How to properly assemble the distribution shield. Electrical shield

How to properly assemble the distribution shield. Electrical shield

A qualitatively assembled electrical shield allows you to create a convenient and functional system of electrical communications throughout the house. In addition, he is designed to perform operation electrical networks More secure, but in order to assemble such a shield, you need to possess certain knowledge and skills. Usually, the assembly of an electric shield is ordered by experienced electricians. But at the current prices for their services there is a temptation to perform work with your own hands. Here the main thing is to carefully examine the theory, carefully plan the assembly process and does not hurry to follow the plan. At the same time, in no case should not forget about safety. Levity and negligence in such a matter can do expensive.

In the newly erected home, an introductory machine and the meter install electricians. It is impossible to do anything about it. By the way, it is necessary to plan your future electric flap based on the features and locations of the introductory machine and the meter. To date, in new homes, accounting devices and introductory electrical communications are placed outside the residential premises. For example, the meter is installed on an electric pillar or a special support that is mounted in advance on your land plot, well, and an introductory machine - somewhere on the wall of the house.

In the houses of long-standing buildings, accounting devices and automatic placed indoors. In the apartments, the same elements are most often located on the wall of the staircase. If the counter is right in the house, you should choose a wardrobe, so that automatons and the RCD are included in it. In other cases, it is possible to do with a more compact and neat cabinet, but still its purchase should be postponed until you think about the electrical network scheme.

Designing your first power scheme of the house should not save on components, because the safety of your family and your property depends on it.

The following items should be used:

  • protective shutdown devices;
  • faftomati;
  • electric wire PV-3 of the estimated section;
  • combs for machine guns;
  • tires;
  • Dean Rake;
  • limiters on din rail;
  • circuit breakers;
  • stroke tips for one and two wires.

Note! Fituer tips are produced multicolored. Each color corresponds to a cross section of a wire that can be connected to this tip. Blue wire with a maximum of 2.5 square meters. mm, to red to 10 square meters. mm.

In addition to the above elements, if necessary, there may be used: voltage stabilizers, light indicators, digital voltmeters, voltage control relays and other useful additions. It will not be superfluous to prepare homemade stickers with signatures so that at the end of the assembly to glue them to the plastone electrical panel. Thus, all machine guns will not only be located ideally, but also to have a signature so that in the future no one confuses which machine for what is responsible.

Creating a circuit of the switchboard, you must start with the Uzo, which is installed immediately at the meter. This is the basis of the security of the power grid of your home, because when leakage occurs, it is a protective shutdown device that will help to avoid, well, or at least minimize the possibility of electric shock. Passing the UDO, the phase goes to the machine. Their quantity will depend on the number of rooms, as well as the number and composition of consumers.

Practice shows that in the creation of the electrical circuit, separate automata on large consumers should be put. And the premises with complex electronics are better soaked through the voltage stabilizer. The stabilizer connects between the Uzo and the group of automata and is located somewhere near the shield.

Important! Stabilizers are expensive, but considering modern condition Power grids in cities and towns, such devices can save your electronics than a lot of money will save you.

Planning an electrical shield scheme, you should turn on the grounding bus into it. The "Earth" from any instrument is connected to this bus. Also need a tire. From this tire, the zero wire will go to the UZO, and then on the machine group.

The cabinet is purchased as last time when the scheme has already been developed. Dein-rails are installed in it for automata and tires, and then all other elements are then. Experienced electricians recommend connecting machine guns with each other with a comb. First, it is convenient, and secondly, very reliable. In addition, the process of connecting the automata you will spend less time, although, of course, it will have to overpay a little behind the comb.

Scheme for several groups

The electrical panel circuit is created taking into account the individual features of the residential premises and household buildings that are adjacent to it. In the planning of electrical communications there are a number of nuances, which is why creating its own scheme, it would be nice to consult with a specialist. It would be perfectly to delegate the planning of the electrical wheelchard by professionals, but if the budget savings in the first place, you can do everything yourself.

Note that you will not hurt a simple scheme. It will take a scheme for several groups. What does it mean? In a multi-group scheme, in addition to the main UzO or DIFAVTOMATA, additional RCMs of less power on each group of automata are used. This is done to increase the reliability of the scheme.

As a result, there may be a group in which:

  • a powerful UDO connects to the meter;
  • to a powerful RCO, connect protective devices of lower power (3-4 pcs.);
  • connect 3-4 automaton to each protective device.

The more groups you plan in the scheme, the harder and more expensive it will be. But at the same time, do not forget that a multi-group scheme is much safer and more convenient to operate. By making the circuit of the electrical panel into several groups, follow the recommendations of the specialists.

  1. Consumers like electric stoves, boilers, water heaters, air conditioners, dishwashers and washing machines need to be secured by separate protective devices.
  2. Outlets and electrical appliances located in the bathroom, in any case require additional protection.
  3. The sockets in each room are powered and protected separately.
  4. The kitchen is usually overwhelmed by electrical appliances, including devices, stuffed with complex electronics. Electrical communications of this room also need additional protection.

Note! Kitchen sockets will reasonably protect with a powerful voltage stabilizer.

In parallel with the scheme of electrical panel, it is not bad to draw a plan for placing electricity consumers with the location of sockets and switches. It is necessary not only for a new home or apartment, but also for already exploited housing. In the latter case, you simply transfer the real location of sockets and switches to the plan, unless of course, global alteration is planned. Plan for the placement of electricity consumers will facilitate and speed up the diagram of the switchboard into several groups. And in the new house it will come in handy for the future laying of electrical communications in all residential rooms and household premises.

Dimensions and types of electrical panels

Having calculated the number of components and drawing the electrical panel, it is necessary to take care of where all these elements will be installed. It's time to acquire a wardrobe, which will fit the entire necessary electrician. First of all, we define the exact location of the installation of the electrical protection. It is from the place that the type of cabinet will depend on. For example, if the shield will be installed on the street, a waterproof cabinet will be required, if in the room, then you can do the usual.

Distinguish the following types of electrical panels:

  • plastic and metal;
  • hinged and built-in;
  • collapsible and solid;
  • with a large and small number of places;
  • with a deaf and transparent door;
  • with locking mechanisms and without.

Also, cabinets for household electric shields differ in size and form. The cabinet should be selected at the place and the number of electrical filling, but if there is a choice, take a large shield. It is easier to work with a big shield, besides, there will be an extra place in case you decide to ever carry out the modernization of the power grid.

The size of the shield is determined not only by the size of the cabinet itself, but also the number of places for single-pole automata with a thickness of 12 mm. Consider the fact that in your scheme will not only be single-pole, but also two-pole machines that have two times more thickness. In general, in order to correctly calculate the number of seats in the future, the cabinet will need to know the dimensions of all used in the scheme of automata. But this is not particularly difficult, since most often they have standard sizes.

Let us give an example on which you will see how many places in the shield will take one or another module.

  1. A single-pole automatic will take 1 place.
  2. A two-pole automatic will take 2 places.
  3. Three-pole automatic - 3 places.
  4. Single-phase UZO - 2 places.
  5. Three-phase UZO - 4 places.
  6. Single-phase diphawtomat - 2 places.
  7. Tire - 1st place.
  8. Modular socket - 3 places.
  9. Voltage relays - 3 places.
  10. Modular electric meter - from 6 to 8 seats.

Installing and connecting all items

Experienced electricians recommend collecting electric boards not on the wall, but on the table. After that, already mount the cabinet with the equipment on the wall and connect the wiring to it. This method, firstly, provides convenience when assembling the electrical protection, and secondly, almost eliminates the ingress of dirt and moisture into expensive equipment. Even modern cabinets for household electrical panels are sold with removable frames. This allows you to divide the installation process of the cabinet body on the wall and the layout of its filling.

Freak in the frame of the electric boiler Dean Rake. Insert your tires. Next to the Dean Rake, we install automata according to the scheme. If the side of the rail will remain a place, you need to fix the extreme automatic with the help of a special limiter.

Important! Rear on the housing of the machine there are special latches, with the help of which it is attached to the Dean Rake. Additional fasteners will not be required.

Next, we establish a frame with an electrical filling in the closet, which by that time should be fixed on the wall. By the way, if the wall on which the electric boards is mounted, consists of combustible materials, it is better to pave the space between the shield and the wall with a non-flammable material that does not conduct electricity. The shield itself should be fixed not too high, approximately at the level of the person.

We start pulling the wiring, pre-fed to each wire in length. Connect wires, guided by the scheme. For the phase we take a red or brown wire of a suitable cross section. The zero wire will have blue insulation, but the grounding wire is yellow-green.

Before starting work, make the power to be disabled !!!

  1. The ends of the PV-3 wire neatly clean from isolation.
  2. Insert the stripped wire into a suitable sleeve tip.
  3. Press the tip using press ticks or pliers.
  4. We insert the tips with the wires in the terminals according to the diagram and tighten them with a screwdriver, tightening the screw. Clear securely, but do not drag.
  5. We connect automata with a comb. You can connect them "in the old manner" by many short wiring. But this, firstly, it looks uneatetic, and secondly, it does not provide as reliable contact as when using a comb.
  6. Once again, with the scheme, check the quality of all connections, and then supply the voltage to enter.

When assembling the electrical panels, experienced electricians do not advise using various clamps and screeds. The wires assembled into the bundle look more beautiful, but they are heated stronger. In addition, if a malfunction arises in the shield, it will be extremely uncomfortable to search for it with current ticks. We will have to cut these clamps, risking damage to wiring.

Selection of automata in the apartment or house shield

It is best to acquire components for the ABB, Legrand, Schneider Electric brands. First, it is world-famous brands, and secondly, their equipment is characterized by the highest quality, although they will have to lay out a little more for him. There are no complaints about the Chinese brands of EKF and IEK, it is not so safe to use them in household electrical panels, but they are cheaper.

The main elements of any electrical panel are: automata, protective shutdown devices and differential automata. The machine is used to manually turn on and off the power, and it automatically bursts the chain when the KZ occurs. Uzo breaks up the chain when there is too much current leakage. DiffAvtomat is a Uzo and a machine in one case.

Note! Electricians prefer to put machine guns and Uzo in shields, because in the event of a malfunction, it will be better to see what happened: leakage or short circuit.

You can use both machine guns in a bundle with RED and DIFAVTOMATA. The latter are expensive, so install them in a shield in large quantities. Collecting electrical panels, take the components of the same brand.

Automatic protection

Circuit breakers must withstand the current in the electrical indoor network when consumer connected. Therefore, choosing automata, we need to carry out simple calculations.

  • electric kettle - 2 kW;
  • dishwasher - 1.8 kW;
  • microwave oven - 1.5 kW;
  • toaster - 1.1 kW;
  • coffee maker - 1.5 kW.

We summarize these values, we get 7.9 kW. This value is translated into W, it turns out 7900 W. We divide 7900 W by 220 volts, we get 35.9 A., respectively, we will choose the one that is able to withstand the current with the reserve, say on 40 A.

Types and types of UzO

According to the type distinguish: Protective shutdown devices with electromechanical design and RCO with electronic stuffing. What is the difference? The circuit with an electromechanical design is capable of working in the absence of a power source, even when the zero is broken. Devices with electronic stuffing require power supply, otherwise they simply will not work and it is extremely dangerous.

We give an example from life. The person is suitable for the faultable washing machine, in which the current leakage on the body is occurring. The machine is protected by the RCD with electronic fill. A person touches the metal casing of a washing machine than provoking the passage of the phase potential through its body. The zero is broken, and the protection device does not work, as a result of which the tragedy occurs.

It is impossible to allow such situations, therefore, when assembling a home electrical panel, we use only the RCM with an electromechanical stuffing. These devices are usually more expensive, but is clearly not more expensive than human life and health.

Depending on the form of the operating current, the UDO is:

  • ACs are designed to protect household consumers feeding with variable sinusoidal current;
  • But are designed to protect consumers that feed on the pulsating constant and variable sinusoidal current;
  • B - protect the devices with currents of different shapes, including straightened.

Of course, you can dial the UZO with the "B" marking, but then your household electric flap will be "gold", because such protective devices are expensive. A good alternative to the UzO with the labeling "AU", there are quite a few electricals that install such devices and everyone recommended them. We will not recommend them, especially if you plan to protect household appliances with collector and inverter engines. If you protect the washing machine using the AC UDO, then it can completely burn the motor, because the type of pulsing currents does not protect the machine. It is better to use the Golden Middle, namely the protective device with the labeling "A", it is suitable for any consumer consumers.

Choosing a Uzo, see not only on the rated current, but also on the leakage current. Devices for 10 mA put on large consumers who require individual protection. Uzo by 30 mA should be installed on the consumer group. Protective devices with other rates in household electrical panels are not used, so you can not think about them.

The protective shutdown devices are triggered at different times. It is done intentionally in order to solve specific technical tasks in the design and operation of electrical networks. Selective UzOs with marking "S" are triggered through a significant period of time, the RCD with the labeling "J" is triggered with a significantly less delay. This is done so that you can install different RCOs in multi-group networks. If the "younger" UZO for some reason did not de-energize the small group of consumers, then the "senior" will work and de-energize everyone.

As you can see, the installation of the electric shield is quite possible. But this event will require you a scrupulous study of the theory: reading articles, viewing thematic images and videos. After that, you slowly, step by step will begin to collect your first household electric shield. It may seem like a boring occupation, but only imagine what valuable experience you will get and how much money will save. Good luck!

The electrical network of the house or apartment is not only wires, sockets, light bulbs and switches. More complex and most important part of the electrical circuit is considered electrokerwhich contains circuit breakers, RCD, diffanttomats and additional equipment. Exactly at electronicshield There is a control unit to all electrical worker in a separate area. Until recently, there were no electricallytels in the apartments. It was believed that quite enough distribution shieldwhich is located on the staircase. An electrical meter of da pair of automata was relied on a separate apartment.

However, sometimes the counter was located in the apartment and with it - two fuse plugs. However, progress does not stand still, energy consumption has increased several times, and security requirements have changed. Suffice it to say that 30 years ago, consumption on a separate apartment was limited to a capacity of 800 W. Compare this digit with power consumption today. One electric kettle consumes 1.5-2 kW, not to mention washing machines, microwave furnaces, air conditioners, etc. It is clear that, together with the increased consumption of energy, the requirements for electrical equipment have changed.

Before making electrical work, it is necessary to compile a flat electrical panel scheme, indicate that it will be in it and how to connect. When performing such a scheme, the following factors should be taken into account:

1. Wiring type In the apartment: "Star", "Clay", in junction boxes or mixed option. Depends on the selection of the wiring, how many wires will be approached to the shield. Their number can vary from one to several dozen.

2. Total power All electrical appliances in the apartment and separate power consumption in the highlighted zone. These values \u200b\u200bmust be calculated in order to determine the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the automata.

3. Note all the load optionsFor example, guests arrived in the apartment included literally everything that can be: stove, air conditioning, computer and even washing machine. If such calculations have already been done (you determined the cross section of the conductors), it will be easier - automata and other devices are selected under the cable. When it is calculated for the current strength of 25 A, which corresponds to a cross section of 2.5 mm² of copper veins, then the machine or the UZO must be 16 A.

4. Which type of electrical appliance Installed in the apartment. Remember that separate devices must be installed (for example, washing machines).

To better present sequence of actions for installation of apartment electronicshield, We give an example of installing a specific scheme. Before you - a two-bedroom apartment.

It is known exactly which appliances in it will be the number of individual zones, the switching circuit is composed. Mounting begins with the selection of the installation site, its size and type. The shield, as a rule, is located in the hallway near the entrance door. This is the most rational - you do not have to pull the incoming cable. Although this condition is not tough, you can put electric boards and in the far room.

Scheme example - apartment wiring, three-phase

It is located at an altitude of 1.5 m or at the level of the eye to conveniently get hand. If there are children in the house, it makes sense to install electrical panels higher and select the option that locks into the key, for example, a metal shrive.

Example Scheme - Apartment wiring, single-phase

View electronicshield:outdoor or internal installation, plastic or metal, with a transparent door or not - depends on the convenience of installing and your preferences. For example, in plasterboard partitions it is most convenient to put an embedded shield, and the reinforced concrete walls are an outdoor installation. It is not necessary to hollow in the wall deepening under it, which is quite laborious.

Size of electrical panel Depends on the number of devices that will be located in it. On the diagram of approximately 30 poles, or modules. One single-pole automatic takes one module. All electrical devices that are located in the shield are sizes, multiple width of this module. For example, the meter can occupy a place equivalent to the place of 8 automata, it will require boxing for 8 modules for its installation. Considering the number of automata and the size of other electrical disfigures, you can find out what size a shield is required. The store for him does not need to walk with a ruler. The shields are called: on 12 modules, 36 modules, etc.

Species of their set. In our case, you will need boxing on 36 modules. There are those within which there may be places for the meter and separately - for machine guns and other devices attached to a DIN rail, or only for mounting on a DIN rail. Options mass. To select the desired shield, you need to create a list of all the equipment that will be installed inside and consult with the seller in the store.

If a electronicinternal installation shield, To summarize a large amount of wires, wide shorts that can accommodate the cable beam are hosted. For outdoor - corresponding box sizes or sufficient plastic pipes. For the introduction of wires inside the plastic electrical panel on the side panels around the perimeter there are holes covered with pull-out hatches. There are already finished holes in the metal shield: at the top - for incoming cables, downstairs for the outgoing. The wires in the fields of entrance and the output of the shields in such boxes are protected with the help of glands or couplings. If the metal box with a hermetic lid, then the clutch installation is required.

Outer electronicshield Fastened on the wall with a dowel-nail or screws. Internal can also be attached also for the back cover and additionally grab along the edges with gypsum glue or alabaster. After the shield is installed on the spot and the wires are introduced into it, there is a turn of electrical installation equipment. Inside any boxing there are special pins for attaching a DIN rail. Counters can be mounted on this rail or special place inside the shield on the usual fastener: screws or screws.

Install automata is very easy: It is enough to insert them on a DIN rail to a click - and the device is securely fixed on the bar. To remove or move the machine, it is enough to put forward it with an open-screwdriver - the device will take off from fasteners. Electrical boards, which is suitable for installing devices depicted on our scheme, has 3 DIN rails on 12 modules each. On the first top bar, the input two-pole automatic machine was installed on the left, the phase and zero are connected to the two poles. The machine will show characters indicating which conductor to connect to what. Next to the machine to the right of it is set by the counter.

Note. The devices in the shield can be put in what plea sequence is no matter if they could be connected correctly. However, it is much more convenient when they are located on each other in the same sequence as in the scheme.

If you do not have tolerance to the installation, then connect the shield is not worth it - this will be used by a specialist. In the case when you still connected it on your own, you need to show the shield by the onset electrician, which everything will check and put the seals on the counter.

Note. Consult more energy than indicated on the meter, it is impossible. What exactly the counter will stand at the apartment, chooses an organization (hO). For example, if it is written on the device that it is designed for 5-40 A, more than 8.8 kW, it will be impossible to consume. The counter will simply disable you.

Immediately behind it, there is a two-pole automatic machine for 40 A, similar to what is installed in front of the meter. In truth, this machine is a clear bust, he just duplicates the work of the first va. However, if you want to be reinforced, then you can put it. The place on the first DIN rail ended, now you need to go to the middle. The first on the left on the middle shelf is installed voltage relay. This is such a tricky device that monitors the extreme voltage values \u200b\u200band records its throws. In fact, it duplicates the work of the WA, breaking the chain, if suddenly the current begins to rise or decrease above or below the set values. In addition, the relay shows when it was precisely how voltage changed. This additional control device is optional, but is very useful if expensive electronic equipment is installed in the apartment.

Next to the queue - Uzo. After the voltage relay, the total line is divided into 3 zones, each of which controls one UZO. Since the automatic standing in the circuit before this device is designed for the rated current of 40 A current, then the RCD is raised with the same indicator. The threshold of all such 3 devices - 30 mA, which, in principle, is normal. However, the Uzo, which is responsible for the bathroom, is better to put with a threshold of 10 mA. You should not install one such device on connecting the oven and washing machine with a water heater in the kitchen. It is better to split these devices to different UzOs. The average DIN rail is busy, now you need to go to the bottom. The entire bottom plank is occupied by one-pole va. They are only 9, so the places are enough with an excess. Each of these automata is responsible for a certain part of the chain.

For example, the first and second on the left stand on 2 groups of sockets in the kitchen. It is correct, since the kitchen is the most powerful consumer, there is a mass of electrical appliances. Another 2 automaton controls the power load in the bathroom, as it contains serious power equipment: a water heater and a washing machine. These devices are connected not through sockets, which in the bathroom should be less, and through junction boxes and terminals. The last 2 automaton in a number of 10 a are set to lighting, which is broken by 2 zones: residential rooms and other rooms - bathroom, kitchen, corridor and toilet.

The diagram shows that the input is a two-pole machine. Then the apartment network is divided into 2 main zones: lighting and power. The power zone is protected by the RCD and the power zone in front of it, it is additionally divided into 3 parts and the lighting zone is not monitored. After the automata and other devices become in their place, it is necessary to connect them between themselves and the network. This connection occurs only when the incoming cable is disconnected. It should be started with the fact that 2 tires are installed inside the shield for special supports that must be used. In plastic or metal boxing, such tires are installed in a free place on insulating stands. These tires serve to connect together zero and grounding conductors, since all the equipment after the UzO is connected together only by phase conductors.

Tires must be free to be a place for suitable wires. Select the bus is necessary by the number of wires suitable for it. In this case, it is better to choose a tire with 14 holes to have 2 about the reserve. To connect the devices between themselves is best with single-robes, because they are well fixed in place and do not require installation on a bare part of special tips. To connect the poles of automata among themselves, you can use a special single-pole-comb-comb; If there is no such, then just twist the wires.

Connecting electrical devices is easy if you read the scheme carefully and not rush to connect. It should be noted that 2 extreme on the right of the wires in the scheme responsible for lighting do not have ground wires. If there are no fluorescent lamps with grounding contact, this is normal. When there is, the lighting will have to put a three-core wire and connect the grounding conductor to the total ground bus.

After the hardware is connected, the incoming cable and the wires departing to the power zones are connected. The last step: sign each automatic - what exactly he belongs to. For this there are special windows. If these are not, then the inscriptions are made on the plastic panel cover, which is covered inner part of the box. The final barcode is the inclusion of an apartment electrical tailor. After that, you need to check the power on all wires using the indicator.

  • You always need to acquire a shield a little larger size into several groups. If there is a need to put additional equipment, then you do not have to change it.
  • It is not necessary to combine several different intended electrical appliances under the edge of the electrical appliances, and it turns out that the bathroom breaks the hairdryer, and the computer will turn off in the living room. It is better to divide zones geographically: bathroom with toilet, residential rooms separate, kitchen.
  • It is better to set the RCD after the machine according to the scheme, and it should be one step higher by the value of the rated current. For example, pair of VA / UZO should be such - 16 A / 25 A. After all, the UzO does not respond to a short circuit. This should make an automatic, so it is better to choose the nominal zero more so that it does not overcome. You can put and equal values, there will be a big error.
  • If the UZO protects several automata in a row and stands in front of automata according to the scheme - this is a violation. In this case, before the Uzo, the introductory automatic protection is usually located (and maybe not one). It is prohibited, more precisely, not according to the rules of energy pressure. According to this organization, the car must stand on the incoming cable, then the meter and only then - the RCD. Before the counter, you can put the dipaptimeat.
  • The optimal solution would be to put the RCD on each zone after the machine. However, looking at prices, you have to combine several automatic machines under one RED.
  • It is not worth installing the UzO and the diffant matters on the sockets to which the computer will be connected. This tricky device can cause a false response of devices, especially if you do not calculate the triggering threshold.
  • It is better to purchase a mechanical UzO, and not electronic - it is more reliable and does not depend on the network.

Apartment electronicshield - Not the only problem with which the homemade electrician may encounter. After all, there are also storey electric boardsIn which, in theory, it is impossible to host a home master, but sometimes it is necessary. It is unlikely to mount such a shche, but if you seriously take up the modernization of electricity in the apartment, then it is impossible to leave it without attention. There will be no big charge in ultra-modern equipment inside the apartment if the feed cable in the Shhe is made from the aluminum of the retirement age, and controls the power supply is the only batch switch for 25 and is clearly not the last model.

We'll figure it out what is happening in the Shhe, which, as a rule, locked on the castle, and the key is at duty electrician. This wiring wiring from one powerbox For several apartments. The principle of the same as the plumbing is one riser on the entrance, there are branches from it to each user. True, electricity is then returned in the form of zero, and the water supply is ends with sewage. Immediately should be warned: if there is no admission to the shield, then you should not climb into it, except that the machine cut off the electricity and it will be necessary to turn it on again. All work should make an electrician from the hob.

The only thing that can be achieved is to buy materials and achieve modernization from the HSEK. Electrician will do, and you look. Shhe must match the apartment shield if not on the equipment, then at least in power and reliability. Inside the shield there is a picture that will hurry anyone. These are confused lumps of incomprehensible cross sections, combined together with the most diverse methods, semi-satisfied isolation, dilapidated machines in cracks covered with cracks. All this is neatly covered with dust causing nostalgia (or allergies) at Soviet times.

As a rule, it is impossible to deal with what cable is, it is impossible - there are no tags and inscriptions. The cable leading to the apartment is detected by long experiments on the disconnection of the inlet and the pumping program in all contacts or approximately guessed in the direction. You can do this: draw up a scheme that it is necessary to do, buy materials and agree with an electrician about the performance of work. It is best to cooperate with the neighbors to redo the entire shield.

Necessary actions:

  • 1. Replace the cable from the standing cable to the copper corresponding section. At the same time, it is necessary to connect an aluminum cable with a copper exhaust with a special terminal or compressive.
  • 2. Replace the old ae or batch switches to the modern automata suitable for ampere, which should be placed on a DIN rail.
  • 3. If zero and grounding wires are attached to the grounding tire and general do with old connectors, it is better to replace them with newer and modern.

There is another way how to radically replace all equipment in floor electrical panel. If the counter is transferred to apartment electric boards, I can put a switched inserts on the floor on the floor or even without them. The main thing is that ZEK agrees with this.

Modern apartments are equipped with a large number of household appliances. To systematize the load on the power supply, the circuit of the chain must be divided into separate contours, since while when you turn on multiple powerful devices, the load in the chain can distribute unevenly, which will create unfavourable conditions network work.

To solve this task, such a device is suitable, such as an electric shield. It you can reduce all the supply chains of household devices, install the electric meter into it, the automatic protection against current overload and shock of the person. You can install and collect such an electric shield yourself, having available household instruments and possessing the basics of knowledge of electrical engineering.

Types of shields
Electric shields can be divided into types of manufacturing material:
  • Metal .
  • Plastic.
In addition, shields are divided into types of constructive execution:
  • Overhead.
  • Built-in.

In practice, embedded shields are more convenient, as they save space. Shields are fixed with dowel-nails or screws.

Domestic are produced with high quality, not inferior foreign counterparts. The shields usually include a fastening rail, zero and grounding tires. The assembly of the switchboard can be carried out according to various schemes.

Electric shield includes:
  • Case.
  • Terminals.

The assembly of the switchboard should be carried out according to a specific rules, since the electrical safety of the apartment tenants depends on it.

Requirements and rules for assembling electrical shields:
  • The permissible number of protection devices and their rated current are determined by the passport data of the device.
  • The housing of the shield is made of non-combustible materials. For this, metal is used with a special coating or non-flammable plastic.
  • On the housing of the shield should be the designation indicating the rated voltage.
  • Wires must be labeled with tags indicating the load consumer groups.
  • The housing and doors are connected to the ground without fail.
  • Grounding pads and neutrals must contain free terminals.
  • When purchasing a shield, do not forget to check the availability of a passport with an indication of the installation rules, voltage, current, certification, manufacturer.
  • Connecting input cable:

- Power Input Cable Connect to the upper terminals of the main machine.
- Connect the grounding the grounding tire.
Connect from the machine to the counter.

  • The final stage:

- After completing the work, check the system operation, alternately connects lines with loads.
- In the absence of problems, the power is completely connected.
- Marking machines.
- Install the door of the switchboard and glue the scheme from the inside.

The correct assembly of the switchboxes gives a guarantee of good long-term functioning. When choosing the elements of the shield, it is not recommended to stop on cheap models. Only high-quality components of the electrical panel can provide electrical safety.

Features of the assembly of the electrochkoltov

Some wizards, grounding connected with zero wire. In this case, when cooling the zero conductor in the electrical protection, a 220 volt voltage can come to the body of the electrical device, which will create a danger to humans. Therefore, such a connection is prohibited.

Consists of three multi-colored lived. The phase conductor can be brown, red or white. It is connected to the introduction of the protection machine. Zero (blue wire) are connected to a zero bus. A yellow conductor with a green strip is connected to a grounding block. Indoors produced a similar connection. The difference is that the phase wire connects to the machine from the bottom.

The assembly of the switchboard is much easier if the entire range of automata at the top to connect with each other with special bush conduit, which is called "". When they choose in the trading network, it is necessary to pay attention to their cross-section for more than 10 mm 2. The combination with such combs is much more reliable than conductor. The combs at a low price are sold because of the small cross section of the core, we should not forget about it.

A convenient connection option is the separation of automata to separate contours. When accident, you can always turn off one contour without affecting the operation of other contours.

  • Outlets in private rooms.
  • Room lighting devices.
  • Separate branches for connecting electric stoves, washing machine, water heater, etc.

The most powerful circuit breakers are mounted closer to the main machine. In a private house, a three-phase power supply is often used, unlike urban apartments. In this case, the input machine must be a 4-pole design to be able to complete all electrical wiring. All phases are marked with color to facilitate installation and maintenance.

The assembly of 3-phase power supply in private buildings is carried out with uniform distribution By phases, in order to avoid the occurrence of phase skew, as consumers can be powerful household devices, sockets, lighting. Sequirers are connected by consumers that require three phases for operation.

The assembly of the battlefield should provide:
  • The ability to de-energize the entire network.
  • Electricity consumption control.
  • Protection against shock and overloads.

Catering construction has recently become very popular. Many homeowners try the maximum number of works on building, finishing and connecting to their cottage communications to do their own.

This also applies to the installation of electrical wiring in all buildings of the country area.

Electrification of the house is impossible without installing the electrical tailor. The accounting device is mounted on it - the electric meter, the RCD (protective disconnection device) and the electrical machines in the required quantity.

Installation requirements

All requirements associated with the installation of distribution panels are indicated in PUE (rules of the electrical installation device), chapter 7.1. Let us dwell on the main one.

  • The space for the installation of the switchboard should be chosen away from heating boilers, gas stoves or cylinders, furnaces flammable items.
  • The room where the electrical stopper is located, should be well ventilated, preferably, in a natural way.
  • The installation site of the camshaft must be well lit by natural light. This is important for the maintenance of the design.
  • The shield must be constant free access. Therefore, it is not allowed to install in storeroom and other household premises.

The amount of camshafts depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and the number of light bulbs, electrical outlet and other electrical points. This amount affects the scheme and complexity of wire wiring along the building. For a cottage house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 m2, one shield is enough.

What does street electric boards look like for giving, made with their own hands, see photo:

Elements installed on the shield

Electrical installation is installed on entering the house. It can be both internal and overhead. The invoice is easier to install, so for the country house, where it will be in any utility room, it is recommended that this design is recommended.

For installation of the distribution of the outdoor installation, special training is required. It just needs to be fixed on the wall of a dowel-nail. Also, the outer power cabinet can be mounted on the street, for example, on a pole.

Several tips for choosing electric cabinet:

Components of the distribution device

As a rule, the following elements are used for the distribution switchboards for the voltage 220 V and use them in cottage homes:

  • Electric meter
  • UZO (protective shutdown device)
  • Zero tire
  • Ground tire
  • Machines:
    1. Introductory - 30-60 A
    2. Machines for a group of sockets designed for high-current electrical appliances - 25 A
    3. Machines for a group of sockets, calculated under low-voltage household devices and medium power devices - 16 A
    4. Machines for lighting devices - 10 A.

As can be seen from this list, before calculating the number of modules of the distribution shield, it is necessary to find out how many groups of energy consumers are on the facility, and what is the total power consumption for each group.

Assembly scheme

This is a very responsible occupation in which the strictest safety observance is required.

The assembly of the switch is performed in the following order:

A sample of the circuit assembly of the electrical panel in the country house is presented in this photo:


First you need to connect an input automatic fuse. If he is single-pole - to supply the phase. If a two-pole - supply and phase, and zero.

For the convenience of further installation of the phase on the introductory packet, it is better to start the bottom.

  • All Uzo and Paktniki combine the "Comb" tires or jumpers. The jumper wire must match the cross section with the introductory wire.
  • Extending electric pipes connect to automatic machines.

Zero (N) always goes on automata and zero with zero tire. Phase (L) - from the introductory cable through the jumpers or "comb".

In order not to get confused when installing and connecting, select nozzles, phases and grounding in isolation of various colors. Most often happens:

  • Zero n - blue
  • Phase L - red
  • Grounding PE - Yellow Skin Dotted

Follow the reliability of connections, thoroughly clamp the bolts on the fuses and tires.

  • Connect the electricity meter in accordance with the schema attached to it.
  • Give a voltage to the shield
  • With a multimeter, check the availability of voltage on waste lines and packet
  • Mark each automatic in accordance with the switching scheme
  • In case the device body is not transparent, a copy of the circuit should be attached to the door of the electric cabinet from the inner side. In addition to compliance with the requirement of energy reports, it will greatly facilitate prophylactic and repair work Campering.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget after checking the load on the outgoing lines, turn off the introductory automatic fuse to safely complete the work.

Installation of the electric shield in household - the case is simple. It is quite possible to make his own hands. The main thing is to follow the safety regulations, carefully fulfill all the prescriptions and do not save on consumables.

Make sure that the assembly of your distribution switch corresponds to all PUE requirements. Otherwise, the Energonadzor may not allow the connection of your cottage to the power grids or indicate any disorders punishable by the fine.

When assembling, check the rigidity of the attachment of each of the elements. Do not allow no extra intersections of wires, and even more so - their inappropriate scrubs. The correct assembly of the distribution functional guarantees a safe connection, trouble-free operation of your household appliances with different types of loads.

Scrupulsiness and following standards - the guarantee of the fire safety of your home, and therefore your comfort and tranquility.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch the video, how do your own hands carry out installation and assembly of outdoor electrical panel for giving:

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How to collect and install electric boards in a private house with your own hands, requirements and necessary items

If you need to collect and connect the electrical protection in a private house, but there is no desire or ability to resort to the help of a specialist in electrical work - we will tell you how to do it right.

To do all the work with your own hands is not easy, and dangerous, in case of non-compliance with the rules of work with electricity. We will try to clarify all the questions for you and point to the pitfalls.

Need to know before assembly

The design implies the presence of mechanisms for protecting people and wiring from overload or short circuit, as well as counter. The cable comes from the power lines to the house in the electrical panel and all electrical groups of the house are divorced from it.

In fact, the correct name of this device is an entry and distribution unit (LED). But by law, you must share this unit for two and one of them will be introductory, and the second distribution.

The introductory device is usually installed on an electric pillar and is a staplae, in which the readings have been done for ease of removal. Inside there is a meter of electricity, a general Uzo, an introductory circuit breaker, arresters (they rarely put), elements to protect against overvoltage. This design must be installed at an altitude of no more than 2 meters.

From the introductory shield is conducted cable in distribution installation. In private homes, the use of devices and protective shutdown devices is implied. To save space in the shield, the differential devices that include a circuit breaker and RCD.

From the material from which the house is made, as well as from where the shield itself is located, depends on which of its options will be selected.

Metallic hinged electrical panels are used in wooden houses, and in stone, where more dry, a plastic box or a built-in installation shield can be installed.

A place to install one single-phase protection automaton is called a module. In each shield, a different number of modules, so you need to know which and in what quantity the devices will stand in the shield.

The camshaft must be installed in a safe place, best in a separate level.

Preparation for the installation of the distribution shield

Need to be done before assembly:

  • Select the electrical wheel in accordance with the type of wiring.
  • Calculate the overall load on the power of each group.
  • Calculate the load on each group by the power of each device.
  • Think over the places in which the work of the UDO is required.

It is better to have spare places for extra Uzo, in a private house it can be useful.

Full list of equipment:

  • Electrics.
  • One-tariff electric meter accuracy class from 2.
  • Introduce machine 32 A.
  • Two-pole 16 A, 2 pieces.
  • Single-pole backup, 2 pieces.

All materials for assembly can do you from 2000 rubles.

When buying a switchboard, do not save, because a cheap shield is most likely to be redoing and dispossed, and a bad plastic with time becoming fragile. In addition, in the fire, inexpensive shields do not meet all safety measures.

Electrical connection circuit 220V and 380V

For clarity, you should create a scheme on which the shield will be collected.

An example of an introductory electrical connection scheme in a private house for 220V:

In private houses for electrical wiring, distribution panels are often installed on 380V, 4 or 5-core cable is supplied to such a shield: two or three phases, zero and grounding.

The camshaft assembly scheme for 380 V for a private house will be such a plan:

The scheme, how to correctly mount the electric boards in a wooden private house:

Installation of a cutter for a country structure

  • We install with the help of DIN Self-tapping screws, which will be attached all the equipment. They must have a size of 35 mm.
  • We proceed to install the equipment according to the scheme in advance and the calculations, we mount the automata, the RCD and the two separate tires to which the grounding and zero are connected, install the accounting device.
  • We connect the phase wires, with the help of a special tire we connect automata. According to general rules Connecting such devices, the input must be top, and the output from the bottom.
  • Mount the protective covers, we subscribe for convenience all automata.
  • Then connect them with a special comb or make jumpers from the wire. If you are going to use a comb, remember that the cross section of its core should be at least 10 mm / sq.
  • We bring the wires from consumers to the machine.

Find out of this video, how to properly assemble electric boards in a private house 220 V:

From the following video you will learn how to make three-phase electrical boards at 380 V in a private house:

After you collected a shield without closing, turn it on for several hours, and then check the temperature of all items.

Do not allow insulation melting, otherwise there will continue short circuit.

With a careful consecutive approach and compliance with the rules of electrical safety, it is necessary to assemble the power of electrical safety to everyone, although you have to tinker. After completing the installation, it remains only to wait for representatives of the power grid company that will check your scheme and organize the connection.

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We collect a shield in an apartment and house yourself

Electric shield in a private house, in the country, in the apartment performs a double function: ensures the input and distribution of electricity and creates safe operating conditions. If there is a desire to understand not the easiest question, you can collect electric boards with your own hands. An introductory machine and the meter should put representatives of the power supply organization, and then, after the meter, you can collect the scheme for yourself (although they do not like to lose money). True, before commissioning at home, you will need to invite them to attend when starting, everyone checked and measured grounding path. All this is paid services, but they cost much less than the complete assembly of the flap. If you do everything right and according to the standards, it will be even better to do it: for yourself you do.

What should be in the shield

And in the apartment and in a private house there are several layout options for the shield. This is mainly related to the installation site of the introductory machine and the meter. In a private house, you can put the counter on the post, and the automaton on the wall of the house, almost under the roof. Sometimes the counter put in the house, but this is if it was built a couple of decades ago. Recently, in the house, accounting instruments are extremely rare, although there are no decrees and instructions on this matter. If the counter stands in the room, it can be put in the shield, then when the model is selected, the counter dimensions must be taken into account.

On how to connect electricity from the post to the house, read here.

In some apartment buildings, counters stand in boxes on stair cells. In this case, the wardrobe is only needed under the Uzo and automata. In other houses, he stands in the apartment. When modernizing the power grid, the cabinet will have to buy with the calculation in order to fit there and the meter too or buy a separate boxing for a meter with an introductory machine.

Simple power circuit for small house or apartments

In compiling the power scheme, safety is very important. First of all, it is provided for people: with the help of the RCO - the protective shutdown device (in the photo at number 3), which is installed immediately after the meter. This device is triggered if the leakage current exceeds the threshold value (a closure occurred to the "Earth" or someone put the fingers into the socket). This device breaks the chain, minimizing the possibility of electric shock. From the Uzo phase enters the inputs of automata, which are also triggered when the load is exceeded or short closure In the chain, but each is already on its plot.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the normal operation of household appliances and electrical appliances. Modern complex technique is controlled by microprocessors. They for normal work Requires stable food. After observing some time for the voltage in our network, you will not call it stable: it changes from 150-160 V to 280 V. Such a spread is not withstanding. Therefore, at least some groups of machine gun feeds for complex equipment, it is better to turn on through the stabilizer. Yes, he stands quite a few. But when the voltage jumps are the first "flying" control fees. They are not repaired from us, but simply change. The cost of such a replacement is about half the cost of the device (more or less dependent on the type of device). It is hardly cheaper. Collecting the electric boards do it yourself, or only planning it while, remember it.

One example of layout layout for a small scheme - on 6 automata

A stabilizer is installed on one or more groups and is turned on after the UZO and in front of group machines. Since the device is a rather big one, it will not be possible to install it in the shield, but nearby - please.

Also, two tires are installed in the shield: grounding and reassembly. On the grounding bus, all grounding wires from devices and devices are becoming. On the "zero" tire of the wire comes from the RCD, and is fed to the appropriate inputs of automata. The zero is usually denoted by the letter n, with the wiring it is customary to use a blue wire. For grounding - white or yellow-green, phases are leading red or brown wire.

One of the options of the collected small shield

With an independent assembly of an electric shield, you will need to purchase the cabinet itself, as well as the rails (called DIN rail or Dean Rake), which are fixed by automata, and oto and switches. When installing the rivers, check the level of their horizontality: there will be no problems with the mounting machine.

One of the options of DIN-RESEKs in the casing of the shield

All machines must be connected to each other. This can be done with the help of conductors - connecting their inputs sequentially, or using the finished coupling comb. The comb is more reliable, although it is more expensive, but if you consider the time you spend on the combination of all automata, it is unlikely that several tens of rubles have such fundamental importance.

Connecting comb for automata in electrical protection: will speed up the process of self-assembly

Scheme for several groups

Not always the power schemes are simple: consumer groups are broken through the floors, separately remove the covers, the lighting of the garage, basement, yard and the local area. With a large number of consumers, in addition to the general Uzo after the meter, they put the same devices, only less power - to each group. Separately, with the mandatory installation of a personal protective device, the power supply for the bathroom is removed: this is one of the most dangerous rooms in the house and apartment.

It is very desirable to put protective devices and each of the inputs that go to powerful household appliances (more than 2.5 kW, and such power can even have a hairdryer). In a compartment with a stabilizer, they will create normal conditions for the operation of electronics.

Also not the most difficult scheme, but with a higher degree of protection - more uro

In general, when developing an accurate scheme, you will have to find a compromise: make a system safe and not to spend too much money. Equipment to take better proven firms, and it is decent. But the power grid is not the area in which you can save.

How to connect an electrical cooking panel here, and about connecting an electric water heater (accumulative or flow) read in this article.

Types and sizes of electrical shields

It will be about the cabinets / boxes for the installation of automata and other electrical filling, about their varieties. By installation of the installation, there are for outdoor installation and for internal. Box for outdoor installation is attached to the wall on a dowel. If the walls are combustible, the insulating material that is not conductive is stacked under it. In the mounted form, the outer electrode protrudes over the wall surface of about 12-18 cm. This must be considered when choosing a place of installation: for convenience of maintenance, the shield is mounted so that all parts of its parts are at about the eye level. It is convenient when working, but may threaten the injuries (sharp corners), if the place for the cabinet is chosen unsuccessfully. The best option is outside the door or closer to the corner: so that it is not possible to hit your head.

Electrical Case for Outdoor Installation

Shield for hidden installation involves the presence of a niche: it is installed and immutted. The door is on the same level with the surface of the wall, maybe it performs a few millimeters - depends on the installation and design of a particular closet.

The hulls are metallic, painted powder paint, there are plastic. Doors - whole or with inserts from transparent plastic. Differences are different - stretched up, width, square. In principle, under any niche or conditions you can find the appropriate option. One advice: If you have the opportunity, choose a larger cabinet: it is easier to work in it, especially it is important if you collect electrical boards with your own hands for the first time.

Complete set and device of the mounted distribution panel

When choosing a housing, it often operates with such a concept as the number of places. This refers to how many single-pole machines (12 mm thick) can be installed in this case. You have a scheme, it shows all devices. Consider them with regard to the fact that two-pole have a double width, add about 20% on the development of the network (suddenly buy another device, and it will be nowhere to connect, or during the installation, decide from one group to do two, etc.). And on such a number of "landing" places, seek the shield suitable on geometry.

Installing and connecting elements

All modern automata and UzO have a unified mount under the standard mounting rail (DIN rail). On the back of them there is a plastic focus that snaps on the bar. Put the device on the rail, hooking with a recess on the back wall, pressing your finger to the bottom. After clicking the item is set. It remains to connect it. Do it according to the scheme. The corresponding wires are inserted into the terminals and the contact is pressed, spinning the screw. It is not necessary to delay it very much - you can transmit the wire.

Work when the power is turned off, all the switches are translated into the "Off" position. Try not to take the wires with two hands. By connecting several elements, turn on the power (input switch), then in turns include the installed items, checking them on the absence of KZ (short circuit).

Connecting an input machine and UZO

The phase from entering is fed to the input machine, from its output goes to the appropriate input of the UDO (put a jumper with a copper wire of the selected section). In some diagrams, the zero wire from water is supplied directly to the corresponding input of the UDO, and already from its output goes to the bus. The phase wire from the output of the protective device is connected to the connecting comb cover.

In modern schemes, the input automatic machine put a two-pole: it must simultaneously turn off both wires (phase and zero) so that in the event of a malfunction to completely de-energize the network: so safer and the latest electrical safety requirements are so safer. Then the inclusion circuit of the RCD and looks like the photo below.

When using a bipolar inlet

On the installation of the UZO on the DIN rail, see the video.

In any circuit, the protective ground wire is connected to its bus, where similar conductor from electrical appliances are becoming. The presence of a ground is a sign of a safe network and to make it vital. Literally.

On how to connect the RCO correctly, watch a video lesson.

When self-assembling a flap, keep in mind that the input automatic and the counter will be sealed by an energy supply organization. If there is a special screw on the counter, to which the seal cling, the input machine does not have such devices. If it is not possible to partition it, you or refuse to start, or fear completely entire shield. Therefore, inside the overall panel put boxing on one or two places (depends on the size and type of automaton), and it is fixed in it. This box is sealing when accepting.

Individual automata are installed on the rails just like the Uzo: pressed to the rail until it clicks. Depending on the type of machine (one or two poles - wires), the corresponding wires are connected to them. What are the machines, and what is the difference between the devices for one and three-phase network, see the video, the choice of the nominal protection machine is described here.

After the required number of devices is installed on the mounting rail, their inputs are connected. As they said before, it can be made by jumpers from a wire or a special connecting comb. What a connection looks for wires, see the photo.

Machines in one group are connected by jumpers: the phase comes total

There are two ways to make jumpers:

  • Cut the conductors of the desired segments, talk their edges and bend the arc. In one terminal insert two conductors, then delay.
  • Take a rather long conductor, with 4-5 cm it is cleaned with 1-1.5 cm of insulation. Take the round bugs and get the bare conductors so that the arcs are interconnected. These bare sites insert into the appropriate nests and delay.

So do, but electricians talk about low quality compound. It is safer to use special tires. Under them on the case there are special connectors (narrow slots, closer to the front edge), in which bus contacts are inserted. These tires are sold on meters, cut into pieces of the required length by conventional laying. By inserting it and installing the feed conductor in the first of the automata, spin contacts on all connected devices. About how to connect automata in a shield with a tire watch video.

A phase wire is connected to the output of the machine, which goes to the load: on household appliances, to outlets, switches, etc. Actually, the assembly of the flap is finished.

Selection of automata in the house or apartment shield

In the electrical panel use three types of devices:

  • Machine. Disables and turns on the power in manual mode, and also works (breaks the chain) with a short circuit in the chain.
  • UZO (protective shutdown device). It controls the leakage current, which occurs when the isolation is sampled or in case someone took up the wires. If one of the specified situations occurs, the chain is broken.
  • Differ. Automatic (differential automatic). This device, which in one case combines two: controls the presence of KZ and leakage current.

DiF machines usually put instead of a bundle - Uzo + automatic. This saves place in the shield - it is required less than one module. Sometimes it is important: for example, you need to turn on another line of the power supply, and there is no place for installation as there is no free automaton.

DIF automaton put instead of a bundle of automaton and UzO

In general, more often put two devices. Firstly, it is cheaper (Diff. Automates are more expensive), secondly, when you work one of the protective devices, you know exactly what happened and what you need to search for: KZ (if the automaton turned off) or leakage and possible current overload (worked UZO). With the work of the DIFAVTOMATA, you will not detect this. Is that put a special model that has a checkbox showing the device for whatever fault.

Automatic protection

Safety machines are selected by the current, which is necessary for consumers of this group. He is thrown simply. Fold the maximum power of all connected devices connected in the group, divide to the voltage of the network - 220 V, get the required current power. The nominal device take a little more, otherwise, when you turn on all loads, it will turn off overload.

For example, having folded the power of all devices in the group received a total value of 6.5 kW (6500 W). We divide 220 V, we get 6500 W / 220 V \u003d 29.54 A.

Current vehicles for current vehicles can be the following: (in a) 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63. The nearest largest value for a given value is 32 A. Such and we are looking for.

Types and types of UzO

Uzo There are two types of action: electronic and electron-mechanical. The difference in price for the device with the same parameters is large - electronically mechanical more expensive. But it is necessary to purchase them to the shield to the house or apartment. The reason is one: they are more reliable, since it is triggered regardless of the availability of power, and for the operation of electronic, it is necessary to feed.

For example, the situation is this: you repair the wiring, for example, a socket and de-energized the network for this - turned off the introductory machine. In the process somewhere damaged isolation. If an electro-mechanical RCD is installed, it will work even in the absence of power. You will understand that something did wrong and will look for the cause. Electronic without food is not working and turning on the network with damaged insulation can have problems.

To understand which of the devices in front of you, it is enough to have a small battery and a pair of wires at hand. Power from the battery is served on any pair of PCO contacts. Elek-mechanical will work, electronic - no. More information about it in video.

  • type AC - variable sinusoidal current;
  • type A - alternating current + pulsating permanent;
  • type B - variable + pulsating permanent + straightened current.

It turns out that the type B gives the best protection, but these devices are very expensive. For a house or apartment panel, it is quite enough, like a, but not AC, which are mostly sold, as they are cheaper.

Besides the type of Uzo, it is selected by the current. Moreover, in two parameters: nominal and leakage. Nominal is the one that can go through contacts and not destroy (rush) them. The rated current of the UzO is taken to the step higher than the rated current of the machine installed in a pair. If the machine is required by 25 A, then the UZO is taken on 40 A.

For the current leak, it's still easier: only two nominal nominal - 10 mA and 30 mA are put into electric switchboards for the apartment and the house. 10 mA put on a line with one device, for example, on a gas boiler, washing machine, etc. And also in the room where the degree of protection is needed: in a children's room or bathroom. Accordingly, the UZO for 30 milliamme aperture is installed in the lines in which several consumers (devices) are included - on sockets in the kitchen, rooms. On the line of lighting, such protection is rarely placed: there is no need, except for street or in the garage.

What numbers on the case what is denoted

Even the RCOs are different time to hold the operation. They are two types:

  • S is selective - it works after a certain time after the leakage current appears (quite a long time interval). They are usually set at the entrance. Then, if an emergency occurs, the device on the damaged line is first turned off. If the leakage current remains, then the "senior" selective UzO will work - usually this is the one that stands at the entrance.
  • J - it works, too, with a delay (protection against random currents), but already with a much smaller. This type of Uzo put on groups.

The diff-machines are the same types as the Uzo and are also selected. Only when determining the current power, you immediately consider the load and are determined with the face value.

Several explanations on the installation of an embedded cabinet for a shield, a connection order, see the video from practice and a wide profile specialist.

One important detail, which is important for security. On the Uzo or Diff Machine there is a "test" button. When it is pressed, the leakage current is artificially created and the device must work - the switch goes to the "Off" position and the line is de-energized. So the performance is checked. It is necessary to do this at least once a month: to be confident in the reliability of protection. In turn, check all available in the RCO scheme. It is important.

Probably, this is all the information that is needed to collect electrical boards with your own hands. Maybe you will still need to learn more about how to break the burden on the groups, read about it here.

Electrochkol do it yourself for a private house

Electrochkol do it yourself for a private rustic or country house. Immediately, I note that the budget of this electric booth with their own hands is minimal, asked a neighbor-pensioner in the country, to replace the old traffic jams and the electric meter, which has long ended the period of calibration, and the use of electricity meters with an accuracy class 2.5 is long prohibited by law. Such a simple wheelchart with his own hands, I had to collect a long time ago. But you hope this article "Electrics with your own hands" will help when assembling its electrical panel.

Attention! If you need to order a bag for home or apartment. The assembly of the switch for you will be almost free. The difference in the retail and wholesale price, for which I buy components from the largest supplier of electrical suppliers "ETM", averages 20%, and this is the approximate cost of assembling the electrical protection. Those. At the retail price in "ETM" you get and components for a shield and its assembly.

So, that's what we had, an ancient electric meter with traffic jams. Probably, many have seen this, and some may still work so much.

The electrical wiring diagram inside the house is single-phase, the simplest, from the traffic jams a single two-cable cable, respectively, phase and zero, "breaking" on all sockets and lighting inside the house. On the reconstruction of the wiring of speech did not go, only it was necessary, to "upgrade" the protection of the house, replacing the old tubes on the machine gun and the old electric meter with a 1.5 accuracy class to a new one.

Prices and photos of the collected panels

Photo report. Assembly of the electric panel Abb Mistral IP65 on 72 modules

Photo report. U61 abb electrical assembly at 72 modules

Photo report. Assembling the electric panel ABB Mistral 41 on 54 modules

Photo report. Assembly of the electric panel ABB UK 500 per 24 module

The circuit of the electric panel with their own hands for a private house we turned out this:

To assemble electrical protection with your own hands for a private house, you need to buy:

  1. Single-phase single-tariff electric meter accuracy class is not worse than 2 (requirements for electric meters in terms of commercial metering). How to choose a power meter for home or apartment, you can read in a special article "Choosing an electric meter".
  2. Small plastic electrical shield for installation inside a private house (no more than 12 modules);
  3. Introductory machine on 32 A.
  4. Two two-pole automaton for exhaust lines at 16 A (one for home wiring, second for the backup line).
  5. Two single-pole machines for reserve.

The installation of bipolar automata is explained by the fact that the village is far from the city. The state of the transformer substation and the LEP derived from it is 0.4 kV, far from normal and practically not served by a network company (only elimination of accidents). Accordingly, there is a high probability that after the next accident on the TP or LEP, the phase will be zero, and vice versa - zero will become a phase. With a single-pole introductory machine, the zero is not turned off. And if the phase is confused with zero on TP or LEP support in some places, we strongly risk when repairing a socket or switch to get to the voltage, because The phase we are not turned off in the end. Therefore, if you turn off the machine, then turn off simultaneously and the phase and zero. Just do not think to put two single-pole machines as an introductory, i.e. One on the phase, and the other on zero.

The experienced electricians may argue that PUE prohibits installing protective apparatus in zero wire:

p.6.1.36. "Installing fuses, automatic and non-automatic single-pole switches in zero working wires in networks with a grounded neutral."

p.6.2.11. "At the beginning of each group line, including nutritional vehicles on all phase conductors must be installed. Installation of protection devices in zero protective conductors is prohibited »

p.7.1.21. "... In all cases in the circuits of re and renewing conductors, it is forbidden to have switching contact and non-contact elements."

In response, we will give another Pue Pue, which allows the installation of an introductory two-pole automaton in the electric boiler of the village house:

p.1.7.145. "The simultaneous shutdown of all conductors is also allowed at entering the electrical installation of individual residential, country and garden houses and similar objects that feed on single-phase branches from VL."

Yes, and you see that you feel more confidently when you know that it completely disconnected from the mains with a two-pole machine gun.

To assemble the electrical protection with their own hands, it is necessary to remove the cover from it, under which the Dean Rake is located, which is screwed to the rear wall of the electrical panel. On Dean Rake, we will install our automata and electric meter.

From above, the electrical terminals are terminals for connecting the zero wire n, and below the place to install additional ground terminals (we do not have a third conductor in the house) that can be purchased and installed in the electrical panel. But in our case, the terminals N and PE will not be useful to us. The exhaust machines are bipoly, respectively, connect directly to the exhaust machine.

Gently, I barely gone out the extra plastic "modules" in the electrical protection, align the edge of the edge by the usual stationery knife.

I install a new electric meter on the Dean Rake, then the automata, according to our single-phase electrical panel for a private house.

In the scheme of electrical panel with their own hands, there is a moment that contradicts p. 1.5.36 Pue, i.e. According to the rules, you must first establish an introductory machine for 32 A, and then after it the electric meter.

p.1.5.36. " To safely install and replace meters in networks voltage up to 380V, the ability to disconnect the meter installed to it at a distance of no more than 10 m switching machine or fuses. "

But one of the segless requirements (not completely legal) of any network organization, with a new connection or replacement of an old electric meter, it is necessary that the introductory cable (wire) in the electrical protection is connected directly to the electric meter. This is due to theft of electricity, because If you connect the electric meter after the machine, it is possible to connect other machines from the lower contacts of the introductory machine, "by" the electric meter.

Representatives of the power grid company can find a lot of arguments to refuse to connect to the unreasonable scheme, can set a fine for the old electric meter without a terminal lid and seals, so in our case it is better not to communicate and agree. Although this can deliver problems in the future, when replacing the electric meter, you will have to turn off the fully power supply.

In our case, it turns out that the introductory cable is connected to the power meter, and from it already on the introductory automaton 32 A, the terminal cover of the electric meter will be separated by the electric grid company and no one can connect to the electricity meter bypass, without violating the seal.

There are options like "to meet" in the requirements of the network organization in terms of theft of electricity and the subsequent replacement of the electric meter. To do this, you can install an introductory machine to a sealing box with your own hands, or that the network organization plans a seal to the contacts of the introductory machine and the terminal cover of the electric meter.

Next, connect the electric meter and the introductory machine with a copper single-core wire with a cross section of 6 mm2 (the white wire is a phase, and blue, as it should be zero). For an existing load, it would be enough of course, and copper wire 2.5 mm2 with an introductory machine for 16 A, but it is better to connect with a reserve. How to connect a single-phase electric meter. You can read in the article "Connecting a single-phase meter."

From the introductory automaton 32 A, we connect the machine to 16 A, which directly protects the copper cable inside the house. The cross section of the copper cable inside the house is 2.5 mm2, and it was possible to put on this line machine for 20 A, but all household sockets are designed for current not more than 16 A.

We make a jumper on the phase and zero for a backup machine for 16 and in the electrical wheel with your own hands.

We set in the batcher with your own hands on the Dean Rake, single-pole automata (reserve).

I connected in advance to the electrical copper cable in advance to the electric meter.

I reliably tighten the contacts of the electric meter. I screw in place the terminal cover of the electric meter, and the plastic cover of the electrical panel. Later, the terminal cover of the electric meter will be separated by the electrical system of the network organization.

Stick in your own hands the printed designations of automata.

I screw the wheelchair with your own hands through special mounting holes in the back wall, ordinary wood self-stairs on the wall of the house.

Tree drill with a diameter of 22 mm drilled a hole on the street for the introductory cable into the electrical panel with his own hands, which hid in the corrugation and secured on the wall. Better, of course, hang the electrical wheel with your own hands, next to the drilled hole under the introductory cable, but it was impossible to do this without increasing the existing cable to the house, and it is not necessary to make an excess twist.

After the old wires are replaced from the LAM to a new SIP, in their own hands to the lower contacts of the "House" automatic machine, the neighbor connected the cable, extinguishing the inside of the house.

Schematically draw, as in the future, connect the additional cable to the two-pole automatic machine "Reserve" in the future. It will be easy to do this, just connect the cable to the lower contacts of the two-pole automaton, as shown in the figure.

If you still need to connect additional cables in your own hands, and connect them to one-pole automatic machines, make it more complicated for this: you need it:

  1. Connect zero from the lower contact of the input two-pole automaton by 32 A with a separately installed zero terminal (blue line);
  2. From the top contact of the two-pole automatic machine 16 A "Reserve", connect the phase to the upper contact of the single-pole machine to 16 A (red);
  3. One of the wires of an additional cable (red), which will be connected to the electrical protection with their own hands, connect with the lower contact of the single-pole machine - it will be a phase;
  4. The second wire of the additional cable (blue) connect in electrical protection with their own hands to the zero terminal;

The cost of materials to assemble this electric booth with their own hands (electrical stopper, electric meter, automata) amounted to about 1500 rubles. Of course, the materials are low quality, but in any case, it is much more reliable and safer than old distorted traffic jams.

Floating dacha with their own hands

Having obtained permission to connect to the three-phase network, it is worth thinking about how to make it so that the assembly of the 380 B shield is reliable, efficient and easy to maintain. In principle, subject to the installation of the diphtatomates, it is easy, but expensive. If the budget is limited, you will have to invent the load distribution scheme. And this is not easy, as it is necessary to observe the logic of the distribution of lines and not overload the phases.

The first and most important thing is that it is necessary to understand - three-phase and single-phase equipment can be connected to the network 380. The difference is that the three-phase is connected immediately to the three phases and neutral, and one-phase one - to one of the phases and neutrals. Such a connection - to one of the phases and neutral - gives 220 V.

Do not think that the presence of three-phase techniques must. Not at all. Just when connecting powerful techniques to three phases, its load is distributed equally between all three phases. And this means that it is possible to use the wires of a smaller cross section and the automata of smaller denominations (but the wires at the same time four / five wired, and the machine is three-four-pole).

The power feature of 380 in is that the phases three and the power allocated to you are divided into all three phases. If you allocated 18 kW, it should have 6 kW for each of the phases. This establishes a three-pole or four-pole machine, which will turn off the power supply completely if the load on one of the phases will be exceeded. The machine gun has some time delay, but it is very small, so you have to fully calculate the distribution of loads by phases, otherwise the light will constantly turn off due to overloads. This is the so-called "phase skew", which prevents normal to live normally.

Schemes for assembling three-phase electrical panels

Assembly of the 380 B shield can be made according to different schemes. There are many options, it is important to choose the most logical, not too expensive. But the most important thing is that electricity in the house or apartment is safe. Therefore, besides the protection machines that protect the networks from overload, they also put the RCD (protective shutdown device) that protect a person from electric shock. Standards do not require the installation of the UDO to lighting in dry rooms, but in the case of a three-phase connection of an apartment or a house, this is not an option, since then all lighting is put on one machine. When it is triggered, everything will be in the dark. So it will also have to light up the lighting through the RCD, which only increases the reliability of the power supply system of the house / apartment (although the price increases).

A pair, automatic + uro, can replace. This makes the scheme more simple, reliable, easily readable and variable (subject to connecting through the cross module). Even the place in the shield is also saved, which is also important. But such a scheme costs three times more expensive, since there are many diffments, and they are more expensive than the pair of automatic + Uzo.

The need for a cross module for three-phase shields

So that the assembly of the 380 B shield was easier and existed to reconnect one or more machine guns to another phase, after the meter, the three-phase cross module is installed. This device that has three inputs is under three phases, and several outputs with the same phases (the number of outputs depends on the model).

Connecting to the desired phase through a cross module is as follows: The terminated conductor is inserted into the slot, secured by the pressure screw. Switch to another phase is simple: unscrew the screw, pull out the wire, connect to the free output on another phase. If there is a cross module, all connectivity is more logical, it is easy to understand a non-professional, it is easier to make changes. The cost of this equipment is not so big, but a lot of benefits. It is still better to put it, even though the equipment is not included in the list of mandatory.

Assembly of the shield 380 in only diffant matters

As mentioned repeatedly, if on each group or a separate powerful consumer installed its deaftomat, the whole task competently distribute them between the phases so that there are no phase skews. An example of such a flat panel is shown in the figure below.

With such a scheme, everything is clear. Worked the first automatic - the problem with lighting in the hall, worked the fourth - disorder in the outlets in the kitchen. Everything is clear and understandable. But such a scheme for a private house is too expensive, therefore it is necessary to wise, dividing all lines into groups.

With two Uzo.

It is possible to divide the entire load into two groups, put two powerful three-phase UzOs at the input. In this case, there should be two tires near each group: neutral and grounding. After each RCO, its cross module is set to which the phases are breeded and the lines are connected to the outputs.

The advantages of such a scheme: not too high price, relatively small cabinet size, it is easy to switch, if necessary, one or two consumers within the same group.

An example of the planning of the electric panel by 380 V with two UzO

Disadvantages More:

  • Three-phase Uzo are expensive. In case of failure, costs will be tangible.
  • To throw consumers from one group to another, you will have to drag the wires - for the uninitiated it is difficult.
  • When it is triggered from automata, half of consumers remains de-energized. Since many lines are connected to each RCO, the process of searching the perpetrator is long, because it will have to turn off everything first, then gradually add one by one. The line on which protection will work again, and will be damaged.
  • An additional tires appeared, it is necessary to sign them, which of them go to the first group, which to the second and not confuse when installing. So that during the maintenance of the wire of different tires, they do not confuse, it is better to hang a tag for everybody.
  • It is impossible to collect groups so that on the same Uzo there were only "wet" rooms, on the other only "dry". And in general, to more or less align the load, you will have to break your head.

In general, the scheme is not the best of the fact that when the protection is triggered, half the load is turned off. Uncomfortable. Yes, and the rates of the Uzo need to take large, and also three or four phases, which in the regions can be problematic, and also beats the pocket. So the assembly of the 380 B shield for this scheme is possible only in the country, for example.

By the way, so that there are fewer wires in the shield, the zero wires are best served through a special mounting bus. In stores you can even find tires painted with blue color. If there are no, take nail polish and paint it yourself. To connect neutral via the bus, it is necessary to buy a teeth through one, connect the wire from the tire to it. It remains only to insert the teeth into the desired grooves, clean the clamping screws. With such a connection neutral to protection machines, the wire is only one, and the quality of the connection is at the height.

With the Uzo on each phase

Another variant of the three-phase electrical shield scheme is one of the UzO for each of the phases. In this case, the UZO take two-pole, cross the module is placed after each RCDO, and the load is connected to its outputs that were distributed to each of the phases.

If you look at the three-phase shield scheme assembled on this principle, you can see that the grounding tires and neutral are already three each of the RCD. If you connect neutral using conductors, there will be confusion. The advantages of this scheme include the presence of three groups, so that the distribution of consumers can be made more logical. When one of the Uzo is triggered, most of consumers stay in work, which is also good.

But still, it is not always possible to distribute the load so that the wet premises are separately and at the same time there was no phase skew. And the search for damage is quite complicated, as many consumers. To make it easier to understand, you can put on the "dangerous" lines your own RCD. The example above was done on the power line to.

Collect three-phase electrical protection with your own hands on this scheme will be easier if each of the groups gather on one din rail. Put the UZO on it, then the automata can be sequentially. When machining it will be clearly seen, where and in which lines to look for a problem (if the machines are signed).

Number of group RCDs More than three

In large homes and cottages you have to lay a large number of lines. If you put only three UzOs, on each of them there will be a dozen or more lines - to look for damage when disconnected. And it will not work separately to plant wet premises, street, etc. The output in this case is to do multi-level protection, put the personal Uzo after group to split the wet and dry rooms. A good option, but there is another one: make groups more than three. For example, two on each phase or more. Or not on each. It depends on the number of consumers, from how you break the load, from how much money you are willing to invest in an electric distribution cabinet. Because the number of equipment is growing, the size of the required cabinet increases, and the value of the "box" itself increases with the size. You still need to add the value of Dean-Rosek, tires, etc.

Another disadvantage: such a number of equipment to be mounted, and then maintain problematic. Wires mass. To reduce the chance not to "get confused", sign each posting, and there is nothing about the automata and the RCD. Write to which phase is connected, develop the numbering system. For example, if three UzOs were connected to the first phase, write on the first L1-1, on the second L1-2, on the third L1-3. Similarly, sign other groups.

With all the difficulty, this is a scheme, we get a more "individual" system. When smoking one UZO, it is easy to search for damage, as the lines are connected a bit. Another plus - only a small part of the devices is turned off, it is easier to provide electricity to the room disconnected during the room.

But the assembly of the shield 380 B according to such a principle can be almost the same way as when using diphawtomates. But the scheme is generally unique in its simplicity and mobility. If the difference turns out a small one, better assemble the three-phase electric boards on differential automata. It will be much easier to maintain, it will be easy to change the distribution by phases, add new lines, etc.

Load distribution algorithm for three phases

As already mentioned, it is necessary to collect all one-phase load and distribute it evenly between the phases. Moreover, the focus is to choose everything so that powerful devices connected to one phase have not caused overload disconnection. This is possible if the total power of the working devices will not be more nominal, or if these devices will not work simultaneously.

General principles of loading loads for machine guns

The most reliable and easy-to-service scheme - when a separate automaton is on each group of consumers or a powerful device, and the UzO is associated with it. But such a scheme, firstly, the road, secondly, requires just a huge closet, which is also not suiced. Therefore, they try to connect several lines to one machine, but to combine them must be followed by a certain logic. Otherwise, it is clear that when the machine is triggered it will be very difficult. It is worth following the following rules:

To form groups it was easier, make up a list of lines and a load on them. The room, the name of the line and the power of the connected load should be indicated. Looking at this table, following the rules described above, collect groups. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the load has been distributed more or less smooth.

Check Group

After you on paper sketched a group, check. Sit down and think that it will be, if each of the machines work, how catastrophic will be the consequences for each room.

For example, if in a two-storey cottage, connect all the first floor sockets and the lighting of the second one by one automatic, and the lighting of the first, the outlet of the second to another, and the technique on the third, then when the situation is triggered by any car, the situation will be ahow.

Here in such a channel losing the situation with the disconnection of each machine. It is desirable that the room remains or working outlets or they were in the next. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to connect and light the equipment.


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