White bloom on flowers leaves how to get rid. Mute Cherver on Fir

White bloom on flowers leaves how to get rid. Mute Cherver on Fir

The tradition of manufacturing pumpkin-lamps went from the custom of making lanterns that help lost souls to find a path in purgatory. After many centuries, Jack lamp became an indispensable attribute of Halloween's holiday, and funny faces appear from everywhere in late October, scattering evil spirits. All that will need you for the manufacture of the lantern - a beautiful orange pumpkin of the right shape, a knife and a spoon. For backlight, use a conventional candle or electric flashlight.

Onions and garlic - a riddle vegetables, after them unpleasantly smelling from mouth, to eat them just like that, taking the head of the bow and just having burned it, as well as garlic - a clove behind a cloth, hardly someone can. But, nevertheless, these vegetables are present in each of our dish, each salad, and what a kebab without fragrant rings of the bow? And of course you should not forget about therapeutic advantages of these vegetables. Today we will try to talk about how at home can be saved onions and garlic.

All efforts in November should be aimed at proper preparing the garden for the winter. The continuation of plant insulation and cleaning on the plot are essential tasks, but it's time to enter into your calendar and constant monitoring, allowing you to identify some problems. Attention S. garden plants Slowly switches to the room collection. A successful alternation of the Moon phases will allow almost every day to find time and to work with plants, and for organizational troubles.

One of the most spectacular indoor cereals opolemenus or ostroan - genuine exot. This plant is from a distant green continent surprised and the form of growth, and the beauty of motley leaves. Nepipical representative cereal family - This is not a plant for everyone. The opilisman needs regular updates, sensitive to humidity. But he is so contemporary and bolders in appearance that it feels quite advisory to the title of indispensable indoor culture.

Soup with pumpkin, beans and pork rubbers - a tasty, welded and thick first dish, which is best prepared late autumn or in winter, when the harvest is assembled, it's cold and uncomfortable outside the window, I want to warm up, eat something satisfying. Robryshki can take any - pork, calf, lamb, cooking time will be slightly different, but slightly. Young tender bean, it does not need to soak and cook for a long time, it will prepare at the same time with the rest of the vegetables.

Pleet roses are leaders among Garden Lian and distribution, and on decorativeness. Klaimers and Ramblers are fairly called indispensable garden aristocrats. On the figure support, at the porch or over the track, in the company of Clematis or the role of a soloist, the plenty roses are highlighted in particularly abundant flowering. But their difficult character is an important feature of the plenty rose. Indeed, in the regions with severe winters for successful wintering, there will have to make a lot of effort.

Wood plants and shrub cultures can not only get extreme in winter, suffer from provocative thaws in the cold period and return freeze In the spring or even at the beginning of summer, but also from rodents, koim in gardens and berries are mice and hares. By their nature, these are frantic and you will be very surprised if you notice a hare in the garden in the garden. More often you can notice the mouse, but often, closer to the evening, when it literally merges with the soil.

Salad of green tomatoes for the winter with bow and pepper is an acute sour-sweet snack from green tomatoes cooked based on Korean cuisine. If the summer was cold, then the probability of becoming the country of forever green tomatoes increases, but the gardeners' molded experience will always find the use of this valuable vegetable. If you plan to preserve the crop of "green" in the conditions of the apartment, they need to be pouring boiling marinade from the water of salt, sugar and vinegar.

Among the room plants, the inhabitants of the most arid places have always enjoyed special love. The deserved reputation of deserted stars is simply explained: no other plants can boast such endurance. Although not all succulents and cacti belong to cultures found in nature in semi-deserts and deserts. Even despite this choice among the true desert endemics is very large - from bright flowering stars to modest living stones.

Cauliflower pancakes in the oven - gentle, golden, very tasty. Cauliflowers are prepared by cutlets, casseroles, cream-soups, but pancakes, in my opinion, are obtained by the most appetizing! Cooking pancakes, cheese or small pancakes in the oven are much easier and easier than frying in a frying pan. First, you spend significantly less vegetable oil. Secondly, the stove remains clean. Thirdly, the kitchen will never smell the burner oil.

Now more and more girlfriends seek to grow vegetable crops It is an ever-shaped way, and seedlings, like the soil for her, prepare yourself. This is true because, if you learn this, you can grow a good seedlings and save on both ones. It is clear that the soil for seedlings should provide the needs of one or another culture. In general, there is no universal soil. However, the basic requirements for the seaside soil still have.

Survessing spirits are increasingly called spirits autumn. And it's not at all in a mistake. Most of the "second wave" spirits are really blooming in the summer. But expanding the palette of varieties and decorative forms capable of continuing their flowering to frosts, it allows you to call such spirires and summer, and autumn. Spectacular late breathing spiries are also inferior in popularity of spring species. But among them there are more plants capable of living on a flower bed or in Rabatka.

Baked in foil meat - dish is always tasty and festive. It will be even tastier if baked pork is not just with a set of spices for buoyhenine, and ... with fruit! If you are surprised by a combination of sweet fruits and meat, I assure you: apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots and even apricots give meat dishes new, different and very interesting tastes. We will try to try these recipes in turn, and today let's prepare the most appetizing of them - pork with quince!

This procedure is sometimes conducted by gardeners on its sites. The reasons for replanting the already formed plants on a new place can be many: it is, for example, soil conditions (often together with the characteristics of the climate). It happens that the place on which shrub grew up for several years, began to sleep with her waters, or the shrub began to heal annually. Or the conditions are purely household, when, for example, a neighbor built a fence, and now your bush is in the shade.

Plants that exhibit in a cold hallway or lobby are always perceived as a separate part of landscaping. And in offices, and in residential buildings, and in official institutions these green guards first meet visitors and are kinda business card. Bright cultures always choose to decorate the lounge or foyer. But how beautiful they were, the main thing is their ability to put up with low and unstable temperatures and unpretentiousness.

21.10.17 Nadezhda Galynskaya

I have a lot of plants. In April, education appeared on the stems and leaves white color. They apply to plants on the plant. When you remove these air lumps, they are sticky, and if large, then drig. Most of all white lumps in the sinuses of the leaves and on the trunks. Promed with economic soap, did not help. Plants do not develop and do not bloom. I buy land in the store. Please advise how to get rid of the attack. Galina.

Mathematical Chervests, sucking juices of young shoots, leaves and buds, strongly delay the growth of plants. And the sage fungi allocated by them, in which sage fungi is often set, and the pests themselves spoil appearance colors. Chervetz's favorite crops are succulents, cacti, adiantum, azalea, amaryllis, anthurium, ardizia, asparagus, brunfercia, bougainvillery, gardery, gerbera, hibiscus, diffenbahia, calane, camellia, crotone, monster, oleander, peperomy, ivy, cigarette, sensipolia, Ficus, Philodendron, Fuchsia, Chlorophytum, Hoya, Cyprerus, Citrus Cissor, Shef Plate and some types of orchids.

There are several types of pests found and our region: Primorsky, bristly, grape and citrus torment Cherver, which also affects the root system. Although everything is known over one and a half thousand species of Chervests, damaging plants. All kinds (except vivorous) are resistant to eradicate and biological measures of the struggle due to the fact that the Chervesti Eggs do not die after treatments. And after 5-10 days, larvae appear from the egg. After 2 months, the larvae becomes adults and females begin to lay eggs, from 300 to 800 pieces.

Therefore, the fight against mild cherry is often quite troublesome and long process. The use of only vegetable infusions, brazers, soaps and alcohol will not fully get rid of the pest. No insecticides do not do. And best of all it is best to apply everything in the complex.

The affected plant move to the bathroom or on the loggia for processing. The place where this flower stood (windowsill, window frame, outdoor sides of all pots) wash with soap solution.

Rinse the infected plant using a cotton disk, tassels or a soft toothbrush with an alcohol with alcohol (1: 1) or vodka, soapy (10 g of soap or dishwashing tools for 1 liters of water) or garlic infusion to wash off the tormentary workers. Then under the shower, wash the plant with clean warm water and put on drying. This processing allows you to destroy about 80% of pests.

After replace the upper layer of the substrate.

When the leaves descend from droplets of water, spray the plant and the upper layer of soil by insecticide. While working with pesticides, keep care and put on rubber gloves. The following insecticides are recommended for the fight against milders: Admiral Aktar, Akttellik, Biotline, Vertimeja, Inta-Vir, Spark, Calypso, Confirmant, Confidor, Mospilan, Testa.

From biological agents, it is possible to use phytodeterm and lepicid.

After spraying, we cover the flower for 20-30 minutes by the package. And the room is well ventilated. Then, under the shower, washed off the drug and the deceased mild custice. If you have been treated with a system insecticide (actar, Calypso), it is not necessary to wash off. Next, every 7 days is carried out at least 3 spraying insecticides. When using system insecticides, spraying can be replaced by watering soil. Be sure to use a new drug every time.

Between the spraying of the plant at least once a week is washed under the shower of hot water (35-40 degrees). Unlike a paustic tick that does not like cold water, torment Cherweans, especially small larvae, die from hot water. If the plants are not large, then the plants can be dipped, turning down the head, into the container with hot water for 30 seconds.

After you have conducted 4 plant processing insecticide with an interval of 7 days, the plants spray 1 time per month insecticide or influence and decoctions of plants (garlic 5 g on l of water, bow 15 g per 1 l, Horsetail 20 g per 1 l, Calendula 10g per 1 l, tobacco 40 g per 1 liter). And also at least 1 time per month wash them under the shower.

The insecticide solution for spraying is prepared strictly according to the instructions. But it happens that in the package contains a large number of A drug designed for 10 liters, and you need only 0.5 or 1 liters. If the drug is powdered, then it is easy to divide on portions. The contents of the package are poured on a tight sheet of paper and carefully with a wand or a piece of fine cardboard, the contents are separated by 2, 4 or more parts. The desired amount is used, and the rest is poured back into the package and tightly wrap the torn edge and pinch the paper and stored on. Liquid preparations, if they are dissolved first in a small amount of water (150-200 ml), then the desired part of this mother liquor (for example, 40 ml of 200 ml, if the preparation is designed for the preparation of 5 liters of solution) is used to prepare 1 l of solution, And the rest (160 ml) pour out (on the street on a tree or bush away from home). Store open ampoules can not.

Relying on personal experience I note that the most effective against the tormentary cherler insecticide Aktar, Inta-Vir and Tanare.

10.06.13 Nadezhda Galynskaya

White larvae appeared on the dragerate (trunk and lower leaves). After the grip of the fertilizer "Thunder", watering garlic water disappear, but then appear again.

- DRATSEEN is amazed or one of the types of shields (fern, soft, falciferous) or mild cherver. Plants need to wipe several times with a cottage with a moistened thick soap foam (losing a wet mob about a piece of soap). The procedure is repeated in 3-5 days. Or spray the plant insecticides Aktar, phytodeterm, Mosplane or any other from the shield, which can be bought in the shop near your home. Galynskaya

15.04.13 Nadezhda Galynskaya

photo from the Internet

My dragera is 6 years old. On the leaves appeared white flag. The leaves are not yellow, do not disappear. There are no insects and spots on the leaves. The leaves wipe with soap solution, but it does not help. What I do not know her. Help me please.

You have not accurately described signs.

1. It is likely that Mucud Cherver settled on the dragera. Small insects covered with apparatus fluff. Colonged large colonies on stems and leaves. Faster Take measures. With lesions in light form it is easy to fight. Spray the imaging infrared or other insecticide (Agrantin, Akarin, Akttellik, Neon, Phytoverm) 1-2 times a week. You can apply an actor to the soil watering 1 time in 2 weeks (the solution is prepared at the rate of 1 g of the preparation on 1 liter of water). Effective and water-soap solution (to 200 ml of vodka add 1-2 g of soap). But first, the Cherwell is removed by cotton or sponge, moistened in soapy water. Then wash the plant and a pot from the outside under the shower. And wash the windowsill and a window where there was a plant. Spraying should be repeated 2-3 times. When using insecticides, do not forget about the means of individual protection - glasses, respirators, gloves. Processing is best done on the loggia, the balcony or in the bathroom. After spraying, after 2 hours, perform the air ventilation, while the plant protect from the draft.

2. If sticky and sweet allocations are converted on the white raid on the leaves, the plant is affected by the false shield. It hides on the bottom of the leaves. Looks like wax flat and browned droplets. Measures of the struggle, as well as with mild cherver.

3. The raid on the leaves is barely distinguishable and poorly erased, and the leaves became faded and yellowish. In this case, you will have to take up a magnifying glass and try to see small pests - ticks. They are more likely to settle on the bottom of the sheet. For spraying it is better to use acaricides (preparations against paouth ticks) or Aktellik, Inta-Vir, Fury.

4. The possibility is not excluded, the white plaque can be lime salts if water for watering and spraying is too tough. In this case, water should be softened (reduce its rigidity). This means used to spray the leaves boiled, or filtered, or inhabited water, or water from under the hot crane. You can freeze water in plastic bottle, I cut the bottom and merging the non-frozen water with the salts.

To mitigate the watering water 1-2 times a month, lemon or oxalic acid can be added (1 l 0.2 g is on the tip of the knife), or vinegar (1 hour a spoon per 1 liter). Then the acidic water of 2 days is estimated, for precipitated salts.

Lime raid on the leaves are removed with water and lemon juice (Lemon juice 1 on a glass of water). Drazes leaves can be cleaned with a mixture of chicken yolk with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Watched disk Moisten in this solution, squeeze well and rub the leaves. They will then become bright, shiny, and the dust does not sit down.

07.11.12 Nadezhda Galynskaya

- Help determine the disease or pest pest: small-minor white sorts appear on the leaf on the back side, and then there are small dry plaques in their place, of which these sorts are climbing. Already one process and the leaves are beginning to dry out in the sinuses and fall off!

- With the help of a magnifying glass, you can consider and define pests. Pests are easily erased with fingers or fly out themselves. Spray 2-3 times after 7 days its plant with an accommodation or other insecticide.

It is possible to destroy the mildercy cherry, all the leaves and stems are wet and soapy spontaneity. The piece of cotton wool is wetted with water, and a clutch on a piece of soap until a thick foam is obtained, then wipe the dragera. Repeat 3-4 times through every week. Or use insecticides.

23.02.12 Nadezhda Galynskaya

- Benjamin ficuses raised from small cuttings. Rejoiced their beauty for five years. But three months ago began to fee leaves. They do not turn yellow, but simply become thin as paper. On the site of the fastening of the sheet plate, white formations were detected soft and oily on the touch. Under them on some leaflet black dots. Advise how to save plants?

At Benjamin's ficus settled Mucud Cherver. The pest is rarely affecting the ficus. Need to check others houseplants, especially palm trees (dean, coconut), adiantum, anthurium, ardisia, Brunfelcia, Bougainvillia, Gardenation, Diffenbahia, Senpolya, Monster, Peperomy, Sugar, Chlorophytum, Hoyu, Cipper, Cissor, Citrus, Schifferru. Cherwell could be in a house with a bouquet, decorated palm leaves, aglaoneams, asparagus, fern or eucalyptus.

Destroy the sever is not easy. But the main thing to comply with all the rules. Start with manual collection and removal of pests with a tassel, a wet soft cloth or a cotton wand and a concentrated soap solution. As the brush is polluted, they wash the rutka to the new one. Then the plant carry in the bath and carefully wash under the warm shower. The wet plant leaves in the bathroom to succeed.

After that, you need to wash the windowsill, window frame and glass soap, if the flower stood on the windowsill. Adult torment Cherver almost never moves. But the renewed larvae is sprawling in search of young and gentle shoots on fairly long distances and can live without food for several days. Therefore, the cleaning of the place where the plant stood is very important.
Manual cleaning I. warm shower Allow to destroy up to 80% of the pest, but after these procedures, the ficus must be pulled out by the Mosplan's system insecticide, or an intestinal contact effect. The plant is sprayed after drying droplets of water and leave in the bathroom to dry insecticide solution.

The spraying solution is prepared by the instructions attached to the drug that do not forget to ask for the seller. It is enough to use not the whole drug, but only a part - for the preparation of 0.5 liters of solution. The ampoule with the remnants of the actor can be closed on top of a piece of plasticine or dough, and put into a plastic cup so that the insecticide does not come into contact with the plasticine. In this form, it can be stored for 2-3 weeks in the toilet room (and away from children).
After 3 days after spraying, a new solution is prepared from the actor, as well as for spraying, and the plant is watered. 0.7-1.0 liter pot is enough 50-70 ml. If the soil has managed to dry over the soul from above, then before making an attachment for 5-15 minutes, the ficus is watered with water.

On the walls of the pot and on the window, even after cleaning, single larvae can remain. Possessing high fertility, they will be able to again ride over the entire plant in a short time. Therefore, 7-10 days after irrigation of the soil, the accumulator needs to once again treat fus to other insecticide - phytodeterm (actar, verteks, intavir, mosplang, colorophos). All insecticides are toxic, so when using them, observe all security measures.

It is good that Ficus Benjamin is growing rapidly and easily restored after trimming. Having got rid of Cherwell, he will be in a short period to return a decorative look.

12.02.11 Nadezhda Galynskaya

The plants affected by the custodians are distinguished by the presence of appropriate sediments on the stems, on the young tops of the shoots, in the sneakers of the leaves, near the root neck or on the roots - where pests dwell. White mild felt, similar to cotton, cover yourself and offspring adult females. They allocate it from the special glands. Therefore, they are called tormentless cherpers or a shaggy wane, felt, sloe-rags. Chervers on indoor plants Many species.

The most harmful amarylline (pseudococcus adonidum), grape, cactus, seaside, bristles. All of them are typical and widespread on indoor plants. By type of lesion, leafy and root types of worm are distinguished. Almost all Cherweans look the same - white, shaggy and a lot of legs of an adult female 3.5 mm extended shape, grayish, orange or pinkish color. The cherwell has a well-developed legs, so they can easily move from plants on the plant. Females whipping in a bristly cherwell. Or lay eggs into egg bags from wax spider secretions. The larvae turn into an adult insect in 1-1.5 months. Harm larvae and adult insects, sucking juice from the plant.

The plants damaged by Chervets are strongly oppressed, behind the growth. The leaves are yellow and fall. Evregates lagged behind. Sight fungi can settle on the secretions of Chervers.

(Pseudococcus Citri). The body of the females of the widespread, pink or yellowish color, covered with a white powdered bloom. Males are very rare. Hurts Amaryllis, Aralia, Gardenia, Jasmine, Fig, Cacti, Coffee Tree, Ferns, Ivy.

Nipaeococcus Nipae is a very dangerous and quarantine object. It is extremely rare. The body of an adult female wide, up to 2.5 mm long, covered with a wax panel in the form of cone-shaped cream-colored spikes. Feed on the bottom side of the leaf juice. Many greenhouse plants cut out: palm trees, bananas, aroid, orchids, avocado and other subtropical plants.

Seaside torment Cherver (Pseudococcus Affinis) is one of the most common species. The female is extended, 3-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, a grayish pink. Egg bags made of wax spider secretions are shapeless and fluffy. Loves to settle on asparagus, cactus, Camellia, Koleus, Crynum, Pelargonium, Laurel, Cordilina, Oleandra, Rhododendron, citrus.

Brushless Mute Cherver (Pseudococcus Longispinus) Pretty large insect, easily noticeable on the plant. They are hiding on the underside of the leaves, climb under the bark in citrus and under the scales of bulbs in bulk. Most often damage asparagus, begonias, drazes, lemon, clivia, koleus, oleander, palm trees, pandanus, primroses, a coagher, ficuses, fuccia.

Root Mucud Cherver (Rhizoecus Faicifer) slightly larger, 4-6 mm than cactus root worm (Rhizoecus cacticans). The female of the first slightly pinkish, up to 3.6 mm long, in the cactus root cruise the body of female yellowish. Both species prefer cacti and succulents, occurs on bromels and mope. Set on the roots or near the root neck is powered by juice. The colonies of root workers can be found in the appearance of a characteristic white felt in the soil and on the inner walls of the pot.

Measures of struggle. When the pest and insects were found on time and there is not much, then it is enough to wash the plant with 1% soap solution or a dishwashing liquid solution. It also helps wiping 40% alcohol (vodka). Before processing, be sure to remove all pests with a rigid tassel or toothbrush. Insecticides of the system action, the spraying of systemic insecticides is used insecticides - the spark of Golden, Mosplan, Aktara, or contact action - Decis, Inta-Vir, PhyTenerm, Fufan.

- Fir amazed mathematical Cherverwhich is one of the most unpleasant sucking pests. There are several species and all very malicious. They pretty quickly multiply, forming numerous colonies. Almost all milders look the same - white, shaggy and a lot of legs. The legs are well developed, thanks to which the pests quickly move and settle all around the wood and on neighboring plants. Larms of small ages are transferred to wind, man and animals. Harm females and larvae, sucking juice. The body of an adult female in size is 2-3.5 mm, sometimes 5 mm, elongated-oval, grayish pink, covered white mild ripple and white wax formations in the form of cotton lumps. Therefore, damaged plants are covered with a white appaled tap. The females lay eggs into egg bags, which are a white fluffy shapeless mass of wax spider secretions. Eggs protected by Pup are not afraid of water and are not wetted by a solution of insecticide. Eggs are hiding in secluded places: cortex cracks, in twisted leaves, in the branch fork. One female postpones up to 2 thousand eggs. The males are much smallest females, winged, flying all summer. Distributed small larvae movable, yellow, perfectly deprived of waxing. They turn into an adult insect in 1-1.5 months. Mathematical Chervers can highlight a sticky fluid - the pair, which develops a sage fungus, polluting plants.

To destroy the pest, use a solution of denature in water in a ratio of 1: 1 with the addition of a small amount (1%) economic Soap. This liquid spray or washing the infected places with a rigid tassel, lifting and washing up the Chervests. The procedure is repeated every 5-7 days.

But insecticides are more effective in the fight against mild cherver. It is better to use system insecticides: accility and arrivo. Available in ampoules in 2 ml. The contents of the ampoule are divorced in 0.7 liters of water. Spray with freshly prepared solution, uniformly wasting a havoy and stems. Conduct 2-3 spraying after 10-15 days. When applying the Children against Cherwell, 1 ampoule (2 ml) is divorced at 0.25 liters of water. We carry out 4 processing with an interval of 7-10 days.

You can process the faffanone-carbofosphos (in ampoules of 5 ml). The ampoule is bred in 2 liters of water. 1-2 processing is carried out depending on the state of affect.

You can also use the solutions of other insecticides: fury, carboofos, fufanon, faca, sparks. There are biological agents, such as Bitoxybacillin, phytodeterm and intavir. Apply them according to the instructions.

Mathematical worms refer to sucking insects. They are sulled to the leaves and buds of home plants and suck their juice. The size of the insect is small - only 5 mm, there are smaller varieties.

The pest is difficult to confuse with others

He has an oval body, pubes with Villages around the edges. Have a white or cream color. The males differ from the females pronounced parts of the body: the head, the abdomen and the breast they are clearly visible.

The female is also more like a larva, her body has a solid oval shape, head and other parts are not visualized.

In the process of its livelihood forming sugar dischargewhich can develop a sage mushroom.

Insects can be detect on leaves - Localizes in shoots, fruits, strings. Such a juice, inject your saliva in it.

Enzymes that are in it adversely affect the flower condition, deteriorates the metabolism.

As a result, the leaves begged. If you do not accept any measures, the pet will die sooner or later.

The plant affected by Chervets loses foliage

Why come on indoor plants

Favorable medium for pest appearance is:

  • over dry air;
  • application of infected soil;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • lack of hygienic procedures.

An infected copy begins to stick and lose the leaves, it acquires an oppressed look. With careful inspection, it is possible to detect small white fluffy lumps on the leaves.

How to deal with pest

Before dealing with harmful insects, infected flower should be isolated from the rest. Cherweans can move to neighboring flowers, so they should be inspected regularly.

The affected places are treated with a soap solution in which woven cotton tampon. All the affected areas should be thoroughly wipe. If the sheet is badly damaged, it is better to delete it. Alcohol processing is also destructive for insect.

Mathematical worms love dry hot microclimate. Having created such conditions, they can be lured from hard-to-reach places and delete. The males do not feed on the flower, but contribute to the reproduction of pests, so they also need to fight with them.

Male detect more difficultbecause there are in the soil near the flower. For them, traps are satisfied in the form of a sticky ribbon, which is fixed near the light source.

After the leaves and stems were thoroughly washed, treated with insecticides.

For this use poisons in different forms:

  • spray;
  • sprayers;
  • granules;
  • sticks;
  • oil.

Sprays split from a certain distancenot to damage the pet. Granules are placed in the ground, observing caution to protect the roots.

Oils are applied to damaged areas. Healthy leaves do not need to lubricate, it can disrupt the exchanged process.

Spraying produce in the following drugs:

  • Actara;
  • Calypso;
  • Confident;
  • Dance;
  • Phytodeterm.

The procedure for using the last we described in detail in the article.

There is I. other efficient drugsTo treat the affected pets.

Before using this or that means, you should read the instructions to avoid harm to the plant.

As an additional fund, you can choose one of folk methods Fight pests:

  • handle Affected areas infusion of fragrant tobacco;
  • wipe the calendula tincture (can be purchased at the pharmacy);
  • processing with garlic infusion (5 teeth cut and pour the floor with liters of boiling water, leave for infusion for 4 hours).

You can use microbiological preparations, In particular - lepyocydom.

Prevention: how to treat white bloom on flowers

In order to avoid the defeat of the tormentary Cherver, first of all, correctly care for the plant. Even before buying a flower, you need to see well for the presence of insects.

The dry medium favors the development of Chervests, but excessive moisture is harmful to them. It is necessary to fertilize correctly and not allow an excessive feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. Pests love nitrogenous soil.

Correct care will allow to fight in a timely manner and avoid infection. If insects still started, you need to immediately take action. So pests will not spread On adjacent flowers and will not destroy the plant itself.

Mathematical worms - sucking pests of indoor plants, close relatives of the shield. The people are called shaggy lice.

The official name has acquired thanks to whitish wax vessels resembling cotton.

Refer to Pickly insect sub-train Coccid, Family Tough.

Description of insects

Mealybug What can be seen in the photo - a relatively large insect that can reach 5 mm in length. It has an oval body covered with a white mild ripple and bristles on the sides. Body color can be pink, white or cream. On the back are transverse strips.

This insect is peculiar sexual dimorphism - Large differences between male and female. W. males The head, abdomen, breast and the wings and paws are well visible. W. females The torso is deprived of pronounced departments, it has an oval, slightly extended shape, they look like larvae.

Adults males Very little live, apparently because they do not eat anything. Females are well protected from many chemical preparations With the help of a wax.

A characteristic feature is also fast adaptability To different insecticides.

Reproduction Depending on the species - there are vigorous and egg-standing females. Eggs are put in the face bag, similar to cotton, white. Chervers are distinguished by strong fertility, giving up to 4 generations per year. First-aged larvae called Broadcasts Because of their ability to actively move on the plant, they are also transferred to the wind.

Mobility disappears After the insect was preserved to the stern plant. Later they linnet, become larvae of the second age and begin to look for a new place of food. Some adult females can also transfer from place to place. Before to postpone eggsMost of the species are hiding in shelter.

Types of Cherverov

More than 1600 knows in the world different specieswhich are found everywhere, but most are concentrated in rainforest. For fans of room flowers, the following types are dangerous:

Seaside torment Cherver.
The torso of female is a grayish-pink, covered with a raid, has a form of oval up to 4mm. Males are much smaller, can fly. Belong to egg-owned species. Little larvae, yellow, the waistly laid is completely absent. The transformation time in an adult person is about 5-6 weeks.

Bristly torment cherry.
Body coloring can be pink and orange, length - 3.5mm. This species has excellent limbs, so they are actively moving on the plant. Vivoric look. Live the colonies on the inside of the sheet, on the stems and young shoots.

Grape mild cherry.
The body has a view of a wide oval of pink or yellowish color. The larvae spread over the entire plant.

Citrus mild cherry.
Coloring can be different - from light yellow to brown shade. The females of this species allocate a large number of sweet secret, which is called Pad. Male - flying individuals, like flies of pink and yellow.

Plants - sacrifices

Most often attacked the following houseplants: Amarillies, gerbera, cacti, citrus, oleander, azaleas, phyladendrons, fuchsia, asparagus, palm trees, Camellia, Monster, Anthurium, Calanete, Orchids, Chlorophytum, Diffenbahia, Hoya.

Cherweets Saw plant juice and injected saliva, in which digestive enzymes are located. These enzymes depress the metabolism. The flower is gradually weakened, starts to lose leaves and can die. In addition, the secretly highlighted in the insect loves a sage fungus.

A characteristic feature of the presence of pest - white wax, reminding cotton in the locations of insects.

Causes of occurrence

If on a flower settlement of mildew CherverIt means that it has already been weakened by improper departure or excess of nitrogen, as a result of which the metabolism was broken. Healthy plants form protective substances that scare the Chervests.

The appearance of insects also promotes Sundered air, which is ideal for their active breeding.

Preventive measures

Treatment from mild custice is better to start with prevention. The reproduction and settlement of insects can prevent the following actions.

Attentive inspection newly acquired plants. It is even better to inspect the flower before buying it.

Immediately remove dried leaves and flowerswhich may be shelter for insects.

Can be used drugs of wood oil them For periodic processing of plants. It is able to get rid of single individuals and small pest groups.

Cherver does not like high temperatures, dilding already at 35 degrees. Therefore, colors from time to time arrange hot shower with water temperatures 40-45 degrees.

Measures to combat torment cherver

how get rid of From the tormentary cherler, if he has already chosen a plant?

First you need place The affected flower in quarantine and carefully examine the remaining flowers. Even if there are no traces of the presence of pests, it is not worth relaxing, repeating inspections within a month.

A plant that has become a victim of the attacks to undergo mechanical cleansing. To do this, wipe the contaminated places with a cotton swab, moistened in warm water or soap solution. Highly affected parts remove. In hard-to-reach places you can use tweezers.

To lure insects, you can place a flower In hot wet conditions. Then they crawl on the surface and they can also delete.

Males Do not sit on the flower, they circle next, without damaging it. However, they need to get rid of them, because many species cannot multiply without male individuals. Anti males use sticky tapes and plates attached next to light sources.

Be sure to be pretty wash The location of the pot with a flower, because part of the pests and their eggs can remain there after the plant was removed.

The next step will be the treatment of the plant drugs From mild cherwell. For this, chemical insecticides are used or folk remedies.


More sensitive to their action are Lichwoodwhich have not yet been covered with a wax protective layer. To complete the destruction of pests, you need to spend several treatments with a weekly interruption.

Spraysand Various sprayers Easy to use, spraying chemicals on the plant. Poisonous substances are absorbed into juice, poisoning insects. In order not to damage the flower itself, it should be sprayed from the distance specified in the instructions.

Preparations in the form granulesand Chopsticks It also contains fertilizers, entered into the soil with caution, as they can burn the most gentle roots of some plants.

Funds in its composition oil Applied directly to the affected places. It is impossible to handle large plants of the plant, because the oil, especially paraffin, clogs the pores, not allowing the oxygen to penetrate, and the flower can "suffocate".

All insecticides are divided into three types By action:

Intestinal. The drug penetrates the pest organism through the oral apparatus. These include the vertimepec, Aktellik, Nurell-D, Aktara.

Contact. Chemical falls through skin. It is impossible to put treated plants on the window so that the sunlight does not fall - it is fraught with the yellowing of sheet plates. The most famous are Fosalon and preparations of the German group Sprzit-Aeschadlingsfrei.

System.The poisons fall into the juice of plants and poison insects. These include almost all sprays, such as Rogor and Phosphamide. Insecticides with paration, diazine, molation and dimethion, are the most effective in the fight against mild cherver.

To highly active means affecting large pest colonies include phytodeterm, gold spark, Commander and Aktara.

Folk remedies

Effective can be the fight against milder cherver when used folk methods:

  • infusion of fragrant tobacco. It is necessary to spray three times with a weekly interruption.
  • green Potash Soap Solution - 15g per liter of water. Treatment three-time.
  • tincture of wild chemistry. It is watered and sprayed damaged plants.
  • tincture of calendula. It can be bought at the pharmacy and process the flower with a sprayer or cotton swab.
  • tincture of garlic. Finely cut 5 pieces of garlic and pour 500ml boiling water. Leave no less than 4 hours, process the plant with a brush, causing infusion on the sheet plates.
  • mix soap and alcohol. 10 ml of denatured alcohol mix with 10 ml of liquid soap and stir in a liter of water. Spray the plant through the sprayer.
  • olive emulsion. A couple of tablespoons of olive oil stir in a liter of water and apply in any convenient way to flower.

Biological methods of struggle

For this apply insectspowered by mild custody. These include a group of riders, larvae of marmalade flies, cryptolem, ordinary zlatg-treatments.

We wish healthy plants to you!

And for lovers to know everything, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the video that will help you accurately determine the pest.


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