Comprehensively thematically planning the spring of the red middle group. Perspective planning of the thematic day "Spring at the place and at the fox" (middle group)

Comprehensively thematically planning the spring of the red middle group. Perspective planning of the thematic day “Spring at the Mist and Fox” (middle group)

Tyzhny theme: Spring

Distributed thematic block:

1. Spring.

2.Seasonal change of awnings.

3.Regional component

Tsіl : create a wash for shaping a manifestation about the spring time of rock.

D literality: from 17.04.17 – 30.04.17

Podbag entry: Exhibition childish creativity

Pro proof: Frolova E.V.

Term: 04/27/17

Interaction with family and society:

    The design of the folder is a transfer on the topic: "Spring".

Відп. : Frolova E.V.

Date: 04/17/17

2. Invite the fathers to take a part in the replacement of the sports club in the group.

Vidpovid . Frolova E.V., fathers

Date: 04/18/17

3. To encourage fathers to organize a home experimental laboratory as part of the implementation of the project “Wonderful Order!”

Vidpovid . Frolova E.V. Batki:

Date: 04/19/17

4. Organize an excursion to the GDK park

Відп. Frolova E.V.

Date: 04/27/17

5. Ask the fathers for a consultation “how to dress a hanging child”

Відп. Frolova E.V.

Date: 25. 04.17 p.

Rank gymnastics complex №18

"Spring has come!"

Tsіl : create a mind for saving and improving the health of children; development of rukhovoї activity; vihovannya organization.

    Walking and walking between objects placed in one line (0.5 m between objects).

    Small balls roamed in a straight line following the signal of the whistleblower and followed them to the next bik of the Maidan. Walking on the next line to the outside line (2 times).

Right with a small ball

2.I. n. - stіyka legs porously, the ball is at the right hand. 1 - hands killed; 2 - hands up, pass the ball to the other hand; 3 - hands killed; 4 - hands down (5-6 times).

3.I. n. - stіyka legs porously, the ball is at the right hand. 1 - frail up to the right leg; 2-3 - roll the ball to the left, back to the right; at the exit camp. Those same with a frailty to the left leg (4-5 times).

4.I. p. - main stance, ball in both hands at the bottom. 1 - system, carry the ball ahead; 2 - turn to the cob position (5-6 times).

5.I. p. - lying on the back, ball in both hands behind the head. 1–2 – with one hour of movement, lift the right (left) leg and arm with the ball, hitting the knee with the ball; 3-4 - turn to the cob position (5-6 times).

6.I. n. - stіyka legs narіzno, the ball is in bent arms in front of him. Throwing the ball uphill (not high) and catching with two hands. Won quite well.

7. Walking in columns one at a time, the ball is at the right hand, raised above the head.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep

complex "Nebolijka"

1. I.P .: lying on your back, hands in a tuba, raise your hands uphill, stretch.

2. I.P.: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), massage of the big toes, pochinayuchi in the form of small pillows.

3. I.P. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nigtiv to the foundation with the onslaught (internal and ovnishn).

4. I.P. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking of hands - in the form of fingers to the shoulder.

5. I.P. the same, flatten your eyes for 5 sec., Vidkriti, repeat 5-6 times.

6. I.P: o.s., walking on the mіstsі with high knees.


MONDAY, 24 April 2017 Spring. Seasonal change of curtains.


Ranok of radio teeth :

1. Rozmova

Rozmov on the topic: "Practice of grown-up hangings."Meta: create a mind for the formation of communicative skills in children and mind, the formation of a notification about the practice of grown-up children.

2.Individual work

(Vihuvannya of cultural and hygienic habits) s Julia M., Zhenya.

Meta: Create a wash for shaping in children, reduce that habit in the wash, at the table, properly trim with tableware. Anchored in independent activity.

3.D/i with items

“Whoever pidide, high take”Create a wash for moldingchildren can describe the subject, know yoga present signs know yoga by description.

4. Individual work with sensory development

With Ilyas, Milena, Saveliyem. DІ: "Wonderful bear". Meta: Create a fixed understanding of "value", "form".


1 9.00

Activity type: Musical

Topic:"beauty of springtime"

Meta: create mind for shaping the manifestation of children about the beauty of spring nature "

Spivvіdnosti I will feel the music in a rush, show interest until the music is received.

Independently rozpochinati spіv after I enter, sleep is comforted.

Independently know the variety of changes in the transfer to the character of the changes in the characters.

2 9.30

Activity type: Communication (fiction)

Topic: Reading poems about spring.

Meta: create mind on molding vminnya hearing vіrshі.

development of children; restoration of a decrease in the process of the activity of the functional resources of the body.

Watch out for the weather. Meta: make up your mind to confirm the notification about seasonal changes in nature.

2. Work assignment.

Dopomoga at tidying up the smіttya at the dealership. Meta: create a mind for the formation of labor habits, smart practice sleepily.

3. Individual work.

Mila, Varya T., Eva B. “Who is more stringy”. Meta: create a mind for the right children in haircuts at height, development of strength, peace.

4. Self-reliance gaming activities(Wine material)

Games with wine material (vantazhnі cars, lyalki, clothes in season). Meta: Create minds for the development of self-reliance and initiative through gaming activity.

5.P/i (bіg)

"Karasі that pike", "Povіtrya, earth, water". Meta: create a mind for the development of respect, quickness of reaction, statement about the rules of GR.


1. Role-playing game.

"Spring bugs" Meta: create mind for development and enrichment of plot and role-playing games, molding independantly play roles and housekeeping about head gri.

2. Individual work for the development of the movie

From Mishkom, Alice, Illyas "Spring" rozpovid according to the mnemonic table.

Meta: Create a mind for the development of a consonant spell, an enrichment of the vocabulary (practices)

3. Reception of artistic literature

Reading the verse of F. Gavrilov "Spring"


1.Rukhliva gra

"Mi - merry lads", "Misholovka". Target:create mind for developmentrespect and speedy reactions.

2. Playing physical rights

"Bring it - don't let it in." Purpose: create mind for the right to carry the object carefully in the mind.

3. Independent gaming activity

playing with wine material

Purpose: create minds for bringing children to independent creation of game ideas.

    Under the hour, wake up the children to independence, shape the spoon correctly.

    To continue the work for the sake of a sensitive awareness of the children.

    To save the accumulated knowledge of good-natured people in exchange with one-liners: pay respect for the child, who showed a turbota about a comrade, who uttered a speech to you.

All centers are indicated, enriching the subject-matter development of the medium on the site

book center

Materials: illustrations "Spring signs"

Materials: the chick is clear, look at the swollen brunok.

Meta: create a brain for the development of a knowledgeable interest and drinking

Art Center

Materials: blanks for painting willow willow, olive oil, glue, penzle, servets.

Meta: create mind at the development of creative zdіbnosti.

Igro Library Center

Materials: DI "Pori rock"

Meta: create mind for the development of respect, misfortune

Materials: life kit for ship construction

Meta: create mind for the development of budіvelno-constructive zdіbnosti.

Centri: role play

Materials: attributes for the staging of the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"

Meta: create mind forRdevelop the situation independently, expand it with game material, combine the plots of the game into one.

Sports jacket. Materials: pins, ball. Meta: wash up for molding in children, beginners and learn how to roll straightening balls. Meta: Create minds for the independent activity of children at the centers of child activity - emphasize respect for the material introduced.

Walking: cebra, wooden spoons, cars, lyalki, dressed according to the season.

Interaction with fathers

Proponuvat sim'ї Lvov to conduct a ranking of Meta: create mind for the formation of partner vodnosin іz batkami.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Spring. Seasonal change of curtains.

Spіlna diyalnіst grown up and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: turn on the children to the solemn rhythm, create a badior mood

1. Put in the development of a modern dihanny.

"Football". Target:Create mind forimprovement of the dichal muscles of children; the development of physiological disorders.

2.D/i (sensory development).

"Parachute"Purpose: Create minds to consolidate children's knowledge of forms, colors, development of fine motor skills of hands.

3.Individual work (movie development).

Z Eva B., Sashkom K. “Sell the proposition” (for the illustration “Spring has come”): Create a mind for the activation of the vocabulary, the development of spriynyattya, respect, sympathy; the development of a coherent movement, vminnya housekeeping propositions.


1 9.00

Type of activity : P_znavalno-dol_dnitska (FEMP)

Topic: pyramid. Time to finish. Rahunok at the borders 5.

technological cards :26

Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.

2 9.30

Type of activity : Dvigun.

Tsіl : Create mind for right for children to walk in pairs, to save a steady pace when walking on a changed area of ​​support; repeat haircuts at dovzhin for a month.

Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.

STROLL I : Meta: Improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and rozumov

1. Care for living nature (creature light).

Watch out for the humpbacks. Target:make up your mind to expand the statement about seasonal changes in the life of birds.

2. Individual work.

Rozvitok ruhіv. "Merry Gorobtsі" Masha I., Yulia S., Kira. Meta: fold the mind for the right in haircuts on two legs from protruding forward 2-3 m.

3. Work assignment.

Anniversary of the Birds Meta: Create minds for the swinging of a double setting to the birds.

4. Rough games.

"The Crow and the Gorobets", "More Lows on the Ground". Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.

5. Independent gaming activity

"Kіnki", Meta: Create minds for the development of self-reliance and initiative through game activities, communication skills.


1.Individual work ( from musical vihovannya)

With Saveliy, Mikita, Zhenya, Makar, Arseniy Musical and rhythmic movement "Merry Boys" (music by M. Satulino)

Meta: Create minds for the development of children, reduce that skill, adapt it to the nature of the music.

2. Self-supporting activity at the fold of the sensory development; table games

DІ "Day of Colors" Meta: Create mind development of respect, thought, memory.

3.Didactic games(For the development of hearing, for the classification of objects and others.)

DI "Pori rock" Meta:Create a mind at the development of auditory sprinyattya in children for a century, vminnya classify the phenomena of nature for the sign of Timchas.

4.Spriynattya thin. literature:

Reading. M. Nekrasov's confession "Did Mazay". Meta: Create a mind for the development of children's auditory perception and become interested in the process of reading, memorizing what is read to the creation.


1. Ruhlivі right:

"Strive through objects." Purpose: To create minds for the formation of the main ruhіv in children, to develop interest in physical culture and a healthy way of life.

2. Rolling games:

Misholovka, Pastki. Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.

3. Self-supporting gaming activity.

C / R gra: "Spring bugs." Purpose: To create a better knowledge of children about the practice of grown-up curtains, for the formation of that development of communicative zdіbnosti.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)

    Encourage children to pragmatically continue to learn hygienic and pamper children: put your hands in front of you, after you go to the toilet, the world is zabrudnennya.

    To continue to develop fine motor skills of hands in different different types activities

    To shape the voice calmly behave at the place of residence on the street, do not beat, beat the prohanny of the grown-up.

Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities

Create minds for the development of children at various centers

book center

Materials: illustrations « Migratory birds» Meta: create mind for molding in the meantime look at illustrations

Center for experimentation, science

Materials: Scheme to inform “How water is transferred from the ground”.

Meta: create mind for self-studying powers of the soil.

Art Center

Materials: musical instrument "Metallophone" for voicing spring raindrops.

Meta: create mind at the development of independence, initiatives, musical vibes.

Igro Library Center

Materials: DI "Name the migratory birds"

Materials: wooden constructor. Meta: a concoction of minds constructing a chovna for Mazai's grandfather.

Center for Role Playing Games

Materials: attributes up to CPI "Shop nasіnnya"

Meta: Create mind molding of communicative needs.

Progulyanka: attributes up to CPI “Spring Klopit”, jump ropes, rings and ringlets.

Interaction with fathers

Ask Masha I's mother. for spending rotten mountains on walks in the other half of the day. Purpose: to create minds for forming partnerships with fathers.

WEDNESDAY, 26 April 2017 Regional component.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: turn on the children to the solemn rhythm, create a badior mood

1. Besida

"Practice of mature curtains in our place" Meta: Create a mind for the formation of a statement about the practice of mature curtains, the development of communicative zdіbnosti.

2. Watch out for room roslins, Follow me, work.

Watch out for the city on the weekend.

Meta: create mind for the development of self-reliance, the development of knowledge-adventure qualities.

3. Play-fun.

"Blind Man's Blinds with a Twinkle"

Purpose: Create minds for the development of children, the creation of a warm, radiant mood in them.

4. Methods and methods of adoption of socio-gaming technology

gra"Lіtaє-not litає".Meta: create mind forawakening the interest of children one to one, ensuring the impetuous promotion of the mobilization of respect for that body.


1 9.00

Type of activity: Informative - valid ( navkolishniy svit)

Subject: Spring. Spring apply.

technological cards: 26

Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.

2 9.30

Type of activity: Image-creating (filing)

Subject: Bunny jumping on a fox galyavin.

Meta: a concoction of minds for the molding of memory in children to drink in a constructive way from plasticine.

Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.

STROLL I Meta: Improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and mental development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body

1. Beware of the manifestations of life.

Watch out for the doorkeeper's practice.

Tsіl: Create minds for the improvement of the bazhannya to help, the formation of the building to evaluate the results of the practice, the development of the path to the people of the practice, the development of the movie.

2. Work assignment.

Assistance in choosing children at the dealership (subgroup). Meta: Create mind for vihovannya vminnya pratsyuvati spilno; bring the rose to the right is enough.

3. P/i

"Merry Gorobets", "Sonyachni Bunnies". Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.

4. Individual work.

Zorina, Eva P., Mikita, Sashkom. Right: “Axis like shvidkі nіzhki”, Meta: Create a mind for molding, vminnya shvidko crumble on scarves, with wide cuts.

5. Self-supporting activity from izodiality

Painting with a stick on the ground. Meta: Create minds for the development of self-reliance, creative zdіbnosti.


1.Spriynattya thin. literature:

Reading the testimony of K.D. Ushinsky "Bdzhіlki na rozvіdkah". Meta: create a mind for the development of children's auditory spriynyatta and become interested in hearing advice.

2. Rozvagi, dozvіllya.


Purpose: Create thoughts for the emotional well-being of children.

3. Play with toys for the development of fine motor skills.

Vikladannya vіzerunkіv z sticks

Meta: Create brains for shaping children's skills and learn from objects, development of fine motor skills of hands.

4. Independent artistic activity

Apple color.

Meta: the creation of minds, the development of creative zdіbnosti, vminnya diyati behind the idea.


1. Playing physical right, rough games

VU: "Across the narrow place", PI "Misholovka". Meta: Create minds for the formation of the rukhovo activity of children, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime, try to keep up the rules.

2. Independent gaming activity

CPI "Demo to the dacha". Meta: Create mind for molding that development of communicative zdіbnosti.

3. Didactic game with knowledge of the necessary light

"Run to the tree, I'll name it." Meta: Create minds for molding the knowledge of children about different types of trees and the development of communicative abilities.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)

1. Take care of the newcomers of self-service: dress up and loosen up, keep order at the shaftsi; sponkati children dotrimuvatisya neatness in clothes for an hour or so.

2. To create good vibes in children, radiant moods, bajannya calmly and independently grow.

3. Take the musical development of children through the holding of the Ihor and right, directing them to the sensory development in the sphere of sound.

Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities

Create minds for the development of children at various centers

book center

Materials: illustrations "Spring has come"

Meta: create mind for independent review of illustrations

Art Center

Materials: plasticine, klejonki, stacks for lining birdhouses for birds. Meta: create your mind for self-sustaining lіlennya.

Center for experimentation, science

Materials: a collection of ours. Meta: create a mind for the development of dope, pznavalno-doslednitsky yakost.

Center for Role Playing Games . Materials: Attributes for CPI "Shop of Life"

Igro Library Center . Materials: ДІ “Pori rock”. Meta: create a mind for shaping the manifestation of seasonal changes in nature.

Center of budіvelno-constructive іgor. Materials: a scheme to inspire characters in fairy tales from tricks, a set of tricks. Purpose: Create minds for the development of constructive skills.

Progulyanka: attributes up to CPI "Demo to the dacha", cebra, jump ropes, sticks for painting.

Interaction with fathers

Recommendations for short walks and excursions for the elimination of various emotions that evoke positive emotions and feelings. Meta: create brains for forming partnerships with fathers

THURSDAY 27 April 2017 Regional component.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: turn on the children to the solemn rhythm, create a badior mood

Ranok of radio teeth : Secure step by step the entry of children into the rhythm of the life of the group

    Individual work (dribal motor skills)

Z Varya D. "Charivna Skrinka" Write the number

Meta: create mind for the development of fine motor skills of hands, memorization of numbers

    Word games

"Say the word"

Meta: create minds to activate the living of antonyms.

    Didactic games (musical)

Gra "Guess-but"

Purpose: create mind for shaping the manifestation of the height of the sound.


Type of activity : ruhova

Target: Create a mind for the right to do for the tasks of the vihavatel at walking and running; twist the correct grip of the hands over the edges of the lava while hanging on the stomach; repeat right at Rivnovazi.

Type of activity: constructive model

Topic : Primroses (construction from non-attachable material).

technological cards: No. 26

STROLL I : health improvement, prevention of automy, physical and rozumova.
development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body

1. Watch out for inanimate nature.

Watch out for the sky.

Meta: create a mind for the continuation of the molding of the notification about seasonal changes, the development of caution, the mental analysis, the robustness of the visnovka.

2. Work assignment

(sub-group) Help with tidying up the beds at the dealership.

Purpose: create mind for a radio mood in the form of vikonan work

3. Rolling games

"Povitrya, earth, water", "Pastka"

Meta: create a mind for the formation of a quick child for a signal.

4.Individual work for the development of the main skills (kidannya, fishing)

With Margarita, Marta, Eva B., Makar Sh., Lida

Meta: create a mind for molding to throw a ball at

hands, catch yoga with two hands.


    Spriynyattya artistic literature

Solving riddles on the theme "Pori rock"

Meta: create mind for development logical thought, shaping the interest before hearing that guessing riddles

    Budіvelni igri

"We will be a farm"

Purpose: create mind for the development of everyday habits, reveal.

    Role-playing game

"Theatre Buffet" Purpose: to create minds for the development of communicative zdіbnosti, the formation of a statement about the rules of etiquette in the theater.

    Spіlna dіyalnіst іn tsentrі khud.-estetich. development

Making scenery for staging the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"


1. Watch out for a walk 1.

Meta: make up your mind to confirm the notification about seasonal changes in the weather, in the meantime, make it gloomy-clear, gloomily.

2.Elements of sports games

"Hockey on the Grass"

Purpose: to create a mind for the right to hit the ball with an object, to hit the ball.

3. Didactic games

"Find objects of square, tricot form"

Meta: create mind at the development of memory, caution.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children in (regime moments )

Guess the children about saving the right way different types activities

Prodovzhuvati vihovuvati shanoblive setting to otochyuchih. Explain to the children that there is no trace of getting in touch with Rozmov grown up. It is important to listen to the speaker and do not interrupt without need. Prodovzhuvati vihovuvati dbayliva installation of people of a frail age, help to help them.

Through situational conversations, the players have the right to continue to develop interest until calm.

stvі that musical culture, vihovuvati artistic and aesthetic relish. To improve the musical affection of children, to evoke the emotion of emotions in the presence of music of a different nature

Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities

(It is indicated, what is the middle ground for the implementation of the planned)

book center Materials: reproduction of the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". Purpose: create mind for independent review of illustrations.

art center Materials: Roses "Spring on the streets", olives

Cgame library center Materials: DІ "When will you buy?" Meta: create mind at the development of respect, thought, memory, logical thought.

center of experimentation, science Materials: a willow tree for looking at the nirok

center of life-constructive games Materials: developing cubes "Choose a Kazka". Meta: create mind for the development of constructive skills

CRI center Materials: attributes for CPI "Shop of the day" Meta: create minds for the development of communicative needs, the development of housekeeping for an hour of distribution of roles.

progulyanka - shoulder blades, balls, keys, ensigns, cebras.

Interaction with fathers

Prompt the fathers to hold ruhlivі іgri on walks. Meta: create a mind for the development of the zusil for the development of that development of the child, the development of partnerships.

FRIDAY 28. 03.17 p. Regional component.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: turn on the children to the solemn rhythm, create a badior mood

Ranok of radio teeth : Secure step by step the entry of children into the rhythm of the life of the group

    View albums, illustrations

Looking at the album of illustrations "Spring in our land"

Meta: a confluence of minds forming a notification about seasonal changes in the native land.

    Individual work

from the development of the movie (vocabulary, grammar) from Arseniym, rozpovid about spring according to the mnemonic table.

Meta: create a language to improve the vocabulary, form the correct grammatical structure of the language.

    Didactic games for learning about the necessary, natural light

Interactive game "Spring"

Meta: create mind to expand the phenomenon about the signs of spring, spring weather.

    Robot z PDR (play, talk, look at illustrations)

Interactive game "Rules road traffic»

Meta: create a mind to form in children for the first time knowing the rules of behavior on the road, the development of a healthy pregnancy.


Type of activity: imaginative (painting)

Topic: Spring has come

Meta: create a mind for the rosette to transfer to the little one the damage in the spring, for the right in the painting with farbs, the rosette of the mind far away to spread the image on the arch, the creative health of the children.

Type of activity: musical

Topic: "Spring. Seasonal changes»

Target: create a mind for shaping the notice about the seasonal change of the curtains.

Distinguish the sounds by height, move the melodies uphill and down, step by step and streamline. 2. Victory elements of well-known dance routines at free dances.

Individual work - to help children with difficult tasks.

STROLL I : health improvement, prevention of automy, physical and rozumova.
development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body

    Watch out for seasonal changes, whole walks and excursions

Tour of the territory of the kindergarten

Meta: create a mind for shaping the manifestation of seasonal changes in nature.

    Labor activity

(subgroup) The choice is clear.

Meta: create mind for vihovannya bajannya pratsyuvati sleepily.

    Ruhlivі igri

“Who is better”, “Geese-geese”

Meta: create your mind for a thorough vminnya bigati, climbing, stribati; reaction development.

    Individual work for the development of the main developments (labine)

Zarina, Milena, Julia S., Eva B.

Meta: create a mind for the right in the lane through the crossing.


    Gymnastics awakening. Walking massage paths, zagartovannya.

Meta: create a mind to improve the immunity and health of children; carrying out hygienic procedures; self-service recruitment.

Theatrical Friday

"Spring knocks at the window"

Meta: create mindfulness of the atmosphere of the emotional development of children, the development of physical health.


1. Watch out for a walk 1

Meta - create mind for the formation of respect, memory of that mind of children.

2. Role play

"Demo to the dacha".

Meta: create minds to expand the area of ​​independent children in the choice of roles, the development and creation of ideas, the choice of attributes.

3. Self-supporting activity of children

"Misholovka", "Crow and Gorobets". Meta: create a mind for the development of the game, get the rules of the game, play in a team.

4. Didactic games

"Describe, I guess"

Meta: create mind at the development of respect, vminnya orientate at space.

Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)

    Close in the meantime independently organize loose games, play wet games.

Snіdanok, resentment, midday .

    Purpose: to create a wash for fixing, put a spoon in your right hand, take it with your lips, taste it with small small pieces, chew with your root, and not with your front teeth; development of motor skills; training of cultural and hygienic habits

    Fill literary baggage with riddles, tricks, sayings and orders

Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities

1.Create minds for the development of children at various centers

(It is indicated, what is the middle ground for the implementation of the planned)

book center Materials: the book "Fire rock". Meta: create mind for independent review of illustrations

art center Materials: plasticine for sticking birds that turned home. Purpose: create minds for the development of fine motor skills of hands, creative habits.

igro library center Materials: DІ "Pori rock" Meta: create mind for the development of respect, thought, memory.

Experiment Center Materials: Scheme to inform "Roslini drink water"

center of life-constructive games Materials: non-adherent material (candy wrappers, threads, plasticine, tubes) for the design of colors. Meta: create mind at the development of constructive zdіbnosti.

CRI center Materials: attributes for CPI "Spring Klopit" Meta: create mind development of communicative features.

progulyanka - attributes for "demo to the dacha", balls, cars, jump ropes.

Interaction with fathers

Ask the fathers to take the fate of the other centers of the group on the topic of tyzhnya. Meta: a mind-set for partnerships with fathers

Nina Lobanova
Perspective planning of the thematic day “Spring at the Mist and Fox” (middle group)

Topic: Spring near the city and in the forest. middle group. Vihovatel: Lobanova N. A.

Hour: 2-a weekday.

Tsіl: to continue to know children with the first signs of spring, the formation of a double and a double setting to a more natural nature.

Podbags come in: theme party« Spring has come» .

Heading for direct and illuminated areas Form a robot with children


Cognitive-motional development P:FTsKM

Form the manifestation of children about the changes in nature hinged, distinguish and name leaves and coniferous trees, clarify the knowledge of children about the roslin camp hinged.

P: Communication

Molding in a set of toys, fold a short rose at once dialogical language, activate the dictionary on the topic, date the person who changes the life of creatures hinged.

P: Reading art literature

Molding vminnya emotionally accept the change of verse, convey your own emotional state voice, facial expressions, gestures, show that the beauty of breathtaking nature infuses the mood of the people.


Formation of knowledge about geometric figures, vminnya bachiti in objects of known geometric figures, creation of a vizerunka for additional geometric figures and figures for additional wands.

The development of the mind of the difference in nature "live", "do not live", understand the reason for the blame of sleepy rabbits.


Molding will be done after the eye, drawing details after the color, fixing the names of the details (ceglinka, cube)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Development of sleeping habits, be creative at the process of spryynyattya musical creations.

Artistic creativity

Molding to hand over to the little one (applications, tape) anger about spring manifestations, beautifully arranging objects on paper, developing imagination, waking up.

Social and special development


Vminnya pick up objects and attributes for the plot-role play, work them independently.

Right at the landing (hole, planting, pressing the earth, watering).


Develop a different distinction and name unsafe situations in group, on a dilyantsі, with the method of safety of your life and health.

Physical development

Physical culture - the fate of children in physical education dosvіllah, zmagannyah, development of sports passion, dotrimannya rules gri.


Forming knowledge about a healthy way of life, about those

how to take care of your health

Topic: “More expensive with an ecological stitch. Spring T. I. Babaeva "Preschooler 4-5 years old at the child garden" iz 308.

P: Communication

Topic: follow up "Bilochka, hare that witch", O. S. Ushakova "Employment in the development of movies for children 3-5 years old", Z 144.

P: Reading x. l.

Topic: memorization verse by A. Pleshcheev "Already tane snow".

Topic: "Go to the boat". L. N. Korotovsky " Plani- notes to take from the development mathematical manifestation in children of preschool age” 4, s 113 (№ 70)


Topic: « fence next to the lake for pumping », L. V. Kutsakova "Designing that manual work in a child's garden" s 29.

- theme party« Spring has come» , psnі: "Winter has passed", "Hang burulka crying cap, cap, cap"

Artistic creativity


Topic: "Bulbashki on Dahu", I. A. Likova "Image-creating activity at a child garden", 11 out of 114.

Topic: "On river pliv boat", 11 p128.


Topic: "Horobtsі in Kalyuzhs", 11 out of 118.

Physical culture:

Physical culture allowance "Hurrah, hurrah has come Spring» ,


Watch out for inanimate nature, growing and creaturely light (Burulki on dakha, persh thawed patches, gorobtsі, who bathe in kaluzhas), - talk about spring nature, - revisit videos and photo stories about spring, - designed photo-collage "All for the sake of spring» , - d.c. "Pori Rock".

Communication - advice, fantasies on those: "The sun is falling and...", "Arrival of Birds", “What will become, what will not come Spring» , “How do you build, how do you dance like destroying bird nests”, - guessing riddles about spring, - rozuchuvannya virshiv, prislіv'їv, potishok "Go Spring, go red ", - Mov. games "Pick the word"(up to prikmetnik names: spring-wind, "One and a lot" (Strumok - strumki).

Reading x. l.

Reading and talking: F. Tyutchev "Winter is not without reason to be angry", N. Sladkov "Spring joy: Kviten", O. Shevchenko « Spring - Maistrin» , V. Bianki "Kviten", Z. Oleksandrova "Firework spring» .

- Games: "Wonderful Bear", "Who has more", "Who knows, hi far rahu", "Screw it", "Find the Same", "The Fourth Zayviy", "Take a visor", - v. y. "Put it in order", - Folding geometric pattern « Spring» .

Play with a sleepy bunny, - "Trees - stink alive" carrying out the last activity "Let's put the jacks near the water", - Watch out for the growth of the planted nasіnnya, situational rozmove about the meaning of the soil, lead, light for all living things.

- "Guess what kind of music?", - hearing: P. Tchaikovsky "Song of a lark", "Pori Rock", "Kviten. Prolisok", A. Vivaldi « Spring» , E. Grieg "Bird", « in the spring» , - spiv:"Pistenka about spring», "Sonechko".

Artistic creativity

Rozfarbovuvannya rosemary - look at the pictures artists: K. Yuona "End of Winter", A. Savrasov "Graks have arrived", A. Baksheev "Blakytna Spring» , - collective work collage « Spring is coming» .


- Role-playing games:

"Shop for the soul", "Come to the park", "On the fox galyavin", "Spring Ball", - gra-situation « Spring is knocking at the window» , - Folk festivities.

Pratsya - organization at the center of nature peas, bobіv, kvіtіv for a distant hanging out of the garden in vіdkritiy ґrunt, - "Subbotnik at the child garden" vikoristany mnemotable « Spring has come» , "Prikmeti spring» .


- Rozmova: “Yakі nebezpeki melt on the streets hinged? (slippery road, burulki, what to fall, plank, kalyuzhі, the wind is thin)», "How to secure yourself in the spring troubles",

didactic games "Tse is not safe", "Good bad", "So and not so", "Clean up on the plate", "One hundred bid"; - vyshennya problematic situations: “Who will be, what are you…”

Physical culture

- roaring games: "Flight of Birds", "Birds in Nests", "Myslivtsі and hares", with the ball "When are you going?" relay races with big "Choose putty", - rhythmic physical vilines "Animals on charge", "Spring wind".

Health - conversation: "Sun, poitrya that water - our best friends", - problematic situations: "I wet my feet, scho robiti", “Why did the temperature rise in Sasha?”, - v. With. "Vedmedic zahvoriv".

Grid Center:

- didactic games: "When are you going?", “So what’s up?”, "Save nature"

Literature Center: -Pidbirka and exhibition of books on topics - pictures with problematic situations, plot pictures.

FEMP Center - Didactic games: "Which is bigger", "Merry Rahunok", "Wonderful Bear", Who is alive in the house, "Charming transformation" (Geometric forms).

Design center

Budіvelnі sets - schemes - zrazki budіvel - toys for playing.

Music Center - a disk for listening to songs, music;

Center for artistic creativity

Stencils, silhouettes, rozmalovka books, non-adherent material,

Story center. - Roll. games

Attributes igor, objects intercessors.

Pratsi Center

Aprons, scoops, different molds, watering cans, ganchirochki, sticks for fluffing.

Security Center

Album "Abetka Bezpeki", - pictures from problem situations.

Center of rukhovoї activity

Attributes, hats-masks up to igor;

Attributes to zmagan.

Health Center

- Album: "I want to be healthy";

Plot pictures from problem situations.

Housekeeping "What do I love spring» , "Why do birds turn", "Why is there snow" and etc.

Exhibition of little ones "To us Spring has come brought joy".


"Budinochok for shpaks".

Galina Ermolaeva
The calendar plan for the middle group on the topic "Spring"

Tyzhnya theme: « Spring has come Day Monday Monday Date 21.03.2016

without middle (individual, group)

Ranok: Let's take a look at the children.

Rankova gymnastics is a welcome change in immunity. Tell the children, if it is necessary to scorch with a servlet. Finger gymnastics « Spring»

The axis is already two

(Down through the hands to the bottom, fingers together.)

Dripping drops.

Snow on the sun

(Hands with palms down, spread out killed.)

І strumkom sticks.

(Obidvі hands with palms down collapse in one beat.)

Method. development of fine motor skills. Review of leaflets, photographs of nature views hinged in the city and in the countryside - expanded knowledge of children about seasonal changes.

Ind. work with Saveliyem, Egor -

fixed names of trees.

Y/i "Winter or Spring- Expanding knowledge of children about the time of rock.

Listening to musical creations topics"Spring Awakening"- Method. to develop an interest in music, to listen to music, to sing, to sing the simplest dance moves. Develop the emotion, imagery of spriynyattya music through the movement. Situation "Before us came Spring» - accept the molding of the movi yak rosette zasіb splkuvannya; develop a rhyming language and activate vocabulary.

NID (group) I. Musical activity.

Muses. rhythm. ruhu "Pobіgaєmo, stribaєmo" RV

dance: "Finnish Polechka" RV

Gra on music. tools.


Muses. gra "I will water the meadow"

RV. play together with children.

II. Image-creating activity

Topic: "Flower of seven flowers"


Take the molding fixed and apply the plasticine on the cardboard with a thin ball;

Adopt molding for the development of fine motor skills of hands and neatness.

Methods: playful, artistic word, finger gymnastics, verbal, looking at the subject, discussing the method of filming, independent work of children, the result.

Costi: plasticine, boards, cardboard from the images of the card, the servettes.

Walking Beware of the shelters of burulok, krapel. Bypassing the house with children, it seems, from which side of the house the burulkas are settled. Why? Read to children vіrsh

Labor assignment: weather for birds - sponkati vikhovantsiv pikluvatisya about creatures P / i "Pastas with stitches"

to train in a big vroztich, to sway like a leader, a way. forms. vminnya orientate yourself in space.

"Lantsyugi forged"-Way. zbagachennya rukhovogo dosvіdu.

Y/i "Please"-Way. forms. in children it’s vminnya to beat the words of the word podyaki. (Z pіdgr.)

Individual work with Vasilisa, Mikhail K., Maksim R., Varey - Throwing objects at the target - to develop the strength of the hands and the okomir. Make children want

at sleeping games, creating game situations that will take the form of a respectful, dbaylivny setting to stunning.

Vechir Pidyom. Gymnastics after sleep, walking with massage paths for the prevention of flatness.

Guess to the children that it is more necessary to be greedy with your comber.

Reading the work of M. Kalinina "Yak Vasya catching fish" help you understand the sense of what you read. D / s Arina, Vika, Misha M., Misha K. - What to lie? Method. shaping in vіnnya vyhovantsіv to designate the place of roztashuvannya of the object according to the term to the other object, to live with my successor "v", "on the", "pid", "per", "bіlya", "front".

Stringing great gudzikiv, beads, bag on a thread at the development of fine motor skills of fingers. (Z pіdgr.). Make the children want to victorious objects intercessors, take the development of the children's mind and share the role.

Watch out for the camp, wait - the knowledge of children about the phenomena of nature is enriched.

Labor activity - at once from the employer, tidy up the little things from the territory of the village - get vikhovantsiv from the collective labor activity. gra "Sell the rahunok"- fixing of the saline rahunka, type 5 (h subgroup. children).

Y/i "Call me affectionately"- Vocabulary activation. (From children) Create mindfulness by machines.

Tyzhnya theme: « Spring has come Day of Tuesday Tuesday Date 22.03.2016

Spіlna diyalnіst at regimen moments without middle lighting activity (individual, group) Organization of independent activity of children.

Ranok: Let's take a look at the children.

Rank gymnastics - stimulate the work of the internal organs of the prosecutor's office and organs sensitively, take the molding right.

"Before even my hands are sweet".("Rules of etiquette at the nursery at the top") Before him, as a stele, keep your hands clean. This is necessary for the fact that you do not live sick! - take fixed kgn. Besida Rozmova « Spring» -continue shaping and reporting spring.

Y/i "Pick the word"- Method. forms. mind children put words behind pictures, pick up words, similar to sounding; activate the dictionary, improve the auditory perception. (Z pіdgr).

P/i “We will play with sleepy bunnies. ?- accept the formation of children's appearances about the inanimate apparitions nature: sleepy light, sleepy warm. Add illustrations to topic: "Lodokhid"- take molding of interest to natural phenomena; accept the development of the logical mind of children.

NID (group) I. Dviguna


OBC for showing the instructor.

P/i "Vedmedi ta bjoli"

The role of the violator: follow discipline, win the right together with children, activate inactive children

II. Rose of the movement

Compilation of information from the picture.


form method. kill children to practice with pictures and gradually develop;

Method. development of logic. Myslennya;

sponkati children to take care of the consequences in cases of illness, do not interrupt one another.

Methods: conversation, gr. moment, sight, showing an eye.

Costi: little ones, toy tsutsenya

Walk Beware of the work of the doorkeeper - continue to know the children from labor operations, tell about the meaning of work from clearing the yard from the snow. Formuvati the announcement about the pratsy of the grown-ups, vikhovuvati the povaga of the new one.

Labor activity: Cleaning up at the dealership - take the molding in the team, domagatisya with the help of the set pieces "The fox is that hare"- method of forms. vminnya rich vroztich, develop the habits of space orientation, swedness and spritnist.

IMP "At Malanya"- Guess the grue, sponukati wihovannya. vikonuvati dії vydpovіdno to the word.

Individual work with Egor, Mikita, Varey - “Haircuts from the city in a way. forms. vminnya vykonuvat stribki z mіstsya, correctly priymat vyhіdne position, vykonat stribok, utrimat rivnovaga. Encourage children to self-sufficient playfulness - to accept the molding of children's organizational habits.

Vechir Gymnastics after sleep - remove the excess galvanization after sleep, prepare the child's body for a far-reaching adventure.

Vikonanny cultural and hygienic procedures: washing, organizing hair.

Wake up vikhovantsiv to the solution of problems - practice talking about your own old-fashioned, for the help of a mirror, you know the shortfalls in the old look and correct them. Reading vіrshiv about spring, memorizing the choice of vikhovantsiv - to accept the creation of positive emotions

Y/i "Who do I look like?"- method of forms. interest in your parentage. (Mikita, Vasilina, Nastya).

IMP - "Know, de zahovano?"- Method. forms. in children, vitriki, watchfulness, parnosti. Wake up vikhovantsiv to independent constructive activity - to improve the fine motor skills of the hands, waking up.

A walk of Caution for a jackdaw and a crow - to reveal the goodness of rice, a way to develop caution.

Pratsya. commission: fix the year-olds, put food in them - sponkatily talk about the birds. P/i "Owl"- Guess the game, way. development of spritnostі, shvidkostі.

Individual work for the development of the movie with Vasilisa, Egor, Mikita - "Who is alive" (A fox lives in a hole, a squirrel lives in a hollow)- take the development of the mind to change it again, to improve the vocabulary stock. Create a situation for a conversation "Signs spring» - Zdib. expanding the manifestation of vikhovantsiv about the characteristic features of the time of rock - Spring.

Tyzhnya theme: « Spring has come tizhnya day Wednesday Date 23.03.2016

Spіlna diyalnіst at regimen moments without middle lighting activity (individual, group) Organization of independent activity of children.

Ranok: Let's take a look at the children.

Rank gymnastics - to improve the m'yazovu system.

Cherguvannya on їdalnі - zagalnennya knowledge about serving the table.

Pratsya: wipe the leaves of the great roslins - sponkati children dbati about the tickets.

tangram "Robot"- Method. the formation of the vm_nnya is known in the house of the children of the geometric positions to consolidate the knowledge of the geometric positions. (Savelijm, Mikhail K., Illey)

Y/i "Find the right color"- Method. shaping vminnya vikhovantsiv zastosovuvat knowledge about the credits, children for the oral instruction. Develop respect.

Y/i "Guess what I'm playing"- sponkati vihovantsіv develop the timbre hearing of children, distinguish the sound of known noise instruments, name them correctly. Make a difference in paper for vodkrittya creative maisterna - sponkati vihovantsiv to creative activity.

NID (group) I. Mathematical and sensory development.


Method. forms. vminnya sort 4-5 objects according to height, arrange them in the middle and growing sequence;

Want to name the results of the match words: lower, lower, lower, higher;

Method. shaping vmіnnya razrіznyati and naming geometric shapes.

Methods: game situations, gr. right , Besida.

Costi: yalinki, pryamokutniki, bear.

II. Musical activity.

Muses. rhythm. ruhu "Pobіgaєmo, stribaєmo"- continue vikonuvati ex. at acc. from music. strumming the rhythm with rattles. RV: watch out for vikonannyam, look after active children

dance: "Finnish Polechka"- Method. emotional development. wonderfully mayzhe. RV: win the dance together from the children

Gra on music. tools.

Spiv: And I'm in my pocket - win at once with children

Muses. gra "I will water the meadow"- Sponukati children to convey character. draw a game image

RV. play together with children.

Walk Beware of the tawny snow, the appearance of the first spring thawed patches. Walking around the house with children, it’s important, de snig and ice to sink more quickly - in the sun in the shade, why?

Labor activity - putting things in order on the territory - introducing children to cleanliness on the premises. P/i "Birds in Nests"- Take the molding of children to win big at a changeable pace, children follow the signal. Promote ruhovu activity, improve ruhovy dosvid.

Ind. work from fixed names for a feast of fate, riddles, examples, verses – Alina, Nastya, Egor, Varya, Mikita

Evening Gymnastics at bedtime after sleep - the development of motivation in children to save and improve health.

Finger. gymnastics "Friendship"- Vikonannya dіy vіdpovіdno to the text.

Reading the testimony of V. Dragunsky "Friend of Childhood"- Method. forms. mind the children emotionally accept the figurative zmist creation, comprehend the idea. Right "Name the signs spring» - Method. consolidated knowledge of children about spring. Besida "Chim Spring rejoice at other feasts?”- Method. forms. speak your mind, listen to others.

gra "Sonyachni bunnies"- Method. forms. cheerful mood.

Individual work with Mishkom Sh., Savelієm, Liza - able. fixing the rahunka in the borders 5. Game situation "Good is not gone, but evil is gone" -

to want to be sympathetic to children for a century, to help, to form a kindly setting to each other.

A walk of watchfulness for the behavior of the birds of the year.

Cleaning the yard in the presence of scorched angels - resurrect the bazhanya collectively improve your yard. Y/i "Mother's Helpers"- sponkati vihovantsіv vyslovlyuvat their thought, bring її. (Z pіdgr.)

P/i "Catch the mosquito"- Method. shaping vminnya vykonuvat striby on miscі,

energetically moving with two feet. To develop the building of concentration and to develop respect To create mind for the city with wine material - to victoriously reveal objects, to vikhovuvat kindness.

Tyzhnya theme: « Spring has come Day of Tuesday Thursday Date 24.03.2016

Spіlna diyalnіst at regimen moments without middle lighting activity (individual, group) Organization of independent activity of children.

Ranok: Let's take a look at the children.

Rank gymnastics - method. forms. the radio mood in children is right

Watering the roslins near the center of nature - continue spontaneously talking about the roslins.

Y/i "Guess the toy"- Method. the shape is known to the object, orientated by its main features, described by Saveliy, Nastya, Alice.

Individual work with FEMP with Liza, Arina, Varya - to make sure you know one and a lot of objects in the current situation.

P/i "The Witch and the Child" take the fixed mind bigati in one straight and the child behind the signal. Spread the word about the spring theme - embrace the creation of positive emotions.

NID (group) I. Dviguna


Repeat walking and walking along the stake with a snake in a straight line and vroztich;

Method. forms. vminnya stribati at the height of the rozbіgu, throw little bears at the target, pick up between objects.

OBC for showing the instructor.

P/i "Vedmedi ta bjoli"

The role of the violator: follow the discipline, win right at once from children, activate inactive children.

II. Knowledge of the subject and social world, the foundations of a safe behavior.

Topic: "Svіt kіmnatnyh roslin"


Accept form. expanded awareness of children about room growth;

Want to look at the differences between them at a glance.

Methods: conversation, review, physical vilink.

Costi: room roslini yakі є v group.

Lіt-ra:O. A. Solom'ennikova, p57

Beware of the birch - continue to know the tree, form. vminnya saw characteristic signs of that change, connected with the rock.

Labor diyalnіst - pіdmіsti at once from the verandah with the winder - molding the mind to help grow up, vihovannya praciovitostі. Y/i “Is it true?”- Method. development of respect (From children)

With Mikhail Sh., Varya, Vika, to return to standing on one foot.

P/i "M'yach to the leader"- Method. shaping the children of the beginners, catching the ball.

Samostiyna igrova diyalnist - take in children for a century in the meantime prepare the environment for the gri, housekeeping about mutuality, picking up the necessary attributes.

Vechir Pidyom. Gymnastics in bed after sleep, walking massage paths for the prevention of flatness. Tell the vikhovants about the rules of behavior at the toilet room. Individual work with Maxim R., Sergієm - fastened to reduce the wear and tear of clothes.

The games of children with the constructor, with the help of material - the development of constructive skills, fantasies, fixing to understand the height, color. Contribute constructor Lego- accept molding. children have their own fantasy.

Beware of celestial objects - sponkati children's interest in speech.

Labor activity - at once from the employer, tidy up the little things from the territory of the village - get vikhovantsiv from the collective labor activity. Individual work for Illey, Varey - to sponkati the interest of the children in the care of the dovzhin from the month.

P. /i "The deer has a great house"- Method. zakrіplennya umіn spіvvіdnosti ruh іz text.

Y/i "I will name, and you describe"- accept the development of dialogue speech, inter-specialist intercourse (h subgroup vikhovu.) To want children to m. p. i - to make the children viable to the rules of the gri, to take the virulence of the ruins.

Tyzhnya theme: « Spring has come Day Monday Friday Date 26.03.2016

Spіlna diyalnіst at regimen moments without middle lighting activity (individual, group) Organization of independent activity of children.

Ranok: Let's take a look at the children.

Rank gymnastics - to take the development of the emotional charge of the coming day, to help throw off negative emotions.

Dihalna right: "Zhachok"

“Yalina looks like a zhachka:

Yalina in the head, yalinka tezh "

(After the active breath through the n "pip - pip") - a sign of the nasopharynx, the upper dical channels and that leg. Individual work for the development of the movie (word robot, right for grammatically correct language)- Method. fastened vminnya utvoryuvat zmenshuvalno - pestilі naming children's creatures.

Y/i "Say it right away"- help children get antonyms. (Z pіdgr.)

Introduce a great constructor - take a radical mood.

NID (group) I. Image-creating activity


Topic: "Garna budivlya"


Method. forms. umіn vikhovantsіv to transfer from the little one different designs;

Method. fixed names of figures.

Methods: showing receptions, looking.

Costi Keywords: olives, albums, illustrations, geometric figures.

Lіt-ra: T. S. Komarova, p69

II. Reading art literature.

"Grandma, onuka is that chicken"


Prodovzhuvatime to expand the dosvіd hearing kazki

Method. form the development of the text, name the main power of the heroes, the motives of their vchinkiv, evaluate them from the position of aesthetic norms.

Methods: reading fairy tales, conversation

Costi: display of illustrations, kazka.

Lexical words: bryakaє, blyak, yoke, bryazkaє, creak, ohaє.

Reader side. - 10

Walking Beware of the Sun - to bring children to the thought about those that the sun needs for all living things.

Labor activity: pick up toys in cats - pdtrimuvati children bring mischief, interest to labor handymen P / gra "Find your color"- Method. forms. vminnya children orientate themselves in space, set in different main colors

Individual work with Vasilisa, Yegor, Maksim R. - to adjust walking with an attached crochet.

Y/i "Say the word"- sponukati children housekeeping prislіv'ya. (From children). Create a mind for gri "Find a Surprise"- to encourage children to know, spiraling on the golden landmarks (Bows tied on the backs of chagarniks) surprise prepared by the teacher. To take the prevention of nervous overload, to bring joy to children.

NID (group) Dviguna activity: way. the form of the mind of the children is to climb under the rail, not sticking with the back to the edge, save the jealousy; adjust in different types of walking and walking.

Hid: walking one by one, "like a bear", "like a cup", With a change of direction, with a change of pace, one by one, walking, staying in the colo.

outdoor switchgear: "tongue", "Dance", "Relax", "Stroke the barrel".

OD: "Shvidko pass - do not fall", "Climb at the Nirku".

P/i "Litaki" bigger big.

Vechir Pidyom. Gymnastics at bedtime after sleep - to continue the work of improving the health of children, to create minds for a systematic preparation of the body.

D/ gra "Nakry steel for chastuvannya"-Udoskonalyuvati vminnya servіruvati stіl. improve the newbies

interrogation. Y/i "Take a picture"- Method. forms. vmіnnya children from the parts to choose the whole. (Z pіdgr.)

Z Maksim R., Varey, Egor - correct the written numbers.

Return the respect of children to those who have become a day, explain why it is so important.

To bring in a laid-back game - to take the appearance of a bazhannya and play in the game.

Walk Beware of Boilers. Why do stinks settle - way. forms. vminnya will be logical connections.

Individual work with Nastya, Varya, Alina - method. the development of the mind should be oriented in the open space.

Y/i "Guess the description"- Method. forms. vminnya to see the object behind the singing signs.

With Vasilisa, Vika, Illey, tell the verse about spring. Create mind for igor іz sporting possessions.

0220914Theme of the day: Spring
Distributed thematic block:
1. Spring.
2.Seasonal change of awnings.
3.Regional component
Meta: create a mind for shaping the manifestation of the spring season of rock.
Trivality: from 17.04.17 – 30.04.17
Podbag entry: Exhibition of children's creativity
Vіdpovіdalnі: vikhovator Frolova E.V.
Term: 04/27/17
Interaction with family and society:
The design of the folder is a transfer on the topic: "Spring".
Note: Frolova E.V.
Date: 04/17/17
2. Invite the fathers to take a part in the replacement of the sports club in the group.
Відп. Frolova E.V., fathers
Date: 04/18/17
3. To encourage fathers to organize a home experimental laboratory as part of the implementation of the project “Wonderful Order!”
Відп. Frolova E.V. Batki:
Date: 04/19/17
4. Organize an excursion to the GDK park
Відп. Frolova E.V.
Date: 04/27/17
5. Ask the fathers for a consultation “how to dress a hanging child”
Відп. Frolova E.V.
Date: 25. 04.17 p.

Rank gymnastics complex №18
"Spring has come!"
Meta: create a mind for saving and improving the health of children; development of rukhovoї activity; vihovannya organization.
Walking and walking between objects placed in one line (0.5 m between objects).
Small balls roamed in a straight line following the signal of the whistleblower and followed them to the next bik of the Maidan. Walking on the next line to the outside line (2 times).
Right with a small ball
2.I. n. - stіyka legs porously, the ball is at the right hand. 1 - hands killed; 2 - hands up, pass the ball to the other hand; 3 - hands killed; 4 - hands down (5-6 times).
3.I. n. - stіyka legs porously, the ball is at the right hand. 1 - frail up to the right leg; 2-3 - roll the ball to the left, back to the right; at the exit camp. Those same with a frailty to the left leg (4-5 times).
4.I. p. - main stance, ball in both hands at the bottom. 1 - system, carry the ball ahead; 2 - turn to the cob position (5-6 times).
5.I. p. - lying on the back, ball in both hands behind the head. 1–2 – with one hour of movement, lift the right (left) leg and arm with the ball, hitting the knee with the ball; 3-4 - turn to the cob position (5-6 times).
6.I. n. - stіyka legs narіzno, the ball is in bent arms in front of him. Throwing the ball uphill (not high) and catching with two hands. Won quite well.
7. Walking in columns one at a time, the ball is at the right hand, raised above the head.
Gymnastics after daytime sleep
complex "Nebolijka"
1. I.P .: lying on your back, hands in a tuba, raise your hands uphill, stretch.
2. I.P.: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), massage of the big toes, pochinayuchi in the form of small pillows.
3. I.P. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nigtiv to the foundation with the onslaught (internal and ovnishn).
4. I.P. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking of hands - in the form of fingers to the shoulder.
5. I.P. the same, flatten your eyes for 5 sec., Vidkriti, repeat 5-6 times.
6. I.P: o.s., walking on the mіstsі with high knees.
MONDAY, 24 April 2017 Spring. Seasonal change of curtains.

1. Rozmov's Besida on the topic: "Practice of grown-up curtains." Meta: create a mind for the formation of communicative skills in children and mind, the formation of a notification about the practice of grown-up children.
2.Individual work (training of cultural and hygienic skills) with Julia M., Zhenya.
Meta: Create a wash for shaping in children, reduce that habit in the wash, at the table, properly trim with tableware. Anchored in independent activity.
3.D/i with objects “Whoever is pіdіyde, let me take it” Create a mind for molding in children to describe the object, know the signs of yoga, know yoga behind the description.
4.Individual work with sensory development by Z Illyas, Milena, Saveliyem. DІ: "Wonderful bear". Meta: Create a fixed understanding of "value", "form". LIGHTING ACTIVITY
№1 9.00
Activity type: Musical
Topic: "beauty of springtime"
Meta: create mind for shaping the manifestation of children about the beauty of spring nature "
. Spivvіdnosti I will feel the music in a rush, show interest until the music is received.
Independently rozpochinati spіv after I enter, sleep is comforted.
. Independently know the variety of changes in the transfer to the character of the changes in the characters.
№ 2 9.30
Activity type: Communication (fiction)
Topic: Reading poems about spring.
Meta: create mind on molding vminnya hearing vіrshі.

WALK I: improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and mental development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources of the body.
1. Watch out for inanimate nature. Watch out for the weather. Meta: make up your mind to confirm the notification about seasonal changes in nature.
2. Work assignment. Dopomoga at tidying up the smіttya at the dealership. Meta: create a mind for the formation of labor habits, smart practice sleepily.
3. Individual work. Mila, Varya T., Eva B. “Who is more stringy”. Meta: create a mind for the right children in haircuts at height, development of strength, peace.
4. Self-supporting game activity (wine material) Games with wine material (vantazhny cars, lyalki, clothes for the season). Meta: Create minds for the development of self-reliance and initiative through gaming activity.
5.P/i (bіg) “Carp and pike”, “Show, land, water”. Meta: create a mind for the development of respect, quickness of reaction, statement about the rules of GR.
2 PM
1. Role-playing game. "Spring bugs" Meta: create mind for development and enrichment of plot and role-playing games, molding independantly play roles and housekeeping about head gri.
2.Individual work for the development of the movie Z Mikhail, Alice, Illyas "Spring" rozpovid according to the mnemonic table.
Meta: Create a mind for the development of a consonant spell, an enrichment of the vocabulary (practices)
3. Acceptance of artistic literature Reading verse by F.Gavrilov "Spring"
1. Rukhliva gra "Mi - merry lads", "Misholovka". Meta: create mind for the development of respect and quickness of reaction.
2. Playing physical right "Take it in - don't let it in." Purpose: create mind for the right to carry the object carefully in the mind.
3. Self-supporting playing activity with wine material
Purpose: create minds for bringing children to independent creation of game ideas.

Under the hour, wake up the children to independence, shape the spoon correctly.
To continue the work for the sake of a sensitive awareness of the children.
To save the accumulated knowledge of good-natured people in exchange with one-liners: pay respect for the child, who showed a turbota about a comrade, who uttered a speech to you.

(It is specified, what is the middle ground for the implementation of the planned)
book center
Materials: illustrations "Spring signs"

Materials: the chick is clear, look at the swollen brunok.
Meta: create a brain for the development of a knowledgeable interest and drinking
Art Center
Materials: blanks for painting willow willow, olive oil, glue, penzle, servets.
Meta: create mind at the development of creative zdіbnosti.
Igro Library Center
Materials: DI "Pori rock"
Meta: create mind for the development of respect, misfortune

Materials: life kit for ship construction
Meta: create mind for the development of budіvelno-constructive zdіbnosti.
Centri: role play
Materials: attributes for the staging of the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
Purpose: to create minds for the development of the game, independently play the situation, share the game material, combine the plots of the game into one.
Sports jacket. Materials: pins, ball. Meta: wash up for molding in children, beginners and learn how to roll straightening balls. Meta: Create minds for the independent activity of children at the centers of child activity - emphasize respect for the material introduced.
Walking: cebra, wooden spoons, cars, lyalki, dressed according to the season.
Interaction with the fathers Ask Lvov to conduct a ranking round Meta: create mind for the formation of partner vodnosin from the fathers.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Spring. Seasonal change of curtains.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF THE DAY: turn on the children to the wild rhythm, create a bad mood
1. Put in the development of a modern dihanny. "Football". Purpose: Create minds for the improvement of the dyhal muscles of children, the development of the physiological mind.
2.D/i (sensory development). "Parachute" Objective: Create minds to consolidate children's knowledge of forms, colors, development of fine motor skills of hands.
3.Individual work (movie development). Z Eva B., Sashkom K. “Sell the proposition” (for the illustration “Spring has come”): Create a mind for the activation of the vocabulary, the development of spriynyattya, respect, sympathy; the development of a coherent movement, vminnya housekeeping propositions.
№1 9.00
Type of activity: P_znavalno-doslednitska (FEMP)
Subject: Pyramid. Time to finish. Rahunok at the borders 5.
Technological card number: 26
Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.
№2 9.30
Activity type: Dvigun
Purpose: Create minds for the right children to walk in pairs, to save a steady pace when walking on a changed area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport; repeat haircuts at dovzhin for a month.
Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.
WALK I: Meta: Improving health, preventing automy, physical and mental development of children, reinforcing a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body
1. Care for living nature (creature light). Watch out for the humpbacks. Meta: create a mind to expand the notification about seasonal changes in the life of birds.
2. Individual work. Rozvitok ruhіv. "Merry Gorobtsі" Masha I., Yulia S., Kira. Meta: fold the mind for the right in haircuts on two legs from protruding forward 2-3 m.
3. Work assignment. Anniversary of the Birds Meta: Create minds for the swinging of a double setting to the birds.
4. Rough games. "The Crow and the Gorobets", "More Lows on the Ground". Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.
5. Self-sustainability of the gaming activity "Koni", Meta: Create minds for the development of self-sustainability and initiative through the gaming activity, communication skills.
2 PM
1.Individual work (from musical swaying) to Saveliy, Mikita, Zhenya, Makar, Arseniy Musical-rhythmic movement "Merry Boys" (music by M. Satulina)
Meta: Create minds for the development of children, reduce that skill, adapt it to the nature of the music.
2. Self-supporting activity at the fold of the sensory development; floor games DІ "Day of colors" Meta: Create mind for the development of respect, thought, memory.
3. Didactic games (for the development of hearing, for the classification of objects and other things) DI "Fuck the rock" Meta: Create a mind for the development of auditory perception in children, to classify the phenomena of nature behind the timchasovy sign.
4.Spriynattya thin. Literature: Reading. M. Nekrasov's confession "Did Mazay". Meta: Create a mind for the development of children's auditory perception and become interested in the process of reading, memorizing what is read to the creation.
1. Ruhlivі right: "Reshape through objects." Meta: Create minds for the formation of the main changes in children, develop an interest in physical culture and a healthy way of life.
2. Rukhlivі igri: "Misholovka", "Pastki". Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.
3. Self-supporting gaming activity. C / R gra: "Spring bugs." Purpose: To create a better knowledge of children about the practice of grown-up curtains, for the formation of that development of communicative zdіbnosti.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)
Encourage children to pragmatically continue to learn hygienic and pamper children: put your hands in front of you, after you go to the toilet, the world is zabrudnennya.
Continue to develop fine motor skills of hands in various types of activity
To shape the voice calmly behave at the place of residence on the street, do not beat, beat the prohanny of the grown-up.
Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities
Create minds for the development of children at various centers
book center
Materials: illustrations "Migratory birds"
Center for experimentation, science
Materials: Scheme to inform “How water is transferred from the ground”.
Meta: create your mind for the independent exercise of the power of the Gruntu.
Art Center
Materials: musical instrument "Metallophone" for voicing spring raindrops.
Meta: create mind at the development of independence, initiatives, musical vibes.
Igro Library Center
Materials: DI "Name the migratory birds"
Center for Budіvelno-constructive іgor
Materials: wooden constructor. Meta: a concoction of minds constructing a chovna for Mazai's grandfather.
Center for Role Playing Games
Materials: attributes up to CPI "Shop nasіnnya"
Meta: Create mind molding of communicative needs.
Progulyanka: attributes up to CPI “Spring Klopit”, jump ropes, rings and ringlets.
Ask Masha I's mother. for holding rotten mountains on walks in the other half of the day. Purpose: to create minds for forming partnerships with fathers.
WEDNESDAY, 26 April 2017 Regional component.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF THE DAY: turn on the children to the wild rhythm, create a bad mood
1. Conversation "Practice of mature curtains in our place"
2. Beware of the room roslins, follow, practice. Watch out for the city on the weekend.
Meta: create mind for the development of self-reliance, the development of knowledge-adventure qualities.
3. Play-fun. "Blind Man's Blinds with a Twinkle"
Purpose: Create minds for the development of children, the creation of a warm, radiant mood in them.
4. Methods and methods of acquiring socio-gaming technology Gra "Litaє-not litає". Meta: create mind for the awakening of the interest of children one to one, ensuring the spontaneous promotion of the mobilization of respect for that body.
№1 9.00
Type of activity: Informative - last (Navkolishnіy svit)
Subject: Spring. Spring apply.
Technological card number: 26
Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.
№2 9.30
Type of activity: Image-creating (filing)
Subject: Bunny jumping on a fox galyavin.
Meta: a concoction of minds for the molding of memory in children to drink in a constructive way from plasticine.
Individual work: to help children under the hour of hard work.
WALK I Meta: Improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and mental development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources of the body
1. Beware of the manifestations of life. Watch out for the doorkeeper's practice.
Tsіl: Create minds for the improvement of the bazhannya to help, the formation of the building to evaluate the results of the practice, the development of the path to the people of the practice, the development of the movie.
2. Work assignment. Assistance in choosing children at the dealership (subgroup). Meta: Create mind for vihovannya vminnya pratsyuvati spilno; bring the rose to the right is enough.
3. P / i "Merry gorobets", "Sonyachni bunnies". Meta: Create minds for shaping the children's rotten activity, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime dotrimuvatisya the rules of gri, develop peace and security of ruhiv.
4. Individual work. Zorina, Eva P., Mikita, Sashkom. Right: “Axis like shvidkі nіzhki”, Meta: Create a mind for molding, vminnya shvidko crumble on scarves, with wide cuts.
5. Self-supporting activity with uniqueness Painting with a stick on the ground. Meta: Create minds for the development of self-reliance, creative zdіbnosti.
2 PM
1.Spriynattya thin. Literature: Reading the opinion of K.D. Ushinsky "Bdzhіlki na rozvіdkah". Meta: create a mind for the development of children's auditory spriynyatta and become interested in hearing advice.
2. Rozvagi, dozvіllya. Dozville
Purpose: Create thoughts for the emotional well-being of children.
3. Play with toys for the development of fine motor skills. Vikladannya vіzerunkіv z sticks
Meta: Create brains for shaping children's skills and learn from objects, development of fine motor skills of hands.
4. Independent artistic activity Apple color.
Meta: the creation of minds, the development of creative zdіbnosti, vminnya diyati behind the idea.
1. Playing physical right, ruhlivі playing VU: "Across the narrow place", ПІ "Misholovka". Meta: Create minds for the formation of the rukhovo activity of children, collapse after the signal of the wiggler, in the meantime, try to keep up the rules.
2. Self-supporting game activity CPI "Demo to the dacha". Meta: Create mind for molding that development of communicative zdіbnosti.
3. Didactic game with familiarity with the necessary light "Go to the tree, as I will call it." Meta: Create minds for molding the knowledge of children about different types of trees and the development of communicative abilities.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)
1. Doskonalyuvati self-service beginners: dress up and loosen up, keep order at the wardrobe; sponkati children dotrimuvatisya neatness in clothes for an hour or so.
2.Create a badiory, a radiant mood, a bazhannya calmly and independently grow in children.
3. Take the musical development of children through the holding of the Ihor and right, directing them to the sensory development in the sphere of sound.
Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities
Create a brain for the development of children at various centers Book Center
Materials: illustrations "Spring has come"
Meta: create mind for independent review of illustrations
Art Center
Materials: plasticine, klejonki, stacks for lining birdhouses for birds. Meta: create your mind for self-sustaining lіlennya.
Center for experimentation, science
Materials: a collection of ours. Meta: create a mind for the development of dope, pznavalno-doslednitsky yakost.
Center for Role Playing Games. Materials: Attributes for CPI "Shop of Life"
Game Center. Materials: ДІ “Pori rock”. Meta: create a mind for shaping the manifestation of seasonal changes in nature.
Center of budіvelno-constructive іgor. Materials: a scheme to inspire characters in fairy tales from tricks, a set of tricks. Purpose: Create minds for the development of constructive skills.
Progulyanka: attributes up to CPI "Demo to the dacha", cebra, jump ropes, sticks for painting.
Interaction with the fathers Recommendations for short walks and excursions for the elimination of various enemies, which evoke positive emotions and impressions. Meta: create brains for forming partnerships with fathers
THURSDAY 27 April 2017 Regional component.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF THE DAY: turn on the children to the wild rhythm, create a bad mood
Early Radical Sounds: Secure step-by-step entry of children to the rhythm of life of the group
Individual work (dribal motor skills) Z Varya D. "Charming Screen" Write the number
Meta: create mind for the development of fine motor skills of hands, memorization of numbers
Word games "Say the word"
Meta: create minds to activate the living of antonyms.
Didactic games (musical) Play "Guess"
Meta: create mind for shaping the manifestation of the height of the sound. LIGHTING ACTIVITY
Type of activity: rukhova
Meta: Create a mind for the right to do for the tasks of the master of walking and running; twist the correct grip of the hands over the edges of the lava while hanging on the stomach; repeat right at Rivnovazi.
Type of activity: constructive-model
Theme: Pershotsvіti (construction from non-attachable material).
Technology Card No.: No. 26
Individual work - to help children with difficult tasks.
WALK I: improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and mental development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body
1. Watch out for inanimate nature. Watch out for the sky.
Meta: create a mind for the continuation of the molding of the notification about seasonal changes, the development of caution, the mental analysis, the robustness of the visnovka.
2. Work assignment (subgroup)
Purpose: create mind for a radio mood in the form of vikonan work
3. Rukhlivі igri "Povіtrya, earth, water", "Pastka"
Meta: create a mind for the formation of a quick child for a signal.
4.Individual work for the development of the main movements (throw, fishing) by Z Margarita, Marta, Eva B., Makar Sh., Lida
Meta: create a mind for molding to throw a ball at
hands, catch yoga with two hands.
2 PM
Spriynyattya artistic literature Revealing riddles on the theme "Pori rock"
Meta: create brains for the development of a logical mind, molding the interest before hearing that riddles.
Budіvelni igri "Buduєmo farm"
Purpose: create mind for the development of everyday habits, reveal.
Plot and role play "Theatrical Buffet". Purpose: to create minds for the development of communicative zdіbnosti, the formation of a statement about the rules of etiquette in the theater.
Spіlna dіyalnіst іn tsentrі khud.-estetich. development Decorating decorations for staging the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
1. Watch out for a walk 1. Meta: make up your mind to confirm the notification about seasonal changes in the weather, remember to wake up gloomy-clear, gloomily. 2. Elements of sports games "Hockey on the Grass"
Purpose: to create a mind for the right to hit the ball with an object, to hit the ball. 3. Didactic games "Find objects of square, tricot shape"
Meta: create mind at the development of memory, caution. Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)
Tell children about saving the right things in different types of activities
Prodovzhuvati vihovuvati shanoblive setting to otochyuchih. Explain to the children that there is no trace of getting in touch with Rozmov grown up. It is important to listen to the speaker and do not interrupt without need. Prodovzhuvati vihovuvati dbayliva installation of people of a frail age, help to help them.
Through situational conversations, the players have the right to continue to develop interest until calm.
stvі that musical culture, vihovuvati artistic and aesthetic relish. To improve the musical affection of children, to evoke the emotion of emotions in the presence of music of a different nature
Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities

(it is indicated what the middle ground for the implementation of the planned is added to) the center of the book Materials: reproduction of the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". Purpose: create mind for independent review of illustrations.
center of art Materials: Rosemary "Spring on the streets", olives
Center of the igro library Materials: DI "When do you buy?" Meta: create mind at the development of respect, thought, memory, logical thought.
center of experimentation, science Materials: a little willow tree for looking at nirok
center of budіvelno-constructive іgor Materials: cubes to develop "Choose a fairy tale". Meta: create mind for the development of constructive skills
CPI center Materials: attributes for CPI "Shop of the day"
progulyanka - shoulder blades, balls, keys, ensigns, cebras.
Prompt the fathers to hold ruhlivі іgri on walks. Meta: create a mind for the development of the zusil for the development of that development of the child, the development of partnerships.
FRIDAY 28. 03.17 p. Regional component.
Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF THE DAY: turn on the children to the wild rhythm, create a bad mood
Early Radical Sounds: Secure step-by-step entry of children to the rhythm of life of the group
View of the albums, illustrations View of the album of illustrations "Spring in our land"
Meta: a confluence of minds forming a notification about seasonal changes in the native land.
Individual work for the development of the language (vocabulary, grammar) for Arseniy rozpovid about spring according to the mnemonic table.
Meta: create a language to improve the vocabulary, form the correct grammatical structure of the language.
Didactic games to help you get to know the necessary, natural light Interactive game "Spring"
Meta: create mind to expand the phenomenon about the signs of spring, spring weather.
Robot z PDR (games, conversations, looking at illustrations) Interactive game "Road rules"
Meta: create a mind to form in children for the first time knowing the rules of behavior on the road, the development of a healthy pregnancy.
Type of activity: figurative (painting)
Theme: Spring has come
Meta: create a mind for the rosette to transfer to the little one the damage in the spring, for the right in the painting with farbs, the rosette of the mind far away to spread the image on the arch, the creative health of the children.
Activity type: musical
Subject: Spring. Seasonal changes»
Meta: create a mind for shaping the notification about the seasonal change of the curtains.
Distinguish the sounds by height, move the melodies uphill and down, step by step and streamline. 2. Victory elements of well-known dance routines at free dances.
Individual work - to help children with difficult tasks.
WALK I: improvement of health, prevention of automy, physical and mental development of children, restoration of a decrease in the process of activity of functional resources in the body
Watch out for seasonal changes, walks and excursions Excursion to the territory of the kindergarten
Meta: create a mind for shaping the manifestation of seasonal changes in nature.
Labor activity (subgroup) The selection is clear.
Meta: create mind for vihovannya bajannya pratsyuvati sleepily.
Rukhlivі igri "Who is swvidshe", "Geese-geese"
Meta: create your mind for a thorough vminnya bigati, climbing, stribati; reaction development.
Individual work on the development of the main ruhi (lasin) Zarina, Milena, Yulia S., Eva B..
2 PM
Gymnastics awakening. Walking massage paths, zagartovannya. Meta: create a mind to improve the immunity and health of children; carrying out hygienic procedures; self-service recruitment.

Theatrical Friday (come in culturally, holy, roses, theater) "Spring knocks at the windows"
Meta: create mindfulness of the atmosphere of the emotional development of children, the development of physical health.
1. Watch out for a walk 1 Meta - create a mind for the formation of respect, memory of that mind of children.
2. Plot role play "Demo to the dacha".
Meta: create minds to expand the area of ​​independent children in the choice of roles, the development and creation of ideas, the choice of attributes.
3. Self-supporting activity of children "Misholovka", "Crow and Gorobets". Meta: create a mind for the development of the game, get the rules of the game, play in a team.
4. Didactic games "Describe, I guess"
Meta: create mind at the development of respect, vminnya orientate at space. Spіlna diyalnіst mature and children at (regime moments)
Close in the meantime independently organize loose games, play wet games.
Snidanok, resentment, midday.
Purpose: to create a wash for fixing, put a spoon in your right hand, take it with your lips, taste it with small small pieces, chew with your root, and not with your front teeth; development of motor skills; training of cultural and hygienic habits
Fill literary baggage with riddles, tricks, sayings and orders
Organization of the middle ground for free independent activities
1.Create minds for the development of children at various centers
(it is indicated by what the middle ground is to be added for the implementation of the planned) the center of the book Materials: the book “Fire the Rock”. Meta: create mind for independent review of illustrations
the center of the art Materials: plasticine for trapping the birds that turned home. Purpose: create minds for the development of fine motor skills of hands, creative habits.
center of the game library Materials: DІ "Fire the Rock" Meta: create mind for the development of respect, thought, memory.
Center of experimentation Materials: the scheme of learning "Roslini drink water"
center of budіvelno-konstruktivnyh іgor Materials: non-adherent material (wrappers, threads, plasticine, tubules) for designing colors. Meta: create mind at the development of constructive zdіbnosti.
CPI center Materials: attributes for CPI "Spring Klopit" Meta: create mind development of communicative features.
progulyanka - attributes for "demo to the dacha", balls, cars, jump ropes.
Interaction with the fathers Proponuvat the fathers to take the fate of the popovnenny centers of the group on the theme of winter. Meta: a mind-set for partnerships with fathers

Axis and winter has come to us. Wonderful time! Bile writhed and burned the earth. Cleanliness is a beauty! The white snow has embellished the place, The new river axis - the axis will come, And soon the skin will know its surprise! At the skin baby garden with the arrival ...

Our children's nursery had an action "Take care of Yalinka". Volunteers preparatory group did not pass її side! The stench was actively praised in the organizational work. At their dealership, those volunteers organized a flash mob called "Take care of Yalinka", where they asked for children senior group for...

Form of holding: zustrіch at the cafe. Participants: fathers, vihovateli. Purpose: development of interest to the recognition of one's children, emotional closeness of all participants in the lighting process, organization of their meeting in an informal setting. Front work: - Issue of booklets for fathers; - questioning of fathers on the topic of collections. Decoration: The hall of decorations in the style of a cafe (on the tables - tea, malt, sound...

Municipal Preschool Primary Mortgage " Children's garden combined type No. 246 "Zavodskoy district of the Saratov metro station Abstract of GCD at another junior group iztosuvannyam igrovoy tekhnologii "Day of the people of kurchat" Author: Gerasimenko O.S. Saratov 2019 Main lighting program« Municipal Preschool lighting install"Children's garden of a combined type No. 246".


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