Caramel engine. How to make caramel fire: Pokrokov's instructions

Caramel engine. How to make caramel fire: Pokrokov's instructions

The scheme of the engine is shown in Fig.1. І once the first rule:

1) don’t work anything “on the eye”.

The simplest necessary set of vimiryuvalnyh and armchair tools: line, caliper, olive.

The body of the engine is made from 10 balls of high-yield office paper. For this third standard sheet A4, 69 mm tops are folded along the two sides. Farther a mandrel is taken - smooth and smooth, rather than metal, a shear (or a tube) with a length of more than 80 mm and a diameter of 15 mm. So that the body does not stick to the mandrel, you can cut a piece of wide adhesive tape along the back of the mandrel and roll yoga onto the mandrel at the transverse straight line. Then, on the mandrel, paper wrappers are wound sequentially, as in the process of winding clearly, without overshoots, smeared with silicate glue. I lay down to the mandrel of the first turn to smear with glue, obviously, not required.

To wind, more precisely, roll the papyrus on a hard, even surface, so that the coils would fall one on one practically without zsuva and even sharply, without bulbs. Add a newspaper arch, not only to keep the surface clean, but also to clean up excess glue, which is seen in the knurling process. So that it doesn’t take a turn, I recommend rolling the joint dry, so that it went right, then work it carefully to the first turn, without screwing the mandrel in front of the table, then start rolling again with glue. Obov'yazkovo needs to smear the cob edge of the collar so that the veins are clearly glued to the first turn. Needed, obviously, sing-song, that the operation went ahead. Prote non-standard buildings do not throw away. The stench is needed for adjusting the diameter of the nozzle, plugs, preparing various conductors and retaining rings. In addition, like smugi gluing, you can roll the body on a mandrel for an additional flat board, to strengthen the coils. Robiti ce required less than direct winding.

The next bad thing is to drive the Syrian body through the outer mandrel - a metal cylinder with an internal diameter of 18 mm. The body of the engine is obliged to pass through this mandrel, which you need to get around, the shards in the distance can be carried out stuffing the body with firewood, which without a strong mandrel, you can’t work hard. If you don’t know such a tube, you will need to prepare a proper mandrel for winding at least 15 balls of office paper on the already prepared engine case, just on silicate glue. Slightly drying the body, you need to take it off the mandrels, turning it forward against the winding. Dali, until the body is completely dry, you need to insert a nozzle from one side. For whom, obviously, it is necessary that the nozzle was already prepared.
Otzhe, we prepare the nozzle. I recommend that you use two nozzles, and then you will understand why. It's hard to know a wooden shearing with a diameter of 16-18 mm, preferably from hard wood for a beech or hornbeam. Gently tortsyuvatimemo yogo, tobto. Robimo equal perpendicular to the axis saw cut on one end. For this, it is necessary to cut even swath of whatman paper, ~ 100 mm wide and wind it on a shear like a coil over a coil. Along the edge of this winding, step by step, turning the shearing and trimming the Whatman paper on the spot, robably drank it in a circle. Having lightly cleaned the scruff of the place, she saw it off, taking a clear butt. Here we came close to another rule, which without a trace yells at the first:

2) in case of any operations that require geometric accuracy, beat all mandrels, templates, conductors.

Tortsanuv tree, for ієyu w scheme vіdpilyuєmo vіd vіd ї іnї іnіndі vysoto 12 mm. In this workpiece, in the center of the axis, a drilled hole with a diameter of 4.0 mm is drilled. Work better on the drilling bench, if you want to crush it from the drill with a special drilling stand. It’s not too expensive, but it allows you to work vertically drilling. If I can’t build such a thing, you can victorist, be it the simplest conductor, if you can do it by hand. Particular accuracy is not needed in times, chips are a chip in offensive technology. To drill a workpiece by the center do not go to drill on a drilling bench. So I just put the workpiece on the M4 stud and squeeze it with nuts on both sides.
Then, having squeezed the drill into the chuck, grind it to the required diameter (15 mm) with a file and a peel. Yakshcho є v_dhilennya vіd perpendicular to the straight line along the axis of the end surfaces, so it can also be corrected when turning. A drill for whatever you need, obviously, as if to fix it on the table, such an attachment is also for sale. After such an operation, the nozzle will open exactly in the center. On the side surface of the nozzle, as well as on the drill, in the center we work a groove with a square or round needle file with a depth of 1.0-1.5 mm. Pіdganyannya diameter is the best work, I'll prepare the body of the dvigun, it can be substandard, as you have to appear at the manufacturing process. Get the nozzle ready. It does not burn with heat and in the process of robotic engine burns up to a diameter of 6 - 6.5 mm. Deyakі call such engines navit without nozzles. I don’t know if it’s okay, but the simplest nozzle still ensures that the starting thrust vector is straightened out. In addition, such a nozzle "automatically" regulates the pressure at the engine, allowing you to work out a pardon for rocket modellers-pochatkivtsiv.
Now you need to prepare a stub. Tse those same nozzle, but without a central opening. Here you can see different cooking technologies. The simplest thing is to use one more nozzle as a plug, but when folded, you can add a layer, for example, a radian copy, the diameter of which is 15 mm, or fill the hole with epoxy after installation in the case. Until then, it will be necessary to center the main nozzle.

The first stage of folding the engine is the installation of the nozzle. Robitice is required, as long as the hull has not dried out yet, tobto. practical in the wake of winding. The nozzle is installed into the body from one end on the silicate adhesive, flush with the edge of the body.
Axis mi y went to the third rule:

3) suvoro dorimuvatysya spіvіsnostі all central channels and axial symmetry of all parts of the rocket.

Obviously, the rule is intuitively familiar, but often people forget about it.

There are no guarantees that the channel of the nozzle of directions is strictly along the axis, this is the simplest conductor. For this protilezhny side of the body of the engine, one more nozzle is inserted (like we prepared for a plug), without glue, naturally, and behind the back of the nozzle with a metal shear diameter of 4.0 mm. Spivvisnist is safe.
The pressure when working in such a light engine can reach 10 atmospheres, so due to the fact that the glue cuts off the nozzle, we will not, but we call it “constriction”. For this work, a circular line on the body, stepping 6 mm into the edge of the engine from the side of the nozzle, indicating the position of the side groove of the nozzle in such a rank.

They gave me a mitzna of a kapron hank with a torso of 3-4 mm, tying it to something that was militarily indestructible, I, for example, up to a weight of 20 kg, as if I would stretch it with my foot. Robimo one wrapper of the skein along the designation of the line, utrimuyuchi dvigun perpendicular to the spool, very tight. In order not to hurt your hand, you can tie a hank to the end like a club. The operation is repeated several times, turning the engine visibly, until the groove-constriction is settled. It is smeared with glue and wound with 10 turns of thread No. 10. We glue the thread to the animal again. For tying the thread, it is also necessary to manually twist the fisherman's knot. Now you can put the nozzle back in place, you just need to dry the engine body well, no less than finish it.

Some people want something wonderful. Axis has recently drawn me to rocket modeling. Shards I will be rockets on the Nubov river, for me the rocket is made up of two parts - the engine and the hull. So, I know that everything is richer, but rockets fly from such an approach. Zvichano, you tsіkavo, how to fight dvigun.

I want to get ahead of you, if you dare to repeat those that are written in this article, then you will work on your fear and risk. I do not guarantee the accuracy and safety of the proposed technique.

For the body of the engine, I use a 3/4-inch PVC thick-walled PVC pipe. Trumpets of this diameter are remarkably cheap and widely available. The best pipes are cut with special knives. I had already suffered a lot, trying to cut such a trumpet with an electric jigsaw - it always looked even crooked.

I mark the pipe like this:

Mustache is measured in inches. If you don't know, you need to multiply the size in inches by 2.54 and then the size in centimeters. Tsі rozmіri I know at the miracle book

There are a bunch of other designs. I don’t care about the upper shmatok of the engine (which is empty). There may be a good charge for a parachute, but I'm still far from that.

The pipe fittings are inserted into a special attachment. I’ll show you all the outbuildings, so that you don’t blame the food:

Dovga club plays the role of "mother" Їy rammed clay and fire. Another detail is the conductor. Vіn serve to drill the nozzle exactly in the center of the engine. Axis of the armchair:

Sverdlo vikoristovuetsya dovge - dozhinoy 13 cm. Yoga is used to drill a channel through the fire.

Now you need to mix it up. I am a standard vicorist "caramel" - tsukor and nitrate in spivv_dnoshennі 65 nitrate / 35tsukri. I don’t want to melt caramel - I’m busy with tse rizikovans, that one and not that kind of haemorrhoids. I do not try to fight with the fire, everything is possible. Adje tse amateur rocket production. I just mix zukrovu powder and saltpeter in powders:

We hammer the powder into the rosette. You need to beat it.

The clogging of the fire and the plugs are not disturbed by anything. It turns out that it’s not safe to knock on the fire, but the caramel is important to wake up like a sirnik. Naturally, basic zapobіzhnі come in until trimuvatisya varto - do not fray over the dvigun, practice in zahisnіy masci, then.

Remaining 5 mm plugs I fill for hot melt adhesive. I once tried to build a rocket without a plug with hot glue, the top plug was twisted with a vise. Hot-melt adhesive may have excellent adhesion to plastic and will not melt when the engine is running.

We drill the nozzle through the conductor:

It’s bad to drill into the fire - the tsukor melts and is sticky on the drill, so you often have to pull and clean the fire that is stuck. Nozzle re-verification:

Pour the rest of the 5mm tubes and її end face with hot-melt adhesive

That's it, the engine is ready. This is how the engine looks on static tests. Unfortunately, the video was not shown - the channel of the engine was half drilled, and the camera recorded the sound incorrectly. In real life, the "roar" of the engine is louder and more serious, and not such a playful one on the record.

Preparation of sorbitol caramel rocket fire

Sorbite caramel palyvo, just sorbitol caramel, perhaps the most popular among lovers of palyvo. Yogo preparation is not foldable, and it does not require pressing. On the right, in the fact that it is hot to fight the melting sum of the components. The melt is poured at the required mold and caught. So it is possible to form fireballs and creaked charges.

Components of sorbitol caramel:

Potassium nitrate KNO 3 - 65%
Sorbit (sorbitol) C 6 H 14 O 6 - 35%

Sorbitol is bought in an apothecary and does not stop drying.

And the saltpeter is dried in an oven on a deck or an electric stove in a frying pan at a temperature of 100-150 ° C for about 2 years. Detailed її in kavomoltsі. Pawn the whole hour for one and the same dose, for example, 50g, and grind for one and the same hour. For example, I thank you for two come in for 20 seconds. At saws, grind not obov'yazkovo and not bazhano, shards of fire can come too thick and fluid.

Dali, as if in a vapadka with sucrose caramel, the components are clearly in the required proportions, poured into a viable jar with a lid that closes, and shake a couple of whips at different straight lines. Sumish is ready. With such a look, you can save fire from an airtight container.

It is not safe to change the components in the quotes, it is a borrowing.

The next important stage begins at the hour of the preparation of fire charges. For melting sorbitol caramel, we need a heating device without a half-moon.

Under an hour of work with a fire, it is not possible to beat the fire of heat in the open half-lights.

The easiest way to heat up is to take an electric stove from a closed spiral, a flat heating element and a temperature controller. Melting of sorbitol caramel is carried out at a temperature of 120-145°C, approximately according to the average position of the regulator on the plate. For such a temperature, it is hot to increase the consistency for pouring into the form. There is no sense in heating up to a higher temperature. It won’t be hotter, but it’s more likely to “close up” more often. Overheating above 180°C is unacceptable. It is necessary to remember that an electric stove can heat up the stove to the charging temperature.

When heated, the fire is obov'yazkovy constant temperature control.

Control the temperature of the stove itself as quickly as possible, for example, with a thermometer with a metal probe, open to a range of more than 200 ° C. The stench is sold, for example, at radio stores. However, it is important to ensure constant temperature control with such an attachment. It is much easier to control the temperature of the surface of the heating element of the tile. It’s handy to work for the help of a tester with the ability to control the temperature. Such a Chinese tester will not cost much more than a delusional thermometer. The simplest temperature range of such testers is up to 600°C. from a great supply. For constant control of the temperature of the tile, you just need to put the tip of the rattling temperature sensor on the surface of the heater and press, for example, an important washer. We turn on the tester and for an hour of work, with one eye, we constantly look at this display.

Pratsiyuyuchi with electric tiles, it is required to insure one particularity. When the switch is turned on, the heating is higher than the temperature set by the regulator. Only after one hour of heating will it reach the set temperature. That's why you can't put a bowl of hot water on the heater. It is necessary to recover, the docks will not be restored to the required temperature values.

You can melt sorbitol caramel in a metal bowl with a flat bottom. It’s less necessary to protect two particularities. Best practice with thick-walled containers, shards of stink save temperature more quickly and dampen staggering. Rozmіr utensils are guilty of being such that they lay hotly in a ball no larger than 1 cm, otherwise it is important to keep warm evenly.

Also, turn on the tile and the tester. Check if the temperature is 120-145°C. We put a bowl of fire on the heater and begin to stir. You need to pay in one beck. Manually robitse with a small spatula. For other jobs, a self-made spatula made of a riveted aluminum rod is suitable. You can zavazhat palivo and impose in portions on the form.

Zagalom, dear doti, until the caramel melts again and I don’t wake up looking at rare semolina porridge. At this moment, it is necessary to immediately pour out the forms, as, for example, it is done in the RK-3 project. "Pour out" the chain of perebіlshennya. The process is more predictable with a spoonful of semolina porridge. Pidchіplyuєmo kraplepodіbny shmatok paliva with a spatula and fit in the form. Neatly, in the center, trying not to scratch the walls. With the vibrating motion of the spatula up and down, the caramel swells up and down the spatula and expands horizontally. More beautiful at the moment to speed up. We try the procedure, the docks do not fill up the form to the level we need.

I have specially reportedly described my method of laying the fire in the form, shards of this important moment. Vіn allows the adoption of the bulbs at the overtaken paliva. Bring the appearance of the bulbs to a sharp streak of a vice in the engine, and the sound will end with the vibration of the motor. You can choose your own options for packing, just remember, smut, so that empty and bulbs are not settled.

The forging of the charcoal charges of sorbitol caramel is done in such a manner that the comrade's paliva does not have to be filled with empty empty bulbs.

On zastigannya paliva in forms can be drunk from 6 to 48 years. It is worth depositing in a number of factors, such as rhubarb moisture components, rhubarb saltpeter, temperature and moisture content. and so on. Ready to store it in a glass or metal dish, which closes strongly, shards of sorbitol can be hygroscopic. Selected engines also need to be sealed, so they need to save a good hour. For diligent minds, move that checkers to them, you can save up for a long time, more fate. Ale, all the same, it’s not varto to tighten their victories.

In obov'yazkovom order, it is necessary to reverify the yak_t of the otriman's fire, subduing the swidk of the yogo mountain. Ring out to fight after the turn. From the grill of caramel skochuemo cowbaska-stars of fasting comradeship. After being caught, we freeze the dozhina of the eye and podpalyuemo from one end. With a second watch the hour of the mountain is beaten. Having added a dovzhina for the next hour, we will take away the fire of the mountain. Although the speed is less than 2.4 mm / s, it turned out to be substandard. The possibility of victoriousness of such a palette can be put into order.

While the energy possibilities are hot, then the stench is even more modest, if you want enough for amateur engines. It is necessary to instill a group of stuck-out amateurs who work on seeing space rockets on such a fire. Wind speed 2.6-2.8 mm/s. For an ideal pet impulse I sp, rocket scientist Richard Nakka propagates fallowness, shown in Fig.1. For real engines, I sp =125 is more important.

Sorbite caramel is hot, I can get enough of the freshness of the mountain. In certain specific weather conditions, if it is necessary to increase the speed of the furnace, feroxide catalysts can be blocked. The stench allows you to spread sorbitol caramel up to 5 mm / s. /kia-soft 02.09.2010/

Ten years ago, if the people marveled at space exploration, the hoarding of rocket production was rampant. І schoolchildren, and grown-up people enthusiastically designed in garages and in kitchens from hand-me-down materials. At the same time, the excitement of the trohi has subsided, but can we buti tsіkavіshim, lower it, launch the lethal apparatus in the same way? How can you shoot a rocket? The most accessible and practical - vikoristovuvaty caramel palevo, sumish nitrate and carbohydrate.

What is needed

The collection of warehouses is not so great.

1. Zukor abo sorbit - syrovina for caramelization.

2. Saltpeter (you can victorious, see more below).

3. Metal storage - most often take smaller cans, if you want to take dishes with thicker walls more often - for equal heating. Even better - enameled or stainless steel, so that there was no reaction between the dishes and the material.

4. Electric stove - you can't cook on a gas stove!

5. Newspaper or another paper with good authorities, what to choose (like your meta - robit not just caramel palyvo, but caramel paper). Її it is also vicorous in rocket engines, leaking ready-made "caramel" and hanging (without heating).

6. Zasobi zakhistu: eyepieces and mittens.

7. Ventilation.

Three Ways to Prepare

Zrobiti caramel palevo can be different. Easier - just change the components. More "caramel" to cook - just chi s viparyuvannyam. In the event of a sudden zmіshuvannі, they sizzle hotly at the glass jar and shake the sprat once, then curl up sharply to make it impossible to take in water. With a bezperedny vikoristanny dviguns of rockets, each type of firing requirement is good to strengthen, otherwise it is possible to vibrate.

Boil, or, shvidshe, melt caramel-pale at a temperature of 120-145 degrees until the zucru and masi are completely transformed, for a consistency similar to rare manna porridge. It is not necessary to trim the components in front. It’s also important to respect її, so that the bulbils do not hide themselves again. Varіnnya s vyparyuvannyam transferring the addition of water to further її vaparovvannyam. Insufficiencies of this: the fire is deprived of water, and it lowers the swedishness of the mountain.

Recipe #1

Caramel Palivo is the best option. Ingredients are taken in the following proportions: zukor abo sorbit - 35%; saltpeter - 65%. Saltpeter dry on a flat wide frying pan for 100-150 degrees for about two years. Let's refine it for 20 seconds - you can beat the mortar or the grinder.

Lay in equal portions, 50 g each. So do not bother with the details of the tsukr, rather buy ready-made tsukr powder. For "boiled" caramel fire, you don't need to grind or dry anything. To improve efficiency, the sum can be supplemented with 1% oxide oxide (Fe 2 O 3).

Recipe #2

Caramel palyvo from sodium nitrate. The peculiarities of tsієї sumishі are more hygroscopic. You need 70% saltpeter, 30% zucrue and two volumes of water (200%).

Recipe #3

Koristuvatisya is not recommended. Palivo (ammonium nitrate). Why better respect for other recipes? That is why it’s not good for you, and when you heat everything that’s good, you can drink it wrong. As a result, the winding, as a whole, will end later!

In addition, when making "caramel" with ammonium nitrate, toxic vapors are seen. Therefore, all recipes for using amino nitrate should be replaced by additive components for converting it to sodium or potassium. The simplest option is with sodium. We take 40% saltpeter, 45% grub soda and 200% water. It is obvious that the rіven rіdini and viparyuєmo, until the smell of ammonia disappears. Then we add water to the cob level (it was boiled out often), we add 15% tsukru and check it for yogo expansion.


To improve the efficiency of "caramel" add different catalysts to it. The most popular is sun oxide. Smaller vіdome caramel palevo with aluminum. Respect! The sum of aluminum with nitrates can be smelted by the presence of water. Particularly unsafe is the presence of puddle houses, which can be present in saltpeter, insufficiently clean or splintered independently. Therefore, in the bedroom on the basis of nitrates with aluminum, as a catalyst, it is necessary to add 0.5-1% of a weak acid, and it’s not a fact that you need to get a lot of it, - everything is deposited as a salt salt. Born is the best option. Shchavleva and otstova are not suitable - aluminum reacts with them. As in the process of cooking, the summation gets very hot, kicks and smells the strong smell of ammonia - it’s necessary to take it out of the tile and bury it in the water.

Vzagali, experimenting with catalysts is better known to rocket workers, as they have mastered the simplest vidi paliva. You can’t start that kind of chemistry: it’s easy to get ready with ready-to-wear songs, and it’s much more valuable to know that you’re smart, and that’s how the reactions are in the sum.

Aluminum is added to potassium "caramel". Permissible variations - from 2.5 to 20%. Rіzna kіlkіst dає rіznu zmіnu svidkosti gorіnnya paliva. It is recommended to use spherical aluminum ASD-4.

How to get healthy and healthy

The most safest way is to prepare caramel and salt with melted zucru and saltpeter, then this option is the most effective. Mistkіst, in a way to cook "caramel", can be perfectly clean - third-party speeches can cause sleep.

Poruch innocently buti dzherel vіdkritogo polum'ya - vibuhi in the kitchen we have nothing to do. It’s even more important to follow the temperature of the sumish - more than 180 degrees won’t be guilty of lifting up for the daily environment!

When rozmіshuvanni it is better to vicorate a wooden stick in order to avoid side reactions. Order the following carefully, but evenly: the bulbs are repeated in the finished fire, with vikoristanni, to make the rockets vibrate. When bottling the second palm, the form also has a line of stitches, so that there are no bulbs. Pratsyuvati nebhodno s vytyazhkoy or on fresh povіtry, especially ts stosuetsya prescription s amiac nitrate.

Do not grind zucor and nitrate into kavomoltsі at once! It is necessary to grind, grind, grind, shake, at the glassware.

Pochatkіvtsyam not varto zv'yazuvatisya with ammonium nitrate: try the simplest and most safe (based on potassium nitrate) caramel palyvo. The preparation of any self-contained palm can be passed under the control of the quality of the ingredients, temperature, together with the water and the necessary safety calls!

De stati ingredients

Saltpeter is sold in the shops of agricultural goods and goods for summer residents as kind. Sorbitol is a substitute for zucru for diabetics. Sold in pharmacies. Feel free to try yoga on your own, having learned the best literature. The mineral hematite - zei aluminum is also sold by chemical reagent brewers.

Potassium nitrate can be beaten like a rocket fire for self-propelled rockets. Go about simple rackets, yak zbirayutsya for a couple of whips, on the ring.

Spoiler about rockets.

A lot of gas, which is seen at the mountain of salt salt with a circle, it is enough to raise a self-propelled rocket or a pyrotechnic projectile in the same way. Ale, if the body of the rocket will be important, you might not get angry. To prepare the body, it is possible to vicorate tubes from pressed cardboard. You can take vicarious pyrotechnical flasks, spit in yak cowbass in stores, you can glue a couple of balls in cardboard yourself, just vicorist silicate (stationery) - wine is not combustible, and heat-resistant. Harn as a material for pyrotechnics aluminum foil for baking. I can fire a rocket from the foil, ale won't be soft and sob її did not open with a great vise, її pull it with a soft dart. A nozzle is shaped with a dart, the stars will strum half a day. Sob the rocket flew, I needed a stabilizer (tail) at the sight of a long stick. It’s easier to break it in the victorian Chinese rocket, or to cut and hang a straight rod from the fox. Like a fuse, I'll leak a vicorist newspaper into the potash saltpeter. I’m getting ready її far ahead, I’m blowing into a tube, I’m bending and ticking my nozzle, so that it doesn’t sag hotly.

Now about burning

Kalіyeva nitrate is good to burn from zucrom. Adjustable proportions 5 parts saltpeter and chotiri tsukra, on the skin 100 gr. saltpeter can add 5 gr. come on. Everything is ready.

Jakscho fooling around about polypshennya gorіnnya sumishі poradzhu all the ingredients in detail in the quote. You can refine them at once, mix them up more often. Tse not є unsafe. Having sifted sumish at a cardboard tube, you can tamp, tapping on a flat object close in diameter. Chuv, that the mountain will be more beautiful, so that in the rammed bag you will leave the opening, with a diameter of 8-10 mm, for the entire bag. It is possible to rob it by putting a long cylindrical object in front of the rammers. Bagzhano is smooth, so it’s easier later on, for example, a felt-tip pen.

You can call sumish. At a small saucepan, pour water, so that the bottom is closed. We turn on a small fire, and we begin to seep in parts, constantly stirring, so that everything takes up the tanuti. Sumish to melt, then dark, guessing caramel - you can know that pouring after the forms. Don’t overheat your sum, otherwise you’ll burn at the saucepan, don’t leave it on the fire in front of you. Let the sums cool down, it will harden. You can make long sticks and beat them up like a gnat.

Spend the test on the street, otherwise you can burn the balcony or you can burn it.

Until the speech of the saltpeter, it’s good to burn from the chaff of the barbecue vugills. It is possible to navite shorter than the lower one from the circle. Adzhe is a warehouse for gunpowder saltpeter, vugillya, and a little sirka. You can also experiment how to burn saltpeter with: sorbitol, starch, dry alcohol.

Video demonstrating the fire of saltpeter and tsukra

Less than a piece of wool, having welded a rocket or something like that, it popped up on the ground. If the body is lighter, you can launch it into the sky. You need an empty bolonchik with a dezic or a refresher to try.

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