radium - series

sword - ball

V. Independent work.

Children, try to vikonati zavdanny neatly, beautifully. We will give your robots to the gnomes. The stench is happy to continue the twisting of letters.

VI. Podbag.

Boys, you are well done! Today we have caught a lot:

The new letter was introduced,

They played with words,

The gnomes began at once,

I took gifts,

And she helped us with everything - the letter Y.

On the doshtsi - an apple tree, on a yak for a skin child, an apple is attached (from a red paper). Skin to know your own self, she takes her own apple.


1. Biryukova I.V. Acquaintance with the letter Ya.

2. Kostilova N.Yu. 200 cіkavih right with letters and sounds for children aged 5-6.

3. Bitno G.M. Cards letters and warehouses with pictograms.

Distributed: Work with preschoolers

Occupation goal: to help a preschooler to master the program material, to develop the pedagogical process of emotions, to increase the activity of children in employment.


  • To close the children for the time being, conduct a sound analysis of the words from the rules for writing voice letters and the designation of a stressed voice sound.
  • Strengthened the ability to see the necessary sound of the word.
  • Formuvati vminnya diliti put words.
  • Zakrіpluvati vminnya see the first letter in the word and name the words of the singing sound structure.
  • Convince the children in the future, fold the language for the schemes.
  • Form the grammatical language of the language, expand the vocabulary.
  • Improve the reading habits of children.

Materials: sheet envelope; images; scheme of a five-sound word, chips: red, blue, green, black; maps-schemes of designation of warehouses at the word; cards with a set of letters; vkazіvka.


The facilitator tells the children who knew the leaf of Dunno. Read yoga to children.

Vihovatel: It is not known to write that having spent “Rozumnikov and rozumnikiv” near the country, de reigning queen Diploma. The queen of letters asked Dunno to play in the moving games, but Dunno was inspired to play with the queen, who doesn’t know the wine such a “mova” and “moving games”. At what the queen got even more angry and punished Neznaika to be imprisoned at the high tower, but she condemned to let yoga go, so we can help you with you. Required for the viscounty, as the Queen of Letters prepared for us. Well, can you help our friend Dunno? (Vіdpovidіdі children).
- First of all, we need to remember the task, let's guess, what is “mova”? What is it made up of? (Mova is a word, a speech. A language is made up of a speech. Propositions are made up of words. Words are made up of words and letters. Words are made up of letters and sounds).
- In order for us to correctly vikonat all tasks, let's do gymnastics for the tongue. The tongue of the cicavi marvels uphill, down, to the left and to the right (Children beat the ruhi with their tongue 3-4 times). And now let's say the koromovka "Yak at the girka on the pagorbi, thirty-three Yegorki lived" (Children promote the skoromovka quietly, loudly, swiftly and correctly).

1 task: Sound analysis of the word

Vihovatel: Look at the picture and name the words that start with a hard sound -m- and soft sound -m'- (Vіdpovidіdі children).

- And now we will conduct a sound analysis of the word, for example, the word vedmedica. Guess what sounds are? (Voices and voices, hard and soft, sounds and deaf, and also percussion).

M'- a melodious, soft, twinkling sound, indicated by a green chip.
Before- a soft, hard, deaf sound, indicated by a blue chip.
BUT- Voice sound, indicated by a red chip.
What sound does this word have? Sound -i-, the order is put black chip.

2 tasks: Yaka letter "lost"? (Correct the pardon)

Task 3: How many warehouses does the word have?

Vihovatel: It is necessary to make stilki "ceglinok", skolki warehouses at the same word.


4 tasks: Unscramble the word

Vihovatel: It is necessary to guess how the word is encrypted. The little ones suggest that it is necessary to write the letters near the square.

5 tasks: Fold the proposition

Vihovatel: Dodayuchi for one word, put together a lancet speech for a scheme.

6 tasks: Read the word

Vihovatel: I have found the rest of the task. You have a lancet letter for your skin, you need to circle that letter, as it is written correctly, in a circle, and that one, as it is not correct, should be crossed. Read the otrimane word.

Vihovatel: Well done!

The telephone ring should sound, the facilitator rozmovlyaє, then we will tell the children that Dunno is at will and pronounces the children to ask yoga to the child's garden, so that they can learn it themselves.


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