What can be from lemon juice. Telephone edition

What can be from lemon juice. Telephone edition

Lemon - an affordable and useful citrus fruit whose juice is actively used in folk medicine, cooking and many other spheres. How to prepare fresh juice, why is it so appreciated and how can it be used at home? In these and many other matters we will try to figure out.

What is rich in juice?

In the lemon juice, a huge amount of valuable substances, among which vitamins and minerals. Calories at the same time in it minimal amount - Total 32 kcal per 100 ml. There is a fiber, carbohydrates, organic acids and many vitamins, namely:

    ascorbic acid or vitamin C;

    groups in;

    PP and others.

The list of minerals is also quite extensive and includes potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and much more. Note that not every juice contains the same a large number of Useful components. Together with ascorbic acid, the substance from the freshly squeezed lemon juice takes part in the oxidation and regeneration processes occurring in the human body.

What is useful lemon juice?

As noted, the beneficial properties of lemon juice are numerous. That is why it is actively used in the recipes of traditional medicine and home cosmetics. Among the main valuable qualities of the juice are highlighted:

    antioxidant and antibacterial effects;

    warning strokes and heart attacks;

    strengthening immune mechanisms;

    antisclerotic effect;

    increase the elasticity of vessels;

    antiwest effect;

    help with toxicosis;

    toning effect;

    soft laxative ability and improvement of peristalsis.

To extract the benefit from the lemon juice, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. There is nothing complicated in this, but there are several tricks that you may not know about.

How to get fresh lemon juice?

For the preparation of lemon juice, it is better to use mature or slightly greenish citrus. The fruits first are thoroughly clean under the crane and dried. The amount of juice in one lemon depends on its size, but on average it is 30-40 ml.

At home, you can easily squeeze the lemons manually, but it is more efficient to do this with a juicer or meat grinder. One method requires the use of gauze. Cut the fruit in half, clean from the skin, cut out as much as possible and with the help of gauze squeeze juice from the resulting casis.

Using the juicer or food processor, there is no need to remove skin. If you have no such electrical appliances in the kitchen, try the simplest manual way. With it, you will not scream all the juice up to the drop, but it will not need anything to you, except the fruit and spoon or a plug.

To facilitate the extrusion of juice, you can hold the lemon in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. After that, cut the fruit in half, insert a spoon or fork into it, and then rotational movements Inside the pulp squeeze fresh juice.

Using lemon juice for therapeutic purposes

Methods for obtaining benefits from lemon juice set, but first consider how to use it for therapeutic purposes in the fight against those or other diseases:

    For the treatment of flu, you need to drink water with lemon during the day (1 spoon on a glass of water). Do it every hour.

    With an angina, you can rinse the throat with water with water in proportion 1 to 10.

    Juice is useful for liver. For the prevention of diseases or restoration of the organ, it is necessary to take lemon juice on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes to breakfast. Dilute a spoon of juice with a glass of water and drink this drink.

    With the help of fresh juice, you can effectively strengthen the vessels at home. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze juice out of six lemons into a 3-liter bank, add 5-6 garlic zloves and 180-200 g of honey. Add warm water to the edges and leave for several days to appease (3-4 enough). Mix and use this tool at half a glass for half an hour before meals.

    Use the tool even when weight loss. To combat overweight, you need to drink a glass of water every day in the morning with a spoon of lemon juice an hour before breakfast. The tool accelerates the real exchange and contributes to the combustion of fat cells.

    If there is an injection on the body, you can moisten a cotton swab in lemon juice and attach to a problem area. Pump after that should go to the surface.

    For the treatment of rheumatism, lemon juice is also used: about 30-40 ml before meals.

Before taking juice with honey, in its pure form or diluted with water, it is better to learn about contraindications that we will tell at the end of the material.

Benefit for face

For cosmetics purposes, lemon juice can also be used at home, manufacturing effective tools based on it:

    In the fight against black dots, you can break the face, and then wipe the problem areas with a cotton disk, impregnated with fresh juice.

    You can quickly whiten the skin by applying a tool from a spoon of juice, almond oil spoons and 30-40 g puree from white beans. Apply this mask on the face and leave for half an hour, and then beware of cool water.

    If you have oily skin, wipe it with lemon juice with a cotton disk daily in the evening and in the morning.

    Worders of normal skin need to dilute juice with water 1 to 1 and wipe the face with this solution. The tool prevents acne and pigment spots.

    You can make a good natural tonic. Simply mix 50 ml of spring water with the same amount of lemon juice and add a spoonful of liquid honey.

Strengthening hair with lemon juice

Fresh lemon juice gives hair a brilliant and healthy look, and you can use it different ways. The easiest option is as follows: Apply a few drops of juice on a comb before combing curls.

You can prepare an even more efficient strengthening mask. Mix a spoonful of juice with three spoons of olive oil. Wrap this fluid in the roots of the hair, and after half an hour, wash your head with shampoo. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week, and after a month you will notice an improvement in hair condition.

Who needs to be careful?

Natural lemon juice can harm under certain conditions human organism. First of all, the citrus product is allergen, so be careful with it.

In the undiluted form, the juice is harmful to dental enamel, so after use, rinse your mouth with ordinary water. The acids present in it can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, which makes it prohibited with ulcers and gastritis. Even in the case of remissions from lemon juice, it is better to refrain.

Contraindicated drink and in the presence of inflammatory processes in the mouth or throat, as it is very concentrated and is able to strengthen irritation and pain. For 3 years, lemon juice is not recommended for children, as it can provoke allergic reactions and is simply dangerous for the gentle gastric mucosa.

Citric acid instead of juice

Finally, we'll figure it out in another curious question - is it possible to replace natural lemon juice with an acid in the form of a powder? If you consider that in most folk recipes A small amount of juice is required, lemonic acid is simply inconvenient. The fact is that only 6-7 g of powder replace the juice of a whole lemon, and there are fewer vitamins and useful substances in it.

Powder is used as a stabilizer and acidity regulator. This dietary supplement is known for the E330 marking and its use is allowed in the food industry of most countries.

In home medicine and cosmetology, it is better to use natural lemon juice, but in extreme cases you can replace it with an acid solution. It is preparing as follows: at 50-60 ml of water you need not more than 5-7 g of powder. The benefit from this will be less than from the fresh juice, but you can try.

More women sometimes wonder if it is possible to replace vinegar with citric acid or juice? In this case, it all depends on the task. In the home preservation, it is quite possible to replace vinegar with a solution of citric acid prepared in the necessary proportions (selected individually, about 10-15 g per 100 ml), and in the cooking, the vinegar is better replaced with natural juice, and not diluted with acid.

Lemon juice - a recipe for health and longevity, in it a rich content of the beneficial substances: vitamins of group B, vitamin P and A, pectin and salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, flavone glycosides (eriocytrine, hexeridine, eriticiol) and coloring matter. In addition, lemon juice contains organic potassium, which is necessary for good work kidney and cardiovascular system. Lemon juice - a source of citrine. In combination with vitamin C, citrine helps the body to recover, normalizes the exchange processes and strengthens the walls of the vessels.

Useful properties of lemon juice

Impact useful properties lemon juice on the body

  • This is an effective antipyretic and antiseptic agent.
  • Displays toxins and reduces sugar levels in patients with diabetes
  • Removes spasms and cramps
  • Tones and improves performance
  • Strengthens immunity and reduces fatigue

Useful properties of lemon juice for treatment

In its pure form, freshly squeezed lemon juice is recommended to use in qing and avitaminosis. In other cases, it is better to mix it with other juices or dilute with water. After a long winter, when the human body is exhausted, very by the way will be the use of lemon juice with the addition of spoonful of honey.

In folk medicine used in various diseases. Water mixed with lemon juice and honey is considered a very helpful drink. Contributes to the increase in life tone, strengthening immune system, is a sedative and at the same time it is good. This drink purifies the body from stacking, contributing to the reduction of excess weight. It is often used in unloading days. For a better effect, you can add lemon peel.

In the mornings, drinking a glass of water and half of the lemon squeezed into it, you contribute to the cleansing of the intestine, and, accordingly, weight loss. Lemon juice is quite universal, it is used not only as a drink, but also as seasoning in a salad, to meat or fish.

Useful properties of lemon juice in cooking

In addition to useful properties, lemon juice is indispensable in the preparation of various dishes. It is added to pastries and salads, sauces and desserts, etc. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, lemon juice is able to protect the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables from withering.

Useful properties of lemon juice for weight loss

Lemon juice for weight loss containing a large amount of vitamins, promotes not only the strengthening of the immunity and the life tone of the body, but also helps in solving the problem with overweight. It is often used in diets and cosmetology. Lemon juice, drink is very useful and tasty, and most importantly, it's just to cook it.

Drinks of their lemon juice, you can drink at any time convenient time. Here opinions are diverged, who speaks 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, and someone speaks twice, in the morning and before bedtime. Concentrated juice drink is not recommended. It will be much more benefit if you put a small piece of lemon in a glass of water.

White skin brings the greatest weight loss, which is between the peel and the flesh. It is it that contains the maximum amount of pectin that contributes to the cleaning of the body. One of the properties of pectin is the slowdown in the sugar intake process. Therefore, in the morning, it is very useful to drink tea without sugar with a slice of lemon, after which it is to eat. Or a glass with boiled water and everything with the same lemon, such a drink perfectly quenched hunger.

Promoting the improvement of digestion, there will be lemon lobby supplementing fish, meat dishes, salads and soups. Excellent remedy in digesting fatty dishes.

Useful properties of lemon juice with honey

  • Warm lemon juice with adding honey helps perfectly with influenza and cold. Such a drink is able to calm the pain in the throat and relieve cough
  • Lemon juice with honey is good to add to tea. Daily use will increase your immunity, and seasonal diseases will not be terrible
  • Honey and lemon are an effective means for weight loss. The essence of the method is to use an empty stack of one glass of warm water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. This cocktail will relieve the body from accumulated slags and toxins that play not the last role in the extra weight set.
  • A mixture of honey and lemon, except for the natural purification of the body, dissolve fat cells and eliminate the body from the formation of free radicals responsible for aging.

How to cook lemon juice

How to prepare fresh lemon juice. The recipe is very simple, but there is a small trick. The fact is that warm lemons give better juice than just pulled out of the refrigerator. Therefore, before squeezing lemons, slightly pour the cover with a fork (without reaching the pulp) and lower them in hot water for about 30 seconds. Taking them out of the water, put them on the surface of the table, and with the power pressed on them with the palm, roll on the table until the lemon becomes soft inside. Now lemons can be cut in half and squeeze juice from them. You can use the citrus squeeze. If this does not turn out to be at hand, then juice can be issued simply by pressing the lemons. Ready juice is filler to remove bones and membranes.

Contraindications for the use of lemon juice

It should be remembered that people suffering from gastritis, hepatitis, ulcer of the stomach, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, gall-eyed disease, it is impossible to indulge himself. But if you do not have such problems, then such a lemonade will serve as an excellent means in the struggle for a slim figure. It cleans the gastrointestinal tract from slags and leads to normal the digestive system, stimulates the process of burning fat, thereby reducing weight. Drinking lemon water, in the preference of other carbonated drinks, you get rid of the use of unnecessary calories, it will contribute to the preservation of your slender figure.

The benefits of lemon juice for hair

Luminating hair with lemon juice

Have you ever begun to think about lightening your hair with lemon juice? It means that this information in this article will be useful to you, and the recipe that will be shown below will help you buy your hair the natural effect of timing when lightening.

For skin lightening lemon juice, it is necessary:

  • Fresh lemon juice.
  • Block with sprays.
  • Discovered water

Light lemon juice

It is necessary to take a bottle with a flap, or a bottle that has left from - under the used spray. Pour natural lemon juice the amount that should be no less than ¼ glass, and if the hair is longer than the average, then the juice may need more.

Add distilled water to juice to dilute it a bit. Keep in mind the higher the concentration of juice, the clarifier effect will be stronger. But a lot, it does not mean well, too much citric acid concentrate can harm your hair. Therefore, it is better to carry out such a procedure for fatty and dirty hair. The property of lemon juice is to dry the hair, and the skin fat that has accumulated on the hair during clarification will protect them.

The mixture, which turned out as a result of mixing, profuse hair in the places, which requires their clarification with lemon juice. Do not forget to watch the lemon mixture evenly moistened the hair.

After sunny bath, it is necessary to rinse the hair with air conditioning well to neutralize the effect of citric acid, which dries hair. If you want to strengthen the result, then the next day repeat all manipulations again.

Useful properties of lemon juice to strengthen hair

Vitamin C, which, if applied externally, improve the blood circulation of the scalp, will save your hair from falling out and allow them to grow more intensively.

Not only flaxseed oil, but also lemon juice contains group vitamins, which not only increase hair growth, but also make their texture stronger. Thick hair is the result of what you turn into your daily diet of the Vitamins of Group V. But if the power is not enough, add hair masks with the use of lemon juice.

Vitamin E, this natural humidifier, in lemon juice is not so much, compared with vitamin C, but still enough to bring the life to dry and brittle hair. It is also recommended to add several drops of lemon juice to restoring masks based on olive and repentic oil. The same masks can be done with the bundle and fragility of nails.

Lemon juice against fatty hair

Lemon juice in getting rid of problems with the scalp, hair is a unique natural agent. Dry and brittle hair he makes more alive, returns it gloss, eliminates fragility. At the same time, and from excessive fatty hair lemon juice is also used, due to the presence of vitamin E.

And most often, all hair problems are connected with each other: the roots of the hair are saline, in length - dry, and tips, as a rule, dissected. What to do? It is necessary to take a rule after each washing head rinse the hair with warm water, into which lemon juice added (at the rate of one lemon per liter of water). And you can forget about your problems soon.

Lemon juice based mask from hair loss

If you have medium length hair, take one teaspoon of lemon juice, connect it with the same amount of preheated honey.

Then add one chicken egg yolk and mix before the formation of foam.

Apply the mixture on the hair, rubbing in the roots of the hair, distribute over the entire length.

Hold the mask under the film and a towel of half an hour - hour, then rinse with warm water with shampoo.

Lemon juice for cleaning the liver

Cleaning or sounding the liver with olive oil or lemon juice is a well-known means of traditional medicine, allowing to clean the body due to strong bile emissions. Olive oil itself is an excellent choleretic agent. The same characteristics have lemon juice, as well as other acidic fruits.

Cleaning has such a strong impact on the body, which can be convinced of its effectiveness. A person immediately sees slags, which are out of the body and immediately feels a general wellness effect.

Products required for liver cleaning

  • It will take a glass of olive oil and a glass of lemon juice.
  • Lemon juice should be fresh, prepared independently and absolutely natural. To prepare a glass of juice, it will take about 5 medium-sized lemons.
  • Olive oil must be high-quality, proven manufacturers with a label having an inscription Extra Virgin.

Preparation for cleaning lemon juice

Cleaning the liver is carried out after cleaning the intestine, as the way to exit slag should be absolutely free. According to the recommendations of specialists for this procedure, it is better to choose a full moon. It is during this period that cleaning is most effective. On the day of cleaning, there is nothing better, but you can drink apple juice in any quantity. In the extreme case, you can eat vegetable salads On vegetable oil, loaf and crackers.

Bien cleaning procedure

Cleaning the liver lemon juice and olive oil should pass on the following graphics. Take two tablets of NO-SHAPS or ALLOHOL in the scratched form and wash with water. An hour later, lay in bed with a heating line on the right side for three hours. You can only go to the toilet as needed, everything else needs to be held lying, but without sleep.

In the first hour of warming up a glass of oil drinks and a glass of juice washed alone two chips one, then the whole volume will not end yet. Fluids should be room temperature or even slightly fitting. For cleaning for the first time it is quite enough to drink half a glass of oil and juice. The next time the dose can be increased by quarter.

It is important to understand in advance. Which during cleaning, well-being will deteriorate, as in poisoning, therefore it is better not to make cleaning alone. It may appear nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Each time symptoms decreases.

If you make cleaning in the evening, then at night there should be diarrhea. After the release of slags, you need to make an enema to clean water, take a contrast shower. You should expect a re-exit of slags after meals. In the year, the cleaning procedure can be repeated not more than three times. For the first year, and then repeat only once a year.

Acne treatment and acne lemon juice

Lemon juice is very useful as a component in the manufacture of various lotions and acne masks.

  • If you have a glossy skin, prepare a lotion of 1 spoon of juice, 2 spoons of honey and 2 spoons of milk. Honey will give a blush and natural beauty, milk narrows pores, lemon will reduce the fatty skin and dry it a little, thus preventing the appearance of new acne.
  • The beneficial effect on the skin of a kefir mask and a pair of the bed of the lemon juice. The reaction of citric and lactic acid so strongly affects the skin that even deep acne disappear.
  • Simple, and at the same moment a very effective acne tool, is the pressed greens of parsley and lemon. In addition, such daily procedures will help the skin to become lighter.
  • Lemon with garlic no less effective means in the struggle with acne (applying such a mixture directly to inflamed places).
  • Mask from rye flour and honey diluted with juice will save you from black dots on the face. You should apply such a mask on the face and zone "T", about 15 minutes.
  • We advise you to prepare an antibacterial mask. Mixing honey and juice in equal amounts. Such a mixture prevents the development of harmful bacteria, cleans and degreases the skin. Ointment is applied to pimples when it will dry out a little, repeat the procedure again.
  • Unusual, but no less effective mask recipe: Mix such oils as, macadamia (2 ml), cuisy (2 ml), forest walnut (5 ml) and a pair of droplets of lavender essential oils, lemon and carnations. Lemon oil in the summer it is desirable to replace to juniper, preventing the appearance of pigment spots.

Treatment various diseases Lemon juice has long been applied in traditional medicine around the world. For example, Avicenna treated them for female diseases: amenorrhea, the omission of the uterus, postpartum complications.

Lemon juice is shown in atherosclerosis, as it contributes to the elasticity of blood vessels; improper metabolism, diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It can also prevent the occurrence of stroke or infarction, as it normalizes the pressure.

With sore throat - angina, pharyngitis, lemon juice, diluted with warm water, wipe the throat - it kills pathogenic bacteria. You can also lubricate the throat with lemon juice, and even pour clean juice into the throat if the pain is too strong, and it is difficult to rinse.

Lemon juice in combination with garlic very easily bronchial asthma . It is necessary to thoroughly chop 5 lemons and 2 heads of garlic, pour out a liter of cold boiled water and insist within 5 days. To strain and take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

Teeth cleaning It will be more effective if you add to the water to rinse the rhasok lemon - this will ensure the prevention of caries. Even the dental pain can be removed by rolling the mouth with water with lemon juice, and then soda solution.

Thanks to its antiseptic action, lemon juice can kill viruses during epidemics: it can be used in different ways - add to tea, water, even in butter or vegetable oil.

With the help of lemon juice, you can cure a resistant cough . You need 10 minutes to cook lemon on slow heat so that it soften. Then squeeze juice, add glycerin to it - 2 tbsp. l., And honey - to get a full glass. The resulting means to take 3 times a day, 1 tsp; With a very strong cough - 6 times a day, before bedtime and at night. When the cough begins to decrease, you can reduce the amount of receptions. This means is effectively even when the cough medicines do not help.

Get rid of stones in the kidneys and bladder You can use lemon juice in combination with vegetables juices: beets, carrots and cucumber. Depending on how many stones and what size they are, you need a few days or weeks to drink these juices before eating: Lemon - diluting half hot water, and the remaining juices mix in equal proportions and drink 0.5 glasses.

It is enough to drink juices 3-4 times a day to get rid of the stones completely. This treatment method is very effective, but in no case should it be applied without a specialist consultation - it can be dangerous.

The constant consumption of lemon juice does not allow to accumulate in the body of uric acid . Urinary acid when its in the body of an excess can cause various chronic diseases: rheumatism, gout, the formation of stones in the kidneys and a bustling bubble, anemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, skin disease and the central nervous system.

If with the arrival of spring, in March, start drinking lemon juice - one glass per day, during the week, then spring hypovitaminosis and seasonal diseases are not terrible. People prone to cardiovascular diseases, besides, it is recommended for a few minutes a day to chew a fresh lemon zest.

From chronic diseases that cannot be treated for many years can also be eliminated with the help of lemon juice, or at least significantly alleviate their current. For this, within 12 days, it is necessary to drink at least 40 glasses of juice - it will not affect the acidity of the gastric juice. However, such treatment is necessary to resolve and under the supervision of the doctor, especially if the person did not do this before.

Lemon juice for face, hair and body

Lemon juice is used not only for the prevention and treatment of diseases, but also for care, for beauty and health of the skin, hair, nails, teeth.

Few people know that Lemon juice can be used for clarification Pigment stains and freckles . Instead of immediately buying expensive cosmetics, you can try to apply freshly miley juice on spots and freckles, and after 15 minutes it was washed away. Such clarification is efficient and safe for the skin.

Lemon juice narrows pores and helps Fight acne : If you burn every pimple with juice before bedtime, then after a while they will disappear.

Lemon juice, mixed with olive oil in equal proportions, helps reduce the number of small wrinkles, and prevent the appearance of new ones. Such a mixture should be wiped with the skin of the face and neck in the morning and before bedtime, and it will become smooth and fresh.

Beautiful mask against wrinkles and pigment spots is obtained from the juice of half of the lemon and the natural, "living" yogurt. Apply the mixture on your face and hands, slightly massage and leave until it dry. Remove warm water.

Drove skin on elbows , knees and heels will also be softer if you lose it with a piece of lemon for a few minutes.

Plaque Disappear, if you brush the teeth with a grapefruit and green lemon juice, but it is impossible to do it too often, so as not to damage the dental enamel - just two times a week.

Plotted hair will be revived if the lemon juice is added to the water for rinsing. Especially good is for light hair - they start glowing and become silky.

The lemon peel should also be thrown away: it is better to lose her nails - they will strengthen, become bright and shiny.

Surprisingly, no Lemon juice can successfully replace deodorant . It can be used as a remedy. Of course, you first need to wash, and apply juice on the skin - the smell of sweat will not pursue you. Often how to do it still should not, otherwise you can get skin irritation.

When the legs get tired after a whole day of walking on heels, take the lemon slicker, and massage them - the ease will return.

Buying lemons, choose small and heavy, with thin skin. Large and thick fruit are actually unselfish, and they are removed from the tree so that they are better to withstand transportation.

This is a fruit, even if not sweet.

In one such fruit contain day Dose Vitamin C - About a third of this dose is contained in lemon juice.

About 5 percent of citric acid is contained in one lemon. This allows you to use lemon for oxidation prevention (acquisition of brownish color) of such fruit, like: apples, avocado, bananas, etc.

Among other things, lemon rich in vitamins B, R, A and E. There are still many interesting things about lemon and their benefits.

Learn about several interesting methods Use of lemons.

Lemon Use: Health and Beauty

Lemon scrub

Dead skin cells can be removed using alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, which are contained in lemon. It is also worth noting that lemon can be used to fight acne, as well as pigmentation. There are several recipes for cooking based on lemons based, and some scrubs can be found already ready in specialized stores.

You can make your lemon peeling:

1. Use the grater to grasp the lemon zest.

2. Put in the container with the zest 100 g sour cream and 5-8 drops of rosemary oil.

3. Apply a mixture on the skin and 15-20 minutes to rinse. Such a procedure is advised to do 1-2 times a week.

Nail care with lemon

From Manicure Masters, you can learn about a simple nail care recipe: Cut half the lemon and squeeze the lemon juice into a cup filled with warm water. Immerse your fingertips in a cup and hold 3-5 minutes. Next, use the lemon zest to grasp the nail plates.

Lemon as a means of nausea

Did you die or sick of unpleasant odor? Just cut the lemon slicker and hold her mouth for a while - there should be ailments.

Lemon Tonic

This fruit is an excellent tonic. You can make a tonic that cleans, disinfect, and also refreshes your skin. Usually, the lemon tonic is prepared using mineral water and honey.

Pleasant smell of mouth

If we breed the lemon juice in water, then the resulting means can be disinfected by the oral cavity (citric acid is able to destroy bacteria), which will also save from unpleasant odor. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after that, otherwise, citric acid will begin to eat enamel of your teeth.

Fragrant bath

Fill the bath with foam, add some essential lemon oil into it and can relax. Such baths are not only relaxing, but also help to deal with overweight.

Means from perchot

There is such an old recipe for the fight against dandruff: they advise you to cut the lemon on the slices and rub the roots of the hair 1-2 times a week. After each time, wash your head in the usual way. But it is worth noting that this method is not suitable for those who have dry skin, because Lemon dries skin.

Help when dealing with cold

There are many ways to use lemon essential oil, for example, for inhalation during colds. Just add butter into a glass of water (2-3 drops per cup) and breathe about 5 minutes over the solution.

Hand care

With the help of lemon juice, you can get rid of unpleasant odors and difficult-scale stains in your arms.

Use of water lemon: sip of health

Pain in throat and cough (lemon recipe with honey)

If you mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey, then you can create good tool To combat pain in the throat and cough. You can also mix juice, honey and hot tea.

Lemon helps when the bite of the wasp

Wipe the place where the wasp was statled, lemon juice to alleviate the pain.

Lemon and his peel in food and drink

Universal seasoning

Create seasoning from lemon zest. Just spend the zest on a shallow grater, and you enrich the taste of almost any dish. This seasoning should be stored in the freezer.

Seasoning for fish and meat

Create a spicy mixture using black pepper, salt, garlic, bow, and of course lemon zest (you can add turmeric). This seasoning is suitable for fish and meat dishes. Here, how can I make a mixture:

1. Sut the zest and put it in a bowl.

2. Pour some black pepper or a mixture of several peppers.

3. Stir the whole mixture.

4. Lay uniformly mixture on baking paper (on the pallet).

5. Place the pallet into the oven at the lowest temperature and leave for about an hour. Occasionally check the state of seasoning.

7. After grinding, you can add salt to the mixture - but it is not necessary - mix again.

This mixture can be used all year round.

Lemon sugar

If you like tea with lemon, then you will enjoy this recipe.

1. Sut the zest of two lemons and place it in the plastic container. (Zedra from one lemon is suitable for 2-3 cups of tea).

2. Push the sugar sand from above - the zesto sends natural oils that are absorbed into sugar.

3. Mix the mixture well and leave for about an hour so that the zest dries a bit.

4. Now the mixture can be added to tea. When the mixture ends, you can simply add some sugar, and the zest can not be added.

* It is worth noting that lemon sugar can also be used when preparing some cocktails.

Always fresh fruit

Lemon ice

Solk lemon, as well as pieces of zesto, can be used as decoration of beverages - just freeze them in water using molds for ice.

Storage of cane sugar

Add some zest to brown sugar, and it will not be cooked.

Long storage

To keep the lemon longer, cut it on the slices and every slicker on the 4 parts. Each piece put in the freezer and use when you need.

More juice

To squeeze more lemon juice, turn the fruit in your hands, squeeze it a bit and only then cut and squeeze juice.

Delicious salad

Pour the salad with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil - the salad will not only be tastier, but also acquire a pleasant smell.


Mix in a blender lemon juice of three lemons and water and stir. Add sugar to taste, stir again. Add ice and mint leaves and serve.

Cleaning lemon or lemon in everyday life


Prepare lemon zest and vinegar. Lemon crusts in the container, pour the vinegar and close the lid. Leave the solution for 2 weeks to appease. After that, strain the tincture and dilute with water in a 50/50 ratio. Now you can clean different surfaces.

Lemon Elixir is most in demand than other fruit nectars. This is due to citrus composition, a plurality of beneficial properties and a wide range of its use. The sourish drink will remove fatigue, fill the lack of vitamins in the body will save from the cold, will have an effective skin care, hair and nails, and will also give dishes a refined taste. And this is not the entire list of his abilities. The benefits of such Fresh still refers to the simplicity of its preparation. And how to cook lemon juice, learn below.

How to squeeze the juice from lemon

Lemon is the creepy citrus fruit, while it is very useful. Yellow fruit is rich in the nearby vitamins: A, B2, C and R. It is decorated with slices with slices and drinks, and also add them during the cooking process to give taste. And the lemon nectar is just the clades of vitamins. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and in everyday life. How to get the maximum of this gold fluid? There are several ways.

Using juicer

The easiest prescript method is to apply special equipment, namely the juicers. They are both electric and manual.

Modern methods include mechanical devices. There are different models. From the simplest juicers to trimmed combines, equipped with a variety of additional features. Depending on the power of the device, you can put fruit with or without peel.

Perhaps the resulting juice will have to strain through a sieve, since the likelihood of bones, pulp and peel is great. As a rule, about 50-60 ml of fluid is obtained from one medium size lemon.

With the help of manual instruments, there is a lot of juice. True, it will be necessary to make efforts. But a lot of time the process does not take away and dirty dishes will be at times less. Next, let's figure it out how to squeeze the lemon Fresh without the use of juicer?

Without using juicer

If there are no special devices at hand, it does not matter. Once there was no technology at all, so you can completely cope without it. How to squeeze juice from lemons without using the juicer? We offer several methods:

  1. With forge and spoons. Sighten the citrus and cut it in half. In the middle of one part, insert the spoon so that it pours out the flesh. Turn ½ part of the fruit over the bowl of a spoon down. Start squeezing juice until it strokes into the container. To get the remains of nectar, scroll down the device clockwise and back.

You can also stretch the fruit without a hull fork. To do this, cut the fruit on the 4 parts and place everything into a deep bowl.

  1. Heat treatment. How to squeeze a liquid from the citrus quickly and just? Lower the lemon in boiling water and leave it there for one minute. Then chole citrus. This will allow you to easier to produce as much as possible with manually acidic fluid.
  2. Using gauze. Finely put the pulp of the fetus and wrap it into the gauze and squeeze the juice. You can use the usual bandage.

Now we know how to squeeze lemon juice without the use of such a device as a juicer. However, there are several varieties of citrus drink. For example, using citric acid or concentrate.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid or concentrated lemon juice

The citrus spin is most often needed in cooking and marinating dishes. What to do if there is no lemon at hand, and if you need only a couple of drops and spend a sorry for this whole fruit? Everything is very simple. Drink can be obtained from citric acid and from concentrate.

Use citric acid

This juice is done very simple. According to the standard recipe, only two ingredients will be required. Namely:

  • Water;
  • Lemon acid.

The ideal proportion of lemon juice from citric acid: one part of the powder into two parts of the liquid. Its ratio to juice from lemon is 1 to 6. Cooking technology is simple. The concentrate is divorced by water. To properly make a drink, the product is better struggling for at least 30 minutes. This will be required for better dissolution of crystals in water.

This method has its advantages:

  • Acid in powder has a longer shelf life;
  • It is not despicable to storage conditions;
  • No need to use a whole lemon for the sake of several ml;
  • Juice is made easily and quickly;
  • It will not be necessary to make efforts to speak citrus.

And disadvantages:

  • The absence of natural ingredients;
  • Consose drink should be careful in small quantities.

If you have a lemon zest, add it to lemon juice and give half an hour. It will give an artificial drink a pleasant fragrance.

Use concentrate

Almost all the juices that we see on the shelves of retail outlets, obtain from a concentrated product. In other words, concentrated lemon juice is a blank for the future drink. This also applies to other fruits.

Such raw materials are obtained after harvest. Fruits and vegetables are pressed, then this liquid is evaporated. Thus, a concentration is obtained. According to the consistency, it is thick and viscous. They produce it in special conditions, at which all useful fetus substances are not lost.

Why make juice from the workpiece yourself, if purchased drinks are made in the same way? The fact is that factory production implies adding various preservatives to nectars, fragrances and taste amplifiers. In the domestic conditions, only two components are taken. The main thing is to know the proportion. The recipe indicates how much liquid and concentrate will be required.


  • Water - 3l;
  • Concentrated lemon juice - 600 grams.


Juice must be divorced in water. Components in the right ratio are thoroughly mixed with each other. Natural delicious nectar is ready.

The concentrate is measured in kilograms due to its dense consistency. Purchase in retail product is possible. Usually it is written on the boxes: "Restored juice".

Sweet lemon juice: recipes

A drink made of yellow citrus is obtained sour, so not everyone can use it in its pure form. Mostly, such a product is used as an additive to different dishes, or used in cosmetology.

At the same time, almost everyone loves lemonade. All because in such a drink acid and bitterness softens with the addition of additional ingredients. Ultimately, it turns out sweet, not acidic. How to prepare such a morse at home? There are several recipes.

Natural lemonade

No preservatives and other harmful substances that have a negative impact on the body. And most importantly, the drink is preparing quickly, easily and from affordable products.


  • Sugar - 3 ch. L.;
  • Juice of one lemon - 50 ml.;
  • Water - 150 ml.;
  • Fruit zest.


  1. We put water on fire, throw the zesto and bring to a boil.
  2. Boiling 2-3 minutes.
  3. Raw sugar and here we stir up to the full dissolution.
  4. We pour lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Enjoy the drink.
  6. Homemade useful lemonade ready.

You can add several citrus fractions to the vessel with juice for the saturation of taste and giving the aesthetic drink.

Lemonade "From cold"

Tasty treatment from colds symptoms. Take the recipe for a note, and you no longer have to run to the pharmacy.


  • Dry chamomile (flowers) - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - glass;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 350 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. We blame chamomile with one glass of boiling water and leave it to bent. Preferably for 2-3 hours. If there is a little time, then 15-30 minutes will be enough.
  2. I prepare lemon juice.
  3. We pour a lean herbal drink to it.
  4. Add honey.
  5. Drink ready. Use it warm.

Honey can be replaced with sugar or jam. Such lemon tea contains many vitamins and nutrients. It is not necessary to drink it only for colds. The drink is suitable in preventive purposes, as well as for daily daily use.

Despite the widespread use of lemon nectar, it is difficult to find on sale. Therefore, it is easier to make a product yourself. Ways, as can be seen in our article, quite a lot. You can make a drink, even if there is no juicer or fruit yourself at hand.


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