Boiler from nails. How to make a boiler from ordinary shaving blades

Boiler from nails. How to make a boiler from ordinary shaving blades

Today in every house there is a large number of Things and devices that greatly facilitate life make it more comfortable and interesting. But sometimes there are situations when you need to show a mixture and make something from the girlfriend.

At you will find a lot of useful information that will allow you to independently cope with many problems.

Boiler from old electric kettle

To make a boiler, you need to find the heating element. The easiest solution will be the use of an old heating lamp from an electric kettle or other instrument.

The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  • removing the heating element from unnecessary electrical appliances. It is important to trace the TEN to be workers, it can be done with the help of a household tester;
  • in addition to the Ten, we will need electric shock with a fork, as well as key blocks. The cord from the cord is connected to the contacts of the heating element;
  • the final stage will be the manufacture of reliable isolation and checking the finished device using a multimeter.

If the check confirms the health of the heater, then it can be used to operate.

Water heater from undergraduate materials

There is another way to quickly manufacture a boiler, but it is quite dangerous. Such a device cannot be left unattended, and when used, it is necessary to observe special caution.

We will need such materials:

  • two metal objects. It may be nails, spoons, bolts or knives, but most often blades use blades for the manufacture of a boiler;
  • matches or other wooden items;
  • sewing threads;
  • cord with a fork.

First of all, it is necessary to connect metal plates (blades) to the stripped electrical shut-off contacts. For greater reliability, you can use the soldering iron.

It is going to boiler in this way: the wrapped matches are stacked on one blade, then they are covered with the second blade. Then this design is also wounded by threads for reliability.

Learning to make boilers can be done by this video:

As a rule, many in the army or in student years will recognize the various ways of "handicraft" use of electrical energy. In such ways, and are the "goat" and homemade boiler. The following description of these two very dangerous devices is not given in order to be independently "experimented" with electricity, and to explain how rudely and unprofessional electricity is used and what unpleasant consequences such ingenuity may entail.

In all cases, the thermal effect of the electric current is used. As mentioned, electrical energy is capable of heating the conductor through which it passes. Therefore, if you start through the appropriate electrical current material, you can achieve a thermal effect. In this principle and work "Goat" and homemade boiler.

"Goat" It is a tube of asbestos installed on metal legs that are easy to make on their own. Around the pipe wrapped the door spring, to different ends of which a two-housing wire is connected. When the goat is turned on into the socket, it is strongly heated, they can be used as a heating device.

The "goat" can often be found in warehouses, in the industrial premises, in economic buildings. This is explained by the fact that the energy consumption is made more difficult to take into account than in a separate apartment, therefore the energy intensity of such a device is simply not attached to much. The organization pays electricity costs, since for a large organization is a relatively small amount.

Another business is an apartment. The inclusion of the "goat" is very noticeable for the operation of the electricity meter, which in this case is spinning like mad. In addition, it often knocks the plugs, since the self-made device consumes a lot of energy.

The negative quality of the "goat" is that it is very flashed. If the household heating device has a housing that protects against fires, then the "goat" does not have such a housing, and if it is a leakage, which is quite often due to drunkenness, negligence, is a fire.

Moreover, in life there are such individuals that do not understand that this heating device is dangerous, and belong to it negligently, having it close to furniture, wallpaper, fire-hazardous materials.

Other Homemade Device - Boiler. It can be built using two blades, two matches, threads, rolled out of clothes, a piece of wires. The tradition to arrange such boiling holders came to us from the army and from correctional institutions.

The blades are associated with each other so that between them was the distance (so as not to each other). It is easy to achieve, if you put a match between them. Then the liquid wire is attached to the blades. Placed in water, such a boiler is pretty good warm water.

If you collect a boiler from more serious metal, for example, from window spinages, it turns out a very frightened picture: imagine a boiler, from which the sparks beat, in the whole house, a three-liter water can boil over one and a half minutes?

Naturally, the energy intensity of such a boiler is impressive. The boiler is especially dangerous if the water is salted. When you turn on the network, an explosion is rated, as a result of which most of the water splashes. Now imagine what will happen if you roll salt into boiling water?

If you ever have to face similar devices, it is better to refuse immediately, since you are subjected to several hazards at once. First, you spoil government property, for which the relevant responsibility under legislation is provided. Secondly, you risk life: you can strike you, or spray with boiling water. Be careful not to expose your life danger!

Ivan Dubrovin. Electrician tips

The adult generation and students probably know the idea of \u200b\u200bassembling a homemade boiler from two blades and a couple of matches. Such homemade was very often used at construction sites, or in the army, hostels in the absence of a normal boiler or stove. However, in addition to such a method, there are several other options for the manufacture of electricity filter from undergraduates. If you are interested in this topic, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the simplest instructions explaining how to make a boiler with your own hands at home. In order for the information to be more understandable for you, we additionally prepared visual photo examples and making schemes.

We use a TEN from the kettle

The most secure option is to use a tan from an electric kettle, this item is very often sold cheap on the market. If you have been lying on the electric kettle, which proceeds (or the button does not work), or it simply has an unprepacent appearance, and at the same time you do not want to repair it, we recommend to extract from the TEN design and on it, to make a simple boiler.

In addition to the Tan, you will need a two-core wire with a fork, which can also take from the kettle or any other household appliance located at home. It is advisable to take the wire with a cross section of at least 0.75 mm2 in order to avoid heating. To mount the wires to the lady, you can use a soldering iron or something better - as shown in the photo below. In the second case, the manufacturing process takes literally 5 minutes, because all that you need to do is scorn wires and tighten the clamping screws on the pads.

Before using a homemade device, we recommend checking it - to call a multimeter. It is not necessary to do it. Turn on the multimeter to the resistance measurement mode. First, the heating element itself comes, then connect the wires to it and re-measure the resistance.

If everything is in order, you can try to take advantage of the homemade boiler from the Tena kettle. Appearance The devices must be approximately:

Remember that the terminals and the bare parts of the wire are extremely recommended to lowered into the water, it can lead to their rapid destruction. When using the device, under no circumstances do not touch the heating element and water, they may be hazardous to life network voltage. All manipulations with the device can only be performed when it is completely disconnected from the network.

Classic homemade blades

Immediately draw your attention to the fact that the electricity cart from the blades is very dangerous. It is necessary to use with marginal caution. It is strictly forbidden to heat the water in metallic dishes or salted liquids, solutions. IN otherwise An electric shout may occur or, because Wires in water are bare. Another point - to use this homemade is recommended only for heating water for swimming, it is better to make a boiler for the welding of tea, since the device has a slight amount of metals from which the blade is made during the operation of the device.

So, step by step with the photo examples, consider the process of assembling the device. First of all, you prepare a two-core cable with a fork. If you are not finished at hand, use a two-room, screwing the collapsible electrical plug with one side. It is advisable to take the wire with a cross section of at least 0.75 mm. To avoid its heating.

After that, we clean the veins and screw them into the blades, trying to do it as tight and securely as possible, as shown in the photo below:

We associate the entire design by threads, make sure the connection is correct, after which you can check. First start with maximum caution.

As a rule, water in the three liter glass can heat up in a few minutes.

Vividly see the manufacturing technology you can on the video below:

By the way, according to a similar scheme, you can make a boiler with your own hands from bolts, blades of the stationery knife, spoons, nails, or even metal plates. The principle of operation and the wire connection scheme will be similar. The main thing is to ensure the lack of contact between the two blades (or what will happen you), otherwise there will be a short circuit.

That's all that I wanted to tell you about how to make a boiler with your own hands at home. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend using only factory products, and even better - an electric kettle, which will be an order of magnitude safer. Data step by step instructions We provided for informational purposes, and in practice these methods can only be in extreme situations when there is no alternative.

In life, sometimes emerging unforeseen circumstances. One of these is the absence of hot water, for example, during repair workWhen there is no gas, without which water will not boil. And then the electric kettle was still broken, and there is no boiler in the house at all. Then we begin to think about how with their own hands at home can make a boiler. It turns out that it is completely easy to make such a heating device, the main thing is to find the necessary materials in your apartment.

Homemade boiler or primitive heating device by 12 volts can be made from the subwoofers.

For this we need:

  • Divorced segment of a two-tier wire.
  • The blade that is used for a razor machine in the amount of 2 pieces. You can also apply the blade for a painting knife. If such is not in your apartment, even two metal spoons are suitable.
  • Pan or water bank.
  • Two matches or wooden chips.
  • Threads.

1 option. To the ends of the blades need to climb the wire. It is impossible to allow the blades to come into contact with each other. To do this, we set the struts from matches or wooden chips between them. Then you should smash the blades with a thread. Wires also should not touch. The homemade boiler for 12 volts remained to the container with water, turn on the outlet and wait until it boils.

Option 2. When using a metal tank for boiling water, one wire can be connected to a saucepan, and to another end to climb the blade, a spoon or other metal object to another. It is important to ensure that the latter does not touch the walls of the metal container. It turns out a boiler for 12 volts.

Made boiler with her hands with a 12 volt capacity copes with a low water boiling rather quickly.

It is important to observe safety technique When using this heating instrument:

    1. Before you are going to apply a homemade boiler. It is necessary to thoroughly check the strength of all connections of the design.
    2. In no case cannot be lowered hands into the water during fluid heating (you can strike you).
    3. Do not leave the heating device unattended.
    4. Do not risk boiling salted water. Otherwise, you provoke an explosion, as a result of which most of the water splashes out of the container.
    5. Do not use this design for more than a month. And also think about the quality of the water you are going to use. Due to its metals, water becomes poor quality.

Tan boiler from broken electric kettle

In this case, it will be a useful broken electric kettle, more precisely, his TEN, if, of course, he has not burned down. To begin with, remove the heating element from the kettle.

Then you need to produce stripping contacts of Tan. To the contacts of the latter, with the help of a soldering iron we solder a two-tier wire with a fork, which can be removed from the same broken kettle. At the output, the power of this boiler is equal to the power of your broken electrical kettle.

Before applying a homemade instrument that is not connected to the network should be diagnosed. With a zero resistance indicator, you need to check the electrical connections.

How to make a boiler from the girlfriend with your own hands at home we have dealt with. It is better to resort to such water heaters in extreme cases. Do not risk your life and the life of your loved ones. Use only factory appliances for water heating.


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