Vasco that gamma zrobiv vіdkrittya. Expensive vasco ta gami

Vasco that gamma zrobiv vіdkrittya. Expensive vasco ta gami

What contribution made Vasco da Gama into geography, You know from these statistics.

Vidomy Portuguese navigator of the era of the Great Geographical Vidkritts. Vіn poddnuvav podnav governor іz viceroy of Portuguese India. Vasco da Gama explored the sea way to India with the expedition of 1497 - 1499 around Africa.

Significance of Vasco da Gama

Having prepared your own sailing wines more resolutely. The country that Vasco da Gama ordered was Portugal, and the Portuguese king himself recognized him as the commander of the expedition, giving him the honor of replacing the witnessed Diasha. The first life of Vasco da Gama spun around and around. The expedition includes three military ships and one transport ship.

Navigator urochisto vіdpliv іz Lisabon 8 lime 1497 year. The first months were calm. At the fall of the leaves, 1497 vines reached the Miss of Good Nadiya. Strong storms began, and the command was to take the way back, and Vasco da Gama, having thrown overboard the navigational equipment, that quadrant, showing that there is no way back. I mav ratsiyu, adzhe yom far away to know the direct sea way to India. Vasco da Gama contributed to the geography of those who put on the map the route to the land of spices more safe and short, lower than land.

Results of the Vasco da Gama expedition: opening a new way to India has significantly expanded trade opportunities in Asia, as it has reached the Great Shovkovy way. If you wanted to do it expensively, it was expensive - two ships turned from the expensive one.

Vasco da Gama (1469-1524) Count Vіdіgeira, famous Portuguese. navigator, rіd. bl. 1469 p. near the seaside town of Sіnesi, the land of an old noble family and from a young age had a reputation as a great seafarer.

Five hundred years ago Lisabon was the center of maritime activities. The Portuguese seafarers mastered the route along the coast of Africa for a day. The stench paved for the Europeans the sea way to India and Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia. Cheruvav tsієyu ekspeditsієyu, and zgodі і podkornyam India Vasco da Gama.

Vasco da Gama was born around 1460-1469 to the seaside Portuguese town of Sinish and came from an old noble family. Yogo father, Ishtevan da Gama, was the chief steward and judge of the city of Sinisha and Silvisha. Yogo blue dreamed about usefulness. Vasco from young rokіv taking the fate of the battlefields and sea campaigns. Obviously, Vіn mav vіyskovy dosvіd, because if in 1492 the French corsairs plundered the Portuguese caravel made of gold, which went from Guinea to Portugal, the king himself entrusted the order to him. A sailor on a sailing caravel crossed the French shores, burying the mustache of French ships in the roadsteads. After that, the king of France happened to turn the wrecked ship, and Vasco da Gama became a specialty of Portugal. It dawned on me that the most accomplished seafarer, in honor, King Manuel I entrusted the undivided right.

On July 8, 1497, the squadron of Vasco da Gami, with several vessels of water tonnage of 100-120 tons, set sail from Lisbon. The expedition was carefully prepared by the experts of the certified seafarer Bartolomeu Dias, provided with all the necessary three days of sailing. Crews were recruited from the best sailors. Usy 168 people were responsible for the order of the King of Portugal, who opened the way to India and the Shidny Ocean.

The route of crossing the coast of Africa to the Indian Ocean was laid earlier by the Portuguese seafarers. Zavdyaks to the princes of Prince Enrika, who hooted at the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bresitating the roots of new lands and that was called "Heinrich the Navigator", all new and new expeditions came to the African shores, adding to the battlefield, which is far from daylight the sea is impassable through the speck and storms. In 1419, the Portuguese rounded Miss Nome and crossed the island of Madeira. In 1434, captain Zhil Eanish, having robbed for Miss Bohador, who had earlier entered the cordon without going through. After ten years, Nuno Tristan reached Senegal, bringing in ten civilians and selling them successfully. From which the trade in African slaves began, as it turned out to be a vitrati for navigation. At the onset of the rocks, the Azores and the islands of the Green Misu came to the Portuguese crown of Guinea and the Congo, like slaves that gold were delivered. In 1486 Diogo Kahn's expedition reached Miss Cros. The seafarers approached the pivden edge of the African continent. However, the kings of Portugal beckoned the way to the islands of spices. The monopoly on the trade in spices was taken by the Arabs, who delivered pepper, cinnamon and other spices through the Perska Stream and over land, which were highly valued in Europe. On February 3, 1488, the court of Bartolomeu Dias, who sailed from Lisbon in serpnі 1487 rock and straight to India, rounded the Miss of Good Nadia, and only the commander’s team, who suffered from hunger, continued swimming, having turned around, unable to notice. After ten years, Vasco da Gami mav rob those who did not go far ahead of him.

Swimming rose safely. The ships passed through the Canary Islands, parted in the fog and climbed over the islands of the Green Miss. The farther path was made difficult by windy winds, ale Vasco da Gama turning to the midst of the winds, the trochs did not move until the same time undomesticated by Brazil, the winds of a fair wind, the zoom in the most handy way (becoming traditional for the windows of Nadії) dobrіsu. True, the sailors spent 93 days in the ocean and only 4 leaf fall reached the earth. The sailors shot on the birches of the bushmen. Through the conflict, they had a chance to hurry up to anchor. Cold weather called out to the team's remembrance, but the "captain-commander" was firm, and on the 22nd leaf fall of 1497 the squadron rounded Miss Good Nadiya. After the stopover, when the Portuguese got provisions and settled with the Bushmen, a squadron of three ships (the old transport had a chance to flood) continued the path of the bridges of the coast, establishing links with the mystsemic tribes. On the 16th of the chest, the mandrіvniki blew on the birch of the remaining stovp-Padrana, deprivation of Diash. Dali vіdkrivavsya unseen paths.

The path of the tsey was not easy. Scurvy spread among the members of the crew through one mansion. The supply of supplies with water became twisted, as the zone of the Muslim influx began. On February 2, 1498, the Portuguese arrived at the port of Mozambique, de їх without a sheikh-Arab. On April 7, the squadron approached the port of Mombasa, and the missionary sheikh also tried to frighten the ships of the "infidels", as if out of caution, zupinilis on the roadstead. The Portuguese, with their own land, sank the Arab ships.

On April 14, following a favorable wind, the expedition reached the rich place of Malindi. The missionary sheikh was the opponent of Sheikh Mombasi, because he wanted to bring in new allies, they were more capable of firing fire, like the Arabs did not have. Crimean provisions, having put on pilots, they knew the way to India. On April 24, the squadron captured Malinda, and on May 20 it arrived to Calikut. Merchants chatted with the city, they knew about the foundation of Portugal and other countries of Europe.

On May 28, Vasco da Gama accepted as an ambassador the wise raja (zamorin), the ruler of Calikuti. But the modest gifts of the seafarers enchanted the Volodar, and the reports about the piracy of the Portuguese, which reached Calicut without a bar, made even more bright blues. Merchants-Arabs tried to win over the vorozhnech to the Christians-competitors. Vasco da Gama did not take permission to fall asleep at the trading post near Calicut. Zamorіn having allowed to live on the shore and sell goods, after which he would break back. Vіn navіt navіt Vasko da Gama pіd vіd varta on the birch for the next hour. The Portuguese comrades did not know how long it would take for two months, and the captain-commander made a mistake at the turning way. Before the departure of the 9 sickle, I turned to death with a leaf, guessing about the obityanka to send an embassy to Portugal and asking the king to send spice bears to the king. Prote the ruler of Calіkut u vidpovіd vimagav viplati mit. Vіn having punished the Portuguese comrades and people who called them to spying. At his court, Vasco da Gama, taking as handcuffs a number of noble Calicutians, they saw ships. If he turned back the Portuguese that part of the goods, the captain-commander sent half of the guards to the shore, and took the line from himself to marvel at the power of Portugal. Goods vіn plundered from the darunok to the Kalіkut Volodar. On the 30th sickle, the squadron broke at the turning lanes, easily breaking into the Indian chovniv, as if attacking the Portuguese ships.

On the way back, the Portuguese hoarded a sprat of merchant ships. From his side, the ruler of Goa wanted to lure and buy a squadron, so that he would win the court in the fight against the courts. I had to fight against pirates. The three-month-long way to the coast of Africa was accompanied by the scourge of the ailments of the crews. Only on September 2, 1499, the sailors drank a bagat in Mogadisho. Not bothering to hang out with an innumerable, tormented, misguided team, that Gama punished “for fear” to shell the place with bombards. On the 7th day, the seafarers arrived to Malinda, and in five days the seafarers garnished the hedgehog and the fruits, given by the sheikh, the sailors sighed. But all the same, the crews changed so much that on September 13, one of the ships had a chance to burn one of the ships at the station on the afternoon of Mombasi. On the 28th of September they passed the island of Zanzibar, and on the 1st of February they crushed the grain of the island of Sant Jorge, the island of Mozambique, on the 20th of June they passed by the Miss of Good Nadia. On April 16, a fair wind brought the court to the islands of Zeleny Misu. Zvіdti Vasco da Gama sent a ship in advance, which on the 10th line delivered a message to Portugal about the success of the expedition. The captain-commander himself trembled through his brother's ailment. Only on the 18th of spring 1499 Vasco da Gama made his way back to Lisbon.

Turned less than two ships that 55 osіb. At the cost of the death of other waterways on the way to Pivdenny Asia and around Africa. Already in 1500-1501, the Portuguese began trade with India, then, with a shriveled strength, they fell asleep their strongholds of the brewery, and in 1511 they seized Malacca - the right land of spices.

The king after the turn awarded Vasco da Gama the title of “don”, as a representative of the nobility, and a pension of 1000 crusades. Prote that domagavsya, sob yogo was killed by the seigneur of the city of Sinisha. The shards on the right dragged on, the king appeasing the ambitious mandriving man with an increase in pensions, and in 1502 fate, before another voyage, bringing the title - "Admiral of the Indian Ocean" - with a lot of honors and privileges.

At that hour, the expeditions of Cabral and Juan and Nova, who went to the coast of India, stumbled upon the support of the local rulers. In order to put the country to sleep in India, King Manuel sent a squadron to fight for Vasco da Gama. The expedition included twenty ships, including the Admiral of the Indian Ocean, ten; five owes were responsible for reshuffling the Arab maritime trade in the Indian Ocean, and another five, under the command of the admiral's nephew, Ishtvan and Gam, were assigned to protect the factories.

The expedition set out on 10 February 1502. On the way, the sailors entered the Canary Islands. Not far from the Green Missus, the admiral showed the Indian ambassadors that they had turned to the Fatherland, that they were directing the golden caravel to Lisbon. After being hostile, turning the glasses of gold. At one time, Vasco da Gama fell asleep forty and a factor in Sofal and Mozambique, supported the Arab emir Kilvi and laid on a new danin. Initiating the fight against Arab shipping with hard calls, punishing the burning of an Arab ship with a mustache of passengers on the Malabar coast.

The 3rd fleet arrived at Kannanur. Mіstseviy raja urochisto zustrіv portugaltsіvі allowing zbuduvati great trading post. Having seized the ship with spices, the admiral straightened to Calikut. Here wine is rіyav rіshuche and zhorstoko. Irrespective of the obіtsyanki zamorina vіdshkoduvati zbitki and informing about the arrest of those responsible for the attacks on the Portuguese, the admiral sank the ships that were in the port, and fired at the place, turning yoga on the ruins. Having punished them to hang on the sackcloths of the suffocated Indians, having sent the unfortunate hands to the shore, the legs of the head, and throwing the body overboard, so that they were swept ashore. Two days later, Vasco da Gama fired on Calikut again and brought new sacrifices to the sea. Zamorin utik from a ruined place. Having left for the blockade of Calikut with this ship under the command of Vicent Sudre, Gama went to Cochin. Here we won the ships and depleted the garrison from the new fort.

Zamorin, for the help of Arab merchants, having taken a great flotilla, on February 12, 1503, set out for the Portuguese, approached Calikut again. Prote artillery of the ships, the lungs of the vessel were stowed. On July 11, Vasco da Gama returned with success to Lisabon. The king, I have received satisfaction, having advanced the admiral's pension, without giving a serious recognition to the ambitious sailor. Tilki in 1519 so Gama took away the land volodinnya and the count's title.

Following the turn of another campaign, Vasco da Gama continued to develop plans for further colonization of India, for the sake of the king to create a naval police there. The king vrahuvav yoga propositions in twelve documents (decrees) in India.

In 1505, King Manuel I, for the pleasure of Vasco da Gami, fell asleep at the tenement of the Viceroy of India. Francisco d'Almeida and Affonso d'Albuquerque, who changed one by one, with zhorsty visits they conquered the power of Portugal on the land of India and in the Indian Ocean. After the death of d'Albuquerque in 1515, the successors of his successors appeared greedy and unfortunate. The new king of Portugal, João III, having gained ever less surplus, has decided to recognize as the fifth vice-king the 64-year-old, savage and incorruptible Vasco da Gama. On April 9, 1524, the admiral flew from Portugal and immediately after arriving in India, making firm entries against the evils of the colonial administration. Prote vin did not manage to restore harmony, but he died due to ailments on 24 December 1524 in Cochin.

For a long time, Portugal was deprived of the sovereignty of the Indian Ocean, the docks changed the other colonial powers. The protests of the masses against the atrocities, zhorstokistya and arrogance of the colonialists were taken by the Portuguese to the one who conquered and conquered the Indian Ocean Admiral Vasco da Gama.

The epoch of the Great Geographical Revelations changed forever the break of the all-world history. Zavdyaks, in the wake of the seafarers, have discovered for themselves new lands of that continent, geographical objects, developed the development of suspile-economical blues, trade, science. One of these mandrivniks, who lost their place in history, became the Portuguese Vasco da Gama.

Young Rocks

Vasco da Gama was born in 1460 to the same Portuguese lyricist Eshtevan da Gan. Having received a decent light from the holy Order of Santiago, from the early century Vasco began to take an active part in naval battles.

Mayuchi I’m laughing and not tidying up the vdacha, as a young man, laying good in the reach of success, which in 1492, following the order of the king, after choking an operation from the burying of French ships, they illegally planted a Portuguese caravel, covered with gold.

Rice. 1. Vasco da Gama.

Zavdyaki is very courageous, and the brand is a successful viláz, the young navigator has obtained royal favor and great popularity at court. Tse buv first crochet on the way of Vasco da Gama, what a dream about fame and wealth.

Home meta - India

At the middle of Portugal, it was far away from the main trade routes, and all valuable goods - spices, fabrics, gold and gems - had to be bought from dealers at exorbitant prices. The country, ravaged by countless wars against Castile, could not afford such vitrates. Poshuk sea way to India, becoming the most important zavdannya Portugal.

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However, the geographic expansion of the state was such that for an hour, looking for a good route to India, the Portuguese seafarers could find a few important remarks. They vowed that it was possible to reach the Omrian land by going around Africa.

The Portuguese were visiting the islands of Principe and Sao Tome, most of the pivdenny coast of the equator, Miss Good Hope. It was confirmed that the speculative continent does not reach the pole, and there is every chance to know the sacred path to India.

Rice. 2. Miss Good Hope.

First swimming

The King of Portugal, Manuel I, was miraculously wise, as importantly as possible, and made a direct connection with India. For the new maritime expedition, a number of wonderfully equipped maneuvering vessels were prompted. The command of the flagship "San Gabriel" was entrusted to Vasco da Gama.

Wealthy stocks of provisions, generous pay to all members of the crews, the presence of various manpower - all this was evidence of the great preparation to the future more expensive, as it started in 1497.

The Portuguese armada set a course for Miss Dobroi Nadiya, which, of course, sailors planned to reach the Indian coast.

By stretching the long way, it gave them a lot of unacceptable surprises: rapt attacks on water and on land, take care of the weather, scurvy, ship breakdowns. Ale not respecting everything, the expedition of Vasco da Gami first reached the shores of India on May 20, 1498.

Rice. 3. Trade with Indians.

Great human sacrifices and the cost of two ships of the armadi could more than pay off by far trade with the Indians. The first success turned out to be even more successful - income from the sale of exotic goods brought from India, 60 times outweighed wine on the sea at a higher price.

Other swimming

The organization of an offensive expedition to the Indian shore was marked by the impulsive approach of the Indians. The aborigines not only burned down the Portuguese trading settlement - the trading post, but also drove all the European merchants out of their borders.

For the first time, the armada was formed from 20 ships, the task of which was to solve the "Indian" problems, and also to create a change in the Arab trade and the protection of the Portuguese factories.

The good flotilla under the command of Vasco da Gama sailed off the sea in 1502. Vіn having shown himself a zhorstok and zhorstoy punisher, and all the supports of the Indians were evil on the root. Turning across the river near the native Lisabon with a significant vidobutkom, the seafarer took off the title of count, raised a pension and a wealth of land.

Third swimming

After the death of King Manuel I, the Portuguese throne went to Joao III. Spadkoєmets having respected that the income from trade with India has become significantly smaller. In order to solve this problem, the new ruler recognized Vasco da Gama as the fifth viceroy of India, and punished him for violating his own free will and arranging everything.

Vіdomy navigator met for the third time until India 1524. Arriving at the place, in the hands of the authorities, in a zhorstok manner, having dealt with us, who was guilty.

At the turn of the hour, Vasco da Gama is on the road to become unwell. Painful narives on the shii appeared as symptoms of malaria, as it afflicted the famous sailor. Vin died on the 24th of December 1524, so take care of your dear ones.

The body of Vasco da Gama was laid to rest at the monastery, which was stitched on the outskirts of Lisbon. Pіznіshe on yogo honor was named place in Goa.

What did we recognize?

When we learned additional information on the topic “Vasco and Gama”, we learned briefly about the speech of India Vasco and Gama. Mi z'yasuvali, naskіlki importantly Bulo Portugal vіdshukati direct route to Іndії. And those who introduced Vasco da Gama in geography played a great role in the development of the economy of the native land, which marked the status of a strong maritime power in the world arena. Also, we recognized the facts of three sea expeditions launched by the great navigator.

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The greatest navigator Vasco da Gama, who laid the sea way from Europe to India, was a heroic specialty for the Portuguese. The biography of the famous mandrinnik ryasnіє not only with cripples, but with episodes of piracy and cynical swearing.

The date of the birth of Vasco is taken as an interval from 1460 to 1469, the exact information is not available. The boy's childhood passed near the village of Sinesh, which is located on the sea coast. The boy was the lucky one of a noble family and virіs among rich families. Ishtevan ta Gama was penniless, compensating for her fault before her son, who did not instruct him in anything.

The lad's fathers lied at the sinful link and did not scold at the moment of the first people. Through price, the bastard was respected and there was not a little right to claim the office of the bastard. Tsya furnishing laid a strong blow on the formation of Vasco's character, knowing in vain that to break through life's way to happen independently.

In the 15th century, illegitimate lads were sheared at the Chentsi, in order to ensure the full coverage of that vihovannia. In 1480, Vasco, together with his brother, entered the Order of Santiago, where he learned mathematics, astronomy and navigation. Avraam Zakuto is the lad's lad, as he arrogantly spoke about the school's students. The coming period of a young man's life is designated by historians as "12 secret fates".


New reports about Vasco da Gama appear in 1492 rotations. At the same time, pirates under the French ensign zahopili Portuguese galleon, which was transporting gold from Guinea to Portugal. King Manuel I of Obrazheniya having punished the informed navigator about those who, having buried the ship's mustache, moored to save France. The fork of Vasco da Gami passed the decks in the distance, after turning from the swimming pool, it became incredibly popular.

The French turned the loot into exchange for judges. The conflict ended well. Zvіlnenі s full of sailors with a fuss zgaduli about the merciless and vicious Portuguese garb, who gave people katuvannyam and znuschannyam. For the sailors' responses, the ship under the wire and Gami called out of sight, and the hoarding sounded blissful.

Persha is more expensive

About the conquest of India, the dream of King Juan (Manuel's successor) and having ordered the expedition, the ale raid did not go ahead. In 1497, the royal court astrologer and mathematician Abraham Ben Zakuto said that 2 brothers supported the “land of spices”. Mindful of the valor and zhorstokіst of the brothers that Gama, the Portuguese monarch appoints young Vasco as the head of the expedition. 8 lime flotilla, consisting of three warships ("San Rafael", "San Gabriel", "Berriu") and one transport ship, sailed from Lisbon.

The squadron safely passed the Green Miss, the sailors replenished their food supplies, and straightened the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. The team hit the shore less than 4 months later, with an ear of the road, dominating the parking lot at the bay of St. Deer. Mіstsevі tribes zustrіl seafarers aggressively, rozv'yazavshi zbroyny conflict. In essence, Vasco was seriously injured in the leg.

Having found Miss Good Nadiya, seafarers stumbled into Mossel Bay, depleted supplies of provisions and sank an unfairly transport ship. The sailors remembered that the aborigines wear cloth robes and speak Arabic language. It becomes clear that Arabia is not far away. In front of you check the uncertainty, the shards away from the territory were not reached.

Map of the first road to Vasco da Gami

Through the marriage of provisions and important dead minds, the sailors fell ill with scurvy, 50 people perished. The team kicked up a rebellion to help turn to the Fatherland. Vasko did not give in to provocations, but was quiet, as they rebelled, having barked at the kaydani. The squadron moved away from the territory of the Arab merchants, more expensively pretended to be a pirate raid. Vasco da Gama deceived the Sultan of Malindi by deceiving pilots. Sultan stole from the Portuguese for the sake of directing the humiliation of Sheikh Mombasi. Ale, otrimavshi guides, virolemniy that Gama simply plundered the ships that pass, and shelled the escaping.

The Arab pilot, having shown the way to India, and in early 1498, the mandrills reached the shores of the Kazkovo land. The ruler of Calikut, standing before the seafarers kindly and kindly. Ale, the Arab merchants reported a zamorin about the pirate raids of the Portuguese and indicated that little gifts had been brought. That is why the government arrested a hundred sailors who were walking around the city. Vasco da Gama did not ruin himself and stole the noble townspeople who arrived on the ship to look around the European possession.

The ruler of Calikut, being afraid of the cunning corsair, letting the entrapment go. The merchants helped him, as they wanted to expand the trade routes of the Christian world. Stuffed with spices and spices, the ingenious machinator did not allow the brunts and broke at the gates. After 20 days, a ship was sent to the Portuguese mandriving expedition, on board of which was the presence of Admiral Goa. Vasko, with zhorstoky torturs, "reconquered" the Jew to help in the attack on the islands.

On the admiral's deck, the corsairs went right up to the shore and plundered the ships that were on the roadstead of the shore. 30 people were captivated, and the reshta was vilified. On the way home, the bula was foldable, the sailors' shards were mowed down by scurvy. Zakhvoriv and brother that Gami. From the far road, 55 people turned, the reshta perished in the face of ailments and the essence of the enemies. On the 18th of spring 1499 the Portuguese ships moored on the coast of Lisbon.

The comrades and spices brought by the expedition 60 times paid for the wine on the road. The second king rewarded Vasco with a pension of 1000 croissants and the title of "Admiral of the Indian Ocean". Ale tsі Dari were not satisfied with the drink of the ambitious Portuguese. The stigma of a bastard did not give peace, and a man, having jumped yogo, got up, winning the honor of the spіvgromadyan and the title of count.

In 1500, an advancing expedition broke up to the coast of India, enchanted by Pedro Alvarish. A man maw namir wake up a trading settlement in Calicut, and Arab merchants have started a alec. Under such storms, the factory was robbed and burned down. Vіkayuchi from the place, Pedro shelled the coastal villages from harmat. A war broke out between Portugal and India.

Another is more expensive

Manuel I does not stop thinking about the ordering of the "Golden Land" and directs the bloody Vasco da Gama for another trip. The method of the company is the involuntary indulgence of India and the founding of the Portuguese colony. In 1502, a sailor with 20 ships sailed to the Indian Ocean. At the Zhovtnі flotilla to kill the teeth in Kannanurі, de mіstsevy rajah from the honors of the conquerors and generously reward.

On the way to Calikuti, Vasco sank an Indian ship, punishing the guards at the hold and firing the ship. The despot did not spare women or children. Vtsililih finished off by the water. Pіdіyshovshi to the place, the corsair fired on the escaping from the harmat. Kvituche settlement turned into ruins. The team and Gami bought 800 Indians. Brantsiv was tied up, their hands were cut, they were worn, vuha and their teeth were broken. Following zhorstok znuschan people were wasted, shooting for harm.

It became a full-scale action of slandering that satisfaction of the sadistic naughty Vasco da Gami. It seems that the corsair victorious people as a target for crossbowmen. Vіdrubanі kіntsіvki strachenih portuguese vіdravlyav zamorina mista, scarlet vtіk, not chekayuchi black bloodshed. Mothers and squads wandered around the shore, roaming the bodies of their relatives. From the motherland of Vasco, the Portuguese wiggled women and valtuvali.

The sailors smashed the trading post on the swampy territory, transforming part of the farm into a Portuguese colony. In 1503 the conquerors turned back to the native shores. The monarch generously bestowed on the talented Vasco da Gama, but did not impress the greedy title of count. Then the famous corsair threatened that he would leave Portugal, as if he had been robbed. Manuel I waited a while with the arguments and recognized him as the count of Vidigueira.

Life Specialist

About the special life of a crooked seafarer, there are less of those who, having made friends with a girl, should belong to a noble family. The squad was called Katarina di Ataidi. The noblewoman gave birth to Vasco sixth blue that donka.


Before the death of Vasco da Gama, he saved the rest of the road to India. At the order of Juan III, a man was sent to the colony to restore harmony in the lavas of the administration, as if threatened in corruption. Ale, having arrived on the mission, died of malaria in 1524. Sin of the deceased having delivered the body to Portugal.

The ashes were scattered at the family crypt. In the 19th century, marauders plundered the grave. Since then it was said that the remains of another person were buried at the tomb. The brushes of Vasco da Gami were moved to Lisbon.

  • So Gama buv illegal people.
  • It's amazing, but in Goa there is a place named after a seafarer.
  • Respected by the national hero of Portugal.
  • From Vasco da Gama, he took a dozen malices, which were sent for exploration.
  • Koristuvvsya an astrolabe and a sextant.
  • Having drawn a map of the Indian coast, having become the meridian and parallel.
  • Found European place of names in honor of the seafarer.
  • The tubers have changed their red hats on ivory from ivory tufts.
  • Having pleased the king to create a maritime police in India.
  • Photographs of the mandriva are found on stamps and commemorative coins of Portugal.

Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama (1469-1524), Portuguese navigator, who was the first to make a route from Lisbon to India and back. Yak and most of his colleagues engaged in piracy.

The Portuguese and the Spaniards are peoples, disputes between the movement and culture. Portugal gradually moved from Spain to everything that came to know that the development of new lands and sea routes. If in due time King Juan II, after advising Columbus, having organized an expedition to search for a zahodny way to Asia, wines, maybe, not allowing that stubborn Genoese to reach his mark under the ensign of the Spanish queens. Ale "Zahіdna Іndіya" vіdkrita, to її shores laid routes, and between Europe and new lands systematically ply the Spanish caravels. The fall of Juan II realized that they needed to hurry up to secure their rights to the Fall of India. Already in 1497, an expedition was ordered to explore the sea route from Portugal to India - near Africa.

The head of the expedition to the choice of King Manuel I was named Vasco da Gama (the Portuguese call "Vashka") - a young courtier of a noble campaign, who has not yet proven himself to be nothing but a dashing slaughter of a caravan of French merchant ships. I wanted the king to proclaim the candidacy of such a famous seafarer, yak Bartolomeu Dias, who in 1488 was the first to circumnavigate Africa from the first day, having passed the name of Miss Good Nadia, the bula was given to a young aristocrat with piracy cheeks. On the proposition of Manuel I, consider the expedition of Vasco da Gama: “I, sir, am your servant, and I will swear by my hand, if only my life would be ruined.” Similar songs were given at that hour, not for the “red slut”.

The flotilla of Vasco da Gami was formed from several ships. There were two 100-ton ships - the flagship "San Gabriel" (Captain Goncalo Alearish, certified sailor) and "San Rafael" (Captain Paulo da Gama, brother of the admiral), as well as a light 70-ton caravel "Berriu" (Captain Nicolauel) transport vessel with reserves. In total, there were 168 people under the command of the Admiral and Gami, including a dozen of wicked men, specially called z v'yaznits - the stinks were assigned to the vicons of the most unsafe hands. The lead navigator of the bouvals was the sailor Pedro Alenker, who had sailed ten years earlier with Bartolomeu Dias.

The flotilla departed from the harbor of Lisbon on the 8th day of 1497. Passing without use to Sierra Leone, Admiral da Gama, lined with uniquely unacceptable winds and currents on the shores of Equatorial and Pivdennoy Africa, rushing to the midst of the sunset, and turning to the equator to the midst. The maneuvers took close to four months, and less than 1 leaf fall the Portuguese sloshed on the ground, and three days later they went to a wide bay, which was given the name of St. Olen.

Having landed on the shore, the Portuguese sailors pumped the Bushmen forward. Tse - a group of peoples, which are the most ancient inhabitants of Northern and Northern Africa. The Bushmen are distinctly reminiscent of the greater Negro tribes of the African continent - the stench is undersized, the color of their coats is more swishy, ​​lower black, and in the guise of deyak similarity with the Mongoloids. The inhabitants of the chagar bushes of the bushes (the name of the Europeans is "bushmen" - "people of the chagar bush") may have wondrous vibrancy. The stench can spend a good hour in a desert without a supply of water, which they use by methods that are unknown to other peoples.

Sailors and Gami were trying to get rich with Bushmen “cultural exchange”, pronouncing them usisto, bubonts and other dribnichki, but “chagarnikov people” appeared to be “non-platos-promoting” - they didn’t have to wind the most primitive robe, and their first bows and arrows didn’t use let's shoot down with crossbows and fire bombards. In addition, through the image, the head of the Bushman was like a rude sailor, the conflict situation was blamed, after all, a small sailor was wounded by stones and arrows. Crossbows of European bushmen struck with crossbows, lost their innocence. And the shards of the annual sign of gold and pearls were not marked by the Bushmen, the flotilla lifted the anchors and blew the distance for the day.

Obijshovshi pіvdenniy edge of Africa, Portuguese ships, ruhayuchis on pіvnіchniy skhіd, like breasts 1497 went to the high shore, which so Gama gave the name Natal ("Rіzdvo"). On September 11, 1498, the sailors landed on the shore, where they danced faceless people, sharply quarreled at the sight of African wild animals. Among the sailors, they know the translations of the Bantu, and the contact of two different civilizations has been established. The Negroes chided the Portuguese more kindly. The land, which Vasco da Gama called the "land of good people", was inhabited by peasants and craftsmen. People here cultivated the land and mined ore, smelted gold and colored metal with it, smashed blades and daggers, arrowheads and spearheads, midi bracelets, embellished it with other things.

Rushing far into the river, on the 25th day of the day, the ships sailed to a wide inlet, where the sprat river flowed. Conversing with the local inhabitants, as if they were kindly accepting the Portuguese, and remembering the obviousness of the objects of the clearly Indian campaign, the admiral robbed the whiskers that the flotilla was approaching India. Here I had a chance to get stuck - the ships required repairs, and people who had a lot of ailments for scurvy, succumbing to that repair. The Portuguese stood for a whole month in the creek of the Kvakvi river, as it was seen by the pivnichny branch of the Zambezi delta.

On the 24th of a ferocious flotilla, the anchor was lifted and in five days it reached the port of Mozambique. Here at that hour the Arabs ruled militantly. These single-masted ships regularly brought in slaves, gold, elephant brush and ambergris. The novelty of two different civilizations was folded because the Arab merchants poached in the Portuguese (solidly primed) unsafe competitors, and friendly stosunki changed into fortune-tellers without a hitch. The Arabs began to lash out against the European guests of the black population. It got to the point where, in order to replenish the supply of fresh water, the sailors of that Gami had to hang out on the shore under the cover of naval artillery.

The expedition departed from Mozambique on the 1st April and headed for the pivnich. On board the flagship, Admiral da Gama, having subdued two Arab pilots, and not trusting them, hoisted a small windshield near the shore and under the tortours, having asked the Lord to remind him of the need for wind, water and electricity. At the entrance to the harbor of the port city of Mombasa on Zanzibar, Arab pilots ran from the ship to the ruler of the city, a wealthy sheikh-practitioner.

Not looking for anything good with the rulers of Mombasi, Vasco and Gama viishov by the sea. Vikoristovuyuchi his pirate dosvid, the Portuguese admiral, plundering the Arab ship on the way, plundering it and burying the entire crew. The team supported their admiral with everything. Nothing amazing - sailors at that time often became people who did not seem to be highly moral, accepting hundred and fifty representatives of other civilizations. That is why all the other ships that belonged to the Arabs were buried. With a new arrival, the flotilla sailed on the 14th of April at the harbor of Malinda and dropped anchor.

Here the Portuguese were given the most beloved and friendly welcome. It turned out that the mystical sheikh already knew the rules of the Portuguese mandriving. The agency told you about the naval exploits and the onboard artillery of the Bults. Chasing Mombasa and peresbuvayuchi under the enemy in the light of taking away the information about the guests, having propooned the union to the admiral and gave him the miraculous pilot, the old sailor Ahmed ibn Majid, as a sign of trust. The flotilla set off on the road on April 24, and on May 17, Ibn Majid showed the admiral to the Indian coast, which screamed out of the fog. April 20, 1498 Portuguese ships stood on the roadstead at the entrance to the port of Calikut (Pivdenna India).

How, having passed through the "contact of civilizations", it was reportedly described in the book of the doctor of geographical sciences D.Ya. Fashchuk "Mysteries of the sea odyssey". If Vasco da Gama and that yoga captain arrived to the mist ruler, who bore the title of “samudrin raja” (for the Portuguese “samorin”), that “... we’ll see the guests in one pov’yaztsi on stegns. Aleyogo’s hands were embellished with massive gold bracelets and heels with majestic diamonds, a gold lancet was wrapped around her neck, and at the vuhah there were important gold earrings with cat stones. Like gifts in front of the “Walking Diamond Fund”, twelve pieces of coarse cloth, chotiri red capturi, six capelyukhiv, chotiri threads of coral, six bath basins, a box of tsukru, two barrels of olive oil and two barrels of honey were presented for dikuniv. It doesn't matter to guess the reaction of Samorin. Only the piracy advice of Vasco da Gami helped the Portuguese to safely deprive the Indian shores by hoarding a handful of guards, a couple of merchant ships with valuable vantage, and shelling “for fear” of the bombards of the ships and the place to save.

Pododori Vasco da Gami (1497-1499)

Calіkut was abandoned behind the stern of the Portuguese flotilla, like a scythe in 1498. Povіlno prosuvayuchis on pіvnіch uzdovzh іndіyskogo uzberezhzhya, on 20 April the sailors hurriedly threw anchors on the island of Anjidiv, in order to start repairing the ships. After the repair of those many harmonic duels with the famous pirate ships, the sailors left the island, still not allowing the calm to collapse at the right direction. Having reached a fair wind, less than since 1499 the Portuguese reached Malinda. The sheikh-ally, having provided the flotilla with new supplies and for a friendly attack, Gami sent an elephant tusk from gifts to King Manuel I.

For an hour of swimming, the team was very fast - a lot of people died from scurvy and other ailments. I had a chance to burn the ship "San Rafael" and collapsed far away on two ships that were left out. On the crossing from Mozambique to the Missus of Good Nadiya, one needed three tizhnivs, and on the crossing to the Green Miss Islands, more chotiri. Here Vasco da Gama, having ordered the captain of the "Berriu" N. Cuel, to lead his ship to Lisabon, and himself left behind the dying brother Paulo da Gama. Having buried his brother in one of the Azores, Vasco arrived to Lisbon until the end of the season. Of the four judges, only two turned out, and less than half of the team lost.

However, regardless of the great expenses, the expedition became a thorn in the side of the royal treasury. Still, in Calicut, far away, there were a lot of spices and bones, and the pirates’ raids and Gami in the Arabian Sea filled the ship’s screens with a significant peace. Ale, obviously, did not call out the triumph of power in Lisbon. “The expedition announced that what great benefits can bring for them without intermediary sea trade with India for the proper economic, political and military organization. For the Europeans, the sea route to India was one of the largest pods in the history of the light trade. From that moment, and before the breakthrough of the Suez Canal (1869), the main commerce of Europe from the borders of the Indian Ocean and China went not through the Mediterranean Sea, but through the Atlantic Ocean - the rise of Good Hope. Well, Portugal, which trimala has in its hands “the key to a similar seafaring”, became in the XVI century. the strongest maritime power, took over the monopoly of trade in Pvdenny and Skhidnoy Asia, and subdued її 90 years - until the defeat of the “Impenetrable Armada” (1588) ”(I.P. Magidovich, V.I. Magidovich, “Drawings from the history of the ).

Ale, the success of the Portuguese seafarers maw is as important as Portugal itself. Vіn having managed a nasty hostility to the poslіv, merchants and a number of European lands. “Such news about the turn of Gami reached Venice, the people fought like thunder, and the wisest of people respected the price of the highest star, as if they could be taken away,” - this is how it was assigned to the student of one of the companions of these podiums. In fierce 1502 already twenty warships, enchanted by Vasco da Gama, given the title “Admiral of the Indian Sea” for the first trip, sailed to India and brought order to the best traditions of the bearers. Having plundered and devastated the Malabar coast, the stench "put on the table" the Indian samorins and voted for the territory of the power of the Portuguese crown. After such a surprise, the Indians cursed and almost did not drive in the Kermanich Najdi (Ibn Majidi), who showed the paths to the Europeans approaching the country. Ale was pizno. In 1505, the Portuguese squadron of Chergovy with twenty ships and the second thousandth Russian burned Mombasa and engaged in piracy in the Arabian Sea, saving everything from Hindustan and the Moluccan Islands with their patrimony. Describing the numbers, Jules Verne stole his hour: “There is no such fatness that the Portuguese in India would not curse themselves with” (D.Ya. Fashchuk, “Mysteries of the sea odyssey”).

The government of Portugal highly appreciated the dean of Admiral Vasco da Gami. In 1524 he was appointed Viceroy of India. At that hour, youma had risen for 55 years. On the 24th breast of which fate the great mandriving man died in glory and glory. For Portugal and all of Western Europe, America was left with the first European, which brought ships to India. And I, better for everything, neither to myself, nor to my fellow moderns, could have known that maybe a quarter of a century before the appearance of the Portuguese in the lands of India, having experienced another European, Russian people - Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin.

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Vasco Nunez de Balboa (bl. 1475-1517) Spanish conquistador. At the search for gold, the first Europeans crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the shores of the "Pivdenny Sea" - the Pacific Ocean (29 Spring 1513). Vіdkriv Perlinnі islands. Vasco Nunez de Balboa was born in Jerez

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