Like a chocolate brownie. Original recipe for chocolate dessert

Like a chocolate brownie. Original recipe for chocolate dessert

The recipe for the classic “Brownie” cake was worthy of rich lasoons for its simplicity of preparation and rich chocolate relish. Іsnuє rich variations of the preparation of this dessert. Modern cooks add fragrant cherries, candied fruits and various varieties of peas to the vipіchka. Chocolate vipіchka borrow a day on the Svyatkovo table and delight the guests with a thorough relish!

Classic "Brownie": subtle preparation of the perfect dessert

Chocolate biscuit is especially popular in the territory of the Successful States of America. There її you can learn a little not in the leather cafe and restaurants. Ready dessert is guilty of buti springy on dotik and lower relish. To achieve a perfect recipe, enough to follow all the recommendations of the recipe, and ideal « Brown » get ready!

To prepare Brownie at home, you will need:

  • 2 bars of yakіsny dark chocolate;
  • a pack of butter - 200 grams;
  • 70 grams of millet boron;
  • A glass of tsukru (you can use a bottle, if you like licorice);
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • rozpushuvach;
  • 100 g cocoa powder.

Dumka expert

Anastasia Titova


Porada type of confectioner: all products, cream eggs, due to room temperature. A year before cooking, remove the ingredients from the refrigerator.

Pokrokove preparation:

  • In a micro-furnace, or in a water bath, melt butter and black chocolate. Put a couple of sacks of chocolate without melting.

  • At the dry bowl, mix the ingredients (krim of chicken eggs).

  • Having added the dry ingredients to a homogeneous mass, add the chocolate-topped sumish and beat it with a whisk.

  • At the dough for "Brown" introduce eggs. Beat it. Use the chocolate to rub it on the third and add it to the masu.

  • Grease the mold with Vershkov oil and pour it into the dough. Whip the cake for 40 hvilin|minutes| at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

This is one of the best recipes of Brownie », the warehouse of which is aired with a minimum set of ingredients. Can you feel how the chocolate aroma will fill your donkey? Time to get the cake out of the oven!

See "Brownie": a new dessert for skin day

Chocolate cake has become popular, so confectioners don't bother experimenting with yoga warehouses, adding all the new and new ingredients. Today, there are 5 options for preparing a dessert, the skins of which are tested with a special recipe.

"Brownie" at the multicooker

Dessert, especially with lower relish and chocolate seepage. For the preparation of lasoshchiv, you can use the classic Brownie cake recipe. The only thing left to remember is about the larger portion of the fluff. Instead of a teaspoon, put it again. If the cake is not lifted, it is good to see it in the walls, for the sake of not opening the lid for the hour of preparation. Prepare a pie in the "Vipichka" mode 60 quills.

Chocolate sausage with Amaretto liqueur

Lovers of thinned and rich relish singsongly appreciate the taste of the liquor "Amaretto". Vikoristovuyuchi classic recipe for preparing an American dessert, add a teaspoon of caviar, 50 grams of ground almonds and 60 grams of Amaretto liqueur. Ingredients should be introduced at once from the top-chocolate mass. This “Brownie” dessert is better than the vipkati of the oven, and not of the multicooker.

banana cake

Poednannya has long been known for a rich classic. Prepare “Browny” according to the classic recipe: pour dough into the required form, smeared with butter, cut bananas into mugs and zanuryuemo їх at the masu. Vipkaєmo in the oven for about 40 hvilin|minutes| at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

Sirom Pie

Ideal "Brown" for a child. For the obviousness of yakish chocolate, such a dessert can become brown. If your child is supposed to be a sir, then you will try the wine in the same dessert. Get the standard version of chocolate cake, and give you a chill. We take 300 g of fatty syrup and mix with 150 grams of sour cream. We bring the sum to a homogeneous mass, we introduce the necessary amount of zucru and vanilla extract. Rozryzaemo pie on two parts, smearing cakes with cream. Dessert is ready!

Cherry dessert

Cherry and chocolate? Not only does it sound yummy, but it sounds cool. Dessert can easily become your crowning spice. The addition of the ingredients will give the pie a wonderful relish and aroma. Gotuemo dough (how to prepare a classic cake, read more), pour yogo into the mold and fill the cherries without brushes. Put some yagid? To the right, relish, but not less than 200 grams. We put on a sheet and weep 40 quills at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. Ideal Brownie » get ready!

How to prepare Brownie? original recipe

Today you can learn a sprat of options for preparing a dessert. Fudgy brownie is especially popular with lasuns. At the translation from English, it sounds like a brownie is alive. This is the name of the lassoshchi goiter with a viscous stuffing that settles in the middle. Juicy, fragrant and uniquely savory recipe for chocolate "Browny" borrowed a day from the culinary book.

Brownie chocolate recipe:

  1. Melt 2 bars of dark chocolate with 200 grams of butter. Dessert is better prepared with black chocolate.
  2. 1/3 millet boroshn, 50 grams of yakish cocoa, vanilla zucchini, mix a fluffy powder in a dry bowl.
  3. Introduce dry sumish chocolate-tops mass. Beat with wine.
  4. At the sumish add 2 tablespoons of rum.
  5. Add 50 g of chocolate droplets to the dough.
  6. Cover the form with olive oil, pour it in thickly and vip for 40 chills | minutes | at a temperature of 180 degrees.

The process of preparing chocolate "Brownie" rozkritiya. vіdmіnno go with tea, cava and licorice liquor.

Gotuemo chocolate pastry

The “Brownie” cake can be called a mini-cake. For the relish of the stench, there is little excitement for the classic version of the American cake. On the right, there is less form and rosemary lasoshchiv.


  • 150 grams of dark chocolate and butter;
  • a bottle of tsukru (more beautiful than reed);
  • 3 chilled eggs;
  • a teaspoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • 50 grams of be-yaky podribnenih gorіhіv;
  • a drop of salt.

Roztoplyuemo Vershkove butter and chocolate. Dry ingredients are mixed, pouring chocolate-top sumish. Let's beat the eggs. Solimo. We introduce peas, bringing the consistency to a homogeneous one. Pour the dough into the mold. Vipkaєmo 35 hvilin|minutes| at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Catch your respect that after the finished cooking the cake can be dry. You can prepare orange soak with liquor. For this to orange jam, add water. Orient yourself, so that the consistency is sour. Cooking seepage on the fire is close to 3 whilins. Znimaєmo from the fire that we introduce a tablespoon of any kind of liquor. If the pie is cooked, we will miss the yogo seepage. Let's get chilled and cut into pieces. Tіstechko "Brownі" at the oven is ready!

Original recipe for chocolate dessert

It turns out that all the secrets of the preparation of the sweets are revealed, and nothing is possible to make the lasses. Representing the recipe for a dessert that I would like to call chocolate in chocolate and chocolate. Wine is no less savory, and even more rich.

After finishing the preparation of the dessert, you can take a bite of the bottom biscuit or a cupcake with ganache. For cooking you need the following ingredients:

  • vershkov butter and black chocolate in equal proportions - 350 grams;
  • cane tsukor - 350 grams;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 grams of boron;
  • 50 grams of cocoa;
  • vanilla.

Well, what? The aroma has already sung into your kitchen, so the time has come to start preparing a delicious dessert. Chocolates and butter are melted in a water bath. At the hot sumish, reed tsukor is driven, mixing to a homogeneous mass. Give our sumish chill, we introduce a lot of cocoa powder. Dry ingredients are better to pass through a crystal sieve. Mіshaєmo and add vanilla.

Quite pour it into the mold, smearing it in front with topsoil. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. To give respect, that after preparing the sausages, it is not necessary to hurry up to get out of the oven. That dessert is more beautiful when it comes to the walls of the form.


Porada: if you want to reach the ideal shape of your favorite pastries, for brewing vicarious, use a square capacity.

Lasoschi are ready. For bajannyam, you can add a dessert with zukrovy powder or chocolate chips. Serve the cake better with a warm look. And if you want to eat spring and hard desserts, then put the cake by the refrigerator for a couple of years. Robimo kava, let’s take a cake “Brownie” and enjoy it with rich relish.

Revealing the secrets of cooking

"" - a wonderful dessert, a recipe for some kind of vimage to do the singing rules. So that the salmon was boiled and did not get rid of the sirimi, the proportions were reached, prescribed by the recipe, the temperature regime and the hour of the boil. You can learn more about the secrets of the preparation of vipichka below.

Pochatkіvtsі home confectioners of nobility:

  1. As a stale chocolate, it is not only relish, but also a form of dessert. It is important to remember the warehouse of chocolate. Most of the fats can be made up of cocoa and cocoa-olії. And the best chocolate is made in Switzerland.
  2. Whisk the ingredients at the correct temperature. Eggs are obov'yazkovo but they are cold. Two or three years before the preparation of the lasoshchiv, you should put them in the fridge. The other ingredients are responsible for the room temperature.
  3. Do not beat the smell. Like vanilla, it is less natural. The same and with other flavors.
  4. Do not trim the cake at the oven. Take your time to prepare. Tse is important. Peretrimayte lasoshchi - zіtknetesya with a cake, scho pіdgorіv. Do not linger at the spirits - it is easy to get rid of Sirim.
  5. Let the cake infuse with the oven. After the preparation of the sausage, it is necessary to stand in the oven for at least 30 minutes. Tse dopomozhe preserve the unperfected aroma of the dessert, and the cake is swishy in shape.

A favorite American dessert can be easily prepared at home. This is the perfect confectionery version for shanuvalniks of chocolate desserts!

Befitting the recipe?


You can’t deprive anyone of chocolate brownies: for dessert, you can add cherries, or raspberries, or we’ll make brownies smarter - choose from 8 recipes!

  • 200 UAH dark chocolate
  • 150 gr. inches of butter
  • ½ bottle of zucru
  • 1 st. black cocoa
  • 3 big eggs
  • 2/3 bottles of borosna
  • 1/3 tsp sodi + 1 year. otsu
  • ½ bottle of hairy mountains
  • 2 tbsp. cognac

chocolate glaze:

  • 100 UAH chocolate
  • 2-3 tbsp. condensed milk

The dough for the Brownie cake is prepared in a water bath, so we take the water bath itself beforehand. For which we need two pans of different diameters. Water is poured into the great one, and we put a saucepan of smaller diameter for the beast, so that all the ingredients are mixed. We put the whole structure on fire.

I put olive oil and chocolate in the pan. Pomishuyuchi, we drown in a water bath.

If chocolate becomes rare, we can add some ingredients. Chekati, docks, it is not necessary to boil water at a water bath. Like a little chocolate having spread and mixed with olive oil, let's move on.

Visipaemo tsukor. I put all the pivsky zucru, for my taste, it’s enough, even if it’s for Brown, it’s practically made up of chocolate alone, and the wine is so licorice. Who loves more than licorice, get more zucru. For bajannyam, you can add a little bit of vanilla zucru. We must change.

We put a tablespoon of cocoa powder, with which we put “pure” cocoa without houses near the zucru that looks like milk powder, even if we need more chocolate relish. We must change.

For savor, add some cognac chi brandy.

We add eggs one at a time. The skin of an egg is beaten on the cob into a filizhanka, so that it will be perekonatisya, it’s fresher and not zipped, and then we put it into the dough. For the help of a whisk, a spatula or a splendid spoon, we rub the egg, so that it came out quietly uniformly, then we add another egg, rub it, then a third. If the eggs are broken, then we put not three, but several eggs.

We put flour, everything is mixed. Go out to do it thicker and more viscous.

Add quenched in octi soda. Let's mix it up.

Dodaemo pіvsklyanki stovchenyh hairy gorіhіv.

Vilivayemo quietly in the heat, well-smeared olive shape. Lay parchment on the bottom of the bagan.

We put the form in a well-heated oven. Vipkaєmo Brown 15-20 quills at a temperature of 170-180°C.

Be sure to check for readiness, so as not to miss the moment (deeply in the oven, the cake can be prepared for 10 minutes). At the sight of traditional cakes and pies, the pins after the piercing of the Brown cake may become wet, so the cake may be undercooked. The very eyes of this little tricky Brown come out so low.

Let's take our cake out of the oven, let's cool down. Carefully take shape. You can cover the brownie cake with chocolate icing for the baked goods, as if you were trying to take a water bath: just heat the chocolate with condensed milk, and then cover the cake. Tsya glaze is filled with softness, does not catch and does not make picks. If you want, if you have caught the glaze, then melt the chocolate in oil and add a little milk.

We put the finished brownie chocolate cake on the refrigerator. Having infused and cooled the cake, it will be cut without problems. Yogo can be cut like on big shmatochki, so on small tassels.

Recipe 2: chocolate brownie with cherries (c photo)

  • 200 gr chocolate
  • 1 st. cocoa powder
  • 10 gr vanilla zucru
  • 100 gr boroshn
  • 300 gr cherries
  • 150 gr of butter
  • 120 gr zucru
  • 4 eggs
  • tsp salt

Chocolate and rose oil in a water bath.

Add tsukor, sil, cocoa, vanilla tsukor. Mix until uniform.

Add eggs (but don’t add everything at once), mix.

Add|Add| flour | boroshno |, mix.

Let's add cherries without tassels, mix them up.

Grease the mold for brewing with vershkov oil, vility dry.

Vipkati to readiness approximately 35-40 quills, at a temperature of 180 degrees. Don't overdry - Browns can get wet! Cool, cut into squares.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Brownie with Cherries and Syrup

  • Black chocolate - 100 grams
  • Oliya Vershkove - 100 Gram
  • Eggs - 3 Pieces (2 - at tisto, 1 - at sirnu masu)
  • Sir - 400 Grams
  • Borosno - 1 bottle
  • Zukor - 0.75 Flasks
  • Rozpushuvach for dough - 1 teaspoon
  • Cherry canned - 200 g

Break chocolate into squares, butter | oil | look at the shmatochki. Put everything in a bowl of glass, put it in a micro-hvilyova pich for 1 whilin.

Beat eggs z | iz | tsukrom until zbіlshennya masi in obsyazі (2 times).

Add|Add| chocolate mass, stir.

Vsipte rozpushuvach that borosno. Mix well with a spoon.

The axis of such a consistency can come out quietly.

For cheese prosharku, add sir from the blender, 1 egg and 2 tbsp. spoons of zukru

Sirna masa is to be uniform, without grains.

In a silicone mold for brewing (approximately 22-24 cm in diameter), add 2/3 of the dough, spread evenly.

On top, spread the sirn stuffing and add a cherry.

From above, lay down the dough that is left out. Correct the pie to the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Chocolate brownie with cherries is ready. Good tea!

Recipe 4: dark chocolate brownie (from Pokrokov's photo)

  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 100 g chocolate
  • 100 g Vershkove butter
  • 150 g zukor
  • 150 g borosno
  • 1 tsp rozpushuvach
  • 300 g sir
  • 400 g cherry
  • 1 pinch sil
  • vanilla zukor

Melt the chocolate at once with butter.

For cheese cream, cheese zmіshati z|іz| zukrom and 2 eggs. Grind with a mixer until creamy. If the sir is grainy, rub it through a sieve.

For the help of a mixer, beat 2 eggs and 50 g zucru into a pin, after which add a pinch of salt, vanilla zucchini and borosno. Add hot chocolate and fluff.

Fill the form for brewing with olive oil. Then pour 1/3 of the chocolate dough into it.

With a stepping ball, pour ½ of the syrup cream and randomly arrange half of the cherry.

Then we repeat all three balls again: chocolate dough, syringa cream, cherry.

With the final ball, we add chocolate dough, which is gone.

Vipіkati is required with a stretch of 40 strands at the front of the heated oven, at 180 degrees Celsius. If you don’t want to bake the beast, cover it with foil.

The ready-made pie needs to be refrigerated before the narration, otherwise the vines will fall apart at the hour of the narration. Savory!

Recipe 5, pokrokovyy: chocolate brownie in multivartsi

  • Borosno - 1.25 bottles (150-152 gr.) (1 multi-glass).
  • Strength - 0.5 tsp
  • Vershkov oil - 200-225 gr.
  • Hot chocolate - 200 gr.
  • Zukor - 2 multiflasks.
  • Vanilla zukor - 1 tsp
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Peas - 100 gr.

We heat butter and chocolate in a water bath or in a micro-furnace.

Eggs are beaten from the zucrum until the firm stump is dead.

Step by step add butter-chocolate sumish to the egg, mixing for the whole hour. At the sumish, which wiyshla, pros_yuєmo borosno and resolutely mixes.

The final step we will have is peas - my hair looks like it, but you can absolutely be like it, in your opinion.

Cleanly їх i trohi podrіbnyuєmo - rubaєmo with a knife or pierce with a rocking chair.

The multicooker bowl is smeared with topsoil and swirled in it quietly. We turn on the cartoon in the “Vipichka” mode for 30 minutes, and for 27 hours, rajah check the readiness of the cake with syrniki or with a toothpick - it may be too cold for ice.

If necessary, add 5-10 quills, but remember that brownies are better than underdone. Just like a bowl of a multicooker was brewed, we didn’t fill up the pie, but when we went in for the first time, we put it in a bowl of cold water and covered it with a towel (foil, grub spit).

Let's give the cake a try and go for a couple of years or nothing, let's cut it into squares.

Recipe 6: berry chocolate brownie on dark beer

  • Black chocolate (200 g for dough, 50 g for cover) - 250 g;
  • Vershkov oil - 180 g;
  • Berries (raspberry, yoshta) - 200 g;
  • Dark beer - 200 ml;
  • Zukor - 200 g;
  • Borosno wheat - 125 g;
  • Cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 tsp;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.

In a stewpan, melt rosemary oil | oil | And put some chocolate in the new half on shmatochki. Through a sprat of quills, mix the chocolate to a homogeneous mass.

Zmіshati borosno, cocoa, zukor and rozpushuvach.

Okremo beat the eggs.

At the dry sumish, add the chocolate masa, resolutely mixing.

Let's add | add | beat the eggs and pour in the beer. Mix the mass well.

Cover the form with parchment and make it chocolatey. Spread berries on top.

For the help of the shoulder blades, drown the berries near the dough. You can work in a different way, roll half of the dough, then roll the berries with the other half of the dough.

Heat the oven up to 180 degrees and bake brownies 25 quills. Such a vipіchka can be lightly watered. I covered the top with chocolate chips, for which I spread chocolate chips on a hot pie, and if the stench melted, I simply smeared it on the surface.

If the brownie is okholone, you can cut yoga into squares and serve it to the table. Savory!

Recipe 7: brownies with a rare filling (photo cover)

  • 100 g dark chocolate with cocoa not less than 75%
  • 50 g butter
  • 30 g borosna (1 tbsp with girkoyu)
  • 2 medium rise eggs
  • 40 g zucru the most important fraction
  • a small drop of salt
  • vanilla on the tip of a teaspoon
  • trochs of cherry powder for embellishment

First of all, let’s take the oven, so that it’s good to be baked. The temperature is set to 220 degrees. And the oven docks are heated up, preparing dough for chocolate fondants.

Rosemary vershkov butter is put in a cup all at once with chocolate, broken into shmatochki.

We put a cup in micro-hvilyovu pich approximately 1 quill or a troch more, until the top of the oil has risen. Viymaєmo and vіnochkom rozmіshuєmo sumіsh to homogeneity. It seems to be a killer. Oliya with chocolate can also be melted in a water bath.

We break 2 eggs into another cup and add zukor, strong and vanilla.

Zbivaemo to re-rozchinennya tsukru.

Now we pour the egg sum into the chocolate.

Let's move on and add more pros_yane borosno.

Good peremіshuєmo, so that there were no breasts.

Molds for cupcakes are smeared with top-heavy or olive oil, and through a fine strainer, stick with cocoa powder or boroshnim.

With a teaspoon, add about ¾ of the sum at the mold.

We put the form in the oven. The hour of vipіkannya to lie down in the world of forms. I made 5 quills of mine at 220 degrees, and it turned out to be an ideal rare middle. Last time for 6 hvilin at 200 degrees, the middle of the bula was soft, but not rare. Wishli is just yummy chocolate muffins. Ale, I still have small forms. Yakshcho yours is more for expansion, it is possible, 6-8 quills are required.

Sob don’t get sick, try a bunch of spectacles alone, and you’ll know what to do to save an hour of drinking. Respectfully watch out for the process at the spirits - just like a beast, a quickness is established, once again.

Cool the dessert for a bit, then turn it over on a saucer and sprinkle with zukrovy powder. With the form of wines, it is even easier to win.

Recipe 8: brownies with cheese syrup filling

  • sirny sir - 400 gr
  • zukor - 200 gr
  • Vershkov butter - 200 gr
  • hot chocolate - 200 gr
  • borosno - 100 gr
  • egg - 5 pcs

For the cob, you need to break the chocolate into small pieces. Fold the chocolate and butter in one cup, then it is necessary to melt the chocolate and butter in the micro-furnace until it becomes thin, but do not let the chocolate boil.

Let's sweat on top of the cheese ball and add chocolate, which is left out, pouring yoga over the entire surface of the brownie. You can sprout little ones, trochs mixed it up tightly for an extra spoon.

Brownie is a favorite American dessert. Tіstechko come out savory, lower, livelier, overwhelm the chocolate note. The texture of the dessert is superbly low, її impossible to match. Browns are known as one of the most famous chocolate desserts in the whole world, which are prepared by the best chefs, as well as the best housewives and children. Do not be surprised, because the technology of preparation is superbly simple and original.

Cooking features

Tіstechko or the brownie cake is suitable for everyone, for the fact that according to the statistics 9 people out of 10 love chocolate. Chocolate brownie juicy, lower pure chocolate, if you haven’t tasted it once, then hurry up, so that you indulge yourself in heavenly pleasure and satisfaction. Pirіg can be prepared with cherries, cheese and peas, prunes, bananas, but also on the right fantasy.

To prepare brownies, for a classic recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • Vershkov oil - 200 grams;
  • hot chocolate - 200 g;
  • zukor - 200 grams;
  • borosno - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • peas - 2 bottles;
  • vanilla tsukor - 16 grams;
  • sil - ½ teaspoon;
  • eggs - 6 pieces.

From the designated list of components, there may be eighteen months or a great brownie pie. Sob it was crisply baked evenly, pick up a sheet of a similar size, and itself 20 by 30 centimeters.

If you have mountains, then you can take it, be it: hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, and also hairs. The classic American recipe uses peas, but you can forget about peas if you don't like them. The taste of brownies is not spicy, so you don’t add peas.

It’s not necessary to put rozpushuvach at the dough, the texture of it will come out viscous, the water is even lower, which exudes chocolate brownies from other desserts.

If it’s a good brownie, the recipe suggests that you don’t overcook the yogo in the oven, otherwise the middle will be strongly baked, which will capture the whole relish. For dessert, it is necessary to choose good and yakіsny hot chocolate; As a dessert for children, you can add milk chocolate to the dough, but good, not plasticine.

Step by step cooking brownies photo

For the cob, it is necessary to resolutely touch it with peas, and refine it yourself on small pieces. If you don’t spend a lot of time staining it with a knife, you can speed up with a little cunning. Take a small bag, place the peas and put it on the working surface. For the help of a magnificent rocking chair, crush them, as a result, we will create an ideal sum of mountains.

Put a frying pan on the stove, warm it up and boil the peas. Don't forget to stir constantly, so that the stench doesn't burn, otherwise you can't beat them in dessert. You need about 2-3 whilins, so that the stench warms up well. Sip them in a bowl, let cool.

The next important crock is a robot with chocolate, it is necessary to properly melt it with top butter. You can speed up the recommendations of the chefs. For this, pour water into the pot, boil. In the next few minutes, break the chocolate with cracked pieces, add a pinch of butter, and put it in a saucepan. Homily, shchobi did not burn. It's important that the chocolate doesn't boil, and I didn't drink a drop of water in a new one!

If the lassoshchi may be warmed up, small large pieces will float, you can take it out of the stove, leave yogo for one hour, let some oholone, then add yogo to the dough.

Cooking dough. Zukor with chicken eggs, add ½ teaspoon of salt and 2 sachets of vanilla zucru. Do not varto beat to a kick, even a chocolate husky - not a biscuit. Finish the whipping with a stretch of two strands with a mixer, blender. Ask briskly, add to the egg mass, resolutely stir, so that there is no breast. Add ruby ​​pots and melting hot chocolate, stir until smooth and beautiful consistency.

Cover the deco for the VIP with a special paper or parchment, then pour it into a new chocolate mass. If you don’t have parchment, then grease the form with topsoil and a sip of borosh, just don’t overdo it. Warm up the oven to 170 degrees, brew the dessert for 22 minutes. Follow the rules of high-quality brownies, rather do not add yoga, so as to save the viscous that lower structure.

When the classic chocolate brownie is ready, you can take the yoga out of the oven and cool it down. Don’t be embarrassed, if you don’t see it, the dessert will be superbly savory anyway. Please! First try the brownie pie, try yoga in the fridge for six or twelve years! As a result, the wine will rise evenly, and the middle of the overbaked cake will “recover”, which will require ductility.

To follow the original recipe of the legendary dessert, it is necessary to add apricot glaze, peas, and pour chocolate on top.

Glaze recipe: mix 50 ml of water and 500 grams of apricot jam, boil for two or three quills. If it’s an apricot jam, then you can beat it in a blender, boil it lightly, then cool it down and brush it with chocolate brownies.

The best option is to decorate the cake with tsukrova powder. On the surface of the cake, put a clean tarp, generously sprinkle with powder, then you can take the tarp, as a result, we will make a garni and an original viser.

It is important to remember that the brownie cake is even more lively and high in calories, that chocolate, peas, and topsoil can be found in the new. When it comes to chocolate sweets, then wine is rich in potassium, magnesium, which takes a part in the work of the heart meat, calms the central nervous system, stimulates the brain and raises the tone, robs people of dying and being happy.

In this way, making chocolate brownies for the original, classic recipe is even easier. It is important to trim the technologies, recipes, beat the assigned ingredients, do not over-trim in the oven, and then everything will always turn out!

The classic recipe for chocolate brownie, as if it were someone else’s favorite among the whole world of laosshchiv, has acquired an impersonal editorial and addition. Speaking with a reasonable mind, the simplest is a square tin with chocolate, as you can only think of, a little bit in the middle of that glossy sound. Turning to poetic vocabulary, this dessert can be described as a low-fat dish with a tight, velvety relish, as it can bring unspeakable relish to all lasuns with a smoke and shoko-lovers of zokrema. Whoever, if he saw a small confectionery miracle with the introduction of endorphins, is unbelievable. It seems that one forgetful young culinary simply didn’t lay down at the biscuit for the rozpushuvach cake. So I fell in love with the people of the Americans (and not only). Let's move on from tedious theory to savory practice.

Chocolate brownie with hairy peas

With such a look, I tried the whole dessert before. І z that hour tse my loves variant of preparation. I spodіvayus, vin you so vospodaetsya. Peas and shmatochki shokaladu, sho roztanuli, іdeally complement the shovkovy stіsto. You just have to try it!

To prepare, take:

How to prepare a classic brownie (cooked recipe with photo):

Chocolate can be vikoristati and milk chocolate. Golovne, schob tse buv yakіsny product. Ale kіlkіst tsukru if you happen to change, otherwise you will see licorice. Break 3/4 of the chocolate into small chunks.

Transfer to a bowl. There, add 1 inch of butter cut into small cubes. Put on the water lane. For this purpose, put the ingredients with the ingredients at the temple, but it is practically the same in diameter as a roasting vessel. The stench is guilty of zchipluvatsya sides, but if you do not stick around with dons. Pour water into a larger bowl so that the bottom of the cup with food does not stick. Bring the country to a boil and change the fire. Vmіst bude tanuti vіd the temperature of the bet. Sometimes, stir the masa with a wine glass and a wooden spatula.

In the meantime, chop a piece of tile with a knife, which is left over. Yogo dodamo to a ready dough. Winning the classic chocolate taste of brownies is even more rich and rich.

Prick close 3/4 bottles of mountains. Trim them with a knife. It’s not too bad, so that the little things were kind. The deputy of walnuts can put cashews and peanuts. Also ur_znoman_tnit dessert prunes or rodzinki. From yagid you can add a cherry or half a night.

Axis so gleaming and uniform can be chocolate after "lasnevih" procedures.

Add|Add| drіbny tsukor. Stir vigorously until uniform. Behind the bajans you can put some vanilla, cognac and other flavoring.

For a lightly chocolatey dough for a classic brownie, beat in 3 eggs, as indicated in the recipe. Ale, it’s necessary to add not all in a row, but one at a time, scouring the mass with a spatula to uniformity. You can’t beat it, for that we will make a biscuit or a cupcake instead of a voluminous dessert with a velvety texture.

Part of it is borosno to the already prepared brownie ingredients. Stir so that there is no breast.

Add the details of the chickpeas and the chocolate. Rozpodіl_ shmatochki on chocolate dough.

Forge the shape. Sound vikoristovuyut straight, but under my hand it appeared round, as you can see from the photo. On the relish, obviously, it didn’t signify. I just cut the vipіchka, which I got cold, into squares. Bake chocolate brownies according to the classic recipe for 35-40 quills. The oven can be warmed up to 170-180 degrees.

The top is covered with a trifle of a glossy streak, and in the middle of the tistechko there is a moisture content, a trifle of sticky and a trifle of viscous. Draw with squares or rectangles, if it is slightly chilled. Serve before tea, kawi or cocoa with chocolate glaze or just like that.

Brownies with cocoa

No chocolate? Do not take into account the preparation of malt. Yogo whole can replace the usual cocoa powder. Serve with a bag of vanilla frosting or cherry syrup. Such savor has never been eaten before!

Necessary ingredients:

For tests:

For glaze:

The process of brewing brownies with cocoa (recipe with photo):

Zukor (singular and vanilla) visipte into a deep bowl. Here beat in the eggs. The stench is not to blame for being too cold, it’s too late to pull them out of the refrigerator.

Mix carefully. Ale, don't beat it, just beat it to uniformity.

Vershkov oil | oil | heat in a water bath or in a micro-furnace. Lightly cool. Pour into the egg and sucrose sumish.

Ask hard.

I cocoa powder. The color of the part is more often deposited in the warehouse. I have a light powder, so the testicle did not look as brown as I would like. Ale's velvety relish did not sip one iota.

Mix it up. Vaughn weeds, uniform and savory already at the same stage.

Vilite the future classic chocolate brownie in a square or rectangular shape, as shown in the photo. Deco front needs to be greased or lined with parchment. Put in a preheated oven. Whip for 170-180 degrees with a stretch of 25-30 strands. The tіstechka of guilt will be left behind with rare ones in the middle. In the meantime, the dessert is brewing, glazing. I didn’t imagine the covering process of її preparation, but let’s put it in two words. Break the chocolate and put it in a deep bowl. Pour tops of chi with milk. Melt in a water bath or in a micro-furnace (read about how to melt chocolate correctly). Cool slightly and add | add | a small piece of rozm'yakshennoy vershkovy butter | oil |. Ready.

Wiymіt vipіchku from the oven and cool. Bazhano, schob brawn_provіv in a cold place is close to 2-3 years or more. Let's break it down and pour over the glaze. Everyone, put the kettle on.

Have a great chocolate appetite!

Brownie is the most popular chocolate dessert in America and Canada. Tse water hour and pie, and cake, and pudding. The secret of the dessert lies in a unique yoga consistency. And how to prepare, you know from whom you look at the stats.
For the recipe:

Brown - brownish rectangular shape, made with chocolate. The consistency of the virobu, fallow in the recipe, may be similar to a cake, a bakery, a cupcake. Today, this dessert is loved not only by Americans and Canadians, but everyone in the world loves it. More peace of mind for chocolate lovers!

It is important in culinary arts that the chocolate dessert got its name for its characteristic brown color. In translation from English "brown" means brown. With whom, the cake is baked in one great layer, for which the wines are cut on straight-cut shmatochki, in view of which there is an okremі tіstechka. To the very same, it is unequivocal in vіdpovіdі - tіstechko, piіg chi cake, not іsnuє. Well, we will not go into details, but rather let's move on to recipes and subtle preparations.

See Brown

  • Fudge brownies, the literal translation of "live" brownies, shards, the filling is quite rare. Such a variety is similar to the lower and juice pudding.
  • cake like brownies- the taste and consistency of the dessert is as similar as possible to a chocolate pastry.
  • Chewy brownies- viscous stuffing. The consistency of such a finish comes out of the egg to an additional egg, to enter the warehouse of the recipe.
  • Blondes- a pie without chocolate, but for the consistency of brownies. Prepared vypіchka on the basis of brown tsukru, egg and olії.

Brownie cooking secrets

Cooking chocolate lassoshchi is welcome and tsikavo, it’s not so smooth before. Ale, do not be surprised at the price, all the same, it is necessary to know the subtle deacons.
  • Valid prescription. It is necessary to repeat that not especially watery test, then choose the recipe, de rich zucru and a pinch of butter. If you want a specialty not so strong, but with a lingering texture, similar to fuji zukerok - look at the warehouse for a recipe with a great amount of chocolate.
  • Proper chocolate. Chocolate does not start as a confectionery, like in a professional industrial factory. Experts seem to think that a chocolate bar from a supermarket is a classic for a brownie pidide. Yakshcho yogo half a mother with great shmatki, then tanutime wine is povilno, in view of which the dessert will be richer. It is also allowed to eat chocolates: black and milk, black and white.
  • Ingredients at the right temperature. Vikoristovuvanі products bi little buti + 22 ° W, tobto. room temperature. That's why the eggs and Vershkov's oil are needed from the refrigerator far ahead, so that the stench is warmed up. Then the stench will be much more beautiful to roll up, in view of which it is clear that the top is smooth. Well, as soon as you put the ingredients out of the refrigerator, put them in warm water for 10 minutes, after which you can beat them in the preparation.
  • Do not use aromatic additives. The chocolate is aromatic, so don’t put more additions (mint, peas, citrus fruits, vanilla) in the dough. One odorous addition will suffice.
  • Do not overtime the virib with the spirits. Always watch the hour of the brewing. Dessert is easy to re-drink, but not to re-dump. In the first one, the weeds are overdried, and in the other - too viscous and wet. Ideal brownies are evenly baked, with a crispy quickness and water in the middle. The middle hour of preparation is 25-30 minutes.
  • Let the finished viroba cool down. Narize the cake with small shmatochki vignatkovo in a clear look. Todi stink is easy to see out of the form.

Brownie - a classic recipe

Classic chocolate brownie - crunchy crispy and viscous in the middle, not soaked with syrup. You can take away such a consistency only from the traditional recipe, directed below.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 466 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 6-8 servings
  • Cooking hour - 40 hvilin


  • Dark chocolate - 100 g
  • Zukor - 200 g
  • Vershkov butter - 180 g
  • Boroshno - 100 g
  • Peeled pea hairs - 100 g (per bag)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

Pokrokove prepared testka:

  1. Chocolate, fritters on shmatochki and butter at warm temperature, heat (on fire, water bath, micro-furnace) without bringing to a boil, and cook until uniform.

  • At the chocolate base, mix in as much as you like.
  • Beat the eggs at room temperature with a mixer from the zucr.
  • Pour the egg into the chocolate mass and mix until smooth.
  • Grind the peas with a blender and put at the dough.
  • Cover the deco with parchment, cover with olive oil and roll it thickly.
  • Place the brownies in the oven up to 200 ° C for 20-25 chills.
  • From the finished dessert, take the parchment and cool it.
  • Fill the lassochi with straight cuts and pour over the apricot glaze behind the bazhannyam.
  • Pokrokovy brownie recipe

    Recipes brownies faceless. Must stink to dosit raznі. Є recipes with cranes, cherries, syrup, candied fruits, pistachios, peas - choose for any relish. In this recipe, it is recommended to prepare vishukan lassoshchi with hairy peas.


    • Hot chocolate - 200 g
    • Zukor - 250 g
    • Vershkov butter - 170 g
    • Egg - 3 pcs.
    • Boroshno - 125 g
    • Pea hairs - 0.5 bottles
    • Rozpushuvach or soda - 1 tsp
    Cooking brownies:
    1. Break the chocolate and put it in a bowl. Add oil to room temperature and melt the products on a steam bath or a micro-furnace. Make sure that the chocolate does not boil, otherwise the relish of bitterness will appear in the new one. Don’t heat up more, don’t overheat.
    2. Mix chocolate s | iz | oil | oil | to a uniform smooth consistency and cool a little.
    3. Add a generous amount to the chocolate mass and stir it in so that there is no breast.
    4. Beat eggs with zucr with a wine glass until the stump is rubbed and add | add | in chocolate sumish.
    5. To report the hairs of the gorіha, but not to cry, put it in the dough, give it a fluff and keep it.
    6. Cover the form with parchment and fill with dough.
    7. Bake the pie in an oven heated to 180°C. To get the consistency of the cake dough, trim the brownies in the oven for 35 strands, the middle part for the middle - 25. Check the readiness with a skewer. When it comes out dry, then a wiyshov cake, sira - vologe on the top.
    8. I’m ready to cool the vipіchka and decorate it with small pieces. Cover the beasts with chocolate icing for the baked goods.
    9. Serve yoga deliciously with a bag of frost and a cup of fresh kawi.

    Cherry brownie recipe

    Photo of the finished dessert

    Once you have mastered the classic recipe, you can move on to the options. Shards of chocolate will miraculously go with cherries, then this berry will become a miraculous addition to the most delicious virob. Vikoristovuvat її can be fresh, canned or frozen.


    • Chocolate 70-95% - 200 g
    • Cocoa powder - 20 g
    • Vershkov butter - 100 g
    • Zukor - 150 g
    • Boroshno - 100 g
    • Eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Cherries without brushes - 300 g
    Cooking chocolate pastry:
    1. Break the chocolate with medium pieces and put it in a bowl with butter, so that you can have a soft consistency. Melt the food until it becomes rare (do not bring it to a boil!) and drink well.
    2. Add tsukor to chocolate masu, cocoa is borough. Vishayte again.
    3. Beat the eggs with a mixer and pour in the dough.
    4. Remove brushes and put them to all products. If the stench is frozen or canned, then put it near a sieve, so that glass is home.
    5. Vymіshayte іsto i vyyte have a form, covered with parchment.
    6. Put the brownies in a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes.
    7. Chill the finished dessert and fill it with portioned pieces. From the assigned quantity of products come out 6-8 servings.

    Another recipe for a folded dessert - with syrup and cherries. Tsі lasoshchi by right can be safely called a vishukaniy brown cake of high culinary arts, like to melt the heart of the most baggy and the most baggy gourmet.


    • Bitter chocolate - 100 g
    • Vershkov butter - 120 g
    • Zukor - 150 g
    • Boroshno - 150 g
    • Eggs - 4 pcs.
    • Rozpushuvach - 1 tsp
    • M'yaki Sir - 300 g
    • Frozen cherries - 400 g
    • Vanilin - 1 tsp
    1. Melt the pieces of chocolate on a water lazne to a soft texture. If anything, be kind to uniformity.
    2. Cool the chocolate nasip borosno and fluff up.
    3. Eggs (2 pcs.), Zukor (50 g), strong and vanilla beat with a mixer.
    4. Get the products and remember. Otrimane tіsto podіlіt into 3 parts.
    5. Sir, like wine grains, wipe through a sieve. Then, eat with zucr and eggs. Beat the masa until creamy, I will become a blender or a mixer. Divide the sirny cream into 2 parts.
    6. Defrost the cherries, put them near a sieve, so that the glass is fresh and divide them into 2 parts.
    7. Cover the form for brewing with parchment and cover with olive oil.
    8. Wag around the form according to white dough, cherry, cream, etc. The last and first ball can be chocolate.
    9. Right the cake in the oven heated to 180 ° C for 40-45 minutes.
    10. Check the readiness with a splinter - it's dry, the vipіchka is ready.
    11. Dessert to cool and cut with portioned pieces.
    As you can bachiti, brownies are ready to finish simply. I recommend that skin owners take yoga on a note. And at the same time, I’m going to show you the video recipes, which will show you how to cook tasty homemade sausages.


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