Smash potatoes with meat. Zrazi potatoes - the best recipes

Smash potatoes with meat. Zrazi potatoes - the best recipes

I'm up to you with a recipe, naming one that is translated as "cutting the shmatok." You do, right? Since the 17th century, if a stuffing was put on top of a piece of meat, it was turned with a roll. Mova I'm talking about zrazi. In our time, like many others, the recipe has been modified, instead of meat, most often vicorist potatoes, sirne or pea puree. And the filling axis ... it's just a fantasy, you can't just add it: boiled eggs, mushrooms, vegetables, fish, chicken rot. We have traditional meat in the first place. Potatoes with minced meat can be prepared not only like a regular dish, but yoga and on the Svyatkovy style of tax is not ashamed. The latest culinary specialist will get in touch with them in two seconds, and as soon as you start cooking, then you can help them with a recipe from the photo.

Zrazi potatoes with meat minced meat: recipe with photo (in a frying pan)

Our family loves such simple "pies" - the beast has potato rouge, and the filling is juice, meat, and pepper. Indeed, the mother does not need deep knowledge and culinary skills to prepare such a dish. It’s time to start a newbie, who only starts to learn how to prepare. Golovne, dotrimuvatisya a lot of rules, and everything you see:

1) Potatoes should be simply boiled in salted water and expanded, to a homogeneous mass, without adding milk to the new one. At the same time, do not use a blender, for those who take mashed potatoes on the way out, as it will be foldable, and we need a uniform potato mass.

2) I don’t give an egg in any way, in my opinion, it’s only regenerating the mass. For skriplennya dough treshki I add flour.

3) Minced meat is smeared to the point of readiness, so that it becomes full of juice. Yakshto bring yoga to a quick, you will be in the beginning of dryness. When smeared, the minced meat will once again go through a thermal processing and absolutely will not be cold. For juice in the new one, you can add re-greased carrots with cibulae.

4) Bread cutlets in breadcrumbs. It doesn't matter whether you bought them or cooked them at home. Golovna, the stench will miraculously help trim the form and prevent the “pie” from falling apart.

Ingredients for 6 sips:

  • potatoes (large bulbs) - 4-5 pieces;
  • assorted minced meat (yalovichina + pork) - 250g;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece;
  • borosno - 3 tablespoons;
  • bread crumbs - 6 tablespoons;
  • oliya roslinna - for smearing;
  • strength;
  • chalking black pepper - for relish;
  • spices - to your liking (I used basil and dried marjoram);
  • for serving - sour cream or tomato sauce (ketchup).

How to cook potatoes with minced meat

Serve hot with sour cream and vegetables. Chat to health!

Zrazi potatoes with minced meat at the oven: recipe with photo

Today we are preparing savory potato juices with mushrooms and minced chicken at the oven. Do not be surprised, but in the oven you can cook the same and the stench will be just as savory, like in a frying pan, with a thin fragrant squash to the beast. In the middle is juice stuffing with mushrooms and minced meat. Mushrooms be taken, be it, we have today's ovens, and with them we prepare our beasts. Minced meat I cooked from a chicken breast many times, but it doesn’t matter if it could be a miraculous stuffing.

What do we need:

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • borosno - 2 tbsp;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • mushrooms - 200g;
  • minced chicken - 200g;
  • strength - 0.5 tsp;
  • chalking pepper - 0.5 tsp.

How to work potatoes with minced meat at the oven

  1. Potatoes are clean, cut into small pieces and boiled near salted water. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the vegetables. We clean the qibul and cut it into small cubes.
  2. Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat it up, put the cibula into a frying pan. Covered on a small fire.
  3. Minced meat sounds ready to cook, twisting the meat through a meat grinder, but for me I’ll chop up the chicken breast with a knife (prote, it’s not important). Before the speech, even before the appearance of meat grinders, meat was chopped with a gostri knife until I became minced meat. Kozhen himself chooses the method of yoga preparation.
  4. Tsibulya greased up, add meat. We rolled it through a meat grinder, mixed it well in a frying pan, so that the breasts did not settle down. We cut the breasts with meat, it's easier to hide.
  5. Mushrooms are miєmo near the cold water, cleanly, you can see the spitting on droplets. Detail the stoves.
  6. We transfer them to the pan until you decide on the ingredients of the filling. Salimo for relish, for bazhannya, you can pepper. Gasimo all at once 5-7 quills.
  7. The potatoes were boiled, we poured out the water and rubbed into a puree.
  8. Dodaemo borosno that strength.
  9. Zamіshuєmo kartoplyane іsto.
  10. We form razra. It’s hard to finish the doshka. With a spoon, the potatoes are taken tightly and crushed into a shortbread.
  11. We put 1-2 teaspoons (in the fall of the harvest) of the filling into the middle of the shortbread.
  12. We close the edges of the shortbread, we give the shape of a cutlet.
  13. I’m going to sip on a boar troch.
  14. Such preparations can be smeared on olive oil, and baked in an oven. We take a form for a cup, cover it with paper, foil or a sleeve for baking. As if there is nothing under the hand of anything, just cover the bottom with an olive. We put the workpieces in the form with a 2 centimeter winder from each other.
  15. We beat one egg, we smear it against the beast. We correct the form in the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 170-180°C.

The potatoes are ready to be taken out of the oven. It seems that they have reached the troch. Serve warm with sour cream or other sauce.

If the dish is not cooked right away, then the next day it is heated at the micro-furnace oven and it is filled with the same savory, soft and savory, like the day before.

Axis and the whole recipe. Now you know what to cook zrazi - it's easy to cook. And if in the evening you run out of mashed potatoes, you will have snacks ready for 20 khvilin. You can add to the filling simply re-greased cibula, stewed cabbage, canned ribs. Here your fantasies will run wild. And the worst - you cook them on your own, having changed your mind, so that the purchase order did not stand out from home.

Far away to you, that welcome appetite!

Potato cutlets are a national herb in many countries and are called zrazy. The stench is getting ready with the filling in the middle, looking at the smeared mushrooms, boiled eggs from the green chibula and meat. Find out how to cook zrazy with minced meat - hurry up with savory recipes.

How to cook potatoes with minced meat

Under the word “smash” in cookbooks, the filling is understood, burnt with a beaten stalk of meat. The very understanding is shifted like shmatok, which is being pulled. Their other name is potato growers. Over the years, the recipe for this strain has changed, and the basis for the new one has become mashed potatoes. The list of toppings has expanded, including fresh cabbage, mushrooms, boiled eggs, chicken fillet or other meat. For a classic recipe for potato wedges with minced meat, you need the following ingredients:

  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • borosno - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vershkov oil - 30 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.

Cooking crumbs look like this:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in the middle shmatki, put them in a saucepan until they are ready. Salt a little water.
  2. Without looking for the achievement of potatoes, for the help of a mortar, mix it in mashed potatoes. Do not beat the mixer or the blender, even if the masa is to blame for the mother's viscous consistency.
  3. Leave the mashed potatoes and take care of the filling - pass the pork through a meat grinder.
  4. Cleaned the cibula, cut it with small blocks, smear it on the rose oil until it starts to simmer, and then put it out on the fire until it gets smoky.
  5. Add it to the frying pan until the meat is thick, sip the seasonings to your liking.
  6. Like a potato sumish chilled, beat an egg to it, sip vigorously and mix well.
  7. Prepare a doshka, sprinkle it with flour.
  8. Take trochs of potato dough and roll the yogo into bags, and then form the shortbreads.
  9. In the center of the shortbread, spread about 1-1.5 tbsp. meat, rot the edge, sob wiyshov pie.
  10. Lightly rolled pirіzhki in boroshnі, lubricate the insults of their sides on the sonyashnikovіy olії - just don't pour yogo too richly.

How to cook with cheese at the oven

If you want to cook better without coating, then roast it in the oven, and add the stuffing to the meat before the meat. Then the list of necessary ingredients will be as follows:

  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • borosno - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • sir - 0.4 kg.

Instructions for cooking potatoes with minced meat in the oven, including sprats:

  1. Like in the previous recipe, cook potatoes, grow them to a puree-like state.
  2. Add to puree | add | eggs s | iz | flour | boroshnoy |, thoroughly mix until smooth. Set the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.
  3. Coat the finely wound cibulus with meat at once, add a little bit of it to the fine head of the watchmaker and strength for relish.
  4. Form shortbreads from mashed potatoes, stuff them with minced meat, and then put syrah on top. Bend the edges so that you have a pie.
  5. Grease the deco with oil, spread the “pies” on the new one and prepare the dough for 40.

With a liver and chicken minced meat in a frying pan

The attacking recipe is based on chicken meat and liver, as if someone doesn’t feel rich, ale, having tasted this grass, change their taste likeness. Axis of what products you need to prepare:

  • wheat bread - 1 skewer;
  • chicken fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken liver - 0.2 kg;
  • borosno - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cibulin - 2 pcs.

To cook zrazy with chicken fillet and liver, hurry up with the offensive instruction:

  1. Skip the chicken fillet and 1 cibulin twice through the meat grinder. Beat in an egg, add spices, a scoop of wheat bread soaked in milk.
  2. Leave the chicken filling for a couple of years in the cold, so that she insisted.
  3. Break the potatoes, rozimnіt її, beat the egg. Having added flour | borosno |, mix.
  4. For the help of a blender or meat grinder, grind the liver.
  5. Tsibulina, which is left out, smear it to transparency, introduce a liver to it, try a couple of quills on the fire for warming up.
  6. Having taken the potatoe dough, form the shortbreads.
  7. Place an equal amount of both fillings near the center of the skin shortbread, form pies.
  8. Coat in a frying pan with fried olive oil until ruddy.

Lines with minced meat, potatoes and greens

Another variant of a sieve and a swedish evening is celery streaks. This recipe needs the following ingredients:

  • chalking nutmeg peas - 0.25 tsp;
  • tsibula green - 2 pcs.;
  • krip, parsley - to taste;
  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 0.2 kg.

The process of preparing a trifle is simpler, which is why it is called lazy. Include next steps:

  1. Harvest potatoes by the water, trochs of salt. You can add an olії shmatochok, chasnik, pepper or bay leaf for the aroma.
  2. Recognize the potatoes that have been boiled, add Syrian minced meat directly into the new one.
  3. Drive an egg into the masa, add spices and greens.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, pour the cutlets and brush them on a heated frying pan from both sides.
  5. To take in the excess fat, lay the prepared cutlets on the servlets.

Yak robiti with mashed potatoes in multivartsi

For a happy woman of the kitchen “pomichnitsa” - a multicooker - see the descriptions below for the recipe. We need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • yalovichina chi pork - 0.3 kg;
  • borosno - 30 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.

You can cook zrazy potatoes with minced meat for an additional multicooker for the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Turn the meat into minced meat for the help of a meat grinder, add the finely wound cibula to the new one and beat in the egg.
  2. Puree the boiled potatoes with a mortar, add an egg and borosno, knead the dough.
  3. Put shortbreads on the top of the plate, put trochs of the filling in the center, fold the edges - cutlets come out.
  4. Cover the bowl with the multicooker set with olive oil, set the “Vipichka” mode.
  5. Put it in front of the bowl. Approximately 20 quills are needed for coating one side.

Recipe from raw potatoes on tertzi with minced ribs

This recipe does not include mashed potatoes, but potatoes from the orphan. Tsikavo? To do the preparation of the ingredients:

  • borosno - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • bread crumbs - 1 tbsp.;
  • canned ribnі - 1 app.;
  • krip - 1 bunch.

To prepare such an original gravy, read the instructions below:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash and grind for an additional grater, so that the masa looks like pastry.
  2. See the trimmed potatoes. You can grow starch from the juice.
  3. Introduce an egg at the potato plant, ferment the teapot and spices for relish.
  4. Break cool 2 eggs.
  5. Remove the fish from the tin can, cut it for an additional fork, having removed the backbone brushes.
  6. Eat eggs with fish, add greens, spices to them, mix.
  7. Put the potato masa on the yakus tissue, spread it into shortbreads and put about 2 tsp each. fish fillings.
  8. Vikoristovuyuchi edges of the fabric, burn shortcakes into patties, roll in breadcrumbs.
  9. Coat the offending sides, attaching 2-3 quills to the skin.
  10. On top of the "patties" put a few inches of butter | oil |.

Potato cutlets with minced meat and mushrooms in the middle

This recipe is based on the use of mushrooms, and you can take not only fresh, but also dried. The rest of the spatula should be poured with dill, after 10 strands, refill it again and again a year before filling. For the recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • bread crumbs - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes - 0.8 kg;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • fresh bakery - 0.3 kg;
  • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • spices.

Before the instructions for preparation, the following steps are included:

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them at once.
  2. Dribly cut the cibula, wash and cut the pecheritsa, brush the ingredients until “ruddy”.
  3. Lubricate the meat in an okremіy frying pan, fill it with mushroom lubrication.
  4. Peel the boiled potatoes and puree, add egg white, spices and mix.
  5. Form the shortbreads from the potato sum, put a little stuffing in the middle of the skin and close the “pie”.
  6. Dip a leather pie in a beaten egg sum, then roll in breadcrumbs and smear it on a small fire.

Video recipe: potato wedges with minced meat at home

Zrazi potatoes, which I am like a millionaires with a filling, a national herb in the kitchens of many similar European peoples. The thoughts of historians about this journey are shared: some think that it came to the Commonwealth in the 16th century from Italy, and others - that it is a traditional Lithuanian country.

Pokrokov's recipe for slathering potato slices with meat

  • Potato - 6 pcs.;
  • Virizka pig - 400 g;
  • Tsibulya - 2 heads;
  • Oliya (fat) Vershkove - 150 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Boroshno - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Creep - bundle;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Oliya be-yaka Sonyashnikova - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking hour: 75 minutes.

Calorie content: 124 Kcal / 100 g.

Potatoes are peeled and diligently cut, cut into quarters and drenched in hot water. If you put cold water in, the potatoes will be less sticky.

M'yaso vimivaemo, rozrazaemo on shmatki that is passed through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy ready-made minced meat, but you won’t have the product as a preparation.

Zlivayemo mayzhe all the cartoplenium rose, zalishaemo literally three - chotiri spoons. Meni tovkachem, dodaemo borosno, eggs and krip. The number of eggs can change, marvel at the consistency of potato dough.

We clean the cibula and shaky into cubes, lubricate with olives, add minced meat, add salt and lubricate until ready. Potato masu is rolled into a cowbass, cut into small cubes, like on dumplings, I crush it. Minced meat is put on one half, the other is curved and fastened with a sharp edge.

At the bottoms, we crush the finished product, soak it in boars and lubricate it with ghee.

How to cook straw for a couple

  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc.;
  • Boroshno - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Strength - to your taste;
  • Oliya (fat) Vershkove - about 100 g;
  • Olive oliya - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking hour: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 85 Kcal / 100 g.

By the water, which is boiling, we put the chicken sternum in the air, lightly salt it and add a small piece of cybuli. Potatoes are clean and can be boiled. It’s necessary, that it was cooked well and was soft.

Pour in water, transfer the clubs to a blender and mix in mashed potatoes, add a pinch of butter and an egg. If the mass becomes one-of-a-kind, everything is borosno and a spoonful of goodness. Let's reach.

The cibula is clean and pastured on the olive oil. Meat from the broth is distaєmo, razdіlyaєmo into swags, and it is twisted on an electric yasorubtsi. Zmіshuєmo with a smeared cibulka and pіdsolyuєmo.

From the puree we form small shortbreads, in the middle we put the filling, with wet palms we spread it and put it on the special grate of the double boiler. The electric appliance is activated, water is poured into the tank, it is set up in tiers and a timer for twenty minutes is set.

At chicken broth, you can add fresh greens and taxes at once with potato slices and low-fat sour cream.

Unforgettably savory potatoes with meat stuffing in the oven

Strava is suitable for state gifts, like simple products, they like to cook something unusual and original. Baked in an electric oven, you can immediately make a crunchy crackle and a juice filling. The stench can be added to the solid sir, but for the bazhanny.

  • Potato - 1 kg;

  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • Veal - 300 g;
  • Rusks panіruvalnі - packaging;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Boroshno - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vershkov (not spread) butter - 100 g;
  • Oliya unrefined - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Strength - to your liking.
  • Cooking hour: 85 minutes.

    Calorie content: 114 Kcal / 100 g.

    We imitate good potatoes and throw ourselves in uniforms in salted water, which boils. Readiness is checked with a toothpick and a fork. M'yaso miёmo that obsushiemo kitchen paper towels.

    It is processed into skewers and twisted into meat cutters. The cibula is cleaned and trimmed in a blender. We collect oil in a saucepan and cover the cibula porridge, add minced meat, seasonings, strength and cook ten to fifteen chills, stirring all the time, so that they don’t burn.

    Potatoes are cleaned, mined, beaten eggs, boiled boroughly and tops of butter. Let's reach. Rozkochuєmo in tovstu dovgu kovbaska, obskubuєmo small koloboks and shaped potato pirіzhki, stuffed with minced meat from tsibulei. Cover with breadcrumbs and put it in a small brazier. We put zapіkat on twenty whilins.

    A classic recipe for a salad with crab meat, read the rest of the photo.

    How to cook savory pizza in a slow cooker with a unique taste, read in our article here.

    How to smash potatoes with mushrooms and minced meat

    One of the classic food products is potatoes, mushrooms and meat. In this country, the stinks appear as a single whole and go out to drink juicy and sour. It’s better to ask for fresh forest mushrooms, and not greenhouse ones, then the relish will be simply divine.

    • White mushrooms - 300 g;
    • Potato - 6 pcs.;
    • Tsibulya - 2 heads;
    • Morquin - 1 pc.;
    • Vershkov oil - 50 g;
    • Young yalovichina - 450 g;
    • Egg - 1 pc.;
    • Strength, pepper - for its own bazhanny and relish.

    Cooking hour: 70 minutes.

    Calorie content: 165 Kcal / 100 g.

    Until fully ready, I cook potatoes. Mushrooms are kind to the water and shaky in cubes. Lubricate on Sonyashnikov Olії. The meat is twisted into meat cutters, cut in front into shmatki.

    Vegetables are clean and narizaemo, simmered in oil, we add minced meat, we kindly promishue and obmazhuemo twenty khvilin. Vikladaemo mushrooms, add salt, sip pepper and mix it. Turn on the gas and let it cool down.

    Potatoes me in mashed potatoes, add tops of butter, an egg, boar and let stand for five to ten quills, so that the gluten becomes cold and the gluten settles.

    Potatoes are crisply baked, small shortbreads are creamy, on the flanks it is spread, stuffed and creaked at the edges. So that the stench was well trimmed, you can soak the olive with water.

    It is rolled in boron liquor and lubricated on warm olive oil, to a warm brown color.

    It is recommended that under the hour of cooking potatoes, do not salt the water, but add it all at once from a boar and an egg. Viyda is savory with a crunchy squirrel, as if we smelt the finished product in an egg, and then we have a breading. Even more savory and dietary zrazy come out of the filling with ribi.

    zrazi viyshli kcalovі for the recipe. goofy dish!! Duremno stained hour that product.

    How can you sack such a grass like a smash?

    Foolish man! You just don't know how to cook.

    Zrazi potatoes - the best opportunity to try and shine with culinary talents. The choice of toppings is so majestic that the eyes are widened. With tsibulei, mushrooms, saury ... Even with the description of the recipes, a neumovirny appetite is developed. Let's say, how to cook lower cutlets with juice filling so that the stench does not fall apart.

    Zrazi with minced meat from potatoes is called cortoply. Such potato cutlets with various fillings are famously loved in Western Ukraine, near Lithuania, often cooked near Belarus and Russia. Make cutlets to bring up the classics of literature. Babel in "Odessa Opovіdannya", a phrase, like "the old one having drunk the burners from the teapot, it immediately smells like a happy childishness" ... Zagal, vchimosya cooking cutlets, a year of a literary pen.

    To prepare, we need:

    • a kilogram of potatoes (we will make the red variety for baking - the wine will not fall apart);
    • the head of the cybuli is large;
    • pіvkilo be-like yakіs minced meat;
    • a bottle of milk;
    • half a bottle of tops, be it fat;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
    • boroshno (the number of stale in the number of cutlets);
    • roslinne or vershkov oil for lubrication - to the relish;
    • a pinch of salt, pepper.

    Potatoes are miєmo under water and relatively cleanly clean with a splash shield. We wait until ready by salty water. Trioma potatoes are ready on the great third in the okrem єmnіst.

    We clean the qibul and cut it into cubes. We cover minced meat from cibulei, sill on pans. Add salt, pepper for relish and add 2 chicken eggs. With this, the minced meat is not guilty, but it should be hot, so that the eggs do not boil.

    If you put minced meat in the Syrian zrazi, you won’t miss the bris and you’ll be left with sirimi.

    Formed from potato shortcakes. At the center of the skin we put a little minced meat, we pinch the edges, we made beautiful, equal cutlets. It was left to roll them at the boroshnі and smear them from two sides on the sum of dewy and vershok oil to a beautiful golden streak.

    Zrazi served warm with a sauce of boroshn, milk or tops. Ale, in principle, you can not fool around with the sauce. Serve cutlets with fresh sour cream and parsley leaves. Wait and lick the plate! Savory.

    Recipe for cooking with mushrooms at the oven

    It often happens that in the evenings you get a little bit of mashed potatoes. The next day, yoga is not enough, if you want to eat it, even if the puree is delicious, it’s still fresh. It's time to resuscitate potatoes and serve chic fragrant potatoes with mushrooms, sour milk sauce, sour cream and whipped tops for the evening.

    For cooking, we will need a small saucepan of ready-made mashed potatoes, fresh bakery - 200 g, a large amount of cibulina, a couple of chicken eggs, strength, pepper to relish, the trochs of olives are not smeared.

    Mushrooms are best smeared in an inch of oil - so the stench will look miraculously vershokovy. Vaporize the water over the top, otherwise the stuffing will soften up immediately and the stench will spread right on the frying pan.

    Pokrokov's instruction looks like this:

    1. At potato puree, eggs are broken.
    2. Dodayemo trohi borosna.
    3. Relatively vmіshuєmo potato sumіsh.
    4. If you need it - add some salt, otherwise the cutlets will look fresh.
    5. Mushrooms are smeared on a frying pan, cut into cubes, and cibulin.
    6. Robimo beautiful shortbreads, at the center we put mushroom stuffing and pinch the edges.
    7. Zrazi rolled in boroshni and smeared on a roasted frying pan from two sides.

    Rum'yanі, appetizing zrazy served on the great flat grass, adding to them the sauce of sour cream and pickled dry or fresh chickpeas - at your discretion. Їmo, savoring a delicate mushroom relish, fortified with top-bottom mashed potatoes. Savory!

    3 Sirom

    When rozrіzі zrazi with cheese, they reveal a viscous melted filling, which harmoniously harmonizes with mashed potato puree. Sir take leather - spicy, fresh Russian, licorice maasdam, classic parmesan. We will relish the taste. But do not skimp on the cheese - you can finish the fillings richly.

    Є variant nashvidkuruch - with cubes of melted syrah. Yakshcho sir will be with additives, for example shmatochkiv taverns or mushrooms, the grass will light up in a new way.

    Among the required ingredients:

    • sir - 100 g;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • mashed potatoes - 500 g;
    • strength, pepper for relish;
    • bread crumbs - 300 g;
    • oil for lubrication - 100 ml.

    Sir is rubbed on the third. In mashed potatoes, eggs are smashed and potatoes are thoroughly mixed. We form shortbreads with a rosemary from the bottom, at the center of the skin we put a generous portion of syrup. “Seal” cutlets from two sides, so that the stench came out sharp, and the filling did not leak. It’s crushed in croutons, it’s shvidko thrown on a frying pan. Covered from the sides to the brim.

    The shortbread cookies are handily sticky, periodically wetting your hands with cold water - so the stench will not stick.

    Get ready to put it on a paper towel, so the fat is taken in. Served with greens, cherry tomatoes, fresh ogirk.

    With cabbage

    When stewing cabbage, it is better to season it with dry crop. Vіn nastav lve vlovimy mushroom relish of the filling.

    For cooking, we need a trio of sautéed cabbage on olive oil, mashed potatoes and a couple of eggs (you can not take them, so you can fast).

    Let's do it like this:

    1. Potatoes are lightly warmed (or just take the room temperature).
    2. Robimo neat shortbreads, and in the center of the skin we put stewed cabbage so that the filling does not wag.
    3. Pinch the edges even more strongly.
    4. We smear it on a hot frying pan, lightly smeared with dewy oil.

    Served from greens, ogirka, shmatochki seledtsya. You can pour it with tomato sauce - the taste of viide is superb, with a slight sourness. It is so easy to give children to school and take them with you to work as it is easy, but not a snack.

    Zrazi with mashed potatoes with meat

    Potatoes zrazi with meat can also look savory with mashed potatoes: such stinks come out lower, better, more like children. It is easy to prepare a dietary option right away, so as not to simmer: cook the meat in front and roll the yogo with the chibula through the meat grinder.

    Like mashed potatoes, it turned out to be rare, it’s better to add up to a new one.

    Proteins break up the consistency even more sparsely, happen to be added boroughly and suddenly look rude.

    To prepare you need:

    • 300 g of pisnoy yalovichine;
    • great cibulina;
    • Vershkov oil of Abo Sonyashnikov (for lubrication);
    • mashed potatoes - 500 g;
    • and 2 chicken eggs.

    The meat is boiled until soft, finely chopped in meat grinders or blenders, passing at once from the cibula, daubed in rosemary chia oil. In mashed potatoes, eggs are broken, mixed well. Salt and pepper for relish.

    Lipimo beautiful oval cutlets with mashed potatoes, with a meaty filling. Zrazi lightly smeared on a frying pan.

    You can serve such potatoes with sour milk (curdled milk), sour cream and beaten tops. Strava is suitable for children from the early age. You can cook meat casserole, charring balls of potatoes and meat, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

    Option without additional egg

    Zrazi is easy to prepare without eggs, that is borosna. The stench will see to sink, from the reception of a crispy moan. Choose the stuffing be-yaku. And we proponuєmo classically eat potatoes with mushrooms. Mashed potatoes are prepared with a small amount of rіdini, so that the dough is ready to be cooled.

    Cortoples are prepared with: a kilogram of potatoes, 500 g of mushrooms (can be dry, soaked in front of the water), semolina - our meatballs, great cibulini, salt, pepper for relish and sonyashnikova olії.

    Diemo by crumbs:

    1. Potatoes v_dvaryuєmo, rozminaєmo in mashed potatoes (water is poured practically over, overflowing at least).
    2. Mushrooms are fried dry, smeared on frying pans from cibulae.
    3. Salt, pepper.
    4. Lipimo mlintsi with Zavtovshka puree 1.5 cm.
    5. We add a tablespoon of filling.
    6. We pinch the edges.
    7. We form oval patties.
    8. It is obvalyuemo їх at manzi - it will be crushed with a thick sticky wind without eggs.
    9. Let's heat up the frying pan.
    10. Vivayamo oliya.
    11. Shvidko smeared pirіzhki.

    Serve mushroom spices without eggs with fresh vegetables, greens or pickled cucumbers.

    The deyakі lords zavzhd dodat at the potatoe a few trochs (dessert spoon) tsukra. Vіn rob the taste of stravi richly yaskravіshim.

    Zrazi potatoes without filling - for garnish

    Zrazi without stuffing is a great way to whip up mashed potatoes that have been lost in the evening. Vіdbivna zі pork, potato cutlet, greens - the supper is simple, inexpensive, but may be svyatkovoy. For bazhannya, you can add the filling: bacon, cowbass, cock. Alemy, we are happy to try an unusual recipe with crop oil: you need to grind the pieces of acres of butter with a finely cut crop and let them be caught in the freezer.

    Required components:

    • two bottles of mashed potatoes;
    • one egg;
    • a couple of tablespoons of borosna;
    • a pinch of salt, pepper, nutmeg;
    • 30 g of any kind of sir (yakscho є);
    • bread crumbs;
    • oil for obsmazhuvannya.

    At the puree, add spices, three sir, put a little bit of boar and break an egg. We feel quiet. Sticky potato patties, minced skin with a little krop oil. Strongly pinched, rolled in breadcrumbs and smeared on a roasted frying pan. Served with a meaty dish, poured with fresh sour cream. Decorate with parsley!

    3 peas

    You can cook zrazi by adding peas. Vіn koshtuє kopіyki, ale superbly savory, especially in the case of meat, chicken liver, and just potatoes.

    In the season, you can replace dried peas with green. It’s important to brew that lightly in a blender with oregano or fresh crop.

    We need: 200 g of boiled peas, 700 g of mashed potatoes, great cibulina, cilantro, pepper, oliya, 2-3 tablespoons of boroshn, a chicken egg, breadcrumbs.

    How to cook? Just:

    1. With peas, cook cool puree.
    2. We add mashed potatoes, zhovtok, troch borosna in the warmth of mashed potatoes for greater stickiness of the dough.
    3. Give it a little chill, so that it doesn't burn your hands.
    4. Peas are covered with cibulei. Onions can be added richly - this is how weed peas are juiced.
    5. Sticky pie with pea filling.
    6. Roll them in breadcrumbs.
    7. Obsmazhuєmo on olії to the quick.

    Cutlets may be trochic warm or chilled cold - at your discretion. Sitni, ale easy to master the stink of savory hot tea or a light salad, seasonings with stale oil. You can sip on trimmed licorice tsibulei for extra special piquancy.

    Juicy zrazi with potatoes with an egg and a cibulia

    Zrazi in the oven for the kshtalt of the beloved us pie from the green cibula, that egg is prepared without being smeared. And that means that the stench is not less savory, but less caloric. It is recommended that we have a few, who will follow the vaga, but let us see the victory of this hedgehog.

    Prepare cold mashed potatoes, zhovtok, white, a bunch of green cibules, 2 boiled eggs, salt, pepper, rosemary oil and 2-3 tablespoons of borosna.

    Memorize the cooking rules:

    1. At the puree, add some spices, zhovtok, relatively vimishuemo. It is guilty that the potato is smooth, so it does not stick to the hands.
    2. Eggs are crushed dryly by krihtu.
    3. The green cybul is narrated with circles.
    4. Zmіshuєmo eggs and cibulus. For the uniformity of the filling, it is recommended to add trohi of oliї or a piece of topping.
    5. Sticky potatoes, zagortayuchi inside the cibulnu stuffing.
    6. We put leather on the sheet so that the stench does not stick one to one.
    7. Let's make pirіzhki with protein.
    8. We adjust the oven, heat up to 200 degrees.
    9. Vipkaєmo 20 quills until the ruddy veil is settled.

    Ready hot pies can be smeared with topping butter, poured with milk sauce, topped with low-fat sour cream. Obov'yazkovo try to eat pirіzhki with marinated mushrooms seasoned with stale oil. Take such grass from yourself to work, eat cold tea with tea - all colleagues obov'yazkovo ask the recipe.

    Zrazi minced chicken

    With a trigger, they are more suitable for children, even if the grass comes out povitryanoy, ale sitnoy. And the trigger is prepared more richly, which increases the speed of preparation. For the filling, you can take a chicken stegon fillet and wind chicken breasts, especially if you cook and grind in a blender until it becomes a thick meaty mouth.

    We need 400 g chicken or breast, rіpchasta cibulin, top oil or sonyashnikova (for lubrication), mashed potatoes - 500 g and 2 chicken eggs.

    Zrazi comes out more tsіkavіshe, yakscho add trochs of grated solid syrah to minced meat.

    1. The trigger is doubled, passed through a meat grinder or pierced with a blender.
    2. Dodaemo smeared on vershokovy oil cibula.
    3. Minced salt, pepper to taste.
    4. From the puree, it is prepared elastically densely, robimo shortcakes, and in the middle of the skin, it is placed on a spoonful of chicken-cibulic filling. We pinch the edges.
    5. They gave to work on their own judgment - bake pies in the oven or smear them.

    Prepare the mushroom bechamel before the chicken cutlets: pick up the droplets of any mushrooms, brush lightly with the cibula. At the masu, add a bottle of milk, 2 tbsp. l. boroshn. Simmer until the sauce thickens slightly. Vershkovy sauce, meat cutlet with juice filling and lower puree - miraculous chastuvannya, like the household to appreciate obov'yazkovo.

    With stuffing from saury

    For those who categorically dislike fish, eat it with mashed potatoes and saury. The riba gives the taste of the cicada and why I call it not the ribny (quickly, m'yasniy). Saury - ribs are fattened, look like they are healthy, if you want food, everything is without blame, you need to add additives.

    For fish dishes, we recommend: a jar of saury, two bottles of mashed potatoes, cibulin, borosno - 100 g, olive oil, black pepper and an egg.

    The cooking process is even simpler:

    1. With mashed potatoes, mix it up with a boar and egg.
    2. From jars of saury we pour homeland.
    3. On a frying pan, we smear the cibula, add the riba and submerge it, so that the motherland boils.
    4. We form pies, stuffing them with saury.
    5. It is rolled in mantsі or boroshnі and obsmazhuєmo.

    Ready cutlets covered with a thin sieve with mayonnaise, sprinkled with parsley. The cutlets are especially savory in a cold look - they get cold as a stench, like a stink from a plate of light swishing. The recipe can be vikonati and yak zapіkanki. Tse sitno, savory and even simple.

    Belarusian potato chakluni

    Byelorussians called potatoes into a cult, crushed the people's banns. Ale chakluni is not less to love in this country. They often cook near the Baltics. But who would be smilered at the Belarusian people the authorship of the firm's chakluniv! Ready, dorimuyuchis joys of the guests of the inhabitants of the potato land of the world.

    Chakluny is a special variety of draniki. On vіdmіnu vіd zrazy, їх vzhdі cook from grated potatoes.

    Necessary ingredients:

    • kilogram of white large potatoes;
    • 500 g of some kind of minced meat with tsibuleya, pepper (radimoly beat the cock, as you get ready for a rich swedish for pork or yalovichina);
    • borosno - 3 tbsp. l;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • oliya - 100 g;
    • strength, pepper for relish.

    Three peeled potatoes on the great third and add salt. Let's see the juice. Vіdzhimaєmo surpluses through gauze or vіdkidaєmo on drushlyak. Add borosno, egg, salt and pepper. And now - respect - it's robitimemo everything is very fast! The frying pan is fried, weddle it there and warm it up.

    Immediately robimo shortbread (you can stick it with your hands), put minced meat to the animal, pinch the edges and lightly squeeze, so that the shape becomes more flat. Negaino put on a frying pan. Coated to a crispy fast. Naprikintsі can be covered with a lid, so that the minced meat is cooked residually.

    Too strong fire is not to be fought, otherwise the bottom of the potato will burn, and in the middle it will be left with sulfur. Minced meat can not be extinguished more.

    Chakluni with sour cream stick greens. Sitni, with juicy meat filling, greased shortbreads - the perfect ear of a weekend.

    3 sausage

    All children love sausage at tista. And if it’s still a potato, the pie will be richer and tastier. All you need is: a sprat of sausages, some mashed potatoes, an egg, trochs of borosna, olives, strength, pepper for relish.

    Sausages can be yakіsnimi, for example, dairy, GOST-іvskim.

    How are we ready?

    1. From mashed potatoes, borosna, eggs zamіshuєmo tіsto.
    2. Cooking a shortbread with your hands, and burning a sausage in the middle.
    3. We will smear a pie on the rose of the olive.
    4. We swear on a paper towel - we won’t pick up the extra olії.

    Sausage patties are savory in a cold look with hot herbal tea, fragrant cava latte. On a child, it’s easy to make mini-versions of sausages-creeches (the stench is sold in any store) or just cut the standard one into 2-3 parts.

    How to prepare a plate in a slow cooker?

    Blameful gentlemen are preparing at the multicooker. Ale, in front of the eye, potato cutlets in a multi-bowl can rise. Try zrobiti suto meat cutlets. Zrazi from pure meat - originally from Poland; there they cook them from different varieties, stuffing cutlets with different fillings; at the translation from the Polish zrazi, they are translated like “okremі shmatochki meat” - before, the meat was only chopped, but not scrolled through the meat grinder.

    We need:

    • minced meat - 700 g;
    • egg - 6 pcs.;
    • strength, pepper for relish.

    5 eggs are cool, cool, it is cleared. At m'yaso we give an egg, beat it with our hands. Salt and pepper. We rob shortcakes. We put an egg in the middle, carefully pinch it - the cutlet can be even, sharp.
    Smiling gospodarki can try to cook classic potatoes. The lid of the multicooker cannot be curled with it, but it is only necessary to cook it in the "Speck" mode.

    Covered with zrazi on the day of multi-bowl, rose with olive oil. Close the lid and quench until ready on the "M'yaso", "Gasinnya" or "Vipichka" modes. At the process, they will give fragrant meat sik - before them, obov'yazkovo needs a side dish. Cook puree, pasta, rice. Serve cutlets with curry sauce, salted capers, fresh bread, greens.
    When razrіzі in the middle of the skin zrazinki vyavivatsya testicle. The stench looks even more appetizing, and the relish of the zrazіv is namovіrno accepting.

    Prepared: mashed potatoes, a pack of syrup, be it fat, a bunch of greens, trochs of sour cream, silt, pepper, a clove of a teaspoon, a troch of boar that egg. Add some oregano trocha, basil, or some winter herbs to the puree - this way the dish will be even more fragrant.

    The process looks like this:

    1. More elastic, smoother potatoes are thick with flour, an egg.
    2. Sir zmіshuєmo zі sour cream, herbs, chasnik, salty.
    3. We form cutlets, in the middle of the skin we put a tablespoon with hot cheese filling.
    4. Rozpodіlyaєmo cutlets in the form for zapikannya.
    5. We are smeared with white.
    6. It is baked in the oven until golden brown.

    For bazhannya, it’s easy not to zapіkati, but to smear. The technology is already available, but the result is sly. Cutlets obov'yazkovo need to give the guts to get cold - the sir is guilty of "shopitis". Served with tartar sauce or on the basis of sour milk with greens.

    Thousands of recipes are available at once: the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian family has their own branded recipe. In Ukraine, one should love with greaves, in Belarus with sour cream, in Lithuania with tops and, apparently, lightly salted sedentary. Learn more about original recipes with dried fruits. You can try, find wine and find your own day. Todi Strava is by no means nabridne. I have a lot of appetite and new victories on the culinary "front"!

    Potato zrazi є smeared pirіzhki, like they are prepared from potato dough (on the basis of mashed potatoes). Vіdomі stinks and under another name - "potato plants". How to lie to this type of strain, the middle is to know the filling-surprise.

    Reminders for the minds of others are different. The classic option is potato patties with meat, or rather with minced meat. The best work of yogo zі pork and yalovichini in equal proportions - then the fat content and relish of the filling will be balanced. To make the meat more succulent, it is smeared from the great kilkistyu tsibuli that fat. Ready for the potato growers to come out more succulent, savory and “homemade”.

    Cooking hour: 40 quills / Leave: 15 pieces with a diameter of 5 cm


    for the base:

    • for dough
    • potatoes 1 kg
    • borosno wheat 200 grams
    • egg 2 pieces
    • sour cream 4 tbsp. spoons
    • sіl ta pepper for relish

    For filling:

    • minced meat 500 grams
    • cibulina large 1 piece
    • lard fresh 200 grams
    • sіl ta pepper for relish

    additive ingredients:

    • bread crumbs 130 grams
    • borosno 130 grams
    • oil for lubrication 150 ml
    • sour cream 150 ml
    • greens for refreshment.


      Potatoes are peeled from the skins, washed by a large amount of water, washed with small pieces. Place the skewers in a saucepan, fill with water and put on the stove to cook until cooked.

      While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the filling. We clean the qibul and cut it into small cubes. Salo is narrated by small pieces. We put the fat and cibula into the pan and put it on the stove.

      On a medium fire, we smear bacon with a cibula, constantly stirring, the docks of the vegetable cubes will not become transparent. After that, add minced meat to the frying pan.

      We cover the minced meat at once from cibulei and lard, stretching 10-15 strands on the right fire, periodically stirring with a spatula. Naprikintsi cooking add strength and black pepper for relish. We take a frying pan from the stove.

      From boiled potatoes pour water. Add sour cream and stir it in mashed potatoes with a wooden weaver, add sour cream. Let the finished puree cool.

      Vsipayemo in mashed wheat borosno, scho overstacked, beaten eggs and put strong and black pepper for relish. We mix it up with our hands.

      Tisto on zrazi is not guilty, but we are rare, or we are twisting too much. Just take a small amount of yoga from the bottom, it may trim the shape and do not slip through your fingers.

      For crispness, we put the stuffing close to one and the same. Poruch rozmіschuєmo dvі єmnostі; in one it is very thick, in the other - breadcrumbs. There aren’t many of them, just before putting them into a frying pan, you can roll only in boars. We pick up two tablespoons of dough and put it in a borough.

      Obvalyuemo from both sides, robimo quietly flat, like a baby, and vikladaemo to the beast 1-2 tbsp. l. stuffings with minced meat, lard and cibuli.

      Then we wet our hands with cold water, take it with the filling in the hand, bend the edges, form the cake round or oval and roll it from both sides in breadcrumbs.

      In a frying pan, we roast olive oil for greasing and we add it to the meat. I put three pieces on the pan at a time. Bazhano, so that the oil crooked zrazy when smeared on tretina. Ready їх on the right fire from one side 4 hvilin.

      If the lower side is well blushed, turn it over with a spatula on the back side and get 3-4 more whilini.

      I’m ready to cook the grass on a plate and decorate it with greenery.

    Served to the table with sour cream.


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