Essay "can be achieved by noble goals by any means." Do you agree with the statement that the goal justifies the funds? The goal will not be possible to consider the good

Essay "can be achieved by noble goals by any means." Do you agree with the statement that the goal justifies the funds? The goal will not be possible to consider the good

The author of the statement "The goal justifies funds" Nikolo Makiavelli, the Italian politician of the 16th century. This man believed that power, for the benefit of the state, can use any rigid and even cruel funds.

To agree or refute the meaning of this phrase, first of all it is necessary to turn to the concept of what is the goal. And so, the goal is that a person seeks to see what he wants to get. Each of the people, throughout his life, constantly puts goals. They change all the time, complicated,

They are achieved and sometimes forgotten.

When the goal is set, a person seeking to achieve it, begins to make certain actions. And here it would be possible to assume that noble acts behave behind good goals. However, in history, do not count the examples of the fact that many rulers, commander and politics, acting in the interests of the state, sacrificed thousands of lives of ordinary people. Famous historical personality has discarded the fame of winners, the founders of empires, innovators. The same who fell victims on the way to achieve these goals remained unless.

If a good goal requires to neglect

Lives of people or morality, which beautiful words She was not described, she would not be possible to consider her good. Nothing can become an excuse for cruel indifference to the fate of another person.

Someone may argue that good and evil every person understands differently. The fact that one seems good, the other considers bad things. But such a position can lead to chaos in society and the absence of morality from his members. For the long millennium of its existence, humanity has developed generally accepted moral and humane norms that regulate relations between people. For example, to stop the criminal who can cause suffering to other people is a noble act, as well as the goal that is achieved through it. Although often, at the same time, it is necessary to apply force. Store the secret of a fraudster, without giving him and thus saying in his frauds - this is a disgusting act, although it makes it seemingly nothing.

To participate in the war to protect their homeland from enemies - not evenly to fight in order to expand the borders of their state at the expense of others. Therefore, before putting a goal before you and outline the ways to achieve it, it is necessary to recall the moral principles adopted in the civilized world and adhere to them.

Essay in the direction of "goals and funds".

This statement is rather contradictory and ambiguous, as any other question, implying long reasoning. Is there always a goal justify funds? And does it justify? Should one correspond to another, and what should be the goal so that all means are good for it?

On the one hand, the whole life of a person is a movement with a goal, in most cases they are taken for the "meaning of life." House, family, good job, car, apartment, garden with gooseberry, your little business, world around the world - all this can be the meaning of the existence of everyone. Like this sense to think over the means to achieve your goal? Of course, yes, because in our life, any obsessive thought may break about the reality and the very fact that a person is constantly changing, growing and improving. And if today I, for example, it seems that for the sake of life in the capital it is worth going through the heads, then tomorrow, it is quite possible, I will kiss my granny's hands in a small village on the very outskirts of our country, strive for something completely different and condemn Himself for your deed earlier. For example, the main character Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" for a long time considered to prove to himself and the surrounding that with the help of evil deeds you can come to good. In other words, he believed that criminal funds were admissible when achieving a noble goal. According to the theory of Skolnikov, there were two types of people: decent and more disadvantaged of life, and the hero believed that with the help of the second murder, you can create an ideal, kind world. However, having committed the killing of the old woman, the hero realized that his idea was antihumanny, and he himself, going to this step, did not be better than those chauffers who surrounded him. These were, for example, Svidrigaylov, a seal and low person, who did not sway with any means to achieve their dirty purposes. The repentance of Skolnikov and Suicide Svidrigaylov once again proved that the goal does not always justify funds.

Another example serves as the hero of Roman N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". The purpose of Chichikov was a high social status and self-conception. The hero decided to go for a fairly desperate step: bought from various landowners a lot " dead souls", He would simultaneously acquire the status of a major landlord, and, having received a big loan under his peasants, he would have the opportunity to have a major capital. To this end, Chichikov began his hard way and resorted to the most different means, but the character of the hero did not allow him to sink too low and behave, for example, just like those landowners, which he turned to his deal. Of course, the final final of the Roman remained in the second volume, however, it seems to me, enough of that the fact that Chichikov, chasing to find an approach to each landowner, still achieved his own and gathered the right amount of dead souls, while not doing anything such that he himself could be conscientious. Thus, the goal of Chichikov justified the funds to it applied.

In conclusion, I would like to once again note that there is no particular answer to the question of the question that delivered in the test. The goal can justify the means only if the honor and dignity of a person does not suffer.

"Is it possible to achieve noble goals by any, including dishonest means"? Above this question can be reasoned and arguing. One part of people is inclined to be the opinion that it is possible, and the other says that it is impossible. In order to understand this, you need to figure out first: "What do we understand under the word honest and dishonest, bad and good"? Everyone understands these words completely differently. To understand this, you can refer to the world of animals. Every day, predators in order to feed their cubs kill other animals. They do it out of instincts, for them the goal is to feed your offspring, do not give him to die.

There are two points of view on this question. On the one hand, the means of achieving noble goals should also be noble, otherwise the goal itself will not be considered noble. On the other hand, the means may be dishonest if this is required by the goal itself. Since we were given to write an essay on this topic, I still can not decide for myself. I thought for a long time and finally came to the conclusion: "Noble goals can be achieved by dishonest means, only if these funds do not cause serious harm to other people." I'm going to give an example. Suppose the child requires an expensive operation, but the parents have no money for this operation. And then the father goes to a crime: he decides to get into the house to a rich man and steal the amount you need, without taking anything superfluous. I justify this person. After all, if he had not done this, his child could perish. Yes, he stole money, but because of this amount, another person will not menounce. The result: noble goals can be achieved by any, including dishonest means, only under one condition - if it does not suffer serious harm to others.

« Can lie achieve noble goals lymi , in tom number and dishonest means »?

The question of the goal and means of achieving ancient times, humanity was worried. Many writers, philosophers and public figures pondered over it and led historical, life and literary arguments to prove their point of view. In Russian classics, there were also many answers and examples proving, as a rule, the statement that the achievement paths should continue to be achieved, otherwise it loses any meaning. In this selection, we listed the brightest and indicative examples from Russian literature for the final essay in the direction of "goals and funds".

  1. In the novel, Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the main character always chose the right paths to achieve goals, however, no less noble. Due to this, from an inconspicuous noble inexpressible Grinove turns into an officer, sincere, ready to sacrifice life in the name of debt. Swirling to the loyalty to the sovereign, he honestly carries the service, defending the fortress, and even death from the hand of robbers-robbers does not scare him. Also honestly he sought the favor of Masha, and achieved. Antipode Petra Greens in the novel - Schvabrin - on the contrary, uses any means to achieve the goal, choosing the most silent of them. Hollowing on the path of betrayal, he pursues his personal benefit, requires reciprocity from Masha, who does not fit into the eyes of it in the eyes of Peter. In the choice of goals and funds, Alexey moves spiritual cowardice and corpuscia, because it is devoid of ideas about honor and conscience. Maria rejects him for this reason, because the good goal is not achieving deception.
  2. What should be the ultimate goal, if the means to achieving it becomes cruelty, deception and human life? In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" The goals of Grigory Pechorin are sympathetic, enclosed in the desire of the second victories, to achieve which he chooses complex, and sometimes cruel funds. In his victories, the stubborn search of the life sense is hidden, which hero is unable to find. In this search, he ruins not only himself, but everyone who surrounds him is, is the princess of Mary, Baulu, Grushnitsky. To revive your own soul, he plays the feelings of others, involuntarily becoming the cause of their misfortunes. But in the game with her own life, Gregory loans hopelessly, loses those few people who were his roads. "I realized that she was chanting for the fallen happiness of recklessly," he says, and the goal, to achieve so much strength and alien grief, turns out to be a ghostly and unattainable.
  3. In Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" society, in which Chatsky is forced to be, lives on market laws, where everything is bought and sold, and the person is valuable not spiritual qualities, but the size of the wallet and the success in his career. Nobility and debt is nothing here before the importance of rank and rank. That is why Alexander Chatsky turns out to be incomprehensible and incomprehensible to the circle, where mercantile goals are dominant, justifying any means.
    He enters the fight against the Famovskogo society, challenges the silence, coming to deception and hypocrisy to get a high position. Even in love, Alexander turns out to be a loser, because it does not defile the goal with informal means, refuses to squeeze the breadth and nobility of his heart into a narrow framework of generally accepted and vulnerable concepts that Pttit Mizhov's house.
  4. Man is valuable by his business. But it is not always the matter of him, even if the subordinates of a high goal turn out to be kind. In the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov Decides important from the point of view of morality: Does the purpose of the fund justifies? Can he, according to his theory, dispose of people's lives at their discretion?
    The answer lies in the name of the novel: Skolnikov's spiritual flour, after the atrocities committed by him, prove that its calculation was incorrect, and the theory is erroneous. The goal, which is based on unrighteous and anti-human means, depreciates itself, becomes a crime for which sooner or later to suffer punishment.
  5. In the novel MA Sholokhov "Quiet Don" of the fate of the heroes are rented by the revolutionary element. Grigory Melekhov, sincerely believing in a happy and excellent communist future, ready to give life for the well-being and prosperity of his native land. But in the context of life, bright revolutionary ideas are not consistent, dead. Gregory understands that the struggle between white and red, aimed, it would seem that the "beautiful tomorrow", in fact, is violence and violence over helpless and disagree. Brilliant slogans are deception, and for the high purpose is hidden cruelty and arbitrariness. The nobility of the soul does not allow him to accept the evil and injustice that he watches around. Tormented by doubts and contradictions, Grigory is trying to find the only right path that will allow him to live honestly. He is not able to justify numerous killings committed in the name of a ghost idea, which no longer believes.
  6. Roman A. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelago GULAG" - a study related to the Political Status of the USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn - "Experience of Art Research", in which the author analyzes the history of the country - Utopia, an ideal world on the wreckage of human lives, numerous sacrifices and lies, disguised Under humane goals. The price for the illusion of happiness and peace, in which there is no place of individuality and dissent, turns out to be too high. Problems of Roman Dzheplana, since it includes many issues of moral nature: can I justify evil in the name of good? What unites the victims and their executioners? Who is responsible for the perfect mistakes? Supported by rich biographical, research material, the book leads the reader to the problem of the goal and means, convincing it in the fact that one thing does not justify.
  7. A person is peculiar to the search for happiness as the main point of life, its highest goal. For her, he is ready to apply any means, but does not understand that it is too unclear. The main hero of the story of V.M. Shukshina "boots" - Sergey Dukhanina - manifestations of gentle feelings are not just not just, because he is not used to unjustified tenderness and even shakes her. But the desire to please his native man, the desire of happiness, pushes him to a big waste. The funds spent on the purchase of an expensive gift are unnecessary sacrifice, because his spouse has only needed attention. The generosity and the desire to give warmth and care is filled with a somewhat hardened, but still a sensitive soul of the hero of the happiness, which, as it turned out, is not so difficult to find.
  8. In Roman V.A. Kaverina "Two Captain" The problem of the goal and means is revealed in the confrontation of two characters - Sani and chamomile. Each of them move their own goals, everyone decides that it is really important for him. In the search for solutions, their path diverges, fate faces them in a fight, which determines the moral landmarks of each, proves the noble power of one, and the sublighten of the lowestness of the other. Sanya is moving honest sincere aspirations, he is ready for a difficult, but direct path to learn the truth and prove it to others. Chamomile persecutes small goals, seeking them for no less small ways: lie, betrayal and hypocrisy. Each of them is experiencing an agonizing problem of choice in which it is so easy to lose myself and those who truly love you.
  9. A person does not always clearly realize his goal. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is in the search for himself and his place in life. Its shaky life referenceries are affected by fashion, society, opinions of friends and loved ones. He deliberates glory and military feats, dreams of making a career in the service, but not just to reach high ranks, but to decline the eternal fame of the winner and hero. He goes to war, the cruelty and the horrors of which IMG showed him all the absurdity and the ghostity of his dreams. He is not ready, like Napoleon, to go to the glory of the bones of soldiers. The desire to live and make the wonderful life of other people set new goals before Bolkonsky. Meeting with Natasha makes love in his soul. However, in a moment, requiring durability and understanding from him, he gives up under the severity of circumstances and refuses his love. He again torments doubts about the correctness of his own goals, and only before death, Andrei understands that the best moments of life, her great gifts are imprisoned in love, forgiveness and compassion.
  10. Man makes character. It defines its life goals and landmarks. In the "letters of good and beautiful" D.S. Likhacheva The problem of the goal and means of its achievement is considered by the author, as one of the most important forming the concept of the concept of honor, and the truth. "The goal justifies the funds" - the formula, unacceptable for the author. On the contrary, the goal in life should be every person, but, no less important are the methods that he uses to achieve the desired one. In order to be happy and is in harmony with his own conscience, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of spiritual values, giving preference to good deeds and wonderful thoughts.
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