Recipe for cooking meatballs in a saucepan. 3 minced chicken

Recipe for cooking meatballs in a saucepan. 3 minced chicken

Meatballs - an axis about such a simple and tasty їzhu mi often forgotten. Aje here is meat, and vegetables. They cook them differently. What is at the frying pan, what is at the oven, what is cooked at the multicooker. So, we are talking about meatballs, about such savory meats with bag additives. Let's figure out how they can be prepared simply, crispy and tasty.

Meatballs - Pokrokov recipes from photos

Meatballs are fried like cutlets not only rozmirom: first, like meatballs and panuyutsya, then only in boroshn, and nicoli in breadcrumbs; and in a different way, minced meat for them - meat chi ribny - obov'yazkovo add additional ingredients - groats chi vegetables.

Meatball menu:

  1. Savory meatballs with spicy


  • Minced meat - 400 g
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Watchmaker - 1-2 teeth.
  • Sir - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Dry white bread - 1-2 skewers
  • Girchitsya is ready - 1 year.
  • Be-yak greens - for relish
  • Strength, pepper, spice - for relish
  • Borosno for breading
For sauce:
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Ketchup - 1 tbsp.
  • Starch - 0.5-1 tbsp.
  • Water is cold - 1/4 bottle
  • Water - 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Sil, tsukor - for relish


1. Put some bread in a cup and pour it with water, so that the wines are soaked, it’s not good for you.

2. Put the minced meat in a big cup, winch bread from the cup with water, put it to the minced meat. Grind the cibula in a blender or just with a knife and add that bread to minced meat.

3. At the blender, refine the sir, so that the wines are plastic, and not shmakim, but you can still grind with a spoon, just be a little more. Sir is also added to minced meat.

4. The watchmaker is finely cut, if you like to take 2 cloves, if not more, then one. Break the egg at the minced meat and there you can open the bowl. Trim the cibula, add to minced meat. Also add a teaspoon of mustard there.

5. Everything is resolutely mixed, it is possible, that one is more beautiful, right with your hands. Salt, pepper, add spices, herbs, for relish. I have a bunch of Italian herbs.

6. Dribno narizaemo greens, I had parsley and krip and add to minced meat.

7. I renew everything resolutely mixed. The stuffing is ready.

Let's start molding meatballs

So that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, soak your hands near the water.

8. Robimo bag, roll it in the boroshni

9. And put yoga on a plate. And so put the minced meat.

10. Olives were poured into the frying pan, so that the bottom crooked and put on fire.

11. Oliya was grilled, put meatballs into the frying pan. Smear until ruddy.

12. Inverted and also smeared from the other side. Strong lubrication is not required. We are still extinguishing them, so the stench will not be orphaned.

While the meatballs are smeared, the sauce is ready.

Ale, don't forget to marvel at the pan, so that nothing burns.

13. Dribno narrate the cybula. Here you can take a small cibulin. Carrots are rubbed on a dry third.

14. We take a deep frying pan and pour trochs of dewy olive oil and heat it up. We put the qibul in the frying pan.

15. Grated carrots right there. Everything is mixed. Let's brush a sprat of quills.

16, Dribno narizaemo a small bell pepper and add carrots to the cibula. I know everything is changed.

17. So dribly narizaemo small tomatoes and corrected to vegetables.

18. Add a tablespoon of ketchup, for relish, maybe a little more. Sweaty hvilinki 3, salty, dodaemo tsukor.

19. Take a tablespoon of starch. Yogo is diluted in 1/4 bottle of cold water. Rozmіshuєmo doti, docks will not be breasts. We pour starch into the sauce to the vegetables.

20. After a few hours, the sauce has thickened, adding a glass of water, as if the sauce is too thick for you, add slowly pouring and stirring up a little more water. Close the frying pan with a lid and give the vegetables another 5-7 quills on a small fire.

21. In boiling sauce, after 5-7 quills, the meatballs are smeared. The sauce is to cover the meatballs. Gasimo until ready for 25-30 quills on a small fire.

Meatballs are ready.

Arranged on plates, you can decorate with greenery.

Veyshli savory, lower veils to meatballs.


  1. Meatballs baked at the oven


  • Minced meat - 500-700 g.
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 4 medium heads
  • Rice - 1 bottle
  • Carrot - 2 medium
  • Tomato paste - 70 g.
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Pepper, strength for relish


1. Rice is put into a saucepan, poured with water, about 2-2.5 bottles and boiled until ready, 15 minutes after boiling.

2. While the rice is cooking, everything else is ready. Dribno narizaemo 2 cibulini, reshto for the sauce.

3. Tsibulu is added to minced meat, salt, pepper, broken eggs. Everything is mixed.

4. Rice is taken from the stove, if necessary, water is poured out through a sieve, washed and added to minced meat.

5. Turn on the oven at 180 °.

6. Prepare everything for the sauce. 2 heads of the cybuli, which were left out, rozryzaemo navpil and naruzaemo with impervious plates.

7. We rub carrots on the great third.

8. We rub the hourglass on the other third.

9. In the frying pan pour trohi olії, rozіvaєmo її.

10. Put the cibula into the pan and brush it until golden.

11. I smeared the cibula with carrots. Let's brush 2-3 quills. Let’s add a little bit of water so that she covers the vegetables and let’s stew 5 quills.

12. Add tomato paste, chasnik, salt, pepper to taste.

13. Roslin oil is smeared on deco, shaped into balls with minced meat and placed on deco. If the stuffing sticks to your hands, soak your hands near the water.

14. We put the last sheet and pour our meatballs, we are already preparing the sauce. We put in the oven for 35-40 quills.

15. Wiymaєmo from the oven. Meatballs are ready. You can give іz be-like a side dish.

We put meatballs on a plate with a side dish - mashed potatoes. Decorated with greenery.


  1. Recipe for special meatballs


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g.
  • Cibulya - 1 head
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sir - 30
  • Manna groats - 2 tbsp.
  • Dry herbs - 0.5 tsp (We have Italian dialing)
  • Tops 10% -20% (more than 20%) - 500 ml.
  • Winter pepper - 3-5 peas
  • Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • Turmeric - pinch
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves
  • Olivkova oliya (be it odorless roslin) - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Strong pepper


To prepare such meatballs, a pinch of turmeric was added to top sauce and green color pasta was served. Spinach is added to the pasta for color.

1. Let's start with the preparation of the sauce. The cream is heated up to a boil and thrown in spices, bay leaf, peppercorns and turmeric. Razmіshuєmo, nakrivaєmo she zalishaєmo insist.

2. Chicken fillet and cibula are rolled on meat rubs, added to a new egg, cheese, spices, salted salt, pepper.

3. At the result, it was necessary to milk the soft mass.

4. We add manna groats to it. If you don't have semolina, you can take breadcrumbs.

5. Everything is mixed up and we start sticking meatballs. Wet hands with water, shards of minced meat sticky and sticky bags. We are sticky little bags for the beauty of the planned stravy.

6. For a large amount of minced meat, two large plates of small meatballs were made.

7. For the aroma of that relish, in a frying pan, olive oil, cinema, a couple of chastochok hours. Not painting yoga, but simply crushing it with the flat of a knife and smearing yoga triplets, change the color to a light color. It is not necessary to strongly smear yoga, otherwise the grass can be bitter. The frying pan is unfortunately taken out of the fire, so that the oil will cool the troch.

8. In a frying pan, cook up to the top of the pan.

9. Salt the troch, bring to a boil and in the hot tops of the meatballs.

10. It’s even neatly mixed, so that the meatballs were covered with tops and quenched until cooked without closing the lid close to 20 quills, constantly stirring.

11. At this hour we set the pasta to cook. We need the pasta and meatballs to be ready at once.

12. The sauce has thickened, the meatballs are ready. you can try them, overturning readiness. I'm ready to take the grass out of the fire. The pasta was already boiling.

13. Put the pasta on a serving plate with a ring.

14. In the middle of the kіltsya we put meatballs.

Well, did you see such beauty? And yummy, lick your fingers.


  1. Meatballs in the oven with a delicious pokrokovy recipe with a photo

Our meatballs will be tasting. M'yaso іndichki, then sour cream and tops.



1. Dribno cut 2 cibulini and parsley.

2. Wiklasti at a glibok cup.

3. Add minced meat, chasnik.

4. Put in the soaks earlier and wedge the bread, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Mix everything with your hands and beat the minced meat. (Vidbiti - it means good mixing of the minced meat at the great kolobok and lowering it by 15 - 20 cm from the table, throw it into the cup.

6. We form meatballs, wetting our hands near the water, so that the minced meat does not stick to the hands.

7. Place the meatballs in deep, heat-resistant dishes.

8. Mix sour cream, tops, krip, strong and chalky pepper in an okremіy bowl.

9. Pour meatballs with cinnamon sauce.

10. Curve the dish with foil.

11. We put the oven in the back of the oven to 180 ° for about 40 minutes.

Strava is ready.

Marvel at the sauce at the dish.

Served with some greens as a side dish.


  1. Meatballs with rice


  • Minced meat - 400-500 g.
  • Cooked rice until ready to drink - 400-500 g (dry - about 1 bottle)
  • Cibulya - 1-2 heads
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Boroshno - 2 - 3 tbsp.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves
  • Greens - parsley, krip.
  • Tomato paste - 50-70 g.
  • Strength, pepper for relish
  • Roslinna oil for lubrication


1. With a blender, we trim the cubula and the hourglass, or we cut it with a knife. At the glibok cup we add minced meat, rice (1 to 1) and qibulu with a teapot.

2. Drive in an egg, salt, pepper.

3. Everything is mixed up to a homogeneous mass.

4. Deeply shape abo deco smeared with dewy oil and start sticking meatballs. Wet hands with water in front of the skin meatball, the scabs did not stick. Completed the sheet.

5. Start preparing the sauce. Tsibulya is finely cut, carrots are rubbed on the great third. Onions can beat half of the head, if you like, the whole head.

6. In half of the bottle, cold water is diluted boroughly.

7. Tsibulya is smeared to a golden color.

8. Add carrots, mix, cover 1-2 quills.

9. Add tomato paste. Let's move on. Obsmazhuєmo, pomіshuyuchi sche 2-3 hvilini.

10. Top up the water and bring it to a boil. Dodayemo for the taste of strong and pepper. Also, I add freshly cut greens, or put it frozen. We extinguish a couple of whilins.

11. Pour in water diluted with water. Constantly help, so that there were no breasts. Give the sauce a good boil.

12. The sauce is ready. Pour the meatballs in leaves with sauce.

We put the meatballs into the oven, roast them in front to 180 °, for 30-40 minutes.

Our country is ready.


  1. Meatballs with tomato sauce


  • Minced pork with yalovichina - 500 g.
  • Rice in preparation for preparation - 1.5 bottles
  • Cibulya - 2 pcs.
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. with hot water,
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sil, pepper, herbs, bay leaf, paprika - for relish,
  • Boroshno, oliya - for lubrication.


I cook the vegetables on the back.

1. Dribno narrate the cybula.

2. Narizaemo hourly.

3. Carrots are rubbed on a dry third.

4. In a bowl with minced meat, rice is added, a cibula with a bowl, an egg, sil, pepper.

5. Everything is mixed up to a homogeneous mass.

6. For minced meat, roll a bun (bag), roll yogo in boroshnі and so the whole minced meat. Bags are stored on a doshtsi.

7. We heat a frying pan with olive oil and put it on meatballs.

8. It is smeared on a strong fire to a ruddy flicker and it is turned over.

9. Meatballs are ready. Now the sauce is ready for them.

10. On the good, I will burn the frying pan with olive oil, we will lay the cibula.

11. Next we add carrots.

12. Everything is mixed and trochs are covered, 3-4 quills.

13. Here, let's add tomato paste. Good peremіshuєmo, let's put out a sprat of quills.

14. The sauce is diluted with water.

15. Add bay leaf, black pepper, sil, paprika.

16. Add greens. You can fresh or frozen. We have krip.

17. We add tsukor, everything is mixed up and we need to put out the whilin by 5.

18. The sauce is ready, fill it with meatballs. Close the lid and fill it up to extinguish 30-40 quills on the right fire.

Well, from i everything. Our country is almost ready.

You can serve it as a side dish, or without it.


  1. Video - Meatballs baked at the oven with sour cream sauce


Homemade meatballs are a miraculous hot meat grass, which is ideal to eat with some sort of side dish, starting with boiled rice and finishing with vegetables on steam. Most of the time, if life was a gift, they prepared meatballs with a spicy, and skin already had their own loves, a recipe for a passion. We propose to you 3 simple preparations, but not less than savory recipes for meatballs, like a miracle for a family Saturday meal.

Meatballs with rice

M'yasnі tyuftelki with rice - vіdmіnne dish for a sieve family evening. The stench is prepared simply, swiftly and suits everyone - from small to great. Navit nayvibaglivishі to meaty passions, children are ready to eat such meatballs for a good day. You will also need it, if you serve it with a side dish. The main thing is the quality of meatballs with rice and meat like meatballs in that for meatballs with spicy it is necessary to cook rice in front.


  • Minced pork or mixed - 300 gr;
  • Syrian rice - 100 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • Oliya - 4 tablespoons;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece;
  • Sour cream - 80 gr;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Zukor - ½ tsp;
  • Boroshno wheat - 1 tbsp;

How to cook savory meatballs with rice and savory

Father, we need rice before us. For this, pour yogo in a saucepan with clean water at a ratio of 1: 2, put salt and put it on a medium fire. Once the water is boiled, the fire is small and the rice is cooked until cooked, about 15-18 quills.

Tim will take an hour to prepare food. Grill ½ norm in a frying pan for the recipe of rosemary olive and cover with ½ diced cibula until clear. Cut the carrots into thin sticks or trim them on the great third, add to the cubule and brush the carrots until soft.

Then add the tomato paste and the wheat well, mix well, so that the breasts do not fill up well, and coat 2 hvilini with vegetables at once.

Pour 100 ml of hot water and sour cream into the pan, stir. Put out 5 chills. In the kіntsi add tsukor, sіl that black pepper for relish.

Through the addition of boroshna, the sauce does not turn out to be a rare, viscous consistency, but sour cream with tomato paste to give it a pleasant orange color.

Tim took an hour to boil the rice for the mattresses. Rinse the yoga under cold running water and put it on the mashlyak before adding the minced meat, let all the water drain.

Minced meat for tsієї stravi is better to take pork, vin dosit fat, ale rice yogo zbalansuє. Ale, as a snack of a dietary meal - vikoristovyte minced veal or chicken fillet.

Mix the minced meat into a deep bowl, cut the half of the cibulini, the egg, which is left out, and also season the sill and black pepper to your taste.

Add chilled rice, stir. Masa comes out pliable, you can easily make round-shaped meatballs from it.

Coat the molded meatballs in olive oil, which is left from one side until the ruddy streak is cooked, turn over with a spatula.

On the other side, smear it like this until the tanning.

Transfer the oiled meatballs to a saucepan with a thick bottom or a wide frying pan with a lid.

Pour over the end of the day with cooking sap, put the pan on a small fire, bring to a boil and simmer 30 hvilin under the lid.

In an hour, the trochs will climb into the meatballs, and the stench will become juicy and irresistibly soft.

Serve meatballs with spicy and hot rice in portions with a side dish, or I’ll make a self-sufficient grass. Zavdyaki podlivі m'yasnі meatballs do not require additional sauce or sour cream. Savory!

Meatballs with minced chicken

A meal of lower chicken meat with fragrant top notes of the sauce has long been known to everyone. Kurka and pidlivu for meatballs based on sour cream will harmoniously join for relish and look like this, you have spent more than one year cooking the grass, although we don’t want to. Chicken meatballs in sour cream are easy to prepare, so you can cook with them not found culinary.

  • Minced chicken - 500 gr;
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece;
  • Rice - 100 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Chasnik - 1 clove;
  • Oliya - 3 tablespoons;
  • Strength, black chalking pepper for relish.
  1. Boil the rice until ready, cool the yogo. It is best to vicorate long-grain rice, the wines do not stick together in the process of molding meatballs.
  2. Vykoristovyte ready minced meat or wind it up on your own. The best part of that low-fat part of the chicken is taken into account by the breast, it is better for minced meat to beat it yourself.
  3. Dzhe dribly cut the cibula or pass it through the meat grinder at once with the trigger. Add rice to the bowl with the meat.
  4. Salt, pepper the minced meat and thoroughly mix the yoga.
  5. To add meatballs from chicken minced meat, you don’t need to add in a new egg, shards of wine and without which you can make elastic. Wet your hands with cold water, so that Syrian minced meat does not stick to them, and make a batch of small meatballs. Vіdpravte їх at the refrigerator for 10-20 hvilin for cooking.
  6. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Transfer to the new chicken meatballs. Try to put it in one row. Turn the meatballs around the world їх pіdrum'yanyuvannya in a frying pan.
  7. As soon as the meatballs are smeared, add some hot water to the pan, then add all the sour cream and mix well. Cover with a krishkoy and simmer on a weak fire for 15 chills|minutes|. The second option is the preparation of pidlivi. After that, how to smear the meatballs, transfer them to a small saucepan.
  8. In an okremіy frying pan, coat the cubula and grated carrots, and only then add sour cream, teaspoon and hot water. After preparing the okremo, pour it into a saucepan up to the mattress and stew under the closed lid and 15 quills.
  9. Add to the chicken meatballs with a sweet pass through the press with a clove, a little salt and black pepper. Mix it all over again with fire. After 5 minutes spent under a closed lid, meatballs with sour cream will be ready. Serve them with mashed potatoes or boiled rice, embellishing the animal with fresh greenery. Savory!
  • Like a drink, it’s too rare to mix it up in an okremіy glass 1 tsp. potato starch and 3 tsp drive. Mix carefully and properly so that the starch does not fill the breasts. Let's pour the homeland into hot water. You remember, how the mittevo is getting thicker. The same effect can be achieved, if you add a spoonful of wheat boar to the addition and thoroughly mix it.
  • To make chicken meatballs lower, just include rice in the recipe. Meatballs, like before, will better trim their shape, but at the same time become uniform in texture.

Meatballs at the oven

If the time for preparing the evening is not enough for us, the fires from the oven become a good order. Having corrected the necessary preparations of the ingredients in the rough and you can calmly take care of your right, sometimes looking at what you are looking at behind the doors. To such clumsy strains, one can bring home-made meatballs with sweetness. An unparalleled plus of this strain is those that for її the preparation of vicory is made with simple and sensible products, and the result is not roaring with its savory flavors.

  • Homemade minced meat (pork + yalovichina) - 500 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp;
  • Oliya - 3 tablespoons;
  • Boroshno wheat - 3 tbsp;
  • Strength, black chalking pepper for relish.
  1. To save time, whip up the prepared minced meat, or wind it up ahead of time and freeze it in reserve. Fragrant and savory meatballs come from minced meat, cooked from halovichi and pork in equal proportions.
  2. Salt, pepper the minced meat, mix in the egg. With wet hands form small meatballs and put them in the fridge for 15 quills. The lesser the meatballs will rise, the more the stench will be rummaged in the oven, and the sauce will seep out more quickly. As you grow meatballs of the great rosemary, then the upper part of them will be with an appetizing quickness, and the lower part will be savory like juicy. Golovnya, that the stench was about the same size as the world.
  3. It's time to get busy with preparations. Smear on a rose-growing olive oil a finely chopped cybul and grate a carrot until soft. There you can put diced tomatoes on small cubes. Mix tomato paste with a bottle of okrop.
  4. Add | add | flour|boroshno| and pour it over with water and tomato paste. Resolutely mix, so that the breasts do not shrink from the boar and leave the quench under the closed lid on a weak fire for about 5 strands.
  5. Have smeared | smeared | Ring out what hour is enough, so that the meatballs are clear.
  6. Then pour it into the mold again and put it in the oven again for 25-30 minutes.
  7. Before serving, sip the dish with fresh herbs. Like bachite, cooked without rice, meatballs miraculously trim their shape, do not fall into pieces and form a uniform texture. Garnish to such a hot sauce can be boiled pasta, buckwheat or mashed potatoes. Savory!
  • If you are a lover of spicy food, then for an hour obsmazhuvannya vegetables in a frying pan, add a small pod of chili pepper, peeled like fresh pepper, to them, or season it with black pepper.
  • You can reach more of the lower relish of the sauce, just add a spoonful of sour cream to the new sprat when simmering.
  • Tsikavy and original relish will bring meatballs, as if to grind minced minced meat into Syrians and soaked vegetables, for example, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers.

The national grass, which came from Sweden, fell in love with our spіvgromadyans, so meatballs with fragrant spicy spicy meatballs are already prepared at the skin homeland. In the distance, eating juiced meat with an appetizing sauce gives room for imagination, so you can learn the secrets of cooking.

Cooking meatballs with pidlivy

I use a sprinkling of brown delights, like growing meatballs with minced meat for the hospitable gospodars-pochatkivtsy. Meatballs can be prepared with pork, chicken minced meat, yalovichini. It is allowed to mix yoga with vegetables, cereals, mushrooms. After shaping the meatballs, they are smeared in a frying pan. Then we pour it with thick sauce, bake it at the multicooker, oven or in a frying pan or stew at the ceramic saucepan.

At the multicooker

Some culinary specialists need information on how to cook meatballs with spicy in a slow cooker. It is necessary to form the meatballs on the back of the head, add rice, lightly brush it. Dietary meatballs are placed on the bottom of the bowl, filled with thick gravy, cooked in the quenching mode for 1 year. After the multicooker signal, you can serve them with fresh vegetables (like in the photo).

In a frying pan

Sobbiti savory meatballs in podlivі, it is necessary to form meat or ribnі sacks of a small size, zapanuvati boroshnoy, lightly smear from both sides on olії. Then the stench is poured with sauce - tomato paste, broth, tops - and extinguish 20 quills on a weak fire. Potim sauce should be thickened with flour and continue to cook 15 more quills.

In the oven

How to learn how to cook meatballs in the oven, you can create an offence. From minced meat, meatballs stick to the addition of rice, lightly smeared and placed in a casserole dish. It is necessary to dilute the thick podlivu with sprinkles, fill the bags and rolls with 20 quills. If the meatballs are not smeared, then the stench of 35-40 khvilin is prepared.

Recipe for meatballs with pidlivoyu

For culinary-cookers, it is easy to know the recipe for cooking meatballs with spicy, which includes detailed instructions, photo and video lessons. These warmed meatballs in the sauce look appetizing and beautiful (like in the photo). Step by step you can compose recipes - add rice, vegetables to meat, try sauces based on tops, sour cream.

3 rice

The simplest recipe, how to cook meatballs with rice and spicy, transfers the finished pork mince. Classical grass will delight all household members with a marvelous relish, rich in meaty aroma. The tomato paste is poured out here, diluted with water and spices, boroshnoy and sour cream.


  • minced meat - pivkilo;
  • rice - ½ bottle;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1.5 bottles;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • borosno - 1 tbsp.
  • tomato juice - 120 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Zmishati with minced meat smeared cibulinka, rice jam, egg, salt.
  2. Form meatballs, grease, put in a saucepan.
  3. Fill with a bottle of dill, mixed with juice, bay leaf, strength. Extinguish 13 whilin.
  4. Pivsklyanki vodi zmіshati zі sour cream, boroshnoy, add | add | into a saucepan. Prepare 17 more quills.

You will know even more recipes, marveling at the photos and video tutorials.

Yak near the garden

A savory option for an insult to a child is to become meatballs with a plump one, like a child's garden. Everyone loves this grass for its rich aroma, the insipid relish and the accepting serene look. Take one portion of yoga to satiate for a long time. Such an effect is achieved for the rahunka of mixed pork and yawl minced meat with rice and fragrant sauce with tomato.


  • minced meat - pivkilo;
  • rice - 50 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - a tablespoon;
  • borosno - 30 g;
  • tomato juice - 200 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Trim cibulin, mince with minced meat.
  2. Add rice until ready to drink, salt.
  3. Form meat balls, brush.
  4. Fill with dill, add sіk, bay leaf. Quench 10 khvilin, pour in sour cream with flour, cook 15 khvilin.

3 minced chicken

Juicy, bottom and soft meatballs come out from minced chicken with spicy. For them, it is better to twist chilled chicken breasts. To add the lower meat, to the meatballs add the cibula with carrots, parsley. The filling is tomato paste with sour cream or thick tomato sauce without salt (preferably homemade).


  • chicken fillet - pivkilo;
  • rice - a bottle;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya -1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • tomato paste - 20 ml;
  • okrip - bottle.

Cooking method:

  1. Scroll the trigger through the meat grinder. Add up to half of the trimmed cibula, carrots, parsley.
  2. Vsipati boiled rice, egg, salt, pepper.
  3. Vegetables that are left out, grease, add to the mouth, sour cream, drive.
  4. Form meatballs, brush. You can leave them covered and freeze them in the future.
  5. Pour sauce over, extinguish 25 chills|minutes|.

Find out how to cook for proponated recipes.

Three turkeys

Trochs lower, lower chicken, meatballs come out from turkeys with podlivy. Mushrooms are added to the recipe for piquancy, to add a special vishuka flavor, to taste the juiciness of the meat. Tasty m'yaka grass is worthy of grown-up children - you can їsti її at lunchtime in the evening, please the members of this family at weekends. It is better to independently scroll the turkey fillet through a meat grinder, mixing with the necessary spices.


  • turkey fillet - 0.4 kg;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • bakery - 200 g;
  • borosno - 30 g;
  • milk - a bottle;
  • Vershkov oil - 30 g;
  • nutmeg pea - pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Roll the fillet with potato and cibulia through a meat grinder, salt and pepper.
  2. Download bags, smear, viklasty in the form.
  3. I will smear the tarts on the stoves, top the butter, I will smear the trimmed cibulin, the milk will be hot and warm. Season with nutmeg peas, cook until thickened 4 hvilin, stirring.
  4. Pour meatballs, bake in the oven for 180 degrees weather.

With tomato sauce

With more spicy aroma and richer relish, meatballs with tomato sauce will swell in the middle of the oven. Їkh zvnіshnіy vіglyad after cooking vіdrіznyаєє garnoj zasmazhkoy skorinkoy (like in the photo). Try to prepare them as an option for an evening of swedish weekend resentment.


  • minced meat - 1 kg;
  • rice - a bottle;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • water - pivlitra;
  • borosno - 40 g;
  • tomato paste - 75 ml;
  • sour cream - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind cibulini with a blender, add to minced meat, boiled rice, eggs. Salt, pepper, download bags. Viklasti on the sheet.
  2. Put in the oven at 180 degrees, give 20 quills.
  3. Vinyati, put grated carrots on the beast, pour sauce from water, tomato paste, sour cream. Order 25 more lengths.

3 minced meat and rice

The widest version of the recipe is meatballs with minced meat with rice. In the case of the rest, to lay down the taste of the consistency of the bag - if you put yoga rich, then the grass will be more starchy, sieve. With a small amount of vicarious groats, meatballs are more strongly smeared, but they are freshened up with a meaty relish. Podliva can be but be-yaka.


  • borosno - 30 g;
  • chasnik - chastochka;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 75 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - a bottle;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • minced meat - pivkilo.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice is boiled, add to the minced meat that is rolled through a meat grinder cibulini. Pour in egg whites, salt, pepper. Stick the koloboks.
  2. For the sauce, add carrots and cibulae, brush them. Mix with sour cream, water, borosnoe, pressured hourly. Boil, fill in the koloboks.
  3. Bake in the oven for 200 degrees Celsius.

With sour cream sauce in a frying pan

Especially garnish for relish is sour cream sauce for meatballs in a pan, which is prepared with the addition of aromatic herbs and spices. Strava, which has come, rejoices with its appetizing look, spicy with an enchanting aroma and add relish, which will be remembered by everyone for a long time. Such an appetizer as a whole can be svyatkovoy, as a tribute її іz vegetable garnish.


  • minced meat - 550 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • chasnik - 2 chastochki;
  • gіrchitsya - 10 g;
  • seasoning for minced meat - 15 g;
  • rice - 85 g;
  • okrip - 2 bottles;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • borosno - 2.5 tbsp.
  • tomato paste - 45 ml;
  • broth - pivlitra;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • sour cream - 225 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rice, add to the minced meat, trimmed with cibulini and chasnik, beat the egg, salt. Season with mustard, pepper, pour meatballs.
  2. For the sauce, roughly grate the cibula, carrots, brush. Add to boroshn, tomato pasta. Gradually add broth with sour cream, boil. Varity 2 hvilini.
  3. Grease meatballs, pour sauce, boil. Tomity in the open fire under the roof of the fire.
  4. Serve the grass, sip on the trimmed greenery.

With potatoes in the oven

A savory option for a sieve meal is meatballs with potatoes in the oven, as they will be eaten in their own side dish and the main grass. The stench stare blankly at the table, prone to the pleasant aroma of spices and the hourglass. The filling here is classic sour cream, but you can always replace it with mayonnaise, fat tops, milk, or be some kind of broth with spices.


  • m'yaso - 450 g;
  • rice - 60 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise - package;
  • tomato paste - 30 ml;
  • watchmaker - 2 chastochki.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut potatoes in large chunks, salt, cover with half the sauce from the mouth, mayonnaise, chasnikov porridge.
  2. Add the trimmed meat to boiled rice, trimmed with cibulini. Stick the bags, put them on top of half the potatoes in a baking dish.
  3. For a friend, I mix half of the potatoes with meatballs, brush with excess sauce.
  4. Cover with foil, put in the oven for 180 degrees, trim the year.

3 pork

With a simple recipe, meatballs with pork, cooked with minced meat with rice and an egg. The stench is good to eat with a side dish of mashed potatoes, rosy rice or spaghetti, prote yakscho you want to make a light offense, surround yourself with a sum of vegetables, cooked at the steamer or on a frying pan.


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • rice - ½ bottle;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - ½ bottle;
  • tomato paste - 100 ml;
  • broth - 2 bottles.

Cooking method:

  1. Add boiled rice, grease the trimmed cibula to trimmed meat, eggs, salt and pepper. Form the patties, brush the trochs, put them on the bottom of the casserole dish.
  2. Pour sauce from sumishi tomato paste, sour cream, water. Cook for 180 degrees 40 quills.

no rice

More pronounced meaty gusto volodyut meatballs without rice, as if they come out of a strong vein and a bright aroma. Thick fragrant podliva to rob them especially juiced, leaking smells of spices and added spicy herbs. The appetizer is ideal for serving to a narrow family group, її appreciate grown-ups and children.


  • m'yaso - pivkilo;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • hourglass - 3 cloves;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • tomato juice - 300 ml;
  • bread crumbs - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Tsibulin, chasnik, greens, add to the trimmed meat. Season with silla, pepper, breadcrumbs. Form meatballs, brush.
  2. Pour in sour cream, juice. Boil under the krishkoy, cook on the minimum fire 15 quills.

Sauce for meatballs - cooking secrets

The most delicious component is pidlivu for meatballs with spices and spices. It can be broken up on the basis of:

  • stewed vegetable broth;
  • mushrooms;
  • tops, sour cream;
  • tomato sik.


Minced meat for meatballs to fight with any kind of meat, if you want to cook yoga with yalovichini, pork or chicken. Ale, the tastiest stench will be, like zmіshati all the meat, into one minced meat. Cream minced meat, you can add large or vegetable ingredients. Croup products include rice or buckwheat, and vegetable products can be cabbage, pickle, zucchini. Why, for me, meatballs with potatoes or rice come out the best.

Before speech: put cereals in meatballs so that the stinks become soft and savory.

So, as we have meatballs (meatballs) on the first day, I want to write what is the reason for this.

1. Meatballs are prepared like a cream of straw, garnish, pasta, buckwheat, mashed potatoes are served before them.

2. They smear them, first zapkati (extinguish) and cook them in a frying pan or in an oven.

3. Stink more, lower meatballs for rosemary.

4. Meatballs on the other hand, less for rosemary and mostly stinks add up to the first line.

5. Cook them in broth and partly, whether it be stravi, to soup. They put a lot of spices and greens.

Porada: if you want the minced meat to be juiced, add some fat and cibules to the new, not rich fat.

At once I want to write a sprinkling of options, how to properly spawn meatballs with rice.

So, as far as minced meat from chickens is not richly dry, we will add more cibules, we will make yogo juice and we can prepare a homemade dish. Strava is important to be dietary and it is necessary to cook it so that the cock does not waste its power.


  • Minced chicken - 500 UAH.
  • Cibulya - 3 pcs. middle.
  • Vershkiv - 1 bottle.
  • Sik tomato - 2.5 bottles.
  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp. spoons.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Sil, pepper, seasoning - for relish
  • Basil - 0.5 year. spoons.

1. The back of the head needs to be doubled rice. Dobre yogo promiёmo, water docks will not become clear.

Porada: as if yoga is rotten, then on the new one you will be deprived of starch krichta, but we don’t need it.

When the water boils, add rice, salt and cover with a lid. You don’t need to close and open the lid for an hour of cooking. On a strong fire, prepare 5 quills, then change it to medium and cook 2 more quills. Gave at least 2 more quills. Vymikaєmo fire and let's infuse 10 hvilin.

2. At the bottom of the bowl, add the minced meat and add the cibula, you can add it with the help of a blender. There, let’s correct the rice, sil, season that egg. everything is well mixed.

3. With minced meat, meatballs are robed and smeared with dry sides on olives.

Before speech, robiti meatballs are consumed with wet hands, so that the minced meat does not stick to the hands.

4. While our meat bags are smeared, shredded carrots.

5. Smear it, add a tomato, continue to grease it. Robimo dressing for the sauce. At the bowl, it’s boisterous, we mix it up, weave around it. Also pouring tops and it’s important.

6. If our sauce boils, put 15 quills into our new cutlets and simmer in a frying pan with a closed lid on the right fire.

7. As soon as an hour passes, meatballs are ready, serve to the table.

Meatballs (zhachki) with rice, recipe in a frying pan in tomato sauce:

I propagate even more savory option of cooking meatballs їzhachkіv, yakі scurry not with boiled rice, but with sirim or bring it to readiness.


  • Minced meat from any sort (chick, yalovichina, pork) - 600 gr.
  • Rice - 250 UAH.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Red chalking pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Seasoning for meat - 1 tbsp. spoons.
  • Oliya - for lubrication.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Black pepper chalking, strong - for relish.

For sauce:

  • Water - 2.5 bottles.
  • Tomato paste - 200 gr.
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp. spoons.
  • Boroshno - 1 teaspoon.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.

1. Cibula is dribbed and smeared on olive oil to a golden color.

2. At the bottom of the bowl we add minced meat, rice, egg, sumish peppers and seasonings until ready. Everything is well mixed up and added to the lubricated cibula, I’m getting it again. The base is ready.

3. Potim z minced meat form sacks and put on a frying pan.

4. Let's start robiti tomato sauce. Tsibulya is narizaemo and lubricated, I will become soft, I don’t need to fry it much. Three carrots on the third and corrected at the cibul. Prodovzhuєmo lubricate at once іz him.

5. To the tomato paste we add borosno, strength, pepper, zukor, pour water and mix everything well. Put the carrots smeared with s | iz | qibulei in tomato sauce.

6. The sauce is good and pour our meatballs. We put a bay leaf, close the frying pan with a lid and simmer 30 quills on a medium fire.

All meals are ready.

What is the right way to make meatballs from pork and minced meat with tomato sauce?

About the recipe, the mother-in-law fell in love with us from the retinue. Come out even more savory m'yasnі sacks, like vіdmіno go to any garnish.


  • Minced meat - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 100 UAH.
  • Sumish pertsiv, sіl - to gusto.
  • Tomato -1 - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 100 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 approx.
  • Bread - 1 piece.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Boroshno - 100 gr.
  • Water - 100 UAH.

1. Take the minced meat and put it in a new egg, soak the bread with your hands in the water, and rice, (yogo does not need to be cooked). Salmon is peppery and mixed.

2. Robimo m'yasnі sacks, put in a frying pan and lightly smeared to a ruddy color.

3. Tomatoes are scalded with dill, we take the skin and cut it dry.

4. Carrot three on the third. Bulgarian pepper is cut into small pieces.

5. Tomatoes, carrots, peppers, add water and tomato paste to them. Everything is well mixed.

6. If the meatballs are fried, we pour our tomato sauce into them, put parsley and simmer from the closed lid, on the middle fire 15 min.

7. Strava is ready to serve before the table.

Meatballs or meatballs with rice and vegetables:

I learned about this wonderful recipe from a well-known cook;


  • Minced meat - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 1 tbsp. without a girka.
  • Clockmaker - 3 cloves.
  • Greens - 1 bunch.
  • Cibulya - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Roslinna Oliya - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Strength for taste.
  • Black pepper chalking - to relish.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Capsicum pepper.
  • Zira - 0.5 teaspoon.

1. At the twists of minced meat, add spices, cibula (dribno narizan), greens, eggs, rice, add chasnyk vychniki at the chasnik and even for a long time we mix 5 hvilin, shob skin with ingredients and svіy sik. Let's sweat salt and pepper.

2. Tomatoes are peeled in the form of skins and cut into small pieces, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers are cut into cubes.

Porada: before it, how to peel tomatoes from the skins, sprinkle them with sprinkles, so it will be easier to clean them.

3. Take a thick, deep frying pan, pour oil into it and add tomatoes there, let the trochs die down to a uniform state. Then we put carrots and bell peppers and continue to quench 7 more quills.

4. Let's turn to our stuffing and mix it up again. Let's make a new meatball.

5. Add potatoes to a frying pan with ingredients, then mix a little boiled water. Then, carefully, so that our meat bags do not fall apart, we fix them. Dodaemo ziru, trohi capsicum, chasnik and bay leaf.

6. Salt, pepper, even to the point of relish, close the cap and quench 30 quills, in the right fire.

7. After the passage of an hour, the fire will be extinguished, and let us stand for 15 minutes more from the closed roof.

8. Vityaguєmo meatballs with vegetables pour broth, sip on greens and that's it. Savory!

Recipe for meatballs in tomato-sour cream sauce.


minced meat- 1 kg

Tsybulya ripchasta- 0.3 kg

chicken egg- 1 piece

potatoes- 1 piece

Rice- 1 bottle

Sour cream- 3-4 tablespoons

Ketchup or tomato paste- 1-2 tablespoons

Specialties: sіl, black chalking pepper, you can add curry and chalk chalking.

How to cook savory meatballs with spicy

1. For meatballs, it’s better to take mixed minced meat 2/3 yalovichini + 1/3 pork.

2. Cooking rice. At the casserole visipaemo 1 bottle (200 g) of Krasnodar rice (you can use steamed rice, in which case the meatballs will be more spicy). Add 1.5 bottles of water. Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil. Then we crook the rice with a krishko and cook 5 strands on a medium fire. Let's change the fire to a minimum and prepare rice for 9 more. Znimaєmo from the fire that is flooded under the closed lid close to 10 hvilin.

A small potato needs to be cleaned and grated. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to vijati sik.

4 . Clean the cibula and finely cut it. Add to reshti ingredients (minced meat, egg, cibula, rice, potatoes). Salt, pepper, add spices for relish.

Just grind minced meat is not enough. Sob the tyuftelki didn’t fall apart for an hour of quenching, the minced meat needed to be beaten. For this mix, the minced meat is lifted and hit on the bottom of the cup. Without fanaticism, without the need to try, so that the minced meat spills all over the kitchen, neatly.

From the finished minced meat, you need to download small koloboks and put them in a frying pan with a deep bottom.

You can put it on the fire, don’t let the trochs lubricate, while you prepare the sauce.

Sauce: a bottle of water + 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream + 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ketchup (or 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste). Strength for taste. Different spice herbs (creep, parsley, basil) miraculously add to the sauce. Curry or turmeric is more like a brown seasoning, which will give you a golden taste beforehand.

The sauce is poured into a frying pan, covered with a lid and simmered on a medium fire for about 30 quills (deep in the size of your meatballs).

Tasty meatballs at the ready


Secrets of cooking meatballs with pidlivu

If the minced meat is already defrosted, but the wine may not have a fresh smell, but if it is defrosted in the refrigerator, you can put black pepper. So the smell, and the color of the product will become rich and acceptable. Salt and add dried krip, which also has an unacceptable smell, and the patties will look more juicy and richer for relish. Especially in meatballs, when you cook soup, minced meat will be simply irreplaceable.

Mix the minced meat varto well and, let's say, beat it. If you love minced meat, you don’t like to touch the product with your hands, it’s better to take mittens and endure this moment. Sob the meatballs tasted juicy and savory, the minced meat needs to be crushed and made like dough for donuts. Mix the product with spices, and then add everything that is necessary for the recipe.

Dobre cleans the smell of minced meat and chasnik (pasted or viscous). It is a good idea to recommend coriander, but only a small amount of meat, rather than a teaspoon per kilogram of minced meat.

Yak for cutlets, so for tyuftels, for minced meat, cibula is added. The skin of the master virishu in his own way, or tre on the third, or blenders, or less often, it’s more dry. In meatballs, grind the cibula more often, and the axis of the cutlet can be worked with a finely chopped cibula. So it’s customary to put fresh greens in meatballs, for the sake of giving them piquancy, shards are just minced meat with rice - just eat. Cutlets roar either with dried herbs, or they went off without it.

So that the meatballs do not burst on a frying pan or multi-cooker, add an egg, but no more than 2 pieces, so that the stench does not become hard. The cooks are happy to add more whites, but still they swear to you. Minced meat is trimmed with an egg. Well, it’s impossible to eat with your hand, rub potatoes with minced meat, or more than one. Starch, to avenge the bulb, also “trimaє” minced meat at once.


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