Is the identity affect the course of history. What people changed the course of history

Is the identity affect the course of history. What people changed the course of history

German philosopher Karl Jaspers wrote that a person seeks to understand the story as an integer to understand himself with it. The story is a memories for us, this is the basis, once laid down, the connection with which we preserve, if we want to disappear without a trace, but contribute to the culture. History helps better understand the nature of man. Looking at the history of mankind, it can be said that her events occurred under the action of two types of reasons: objective and subjective. Under objective reasons The historical process understands the natural climatic and economic conditions under subjective - Actions of people who are committed in accordance with any intentions, ideas, emotions, etc. History, unlike nature, cannot develop without a person, people are creating a story, and not overnamed. But despite the fact that the laws of society act through people and thanks to people, they are objective. Public laws are statistical, these are the laws tendencies that develop as a result of the actions of individual personalities. A person softens or strengthens the activities of public laws, slows down or accelerates them, but a person cannot cancel the law.

Can a person influence the course of historical events? If we proceed from the idea that the story of the fatal and there are hard laws in it, to which it is impossible to affect, then, obviously, the answer will be like this: a separate NA identity can leave his unique trace in history. But it's rather to assume that the story is not fatal, each historical situation leaves several options for the further development of events. From the actions of individual personalities, which accidentally or naturally found themselves on the ridge of a historic wave depends on which opportunities will be embodied. People are not puppets, but active participants in history. Of course, a person acts in the given circumstances, his personality is formed under certain conditions, but being such what it is, a person is still free, he may prefer one or another action and push the development of the situation in a certain direction. In a word, there is no fatality in history, and each person can prove himself. According to Arnold Toynby, the personality is equal to history, because without person, history does not exist. It should only be added that in each historical situation there are many people, and they all have their own intentions, ideas, drivers and ideas. The overall vector of history develops from the actions of millions, but the anonymity of the historical process does not cancel his personal character.

The story makes many people, but individual groups or individuals by virtue of a special position, authorities or random circumstances can affect the course of the historical process more serious than others. People who were at the peak of historical events - leaders, military leaders, religious leaders - make decisions, give orders, sign contracts, these acts of their personal will influence the course of events, both positive and negative. If you keep in mind the history of culture, the personal factor becomes even more significant, the spiritual history is precisely individuals, and not large masses of people.

The very fact of the nomination of one personality on the external history of history is an accident, but to be commensurate circumstances, the personality must have quite definite properties. Modern social psychology argues that all great historical figures are inherent in charisma. Charisma It is understood as exceptional gifts, as special personal qualities, causing respect from the surrounding and subordinate to their will of the charismatic figure, as the art of enchanting people and entail them. According to the French sociologist Serge Moskovich, this attraction makes itching all the doubts of moral order, overturns any legitimate counteraction to the leader and often turns the usurper into the hero. The basic quality of the charismatic personality is faith. The charismatic leader believes in everything that says or does, for him the struggle for power coincides with the struggle for the interests of the people, revolution or party. Hegel said that the great personalities do not belong to themselves, they act as a face, will and spirit of the people.

The special quality of the charismatic personality is the predominance of courage over the intellect. According to Serge Moskovichi, people who can analyze the situation and suggest a solution, a lot of politics, they represent advisers, experts and performers, but the theory means nothing without will to action and ability to captivate people. Important property of charismatic personality - authorityThe man who possess them makes obey and, therefore, seeks what she wants. Muscovie distinguishes the authority and the authority of the personality. Authority post A person finds together with a person to a certain class, class or influential family, this authority is transmitted together with tradition, and even if a person does not have any personal significance and personal talents, his authority is provided by a place in the social hierarchy. Personality authority does not depend on external signs The authorities or social status, he comes from a person who fascinates, attracts, inspires. In stable and hierarchically built societies, official prestige prevails, in modern societies with great capabilities of horizontal and vertical mobility, the main authority is the authority of personality.

But the charismatic personality, despite all the possibilities and abilities, does not possess absolute freedom. Paradox, but how much the charismatic person owns the mass, is as and dependent on the mass. Without a crowd there is no leader. No personality, even charismatic, will not be able to influence the course of history alone, her will should be embodied in joint actions of many people. Thus, the personality and masses are two opposite poles of the historical process that determine its move and content.

So, the patterns in the historical process are not excluded, but they assume the free action of a person, the actions of individual people develop historical events, and their result may be completely unexpected. Freedom and the need for history are closely connected, the need for a historical process is carried out due to the free actions of individual people who have their own private interests. As Economist Adam Smith wrote, pursuing his own interests, a person often more effectively serves the interests of society than when consciously seeks to do it.

  • See paragraph 3.6.

The role of personality in history as a philosophical and historical problem

The understanding of the stroke of history inevitably causes questions about the role of a person in one or another: whether it has changed the course of history; whether such a change was unavoidable or not; What would happen without this leader? and so on from the obvious truth that it is people doing history that implies an important problem of the history of history on the ratio of natural and randomwhich, in turn, is closely related to the question of the role of personality. In fact, the life of any person is always worn out of accidents: he will be born at one time or another, it will make marriage with the partner or others, will die early or will live long, etc. On the one hand, we know a huge number of cases When the change of personalities (even with such dramatic circumstances, as a series of murders of monarchs and coups) did not attract decisive changes. On the other hand, there are circumstances that are said later when even a little thing can become decisive. Thus, to catch, from which the role of personality depends: from her the most, historical situation, historical laws, accidents or from everything immediately, and in what combination, and how exactly is very difficult.

In any case, it is important to understand that the accident, having completed, ceases to be an accident and turns into a given, which is largely or less begins to influence the future. Therefore, when some person appears and fixes in a certain role (thereby making it difficult or facilitating the arrival of others), "the randomness ceases to be an accident precisely because there is a given person, which imposes a fingerprint on the events ... Defining how they will develop" (Labol 1960: 183).

Undanienation of historical events, the alternativeness of the future and the problem of the role of personality. Modern science as a whole rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bpredestination (prediction) of historical events. An outstanding French sociologist and philosopher R. Aron, in particular, wrote: "The one who claims that an individual historical event would not be different if even one of the preceding elements was not the fact that he actually had to prove this statement "(ARON1993: 506). And since historical events are not predetermined, the future has many alternatives and can change as a result of the activities of various groups and their leaders, it also depends on the actions of a variety of people, such as scientists. Consequently, the problem of identity role in history for each generation is always relevant. And it is very relevant in the age of globalization, when the influence of certain people on the whole world may increase.

Goals and results. Forms of influence. Personality - Without its potentially important role, it is very often not able to foresee even the closest, not to mention the remote, the consequences of their activities, since historical processes are very complex, and over time, there are more and more unforeseen consequences of the events that occurred. At the same time, a person can have a significant impact not only by actions, but also inaction, not only directly, but also indirectly, during his life or even after death, and a noteworthy mark in history and further development of societies may not only be positive, but also negative And also - quite often - unambiguously and forever not defined, especially since the assessment of the person depends on political and national addictions.

Dialectic difficulties of the problem. From the standpoint of providencylism, that is, if you recognize a real non-historical force (God, fate, "iron" laws, etc.), it is quite logical to consider the person to the instruments of history, thanks to which a certain intended program is simply implemented. However, in history, too many events are personified, and therefore the role of personality is often exceptionally significant. "The role of personalities and accidents in historical events is the first and direct element" (Aron 1993: 506). Therefore, on the one hand, it is the actions of the leaders (and sometimes even some ordinary people) determine the outcome of the confrontation and the fate of different trends in critical periods. But on the other hand, it is impossible not to notice the condition of the role of personalities by the public device, as well as a feature of the situation: in some periods (often long) few outstanding people, in other (often very short) - whole cohorts. People of the titanic warehouse of character fail, and nothingness is provided by a giant effect. The role of personality, unfortunately, is not always proportional to the intellectual and moral qualities of the very person. As K. Kautsky wrote, "under such outstanding personalities it is not necessary to imply the greatest geniuses. And mediocreness, and even standing below average, as well as children and idiots can become historical personalities, if they fall into the hands of great power "(Kautsky 1931: 687).

G. V. Plekhanov believed that the role of the personality and the boundaries of its activities are determined by the organization of society, and "the nature of the personality is" factor "of such a development only there, only then and only inspired, where, when and since it allows this public relations" (Plekhanov 1956: 322). There is a considerable share of truth. However, if the character of society gives a space of arbitrariness (the case in history is very common), the Plekhanov position does not work. In such a situation, development often becomes very dependent on the desires and personal qualities of the ruler or a dictator, which will be concentrated by the strength of society in the right direction.

Development of views on the role of personality in history

Representations of the role of personality in history until the middle of the XVIII century. Historiography arose not least from the need to describe the great acts of rulers and heroes. But since there were no theories and philosophies of history for a long time, the problem of the role of the personality was not considered independent. Only in a fuzzy form, she was touched upon with the question of whether people have freedom of choice or everything is predetermined in advance by the wilts of the gods, fate and so on.

Antiquity. The ancient Greeks and Romans for the most part looked at the future fatalistic, as they believed that the fate of all people were predetermined in advance. At the same time, Greco-Roman historiography was mainly humanistic, so along with faith in fate it is quite noticeable by the idea that very much depends on the conscious activity of a person. This is evidenced, in particular, the descriptions of destinies and acts of politicians and commander, left by such ancient authors as Fuchidide, Xenophon and Plutarch.

Middle Ages.Incidentally, a certain extent is more logical (although, of course, incorrectly) the problem of the role of personality decided in the medieval theology of history. According to this view, the historical process was unambiguously considered as a realization of non-human, but divine purposes. History, according to the ideas of Augustine and later Christian thinkers (and the period of reformation of the XVI century, such as Jean Calvin), is carried out by the originally existing divine plan. People only imagine that they act according to their will and goals, and in fact God elects some of them to implement their design. But since God acts through the people chosen by him, then to understand the role of these people, as R. Collingwood notes, meant to find hints on the intention of God. That is why interest in the role of a person in history in a certain aspect acquired special significance. And objectively finding deeper reasons than the desires and passions of people, contributed to the development of the philosophy of history.

During Revival The humanistic aspect of the story went to the fore, therefore the question of the role of personality is true, not as a problem of pure theory - took a prominent place in the arguments of humanists. Interest in biographies and acts of great people was very high. And although the role of Providence was still recognized as leading in history, the activity of outstanding people is recognized as the most important driving force. This can be seen, for example, from N. Makiavelli "Sovereign", in which he believes that from the feasibility of the ruler's policy, from his ability to use the necessary funds, including the most immoral, depends on the success of its policies and in general the course of history. Makiavelli was one of the first who stressed that not only heroes are played in history, but often unprincipled figures are played.

During XVI and XVII centuries. It grows faith in new science, in history are also trying to find laws that was an important step forward. As a result, gradually the question of the freedom of the will of a person is solved more logical on the basis of deesma: the role of God is not completely denied, but as if limited. In other words, God created the laws and gave the universe of the penny, but since the laws are eternal and unchanged, the person is free to act within these laws. However, in general in the XVII century. The problem of the role of personality was not among the important. Rationalists did not formulate their gaze on it quite definitely, but taking into account their ideas that society is the mechanical amount of individuals, they recognized the role of outstanding legislators and statesmen, their ability to transform society and change the course of history.

Development of views on the role of personality in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

During Enlightenment There was a philosophy of history, according to which the natural laws of the Company are based on the eternal and general nature of people. The question of what this nature is, was solved in different ways. But the belief was dominated that society could be rebuilt according to these laws at a reasonable principle. From here was recognized as high and the role of personality in history. The enlighteners believed that an outstanding ruler or legislator could strongly and even radically change the course of history. For example, Voltaire in his "History Russian Empire In the reign of Peter the Great, "Petra I as a certain demiurge, an exhausting culture in a completely wild country. At the same time, often outstanding people (especially religious figures - due to ideological struggle with the church), these philosophers were portrayed in grotesk form as deceivers and plows, who managed to influence the world with their cunning. The enlighteners did not understand that the identity could not arise nowhere, it should somehow comply with the level of society. Hence, personality can be adequately understood only in the environment in which she could appear and show himself. IN otherwise The conclusion is suggested about too much dependence of the stories from the random appearance of geniuses or villains. But in the sense of development of interest in the topic of the role of personality, the enlighteners made a lot. It is from the enlightenment period that it becomes one of the important theoretical problems.

A look at the individual as an instrument of historical patterns

IN The first decades of the XIX century, During the rule of romanticism, there is a turn in the interpretation of the question of the role of personality. The ideas about the special role of the wise legislator or the founder of a new religion in an empty place were replaced by approaches that were identified to the corresponding historical environment. If the enlighteners tried to explain the state of society by laws that rule the rulers, then romantics, on the contrary, withdrawing government laws from the state of society, and changes in its condition were explained by historical circumstances (see: Shapiro 1993: 342; Kosmovsky 1963: 273). Romantics and representatives of their relatives were not very interested in the role of historical personalities, as they focused on the "People's Spirit" in various era and in its various manifestations. For the development of the problem of the role of a person, the French historians-romance were made of the restoration times (F. Gizo, O. Thierry, A. Tyer, F. Mingier and more radical J. Misha). However, they limited this role, believing that great historical figures can only speed up or slow down the offensive of what is inevitable and necessary. And compared with this necessary, all the efforts of great personalities act only as small causes of development. In fact, such a look was absorbed and Marxism.

G. V. F. Hegel (1770-1831) In general, a number of moments, including in relation to the role of the person, expressed a lot of views with romantics (but, of course, there were significant differences). Based on its providencyalistic theory, he believed that "everything is valid rationally, that is, it serves the implementation of the necessary stroke of history. Hegel is, according to some researchers, the founder of the "historical environment" theory (see: Rappoport 1899: 39), important for the role of personality. At the same time, he strongly limited the importance of historical personalities in the sense of their influence on the course of history. According to Hegel, the calling "World-Historical Persons was to be trusted by the World Spirit" (Hegel 1935: 30). That is why he believed that the Great Person could not create historical reality herself, but only reveals inevitable Future development. The case of great personalities is to understand the necessary nearest step in the development of their world, make it its goal and invest in its exercise its energy. However, it is "necessary", and most importantly, "reasonable" were the appearance, for example, Genghis Khan and the destruction of the destruction and death of countries (although there was a lot of positive consequences in the future as a result of the formation of the Mongolian Empires)? Or the appearance of Hitler and the emergence of the German Nazi state and unleashed to them the Second World War? In a word, in such an approach, much contradicted real historical reality.

Attempts to see the depth processes and laws were an important step forward. Thereona, a long time was born a tendency to prone the role of personality, arguing that as a result of the natural development of society, in the need for a particular figure, one person will always replace the other.

L. N. Tolstoy as an expressant of historical providencyline. Almost stronger than hegel, the ideas of providencylism expressed L. N. Tolstoy in his famous philosophical deviations in the novel "War and Peace". According to Tolstoy, the meaning of great people only apparent, in fact they are only "slaves of history", carried out by the will of providence. "The higher the person stands on the public staircase ... the more power it has ... the apparently the predetermination and the inevitability of each of his act," he said.

Opposite views on the role of personality inXIX. in. English philosopher Thomas Carlel (1795-1881) was one of those who returned to the idea of \u200b\u200ban outstanding role of personalities, "heroes" in history. One of the most famous works that have had a very strong influence on contemporaries and descendants, and was called "heroes and heroic in history" (1840). According to Karlalyl, the World History is the biography of great people. Carlel and focuses in its works on certain personalities and their role, preaching high goals and feelings, writes a number of brilliant biographies. He speaks much less about the masses. In his opinion, the masses are often only an instrument in the hands of great personalities. According to Karlalyul, there is a kind of historical circle, or a cycle. When the heroic start in society weakens, then the hidden destructive forces of the mass can break out (in revolutions and uprisings), and they act until society reiterates "true heroes", leaders (such as Cromwell or Napoleon).

Marxist lookthe most systematically stated in the work of G. V. Plekhanov (1856-1918) "On the question of the role of personality in history." Although Marxism resolutely broke with theology and explained the course of the historical process by material factors, but he inherited a lot from the objective idealistic philosophy of Hegel as a whole and in terms of the role of a person in particular. Marx, Engels and their followers believed that historical laws are invariant, that is, are implemented under any circumstances (maximum variations: a little earlier or later, easier or harder, more or less fully). In such a situation, the role of personality in history has appeared small. Personality may, according to Plekhanov, only impose an individual imprint on the inevitable course of events, speed up or slow down the implementation of the historical law, but unable to change the programmed course of history under any circumstances. And if there were no one personality, it would certainly be replaced by another, which would fulfill exactly the same historical role.

This approach was actually based on the ideas of the inevitability of the implementation of laws (existing in spite of everything, with the "iron necessity"). But there are no such laws and can not be in history, because societies in the world system play a different functional role, which often depends on the abilities of politicians. If the mediocre ruler will proclaim with reforms, its state may affect the dependence, as, for example, it happened in China in the XIX century. At the same time, the correct reforms are able to turn the country into a new center of power (so, Japan at the same time managed to restructure and herself began to make seizures).

In addition, Marxists did not take into account that the personality not only acts under certain circumstances, but when circumstances allow them to know them according to their own understanding and peculiarities. For example, in the era of Mohammed at the beginning of the VII century. Arab tribes felt the need for a new religion. But what could she be in his real incarnation, largely depended on the specific person. In other words, there will be another prophet, even with his success, religion would not be Islam, but something else would play, then the Arabs would have such an outstanding role in history, one can only guess.

Finally, many events, including socialist The revolution in Russia (it is her, and not at all the revolution in Russia), it is necessary to recognize the result that could not be implemented without coincidence of a number of randominess and the outstanding role of Lenin (to a certain extent and Trotsky).

Unlike Hegel in Marxism, not only positive, but also negative figures are taken into account (the first can accelerate, and the second is to slow down the implementation of the law). However, the evaluation of the "positive" or "negative" role significantly depended on the subjective and class position of the philosopher and historian. So, if the revolutionaries considered Robespierre and Marat with heroes, then a more moderate audience considered them as bloody fanatics.

Attempts to find other solutions.So, nor detectable fatalistic theories, not leaving the creative historical role of individuals, nor voluntaristic theories that believe that the personality can change the course of history, as it pleases, did not solve the problem. Gradually, philosophers depart from extreme solutions. Giving an assessment of the dominant currents of the philosophy of history, Philosopher X. Rappoport (1899: 47) wrote at the very end of the 4th century., In addition to the two above, there is a third possible solution: "Personality is both the reason and the product of historical development ... this is a decision In his general form, it seems closest to scientific truth ... "In general, it was a true approach. A search of some golden middle allowed to see different aspects of the problem. However, nevertheless, such an average look explained a lot, in particular when and why the personality can have a significant, decisive effect on the events, and when not.

There were also theories that were trying to use the laws of biology, especially darvinism and genetics to solve the problem of the identity of the personality (for example, American philosopher. James and Sociologist F. Woods).

Theory of Mikhailovsky. Personality and mass. In the last third of the XIX century. - The beginning of the twentieth century. The ideas of single personality capable of making incredible things due to the power of their character and intellect, including turning the course of history, were very common, especially among revolutionary young people. This was popular by the question of the role of a person in history, in the wording of T. Carlery, the "Hero" relationship (in particular, it is worth noting "historical letters" of the population of P. L. Lavrov). N. K. Mikhailovsky (1842-1904) introduced a significant contribution to the development of this problem. In his work, "heroes and crowd" it formulates a new theory and shows that under the personality can be understood not necessarily outstanding, but in principle any personality, which will be in the case of the case in a certain situation at the chapter or simply ahead of the mass. Mikhailovsky in relation to historical personalities does not develop in detail this topic. His article rather has a psychological aspect. The meaning of the ideas of Mikhailovsky is that the personality regardless of its qualities can sharply strengthen their emotional and other actions and moods of the crowd (the audience, group), which is why all the action becomes special. In a word, the role of personality depends on how much its psychological impact is intensified by the perception of mass. In something similar conclusions (but substantially supplemented at the expense of its Marxist class position and relating to more or less organized mass, not a crowd) later made K. Kautsky.

Power personality in different situations.Mikhailovsky and Kautsky faithfully caught this social effect: the personality strength increases in colossal sizes, when there is a mass behind it and especially when this mass is organized and solid. But the dialectic of the relationship between the personality and the mass is still much more complicated. In particular, it is important to understand whether the personality is only an expressive of mass moods or, on the contrary, the mass of inert, and the person can direct it?

Power of personalities is often directly related to the power of organizations and groups that it represents, and the greatest success is exactly the one who best shares its supporters. But this does not completely cancel the fact that it is from personal characteristics of the leader who sometimes depends, where this common force turns. Therefore, the role of the leader in such a responsible moment (the battle, election, etc.), the degree of its conformity of the role has, it can be said that is determined, since, as A. Labol wrote (1960: 183), the self-complimentary interlacing conditions leads to the fact that " In critical moments, certain individuals, ingenious, heroic, successful or criminal, are urged to say a decisive word. "

Comparing the role of masses and personalities, we see: on the side of the first - the number, emotions, lack of personal responsibility. On the second side - awareness, goal, will, plan. Therefore, we can say that, with other things being equal terms, the role of the personality will be the greatest then when the benefits of the masses and leading to one force. This split is so reduced by the power of organizations and movements, and the presence of rival leaders can generally reduce it to zero. So, it is undoubted that the value of the leaders determines many factors and reasons. Thus, developing this problem, we have already switched to the analysis of modern views.

Modern views on the role of personality

First of all, it should be said about the book of the American philosopher S. huk "Hero in history. Study of limits and opportunities "(Hook 1955), which became a noticeable step forward in the development of the problem. This monograph is still the most serious work on the subject under study. In particular, Hook comes to an important conclusion, which significantly explains why the role of the person can fluctuate in different conditions. He notes that, on the one hand, the activities of the individual, indeed, is limited by the circumstances of the environment and the nature of society, but on the other - the role of personality increases significantly (to the state when it becomes an independent force) when alternatives appear in the development of society. At the same time, it emphasizes that in the situation of alternativeness from the personal qualities, the choice of alternatives may depend. Hook does not give a classification of such alternatives and does not bind the existence of an alternative to the state of society (stable - unstable), but a number of examples given by them concerns the most dramatic moments (revolutions, crises, wars).

In Chapter 9, Hook makes an important difference between historical figures in the degree of their impact on the course of history, making them on people affecting events, and people creating events. Although Hook clearly does not share the personality in terms of their influence (for individual societies, in humanity as a whole), nevertheless, Lenin has attributed to people who create events, since in a certain respect, he significantly changed the direction of development not only in Russia, but also in the twentieth century

Hook rightly attaches great importance to accidents and probabilities in history and their close connection with the role of personality, at the same time he sharply opposes attempts to present the whole story as waves of accidents.

In the second half of the twentieth - early XXI century. The following main areas of research research can be distinguished:

1. Attracting methods and theories of interdisciplinary directions. In the 50-60s. Xx in. Finally formed systems approachwhich potentially opened the opportunity to look at the role of personality in a new way. But more important here were synergistic studies. Synergetic theory (I. Prigogin, I. Kneggers, etc.) distinguishes two main states of the system: order and chaos. This theory potentially helps to deepen understanding the role of personality. In relation to society, its approaches can be interpreted as follows. In a state of order, the system / society does not allow substantial transformation. But the chaos - despite the negative associations - often means for it the opportunity to go to another state (both higher and at a lower level). If the bond society / institutes are weakened or destroyed, it is in a very unstable position for some time. This special condition in synergetics was called "Bifurcation" (fork). At the point of bifurcation (revolution, war, restructuring, etc.), society can turn into one direction or another under the influence of various, even minor reasons. Among these reasons, one or another personality occupies an honorable place.

2. Consideration of the question of the role of personality in the aspect of the problem of the laws of history or in the context of certain areas of research and approaches. Among the many authors, one way or another concerning these issues, the philosophers of W. Dreya, K. Gempel, E. Vote, K. Popper, Economist and Philosopher L. von Mises, and others, and between some of them at the end of 1950 X - early 1960s. Interesting discussions were conducted around the problems of determinism and the laws of history.

Among not particularly numerous attempts to develop the theory of the role of personality can be mentioned by the article of the famous Polish philosopher L. Novak "Class and Personality in the Historical Process". Novak is trying to analyze the role of personality through the prism of the new theory of classes, which was part of the non-Marxist historical materialism created by him. It is valuable that he is trying to consider the role of personality in a broad aspect of the historical process, builds models of the influence of the individual depending on the political regime and class structure of society. In general, Novak believes that the role of personality, even outstanding, is not particularly large in the historical process, with which it is difficult to agree. It is quite interesting and loyal, although not fundamentally new, is his idea that the person alone as an individual is not able to significantly affect the course of the historical process if this person is not at intersection with some other factors - the parameters of the historical process (NOWAK 2009: 82).

The role of outstanding people in the process of formation of states, the creation of religions, civilizations is well known; The role of outstanding people in culture, science, inventions, etc. Unfortunately, special research in this regard is surprisingly not enough. At the same time, many authors can be called, which, when analyzing the processes of the formation of states and the development of civilizations, expressed interesting ideas about the role of personality. Such ideas make it possible to expand our ideas about the role of personality in different periods, in different societies and special era. In particular, in this regard, a number of representatives of the Neo-Evolutionist Direction of Political Anthropology should be noted: M. Salinza, E. Serevis, R. Karneo, H. Class - relative to the role of personality in the process of education and evolution of leaders and states.

3. In recent decades, the so-called is actively developing. alternative, or counterfeitual, History(from the English. Counterfactual is an assumption from the opposite), which is responsible for the returns about what would happen if there was no personal personality. It explores hypothetical alternatives with non-existent scenarios, for example, under what conditions, Germany and Hitler could win the second world war, which would be, if Churchill died, Napoleon won the battle with Waterloo, etc.

4. Analysis of the role of personalities in different situations comes from the idea,the substantial role of the person may vary from imperceptible to threat depending on the most different conditions and circumstances, as well as on the characteristics of the site under study, time and individual features.

Accounting for what moments when and as affecting the role of personalities allows us to consider this problem most fully and systemically, as well as simulate different situations (see below). For example, the role of personality in monarchical (authoritarian) and democratic societies has differences. In authoritarian societies, a lot depends on the individual traits and accidents associated with the monarch (dictator) and its environment, and in democratic - due to the system of checks and counterweights in power and the replaceability of the government - the role of personality as a whole is less.

Separate interesting comments on the differences in the power of the influence of personalities in various stability of the states of society (sustainable and turning unstable) can be found in the works of A. Gramshi, A. Labiorati, J. Nehru, A. Ya. Gurevich, etc. This idea can be formulated so : the less firmly and steadily society and the stronger the old structures are destroyed, the greater the effect on it can have a separate personality. In other words, the role of personality is inversely proportional to the stability and strength of society.

In modern social science, a special concept was developed, which combines the impact of all typical causes - "Factor situation". It is formed: a) from the features of the environment in which the personality (social system, traditions, tasks) operates; b) the state in which the society is located at a certain point (sustainable, unstable, is on the rise, under the slope, etc.); c) features of the surrounding societies; d) features of historical time; e) from whether events took place in the center of the world system or on its periphery (the first increases, and the second reduces the influence of certain personalities to other societies and the historical process as a whole); e) favorable moment for action; g) the features of the person and the needs of the moment and the situation in such qualities; h) availability of competitive figures.

The more personality favors the specified points, the more important it may be its role.

5. Modelingallows you to submit changes in society as the process of changing its phase states, and in each state the role of personality varies significantly . In the quality of the example, a model of such a process consisting of 4 phases can be brought: 1) a stable society of the type of monarchy; 2) public pre-revolutionary crisis; 3) revolution; 4) Creating a new order (see also the scheme below).

In the first phase - For a relatively calm era - the role of personality is although it is essential, but still not too large (although in absolute monarchies everything concerns the monarch can become very important, especially in the second phase).

Second phase It occurs when the system begins to tear to the sunset. If the decision is uncomfortable for the authority of the questions, the crisis arises, and many personalities seek with it, seeking to violent permission (coup, revolution, conspiracy). There are alternatives to the development, behind which there are various socio-political forces represented by personalities. And on the peculiarities of these people to one degree or another now depends, where society can turn.

Third phase It comes when the system is dying under the influence of the revolutionary pressure. Starting in such a situation, resolve global contradictions accumulated in the old system, society never has a predetercable solution (which is why it is quite appropriate to talk about the "point of bifurcation"). Some trends, of course, have more, and some - less likely to manifest itself, but this ratio under the influence of various reasons can change dramatically. In such critical periods, the leaders sometimes, like additional girks, are able to drag the bowl of historical scales in one direction or another. In these bifurcation moments power of personalities, their individual qualities, compliance with their role, etc. Have a huge, often determining value, but at the same time, the result of activities (and, consequently, the true role) of the individual may be quite different than she herself assumed.After all, after the revolution and destruction of the old order, the Company appears amorphous and therefore very militant to force influences. At such periods, the influence of individuals on the faster society may have uncontrollable, unpredictable character. It also happens that, having received the impact, the leaders are at all create society (under the influence of various personal and general reasons) in the direction of which no one could and think, "invent" the unprecedented public construction.

Fourth phase It comes in the formation of a new building and order. After consolidation in the power of any political force, the struggle is often happening in the camp of the winners. It is connected with both the relationship between leaders and the choice of further development path. The role of personality here is also exceptionally great: after all, society has not yet frozen, but new order It can definitely communicate with some particular person (leader, prophet, etc.).To finally be established in power, you need to deal with the remaining political rivals and prevent the growth of competitors from the comments. This continued struggle (the duration of which depends on many reasons) is directly related to the features of the victorious personality and finally gives the appearance of society.

Thus, the character new system It strongly depends on the qualities of their leaders, the peripeties of struggle and others, sometimes random, things. For this reason as a result, the change is always not a society that was planned.Gradually, the hypothetical system under consideration matures, is formed and acquires stiffness. Now, in many respects, new orders are forming leaders. This aphoristically expressed philosophers of the past: "When societies are born, the leaders create the institutions of the republic. Later, institutions produce leaders. " There is no doubt that the problem of the role of a person in history is far from its final decision.


The ratio between the level of stability of society and the power of personality influence on society

Aron, R. 1993. Stages of the development of sociological thought. M.: Progress.

Greenin, L. E.

2007. The problem of analyzing the driving forces of historical development, public progress and social evolution. Philosophy of History: Problems and Perspectives / Ed. Yu. I. Semenova, I. A. Gobozova, L. E. Grinina (p. 183-203). M.: Komkniga / URSS.

2008. On the role of personality in history. Herald Ran.78(1): 42-47.

2010. Personality in history: the evolution of views. History and modernity 2: 3-44.

2011. Personality in history: Modern approaches. History and modernity 1: 3-40.

Laboral, A. 1960. Essays materialistic understanding of history.M.: Science.

Plekhanov, G. V. 1956. On the question of the role of personality in history. Selected philosophical works: In 5 tons. T. 2 (p. 300-334). M.: State Publishing house political lit-ry.

Shapiro, A. L. 1993. Russian historiography from ancient times until 1917 Lecture 28. M.: Culture.

Engels, F. 1965. Josef Bloch in Koenigsberg, London, 21 [-22] September 1890 in: Marx, K., Engels, F., Cit. 2nd ed. T. 37 (p. 393-397). M.: Politicize.

Hook, S. 1955. THE HERO IN HISTORY. A study in limitation and posibility. Boston: Beacon Press.

James, W. 2005. Great Men and Their Environment. Kila, MT: Kessinger Publishing.

Nowak, L. 2009. Class and Individual in the Historical Process. IN BRZECHCZYN, K. (ED.), Idealization XIII: Modeling in History ( Poznan. Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanitiesvol. 97) (pp. 63-84). Amsterdam; NEW YORK, NY: RODOPI.

Additional literature and sources

Gun, G. 2007. The history of civilizations. The history of civilization in England. M.: Direct media.

Hegel, G. V. F. 1935. Philosophy of history. Cit. T. VIII. M.; L.: Sotzgiz.

Golbach, P. 1963. The system of nature, or the laws of the world of the physical and peace of spiritual. Election Production: in 2 tons. T. 1. M.: Sochekgiz.

History through personality. Historical biography today / Ed. L. P. Repina. M.: Quadriga, 2010.

Kareyev, N. I. 1914. The essence of the historical process and the role of personality in history. 2nd ed., With added. SPB: Type. Stasyulevich.

Carlel, T. 1994. Now before. Heroes and heroic in history.M.: Republic.

Kautsky, K. 1931. Materialistic understanding of history. T. 2. m.; L.

Kon, I. S. (Ed.) 1977. Philosophy and methodology of history.M.: Progress.

Kosmossky, E. A. 1963. Historiography of the Middle Ages:V c. - Mid.XIX century M.: MSU.

Kordin, N. N., Svincnikova, T. D. 2006. Empire Genghis Khan.M.: Vost. Lit-ra.

Makiavelli, N. . 1990. Sovereign. M.: Planet.

Mesin, S. A. 2003. View from Europe: French authorsXVIII century about PeterI. Saratov: Publishing House Sarat. un-ta.

Mikhailovsky, N. K. 1998. Heroes and Crowd: Selected Proceedings in Sociology: in 2 tons / resp. ed. V. V. Kozlovsky. T. 2. SPb.: Aletia.

Rappoport, H. 1899. The philosophy of history in its most important flows. Spb.

Solovyov, S. M. 1989. Public readings about Peter Great. Q: Solovyov, S. M., Reading and stories on the history of Russia (p. 414-583). M.: True.

Tolstoy, L. N. 1987 (or any other edition). War and Peace: In 4 t. T. 3. M.: Education.

Emerson, R. 2001. Moral philosophy. Minsk: Harvest; M.: Act.

ARON, R.1948 . Introduction to the Philosophy of History: An Essay ON the Limits of Historical Objectivity. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

Grinin, L. E. 2010. The Role of An Individual In History. Social Evolution & History 9 (2): 148-191.

GRININ, L. E. 2011. Macrohistory and Globalization. VOLGOGRAD: Uchitel Publiching HOUSE. Ch. 2.

Hook, S. (ED.) 1963. Philosophy and History. A Simposium. NEW YORK, NY: New York University Press.

Thompson, W. R. 2010. The LEAD Economy Sequence in World Politics (from Sung China to the United States): Selected CounterFactuals. Journal of Globalization Studies1(1): 6-28.

Woods, F. A. 1913. The Influence of Monarchs: Steps in a New Science of History.New York, NY: Macmillan.

This is a long-known historic Bleza Pascal Paradox (1623-1662) about the "Cleopatra Nose", formulated as follows: "Be a little shorter - the appearance of the Earth would become different." That is, if the nose of this queen was a different form, Anthony would not get carried away by her, did not lose the battle of Octavian, and the Roman history would have developed otherwise. As in every paradox, it has a great exaggeration, but still some share of truth too.

The overall context of the development of ideas of emerging views on theory, philosophy and methodology of the history of the corresponding periods, see: Greenin, l. E. Theory, methodology and philosophy of history: essays of the development of historical thought from antiquity until the middle of the XIX century. Lectures 1-9 // Philosophy and Society. - 2010. - № 1. - P. 167-203; # 2. - P. 151-192; № 3. - P. 162-199; No. 4. - P. 145-197; See also: He's. From confusion to contact: the formation of the theory, methodology and philosophy of history. - M.: Librok, 2012.

"This is a barbarian who made people," he wrote about Peter Emperor Friedrich II (see: Mesin 2003: Ch. III). Voltaire wrote to a wide variety of topics (and historical plots were not leading). Among his works there are both "History of the Russian Empire in the reign of Peter the Great." Others draws Peter, for example, the Russian historian S. M. Solovyov: the people rose and was ready to be on the road, that is, the leader was needed, and he came (Solovyov 1989: 451).

For example, P. A. Golbach (1963) was characterized by Mohammed as a considerable, ambitious and cunning Araba, a plut, enthusiast, an eloquent speaker, thanks to which the religion has changed and the morals of a significant part of humanity have changed, and no word wrote about his other qualities.

The approach of the famous Russian sociologist N. I. Kareyev was close to the "average" view and the decision, set forth in its surrender work "The essence of the historical process and the role of personality in history" (Kareyev 1890; the second edition - 1914).

As part of the discussions on the laws of history, some thoughts on the role of personality (in particular, about the motives of the actions of historical figures and the ratio of motives and results) were expressed. Part of the most interesting articles, for example, W. Dreya, K. Gempel, M. Mandelbauma - which, of course, was not surprising - was published in the collection edited by Sidney Hook (Hook 1963). Some of these discussions were published in Russian in the work "Philosophy and Methodology of History" (Kon 1977).

And now from global problems turn to history. More precisely - to historosophy. Having become acquainted with the concept of Gumilyov, the reader can ask a question. So, if ethnogenesis is a natural process, and everything "comes itself," nothing depends on us? Hurry up to calm the reader. Depends on But not much, as it seems. And not at any time. Sometimes you need to wait until the wind of the story fits in the right direction ...

We will not give examples of "independence" the will of the people from those political and not political decisions, which were taken in our country in recent decades (starting from the smuggle coup 1985/1991. And ending with today's democratic elections, which most people simply do not go) . This is well known. Let's go on the other side. Imagine that in the "Liche" of the 1990s. Among the leadership of our country, Comrade Stalin suddenly appeared. Real leader. Iron hand. So what could he do in that situation? I could not do anything! Gigant Stalin was necessary and natural in a specific historical setting (and it took him 15 years preparatory workBefore he was able to resolutely change the course in 1937), as was natural in another historical setting of Pigmele Gorbachev. Both walked up with history. Each at one time: one - during a passing burst (bottom), the other - during the period of passing depression (and on top, and below).

Another example is Don Quixote. From the point of view of ethnology, the tragedy of this noble knight was that he simply fell out of history, i.e. from the current phase of ethnogenesis. Therefore, I was declared crazy. Don Quixote is nostalgia idealist passionaries about forever the heroic overheating phase in Europe. In the bourgeois phase of civilization, noble knights were not needed. What feats?! What is the honor?! No need fanaticism! Need money to do ...

The theory of the hero and the crowd from the point of view of ethnogenesis is erroneous. One hero passionary will not be able to achieve anything if he does not have enough passionary assistants. All together - be it the ruling elite or opposition - they constitute that avant-garde, which leads to all other - harmonious and weak-reasonary people. But that this avant-garde is replenished with active people, a high level of passionaryness of the entire ethnic group is needed (super ethnos). In other words, both the Russian nobility elite and the Soviet ruling class were embarned from one source - the thick of the people. Suvorov, Lomonosov, and Stalin's addresses, and the victory marshals of 1945 came from there. But if the passionary tension in the Russian ethnic group (Russian superethnos) was zero, then no one would have come out of it. It is in this sense that the people and affects the course of their history - he is her moves.

We give such an example. After the revolutionary shocks of 1917, burned the country into chaos and ruin, many "observers" seemed to be that - all: "Russia ended, Russia is no longer!". Western bankers who financed three Russian revolutions were satisfied - their plans worked! What remains from the Russian Empire can be taken by bare hands. But ... but they did not come out! The fact is that Western bankers did not know the laws of ethnogenesis. They did not take into account that the most hitromed plans and volitional efforts of the leaders cannot cancel the natural property of passionation. As a poplar, cut almost to the ground, continues to grow and the people who did not lose their passionary kernel continue to revive, no matter what. That is why after twenty years A new superpower was created at the site of the fallen colossus of the Russian Empire - the USSR. And the globalization began so Boyko was detained for many decades. (And, add, will still be detained ...)

But, of course, all of the above does not cancel the subjective factor. If we talk about the influence of individual personalities and small groups of people on history, then it should be recognized that the human will play a certain role in the historical process. But mainly - at the level of tactics, not strategy. This means that the volitional efforts of individual people are always limited to a certain "corridor of opportunities." (As Comrade said, Stalin said: "There is a logic of intentions and there is a logic of circumstances, and the logic of circumstances is stronger than the logic of intentions."

Gumilev wrote: "It would be ridiculous to deny that human ideas and human hands affect the history, and sometimes very strongly, creating unforeseen violations - zigzags - in the course of historical processes. But the measure of the influence of a person on the story is not so great at all, as it is considered to think, Ibon population level is regulated by non-social impulses of consciousness, but with biosphere impulses of passionation.

Figuratively speaking, we can move the arrows on the clock's clock, but we are deprived of the opportunity to start the clock. We have the role of arrogant children fulfill politicians. They mostly translate the arrows of the clock from 3 o'clock in the afternoon for 12 nights, and then scary surprised: "Why didn't the night come and why the working people do not go to bed?" (Or in other words, - why we have been introducing a market economy for 20 years and democracy "how they" enter, and they are not introduced in any way? .. Probably the country is wrong, the backward some kind of country!) "Thus, - continues Gumilyov, - those who make decisions do not take into account natural nature processes running in the ethnic sphere. And knowing the passionary theory of ethnogenesis, they are not surprised by the fact that in the country "everything is bad." Surprise that we still exist. " This Gumilyover wrote about the times of Gorbachev and the beginning of the Board of Yeltsin ...

We will add from yourself that the similar ("restraint") historical zigzags are still not accidental and have their reasons. But, repeat, - at the level of a speed, tactical, but not strategic. Historical practice shows that if the supply of passionality in the ethnicity is not exhausted, and the ethnic tradition is not lost, then such zigzags sooner or later straighten with history and everything returns to natural patterns of ethnogenesis. That is, continues to go as it should go. Well, a subjective factor (political leadership) to this movement of history is simply attached. Therefore, paraphrasing a well-known expression can be said that each people deserves such a ruler, which corresponds to the level of passionary voltage and the vector of the development of this ethnic system.

As for freedom of choice by each person of a particular direction of action in the specific phase of ethnogenesis, in this connection, the very interesting idea of \u200b\u200bKonstantin Leontiev is consisted of the relationship between conservative and progressive elements in the state.

He puts the question like this: "When is the right progressors, and when conservatives?

Before the times of Caesar, Pericla, Louis XIV, etc. (i.e., before the times of flowering, before the blooming era), progressors are right. At this time, they lead the state to flowering and growth. But after the blooming and complex era, when the process of secondary mixing and simplification begins (by Gumilevo - Doma, inertia, obscuration - aut.) All progressors are not right in the theory, although they often triumph in practice; thinking to correct, they only destroy. Conservatives in this era are quite right: they want to treat and strengthen the state organism, they rarely triumph, but how many can, slow down, returning a nation, sometimes violently, to the cult of created statehood.

Before the day of flowering ... it is better to be a sail or a steam boiler, after this non-returnable day more than to be anchor or brake for peoples, seeking, often fun, to their death. "

To the point! .. and what is relevant in our "funny" time ...

As you know, the manifestation of any, even the most common, the laws of history is diverse and multivariate. The role of the most outstanding personality is always the alloy of the preceding development, the mass of random and non-random events and its own characteristics. There are a lot of ways to organize a society, and therefore there will be a lot of personality options, and their amplitude can be huge.

Consequently, depending on the most different conditions and circumstances, taking into account the peculiarities of the study, time and individual features of the person, its historical role can fluctuate from the most imperceptible to the threat. Sometimes personality plays a decisive role.

Indeed, the people himself consists of personalities, and the role of each of them is not zero. One pushes the chariot of the story forward, the other pulls back, etc. In the first case, this role with a plus sign, in the second - with a minus sign.

But we are now interested not to ordinary people, but outstanding historical personality. What is their role?

It is not that such a person in its arbitrariness is able to stop or change the natural course of things. A truly outstanding personality is not only not trying to "cancel" the laws of history, but, on the contrary, as G.V. Plekhanov, he sees further others and wants stronger than others. great person Decides the task of the previous course of the mental development of society, it indicates new public needs created by the previous development of social relations, he takes the recalcity of the satisfaction of these needs. This is the power and purpose of the Great Man, and the strength is colossal.

He, if you want, aperture history, he is an expressant of the aspirations of class, mass, often only vaguely realized by them. His power is the power of a social movement that stands behind his back.

In this, a fundamental difference in assessing the role of a person in dialectical and materialistic philosophy and its opponents. Materialistic social philosophy goes in assessing the role of a personality from the masses to personality, and not vice versa, he sees her role in the fact that she serves her talent for the masses, helps them to hide the way to achieve intended goals, accelerate the decision of the crowned historical tasks.

At the same time, firstly, the influence of the personality on the course of history depends on how numerous the mass, which goes after it, and on which it relies through the party, through a class. Therefore, an outstanding personality should have not only a special individual talent, but also the ability to organize and lead people. Secondly, anarchist installations are definitely erroneous: no authorities. The whole course of history shows that no social force, no class in history reached the domination, if he did not put forward his political leaders, his advanced representatives capable of organizing movement and lead them.

Of course, an outstanding personality should have non-ordinary abilities to a certain type or a number of activities. But this is not enough. It is necessary that in society in the course of its development the agenda of the task, for the decision of which the personality was needed precisely with such (military, political, etc.).

By chance here, what exactly this particular person took this place, by chance in the sense that this place could take someone else, since the replacement of this place was necessary.

World-Historical Persons are not only practical and politicians, but also thinking people, spiritual leaders who understand what is needed and that in a timely manner, and leading others. These people, let intuitively, feel, understand the historical necessity, and therefore, it would seem, should be in this sense free in their actions and actions.

But the tragedy of world-historical personalities is that "they do not belong to themselves, that they, like ordinary individuals, the essence of only the weapons of the world spirit, although the great gun." Fate, as a rule, develops unfortunately for them.

The people, according to I.A.Ilina, there is a great separate and scattered set. And meanwhile his force, the energy of his being and self-affirmation require unity. The unity of the people requires an obvious spiritual and volitional incarnation - a single center, a person, an outstanding mind and experience of a person expressing the legal will and the state spirit of the people. The people need a wise leader, like dry land in a good rain.

In the entire history of mankind, there was a huge variety of events, and they were always sent differently in their moral appearance and intelligence personalities: ingenious or stupid, talented or mediocre, volitional or brightest, progressive or reactionary. Becoming the will of the case or by virtue of the need at the head of state, the army, the people's movement, the political party, the personality can have a different effect on the course and the outcome of historical events: a positive, negative or, as it often happens, both. Therefore, society is far from indifferent, in whose hands the political, state and general administrative power is concentrated.

The nomination of the individual is also due to the needs of society, and personal qualities of people. "A distinctive feature of genuine states in that is precisely to be able to benefit from each need, and sometimes even the fatal confluence of the circumstances to turn to the state."

The very fact of nomination on the role of the historical personality of this person is an accident. The need for this nomination is determined by the historically established need of society in order to make the identity of this kind of dominant place. N.M. Kakarasin said so about Peter the first: "The people gathered in a campaign, waited by the leader and the leader appeared!" The fact that this person is born in this country at a certain time is a pure accident. But if we eliminate this person, then the demand for its replacement appears, and such a replacement is found.

Often, due to historical conditions, a very prominent role has to play simply capable people and even mediocre. The Mudro said about this by Democritus: what "less worthy of bad citizens of honorable positions that have received by them are, especially since they become careless and fulfilled with nonsense and arrogance." In this regard, a warning is fair: "Beware to occupy thanks to the chance of post, which you are not on shoulder, so as not to seem what you are in fact."

In the process of historical activities with special sharpness and bulge, strong, and weaknesses of personality are revealed. Both also acquires a huge social sense and influences the fate of the nation, the people, and sometimes even humanity.

Since in history, the decisive and decisive principle is not an individual, but the people, personality always depend on the people like a tree from the soil on which it grows. If the strength of the legendary antea was to communicate with the Earth, the social strength of the personality is in her connection with the people. But thinly "listening" of the people's thoughts is capable of only genius.

As if he was ingenious, a historical personality would be, she was determined in his actions determined the established combination of public events. If the identity begins to create arbitrariness and erect his whims into the law, it becomes a brake and, ultimately, from the position of the Crewer's Crewer's position inevitably falls under his merciless wheels.

The activities of the political leader involves the ability of deep theoretical generalization of the internal and international situation, social practice, the achievements of science and culture as a whole, the ability to preserve the simplicity and clarity of thought in incredibly difficult conditions of social reality and fulfill the planned plans, the program. The wise statesman knows how to challenge not only for the overall line of development of events, but also for many private "trifles" - at the same time see both the forest and trees. He must notice a change in the ratio of social forces in time, before others understand what way to choose how the ureranny historical ability to turn into reality.

As Confucius said, a man who does not look far away, are certainly waiting for close misfortunes. High power carries, however, severe responsibilities. The Bible says: "And from anyone who has given a lot, it will be necessary." With any form of the state device, the level of the head of state is put forward by one or another person, which is designed to play an extremely responsible role in the life and development of this society. Very much depends on the head of the state, but, of course, not all. Much depends on how society it was chosen, what the strength he was taken to the level of the head of state.

Thus, the appearance on the historical arena of outstanding personalities is prepared by objective circumstances, aging certain social needs. Such needs appear, as a rule, in turning periods in the development of countries and peoples, when large-scale socio-economic and political tasks are in the agenda. Of all the above, earlier directly and directly implies the conclusion about incompatibility with the spirit and the essence of the dialectical and materialistic social philosophy of the theory of personality cult. The cult of personality in modern manifestations is to impose the people of adventure to the carriers of power, in attributing the personality of the ability to create history at its discretion and arbitrariness, in transferring to the identity of what is the case and merit of the people.

The cult of personality (this clearly discovered the cult of the personality of Stalin), is fraught with great dangers and serious consequences. Attempts alone to solve complex questions of theory and practices lead to mistakes and misses not only in theory, but also in practice (the problem of collectivization rate, the conclusion about the exacerbation of the class struggle as socialism succeeds, etc.). The cult of personality feeds and reinforces dogmatism in theory, since the right to truth is recognized only after one person.

The cult of personality is especially dangerous in that he entails the destruction of the legality and the substitution of its arbitrariness, which leads to mass repressions. Finally, neglecting the interests of ordinary people, covered by imaginary concern about the public interest, has their consequence the progressive attenuation of the initiative and social creativity from the bottom on the principle: we, comrades, think Necha, be thought of leaders.

The people are not uniform and not the same formed force, and on which groups of the population found themselves in most elections, with what measure of understanding they carried out their civil debt, the fate of the country may depend on. One can only say: What are the people, such and their chosen personality.

The question of the role of the personality in history appeared a long time ago, but still interested in both professional historians and philosophers in their scientific research and ordinary people in everyday life.

Many scientists tried to solve the question of the role of personality in history. Often there were completely opposite judgments. As Georgy Plekhanov wrote: "If some subjectivists, seeking to take out the personality as wide as possible in the history, refused to recognize the historical movement of humanity by the lawy-shaped process, then some of their newest opponents, striving for how best to annoy the law-based character of this movement, invisible, were ready Forget that the story is made by people and that therefore the activities of personalities cannot have no meaning in it. "

For most people, these questions, on the household level, is expressed like this: "Can I change my life?", "Can I change the world?", "Does I do what I do?"

When analyzing the impact of the personality on society, you need to pay attention to some points:

The patterns of the development of society - this is not a "track", on which the story goes, it is rather "rules of the game", mandatory for everyone;

Do not try to find out for all personalities and historical facts the universal ratio of objective and subjective. For each historical fact and every person, this ratio is different and due to both this fact and this person;

The will of a person, his actions do not appear nowhere, they are also historically due to.

If you consider a superficial question about the role of personality in history, then in a generalized form it can be solved about this: a person is born and operates in specific historical conditions, in a certain socio-economic environment. Therefore, in general, think and acts in accordance with them. A person can affect the course of history, contribute to the acceleration or slowing down of historical patterns, but cannot cancel their action.

But if we consider this question in specific historical facts, then such a generalized explanation cannot fully characterize what is happening, reflect the action of subjective and objective forces.

What depends on the role of personality: from her the most, historical situation, historical laws, accidents or from everything immediately, in which combination and how easy it is. Yes, and the answer itself depends on the aspect, angle and point of view, the period under review by us and other relativistic and methodological aspects.

T. K. The role of personality is manifested in specific historical events, phenomena and processes, it is necessary to evaluate it relative to these historical facts. In addition, it should be borne in mind that no personalities are able to create great epochs if there are no accumulated conditions for this in society.

To analyze this topic, it is possible to divide it into parts:

1) Is the historical fact objective or subjective.

2) if the historical fact is subjective, i.e. it is generated by human actions, then under the influence of objective processes or subjective factors, the actions of the person himself were generated.

The question of the role of personality in concrete historical conditions is closely intertwined with the question of the role of the case in history. What was caused by objective patterns, and what happened because of the circumstances not related to each other?

Therefore, this question cannot be bypass. In the scientific literature, there are three factors affecting the formation of the personality: heredity, environment and upbringing. That is, in general, the formation of a person is causally conditioned and natural. However, people are born in various socio-economic conditions. For example, in monarchical strict heredity and education of future monarchs often plays a significant role

Personal qualities can have a significant impact on the course of the historical process. For example, how would the Great Patriotic War ended, if Nazi Germany had created an atomic bomb before the end of the war?

At the same time, it is not necessary to project a person's personality, even a significant and outstanding one, equally for all events, anyway associated with it, because historical patterns, causal relations, the class worldview do not cease to act

Speaking about the influence of the "great" personalities on the story, it should be noted that their actions are due to the problems that are facing society. So, no one thought about the abolition of serfdom in Russia, until it became the brake development of the country. But the "great" personalities do not just perform historical missions. Personality can go to any actions or not. And each personality will act in its own way, although in accordance with those conditions in which this person is located.

Personality is not equally affected by events, phenomena and processes. Personality has the greatest impact on events - can radically change them, create and stop. The personnel of the person may give features, such as legislation, define the tax collection system. The impact on the processes is manifested in acceleration, slowing their action, giving the specifics to this process.

The personality affects the various spheres of life in different ways. So, if this influence is minimal about the socio-economic development, it is already on a political device that depends on the socio-economic conditions is more significantly affected. But the personality has the greatest influence on the spiritual sphere of life, on the mood and ideology of the masses. Given that all these areas are interrelated, influence each other (with the determining role of socio-economic development), the personality affects all areas of life not only directly, but also indirectly through others.

The degree of personality influence on historical facts depends on the one hand on the nature of these facts themselves, and on the other hand, on the possibilities of the individual, to influence society, its position in this society.

Who can influence the course of the historical process? Krapyvensky C. E. Under the Personality influencing the historical process "of each individual who occupies an active life position and contributes to the struggle, theoretical searches, etc. A certain contribution to the development of one or another sphere of public life, and through it in the historical process as a whole. " In our opinion, the influence has an individual not only active, but also passive, since inaction is also an action.

The society as a whole consists of the interaction of all personalities. Therefore, every personality can influence historical facts even by the smallest affairs. And the more individuals will act and think equally, the more significant it will be influence. Its degree will definitely depend on the social status of these people. But in general, quantitative changes will go into high-quality, the amount of actions of various people will lead to qualitative changes in society.

The actions of a separate personality affect the one hand to society as a whole, and on the other hand, on other, specific people. So, for example, if one person gets quality education - it will increase on one side, albeit a bit, an indicator of education in society, and on the other hand, it will affect the environment of this person: they will interest others in education, will increase their level of knowledge.


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