The best ways to singe a booth without gas. It's cheaper to burn the cabins (gas, firewood, electrics, wood, diesel).

The best ways to singe a booth without gas. It's cheaper to burn the cabins (gas, firewood, electrics, wood, diesel).

Really provide a cheap and effective scorching system. The electric convector is based on the principle of natural air circulation. As the heat rises, the heat moves upward, thereby stimulating the flow of air in the middle of the room, and ensuring the uniformity of its heating. However, the convector is less effective in warm climates if the temperature does not drop below 10-15 degrees.


  • The presence of Primus in the air. In a clean house there are solid particles that lie on the surfaces. When exposed to warm air from heating, this saw becomes part of the wind that we breathe. The natural circulation of the wind is less active, so the water in the wind does not rise.
  • Small dimensions for sufficient effort. The heating elements of the convectors heat up quickly, converting the electricity into heat with an efficiency factor of up to 80%. In addition, there is a system of operation in different modes, as well as thermostats, which allow you to work not all the time, but only at low outside temperatures.
  • Mobility, which allows you to move the convector into a room, in a place with maximum cold flow.
  • The possibility of creating a heating system including additional convectors or using them as a warehouse or folding heating system.
  • The electric heating element does not heat up above 100 degrees, and the housing does not heat up above 60 degrees. There are looming advances in the protection of water, which allows you to install a convector in the kitchen and in the bathrooms.


  • The disadvantages of electric convectors are the installation of heating units near the every room.
  • In addition, if you turn them on at the same time, it is possible to exceed the permissible pressure.

However, minuses can be turned to pluses by installing a relay for sequential activation of the heaters. The relay allows you to create a stable temperature in the booth, reduce the cost of electricity and keep it within the permissible pressure range. Another argument for the rustiness of the convector system - the stench will not go away right away. Replacing one or two accessories without losing heat is not difficult.

The photo shows an electric convector from Nobo, Norway.

Method 2 - pipe parts of electric heaters

Transfer heat from a tubular electric heater to heat transfer on a rare basis. Call it warm water and water, and sometimes antifreeze. The principle of arranging heaters is the same as in electric kettles They are also called heaters and oil radiators. In fact, it is a boiler, placed in a vessel with water. The efficiency factor of such devices is high, and heat loss for heating is minimal.


  • The undoubted advantages of tubular heaters include their safety, reliability of operation and versatility of operation.
  • There may be vicorins in both gas-like and rare media.
  • Don't worry about vibrations and don't be afraid of vibrations or impacts.
  • Heating pipe parts are produced in a variety of design solutions, which allows for economical burning private sadiba Electrics do not destroy the aesthetics of the interior.


Heating shadows move with high intensity through the roads of metal, as they vibrate during fermentation. The debris on the tubes will cause scale to form, it is necessary.

A tubular radiator is a thin-walled metal tube with a spiral in the middle, so if you do not need particularly high temperatures, you need to use a heater with carbon steel tubes. If the device is subject to a consistently high temperature or operates in an aggressive environment, it is necessary to use a stainless steel device.

The photo shows the pipe parts of the electric heater, made by hand

Method 3 - heat underlay

Like one thing is scorched, they vibrate to brighten the coriander area, then. control scorching without burning radiators. Cream of that equal division The heat in the room will cause a change in the saw in the wind. I recommend purchasing electric pads from the heating mats - this will significantly simplify installation.

Method 4 - electric boiler with TEN

Popularity is indicated by its security, low level of courage and reliability. Most residents are concerned about TENEW boilers - they are much cheaper than electrode and induction boilers, and they are easy to maintain.

However, through the use of thermoelectric heating (TEN), such burning cannot be called economical. In addition, before purchasing, I recommend that you check the operating mode of local electrical measures - it is possible that the measures will not meet the required requirements and the purchase will turn out to be a waste.

In the photo there is an electric boiler KOSPEL, Poland

Method 5 - induction boiler

This transformer has two types of windings. The vortex jets that vibrate go behind the short-circuited coil, which is the boiler body. The secondary winding then absorbs energy, which is converted into heat, which heats the coolant.

Induction boilers heat the unit quickly, can operate at low voltage and do not cause parts to go out of order. The efficiency factor of such a boiler is at least 100% and does not expire during operation.

In the photo there is a 9.5 kW EPO Evan induction boiler, Russia

Method 6 - electrode boiler

In the middle there are electrodes that perform the function of the heating element. When a stream passes through the core, heat is visible. This means that in electrode boilers there is no heating element, on which scale could build up. The absence of scale makes it easier to use.

Electric boilers are highly reliable and operate much faster than the heating pipes. In addition, the smells are small in size, which is very handy for a living room. Brought to shortfalls high vimogi to the countryside, which vikoristovuetsya as a warm-carrier. The water must be specially collected. Most often, antifreeze burns out but is exclusive - it’s available from a retailer.

In the photo there is an electrode boiler Galan, Russia

Method 7 - infrared heaters (the most economical)

Infrared heaters are considered the most economical of all types of electric heaters. They do not need heating shades or water pipes. Infrared heaters heat objects and even places they are not placed in. Then the heated objects heat up in the air. Just as an electric boiler can be connected to a kettle, an infrared boiler can be connected to a microfiber stove.

Particularly popular infrared panels. They are installed on the stele and walls of living and burial spaces. The heating area is increased, and the room becomes warmer than before. Such a panel can be installed either independently for heating or as an addition to the existing system. Infrared heaters using electric boilers are welcome. For example, the infrared heater can be turned on only in spring and autumn, if you turn it on early, or if it’s very cold outside.

In the photo there is an infrared panel GROHE, Germany


  1. We respect that the scorched booth with electricity is not cheap. This is crazy, because mothers are deprived of payment for tariffs. However, before the price of the fire, it is necessary to add the cost of ownership, as well as spend on its maintenance and repairs.
  2. As soon as you pay for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, you can go back to the point where it is cheaper to burn private electricity, stoves and other alternative gas-fired systems.
  3. Besides the pennies, there is another argument for the benefit of electrical heating - it saves time: stop, eat and forget. The downside is that Raptovoy has no electrical connection.

It’s amazing to see the video about how you managed to build a great private booth cheaper than being burned by an electrician.

Whoever wants to get his life behind the place. But when you wake up, a problem arises. How and with what do you burn a farmhouse? Zazvichay, na land deals There is no possibility of connection to the central firing. So you need to think about which type is better for speeding up.

A decade of fate has come to the skin of the hairless budinka, trying to gasify his life. Nina’s situation changed in a little while. Other ways of heating the booth have appeared. And prices for heating premises have increased several times.

That's why many owners of private buildings began to think about alternative methods of burning. Below we describe the options for scorching batches.

When you wake up the cabin, you can install a wood burning system far from the gas line. With this option, it is better to burn the castle booth. How does a wood stove work?

The operating principle of this design is the same: you buy a stove, put firewood in it and heat it. When wood is burned, the stove becomes hot. It gives off its heat and warms up when returned to the cabin.

Given the simplicity of the design, this method of scorching may a number of advantages:

  • It is necessary to warm up the oven;
  • does not damage installations, pumps or pipes;
  • the reliability of the design allows you to vikorystvovat given the most difficult time;
  • Buying firewood won't cost you a lot of pennies.

None of the old potbelly stoves are alike at all times.

The design and mechanism of the stove are divided in such a way that the installation produces a lot of heat and operates for a long time just like a wood burner.

In the qiu system, a boiler can be installed. When buying a boiler, it is better to choose a design polymeric type. With such a boiler, heat is generated through the combustion of combustion gases. This type of boiler room operates without electricity.

Below we will understand how a solid burning boiler works. When the temperature rises and when there is increased moisture, the acid disintegrates into gases and solids. It is sometimes possible to reduce the maximum heat output from a burning fire.

Now let's write about cons this type of scorching:

  • All the furnace installations are large in size, so you have to think carefully about where to put them; The stove's capacity is too high, and it will not be possible to install the stove on its own;
  • you will need an additional storage space to save firewood. It is very important that there is enough firewood for the entire burning period;
  • if improperly selected, the products of this mountain may be unsafe for people;
  • it is necessary to plaster the pipe;
  • With large areas of the booth, the heated rooms are not evenly heated.

Scorching for help vugilla

As we wrote above, you can burn a farmhouse without gas with the help of a stove. Ale, the fragments of firewood in some regions on the right are folded, you can see the option of burning a batch of wood on hard firewood.

These furnaces and boilers have special temperature regulation sensors. Zastosuvannya stone wugill When you're hot, a lot of lazy summer speeches are lost.

Folded with:

  • heat exchanger;
  • fireboxes that are in the process of burning;
  • grate

The heat exchanger vibrates with chavunu or else steel. Therefore, in the markets, it is important that the presentations became the same. Steel boilers produce low heat when combined with steam boilers. The reliability of boilers made from these materials is very high, and you are unlikely to damage the boiler structure

Before the pros
Coal furnaces can provide greater durability and greater heat output. Such a burning system does not involve any visible electrical energy.

Well, then it’s better to purchase it in advance and provide storage for its proper preservation.

Electrically scorched

If the farmhouse is located very close to the electrical circuit, it is possible to burn the farmhouse with electricity. The farmhouse will be heated not by an electrician, but by heated water.

How to control the electrical heating system

First, what you need to earn, buy a boiler for heating water.

In stores, they are presented in different sizes, with one or more contours. System with one circuit It only warms up the daylight hours. System with a sub-circuit heats water for the bathroom and kitchen. As a rule, two boilers are installed. And in summer hour One of them is simply turned on. Another heats water for special needs.

Types of electric cauldrons

For private cabins, as a rule, wall-mounted or under-mounted electric boilers are installed.

Podlogovi boilers May have a larger size and range. Therefore, they need to be installed on a horizontal surface.

The water that comes near the boiler heats up and expands. Because of this, the water pressure is increasing, and the village is collapsing on its own with pipes leading to the radiators. They heat up and heat the entire booth. When the water cools down, it turns back into the cauldron to heat up. The entire system is a closed loop.

Inodes are installed boiler with Primus water circulation system. For this purpose there will be an additional pump and a tank.

If electricity is supplied to the cabin, but a water heating system is not installed, you can use other heating options. Nowadays, convenience stores can stock various types of heaters that operate using electrical energy. Get ready to buy oils

For the sake of the thoughts of the koristuvachs, their food is even worse. Some prefer gas and subsidies, others prefer electricity, which is a cheaper and simpler way. Still others believe that it is possible to live in warmth and prosperity without a solid burning boiler. We will look at all the used methods, based on current prices.

It’s important to note that for everyday conditions it is not possible to install robots from the possession or re-equipment of the scorching system into the booth yourself. For this purpose, it is necessary to quickly use the services of professional specialized companies, which finish all the robots safely.

Gas-burning booth

If the tariff is not greedy (in 2017 the growth rate is as high as 7 UAH per cubic meter, and tomorrow it could be as much as 10), then gas heating will undoubtedly save its dust. A boiler with batteries in every room or a small convector in the living room - and from now on it will be warm and quiet. It is not surprising that as recently as twenty years ago, the production of this natural mine was experiencing a boom. Main gas pipelines were brought to the deepest villages. The owners of private booths, with joy and relief, connected to them everything that was in the booth: tiles, stoves, stones, boiler equipment. It was inexpensive, clean and without any physical fuss.

The hours have changed, and today's gas is burning - the road is happy. According to the standards established for 2017, 5 cubic meters per month are spent on 1 square meter of area in a house. The number of traces is multiplied by the coefficient that is moving. For private booths the price is 1.14. So, if the area of ​​the booth is 100 square meters, we can:

  • 100x5x1, 14 = 570 cubic meters.

However, the monthly norms are clearly too low. The fact is that the average booth is 100 square meters. m. draft is close to 700 cubic meters in the cold winter. Multiply by the tariff 6.89. Sign in 4823 – up to 5 thousand hryvnia per month. 30,000 for the entire winter hour. Quite a sum, obviously not everyone likes it. If it is possible to withdraw subsidies from the state, it can be drowned. It's not even more expensive.

Reducing blood pressure levels can be achieved in several ways:

  • Remember the adaptation of the old zrazka to the current one and save money.
  • Insulate the booths: install airtight seals plastic windows, cover the façade with an insulating ball.

In this case, you can achieve a significant reduction, which corresponds to the established standards - 500 cubic meters per average booth. Then you will pay less, in the range of 20,000 hryvnia per winter period. Before this, you have to pay significant pennies for insulating the cabin. You can also protect it in the old-fashioned way - close a few rooms in severe frost, driving out all the bags to one - overwinter. І burn more than її. It’s economical and effective, but in terms of comfort, I want to cry.

Burning the booth with electricity

As a heat source under electricity, a number of types are transferred:

1. Electric boiler

A powerful alternative to gas. The same principle of heating the surroundings is lost. The heating element heats the water. A pump with an electric motor circulates through the pipes and into the radiators. Handy, shvidko. However, the same problems that arise from gas ownership will be eliminated. Stationary electrics are damaged in cold weather - and the water in the pipes freezes, defying the laws of physics.

You will be deprived of a cold cabin and an accident in the heating system. Tom obov'yazkova umova when switching to electric heating, buy a generator. Be sure to pay attention to the strength you need and create a reserve of 20-30% in case of any emergency. Then you are taking away a wonderful reserve of electricity for your home.

To properly heat the booth, select an electric boiler of the required power. These units are equipped with automatic thermostats and climate control systems. Once the oven is heated to the required temperature, the appliances will become wet. This regime has a stench:

  • The little one has 60 square meters. The pressure of the cauldron is 3-4 kW. Thrust 2 kW per hour. For dobu – 50 kW. For a month – 1500. Multiplied by the average tariff for electricity, we get about 3 thousand. hryvnia – monthly income, 18,000 – seasonal. Cheaper, no gas burning.
  • The average cabin with 100-120 square meters requires an electric boiler of 5-6 kW. Yogo dobova norm of consumption is 75-80 kW. Payment becomes 4000-4500 per month. Savings in price gas scorching - 10-20%.

2. Local electrical heating

This means installing special shades at the base and on the walls. The TEN is a metal tube, in the middle of which there is a spiral with a high support. It gets very hot when the electricity is running. The method of heating with shades is considered the most comfortable - there are no pipes or radiators, no water that freezes in cold weather. The floor is warm under your feet, the walls are warm, and the cabin is quiet. The cost of electricity is lower, the boiler cost is lower by 15-20%, and in this way, the payment for services is reduced, compared to gas by 30-40%.

Before local electrical scorching and the destruction of various electrical heaters. These are wall and frame fittings that supply heat. There are a number of types:

  • Spiral. The cheapest, or the least reliable. The shvidko burns out and is left to dry too much.
  • Olive radiators. Retains heat after soaking. Not long enough - the dimensions and the unpleasant smell of hot oil.
  • Fan heaters. Create a stream of hot air. And high-pressure heat sources that can heat a large area in just a few minutes. The downside is that it is very noisy.
  • Infrared. Noiseless heating. Minus: It is difficult to adjust the thermostat to a high temperature: more than 15-18 degrees. It's a little cold for the house.
  • Ceramic panels are heaters of a new generation. The principle of heating is that a large ceramic panel is heated. It's getting really hot - 80-5-95 degrees. There is heat in the wind, there is climate control, a thermostat. Innovative system of energy saving - another 30%. By installing such panels on the walls instead of the original radiators, you will save on burning. Twice cheaper, less gas.

Similar to thermal control you might know at a specialized store - gardening equipment.

Thus, all electrical heating systems will cost less than burning gas. If there is a stench, there may be a small amount of dirt - lie in the parameters of the stationary electrical system. Such borders, especially behind the site, are often planted and weak. During winter, the pressure on them is maximum, and all electrical equipment is turned on in all booths. The voltage drops significantly, apparently instead of 220 Volts 180-190 or perhaps 160 Volts. These are critical show-offers.

Common electric heaters cannot operate at low voltage. It turns out that the stench is less effective in mild cold - 5-10 degrees Celsius. To eliminate this problem, buy stabilizers to control and level the voltage. Therefore, you can only switch your alarm system to electric heating if:

  • Electrical settings parameters
  • The power supply is not turned off often.
  • The cabin has a voltage stabilizer and a gasoline generator (in reserve).
  • The booth is small (50-60 square meters) - so you can effectively protect it.

Burning the booth with firewood

Just like at the end of the last century, having experienced a boom in main gas, then the rest of the rocks The dust was taken over by the wood burning cauldrons. The stench is drowned out by wood and peat briquettes. There are several ways to remove the burning:

  • The first option is a no-win option. Prepare your own firewood. Cut down a tree from the nearest fox. Clean the logs, saw and chop them. With the use of a gasoline lance saw and a wood splitter, it is awkward on the right. It’s time to go out without cats, so as not to be law-abiding forever. Cutting down a tree in a forest is only possible unless there is a special permit.
  • Another option is to buy logs (blocks) or already have firewood ready.

Not stabbed tsurkas are sold for 200-300 UAH. per cubic meter The blank machine (6 cubic meters) costs 1.5 – 2 thousand. For a medium-sized booth for the winter, stretch one machine, or better yet, two. Price 3000–4000 hryvnia for the whole season. This sum is less than the minimum amount of gas or electricity for one cold month.

A machine of dry, chopped firewood ready for use costs 5-6 thousand hryvnia. Two cars, for great budinka 10000–12000. Gas at this point is about 5000 per month or 30 per whole burning season. Electric heating - 4 thousand per month, 24 for the whole winter. And you will run out of firewood before the onset of frost.

For peat briquettes, take 2-3 tons for the cold season. One ton costs about 2000. It costs 6000 throughout the winter. It's also very inexpensive.

Firewood is very convenient, economical and environmentally friendly. In order to get the warmth and benefit from a garnet when purchasing, you need to choose a tree that is dry and hard - it gives more sinter.

Scorching the Vugillian's booth

Heating vugilliam is an old way of heating a country house. Before the advent of gas pipelines, they were the only and most efficient. Advantages:

  • Kam'yana vugilla has a great heat output.
  • It is not afraid of moisture, like wood sparrows - it is preserved forever.
  • Now available in manual packaging.

Tim more, ecologists have long stopped making noise about the topic of what coal rocks are, what they burn, and what the atmosphere is like. As much as the price and wastage of pennies, there is a lot left over depending on the variety, breed and scorching system. The pizza needs more coal, otherwise the heat will be gone for another hour after it burns hotly.

The current solid burning apparatus on vugilla has a larger combustion chamber, which provides heat to the area for 10-12 years per application. It’s really easy: just throw in cebro 2-3 times and it won’t be cold all day long.

Automatic puffing puffs up the coals that are smoldering at a low ambient temperature. For a booth of average area - 70-100 square meters, a 10 kW unit is required. Vin can survive 1 cup of vugill in mild cold, 2-3 in frost, 5-6 in extreme cold. According to average statistics, you need at least 4 tons of vugill for the winter.

By sorting:

  • The best heat-generating material is anthracite, ale vin and the most expensive, costing 3-3.5 thousand per ton. Zagalom – 12000-15000. Chips are more expensive, firewood is lower, but gas and electricity are incredibly cheaper.
  • Sorting of medium sizes with 10,000 kishen for the winter season.
  • Other varieties are the cheapest. Usyogo 7-8 thousand. their dressing is required. This is a different type - cleansing with a carbon saw. Vin is expensive by 30%, and even more so for automatic heating devices.

Pouch selection:

  • Gas heating is good if it is koshti, and the premises are insulated.
  • Electrical heating is a good alternative to gas heating, saving 20-30%, but you need to protect yourself from the voltage, power, and moisture.
  • Firewood and firewood are the cheapest and most economical method. By installing the boiler on solid firewood, you will save 3-4 times the cost of heating during the winter. Installation pays off quickly, but it’s more work - you need to avoid fires and add fire.

If you need industrial equipment for scorching, then you need to contact the specialists at store, who will select the appropriate equipment to suit your needs. Before speaking, the store is giving our garnet a discount. Bargain - buy wisely!

For every living room, which has a large apartment apartment, there is one and two-top type for the privacy of the home, greater significance I can organize effective burning. There are plenty of other options for burning these days, but due to technical capabilities, the booths can be connected to gas. It will never be possible to ensure the required firing capacity of solid-fired or rare-fired boilers. In such situations, the booth will be scorched by the electrician.

Already at the stage of designing the electrical heating system, it is possible to develop a solution so that this heating method will be much cheaper and more economical. It is more important to maintain the fluidity of electrical installations and the installation of other types of combustion systems. Economy is an important decision by the chief official when selecting a burning system. Regardless of the fact that today's electrical appliances are steadily becoming more expensive, new technologies make it possible to use electric heating devices with high efficiency.

Electrical burns in your cabin - the main advantages and disadvantages

Under the concept of electrical combustion, be aware of a wide range of technical capabilities and capabilities. Electricity is a unique type of piecemeal energy that can be successfully used for everyday purposes. Electrical combustion can be of two types:

  • with intermediate heat transfer;
  • From direct heat transfer.

The first option deals with a system based on an electric boiler that heats up the coolant and expands it with a piping system. On the other hand, we are talking about independent heating elements and devices that work in electrical lines. To heat the cabin, as well as any other space, convectors, electric heat fans, spiral and infrared heaters are actively used. This method of scorching is much simpler from a technical point of view. The only downside is the significant over-consumption of electricity that will have to be paid for. In addition, Rozmov deserves the warmth of the substrate, a technology that makes it possible to properly achieve comfort in heating living areas.

Once you consider the differences between the capabilities and benefits that come with comparing electrical burning with other types of burning, electrical work will look better. The main advantage of electrical systems is high KKD. Until other positive points, please reserve the following:

  • durability of operating systems;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • You can spend pleasantly on the purchase of equipment, installation and connection.
  • the robot is silent high rhubarb safety of daily electric heating installations;
  • availability permissible documents for the installation of electrical combustion systems.

An economical effect is achieved by installing thermostats on electric heating panels, which automatically switches on and turns off the electricity.

The list of pros is offset by one minus. To install enough heating electrical appliances into the cabin, the electric boiler will require additional equipment of the living cabin with electrical outlets and accessories.

Important! Spending time in the cabin may bring out the most important things, especially in the cold season. In addition to everything, electric rebel shield It is necessary to have a rich tariff plan, which allows you to intensively use the current cheap tariff. The main task when installing electrical systems lies in optimizing the operation of the entire complex.

Electric boiler or convector - what's the difference? Why do you want to lose your respect?

From a technological point of view, the electric boiler is the most advantageous in terms of reasonable price and efficiency. Before you buy, you should carefully consider the technical capabilities and characteristics of the models presented on the market. Assessing the capabilities of the boiler, it is necessary to install the necessary equipment so that the new owners will have to deal with it. To burn a booth with an area of ​​150 m 2, you will need at least 150 kW of electricity per supply. Not every boiler can cope with such a problem, but not all power lines can handle such a problem.

The boiler is connected to a standard water heating system, heating the coolant during its operation.

The leather model is equipped with a design that allows people to independently choose the temperature regime. The automation itself regulates the heat of the boiler according to the specified parameters, without requiring human intervention, ensuring the necessary saving of electrical equipment. The water supply is self-regulated by an additional pump, so there is no reason for the system to worry about normal pressure. The additional equipment that most current models of electric boilers are equipped with today increases the functionality of the system and is aimed at reducing energy consumption, saving your money.

During the robot optimization process, it is important to take into account heat losses and power distribution. This indicator lies in the middle of the thickness of the walls, the presence of insulation, the number of doors and window openings. The main loss of heat occurs through windows and doors.

The efficiency of heating depends on the parameters of the selected model of electric cauldron. There are classic boilers with TENs, as well as effective current options - induction and electrode (ion). In this case, the stench has a coeffect of 90%.

For finishing: Most often, manufacturers write KKD models in their documents for goods – 95-98%. The numbers look hostile, although in reality the figures are much lower, in the range of 90-92%.

With one-hour vikoristanny great amount electrical household appliances, the heat transfer temperature of the electrical heating system can be changed, benefiting from a balanced supply of electrical energy. A specific type of skin provides a variety of options for savings, in addition to the replacement of other scorching systems. For example, an area of ​​50 m2 will require an electric boiler with a power of 3 kW. With the necessary numbers at your fingertips, it’s not at all difficult to figure out how many kilos will be spent over the course of a month. uninterrupted work cauldron

For example:

  • area of ​​the booth - 50 m2;
  • electric cauldron - power 3 kW;

Robimo arithmetic calculations using the following formula: 3x24x30, where 24 is the number of years to harvest, 30 is the number of days per month. We take 2160 kW per month at the current rate, and now we multiply this figure by the electricity tariff that is set in your region.

All developments are approximate. The correct consumption of electricity will be visible in about an hour. Only then can you create an independent adjustment of the robotic combustion system in the booth, considering the usefulness of the operation of other electrical devices.

If you need to organize heating in a hot house without laying mains and establishing a numerical control, you can get by with convectors. In contrast to electric water heating in convectors, the main operating principle is based on the convection of warm air. The operation of the heating elements results in excessive heating. The system is practically completely autonomous, compact and able to quickly warm up small internal spaces.

Convectors are equipped with temperature regulators, which help you set optimal heating parameters. The presence of automation will ensure that the device is automatically warmed up/closed according to the temperature regime in the middle of the room. To install heaters of this type, you need a mother bright sockets and carried out reliably.

Convectors can be installed either on the walls or on the base. When cooled, it sinks downwards, dissipating the heating elements in the field, heats up again and rises up, and so on in a closed stake. In this way, the process of convection of airborne masses is achieved. The operating mode for heating convectors should be set to 60-100 0 C. Additional spaces can be equipped with fans to speed up the air exchange of the heated mass. Regardless of the simplicity of the design that is created, and the elementary principle of operation, heating the space using convectors works unevenly. Under the shower the air will be warm, while the cold air below will be felt.

To achieve savings with the use of convectors, it is enough to carry out a simple mathematical analysis, which allows you to determine the number of devices required for normal heating of the room. Practice shows that convectors are effective in heating small-sized wooden housing and household buildings. In capital stone units with significant areas placed, it is insufficient to vikorize convectors. The heat is rising quickly, and the hour for heating the area with the convection of the heated oils is increasing significantly. Therefore, the energy consumption of the burning system increases.

Warmth underlay - economical scorching of a private booth

An electric boiler or convectors are not the only option to provide a private cabin with an effective combustion system that operates as a result of power cuts. The heat of the lining, which has become fashionable these days, can be installed in farmhouses and in apartments and can become a great alternative to any other option for burning. According to physics, there is no noticeable effect of heat in the heating of living areas, however, with the operation of other electric heating devices, the amount of warm water can be reduced energy consumption for burning.

The desired effect is achieved through the use of rational heat distribution. The subtext, as you know, is the coldest part of anything. Zavdyaki warm excuses The coldest part of the space is automatically repurposed from a refrigeration unit to a thermal energy source. Heat from below over the entire area of ​​the premises and rise to the top with even flows. For residential use, the use of floor heating provides savings of 30-40%; for heating other premises, savings can be 50% or more.

With the help of temperature regulators, optimal heating parameters are achieved. Having independently emerged from temperature regime In the middle of the premises you can actually achieve the current energy savings.

The advantages of a warm excuse are:

  • an effective way to quickly warm up the container;
  • pleasant economical displays;
  • a comfortable microclimate in the middle of the room is maintained (the sauerkraut does not burn);
  • simplicity and reliability in operation.

Regardless of the heat of the substrate, only a small part of this version of electric burning seems unsafe. The problem lies in the difficulty of installing such a scorching system, due to the need to reorganize the coating for the substrate.

Forward rozrakhunok vartosti vitrat na opalenya in this type of attack:

The target power of standard models, which is used in practice, is 1.5 kW per 10 m 2. We take into account the average calculation and estimate a figure of 360 kW. To accommodate other sizes of dimensions, follow the principle that the tightness changes proportionally to the flatness.

For finishing: 360 kW x 2.5 (tariff 2.5 rubles, estimated) costs 900 rubles. Nina, I’ll take the figure and multiply it by real square meters, for example 50 m 2. The result may be a figure of 4,500 rubles.

Today there is a great choice of options to achieve the necessary comfort in the middle of a living room, vikorist and electrical combustion.

Each of us has the right to choose which burning option suits us best. An electric boiler, a heating pad or an electric heating device are the options for setting the temperature. You can solve the problem globally by creating a capital fire system or fixing the power supply locally. You can achieve savings at any time by rationally equipping your cabin with heating elements, reducing costs in the premises and optimizing the operation of the entire energy system in the cabin.


Apparently, the most efficient energy source for the heating system of a private cabin is the main one natural gas. In addition, the currently automated boiler room is equipped with the ability to dispense with gas and make it as safe as possible. How can you secure a cheaply-burning alarm booth, since in the near future there is no possibility of connecting the alarm booth to the gas main?

What's the cheapest way to scorch an alarm box - we've found ways

Principles of energy selection

The economical heating of a private cabin is based on the availability and availability of heat transfer. When choosing a track, focus not only on the flow distribution (for example, the ability to obtain wood or diesel fuel at lower prices than the average market price or to extract woodcuts without damage) but will greatly appreciate and prospects.

If there is no gas, you need to select at least two alternative jerels energy – for the main and duplicating source of heat. This approach makes it possible to protect the cabins from serious problems associated not only with the low temperature in the living areas, but also with the defrosting of the water heating system.

Before assessing the economics of energy supplies (except for the main gas), you should look at the types of burning that are most accessible to the average person.

For example, between the gates you can bring a sunny collector, the fragments of which can only be seen as an additional source of energy through those that have sunny days in the main territory of Russia insufficiently, in addition, It's not cheap.

Also, the heat pump is still unnecessary - it generates free energy, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to replace the electrical system. Plus, the system is difficult to install and will require significant expenses for professional development and daily life.

In this manner, it drains to the list of available coolants:

  • gas storage in cylinders (installation of a gas tank requires a one-time investment of serious costs);
  • diesel fuel (diesel fuel);
  • electrician;
  • simple firewood;
  • Vugilla;
  • pellets;
  • Eurowood.
Respect! If you have access to such fire as cheap peat briquettes, you can open their displays for leveling using a method described below.

Rozrakhunok vitrat on the bedroom

To figure out how to heat your home without spending a lot of money, you need to calculate the level of skin heat available to you.

First of all, before you begin to decompose, it is important to consider the units of calculating the amount of energy and bring them into balance, so as not to compare cubic meters with kilograms. Besides electricity, all other types of fire can be measured in kilograms.

Thankfully, it would be better to singe a small budinok, fold this table beautifully:

EnergyVart_st 1kgCalorific value of building (kW/year per 1 kg of firewood)Variety 1 kW/yearThe amount of heat required for a booth with an area of ​​100 m 2 during the burning season (kW/year)Rozrahunkov expenses for the seasonBoiler control valveReal expenses for the season
Diesel fuel
Electricity (single tariff scheme)
Electricity (rich tariff scheme)

To select the most economical option for a private booth, fill in the empty columns of the table.

To fight like this:

  • Stovpets 2. The level of skin energy supply is included, focusing on the current price in the region of residence or the price at which you can afford to pay for this product. Don't forget to bring units up to kilograms (including electricity).
  • Stovpets 4. In order to protect the cost of 1 kW of extracted thermal energy, it is necessary to divide the price of 1 kg of fuel into the consumed calorific value (the value of column 2 is divided into the value of column 3).
  • Stovpets 5. Orientation values ​​are included here (the end of the burning season is 180 dB, the average rate of thermal energy generation per year is 5 kW for a house of 100 m 2, 5 × 24 × 180 = 21600 kW/year). Please enter the number determined as a result of an accurate thermal analysis of your alarm.
  • Stovpets 6. To calculate the expenses for the season, multiply the values ​​of the expenses by 4 and 5.
  • Stovpets 8. Rozrahunkov waste must be divided into the boiler unit CCD, so that the waste must be stored in order to ensure the efficiency of the boiler.

Then, having leveled the displays in the rest of the situation, you can figure out how much cheaper it is to burn the booth in your area.

However, in what appears to be the most economical way to ensure warmth in your home, you must consider low other factors so that you do not end up disappointed with your choice.

Handiness of the vikoristan

The burning system is not only efficient and economical, but also comfortable to use. The less trouble there is, the better, the amount of money left to support its functioning and the intermediate costs for burning.

The strength of the fireplace used to warm the booth is assessed based on very specific criteria:

  • ease of maintenance of the heat generator, its maintainability;
  • the needs of the warehouse are burning, whatever is needed for it;
  • the handiness of the shodden vikoristan (feeding the fire).
Increase your respect! Evaluate the heat according to the stated criteria following the identification of the characteristics of the boiler units. For example, boiler Trivalogo gorіnya on vugilla it is unsurprisingly stronger than a standard solid-burning stove. Then, from now on, get the variety of heating you can afford.


  1. Indisputable leaders - electric boilers, stinks, the maximum they can get out - sometimes clean the contacts that have oxidized.
  2. Propane gas boiler - maintenance without vibration, cleaning of igniter, igniter, etc. it is necessary approximately once every two days.
  3. Pellet boiler. Once a week you have to clean the combustion chamber, and once a week you have to clean the fire chamber.
  4. Coil and wood-fired boilers, stoves – regularly require cleaning from ash, but this indicator is heavily deposited in the heating structure and can be stored once per day up to once per two months or more. May require frequent cleaning of the dimar.
  5. Solar boiler. Depending on the characteristics of the unit, you can work without sacrificing the gas boiler, or you can constantly “be capricious”, which will result in you systematically blowing out the nozzles.

Folding paliva:

  1. Electricity will not require storage. However, in the event of an emergency, a diesel electric generator is recommended. And under this unit itself it is necessary to remove the heat from the fire.
  2. Scorching in a private hut for additional firewood, eurowood, pellets clearly reveals a place for storage, and in case of burning prepared from Tirsi, it is obligatory to close the dry place. It is also recommended to save firewood, having collected it from fallen trees, since the higher the moisture content of the tree, the lower its heat output.
  3. Vugilla. It is kept in a specially designated place, it gets very hot and falls with a saw, which is not very easy for the vikoristan.
  4. Gas cylinders. It is important to save money in a safe container, it is necessary to go through the fire safety. The priority should be given to the underground reservoir - gas tank.
  5. Containers made from diesel fuel. They are stored in a nearby place in the boiler room, transferred to the cabin, and the burning fragments leave a sharp, unpleasant odor. However, today it is not uncommon to install a diesel fuel tank under the ground, like a gas holder. It is worth using a manual system from a vicoristan, otherwise it will become more expensive.

Handiness of the vikoristan:

  1. It is easier to burn with electricity, since the heat dissipation does not require daily handing.
  2. Fill pellet boilers with fire approximately once every two days or less (keep in the volume of the bunker), and change the cylinders at approximately the same frequency when scorched by rarefied gas. A carbon coal boiler of a dry furnace can be fired at one filling for 1-2 years.
  3. A diesel fired boiler needs to be regularly monitored, especially if the firing capacity is low.
  4. Solid-fired boilers extract a mixture of firewood 1-3 times a day.

You can independently assign a rating from 1 to 5 to the skin type of burning (or burning unit) for all categories. And know for yourself that the most economical scorching is always better than the expensive, or hand-made, one.

Let's figure out how to burn a mud house (dacha) without gas

When choosing a cheaper option for a private cabin, pay attention to such a characteristic of the boiler unit as energy independence. If the burning of a private home without gas must be ensured with the help of an electric boiler, a tanning source of heat can be used, for example, with a solid-fired energy-free boiler or stove.

Boiler unit, to scorch the booth

When choosing what is best to burn the booths, you can’t forget about the cost of installing the scorching unit. Don’t ever forget that since energy costs are cheap, the scraps of possession for your energy supply (or generation, as we say about the energy of the sun) may turn out to be expensive. Let's find out the approximate price range for heat supply different types, to determine which one is better to choose.

Whole oven with stove. 20-100 t.n. and more, depending on the size, type, foldability of the design, the presence of cough lining, etc. Properly crafted, it will fit perfectly in wooden booth It is designed to serve for dozens of years.

Red-digging boiler. The unit's capacity is 25-180 tr. There are a lot of models available, since the boiler, which is fired by diesel fuel, is planned to be connected to the gas main - the boiler only needs to replace the boiler and there is no need to install a new equipment.

Solid burning boilers. 20-400 URAKHUVANNYAM. An inexpensive option for frequent bookmarks. Dry furnace boilers are included in the middle price category. Automated units make large investments at the installation stage.

Selectable boiler unit

Electric boilers. 15-100 URAKHUVANNYAM. due to the tightness of the model. Since the region has a cheap nightly tariff for electricity, you can often reduce heating costs by installing a heat accumulator in a set with an electric boiler. In addition, when choosing how to heat a cabin that does not use gas, you can use other heat sources that are used by electricians: infrared heaters, fan heaters, heating systems, heating systems Heat scorching, etc.

Sonyachnye collectors. 15-60 URAKHUVANNYAM. - Variety of flat structures, close to 80 URAKHUVANNYAM. - Vacuum. The energy of the sun is inexhaustible, but in areas with a large number of sunny days, solar collectors do not have an additional source of thermal energy for burning or preparing water in the hot water supply system.

Heat pumps. 200-1500 URAKHUVANNYAM. due to the complexity of the system. The heat pump removes thermal energy from the excess medium. Its operation requires starting energy, on average, to supply 10 kW of thermal energy, and consumes 3 kW of electricity – which is highly efficient. However, the heat pump is also not universal, since the building only functions stably at air temperatures not lower than -15 degrees, and completely loses its effectiveness at -30 degrees. In regions with a temperate climate, a heat pump will provide the cheapest heating possible, without requiring major investments.


The most economical burning of the skin is selected from specific minds, there is no universal purpose for this. A good option is an electric boiler combined with any other unit, just before the solid combustion one. Thermal accumulator, up to which a quantity of heat can be added, a solar collector can be added – the possibility is real spend a minimum amount of money on scorching.

In addition, do not forget about the well-insulated cabin. It will be easier to stay on fire if heat loss is reduced to a minimum.
