Comparative characteristics of intestine and flat worms Table. III. Consolidation of knowledge

Comparative characteristics of intestine and flat worms Table. III. Consolidation of knowledge

Independent work of students on the table "The internal structure of the White Planaria".

Estimated completed table:

Name of the system of internal organs of planaria

The organs forming the system

Functions of the system system

1. Anterior

Head nerve nodes and longitudinal nervous trunks connected by nervous jumpers

Perception of irritations from ambient and from internal organs.

The response of the organism for irritation


Mouth, throat, intestines

Capture and digestion

3. Selection

Fiery cells

Selective tubules, channels and pores.

Removing liquid metabolic products


Tubular seed seeds.

Paired eggs-oval

Reproduction, increase in number

IV. Homework

    Pictures life cycle - 115, 117, sketch and explain.

Timing lesson:

Subject:A type Round worms .

Purpose: Explore the type of round worms.


1) Educational:- consider the features of the organization of round worms, the variety of their species;

To identify the features of a high organization of round worms compared to flat;

2) Educational:- to bring up the careful attitude to its body;

The development of observation and thinking based on the comparison of flat and round worms.

Type of lesson: Combined.

Equipment: Tables depicting round and flat worms; "Cycle of development of the Asskarid of the Human", the textbook.

During the classes:

I..Organizing time: The teacher reminds the topic of the last lesson.

II..Check of knowledge: Independent work by individual

cards. (8 min)

Card 1.Fill the gaps:

Cattle can swallow ______ chain along with grass. In the stomach of an animal from eggs, microscopic ______ from ______. With their help, the larvae is taken into the wall of the stomach, fall into ______, they are spread throughout the body of the animal and penetrate ______. Here the larva turns into ______, a bubble of a magnitude with a pea, inside of which ______ chain chain is hidden.

Card 2.

Whether the allegations are true.

one). The type of flat worms include classes of cricker worms, seashers and ribbon worms.

2). The egg of the liver loser begins to develop, only hitting the water.

3). All flat worms have developed senses.

four). Planaria - Predators.

five). Flat worms - separate animals.

6). Stage Finns occurs at ribbon worms.

7). Sleshpers have a long sealer body.

eight). Rudovik Small - intermediate master of the hepatic loser.

Card 3.

1-tape worms; 2-losers.

B. Free-lived organisms.

B. Suction through the covers of the body.

G. Admission of substances through the digestive system.

D. The presence of a skin-muscular bag.

E. Presence of sucker.


Distribute features inherent:

1-white planaria, 2-liver loser.

A. Lives in freshwater reservoirs.

B. Lives in the intestine of a person.

V. lives in liver ducts of cattle.

G. The body with the outside is covered with cilia, thanks to which the animal moves.

D. body outside dressed with a dense multilayer sheath, which does not affect digestive juice.

E. The presence of a skin-muscular bag.

J. Food liver and blood cells.

Z. Feels digested food.

I. Fit with small water animals.

Card 4.

    Give the definition of the Terminams:

Final owner -

Hermaphrodites -

Intermediate owner -

III. Studying a new material:25 minutes

The teacher announces the subject of the lesson, formulates together with students:

    explore the structure of round worms;

    consider the development cycle of round worms;

    Conversation with students about the features of the organization of round worms (work with textbook text, p. 120-121). Students make conclusions on complication in the structure of round worms compared to flat worms.

The teacher notes:

    Division of the digestive system to departments.

    The oral hole moves to the front end of the body.

    The back of the intestine opens out the anal hole.

    The internal organs are "washed" with liquid filling primary cavity Body. It participates in the process of metabolism and in maintaining the body shape due to pressure on the body walls from the inside.

    Separation of floors.

    the body is covered with a dense cuticle;

    musculature consists of 4 longitudinal muscle tapes and allows you to curb the body;

    a special substance allocated by cells of its body protects it from digestion by the owner by juices;

    microscopic teeth surrounding mouth allow you to attach to the intestinal mucosa;

    very big fertility.

The cycle of the development of human askarid. Explanation of the teacher. Students look at the drawing in the textbook.

The teacher asks the question: "Does Askarids cause harm to man?"


    The host's body is depleted;

    Ascarides poison the body to the toxic products of exchange;

    Exact mechanical: in large quantities may cause obstruction or intestinal rupture.

Ways of infection

    River water

    Unwitted hands

    Bad washed fruits and vegetables


Prevention measures

    Do not drink raw water from rivers and lakes.

    Whether fighting flies.

    Dedicated ascarid burn.

    Do not use human excrement for fertilizer

    Comply with cleanliness

IV. Fastening the material.(5 minutes)

What's new you learned for today's lesson?

Why is round worms of the floor system well developed and there is no breathing?

V.. Homework : 2 minutes.

independently fill out the table "Systems of round worms"

System of organs


1. Body cover

1 layer of immersed cells and membrane form a skin-muscular bag

2. Digestive system

Mouth, mouth cavity, throat, esophagus, gut, anal hole. Some have cuticular grows - teeth.

3. Selective system

Unicellular skin glands.

4. Announced system.

Sense organs.

Occonditioning nervous ring; Nervous trunks (6) forward and (6) back are departed from the ring.

Developed weakly.

Touch: bristles or tubercles around the mouth.

Him feeling organs: on the sides of the brain.

Primitive eyes (some): Pigment stains.

5. Sex system

Separation. Sexual dimorphism (clear external differences).

Represented by the ovaries (in females) and the seed (in males).

Eggs are laying, there are niphence.

6. Respiratory and blood

No missing. Gas exchange and vehicles of substances - through diffusion.

Timing lesson:

Subject: Type of ring worms. Multi-point class.

Type of lesson: Lesson studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Objectives lesson:explore the class Multi-Point

Educational: To form students' presentings on the features of the organization of rill worms as the most evolutionarly advanced group of animals compared to flat and round worms; give the characteristic of the habitat, introduce a variety and value in the nature of multi-minded ring worms, their external and indoor structure and vital activity processes;

Developing: continue the formation of skills to recognize the studied animals, compare them, draw conclusions, work in groups; Continue forming the skills yourself to work with the text of the textbook, drawings;

Educational: bring up careful attitude towards nature; Respectful attitude towards "worms", to their right to exist, taking into account the complexity of their organization, their role in nature.

Equipment: Tables, drawings depicting the schemes of the structure of ringed worms, presentation of the lesson.

Planned results:

    Recognize in drawings and call the system of organs;

    Recognize and describe representatives of type Killed Worms, class Multi-Point Worms;

    Compare the structure of ringed and round worms organs.

Type flat worms. Type round worms. Type of ring worms.

1. Place of worms in the system of wildlife:

Empire: cellular forms of life

Treatment: Eukarota

Kingdom: Animals

Facilities: multicellular

Type Flat Worms Type Round Worms Type Ring Worms.

class Classified Worms Class Nematode Class ADRITIVE

class of loser class Multi-art

class of belt worms class leech

2. Fill out the table "The complication of the organization free-lived flat worms Compared to intestinal ".


Flat worms

1. Dvukhlaminy animals:

Outdoor layer - ...... ..

Inner layer - …….

1. There is a third embryonic leaf - ...... and its derivatives - muscular system And Parenchima. Musculature allows you to actively move.

2. Body symmetry - ... ..

2. Symmetry of the body - ... .., Ie, he can distinguish between the right and ..., abdominal and ... .. Parties.

3. Between the ecto- and entoderma - mesoglya, the structure of the substance (support plate).

3. Skin-muscular bag with parenchyma. Parenchima performs a reference role and serves as the place of deposits of spare nutrients (glycogen).

4. Diffuse nervous system.

4. Nervous system ...... Type. There are organs of vision, chemical feeling.

5. Intestinal cavity. Digestion intracellular and ...... ...

5. The intestine is formed ...... .. the intestine and ......... ...

Digestion ................ .

6. For the first time, the allocation authorities appeared - ..........

Take output.

3. Fill in the table "Variety of flat worms".

Class features


Class features


Class features

Ribbon worms




Strong flattening their body.

Cross body dismember (in many).

Attachment authorities (suckers, hooks, etc.)

The body is covered with a cuticle - a dense cover, thanks to which the worm is not digested by the digestive juice of the host.

Simplified or absent digestive system, blood and respiratory system, no sense organs.

Breathing anaerobic.

Unusual fertility (for the year chain can produce up to 800 mature segments, in each of them more than 50 thousand smallest eggs!)

5. Fill out the table "The complication of the organization of round worms compared to flat worms."

Flat worms

Round worms

1. The intervals between the internal organs are filled with parenchymal.

2. The digestive tube (intestines) ends blindly.

3. Most are hermaphrodites.

4. Central Nervous System: Paired Magazine Nervous Node and Longitudinal Nervous Stems

6. Fill in the table "The complication of the organization of rings compared to round worms."

Round worms

Killed worms

1. Segmentation of the body (5-800 segments) and external, and internal - it increased survival in damage to the body.

2. At the highest rings, the body is divided into departments: head, torso, anal blade.

3. .................. .. body cavity (whole).

4. The movement bodies - parapody, which in the course of evolution transformed into complex limbs of arthropods.

5. ..................... Blood System.

6. Respiratory organs of multi-art worms - Zhabra.

7. Allocation authorities - .........

8. The nervous system is presented:

paired stalls ...................... and ...........................

nervous chain.

7. Fill in the table "Features of the collaborative worms classes".

class of maloshetinkovye

multi-piece class

leech class







8. Terms and concepts:


Skin-muscular bag





Intermediate owner

Final owner




Internal fertilization




Purpose: Examine the type of flat worms.


1) educational:

  • consider the features of the organization of flat worms
  • identify the features of a high organization of flat worms compared to intestinal
  • develop and consolidate the skills and skills of students in the design thinking operations oral and writing.

2) Educational:

  • promote the development of students from the skills to carry out self-control, self-assessment of educational activities;

3) Developing:

  • continue forming to work with tables, text, compare, draw conclusions
  • improve the skills of independent and group work; The development of students' communicative abilities - the ability to listen to the opinions of comrades and justify their point of view and come to jointly

Type of lesson: Combined.

Training Means: Table "Flat Worms", distributing material, tutorial Zakharov, Sonin "Biology. Variety of living organisms.7 class "

During the classes

I. Organizational moment: remember the topic of past lessons (the type of intestinal)

II. Verification of knowledge: Test: (two options)

1 option

A1. Body response Hydra for external stimuli

  1. regeneration
  2. fertilization
  3. reflex
  4. binding

A2. Coral colonies form animals that belong to the type

  1. mollusks
  2. intestinal
  3. lankers
  4. simplest

A3. Body wall Hydra consists of ... layers

  1. one
  2. four

A4. Etoderma Hydra is not included

  1. skin-muscular cells
  2. crazy cells
  3. nerve cells
  4. digestive cells

A5. Between Etoderm and Entoderma Hydra is located

  1. support plate
  2. mesoglya
  3. hypodermis
  4. mesoderma

A6. The greatest accumulation of cutting cells at the hydra

  1. at the mouth and on the sole
  2. at the mouth and on the stem of the body
  3. at the mouth and on tentacles
  4. at the mouth and on the walls of the intestinal cavity

A7. The type of shepherds belongs

  1. actia
  2. ascidia
  3. omless
  4. guns

A8. Hydra dwells B.

  1. fresh reservoirs with rapid flow
  2. fresh reservoirs with standing water
  3. crumpled Limans
  4. seas and oceans

A9. The largest of famous jellyfish is

  1. cyania Antarctic
  2. cornerot.
  3. cross
  4. cassiopeia

A10. Intestinal (Gastric) cavity jellyfish

  1. simple mistry
  2. separated on the front and rear departments
  3. branched
  4. not expressed

IN 1. Choose signs related only to wallet animals

A) Three-layer body structure

B) bilateral symmetry

C) two-layer body structure

D) in the development cycle there is a polyp stage

E) the body consists of ectoderma, Entoderma Mesoderma

Option 2

A1. The formation of young sifoid jellyfish occurs as a result

  1. strobils
  2. bearing
  3. stagnation
  4. fragmentation

A2. Early free staging stage of jellyfish, shortly after their education is called

  1. morula
  2. ether
  3. nymph
  4. planuel

A3. According to the method of powering jellyfish

A4. Coral reefs are formed

  1. in polar seas
  2. in the seas of moderate latitude
  3. in tropical seas
  4. everywhere in the World Ocean

A5. For corals are not characteristic

  1. symbiosis with other organisms
  2. the formation of the stage of jellyfish
  3. binding
  4. sexual reproduction

A6. Body of intestinal

  1. does not have a cellular structure
  2. consists of one cell
  3. consists of ectoderma, entoderma and mesoderm
  4. consists of Etoderma and Entoderma

A7. Rauchery symmetry has

  1. river hydra
  2. planaria
  3. lancelet
  4. daphnya

A8. Craketing cells

  1. ring worm Nereda
  2. hydra
  3. actia
  4. jellyfish Aurelia

A9. The response to irritation of the river hydra is possible due to availability

  1. nervous tube
  2. nervous chain
  3. intermediate cells
  4. nervous network

A10. The ability to restore damaged and lost parts of the body either the whole organism is called

  1. degeneration
  2. regeneration
  3. sexual reproduction
  4. reflex

IN 1. Set the match between the characteristics of the lifestyle and the structure and different intestinal, for which these features are characteristic

A) habitat in the thickness of sea water 1) jellyfish

B) habitat in the bar of the surf 2) coral polyps

C) form colonies

D) do not form colonies

E) have a lime skeleton

E) do not have a lime skeleton


1 option

A1. A2. A3. A4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A10.
3 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 1 3

Option 2

A11 A12 A13. A14 A15 A16 A17 A18. A19. A20.
1 2 1 3 2 4 1 1 4 2

IN 1. 1 A G E 2 B V D

Below are the pupils for students who are printed and cut.


FULL NAME _________________________ Class _____ Option number ____

Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B1 - three answers in alphabetical order

III. Studying a new material:

1. Working with textbook text: Students find the characteristic of the type of flat worms. The teacher complements if necessary.

Body flat His shape is sheet (at the cereal and seasters) or a belt-shaped (in tape worms).

For the first time in the animal world, representatives of this type developed bilateral (bilateral) body symmetry, i.e., through the body, it is possible to carry out only one longitudinal plane of symmetry, dividing it into two mirror-like parts.

In addition to Ektoderma and Entoderm, they still have a medium germinal sheet - Mesoderm. Therefore, they are considered the first three-layer animals. The presence of three germinal leaflets gives the basis for the development of various organ systems.

Body wall forms knee-muscular bag - Summary of outdoor single-layer epithelium and several layers of muscles - ring, longitudinal, oblique and spinal abdominal. Therefore, the body of flat worms can make complex and varied movements.

Body cavity absent, Since the space between the body wall and the internal organs filled with loose mass of the cells - parenkhima.It performs a reference function and serves as a depot of spare nutrients.

2. Characteristics of organ systems: independent filling of the table: (work with text)

White Planaria organs

System organs organs
Digestive system Mouth, throat, intestines
Selective system represented by protonphritis - channels, blindly starting in the mesenchym and body sides;
Nervous system. consists of one or two nerve nodes (ganglia) in front of the body and longitudinal nerve trunks connected by transverse ring jumpers
Sense organs. Developed weakly. Skin cilia. Primitive pigment gdaski. Equilibrium authorities
Sex system Hermaphrodites. Warry glands and a complex system of ducts
Respiratory and circulatory No missing.

3. Conversation with students about the peculiarities of the organization of flat worms.

Students draw conclusions about complications in flat round worms compared to intestinal. During the conversation, the table is filled:

Traits similarities and differences in intestine and flat worms

4. Fizminutka

5. Discussion

Issues for discussion:

  1. What are the general signs of flat worms?
  2. What progressive changes occurred in flat worms in the process of evolution?
  3. What are flat worms and hydra?
  4. What is the complication of the structure of the white planaria compared to hydra?

6. Fastening material

The task on cards is given. After completing the task, checks.

Write down the numbers of the names of organs and their parts corresponding to a specific system of organs

Digestive system_______________________

Sectional system _________________________

Nervous system._______________________________

Sex system ________________________________

1. Semenniki

2. Roth hole

4. ovarian

6. Nervous trunks

7. Branched Canal

8. Skin-muscular bag

IV. Homework: Textbook text to flat worms classes

V. Results on the subject of the lesson:conversation with students.


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