About what seems to be poured on chocolate. Є nutrition: why do you need chocolate

About what seems to be poured on chocolate. Є nutrition: why do you need chocolate

Like rozcharuvannya is found among lovers of licorice, if when unpacking, there is a white pour on chocolate. At once, impersonal food appears - tse flower, how can you eat such a product, how can you eat it? Let's explain why this is such a manifestation and why you can save it. Recommended reading -

Chi can be seen poured from chocolate

What does white pour on chocolate mean? Manufacturers of confectionery virobivs call such a process "sitting" licorice virobivs.

The main reasons why chocolate is overcooked:

  • underexploitation of manufacturing technology;
  • damage to the temperature regime under the hour of saving.

Under the hour of preparation of chocolate mixes, it is necessary to finish the recipe and technology. So, masa maє buti vitriman is close to 3 years for a constant temperature of 32 degrees. At the same time, it is necessary to remix postiyno. After the end of the next hour, the chocolate is poured after the molds and caught. The process of setting is characterized by the crystallization of the sum, which allows the dessert to take on a stable shape.

The appearance of a white flavor on the tsukerkas can be indicative of the bazhannya of the virobniks and save an hour with the virobnits, which is not only indicated for the splendid-looking confectionery viroba, but also for the savory flavors. "Sit" is the result of the oatmeal dripping, which, when caught, transforms into a balustrade.

Sometimes on top of chocolate products, it is unacceptable to look lightly touched. The food is obviously blamed for why the white wine is poured on chocolates and you can eat chocolate with such coatings. Okremі individuals stverdzhuyut, scho nasharuvannya sign zіpsovannosti product, as a last resort against spriynyattya yogo as a food product. And dehto vvazha nasharuvannya flower. Chi stink walkie talkie? The fate of the rich fakhivtsiv took the fate of the virishenni tsgogo nutrition, their conclusion is unambiguous. Ale, we’ll put it on the back of our food, which is why there is a lot of pouring on chocolate.

Chinniki have a white flavor on chocolate

The back is significant, the manifestation of the white taint on chocolate zukerkas and other products is called “positive”. Razrіznyayut fat and tsukrove sivіnnya chocolate.

The reasons why chocolate is covered with a lot:

  • under the hour of production, the correct methods of preparing products were destroyed;
  • Great temperature fluctuations at the stage of product storage.

For the firmness of fakhіvtsіv, the light of the warehouse does not cause harm to the human body, and we can calmly win such a fabrication as if it were. With this, it is poured not as a cause of negative lust and bitterness, which appeared to be savory.

In the first season, when the weather turns hot, it looks like this: at the stage of shaping the consistency of the sweetness, it is necessary to go through a three-year process of non-water mixing, under heating 32 degrees Celsius. Dali cocoa butter is broken down by zipper, de cooling process. As a result, the products are in a stable and laid form.

Not all makers of chocolate products spend an hour on a well-appointed procedure, as a result of which, it will be accepted, after a certain hour, miraculously forming a stable shape. At the same time, the procedure of seeing the oil particles on the outer part of the body is being carried out. Tse i to cause those who are sick of the bіlіє.

In another mood, if the salmon is strongly cooled, put in the refrigerator, the process of condensation of water begins, which leads to a small amount of sucrose of the confectionery product. And even after the viparovuvannya of the Vologda, chocolate comes out of a lot. Tse tsukrove posivinnya.

And if you give a gentle heat to the process of heating, and you will be poured a white-gray color - it means that the procedure of fat staining has begun. Sometimes it means that chocolate trochs are allowed a key taste and relish.

Video about those who are called for a big pour on chocolate


Chi you can eat chocolate with a lot of pouring

Earlier, it was guessed that you put on food that you can eat chocolate for bright minds, then it has been scientifically proven that the introduction of such foods does not hurt your health.

Navіt navpak, as if the lassochi are overgrown with a lot of overgrown, having lain for an hour at your home, you can make sure that the product is prepared from natural products. Aje rich brewers in our time, vicory is not natural syrovina, and you can not put cocoa beans in the product, but an important ingredient. At the end of the day, we will take just a licorice confectionery variety, which does not avenge the brown flavors of chocolate with natural ingredients.

If the chocolate is covered with a white sludge, you can zastosuvat yogo for the preparation of various specialties. Choose your favorite recipe based on such an ingredient and boldly proceed to prepare your chocolate with nalyot.

Ale varto tidy up the white chocolate with ingredients for the culinary dressing of the herbs, which will make it look like a dishless serving on the table. Strava will not be unsafe, but shkidlivaya, just negligent. A good butt can be fondue with this ingredient, even if the light color is not aesthetically pleasing on a processed dish, and your dessert can be mixed.

Also varto razryznyat bіlu nashar on chocolate in oxidized varieties of confectionery and products that covered the color. Adzhe stink, on the vіdmіnu vіd nalotu, shkіdlіvі for your organism.

How to tidy up the white pour with chocolate and zucerok

It is not possible to have a light touch on the products. As wine manifested itself, it was an irreversible process. You can try to erase yoga, but you will know if it's bad luck. You will not achieve special success in any other way.

Alya don’t get confused, even if you get used to it, come in, so that the future will not be allowed to sit chocolate zukerok. For whom, directly, an experiment was conducted by a group of scientists.

The essence of the experiment was that the scientists had ground the powder substance of all the key ingredients of the product. They gave him the most powerful X-ray of the crystal lattice of the eye, and they gave him the sonyashnikova oil. Vcheni commemorated that through the dry pores of the lasa, the oil leaked out. This gave rise to a theory in those who have the closest possible, rahunok change in porosity, you can not allow the procedure for establishing a settlement on malt.

Ale scho robiti right at once, if they haven’t come up with such a technique yet? Fahіvtsі to please dorimuvatisya vkazіvok, how to choose the right chocolate.

Adzhe nasharuvannya on the surface of the tile is molded through temperature changes, and it is often necessary if the elementary rules of conservation are violated.

Key moments of choosing chocolate products

Take care of the dry mist. Aje, we already know that on the top ball of chocolate, the process of thickening water is carried out, and after the evaporation of the water, there is a lot of nashar on confectionery products.

Bars of chocolate at room temperature (approximately 14-19 degrees Celsius) are stored up to 2 months. With an increase in temperature, the term for saving chocolates also changes.

It is necessary to save from the dark mist. For hardening fahіvtsіv, trivale zberіgannya chocolate virobіv lead to їx oxidation. Oxidation product, as it seems, is harsh for the human body.

Also important is the role of the right choice when buying products. There is no varto nekhtuvati termіnom pridatnostі goods. Aje z vіn vtrachaє important pokazniki, like a smell, a touch, your first color. І do not vikoristovuvati yogo as a food product.

Buvaє taka, scho utvoryuєєє liy poured on chocolate. Such a product is given to people who are called unappetizing. In the article, we can see why this is so, and how it affects health.

Chocolate is even more caloric. Irrespective of the price, part of fahіvtsіv from proper eating is recommended to include yoga before the diet. No one has such brown speech, like magnesium and antioxidants. Stop, with your blackness, reproach the mood of the people for the rіven. Ale yakі dії it is necessary to work, yakscho chocolate was covered with a white sludge? Let's try to get to know each other in food.

Why pour on products?

The main dzherel of this diva is vvazhaetsya vologіst vіtrya. Often, if the product is held for a long time in the refrigerator, it is covered with a splash of that wine.

Another reason for this is a sharp change in the temperature of the premises, or I will build it, de vin zberigavsya. Don't worry, the product is delivered to the supermarket in an orderly manner. If you want to transport, for the help of which you can carry out the delivery of malt to the store, you are responsible for getting through all the savings.

How does white pour on chocolate? Vologa condenses on the active area of ​​the tile. After whom the tsukor is opened. As soon as the water evaporates, the wine transforms into small crystals.

White poured on chocolate: what does it mean?

Most people think that this licorice lassoshchiv informs them about the minuly term of appurtenance. Really wrong thought. Itself is poured on the product as a whole, not shkidlivy. The wine does not add to the taste, taste and smell of the product.

Obviously, such chocolate does not look very beautiful. Ale osvіta nalotu є natural process. In such a manner, the white color on the tiles at any given time is not indicative of the product being sold.

How is it necessary to save licorice and salmon?

Vіdomo, scho be-what kind of mind їzhі є pevnі mind sberіgannya. So and for tsієї may be in the room, where the temperature will not exceed +19 degrees. As it was said earlier, there is a uniqueness of sharp fluctuations in this display. So, it is categorically not recommended to install a tile near the scorched radiators, otherwise it was a wind, on a yak fall a sleepy change.

The product does not need to be stored in the refrigeration unit, shards can appear as a white pour on chocolate. Best of all, licorice weeds were found in the kitchen, in the police, or in the cold dark room.

Where in some countries is it not possible to win a product from a white wine?

Having looked at that, having read the articles in the front, you can speak with confidence about the non-sharpness of tiles with such a color. To live such a product, of course, is possible, but we often add yoga in any case. For such furnishings, it is not possible to zastosovuvat chocolate іz bіlim nalotom? Have іy їzhi, scho podєtsya on stіl, yak is guilty of looking hopelessly.

It appears that the white color on the tiles can give a rich brown color to the product. For example, wine is not pidide. The color of the grass will not be beautiful, but it will be bright. The whole product does not sip the taste of it. Ale trohi zіpsuє yogo presentability. To that, before the time, how to prepare straw for the guests, choose chocolate without a white sludge. And then in every turn your style will be insufferable. And people, who came home, will be less choked up, not less with relish, but with garnished decorations, we will paint with the color of licorice lassoshchiv. To that, as there is a choice in front of you, a kind of chocolate to choose for the preparation of straw, don’t fill it with that tile, as you don’t smear on your surface every day.

What can be obtained from such a product?

Answering the question: “Why is chocolate covered with a lot of flavor?” By itself, the product does not consume its unique savory qualities, the smell is overwhelmed by itself. Obviously, you can do yoga.

Ale scho robiti, krіm yak vzhivat yoga in їzhu? It is possible to prepare such licorice and sweets, to the warehouse of which the whole component is included. Chocolate oven chee cupcakes? Or maybe a cake? Everything that suits your soul. Varto only turn on fantasy. It appears that the product, which looks unpresentable and rejected, can be beaten in culinary arts in different countries.

Tsіkavimi lasoshami є chocolate muffins. Variants of this preparation are made, so you can choose the skin suitable for yourself.

To that, having drunk a white drink on chocolate, do not be embarrassed and do not throw it away at the same time. This is a perfect product with the same savory flavors, but with less flavor. An unpresentable tile can be taken by your children or added to whether it’s homemade licorice and sausage. Do not hesitate, the relish of the season will be miraculous!

And in order for there to be no white sludge on the plates of your beloved chocolate, take care of all the minds of this saving.

As if there was a white pour on chocolate, what is it? It sounds like food, which praises the greatness of the number of lasuniv, like to converge on thoughts, which is more delicious for this dessert, it’s important to reveal. More people care: it’s categorically impossible to tell about those who don’t eat dessert and live it. Deyakі pіvnyuyut such pouring from the mold. Hello, is it true? What is it really to say about white-coloured prosciutto on a chocolate dish? On the basis of the supply, they took vіdpovіsti vchenі.

Few people know, but fakhіvtsі often zastosovuyut until tsієї nasolodi such a term, like "sivіnnya". Sitting on chocolate means the presence of that very pour on chocolate. To what kind of manifestation can the following factors be brought:

  • disruption of the correct cooking technology;
  • strong temperature fluctuations pіd hour zberіgannya.

Skoda is the melancholy of such a thing

Fahіvtsі zіyshlis on dumtsі, scho white pouring є absolutely not shkidlivim for healthy people. Also, such a slurry does not tell about those who tasted the product's special features. Everything is explained simply. Under the hour of brewing the malt chocolate masa must be kept for at least 3 years in the mind at a temperature of 32 ° С. After 3 years, cocoa butter is poured into the mold and cooled. Tse in the last rahunka to bring to the point that the mass crystallizes in the correct form.

Ale deyakі nebrosovіsnі virobniki z metoyu ekonomії hour and koshtіv skip this important 3-year stage. In this mood, chocolate mass with an hour “independently” from an unstable form transforms into a stable one. At the same time, at the same time, you can see on the surface of the salted oil droplets (fatty). The very reason that chocolate is white.

Bіliy nalit is a direct proof that the salt is natural and up to її warehouse includes all the necessary ingredients. To that, if a white pour appears on the purchased chocolate in a certain hour, then the need is not to worry, but to please, even if the correct choice was broken in the store. It is even more important, especially at this hour, if a lot of chocolate mixes are not fair and do not include such important components as cocoa beans and cocoa butter in the warehouse. Since there is no cocoa butter in such a dessert, it can hardly be called chocolate in the whole world. For the greater world, only licorice is a confectionery tile, as it does not have half of the brown elements of a spravzhny yakish chocolate muffin. It is also worth noting the fact that in the wrong chocolate there is too much zucru, too much of which can be negatively thrown into the health and figure of a person.

Experiment with chocolate booth

At home minds, you can independently conduct a clumsy experiment, which will help to determine the naturalness of the product. I ate a bar of chocolate just need to take a sprat of whilin in my hand. Like a white pour, soaking the tanuti in the warmth of your fingers, this is a good sign that indicates good quality chocolate. Such a dessert can be enjoyed and without fear to live in a hedgehog. Golovnya - when cultivating chocolate brews, you won’t have mercy on the allowable quantity of the product. It's not a secret for anyone: it was given to take revenge on the chimalo tsukra, which, obviously, will appear on the figure.

Vcheni also conducted an experiment. In this process, all the main components of chocolate were erased into powder, after which it began to engraft the yogo crystal structure for the help of the strongest x-ray enhancement. Dalі to zrazkіv added trohi Olії sonyashnikova. As a result of which fat, having soiled, it will move quickly through the cracked pores in the malt.

This experiment, having brought chemists to the idea that it is possible to avoid the appearance of a white sludge on chocolate zukerkas and tiles in that way, to reduce their porosity. The experimenters are concerned that the nearest future chocolate maker will be able to turn on the appearance of a white coating on the surface of their products.

What is the right way to take chocolate chips?

As it was said above, the splatter of a white color on chocolate is also blamed for the wrong choice. Even more often lovers of malted wine themselves are in the fact that their favorite dessert is “covered with frost”. So, for example, as soon as the product was taken, there were strong temperature drops, then water condensation occurred on the surface. On the other hand, there is a variety of tsukru in it, and even after that, as a vologer, I start to sell chocolate, there is a lot of white pouring, which is tsukru with small crystals (tsukrve sivinnya). Tse once again to bring those who have nothing terrible in the white swimmers.

You can do a little experiment. Place a bar of fresh chocolate in the refrigerator for an hour. If the dessert is taken out of the refrigerator, then you will see that the wine is covered with a hint of white color. Chocolate so reacts to sharp temperature changes.

In order to fall in love with the weasels for the longest possible term, they saved their own pleasant look and receiving relish, the stench is due to be properly taken care of.

Chocolates are better than trimati in a dry place. As you know, to produce a vologer before the appearance of a white swimmer.

The maximum temperature again is 15-18°C. At this temperature, the dessert does not get better for 1-2 months. The chocolate is covered with a lot of rich swishes (1-2 days will be enough). It is even more important for him, in the heat of the time of fate, to take care of your love for the malt in the cold weather.

Fahіvtsі ahead: as long as you save chocolate brews on the light, it can become the cause of oxidation of the product, which, obviously, will negatively signify on the savory malts of malt. If the chocolate is already oxidized, then it will be easier to see it, so that wine can be healthy.

Save the bazhano tiles in hermetic packages, remove the stink shards quickly to absorb various odors. At any time, it is impossible to overwhelm chocolate with food products due to a strongly pronounced smell. 2-3 years will be quite enough, so that the dessert will fall in love with no more than a pleasant smell.

It’s a fact that dark chocolate and desserts with different flavors are richly swishing with white spitting, lower milky see the malt.

Pіdbitya pіdbagіv

Fakhіvtsі ahead, scho treba vmіti razraznyat white pour that color. Sounds like two manifestations are already similar one to one. But if the spitting of the fat chi of the bloody “success” cannot in any way harm the health of the people, then the species of the flowers may be unacceptable. It's easy to taste chocolate at different times.

You need to add a sirnik to burn before dessert. As if in a burst of heat, a white one pours more often, a good sign. Such sweets can be eaten without a fight. But if the chocolate is still curled up, then the heat won't come out. In such a situation, in such a situation, you need to take action.

Sometimes, on chocolate biscuits, it’s not like an appetizing white pour. What is it and how can you eat such chocolate? The food should be given a lot of lasuniv, as they showed on their dessert nalit. Deyakі vpevneni, sho tse - a clear sign that the product of zіpsovaniya, that yoga can not be. For riches it is associated with flowers. Ale chi tse so? They took up a lot of braces for the chain, and they made a visnovka, like a varto of the nobility of the skin.

Korist chi Skoda

The first thing to know is why there is a white pour on chocolate, next to designate that this phenomenon can be called - “sivinnya”. Tse means that the chocolate may have a brighter pour of white color. Most of the white pours on chocolate building are due to a number of reasons:

  • the period of protection had significant fluctuations in temperature readings;
  • the technological process of preparation was destroyed.

Having seen a white pour on chocolate or chocolate zukerkas, it is not necessary to lakatis. Fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho tі lasoschi zovsіm not zdatnі zavdat shkodi zdorov'yu. Tsya plіvka signals about those who have lost their relish and specialness.

You can easily explain to yourself what a white pour on chocolate means. Under the hour of virobnitstva, respectfully display the chocolate sum at a temperature of thirty-two degrees for three years. One hour later, the oil is constantly mixed, and after three years it is poured into forms and goes through the cooling stage. For the rahunok of which sumish it crystallizes, fills up with a stable, regular shape.

Prote є so unfair harvesters of malt, yakі save no more than sirovina, and th hour, through which a three-year process is passed. In this moment, the masa independently gains a stable form. However, over the course of the hour, oil droplets are seen on the surface of the viroba, and the glow itself appears.

Chocolate with a lot of flavor is a clear confirmation of the fact that all the necessary ingredients are in a new natural way. If you bought chocolate, and when it turns up for a new one, it’s not necessary to take it away, but you need to pick it up, because you have chosen the right choice. In this hour, it’s even more important, shards of rich malt are added up with shards of additives, substitutes. More lasoschiv, which are for sale, є great confectionery tiles, as you can’t instill half of the cinnamon warehouse and the powers that have right chocolate biscuits.

It is important to note that the wrong chocolate should be avenged too richly. An excess of which component is negatively signified as in the figure, but I’m healthy!

Home experiment

Would you like to know the naturalness of chocolate pastries? Tse can be grown at home minds. You need "posivili chocolates", її it is necessary to take at least three quills in your hands. You will be a good sign, as it pours more often than not in the warmth of your hands, to tell you about the quality. This dessert can be safely eaten and not be afraid for good health. One mind - no need to be evil. Everyone knows that in a new rich tsukru, which can be seen on your waist and buckles.

The scientists were able to carry out a cicavia experiment, for an hour they ground some of the ingredients of the salmon into powder and twisted its structure, vicarious x-ray vicory. After that, trochs of olives were poured into the powder, which allowed the fat to move through the fine pores. Such a manifestation conceived to think over it, that it is possible to hide the denial of the flood in that fall, as if the porosity of the viroba would be changed. The doslidniki allow to finish the harvesters soon to solve this problem.

Basic rules for harvesting lasagne

As it was appointed more, there was a melting on chocolate pans that could be a sign of wrong choice. Most of all, the lasuni wines themselves, that the chocolate bar was lightly covered with frost. For example, as if weasels succumb to strong temperature cuts, then, more than anything, on the surface of the condensate of the water. In the Persian black, tsukor is spread, after which it is poured into a white color, or the color is bright. In simple words, there is nothing terrible in that, as you see such a zukerka.

Carry out a small, but basic experiment. Take a bar of yakish chocolate, place it by the refrigerator. If you win її, then you will become a commemorative light white pour. This is a normal reaction of different temperatures.

To the very same, in order to save the lasosh, it is necessary to save yoga correctly. Treat dessert in a dry and dark place. How to repeat the vcheni, how long it is to trim the same sweetness in the light, the product will oxidize, and then negatively appear on the savory flavors.

It is necessary to take care of zdіysnyuvatisya at hermetically sealed packaging, so that the smells will escape. It is important to note that the black varieties are more richly swishing with a white nadir, lower milky.

In this order, the next thing is to learn how to pour a white pour into flowers. Irrespective of those who are similar in name, they are similar, then the stench will fight for the authorities. If it is poured a little, then flowers can cause problems for health, especially for poisoning.


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