Recipe for making brownies at home minds. Brown with raspberries - simpler than simple

Recipe for making brownies at home minds. Brown with raspberries - simpler than simple

Brown is one of the most popular American desserts that everyone knows and loves. There are a lot of simple recipes for brown with chocolate, which are suitable for home cooking of malt cereals.

Classic recipe for Brown with dark dark chocolate in the middle

Traditionally classic Brown is prepared from the next products:

  • zukor - 200 g;
  • top butter | mastic | 180 g;
  • , hairs of the mountains, boroshno - 100 g each;
  • 4 eggs.

It is good to use the Brown Chocolate recipe in the following way:

1. Chocolate bar of polamati on other pieces, for a small amount of money at once from the oil and the rostopiti in the water bath.

2. It is important not to boil chocolate, because it will melt better., it is necessary to take a plate and mix it well with oil. Have roztoplenu chocolate masu dodati | add | flour | boronno | і retally vimіshati. Vsepati її is required step by step in small portions, so the breasts are not accepted.

3. Eggs and tsukor beaten in the surroundings. Add tsyu sumish to the chocolate masu, to add to the same consistency.

4. Peel the peas in a blender and add them to the mass.

5. Cover the deco with parchment, make an olive, viklasta on a new spoon just and vipikati 25 chilin | minuti | in the spirit, rosіgrіtіy up to 200 degrees. If the dessert is lightly oholone, rozr_zati | nar_zati | on shmatochki and put them on a dish.

The very same classic brownie, which looks like it’s all overnight і dry baking, і chocolate cake. However, the gentlemen vvazhayut, the Brown recipe with the middle chocolate is a classic version of the tasty American dessert. It’s even a delicious dessert, but it’s more than a cupcake with a chocolate filling. Getting ready at home minds is awkward.

Brown with dark chocolate filling

A trace of the nobility, but one recipe for Brown with a chocolate filling is not common. Recipe Brown with dark chocolate representations of decalcoma options, so the skinny gentleman can choose the best way to prepare malt for himself.

For a quick preparation of dessert, you should know the following products:

  • black chocolate - 100 g for pasta and 80 g for filling;
  • 150 g top butter | mastic |;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • three egg chews;
  • 5 tablespoons of zukru and boros;
  • 15 g vanilla zukru;
  • dibka salt;
  • one bag of rozpushuvach for the test;
  • detailed gorіhi - for bazhannyam.

A victorious recipe for Brown with dark chocolate in the middle, prepare the dessert like this:

1. Eggs, chews, tsukor, vanilla and silt put in a blender and all the best until the moment is approved on the surface of the summit.

2. Gradually vypte wheat flour that rozpushuvach, again kindly mix.

3. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, change the amount of oil and heat in the water bath. The chocolate mass is known for the fire and for the cooling.

4. Yak tilki chocolate with oliyu oholone, find it from the previously beaten Ingredients. Writing all the time, it is necessary to beat the blender with the help of a blender. On the whole stage, you can add gorіhi to the dessert.

5. Fix the chocolate filling. For the whole on the great grill, rub a black chocolate bar.

6. For the recipe Brown with chocolate, middle gotuvati is required in silikon forms for cupcakes.Їх it is necessary to cover it with a few ounces of oil and a little bit of rich oil.

7. Half fill the form with the chocolate dough., sprinkle with chocolate on top and pour the dough over it.

8. Oven rosіgrіti up to 180 degrees, put them on 10-12, not more. Smolder - do not rip up the vip in the spirit;

People who are sick need to be hot. You can decorate the dessert with a sip of mint, you can hardly serve Brown from a bag of frost.

Chocolate Brownie Recipes with Black and Milk Chocolate

Vіdomy that інshy recipe for chocolate brown with іn middle chocolate, which, if bazhanna, you can cook the skin of the gentleman. You need to use the following Ingredients:

  • 140 g black chocolate;
  • vershkovo butter - 100 grams;
  • 2, 5 tablespoons of boron;
  • red pisok - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla zukru;
  • 1 tbsp. l. rum.

For cim recipe for chocolate Brown with dark chocolate, dessert gotuwati is required as follows:

1. Vershkov's butter and half of the chocolate bar slid rosetopiti on the water bath.

2. At a large number of eggs, tsukor, vanilla, it is boring, and it is one-sided masa.

3. Take all the ingredients at once, add some rum or cognac. Masu dobre mix, vikoristovuchi mixer or a spoon.

4. On a large grater, grate the chocolate until it is overflowing.

5. Forms for vip_chka to make olієyu, Until the middle, remind їх with a rich chocolate paste, put a teaspoon of grated chocolate, and on top - know again. Vipikate at the spirits, rose to 220 degrees, 8-10 minutes.

So get ready for the cim recipe Brown with milk chocolate.

Recipe Brown with cherries and dark chocolate

If you were already preparing a classic dessert, you can vikoristovuvaty recipe Brown with cherries and chocolate, after two components and garnishing that non-vineyard relish.

For dessert to know:

  • p_vpacks of versovy oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • svizha cherries without sprinkles - 300-350 g;
  • pіvsklyanki boroshna;
  • black chocolate - 100 g;
  • kharchova soda - ¼ tsp;
  • a tablespoon of apple otstu;
  • 2/3 flasks of candied powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grit.


1. Prepare a chocolate bar and butter in a casserole, rostopiti in a water bath.

2. If the chocolate-butter butter is oholone, add flourish to it, powder and egg.

3. Extinguish the soda with apple otstom and add it to the zealous mass.

4. Cherry berries z'adnati with starch and add to the chocolate mass.

5. Prepare to pour into a mold for making pies or cakes, making a cake.

6. Oven rozіgrіty up to 200 degrees and put in its form in Brown for 30 ghilin.

The vitality of the pie from the form can be deprived of that, as it will increase the oholone. Brown, preparation for a cim recipe, and then lightly walk through the cherry in the warehouse. Tailored to a wide range of photo-recipe Brown with chocolate, a savory dessert can be prepared to navіt mister-pochatkіvets.

Brown cake with big chocolate and gorikhami: recipe with photo

For the Brownie recipe with white chocolate, the following products are known:

  • bilium chocolate - 250 g;
  • 100 g hairy mountains;
  • two eggs;
  • 75 g of sweet wheat bread;
  • 50 g top butter | mastic |;
  • vanilla zukor;
  • tea spoon rozpushuvach.

Take a look at this nice photo-recipe Brown with bilim chocolate:

1. Vershkov oil | mastilo | and half of the rostopiti chocolate in a water bath.

2. Eggs with vanilla candies and candied eggs in a blender.

3. Dodati oholon chocolate-vershok masu, borosno that rozpushuvach. For a bazhannya, you can include those hairs in the dessert. Effortlessly vimishati.

4. Ridke it is easy to pour into a mold for a vip, put the olive, send it to the oven and vipikati at a temperature of 180 degrees.

5. After a half-day of preparations for the recipe, Brownie cake with chocolate by the way from the oven, and if oholone, form and re-lay it on the dish.

Recipe for cooking: Brown with cocoa powder without chocolate.

If you don’t like chocolate, for there are some contraindications to you, and you don’t think about this delicious dessert.

You can quickly use a brownie recipe with cocoa powder without chocolate. For the preparation of such nasolod and use of such products.

For the test:

  • verskovo butter - 100 g;
  • 0, 5 flasks of zukru;
  • vanilin;
  • two eggs;
  • pіvsklyanki boroshna;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • dibka salt;
  • 1 tsp rozpushuvacha.

For glaze:

  • half a jar of zukru;
  • three tablespoons of milk;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • verskovo butter - 50 g;
  • three teaspoons of cocoa.


1. At the casserole in a water bath, pour over the oil, add to the new sugar, mix, and the wine will rise again.

2. Wu qiu masu, give a rich, vanilla, cocoa, eggs, sil and rozpushuvach.

3. Have silikonovu form vilyte rіdke just, in front of the foreground її olієya.

4. Raise the oven to 180 degrees and cook 25-30 minutes in a new pie.

5. For the preparation of the glaze, take the cocoa powder from zukrom and boroshniy, then mix it slowly. Put a casserole with milk on the fire and drink it every day, moreover, it is important to consistently pomp, so that the breasts are not set. The guilt is the dense plastic mass. Know about the fire, give me some oholonuti and put honey and oil in it, mix everything well.

Use the icing on top of the pie, and treat your friends and loved ones with a savory dessert.

    Ingredієnti for classic brown:

    Small casters have butter and chocolate, sent to the fire.

  1. (banner_banner1)

    Roztoplyuєmo in the middle, gradually dimmed. All Ingredients are brought to the same level.

  2. Znimaєmo from the fire і it is introduced zukor, the size of all ingredієnti behind the help of the scapula (like in the photo) and it is possible to stand 2-3 hvilini.

  3. Eggs are ready for the maximum performance of the mixer.

  4. If the eggs are good, I am ready to introduce the chocolate part of the test yak in the photo.

  5. The speed of the mixer is reduced to the smallest and the best, yes, it’s a big deal, like in the photo. You're just ready.

  6. Ready just to change into a rose shape with a diameter of 24 or 21 cm Brown does not change with a skewer for readiness, some of them are likely to be lost in the middle!

  7. (banner_banner2)

    Decorumo brown, turning it over at the shape with a smooth surface of the burn, can be made by melting with chocolate,

Naysmachnіshim, nayvіdomіshim, original, albeit at the same hour we will even forgive chocolate dessert from Canada, America є legendary brown. As soon as they have never consumed chocolate brownies, they are neatly smarter, so tse so. To put it in simple words, brown will be served in a cake, tastechko, pudding all at once, with typical rice that rodzinka. The trick of the pole in the uninvolved, divine structures.


When you want brown dessert, it’s tasty and juicy lasosch, which can be shaped like a rectangle. The recipe for a marvelous American dessert can be found on the basis of vikorystannya yakisnogo dark chocolate. Chocolate dessert has a unique structure with a look at the particularity of the recipe. As a result, we will see pechivo, cake, cupcake or chocolate tistechko, wedge it with a ball of fragrant icing.

In Danish hour, a chocolate dessert є most loved by Canadians, Americans, and all sorts of people. The secret of such brown success lies in the fact that it is a good culinary and confectionery creation from chocolate. Vrahoyuchi the recipe is prepared, the dessert is baked in one layer, then the rectangular form is drawn on the little pieces, the result is a little more.

Recipes are even more popular, so you can see the main and most popular options for lasoschiv.


  1. Cakelike brownies. Consistency, relish closeness to chocolate tart;
  2. Fudgy brownies. If you translate the name of the dessert properly, then you will see the brown ones alive, the fragments of the inner part will become ridkoy. Podbna malodu even strongly nagaduє pudding - juicy and fragrant shale, tane in the mouth.
  3. blondies. Such a pie is prepared without consuming chocolate, ale just the legendary brownie. In the warehouse for the recipe є olive, egg, brown sugar.
  4. Chewy brownies. The filling of liquorice is very tasty, viscous and viscous. A similar consistency can be reached for an additional supplementary egg.

Having learned about the different types of brownies, you can learn about the important and good times, recommendations and secrets, like allowing you to cook a savory cake, pie.

The process of preparing vishukannyh chocolate lasoschіv is super simple, tsіkavia, and smut - swift. Unimportant for the simplicity and accessibility, followed by the nobility are nuanced and cunning.

Garnish chocolate. Prepare for brownies, do not use a confectionery virob, which can be used in a factory. On the expert's, brown's thought, you can get additional specialty chocolate bars, which can be sold at any shop or supermarket. Having smashed it on great pieces, the melting process will be indispensable, and the dessert will be supremely rich and savory. For bazhannyam you can pull a spout of varieties of chocolate virob: white, black and milk.

Aromatic additives. The process of preparing does not require ominous additives, chocolate sprinkles are even worse. It’s not easy to put vanilla, peas, citrus fruits, or mint in just a little, completely whisk one component.

Pevna temperature. The whole nuance is even more important, because the ingredianti is responsible for the correct temperature, which does not exceed 22 degrees. For the sake of it, go ahead and put butter, eggs from the refrigerator, the stench is guilty of bringing the room temperature. For a rakhunok such tricks are ready just for brown, even if it will be even smooth, versatile, and also dull.

The hour of zakannya. Do not spoil the chi with the oven, do not overheat the dessert. Brown is superbly easy to re-bake or underperformance, as a result it is dry or too wet and viscous. If you want an ideal, correct brown, then the cake is guilty of crunching іvnomіrno, the skorinka is crunchy, and the middle is viscous, trocha vologo. The average triviality of getting ready is twenty five quills!

Classical way of preparing

Preparing a classic dessert is easy. The middle is viscous, and the top is even more appetizing and grim. The consistency is similar, the special technology of preparation is known, so that it is possible to know the lower trochas.

Depending on the amount of malt indicated, 6-8 portions of malt are available. The triviality of preparing 35 chilines. As for calories, then in 100 grams there are 465 calories.


  • borosno millet - ½ flask;
  • hot chocolate - 110 g;
  • zukor - 190 grams;
  • mountains of hair - 70 grams;
  • Vershkovo butter - 170 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Technology of preparation:

  1. Break the bar into small pieces of chocolate, add butter at a high temperature. Please send water to the lazne, but do not bring it to the boil, change it slowly, the consistency is the same.
  2. Boroughly ask, carefully pick into the chocolate mass, rosmіshati.
  3. Eggs zmіshati with chicken eggs, beat with a mixer or a blender, then pour the chocolate quickly.
    Chop the mountains with a knife;
  4. Cover the form for a vip with parchment and make an olive, pour it in it. Add to heat up to 200 degrees in the oven for 25 quilins.
  5. Let it cool down, take some parchment, and we will use a knife to draw on shmatochki. For bazhannyam you can pour chocolate or apricot icing.

Brown - look like lasos in the viglyadi tastechka, which is similar to American cuisine. Tsia strava has a characteristic brownish flavor, rich chocolate relish and low, slightly viscous consistency.

The calorific value of weasels to reach the top is close to 460 kcal per 100 g, which is necessary for protection.

It is easy to see how to prepare brownies for decilcom with different recipes for a variety of reasons and photos.

Classic brown

List of products for 4 portions:

  • 3 eggs;
  • Dark chocolate hot (72%) - 200 g;
  • Wheat dough - 125 g;
  • Vershkov oil and tsukor - 180 g each

A classic recipe for brown in home minds:

  1. Building a water bath: it is drawn into a water bath, having closed the bottom for 2-3 divas, and it is placed on a plate with a small water. If, on the ladle, you can hear the bulbs set up, put on the new metal utensils so that they do not stick with the bottom of the viruyuchoy water;
  2. Lomaєmo chocolate on small pieces, and olії Suitable components in the pool of hot water, steam rostoplumo. Slidkuumo, you didn’t eat the drops of water in chocolate, you can turn your fingers on it;
  3. If it’s a mess, it’s monotonous, it’s siphoned off with a spatula until it’s worked out. The water bath is not cleaned at all;
  4. Know a bowl, cool it down with a stretch of 5 chilines, then break it in a summery egg and actively wipe it with a vine. Dodamo friend yєchko, repeat dії. The blame is on the one-sided blissful masa;
  5. Here it is pros_yuєmo boroso and kindly mix with a spatula, uniquely show a breast;
  6. The form, covered with parchment, with a viscous dough, is put in vipykati for pivgodini in roasting up to 170 degrees in the oven.

Ready a little brown, guilty of the mother in the middle of the middle. The price can be changed for the help of a toothpick, having pinned it in a vipichka. Dessert is served in an oily viglyad: it is grown on a porcelain dish and for a bunch of adornments.

Brownie for Julia Visotskoy's recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 125 points of oil;
  • 170 g of candied sack;
  • 60 g cocoa;
  • 200 g of hot chocolate (70%);
  • 3 eggs;
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • 120 g boron;
  • 0.25 tablespoons of sea salt.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Rosіgrієmo spirit shafu to a temperature of 180 degrees;
  2. Pole chocolate on small pieces, put in place, in addition to a water bath. It’s okay to olії, roztopimo all at once, because of trochas it’s cool;
  3. Behind the blender's help, a blender is taken and a tsukor (quickening with a nozzle-vine), a vanilla extract is introduced, good enough to remove the povitryanoyi, svitloi masi;
  4. Uvіllєmo roztoplenu chocolate warehouse, change;
  5. Silt and borosno zmіshaєmo with 50 g of cocoa powder, pidsipaєmo chocolate sumіsh, just rises with an additional scoop;
  6. Vizmemo glyboke mid deco. Covering with a parchment paperwork, instead of just, equal to the size;
  7. Brown with cocoa vipikєmo close 27 chilines in rosіgrіtіy spirits, dalі vityagnemo z form, cool;
  8. Culinary wonder from Yuliya Visotskoy in squares and at the same time cocoa (10 g).

Cheesecake Brownie

folding people:

  • 250 g vershok sir;
  • Egg;
  • 125 g olії vershok;
  • 150 g of sugarcane and boros;
  • Egg;
  • Pivori black chocolate bars;
  • 0.3 flasks of zukru;
  • Pvsklyanki verkhkiv (fat-9%).

Instructions for preparing the booth:

  1. Lomaєmo chocolates in pieces, put them in a saucepan, add olії. For loading, it includes a small half, check, while the sum is one-sided, rozmishuєmo;
  2. Yєchko zbyvaєmo with tsukrom, pіdlivmo roztoplenu chocolate masu, injected richly, scho asking;
  3. A straight-cut shape, curved with a baking paper, viklada lasoschi, vipikamo in baked spirits 10 chilines at a temperature of 180 degrees;
  4. Zbyvaєmo vershok syrok iz yachkom, vershok, zukrom. Let’s deny it with a warehouse, I’ll curlly savory the base, it’s already put in the oven for 15 quilins. Writing a great lady oholonuti hour in the spirit;
  5. We put it in the refrigerator for three years.

Fragrant brown cheesecake before serving food on squares.

Dessert from a local center

Ridky brown for its structure nagaduє. Neither maladies, when they vipikannya miraculously take their shape, the docks do not touch it with a spoon.

Necessary components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 65 g olії vershok;
  • 85 g zucru;
  • 125 g chocolate;
  • 15 g boron.

Step-by-step preparation process:

  1. Oliytsi that chocolate bar at once, as a substitute for a water bath;
  2. Chekaєmo on the outside of the melting of chocolate slices, I know it’s halfway through, don’t hay a trosh oholone;
  3. Yakchka і tsukroviy pisok zbyvaєmo to a ready-to-use lukewarm cream, it is introduced in a rich manner, repeated izbivannya, then there is a butter-chocolate warehouse;
  4. I am preparing a sum of rosters at the oily middle ceramic form;
  5. Vipikaumo licorice with gravy 12 khilin at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Brownie cake

You know:

For bisque:

  • 4 eggs;
  • Sugar pisok - 200 g;
  • Dark hot chocolate - bar;
  • Boronno and vershkovo butter - 125 g each;
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • Rozpushuvach is a teaspoon.
  • Vanilny zukor - 15 g;
  • Tops 33% - 200 ml;
  • Sir vershkovy - 130 g;
  • Tsukrova Powder - 5 Great Spoons.

For embellishment:

  • Half a chocolate bar (50 g);
  • Svіzha polnitsya and chornytsya - by a number of yagіd;
  • Oliya spread - a tablespoon;
  • Fat cream - 50 ml.

Gotuumo brown cake:

  1. Colimo chocolate into small pieces, and rostoplusimo at once from a spread in a microchill oven with a stretch of 1-2 quills;
  2. Eggs are scrambled all at once from tsukrom to a bite;
  3. Self-mixing rozpushuvach with bush and cocoa, and roasting chocolate - with cells. Z'єє
  4. Form for vipichka is covered with parchment;
  5. A ready-made bisque to cool down, to see the land, to become virib, і rіzhemo for 3 rіvny shmatka. The leather cake is cut with a thread of vzdovzh. Sumi viide has 6 blanks;
  6. Gotuumo cream: vanilla tsukor is scattered at once from vershoks, dosipaєmo powder and dodaamo vershok sir. Knowingly everything is perfect;
  7. Razmіschuєmo on the great stravі foil. Put one on one cake, coated with cream. Ostann_y is not spared. Virivnyuєmo region;
  8. It’s an hour to arrange the dessert. Roztoplyumo chocolate at once from vershoks and butter, kindly mix. Gently glaze glaze on top of virib.

Prikrashaєmo cake with half-baked and chornitsy. You can make chocolate brownies with cherries, or be-like those berries.

Brownie with sir and cherry at the multivariate

The brown in the multi-cooker is just as smart as it gets. It is necessary to deprive you of the base.

List of warehouses:

  • Syrna licorice masa and dark chocolate (72%) - 200 g each;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Sugar pisok and cherry svizha (without pouches) - 100 g each;
  • Boronno wheat - 150 g;
  • Zukor vanilny - 12 g;
  • Spread - 50 g;
  • Dribble salt.

Etapi preparation:

  1. Prosіyane gloriously z'єnumo with vanilny tsukr and silly;
  2. Chocolate і spread rostoplumo on the water bath, then cool down the sum, which came;
  3. In an okrem_misci, a beaten egg, and a petty sibilant behind the help of a mixer to the writing camp;
  4. Pouring in the melted chocolate at the yachnu sumish, pouring it at the bush warehouse and all the good things;
  5. Put half the dough mass in the multicooker bowl. Above the Viklada sir, stirring, hanging a berry and dodajmo just, which has been overshadowed;
  6. I will add a little kryshka that vipikamo brown with sire and cherry for a year. The active mode "Pidigrіv" for 10 gilts and lasoschі was given.

When preparing a dessert, cool it down, pour it from the bowl and tribute to the table, slightly sticking it with powder.

Video: A quick brownie recipe

For an hour, such a dessert, yak, will be spinning by everyone's ears. Brown has a stunning success, popularity among Bagatyokh lands, ale Batkivshchyna savory dessert with a great amount of chocolate є America? Well, also brown, and why is everything in the capture? Chocolate brown is a great American dessert, which is not similar to a pie, a cupcake, a new vologue and a trocha have a viscous filling, and the skorinka can be finished with a crunchy one. You can prepare a dessert in your home mind, you can get a lecture and an excellent recipe, and you can equip it with photographs.

Yak cook chocolate brownies? For which you will need a garnish recipe, yakіsnі and svіzhі Ingredіonti. You can bake more caresses, be it for a saint, chayuvannya, as well as just for a fiery mood. The recipe can be changed, make your own innovations.

For example, you can add sir, cherry, raspberry, harbor, prune, bitter and dried apricots to it. It is possible not to add anything from a pererakhovannye vishche, relish everything from it not to be lost. To add pikantnost, the top of the chocolate dessert can be sprinkled with mint caramel or crushed ice cakes.


  • vershkovo butter (myake) - 100 grams;
  • black chocolate - 110 g;
  • zukor - 90 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • rozpushuvach - ½ teaspoon;
  • dough wheat - 70 grams;
  • sil - small amount.

  1. Prepare the necessary investment. Butter is necessary to grow, melt chocolate on a steam bath, or in a low-frequency oven, with a slight strain, periodically changing the sum.
  2. Tsukor needs to be added to the soft top butter. Beat for the help of the mixer, or with a fork, so the letter came out. Dodati chocolate.
  3. Beat the chicken eggs, give them the ingredients, and don't forget to mix them up.
  4. Pislya ts'go ask rozpushuvach from boroshny, add | add | until chocolate mass and slightly salt. Tisto for the legendary dessert is ready.
  5. Form for vip_chka must be covered with parchment, yogo zmastiti oil. Quickly and uniformly, it was shaped. More vipikati in silikonovyh forms.
  6. Warm the oven up to 180 degrees, vipikati dessert uprodovzh n'fifteen chilin, smut - do not overdry. Before Tim, I bring the chocolate brown to the oven, then drink some mint caramel.
  7. The ready-made dessert is even fragrant and savory, the middle and slightly fluffy structure of a new mabout.

Low brown with garmon

To finish the chocolate and the harmony to the original, more harmonious later. Vipichka goes even more deliciously, it is necessary, it is obvious to go to a cup of hot cocoa, tea or milk. The recipe is also relevant for the harbuz season.


  • wheat dough - 230 grams;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • vershkovo butter - 170 grams;
  • black chocolate - 120 grams;
  • zukor - 200 grams;
  • chili pepper (chalk) - ¼ teaspoon;
  • eggs - 3-4 pieces;
  • garbuzov puree - 1 bottle;
  • vanilin - 1 sachet;
  • rozpushuvach - 10 grams;
  • roslinna olia - 30 milliliters;
  • sil - small amount.

Algorithm for preparing:

  1. Prepare all products specified in the recipe. Smoke the chocolate, melt it in a handy way for you.
  2. Know from the plate, give the butter a little more than a few ounces, dilute it.
  3. At the end of the day, all the dry warehouses given to the recipe have been mixed, and the recipe itself is sil, boroshno that rozpushuvach, as well as chalking the gostry chili pepper.
  4. Mixer, beat the egg with vanilin and tsukrom so that you write a letter. Take advantage of all the warehouses: dry part with butter-chocolate and egg. Retrieve it.
  5. If you want to eat it, you need to add garbuzov puree, olia, a spoonful of cinnamon.
  6. Warm up the oven to 180 degrees, just power up the shape. Vipikati with a stretch of 40 hilines. Garbuzovo-chocolate brown ready-made. Serve yogo with tea and milk. Dessert to the heart of all lovers of malt, especially chocolate.

In such a rank, even more rich in brown recipes, leathers are known to be their own rodzinka. Schob show a kind of American dessert, quickly enough with the proponated recipes and marvel at the video clip, all of which is described in a lecture.


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