General Brusilov (short biography). Brusilov-chervoniy General Brusilov fateful life

General Brusilov (short biography). Brusilov-chervoniy General Brusilov fateful life

Oleksiy Brusilov was born in one of the most popular and most popular families in all Tiflis: father, Oleksiy Mikolayovich, serving as a general, his mother resembled the motherland of a wheelchair assessor. Years later, Oleksiy was sent to the most prestigious initial mortgage of the Russian Empire - the Pazheskiy Yogo Emperor's Greatness to the corps.

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For such a biography, a good position is already prepared in the army: practically immediately after the release, in 1872, Oleksiy Brusilov was assigned to the 15th Tver regiment.

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Brusil_v. Boyove Khreschennya

Forward in the minds of real Vіyskovyh dіy Brusilov leaned back in 1877: Chergova Russian-Turkish Vіyna reigned. In the first year, there was a slight bend against Brusilov's command, having seized the Turkish outpost, zmusivshi the enemy was full. Krym tsyogo, Brusilov took the fate of the captured Turkish fortresses Ardahan and Kars. In the case of Vyskovykh acts, Brusilov, for all intents and purposes, didn’t take a shimmery sweep of carnival gatherings.


Stretching the offensive 20 years, Brusilov Viklada at the Office of the Cavalry School, which came to St. Petersburg. I would like to know that he was a prominent nobleman in cavalry sports, it was not enough that Brusilov would become a head commander. Until 1900, he was responsible for school.

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Theory in practice

In the spring of 1906, Brusilov saw his approach to failure, having surpassed the walls of the cavalry school. Good calls from the Vіyskovіy spheres allowed him to immediately chase one of the most beautiful cavalry divisions from Russia - 2 from the Guards.

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"Mi, yak and start, alright, die valiantly, alas, it's a pity, do not expect to bring your death to the right, because often, the knowledge and mindedness did not start out on the practice and this knowledge," I wrote Brusuli vivvivshih the camp of the Russian army. Disgustingly, the head of the division told me about the readiness of the mission near the border with the Nimechchino and the Austro-Ugorsk Warsaw military environment.

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Brusilov at the end of the short term out of the great change in the training, reorganizing the control of this division, placing himself before the soldiers with the great suvorist, alley with the lesser leader. His success was pondered by his superiors, and in 1913, I will put the command of the commander of the Warsaw district.

Oleksiy Brusilov. Rocky pershoi svitovoi viyni

Spochatka Brusilov himself asked the authorities to send him to the front. So, from a high-ranking official, he was transformed into the command of the 8th Army of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front. At the Galician battle - the first great battle, as the Russian army took over, - the brutal brusilov gave the enemy a shocking blow, depriving the dead of nearly 20 thousand people. The Russian military became aware of one single strike, protest Brusilov with his soldiers successfully trimmed the defenses of the occupied territories, having outgunned the opponents in battles.


Brusilov’s successes were not bargained for guidno assessment: attached 1916 to the fate of the general with the signs of the head commander of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front. Itself at the end of the day, you will give yourself up to the legendary operation, for which I will call it Brusilivsky Proriv.

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On the cob of 1916, the Russian army was driven to ruin the Russian army near the bik place Lutsk (having cut through, to the word, and called himself Lutskiy), through a few days, they were able to take the place in the distance. With a stretch of the offensive pressure, the Russian army pushed in 65 kilometers ahead of him, defeating the Austro-Ugric army of Herz-Duke Josip Ferdinand. Nicholas and the allies were able to quickly transfer to their own forces, but the camp of the English and French ones died, the protestors did not declare that they were adopting a political program for greater success. The emigrants respected him as a zradnik, and was given credit for the battle. Pislya 50 years of military service, 1924, General Brusilov pishov at the post. Oleksiy Brusilov died two times later in Moscow in parallel to his heart.

(1853-1926) Russian commander

General Brusilov Oleksiy Oleksiyovich was like one of the seven offspring of the Vyskovs. Yogo pradid, did and father were generals of the Russian army. To that father and having written down his chotiiric synonym Oleksiy to the Pazheskiy building.

Aleksey did not pass two rockies, like the life of Oleksiy and two young brothers quickly changed. Raptovo died, and after a few months from shvidkoplinnyh dryness died mother.

The child was taken by the mother's sister. Vona Bula is befriended by the renowned engineer K. Hagenmeister. The stench did not spoil their children, but the stench immediately assimilated three lads. Uncle and tit have become the closest people for Oleksiy and his brothers. Wines for all their life have taken their cunningness before them.

At the time of the adoption, Hagenmeister served with Kutaisi. At this school, the children took away the miraculous home coverage, and if after ten years, in 1867, Oleksiy put his drink in the Pazheskiy building, then, for the sake of it, from his one-story, the insurance was not in the first, but in the first place.

However, it’s awkward. The first chotiri rocky having entered into the best learning, the more nerve-wracking signs were given. Youmu had a chance to interrupt your visit for a few days and come from a chat in Mineralny Vodi, and then at Kutaisia.

In 1872, Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov finished the Pazheskiy Corps and warned warrant officers. I won’t be able to serve in the guards units, I’m sent to the Tver Dragoon regiment, located near Tiflis.

At the regiment, Oleksiy Brusilov once established himself as a neat and vikonavchy officer. Already for the pivrok yogo they appointed the regiment as adjutant and made them a lieutenant. Brusilov, having served at the regiment for nearly three rock_v. If the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878 years was retired, the regiment was immediately sent to the directions to the zone of the military operations.

Oleksiya Brusilov was included before the warehouse of the First Cavalry Division and sent to the assault on the Turkish fortress Kare. But the situation changed so quickly that if Kars arrived, the fortress was already surrounded by the Russian army.

The regiment was once again thrown over to the storming of the fortress Ardahan. There Brusilov drank at the spravzhnyi bey for the first time. For her husband's, in vidvaga, as well as in due course the fortune-teller was given the order of Stanislav of the third degree. His own vіyskove vііnnya Oleksіy viyavit and nadalі.

After the end of the war, the regiment of Oleksiy Brusilov was transferred to the winter quarters, and the young officer was sent on a trip to Mineralnye Vody. Turning to the regiment, I learned about those who were ready to go to the headquarters and were awarded the Order of Anni with Swords and the Order of Stanislav of another level. And even through the river, like one of the officers, it was the last hour, he was sent to St. Petersburg to attend the Officer Cavalry School.

Near the capital, Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov settled not in an apartment, like a lot of officers, but in a barracks. Tse allowed you to stand up the dovіrchі stosunki іf soldiers and young officers.

Ale vin knows the hour for a special life. On another occasion, Oleksiy begged his uncle's niece, Anna von Gaenmeister, to be with him. After the end of the school and the military service to the rank of captain, Brusilov became friends. Navchannya win finished the first step in his release and in recognition of the success of the awarding of the Order of Annie of another step, the pose of the chapel.

Oleksiy Brusilov letting go and turning around to his regiment, they let him go to school on the town of Vicladac.

At once from the squad, he settled at Petersburg on the Shpalerniy street. Shchepravda, today it was the death of the prime minister. Aleksandr In 1887, the Brusilov family was born in the name of Dida Oleksiyem.

Pratsyuchi at the school, Oleksiy Brusilov began to reform the system of military education. Yogo bezposredn_y chief General V. Sukhomlinov gave the young captain will give freedom again. Krystyuchis yogo pіdtrimkoyu, Brusilov all for the rik rebuilt the school for one of the most beautiful basic pledges of Russia.

Through the rik of the cob, the robots chipped at the colonels, and they designated the core of the one established at the school faculty of escadron and hundreds of commanders.

The successes of Oleksiy Brusilov were brought up by the superiors. Also, through the rik of the school reversal, and by the Grand Duke Mykoliy Mykolayovich, the talented officer and teacher were sent to colonels and transferred to the Life Guards. So, I mean my forty.

At that hour, Brusilov was already the author of dozens of scientific works. Vin for the first time described the scientific ambushes of the training of a cavalry warrior and a special system for training horses. To learn more about the information accumulated in the armies of the first lands, Brusilov traveled to the chief pledges of France and Nimechchin.

However, he was praised at that hour, if the reforms were taken away from the bagneti. That vishche komandovannya did not accept yo rozrobok. Protect the authority of Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov, he was very high on the floor, but they didn’t use this methodology among the most busy people. In 1898, Brusilov was appointed the assistant chief, and not the head of the Office of the Cavalry School.

Now it is very useful to have a lot of its boxes. Apparently, the popularity of the school has grown. Before her, the officers and cavalry officers were consumed. In the army, the Petersburg school was called the Kinskoy Academy.

Todi's bosses were quick to transfer Oleksiy Brusilov to a practical robot for the first time. Sheds in 1906 for the sake of a major-general and a designation by the head of the Other Guards Cavalry Division, housed in Tsarskoe Selo.

If I wanted to serve in the guards, I was honored by the privilege, Brusilov was in charge of the rock, spent in the division, for an hour. Most of them served under the leadership of the bully commanders on the sites of brilliant aristocratic families and little service. To that, it won’t be too clear that it is correct to visually identify its connections.

At that hour, his squad was seriously ill, she knew cancer, and in the last rik, life did not get up. In the spring of 1908 Anna died of fate, and Brusilov lost himself. Sin overshadowed the house, the fragments of the cornet insured up to the Kinnogrenadier regiment.

Life in Petersburg became unbearable for Brusilov, and he turned up to the authorities with the rumors about the transfer. Unbeknownst to them, they were hired from the guards and appointed the commander of the 14th Army Corps, quartered near Poland under the town of Lyublin.

True, before the very visit, Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov was asked to speak to the Grand Duke Mikoli Mikolayovich, as if they had voiced him about providzhennya to the rank of lieutenant general. Ale not minding the rooting of the royal individual, Brusilov was still sent to the glibinka, to the outskirts of the Russian Empire.

Lyublіnі wіn wі hаνе thе head οf thе service, rewind to drown out woe that self-reliance with a robot.

Behind the warehouse, the character is wined by a family man and having supported himself alone. Yogo dosvіlla farbuvala deprived of leafing from N. Zhelikhovskaya, niece of the Theosophist Є. Blavatsky. Vidnosini between them passed from friends to lovers, and Nadiya became Brusilov's squad. There are two more children who have been in love with this new generation.

Persha svitova vijna found him in the posadi of the assistant to the commander of the Warsaw military district. Unsuccessfully on the cob of vіyskovyh dіy vіn becoming the reigning general of the cavalry.

At the same time, Oleksiy Brusilov's mobilization was nudged, and the team was appointed as the commanding officer of the Eighth Army. We immediately recommend ourselves as a leader and for a moment we are firm. Wanting at that hour to pass the bullet on the enemy's battleship, Brusilov laid it down as if it were keruvians, so that all of the Russians' efforts at the front began to ring.

April 10, 1915 to the fate of Mykola II, having crowned the general with one of the most important Russian orders - the Order of the White Eagle, instantly destroying the general ad'yutanti.

Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov vvazhav, that the Russian will be guilty of carrying out the offensive actions. And there, de yomu gave in to the realization of their ideas, the overwhelmingly passed to the Russian army.

17 birch 1916 Brusilov was appointed head commander of the Pivdenno-Zakhid front. Win a single meal of preparation before the start. The talanovitiy commander wanted to break through the enemy's defenses at once by stretching out his front line and especially in the planning of a future offensive.

On May 22, 1916, the rock became famous for the opera, which went into the history of the all-time painting under the name of Brusilovskoy Hole. With a hold of two dib Russian artillery broke the defense of the enemy. Then the bulo was taken in the offensive of the vіyska. For a month in the distance, grab a larger part of Western Ukraine. In an hour, the operation near the polony was depleted as many as 400 thousand German and Austrian soldiers. Formerly, the historians stood up, that the enemy had lost the ponad of the author of the Million soldiers and officers. On the other hand, the Russian ones appeared to be three times smaller.

Oleksiy Brusilov's protests couldn’t change the situation at the front, and I’ll still need some more technology and little to spare from my ordered new reserves. The Russian army is no longer small. True, the leaders of Brusilov went into the stabilization of the line of the front, and he could not find such a talented commander, like he was, not at all changing the path. The successes of the Russian army were replaced by failures, and Brusilov was known again. The decisions of Timchasovoy were taken from the post and sent to the post. Having zalishivshi front, Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov viralis to Moscow, de bula yogo squad.

It was not easy for the winners of the big shooters. Yak patriot vin did not win Brestsky svit. At that very hour, Brusilov thought to go to the big army. It is important to say, as if the lot was going, as the ailment is not heavy, as she allowed him to get out of the middle of the lot. Tilki 1920 roku vin nareshty having entered before the new order of Russia.

In 1922 rotsi Brusilov became the chief inspector of the cinema and horse-making industry. At the time of the landing of the winners, after trying to get rid of the winnings and the knowledge of the robots in the middle of the large number of victories.

Zalishok of his days of celebrities, the chief of the robot's provinces over memoirs. The stench buli was published after ten years.


Oleksiy Oleksiyovich

Boї that peremogi

Russian and Radiansky military leader, hero of the First Holy War, general of the cavalry. The story of the revolution moved to the bik of Radianskoy power.

The very same people were most often guessed for the radiant hours and guessed at once, if there was a story about the history of the First World War. To the general's name, one of the most popular operations of the period was named "Brusilivsky Proriv" of 1916 to fate.

The biography of Oleksiy Oleksiyovych Brusilov is a typical generation for all people. It was born at the same time that the Crimean War (1853-1856) was tragic for Russia, having taken the glimpse into the course of the reforms of the European Ministry of Justice D.I. Milutin (1874), identified in the fields of the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878), has become for a new one an admission of boyovyh dei, as the baggage of the journey to the First Holy War. On the lists of the Russian generals, the ear of A.A. Brusilov made a name for himself, but one of the generals who didn’t reach the highest rank, didn’t have any great new knowledge.

Born Brusilov 19 serpnya 1853 b. at Tiflis, at a general. In my own fortunes, I will describe my father and child rock like this:

“My daddy is a lieutenant general and he will stop by the head of the Polish auditorium of the Caucasian army. Winning like one of the nobles of the Oryol province. If I am born, I am the oldest of the sixties, the mothers of my mother are of all the ages of 27 - 28. I am the oldest of the children. My brother Boris was born less, followed by Oleksandr, who died unbarrily, and brother Lev remained. My father died in 1859 from the croupous fiery legends. For me at that hour there was a lot of rock, Borisov chotiri rock and Levu two rock. Little by little, through a small group of months, she died out of dryness and mother, and we, three brothers, were taken on by our tit, Henrietta Antonivna Hagemeister, who are not small children. The cholovik, Karl Maksimovich, having loved us as much as we did, and the stench of both substituted our father and mother in the common sense of the word.

Uncle that tint wasn’t shkoduvali koshtіv, wihuvuvati us. A spate of їхnya golovna uvaga bully was killed for the present of us dear earthly movs. We'll be with the governess, and then, if we have grown, the governor. Stay behind them, like Beckman, majestic flowing into us. Tse bula lyudin with a garnished illumination, as she graduated from the university; Beckman miraculously knew the French, the nimetsku and the English movi and buv a miraculous pianist. It's a pity that all three of them did not show any goodness before the music, and the music lessons didn’t grow too fast. Ale French Mova Bula is yak native to us; I’m sure that I’m a good friend, I’m sure to finish it, English language without a bar, from young rockies, having forgotten through the days of practice ”.

The synovic declining Vijskogo bullet has been zoomed to the type share of young people of the yogh stake - the official career. For a recessionary nobleman, the bully opened the doors of any new school. I had good home education, Brusilov became a warrant officer in the Elite Pazhesky Corps in the senior course, and in 1872 he was promoted to the 15th Dragoon Tversky Regiment, standing in the Caucasus. The whole regiment of mav special traditions. Notes at 1798 p. yak Tverskiy kirassirskiy, wines nebarom re-molding from dragoonskiy and taking the fate of Napoleon's wines. The regiment was recognized at the battle of Austerlitz and in the Russian-Turkish war 1806-1812 rr .. Z 1849 p. The chief of the regiment was the brother of Emperor Mikoli I, Grand Duke Mikola Mikolajovich Sr.

Brusilov took over the fate of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 rr., Was seen during the assault on the fortress of Ardahan and the capture of Kars, having earned three battle orders. In 1881 I was promoted to the office of the cavalry school of St. Petersburg, growing up in the ranks up to colonel, to be recognized as the intercessor of the head of the school. For the patronage of the command of the guard of the Grand Duke Mykoly Mikolajovych the Young (the head of the Tver Dragoon regiment) Brusilov at 1901 p. go viroblyaє to become a major-general, and through rіk become the head of the school. In the rock of the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905) Oleksiy Oleksiyovych was successful in the initial process and in 1906 became a lieutenant general.

His comrades-in-arms from the general's partnership, who graduated from the Mykolaiv Academy of the General Staff, rejected Boyovy Dosvid in the fields of Manchzhuria, were negatively placed in the region before such a Shvidkoi Kar'ar. They whispered that, with their rank of general, Brusilov's goats were close to the peasants of the suspension, and they called him behind their eyes "bereiter", hoping that at that hour they would have reached their heads, without a risk of protection.

It was important for Oleksiy Oleksiyovych to see something like the obstruction, and he pushed to go to the construction posad, so that the mother could bring her command to her mind, not to be deprived of the school, but by regular visits. U 1906 p. Lieutenant-General Brusilov will be assigned to the command of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division for the protection of the command of the Chief of the Guard. From the center of my wines to turn to the construction service.

However, the command of the guards division, as it was a visual display of the military unit, cannot be ruled by Oleksiy Oleksiyovych, who would like to take it directly from the polova itself. U 1909 p. becoming the vice minister V.A. Sukhomlinov has guarded his own patron of the Office of the School, and Brusilov will be assigned to the command of the 14th Army Corps, which will be quartered at the Warsaw Military District.

Unimportant on good command of the corps, Brusilov's service at Warsaw did not work out. The reason for this scandal was that it vibrated the middle district command and the power of the General Staff and the special sovereign. Axis yak razpovidє zvidsi bezposednіy podіy participant Lieutenant-General A.A. Brusiliv:

“I am such a person. My most important chief, commander of the military district of the Warsaw military district, general-ad'utant Skalon. Vіn buv good and undoubtedly honest people, shvidhe for the courtier, nіzh vіyskovy, nіmets to the brain of the hand. All of your sympathies are shown. Win vvazhav, that Russia is not happy with friendship with Nimechchinoy, and moreover, that Nimechchina can command Russia. Such a rank was found in the great friendship with the people, and especially with the consul general in Warsaw, Baron Bruck, which did not have any secrets. Baron Bruck Bouv is a great patriot of his life and an even thin and intelligent diplomat.

I have respected the friendship that is not handy for Russia, tim more, but Skalon, do not prikhovyuchi, saying that Nimechchina can punish Russia, we are guilty of hearing. I love all the wrong ones, do not say more. I knew that ours was not far off from Nimechchinoy, and when I knew the situation, I found myself in Warsaw, threateningly, for the need for a private leaf of the occasion of Sukhomlinov’s ministerial. My list of messages by the way, after drinking to the hands of General Utgof (head of the Warsaw gendarme office). The stench of perlustration was strong enough, and I naively respecting the great Russian generals I could knock about. Utgof, also a name, having read my sheet, looked at it before seeing Skalon.

At the end of the list, I wrote to Sukhomlinov, so, looming on the ugly camp, where Russia and Nimechchina are located, I bring in such a situation even abnormal and I’m becoming a friend of the commanding officer, I don’t know whoever, I ask you to change the corps. For the best environment, as much as possible - at Kievsky.

Sukhomlinov told me that I’m going to bring up my thought to Skalon and ask for my appointment as the commander of the 12th Army Corps, who was in the Kiev Vіyskovy Okruzі, right through the block of the day.

I can’t help but mean the wondrous hostility, as the whole Warsaw administration was robbing me. Skrіz stood on the cholі nіmtsі: Governor-General Skalon, friends with Baroness Korf, governor - її kinsman Baron Korf, assistant to Governor-General Essen, chief of gendarmes Utgof, chief of the office of the sovereign bank baron Tizengauz Miller, prosecutor of the Hesse chamber, von Mintzlov with the control chamber, vice-governor Gresser, prosecutor for the court Leivin, headquarters of the governor Yegelstrom and Fechtner, head of the Privilensky hall Gesket toshcho. Bouquet for pidbir! I am ignorant of the indications of Herschelman's entrance and I am of a sharp dissonance: Brusiliv. Baron Rausch von Traubenberg made a mistake in protesting me. Lyubov Skalon until Nimetsky prizvish bully vrazhayucha.

The chief of staff of the BUV, protest, Russian General Mykola Oleksiyovich Klyuv, even clever, knowledgeable, a little bit bazhiv zrobiti his especialist career, like putting vishche for the interests of Russia. Then, at the hour of the day, it appeared that the Beak was not the mother of the vital manhood. Ale at that hour, zychayno, I did not miss the nobility.

The bribe in 1912 I sent messages to the military minister for additional information about the need to take over reserve soldiers from the military service. In St. Petersburg, I added to the Vіyskovy minister about the stand of the Warsaw okruzі, and the knowledge is necessary, so I will add more about the tsar especially. Having said to Sukhomlinov, I am making a big deal for myself. Ale, if I became napolyagaty, I said to you that the Tsar himself was not asleep, I’m going to tell you for the general service of that Russian people, but I think I won’t be able to do it myself. Sukhomlinov began singing, that the tsar was sleepy about the camp at the Warsaw okruzi. If I came to Mikoli II, then I didn’t sleep, but if I didn’t instruct to bow to Skalon. Tse me in the edge zdivuvalo that shaped. I don’t have a sense of intelligence, who is on the right ”.

By the efforts of the Vіyskovy minister Oleksiy Oleksiyovych in 1913 p. the bulo was transferred to the Kievsky military district to the posad of the commander of the 12th army corps with the generals of the cavalry. At the time of the settlement of Brusilov, the events of the period of 1914 turned into a tragedy for the Russian Empire. Tsey period will become the evil of the warlord's kar'єri.

15 (28) worm 1914 p. light shook the sound: the hour of maneuvers by the Austrian army near the city of Sarayvo by a member of the Bosnian national organization "Mlada Bosna" Gavrilo By the principle of assassinations, the decayed man of the Austrian throne, Franz Hertz. Tsya podіya not nadovgo turned respect to the problems of the governor of the Austrian booth of the Habsburgs, albeit the fast funerals about the unhappy decline of the Habsburgs were gone. It wasn’t a good idea, but Sarayevsky was built to be the prologue of the Holy Life.

15 (28) lime tree, vintorok. Serbia received an ultimatum (because of the unacceptable vimogs of the Austro-Ugorsk region, which would destroy Serbian sovereignty), and the Austrians bombed Belgrade. Viynu is stripped bare. There is no chance of Russia being involved in a peaceful conflict in the middle of Great Britain. Diplomatically protistoyannya has grown into a war. The reaction of Russia did not get stuck. Serbia has been secretly seen a loan of 20 million francs for three months. In the case of the Maybut, Russia gave the Serbs the most active financial assistance.

From 18 (31) to 19 (1) the Nimetsian Ambassador Purtales handed over to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.D. Sazonov an ultimatum. Nemechchina vimagala prizupiniti all vіyskovі prigotuvannya. Zupiniti started the mobilization car no longer possible. Saturday night 19 (1) sickle 1914 p. Nimechchina has beaten Russia up. Two days later, the Kaiser denounced the French, 22 (4) serpents of the Nimetsky invaded Belgium. The Austro-Ugorsk region inherited the butt of an ally, and on 24 (6) the sickle declared about the war against Russia. Persha svitova vіyna rozpochalas.

Through the vast expanses of the Russian empire, telegraph darts were spreading terms to instruct the authorities to bring them ready to go. From St. Petersburg to the headquarters of the military districts there were dispatches with the orders of the chief of the mobile department of the GUGSH, the commanders went to the headquarters of the divisions, and the unfortunate commanders of the regiments were handed packages with the same secret secretary. The shelf is stripped of mobility. " In one mith the zvichny perebіg hour was destroyed. The light of day has come in two halves: now and until the end.

The whole majestic Vіyskova car of the Russian Empire began to collapse. Zalіznitsі boules crammed with echelons, scho collapsed at all straights. They took poklikanih to the tsar's service from the reserve, transported mobile horses and stocks of fodder. In the warehouses in the termine order there were ammunition, ammunition and order.

At the result of mobile visits, General of the Cavalry Brusilov will deny the appointment of the command of the 8th Army. The army entered the warehouse of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front and directly to the theater of the Vyskovykh diy to Galicia.

According to the plan "A", the Austrian front was reversed by the head-on strike of the Russian armies. The operation in the Eastern Prussia is small to bring respect to the ally of the Austro-Ugorsk region and to give the opportunity for the main forces to strike a beggarly blow against the victorious forces of the Dual Empire. Against the Russian Austrians, they could have defeated three Polish armies: 1st, 3rd and 4th (2nd army was thrown from the Serbian front to Galicia in just one hour of battles). Austro-Ugric vіyska ocholyuvav colishnі general-inspector of the Austrian infantry forces, Archduke Fridrikh. Behind the witnesses of the party, it was the chief of staff, Franz Konrad von Hetzendorf, who fell on the shoulders of the chief of staff, Franz Konrad von Hetzendorf, who had the Russian army.

According to the plan, some of the Russian army will be guilty of blaming the Austro-Ugric people, who did not allow them to enter for the day beyond Dniester and on the way to Krakow. Yak in Skhidniy Prussia, sent to beat the thief with a huntsman blow, which may end with the otochenny of the Austrian group in Skhidniy Galicia. Protest the Austrian headquarters having destroyed the offensive podії, noticing the defeat of the Russian armies. In the result of the Galician battle, the battle was re-developed to the low level of spectacular battles, as soon as they were seen just one way of one, they made one background of combat battles.

Corroded by the stretched corps of the Russian 5th Army corps, as one flange was defeated by the Evert's 4th Army, and the other - from the 3rd Army of General Ruzsky, the Austrian forces attacked General D. Zuєva and XIX Corps of General V.M. Gorbatovsky. At the same hour, the 15th Austrian division, sco rushing forward, took the blow to the V corps, which was commanded by General A.I. Volodymyr-Volinsky. With a powerful blow, the corps smashed the Austrian division, alas, unfortunately, the entrance of the flank corps zmusilo P.A. I do not want to see all the messages of the 5th Army in the last position. At the situation, the chief of staff of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front issued a directive about the cob to attack the 3rd and 8th armies directly to Lviv.

The commanders of the armies - generals N.V. Ruzskiy and A.A. Brusilov - pounced on viperrediti one of them at the buried important in the operational communication place. Knowing for the pre-war service in the Kiev military environs, the generals were once again opposed to one to one. N.V. Ruzsky, which is a mav for the shoulders of academic knowledge, boyovy dosvіd, successfully having taken the whole hour of robotics at the warehouse of Vіyskovoi for the sake of, adopting the techniques of the last attack, without a baked reserve in A. Brusilov trimmed his protylezhnyh glances. Vrahoyuchi the weakness of the Austrian ugrupovannya (the enemy trimmed all one army on a wide front), the commander-8 bazhav active offensive actions.

6 (19) and 8 (21) sickle of offense to the army, who might be able to pass the crossing in strength, they attacked the majestic expanse from Lutsk to Kam'yantsya-Podilsky. Directly to the head blow, it was meant for the army of Ruzskiy, as having taken over the main workers to acquire Lviv. On the vidminu from the lisy pivnichnyh districts, from the days of the 4th and the 5th army, on the right flank of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, the rivninna metropolitan area has passed, and it has become the arena of baked cavalry essences. The cob stage of the Battle of Galicia can be called the Swan Song of the Russian Emperor's Cavalry. Here, in the vastness of Galicia, the great cavalry masi rose up in the chest in the chest, yet they were resurrected in the memory of the famous battle of Napoleon's warriors.

8 (21) sickle 1914 p. bilya of the village of Yaroslavitsi 10th cavalry division of Lieutenant General Count F.A. Keller, overwhelmed by the developmental joke, the purchase of Austrian victories came to light, and the 9th Cavalry Division was being blocked. Count Keller was able to attack the enemy at the battlefield with 16 squadrons and a hundred. The enemy - the 4th cavalry division under the command of Major General Edmund Zarembi - did not lose anything to take a smart fight. If the Austrian team wanted it to be a little overwhelming, ale nnuchkisha pobudova of the Russian escadrons quickly allowed the development of the whole factor nanovets. Passed the forehead of the closed-mindedness of the masses, prompted by the open and closed lines.

General Brusilov, mayzhe zustrіchayuchi support - the head of the Austro-Ugric forces or bulo thrown against Ruzskiy - slipped into the bik Galich. Having smashed the enemy's forces on the corner of Rot Lipa, the 8th army at once ruling the krill of the 3rd force of the Austrians to enter on the entire front. Ruz'skiy pislya dobovogo after leaving 19 (1) part of the IX corps of General from the Infantry D.G. Shcherbachov near Lviv. A.A. has an hour at that time. Brusilov, on one side, issued a directive to the front headquarters about the help of Ruzsky, and from the very beginning, having buried itself among the remittances of the incoming Austrians, to see through to the new entry into the corps of the 3rd Army and in the flood.

At the headquarters of Konrad von Hetzendorf, the situation of the Lviv headquarters was assessed as being critical. The Chief of the Polish Headquarters of the Austro-Ugric Army punished the onslaught of the 3rd and 8th Russian armies and immediately sent the 2nd Austrian army to the command of General Bem-Ermol from the Serbian front in Galicia. Ale on the relocation of battles on the Pivdenniy Dilyantsi of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, the whole could not be inserted.

Zalisheni for the protection of Lvov, the two Austrian divisions were beaten in the XXI corps of General Ya.F. Shkinsky that in panic left the place. 21 (3) Veresnya IX corps D.G. Shcherbachova uv_yshov at the rush of Lviv.

As a result, the front was visible to the front of the Carpathian mountains. Vіyskova power of the Austro-Ugorshchyna - the main ally of Nіmechchini on the Skhidny frontі - appeared in a direction. During the loss of the Austrians at the Battle of Galicia, 336 thousand to 400 thousand people became visible, of which 100 thousand were killed and up to 400 people. The Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front has lost close to 233 thousand soldiers and officers, and 44 thousand people have a lot of full-blown attacks.

During the Galician battle, Brusilov showed himself as a master of maneuverability. The most successful army achieved maximum success in carrying out the operation for the opening of the meister maneuvering and timely introduction into the battle reserves. A.A. Brusilov Buv awarded the Order of St. George 4th and 3rd steps, and on the cob 1915 p. vіn buv insurance up to the imperial scrolls with the assignment of the rank of the ad'utant general. The commander's achievement and in the mind of the general cheruvati the great number of the warriors of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Emperor Mykoly II

At the very same hour, the conference of representatives of the supreme command of the Antanti territories in Shantilya ended, on which the decision was taken with spilful blows to destroy the mission of Nimechchina and Austro-Ugorsk in 1916. For the plan of the Russian command, a grandiose offensive of the fronts began. At Stavtsi, near the square in 1916, Brusilov was ready for the first strike against the enemy.

In their spogads, they report to the podiums, but they overwhelmed the attack: “On the 11th of May, after receiving a telegram from the chief of staff of the supreme head commander, in the winter of my time, in the winter they knew so much of the shock, that the Italian team would not be able to resist the forces of our front line. front to ours; To that, on the order of the sovereign, I will not feed myself, where can I go to the offensive if. I’m not guilty of knowing that the army that has been entrusted to me on the front is ready, and since I’ve shown it earlier, the smell can go on the offensive after a few days of news. At the last moment I report that I have issued instructions on the 19th of May to go on the offensive with armies, but for one mind, I will especially fall on the ground, and the Western front immediately knocked down ahead of you, just like that, against another rosette. Then Alexev asking for me to move on a straight dart. Winning me up, ask me to ask for an attack not on the 19th, but on the 22nd, so that Evert can only start on one day. I’m at the fore, that such a progress is so great, but it’s possible to put up with it for the mind, but there will be no more for them. At the end of the meeting, Aleksєєv men іdpovіv, wіn a guarantor, wіll not wіll nοt wіll nοt wіll pay. First, send telegrams to order the commanders of the armies, that the ear of the attack will be 22 weeks on the svitanka, and not the 19th.

21 May in the evening Alexev again asking for a straight dart. I conveyed to me that I should be able to summarize in the success of my active heroes in a non-vicious way, as I live in, so that the enemy's attacks will instantly replace one blow with all the forces that I have picked up, and all the artillerymen I have won. Alexei vysloviv thought, why not more vіdlivniy my attack on a few days in order to whip out one blow to the dіlanka, as it is already violated by the practice of righteousness. The king himself would like to change the plan, and from his name, and from the proponation of the change. At the end of the day, having locked it out, I change the plan of attack, I see it, and in this case I ask me to change it. Every day and every year I will not know how we can, because everyone will be standing at the outpost for the attack, and while my order is about going to the front, the artillery training will be honored. Vіyska, with frequent skasuvannya, I am instructed to inevitably spend a lot of money on my leaders, so I kindly ask you to change me. Aleksєєv men іdpovіv, that the supreme one was already sleeping and it’s not handy to wake him up, and ask me to think. I went wild, but I suddenly said: “The dream of the supreme, I do not care, and I do not think more about it. Please let me know at once. " On the whole, General Aleksyov said: "Well, God bless you, you know how to roam, and I'll tell the Emperor tomorrow about our work." At all, our rose and skіnchilas. I am guilty to explain, that all the other conversations, that they got the right, by telegraph, in sheets that I’m not pointing out here, they didn’t think much and dragged me around. I knew even better that at the time of my agility in nutrition about organizing one blow with a single blow, it would never be possible to end in failure, so that the opponent would not be unmistakable to appear and to middle out the strong reserves for a counterstroke, as in all of them in front. Surely, the tsar didn't care here, but the system of Stakes with Oleksiyevim on choli was all about - robit croc in advance, and then croc back at once ”.

All the way I will advance in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th armies of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front there were 603 184 bagnetes, 62 836 checkers, 223 yew. bіytsіv of the new stock that 115 yew. good-for-nothing beats (rejected)). There are 2,480 kulemetivs, 2 017 signs of Polish and important artillery on the built-up bulo. Visiting the Mali front 2 armored troops, 1 division and 13 platoons of armored vehicles, 20 air corrals and 2 bombers "Ilya Muromets". Enemy mav 592 330 fights in the field and 29 764 fights in the cavalry, 757 minomets, 107 fire-throwers, 2731 famous Polish and important artillery, 8 armored battles, 11 aviation divisions and rot. Otzhe, the offensive was repaired for the minds of the enemy's overwhelming in artillery (well, the truth is, in the Austro-Ugric military, no shells were launched). The main goats were the rapidity of the attack, the scale, the overwhelming force, especially well-rounded at the front of the 8th Army. The Russian development zumіla rozkriti the enemy’s subtlety, ale pardoned the pidrakhunku’s forces. Unimportant to those who are Austro-Ugorsk, the team overwhelmed Brusilov's instructions about crossing over to the offensive;

22-23 grass (4-5 worms) 1916 p. After the next artillery training (the 7th Army had two dobi), the Russian military fell upon the gate. 23-24 grass (5-6 worms) The 8th army broke through the positions of the Austro-Ugric armies: 1-a - from Sapanov, and 4-a - from Olika. Vinyatkov is significant for the success of the maw artillery shelling, as if the enemy did not fill the street for years. In a number of men, the artillery and the enemy's hideouts were efficiently defeated with Russian chemical shells. Until the evening of the fourth day, I will come bulo zvilno Lutsk. Commander of the 4th Army Archduke Joseph Ferdinand Buv of Victory.

The 11th Russian army could not break through the Austro-Ugric positions and the opposition to throw from the center of the house to Lutsk. However, for the first day, the success of the 7th army was at Yazlovts, and the 9th at Viknya. General of the Infantry P.A. Lechitskiy was split into two 7th army of Austro-Ugric people and they were forced to go to Stanislavov and to the Carpathians.

In the 8th army for the first three days, the attack reached 33.5 thousand. osib, 9th, and the army spent on the first day I cut through 10 yew. OSIB, 7th for the first generation - 20.2 thousand, 11th also for the first generation - 22.2 thousand. OSIB. The great loss of attacking and availability of reserves (the reserve to the front was introduced in the battle on the third day of the operation, and the dispatch from the warehouse of the Pivnichny and Zakhidny fronts in the corps and the corps had no success) did not give any success.

Tim for an hour the adversary got rid of the persistent attacks and counterattacks on the river. Stohid. 3 (16) worms 1916 p. Vir_shilo share of the forged development of the breakthrough of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front. Yakshcho on the Narad in Teshen, Chief of the General Staff of the Austro-Ugorsk region, Colonel-General F. Konrad von Hetzendorf, calling on the Germans to transfer everything, as possible, to the front from Brest to the Dniester, in order to eliminate the thunder of the Austro-Ugric army directive, then the new - Zakhidny front to Kovel and Brest, and Zakhidny - to Kobrin and Slonim. The same day, it was rattled about the presentation of the Austro-Ugrian visits to the Pivdenny Tyrol.

Incest of the successful armies of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front under the command of General A.A. Brusilov Austrian messages of the bully will overstep the meaning of the territory. Nimechchin brought pressure to the aid of the allies, seeing from the active actions on the Western and Shidny fronts. Well, before the Austrians, then after the ripping in 1916 p. the stench did not frighten the active ones against the Russian forces of the residual campaign.

Cutting through the military-wandering front, becoming the last strategic operation of the Russian Imperial Army in the First World War. For the success of the mission to the front, General A.A. Brusilov, who was nominated with the gold George's ward with diamonds, and his name went down to the list of the best commanders of the Holy War 1914 - 1918 rr.

With the ear of A.A. Brusilov, at once with the other head-commanding fronts, went to the battle of Mykoly II, very vazhayuchi, so the change of the critical power to allow Russia to end the war. Having accepted the revolution, Brusilov re-enlisted to bring the new action to the right. Winned by one of the first generals, who took over the soldiers' committees, and made good work of them. Unimportant to the pristine land of the revolutionary vikhor, Brusilov prodovzhuvav gotuvati his time to battle operations.

U travі 1917 р. General of the cavalry Brusilov was appointed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies. Until the end of the day, representatives of the royal house (Grand Duke Mikola Mikolajovich and the Emperor Mikola II himself) occupied the fate of the war, and in 1917, General of Infantry M.V. Alexev. Now, in front of the new head-chief, the revolutionary Timchasov's detachment has set the task of conducting a front-line operation to cut through the enemy to the front.

The protest came to the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, which died in the middle of 1917, and turned into a disaster for the Russian armies. vіyska, scho advertised, they were introduced to the offensive and to replace the comrades in the battle lines. Successful collection of stories were reimagined on a massive scale. It was brought to turn to the front of the stratum, to be channeled at once by the fall of the autocracy.

Bachachi, amazed by his vіysk, and the intelligence, the unkindness of the given order will rise by the heavenly armies, Brusilov presented at the delivery. Protect the head of the Timchasovoy district O.F. Kerensky mav his own vision of a talented general. Brusilov buv the signs of a vіyskovy radnik for a row. In Petrograd, Oleksiy Oleksiyovych found himself in the midst of revolutionary crises. Not interested in politics and not bazhayuchi be honored to the party intrigues, Brusilov will be given an invitation to travel to Moscow.

There, in baiduzhe to postpone the sound about the Zhovtnev revolution. In the days of the wicked struggle in Moscow, the Brusilov saw the proposition of chilling the true Timchase part of the garnizon that became a third-party sposter. Before the hour of the artillery shelling of the wounds at his booth by the ulam of shrapnel. Oleksiy Oleksiyovych in the life of the sovereign, seldom growing up with old comrades in service.

Think about it quietly during your visit to the yogi on the spot: “I have served the Russian people and Russia for more than 50 years; I firmly, that the Russian soldier is in the midst of the war, as only the clever ear of the discipline and the laws, that the Russian soldier will be renewed, the whole soldier will again be able to rely on this dear Ale for a whole hour is required.

As I turn my thoughts to the last, I often now think about those who have tried our way to order number 1, to declare the rights of a soldier, who have destroyed the army, not a whole lot. Well, what about two documents? Evidently, in the course of the historical paths and through the mood of the masters, all one fell apart, only at a quiet pace. Mav ratsiyu Gindenburg, it seems, will play in the one who's the nerves of the mitts. Our stench turned out to be the most weak, and the blame for this is that the technology will be smelled with blood, so that it spills. You can’t be carlessly bitisya a little with bare hands against the good of a patriotistic gateway that is blessed with modern technology. That and all the uryadov rogue and misses helped the outburst. It is also necessary to remember that the revolution of 1905-1906 was deprived of the first act of the great drama. Yak speeding up a row of qimi poperezhennym? So, according to the point, niyak: when the visunutiy got older, it was extinguished again: "Trimai and not high", but everything was overshadowed in the old way. They squeezed, they squeezed!

... We live alone on the territory of Kolishnaya Russia. I vvazhayu for my sacred obligation to write the truth for the history of the great era. Lying in Russia, unimpressed on those who have gone through a lot of grief and neglect, I’m thinking unprecedentedly to try to support them, so that I’m going to get lost, like earlier, without partisans. All the good and bad sides of me will be brighter. On the very ear of the revolution, I firmly did not see myself as a soldier and lost in the army; As soon as I feel like it, I do not want to throw my own people and live with them for the binding of the skin giant, I want it to be so bad. In an hour, before the great family's inundation, experiences and friends, I grabbed up to go to Ukraine and then behind the cordon, ale tsi kolyvannya bully non-trivial. I quickly turned to my perekonan, scho lingered at the soul. It is so great and important for the revolution, that Russia is too small to survive, the people are not skinny. It’s hard, zychayno, ale innakhe I didn’t think, I wish life would have changed. Turn around behind the cordon at the role of the emigrant without respecting or impairing anybody and everyone. "

The generalska passed by the authorities of the Cheka at the Serpna 1918 b. The chiefs of the comrades in the service of the general, who also served in the Chervony Army, Brusilov was not a bargaining chip, and until the breast was born in 1918. having passed home areshtom. At tsei hour yogo sin, kolishn_y officer-cavalryman, buv vocations to the lavas of the RFC. Fighting honestly at the fronts of the Gromadyanskoy war, war at 1919 p. Before the hour General Denikin's arrival to Moscow, having spent a meal at a full and buffet of increases.

Obviously, the bend of the sin zmusila Brusilov killed a lousy croc, and voluntarily entered before the Chervona Army. Vrahoyuchi, the great strategic and victorious admonition of the great general, who was named the head of the Viyskovo-Historical Comisia from the past and victorious admission to the war 1914-1918 rr. At the time of the settlement, Brusilov, with the publication of low chiefs and analytical workers for the commanders of the young army of the Republic of Glad. U 1920 p. win, with the help of the praying force, to end the brotherly large-scale war, by calling out to the officers of the army of Baron Wrangel, and then to all the officers of the collegiate Russian protossian army from the At 1922 p. A.A. Brusilov was appointed to place the head cavalry inspector of the Red Army and to do his best to take care of the Russian cavalry. At the time of the plantation of wine, he was promoted right up to his death in 1926.

Visnachny commander of the First Holy War, the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army, and the brightest military teacher and theorist A.A. Brusilov's priests on Novodichy tsvintari in Moscow order with the grave of the chief of staff of his Pivdenno-Zakhidny front, General V.M. Klembovskogo.

N.A. KOPILOV, Ph.D., associate professor of MDIMV (U), member of RVIO


Calm down. M., 1963

Zalesky K.A. Xto buv hto u Pershiy svitoviy vіynі. M., 2003

Bazanov S.M. Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov. Zeikhhaus, 2006

Sokolov Yu.V. Chervona zirka chi hrest? Life is that share of General Brusilov. M., 1994


Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Yosip

Oleksandr Suvorov

For a high commander, a mystery and loveless love to a Russian soldier

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

The Radiansky people, like the Nightalanovites, have a great number of prominent leaders, the ale of them - Stalin. Without a new, mozhlvo, there would not have been a bagatokh, from them yak vіyskovyh.

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

Stessel Anatoly Mikhailovich

Commandant of Port Arthur for the heroic defense. Bezposredn spіvvіdnoshennya vtrat Russian and Japanese vіysk to zdachі fortress - 1:10.

Mikhailo I. Kutuzov

Greatest General and Diplomat! Having beaten the vschent viska of the "first European Union"!

Dolgorukov Yuriy Oleksiyovich

Viznachny sovereign child and chief of the era of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, prince. Commanding the Russian army near Lithuania, in 1658 p. having defeated the hetman V. Gonsevsky at the battle before the Virkami, taking him to the full. The first vypadok took place at 1500 r., If the Russian military commander filled the hetman. At 1660 p. in the army, directed towards the imposition of the Polish-Lithuanian military forces of Mogiliv, having gained a strategic victory over the enemy in the village of Basia in the village of Gubarevo, having captured the hetmen P. Sapeg and S. Charnetsky before the entrance. The bosses of Dolgorukov's diam "line to the front" near Bilorusia on the Dnipro were left over from 1654-1667. At 1670 p. having chastised the army, straightened the fight against the Cossacks Stenka Razin, strangling a Cossack stabbed in a small town, but in the near future called the Don Cossack to swear an oath to the princess and the transformation of the Cossacks into the "state.

Ioann 4 Vasilovich

Ivan III Vasilovich

Having shared the Russian lands near Moscow, having thrown off the hatred of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

Minikh Khristofor Antonovich

Through the ambiguous confession to the period of the rule of Anni Ioanivny, the commander, who is the head commander of the Russian leadership, is full of underestimation.

The commander of the Russian war for the hour of war for the Polish recession and the architect of the victory of the Russian war against the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739 rr.

Kolchak Oleksandr Vasilovich

Russian admiral, who gave his life for the permission of Batkivshchyna.
Academician-oceanographer, one of the greatest polar pre-epochs of the end of the XIX century - the ear of the XX century, a military and political day, a naval commander, an active member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Association, the leader of the Bilogo Russian Government.

Dubinin Viktor Petrovich

On April 30, 1986, the fate of 1 worm 1987 was the commander of the 40th Zalny Army of the Turkestan Military District. The Vіyska Tsієї Army deposited the main part of the contiguous contingent of Radianski Vіysk in Afghanistan. By extending the rock of the command to the army, the number of non-turn-by-turn losses was reduced by two against the 1984-1985 rock.
10 worm 1992 to fate Colonel General V.P. Dubinin of the designation of the Chief of the General Staff of the Zbroynykh Forces - the first defender of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Prior to his merits, the attribution of the President of the Russian Federation B.N.Ultsin is due to the low ill-conceived solutions in the vіyskovіy spheres, in front of the galusa of the nuclear forces.

Kotlyarevsky Petro Stepanovich

General Kotlyarevsky, the priest of the village of Olkhovatka, Kharkiv province. Pass the way from a private to a general to the tsar's army. Yogo can be called the priest of the Russian special forces. Win after conducting a fair of unique operations ...

Bagration, Denis Davidov.

Viyna 1812, glorious names of Bagration, Barclay, Davidov, Platov. The eye of honor and manhood.

Gavrilov Petro Mikhailovich

The first days of the Great Victory Day are among the active army. Major Gavrilov P.M. from 22 worms to 23 limes 1941 to the fate of the keruv in the defense of the Skhidny fort of the Brest fortress. You could see all the victories and the commanders of the small parts and the youngsters around you, close the most challenging tasks to cut through the enemy. 23 days from the vibration of the projectile in the casemate, after a serious injury and in an unrecognized camp, the rocks were broken at the Hitler's concentrators of Hammelburg and Revensburg, having tested all the zhahi full. Sounds of Radianski Vіyskami by Travі 1945 Rock.

Margelov Vasil Pilipovich

The author of the modern airborne forces. If the first landing on the parachute BMD iz ekipazh, the commander at ny buv yogo syn. On my dummy, the whole fact is to talk about such a miracle ludin, like V.F. Margelov, everyone. About yogo visibility of the Airborne Troops!

Romanov Oleksandr I Pavlovich

The actual head commander of the allied armies, scho they invaded Europe in 1813-1814 rr. "Winning Paris, failing asleep as a lyceum." The Great Leader, scho zruynuvav Napoleon himself. (The hack of Austerlitz cannot be related to the tragedy of 1941)

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

People's Commissar for the Defense of the SRSR, Generalisimus of the Radiansky Union, the Supreme Head Commander. Bliskuche vіyskove vіyskove svіtіvі vіynі.

Confusion is in the minds of the Russian power, with minimal material and human resources, having destroyed the army, smashed the Polish-Lithuanian interventions and made a large part of the Russian power.

General Yrmolov

Saltikov Petro Semenovich

The most successful achievements of the Russian army at the World War of 1756-1763 were made for the first time. Redemption at the battles of Palcizi,
Battle of Kunersdorf defeated the Prussian king Fridrikh II the Great, with the new Vyskami Totleben and Chernishov, Berlin was taken.

Alexev Mikhailo Vasilovich

One of the best Russian generals of the First World War. Hero of the Battle of Galicia, born in 1914, warrior of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front from 1915, chief of staff under Emperor Mikoly I.

General of the Infantry (1914), General Ad'utant (1916). He is an active participant of the White Ruch at the Gromadyansky Vіynі. One of the organizers of the Volunteer Army.

Bulov Pavlo Oleksiyovich

Keruvav with a small corps near the VVB rock. Miraculously showing himself at the Moscow Battle, especially in defensive battles near Tuloi. Rzhevsko-Vyazemskoy operatsii, de vyyshov from otochenya after 5 months of battles, were especially noted.

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhailo Vasilovich

I bless the vіyskovo-historical suspension of correcting the overpowering historical injustice and adding to the list of 100 most beautiful commanders, which did not pass the battle of the leader of the military militia, but this Polish role in the military First of all, a wounded man for his talent that vminnya.

Hrachov Pavlo Sergiyovich

Hero of the Radiansky Union. May 5, 1988, “for the victory of the battlefield establishments with minimal human losses, and for the professional command of the kerovans for the success of the 103rd military-airborne division, the winter, busy with the strategically important "Having trimmed the medal" Gold of Zirka "No. 11573. Commander of the Airborne Troopers of the SRSR. In just one hour of service, 647 strikers were parachuted, some of them - during the tests of new technology.
Buv 8 times contusions, cutting off the wound. Having strangled the embarrassing coup in Moscow and vryatuvav the system of democracy. On the posad of the Minister of Defense, the great Zusilla and the protection of the surplus of the army - as a matter of fact, very few people in the history of Russia have experienced. Tilki through the breakdown of the army and the reduction of the number of combat technology in the Armed Forces could not possibly finish the Chechen war.

Svyatoslav Ihorovich

Grand Duke Novgorodsky, z 945 kievsky. Sin of the Grand Duke Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga. Having become famous Svyatoslav as a great commander, like N.M. Karamzin called "Oleksandr (Macedonian) our old history".

During the military campaigns of Svyatoslav Igorovych (965-972) the territory of the Russian land was developed from the Volga region to the Caspian, from the Pivnichny Caucasus to the Chornomor, from the Balkan mountains to Vizanta. Changing the Khazar and Volzka Bulgaria, loosening it up to the Vizantiysk Empire, making the way for trade between Russia and the modern lands

Muravyov-Karskiy Mykola Mykolajovych

One of the most successful generals of the middle of the 19th century in the Turkish direction.

The hero of the first take of Kars (1828), the captain of another take of Kars (the greatest success of the Crimean War, 1855, allowing the completion of the war without territorial costs for Russia).

Drozdovskiy Mikhailo Gordiyovich

Bobrok-Volinsky Dmitro Mikhailovich

Boyar of the voєvoda of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. "Rozrobnik" tactics of the Battle of Kulik.

Istomin Volodymyr Ivanovich

Istomin, Lazarov, Nakhimov, Kornilov - Great people who served and fought at the place of Russian glory - Sevastopol!

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

Stalin is at the rock of the Great Vitality. Viyny zdіynsnyuv in the critical strength of the strong forces of our father and coordinates in the boyovі action. It is impossible not to refer to this achievement in a competent plan and organization of new operations, in a very large number of military leaders and others. Yosip Stalin saw himself not only as an eminent commander, who should help the knowledgeable with the critical leadership of all the fronts, but as the leading organizer, which helped the great robot to improve the security of the country's defense

A short list of vіyskovyh towns of I.V. Stalіn, taken by him from the rock of the Other Svitovoi Vіyni:
Order of Suvorov I degree
Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
Peremoga Order
Medal "Gold of Zirka" of the Hero of the Radiansky Union
Medal "For the victory over Nimechchino at the Great Victory Day 1941-1945."
Medal "For the Overcoming of Japan"

Rurikovich Yaroslav Mudry Volodimirovich

Dedicating his life to the zahist of Vichizni. Rozgromiv pechenіgіv. Having approved the Russian state, as one of the greatest lands in its own hour.

Uborevich Ivronim Petrovich

Radianskiy commander, commander of the 1st rank (1935). Member of the Communist Party from Bereznya 1917. Born in the village of Aptandriyus (in the Utensky district of the Lithuanian RSR) from a family of Lithuanian peasants. He graduated from the Kostyantynivske artillery school (1916). Member of the 1st Holy War 1914-18, lieutenant. Pislya Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917 was one of the organizers of the Chervona Guards in Bessarabia. In the fierce 1918, he was commanded in the revolutionary corral during the battles of the anti-Romanian and Austro-Nimetsian interventions, after being wounded and having been drunk near the sickle, 1918. divisions of the 6th army. From June 1919 to 1920, commanded the 14th Army when General Denikin was defeated, at Berezna, in 1920, he was in command of the 9th Army in the Pivnichny Caucasus. In grass - lime and leaf fall - chest 1920 r. commanding the 14th army in the battles against the vіysk bourgeois Poland and petlyurіvtsіv, in the linden - leaf fall 1920 - the 13th army in the battles against wrangelіvtsіv. In 1921, he had a patron of the command of the Vyysk Ukraine and Krimu, the defender of the command of the Vichy of the Tambov province, the commander of the Minsk governorate, who took part in the fight against the gangs of Makhn, Antonov and Bulak-Balakhovich. In 1921, he was commanded by the 5th Army and the Skhidno-Siberian Military District. In the serpentine - chest 1922, the Vіyskovy minister of the Far Ages Republic and the head commander of the People's Revolutionary Army at the heart of the Distant Descent. We will command the military of the Pivnichno-Caucasian (from 1925), Moscow (from 1928) and Bilorusky (from 1931) regions of the Soviet Union. In 1926 he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the SRSR, in 1930-31 he was the defender of the head of the Revolutionary Military Council of the SRSR and the head of the Defense Forces of the Red Army. Since 1934, he is a member of the Vіyskovoi for the sake of non-profit organizations. Vnіs great additions at the right of the defense establishment of the SRSR, vykhovannya and navchannya command warehouse and vіysk. Candidate for a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1930-37. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee from 1922. He was awarded 3 orders of the Red Prapor and the Honorable Revolutionary War.

Mikhailo I. Kutuzov

The idea of ​​taking Berlin Zhukov to another was the general strategist Kutuzov, who himself drove the French out of Russia.

Minikh Burkhard-Christopher

One of the most beautiful Russian generals and military engineers. The first commander, who escaped to Krimu. Peremozhets at Stavuchany.

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Yosip Vissarionovich

Comrade Stalin, for the nuclear and missile projects, at the same time as General of the Army Antonov Oleksiy Inokentyovych took part in the life of all significant operations of the Russian military aviation, the more important

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhailo Vasilovich

For his short Viskov career, he practically did not know any setbacks, like in battles with Viskov I. Boltnikova, as well as from Polish-Liv and "Tushin" Vіyski. Vmіnnya pobuduvati boєzdatnu armіyu practical "of zero" navchiti, vikoristovuvati to Georeferencing i pid hour shvedskih naymantsіv, pіdіbrati uspіshnі rosіyskі komandnі personnel for zvіlnennya ta Zahist velicheznoї teritorії rosіyskogo pіvnіchno-zahіdnogo edge that zvіlnennya tsentralnoї Russie, napoleglivy i planomіrny ensue vmіla borotbі h Wonderful Polish-Lithuanian cavalry, unchallenged special manhood - the axis of yakosti, as for all the smallness of his life, give him the right to be called the Great Commander of Russia.

Senyavin Dmitro Mikolayovich

Dmitro Mikolayovich Senyavin (6 (17) serpnya 1763 - 5 (17) April 1831) - Russian naval commander, admiral.
for the manliness of that prominent diplomatic robot appeared during the blockade of the Russian fleet in Lisbon

Hvorostinin Dmitro Ivanovich

The commander, who didn’t miss a beat.

Petrov Ivan Yukhimovich

Defense of Odessa, Defense of Sevastopol, Vizvolennya Slovacchini

Vdaliy Mstislav Mstislavovich

A spirited person, having become an unabashed commander from Europe

Chapaev Vasil Ivanovich

28.01.1887-5.09.1919 R.R. life. Head of the Division of the Chervona Army, participant of the First Holy and Gromadyanskaya Vinyi.
Cavalier of three St. George's Chrests and St. George Medal. Chevalier of the Order of the Red Prapor.
On yogo rahunku:
- Organizational organization of the Chervona Guards from 14 corrals.
- The fate of the campaign against General Kaledin (before Tsaritsin).
- the fate of the campaign of the Special Army to Uralsk.
- The initiative for the reorganization of corrals of the Red Guards near two regiments of the Red Army: im. Stepan Razina and im. Pugachova, they gathered at Pugachov's brigade under the command of Chapaev.
- The fate of the battles from the Czechoslovakians and the People's Army, from those who were sent to Mykolaivs'k, the change to the honor of the brigade at Pugachovsk.
- On the 19th spring of 1918, the commander of the 2nd Mykolaiv division.
- 3 fierce 1919 p. - the commissar of the internal reference of the Mykolaiv district.
- On the third day of 1919 - brigade commander of the Oleksandrovo-Gayskoy Special Brigade.
- Z Chervnya is the head of the 25th Strelets Division, who took part in the Bugulm and Bilebei operations against Kolchak's army.
- Taking the forces of their division 9 worm 1919 Ufi.
- Taking Uralsk.
- A glib raid of a goat corral with an attack on the good of protection (close to 1000 bugs) and in a glimpse of the m. Lbischensk (nin the village of Chapaev in the Zakhidno-Kazakhstan oblast of Kazakhstan), which is known as the headquarters of the 25th division.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

Russian military leader, political and huge dyach, writer, memoirist, publicist and documentary writer.
Participant of the Russian-Japanese Viyni. One of the most productive generals of the Russian Imperial Army during the First World War. Commander of the 4th military "zaliznoi" brigade (1914-1916, from 1915 - fired up to the command of the division), the 8th army corps (1916-1917). Lieutenant General of the General Staff (1916), commander of the Zakhidny and Pivdenno-Zakhidny fronts (1917). An active participant in the triumphs of 1917, an opponent of the democratization of the army. Vislov, after receiving a message from the Kornilovsky vistup, for the protection of Timchasov's district, a participant in the Berdichevsky and Bihovsky generals (1917).
One of the main curriculum vitae of the White Rukh in the rock of the Hromadyanskoy Viyny, the yogh leader in Pivdni Russia (1918-1920). Having reached the greatest victorious and political results in the midst of the success stories of the White Rukh. A performer, one of the main organizers, and then the commander of the Volunteer Army (1918-1919). The head commander of the Great Forces of the Holy Day of Russia (1919-1920), the defender of the supreme ruler and the supreme head of the Russian army, Admiral Kolchak (1919-1920).
April 1920 - an emigrant, one of the main political acts of the Russian emigration. The author of the spogad "Narisi Russian Troubles" (1921-1926) - a fundamental historical and biographical story about the Gromadyanska Vіyna in Russia, the spogadіv "Old Army" (1929-1931), autobiographical stories of the "Shlyakh Russian creative"

Gorbatiy-Shuisky Oleksandr Borisovich

Hero of Kazan Viynya, the first man of Kazan

Drozdovskiy Mikhailo Gordiyovich

Zumiv bring to the Don the orderly people in the warehouse, at the edge of effectively fighting for the minds of the community of war.

Ridiger Fedir Vasilovich

General-ad'utant, general of the cavalry, general-ad'utant ... Mav three Golden Shables with writing: "For courage" ... 1849 Ridiger took part in the campaign in Ugorshchina to stifle the hvilyuvannya, which was recognized as the chief right of the colony. 9th May, the Russian Empire entered the border of the Austrian Empire. Winning the army of rioters up to 1 sickle, squeezing the folds in front of the Russian guards near Vilagosha. 5 serpnya vіyskami, yomu dovіrenimi, the bullet is occupied by the fortress Arad. During the hour of Field Marshal Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich's trip to Warsaw, Count Ridiger was in command of all those who were known in the Ugorsk and Transilvania ... on 21 February 1854, on the hour of the visit of the head of the Polish Field Marshal of the Prince Paskevich to the Tsar Pislya turn of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich to Warsaw from 3 serpents in 1854 vykonuvav the liaison of the Warsaw governor.

Oleksandr Golovanov

Є the creator of the radio communication of the long-distance art (ADD).
Units under the command of Golovanov bombed Berlin, Kenigsberg, Danzig and other places of Nimechchini, and gave blows to important strategic objects at the door of the enemy.

Vatutin Mykola Fedorovich

Operations "Uranus", "Maliy Saturn", "Leap", etc. etc.
Reference Worker Viyni

Govorov Leonid Oleksandrovich

Kuznetsov Mikola Gerasimovich

Zrobiv great additions at the salvation of the fleet before the war; having spent a number of great navchans, becoming the initiator of the development of new naval schools and naval special schools (with the help of nakhimiv schools). Before one rapt attack of the Nimechchini on the SRSR, during two visits, the readiness of the fleets was increased, and at least 22 worms were punished about the readiness that was brought to the battle, which allowed the elimination of all the ships and the sea.

Romanov Mikhailo Timofiyovich

The heroic defense of Mogiliv, the more circular anti-tank defense of the place.

Kappel Volodymyr Oskarovich

Without excess - the most beautiful commander of the army of Admiral Kolchak. From the command of 1918 rock in Kazan the gold reserves of Russia were buried. In 36 rokiv - lieutenant general, commander of the Skhidny front. From the cim im'yam of dressings Sibirskiy Lodoviy pohid. From the 1920s onwards, up to Irkutsk there are 30,000 "chapels" for the drowning of Irkutsk and the fullness of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak. The death of the general was filled with a lot of legends, which was why it marked the tragic result of the whole campaign and the death of Admiral.

Kappel Volodymyr Oskarovich

Mabut is a nighteous commander of the Gromadyanskoy Viyny, to win together with the commanders of all sides. Lyudin's hard-won talent, the fighting spirit of that Christian gentry - spraved Bili Litsar. The talent and specialty of Kappel's goodness rushed and wandered towards him by his opponents. The author of the bagatokh vіyskovyh operas and feats - including - the take of Kazan, the Great Siberian Crying Pohіd, etc. Bagato yogo rozrakhunkiv, not evaluated at the time and in the expense of no blame, then turned out to be the best, showing the go of Gromadyanskoy Viyny.

Oleksiy Antonov

The chief strategist of the SRSR in 1943-45, practically unavoidable to the suspension
"Kutuzov" Other Svitovy

Modest and information on the right. Peremozhny. He is the author of successful operations since the spring of 1943 for rock and self-improvement. Popularity was discouraged by іnshі - Stalin and the command of the fronts.

Dovator Lev Mikhailovich

Radyansky commander, major general, Hero of the Radyansky Union. Due to the successful operations due to the demise of the famous times during the period of the Great Victory Day. For the head of Dovator, the nimetske team recognized the great city.
Spilno with the 8th Guards Division in the name of Major General I. V. Panfilova, 1st Guards Tank Brigade of General M. Katukova and the first soldiers of the 16th Army of the 1st corps, having seized the steps to Moscow on Volokolamskiy straight.

Slaschiv-Krimsky Yakiv Oleksandrovych

Defense of Crimu at 1919-20 rr. "Chervoni are my enemies, ale the stench gnawed at the smut - mine is on the right: they have given birth to great Russia!" (General Slashchov-Krimsky).

Chuikov Vasil Ivanovich

Radianskiy commander, Marshal of the Radianskiy Union (1955). Two Hero of the Radiansky Union (1944, 1945).
From 1942 to 1946, the commander of the 62nd Army (8th Guards Army), which was especially noted in the Battle of Stalingrad, took part in defensive battles on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. On the 12th spring of 1942, he was in command of the 62nd army. V.I. Chuikov otrimav zavdannya vіdstoyti Stalіngrad for any price. The front commander respected that Lieutenant-General Chuikov had such positive qualities, such as the sophistication and firmness, vigor and great operational vision, and a great sense of the visibility and testimony of his Borg. Army, under the command of V.I. Chuikova, became famous for the heroic six-thousandth defense of Stalingrad in high-street battles near the main city, fighting on isolated bridgeheads, on the birch trees of the wide Volga.

For the majestic Masovian heroism and the style of a special warehouse, in 1943, the 62nd army rejected the guards as it was better to nominate the guards and became the 8th guards army.

Oleksandr Suvorov

Є a great commander, who didn’t ruin the first (!) Battle, the founder of the Russian military right, genially in the battle, right from all minds.

Volodymyr Svyatoslavich

981 rik - the conquest of Cherven and Peremishl. 983 rik - Yatvag root root. 984 - pedigree rhodimics. in vіynі against Poland. besides, holy apostles.

Romanov Petro Oleksiyovich

For endless discussions about Peter I as a politician and reformer, it is unfair to forget that he will become the greatest commander in his day. Vin is not deprived of being a wonderful organizer of tilu. In the two most important battles of the Great War (battles at Lisov and at Poltava), it was not only the plans of the battles that were fought, but they were especially hard-hitting, they fought on the most difficult, most difficult ones.
One of the generals from the house of mine is the same, the talent of the yak in the land, and in the naval battles.
Golovne - Peter I opened up the Vichiznyan Vіyskov school. As all the great commanders of Russia are the decline of Suvorov, then Suvorov himself is the decline of Peter.
The battle before Poltava was one of the most (and not the most) ones that could be found in the history of the past. For all the great Zagarbnytsia, the general battle was not small for Russia, and the result was not small; In the first place, the general battle drastically changed the country of the right, and the Swedes began to defend themselves against the attack, losing out on the initiative.
Vvazhayu, that Peter the Great is on the list of the best commanders of Russia and is included in the first three.

Slashov Yakiv Oleksandrovich

A talanovitiy commander, who more than once showed up to the specialty of courage during the seizure of Vіtchizni in Persha svіtovu vіynu. I will not accept the revolution, and I will raise it to the new power, evaluating it as secondarily due to the servants of the interests of Batkivshchyna.

Izilmetyev Ivan Mykolajovych

In command of the frigate "Aurora". After crossing from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka in a record for that hour of the term for 66 days. At the Callao bay, gliding from the English-French escadri. Arriving in Petropavlovsk together with the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, V. Zavoiko, organizing the defense of the place, in the course of what the sailors from the Aurora, together with the locals, threw the Anglo-French landing force into the sea, having overturned the numbers. .Pislya cich pod_y the English community vimagal to the court of the admirals, scho lost the Russian frigate.

Ushakov Fedir Fedorovich

The great Russian naval commander, who had a chance to survive at Fedonis, Kaliakria, at Misu Tendra and at the free islands of Malta (Ioanichi islands) and Corfu. Investigation and introduction of new tactics of conducting a naval battle, prompting the ships from the view of the line and showing the tactics of "rosy fret" of attacking the flagship of the enemy's fleet. One of the patrons of the Chornomorsk Fleet of the same command in 1790-1792 r.

Shein Mikhailo

Hero of the Smolensk Defense 1609-11 rr.
Keruvav in the Smolensk fortress in the cloud mayzhe 2 rocky, the tsebula is one of those who found the logistic campaigns at the Russian history, as it was the beginning of the defeat of the Poles at the rocky Troubles.

Yriomenko Andriy Ivanovich

Commander of the Stalіngradsky and Pіvdenno-Shіdny fronts. Frontily for the command of the summer-fall 1942, the attack of the Nimetsian 6 Polish and 4 tank armies at Stalingrad was launched.
At the breast 1942 p. The Stalingrad front of General Yriomenka zupiniv the tank attack of General G. Goth's attack on Stalingrad, for the release of the 6th Army of Paulus.

Loris-Melikov Mikhailo Tariylovich

Basically, one of the other characters in the story "Khadzhi-Murat" by L.M. Tolstoy, Mikhailo Tarilovich Loris-Melikov went through the Caucasian and Turkish campaigns of the other half of the middle of the 19th century.

Having perfectly shown to himself the hour of the Caucasian war, before the hour of the Karsky campaign of the Crimean war, Loris-Melikov took the lead, and at the same time successfully wondered about the connections of the head commander. vіyskami that yakraz hunt Kars, as if at that hour he was not locked up.

Saltikov Petro Semenovich

The head commander of the Russian army in the World War II is the main architect of key changes in the Russian military.

Dragomiriv Mikhailo Ivanovich

Bliskucha crossing the Danube at 1877 rotsi
- assignment of tactics handler
- the stem of the original concept of the viyskiy vikhovannya
- Certificate of NAGSh at 1878-1889
- Great inflow at the Vyskovy feeds with a stretch of a whole 25-richaya

Linevich Mykola Petrovich

Mikola Petrovich Linevich (24 chest 1838 - April 10, 1908) - a prominent Russian Vyiskovy deyach, general of the Infantry (1903), general-adjutant (1905); general, having taken the storm of Pekin.

Yudenich Mykola Mikolajovich

On 3 July 2013, the fate of 80 years of death at the French city of Kanni, the Russian military action, the commanding officer of the Caucasian Front, the hero of Mukden, Sarikamish, Van, Erzerum Chevalier of three Orders of George and Knight of the Order of France the Great Chrest of the Order of the Legion of Honor of General Mikoli Mykolajovich Yudenich.

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

Having become the Supreme Head of the Commander for the hour of the Great Victory Day, in which our land has moved, that has taken up the strategic decision.


Bagration, Miloradovich, Davidov - as it is, a very special breed of people. Nini do not shy away from such. The heroes of 1812 were driven to fate by recklessness, anger to death. General Miloradovich himself, who made his way to fight for Russia without a scratch, became the first victim of the individual terror. After the construction of Kakhovsky on the Senate square, the Russian revolution went on - right up to the end of the Ipatievsky booth. Take away the nicest.

Platov Matviy Ivanovich

Vіyskovy Otaman of the Don Cossack Vіyska. Having honored the service of the day for 13 years. A member of the most famous companies of the most vidomy yak commanding the Cossacks of the Great Patriotic War of 1812, the rock and the hour of the offensive Zakordon Campaign of the Russian Army. Heads of successful performances of the Cossacks for the first time in the history of Napoleon's lives:
- A happy commander, who was a kozak. Since I’m mav an army from some Cossacks, I’m podkoriv bi all of Europe.

Stalin Yosip Vissarionovich

Particularly taking on the fate of the planuvannі and zdіysnennі ALL offensive and defensive operations of the Red Army in the period 1941 - 1945 rr.

Rumyantsev Petro Oleksandrovich

Russian Vyskiy and sovereign action, stretching out the US government Katerini II (1761-96) Keruv in Malorosієya. The hour of the Semirichnoy vіyny command in the bribes of Kohlberg. For the victories over the Turks under Larzi, Kaguli and іn., They called up Kuchuk-Kaynardzhiyskiy svita, awarded the title "Zadunaiskiy". In 1770 rotsi got the rank of Field Marshal.

Zhukov Georgy Kostyantinovich

He successfully commanded the Radianski Vіyski at the rock of the Great Victory Vіyny. At the number of the first zupiniv nimtsiv to Moscow, brav Berlin.

General of the cavalry A.A. Brusilov, having seen the building of the keruvati as great operational military units - the army (8th - 05.08.1914 - 17.03.1916), the front (Pivdenno-Zakhidnim - 17.03.1916 .-- 21. 05.1917), a group of fronts (Supreme Golovnokomanduvach - 22.05.1917 .-- 19.07.1917).

19 serpents (31 serpents for a new style) 1853 Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Brusilov was born - Russian military leader and teacher of the Russian Empire, general of the tsarist army, - Mabut, one of the tsarist generals of the First Revolution, but not the news Yogo im'ya dosi in the wide vernaculars of the inhabitants of the famous "Brusilivskiy Prorivu".

A.A. Brusilov was born at Tiflis, at the family of the general. Walking, as well as the brava of calling, allowed you in 1867 to join the Pazheskiy corps - an elite Vyskovy princely mortgage, which was completed in 1872 when he was sent to the 15th Dragoon Tver Regiment. At the end of the regiment, Viy'skova Kar'ara Brusilov was rescued: from 1873 to 1878, I would be victorious here to put the adjutant to the regiment. With a ear of Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 born Brusilov at the active army, was identified with the capture of the Turkish fortresses Ardahan and Kars, for which he received the Order of St. Stanislav of the 3rd and 2nd degree and the Order of St. Anni of the 3rd degree. Then, at 1878-1881, Brusilov continued to serve on the posad of the chief of the regimental command.

Since 1883 Brusilov is going to serve in the St. Petersburg Office of the Cavalry School, here he is an adjutant, at the same time as an assistant to the chief and head of the administration of the high school; the head of the dragoon department. In 1900, Brusilov was promoted to major general, and from 10 fierce 1902 I’m going to put the head of the school. At the same time, Brusilov became a vidomy not only in Russia, but behind the cordon, he was a vivid sign of cavalry and sport.

Maybutny Marshal Karl Mannerheim, who served at the school for the first time as a certificate in front of the Russian-Japanese war, zgaduvav: “We are respectable, suvorim, we will glimpse to the last bit of knowledge and knowledge. Yogo vіyskovі іgry and vchennya at mіtsevіstі behind their rozrobets and vykonannya bully zrazkovy and even tsіkavim ".

On April 19, 1906, Brusilov was the head of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division; from the 5th day of 1909, he was the commander of the 14th Army Corps; from the 5th of 1912 to the rock - assistant of the commander of the Vysk Vyshavsky Vyskovy district. 6 chest 1812 Brusilov becomes a general of the cavalry.

At Persha svitovu vіynu A.A. Brusilov vikonuvav I will put the command of the 8th Army in the Galician battle, for scho I will be awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th and 3rd stages. Z 17 birch 1916 - the head of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny front.

In 1916, Brusilov provoked a successful offensive of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, having stagnated at some unseen earlier form of cutting through the position of the front, so that all the armies fell in an one-hour offensive. According to the plan, broken up by General M.V. Khanzhin (deprived of the fate of A.A. Brusilov), a head blow to the buildings of the 8th Army under the command of General A.M. Kaledina near the town of Lutsk. Having broken through the front at 16 km long Nosovich - Korito, the Russian army of 25 grass (7 worms) occupied Lutsk, and up to 2 (15) worms destroyed 4 of the Austro-Ugorsk army of Archduke Yosip Ferdinand for 65 km. The whole operation has gone to history under the name "Brusilivsky Proriv". It is also possible to learn from the Vyskovo-memoir literature under the first name "Lutsk Proriv" Khanzhin did not go wrong practically nowhere. Vono bulo vіdoma leše in Stavtsі and especially to the Emperor Mykola II. Khanzhin, immediately after Brusilivskoy cut a hole, went to lieutenant-general, and Brusilov, a substitute for the common earlier of the Order of St. George of the 2nd degree, was added to the building of St. George with diamants.

Having poured their own gains by underestimating, A.A. Brusilov allows her to become an emperor in a serious way. Obviously, before the end of the hour of the lute revolution of 1917, Brusilov came to the fate of Mikoli II and came to the power of Timchasoviy district.

Brusilov buv the hot clerk of the stem of the "shock" and "revolutionary" elements. 22 May (4 worms) 1917 Brusilov issued a mandate to the front number 561, in which he said: " The Russian people followed her in the ime of the world-wide and brotherhood of peoples in order that, when the revolutionary battalion came, they were put on the best battle racks, with their porosity they could screw them around. "

Kudi and whom they could capture the revolutionary battalion after them became clear as early as 1917.

On May 22, 1917, by order of the Timchasovogo district, Brusilov was appointed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The last protopresbyter of the Russian army and the fleet of Fr. Georgy Shavelsky so zgaduvav brilliant Brusilov at the station in stavtsi (metro Mogiliv) wrote the following: “I’ll scratch the warts, immediately the ranks of the Headquarters, middle-class generals. Vyyshov from the Verkhovny carriage, pass through the ranks of the Headquarters, without a nod of the head will go back to the meeting. Dіyshovshi to the scratch, I started to prostag the soldier's hand on the skin. The soldiers, with guints on their shoulders, knew, I don’t know, how to shake hands. Tse Bula is a great picture ... "

"Revolutionary" general, yak vidomo, having failed the worm offensive. Yogo pardon was brought to the rule of the "revolutionary" general - L.R. During the period of the spilny transfer to the 8th Army, as a matter of fact, the generals did not bully in their friends. In addition, Kornilov immediately clutched at the Timchasov ryad and said "Order No. 1", but the officers of the mali took care of the decisions of the viborn soldiers' committees. Novy Golovkom, having renewed the death penalty for desertion in the army, turning to the number of talented commanders, establish discipline and trim the front. A.A. Brusilov did not oppose these actions, and did not want to help him, he pushed himself through the service and submitted an offer.

On display Brusilov is living at Moscow's place as a private person. Following the spogadas of the participants of the Moscow insurrection of 1917, a delegation of officers and cadets of the Moscow Oleksandrivskoy School was sent to the next day. The famous general was propounded by the ocholity of the Bili opir near the capital, Ale Brusilov, having been sent to the victim of a sickness, being considered. Symbolically, you will have to pay for your canoe: before the hour of high street battles between the guards and the junkers, they are wounded by the ulam of a shell, after having drunk to the booth.

General A.A. Brusilov didn’t accept the ideas of the White Rukh and didn’t take part in the Gromadyansky trip for the first time. Yogo sin Oleksiy, officer of the Life Guards Horse-Grenadier Regiment, with the help of the VChK and the provincial officer, in order to join the service before the Chervona Army. For one of three versions, Oleksiy Brusilov from a group of officers was immediately transferred to a large number of thrusts as a zradnik and zradnik. We didn’t expect such a suvorim before the “relocation” of the Bily Army, but General Drozdovskiy and the other young people were especially uncompromising before the officers, as they proponated their servants. In his spogadah A.I. Denikin also supported the dispute over Brusilov the Younger, and I am very sorry for him. On the head of the head of the commander, Oleksiy fell victim to the widespread hatred of the Biloguards to his father, General Brusilov. With a glance of great warriors, the legendary hero, having taken care of his dress, was baptized in the form of Volunteerism, in the interest of Russia. For іnshayu version, Brusilov the youngest lost his life and forgiven as a shooter in one of the children of the Volunteer Army, albeit unfortunately he died from typhus in Rostov.

Mozhlivo, it’s not just the image of Mykola II, but the tragic share of the blue sponded the hero of the First Holy Life A.A. Brusilov on the other hand, from the Radianskoy Vladyka. On the third day of 1920, I won’t have won a special prize at the head commander of all the powerful forces of the Radiansk Republic, who voiced the recommendations of the Chervona Army. Since 1921, Oleksiy Oleksiyovich is the head of the committee for organizing pre-prize cavalry training, since 1923, he is the head of the committee for organizing pre-prize cavalry training; In 1923-1924 rock - inspector of cavalry.

A.A. Brusilov died on the 17th birch 1926 of the rock near Moscow from the flash of the legend of the 73 rock. Worshiping us with great honors on Novodivichy Tsvintara.

Brusilov, having written himself a memoir under the name "My help", appropriated his services in the Russian Empire and Radio Russia.

Another volume by A.A. Brusilov was transferred to the Biloemigrant archives in 1932 by the widow N.V. Brusilovo-Zhelikhovskoy, like the death of a cholovik went over the cordon. Winning a description of the life of the general wrote of the Zhovtnevoy revolution and a very anti-bolshevik character. A part of the spogadiv bula was written in lіkuvannі in Karlovy Vary in 1925, and following the commandment, it was published only after the death of the author.

Radianske vidannya "Spogadiv" (Voєnizdat, 1963) does not include the 2nd volume. A number of Radiansk pupils thought that the authorship belonged to the very widow of Brusilov, who, in such a rank, was really magical about the cholovyka before the bila emigration. Protest even more quickly, but the general just glanced at his own glances and repenting at the graves of old. Before I die, as I see it, do not lie.

Compilation of Deer Shirokovo

Maybutniy hero of the First Holy Spirit of the People of Tbilisi 19 serpnya 1853 to the family of General of the Russian Army Oleksiy Mikolayovich Brusilov. Yogo daddy still in his youth, at the rank of major, on the posad of the commander of the escadron of the Kirasir regiment, taking on the fate of the war with Napoleon. At the time of the meeting of the elder son Oleksiy yomu, there were 66 rocks. As a descendant of the nobleman Oleksiy Brusilov, having a good home education, he easily entered the senior course of the Pazhesky corps, as he finished in 1872 with the rank of ensign. In 1877-1878, the Brusilov rockets at the warehouse of the 16th Dragoon Tver Regiment took over the fate of the fighting in the Caucasus before the hour of Russian-Turkish war. For her husbandhood, I was revealed at the capture of Ardahan and Kars, having cut off the Order of St. Stanislav of the 2nd and 3rd degree, and the Order of St. Anni of the 3rd degree. In 1881 he entered the St. Petersburg Office of the Cavalry School, and graduated in 1883 with a job as an adjutant. Stretching the offensive 25 rockіv, having broken at nіy kar'єru and in 1902 he became the head of the school, being in the rank of major general. Buv is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful knights of the cavalry, and the school became a vital center for the training of senior officers for the cavalry. In 1906, rotsi Brusilov turned to military service, becoming the commander of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division. Such a shvidka kar'ara became a moody zvdyak close to the vishny kіl of suspension from the tsar otochennya. Alevin heavy service in the capital, was assigned to the guard and in 1909 was transferred to the Warsaw district by the commander of the 14th army corps.

In 1912, Brusilov became a patron of the commander of the Warsaw district, but after a conflict with the governor-general, he didn’t tamper with the governor-general.

General Brusilov at the rock of the first light of the day.

In 1913, Brusilov was transferred to the Kiev military district as the commander of the 12th army corps with military service in generals of the cavalry. At the time of the plantation of wine there is an ear of light wine. In the course of mobilization, General Brusilov will reject the assignment for the landing of the command of the 8th Army, which is at the warehouse of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, directly to the theater of the Vyskovykh action to Galicia. There, the Galician battle rested - the most and most successful strategic operation of the Russian military, in which the 8th army played a major role. Having held out two months at some battles, the Austrian army was beaten up, having spent nearly 400 thousand rubles. chol. Bula was buried as much as the whole of Shidna Galicia and Bukovina, including the town of Lviv and Galich. During the Battle of Galicia, Brusilov showed himself as a master of maneuverability and for the success of the 8th Army, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th and 3rd stages, and on the ear of 1915 he was awarded the title of a general ad'utant.

At the birch 1916, Brusilov was assigned the command of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front, which in 1916 began an offensive operation, in the form of "Brusilovsky Proriv". That was the last of the successful operation of the Russian flights. For the conduction of the wines of the boulevard with the gold St. George's gold with diamants. The hour of the Lutnevo Revolution, when Mikoli II received the news from the throne and became the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies, a little later, having been enchanted, having submitted an invitation and until 1920 was a private person in Moscow. Yogo sin voluntarily joined the Chervona Army and went to 1919 rotsi on the Denikin front. In 1920, Brusilov himself entered the Red Army and published the press "Before all the colossal officers" and by a click go to the bik of Radianskoy power. From 1922 and until his death in 1926, Brusilov was in the seat of the head cavalry inspector of the RFC. Buv the most authoritative tsar general, who was transferred to the bik of Radianskoy power.

St. George Cavalry 1 Holy War:

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