Salad sheet E useful properties. Listed salad: benefit and harm how to save for winter

Salad sheet E useful properties. Listed salad: benefit and harm how to save for winter

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Iceberg is the most popular salad grade, which resembles a white cabbage, and crumbs, just like. In their taste, the iceberg salad is relatively neutral, so it combines well with any ingredients. Bird, buckhenin, boiled eggs with this salad form wonderful and nutritious dishes. Iceberg can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time, because it is the only one of all kinds of salad, which is completely not afraid of the cold.

Another, no less interesting recipe for Baskets with the use of buckwheat, you can read in the article "Vitamins in Rice Features of buckwheat and the use of millet."

Types of sheet salad

Many experts argue that such a salad is very useful for the eyes, he is also able to strengthen the bones, to update the composition of the blood, clean the intestines from slags, strengthen the nervous system. Leaf salad Very useful to nursing mommies, as it is able to strengthen the lactation.

In the leaves of salad contains oxalic acid, so people who suffer from kidney disease have the location of the renal stones, as well as with the problems of the bladder, to get involved in the eating of the greenery is not recommended.

Many remember the leaves of salad only when they start to lose weight. Well, if we talk about to feed the salad to the man, it becomes generally funny. But all these statements are only ironic attempts to confuse people.

Add refueling to the salad before serving on the table, otherwise it will fade and "splash".

Skin care recipes:

Thanks to the huge content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, lettuce leaves are among the top ten most useful food. They are recommended to use as much as possible in food to people of old age and children.

This plant is saturated with a vitamin complex containing vitamins A, C, H, K, E, RR, Holin and vitamins belonging to the group in (in

Grup Salad Salad.

Sheet salad has long ceased to be considered a simple decoration of the table. At the moment, it is a full-fledged dietary product, which can be included in the mass of dietary dishes - salads, cocktails, sandwiches. And due to low calories, this product can be used in an unlimited quantity.

Oclif is very sensitive to temperature drops and categorically refuses to spend the night in the refrigerator, so it is necessary to cook it on the day of purchase. Especially delicious oaxliff with champignons, smoked salmon, krutones, garlic and avocado.

Green onions. All the warm layers, which have been told in the address of the greenery, can be fully attributed to green onions. This is the first vegetable, which occurs in our early spring. Like any onions, it contains phytoncides, destructively ones on pathogenic microorganisms. The beneficial properties of green onions are extremely important in respiratory diseases, often remaining after winter infections. To satisfy the need of an organism in an ascorbic acids, it is enough to eat 100 - 150 grams of green onions. Very sexy bow to people suffering from blood diseases.

Doctors prohibit eating salad leaves for breakfast. The fact is that the leaves will quickly pass in the stomach, and you will rear to food again. It is also not recommended to drink the leaves with juice or carbonated water. Leaves and so consist of 92% of the water. A mixture with liquid can lead to a stomach disorder.

Salad contains many vitamins, the most necessary of which A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E, H. Also as part of salad there are sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other macroelements. Among trace elements - iron, iodine, copper, zinc, chrome, fluorine and others.

Try to prepare different salads and dishes every day. Do not torment yourself with monotonous food, from which you can not lose weight as much as you bring yourself to depression.

Mask for dry skin: 8-10 lettuce leaves to be confused with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream. It is necessary to apply the mixture for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week. This tool feeds well, tones and refreshes the skin.

The valuable composition and beneficial properties of the leaf salad

The beneficial properties of sheet salad:

1 Aruck salad has a very rich taste with small sourness and bitterness, so it is not recommended to mix it with other varieties. It is mainly used for the preparation of salads and various vegetable snacks. Salad green leaf has not always enjoyed great popularity. Once it was used mainly only for beautiful decoration of festive tables. With the coming to our life healthy nutrition Much has changed. Today, the leaf salad is considered one of the full dietary food products. And all this thanks to the fact that it contains a huge number of very useful substances. First of all, it is a storehouse of vitamins A, C, E and such beneficial substances, like iron, phosphorus, sodium, copper, potassium, zinc, phosphorus. The root differs from other species with its small dark green leaves, growing "roses". His minor dark green leaves have a spicy taste and gentle aroma. The Corn is good with pieces of bacon, krutones, onions, citrus and nuts. Onion green from time immemorial in crushed leaves of this plant was added a little ingredients, for example - finely chopped eggs, green onions, parsley, dill, sour cream or vegetable oil and vegetable oil and Received something like salad. But with the opening of the borders, we learned many new recipes with the participation of this amazing plant. Today, the leaf salad is almost that the main culprit of all holidays. They decorate snacks, making out of the leaves an improvised plate under exquisite dishes, which significantly improves their aesthetics, and excite a considerable appetite. Without it, the dishes will be faded and uninteresting, so the leaf salad today is very in demand in any civilized kitchen in the world. This amazing plant is considered very ancient from the point of view of specialists. The benefits of sheet salad were used for many centuries, as a great nutritional product, a plant has a very small calorie content, because in 100 grams of the greenery of only 14 calories we offer some simple recipes for the preparation of sheet salad.

Beneficial features

Wipe the salad in Cashitz and take it 3 tbsp. l., 1 h. Spoon of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. This is a wonderful nutritional mask.

This product has a beneficial effect on the immune system;

Salad Salad Latuk

  • From this product, many delicious and useful dishes are prepared, and the leaf lettuce is harvested.
  • Cress Salad looks like a Corn, only the taste of it is even more piquant. This is an excellent source of vitamins A and S. Gourmet argue that the cress of salad is able to turn any dish into a refined delicacy. Green salad sprouts are used in the preparation of various salads and cold soups. It is good and like a seasoning or side dish to fish and meat dishes, cheese, sausages.
  • In the popular medical literature, however, in the mention of the Green Luke there is a pre-dulptery, which is needed to treat it carefully, because it includes a difficult-scale fiber and substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines . In case of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, the green onions are also consumed with caution (two or three pen). But, as always, this question is purely individually, especially since beneficial features Green onions make it possible to beautifully stimulate the emptying of the bile Pu-Zyry, the bow has a choleretic property, normalizing the composition of the blade than, in particular, the formation of stones prevents. Apparently, it is necessary to simply experiment, on the pen of pre-bolting onions in his diet.
  • Reinforced gas formation can cause excessive consumption of salad in food. As in the rest, you need to stick to the "Golden Mid" and eat a sheet salad in moderation.
  • And as a wonderful drug. Foldful and, at the same time, a light-loving plant, today has a good reputation as a powerful vitamin support for humans. If to add its properties to all this, it turns out that the leaf salad for us is the very thing that the body is much needed after a long winter.
  • . Due to its low calories, the salad is often used to prepare people who suffer from diabetes. Vitamin RR acts as an activator to generate insulin.

Fast cooking salads

Damage to sheet salad

To remove inflammation and prevent peeling, you can cook decoction of lettuce leaves. Families are well helped with sunburns.

Salad in cosmetology

Normalizes the nervous system;

  1. This is from the most recognizable grades of sheet salad, which is not particularly different in a bright taste, but it is precisely that makes it when cooking is quite popular. Fresh latch in the refrigerator is stored not bad, 3-4 days.
  2. To date, there are quite many varieties of this useful product. All of them are distinguished by their taste, and therefore choose exactly the one that will appeal, will not be much difficulty.
  3. Latuke is divided into sheet and jam. Latuke salad is perfect for vegetable salads. To cook a brawl enough to wash the salad, break up the green leaves, rub the spices, add olive oil and lemon juice. So that the leaves become crispy, they must be held in cold water. Latuke salad retains its excellent flavor properties and after heat treatment. Therefore, it is often added to vegetable sauces, satie or stew.

Salad leaf for weight loss

The benefits of green onions and in the ability to clean the mouth of the mouth from microbes. Inte-room that workers of greenhouses, where onions are grown, do not care, do not care even in the time of the most cruel epidemics. The beneficial effects of Ze-Luke increases, if there is it with vegetable Mas-scrap.

Some simple rules when diet

This plant should not be used in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract and disease disease during the exacerbation period. Also during gastritis, it is also contraindicated.

  • The distinctive properties of sheet salad are that it can be used since the beginning of spring and until late autumn. In this unpretentious plant, great opportunities are capable of restoring lost health, physical strength and beauty. It is noteworthy that with the first heat, landing in a greenhouse, very soon you can get delicate and juicy leaves, which can provide us with vitamins, microelements and other important substances.
  • Most people salad leaves are used as an additive to delicacy dishes, but why do we forget that it is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals?
  • You need to take a big dish and lay out well-washed lettuce leaves on it. Sleep their salt and black pepper, pour refined vegetable oil, sprinkle with lemon juice. Then squeeze several pieces of garlic and mix everything carefully.
  • The fact that this product perfectly helps to lose weight does not cause any doubt, since his caloric content is very small. But lose weight, using only one salad, is not recommended, because the body, except for "green" food, requires more proteins and fats. Because not to harm your health and purchase slender figureIt is necessary to combine lettuce leaves with such food products, like fish, vegetables, seafood, vegetables, eggs, cheese, nuts, and so on.
  • Contributes to the rapid restoration of forces after prolonged disease;
  • , B.

Salad Roman Salad

Salad leaf: recipes

Salad Salad Batavia

Lollo-Rosso is characterized by bright coloring leaves (a combination of green with burgundy). Intense, with a light walnous tint, slightly bitter taste of Lollo-Rosso is perfectly combined not only with other vegetables: it is good to file steaks, befstrogen or annecution. Lollo-Rosso Salad is often used as an ingredient in hot salads or vegetable stew. And in such dishes add fresh leaves Lollo Ross not subjected to thermal processing.

  • Mint pepper. This surprisingly useful herb would first withdraw in the UK method of crossing various wilderness varieties. It is the pepper mint that has the most subtle aroma and strong healing properties. Her Lie Falls have a naizy, smoky shade.
  • This article is about greens on our table. About that invaluable benefit that it gives us with the right and regular use. Here and huge assistance in obesity and diabetes mellitus, and beautiful choleretic properties and improvement of the state thyroid gland, and much more. In addition, the recipe for amazing in the composition and taste of cabbage rolls, and recommendations on the use of greenery in sings of cucumbers and cabbage for a long time.
  • Listed salad will not leave anyone indifferent to their appearance and taste. He is able to give a lot of pleasure from the meal, while satisfying the body as much as possible and give it good support from the useful substances contained in the leaves.

Preparation of leaf salad for winter

Salad is rich in folic acid, which helps maintain mental functions of a person. Therefore, lettuce is recommended to use small children and elderly to protect their nervous system.

Salad leaves - benefits, caloric content, composition. What is useful salad

300 grams of lettuce leaves to go through, rinse and leave for a few minutes in the water. Then lay out on the towel to the extra moisture of the glass. Pow your hands salad into small pieces, add a sliced \u200b\u200begg, crushed onion, grated cheese. All ingredients are mixed, sprinkle with lemon juice salad and pour olive oil.

Remember several simple tips:

Gives a light soothing and sleeping bag;

Chemical composition

It is almost the most delicious and very crisp salad, having a tart and sweet-nuttry taste. It combines well with natural gas stations from yogurts.

Salad calorie content

In the CIS countries, Batavia is considered the most popular type of leaf salad. As a rule, this variety is the first to sell in the spring. Plant leaves are large and at the ends of wavy. The taste is very gentle and juicy. Salad is used to prepare vegetable dishes, decorating tables, sandwiches. The only drawback of the variety is that after its cutting, he quickly loses his freshness, therefore it is not recommended to store a salad for a long time. Roundichio comes from Italy. He is well combined with onions, garlic, Tmin. Typically, Radicio Salad is used in the Mix of Green Salads. A bitter nut flavor Radichio perfectly emphasizes all the ingredients of the finished dish. However, if the Radicio Salad is heat treatment, the taste of the final product will be pleasantly sweet and spicy. In Italy, for example, it is customary to file roasted in the first-class olive oil or wine Salad leaves of Radicio.

Useful properties of salad

Mint pepper

Salad is a valuable source of nutrients, a piece of close dish. Salad leaves are eaten to the formation of the flower arms on them. Such properties of lettuce of lettuce, as containing in them easily durable protein and sugars, and Calcium and iodine, together with the complex of Vita Minov, make this greens of uncomfortable tea for those who suffer from the diseases of the shield-visible gland.

Useful properties of sheet salad

In the leaves of salad contain easily durable proteins, sugar, as well as mineral salts, which makes it an indispensable product for patients and pregnant women.

To prepare a sandwich, you need to take wholegrain bread, chicken boiled breast, leaf salad, salt and pepper. Such a dish can perfectly quench the feeling of hunger.

Salads need to be filled with vegetable oils or yogurt, low-fat sour cream;

Improves food digestion;

Contraindications of salat

Salataloll Ross grade

Salad sheet, useful and healing properties

Salad Salad Iceberg

Romano is considered the oldest of all salads! This is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and iron. It is Romano to use for the popular salad "Caesar".

Apparently, if there is some kind of super magic and extra fellow tra stay on the globe, then this is mint. There is no ailment, in the treatment or prevention of which it would not be useful and heel. Mint The pepper is included in many fees of medicinal rasions. Pleasant fragrance and Os-believer taste make a dock from it a full-fledged membrane of tea. The recipes of mint kvass have long been known. Mint is an excellent seasoning to soups, salads, vegetable and fish blu-ladies.

Salad leaves

Presented in a large chemical composition, namely: it present vitamins A, C, E, K, H, RR and vitamins of group B, as well as a considerable number of trace elements, these are calcium, sodium, potassium phosphorus, iron, fluorine, copper, Iodine, selenium and others. Salant juice is used to treat ulcerative diseases of the stomach, gastritis and duodenal. It contains lactacin and other trace elements that have a sedative effect.

Therapeutic properties of sheet salad

Like all green vegetables, you can harvest the leaf lettuce for the winter. The leaves are stored in the freezer and defrost directly before use. There are also many ways to marinen.

Add cinnamon, ginger, cilt and lemon juice;

The plant misses the appetite nicely.

This is the most beautiful leaf salad. Its color can be different: green, raspberry, pink, and even burgundy. This variety is a real decoration for the festive table.

Useful properties of leaf salad in cooking

Iceberg salad is very popular both in the USA and in our country. Externally, it resembles a round and dense kochan cabbage. The main feature of this variety is that it is almost tasteless, so that it can be added to absolutely any dishes and not be afraid to change their taste.

Contraindication leaf salad

The arugula looks like a dandelion leaves. This salad is rich in minerals, in it a lot of iodine and vitamin C. Arukkola perfectly complements other green salads, and it has nothing to do with a comparable sharp-spicy taste. Best of all emphasize vinegar and parmesan. Often, arugula is added to the popular seasoning of pesto.

Antiseptic properties are those beneficial properties of peppermints, which are de-crushing it indispensable in ho-siemi. When salting cabbage, it is the addition of mint leaves that helps a significantly longer preservation of this vegetable in a fresh form, and it becomes excellent. The same applies to the cucumbers: the bottom of the cans together with dill and other values \u200b\u200bare consistently advised to sharpen meat. If we talk about long-term storage of vegetables, then in an article about salads with fresh beets you will find a wonderful recipe for marinating beets for the winter.

Useful properties of lettuce leaves, green onions and peppermint | Recipe health

In obesity and diabetes mellitus, inclusion in the diet of all types of salad is indispensable. The infusion of lettuce leaves is 20 grams per glass of water - soothing and sleeping pills (taking overnight).

Useful properties of lettuce leaves

By virtue of large content in the salad of vitamins, minerals and other useful people, he has a lot of advantages over other garden crops - it is a leader in both cooking, so for the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases.

If you decide to lose weight, you can eat leaves without any experiences about your figure. Their magic properties for diets are not exaggerated. After all, the use of lettuce leaves consists in their low calorie content, and many make a mistake by throwing everything besides him from their diet. No, the greens goes like an addition to food. Due to its volume, it fills the stomach. Salad's appointment - replace more calorie products.

Do not add many nuts to salads, as they are saturated with fats;

Salad Salad Leaf Recipe

In addition, the sheet salad has long been used as a blood purity, for the treatment of headaches. Meeting-dependent people recommend to eat at least a few leaves during the magnetic storm. And this is not the entire list of all the features of this product, the useful qualities of which were widely used in cooking, scientific and folk medicine.​

), Beta carotene. Sheet salad includes a considerable number of trace elements: potassium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium and many other substances. Such a high content of valuable substances in which the body needs, and is due to the usefulness of sheet salad.

Useful properties of green onions

Among other varieties can be noted the Cress Salad, Mangold, Field and Coral Salad.

Beijing cabbage

Frissa is a kind of "curly salads". This salad is "friendly" with onions, garlic, thyme, as well as with other curly salads. Frissue salad gives the final dish light mustard in taste. It is served raw or stew, usually with shrimps, fish, citrus or cheese.

Useful properties of lettuce leaves

Useful properties of peppermint

Thanks to the presence of a major quantity of routine, the Salad protects the body from atherosclerosis to the presence of the majority of routine. Like all early herbs, and vegetables, it is indispensable in the nutrition of people suffering from cardiovascular - vascular diseases. Properties of lettuce of lettuce - torture cholesterol, also salad has a chicken-free effect. Solting lettuce leaves are not necessary - their beautiful natural taste is enriched with lemon juice. Also should not be disturbed and the structure of this plant during preparation - the lettuce leaves are gentle, defenseless, ease of them. Why do they cut them into small parts?

And the first thing that is good for this plant, it turns out - to positively influence the metabolic processes in the body, helping the entire gastrointestinal tract in its difficult work. In fact, like all other garden crops, designed to eat in snacks and salads, this plant contributes to excellent learning. Also, the leaf salad is able to bring slags, toxins and bad cholesterol from the body, which is important for people with overweight. This, its property perfectly cleans the blood vessels and makes them elastic and elastic.

The infusion of lettuce leaves (25 g per 250 g of water) is often used to treat hypertensive disease, psychomotor excitation, neurasthenia, insomnia. The fact is that the plant contains lactacin, which has a sleeping pills.

With the arrival of spring, everyone starts to think about their nutrition and figure, because the body feels the summer and wants to look beautiful. And so, after the winter, we immediately remember the leaves of lettuce. The name of the salad in Latin looks like "Herba Salata", which is translated as a "salt grass".

Useful properties of lettuce leaves.

Salad grade mustard, arugula, oak and some others before use should be soaked for 7-10 minutes in clean water. This will allow you to get rid of the bitterness inherent;

No negative influence on the human body does not have a plant. Its use should be limited only in the case of individual intolerance.

What is useful leaf salad? Specialists have proven that the valuable composition of this plant affects the normalization of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, due to its diuretic property, it derives from the body excess liquid. The beneficial properties of the leaf salad have a beneficial effect on vision, blood circulation and blood itself, since the components that are part of the plant take part in the movement of iron and the formation of red blood cells. Often lettuce leaves due to the high content of folic acid, which is responsible for the normal development of the fetus, includes food for pregnant women. But the largest advantage of this product is precisely in its low calorie content.

This diet plant has a very low calorie content. The composition of the sheet salad includes useful proteins, carbohydrates, fats, starch, dietary fiber, organic acids and other elements.

This variety is very big popular. It is added to dietary salads, soups are boiled from it. She has a very gentle and juicy, perfectly combined with many ingredients. This salad is a green leaf is good because it has a property for quite a long time and at the same time not to lose its beneficial properties. Its calorie content is 100 grams of only 12 calories.


There are more than a hundred species of salads: leafy and coastal, various shapes and colors - from gently green to dark burgundy, and all amazingly delicious and useful. What products are better to combine with different species Salad in our juicy review.

Another example of using the special properties of the lettuce of lettuce is the cabbage rolls of raw foods: grate the beets and carrots on the grater, add juice of sour fruits, various chopped greens, ground nuts. Finishing in green lettuce leaves.

The benefits of sheet lettuce as it is impossible to suit the dietary nutrition with diabetes mellitus. It is safe to add a leaf salad to a few products allowed by medicine for this category of patients, as a good vitamin additive that can strengthen the health of such patients and solve some problems in their nutrition.

In some countries, the girls use salad leaves for cosmetic purposes. Everything is quite simple - water is closed in the bathroom, the water temperature of the salad leaves. It is enough to lie in the water of 15-20 minutes, and your skin will immediately become soft and starts to shine.

The first memories of his existence mankind dates back to 665 BC, when lettuce leaves found in one of the Egyptian tomb. IN Ancient Greece And Rome was filed to meat or as a causative agent of appetite before eating. In the Middle Ages, Europeans used salad not only in raw form, but also preserved. In Tsarist Russia, salad was grown in St. Petersburg and Odessa. Sailors harvested four times a year.

Rush Salad with hands - From contact with a metal knife, he will lose a lot of useful substances and its own appearance;​

Perfect for use in cosmetology Salad leaf.

However, it is necessary to immediately note that when we are talking about how the leaf salad is useful, then we mean precisely the fresh plant or what was cut no more than 3 hours ago. It should be remembered that non-letters leaves, alas, lose their useful qualities. When you buy this food product, it should be preferred only with fresh cut leaves or pots in pots.

Systematic reception of salad will saturate the human body with an indispensable organic acids, vitamins, mineral compounds. The benefits of the plant studied thoroughly, but is there harm from the reception of lettuce? Consider the main aspects in order.

Composition of leaf salad

The benefits of juicy salad is determined by the accumulation of substances, which is included in the chemical list.
In the salad, many thiamine, ascorbic acid, alpha tocopherol, pyridoxine. Also, the plant includes riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamins K, RR, B9.

Value is the presence of macro and trace elements. In their number, sodium, potassium, boron, copper, calcium, silicon, phosphorus. The plant is not deprived of aluminum, beryllium, manganese, iron, iodine, chlorine.

In the composition of the culture there are soluble and insoluble food fibers, alkaloid compounds, beta-carotene, lutein. These substances prevent premature aging of tissues and maintain the work of the heart.

Folic acid in the composition of salad is favorable effect on kifricity and sex system man. Metal salts that are part of the salad are facilitated, facilitating the activity of the digestive system, participate in mineral exchange.

Silicon with gray and phosphorus strengthen epithelium, improve the beauty of hair and health of nail plates. Carotenoids with iodine prevent Alzheimer, restore vision and improve memory.

With such a rich chemical composition Calorie 100 gr. Salad is small. It is only 14 kcal. This allows you to introduce greens into a diet of people with obesity and those who follow their figure.

The benefits of leaf salad

  1. The product protects brain cells from chemical elements that are able to cause cancer. At the same time, the salad stimulates neurons, improving memory, smell, information processing speed and its digestibility. Hence the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  2. Low caloric content and glycemic index lead to a decrease in blood cholesterol. Such a feature is bought by heart diseases at the stage of their development, prevents the myocardial strokes and infarction. Salad gently expands blood ducts, reduces the risk of thrombosis and varicose veins.
  3. Sheet culture has anti-cancer properties. Studies of world scientists have revealed that salad is often used in the fight against some categories of cancer ailments. Culture is capable of overlapping blood access to neoplasms, launching a tumor self-destruction.
  4. Latuke includes a huge amount of antioxidant substances that protect the liver from toxins and purify the entire body. Elements made of salad absorb free radicals and quickly derive them. Culture regenerates fabrics at the cellular level and restores the operation of the internal organs.
  5. Antimicrobial properties allow you to use a salad to protect the body from viruses, destroying bacteria. Doctors recommend to eat a latobe during periods between seasons shifts, as well as during the spread of viral infections. You strengthen the immunity and speed up metabolic processes. In addition, the brake is able to kill the fungi of different types, yeast bacteria, in particular Candida.
  6. Chemical components in the composition of salad resemble alkaloids and opiates. These substances normalize the dream and psycho-emotional human background. In systematic reception disappears a feeling of anxiety, irritability decreases. A sedative effect allows a person to overcome the consequences of stress and depression.
  7. Incoming retinol in large quantities affects the condition of the skin. Vitamin A accelerates the regeneration of epidermis cells, maintains water balance, enhances the release of elastin and collagen. As a result, prevention and smoothing of wrinkles are carried out.
  8. Potassium enhances blood circulation, saturates with oxygen tissues and prevents premature aging of the body. The tocopherol with ascorbic acid is strengthened by immunity, remove salts and excess water, struggling with the eats of fabrics.
  9. Sheet salad is often introduced into the diet of patients who diagnosed obesity. Also, the latch is shown to receive people with overweight and those who elementary want to support the figure in shape. It's all about low calorie salad.
  10. Curly culture favorably affects the digestive system. Latuke must be used to eliminate constipation, in particular chronic, as well as the overall improvement in the activity of the digestive tract. Salad quickly digested and does not waste the stomach.
  11. The low glycemic index suggests that the latch comes up to receiving people with diabetes. Salad controls blood sugar indicators, prevents glycose and blood pressure jumps. Low calorie content allows you to use greens without restrictions, without fear for health.
  12. Nutrient elements of lettuce positively affect the state of the chapels and the skin of the face. Most of all this is reflected on the activities of the sebaceous glands. Skin and hair over time cease to fool quickly, because the fat production is normalized. It is worth concluding that the salad is perfect for people with combined (mixed) and oily skin, hair.

  1. Folic acid is responsible for adjusting the hormonal background, eliminating the imbalance. Salad facilitates pain during the menstrual cycle, fills the shortage of nutrients and vitamins, normalizes hemoglobin.
  2. If you systematically consume a brake, you may not be afraid about the development of cancer ovarian and dairy glasses. Also, the salad reduces the number of tides during the climax, facilitating the state of the woman.
  3. Salad latch must be included in the daily menu of a pregnant girl to ensure proper formation nervous system and the musculoskeletal apparatus of the child. When lactation, leaf greenery improves the quality of breast milk and eliminates bitterness.
  4. Girls will be useful to know that the leaf salad is used in many cosmetic masks for the face. It is enough to grind a couple of leaves and impose on the skin. The epidermis will ensure softness, rash and purulent acne will be disappeared.
  5. To restore damaged hair, squeeze juice from a beam of fresh leaf lettuce. Mix it with castor, burdock or corn oil, warm and wrap in curls. After half an hour, smash. Mask also enhances hair growth.

The benefits of leaf salad for men

  1. Chemical list of lettuce elements increases testosterone production. Latuke needs to eat men to raise libido, the quality of sperm and her "burning".
  2. Specialists advise you to buy a lot of family couples who have difficulty in conception. Greens normalizes reproductive function, increasing inndergeneity.
  3. The accumulation of zinc protects representatives of the men's half of the population from problems with potency. With systematic reception, the salad makes a person attractive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  4. The accumulation of the group of vitamins B normalizes the mental state of the man. Therefore, lettuce is recommended to use people who often face stress by nature. Latuke will put a dream, remove chronic fatigue, will remove irritability and apathy.
  5. Many have heard that men with the age threshold of 40+ are often confronted with heart disease. Sheet salad increases blood circulation and its update, reducing the "no" risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  6. Latuk rated the adoption of men who lead an active lifestyle and are engaged in a lot. Greens quickly fills the shortage of energy, promotes the growth of muscle tissue, relieves pain and severity in the muscles after training. Against the background of this, cheerfulness and physical endurance increases.
  7. Sheet salad prevents men's alopecia - mass loss of hair. With regular reception, you will prevent the appearance of baldness, baldness.

  1. If you regularly consume crisp salad in everyday life, you can reset overweight in a short time. The secret of the plant lies in the fact that it is rich in fiber.
  2. The enzyme has a positive effect on the body, improving digestive processes, contributing to a natural weight loss. Over time, the gentle cleansing of the intestines occurs, the salad perfectly copes with constipation.
  3. The systematic consumption of crisp delicacy an order improves the intestinal peristalsis and eliminates the body from the impact of harmful cholesterol. The leaf salad adds the dish volume, due to this, the feeling of satiety is preserved for a long time.
  4. Sheet salad is recognized as an excellent product for cleansing the body from excess fluid, toxic substances and stabbing. Such indicators are important for people suffering overweight.
  5. To completely clean and saturate the blood with useful trace elements, you need to drink fresh juice. A drink is preparing from equal proportions, carrots, lettuce and swarms. For diet to reduce weight, the plants of the Rukchwood and Latuke plants are suitable.

The benefits of leaf salad in cosmetology

  1. Due to the valuable composition of salad extract, some medicines produce. Basically, similar drugs are aimed at strengthening the nail plate and rehabilitation of the skin. Often the leaves are used for outdoor use.
  2. Means for cleansing the skin of the face based on the sheet salad clean the upper layers of the epidermis. Due to the soft exposure to non-aggressive dermic acids, long time remains moistened.
  3. The regenerating effect is achieved due to lactuzine, a large concentration is in a variety of a lathouse. The use of masks based on such salad effectively relieves irritation, heals small damage on the skin of the face with acne.

Harm salat

  1. Solving acid prevails in the sheet salad, the enzyme is especially harmful to people suffering from problems with kidney and bladder.
  2. It is worthwing to know that the salad is forbidden to be used with urolithiasis, hepatitis, enterocolites, gout, colitis, and similar ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. After coordination with the attending physician, there is a slight consumption of salad to people who diagnosed asthma or tuberculosis. It is also worth being careful with increased gas formation.

Sheet salad won popularity in the culinary world. It is based on many dishes, used in the field of dietary food, is used as an independent snack.

Video: Useful properties of sheet salad

The regular use of lettuce leaves benefit the body. They are saturated with the necessary elements and help in solving some specific health problems.

To use the maximum beneficial properties of this plant, it should be understood in its views, composition and range of action.

In the world there are about 1000 varieties of this plant. But only some of them got widespread in cooking. The most popular varieties are:

  • Spinach - used when cooking sauces, snacks, salads and pastries for baking. Particularly popular in France. It is characterized by a high content of vitamins A and E, which are stored in thermal processing;
  • Arugula - has a spicy aroma and an unusual nutty taste. Great combined with meat, fish, seafood dishes. This is a natural aphrodisiac who is to eat and men, and women;
  • Vitlug is a vegetable from the cycarium family. It is distinguished by a bit bitter taste, from which you can get rid of, if you first smoke the foliage in the water.
  • Latuk - has a burgundy coloring, which distinguishes it from other varieties. It ranks first in the number of potassium in the composition. Shown in diseases of the thyroid gland and hypertension;
  • Batavia - crisp and sweet, won the greatest distribution. It is used in raw form to decorate ready-made dishes.

Each of the varieties of lettuce leaves has beneficial properties that improve health status.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of lettuce leaves is distinguished by a variety. The plant is among the top ten vegetables by the number of useful components. It contains folic acid, vitamins, beta-carotene. This is a wonderful source of minerals, as well as organic acids.

If you consider the composition in more detail, then the following picture will turn out:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E, K and PR;
  • minerals - manganese, magnesium, aluminum, copper, boron, potassium, calcium. In small quantities - beryllium, iodine, sodium, silicon, iron, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • soluble and insoluble food fibers;
  • beta carotene;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids.

The greens of salad (with the exception of spinach) cannot be terminated, because all the valuable elements are destroyed.

What is useful to a salad leaf

This product has a very wide range of action. It affects most of the organs and systems. Regular use of 3-4 leaves per day is able to significantly improve the state of health and overall well-being.

What useful lettuce leaves for the human body:

  1. Beneficially affect the functioning of the brain, are natural cellular stimulants. They are often used instead of chocolate with increased mental loads;
  2. Render a sedative effect, with regular use, they get rid of insomnia;
  3. Improve the work of the heart and blood vessels - reduce blood cholesterol levels reduce the risk of infarction, strokes and other diseases;
  4. Thanks to antioxidant properties, the regular inclusion in the diet of green lettuce leaves is an excellent anticancer prevention and protection against the destructive effect of free radicals;
  5. Greens applied in folk medicine during gastritis, pancreatitis, heartburn. It improves digestion and helps absorb nutrients;
  6. The Vitamins complex has a positive effect on the protective forces of the body and improves immunity. Salad is recommended to use with a cold as auxiliary means;
  7. Salad leaves contribute to maintaining a healthy skin and hair condition. Such action has vitamin A and potassium;
  8. Due to the high content of magnesium, greens strengthen the nervous system and prevents the appearance of nerve disorders;
  9. Expectorant and wound-healing properties of the plant helps to bring the wet from the bronchi and alleviate cough;
  10. Fresh juice of this plant improves blood composition and stabilizes the level of sugar. It is useful to use at a minor!
  11. With high physical exertion, greens helps maintain muscles in a tone and increases endurance;
  12. The inclusion of a salad leaf into a diet of future mothers contributes to the proper formation of the fetus. Thanks to Vitamin B9, the likelihood of premature birth and miscarriage decreases, and the baby develops without defects;
  13. Drinking during lactation increases the amount of milk in the mother and improves its quality;
  14. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on male health. Representatives of strong sex increases testosterone production. As a result, the amount and quality of sperm improves, and the probability of impotence is significantly reduced;
  15. The use of leaf salad is useful for women. It stabilizes the hormonal background, which is especially important when menopause.

Salad greens are included in many diet for weight loss. It has very low caloric content (15-25 kcal per 100 g) and for a long time ensures a feeling of satiety. It is added to other dishes.

The foliage increases the total volume of the product, which makes it possible to improve much faster and not go beyond the daytime norm. In addition, it has a light laxative effect, improves intestinal peristalsis and cleans the body.

Salad leaf found use in cosmetology. Using it as an ingredient, you can prepare excellent faces for face and hair.

The most common recipes:

  • The mask for toning fading skin - will help to return to the former elasticity and pull the face. For its preparation, several sheets are scented and crushed, so that it turned out 3-5 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials. Then it is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of oil (corn or olive) and 2 hours. spoons of lemon juice. The resulting cleaner is applied to a pre-purified face for about 20 minutes.
  • From peeling will save a mixture of 5-7 crushed leaves and 3 tbsp. Spoons of cream. The procedure must last 15 minutes.
  • The dandruff applies a mask of salad green and a ray oil. It is applied on the roots, insulate and stand up for 30 minutes.

Such formulations nourish the skin, make it soft and velvety. And the hair acquires vitality and shine.

Possible harm and contraindications

Salad leaves can not only benefit, but harm. Their use should be limited to the following categories of persons:

  • with hepatitis, gout, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases associated with the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with the individual intolerance to the components of the plant;
  • with diseases of the kidneys and bladder - oxalic acid negatively affects the state of health in these ailments.

If a person suffers from asthma or tuberculosis, the reception of salad leaves should be consistent with the attending physician.

Sheet salad is a unique culture, which is characterized by a wide range of valuable components. Its inclusion in the diet strengthens health and contributes to getting rid of many diseases.

Useful leaf salad appears not only in the wonderful ingredient of various sophisticated vitamin dishes, but also has the following features:

  • improves eyesight;
  • stimulates the active work of the brain;
  • removes toxins and slags of the organism with a soft natural way;
  • strengthens bone tissue, restoring mobility after fractures;
  • it is a "durable" shield for the body, which is difficult to cope with stressful situations and depressions, which, unfortunately, have become satellites of successful modern people.

Also, this vegetable is very useful for restoring and preserving youth and female beauty! Its regular use and use as an ingredients of face masks can:

  1. make thick and obedient weak hair;
  2. give velvet and tenderness of the skin of all types;
  3. reliable wrinkles and get a duty by vitamins in the autumn and spring period.

Wonderful homemade masks recipes useful advice And the delightful menu diets for your attractiveness in our health record and the harm of tea Mate!

The composition of the leaf salad

This healing sheet vegetable contains in its composition:

  • vitamin K - 126 μg;
  • vitamin RR - 0.5 μg;
  • alpha Tokoporol - 0.4 μg;
  • vitamin C - 12 μg;
  • vitamin B9 - 40 μg;
  • pyridoxine - 0, 100 μg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0, 120 μg;
  • vitamin B2 - 0, 08 μg;
  • tiamine - 0, 050 μg.

Is impressive? Then we expand the list of minerals!

  • copper - from 30 to 100mkg;
  • manganese - 250 μg;
  • iodine - more than 7 μg;
  • iron - 0, 75 μg;
  • beryllium - 5 μg;
  • bor - 80 μg;
  • aluminum - more than 500 μg;
  • chlorine is about 50 μg;
  • phosphorus - 30 μg;
  • sodium - 25 μg;
  • calcium - approximately 50 μg;
  • silicon - about 15 μg;
  • potassium - 150 μg.

In addition to the above, in the composition of sheet salad there are dietary fibers (both insoluble and soluble), as well as lutein and beta-carotene, which have the ability to prevent the body's destruction at the cellular level.

  • The folic acid contained in the salad positively affects the sexual system, and the salts of light minerals are able to stabilize the work of the internal organs, taking part in the processes that are responsible for mineral exchange.
  • Phosphorus, silicon and sulfur strengthen the tissues of the epithelium, and also significantly improve the state of the nail plates and the hairproof.
  • Carotenoids and iodine - excellent prevention of Alzheimer's disease and medicine for vision recovery.

It is also very pleased that the calorie content of this product is only fifteen (maximum) calories, which makes it an ideal basis for the preparation of various lung dishes for weight loss and cleaning the body!

Since lettuce leaves do not have a pronounced taste, it perfectly complements any product, making it vitamin and helpful!

Clades of beauty advice in the bright note of our site Tea Mate: benefit and harm! Be healthy!

The benefits of leaf salad for the body

Therapeutic quality of crispy salad leaves manifests:

  • in the rehabilitation of the circulatory system;
  • in reducing blood levels of sugar;
  • in the withdrawal from the body of harmful cholesterol;
  • in the removal of harmful salts;
  • in defense against anemia and respiratory diseases;
  • in improving vision and composition of blood.

"Meaty" and juicy leaves of salad contain magnesium, allowing a short time to strengthen the nervous system, preventing the development of diseases on the nervous soil, as well as restore muscle tissue. A total of a couple of fresh lettuce leaves per day can accelerate lipid and fat exchange, relieve heartburn and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

This leaf vegetable is considered a very valuable product in chronic fatigue, excessive emotional excitability and pressure surges. Salad is very useful to children - he helps them focuses on the lessons and become calmer.

The healing properties of this annual manifest itself in the prevention and protection of the body from the development and appearance of oncological diseases. What to talk about vitamin C, which is present in the plant in large quantities and has powerful natural antioxidant properties. And in combination with the tocopherol, it forms a durable shield against negative manifestations ambient - exhaust machines and plants, radiation and toxins.

In order to activate the mental process at all, it is not necessary to eat a lot of sweet, because the role of such a catalyst and stimulator will perform a delicious juicy salad! The dish with these leaves perfectly supplies the brain with nutrients, enriching it with oxygen, which is already soon affected by improving health, information susceptibility, improved mood and increasing endurance.

In the seasons of viral and protracted colds, the salad will enrich the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system! Well, if you have already triggered, it will help the sprinkling of the mocroid, because its components are able to sound in bronchi mucus. It is also proven that the leaves of lettuce attached to the temples helps to get rid of strong headaches and even migraine. And the use of dishes with this plant in the spring eliminates avitaminosis.

Folk medicine recommends using fresh juice with rheumatism, arthritis and ulcerative disease. He also has a charitable effect on the strengthening and elasticity of the vessels. It is often prescribed during insomnia, diabetes and to increase the amount of milk during the feeding period of the kid.

The benefits of the salad leaf for women

Folic acid, which is contained in a sheet salad is able to adjust the hormonal balance, facilitating the physical condition during the period of painful menstruation. In addition, this substance reduces the chance of developing cancer of ovarian and chest, smoothing the unpleasant sensations with menopause.

This plant should be included in the daily diet to future mothers for intrauterine full-fledged fetus development. And the water infusion from lightweight seeds is recommended to increase the quality and amount of milk during feeding.

The plant under consideration is successfully used by the beauties for regular cosmetic hair care and a leaning. Similar vitamin mixes with chopped leaves of fresh salad can quickly drink dry skin with useful substances and make it young, elastic and velvet as peach skin to the touch!

Recipes such masks You can easily find in the relevant heading of our site, and so that I will give you two - three popular recipe below.

Grind five in a puree - seven fresh young leaflets of salad and mix it with three tablespoons of cream or spokes. Total procedure time: fifteen minutes.

Mask for toning fading skin

In order to return a natural oval face again, prepare the following mixture. Mix in a clean cup three - five large (canteens) spoons of green cashel from salad with three dessert spoons of corn or olive oil and one dessert spanner of freshly lemon juice. We apply on the peeled / sparkled face for twenty minutes.

Grind young lettuce leaves and mix them with a small amount of rapid oil. The finished mass is rubbed into the roots of the hair and leaves half an hour under the shower cap.

The benefits of a slimming sheet salad

It's easily spread with an excess weight, turning into a thinness of the pyshki only by using a delicious and juicy salad! Is it possible? Sure! And that's why:

  • the use of leaf salad improves digestion;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • displays cholesterol;
  • helps to normalize the chair and get rid of constipation;
  • burns fat;
  • gently and effectively purifies the intestines from the accumulated harmful substances;
  • improves digestion, etc.

Crispy and juicy greens can give a delicious volume of any portion, allowing you to preserve the feeling of satiety for a long time. It should be noted that this product is recognized as one of the best natural diuretics. It quickly removes an excess liquid from the body, toxins, which is incredibly useful for people who suffer from excess weight. A mixture of three juice (salad, beet and carrot) will help you get rid of slags and clean blood!

The benefits and harm of the leaf salad during pregnancy

Based on many studies, doctors recommend a leaf salad, both during pregnancy and during the feeding of the child. Its main quality in this case is folic acid, which prevents the development of congenital defects in children. In addition, this useful substance reduces the threat of miscarriage to a minimum.

This plant is rich in protein and calcium, which are very important for the process of forming and growing a healthy child. They serve material for the formation of muscle and bone tissue.

With gastritis

Salad with beds can normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which is very important when gastritis with reduced acidity! At the same time, it enhances the secretion of juice, providing sparing regimen to the sick organs.

Usually, a water tincture prepared for this recipe is used for this purpose. Grind one hundred grams of young lettuce leaves and fill their five glasses of hot water. Now cover the dishes with a mixture with a lid and put it for two hours in a warm place. Use infusion twice a day at half pasta.

With pancreatitis

In case of impaired work of the pancreas, doctors are recommended to be included in their diet with sheet salad. You eat them at least two times a week, but before cooking leaves it is necessary to hold in hot milk three to five minutes.

However, it is worth excluded from the diet such grants of lettuce as cress and arugula, as they contain a lot of ascorbic acid as part of the leaves, which can irritate the pancreas.

And although the benefits of the leaf salad for the human body is quite significant, it happens that this plant can harm health. In addition, the greenery of salad contains the so-called oxalic acid, which is very harmful in diseases of the kidneys or bladder.

So, the use of salad food is contraindicated with:

  1. hepatitis;
  2. gout;
  3. chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enterocolites, etc.);
  4. urolithiasis.

It is also worth limiting the use of salad astmatics and people with a painful tuberculosis.

How to eat salad?

Useful crispy and juicy garden salad leaves will become an excellent ingredient for any salad, smoothie or cocktail! In addition, they are ideally suited as edible decoration of sandwiches, snacks and meat. And how an appetizing will look a vegetable cutting carefully laid out on such a green natural plate!

Garnira from sheet salad, seasoned with sharp refill or home sour cream always tasty, fragrant and helpful! After such snacks, you will definitely become an object of admiring calls from guests!

Have you tried to cook in the leaves of salad cabbage? This dish is incredibly nutritious and gentle, which is ideal for the inclusion of it in the child's diet!

Daily consumption rate

Enjoy delicious, ripe and always fresh salad can also at home! This miracle can be raised on her windowsill or on the balcony (in the summer season)! Well, if you have a cottage - you will definitely grow a salad!

Moreover, much effort is not necessary for this. We make a bed, scatter seeds, water and wait a couple of weeks! Is it just just?

Juicy leaves possessing therapeutic properties are a wonderful multivitamin complex! Their composition includes many components needed components, including: vitamins K, E, C and B, as well as organic acids, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, etc. For this reason, this product is recommended to include in the diet to people with weakened health and young people. Mama!

Eating only ten leaves per day you can get rid of insomnia and heartburn, improving nervous and immune systems. Also useful leaf and visual salad!

It is forbidden to eat salad for gout, as well as illness of the bladder and kidneys. Grid Salad leaves can be used to prepare incredibly efficient homemade hair and leather masks!

Eating as often as possible Salad sheet and stay healthy with!

Come to us - a lot of interesting things!

Useful "Salad" video:


In the world there are about 1000 varieties of this plant. But only some of them got widespread in cooking. The most popular varieties are:

  • Spinach - used when cooking sauces, snacks, salads and pastries for baking. Particularly popular in France. It is characterized by a high content of vitamins A and E, which are stored in thermal processing;
  • Arugula - has a spicy aroma and an unusual nutty taste. Great combined with meat, fish, seafood dishes. This is a natural aphrodisiac who is to eat and men, and women;

  • Vitlug is a vegetable from the cycarium family. It is distinguished by a bit bitter taste, from which you can get rid of, if you first smoke the foliage in the water.
  • Latuk - has a burgundy coloring, which distinguishes it from other varieties. It ranks first in the number of potassium in the composition. Shown in diseases of the thyroid gland and hypertension;
  • Batavia - crisp and sweet, won the greatest distribution. It is used in raw form to decorate ready-made dishes.

Each of the varieties of lettuce leaves has beneficial properties that improve health status.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of lettuce leaves is distinguished by a variety. The plant is among the top ten vegetables by the number of useful components. It contains folic acid, vitamins, beta-carotene. This is a wonderful source of minerals, as well as organic acids.

If you consider the composition in more detail, then the following picture will turn out:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E, K and PR;
  • minerals - manganese, magnesium, aluminum, copper, boron, potassium, calcium. In small quantities - beryllium, iodine, sodium, silicon, iron, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • soluble and insoluble food fibers;
  • beta carotene;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids.

The greens of salad (with the exception of spinach) cannot be terminated, because all the valuable elements are destroyed.

What is useful to a salad leaf

This product has a very wide range of action. It affects most of the organs and systems. Regular use of 3-4 leaves per day is able to significantly improve the state of health and overall well-being.

What useful lettuce leaves for the human body:

  1. Beneficially affect the functioning of the brain, are natural cellular stimulants. They are often used instead of chocolate with increased mental loads;
  2. Render a sedative effect, with regular use, they get rid of insomnia;
  3. Improve the work of the heart and blood vessels - reduce blood cholesterol levels reduce the risk of infarction, strokes and other diseases;
  4. Thanks to antioxidant properties, the regular inclusion in the diet of green lettuce leaves is an excellent anticancer prevention and protection against the destructive effect of free radicals;
  5. Greens applied in folk medicine during gastritis, pancreatitis, heartburn. It improves digestion and helps absorb nutrients;
  6. The Vitamins complex has a positive effect on the protective forces of the body and improves immunity. Salad is recommended to use with a cold as auxiliary means;
  7. Salad leaves contribute to maintaining a healthy skin and hair condition. Such action has vitamin A and potassium;
  8. Due to the high content of magnesium, greens strengthen the nervous system and prevents the appearance of nerve disorders;
  9. Expectorant and wound-healing properties of the plant helps to bring the wet from the bronchi and alleviate cough;
  10. Fresh juice of this plant improves blood composition and stabilizes the level of sugar. It is useful to use at a minor!
  11. With high physical exertion, greens helps maintain muscles in a tone and increases endurance;
  12. The inclusion of a salad leaf into a diet of future mothers contributes to the proper formation of the fetus. Thanks to Vitamin B9, the likelihood of premature birth and miscarriage decreases, and the baby develops without defects;
  13. Drinking during lactation increases the amount of milk in the mother and improves its quality;
  14. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on male health. Representatives of strong sex increases testosterone production. As a result, the amount and quality of sperm improves, and the probability of impotence is significantly reduced;
  15. The use of leaf salad is useful for women. It stabilizes the hormonal background, which is especially important when menopause.

Salad greens are included in many diet for weight loss. It has very low caloric content (15-25 kcal per 100 g) and for a long time ensures a feeling of satiety. It is added to other dishes.

The foliage increases the total volume of the product, which makes it possible to improve much faster and not go beyond the daytime norm. In addition, it has a light laxative effect, improves intestinal peristalsis and cleans the body.

Salad leaf found use in cosmetology. Using it as an ingredient, you can prepare excellent faces for face and hair.

The most common recipes:

  • The mask for toning fading skin - will help to return to the former elasticity and pull the face. For its preparation, several sheets are scented and crushed, so that it turned out 3-5 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials. Then it is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of oil (corn or olive) and 2 hours. spoons of lemon juice. The resulting cleaner is applied to a pre-purified face for about 20 minutes.
  • From peeling will save a mixture of 5-7 crushed leaves and 3 tbsp. Spoons of cream. The procedure must last 15 minutes.
  • The dandruff applies a mask of salad green and a ray oil. It is applied on the roots, insulate and stand up for 30 minutes.

Such formulations nourish the skin, make it soft and velvety. And the hair acquires vitality and shine.

Possible harm and contraindications

Salad leaves can not only benefit, but harm. Their use should be limited to the following categories of persons:

  • with hepatitis, gout, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases associated with the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with the individual intolerance to the components of the plant;
  • with diseases of the kidneys and bladder - oxalic acid negatively affects the state of health in these ailments.

If a person suffers from asthma or tuberculosis, the reception of salad leaves should be consistent with the attending physician.

Sheet salad is a unique culture, which is characterized by a wide range of valuable components. Its inclusion in the diet strengthens health and contributes to getting rid of many diseases.

Grow a leaf salad on unprotected beds is quite simple. The plant contains all the necessary organisms of vitamin groups and a huge amount of mineral components:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • organic acids.

Vitamins and minerals included in leaf salad

The vegetable helps to digest food correctly, speeds up and stabilizes the real exchange. Salad foliage cannot be subjected to heat treatment, it is consumed only in fresh form.

Types of sheet salad

By the timing of aging, the plant is distributed over several types:

  • spring - the most rarely, can be grown on a garden or in greenhouse conditions (asterix, crypts, ladska and others);
  • summer - perfectly tolerate hot weather (Azarya, America, Dionysis, Dubrava and others);
  • autumn - grows in cool climatic conditions, does not suffer from lack of light, almost does not ill (ballet).

Each of the varieties is resistant to the appearance of flower skeins It is possible to grow them both in greenhouse conditions and in unprotected soil.

In addition, the vegetable can be different colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • purple.

Salad has a lot of useful properties. It protects the cells of the brain from the chemical elements capable of becoming the cause of cancer. At the same time, it stimulates neurons, improves memory, speeds up the process of information processing, prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Low calorie level helps lower cholesterol levels. This contributes to the relief of heart disease, protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Potassium existing in vegetable enhances blood circulation, fills with oxygen tissues, prevents early aging of the body. Listed salad is quite often recommended by doctors to people prone to obesity. With it, you can eliminate constipation, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The small value of the glycemic index allows you to eat salad even diabetics. The plant controls the sugar level, prevents glucose jumps. Nutrient components of the plant operate perfectly on the hair and skin of the face, normalizing fat production.

The presence in the leaves of a large amount of fiber helps to lose weight. It is this product that can increase the volume of any dish, keeping the feeling of satiety for a long time.

The juice prepared from this plant helps to clean blood and saturate it with useful components. Cooking the drink is simply a carrot, salad and beets in the same proportions.

For women

Salad reduces painful sensations during the menstrual cycles, replenishes the body with nutritional elements and vitamins, stabilizes hemoglobin.

It is also capable of lowering the number of tides during the climax period, facilitating the general condition.

The plant can be introduced into the diet of pregnant women to help the correct formation of the nervous system and the fetal musculoskeletal system. Salad greens can improve the quality of breast milk, eliminate its bitterness.

This culture is used and in cosmetology for making masks. It is enough just to grind and impose on the skin surface. Drops and purulent pimples disappear. The juice squeezed out of salad helps to restore damaged hair, enhances their growth;

For men

Increases libido, high-quality sperm state. Doctors recommend to consume a plant to families experiencing difficulties in conception. The content in the zinc plant prevents the development of impotence.

Men contributes to raising libido


Plant extract is used in the preparation of some medical preparations. As a rule, they are designed to strengthen nails, leather improvement. Quite often foliage is used for outdoor use.

Hurtness from use

The plant contains a large number of Savalic acid, which is especially harmful to people suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.

The consumption of leaf salad is permitted by asthma and tuberculosis after visiting the attending physician. You should not use the product if you have allergenic reactions to a particular element. The norms of consumption of sheet salad in food:

  • a healthy adult person is enough a hundred gram of the product per day, which is about two glasses of crushed leaves;
  • for children, no older than twelve years, this rate is reduced twice.

Salad, although it is considered spring - autumn plant, but it is difficult to grow it in a hot summer. But with the arrival of spring, it is he who is able to save from avtominosis and depression. It is recommended to grow this plant on the places illuminated by the Sun, the soil must be fertile, well exploded with moderate acidity. In the process of cultivation, the culture requires feeding with helpful compositions containing a lot of nitrogen and potassium.

10 beneficial properties of salad

Such a small plant, as a salad hides in its composition vital components: Mineral salts - potassium, magnesium, copper and iron, as well as vitamins K, E, C, B, D, and A. All of them in the complex benefit the human body.

  1. Anti-cancer action

    Based on numerous studies, scientists have proven the effectiveness of salad extract in the fight against certain types of cancer. During the period of the experiment, in people with blood leukemia and breast cancer, after treatment, the salad resistance increased by the body of these diseases.

  2. Protection of brain cells

    Neurons - brain cells, on which the formation of chemical compounds for the memory function depends. In some diseases, the cells of the brain die, so a person can lose memory and further increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Studies of the properties of salad led to the confidence that its extract is able to control the death of neurons and protect the brain cells.

  3. Reducing cholesterol levels

    An increase in blood cholesterol may result in diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart attacks and strokes. The effects of green salad scientists checked on mice, revealing the body's ability to absorb fats and cholesterol. As a result, in mice eating green salad, cholesterol in the blood decreased significantly.

  4. Antioxidant action

    Salad latobe contains many antioxidants, which act on free radicals, significantly absorb these particles. In the process of cellular metabolism, free radicals are formed, which cause harm to healthy cells. Then there is a mutation of healthy cells into cancer tumors. Antioxidants are able to neutralize the attacks of free radicals and protect healthy cells.

  5. Antimicrobial action

    Salad stems for medical purposes are obtained by a lactukarium substance, it is it that acts on various microbes. Configuration with lactukarium destroys Candida Albikans and other yeast mushrooms. The composition of lactukaria has biochemical substances responsible for antimicrobial effects.

  6. Normalization of sleep

    In the leaves of salad contain chemicals similar to opiates and alkaloids. These substances have antispasmodic and sedative effects, as well as a diuretic effect. Due to the possibility of naturally blocking the pathogens of muscle and nervous tissues, lettuce leaves are recommended to use to normalize sleep.

  7. Healthy skin

    The amount of vitamin A (increases the ability of cells to be updated) in the salad covers the necessary organism for the daily rate. The content of potassium, which improves blood circulation and the feeding cell with oxygen, allows you to achieve shining and healthy skin. Vitamins C and E in this vegetable help people to maintain the normal condition of the skin.

  8. Low glycemic index

    The glycemic index is the main indicator of the influence of the product on the blood sugar level. Since the salad has low calorieness, its glycemic index is equal to the zero mark. It follows from this that the use of salad helps to normalize blood sugar levels.

  9. Salad is a universal slimming vegetable in the composition, which is a large set of nutrients. But at the same time, low-calorie salad sheets and have a grams of fat. And due to the positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, food is well digested and is not delayed in the body. Salad is preferably added to a daily diet for effective weight loss.

  10. Healthy hair.

    For healthy and beautiful hair, it is important to enter nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Salad use allows you to feed your hair with everything necessary, which stimulates hair growth and prevents their loss. For such an effect, it is good to use juice from salad leaves, which contains 8% silicon, 9% phosphorus and a large amount of sulfur.

Contraindications for salad

With moderate use, the salad is absolutely harmless, and the benefit of it will be apparent. But due to the content of fiber, the salad is not recommended to be added to the diet in large quantities.

  1. Diseases gasts. During the exacerbation of the gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and intestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat lettuce leaves.
  2. Intestinal diseases,accompanied by diary, salad additionally affects the elimination of nutrients.
  3. Patients with phosphantia (urolithiasis) and oxalateuria (elimination of sorval acid salts).With such diseases, the salad due to an increased alkali content will damage the body.
  4. People with asthma and tuberculosis.Chemicals in the salad provokes an increase in gas formation, which occurs with the active use of this vegetable. The state aggravation and the increase in the symptoms of these diseases occurs.

IN italian Salad means "salty".

Dark lettuce leaves have more nutrients than bright.

Salad is the only vegetable that does not accept any kind of conservation. Its impossible to freeze, dry or put it.

Salad began his story from germination in the form of a weed in the Mediterranean basin.

Eat salad started 4500 years ago in Greece.

During the reign of Persian kings, the salad was considered a valuable product.

In the United States, the lettuce leaves made Christopher Columbus, since then the cultivation of this useful vegetable has begun.

Food fibers are contained in the ribs of salad, and vitamins and minerals occupy the lower part of the leaves.

What else is useful?

Useful facts:

  • Salad leaves practically does not contain fat and is low-calorie. A small bowl of the latice contains 12 calories;
  • Helps to lose weight quickly. Salad contains a huge amount of fiber. He is well quenching a feeling of hunger, improves digestion. Fibers purify the human body;
  • Provides normal heart performance. The presence of beta-carotene and vitamin C helps to prevent cholesterol deposition;
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids that are very rare. Latuk has an ideally balanced amount of Omega-5 fatty acids and omega-3;
  • Great protein content. More than 20% calories that are in a salad - protein;
  • It has a soothing effect. Latuk contains a substance called Lactucarium, it has properties similar to the properties of opiates, but does not have a malicious effect;
  • Helps preserve the optimal level of acidity. Minerals that contain salad help to remove toxins from the human body and maintain the perfect acid balance. This is important to all people, because the right balance of acidity charges people with energy, ensures peace of mind, positively affecting the skin;
  • It has a low glycemic index. Products with a small glycemic level, among which are latch, recommend to use people who are concerned about blood sugar levels or wish to lose weight;
  • He is always eating raw. Due to the fact that the salad does not need to be additionally prepared, it retains the maximum of useful substances that are rapidly destroyed during heat treatment;
  • Wonderful taste. For minimum quantity Calories, adding the right sauce to Salat, you can get a dish with a phenomenal taste.
  • The salts of iron contained in the salad are used to cure iron deficiency anemia. Diluting a latice juice with water in equal proportions, you can use in the treatment of duodenal ulcers, stomach, chronic gastritis. Salad leaves juice helps strengthen hair. Its use improves blood circulation, normalizing the process of metabolism.
  • Using it in the morning, you can stimulate appetite, and eating it in the evening, you provide a strong dream. Enjoying his juicy leaves you feed your body with substances, health care.

Not bad, isn't it? The use of lettuce leaves is obvious! Eat right food And your body will tell you for this "Thank you."

Salad leaf is an annual plant, in the form of small kochenes with foliage of different shapes and all shades of green. The surface of the leaves can be a wavy, smooth, corrugated, curly. The color and appearance of foliage is completely dependent on the weather. On hot days they pale, in cool time, on the contrary, become more saturated, juicy and elastic. The stem is strongly branched, forms a large number of inflorescences. The roots are weak, the rod shape, are located at the surface of the soil.

Grow a leaf salad on unprotected beds is quite simple. The plant contains all the necessary organisms of vitamin groups and a huge amount of mineral components:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • organic acids.
Vitamins and minerals included in leaf salad

The vegetable helps to digest food correctly, speeds up and stabilizes the real exchange. Salad foliage cannot be subjected to heat treatment, it is consumed only in fresh form.

In one hundred grams of the plant contains no more than 12 kcal.

By the timing of aging, the plant is distributed over several types:

  • spring - the most rarely, can be grown on a garden or in greenhouse conditions (asterix, crypts, ladska and others);
  • summer - perfectly tolerate hot weather (Azarya, America, Dionysis, Dubrava and others);
  • autumn - grows in cool climatic conditions, does not suffer from lack of light, almost does not ill (ballet).

Each of the varieties is resistant to the appearance of flower skeins It is possible to grow them both in greenhouse conditions and in unprotected soil.

Purple salad red salad green salad

In addition, the vegetable can be different colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • purple.

Salad has a lot of useful properties. It protects the cells of the brain from the chemical elements capable of becoming the cause of cancer. At the same time, it stimulates neurons, improves memory, speeds up the process of information processing, prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Low calorie level helps lower cholesterol levels. This contributes to the relief of heart disease, protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Salad juice is useful for the liver

Potassium existing in vegetable enhances blood circulation, fills with oxygen tissues, prevents early aging of the body. Listed salad is quite often recommended by doctors to people prone to obesity. With it, you can eliminate constipation, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The small value of the glycemic index allows you to eat salad even diabetics. The plant controls the sugar level, prevents glucose jumps. Nutrient components of the plant operate perfectly on the hair and skin of the face, normalizing fat production.

The presence in the leaves of a large amount of fiber helps to lose weight. It is this product that can increase the volume of any dish, keeping the feeling of satiety for a long time.

The juice prepared from this plant helps to clean blood and saturate it with useful components. Cooking the drink is simply a carrot, salad and beets in the same proportions.

For women

Salad reduces painful sensations during the menstrual cycles, replenishes the body with nutritional elements and vitamins, stabilizes hemoglobin.

Systematic use guarantees protection against oncology of ovaries and mammary glands.

Salad is useful for pregnant women

It is also capable of lowering the number of tides during the climax period, facilitating the general condition.

The plant can be introduced into the diet of pregnant women to help the correct formation of the nervous system and the fetal musculoskeletal system. Salad greens can improve the quality of breast milk, eliminate its bitterness.

This culture is used and in cosmetology for making masks. It is enough just to grind and impose on the skin surface. Drops and purulent pimples disappear. The juice squeezed out of salad helps to restore damaged hair, enhances their growth;

For men

Increases libido, high-quality sperm state. Doctors recommend to consume a plant to families experiencing difficulties in conception. The content in the zinc plant prevents the development of impotence.

Men contributes to raising libido


Plant extract is used in the preparation of some medical preparations. As a rule, they are designed to strengthen nails, leather improvement. Quite often foliage is used for outdoor use.

The plant contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which is especially harmful to people suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.

Salad is prohibited to use with urolithiasis, hepatitis, gout, colitis and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

Salad leaves can be harmful to the body

The consumption of leaf salad is permitted by asthma and tuberculosis after visiting the attending physician. You should not use the product if you have allergenic reactions to a particular element. The norms of consumption of sheet salad in food:

  • a healthy adult person is enough a hundred gram of the product per day, which is about two glasses of crushed leaves;
  • for children, no older than twelve years, this rate is reduced twice.

Salad, although it is considered spring - autumn plant, but it is difficult to grow it in a hot summer. But with the arrival of spring, it is he who is able to save from avtominosis and depression. It is recommended to grow this plant on the places illuminated by the Sun, the soil must be fertile, well exploded with moderate acidity. In the process of cultivation, the culture requires feeding with helpful compositions containing a lot of nitrogen and potassium.


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