Mayakovsky Khmara in trousers problematic. "Khmara in pants" analiz eat

Mayakovsky Khmara in trousers problematic. "Khmara in pants" analiz eat

We have a few statistics about one poetry of Mayakovsky, conducted by її analysis. "Cloud in Trousers" - Tvir, the idea of ​​what appeared at Volodymyr Volodymyrovich in 1914. Spatka over there was called "The Thirteen Apostles". Molody sings zakhavsya in Denisova Maria Oleksandrivna. However, love tsya bula is unhappy. Girkota experiencing Mayakovskiy vіliv at vіrshah. The eating of the bullet was completed in 1915 by the end of the year. In parts, the last analysis was carried out.

"A Cloud in Trousers" (Mayakovsky). composition for creativity

At the beginning of the next steps behind it, the chotir parts of the building are formed. The skin of them realizes a private, concrete idea. The day is marked by Volodymyr Volodymyrovich himself in the forefront of the world before the vyshs, trochas from another vision of the creation. Tse "chotiri shout": "get your love", "get your religion", "get your way", "get your mystery". About the skin of them in a few reports, conducting an analysis. "A cloud in pants" - we eat, pick the yaku velmi tsikavo.

Problems and topics

Bagatoproblem and multi-theme TV - "A Cloud in Pants". The theme of the poet and NATO is announced at the entry. A faceless, inert human mass is the protagonist of the protagonist. "Garny, twenty-yard" lyrical hero contrasts with the light of low images and speeches. Tse posharpani, "yak prisliv'ya" women; "Fallen", like a lіkarnya, cholovіki. Tsikavo, as if NATO was innocent, the lyrical hero was on the lookout. Vin is either sharp and rude, "nakhabny and edky", then vulnerable, relaxed, "imperfectly low" - "dull in his pants", not a cholovik. So the creature will clear up the sense of such an unwitting name, which is even more characteristic, before speech, for the creativity of Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Mayakovsky, loving vikoristovuvati original yaskravі images and vluchnі vislovi.

Poemi chastina

It’s famous for the author’s idea, the first chastin is to take revenge on the first cry: "Get your love." You can say that the theme of love is central to all creation. It is assigned, to the first part of the fourth part, as a demonstration of our analysis.

"A cloud in trousers" is seen to be stressed to ochikuvannyam: a vision of Mary Cheka is a lyrical hero. It’s so big, how can you be built, you can “laugh” and “tweak” the candelabra in the back, the doors “lyaskati”, “rіzhe” with a knife, grimaces of rain, etc. It will take an hour, it will take a long time. A metaphor about the twelfth year is passed on to the country’s glory. Mayakovsky write, scho two twelve years fell, yak "the head of the martyred" from the chopping block.

It’s not just a metaphor, vikoristan Volodymyr Volodymyrovych, as showing us an analysis. "A cloud in pants" by Mayakovsky reminding him with a deep inner wickedness: until such a world, the hero's soul is so high in addictions, it’s possible to be created without wobbling for an hour. Vono sleep yak physical death. "Writhing", "stogne" is the hero, soon "his mouth is torn up" with a cry.

tragic sound

Nareshty little girl will appear and be seen as a child who is not a bargain. The deafening and sharpness of the sound of the sound sings along with the name "Nate" in his own voice. Kradіzhka Marіya is like the victory of the famous "Giocondi" from the Louvre, and to himself - the bend of Pompeii.

The enemy at the same hour may not be people calm and cold-blooded, with a lyrical hero called a tragic sound. It seems like it is "quiet", protesting the indifference with the "pulse of a nebіzhchik". Také pryvnyannya means bezpovorotno, residual hopes for reciprocity died.

Promotion of those loves in another part

The theme of kohannya at another part of the church will eat away from the new solution. The tse slid is not unmistakable when conducting an analysis and singing "A Cloud in Pants". Mayakovsky speaks at another part about the love lyric, which she passed in the journey, which was very satisfying to Volodymyr Volodymyrovych. Vona is stumped by the deprivation of the tim, the schob at the virshah ospivuvati і "quote from the dews", і "love", і "pannochku". Vulgar and credits are those, but singing, "rimy pilikaya", "vikipyachivayut" "brew" from nightingales and love. With this stench, people cannot be overwhelmed by fellow citizens. Sing to be afraid, like a "leprosy", high-street natovpu, throw themselves from the streets. However, the people of the world, on the thought of a lyrical hero, cleanly embraced by the sun and the seas, "Venetsian Lazor".

In an unjustified mystery, he sings a protist, a reference, a reference, and to himself - a song "Poetics".

Drink the third part

Mayakovsky Volodymyr Volodymyrovych stverdzhuvav in one of three articles, "Poetry of Sufficiency" - Poetry of Borotbi. Given a publicistic formula, the artistic turn into what we are created is rejected. Vona prodovzhu development and in the offensive, the third part of such a creation, as we sing "A Cloud in Pants", the analysis is carried out. But it is not due to the lyricism of Volodymyr Volodymyrovich that Severianin’s creativity. Therefore, an inappropriate portrait of the author is introduced, yogo "drink a person". On the thought of a lyrical hero, be the author of my work, not the vitality of my creation, but into my heart by pouring it into the readers.

Promotion of those loves in the third part and eat "Cloud in pants"

A short analysis of the third part of eat the offensives. Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Mayakovskiy in this period is growing up to the barren and unhuman harmony, scho panuvav at that hour, on yogo thought, in our land. Unacceptable for the new life of the "fat". The topic of kohannya here will turn a new facet into poem. Made by the author of a parody of love - zbochennya, rozpusta, hіt. The whole earth is fasting, like Rothschild's "kohan" - "overgrown". It is the right of love to oppose lust.

"Get your way!"

Іsnuyuchy way porodzhuє "bіynі" rozstrіli, vbivstva, vіyni. Such pristіy suprovodzhutsya "human mіsivom", devastation, zrada, robberies. Outside the wing of the ward of divine houses and leprosy-vyaznits, in which to grieve in connection. It’s hard and sellable suspension. Itself sings the cryє "Get your way!". However, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Mayakovskiy was not just throwing into NATO, the cry went out. Win klich to the open fight of the people of the world, crying out "crooked carcasses". Hero, flock to the "thirteenth apostle", to protist to the masters of life, to the strong saints.

The main theme of the fourth part

Analysis of the "Cloud in Trousers" verse go to the description of the fourth part. The theme of God, which is a provincial one in this age. Vona is prepared already in advance, in which divination is signified by God, which is spostering baiduzhe for the fellow citizens of the people. In vіdkritu vіynu sings with him, vіn forbids his omnipotence, omnipotence, omniscience. Hover on the image of a hero ("kryhitny Bozhik") and a distau shevsky knife in order to open it up.

Basically zvinuvachennya, like throwing yourself to God, polyagaє in that, which is not guilty about happiness in love, about those who can be tsiluvati "without torment". I know, yak on the cob to the creature, the lyrical hero turns to Mary. I know і vows, і necessity, і possessions of vimogas, і haystacks, і finish, і good fortune. However, he sings for mutual pleasure. You may be overwhelmed by a crooked heart. Yogo nesse vin, like before, yak a dog - a paw, "having overcome the draft."

finale eat

The final is to become a picture of cosmic scales and heights, endless spaces. Greater than the sky is the sky, the evil stars are smiling. Cheka sings, so the sky is in front of him in the name of the droplets at the end of the wiklik. However, sleep Vsesvit, poklavshi on the majesty vukho "paw with clamps of stars".

Such an analysis of the "Cloud in Pants" creation. We spent it last, relying on the text of the meal. Spodіvaєmosya, tsya information will be good to you. The analysis of the "Cloud in Trousers" verse can be updated by turning on your powerful thoughts and caution. Mayakovsky - to finish the free one and the tsikaviy sings, like to win over to schoolchildren with great interest.

One of the best creations of V.V. Mayakovsky 1915 rock "Cloud in pants". An analysis of the process of poemi vyavlya protest against the mystery, future, ideology and morality of the bourgeois suspension. 3 experience through Mary Oleksandrivnya Denisova to obey the docr of someone else's for a new suspension, in a kind of mute true love. He sings all the nonsense of the fret formed in the country and, aggressively ironically, declares: "Mayakovsky is" a dumbass in his pants. " The analysis of skin parts will mark the specific phrase of the poet.

"Get your love"

The theme of health in the development of the world of openness in the poem "A cloud in pants". additional help of intelligence, as it is a good idea to broaden from the situation of Mary to all other aspects of life: it’s the life of the people, you’re seeing your life rotten, and you don’t want to live like that.

Velmi is mindful of those who Mayakovsky have in his wives who are always flexible and generous in new old words, which are responsible for simple and provocative skin infections. The imagery and ambiguity of words add to the creation of a picture in the picture, I live with the reader's testimony.

So, for example, the triptych is filled with the word of a kind of budovi: Iz'izdeva - the whole word turns around the aggression of the reader himself: a representative of the bourgeois standing.

"Get out your mystery"

In another part of the Mayakovskiy skidan іdolіv mystetstva, which were popular in the period of this robot over the song "A Cloud in Pants". Analyzes of the part of the readings, how to help people live with pain, but how the skin of a person is the main creator of her life. The author will come up with tsikavi folding prikmetniki: "krikubiy" і "Chrysostom". The word "novorodit" in Mayakovsky can also be summed up in two simple words "new" and "to make people", it is close in its meaning to the word "to innovate" and mean diyu.

"Get your way"

Vivchennya to the creation "A Cloud in Pants", an analysis of yogo and reading a read about the negative statement of Mayakovsky to the political, I will arrange it in an hour to develop his poetry. In the third part, the following words became pre-river: "іslezennie", "vilyubіl", "іzrugіval". Guessing the word "things" to him characterizes belonging to speeches. To replace the word "polamaєmo" Mayakovsky vikoristovuє "prolamali", for that there’s an accent on the greater movement coming to the snake, which doesn’t mean only "polamati", but “smash the dirk into something else”.

"Get your religion"

The fourth part has a lot of foldable author's words. Poetovi wanted to convey a specific snake to the reader: win call to love Marya, seeinutia, oppress God, bazhayuchiyu openness. For Mayakovsky, the religion of the brehliv: God does not scoff, but deprives people of teasing people with their dislike and linny. Here the author became more important not the idea of ​​a revolution, until he called in the front parts of the food, but his passion, his passion and experience, turning specifically and dynamically, dumb zoik sent to the blow. At all prices of visnovka, we will eat together with words and lexical analysis. "A cloud in trousers" is truly valuable for the history of tvir, as it is clearly and admirably capturing the revolutionary mood of that hour.

The name is poemi - "Thirteen Apostle" - bulo replaced by censorship. Mayakovsky raspovidav: “If I came with cottage cheese to the censorship, then they fed me:“ Well, you wanted to do hard labor? ”I said,“ Well, in any case, but in any case, I don’t vlashtovu ”. Todi me wicked a lot of sides, including the name. Tse - food about those stars taking the title. They energized me - as I can draw the lyric and great rudeness. Todi I said: "Good, I will, if you want, like sayings, if you want, I will be the lowest, not a cholovik, but a gloom in my pants" "1.

First we see it (1915) in revenge for the great number of censorship bills. On the other hand, I went to the ear of 1918 rock in Moscow without cuts from V. Mayakovsky's front line: "" A cloud in my pants "... I import the catechism of the current painting:" Get out your love! "," Get out your mystery! "," Get out your way ! "," Get out your religion "- chotiri cries chotiroh chastin".

Let's eat the skinny idea. Ale itself, therefore, cannot be strictly delayed on the chapters, in which they lastly vikladyayut chotiri shout "Get out!". The singing of the call is not grafted into the message of its "Get out!" The experience of the lyrical hero will thrive on the spheres of life, including that, deny loveless love, false art, evil possession, propagate Christian patience. We eat the ruch of a lyrical plot, we are pummeled with the help of the hero, an hour's reach to a great tragedy (the first publication of the urivkivs from "Khmari" is mali with the headings "tragedy").

Sing the first chastin - about the tragic unfulfilled kokhannya poet. Take revenge on the nebachenoi force or jealousy, bil, the hero's nerves rebelled: "like a sickness from a lick, striking a nerve," then nerves "to jump sayings, and even the nerves to creep into legs."

The author will eat a lot of food: “Will there be love? Yaka - is it great or is it krihitna? The whole chapter is not a treatise about kohannya, but is embellished with the name of the poet's experience. At the razdіlі the emoji of the lyrical hero: “Hello! Who should I say? Mati? Mati! Your sin is wonderfully ill! Mati! A new heart is burning. " They ate the love of the lyrical hero (Tse bulo, bulo in Odessa, "I'll come to chotiri", - said Mary 2. / Visim. / Nine. / Ten ... Having fallen twelve years ago, , / ryzka, yak “here!”, / tormenting the suede mittens, / said: “You know - / I vikhodzhu zamіzh”), і tse lead him to the list of love-malt-voiced song, more love is important, tse love-country.

Yogo uyavlennya about love rang out, polemically in the doors and flamboyant: “Mary! The sonnets are singing spіvaє Tian 3, // and I / all of myasa, all of the people - // just ask for yours, // how to ask for Christians - // "Our daily bread - / give us this day." For a lyrical hero, love is equal to life itself. The lyrics and the rudeness are here to say one to one, but from the psychological point of view, the hero's reaction is clear: his rudeness is a reaction to the idea of ​​his love, a price reaction.

V. Kamenskiy, Mayakovsky's companion, traveled to Odessa, writing about Marya, she won’t bewildered by an absolutely unwitting child, in these “great qualities of charming callousness and intellectualism, the experience, when the first ones came from Mary, - V. Kamenskiy rozpovidan, - he flew to the hotel with such a Christmas spring sea wind, and it was flooded with repeating: "the axis of the child, the axis of the child!" ... Mayakovsky, who did not know love yet, first became more majestic in feeling, he could not fit in. Hunting "after love", vzagal not knowing, like bootie, scho robiti, cudy go ".

Unpogamous, the tragic feeling of the hero cannot be associated with cold marshmallows, with refined, vishukanoy literature. For the turn of the right and strong feelings in the street, there is no way: “in the street, writhing without a lash - no shouting and rooting”. To that, the author will reserve all those that were injected into the spheres of art:

I am over usіm, scho crushed, I put "nihil".

From all the views of the Mayakovsky mystery, to be destroyed before the trip: it’s backward seen from the real life and from the real move, as it is said in the street, the people. He sings with a hyperbolism:

and corpses are laid out in the mouth.

For Mayakovsky, the soul of the people is important, and not the yogi zvnіshnіy viglyad ("Mi vid kiptyavi in ​​vіspі. I know - the sun has faded away, having pacified our souls with gold rosipi"). These trips were awarded and the third distribution:

And from a cigarette dima / likernі a glass of a vinyaguvalos, drink a person from Severyanin. Yak vi smiєte nazivatisya poets І, sirenky, chirikat, yak quail. Christmas / treba / brass knuckles / cover the light in the skull.

The lyrical hero declares about his own discord with the alternate singers, with the "pure travel":

From you, as you are wet, as if / in the midst of tears, as I go, I will insert a monocle into my wide eyes.

Another "get" eat - "get your way", your "heroes": "great Bismarck", Millard Rothschild and the idol of the bagatokh pokolin - Napoleon. "I will lead Napoleon to the lance, yak of a pug," the author declares.

Throughout the entire third chapter, the theme of the catastrophe of the Old World goes. In the revolution, Mayakovsky has a way of ending with the hated fashion and calling out to the revolution - to the crooked, tragic and Christmas time, as he can vipality vulgarity and the wickedness of life:

Go! / Monday and Tuesday night barbaric with blood in the saint! Let the earth go with knives to guess who you wanted to be vulgarized! Earth, / fried, yak kohanka, yaku vilyubil Rothschild! The prapori burst into hot shooters, like a dermal orderly saint - vishche zdіymaite, lіkhtarni stovpi, crooked carcasses.

The author is eager to see the maybuttya maybutn, do not be without love, bourgeois refined poetry, bourgeois harmony and relіgії patiennya. I myself am guilty of being the "thirteenth apostle", the "forerunner" and the herald of the new world, who called out to the cleansing of all barless life:

I, ridiculed at the present tribe, like a dirty obscene anecdote, bach every hour through the fire, which is not to bash anything. The eyes of the people are shaved off by the Kutsi, the head of the hungry hordes, in the thorny vintzi revolution ridge of sixteen rik. And I am your forerunner!

The hero is pragmatic to re-melt his unpogamous bil, win yak bi grow up to a new level in his special experiences, pragmatic people to save the maybut from belittling, but they did it for their share. I wine discernment, how to end this grief and grief bagatokh - "sixteenth rock".

The hero goes through the hard way of evil and fall. It became possible that the heart of the most special people experienced. At the fourth chapter, we’ll turn around without a twist behind the cohana. “Marya! Marya! Marya! "- to sound like a refrain, in a new one -" to the people of the people, to the greatness of Gods. " Pluses and unintelligible goodness, knowing - as a result of Mary is not a man. І to obey a zuhvali revolt against the All-Seed One - "a half-educated, krikhitny God". Revolt against the undershoot of earthly accidents and sentiments:

Why would you not be able to see, how would it be without torment tsiluvati, tsiluvati, tsiluvati ?!

The lyrical hero poemi - "a beautiful twenty-yard". With the maximalism of entering into the life of a young people, it is turned into a world about an hour, a deserted countryman, about a comedian butt, and then overcome "a million of majestic pure sympathies." The theme of special, non-exhaustive shake the growth into the glorification of maybut happiness.

The author rozcharovutsya in the moral strength of the religion. The revolution, according to Mayakovsky, is guilty of bringing not only social benefits, but moral cleansing. Antireligious pathos eat the buv rіzko wiklikє, we go out to some and get out of it. On the other hand, M. Gorky "was struck by the godless strumin in the poem." “Win quoting vershi from“ Khmari in trousers ”and saying that he didn’t read such a rose and with God… and how God’s views of Mayakovsky flew great” 4.

I thought - you are an omnipotent god, and you are a half-educated person, a creepy God. Bachish, I'm bending over, / through a freebie I get a shevsky knife. Krilata pass! / Emboss in paradise! Eat pir'yachko in the shaking shake! I'll tell you, smelling of incense, rozkriya stars to Alaska! ... Hey, vi! Sky! / Know the drop! I'm coming! Deaf. It is all about sleeping, pawing on a paw with clams of stars, majestically vuho.

Peculiarities of poet Mayakovsky

Poemi V. Mayakovsky "Khmara in pants" (as for the first time creators) power hyperbolism, originality, planetary character and metaphors. Oh, the overwhelmingness of the hour makes it difficult for you to sleep. M. Tsvєtaєva, for example, loved the verses of Mayakovsky, respected, that “Mayakovsky's reading is unbearable because of purely physical waste. Pislya Mayakovskiy is required for a long time and a lot є ".

On the difficult reading and understanding of Mayakovsky's beast in respect to K.I. Chukovsky: “The images of Mayakovsky are amazed and hostile. Ale in the mystery of things is not safe: in order to constantly divuvat the reader, there is no talent for studying. In one vershi of Mayakovsky, he reads, he sings as soon as he baked a brazier, in one he’s a scorching stone, and then he’s a ridge on his back and a edge on a new one, like on a flute. I’ll try it. If on the other sides of the winds they have a lively nerves and maystrun from them a net for snowstorms, if they have to rob them from a monocle, they may even cease to wonder. And if it’s because of the dressing-up of a gloom in his pants (we sing "A cloud in his pants"), we will be fed:

Axis, / want, / from the right eye / wiim the whole quituch guy ?!

chitachev is all the same: if you want - viymay, if you do not want - nі. The reader will not be able to use it. Vin zderev'yaniv "5. In his extravagance, Mayakovsky has a one-hour hour, and it’s not enough to love that poetry.

Ale niny, who had gone out of their way to the recently burrling super-talk about Mayakovsky, tried to throw off Mayakovsky himself from the steamboat of happiness, hardly to bring it up, but Mayakovsky is unique, the original sings. Tse sings in the street and at the same hour a very strong, easily vulnerable lyric. Happy hour (in 1921 roci) K.I. Chukovskiy wrote an article about the poetry of A. Akhmatova and V. Mayakovskiy - the "quiet" poetry of one and the "dumb" poetry of the first poet. It is generally obvious that the top poets are similar, they are polar opposites. To whom is the Perevagu K.I. Chukovsky? The critic is not only the protist of the two poets, but the second, and the same presence in them is common: “I, for my own sake, love both: i Akhmatova, and Mayakovsky, for my stench of offense. For me, not ісnu nutrition: Akhmatova or Mayakovsky? I’m cute and cultured, quiet, Old Russia, yaku vіlyu Akhmatova, i that plebeyska, burhliv, maidanna, drum-bravurna, yaku vіlyu Mayakovsky. For me, two elements do not turn on, but add one one, the stench of offense is necessary one ”6.

thought eat "A Cloud in Trousers" (the first name is "The Thirteen Apostle") Vinik at Mayakovsky's in 1914 rotsi. Singing in Marya Oleksandrivna Denisova. However, love was unhappy. Mayakovsky told his girkot his experience with the verses. In turn, the Bula was finished in 1915 by the rock.

Genre - poema.


The song "Khmara in Trousers" is stored at the entrance and chotir'oh parts. The skin of them realizes a concrete, so bi-moving, private idea. The essence of the cich ids was marked by Mayakovsky himself in the forefront until another time we sing: "Get your love", "Get your mystery", "Get your way", "Get your religion" - "Chotiri cry chotiroh chastin".

Topics and problems

"A Cloud in Pants" is a multi-theme and problematic TV. Already at the entrance the theme of poet and natovpu is declared. The lead hero sings the protestations of NATO: the ideal image of the lyrical hero ("handsome, twenty-yard") in sharp contrast with the light of low-lying speeches and images ("choloviks, fallow, like a lykarnya, / і women, words, yak." Ale if NATO is unmistakable, then the lyrical hero changes in the eyes. It is either rude and sharp, "from the meat of sayings", "nakhabny and edky", then "imperceptibly low", relaxation, vulnerable: "not a cholovik, but a gloomy one in his pants." So the sense of an innocent name will become clear.

The first chastin, wishingly because of the idea of ​​the poet, is to take revenge in his own first cry of dissatisfaction: "Get your love." The theme of love can be called central, and the whole first and part of the fourth section is dedicated.

Poem to see the stress to the ochikuvannyam: the lyrical hero of the check-up from Mary. It’s so big and stressed, that the hero is ready to build, there is a candelabra “to sound and to spit” in the back, to “knock” the doors, to make a knife, to grimace raindrops, “like to see the chimeras of the cathedral of Paris,” ... More ochіkuvannya is trivial, indefinitely. A metaphor about the deceased twelve years is conveyed to the Glybin of the lyric hero:

Pivnich, fight with a knife,


overcharged, -

he is yogo!

Having fallen twenty years,

yak from the block the head of the martyred.

The hour, likened, fell from the block of the head, not just a fresh stitch. It is prompted by the great inner wickedness: the sharpening of addictions in the soul of the hero to such a high world, so zvychane, ale without conviction, it takes an hour to sleep like a physical bend. The hero "stoogne, wriggle,", "soon the mouth will tear up with a cry." I axis, nareshty, Mary to come and every time, how to go out. The sharpness and deafening sounds sings in tandem with the loud voice "Na-ti". The Lover's Crimes - From the Victims of the Louvre "Giocondi" by Leonardo da Vinci. And to himself - from the bend of Pompey. Ale, at the same hour, the enemy is cold-blooded and calm, with which the hero is seen by Mary:

Well, come in.


I will strengthen myself.

Bachite - a quiet yak!

yak pulse


"Pulse of a nebizhchik" - the hope has died away from me.

At the other part, we will eat the theme of love, we will take away a new solution: a move about love lyricism, which is transformed into the occasional Mayakovsky poetry. The train was stabbed by Tim, so that it was "і pannochku, і love, і quotes with dews". They are both kreid and vulgar, and they sing "they sing, they drink in Rome, with love and nightingales as they are cooked." The stench is not overlooked by the citizens of the people. Moreover, sing freely throwing yourself in the streets, to be afraid of the high street yurbi, “leprosy”. And at that moment people of the place, on the thought of the hero, "purer than the Venetian Lazor, by the seas and the sun, embraced at once!":

I know -

the sun went out b, pounding,

our souls are golden roses.

Sings protistavlyaє of undead-published mystery books, the pilikє “sing-kam” - to himself: “I am de bil, skriz”.

In one of his three articles, Mayakovskiy stverdzhuvav: "Today's Poeziya - Poeziya Borotbi". The first publicistic formula was known in the poetry of its poetry:

Wiymit, walks, hands from pants -

take a stone, not a bomb,

but I have no hands -

Priyshov schob і fighting cholom bi!

to develop in the third part. On the train, but not at the same time, Mayakovsky, having taken into account the work of Severianin, is the reason why a faceless portrait of the poet is introduced:

And from the cigar dim

likern_ cups

Vityaguvalosya drink the person of Severyanin.

Yak vi smiєte nazivatisya poet

і, sirenky, chіrіkat, yak quail!

Sings, at the thought of a lyrical hero, he is guilty of being sturbuvav not for the vitality of his poems, but for the power of his pouring into the reading:



brass knuckles

hide in the skull!

At the third part of the song, Mayakovsky grows up to the level of all panic fret, unhuman and hard. All the life of the "fat" is unacceptable for the lyrical hero. Here the love will turn to a new facet. Mayakovsky made a parody of love, hіt, rozpusta, zbochennya. The whole earth is becoming a woman, like it looks like "overgrown, like a love, like a vilyubil Rothschild." The desire of the "gentlemen of life" is to protist to the fair of love.

Panіvniy mode of rozzhu vіyni, vbivstva, rozstrіli, "bіynі". Such a pristіy svіtu supervodzhutsya by robberies, sprains, devastation, "human mіsivom". There are leprosy-in-wards and chambers of divine buddies, no need to get involved. The price of sales is not easy. To that "get your way!" Ale sings not only the kidak tse the fading cry, the alley and the cry of the people of the world to the open fight, “brass knuckles are covered with light in the skull”, “the knock-in of the carcasses of the comic”. The hero protested to the strong light, "the masters of life, becoming the" thirteenth apostle. "

The fourth part of the Provincial Age has the theme of God. The theme is already prepared by changing it in parts, denoting the divination of God, spostering for the people of the country. Sings the introduction to the vіdkritu vіynu z God, vіn barring thіѕ omnipotence і omnipotence, thіѕ omniscience. The hero must go to the image ("kryhitny Bozhik") and grab onto the Shev's knife, to open the "smell of incense".

Throw a headache, throw it to God, a polyag in that, which is not guilty about the happy kohannya, "well bulo without torment tsiluvati, tsiluvati, tsiluvati." I know, yak on the cob, eat, the lyrical hero to turn to his Mary. Here і goodness, і finish, і haystacks, і possessions of vimogas, і nіzhnіst, і vows. Ale sings marno encouraged to reciprocate. Youmu zalishaєatsya only crooked heart, yake carry wine, “like a dog ... not have survived stretching his paw.”

The final of the meal is a picture of endless spaces, cosmic heights and scales. There are evil stars, the sky is more visible. Cheka sings, so the sky is visible in front of him a droplet in front of him on the yogo wiklik! Ale vsesvit sleep, pawing on his paw with clamps of stars, majesty vuho.

Mayakovsky wrote to finish off a great number of monstrous robots, having deprived himself of the price of decline, like and donin mi vivchaymo in school and posture within the framework of school programs. Mayakovsky, writing creatively straightforward, but mostly robots on a revolutionary theme. Singing the Cloud in Mayakovsky's pants є with cheese, de immediately see a number of themes. Yogo і proanalіzuєmo.

The resurrection of Volodymyr Mayakovskiy Khmar in his pants is seen in the middle of his work, his window is bright, and he is awkward. Therefore, it is possible to bring to the early creativity of the poet and for the fact Cloud in pants became the first great work of Mayakovsky. Pratsyuvav over him the writer trocha more fate. Another special feature of the creation is those who, in the image of the lyrical hero, the writer of the contribution to the special characteristics, such as boules, are attached to the author himself.

History history

The author started writing his work in 1914, writing about the knowledge of Mary Denisova, however, having conceived and written earlier. Catch a name and eat a little butti not a Cloud in pants. The author wanted to name the Thirteen Apostles, but the robot did not collapse. The first time, when she was familiar with the girl, she filled the heart of the poet, and immediately rose out of the blue, injuring Mayakovsky, the author posed the robot over the verse, naming the first Cloud in his pants. Sings beautifully rosum, for the reason for the ripping of the bullet shvidkoplinna vesilja kokhanoi, and the growth of saints, in which Mayakovsky and Denisova are alive. The tvir bulo was completed in 1915, the writing of the history of the kokhanny without interrelation grew into a revolt against the suspension.

Genre and composition

As a result, a robot appears, as for the genre it is possible to bring it to the poemi-tetraptych. The tetraptych is composed of chotir'oh parts, one plot and all of them are combined into one line of words.

Vivchayuchi to the robot and timid, mi bachimo, the author of his own hero, Bagatma, with his own rice. Tsim sings to revel in his thoughts and want to show his I.

Zvratayuchis to the composition, mi bachimo peredmovu and chotyri parts, de the plot was based on the history of a twenty-yard character. He stumbled against the difficult difficulties in his romantic days, and the head tragedy was the failure of the kohannya. I didn’t come to the other side of the Kohan because of the drive, she was still very worried. Whenever the hero starts his soul, he has no thoughts about the ones that you see in the life of love. The heroine will come to the show all the same, but to bare her about her fun. In his own heart, the hero is born with anger at injustice, for those like a hateful light, and how he hates the razvazlivism of people.

About the author, to continue the world in the offensive parts, to pay respect to the problems of the suspension, and it was loaded in the grits. Winning about those, like the suspension in the messenger for riches, it was about spirituality and emotionality. Another part, I sing the Cloud in Trousers, explores the theme of poetry and creativity, which is to lead the middle of the bourgeoisie. Is there a need for a trip to the suspension, which is loaded into the material? The third and fourth chapters cover the reader in protest of the hero. Win to resist all the old. Yomu buv hated suspilny mode, like and buv the cause of all the people.

According to the essence of the matter, it is possible to change into two parts, in the first part of the soul of the hero's citizen, and in the other - social problems. At the same time, to see the sky is all one thing to see on earth.

With such a rank, the writer opened not only the topic of kohan and revolt, but also the conquest of morality and nurturing atheism.

The main heroes

We sing Mayakovsky Khmar in trousers to the main hero є twenty-yard cholovik, like a buv of zakokhany at the dvchin. Winning off the blow from the kohanoy, yaka virashila leave for the one. And mіzh tim, the love of the hero was even stronger. Vin is romantic in his nature, vulnerable and chuiny. Don't talk about his weakness. At a newer mi bachimo is even stronger than a strong man, who does not try to endure injustice and lack of people. Tse character, who is not afraid of rebellion and shout the words: Get out of love, get your mystery, harmony, religion.

Among the main heroes it is possible to refer to the heroine, as the author calls it Mary. She herself saw a feeling of young people and the strength of their suffering. Vaughn put a penny on the back, feeling a little crying out of the hero's rebellious protest.

Sens to create and name

Pratsuyuchi over the analysis eat Mayakovsky Khmara in trousers, mi bachimo bazhannya author zaklikat common people to fight for their happiness. When I stand up against the bourgeoisie and I will arrange a suspenseful one, the writer intends to convey to the reader a thought about those who are all guilty of being innocent. І political mode for injustice, і love for corruption, and religion for breach, and mystery with wrong accents. Once zruynuvavshis old, can be trimmed new.


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