Orthodox meal: What to cook in the Assumption post? Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Orthodox meal: What to cook in the Assumption post? Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Assumption of the Virgin

The Assumption of the Virgin- The holiday established in the name of the memories of the death of the mother of God. This is one of the twelve great holidays, which is celebrated on August 28 and becomes the end of the Assumption post.

The death of the Virgin - an event, painted by sadness about her care, but sadly bright, because the death of Mother of God meant her connection with his son.

The Bible says nothing about the Assumption of the Virgin, but the story has been preserved about this in church icons and services.

In the sacred tradition, it is said that after the Ascension of Jesus, the Virgin remained on the care of John the Bogoslov. After King Herod deployed the persecution of Christians, Mother of God left the homeland of the Apostle John, to the city of Ephesus, where he lived in his parents' house. There, she industrally prayed that the Lord quickly took her to her.

During one of these prayers, which the Mother of God performed on the place of the Ascension of her son, Archangel Gabriel appeared before, and announced that after three days her prayer would find a response, that is, three days later the Lord will take her to her. The Mother of God wanted to see all the apostles before death, who diverged at different edges with the sermons. Wonderfully all the apostles found themselves in Jerusalem in three days in order to say goodbye to the Virgin. Later, the apostle Paul arrived, and not only the Apostle Thomas appeared.

As they say in the Holy Scripture, at the appointed time in the temple there were many candles, all the apostles surrounded the bed, on which the Virgin Mary was lying on and prayed in anticipation of her outcome. She asked her son and gentlemen about the fence of her from evil forces and solarms. Soon the candles went out, all around the light hung around, Christ himself came down in the surroundings of the angels, and Mother of God happily handed her soul into his hands.

The apostles buried the body of the Virgin in the Garden of the Garden, in the cave, where her parents, Joacim and Anna were buried. After the funeral of the apostle, three days were sitting near the cave and prayed. When the Apostle Thomas arrived in Jerusalem on the third day in Jerusalem and hurried to say goodbye to the Virgin, then, to his surprise and to the surprise of all the apostles, the bodies of the mother of God in the cave no longer had, only white canvas remained. By the same day, during evening meals, the Virgin was the Apostles and said: "Rejoice, I'm with you - all days!"

On this holiday, on August 28, in all temples during the evening, they carry out the altar to the middle of the temple, with the image of the Virgin, who is there before the rite of burial. During the procession, the shroud is carried around the temple, and then all the Orthodox can enter the temple, passing under the glory. In some cities (Jerusalem, Ghefsimania), a special chin of the burial of the Virgin Mary is held.

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumption of the Blessed Lady of Our Mother of God is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on August 28. The first mentions of the celebration of Christians of the Assumption of Our Lady belong to the IV century. In the Gospel, nothing is said about the earthly life of Our Lady after

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28) The Holiday of Assumption of Our Lady was established by the Church for a long time. It is mentioned in the writings of Blessed Jerome, Augustine and Grigory, Bishop of Turovsky. The first reliable information about this holiday appear only in the VI century.

Prayers before and after biting food

Before tasted
Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from the evil. The eyes of everyone on the lad, the Lord, and you are giving them to eat in the bitterness, you slow down your generous hand and fulfilling any animal of favor.

After tastened
We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the celestial kingdom, but Yako, through your students, you came to Esi, Savior, the world give them, get to us and save us.

Secret prayer before consecuting food for non-harmony food
(loss prayer)

Also pray you, Lord, save me from suggestion, Sostroma and give me peace in the world with a reverence to take your generous gifts, yes, I will get them to strengthen the forces of my spiritual and bodily for serving you, Lord, in a few of my remainder of my life on Earth.

Traditional thanksgiving phrase:
"Angel you for my meal!"
Assumption calendar

August 29 (August 16, according to Art.) - Transferring from Installation to Constantinople of the Nerukotye Image of the Lord Jesus Christ (Bread Savior)

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Virgin Delo, rejoice. Fertile Marie, Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Troper to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tropear, voice 1st
In Christmas, Merry Christmas retained Esi, the world did not leave the world, the Virgin, the Mother of God, was pressed against the stomach, Mati Sushchi belly, and your prayers saved our soul death.

Kondak, voice 2nd
In prayers, a unprecedented Virgin and in the concepts of immutable hope, the coffin and killing is not retaining: the Mother's Mother's Belly, Mother's belly, to the stomach, in the womb is extremely reliable.

Major, the defective mother of Christ of our God, and the Allwalian Slavs Your Assumption.

Troper to transfer from Furnaces to Constantinople of the non-homework image of the Lord of our Jesus Christ

Tropear, voice 2nd
It is worshiping with the preching image, the good, the sorry for the sorry of our pregrees, Christ, God: the will of Bo fagged by the flesh of a collapse on the cross, but to get rid of Yazh created the enemy's work. Those more thank yelling: joys fulfilled the whole, our spas, who came to save the world.

Kondak, voice 2nd It is inexpensive and the divine word of your viewing, an uncomplicated word report, and the image is uncomplicated and the gloomy is winning the most difficult to incarnation, we read that dearly.

Major, exorbitant Christ, and read the prechistago faces of your copper imagination.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
The Day of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Orthodox Church celebrates on August 15 (August 28 in a new style). Each holiday is the milestone of our life. But to comprehend it, you need to find his spiritual meaning.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Reminds that death is not the only way out of this life. If a person cultivates the seeds of love, good, mercy, faith, then his life is not crowded with death, but by peace. In the word "Assumption" in one whole concepts "ripeness", "Sleep", "Success" ...

After the ascension of the Son of God on the sky, the Prech Virgin Mary lived in the house at the Apostle John the Bogoslov. Pressing the mother of God followed in 48. The day of the death was opened to her three days before the await when Archangel Gabriel appeared to her with a palm branch in his hands from the villagers of the Paradise, who was given to the Virgin Mary as a sign of the unprecedented spiritual spring.

When the hour of her death was approaching, the Lord miraculously moved the Holy Apostles to Odra of the Virgin in Jerusalem from different ends of the Earth. At the time of the Communication of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the unusual light was illuminated by the house, and apparently for all the Lord Jesus Christ descended to Odra of Our Lady and accepted the holy soul to her hands.

Bringing the burial of the Major Body of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Apostles on the ramen suffered ORD to the burial site. The solemn procession was met by the Jewish priest of Afoniii and, wondered by malice, rushed to Odra of Our Lady to overturn him. But hardly he touched him with his own hands, as the bold hands were cut off with a heavenly court and the brushes hung at the coffin. The repentant of Afonia on the prayers of the apostles to the Mother of God was healed (his hands took a miraculous way), and subsequently Afonium was baptized.

This episode reminds everyone about that "that the end of the earthly life of the Mother of God forms the deepest inner secret of the church, which will not tolerate its desecration: an invisible to the outdoor glory of Mary's Assumption is fasted only in the light of the inner tradition" (V. Los).

When the body was laid in the coffin, the Apostle Thomas came to Jerusalem, who arrived in God's fishery to the burial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, late for three days.

Wanting to see her honest remains and bowed to them, the Apostle Thomas along with other apostles, dumping the stone, entered the coffin, but the body of the Virgin was no longer in the tomb. There were only her rhymes, from which there was a wonderful fragrance.

The apostles realized that the Most Holy Virgo, who mysteriously transforming, went to the kingdom of heaven. On the same day, they saw her standing in the air surrounded by angels, shining unspecified glory. The church always believed that the body of the Virgin was taken to heaven.

The event of the Assumption of God's Mother Holy Church teaches us that death is not the destruction of our being. She is only the transition from the ground to the sky, from the tension and destruction to the eternal immortality. It is not by chance that the main temples of the urban cities of Russia, as well as the temples of many monasteries in our Fatherland, were built in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

The holiday of Assumption brings us to the fall (from this day the Indian summer begins), but the Republic of China is revealed on the eve of the autumn, the paradise branch calls and us in the Assumption day to transformation spiritual.

If the Assumption happens on Wednesday or Friday, then meat, cheese and eggs are not allowed.

Harvest Assumption

From August 28, upon completion of the Assumption post, the Christian comes the time of autumn meatyad associated with the way the Blessed Virgin Mary (Assumption, Christmas and Pokrov).

Opens his feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, if this day does not fall on Wednesday or Friday, they are talking to meat, otherwise - fish.

The meat starts then there are from the next day - the holiday of transferring the non-homework image of Jesus Christ from Russia to Constantinople, also called.
Autumn meatoneal is completed on November 27 - on the day of the Holy Apostle Philip.

During the whole meal, you can eat meat on any day, except for the medium and friday. The exception is two special holidays that are the days of a strict post.

The first of them is a feast of the celening of the head of John the Forerunner (Baptist). In memory of the martyrdom of the Prophet, who predicted the close coming of the Divine Savior and the cross Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River, his death day is lean. On August 28 (September 11, according to a new style) in Russia, I was called Ivan Lena.

By people beliefs, This day should not be taken in the hands of stitching and cutting items, as well as cook food. Believers break their bread with their hands, as it is impossible to use a knife. It is not allowed to eat anything round in shape - cabbage, apples and other similar fruits and vegetables, as they resemble the head of John the Forerunner. In Ukraine, this day was called "hell," and he is the only one in the year, when it is considered to prepare sin and there is a traditional borsch. In Russia, this refers to the sacities of fresh white cabbage.

However, the Orthodox Church considers such precautions with superstition and does not approve of them.

The second holiday is the elimination of the Cross of the Lord (September 2) in memory of the Holy Cross of the Lord Tsaritsa Elena. The post on this day reminds about the criticism of the Savior.

The holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin in Russia merged with the previously existing bay harvest. The Mother of God was perceived not only as a universal intercession, but also as a boneless, fertility and harvest, the patron of farmers.

On this day, which coincided with the end of the harvest of springtresses, in many places brought seeds to church and ear of grain crops for blessings and sanctification, shook the loaf of a new bread.

The last on return home was dealt: no one had to eat on this day on this day. In the Assumption Correction in the villages satisfied, or "Bratchin": a beer was cooked into the fold, the cakes were convened, convened relatives and neighbors and generally asked a chickery feast.

The next day of the Virgin Day is August 29 - the third saved. In the people, it is also called bread, because he, as it continues the grain theme of the previous day. On this day baked bread and cakes from the grain of the new crop.

The third saved was called and nuts - nuts were kept for this day, which in the past were widely used in nutrition. It was in the third who was saved to sanctify bread and nuts in the church.

The recipes below will help you correctly organize a festive feast in the days of the Assumption of the Virgin and Bread, or Walnut, Savior.

Salad with cheese and garlic

Ingredients :
300 g of cheese, 5 pieces of garlic, 1 bunch of kinse and dill beam, 100 g mayonnaise, 3 tbsp. Spoons sour cream.


Brynez grate on the grater, garlic and greens very finely cut.
All connect and fill sour cream, mixed with mayonnaise.

Apple and meat salad

Ingredients :
350 g of apples, 300 g of lean boiled meat, 100 g of fresh cucumbers, 50 g of salted sprat, 200 g mayonnaise.


Clear apples, remove the seed chamber and cut into pieces.
Meat and cucumbers cut into cubes, grind the splashes.
All products mix and fill mayonnaise.

Eggs stuffed with salted herring milk

Ingredients :
200 g of milk, 4 eggs, mustard to taste, greens.


Milk salted herring rinse, remove the film from them and carefully grind with yolks of boiled eggs and mustard.
After that, put them in the "baskets" of egg whites and sprinkle with a finely chopped greens.

Vegetable caviar

Ingredients :
150 g of zucchini, 50 g of carrots, 20 g of the replied onion, 75 g of tomatoes, 10 g of sweet pepper, 5 g root of parsley, 5 g of celery root, 5 g of greenery of dill or parsley, 10 g of vegetable oil, salt.


Onions, carrots and white roots cut apart arbitrarily small pieces and spruce on vegetable oil.
Add peeled skin and seeds of zucchini, sweet pepper, tomatoes and stew until readiness.
Then skip through the meat grinder, fill with salt and sprinkle finely chopped with greens.

Stuffed herring

Pushed herring clean, clothed along the back, remove bones and insides.
Milks cut together with a bulb, mix with 1 tbsp. A spoonful of vegetable oil, a handful of a large cracker powder (from wheat or rye bread), ground black pepper and, at will, with one chopped egg.
Folded minced merah, cutting it in breadcrumbs and serve on the table.

Bream g horseradish and apples

Ingredients :
1 kg of fish, 1 bulbs, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, salt, 1 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar, 1 shine root, 5 sour apples, 1 h. Sugar sugar.


Pet clean, salt, pour boiling water, slightly acidified with vinegar, and hold a few minutes under the lid in it.
Remove, pour fish broth with the addition of onions, carrots, parsley root and cook on a strong fire.
Put ready-made bream on a dish, put the grated horseradish, mixed with grated acid apples, vinegar and sugar.
Separately submit mayonnaise from caviar (see the next recipe).

Mayonnaise from caviar

Ingredients :
200 g of salted fish caviar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of Oboven Oil (Olive), 2 Art. Spoons of vinegar, 1/2 art. Spoons of chopped green parsley, 1/2 art. Spoons of green onions.


For 10 minutes, rub the oil, vinegar, parsley and bow. Then add caviar.
Fit cold fish.

White chicken meat

Ingredients :
1 Carcass chicken, 1 root parsley, celery, 8 black pepper peas, 3 cups of broth, 1 h. Spoon gelatin, 2 salted cucumber, 1/2 lemon, 2 eggs, 2 radishes.


Cut in salted water carcass chicken together with roots and black pepper. Separate white meat from bones and cut into small pieces.
Take 3 glasses of lemon broth and fill with lemon juice. Warm and dissolve in it a teaspoon gelatin, clumsy in cold water In one hour.
To put the chicken meat into the wedge of cold water for the cupcake, pour the broth and put it on the cold.
Before serving, put a form for a few seconds in warm water and, turning, put on the dish of a suitable form.
Decorate with salted cucumbers, lemon slices, radish and steep eggs.

Pork bay

Ingredients :
1 kg of pork, 1 bulb, 1 carrot, 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 30 g gelatin, 2 salted cucumber, 20 g olives, 8-10 peas peppers, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, salt to taste.


In a saucepan with salted boiling water, put a pork from the fillet part (water should cover meat). As soon as the water boils back, add onions, pepper in peas and cook until soft. For 4-5 minutes before the end of the cooking, add vinegar and shift the finished meat to the plate.
To pour 2 slightly whipped proteins into the boiling broth, cook another 2-3 minutes, then remove from the fire so that it stands out and become transparent, then strain through the frequent sieve, put on fire again and warm up.
Add gelatin, pre-closed in cold water, remove from fire and cool.
Cold meat cut into correct slices.
In a deep dish, intended for feeding the filling, pour a little cooled broth and give to frozen.
From above, it is beautifully to lay the mugs of salted cucumbers, boiled carrots, welded by screwing eggs and olives, and on them to slices of meat, pour the broth and again give to frost.
Then replete the same cucumbers, carrots, eggs, olives, meat and pour broth again.
Ready bay put in a cold place.

Sausage home under the press

Ingredients :
800 g beef, 800 g of pork fat, 800 g of renal fat, zest 2 lemons, 8 pcs. Carnations, salt, fragrant pepper to taste.


Cut into small pieces and cool beef, low-fat pork, fresh pork fat and kidney fat, add salt, fragrant pepper, finely chopped lemons grace, crowded cloves (all the mass is better in the mortar), add a little water, mix well, start stuffing guts, pour them with salt water and boil for 45 minutes.
Plaumatic sausage put under the press for 10-12 hours.

Bottling festive

Ingredients :
500-600 g of fresh fish of greasy varieties, 100-150 g trees of young beets, 100 g of spinach, 100 g sowl, 100 g of fresh root of shit, 3 eggs, 4 fresh cucumber, 100-180 g of green onions, 1 cup of cancer shek, 1 lemon, 1 bundle of dill, 0.5 l of bread kvass, 0.5 l of apple kvass, salt, pepper, sugar to taste.


Large pieces of fish cook until ready, but not weld, remove from the broth and cool. Sorrel, Buckle Bethwe and Spinach rinse and boil to full softening, lean on a sieve, wipe through it in a bowl, where the birds will prepare.
Onions finely chop, rubbed to rub on a small grater, clean the cucumbers from the peel and grind, boil the boosted eggs, grind and lay out in the same bowl.
There is also pouring bread and apple kvass, add salt, pepper, sugar and good, but gently mix.
Sharp the knife to cut fish with thin slices and lay out on the dish. In addition to boiled fish, you can add sliced \u200b\u200bbalusters, cancer cakes, lemon and greens.
In a separate dish, apply food ice and, moreover, put it in a dish with fish.

Soup rich

Ingredients :
750 g beef, 500-750 g sauerkraut or 1 half-liter can, 4-5 dry white mushrooms, 1/2 cup of salted mushrooms, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 turnpa, 2 bulbs, 1 root and celery, 1 root and greens of parsley, 1 tbsp. Spoon of dill, 3 laurel sheets, 4-5 garlic teeth, 1 tbsp. A spoon of cream or fused oil, 1 tbsp. Spoon cream, 100 g sour cream, 8 peas of black peppers, 1 h. A spoon of mayoran, salt.


Beef with a bulb and a half root (carrots, parsley, celery) put in cold water and cook for 2 hours.
1-1.5 hours after the start of the cooking, salted, then the broth strain, and drop the root.
In the clay pot, put a sauer cabbage, pour it 0.5 liters of boiling water, add butter, close and put in a moderately heated oven. When cabbage starts soften, remove it and connect with the leaky broth and beef.
Dry, pre-closed mushrooms and cut into 4 parts potatoes folded into an enameled saucepan and put on fire, bay with 2 glasses of cold water. When the water boils, take out the mushrooms, cut into straw and again omit in the mushroom broth to joke.
After they are ready, mushrooms and potatoes to connect with meat broth. To the connected broths and cabbage add a finely sliced \u200b\u200bbulb and all other roots, chopped straw, spices, except garlic and dill, salt and cook for 20 minutes.
Then remove from the fire, to fill with dill and garlic and let it bloom for about 15 minutes, having flooding something warm.
Before serving on the table, fill with large sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and sour cream (can be directly in plates).

Borsch with pampushki

Ingredients :
300 g of pork, 300 g of beets, 400 g of white cabbage, 500 g of potatoes, 100 g of carrots, 40 g of parsley, 70 g of replied onion, 10 g of garlic, 100 g of tomato-puree or 400 g of tomatoes, 1/2 art. Spoons of flour, 80 g of fat, 50 g of salt pork sala, 100 g sour cream, vinegar, salt, greens.
For Pampushki: 360 g of wheat flour, 130 ml of water, 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon, 10 g yeast, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 80 ml of water or kvass, garlic, salt.


From meat with bones to cook broth. Beets Clear, cut into straw, add a bit of vinegar, fat, tomato-mashed, sugar and stew to half-year. Roots and onions Clean, cut into straw and spruce.
In the broth put potatoes, bring to a boil, add a low fresh cabbage and cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, add stewed beets, packed vegetables, Bulgarian peppers, packed flour, spices and cook until readiness.
Borschi to fill with garlic, lighted with lard and greens, bring to a boil, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and serve with sour cream, meat, greens and pampushki.
For cooking Pampushki Divide in warm water yeast, sugar, salt, add about half the flour, knead the dough and give it to approach. Then add the rest of the flour, to wash it well and let go again.
From the test to make balls weighing 20-30 g, put them in a shallow dishes, lubricated with fat, let go warm for 10-15 minutes and bake in the oven.
Finished pampels to pour garlic refueling: garlic to be lost with salt, vegetable oil, breed with water or kvass and stir well.
Note.Unable to know the real taste of borscht it is impossible.

Pork liver under wine sauce

Ingredients :
600 g of liver, 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 1 h. Spoon of black pepper, 1/2 cup of wine, 1 tbsp. Spoon sliced \u200b\u200bgreen parsley, salt.


Cut the liver rather thick slices. Sprinkle with black pepper and fry on well heated sunflower oil. Salt after roasting.
Space flour with butter, add wine and hot water in equal amounts to get a sauce of medium density.
Salt the sauce to taste, sprinkle with black pepper and finely chopped by the greenery of parsley.
Put in the sauce toasted slices of liver and pecking 4-5 minutes.
Serve with a side dish.

Bird loss with mushrooms

Swim in salted water liver, stomach, heart, wings and neck of any bird. Remove and chop finely.
Single, rinse and cut into strips 250 g of mushrooms and fry with 2 tbsp. Fat spoons for 15-20 minutes.
Space 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 4 tbsp. Spoons of oil and breed broth, in which the loss was cooked. As soon as the sauce boils, add mushrooms and sliced \u200b\u200bguts.
Stew another 10-15 minutes.

Pork stomach with cabbage

Ingredients :
1 pork stomach, 0.5 l of water, 1 bulbs, 1 white cabbage head, 2 tbsp. Spoons of tomato-puree, dill dry, pepper, salt.


Pour water in the pan, put a washed stomach, bulb, pepper, salt, put on fire and cook for an hour. The finished stomach is cut into slices and put in a warm place.
In the broth put a lackname fresh cabbage, add tomato-puree, salt, pepper, dill and grieve until readiness.
Follow the table on the dish: on the cabbage - slices of the stomach.

Homemade sausage

Ingredients :
4 kg of beef, 1.5 kg of bass, fragrant and bitter pepper, salt, 2 garlic heads or 2 bulbs.


All beef and fat to cut into very thin pieces, the rest of the salary is crushed on the meat grinder, add fragrant and bitter pepper, salt, wash it all and put on a day.
Then put a small garlic or raw onions, a little dilute with warm water, start sausages freely and fry with lake and onions.

Beef, fried large piece and stew in a pot

Ingredients :
3 kg of beef, 300 g of salla, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, 3 bulbs, 2 carrots, 50 g of butter, 2 tbsp. Spoons sour cream, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, celery root.


A whole piece of beef to slip in cold water, carefully repel, give an oblong shape, mean ladder, or roots, or salty cucumbers, or sour apples, and tie with twine.
Heat oil in a pan. When it boils, put a beef in it and quickly grab it from all sides, constantly dining with oil from the frying pan. When the beef is twisted, pour it with vinegar and immediately remove from the stove.
All this needs to be done quickly, on the strongest heat so that the meat is good. He was twisted, but not frozen.
In a wide pot, put a spoonful of oil, celery, onions, carrots (cut into pieces all this), put the meat there, pour vinegar and oil out of the pan, cover the lid and put in the oven for 3 hours.
Pour there on a spoonful of cold water or cold broth as screamed.
When the beef is almost ready, remove it, sprinkle with flour, stretch the sauce through the sieve and pour back to the pot, put meat there, pour sour cream and put out a little more.

Ring ham fried

Ingredients :
5-6 kg of pork ham, 2-3 bulbs, 2-3 laurel sheets, 200 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 cup of table white wine, 4-5 pieces of garlic, salt, pepper to taste.


Leaving a layer of a lady of no more than 1-2 cm on a hammer layer, grate its salt mixed with pepper and crushed garlic, add mushrooms, finely chopped onion and bay leaf.
Put in the oven for 1.5-2 hours.
In the fatty and juice, it is reopted on the bass and juice, add table wine and this mixture to pour ham during roasting.
Finished ham is put on the dish, and stretching on the contrary to straight, merge into the sauce and file to the table.

Stuffed piglet

Ingredients :
1 piglet (2 kg), 1 kg of finished buckwheat porridge, 1 tbsp. A spoon of cream oil, salt, pepper to taste.
For sauce: 1 cup sour cream, 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of grated Krena, 1 tbsp. A spoon of 3% vinegar, 1 h. Sugar sugar.


From the grooved piglery to separate for minor kidney, liver, lungs and heart, cut off the hoof. Carcass soak in cold water for at least 2 days (in the refrigerator), changing the water at least 2 times a day. Without water, keep the piglet should not, as the meat in the air darkens.
For minced meat Take buckwheat porridge, roasted and awesome, and then finely chopped kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and butter. Farsh salute, pepper and wash.
Cold minced minced piglet, sew or tightly link the cut, squeeze on a hotbed nurse on the stove and bring to readiness in the oven. Then remove the twine, put the pig on a large dish, decorate the greenery of parses, slices of lemon (along the edges of the dish), boiled vegetables, crispy potatoes.
A sharp knife cut the pig cautiously right on the meal, holding a plug.
First, separate the head, cut the carcass along the ridge into two halves, then separate the ham, and each of the half cut across the pieces.
Add rubbed shred to the piglet, mix, add vinegar, sugar and mix again.
Apply a sauce separately in a sauce.

Chicken stew with raws and manna galyushkami

Ingredients :
1 chicken, 6-8 cheesegles, 2 bulbs, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. Spoons sour cream, 3 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower oil, salt to taste.
For dick: 2 tbsp. Spoons of manna cereals, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. Spoons of water, flour.


Chicken cut into portions. In a small cast iron pour sunflower oil, heat it a little on a slight heat and put the chicken pieces there. A little strengthen the fire and fry the chicken, turning the pieces all the time.
When the pieces are frying from all sides, add some water to cast iron, cover with a lid and stew the chicken on slow heat. Rinse mushrooms, chop finely and pour to chicken, salt to taste.
Onions cut into semirings, grate carrots on a large grater or cut into straw and add with sour cream to almost ready-made chicken.
Then add water to the cast-iron to cook the dunches. When water boils, saline.
Preparation of dough for dumplings. To do this, break the egg, add water, pitch the semolina, all quickly mix. Then gradually add flour until the test of the consistency test is very thick sour cream.
Pure teaspoon omit to boiling broth for a few seconds (so that the dough is easily separated from the spoon).
Then take an approximately half-spoon of the dough, omit into the broth (the dough lags behind the spoon) - one galushka is ready. Also make the remaining dick.
When all dick will pop up, the dish is ready.

Baked duck

Ingredients :
1 Duck carcass, 1-2 carrots, 1 Celery root, 1 bulb, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup of white wine, salt, black ground pepper to taste, 1 cup of broth.


Prepare a carcass of a young fasten duck. Salt inside and outside and grate with black ground pepper. Put on a baking sheet and pour oil. Next to decompose finely chopped carrots, celery and onions.
Put in the oven. When the vegetables begin to roast, pour a glass of broth or hot water and a half-cup of white wine into the baking sheet.
From time to time water duck with juice and turn over so that it is evenly twisted from all sides.
If the juice evaporates, add water or broth and a little wine.
Finished duck to apply on a dish with a side dish, and torturing sauce and serve separately in a sauce.

Apples stuffed with veal

Ingredients :
10-12 apples, 500 g of veal, 1 bulbs, 5-6 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, salt, cinnamon to taste.


In apples middle size (varieties that are not welded) cut the tops and remove the core with seeds. Bealtine skip 2 times through the meat grinder, fry with a finely chopped onion in oil, salt, add cinnamon.
A prepared stuffing fill apples, cover them with cut-off tops, put into a shallow pan, pour on a third of hot water and cook on a weak heat, watching the apples that apples do not boil.
Finished apples to remove from the fire and fill the sauce that was formed during cooking.

Potato Roll with Mushrooms

Ingredients :
10 potatoes, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fat, 2 hours. Spoons of flour, 1 tsp of breadcrumbs, 1 egg, 1 glass of sauce, salt, dill greens.
For minced meat: 200 g of fresh mushrooms, 2 bulbs, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of fat, salt, pepper black ground.


Potatoes boil in the peel, clean, skip through a meat grinder, add flour, egg, salt, all move.
Mushrooms to go through, rinse, chop, fry, then mix with a pastened onion, salt, pepper.
On the potato mass layer 2 cm put minced stuffing, a mass with a stuffing is wrapped in the form of a roll (the roll should be folded with a towel or a piece of parchment), sprinkle with breadcrumbs, move to the baking sheet, lubricated with fat, and bake in the oven before the formation of a golden crust.
To roll to serve a sauper with sour cream or sauce, as well as the greenery of dill.

Fish baked Saltian

Ingredients :
160 g of cod fille or sea perch, or 280 g of carp, 150 g of stewed cabbage, 40 g of saline cucumbers, 15 g of replies, 2-3 tbsp. Broth spoons, 1 h. Spoon of tomato puree, 10 g of cheese, 10 g of butter, 5 g of greens.


Fish fillet cut into pieces of 25-30 g, put in a lubricated oil dishes, add sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers peeled and seeds, chopped, chopped and packed, slightly cream oil, broth and allowed when the lid is closed until readiness.
After that, add a tomato puree and bring for 2-3 minutes to a boil.
On a lubricated oil, the pan should be half stewed cabbage, on it - pieces of finished fish together with a side dish and a sauce in which it allowed, and then the remaining cabbage.
Surface surface, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven.
When applying to sprinkle with chopped greens.

Caustice festive

Ingredients :
2 kg of wheat flour, 50 g of yeast, 250 g of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 0.5 l of milk, 2 eggs for dough and 1 - for lubrication.


The yeast is sprayed with sugar, flour and pour warm water. When they fit, pour them into a larger capacity and knead the steep dough. Put the dough with flour, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place.
When the dough rises, it is to chain it, reiterate it with flour, cover with a towel and put another 1-1.5 hours approach.
When the dough raises the second time, lay it on the table, thoroughly knead, cut off a small piece to decorate karabav. The rest of the dough roll in the ball. Ball lay on a baking sheet, lubricated with butter, and lubricate with a whipped egg.
From the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of the dough roll out the thin harness, cut it into two equal parts and weave the rope, which to crush the ball laid on the baking sheet and press it tightly. The middle of the karabia decorate with leaves and roses from the dough and lubricate all the decorations with a whipped egg.
Bake a loaf of 35-40 minutes on medium heat.
Finished loop lay out on the board, lubricate with butter and cover with a clean towel, leaving 25-30 minutes so that he is cold.

Cake snack bar with champignons

For the test: 2 cup of wheat flour, 1 cup of sour cream, 100 g of butter, 2 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 1 tsp salt, 1/8 h. Soda spoons.
For filling: 1/2 cup of boiled rice, 1 cup of boiled champignons (canned canned), mushroom broth, 2 bulbs, vegetable oil for roasting mushrooms and onions, 1/2 h. Sugar spoons, 1 egg for lubrication.


Oil to dissolve at room temperature. In the loose oil add sour cream, salt, sugar, soda and gradually, stirring, flour. To knead the dough. Boiled champignons cut into straw, onion - half rings.
Onion, sprinkled with sugar, fry on vegetable oil to golden color. Then, without removing frying pan from the fire, add mushrooms and a bit of the broth, in which they were cooked, and stew on a slow heat under the lid until the broth is completely popped. Finished mushrooms mix with rice.
Dough divide into two parts depending on the desired cake size. Roll out one part of the dough into the reservoir with a thickness of 5-7 mm and the size of a little more thanks (so that the sides are stern) and shift the baking sheet on the oil. Strip the dough, to form sofaming, unnecessary to cut off the knife on board the battle. On the dough, the smooth layer decompose the mushroom stuffing. To roll out the second half of the test into the layer with a thickness of 5 mm in size, and carefully, by probably the layer on the rolling pin, shock over the filling.
Carefully defeat the edges of the cake "rope", often thugs his fork (so that the top of the pie is not swollen, you can make frequent cuts with a knife). To deceive the cake whipped egg and put in a heated oven.
Bake at a temperature of 200-220 ° C for 15-20 minutes.
Finished cake to lay out on the board, cover with a clean towel and give a wax for 15-20 minutes. Only after that the cake can be cut.
Similarly, cook closed pie with any sweet filling (berry, fruit, curd), only in the dough you will have to add a little more sugar (2.5-3 tsp. Spoons).

Meat Pie

For the test: 1 kg of flour, 1 cup of beef fat, 50 g of yeast, 3/4 glasses of water, 2 h. Salt spoons.
For filling: 500 g beef, 3 bulbs, 100 g fat, 2 eggs, pepper, nutmeg, salt.


Skip 1 cup of beef renal fat: cut it with small pieces into a deep pan, put it in the oven and merge all the time sleeping fat in separate dishes. In 1/4, a glass of water dissolve 50 g of yeast, pour 2 h. Flour, give to stand 10 minutes.
Mix with fat 1/3 cup of water and to knead cool dough on this mixture, adding 750-1000 g of flour, 2 h. Salts and divorced yeast. Everyone is pretty to wash it, let it go, wash it out again and give it back again, after which it is divided into 2 parts and roll out into the layers.
One layer put on the tray, put meat filling on it, pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of strong meat broth or put a piece of ice in size in a five-foal coin, cover from above the second layer, protect the edges of the dough and bake in the roast cabinet.
Preparation of filling. Beef cook to half-preparation, cut into pieces, fry in beef beef, sala with onions, then chopped finely, add chopped steep eggs, pepper, nutmeg, salt.

Cake meat

For test: 200 g of wheat flour, 200 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of butter, salt to taste.
For filling: 500 g of minced meat, 2 bulbs, 2 garlic slices, 2 medium carrots, 6 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil, 1 cup of meat broth (can be made of broth), 1 pinch of cumin, salt, ground black pepper to taste.
For lubrication: Fat, flour, egg.


Of the flour, cottage cheese, oil and salt to knead the dough and put it for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Preparation of filling. Finely fence onions, grate carrots on medium grater. In the saucepan heat vegetable oil and put in it prepared carrots and onions.
Stew until the bow will be broken, watching him not shuffle. Then add meat minced meat in a saucepan. Now the whole lot can be twisted, increasing the fire. Add crushed garlic.
Add seasoning in a saucepan, pour broth. Stirring, cooking on medium fire for another 5 minutes.
Bring until readiness, then remove from the fire.
Form for baking cakes to lubricate with oil and sprinkle with flour. Of the 2/3 of the test, form a 5 mm thick cake and lay out the bottom of the form, rape edges raised to a height of about 3 cm, put stuffing.
From the remaining dough to make rollers and in the form of a cell lay them on top of meat filling.
Lubricate the egg and put into the oven, heated to 220 ° C for 35 minutes, until the product acquires a dark golden shade.
Apply hot cake with fresh vegetables, you can with spicy sauce.

Pate Vologda

Ingredients :
1/2 cup of rice, 800 g of mushrooms, 2 bulbs, 1 tsp black ground pepper, salt.


Rice is screaming with boiling water. Boil in salted water mushrooms (Boroviki, champignons, etc.). Fry to crunch onions. All mix with black ground pepper.
To knead the fresh dough from flour, eggs, sour cream, thinly roll out and put the dishes with thick walls, lubricated with vegetable oil.
Fill the shape of the filling, pour hard with brewed tea, polly through the siete, and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

Cake "Surprise"

For sand dough: 500 g of wheat flour, 100 g of butter, 200 g margarine, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 eggs, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons sour cream, 1/2 lemon zest.
For walnut dough: 150 g of walnuts, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. Spoons of breading superstars, vanillin.
For filling: 400 g of cherry jam.
For sweets: 300 g of sugar, 1/2 cup of water, 1 h. Spoon 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. Spoon of cream oil, 1/2 lemon.
For decoration: Walnut, chocolate.


Preparation of sand dough. Choise oil and margarine from the freezer and margarine with flour, add sugar, yolks, zest, sour cream. Knead the dough and put it for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Then roll the dough, lay out on a greased baking tray, clang for a fork, lubricate the cherry jam and put on top of a nut dough.
Preparation of walnut dough. Whipped with sugar four squirrels mix with two yolks, crushed nuts, breadcrumbs and vanilla. Bake in a hot oven for 35-40 minutes.
Cooking sweets. Sugar, water and vinegar cook syrup. Remove from fire, rub with oil and lemon juice. When the fudge will begin to thick, pour it into the root and disperse a wide knife.
Immediately decorate halves of nuts and grated chocolate.

Large fritters with honey

Ingredients :
2 cups of flour, 2 glasses of warm water, 25 g of yeast, 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil.


A glass of flour breed warm water, put yeast.
When the dough starts to rise, salt, add flour so much so that it is like sour cream, let it go well and immediately fry large pancakes on lean oil.
Serve with honey, slightly diluted with water.

Sweet pancakes

Ingredients :
4 cups of flour, 5 eggs, 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 1 cup sour cream, salt to taste.


Ringing yolks with salt and sugar, pour flour, protein foam and sour cream. The dough should be very soft.
Fry pancakes in a frying pan in boiling oil, laying out a spoon.
Sprinkle with sugar on the dish.

Walnut cookies

Ingredients :
200 g of ground walnuts, 150 g of sugar powder, 30 g of Roma, juice and zest 1 lemon.


Main part of ground nuts to combine with powdered sugar, zest, rum, lemon juice and knead the dough.
From this test, form the balls and cut them into the nuttroke (from the pre-fire remaining part of the nuts).

Balls Orekhovo-honey

Ingredients :
1/3 cup of grated nuts, 100 g of honey, 1/2 orange, zest 1 lemon, 50 g of chocolate, 1 h. Spoon cinnamon, 3 tbsp. Spoons of Roma or Cognac.


Ground nuts mix with honey, orange juice, grated lemon zest, cinnamon, rum and cook on slow heat 25-30 minutes before getting thick mass.
Then cool the mass, roll small balls, to dip them in the melted chocolate and drown in the air.

Merengi with nuts

Ingredients :
2 tbsp. Spoons of vanilla superstars, 2 egg squirrels, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar powder, 3 tbsp. Spoons of nuts, 100 g of chocolate.


Chilled proteins beat a mixer into a thick foam. Gradually add sugar powder, grated crackers, crushed kernels of nuts, mix.
Hot dough lay out a spoon on a baking sheet, lubricated with oil, form a cakes, put in a weakly heated oven and bake.
Chilled cakes to lubricate with preheated chocolate and glue in pairs.
Ready meringues sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Cookies with poppy

Ingredients :
4 protein, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tbsp. Spoon poppy.


Egg proteins beat into a strong foam, gradually adding sugar to them, wash the mass and in the form of small pellets, sprinkled with poppy, put on a metal sheet, covered with paper.
Bake at 130 ° C for half an hour.
Mac can be replaced with finely chopped nuts.

Rice with honey

Cooking the crumbly rice porridge, cool it, add scratching raisins or candied (you can also, and the other), crushed roasted nuts or roasted and peeled sunflower seeds, honey and mix well.
The resulting mass is formed on a plate with a slide and pour jam.

Apples under wine sauce

Ingredients :
2 kg of large apples, 1 cup of sugar.
For sauce: 1 bottle of white dry wine, 12 egg yolks, 1 cup of sugar, vanillin.


Clear apples, carefully remove the tail from the side of the tail. In the deepening sugar sugar and bake apples in a hot oven. Then put them on a wide glass plate and pour sauce.
For sauce Yolks to be confused with sugar and vanilla, topping hot wine. Put in dishes with hot water and beat until the mass thickens. For taste, you can add a few teaspoons of lemon juice.
If the sauce is too thick, add hot wine.

Jelly serum

Ingredients :
1 l fresh serum, 120 g of sugar, 30 g gelatin, 80-100 g of any jam from berries.


Serum strain through the triple layer of gauze, add sugar, then, after about half an hour, sweeping gelatin.
Heat the mixture is almost to a boil, after which it is combined with berries passed through a meat grinder and pour hot jelly by molds.

Drink amateur is best if the barrel is from under wine or vodka. If the barrel is new, then you need to pre-pour the water in it, leave it for 2-3 days, so that I absorbed into the walls, then lay it with sulfur. The juice in the barrel should be wandering about 4-5 days at a temperature of 25-26 ° C. Then juice strain in another barrel, filling it almost fair, not to clog and add alcohol in small amounts every day in proportion 1 part of the alcohol on 50 pieces of juice.
When all the alcohol is added, the keg close tightly and give a sider to kindly.
When the drink becomes clean and transparent, pour it into bottles.

Of course, for the holiday I want to please your loved ones something special and prepare the original lunch - we offer you several recipes for the festive table.

But do not forget that the body has managed to somewhat fall away from fat wander, it is not necessary to overload it with heavy dishes. Best of all these requirements are fishes or bird dishes.

Turkey meat is a sufficient dietary and easily-friendly, and a spicy mixture of seasoning - Curry powder - will become our faithful assistant, since it has truly healing properties and contributes to the improvement of digestion. And besides the meaningful advantages, there is also an amazingly beautiful color and bright unforgettable taste and aroma.

500 g of turkey fillets, 1 green apple, 4 tbsp. l. Izya without seeds, 100 g of shaken oil (can use butter or a mixture of creamy with olive), 1 bulb, 200 ml of cream, 2 tbsp. l. Curry powder, 2 laurel sheets, 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. Brown sugar, salt and red pepper to taste.

Turkey fillet Wash and dry with paper towels.
Cut meat with small pieces.
In the frying pan heat the foiled oil, put the onions chopped with cubes and cook to transparency.
Add sliced \u200b\u200bcubes purified apple and raisins, pour lemon juice and deliver brown sugar.
Prepare 5 minutes, mixing frequently.
Put a turkey in the pan and quickly fry on a strong heat before the formation of a ruddy crust.
Pour cream, add a bay leaf and rub the salt, pepper and curry.
Led with a lid, reduce heating and cook until soft.
Serve with crumbly rice.
NOTE. As a garnish to curry, crumbly rice with mint is very good. Cooking ordinary rice, preferably long grade "Jasmine" or "Basmati", add 50 g of butter and finely chopped sheets of fresh mint, gently mix with a fork and spread over to plates.
To give a disheve, you can use a culinary ring - place a ring on a plate in right place, put in it rice and lose weight slightly. Carefully remove the ring, spreading curry from turkey and slices of vegetables.
If you do not have any ring, then just cut off the tin can (for example, from under the peas) a cylinder with a height of about 4 cm, just remember to lubricate it before using a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.

500 g of pork pulp, 3 fresh cucumber, 3-4 green onions feather, 3 tbsp. l. peanut butter, 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, black ground pepper to taste, 1 tbsp. l. Seed sesame.

Pork pulp cut down 1 cm thick and knock off the kitchen hammer. Cut into thin stripes and rub with black pepper.
Heat the peanut butter in the pan and quickly fry meat, constantly stirring, to a golden crust.
Fresh cucumbers cut along and finely chop.
Finely chop green onions.
Connect a pork with cucumbers and onions, pour the soy sauce and sesame oil, mix and sprinkle with a roasted sesame roasted on a dry pan.
Separately, you can apply crumbly rice or boiled potatoes.

2 duck breasts, 150 g of green peas pods, 3 Celery Cherry Cherry, 12 pieces of Cherry, a small Kochan Salad Romano, 1 Mango, 2 Art. l. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. Balsamic vinegar, 2 + 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 1/2 h. mustard, 1/2 h. l. liquid honey.

Duck breasts fry on olive oil for 5 minutes on each side. Remove from the grid and cut into thin slices.
Mango Clear from the peel, remove the bone, flush the pulp with large cubes.
Cherry tomatoes cut on halves. Celebrate Celery Cut with Slices 2 cm long.
Fry in the polka dot and mango frying pan, mixing often, for 2 minutes.
Add tomatoes and celery and cook for another 3 minutes.
Salad leaves rush with hands on small pieces and decompose on plates.
They put prepared vegetables and slices of ducks.
Pour refueling cooked from soy sauce mixed with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, honey and mustard.

500 g of chicken liver, 1 bulbs (better than chalot), 2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 3 tbsp. l. Fat cream, 2 tbsp. l. Cognac, 1 green apple, rosemary twig, salt and pepper to taste.

Wash chicken liver, dry and quickly fry on the heated olive oil.
Add finely chopped onions and garlic, spill, season with pepper and put out under the lid of 7 minutes.
Shift to the kitchen processor bowl and grind.
Add brandy, cream and finely chopped rosemary leaves.
Stir and lay out in a lubricated oil heat-resistant shape.
Apple cutting on thin slices, removing seeds.
Split the surface of the pate and coat with apple slices, laying out them in the form of a tile.
Sprinkle with olive oil, tightly cover the foil and put in a hot oven.
After 30 minutes, remove the foil and grab my grill pate for 2-3 minutes.
Serve chilled.
NOTE. Pate can be prepared not only from chicken liver, but also from the liver turkey, beef or ladder, having previously finished it - removing all films and ducts and cutting into small pieces. The surface of the patenta before baking can not be decorated with apples, but to lubricate with sour cream or butter, decompose finely sliced \u200b\u200bchampignons or solid pears.
Rosemary can be replaced with flames of thyme - fresh or dried, and in the mass prepared for baking it is interesting to add slices of welded boiled eggs or even whole quail eggs.

New messages C --- REDTRAM:

This is the only post dedicated to the Mother of God and begins two weeks before the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, who celebrates the entire Orthodox world on August 28.

Unlike some other posts, the dates of which are not constant, the Assumption post has a certain number of start and end. Every year Post begins on August 14 and ends on August 27th.


Assumption post is known from the very first centuries of Christianity - approximately 450 by the Holy Lion I Great, Pope (440-61 years old), clearly pointed to the Assumption post among four church posts, each of which falls at a certain time of the year.

It was finally installed at the Constantinople Cathedral in 1166 in honor of the church holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This multi-day post from another holiday begins - the origin (meal) of the honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, which literally means "the procession". The people are also called honey saved.

The meaning of the post

The word "Assumption" means not death at all, but sleep. Thus, the feast of the Assumption can be understood as the deliverance from fear before the death, which was waiting for every person before the resurrection of Christ, that there is no more grief about this death, and there is also no death.

According to the church legend, the Virgin found out about the time of his transition from this world, and was preparing for him by post and enhanced prayer, although she did not need to be cleansing the soul or correction - her whole life was a model of holiness and sacrifice.

At the appointed hour in the room, the candles were burning, and the Mother Lady rests on the decorated appointed loving people. Suddenly, Temman littered with the light of Divine Glory, and the Lord himself came from the sky surrounded by angels, as well as the shower of the Old Testament Righteous. Without any bodily suffering, looking at her son and as if falling asleep, she handed him his pure soul.

During the burial of the apostles, an ADR with a protistant body was carried, and the huge procession of believers accompanied him with sacred songs. The legend states that the Apostle of Thomas did not have time for burial, and he was allowed to enter the cave on the third day to give the opportunity for the last time to bow the Blessed. However, in the cave they saw only funeral pellets, pleasantly fragrant, and the Bodies of the Virgin was not there. Then they realized that the Lord took her preching body to heaven.

In the evening of the same day, during the meter, the Mother of God appeared to the apostles and told them to rejoice, for she was with them all days.

Therefore, the post for Orthodox is the imitation of the festival of the Virgin and its purity, as well as the praise of the Most Holy, which was tirelessly imposed and claimed the Christian church.

The belt of Our Lady and holy clothes with reverence are stored, divided into parts, and still creating wonders, like numerous icons. With a special solemnity, the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is held in Gethsemane, where she was buried.

What can and can not be in the post

Assumption post, according to the church charter, in its rigor is equal to the Great. But on the other hand, he was always considered light, because it was possible to eat young potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Grapes and apples are allowed only after the transformation of the Lord or as the people call this feast of an apple rescue, which Orthodox celebrates on August 19.

© Photo: Sputnik / Sergey Nikonets

During this post, meat, dairy products, eggs are impossible.

During this period, on Monday, the Wednesday and Friday is supposed to be dry, that is, bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food without butter is allowed, and on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with oil, and wine is also allowed.

In the Assumption post, it is allowed to eat fish only on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and Assumption, if he is on Wednesday or Friday, and talking begins the next day.

If the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on other days of the week, then the post is no longer.

How fast

Church ministers remind that they must be accepted to take a chance. A man who had never had no feeling, would rather spoil his health, which would come close to holiness, if it starts to quickly fast. In addition, he will become irritated and impatient.

It is believed that each person needs to determine his measure of the post, how much time he needs food and drink, and gradually reduce the amount, reducing the minimum necessary for life.

And the main rule is that it is not necessary to aggravate yourself with drunkenness and curious. It is important not to forget that the essence of the post is primarily not in the abandonment of animal food, but to limit pleasure.

The post is called upon to make our physical nature strong and easy, which could obey the movements of the Spirit and fulfill its requirements. All the bad people felt that the post was a very strong tool to prepare for saving and great affairs, the saints were always strictly fed and advised others.

It's not so strictly fast, as written in the Charter, may have patients, pregnant, servicemen, as well as those who work in a tense rhythm or study.

Of course, a special topic is a children's post. Sometimes it is better to agree with children that I will post, for example, there will be less sweets than impose restrictions on them in dairy and meat food.

The most important thing is that "it is impossible to eat in the post," it's their neighbors, that is, not to be annoyed, it will not be sick and not to make any other negative actions that destroy the world between people.


The Assumption post had three vertices - three holidays that ordinary people called saves.

On the first day of the post, which in the people is also called Honey Savior, the tradition is committed to the consecration of honey of a new collection, and from this day its consumption is blessed. On this day, hopped honey gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds.

In addition, on August 14, water will be holy in churches, so the honey saved is sometimes called the savage on the water. The whole Orthodox people per day, when the Assumption post began to be bought in rivers and lakes, as if laughing sins and bad thoughts. According to the tradition, after August 14 to swim in the reservoirs, it was already prohibited.

Apple Savior - the national name of the holiday of the Transfiguration, the Lord accounted for the collection of apples. Baskets full to the edges carried in the church, where the priest was sanctified a new harvest. After that, it was possible to eat apples. Baked apple pies and rugs, boiled compotes and jam.

The third Savior, which is timed to the holiday of transfer from Frances to Constantinople of the non-manual image of the Lord Jesus Christ (August 29), were called in different ways: saved on the canvas, canvas, bread and nut. From this day, the believers could have nuts from the new crop.

The holiday was called a holiday because the day should noted the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with whom the end of the harvest was associated. On this day, pies were baked from the flour of the new harvest and sentenced: "The third saved - bread-bread" or "Kohl is good the third saved, there will be a kvass in winter."

In the people, the third saved was also called nuts, because at this time the traditions were collected by nuts.

As you know, it is for August who accounts for a greater number of marriages. And, if the conclusion of marriage in 2016 is scheduled for the last month of summer, it is better to spend it before the start of the Assumption post or after.

From 14 to 27 August marry and marry it is categorically prohibited, as it is considered to be a great sin.

The post is the time for repentance, prayers and abstaining from entertainment, and not just avoiding the use of all sorts of dishes. There is a belief that young people who have enabled in the days of the Assumption post will never be happy.

The material is prepared on the basis of open sources.

Catholic Orthodox Church, as well as a number of other churches celebrate August 15, the Assumption of the Virgin. Orthodox churches of some other churches (Russian, Georgian, Jerusalem) celebrate this day on August 28 in a new style (or August 15, old).

history of the holiday

This religious holiday is devoted to the audience (in other words, rest, death) of the Blessed Virgin. Although in the canonical texts there are no accurate information about the date, or about the circumstances of its restoration, such can be found in some non-biblical sources. In the XIV century, various information about the audit of the Virgin was collected and summarized by Nikifor Kallist, a church historian.

So, it is assumed that the death of the Virgin Mary lived in Jerusalem, making prayers in the coffin of the Lord and in Calvary. Once, when the Virgin Mary spent time in prayer, she was Archangel Gabriel with the news of her nursing demise. To console her and prepare for the coming rest, he said that the Lord with all the celestial creatures, souls and spirits is waiting for her in the kingdom of heaven, where she will have to live forever.

Wanted to see before the death of all the apostles, Virgo Maria applied with a prayer to God, and he, hovering her request, commanded the angels to postpone all the students of Christ to her home around the world. Negotivis with them and saying goodbye to loved ones, the Virgin Mary died peacefully.

According to the most reliable version, Virgo Maria died around 57 from the Nativity of Christ aged 72 years.

In honor of the holiday, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in many places spend a special service. It is made from the XV century, but over time they began to make it in a much smaller number of temples. The History itself is preceded by the Assumption post, which lasts two weeks.

What can not be done on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

Orthodox Christians believed that on this day, the tears of the Muslim Virgin fall to the ground in the form of dew. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to walk on the grass and naked land inappropriate. Bare legs are disrespect for the Virgin and this a significant day. The defrost will be punished with diseases and troubles that will chase his whole year.

Another ban associated with shoes. It lies in the fact that it is impossible to wear a new or uncomfortable shoes. The appearance of corns and wounds on the legs indicated a serious threat to health in the future.

Also, it is impossible to treat Karavay, consecrated on this day in the church. He eats it very carefully so that no baby falls on the floor.


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