MD pirate do it yourself from the beginning. Homemade Metal Detectors: Simple and More Complicated - On Gold, Black Metal, For Construction

MD pirate do it yourself from the beginning. Homemade Metal Detectors: Simple and More Complicated - On Gold, Black Metal, For Construction

Metal detector pirate - One of the best metal detectors for the beginner. It is simple and the parameters are surprised. However, I always want to achieve a larger device, somehow improve it. Here I am for this metal detector made a coil 2 in 1. Just tried, I didn't even think that the characteristics would improve.

When I did, then the search parameters turned out to be the following: 5 rubles Clean sensitivity by 20 cm, coin from under vodka (silver) with a diameter of 12 mm Clean sensitivity by 15 cm (with clicks 17-18 cm) !!! That is non-ferrous metals (type of silver and Gold) This metal detector sees better than, for example, nickel. And also, an important characteristic of this coil (except for enhanced sensitivity), the coil evenly sees the metals, compared with the ordinary (on the line it seems better, and in the center is worse, and not such a secuch).

The parameters of the coil: a large coil: frame 20 cm, wound 20 turns; a smaller coil: scrolling 9 cm 5 turns. And both coils are wound with a wire of 0.6 mm and connected sequentially It turns out one coil. And for the strength, I both coils tightly climbed threads and poured them with second glue, but can be lacquered. Here is a photo:

Then I aligned the boring machine to these mountains, formed during the ripple of the foam, the truth did not succeed exactly, but nothing after the fill the coil is processed.

Then I cut out of the text of the ears and made the holes under the plastic bolt in them, and then poured with an epoxy resin.

Just use the usual epoxy! If you use quickly hardened, then she while you prevent it up for half a minute, and heats up very much! I have the usual heated, the foam asked, but the coil had time to grab so she did not change the form. Further pull out the dried reel from the foam and process the boron machine and the grinder. It turned out such a candy:

The metal detector market is represented by a large number of models of different companies. The cost of individual instances may be several times the price of basic versions. The deeper the device is looking for, the more expensive it is. Not every metal detector, for example, is able to find a small coin that occurs at a depth of only 5 cm. The presence of metal recognizer and display to configure the operation of the metal detector also increase the price of the instruments.

The simplest model of the metal detector - Pirate - can be collected with your own hands. The scheme is so simple that even a novice radio amateur will cope with it. The name of the device comes from the reduction of the English word that denotes the pulse (PI) and the site on which for the first time was posted in free access scheme (RAD - RADIOSKOT. RU). The pirate is capable of finding coins at a depth of 20 cm. For larger items, an indicator is possible and 180 cm. The problem is only that it is not possible to apply this model in a dirty solumed metal soil: metal detector diagrams pirate with metal discrimination does not exist.

Materials and tools for assembly

It is necessary to stock up the following set of radio components and materials:

  • chip KR1006Vi1 or imported Ne 555 - the basis of the future assembly;
  • transistor IRF 740;
  • microcircuit K157UD2, transistor SP547 - the basis for the receiving node;
  • wire PEV 0.5 - for the manufacture of coil;
  • nPN transistors;
  • materials for the manufacture of the case.

Toolkit required for the installation of metal detector:

  • soldering iron;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill 1 mm.

A diagram with the set of other parts can be downloaded below.

The electronic circuit will also need a plastic box. For the manufacture of the rod to which the coil will be attached, it is necessary to purchase a cut of a plastic pipe.

Step-by-step assembly of metal detector

Production of printed circuit board

We start with the most difficult - electronics. According to the instructions, we make a printed circuit board. There are several options for this part depending on the radio elements involved. This is the fee under the NE 555 chip, and the option for transistors. We find the network sketch and print on a sheet of paper. For these sizes, cut out a piece of textolite. We assign a sketch on the workpiece and plan the places of future holes. Drilling the workpiece with a drill or drilling machine. Then draw the tracks with a photoresist or LUT (laser-iron technology).

Another option to draw their brush, using nitrolac. Tracks must immediately repeat the scheme. At the last stage, the bastim is a hydrogen peroxide fee.

Installation of radio elements on the fee

Solder items to the board, strictly adhering to the selected scheme. Do not forget about the need for capacitors that provide stable operation of the device, which is especially relevant in the spring and autumn season, when a sharp temperature difference is possible.

In this assembly, film capacitors.

Metal detector needs a power source of 9 - 12 volts. Note that the energy-efficient device due to considerable power. Therefore, it is necessary to use 2 - 3 batteries with a parallel compound or, which is much more preferable, the charging battery.


Since the metal detector is pulsed, the accuracy when assembling the coil is not too important. The diameter of the rim on average is 190 - 200 mm. The number of turns of the coil - 25. The coils must be well inlaced, so we wake the parts with a tightly. To increase the detection depth, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the rim (260 - 270 mm), and the number of metals limit (up to 22). The cross section of the used wire is 0.5 mm.

The next step is the mounting of the coil on a rigid basis (it should not be made of metal). Look for a suitable rounded case, which will protect this part of the metal detector during search work.

Conclusions from the coil must be soldered to stranded wire (0.5 - 0.75 mm). Preferably there will be two separate returned wires.

Setup apparatus

If the metal detector is folded exactly according to the diagram, the additional setting is not required by it: it stands at maximum sensitivity. For an accurate fit, it is necessary to twist the R 13 resistor to be heard that the clearly infectious clicks are heard. If such a result is possible only with the extreme winding of the resistor, that is, the need to change the rating of the resistor R 12. The adjustment of the device is carried out with the average position of the resistor.

In the presence of an oscilloscope, it is necessary to measure the frequency on the valve of the T2 transistor. The duration of the pulse should be 130-150 μs., And the operating frequency is 120-150 Hz.

The included apparatus must stabilize, for this, it needs to be about 20 seconds. Then we take tuning using a resistor and proceed to search engines.

The scheme of the metal detector "Pirate", very popular and understandable even to a novice radio amateur. Metal detector Pirate has been satisfied with good characteristics, nor looking at the simplicity of the scheme and accessibility of details. It is going to easily, in the evening, does not require any settings and firmware, it starts to work immediately after the assembly! Present below detailed instructions Assembling metal detector Pirate!

Specifications MD pirate:

Current consumption 30-40 mA
Supply voltage 9-14 volts
No discrimination, reacts to all metals
Coin sensitivity 25 millimeters - 20 cm
Large metal objects - 150 cm


For the operation of the metal detector, the pirate, a voltage of 9-14 volts is required. You can use conventional batteries or batteries of type AA or two crowns connected in parallel, but I would advise you to spend some money and buy a battery for a uninterrupted person, it can be easily fixed on a metal detector's bar and charge will be enough for a long time. Also, you can use both the battery from the screwy, by the way, at the beginning, I used it and used it!


Search coil for metal detector pirate, also manufactured uncomfortable. Wounds on a frame of 190 mm. and contains 25 turns of the wire PEV 0.5 mm. The coil can be cooked on the back for embroidery, by the way this method is quite common. Personally, I take the usual pan, winding the coil on it and tighten all this with a tape, then I make a frame made of thin plywood and fix it on it. Here as they say, everyone is his own, as comfortable.

Required details:

Metal detector diagram pirate:

Metal detector Pirate consists of transmitting and receiving nodes. The transmitting unit consists of an impulse generator which is assembled on the NE555 chip and a powerful key on the IRF740 transistor. The receiving unit consists of the K157UD2 chip and the BC547 transistor.

In fact, the details are sufficiently common, but if you still could not find them, try apply analogs. The NE555 timer can be replaced with the domestic analog of KR1006V1, instead of the IRF740 transistor, you can put any bipolar NPN structure with N CE Not lower than 200 volts, you can even drop out of the energy-saving lamp or charging from the phone, even the CT817 is suitable for an extreme case. Transistors BC557 and BC547, on domestic CT3107 and KT3102. The operating amplifier K157UD2 has a complete analog of KR1434UCE, it can also be replaced with imported TL072, but in this case, you will need to remake the board to the board, as it has 8 legs. Metal detector pirate on TL072 I also have, the scheme and fee lie in the overall archive. By the way, the impulse generator can be collected on transistors:

A little about the details:

Microcircuit K157UD2 and K157D3
Microcircuit NE555
IRF740 transistor
Proper compound of resistors.

Metal detector assembly pirate:

To begin with, of course, you need to prepare a fee. To do this, opens the Sprint-layout program and print the workpiece of our future board, then transfer the drawing in any convenient way to the prepared fee, we carry it out and chose the holes for the details. I use the technology of Lout, although I do not have a laser printer, I do at work.

But when there is no possibility to print on a laser printer, you can make a drawing on the jet, then cut off the fiberglass of the desired form, attach the drawing to the board and the acute item to mark the holes, then chop and the permanent marker to draw paths manually. Well, or through a copy of the movie.

It is necessary to clean up the fee with shallow emery paper and degrease the acetone before applying the pattern, and the image is well transferred and the etching process will be faster and more reliable. After the fee will do, it is necessary to erase a toner or a marker again and lose a little emery paper.

Then we take a soldering iron and Ludim Tin tracks. After the meadow, be sure to erase acetone an extra rosin, in order to avoid problems in the future. Optionally, you can ring the tracks.

Now you need to solder all the details on the fee. To do this, we also open the seal in the Sprint-Layout program and look where what parts are located. I strongly advise you, put the panels for the microcircuit, just in case. The first thing solder jumpers, they are in Scheme 2, and one is under the NE555 chip, so if you do about it, it will be difficult to find a malfunction, since I'm sure you are for these jumpers and do not remember! As a jumper, the legs are suitable from resistors.

When all parts are in place, it remains only to solder outlets into variable resistors, a coil, speaker and meals.

The correctly collected scheme starts to work immediately, without any settings.

The coil as I said above is wound on a frame of 19-22 cm and contains 25 turns. To search for smaller items, you can wind the coil of less than 15 cm - 17 turns or 10 cm. - 13 turns. To search for a mushroom, of course, it is certainly better to use a coil with a diameter of 19 cm.

I want to say a few words about sound tonality. It seemed to me too rude. Change the tonality, it is possible by selecting the C1 condenser, I replaced it with 47NF and the sound became higher.

The speaker is better to take the type 3GDS TRYD 4070-02 8th so the sound will be much more powerful, I replaced the old speaker in my metal detector. Also, the speakers from headphones are also very well coped.

Link to a printed circuit board, as well as a list of parts necessary for assembling a pirate that is very cheap you can buy on Aliexpress with free shipping, are at the end of the article on the video!

And finally, video operation of the metal detector Pirate:

Metal detector "Pirat" (abbreviated from PI - pulse, RA-T - Radioskot - the site of developers) is easy to manufacture and configuration, no programmable elements of which are so afraid of many radio amateurs, there are no expensive and scarce elements in it, and in its parameters is not inferior Some foreign copies of the price of 100-300 cu The main advantages of this device in front of other schemes of simple metapeakers are stability and range. Collect this MD, if even people having elementary knowledge in the field of electronics. Did you decide? Then we went.

Metal detector parameters:

Food - 9-12 volts;

current consumption - 30-40 mA;

sensitivity - 25 Milmeter coin - 20 cm;

Large metal objects - 150 cm

The device consists of two main nodes, transmitting and receiving. The transmitting unit consists of a pulse generator on the KR1006V1 chip (foreign analogue of NE555) and a powerful key on the IRF740 transistor. The receiving unit is assembled on the K157UD2 chip and transistor SP547.

The coil is wound on the mandrel 190mm and contains 25 turns of the wire PEV 0.5. Transistor T1 took KT361 . The T2 transistor is replaced by the Bipolar transistor NPN structure with a voltage of K-e not lower than 200 volts. It can be taken from the energy-saving lamp or charger from mobile phone. In the extreme case, even CT817 works as T2, so you can experiment. As T3, almost any transistor structure NPN can be applied. The correctly assembled device in the setup practically does not need. It is possible to choose the R12 resistor, so that clicking in the dynamics appeared with the middle position R13 (R12 was selected - 20k) . If there is an oscilloscope, you can control the duration of the control pulse and the generator frequency. Optimum impulse option 130-150μs, frequency 120-150 Hz.

Working with the device. When you turn on, we expect 15-20 seconds, after which the sensitivity regulator find such a position in which clicks are listening in the dynamics - this will be the maximum sensitivity. The device is easy to manage and work skills come literally through a pair of inclusions.

Who will have a problem with the acquisition of the KR1006Vi1 chip, you can collect the generator on the transistors. But here, due to the scattering of their parameters, it is possible to choose the frequency and duration of the pulse. It is desirable to have an oscilloscope. Oscillograms at different location schemes are shown in the pictures in the archive.

R1 in the generator is responsible for the generation frequency;

R2 - for the duration of the control impulse.

For lovers to measure something, there are voltages on the conclusions of the OU (without the presence of metal in the sensor zone):

The metal detector decided to paint in the "camouflage" color that actually turned out to be very beautiful. The case took from the doorbell. The coil with the board is connected through the same wire with the plug and the headphone plug, the power switch also placed.

The reel wrapped like this: I took Phaneur, driven 6 nails. To formed a hexagon and wound the coil, in several places fixed the glue moment, dry, remove. The coil to the site also recorded glue.

The printed circuit board did not do, as the scheme did not make a big one on the laype. Well, who wishes to do on the seal, can download from the necessary files.

Achieved such a sensitivity at which the iron door Metal detector "sees" about from one and a half meters and this at 9V power.

You can buy about 100-300 dollars. The price of metal detectors is strongly interconnected from their depth of detection, far from each metal detector can "see" coins at a depth of 15 cm. In addition, the presence of a method of metal type and type of interface, fashion metal detectors sometimes equip the display for convenient operation at the cost of a metalfactor. .

This article will consider an example of assembly with your own hands of a powerful metal detector called Pirat. The device is able to capture coins under the ground at a depth of 20 cm. As for large items, it is quite realistic to work at a depth and at all 150 cm.

Video work with metal detector:

This name this metal detector received due to the fact that it is impulse, this is the designation of the two first of its letters (PI-impulse). Well, RA-T is consonant with the word Radioskot - this is the name of the site of developers, where the homemade was and posted. According to the author, the pirate is going very simple and quickly, for this, even the initial skills in working with electronics.

The disadvantage of such a device is that it does not have a discriminator, that is, it does not know how to recognize non-ferrous metals. So work with him on polluted various types of metals areas will not work.

Materials and tools for assembly:
- KR1006Vi1 chip (or its foreign analogue NE555) - the transmitting unit is built on it;
- transistor IRF740;
- Microcircuit K157UD2 and transistor SP547 (the receiving unit is collected);
- wire PEV 0.5 (for coil winding);
- transistors type NPN;
- materials for creating a case and so on;
- tape;
- Soldering iron, Wires, other tools.

The remaining radio components can be seen in the diagram.

You still need to find a suitable plastic box for mounting the electronic circuit. Still need plastic trumpet To create a rod to which the coil is attached.

Metal detector assembly process:

Step one. Create a printed circuit board
The most difficult part of the device is, of course, the electronics, so it is advisable to start with it. First of all, you need to make a printed circuit board. There are several options for boards, depending on the radio elements used. There is a board for NE555, and there is a board on transistors. All the necessary files for creating the board have an article. Also on the Internet you can find other options for boards.

Step second. Install the electronic elements on the fee
Now the fee needs to be soldered, all electronic elements are set exactly as in the diagram. In the picture on the left you can see condensers. These capacitors are film and have high thermal stability. Thanks to this, the metal detector will work more stable. This is especially true if you use the metal detector in the fall, when the street is already cold on the street.

Step Three. Power supply for metal detector
To power the device, you need a source from 9 to 12 V. It is important to note that the device in terms of energy consumption is rather voracious, and it is logical, because it is also powerful. One Crohn battery will not be enough here for a long time, it is recommended to use 2-3 batteries immediately, which are connected in parallel. You can still use one powerful battery (best charged).

Step fourth. Collect the coil for metal detector
Due to the fact that this is a pulse metal detector, here the accuracy of the coil assembly is not so important. The optimal diameter is the mandrel 1900-200 mm, you just need to get 25 turns. After the coil is wound, it must be cooled to wind up from above the isolation with an insulation. To increase the depth of detection of the coil, you need to wind it on the mandrel with a diameter of about 260-270 mm, and the number of turns to reduce to 21-22. The wire is used with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

After the coil is wound, it must be installed on a hard case, it should not be metal on it. Here you need to think a little and search any body suitable in size. It is needed to protect the coil from the shock while working with the device.

The conclusions from the coil are soldered to a stranded wire, a diameter of about 0.5-0.75 mm. Best, if it is two, the pigs are switched together.

Pitch fifth. Customize metal detector

When assembling, the metal detector is not required exactly according to the scheme, it has the maximum sensitivity. For a thinner setting of the metal detector, you need to twist the R13 variable resistor, you need to achieve rare clicks in the dynamics. If this is obtained only in the extreme positions of the resistor, it is necessary to change the R12 resistor denomination. A variable resistor must configure the device on normal work In medium-sized positions.


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