Bringing fractions to the smallest special standard, as a rule, butt, solution. "Reducing fractions to the standard standard" (class 5) Reducing fractions to the standard standard 5

Bringing fractions to the smallest special standard, as a rule, butt, solution. "Reducing fractions to the standard standard" (class 5) Reducing fractions to the standard standard 5

Topic: Reducing fractions to a standard banner. Klas: 5 UMK: Mathematics. 5th class / G.V. Dorofev, I.F. Sharigin and іn., View of "Osvita" memorizing new knowledge and methods of activity. Supervisor: Osvitnі: - zakrіpiti vminnya know the smallest multiple multiples of the number;  - propose an understanding of a pre-dat multiplier;  - Vidpratsovuvati vminnya knows an additional multiplier that brings fractions to a new spilny denominator;  - close the knowledge of the basic power of the fraction and the speed of the fraction. Developing:  broadening the horizons of scientists;  development of acceptance of rose-based performance, memory, respect, replacement of installation, analysis, robustness of visnovka;  promotion of information culture of scientists, interest in the subject;  development of cognitive activity, positive motivation to the subject; - develop consumer to self-awareness. Vychovny:  vikhovaniya vіdpovіdalnostі, independence, vіnnya pratsyuvati at the collective;  show mathematics as a science, recreating the busyness for an unprecedented lesson, you can show yourself a skin study.  Planned results:  Specialists:  show interest before being brought up by those;  bazhannya zastosuvati to practice your knowledge;  correct vikladati of your thoughts;  - the senses of the delivered project;  - adequately assess the assessment of the teacher and classmates. Metasubjects: . Piznavalny UUD: - clearer re-development of models with the appearance of intriguing laws, scho to start the subject area;  - to continue the formulation vminnya knows the least number of times; . Regulatory UUD: - independently set new rules for the path of the house;  - visit the staff up to date;  - Spіvvіdnositi nabutі knowledge іf real life;  vikonuvati at the head of the stage, according to the plan, planuvaty vlasnuyu activity. Communicative UUD: - formula for vislovlyuvannya, dumka;  vminnya obruntovuvati, arrange your thought;  - uzgodzhuvati positions with a partner that knows how to make a decision; - competently vikoristovuvati movnі for the presentation of the result. Subjects: - lead the others to the new banner;  - vivoditi of an understanding of a pre-modal multiplier;  - vivoditi rule: how to bring drib to the lowest spilny banner. The structure of the lesson Step for the lesson Establishment of the step The teacher's activity The number of students Hour (xv) 1 1. Organizational step Create a friendly psychological mood for the robot Turn on before the daily rhythm of the lesson. 2. Actualization of knowledge Actualization of basic knowledge and methods of development. Privitannya, revision of preparation to the beginning of employment, organizing respect for children. Organizational rakhunku Take the fate of the robot in repetition: in the rose with the teacher, see the supply of food. 7 3. Statement of the mark and the start of the lesson. Motivation for the primary activity of scientists. Bezbechennya motivation for giving children, taking them for the purpose of the lesson. The motive of the scholars, with them I start the lesson; I accentuate respect for the importance of those scholars. viznachayut a topic that meta lesson. 4 Formulated UUD Communities: a plan for the initial academic performance with a teacher and students. Regulatory: organizing one's own primary activity Specialist: motivation for coming up Piznavalny: structure of the master's knowledge. Communicating: organizing and planning a meeting with a teacher and one-liners. Regulatory: control and assessment of the process and results of activity. Special features: assessment of the material used. Piznavalny: it was learned that it was enough to be able to get it in its normal form. Osobistіsnі: self-designation. Regulatory: purpose of reporting. Communities: in the place of entering the dialogue, brotherly the fate of the collective negotiation of food. 4. Primary consolidation of new knowledge. Show the development of the plant. 5. Physical culture. 6. Consolidation of new knowledge and knowledge. 6. Control of the acquisition, negotiation of admitted pardons and correction. 7. Reflexion (education during the lesson) 8. Information about home management Organization and control over the process of building management. Prytsyuyut at couples, independently that at the same time with the teacher over the assignments. 10 Make sure that you do not want to get rid of the research. Vidpratsovuvati vminnya Organizatsiya and control over the process of revising enterprises. Scientists have changed the type of activity and are ready to advance to the robot. 2 Practice with couples, independently that at the same time with the teacher over the assignments. 10 I will give an assessment of the robot class and okremikh scientists. Evidently, the pride of that rivn of knowledge, and also I will establish the cause of the evocative pardons. 4 Dates to the assessment of robots by the scientists. Scientists analyze their work, listen to their difficult voices and discuss the correctness of the revision of the plant. Scientific warehouse views. Yes, make a comment before the home office. 4 3 Piznavalny: the formulation of interest to the audience by those. Specialist: the formulation of readiness to self-awareness. Communicative: to make out your thoughts in the form of yours; hearsay and reason it says it. Regulatory: planning of one's own performance for the purpose of verifying the set goal and control of the rejected result. Piznavalny: the formulation of interest to the audience by those. Specialist: the formulation of readiness to self-awareness. Communicative: to make out your thoughts in the form of yours; hearsay and reason it says it. Regulatory: planning of one's own performance for the purpose of verifying the set goal and control of the rejected result. Special features: the formulation of a positive self-assessment Communicative: Regulatory: self-assessment is adequate to analyze the correctness of the report and to make the necessary correctives. Regulatory: assessment of authority at the level of the lesson Stage for the lesson Head of the stage for the teacher Diversity of the scientists Time for the formation of the educational system 1. Turn on until the rhythm of the lesson. 1 Communicative: planning of the initial educational process with a teacher and one-liners. Regulatory: organization of one's own primary activity Specialist: motivation for presenting Actualization of basic knowledge and methods. - Persh nіzh begin to vivchennya news by those, we repeat the material, vivcheniya on past lessons. For the whole game at the group "Virno / Nevirno". Look at the party sheet from the staff. Give me a message, be weasel, on the power supply: Gra "Virno / Nevirno" 7 Piznavalny: structure of the master's knowledge. Communicating: organizing and planning a meeting with a teacher and one-liners. Regulatory: control and assessment of the process and results of activity. Special features: assessment of the material used. 2. Actualization of knowledge "Without knowledge of fractions, it is impossible to explain in arithmetic" T. Tsitseron "+" Virno / "-" incorrect Nutrition 3 5 1. Why, what fractions are different 4 6 banners? 2. Wouldn't it be that the number 12 is the lowest possible multiple of the numbers 4 and 6? 3 Vykonuyut zavdannya; - sleepy read food 5 3. Wouldn't it be that fractions 4 and 6 can be brought up to the standard 12? 3 9 5 10 4. Is it correct if the fraction is 4 and 12 rіvnі? 5. What are the fractions 6 and 12 rivni? - Hlops, what are the main understandings you had a chance to guess, how to get it on power supply? (OK, Basic power of fractions) - refer to the coordinate direct fraction: On the coordinate direct to mean the values ​​of the point, which is necessary to be discussed a); 1 5 3 9 2 1 b) 3; visnichiti a single vidrizok 2 vykhid on the problem: how will it be? (Know the NOC). And now to write down the fractions in such a way that it will be immediately astonishing, as if it is a single one you need to vibrate. 3. Statement of the lesson. Motivation for the primary activity of scientists. 4. Vivchennya new material Bezpechennya motivation for children, taking them for the purpose of the lesson. Yakim rule? Who has a field? Marvel at the fractions and say, how did it become? Yak stench changed? Direct the fractions to the spilny standard. Promovlyayut Mainly Power Fractions - the teacher asks the serii food, necessary for: 1) the formulation of those lesson; 2) the formula for the lesson; 3) individual staff. - Write down the date in zoshit, start the topic for that lesson. Chi can wee start the topic for the lesson? Formulate a topic for a meta lesson. Yake a zavdannya for this year's leather lesson іf you set up for yourself? Pour a drabinka in the fields from 5 gatherings and mark you at this lesson with the help of those. Formulation of a statement about the interconnection of tasks in parts. Razmіrkovuyut, adapt to power supply, tampering with graphics What is necessary for a short and easy mastery of those? What is the need to bring fractions to the standard banner? Can you name this algorithm at once? Try to target 7 1 3 1; ; fraction to the sp_lny denominator:; 8 4 16 2 So, what are the steps to the algorithm? Reducing fractions to the smallest special standard (NOZ) In order to bring a few fractions to the smallest special standard, demand: 4 Recognized: it has been learned that it will be possible to change it in the usual form. Osobistіsnі: self-designation. Regulatory: purpose of reporting. Communicating: in the moment of entering into dialogue, take the fate of the collective negotiation of food. Clearer and catch your point of view and reasoning and arguments. Specialist: the formulation of readiness to self-awareness. Communicative: to make out your thoughts in the form of yours; hearsay and reason it says it. Regulatory: planning of one's own performance for the purpose of verifying the set goal and control of the rejected result. -vibudovuyut monologicheskuyu raspovіd every before the delivery of food; formulate the topic and the whole lesson. - adapt to the power supply of the Construction algorithm. Power up, Power up the power supply. Independently, vzєmokontrol take the fate of the folded algorithm, write down the algorithm for zoshit 1) know the least multiples of the denominator of the number of fractions, if only if it is the best zemalny denominator; 2) razdіliti the one who used the zagalny banner on the banner of the qix fractions, tobto. know for skin fraction an additional multiplier; 3) multiply the number і denominator of the skin fraction by the additional multiplier. 5. Fizkultmіnu tka 6. Stasisuvannya knowledge and diminishing in the new situation To improve efficiency, to prevent emotional development of scholarships. Change the efficiency, make sure that you do not get the job done. Show the versatility of the plant Otzhe, we have formulated an algorithm for reducing fractions to the original basis, invert what is written in the handbook, and why should the text be linked to our algorithm? And at the same time, the viconєmo kіlka is the owner from the handler. No. 806 "Vіrno / nevirno" No. 807 (а-е), for the formulation of the department, how can you say about the spіlnі znamenniki? 6. Control over the possession, negotiation of admissible pardons and those of yogo korekts_ya. Clearing self-reliance on your knowledge of standard, ale new situations, self-control, self-revision of Kartka from employees 1 125 28 a),; 2 150 63 c) 4 16 17 b); 21 56 35 7 5 444 120,. 12 18 777 720 Scientists have changed the type of activity and are ready to advance to the robot. 2 Putting couples on over the assignments, curbing the overshoot. -scientific vikonuyut zoshita, 10 Robots in pairs Scientifically vikonuyut at zoshites, one bili doshka. Zd_yisnyuyut in a backward revision. Self-determination. 5 Piznavalny: formulating interest to the audience by those. Specialist: the formulation of readiness to self-awareness. Communicative: to make out your thoughts in the form of yours; rumors and intelligence of the words of the people; interaction of scientists from the boys of the robot. Regulatory: planning of one's own performance for the purpose of verifying the set goal and control of the rejected result. Special features: the formulation of a positive self-assessment Communicative: Regulatory: self-assessment is adequate to analyze the correctness of the report and to make the necessary correctives. 7. Reflexion (education during the lesson) Assessment (seeing and learning by those who have already learned and learned how to learn about the quality of learning and learning); Did they talk about you? Have you put me on a yak? Have you reached my mind? Why did all the buzz sound? Is it necessary to bring the fractions to the smallest zalny denominator? And at the same time, at your zoshites, paint the Drabinka for five emails and by the way, on which similarity on the topic, did you think at once, why did you come across? ... Yak to reach the best gathering? I would like to finish the lesson to such attention: “It’s not enough to deprive it of the intelligence, it is necessary to bazhanya to see it. Without a strong bazhannya virіshity, it’s not a matter of vzdannya, but for the obviousness of such a person. De є bazhannya, know the way ”D. Poya Scientifically informed about nutrition 3 Piznavalny: reflexion of the ways and minds of the child, adequately understanding the reasons for success and failures, control and assessment of the process and the result of the efficiency of the comurative: the conclusion of the understanding of the arguments of your thoughts! You are all good! Dyakuyu for a robot! 8.Information about home management Forgetting the mind for children, for the wisdom and methods for making the housework. No. 807 (f-k) Regulatory: assessment of one's own performance at the level of the scientific record at the school's employees. 2

At the tsіy statty razpovіdaєtsya, how to bring fractions to the spilny banner and how to know the best spilny banner. Introduced viznachennya, given the rule of reducing fractions to the standard banner and practical butt.

So also the reduced fraction to the spilny standard?

Serial fractions are stacked from the numeral - the upper part, that of the denominator - the lower part. As the fractions seem to be of the same standard, it seems that the stench is brought to the spilny standard. For example, fractions 11 14 17 14 9 14 may have the same standard 14. In other words, the stench was directed to the spilny banner.

Just as fractions may be different banners, they can be brought to the spilny banner for the help of a simple deed. Schob tse zrobiti, it is necessary to multiply the number and the standard multiplier by singing additional factors.

Obviously, the fractions 45 and 34 are not reduced to the standard standard. It’s necessary for the victors to bring them to the standard of multipliers 5 and 4 from the victors to the standard 20. What is the same? Multiply the number і denominator of the fraction 4 5 by 4, and the number і denominator of the fraction 3 4 is multiplied by 5. Change of fractions 4 5 and 3 4

Reduced fractions to the standard banner

The reduction of fractions to the standard standard is the price of a multiplicity of numbers and standards of fractions, such as multipliers, so that the results have identical fractions with the same standard.

Zagalny znamenny: viznachennya, put on

Is it also a spilny banner?

Spilny banner

The decisive denominator of fractions is a positive number, like a decimal multiple of all fractions.

In addition, it seems, the zealous standard for a set of fractions would be a natural number, as it would last for all standard numbers of fractions.

A number of natural numbers are not endless, and also, for good reason, there is a skin set of extraordinary fractions that can be used without special signs. Іnkshe vyslovlyuyuchis, іsnu bezlіch spilny multiples of all denominators of a set of fractions.

It is easy to know the out-of-the-box standard for some fractions; Nekhai є fractions 16 and 35. The double denominator of fractions, whether it be positive, is more than a multiple of 6 and 5. Such positive decimal multiples are є numbers 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 and also інche.

The butt is visible.

Butt 1. Spilny znamenny

Can the fraction 1 3, 21 6, 5 12 be brought to the standard banner, which is 150?

Shcheb z'yasuvati, chi tse so, needs to be reconverted, chi є 150 gallal multiples for denominators of fractions, so for numbers 3, 6, 12. In addition, it seems, the number 150 may become too long for 3, 6, 12. Revision:

150 ÷ ​​3 = 50, 150 ÷ ​​6 = 25, 150 ÷ ​​12 = 12, 5

Otzhe, 150 is not a special standard for the indicated fractions.

Best Spilny Banner

The least natural number of a plurality of spilny znamennyniki in which a set of fractions is called the least zahalny znamennyk.

Best Spilny Banner

The most common flag bearer of fractions is the least of the middle of the most common flag bearers of fractions.

The least expensive set of numbers is the least common multiple (NOC). NOC of the best common denominator of fractions.

Yak know the best spilny banner? Yogo znhozhennya is raised to the zenhozhennya of the smallest fractional fraction. Beastly at the same time:

Butt 2. Know the best spilny banner

It is necessary to know the best sleeping standard for fractions 110 and 12728.

Shukaєmo NOK numbers 10 and 28. Expandable into simple multipliers that are normal:

10 = 2 5 28 = 2 2 7 H O K (15, 28) = 2 2 5 7 = 140

Yak lead fractions to the lowest spil standard

As a rule, I will explain how to get the fractions down to the spil denominator. The rule is to be stocked from three points.

The rule of reducing fractions to the standard standard

  1. Know the best zalny denominator of fractions.
  2. For dermal fraction, know the dodatkovy multiplier. To know the multiplier, it is necessary to use the spilny denominator of the cut on the denominator of the skin fraction.
  3. Multiply the numeral and the denominator by the knowledge of the additional multiplier.

It is clear that the rules are fixed on a specific butt.

Appendix 3. Reducing fractions to the standard standard

Є fractions 3 14 and 5 18. Hopefully їх to the smallest spilny banner.

As a rule, a number of NOCs are known to be znamennykiv fractions.

14 = 2 7 18 = 2 3 3 H O K (14, 18) = 2 3 3 7 = 126

Numerous additional multipliers for skin fraction. For 3 14 the additional multiplier is equal to yak 126 ÷ 14 = 9, and for the fraction 5 18 the additional multiplier is 126 ÷ 18 = 7.

Multiply the number and the denominator of fractions by additional multipliers that will be recognized:

3 9 14 9 = 27 126, 5 7 18 7 = 35 126.

Reducing several fractions to the lowest spil standard

Following the rule, you can make a bet of fractions, and a larger number of fractions can be made up to the standard banner.

Pointing one more butt.

Appendix 4. Reducing fractions to the standard standard

Bring fractions 3 2, 5 6, 3 8 and 17 18 to the smallest spilny denominator.

NOC numbered. We know the LCM of three and a large number of numbers:

H O C (2, 6) = 6 H O C (6, 8) = 24 H O C (24, 18) = 72 H O C (2, 6, 8, 18) = 72

For 3 2 additional multiplier for road 72 ÷ 2 =?

Multiplying fractions by additional multipliers that go to the smallest spil standard:

3 2 36 = 108 72 5 6 12 = 60 72 3 8 9 = 27 72 17 18 4 = 68 72

As soon as we have noted a pardon in the text, be a weasel, see it and press Ctrl + Enter

Fractions have different banners. Name the same banner or name spilny banner have a fraction. Zagalny Znamenny Stock:

\ (\ frac (17) (5), \ frac (1) (5) \)

The butt of the common denominators in fractions:

\ (\ frac (8) (3), \ frac (2) (13) \)

Yak to bring a fraction to the standard banner?

The first fraction has the standard for the road 3, the other for the road 13. It is necessary to know the same number that lasted from 3 to 13. The number is 39.

The first drib needs to be multiplied by additional multiplier 13. Schob does not change, it is multiplied by binding and numbering by 13 and numbering.

\ (\ frac (8) (3) = \ frac (8 \ times \ color (red) (13)) (3 \ times \ color (red) (13)) = \ frac (104) (39) \)

The other is multiplied by an additional multiplier 3.

\ (\ frac (2) (13) = \ frac (2 \ times \ color (red) (3)) (13 \ times \ color (red) (3)) = \ frac (6) (39) \)

We brought a fraction to the standard banner:

\ (\ frac (8) (3) = \ frac (104) (39), \ frac (2) (13) = \ frac (6) (39) \)

The lowest spilny banner.

The butt is clearer:

Guided by the fraction \ (\ frac (5) (8) \) і \ (\ frac (7) (12) \) to the spil denominator.

The zemalny banner for the numbers 8 and 12 can be the numbers 24, 48, 96, 120, ... best sleeping banner at least the number is 24.

Best Spilny Banner- It's the least number, on the yak there is the standard of the first fraction of the other.

Yak know the best spilny banner?
By the method of enumerating numbers, on the yak the denominator of the first one and the other fraction that vibrates the least.

We need a fraction with the standard 8 multiplied by 3, and the other with the standard 12 multiplied by 2.

\ (\ begin (align) & \ frac (5) (8) = \ frac (5 \ times \ color (red) (3)) (8 \ times \ color (red) (3)) = \ frac (15 ) (24) \\\\ & \ frac (7) (12) = \ frac (7 \ times \ color (red) (2)) (12 \ times \ color (red) (2)) = \ frac ( 14) (24) \\\ end (align) \)

As long as you can't immediately get the fractions to the smallest spilny banner in the whole dreadful dumb, you can get the butt of the butt to you

You can know the zealous banner for any two fractions as well as for two fractions.

For example:
Bring the fractions \ (\ frac (1) (4) \) and \ (\ frac (9) (16) \) to the lowest spil denominator.

The easiest way to know the spilny znamennyk is the tse vitvir znamennykiv 4⋅16 = 64. The number 64 is the best zalny banner. For zavdannyam it is necessary to know the one who has the highest spilny banner. Toz shukaymo dalі. We need a number that extends from 4 to 4, 16 to 16, and the number 16. We bring a fraction to the standard denominator, multiplying each from the denominator by 4 by 4, and the other from the denominator by 16 by one. Otrimaєmo:

\ (\ begin (align) & \ frac (1) (4) = \ frac (1 \ times \ color (red) (4)) (4 \ times \ color (red) (4)) = \ frac (4 )) (16) \\\\ & \ frac (9) (16) = \ frac (9 \ times \ color (red) (1)) (16 \ times \ color (red) (1)) = \ frac (9) (16) \\\ end (align) \)

Just click through the front of the presentation, open your Google record and see it:

Signatures before slides:

Front view:



Mathematic teacher

Municipal enlightened

install "Basic

zagalno-svitnya school No. 6 "village of Donsky Trunivsky district Balzer (Sedina) Natalia Sergiyivna

Reduced fractions to the standard banner.


  • cognition of scholars with the algorithm for reducing fractions to a standard banner and showing practical straightness;
  • development of educational interest of scholars, clearer knowledge of mathematics and education;
  • formuvati information culture of scholars;
  • Vihovuvati culture with a computer.


the teacher has a computer, a multimedia projector,Power Point, material for robots in pairs.

among scholars - zoshiti, handlers, simple olivts, color olivts, liniyki.

Go to lesson

I. Organizational moment.Teacher's input: emotional mood, motivation of scholars.

- Good day! This year's lesson will be taught by me, Nataliy Sergiyivno. I’m even glad to see you bachiti; Sit be affectionate, relax, be amazed at one to one in the eyes, laugh at one to one, please, please, sit in the party mood. I can tell you to get in the mood of that active robot.

Children, wonder, be weasel, on a slide (Slide 2)

I have come to you with an axis of such a mood, give up the hands of someone who has the mood to get away from mine.

And hto maє інshiy mood ...

I will magatize on the level of your mood.I wish you good luck, good years.

II. Actualization of knowledge.

Hlops, the nimts have saved such an order "to drink to the fractions", which means to eat at the twisted camp. And why don't we spend time with you before fractions, tobto. at the twisted camp and guilty of the rich nobility that vmіti. Let's take you, the area of ​​knowledge is important. How do you know and be aware of the robots, vicoristy and zychayni fractions.

Repeating the material before the lesson.

1. Yaka chastina godini passed through the cob dobi? (Slide 3, 4, 5)

2. Yaku part of the field Zorav tractor driver? (Slide 6)

3. After passing the bus to a part of the road? (Slide 7)

4. Did you see the plums on the containers? (Slide 8)

5. (Slide 9) Bring 36 fractions to the standard, as you can:

, , , , , , , , , , .

III. Graduation of new material... (Slide 10)

For 5 "A" classes, the girls become all students in the class, and the boys - all the students in the class. Who is in the class more lads than girls?

And what kind of fractions can you make, what do we need for the whole thing?Bring fractions to one denominator.

- And how do you think, what are we doing at school?

Bring fractions to the standard banner.

So, the topic of our lesson is "Bringing fractions to the standard banner".

(Slide 11).

Write down the number of the zoshita and the topic for the lesson: "Bringing fractions to the spilny denominator."

And what will we need?

Schob razvnyuvati, robiti dії with fractions, virіshuvati practical zavdannya.

The meta of our lesson appears to bring fractions to the spilnye standard.

Guided fractions up to one denominator.

What banner їх can you bring?

To which one of them - to which one?

(Slide 12).

Otzhe, it means the girls in the class more

View : girls in the class are bigger

Thus, we have crossed over, so that we can only change the fractions to the spil standard.

Try at once with you to formulate the rule of reducing fractions to the standard standard.

Get familiar with the "algorithm" of the rule of reducing fractions to a spilny denominator.

(Slide 13).


additional multiplier;

The axis we have is the rule for you, the rule is, if you follow the rule, see if you can bring the fractions to the spilnye standard.

What fractions can you bring to some kind of new standard?

Hover butt.

(Slide 14). Vicona at once. Beastly I respect, croc by croc to the memory of the vicon.

Yak to bring fractions to the zealous standard?

IV. Fizkultkhviliinka.(Slide 15).

Anu rob with me

On the right is this:

Once - we got along, we stretched,

Two - nahililis, rozignulis,

Three - at the valley there are three bavovni

Head three nods.

On the chotiri - the hands of the shirs,

Five, sixty, quiet system.

Sem, vіsіm lіnki vіdkinemo.

V. Robot on the topic of the lesson.

# 806 (Slide 16).

Study independently for couples. Organize a frontal change.

Know a few numbers that are divisible by two given numbers. Add the smallest possible multiple of numbers:the whole number, like extending from 3 to 7

a) 3 and 7; b) 4 and 5; c) 6 and 12; d) 4 and 6.

No. 808. (Slide 17). And at the same time you will play in pairs, before the hour of the visit, be respectful.

Bring fractions to the standard banner, you have a table for views on your desks, check the solution in the book, and write down the fractions with new banners.

A); b); v); G);

e); b); v); G).

indications: (Slide 18, 19).

Yak para vikonala without pardons? Well done! Good!

And hto with one mercy? And that is not a viconati without a pardon, do not worry, we will just fix the topic and introduce the topic at the upcoming lessons.

Vi. Pidbittya pidsumkiv.(Slide 20).

Vchitel I will propose to the students the next meal:

Did you put yaku meto mi in front of you on the cob to a lesson?

Yak vi vvazhaєte, who have reached my tsієї meti?

Yak to bring fractions to the lowest standard?

Also, you need to bring the fractions to the spilnye standard, which requires a change

Do we need fractions?(Slide 21)

What did you forget about the lessons?

Fractions of all necessary,
Fractions are all important.
Fractions vchi, todі

Good luck to you.
Yaksho will be fractions of the nobility,
Exactly sense їх rosumіti,
Become easy to navigate

important task!

Hello, hto vvazhaє, what a lesson buv cinnamon for you, and everything that was said about it and how rosy at the urotsi, be a weasel, vibrate a red rectangle, tell a murdererwrite D / Z to "5"

Hlops, hto vvazhaє, scho the lesson of bov tsikaviy, to the singing world of corys for you, you’ll get comfortable at the urotsi at the urotsi be a weasel zhovtii upright, to add ubik іwrite D / Z to "4"

Good luck, hto vvazhaє, at the level of intelligence, or about it, if you just take the advice from the teacher, vibrate, be a weasel, greens, a straight line, tell the ubik іwrite D / Z to "3".

Vii. Home zavdannya(Slide 22):

p.8.4, # 809, # 812, on "5" - # 813.

Me bulo is even more welcome with you pratsyuvati, the mood of me is good. And your mood did not change during the lesson? If I wanted to, I would put 5 for the active robot at the level. Hlops yduchi z class, pin on the board that card, yaku you vibrated. Dyakuyu for the lesson Bazhayu good luck! (Slide 23) Dyakuyu for a lesson!


№ 808

№ 808 Bring the fraction to the smallest special standard.

№ 808 Bring the fraction to the smallest special standard.№ 808 Bring the fraction to the smallest special standard.



Schob bring fractions to the standard standard, requiring:
1) pick the one who has the best spilny banner;
2) razdіliti the one who used the zagalny banner on the banner of the qix fractions, tobto. know for skin fractionadditional multiplier;
3) multiply the number і denominator of the skin fraction by the additional multiplier.


Schob bring fractions to the standard standard, requiring:
1) pick the one who has the best spilny banner;
2) razdіliti the one who used the zagalny banner on the banner of the qix fractions, tobto. know for skin fractionadditional multiplier;
3) multiply the number і denominator of the skin fraction by the additional multiplier.

At the end of the day, it is possible to reduce fractions to the standard banner and unmistakably zapdannya to those. Damo viznachennya the understanding of the zagalny znamnik and the pre-dat multiplier, guessing about the prime numbers. The lady of the name is the one who has the best zagalny znamenny (NOZ) and the highest level of performance.

Topic: Addition and presentation of fractions with small banners

Lesson: Reducing fractions to a standard banner

Repetition. The main power of the fraction.

If the number and the denominator are multiplied either by the same natural number, then we will see the rivny їy drib.

For example, the number and the denominator of the fraction can be divided by 2. Otrimaєmo drib. Qiu operation is called a fast fraction. You can be viconatious and zolotne revision by multiplying the number and the denominator by a fraction by 2. It seems here that they brought the others to the new denominator. The number 2 is called a complementary multiplier.

Visnovok. A fraction can be reduced to a single denominator of a multiple denominator of a given fraction. In order to bring the number to the new standard, multiply the number by the same number.

1. Guide the driver to the banner 35.

The number 35 is a multiple of 7, so that 35 is 7 without excess. Otzhe, the transformation is possible. It is known to be a complementary multiplier. For the whole razdіlimo 35 by 7. Otrimaєmo 5. Multiply by 5 the number that is the standard of the vicious fraction.

2. Guide the driver to the banner 18.

It is known to be a complementary multiplier. First of all, a new banner was given to a new one. Otrimaєmo 3. Multiply by 3 numbers and the denominator of the given fraction.

3. Guide the driver to the banner 60.

Raised 60 by 15 is a complementary multiplier. Vin dorivnyu 4. Multiply the date and the standard by 4.

4. Guide the drib to the standard 24

In awkward vipadkah, bringing to the new standard is vikonuyut in mind. It was taken only to vkazuvati an additional multiplier behind the bow of the trocha to the right and to the right for the outgoing fraction.

The fraction can be brought to the standard 15 and the other can be brought to the standard 15. In the fractions and the zalny denominator 15.

A spilnye banner of fractions can be a spilny multiple of those of a banner. For the sake of simplicity, produce a fraction to the smallest spilnye standard. Winner to the smallest zagalny multiple denominator of the number of fractions.

butt. Bring a fraction to the lowest zalny denominator.

A few of them are known to be the smallest multiples of the znamennyk of the number of fractions. The number is 12. It is known to be a complementary multiplier for the first and the other fraction. For a total of 12, it is divided by 4 and by 6. Three is a chain multiplier for the first fraction, and two for the other. Guided fractions to the standard 12.

We have brought the fractions up to the special standard, so that we knew the equal fractions, for which there is one and the same standard.

Rule. Schob bring fractions to the smallest spil standard, require

In the first place, to know the least common denominator of the number of fractions, which is the best spilny denominator;

In a different way, the one who used the spilny standard on the standard for the given fractions, to know the additional multiplier for the skin fraction.

In third, multiply the number і denominator of the skin fraction by the additional multiplier.

a) Bring the fraction that to the spilny denominator.

The one who has the most zagalny znamenny dorіvnyuє 12. The additional multiplier for the first fraction is 4, for the other - 3. Probably the fraction is up to the denominator 24.

b) Bring the fraction that to the spilny denominator.

The most popular zalny denominator of the road 45. Rozdilivshi 45 by 9 by 15 otrimaєmo, apparently, 5 and 3. The fractions are reduced to the denominator 45.

c) Bring the fraction to the spilny denominator.

Zagalny znamennyk - 24. Additional multipliers, apparently, - 2 and 3.

Inodі buvaє it is important to go to sleep the least common multiple of the standard fractions. Todi is the zealous standard and the additional multipliers are known for the additional distribution on prime multipliers.

Bring the fraction to the spilny denominator.

The numbers 60 and 168 are decomposed into prime factors. Vipishemo spreading the number 60 and dodamo multipliers 2 і 7 from another spreading. Multiply 60 by 14 and the normal zealous denominator is 840. The additional multiplier for the first fraction is 14. The additional multiplier for the other fraction is 5. The fractions are reduced to the standard 840.

List of Literature

1. Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S. ta in Mathematics 6. - M .: Mnemozina, 2012.

2. Merzlyak A.G., Polonsky V.V., Yakir M.S. Mathematics grade 6 - Gimnazia, 2006.

3. Depman I.Ya., Vilenkin N.Ya. Behind the sides of the handler in mathematics. - Education, 1989.

4. Rurukin OM, Tchaikovsky І.V. Zavdannya in the course of mathematics 5-6 grades. - ЗШ МІФІ, 2011.

5. Rurukin A.M., Sochilov S.V., Tchaikovsky K.G. Mathematics 5-6. A book for 6-grade students of the MIFD correspondence school. - ЗШ МІФІ, 2011.

6. Shevrin L.M., Gein A.G., Koryakov І.O. and Mathematics: Pidruchnik-spyvrozmovnik for 5-6 grades of the middle school. Library of the teacher of mathematics. - Education, 1989.

It is possible to blackmail the books, meaning in clause 1.2. my lesson.

Home zavdannya

Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S. that in. Mathematics 6. - M .: Mnemozina, 2012. (Div. 1.2)

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