Black cat on your way. To visit Sinai need Visa Egypt

Black cat on your way. To visit Sinai need Visa Egypt

"Technology-youth" 2006 №8, p.44-47

Mountain that did not go to Moses

Vadim Chernobrov

- Did you see something unusual here in the sky? - asked Cosmonaut Grechko at Bedouins.
The translator has long explained the essence of the question, at the same time representing the asking. Having caught the meaning of words, "the man who arrived from the space", the tribe was concerned. Children ran out, some sterbathed nomad began to dare our hearing the game on a two-band instrument made from an empty canister. Brought tea. The prolonged pause ended when the hands took respectfully the most ancient old woman. Music was. Elder Poles:
- Even before our grandfathers were children, their grandfathers told that there was a star in the wilderness, the star was lowered from the sky. This is something struck the hole. It is now inside the mountain!
- And where is it?
The old woman was not surprised by the perseverance of the cosmonaut: he needed, this news concerns only him, and probably only him meant! She mumbles something
And the supporting Bedouins are explained in the terms known for them. In the maps they do not understand, show with your finger and explain how much you should go not in kilometers, but in time.
We are just there ...
Egyptian accompanying shy. They either know or guess that it is better to do not seek in these places without extreme need ...
Places of emergency need
In the ancient Egyptian myths mention the fields of paradise Iara (NALU). They are allegedly in the afterlime world, on the eastern sky, in the place where the god of the Sun Ra rises. Some interpreters believe that it is about the "land" of Heaven, others - about the point of our planet, which is relatively close to Egypt, since Pharaohs went there at the end of their life and reached Iaru in a short time. The exact location, of course, is very controversial: "Somewhere east of the Egyptian residence of pharaohs, i.e. about Sinai.

Why at the end of the life of Pharaohs went to Sinai? Well, of course, to receive "eternal life", the greatest value in their civilization. Who could give fireranes eternity? In the Egyptian gods to believe almost stopped.

But they surrounded the ancient Egyptians not only half-thousand gods, but also something else, quite relevant and now. 800 BC BC. Near the Egyptian Barsahide, "Something" appeared in the sky, from which "someone" appeared. French Egyptologist Boma Studeling deciphered hieroglyphs on clay signs, which were found at the end of 1999 in Barsahide, near Cairo. Monsieur Boma studied 73 signs and on one of them discovered such an inscription: "They came out of a flying bird that a long circled over the city. Two air travelers made a magical ritual on the Holy Land, entered the fire-ball-ball and quickly retired into the sky ... " This observation refers to the time of the Pharaoh Nikhhor. J.L. Boma opposes fast speculations on the topic of UFO's visit to ancient Egypt, but at the same time he notes that the Egyptian scribes of that time were deprived of a lively fantasy: I saw - wrote, I did not see - I did not write.

Such records (sometimes "classic" descriptions of UFOs, sometimes "simply" strange visions in the sky) the Egyptian chronicles are filled. More often than heavenly signs in the chronicles are mentioned only by the Pharaohs themselves, and, of course, God.

However, some researchers (in contrast to Boma) have not been much difference between these concepts for a long time. And not only when studying the ancient Egyptian chronicles ...

Biblical cosmodroms In the crash and flame raised the Messengers of the sky in their sparkling Divine Chariots, leaving the aboriginal aborigines at the bottom, who were in a hurry to capture seen in the chronicles and legends ... more often the inquiries themselves chose among the aborigines of the next interlocutor, time and place of the meeting. Sometimes our distant ancestors themselves came to communicate with God in special places (modern Ufologists would say - on the "places of landing").

For example, the biblical Moses visited the Sinai mountain, where, as it is known, in the process of communication, the famous crucified covenants received. Corvenker left the place of communication with Moses in the rumble and flame, so the Prophet had to hide in the nearest cave - about the same way, as during the takeoff of powerful carrier missiles, all the defendants are hidden in underground bunkers ...

Mention of strange visits are almost all ancient peoples. It seems that God (or the one who calls God) in former times much less often left the descendants of Adam and Eve without attention to his messengers and envoys who were again between the Earth and the sky frequent charter flights.

Most likely, such events, such ambitious events occurred (maybe) once in a century, but other "uninteresting events" have long been forgotten, and the story in a concentrated form looks like almost a solid series of "divine" events, messages, signals and commands. If on the same principle to burn the history of the XX century, it will look like this:

1908 - "Great sign, the fall in the Tungusian body in Russia."

1913 - "Great sign in Portuguese Fatima."

1947 - "Great sign in American Roswell."

1986 - "Great sign in Russian Dalnegorsk" ...

Everything else can be deleted because of the ordinary ... Do you seem to you so much and incorrect? But to judge the past accounted for even more inclusive information.

Nevertheless, Paleoufologists trust the ancient signs about the "heavenly envoys" much more than modern reports of "almost the same visits". Today, a person is drowning in the information sea, not wanting his information about the aliens, contacts, abductions ... and distinguish the story of an eyewitness from the imagination of the fan of "secret materials" sometimes allow only special survey methods ... And the ancient scribes fixed - let it be in moderation Your understanding is what they saw.

It is impossible to say that the alleged "ancient cosmodromes" are not looking for. There are enough applicants to all continents, but not one of them has not been found for unambiguous and unconditional evidence. Too much time passed, too unclear - what to look for. We are familiar to us giant concrete starting tables, pitted, service farms, exclusion zones, assembly skyscrapers? Yes, something doubtful - other civilizations, other technologies.

The most important question is - whether we understood the chronicle sources correctly? In the case of centuries-old search for the famous place of contact of Moses with Divine Messengers, the source - the Bible is well known, and the descriptions of events are quite detailed, but so far it has not been clarity in the matter of accurate location.

Searches of Sinai Mountain, According to millions of believers, the legendary place of receiving the moral commandments has long been found. For several centuries, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims are sent to the Sinai Peninsula to Mount Moise (Jebel Musa, height is 2285 m), which is near the monastery of St. Catherine in the south of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Multilingual crowds of pilgrims are climbing this top in search of Divine Grace and probably find it. Only historians scholars who discovered too many discrepancies between this Moses and its canonical descriptions are not found.

An exemplary description of the route of the movement of people, whom the prophet "drove 40 years old in the desert" is known. A crowded crowd with old men and children, with home scarves and huge herds could only go for drying rivers (Woods). But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current monastery of St. Catherine (and this is the most high-altitude point of the peninsula) Passages are difficult for unprepared people - remember the picture "Transition of Suvorov through the Alps", and in this case, the heights should not be stormed, and the old women and nursing women with babies in their arms. Water in the valley for "fatty herds" is clearly not enough. Israeli people simply could not stand the camp around the mountain of Mountain, it is possible only from a small gorge, where the monastery was built. The Bible is also mentioned that Moses climbed to the highest peak in the district, but there are several higher peaks on the peninsula (G.umm Shomar, 2586 m: G.EL Thabt, 2438 m). Yes, and literally next to Moise Moise, almost half a kilometer takes rise to the peak of St. Catherine (G.Katherina, 2637 m), and not noticing this difference is visually simply impossible. Well, finally: "Mount Moses", most likely, is named after the monk Musa, who found in the neighboring top of Catherine. In a word, it is unlikely that "the most" mountain, named after "the very" Moses.

There are other points of view on the location of the sacred mountain. American researcher Howard Blum at the end of the XX century. He suggested that historians were "mistaken by the address", and should not have to go to Egypt, but in Saudi Arabia. It was there, north of the city of Tobuk, on the almond mountain the biblical prophet communicated with the Lord. And it is there that should look for the remains of the Biblical "Golden Taurus", broken by Moses in the edification of the negligent people of Israel.

Blum relies on studies of their compatriots. Larry Williams and Robert Carnock, who devoted the life of the search for the Golden Taurus, came to the conclusion that Israel's sons led by Moses moved along the eastern shore of the Suez Bay, until they reached the place where the current Egyptian resort Sharm El Sheikh is located (Arabiani Tyrant Island Shore is clearly visible from here). Folding the Tyranian Strait, they found themselves in the Arabian Peninsula, after which they moved to the north and reached, in the end, to the almond mountain.

As evidence of its hypothesis, the blues leads the texts of the Torah and the Quran, in which it is described as Moses after the first flight from Egypt settled in the land of Midama and even married a local girl. As follows from these sacred books, there the future prophet climbed the Almighty. It is reliably known that the zone of resettlement of the Midamitsev was the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that after 40 years of wanderings in the Moses desert and brought the Israelis to the places familiar to him.

The following version - historians "frightened" Sinai with Vesuviy volcano, so claim Russian researchers S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny. The main arguments: in the description "Sinai", the signs of the current volcano are clearly visible ("The Mountain of Sinai smoked everything,., And he climbed her smoke as the smoke of a melting oven, and the whole mountain was very shocked. And the sound of the pipe is becoming stronger and stronger ... "), And there are no volcanoes in the Middle East; In the names of supposedly "biblical" places, according to the authors, there are quite European names.

According to the most bold hypothesis, Moses actually did the Tibetan peaks in Himalayas, in those places where Eastern Wisdoms were trained (this is where the term "the highest mountain" is applicable). Indirect confirmation looks like the very name of the mountain - Sinai. The name is very consonant with the name of China - "Sina" or "China".,.

Nevertheless, if you drop the most fantastic hypotheses, starting from the XIX century. The search for German, English and (already in the 1970s) of Israeli researchers were reduced to the elaboration of the Moses route running through Sinai. It is simply impossible to avail him along the way from Egypt to the Middle East. It is believed that the fugitives could not use two routes: along the northern coast of the Mediterranean sea at that time there were many protected settlements, and along southern Shore Peninsula - go to the anhydrous shore too far. Since "found" Musa Musa in the south of the peninsula, they agreed that Moses still went with a long-range route, but for something slightly rooted the path, "cutting" him through the highest high area. Rooted, but complicated.

The last and most striking option remains - move along Wadi through the deserted center of the peninsula. All hills (heights are less than a kilometer) and passals are easy to pass, water can be mined, there are practically no local residents (which is important for fugitives, fearful persecution of the Egyptians). In the chronicles, it was mentioned that before the hungry travelers, a pack of tired quails, which the Israelis broke their hunger was killed on Earth. And it is relifically known that the ways of migration of migratory quails lie to the north of Moise Musa Musa, just on the path of "our" the most painful option.

Along the "quail path" and you should seek the traces of the transition of Moses. On this way - a large number of Lonely standing vertices with a height of 500 - 800 m, around which can be located camps. If we consider that the two-kilometer peaks of the southern blue are not visible from here, the fugitives could easily accept any dominant hill dominant for the "highest mountain". Especially if the shocking imagination of light phenomena began to occur on its top.

And how to see the "that very" mountain of the desert hills now? Reread the Bible again; take into account the experience and mistakes of those who were looking for Moise Moise to us; ask those who have naochesed the centuries and may have seen something unusual; Well, finally, look for themselves - at the beginning of the pictures from the space, and then - in place. It was in such a sequence that the inspirational of searches from the Russian side went, Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko. After independent research, he turned to the most famous one who was looking for the path of Moses - American Cychan. As Grechko admitted, he "naively thought that the American would be revealed to the fact that we disinterestedly decided to help him in his surveys."

Flight over the Sinai Mountain . National affiliation of Zechariah Sithina is difficult to call in one word; Born in Russia, grew up in Palestine, studied in England, worked in Israel, lives in the USA. Specializes in the study of ancient languages, Old Testament, History and Archeology, wrote several scandalous books, including the "Chronicles of Humanity" and "Calicles of Civilization", devoted to the history of the origin of our civilization and translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Russian. As for the Russian translation (Sitchin 3. "Cradle of civilization" M., Eksmo, 2005), he will still play his own own, far from the best role ...

In the old days, Sithchin traveled actively and engaged in research in the East, where he was traveled, probably all countries. But the main goal of his life is Mount Moses - for a long time remained unattainable primarily due to the opposite situation in this region. Finally, in 1977, when Sinai after the war of 1967, I owned Israel, he managed to charter the aircraft for the first time and the search for the search area.

3. Sitchin was looking for not only the path of Moses, but also the flight of the flight of the atgunakov - aliens, who - in his opinion - in the distant past, visited the earth and taught earthlings to the mind. According to his calculations, the aliens when landing on our planet were focused primarily on a well-visible landmark - the two-headed top of the Big and Small Ararat (on this mountain, where the expedition "Cosmopoice" also visited, there is a place, the ancient name of which can be translated as " "), I flew over Jerusalem and then strictly in a straight line sat in a sinya deserted area. Just at that point, where "Ararat's direct landing glide" intersects with a "Sphinx look" (the famous large Sphinx looks strictly east along the 30th parallel). Here, at this point, according to Sithin, Pharaohs were striving for receiving immortality. And - add from yourself - the "quail path" is held here.

Sitchin found some support among Israeli officials: "... We started a conversation from discussing my ideas about the route of Exodus, as well as my conclusion that the Israelis fell into the central plain of the peninsula through the pass, which is now called Mitla's pass ... Only one mountain that meets all criteria ... In the process of further coordination with the military, it turned out that the location of the mountain caused certain difficulties. Since it was located southeast of the city of El Arish, the route approved prevented flight over the Mediterranean Sea and turn deep into the peninsula only in the El Arish area. But this did not fit my initial designs: check the landing corridor Annunakov ... In the end, I received permission to this route, but I was ordered to turn south of Jerusalem ...

In November 1977, we took off from a small civic airport to the north of Tel Aviv ... We turned south of Jerusalem to the south, gradually decline. Jewish mountains changed to a hilly plain. Then, right ahead of us, the hills turned into a threatening view of the mountain ... Suddenly the mountain as if the magic was broken, and we had a wide opening in a rocky ridge. We flew to this pass - as if the gigantic hand shifted the mountains to the right and left, removing them from our path; Ahead appeared central plain blue. We flew at an altitude of about 2,000 feet ...

We have shielded the mountain several times, but I did not find anything interesting on it. Then I asked the pilot to rise above and fly over the top several times ... I pointed to the protrusion of a strange form, similar to artificial education. Approaching, we have noticed a round hole on one side. My heart was rapidly clogged: did I really find a cave? .. I saw a bright round spot of white color, standing out against the background of the surrounding brown-gray landscape ... Returning to New York, I immediately printed and increased pictures. The white object looked exactly the same as I watched it from the air: absolutely round with a raised center, like flying plates in the descriptions of people who claim to have seen them ... ".

Describing in enthusiastic tones a strange "UFO", "Cave", an amazing "protrusion", Sithchin, not until the end of believing in good luck, after all, at first recorded these words in quotes. Of course, he rushed down down and enter the cave of Moses, where "you can get immortality." Even more intrigued a huge "white UFO" on the top of the alleged Moise mountain. Perhaps this is the same "Annunaki ship"? Then it is necessary to rush until he flew away from our sinful planet!

Repeated attempts to get to the mountain broke out one after another:

in March 1979, it was prevented from the conclusion of Israeli troops from Sinai;

in November 1984, the new Egyptian authorities did not allow him to visit the central part of the peninsula, since the area "is not included in the list of archaeological objects";

in 1992, he was refused, because only the military could fly over Sinai ...

Finally, in the spring of 1994, Sitchin was semiably chanting the helicopter in the village, flew up to the mountain and again saw the "white UFO" on top. The goal was close, but everything is also inaccessible - despite the loud indignation of the American, the cautious Egyptian pilot did not risk landed.

G.M. Buckle before leaving the desert

Only after a decade of Sitchin published snapshots and description. Of course, on his tracks were ready to immediately rush dozens of researchers. However, the Egyptian authorities did not burn and do not burn with the desire to let in the border area "with incomprehensible goals" or American, nor Israeli citizens.

At Sinai drew attention to the astronaut . After numerous and diverse western theorists and historical search practices, after Indiana Jones and Zechariah Sithin, who in books and films were looking for the presence of ancient astronauts on Sinai, the real astronaut paid attention to this terrain. Not an ancient, but the most modern one.

Cosmonaut pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko in historical and paleofological studies are far from newcomer. In 1955, he graduated from Leningrad military, worked in Korolevsky OKB-1, in 1960 he participated in the expedition to the subchanging Tungusk, where he was looking for traces of an explosion of an alien cosmole, was preparing to dive with scuba to Lake Choco. Since 1966 - in the detachment of astronauts, made three flights: "Salute-4" in 1975, at Salute-6 in 1977 - 78th and "Salute-7" in 1985 Since 1994, participates in the work of the center "Cosmopoysk" ...

The 75-year-old investigator of the Tungus phenomenon could not pass by photographs Sithin. Although he is against discussing the topic of UFO, but after the appearance of an externally convincing photographs of the "White Disc" on Sinai, reasonably reasoned: "Here is the real case to test theory in practice!" Taketing at this confusing story, he strongly emphasized that the task is not easy to find UFOs on Sinai, the main thing is to prove that this fact is truly genuine ... or distinct. From a scientific point of view, both options are good.

How to get to the Sitchinov Mountain? Best of all - like Sitchin himself, at a helicopter. Only, unlike the American, sit next to the mountain. A huge white UFO and a big cave near the tops are visible from afar, they are difficult not to notice. And it is impossible not to find! They can even be used as a landmark when landing and sit down in the shadow of a huge ship onto its landing platform. The helicopter blades will not have time to stop, as we will know the truth! What is easier?

The official request from the Russian cosmonaut put the Egyptian authorities in a dead end. According to the laws of Eastern hospitality, he could not refuse him, but about the helicopter immediately began very evasive answers (closing ahead: despite the semi-annual negotiations, it was not allowed to fly over this area and not allowed). However, if the "respected Russian guests" wants, then you can take the jeep, while the team will miss the expedition to skip the military blocking ".

In a word, a fundamental permission for the expedition was obtained. But the real problems were ahead ...

"Technology-youth" 2006 №9, p.35-39

DOG IN THE MANGER. Having enlisted by the resolution of the authorities, Grechko turned to Sitchin with a proposal to lead the future expedition - as-in any way, for the American writer, this story was a matter of life. But ... The entire subsequent correspondence was reduced to the fact that Zechariah pounded the cosmonaut's questions as to whether he should all this, and what, in fact, his mercenary interest? "

In vain, Georgy Mikhailovich recalled how Russian researchers traveled exclusively at their own expense and still ride which year to explore the epicenter of the Tungus explosion; Grekchko himself also invested his imposed on these studies in his youth, and now it was ready to make his contribution and in the study of a confusing mystery of Sinai ... In pure-scientific interest, Sithchin did not believe. Perhaps he was embarrassed by the phrase of the cosmonaut that he "does not believe in UFOs, he does not chase behind the sensation, internally ready for any result, the main thing - scientific facts." Apparently, from the point of view of the American, spending money without a chance to return them - extremely suspiciously, the most bad thoughts about Russian spies come to mind! (Of course, Sitchin began to help references, and probably learned about the fact that both Grechko and Cosmoposisk have repeatedly organized a variety of expeditions in various parts of the Earth; why, perhaps, his suspicions were only intensified.)

After that, the American remembered about his own mercenary interest, becoming to put forward its own conditions: to provide all the rights to the received photographic materials ("Yes!"), Take with you two representatives of the American side ("No problem!"), A few more claims (with whom The Russian side was also obviously agree) and, finally, to pay a person personally $ 15,000, after which he will tell, to which top should fly. "

Dangerous translator error. The last condition was indignant and at the same time puzzled. How does it "tell me what top to fly"? Isn't it described in the book in a detailed way? Then buckcro once again with a pencil read in the book Sithin, doubted in some fragments, ordered in the West the English-language version of the same publication and ... grabbed his head.

The riddle turned out to be much more difficult! Not only did Sitchin deliberately encrypted his route, the translator Yu. Goldberg has also made his contribution; The words "Relief Speaker Top" he translated as "High Mountain" (p. 187), "is located south-west of the city of El Arish" - as "located to the southeast ..." (p. 183) and T ..

Judging by the translation, everything came down to the fact that an unnamed directly, but very well described Mountain - this is Kharim (Gebel Kharim, 704 m). On the space shot of the online service "Google Earth", on the top of this mountain, at the point with coordinates of 30 ° 15 "41.76" northern latitude and 33 ° 59 "4.70" Eastern longitude, a researcher "Cosmoposisk" Sergey Aleksandrov saw brightly - White Circle! But after the error detection, the initial joy was replaced by doubts. G. Grechko ordered better (and taken at another time) satellite images, on which white spots on top for some reason did not turn out ...

A few days before the departure scheduled for mid-April 2006, the exit to Egypt suddenly turned out that we, in fact, do not know where to go! In the English version of the text, several vertices have fallen under the desired description, so George Mikhailovich had to order and their pictures. And then, to be reinforced and avoid in the future doubts that we investigated not that mountain, I ordered snapshots and all other vertices. A bright white object (which would be the easiest to notice) or one of the vertices was not! NIGHT!

Only here it began to reach me - and maybe a "bright white object" and was not so white white? No, we did not have suspicion that Sitchin deliberately initiated UFOs in his photos. Just remembered the technology of photo printing of those years - all photos were necessarily passed through the retoucher feather. It was not possible at all from the desire to hide something or vice versa to preface any details - the sharp increase in the contrast of the image was required by the then printing. And the "bright white object" on the retouched image of the sample 1977 in reality could be barely light. So, it was worth carefully looking at the spaces not "white" (which is easier), but simply the "disco-shaped object".

And such a round, but barely light object was found at the top of Gebel-El Brooke (407 m), also lying on the "Ararat line", and on the "Sphinx Line", and on the "quail path". Let the Mountain are not the largest on the peninsula, but quite dominant over this part of the desert. Under the description in the Bible, the top fell apart, and most importantly - all major details on the old pictures of Sithin were "on-site" and a picture of a cosmic.

Now we knew where to go! After a day, the aircraft with the members of our expedition (ten people led by Grechko) flew over Night Cairo, highlighted by spotlights of the pyramids Giza and began to decline for landing at the airport of Sinai ...

PREPARATION It was originally conducted without unnecessary publicity, and it was impossible to write about it, but on March 19, 2006, in the weekly television border, Alexey Pushkova was interviewed Grechko.

Georgy Mikhailovich spoke about a strange place on Sinai Peninsula. Apparently, the cosmonaut was discomsed about such a fantastic fact, attracted attention - according to the leadership of the TVC, the rating of this program was a record.

The surviving report was largely helped by the preparing expedition. However, exact terms, alleged coordinates, movement routes and other details were still not disclosed, as any accident could prevent an alien country, right up to an anonymous phone call.

Waiting for the desired permission to the helicopter, we managed to develop the surroundings, visit Moise Musa and in the Monastery of St. Catherine. Of course, it was difficult to expect to hear something new - because I had to ask about the events of a thousand years ago. But in one tribe, the elder woman was specifically for the astronaut remembered the story that was passed from the mouth of mouth from the ancestors, how forty minutes drive from the parking of the tribe once "a star came down from the sky." She, this "star", and now inside the mountain ...

Get "Welcome" on the flight failed. We were asked to wait another day to "solve this issue with the minister." Then another day, then another ... "Blue in his hands", i.e. Two jeeps for a terrestrial trip, we took advantage very on time. A little later it would be too late - after the explosions of the road at the Egyptian resort, the roads were blocked on the peninsula, and even the ground expedition to the mount we would have become impossible ...

Ambush in the desert In order to save the daytime, we left in the desert in two nights. On the way I had to take a translator, guards, two police officers (in civilian clothes, but with ultrasound vehicles) and representative of the Ministry of Information (all of them - required condition authorities). The slowness of the police, the checkpoints at each crossroads, uncomfortable jeeps with pitiful beads without backs and pens, not the best roads - all this together led to the fact that the mountain region came closer to the evening.

Finally, the road ran out, now it was to move only in the sand. By GPS I take the azimut of "our" place and show the driver of the head Majna direction. Landmark is that the top! We flew 3500 km, drove 400 km, there was just a kilometer one and a half!

Visibility, as Aviators say, "Million per million", the surface is flat, obstacles are not visible to kilometers around (and there were no outer snapshot). The distance to the goal was rapidly reduced. Our driver tightened the Arab song and gave gas to the floor, the jeeps rushed forward ...

Spring brakes, screams, things and people rest in the windshield ... Both cars buried with hoods in a barbed wire! No, this is not an ambush. No one expected our appearance here. Wire for some reason blinks ... the most elevation where we go. What for? We do not know this nor Egyptian bodyguards nor the representative of the Ministry of Information. Everything is perplexed ...

And suddenly...

Because of the hill, Bedouin appears in a black bathrobe, runs to us, shouting and waving his hands. The armed guards from the approach of the unarmed person came to wild arousal: "We are leaving, immediately leaving!". We do not understand the reasons for such fear, but you have to obey. We retire as quickly as if not one savage appeared from the sand, but a whole army. Our guard is the shooting sparrows ...

When the jeeps quickly broke away from the "chase" and traveled almost an endless barbed fence, the driver again turned to the desired vertex. It did not even have time to accelerate. The barley ended, but we left into the break. Again the brake squeal. Egyptian accompanying jumped out of cars and trembled by waving automata. From individual phrases, gestures and nervous screams It was clear that the hot discussion was dedicated only to one topic - "These Russians made us in terrible story, we will not get out of here alive. " Well, or something in this spirit. It seemed that a minute - and the shooting or a stabbing will begin ... However, she calmed down the guard as quickly as she grabbed the weapon.

Everyone was silent, and the translator led the resume: "Everyone is unhappy and want to turn back, but I managed to persuade everyone for another 15 minutes!"

How 15 minutes! ? We rode so much for this?!

A quarter of an hour and no lonk! - According to a frightened-serious type of protection, it was seen that the discussion is over and bargaining is inappropriate.

The engines roared. Time went.


2 minutes. For some reason, they shy away slightly to the right. Showing the driver a new azimuth.

4 minutes. Getting closer to the top, the area becomes more intersected. The driver-speaker rides the edge of the abyss, no one protests.

6 minutes. We take off on the hill. The device shows the coordinates: we are a little east of the desired point. Looky driver, let allah extends his days, makes a turn on a narrow patch, goes, almost flies down and looking for a new way up. As the wheels began to buck near the edge of the abyss, it seems, no one noticed - everyone watched only for the clock.

8 minutes. New top. The desired vertex with a cave on a nearby hill in a hundred meters separated from us down. Curve no time! Pull up from the car.

9 minutes. Here they are, the necessary coordinates! We are on top, and the entrance to the cave should be somewhere below on the slope.

10 minutes. We run out to the sides. On the northern slope everything is clean, there is no input.

11 minutes. On the eastern slope no signs of the cave. It begins to seem that the caves here can not be - too incomprehensible soil: loamy and peepled with the inclusion of pebbles, the rock is practically no rock. Cave, if she was, could well crumble on time.

12 minutes. On the western slope, Valery Ignatov noticed something like the entrance! Slied closer and screaming from there: "The entrance is wrapped!" A quick inspection suggests that it is impossible to dig up the entrance. But maybe there is another way out?

13 minutes. At the top, a vertical hole of 30 x 40 cm is detected right above the destroyed input. This is a prominant, according to which water from rare rains got into some big emptiness, which is right under us. There is an indirect confirmation of the existence of the cave!

14 minutes. Or is it not a natural promoine, but an artificial ventilation mine? It is no longer time to understand. There are three things that need to be done in whatever the rest of the next minute.

15 minutes. The first is photographing the panorama of the area. Secondly - I sketch fluently to restore the full picture in the photo. Third - take the soil samples. Everything, the time has expired.

The last action did not slip away from the eye of a vigilant representative of the Ministry of Information:

Is it diamonds?!

No, ordinary stone.

A rock?!

Normal stone.

And you came here because of these stones?! Does this stone cost at least one dollar?

One dollar? No, one million dollars!

The representative laughed with a joke, but somehow sideways departed to the car, pulled out a cellophane bag and ... began to collect stones nearby. Just in case. The guard also forgot about the danger threatening us, about which so much time was told, and also became interested in local geology. Forgot about urgent departure.

So we have another time and a half time.

Introduced lying object I do not know whether Moses was here, but the cave was exactly, and maybe there are still. As follows from the photographs of the Sithin and Space Snapshots, a huge "white disc-shaped object" should be located in several hundred meters from the "Cave of Moses" on top. Its dimensions are several tens of meters, and at such a distance would have to be visible as on the palm. Flew away?

Come closer. No traces of "huge UFOs." Again, you have to rely on the global positioning device. If you believe the existing coordinates, the invisible starship of Annunakov stands on Earth literally in ten steps from me. And in order to see him, you need ... turn right. Having dried, slowly turning and lowered his eyes to the ground ...

He did not fly anywhere! White concentric circles on the soil. After a few minutes it becomes clear that these circles are the result of the weathered of the layered rock. Nature game? White color A white alabaster attached to the rounded pancakes in the old days. He is present now, but the recent dust storm strongly muffled whiteness. Perhaps after some rare rain, these concentric twists will be twisted on white. In any case, from the top of the aircraft or from the space an alabaster object probably resembles something majestic. Not that "bottom" Arab-car gun stands right on the "Starship of Annunakov", turns his head and will not attempt in any way where we all look.

We take the roulette, measure: the diameter of the "disk" - 26 m. We make instrument measurements - no deviations are fixed. It is necessary to be reinforced to later not say that we have investigated "not that object." If the place is the most, suddenly, the "disc-shaped object" flew away? Remove in the photo and video close-up of the soil inside the trail: no damage to the soil. Here, dozens of years there were no external influences, there was nothing heavy. There was no radiation, and high temperatures: lichens and dried seashells were found, which would certainly burn from the slightest fire. In other words, we are really natural education.

Agrow it with the right shapes. I would even say - mocking the right forms! There is no only small tower-cabin in the middle of the "disk" (or she is still painted, or most likely, time has done its own business and this part of the "design" simply disappeared under the influence of wind and sand).

But there is no disappointment, the whole group is in high spirits. First, we still got there, where we were not able to get to one researcher; And secondly, in science, the negative result is also the result. Buckly solemnly waters up the middle of the found stone-sandy disk a large stone to "be like a Sithin photo." It is a stone on the grave. Let such a beautiful, but - myth!

Scheme of the detected "White Object" and "Moses Cave"

Rica: V. Chernobrov, April 2006.

Curse of pharaohs. Not until the end of believing in an unexpected gift of an extra time, we decided to return to the cave and try to spread at least a vertical entrance. I took the blade from the backpack and Icebil, but the rock mistake - left intact respirators. At that moment, no one remembered about them. Good luck seemed almost in hand.

They ruined the hole to lower down the camcorder (unfortunately, because of the wellborn, it did not work). Nothing can be seen, except for darkness and rising from the hole of dust ...

Apparently, this dust and raised something from the dark depth of something that we should not inhale at all. Four (including the author of these lines), who were at that time near the opening, expelled expensive for their curiosity, and the closer to the entrance was a person, the worst was the later diagnosis. A week later, in Moscow, doctors will reveal signs of toxic poisoning, which was, including partial paralysis ...

But there is no humus without good!

First, this toxic poisoning may have saved our lives when returning. When they approached the hotel, some began to snag a little, and therefore the translator's extensive offers (who did not fit the cave) to go for souvenirs to his merchants familiar to him together with refusal. Already falling asleep, from the release of Emergency news CNN learn what we avized - on that day, 24 people were killed in the trading orders of Dahab ...

Secondly, the danger emanating from hermetically closed for thousands of years of premises, more precisely, from microorganisms from these premises, has long received the name "Curse of Pharaoh". And what ends such a "curse" (as it is customary - bioshotraviation, which, as a catalyst, exacerbates the most innocent diseases, turning them into mortal) - well known from the history of the archaeological excavations of Egypt. Perhaps the shocks we are the cave a little deeper, and ... no one would tell. So is it worth complaining about the fate of those who survived the "Curse of Pharaoh" (which is probably a big luck in itself)?!

And thirdly, the same story of the excavation of Egypt convinced that the "Pharaoh" was not "guarding" at all no interesting places. To make such a terrible effect, at least several conditions are needed: hermetically sealed premises, which no one opened for thousands of years; Biological sample inside; And something else, which scientists have not fully understood. Moreover, the biological sample (mummy, corpse) should be very ancient - so much so that in human generations it has already managed to disappear immunity to forgotten diseases, melting here.

In other words, toxic poisoning is indirect proof that "there is something there is something in the cave" ... what exactly? One version has already expressed: "According to the legends, the cave gave people immortality, and your sufferings are a side effect ..."

CONCLUSIONS. So, the analysis of the brought samples is already completed, you can sum up. Because we are talking about the incidents of millennial and the mysteries of the eternal, then the results are better to be carefully called preliminary.

How accurately described in the Bible the history of the Outcome under the leadership of Moses is not to judge us. But the "generally accepted" mountain Moses Musa for a candidate for the role of the then events is certainly not suitable. Whether the events described on the El Brooke occurred, in which (without calling the mountains) Sitchin assured? Already "warmer". But almost all strange artifacts, photographed by Sitchin on this grief, or do not exist, or do not correspond to the description. On this basis, the cosmonaut of Grechko considered that El Brooke was not suitable for the definition of the biblical "Sinai Mountain". Although - who knows?

There are indisputable conclusions: there are no "huge white UFO", nor rectangular windows, no statue at the entrance. Cave? Cave is. But does she have attitude to the aliens? And was there Moses in her?

Old questions received answers only partially. But new appeared. What is inside the cave with the "Pharaoh Curse"? Why was this mountain relatively recently surrounded by barbed wire? What kind of "fallen star", about which Bedouins interpreted? Where is it stored, "inside" this or any other neighboring mountain?

I hope that someday, someone, perhaps and we ourselves, find answers to new questions. There is time. The big Sphinx will still look at the 30th parallels in the direction of the dusty vertex of El Brooke, where we first had the honor to try to understand in 15 minutes with thousands of eternity and eternity mysteries ...

In everyday life, people are accustomed to believe in signs and superstitions. But does it want to God? Learn the answer to this question on the pages of the Portal "Orthodoxy and the World".

Should we believe the signs that accompany our daily life? How are Russians tend to believe in them (statistics)? What are there are nearby superstitions? We offer you selected articles on the topic "Signs and Superstitions" that will give answers to these questions.

13 most common and stupid accepts and superstitions

We are superstitious people, so we believe that Friday 13 is bad, but find a coin is good.

Many superstitions are connected with the same thing that makes us believe in monsters and ghosts: when our brain is not able to explain something, we shift responsibility for supernatural forces. In fact, last year's studies have shown that superstitions can sometimes work, because faith can increase the "performance" of the problem.

13. Newbies are lucky

This is the idea that the newbie has an unusually much chance of victory when they first start any kind of activity, whether a sport, a game or something else. Sometimes newcomers can even get ahead of the experienced, because the mood to victory and experiences are significantly lower. Too much anxiety, in the end, can become a serious interference performance. Or it can simply be a statistical trick, especially when gambling.

Or, like many superstitions, faith in good luck beginners can be based on some biased towards them. Confirmation of bias is a psychological phenomenon in which people are more likely to remember those events that correspond to their worldview. If you believe that you will win only because you are a novice, remember this whenever you win, however, just forget if you lose.

12. Finding a coin, pick it up ...

And throughout the day you will be pursued by luck. This is a small superstition, perhaps stuck, because finding money is already lucky by itself. But, at the same time, you can take the following analogy - found a stick, raise it and the luck will be with you all day, or found a stick, do not touch it, and then the luck will leave you.

11. Do not go under this staircase

Honestly, this superstition is very practical. However, one theory argues that this superstition arose due to the Christian faith in the Holy Trinity: since the stairs began to install the wall, thus forming a triangle, the destruction of this triangle was considered something blasphemed.

On the other hand, another popular theory says that the fear of walking under the stairs is associated with its similarity with the medieval gallows. Nevertheless, most likely, the first explanation for us closer.

10. Black Cat on your way

Since cats have been located next to the person for a thousand years, they play many mythological roles. In ancient Egypt, the cats were read, today in the United States alone as pets contain 81 million cats. So why can't you allow a black cat to fuck you the road? Most likely, this superstition arose due to faith in old witches, which often reincarnate in pets, namely in cats.

9. Rabbit paw will bring you good luck

Talismans and amulets are capable of driving evil spirits, while they stand alone cross and garlic, which should be kept in the fear of vampires. The rabbit foot as a talisman is a custom that the early Celtic tribes in Britain adhered. However, it is possible that the roots of this superstition go to one of the forms of Afro-American folk magic, which combines American, European and African traditions.

8. Failure comes three times in a row

Remember confirmation of bias? The conviction is that the misfortune comes three times is a classic example. If you failed two things in a row, then the next time you will fail. Accordingly, if a person is initially configured to a similar outcome of events, then most likely it will happen.

7. Be very careful with a mirror

According to the legend, if you break the mirror that you doomize yourself to 7 years of failure in matters. This superstition was probably born from the belief that the mirror was not just our image, it remains part of our soul. This conviction led to the fact that in the old days, when someone died in the house, the mirrors were covered, so that the soul of man remains.

Like the number three, the seven digit is often associated with luck. Seven years of failure is too long time, so people came up with counter-measures to help this avoid if the mirror is broken. These include touching a piece of broken glass on the tombstone or erasing fragments of a broken mirror in powder.

Three six in a row throw some people in chills. The birth of this superstition returns us to the Bible. In the revelations book, the number 666 is often interpreted as a "beast number", it is said about him as a sign of Satan and the end of the world.

According to the Philips Stevens anthropologist (Philips Stevens) from the University of New York, three sixs in a row are probably a numerical equivalent of Hebrew letters that existed in the first century during the Roman Emperor Nero.

5. knock on the tree

This phrase almost became a verbal talisman designed to drive off the failure, not the cramped fate, that is, for example, "by breaking the mirror, I did not pull a failure, because I knocked on the tree." This superstition could arise on the basis of myths that the trees have a good spirit or as a result of the Associations with the Christian Cross. Similar phrases can be found in different languages, which speaks of the universal reluctance to "upset the evil universe."

4. Relief of the desire for bones

Tradition to make a desire with the help of turkey bone goes far away in the past. The legend says that the first Romans used bones as a weapon, believing that they would bring them good luck. The bird bones were also used in fortune-money throughout the story, while the novels threw the bones and "read" the drawing created by them, telling about the future.

3. Crossing fingers

Those who want to be lucky to visit them, often cross one finger with another, thereby making the gesture that his roots dates back to early Christianity. It is said that two people, if a desire is made, must cross their index fingers, thereby they get support for each other and significantly increase the likelihood of wishes. (Apparently, everything that is connected with the Biblical Cross brings good luck). Tradition gradually moved from two people to one.

2. Do not open an umbrella indoors

... and not only because you can get someone in the eye. The opening of an umbrella in the room should bring you a misfortune, although the origins of this superstition are extremely foggy. The legends on this topic exists abound: ranging from the history of ancient Romans, which opened his umbrella a few seconds before it collapsed her house, and ending with the story about the British Prince, who opened two umbrellas at once when visiting the king and died a few months after . Just like "not walking under the staircase", this myth probably appeared in order to keep people from doing dangerous things in some ways.

1. Friday, 13

If you are not afraid of Fridays of the 13th, then perhaps you will be frightened by the name of those who are afraid - Freigritarianiyeks. For superstition, this fear is relatively young: he was born at the end of the 1800s. Friday has long been considered an unhappy day (according to the Bible, Jesus died on Friday), and the number 13 has long been repaired by a reputation of a unlucky number.

According to the Center for Stress Management and the Foby Institute in North Carolina, about 17 million Americans are afraid of Friday, 13. Many are victims of their own desire to tie thoughts and symbols with occurring events. "If something bad happens on this day, you will be afraid of this date for a long time," says Thomas Gilovich, the psychologist of Cornell University. "If on other days, on Friday 13, no events will happen to you, they will be simply ignored."


Beducker superstitions and signs

Deacon Konstantin Gorbunov. Methods of study and classification of nearcer

Non-rigorous superstitions are extremely harmful, as they will lead people from the true Gods, as well as from a pious lifestyle and the right participation in Orthodox worship. Consequently, with superstitions it is necessary to keep an uncompromising struggle. For this, in particular, it is necessary to study existing superstitions. Any study of a group of phenomena or facts requires their classification. Thus, we face a difficult task to find a methodology for the classification of superstitions for all their numerous and at the same time absurdity, illogic, meaninglessness.

Information on superstitions common among people can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Based on issues that people ask the priests.
  2. By analyzing issues asked by the staff of the consultant service in the temple (issues of accounting log is conducted).
  3. By surveying formed permanent parishioners of the temple about the superstitions commonly known to them.
  4. By critical analysis of publications and speeches in a barber and pseudocert media, as well as secular media for church topics.

Other methods of detecting superstitions are also possible.

There are few superstitions associated with the creed. Their smallness is explained by the fact that superstitious people, as a rule, do not know the Orthodox fault. Example: "Trinity is Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas."

Superstitions associated with the features of the annual circle of worship services.

  • Easter: reverent attitude to the shell from Easter eggs; In case of fire, you need to move easter egg through a burning house, etc.
  • Parental Saturdays, Radonitsa: You can remember suicides; In the cemetery you need to go until 12:00 of the day. After this time, the souls of the departed are no longer present in the cemetery; Products brought to parastas get the deceased and others.
  • Pentecost: on this day you need to go to the cemetery.
  • Day of St. Prophet Elijah: You can not swim after that day.
  • Transfiguration: The Fall of Adam and Eve was that they ate untreated apple before transformation; The whole sense of the holiday people see only in consecrated fruit.
  • Cover Blessed Virgin Mary: If you do not stick the windows before Pokrov, there will be no heat in the house.
  • Exaltation: Motion - autumn to winter shifts.
  • Epiphany: Holy Water, consecrated on the eve of the holiday (on Christmas Eve), "stronger" than consecrated holiday (or vice versa).
  • Creation: Winter is found in the summer.

Superstitions associated with church sacraments.

  • Epiphany. Superstitious motivations to the sacrament: "To hernia healed; so that the child cried less; so as not to smooth. " They ask to call the baffling by another name (secret) so as not to smooth. If the wax with a rumbled hair drowns in the font, then it is bad.
  • Miropomanazing. Many parishioners think that excommation on the all-bedains is also a world-formation.
  • Confession. People talk not about sins, but about problems, considering that the problem should be resolved. People list sins without repentance. They ask to break a leaf with a list of sins, perceiving it as a sacred. Reliable guides appear on sale to prepare for confession, for example, "1000 and one sin" or "10000 sins."
  • Eucharist. Children are involved in the tummy not sick, adults are tested for raising hemoglobin. Some understand the communion as "cleaner", for example, the body. They believe that it is impossible to kiss anyone after the communion and filter to kiss anyone, because Grace will go to the kissable item.
  • Cutting. People perceive the coolant as the last (death) anointing, if the person did not die after the cobbing, he can't eat meat and marry, to lead a marital life. There is a superstitious attitude to the remaining rigs and barely after the sacrament.
  • Wedding. Just a beautiful solemn rite. A guarantee that the husband does not leave or the wife will not leave.
  • Priesthood. Many people are confident that the priest man becomes due to the very end of the end of the spiritual seminary. In view of the rarity of the sacrament of the charotonia, special superstitions associated with the sacrament itself were not identified, but there is a superstitious attitude towards the clergy and monastics. Examples: People turn with spiritual issues to simple monks that have no sacred san, and often strictly follow them sometimes ridiculous advice; People are afraid to contact the priest with any questions, perceiving it only as a sorcerer or a magician committing rituals.

Note: A number of examples for this section are borrowed from the report of Alexander Dyagilev priest.

Superstitions associated with rituals.

  • Break. You can save even unbelieving, just to be baptized. Relatives can not be carried by the coffin with the body of the deceased. Put in the coffin various extraneous household items (money, cell phones). A pagan triction is arranged on the grave.
  • Consecration. It is believed that security guarantee is given.

Superstitions associated with shrines.

  • Magic attitude towards shrines.
  • The use of shrines for witchcraft.
  • Wrong reverence icons. (What is the icon better than Kazan or Vladimirskaya?)
  • Incorrect attitude to St. Cross. (Give a cross it's not a sin? Fear of picking up a cross found on the street)
  • Numerous delusions are associated with candles and rules of their setting before icons. People, guessing a desire, waiting for a knot candle, in order for it to be.
  • A superstitious attitude towards holy water (mixed with st. Water taken in different temples, believing that the mixture is "stronger" than water taken in one temple)
  • Also known numerous superstitions associated with Easter arthos and prosforas.

Superstitions associated with memorial notes.

  • Magic attitude to the fortokstam.
  • Questions: What is the note better (prospective, dining, custom, prayer?)
  • Note in the notes of persons whose commemoration is prohibited by church canons, full confidencethat this remembrance will help these people.
  • Pomping alive for rest, in order to harm these people.

Here is far from full list Superstitions common in church and nearby medium. It can be noted that a significant part of the superstitious techniques expresses the desire of people to achieve bodily health and earthly well-being. In the desire for purely earthly benefits, people often turn to sorcerers, psychics, healers and they receive various instructions of a superstitious nature.

An important method of combating all sorts of superstitions is the spiritual enlightenment of laity through church-parish schools, various theological courses, through church media. Catechization of people who want to take the sacrament of holy baptism and persons preparing to become a godfather are also necessary.

rather than attaching hearing Sewn
yes do not attach with the wrong
The life witness is wrong.
Exodus XXIII, 1

Safety instructions warning from superstition

They sin hard against the first commandment of God those who hold superstition. Superstition, or a fume vera, faith is not founded, unworthy of true Christians.

The holy fathers and teachers of the Church often warned against prejudices and superstitions, which also seduced the ancient Christians. Their warning can be divided into three types:

1) Cautions from the so-called will accept when an omnant reason for happy circumstances in our lives are derived from the most unavailable cases;

2) warning from fortunes or vorozhba, or strong desires whatever, even with dark means, find out what our life will be successful or unsuccessful will be those or other enterprises; And finally

3) warning from the desire to acquire forces that heal from diseases or protected from various troubles and hazards; From the use of items that do not contain anything of medical and their properties cannot have any influence on our well-being and happiness.

"Many of the Christians," says Saint Vasily Great, "it seems to listen to the wiser to listen to the interpreters. He sneezed on the Word, say: And it matters. Someone from behind called me by name, the foot slipped at the exit, the clothes were cluttered - all this is a hindrance. And people are very famous, waiting for the judgment from heaven, coldly fall into this destructive vice.

But listen to: the people who indulged by this. More than arrears, according to the law of Moiseyev, charm, the magnificent, vorozhba, the pioneering of the fighting as the invention of the demons. It is said: Do not tell, and resemble from birds (Lev. XIX, 26); Languages \u200b\u200bbo, who consume ... Lord God is from your face ... these women and magicians will listen to: you are not Tako Dada Lord God God (De. XVIII, 12, 14).

Who can consult with the excuses of God, in terms of reasoning, which should not be done, it is not decently to take themselves in advisers, not even in advisers, but in teachers and legislators, the merits are unreasonable. Bird does not know his own danger, which is already before the eyes; And she foreshadows the future. Out out of the nest to bring the chicks to food, it was often returning with nothing; And she became a surround forestelling for you, and the vain movement of the bird appealed to the revelation of the future! If the birds are flying for your seduction on the action of the bird demons; That's not sit and do not look with a hole mouth on the Demon's charm, and do not give yourself under the influence of the devil. He, if one day he cares, easily fond of death, will not release her from the hands, and it consumes it to any evil business. But also a raven rone, and a circling eagle on the lack of fishing lead the superstitious heart in fear. The enemy is mocking over the person that if the cat appeared, a man looked out or a man met, although the most prominent, but with a damaged right eye or a thigh, he will bother, turn off, turn his eyes. What is a disgraceful of such a lifetime, everyone is suspecting, in everything to see an obstacle when everything should arise his soul to God? "
In one of the publishing words st. John Zlatoist We read: "Who coming out of his house meets the curve or lame and understand it as I will accept, he thinks the Satanic business, for not a meeting with a person makes the day unhappy, but sinful life."

Cautions from fortunes

In the word at the Novolety, Saint Zlatoust says: "Most of all face me the games that are happening today ... and which are filled with breakdown and dishes, because they do not know the days, guess and think thatif the first day of the year is able to spend them in merry and pleasure, then it will be absolutely the same in the whole year. But the year will be happy for you in everything is not when you get drunk on the first day, but when both in the first and in other days you will do anything to God. If, awaited about virtue, you will expect happiness from the beginning of the month and calculus days, then you will not be good. Notice the days are not typically with Christian wisdom. This is the case of Urlensky delusion. "

By sowing superstition, in which some days are considered happy, and others are unfortunate, Saint John Zlatoust says: "Divor, trying to stop our feats of virtue and repay your good militia of the soul in us, inspires us to attach successes and failures in business days. If anyone believes that the day is happy or unhappy, that in a unlucky day will not try about good deeds, thinking that in vain, it becomes in vain will work and nothing will have time. So, on the contrary, and in a happy day, he will not do anything, hoping that because of his happy day, he won't hurt his own unrecord. Thus, it hurts its salvation. Sometimes reckless, and sometimes I would be hopelessly doing, he spends his life in idleness and evil. So,we must avoid the penetration of the shock, to discard the crushing of the spirit and not to observe the days, hating one and loving the other. "

Blessed Augustine Also strictly condemns fortune telling. "The consequences of them," he says, is mostly supected with the thoughts and prejudices of everyone. Forevil spirits, wanting to keep a person in deception, flatter him the show is what, as they see, in appearance with his expectation and desire. " "In general," he notes, "the opinions of people about the importance of some gadaval signs established by the prejudice of human, not otherwise to look at some contract and a condition with evil spirits. People addressed to the destructive science to guess, which, in fact,there is only science to mock others and deceive them For such a addiction, according to a certain secret court of God, it is often affected by the influence of fallen angels, which are sometimes popped by some influence on the lowest part of the world. From these ridicule and deceptions of evil spirits, the superstitious and disastrous art of the progress sometimes really opens something from the past and the future and tells them a lot of such that later partly justified by events. Such small good lucks excite and feed curiosity, because of which they are increasingly confused and confused by others in the network of malicious delusion ...Even the loyalty of such predictions does not justify the science to predict. Therefore, sacred art, with the help of which was caused by the shadow of the deceased Samuel, worthy of any disgust and curse, although the shadow of this, being shown to the King Saul, and predicted him the truth. "

Cautions from the use of superstitious means for healing diseases

Sharp decisions against amulets and superstitious actions for disease protection and misfortunes We meet in the conversations of St. John of Zlatoust on First Message to Corinthians:"After marriage," he saysif the child is born, we see a lot of symbolic actions worthy of laughter: To talk about dressings, about rattles, about red yarn and many other things proving the great madness, whereas should not be imposed on the baby anything else butsaving Cross. Meanwhile, now the cross, who addresses the entire universe, hitting the devil and the overthrow all his strength remains in disregard; And fabrics, yarn and other similar letters entrusted the safety of the baby. Are you not ashamed? Tell me: Will you ever understand how the devil from an early age of a person has little polluts its networks and uses his cunning measures? A funny and fun suggestion of Satan, however, not laughter only, but Geenne is exposed to seductible! If this is done in the pagans, it is not at all surprising, and when the worshiped cross, acquainted in distinct sacraments and those who have achieved, who have reached, hold such shameful customs, is worthy of many tears. " "What to say," says in another place in St. Glastoist, "about those who tie to the legs and head of the copper coins of Alexander Macedonsky? Tell me: Is it our hopes? How after the Cross and the death of the Lord, do you impose the hope of salvation on the images of the pagan king? "

After those of the superstition, which are in the Scriptures of the ancient Holy Fathers and Teachers of the Church, recall that in book "Orthodox confession of faith" In response to the question: "Who sin against the first commandment and how" the following is read: "Against this commandmentsin wizards and imitating their deeds,for example, those that wear pending and badges to protect themselves from harm; Those who are pinned to superstitious customs and believe them; Equally, those that in illnesses use the philantal of old women and other superstitions hold; Finally, those that are out of every incident are the omen. "

Invalid faith

There is an opinion that every faith is. Even there is an expression - "religious superstitions". And under this definition suitable literally everything! Any religious thought, any church, any confession - all this, like sometimes people say, "superstition".

But is it, objectively speaking? This very definitely explains. The word "VSE" means "empty", that is, "there is no one at all." If there is a prefix "suva" - then faith is invalid. But the negative designation suggests that there is something positive, right? Superstition is an empty faith, therefore, there is not empty faith.

It must be remembered when we generally talk about faith. The faith is then not empty when it is full when it comes from human intuition, and not just from the fantasy of the wandering mind. Because this is the danger - a wandering mind. He creates different fantasies in man. The man takes these fantasies for reality, does not check anything at all, and begins to believe in them.

There are many people now there are different, empty verses, there are many different superstitions - when people fantasize, without considering that any kind of human thoughts, if they do not have a specific connection with the divine reality and with the reality of Divine Creation, as the Lord created him, It is the fruit of what is not.


The word superstition or "VSE" is associated with another word from the same root - fuss, or fuge.

This very well says: Nature conquered the bustle, not voluntarily, not by itself, but by the will of man. It is a person who will plunge all nature in the vanity.

What does the apostle imply under the word "bustle"?

Justa is the lack of stability, harmony. The chaotic state in which there is a struggle of parts with each other and all parts with the whole.

In human life, we know, there are a lot of fume. When a person tries and there, and it's time to do here, and he has no concentration, and he loses himself - spreads, spreads out. And this is the scattering and scattering - the state that was not in the creation of God's intent. That's what a fuss is!

In this sense, superstition is faith in what is moving. That is not really essential, genuine, harmonious, beautiful, true and full love.

This is what I say, of course, from the point of view of the Christian faith. Because it is noteworthy to talk about faith at all, faith is different on Earth. But now I am talking about that faith that defines our life in God, our life in God-share, our life with each other. She is not skid and not dares to be fume, because there is a lot of fumes - which distracts us from genuine.

Christianity - faith defined, established, calm. Speaking again with the words of the Apostle Paul, this is a faith, acting love and based on hope. It is stable, concrete, clean. It does not have this vigor dirt - dust that rushes in all directions and stuck the light, the cloud enters the soul.

And, most importantly, faith is carried out only when there is on the one hand, as Christ said, and on the other hand. Just a fume, which is closely connected with all kinds of launches, is expelled only by prayer and post. Why? Because the prayer connects us to the source of truth, with a source of life, with genuine reality, from major eternity. And the post limits us in the fact that is too big temptation, - in greed, egoism, all sorts.

In other words, superstition is what is based on the sin of the human, and this sin of human thus darkens the truth that the truth becomes incomprehensible. And faith, on the contrary, cleans and sanctifies, because it leads to a source that is purity, holiness and love.

Superstition progress

How do we still distinguish between faith and superstition in life? Because one thing is in theory, and another thing is in practice.

You know, very simple. Look at a good temple, look at other fruits of culture and human history, on a lot of what our ancestors gave us, which built the faith of deep, clear, clean, approved and completely defined. The results of their labor are visible to us now, they are valued in all humanity.

But the fruits of superstition look different. They are the result of the vanity of our modern life.

Maybe in some respects, the achievements of civilization give us the opportunity to exist easier than our ancestors. Nevertheless, it was this civilization that presented us with an incredible hurry in all respects, non-stop, sometimes even some kind of looseness. And, as a result, - madness and departure from the purposefulness of human life.

We in America are especially clearly visible by an unnecessary bustle, which, no matter how sad, is the result of huge achievements. Technical progress that many perceived unequivocally positively is a nuclear bomb that breaks the wholeness of the nucleus in order to destroy everything around. As at one time, one of the philosophers of the Russians said - "Superstition". A very good expression that tells us: if you believe in progress as in something original or self-defined, this progress will turn into a superstition. Why? Because he is blunt, he goes without any serious goal. When there is a goal, and a good goal - then another thing.

When I appreciate the history of Russia and its culture, I see quite clearly that the culture that and the bottom is appreciated is based on wholeness, and not for fumes. Its main aspiration was - it was to overcome fumes, and give the meaning of life. And therefore she reached such huge historical results and created such a holistic state. And now what do we see? Disintegration, collapse. And this is the fruit of fuss, the fruit of the most real superstition, if you want - the superstition of progress.

God let us get rid of everything from this. And to strengthen, and deepen in what our ancestors gave us. Give the Lord to all of all you are good and good, and yes he keeps you in this wholeness!

- What is superstition?

Ieria Alexy Kolosov: - Superstition can be described as faith in empty, stale, momentary - as confidence that unworthy trust.

Ieria Mikhail Mikhailov:- Superstition is Surrogat, Erzatz faith. One of the common superstitions is if you met a priest - this is unfortunately. This is a very indicative superstition, spilling light and on the nature of superstitions. It is the echo paganism: the priest was afraid, because he led people to faith, destroying idols. The second reason for such superstition is the shame of a man who forgotten the road to the temple. A sinning person seeks to hide from God, avoids meetings with what he can recall the need for repentance. That is why this superstition is so strong in the countryside, where the priest knows his parishioners much better. When I served on the village, we had one parishioner in our temple, who drank one week, left the second week from the binge, and then worked hard to work out the desired number of workday. Therefore, he did not go to the temple for months, and when we met on the street, I was ashamed. From the superstition is born to death. Superstitions lead a person from the path of salvation. The man believes not in the fishery of God, but in the signs. From here there is faith in predictions, in divination, in astrology.

- Why does an Orthodox person should not be superstitious?

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:- The essence of our faith is to confidence in God: opening his hearts to him, we firmly believe that it leads us directly, by free from any duality, from mechanistic, magical patterns. "Where the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom" (2kor.3, 17) - this freedom gives us faith, superstition deprives us of it, enslaving "the elements of the world" (Col.2, 8), enslaving the dust. Therefore, faith and superstition are incompatible - it is impossible to serve two gentlemen, freedom and slavery. This problem is wider than the "black cat" or "empty buckets": it's about that each of us is facing the choice: either life in the gospel, or by the law of sin, retribution for which - (ROM.6, 23). There is no third.

- But often superstitions come true, they did not happen by chance?

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:- The facts themselves know little - their interpretation is important: "Clean everything is clean" (tit. 1,15), and an affected by a sin and not having trustwhels to God is deceived by his "I" and sees "patterns" where they are not. The trouble is that these patterns are in demand - a man is terrible a biblical picture of Mirobatiya: the creation of the world, a long way to salvation, an appeal, redemption, church, the second coming and a terrible court - all this scarets. We are afraid of responsibility for our eternal life, the responsibility that is hand in hand with the Gospel. We want something simpler, such that the sinful "me" would gentle. It is easier to cling to these "patterns", rather than living in Christ.

Ieria Mikhail Mikhailov:- Everything is very simple: the probability of the coincidence is large - either will come true or not. Here is a cat faded the road. Who knows what will happen for this day. But what's the cat? And if she did not move the road that, would not happen? A man from workers find explanations to his misfortunes, his troubles and their luck and failures. Important and that if we look at the signs of different nationsWe will see that the same phenomena have absolutely different meaning! For example, in France, the bird flew into the window is the harbinger of happiness!

- What, in your opinion, is associated with a large number of barbecue superstitions?

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:- A person does not come to the church with a mature Christian. A person has many questions, serious internal struggle. Even by entering the church, he does not become perfect in a moment - this is only the beginning of a long path to the sky. In the meantime, the struggle of the Old and the new began: the Old, the sinful does not die in baptism at all - it deprives the authorities over the person. This makes it possible to seed a new life, caught in the baptism of germination, to root and bring a "fruit" (MK.4, 1-9).

But I repeat: this is a long process that often covers the entire period of mortality, and while the Old Time is still alive, it will strive to give your answers to those questions with which a person comes to the Church. These answers are more pleasant, it's easier for a person - the spiritual is still too "dusty", at some moments seductively ... Scary, in the end, - and how are you in fools?! No one wants to deceive, everyone wants something solid, proven, obvious: for the "ordinary" person with these qualities, the mechanistic "patterns", which we call superstitions.

Therefore, it is the "nearby" medium, consisting of a barely beginning insertion or "always students, but not able to reach the knowledge of truth" (2ndim.3.7) and is a favorable soil for superstitions. Those who have determined to believe is determined to follow the Lord, he overcomes this dangerous period easily. The same, who to strive and from God to get something and worldly not to lose, can easily be thrilled in this Tine - why and tell us the Savior: "Can't serve God and Mamon!" (LK.16,13).

- We know what to guess sin, especially if you guess the Bible. But in many lives, it was so pulled by the lot - the head of the Holy Scripture was opened at Right ....

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:- Why is sinful any fortune telling? Because he is not determined to follow the revelation, but interest, inquisitiveness - "But how is it there?" The fortune telling is an attempt to look at the "Looking Game", a sort of spiritual courage, followed by weakness. Well, the man will wake up before the coming, and then will do it all the same way, as the petty "I" suggests. The holy, resorting in extreme cases to such a method of knowledge of the will of God, had a firm determination to act on the frank, in no way - even to death.

- How to distinguish a pious tradition from superstition? For example, when a priest goes on rainers, it is impossible to pass between him and royal gates?

Ieria Mikhail Mikhailov:- Purchase is always before the throne. In the altar, no one will pass between the priest and the throne of the Lord. Never, under any circumstances. This is not a sign, but the dispensation of a church, which cannot be broken and which can be explained.

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:- Pious tradition is intelligent, in a sense, even rational - it has a solid theological and historical justification. Its beginning can be traced in history, it is open and dynamic in the sense that there is no indestructible magical dependence. She always takes into account the inner spiritual world of man, not hanging over him "Damoclay Sword", but giving spiritual space.

Piecely tradition does not suppress a person, does not punish him - she helps him hold on to salvation. Superstition, as a rule, "thing in themselves" is a regularity that does not depend on the spiritual state or from the Gospel. This is a given: "So it should be", "So done." Why? No one is able to explain - just if you do, it will be good, but if not, it is bad. Do you want "badly"? Not? Then do it like everyone - do it on the principle of "then the Gospel, and even - life"! But after all, I will not save your soul - completely forgotten about it ... - What are the most common church superstitions? Are they dangerous?

Most of the church superstitions are connected with the church candle, with a shrine and burial. Different superstitions dominate in different areas. I will give only what I had to meet personally. For example, some consider it dangerous to light the candle from another candle - you can take on other people's sins: it will be a man on the temple, a squeezed candle in all the lamps and hacking them one after another (for the same reason they are afraid of the founding crosses: raise Alien trouble!). Others are afraid to transfer a candle through the left shoulder.

People pray for offenders, "In order for the Lord to revenge." Sometimes they ask the question: can I restore order in the house until the fortieth day? I have not been talking about throwing money to the grave of money - this is the purest paganism, which comes from the fact that the coffin of the deceased will lead a life similar to this (another example of this kind - in the grave of cigarettes: "Loved the dead to climb!").

However, somehow heard that the deceased, allegedly, allegedly, will share at the entrance to the kingdom of heaven. Before the hysterical and scandal, if suddenly remember that the deceased legs are connected - how will he go to the sky?! I heard that the stone monuments should not be put on the graves - after the general Resurrection, the deceased will not be able to go with this stone on a terrible court (obviously, it is assumed that this court will be departed from the national teams, where it will be necessary to appear with the "identity card" ).

There are a lot of fears of "lose grace after the communion" - and no one is interested in the question: why do you need such a weak grace that will disappear if you kiss the icon? On the advice of "grandmothers and aunt" consecrate apartment with a candle. How many superstitions around the bogous water ... Does it all dangerously? This is a voluntary poisoning of your soul! Another large reservoir superstition is associated with the so-called "damage" and "slohaba". People of different ages And the formation is running into the temple with the words "I / my daughter / my grandchildren did !!! How to be?! "

I will default that the believer of God an Orthodox Christian should not be afraid of these "Baby Bassen" - everyone should understand! "Fear of God and the commandments observe him, for this is all for a person" (EccC.12,13) \u200b\u200b- not a sorcerer, and God is worried about him, and not by his fear! Surprisingly, the other is unwillingness to see the root of the problem in itself.

Of course, it's hard to recognize that you have given little attention to your daughter and missed the development of the disease. Or recognize that she gave her such education, which does not allow to find peace in the family, did not put her moral values, he herself did not want to tolerate her daughter herself. It is not easy to admit that your fault is that the children find consolation in vodka or drugs. It is much easier to explain the informed character of the grandson with a slogony, rather than spoil - after all who was the ballot? Are you afraid of a neighbor? And who exacerbated the relationship is worse than nowhere? "Praise" and "Schalz" are very easy to apologize us: we are good, good, these are the neighbors of our bad - here, they want to surrender us with the world ... Where is faith here?! Where is piety?! No and in risen.

- How to protect against superstitions?

Ieria Alexy Kolosov: -Superstition - Darkness. Darkness is a lack of light. Accordingly, the light scatters darkness - like this and superstitions are destroyed by the true faith, which is the trust of God, and a real piety. If we trust him, it is not enough that nothing harms us - on the contrary: "Loving God, designed by his work, everything contributes to good" (Rome.8.28).

All - and joy and grief, and arrogance and deprivation, and health and illness. Everything! This trust testifies to love for God, and "Perfect love is expelled fear" (1in.4.18). No need to "be protected" from superstitions - do not fight with darkness: you just need to "include" the gospel light and the darkness of superstition will disappear by itself. However, this is a work ...

As for the power of the cross, then from the beginning the church is protected by it: the cross is the keeper of the whole universe.

- Acute January Topic - Epiphany and Epiphany Water ...

Ieria Mikhail Mikhailov:- Yes, this is a sick question! Water is a patient's general question: for example, in our temple now a small tank for water and grabs it for a day or two. People come and try to score as much as possible. We forget that the holy water drop sanctifies any amount of water: "The Sea is sanctified".

I remember when I served in the countryside, we brought 10 bottles of water for prayers. And only one bidon was spent: people took water to gramnog and the houses have already plotted holy water in large containers. Epiphany and Epiphany Water ...

What is the difference? Let's go back in the times of Patriarch Nikon: he specifically clarified from the Antioch Patriarch, whether it is necessary to sanctify water on the day of the Baptism of the Lord: after all, on the eve, on Christmas Eve, the water was already sanctified. And he received a response that sin will not be, it can be done again so that everyone can take water. And today we come after one water, and the next day after another - they say, here the water is stronger.

What is it stronger? So we see that people do not even listen to prayers who are read on sanctification. And they do not know that the water is consecrated by one rank, the same prayers are read. The holy water is absolutely the same in both days - both on the day of baptism, and on Christmas Eve Epiphany.

- How not to pay attention to superstition? You understand, and inside, in the shower, still scary ...

Ieria Alexy Kolosov:"I repeat once again -" Perfect love is expelled fear "(1in.4.18): We must strive for perfection in faith, learn to trust God and then everything will fall into place. Grace and faith - the best medicine from fear disease.

Ieria Mikhail Mikhailov:- How to treat superstitions? And how to treat paganism? If we believe the superstitions, we are pagans. We, Christians, must remember the strength of the Cross of the Lord - the Guardian of the Universe, so that there is no way that the procession for us is secondary, but the cat is of great importance. If we are Christians, you should remember that the Christian is not terrible things and much more dangerous than a wanted salt or a black cat: "CE, I give you the power to come on snakes and scorpions and all the power of enemy, and nothing hurts you" (Lux . 10:19)

Statistics on signs and superstitions

Only every fourth Russian is not superstituted, while the rest can be attributed to superstitious or medium-sowing. To such conclusions, the sociological service of Wednesday came to a result of the All-Russian survey . 14% of Russians are superstitious, 24% are incoming, 63% are medium-term.
Russians who believe in God are most often superstitious, but they do not profess the specific religion. Christians belonging to the ROC, as well as Muslims, more often fall into the number of medium-purpose.

The survey results comments on the candidate of historical sciences, head of the ethnography department of the Russian people of the Russian Ethnographic Museum Dmitry Baranov.

Most of the ethnographers opposes the term "superstition", "Relegations". What are these remnants if they exist decades, centuries, and even thousands of years? If they are all the time experienced, exist, it means they have their own pragmatics. It's not always obvious for us. And pragmatics are available, including psychological plan. What is superstition, faith in signs? In an ordinary calm situation, we do not remember any signs, but as soon as some important, decisive event in our lives, we all begin to treat it differently, to take the world, as text. We are trying to consider some information and act according to the rules that we know from grandparents, from grandparents. Probably it helps. Not in magical, naturally, plan, but in purely psychological. Psychologists say that if a person is confident in his abilities, it is transmitted and surrounding.

On the one hand, the superstition makes people non-free, on the other - there is such a concept - mythological programming of life. It consumes ethnographers and folklorists in relation to, for example, Russian culture. It characterizes human life and is not subject to reflection. A number of actions, seemingly magical value, were produced by the people of the past mechanically, as a habit. And this allowed them to feel comfortable, made any familiar situation, gave the opportunity to master the new unexpected turn of life. Another thing is that now traditional culture is destroyed as a system and sometimes, of course, a strange impression produces a modern person, when he suddenly makes his mythological thinking.

According to the survey results, there are many superstitious people among medical professionals and trafficking people. These are areas that are associated with uncertainty, with unpredictability of results, when a person resorts to additional resources to achieve the desired result. And here again psychological assistance from superstitions.

Supervision of young people, I think, is connected with some moment fashion and with the lack of materialistic ideology, the crisis of positivism, when a person more often sees that there is a lot of incomprehensible in the world.

The survey results commented on the writer, publicist, televisors Alexander Arkhangelsky.

The more people are involved in active socially - economic activity, the less time they have to think about all sorts of accuracy, fears and coincidences. On the other hand, than a person is deeper in charge of a responsible religious life (in this case it doesn't matter what kind of denomination it belongs), the less chance that he will give the serious importance to household and natural "signs" and "omensing" - it should be spiritually Sober, and rather "misses" a real miracle than to hope to imaginary. But here you need to talk about the relationship of religiosity and educational level. Meeting in the church medium of superstitious, we see that for the most part, their superstitiousness is associated with a lack of education, and not with religiosity as such. Religion on the contrary, just trying to bring a person from this state. I remember how to the editorial office, where I worked, the late Patriarch Alexy second and congratulated our chief editor with tomorrow's birthday, adding: "We are not superstitious to fear congratulations on the eve."

The fact that among superstitious more supporters of Putin and United Russia is not at all talking about any "superstitiousness" of Putin and his party. Their strange democracy is sovereign, and not superstitious; Although among the so-called elites, it is necessary to hear the superstitious "Putin - aprot". Just a layer on which he deliberately relieves is a passive majority, people who are not completely ready to answer for their destiny, always needing smart, tired, but gentle, in course the bill, leader. And among such an audience, superstitions bloom in lush color. The ideas of Medvedev echoes the ideas of Putin, but the difference in landmarks is still there. Therefore, superstitious among his adherents are slightly less.

The fact that no more often wish to change the leaders are related to their activity and independence. Activity and independence exclude excessive attention to superstition. The person chooses either fate or signs of fate. That is, either he himself is trying to build this fate, or believes that fate is built by someone - no matter, external natural forces or wise politicians. I repeat, real religiosity has nothing to do with this: a religious person is convinced that he is building his fate together with God, as if in collaboration. And so he is aware of his personal responsibility for the perfect life choice.

As for greater superstitiousness of youth, I would still wanted to understand - what kind of young people are, as they are superimposed on each other, the characteristics of the age, social situation, geographical location. It seems to me that the "low" youth often responds "on joke", and not essentially. And just youth surveys are less reliable in this sense. I don't think that in fact the level of superstitiousness of young people is fundamentally different from the level of superstitude of medium and older generations. Educated and believers are less superstitious, uneducated and (or) unbelievers - more. So it was always, so it will be.

The results of the survey comments on the candidate of philological sciences, editor and publisher of the magazine "Alpha and Omega" Marina Zhurinskaya.

The survey does not show how superstitious people in our country are, since it is aligned by the concept of "superstition", limited only by three indicators. And if the survey was built more competently and in detail, then the numbers would be much catastrophic.
It should be understood that superstition is an animism, incorrectly called primitive. He never died and quite comfortably feels in our time, and many continue to perceive the world around the world as a space inhabited by evil spirits. Even those people who go to church. Another question is what they do for? How many people come to the temple, because the fortunelocks advised them to some ritual for whom, for example, we need a sanctified candle. And all sorts of magical rituals set. It is impossible to call such people with Orthodox, no matter how determined themselves. Orthodox are people who are correct to gloom God. It is impossible to believe in God and even into something magical.
The overwhelming majority of "Orthodox" believes that they need to regularly make certain mechanical actions, and they will be fine. And this is the bright indicator of the superstition. I wrote that we have all the spiritual verbs are replaced by verbs of physical action - they go to the church, they are standing in the service, instead of praying, - deduct the rule. At the same time, people are sure if everything is done - walking, standing and subtracting, - then you can behave anyhow.
Communist religion diligently prepared the people to the pagan state in which he is now for the most part. There was no fight against superstitions, there was a struggle with Christianity. And against the background of the absence of Christianity, naturally, the superstitions flared up lush color. As a result, we have what we have. Including academicians who oppose religion, but do not know what religion is not seeing the difference between religion and superstitions. And we, Christians, do not show this difference. Orthodox enlightenment is practically absent now.
Despite the communist ideology, in Soviet times in schools and in universities, a more decent education was given, which explains a large number of noble people among Russians over 65 years old. Moreover, at the time of their childhood, there was no magical salons at every step. Modern superstitious youth of adultel among these salons, among advertisements almost in every newspaper calling for damage and evil eye, among television programs dedicated to psychics, astrology ...

About 40% of Russians trust the signs, horoscopes and fortune

Belief in the supernatural characteristic of 40% of Russians is characterized, the data of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinions, published today.

In particular, respondents are inclined, as before, to trust the signs (22%) and horoscopes (21%).

Less those who believe in the divination by hand, attributes (8%), aliens (6%) and zombies (2%). 57% of respondents, on their own recognition, do not believe in any of the listed.

Women are generally more inclined to believe in supernatural. Thus, 30% of women and 14% of men, horoscopes - 29 and 12%, respectively, trust the signs.

The followers of religious flows believe in signs, horoscopes, etc. more often than atheists. Among the Orthodox and those who confess other religions, 21-22% are astronoprognozam, among those who consider themselves unbelieving - only 7%.

Faith in signs is especially characteristic of Orthodox Russians (26%), while among the followers of other religions they pay attention to 13%, and among atheists - only 7%.

You have read an article. Pay attention to the following materials.

The shrines of the Sinai Peninsula have long been revered among the people. The desire to be closer to God and away from the persecution by Roman pagans led a large number of first Christians to Sinai. They found calm, silence, privacy and holiness there. Starting from the III century, the monks settled in small groups around the mountain Khoriv - near the neutralist bunk, in the Oasis Figer and other southern places. The exact location of these holy places is still preserved in the memory of local residents.

The search for holiness led other believers at the same time to the Holy Earth, to the mountainous and sultry Jewish desert. The first monks constantly tolerated deprivation. Nature was Nelskov to them, many became victims of nomads. But the monks continued to arrive at Sinai. The first monks were mainly herds who lived alone in the caves in extreme need. They prayed alone and got meals themselves. Only on holidays, hermits were going near the neutralist bunk to listen to their spiritual mentors and get holy communion. Since the hermits led a righteous lifestyle, they were natural missionaries among the pagan tribes inhabited by Sinai. By the time of Arabic conquest in the VII century, most people were Christians.

In 313, Emperor Konstantin Great gave Christianity the status of a recognized religion and provided freedom of religion in the entire Byzantine Empire. Like most of the subsequent Byzantine rulers, he patronized monastic orders spreading in biblical lands. This atmosphere of religious freedom breathed in monasticism a new life. Monks Sinah turned to the mother of Konstantin, Elena, looking for her support.

In 330, on the command of Helena near the nealist, the Little Church was built, dedicated to the Mother of God, and the tower - refuge for monks in case of nomads. The pilgrims of the end of the IV century reported that Sinai had an important and prosperous community of monks. Among them was famous for the ex-higher officer of the emperor in Constantinople, St. Nile, whose works are still studying priests, monks and believers.

At the top of the Mountain during the Emperor of Justinian in the middle of the 6th century, a small temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord is built just above the place where the Lord granted the prophet Moses cut the covenant. In 1934, he was rebuilt, in the use of blocks left from the old building. Consecrated the temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. The left of the temple is a small cave in the cliff, in which Moses was hidden during the phenomenon of God's glory. In the church of St. Treets on the tops of Mount Moses, pilgrims will be able to commit Divine Liturgy.

Cave of St. John Districant

At one and a half hours walk from the monastery of St. MPC. Catherine is an abandoned monastery in honor of SVV. Nameless Cosmas and Damian, who was the center of monastic in the Byzantine period. Not far from this place is the Cave of St. PS John the Districant, in which the saint once wrote his famous "sotic". Near the cave there is a well and built a small church in honor of St. John the Districter.

Al-Tour - the capital of the province of South Sinai. This city is small, almost rebuilt over the past two decades. At the time of Pharaohov, the torus was a large port. Through it, there was mostly local trading between Sinai and Continental Egypt. In the Old Testament, El-Tore is called Elia. "In the early Middle Ages, El-Tour was a major center of Christianity. The first church was built there in the IV century. Then a small monastery arose near her. But soon the Bedouins ruined him and killed the monks. They are known in the history of the Church as Saints Rev. Fathers in Sinai and Raife beaten (memory 27 Jan.). Later in Torah on the very seashore, a new monastery was created relating to the Sinai Orthodox Church. He served as a shelter for pilgrims sent to the Sinai Mountain. Now the monastery is empty, but his church, whoars the name of St. George Raifsky still acts. The church was built at the end of the XIX century, her iconostasis of Russian work. In the Middle Ages, El-Tor was called Raifa.

Oasis Faran. Greek female monastery of seven nuns.
Oasis Faran is a biblical refide, where according to the Old Testament, the Jews defeated the locals - Amalikites. In the same place, Moses, by the will of God, made a miracle: hit the land with the staff, and a source scored out of it. Faran is the largest oasis of blue. He is very picturesque. Between the high rocky mountains, a narrow gorge planted with dative palm trees and fruit trees. In the early Middle Ages there was a major Christian center. Already in the IV century. In Faragan there was his bishop, who submitted to the Patriarch of Jerusalem. After the Arabic conjugation of Muslims, Christians began to be crowned into the depths of the peninsula, and by the end of the VII century. Those gone to the mountain chorive. The ruins of the bishopath are still visible, excavations are carried out there. They are adjacent to the small women's monastery Faran, belonging to the Sinai Orthodox Church. It was created a quarter century ago at the site of the monastic bed.

In the monastery there are two small churches. The main church is the name of the prophet Moses. She accepted his current species in 1950, but was built on the site of an old temple using its architectural elements. In the right side of the iconostasis, there is a Russian icon of St. Ioanna Forerunner - the contribution of one of our pilgrims. The second Church of Cosma and Damian, built quite recently. Its carved iconostasis is made on O. Crite. Around the monastery is an extensive garden.

Burning bush

The unhapusable bundle is an embraced by a flame, but not a corrosive bush, who was once seen by the Prophet Moses, is one of the Old Testament Previews of Our Lady and marks the Immaculate conception of Christ from the Holy Spirit: the Virgin of Mother, Virgin Mary remained and Christmas and Christmas. In church chants, we hear: "Jacques bunk is not burning Opolaim, Tako Devo, gave birth to ESI" and also: "Rejoice, busty unhappy." Every Saturday in the chapel serve Divine Liturgy.

Sources of Moses

The north of El Torah at the foot of the mountain is Moiseev Bath (Hammam Musa). These are sulfur sources, water temperature in which ranges from 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. Healing properties of sources are known with deep antiquity. Bathing is built near them, a small park is broken.

Deceptber 9th, 2017, 01:59 am


-Kakova today atmosphere on the Sinai Peninsula?

In the northeastern part, the situation is very changing, there are military clashes between the Egyptian army and the militants of ISIL. Although there is no immediate threat to Northern Tourists between the Palestinian border and El Arish.

- Why do tourists go to Sinai?

Sinai or the Sinai Peninsula, is the easternmost part of Egypt between the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Bay and Aqaba. Western and northern shores are practically desert, there are only a few Bedouin settlements and all tourist attractions are on the east coast. The climate is very hot and harsh, and they go more for underwater diving, it is one of the best places for diving in the world. This region is also important because of its places that are important in religions.
It should be noted that the Sinai Peninsula, this is not just a desert scorched by the Sun, this is the region of modern cities. There are located the city of Arish, Mecca Middle East Dahab, the port city of Nuweiba, Egyptian Las Vegas for tourists Charles Al-Sheikh, border with Israel, the city of Taba and the pre-Israeli resort of Taba Haitch, another city of El-tour who is called the capital of South Sinai , This city needs a special tour. Visa and give it only for 1 hour.
But there are tourists who do not go to cities, but they want to visit some separate places and such places are:
Mount Sinai - here the Prophet Moses received 10 commandments and immediately in Nizina is the Christian Monastery of St. Catherine.
Ras Abu Galum is a natural reserve between Nuweiba and Dahab.
Basate is one of the oldest and most popular most ecological places in Sinai in the form of camping. Citizens of Israel is forbidden to visit this place.
Color Canyon - the most beautiful mountain place on Sinai.

- The Sinai Peninsula has a very difficult story ...

Sinai was always the earth of Egypt, but in 1967 this part of Egypt occupied Israel. It was a military invasion. Israel closed for everyone a visit to the Eastern Shore and the Suez Canal. 12 years have lasted Israeli occupation. In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty. The conclusion of Israeli troops ended with Sina in 1982. In the east of the peninsula, the Israeli settlements were left around which and began to build tourist places of recreation. And the indigenous population is mostly Bedouins and they live on the shores of the Suez Canal.

-What language spoken on Sinai?

As with all Egypt, the Egyptian language, but with Arabic and Bedouin dialects. English and Hebrew are widespread in tourist areas. There live a lot of Jews. Sinai, it is a place where you can hear a variety of languages, it is Spanish, and French, and German, and Russian, and Italian and of course Beduensky.

-Well to visit Sinai need Visa Egypt?

The most interesting thing is that there is no such visa to visit Egypt. On the border with Israel in the city of Taba, it is simply issued permission to visit Sinai for a period of 14 days, the same permission can be obtained at Charm - El Sheikh airport. But it is worth being very careful that this permission does not allow you to visit any point of the peninsula, but only the resort places of Eastern Sinai, plus Mount Sinai with the Monastery of St. Catherine, for the rest of the Sinai Peninsula, this permission is not really.

- What transport can you enter the Sinai Peninsula?

Absolutely any. If you are traveling by car, then you will enter Sinai by Israel and there is a bandwidth border station between the cities of Taba and Elate.
If you fly on the aircraft, then on the peninsula there is airport in Sharm el-Sheikh, where aircraft from England, Germany, Russia and other countries arrive at all year round.
If on the ferry, then from Jordan from Aqaba steam will be delivered to the Nuweba. And this is a free trade zone and for visiting the ferry from the blue of the Jordanian city, Aqaba does not need any additional visa.
Railway is also there. On Sinai by train, you can come only from Cairo (the capital of Egypt) to the nearest port city of Port Said, but this is quite right, even to get to Eastern Sinai, Port Said, is the extreme north-west of the peninsula ..

- How from the airport to take a mountain of Sinai or the monastery of Saint Catherine?

The most reasonable, you should use those personal transport that you will offer the hotel in which you stop. This question should be decided at the hotel.

- And on your own on taxi you can not?

Agree that you are not so much well aware of the taxi of the Sinai Peninsula, so as not to be deceived .. Taxi there can be 10 times more expensive than in the capital Cairo! It is necessary to bargain without sitting in a taxi, so as not to pay even more.
Sinai Mountain is a religious place for Jews, Muslims and Christians. Mountain has several beautiful religious shrines and ruins. Including small synagogues, small mosques, Greek Orthodox chapels, and the ancient Christian monastery of the Holy Catherine-oldest active monastery in the world. I just won't go there for an hour. Of course, the monastery can be viewed, but for the whole mountain it is necessary for many times.

- Does such holy places of pilgrimage as a monastery of Catherine, does not go public transport?

From the city of Dahab, there is a Beduensky bus 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays to the monastery and back and from the city of Nuweiba as well as the Beduensky bus 2 times a week on Wednesday and Sunday. Again, it is necessary to know the end places of the stop by anything not marked, all this is difficult. There are still private buses from Cairo and from Sharm El Sheikh and Dahab, departure without time as passengers are filling.
East Delta is a cheap company that makes regular cheap full-size flights around the peninsula from bus stations in Sharm El Sheikh and Dahab. Again, as such a schedule is often changing and to know for sure, you need to call the bus strokes and check. But these buses to the monastery of Catherine do not go.
In general, for movement in Sinai, you need a mourse or sheikh mourse, this is a Bedouin who will not be expensive to accompany you everywhere and will be your security, and a cook and guide and Bedouins offer yourself in this role cheaper than these services will provide you with a tour firms. .

- Is safe to travel through the Sinai Peninsula alone?

I would not say that. There are terrorist organizations there and before going to Sinai somewhere in Sinai, it is necessary to establish a situation on this day, whether it is safe here now and today and if it is safe today, this does not mean that tomorrow will be the same.
In addition, the local population lives there very poorly and you like a tourist in the eyes of the same Bedouins will be the rich from which there is always something to take, because the poor leaves from Europe will not come to them.

Mount Sinai

- What is Sinai Mount on the Sinai Peninsula?

Sinai Mountain, is a sacred place for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Mountain granite is one of the highest hills in the Array of the Sinai Peninsula.
The 2285-meter Mountain Sinai (Gebel Musa) refers to the Christian shrines from the 4th century, as Horive Holy Mountain, where he received the Ten Commandments of God's Moses.
Holy Mountain and for Muslims. The Prophet Muhammed said that he used his ascent to the mountain as the last step towards the sky.

- For climbing the mountain charged the fee?

Mount Sinai is part of the protected area of \u200b\u200bSt. Catherine. The fee of $ 3 is paid 10 km north of the monastery of Saint Catherine at the police checkpoint on the protected area.

- How can I get on the mountain and is there a big way?

Every day, hundreds of pilgrims rose to the top of this mountain, which is less than two kilometers in a straight line south of the monastery. Especially popular is climbing the mountain at night to see the sunrise on Mount Sinai. This is one of the highest mountains Sinai and therefore a view from the mountain at dawn in indeline.
Since it can be cold at night, even in the summer, with +35 heat, you need to prepare the appropriate warm clothes. In order not to miss the way and just do not break and do not fall, you must have a flashlight at night, accidents always happen without it.
Ekaterina Monastery at the foot of Sinai Mountain (1570 m) can be driven by bus or car.
The rest of meters, you must overcome with a paid camel or on foot. The camel is more expensive than to come from the sea to the monastery, but it is a lot of money for local, and for tourists from Europe, this is a small price.
To see the dawn on the mountain, it is necessary to rise at 3.00 nights and a healthy person who can quickly walk, after three hours at 6.00 it will be upstairs!
There are (at least) two ways. One by one can pass with Niza up and in 45 minutes, the monks go so go, but honestly, when I tried to walk along this path, I wanted to take rings, hooks and equipment of the climbers ... It is super cool and more difficult. There are 3750 stages of different quantities and different heights. This path laid one monk in the 6th century as the path of repentance. It is impossible to use this way in the dark, it's just dangerous, there are cliffs.
In 1850 meters east of the monastery, another road for camels was laid and therefore it is not very cool. Here one person even built a house, but died in 1854 - he was strangled by two of his servants. On that road, you can go on a camel. But keep in mind, camels bite those whom they will not be loved and very controversial, that on a camel you will be faster than on the road go on foot. Yes, it is three hours of the path, but this is a maximum for a healthy person. I go for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Nevertheless, the trip to the mountain is not without difficulty. We need great efforts, especially people with a sick heart.
In about half an hour, there is a turn to Moise Mountain, at the top, the chapel of the Virgin Mary (raising time for about one hour). About an hour after this transition, you will reach the Sv Stephen's skit.
Hence 734 steps to the top of the mountain, from where you will see a great panoramic view. Many tourists try to arrive before sunrise to see it here. There is also a sunset. Three hours of way to normal step!

- What can be viewed on the grief itself?

The Mosque of the Prophet Saliha 12th century and the Church of Moses and the Holy Trinity of 1934. To her here was the church of the 6th century. Several years ago, the church was performed evening evening at 17.00, but now the mosque and the temple are closed. Bedouins can show more places associated with the prophet Moses.

- Descend the same 3 hours?

Yes, you can go down on the same road, it is possible for the short, where to climb 45 minutes, but it will be harder than climbing, it is a very steep way and legs will be pretty hurt in the knees. Therefore, we offer the same camel road more smooth, though longer. But down to go is always faster.
On the way there is a chapel of the prophets of Elijah and Elisa 2097 meters above sea level, you can pray in two rooms and rest. This cave church, and then just a cave visited the prophet Elijah and hid in it. On the way there will be another 2 gates and the chapel of St. Catherine with a crypt in which the remains of St. Stephen are located. There is also a road to see the temple of the Virgin, only one liturgy goes in it in it.
In 1885, the monks of the monastery of St. Catherine decided to leave the monastery and leave the monastery and go to the mountains, since all sorts of insects were biting. At this place and came the Mother of God and said to go back.

- Is there a road shops?

Shops souvenir, vegetable and economy is available in the village of El Milga in 2 km. from the monastery of Catherine. Food and drinking should be taken with you to the mountain. If on the way that it will be, then only from private owners of Bedouins and unknown origin. But the blankets, warm clothes, blankets ... Bedouins along the road sell massively and is not expensive again, it is 100 times cheaper than a camel rental. It must be warned that with water there is difficult and cleanliness of things from Bedouins does not always suit you ..

- What day is it better to climb the mountain?

On Thursday evening or Sunday evening. On these days, the monastery is closed for tourists, because there are no tour groups and there will be less people on the mountain, which means that there will be quieter from the voices of people.

- Is it the highest point blue?

If you are thoroughly accurate, then above Moose Mountain only one of all the Sinai mountains, it is a mountain of St. Catherine, and therefore Moses Moses is a second highest in the peninsula.

- Doesn't the Mount Catherine also have a road and you can go up?

Yes, of course, but at first it is necessary to go down from the mountains of Sinai. It is located a few km. South-west of Sinai Mountain. The height of the Mount Catherine is 2637 meters and this mountain is not only the highest in the Sinai Peninsula, but also in all Egypt. She received the name from the fact that on the top of this mountain and found the body of St. Catherine, where angels were brought.
Hike to the mountain begins from the monastery of Saint Catherine, you need to go through the plain of El Milga, then past the chapel of Aaron, the monastery of the Apostle Fouad, in an hour you will find 40 martyrs in the monastery and from this monastery another four more. The whole road is a normal step will be 5 hours. At the top will be the chapel of St. Catherine. In the very chapel on the floor, the carpet celebrating the place where the body of St. Catherine.

Monastery of St. Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula

- Why unusual Sinai monastery of St. Catherine?

Think, this is a valid Greek monastery built in the 6th century. Are there many more such ancient, but acting monasteries?

- How long do you need to go from Charm Airport - El Sheikh, to the monastery?

There are only two roads of public Bedouin vehicles, or from the city of Dahab or from Noweiba. And from one and another city, about a bus goes to the monastery for two hours, it is 120 and 130 km. If you go from Cairo, then on the way 7 hours. Buses stop in the village from which it is still on foot to go through 2 km. This is 45 minutes of the path, but you can take a taxi.
More often to the monastery, people are not going to the monastery itself, but go to night to climb Sinai.

- But in the monastery to enter, too, allowed?

Of course. This monastery looks like a fortress look more like a church. Entry through a massive iron gate. These gates are open from 9.00 am, at night everything is on the castles. On Fridays and Sundays, the laity in the monastery are not allowed, there are monastic worships. There is no entrance to the Mierians as for Christmas and for Easter.

- What is the story of the monastery?

At this place the monastery appeared in 324, it was just monastic settlements. But here are wild dangerous places, and therefore the monastery was reinforced with walls, 12-15 meters high and 2 meters thick, such a fortress monastery as I see him appeared in 548. Although some monks even preferred to live freely behind the walls of the monastery. Initially, this monastery did not bore the name of St. Catherine.
Century later, the remains of Catherine were found on the nearby mountain now known as Katrine Mountain. She was a daughter of the Cypriot King, for his faith in the Lord, was tortured and beheaded in 305. The remains were delivered to the monastery, which was also renamed in honor of this saint.
In addition, the future Islamic prophet Muhammed visited the monastery several times, and then he guaranteed the protection of the monastery after the Orthodox monks saved him from a sun blow. Only in the 11th century, Khalif al-Khakim threatened to destroy the monastery, and between the 15th and 18th centuries of monks really expelled many times, but the monastery itself was not destroyed in his history.
Until 1575, the monastery was under the rule of Rome and was a Catholic monastery, after the monastery was declared independent of Rome, at that time the monastery became a place in Metropolis. Later, the monastery was under the care of the Russian king Ivan Grozny, the Greek-Orthodox monastery was created. Currently, the monastery is legally part of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Letter from Muhamed Muslims

- What sights in the monastery can be seen?

The old entrance is located on the west side and was built only at the beginning of the 19th century, when Napoleon invaded Egypt; People entered and went to the monastery with the help of elevators used for goods. This entry was actually named after the French General Jean-Baptiste Cleber.
However, today's visitors will use the new gate in the northern part of the complex. At the entrance you will see the accommodation building of the monks on the right side. Right ahead is the main church of St. Catherine. It is built in the 6th century.
Doors are made of cedar and decorated with various decorations. The three main parts of the church are delimited by twelve granite columns and in the temple three thrones. Risnica and treasury make up the rest of the church. The tower of the church is relatively new, built only in 1871.
The temple has an ancient collection of 2000 ancient icons.
On the right side of the temple, the marble tomb with the relics of St. Catherine.
The holy place of the temple is the chapel of an unhapite bina, located behind the choir. It was built in the 13th century in place, where, according to the book, Moses received an indication of God to bring the people of Israel from Egypt.
In the north-western part of the temple, the well of Moses, according to legend, in place, where Moses met his wife for the first time. Next to him, the monastery museum, showing icons, works, equipment used to serve the monastery.
From the western side of the Muslim Monastic Complex Mosque of the 12th century.

- Is there any places hidden in the ancient monastery from pilgrims?

Most of the monastery is not available for pilgrims. The western and southern part of the monastery are closed.
There is the oldest Christian library of 3,500 religious manuscripts and 50,000 books, this is the second library after the Vatican. 4500 works are considered rare, but perhaps the greatest value is the Sinai Code, here and the world's eldest Bible found in 1844 by the German Theologist Konstantin von Tyshendorff is stored. In that part of the monastery, only scientists who have the right and those people who have a VIP pass can pass.

- Is there property of the monastery behind the walls?

Outside the walls of the monastery from the western side there is a monastery garden and a cemetery, as well as a crypt that contains a skull of 1,400 monks who lived here and died.
In Cairo there is a branch of the monastery.

- How many monasters in the monastery?

Currently about 20 and this is the Greeks. The monks themselves choose the abbot of the monastery and the bishop, who does not live in the monastery, and in the capital of Egypt in Cairo, in the monastery he leaves 4 of his deputy assistant.

- Entrance to the monastery is free?

To pay to the monastery to enter the wrong, but the museum in the monastery is paid. It is not easy to bargain, but it is even necessary for a ticket to the museum, since the primary price of the tourist is called 4 times higher than that ticket.

- What hours do worship occur?

From 4.30 to 7.30, however, until 9.00, the Miryans are not allowed to the territory of the monastery. Evening worship from 14.30 to 16.00 and by this time, too, the monastery is already closed. Real time, when you can visit the monastery temple from 9.00 to 12.00, on Friday, Sunday and the Great Holidays of the Mirations in the monastery is not.

- What is the attendance of this monastery?

Attendance by tourists in the tour groups, annually within 100,000 people.

- What to do tourist, if you arrived, and already 12.00 and the monastery is closed?

Wait for the morning! There everything is there. Nearby there is a gas station with restaurants, there are many restaurants near the mosque. Next to the monastery monastery hostel. The hostel of the monastery is offered breakfast, but very expensive for eggs, a slice of bread with jam rice and tea bag, if you are outside the night. There is a cafe in the Garden of the Garden of Pension, which is open to the public.
The Ekaterininsky monastery has quite a few camps, guest houses and hotels. You can also rent mattresses and sheets on the mountain. You can sleep near the monastery, but you can go to the mountain of Sinai. Then at 3.00 go out, at 6.00 on the mountain, at 7.00 we get down from the mountain at 9.00, just return to the monastery, which is open from 9.00 to 12.00. This is exactly what we recommend tourists, at night in the mountain, and in the morning from the mountain to the monastery.

- Does this mean that the service can not be defended in the monastery?

On services in that monastery, only the monks and all worldly tourists are asked to leave the monastery. But to visit the monastery, it is still necessary to wear modest clothes as a service in the temple. If so is not, there you can rent.

- How safe can you feel in the vicinity of the monastery?

With whatever parties you did not go to the monastery, 10 km. The monastery has a police checkpoint-control as on the border. It is the entrance to the National Park and to drive further, you must pay 3 dollars. For 750 meters, police allowed us again. Everyone who comes to the monastery, passes two police controls.
Not far from the monastery there is a small but international airport "Saint Catherine", who wishes can fly almost to the monastery!. It serves the Egyptian company, but Pasazhiro flow to so much small that this airport is more closed than it works.


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