What plants put along the dusty road. What to put along the fence: from the road, from the neighbors, in the shade, from the grid. Curly plants for landing along fences

What plants put along the dusty road. What to put along the fence: from the road, from the neighbors, in the shade, from the grid. Curly plants for landing along fences

Many owners of country sites face the problem of optimal placement of green spaces throughout. Most often, open solar places are most popular, and along the fence the plot remains unfilled. At the same time, there are many suitable crops, for whose growing is not necessary a lot of light, so the perfect place for them is along the fence.

In the form of stamping, the branches of the stump are periodically removed along the barrel. The plant is ready for winter, while young plants are covered. Stamped plants should be delivered to the ground and covered. Tie the Seeds Japanese Quince is distributed mainly by seeds. Although they retain their germination for 2 years, top scores It turns out when sowing seeds collected in autumn. For Spring Seva, 2-3 months is required to bundle seeds in wet sand by 0-3 degrees. So that the seeds germinate at home, you need to create an artificial "winter".

The big advantage of planting flowers along the fence will be not only the decoration of the site, but also the possibility of a combination of different varieties and types of plantings. Usually there is a rule that in the immediate vicinity of the fence there are high species, and then more shorter. Having tried several suitable options, you can create your own unique flowerbed.

To do this, remove the grains from the fruits collected in late autumn or in winter, place them in a container with a damp soil, cover them with a thin layer, put on the container with a polyethylene shell with ventilation holes and place in a cool place for several months, showcase. For this, the lower shelf is suitable in the refrigerator, you can also place the container on the windowsill between the frames. Some seeds can grow at the end of the bundle process. In the spring, remove the container of the straw refrigerator, make the soil so that it reaches a depth of about 1 cm, cover with glass or nylon and hold on in a bright place at room temperature.

What bushes fit

Low shrubs are the most preferred option. They perfectly fit into the overall composition of the site, do not give too much blackout, and also bring additional benefits for gardeners.

Before you decide on possible options It is necessary to take into account the illumination of the place, as well as, what role do you assign such aspirations. They can be a decorative plan, as well as forging additional strengthening and protection against an unwanted invasion.

With regular spraying, the soil does not need to water. The first sprouts will appear in approximately 3 weeks, but for germination it may be necessary up to 8 weeks, so be patient. From the vegetative methods of breeding the most suitable is the June reproduction of cuttings. In the presence of well-developed uterine plants, reproduction can also be possible by leakage.

We all know this plant, we saw it everywhere - in the forest, in the park, rising on trees, fences, buildings. There is something idyllic about the appearance of the house, wrapped up and down with dark green leaves of ivy. Few plants can achieve the effect of such a dense, even green mass covering the surface. At the same time, however, some people negatively belong to Ivy - they consider it a destroyer of plaster and facades, a killer of plants, an insect magnet. Plant, almost Beach, which, when he grows, nothing can stop him.

The most preferred shrubs are considered:

Shrubs can be combined with some species of trees, as well as use as independent landing. When choosing the optimal option, take into account the degree of illumination of the place, as well as the suitable neighborhood of cultures.

These beliefs are so common that in some parts of England, local authorities banned ivy crops in settlements. Some of these statements have a mind, some of them are exaggerated, others are frank errors. In this article we comment on some of them.

Ivy - evergreen, spruce factory. It is common throughout Europe, almost to the Middle East. In our country, we meet in the wild. Some species of leaves are different in shape - from almost triangular to hungry. The color of the leaves can be from usually dark green to a bright, sprayed white or yellow, even completely yellow. Colors are not particularly impressive - small, yellow-green, quickly flourishing. Fruits spherical, dark, almost black, are held for a long time.

Perhaps you will also be interested to learn about which currently exist.

Choosing trees

Traditionally it is believed that for favorable growth and for purposes along the fence it is not necessary to plant trees. This rule can also be circumvented, if, for example, a plot is quite fenced, and its layout will allow them to be located in close proximity and some high trees.

Ivy is very resistant to sunlight. Growing: ivy - relatively simple plant, but still have some requirements. Prefers wet, drained soil. There are no problems in cold weather, but it is not like high temperatures and direct sunlight. If you want to speed up, cut the tips.

In landscaping: used wide. Despite the bias of some people, manufacturers were convinced that ivy is the perfect solution for soil cover under big treeswhere the light does not reach, but there are no other species. It creates a very dense and flat foliage and is suitable for hiding imperfections in the yard, ideally suitable for coating fences and facades. It is also grown as indoor plant in pots. It is very impressive, planted in combination with other plants in the hanging basket. However, keep in a closed room is not very simple - we must take care to regularly absorb the soil and leave.

The greatest priority:

All these types of trees will perfectly fit into the landscape and give the necessary shadow even along the fence. Thus, it is advantageous to use every free plot without prejudice to the rest of the plantations. For optimal landing, it is better to leave enough space between plantations, and the higher the tree will be, the more distance should remain for the next barrel.

Some common accusations in ivy - prejudice or truth?

We must save coolness in the room, periodically reset it into large pots. It is easily multiplied, and its vacation price is low.

Ivy - a very ordinary plant with homogeneous, not impressive leaves

This is not true - in addition to the classic green ivy, there are many different varieties with the particle leaves - white or yellow along the edges or even with a completely yellow color. Generally speaking, however, the kidden-like species need a little more light. If they are in a very dense shade - their leaves will lose their color and can be completely green.

If the fence from the professional flooring

Fences from the professional flooring are now the most common option for the fence of its own site. They are easy, durable and distinguished by a long service life. In addition, even a significant perimeter of the fence can be established as soon as possible, and the purchase of materials will not break the family budget.

Ivy destroys the facade of the house

Indeed, this statement has some logic, because Ivy is attached to the surfaces by driving, which penetrate the plaster and thereby violate its integrity. In addition, the leaves retain more moisture on the wall, which can affect it. However, as an opposite argument, the fact that rally serves as natural outer insulation, protects the wall from low and high temperatures, prevents the direct effects of rain and snow. Thus, we can say that Ivy and damages, and helps.

The only disadvantage for the construction of such a feelings is considered the relative sampling of the site, because ordinary sheets of professional flooring do not miss sunlight.

For this, there are also a lot of options with alternating metal plates, so if the site is quite small and dark, it is better to choose something from such materials.

Ivy can strangle and kill the plants on which it rises

Ivy attracts insects and birds

You must take into account this fact before installing it near the building or prepare for periodic spraying of detergents. Many people, however, are ready to resign even with this disadvantage, to have an idyllic year-round real green house, conveniently wrapped with leaves, with strictly cropped spaces around the windows and doors.

Yes, Ivy has cons, but there is a lot of pros. We had a shabby wall, which was actually a fence, blooming rose. Dad made such assumptions, and it was bluffing later. The sun was fluttered from the second half of the day to the west. If there is a whole day of sunlight, neither the needles will survive. They will suffer in winter and will be alive, rust and dry.

What can land:

A good solution is to alternate high and small landing together. In the foreground, you can arrange shrubs and flowers, but directly along the fence to plant trees. Such a composition is characterized by a decorative effect, and, if necessary, perfectly complement the arbor or Altanka standing nearby. Care for such aspirations is not much different from the usual "field" work, the main thing, to leave enough space to comfortably grow all the landings.

Do you really dream of fault or about three-soft slipper? If you do not object to build words to float, opportunities are becoming more and more. This is a fairy, it grows up to 8 m, and on a smaller scale she is beautiful in white. IN otherwiseIf you do it if you look at your eyes every day, another solution will be for you. On the street, another solution is located in the far corner of the garden. Another question is the date of the fence. If this is just a few meters, it is better than twenty others. Try to negotiate with the owner of the nearby forest and bring forests and spells from the forest.

If the fence from the chain net

Grid - Rabita - a traditional version of the design of the fence of country sites. It is cheap, unpretentious in operation and quite strong. In addition, its installation takes the minimum time and effort, and the service life is quite high.

A big advantage is considered the absence of blackout, as from most of the materials used for fences, therefore, almost all options will be suitable for the design of the selection space. Also a popular solution is to plant curly plants, which form a living "wall", and in the summer period also delight the appearance of flowers on such a grief.

Plant type will catch the hardest heat. And then, before that, you bet on your choice of plants that you like in the sun. When these spices grow, then you end up throwing the weed. Since it is quite high, throw out several trees that, at least, will have the same height.

Or make support for popcorn only a few places. If you can make rates even on the other side of the wall - from the north - then it would be nice to slip and make a bet on this side, and then move to the south side. The ability to make the most good place in the garden from an unsightly wall is really filled. An attempt to make it as easy as possible. And you really want only a tiny green fence from Jelian? Don't you think about a combination of flowering cows and perennials? You still tell me what happened to you, what did you fight before?

Among the most popular design options can be allocated:

When choosing fusing plants, it should be borne in mind that the load on the grid will noticeably increase. For this, additional backups are erected so that the fence simply does not break under such floral ons. Usually, perennial cultures require periodic thinning, and in the case of annuals can be modified appearance Hollow every season.

There was something in the ground or bad seedlings. It was a mess, it was not. Yes, just like you write Floro. If you have one type of plants, you will have a fence again, only in another color and quality. If you treat yourself bushes, trees, flowers, trees, you will get new sad from beautiful view on the beauty of beauty. You need to shove, look at the photos of the gardens and boars, draw it on paper, and then mark the places, the best of the tops, where there will be a forest habitat and large perennials, and then the bottom colors.

Perhaps it would be useless to look into large supermarkets in the garden and find out what the market offers. You do not have to deal with this issue during the week. If you play with it for a long time, you will have real beauty and good mood. Leave it there and sow before and after it. Put compost and dig in the soil, and there is no God to make it the tomb.

Along the wooden fence

Wooden fence is not the most popular option due to the relatively high cost of boards, as well as the difficulty of installation and operation. Modern wooden fences must be periodically painted, repairing cracks and chips, and if the wood is not very good quality, it is also a periodic replacement of worn-out boards.

Fly around the fence to make a fence in the wrong form. From the "Disadvantage" you make the most beautiful corner of the garden. Avoid regular lines - that's why. A number of trees on the fence. Or the choice of the same cache, etc. In the garden there should be a dynamics - it means low plants And near the high tree. Do not forget about the slogan that cakes will grow a lot over the past five years. Therefore, place the logs are far enough from each other. While they are less, put perennial plants or perennials between them.

They make my job in the fact that the area is not empty. In my opinion, the view of the viewer was as attractive as possible. If you expect that he will soon cover the stomach "better quality", you will have to wait 6-7 years. If you use from time to time on my notorious ribbons, you are looking for a third year in green. If you do not have allergies, you can use blessings or ash. Where we need to divide the garden space to separate the angles of a secluded corner, we can use cast or freely growing deciduous or coniferous trees.

Earlier, the tree was often used for the fence of earthy sites, and the service life of such fences was decades. That is why many owners of such fences are perfectly known which plants will perfectly fit into such a landscape.

Suitable options:

The territory near the fence is traditionally considered an empty place, but any plot may be useful for the maternity owner. What to put along the fence from various materials, as well as the most preferred options for optimal use of space - all useful information in our article.

Molded hedges create a relatively narrow wall. They fit into more formal gardens, occupy less space than wild, but require regular cuts one or twice a year, depending on the trees used. The choice of trees is limited by species that carry the cut. One of the most beautiful and durable alive hedges is made of a hood and a bird eye.

Large and more natural fences can be found in less formal or natural gardens and lawns, where there is a lot of space, and we do not want to take care of the preservation of the fence. The reduction is limited to intermittent cores with a deeper range every few years.

The summer cottage looks cozy and well-groomed only when the owners take care not only about the house, but also about the courtyard. In this option, it is impossible to do without green plantings around the perimeter of the territory. A live fence instead of a stone fence looks much more pleasant and pleases the eye with its greens for almost all year.

So that such landings look beautiful and harmoniously, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules. landscape design and answer the following questions:

  • What area are you going to plant?
  • Why do you need plantings - for beauty or to protect the country area?
  • What height of plants do you prefer?
You also need to explore the peculiarities of the care of plants, the composition of the soil on your site, the climate in the region and many other nuances. Let's try to figure out how can I put along the fence on your summer cottage.

Important! If you have a small area, do not overload it with massive, bulky plantings.


Beautiful round year. In the summer, his magnificent crown is decorated with cream and white flowers, and in the fall of the orange, green and purple leaves, borders of black, red, gray and white fruits are highlighted. In winter, a red, yellow or green plant bark looks also spectacular. Thanks to these unique qualities, the fence from plants of white dend decorates many country sites.

Important! The dend is easy to form and cut. The hedge from it perfectly protects against dust.

There are several types of deresses, which will look great around the perimeter of your country area:

Elegantissima - Common variety of white dend. He has a magnificent luxurious crown of green with white border leaves, which for autumn acquire a pink shade. Living fence from "Elegantissima" is remarkably suitable for the fence of the country area. If you put it along the fence, then quite quickly you will have a dense living three-meter wall.

The dend has wide leaves that change the color each season. Brown leaves become yellow, when they ripen, and fall in the fall.

Deren. "Siberian" - This is a low bush that grows no more than one and a half meters in height. It has bright green leaves and red bark, which looks spectacular in winter on a snowy background.

"Siberian Variagat" It can grow up to two meters in height and all four seasons to please the eye with their mess. Spring shrub produces red shoots, in the summer there appears green crown. Best of all the fence from this variety of the dend looks in autumn when the bushes become purple.

But Krona Derena does not change throughout the growing season. Green leaves are framed by yellow border and therefore seem golden. Living fence from the deresses "Shpet" will delight you with bright shades throughout the year.

A huge plus in favor of the dend is his unpretentiousness. The dend is good and grows on any basis, stealingly tolerates both drought and the oversupply of moisture, which is frosting. It is advisable to plant it in sunny plots, but also a half-day will not prevent the dend to grow and develop. There are actually no diseases in this plant, and the pests are indifferent.

When you land the jam on a permanent habitat, you must take into account a few moments. So that it takes good and rooted, it is necessary to provide a plant with nutrients. To do this, add compost and humus to the prepared hole. If you want to put the turden into the soil next door with groundwater, then make drainage on the site.

By purchasing a ready-made seedling, ask the seller a plant, which is no more than four years. Such a tree is better to come true and give more shoots. Pay attention to the roots of the seedling. If they dried, then before planting, plunge them for several hours into the water, thanks to this procedure, the seedlock is faster and better attached.

For garden decor perfectly suitable. This species is distinguished by ribbed arcuate bugs, it remarkably decorates the garden and courtyard. That is why Barberry Tunberg is in demand in the formation of a living hedge in the country areas. Barbaris shoots are covered with flexible spines.

However, this species is poorly tolerates frost, therefore it is only good for landing in the southern regions. The height of the bush is from 0.5 to 1.5 m. Barbaris Tunberg has the summer bright green leaves, which fall bright red in the fall. The fruits of this species possess medical properties, they ripen by the middle of the autumn.

Important! Barbaris is badly combined with a deres, since they have very different requirements for the composition of the soil and the amount of irrigation. Do not satisfy them next to each other.


A beautiful evergreen plant is perfect for a living hedge. For this purpose, two types of Tui are eastern and western.

Eastern has a thick crown in the form of a cone. A narrow fence from the Tui will make a cozy any small plot. But before planting, it is necessary to calculate the number of plants that will be required for this territory. The calculation is made according to the principle: 1 seedling 1 mongo meter.

Thuya gently protects the countryside from dust, wind and smoke. It is frost resistant, adults do not require shelter for the winter, remarkably carry the haircut and not interesting to pests. There are 14 varieties of Tui Western, which are suitable for creating a living hedge. We list the most popular.

It grows up to 5 m in height, the diameter of the crown reaches one and a half meters. This variety is quickly growing, adding 35 cm annually in height and 10-15 width. Thuja "Brabant" loves wet soil. After a short period of time, it will become a dense living wall. This variety needs to trim twice a year - in March and in August.

"Emerald". Tall grade with a thick cone-shaped crown. In the living wall of the crown of trees do not climb. Growing "Smaragd" is not as fast as "Brabant", so this variety does not have to stronger. It does not tolerate drought and requires frequent irrigation. Thuja "Smaragd" is great for free-frequency alive hedges.

A very spectacular plant that achieves height7 m. Annually grows by 20 cm. Crown in the form of a column, a narrow, reaching in the diameter of one and a half meters. This Tui variety tolerate frost well, but during the drought period requires frequent irrigation.

Tyu is called a variety for lazy. It is necessary to cut it no more than two times a year. The tree grows very slowly - up to 12 cm per year. This variety of Tui is very "curly".

"Fastigiat". The shoots of the needles are tightly pressed against the barrel, the crown has the shape of the column, green, soft, with a characteristic smell. This thua in shape resembles cypress. It grows quickly, reaches 6 m in height. It is remarkably suitable for creating high fences, reliably protects the country area and takes quite a bit of space.

Tuya feels well in the sun and in a half. But do not put it on the sun so that she does not dry. It is necessary to plant a living wall in spring or autumn. The plant planted in autumn will have time to prepare for frost. Place trees around the perimeter of the site with an interval of 1-2 m.

If you are planning a bunk fence, then plan seedlings closer to each other, with an interval of 50 cm, and between the rows 1m. Pile for trees should be 80 cm deep, and a slightly larger than an earthen coma on the roots of the tree. Before boarding, add peat, sand and mineral fertilizers into the hole.

An excellent option is to plant the Tui along the fence at the cottage.

Living fence from a budget and beautiful solution. In nature, there are 90 varieties of this shrub. The blooming live wall of spiria looks just magically. Proper landing will delight the eye with its beauty and will not require any costs in the future. The thick fence from Spiraei will suit any landscape and design of the country area.

The combinations of different types of spirea will give the opportunity to create a spectacular hedge with a height of no more than 1.5 m, which will bloom for a long time. It is rather dense and thick, reliably protects the territory from other people's eyes and penetration of animals. Spirea is growing rapidly without losing a beautiful view.

Folding flowers do not need to be removed, they disappear themselves and do not spoil the appearance of the living hedge. Spirea grows perfectly in any soil. Falling grades do not need trimming. The bushes will bloom very abundantly, forming a rounded beautiful crown shape. There are varieties of spiries that are holding a golden or red crown all year round. These unpretentious shrubs are remarkably suitable for your living hedge.

Live fence from can grow up to three meters in height without trimming. Kalinoliste variety has a purple color of branches and leaves, it will become a wonderful decoration of your country area.

Bubble blossom occurs in June. His flowers are similar to white baskets, exuded a wonderful fresh flavor. For contrast, a golden bubble is often used, which has a yellow foliage or a golden curb on the leaves. It shines bright shades from spring to late autumn. It grows this magic plant very quickly.

Shrub Iwa

You can easily and easily build a green fence from Shrune Willow.

Billets are best to do in the fall. To do this, buy strong one-year-old shoots and leave them for the winter under the snow or in a cold basement. In the spring, waiting for the awakening of shoots does not need - harvest the cuttings before the commemoration of the vegetation.

Because Iva comes up well, you can land in the spring already adult trees. To make a fence carefully, select the seedlings of the same length. We just need a support is needed - for this you can use durable pegs the same with seedlings of length.

You can plant a shrub IVA in two ways.

1. Drop the pits 50 cm deep. The gap between the plants should be 15-20 cm. The tree plant strictly vertically.

2. In order for in the future, the fence was durable, you can land willow with pairs at an angle of 45 degrees. On each twist, you need to cut your bark and tie a bare places to each other, when willows grow together, the wall will become impassable. To strengthen the fortress of alive hedge, twist young shoots as far as it grows.

In the fall, replace patients and dead cuttings healthy. Soothes need to cut to the selected height so that the hedge had a neat look and trees did not grow up to gigantic sizes. Binding seedlings, tilt them carefully, young flexible rods easily break. Ways love water, so provide it sufficient watering. Shrub IVA is a wonderful plant for planting along the fence at the cottage.

Live wall of gently and beautifully looks in the summer. This plant reliably covers any territory from unnecessary eyes. Lilac is unpretentious and does not require special care, well adapts to any climate. The bushes grow quickly, allowing the fence to form up to 3 m in height.

From the flowers of lilac, you can make beautiful bouquets, and the breaking of the branches is shrub only for the benefit.

Lilac does not need a systematic trimming. Due to lush and abundant flowering, it can be used for fencing of different heights, as well as divide the site into different zones. Lilac is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

What can be landed near Lilac? The experience of gardeners suggests that this shrub is well harmonized with the Thuy and Juniper.

Blackfold Aria

Today, the living hedges from the black-flow rowan (arony) are widely entered. Her pros is a wonderful look, lush thick crown, small growth and ease of care. This plant can throw out a lot of shoots that quickly close empty places.

The blackfold rowan performs an excellent protective function and will not miss the animal portion, unborn guests, the dirt and dust will be detached if your cottage is near the track. The black-like rowan creates a reliable ecological barrier, which filters all the harmful gases.

Such a hedge cannot be raised for the year, and this is the main disadvantage of Ryabina.

Blackfold Aria gives useful and delicious fruits that are used in medicine. Beautiful black-rowed rowan bushes along the fence will be the highlight of your garden and will delight the eye with their magic charm for many years.

The spikes of the hawker - the excellent protection of the site from the uninvited guests. Roots have a deep shrub, and the trunks are strong, which makes it a long-limit plant.

Did you know? There are landings of a hawthorn, who are more than 300 years old.

Hawthorn frost-resistant and unpretentious different types Soil. He feels perfectly both under the sun and in a half.

More than 1,200 kinds of hawthorn are known. To create a living hedge, the following types are suitable. hawthorn black, hawthorn terrible (got its name for long spikes and white fruits), hawthorn one-stop, hawthorn, soft, hawthorn bloody-red, hawthorn smooth, hawthorn fanoid.

The creation of a "alive hedge" from a hawthorn consists of landing, trimming and haircuts. 2-3-year-old seedlings are bought at a permanent place and already there they bring them to the desired parameters. By 20 years, the hedge reaches a two-meter height. To ensure its density, branches standing near the bushes sprinkle with each other with a helmer.

Such living hedges are fine with usual, reach 40 cm wide, and when landing in two rows can develop up to 1 m in thickness. The optimal width of hawk-headed hedges is considered to be 70-75 cm, since fungal diseases are quickly distributed in too thick "walls".

How it is impossible to suitable for living hedges. It is necessary to plant it in a timely manner in a rigorous algorithm. If the process of planting IRGI will be made with errors, then the fertile and magnificent living hedge will not succeed.

Consider two types of landing:

1. Seed seeds, and seedlings will grow independently.

2. Plant ready-made seedlings.

The first option will take more time and effort, but with it you can grow strong seedlings for live swelling. Irgi seeds need to settle in pre-harvested greenhouses, to abundantly water and grow for two years.

If you do not have strength, time and experience grow seedlings on your own, then buy ready-made. But then you need to scrupulously approach their choice. The correct seedliness is considered a fraction with a length of 40 to 70 cm in height and a barrel of 1 cm in diameter. In length should be half the trunk up to 35 cm.

If you decide to make a living fence from, it is best to plant bushes in two rows in a checker order. The distance between the seedlings should be 60-80 cm. Due to the rapid growth of the rosehip after a couple of years, you will get a solid spiny fence.

Rosehip is good and quickly developing roots, it gives many shoots growing in all directions. If you are interested in the strict form of hedge, then the bushes will have to cut.

Before boarding the soil moisturizing, and only then the seedling falls into the hole. Be sure to straighten the roots and pour them with the earth, paint each bush with two buckets of water.

You can plant a ridge in spring or autumn at sunny plot. Shrubs along the fence will not only be a reliable protection, but also an excellent decoration of the country area.

Important! Do not plan the plants close to the fence. Pits must be 1-2 m.

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