New premium tank 8 level France. New French Premuck with Drum in World Of Tanks - Somua SM

New premium tank 8 level France. New French Premuck with Drum in World Of Tanks - Somua SM

I am confident that each of you has your favorite nation in this game. You are interested in the tanks of this nation, you try to pump out all the tops and so on. Someone is hotly loved by the Soviet school of tank buildings, someone gives their preference to the tanks of German branches of development. What to say: in our game already 9 nations with full branches of pumping. From tips to Swedes. Perhaps soon there will be polish branch, After all, the first prem-article 6 level is "Pudel", the World of Tanks game community has already been opened.

My favorite nation in this game was France. You can say the most drum nation of our game. Is that AMC30 and 30B lost in this drum orchestra, but also forget about them, it's not worthwhile for playing tanks. Pouring tanks of the favorite nation is a solid pleasure, and to pump them with a good crew much more pleasant. And the French are not worse than the rest. And the choice of premises of France at 8 level is quite large (3 prem-tank in in-game store Against 1-2 with the rest of Nations).

FCM 50T became the first premat in this game. Actually, with his purchase and starting and raising statistics on the account. The tank is not the easiest in mastering, in view of the shedense: a rather high silhouette, and the length of the hull is not less than that of the E100, but the tank is preferential and does not see 10 levels at all. This became a decisive factor when choosing between FCM 50T and AMX CDC. At that time, I was not ready to play on a completely cardboard tank, whereas FCM 50T, in turn, could throw his forehead with his forehead and a breakdown on the BB as a KV5, and Husli at the FTCMA at the whole board, which sometimes saves . Also at FCMa is just a chic overview of 400 meters, which allows you to light up and farm even more. Now I have about 1800 battle on FTCK and the tank has already managed to fed. But if you want to be stably farm, swing the crew, and at the same time do not get into battles with 10 levels, then the FTC is very a good choice. I rode on it with a valve, optics and the rate, thereby dispelled and review and DPM.

The second prematry in WOT became all the same AMX CDC. "Sidyuka" I decided to buy two months after the acquisition of FCMA. It became interesting for me what is for the more cardboard and the same sarades of the FCMA. Yes, and Bat chat swing wanted, but the crew was not. Although in general it was possible to transplant from FCMA, and on it once again to roll out the second crew, but not the essence. Their guns are distinguished by only information, DPM and accuracy in favor of the SDS, but also minimally. But I could not understand one thing that I could understand: Sidyuk's review is less, and at the same time it has a full level of battle.
At first, "Sidyuk" could not understand, the middle damage and the percentage of victories were simply disgusting, was really bad, the crew barely swung. The tank was set aside to the best times. Later it came to the concept of how to play it, but I didn't really want to correct the static. What on the FTCMa that he took two marks on Syyutka, the decency for the sake, but I never wanted to play 3. Since the beginning began to bother Alpha in 240, the frequent need to substitute simply killed both in the literal sense, and in the portable, it was no longer so easy and easy. I wanted something new ...

And with this most newly among the French, everything is in perfect order. We have for the choice of three tanks (and soon, I hope, and four). One armored, second drum, and the third is just Alfach.

And the third premature France in my hangar was precisely Alfach, M4A1 Revalorise. I used to pay him and paid attention. He was somehow completely incomprehensible. Without armor, without good dynamics, without good stabilization, without cool unscrews. However, in the patch 0.9.17, it was approved by everything that only can be: and stabilization, and accuracy, and overhead up to -10, and engine power, and indeed the type of engine changed. Piraed him began almost all the waterways in a row. After all, the tanker came out of the ugly duckling in ... well, just duckling. I, in fact, did not believe that the tank could become so good, so I did not immediately take it. But it is impossible to know for sure and without trying himself. And here I pass the T34 on Trede-Inu this summer, I took him. There was no limit to joy. Finally, 390 alpha, finally gear, which are flying fast. And if there was no desire to take marks on the SDU and the FTCsma, then there are 3 marks still wanted, and today they were successfully taken. Take them managed even without much use Gold. Cumulars probably produced 3-5% of shots. As for me, the tank is very and very playless without gold. By itself, "Reva" and gives players that same alternative gamers. And playing from alpha on the prema is much easier and more pleasant. Yes, and comfort in running fire on the "roar" is much higher than that of Sidyuk and FCMa. I want to play even just like that, not for the sake of Pharma. The game on it brings great pleasure, for me for sure.

The remaining two prema - Lorraine 40t and AMX M4 MLE. 49. One is a drumstone. The second is armored traction. And by the way, both prema were recently on sale. I would definitely bought them if it were not for the purchase of "roar." On him, I still did not play at all, and it's not like to play it will never get bored! Both tank that "Lorca" that "MLECH" also bring new and unprecedented gamers for the preams of France. Great when there is a choice of premium with different gameplay within one nation. However, I had to somehow justify for myself the fact that I will not buy them now. It would be possible to say that after all, there is a "roar" and that's it. But no, I decided to look for some interesting reasons and quickly found them. The cost of the projectile at the "Relas" - 580 silver, while AMX and Laura - 1030 silver. At the same time, the "roar" alpha in 390 units, and the fellows of only 300 units. And it was for this reason that I postponed the purchase of "Laura" and Amx for later. But, most likely, the next time they appear on sale, I will replenish my collection of French premises.

What is up to the fourth new prema. Pushka AMX Canon d'Assaut de 105. In the current patch, it was distributed to supertexts and now it is tested on the main servers. When it appears on sale, and whether it will appear in general - it is unknown. However, it is interesting to me at least that a tool from AMX 30 is installed on it, and the PT itself has very good disguise parameters, and accuracy with the stabilization of the tools is very very good. I'm waiting for his appearance in the game after the very first news about his exit to the Super Test.

Well, on this, perhaps, everything! Good luck to all on the battlefields.

For the supertest World of Tanks again came out for testing heavy French premium tank 8 level- somaa SM. Previously, the car has already been tested with completely different TTX.

We proceed to the Somua SM test
Somua SM is the French Premium "Harry" VIII level. With armor and drum. We have already rolled out this car to the Super Test, but now we check it in the new role - drum "heavy" for a melee. Not badly protected, in comparison with its pumped colleagues from the branch.

The machine is armed with a 100-mm gun, as well as AMX 50 100. But with small differences: shells in the drum, five, and the recharge of the drum itself and shells in it takes less. The weapon itself is sharpened under the Middle Fight: the accuracy of fire is lower than that of AMX 50 100, but the time is more comfortable. Plus quite good for French "heavy" armor. The reduced thickness of the armor VLD reaches 240 mm.

As compensation for armor, Somua mobility will be significantly lower than that of AMX 50 100.
We remind you that the characteristics of the tank are not final and may change according to the results of future tests. About when the machine appears on the main server, we will notify later.

Updated TTX Somua SM

Comparison of modified TTX Somua SM with a previously tested option.
Crew 4 people. The first drum premium tt in the game.

Damage per minute from 1584.4 for 2001.2;
Recharge time from 41.806 to 35.972;
Rapidity from 5.281 at 6.671;
Shells in the store \u003d 5;
Recharge time in the store from 3.75 to 2.25;
Shooting accuracy from 0.364 to 0.384;
Expansion of the scatter circle from the reverse. Towers at Max. soon from 4.3 to 3.49;
Expansion of the circle of scattering from movement to Max. Speed \u200b\u200bfrom 9.59 to 8.63;
- review from 350 per 370;
- power from 900 to 700;
- specific power from 17.14 to 12.5;
- Max. speed forward from 50 to 45;
- Tank strength from 1400 to 1450:
Case strength from 1120 to 1160;
Tower strength from 280 to 290;

Improved booking:
LBA housing from 120 to 140;
Hull sides with 50 to 90;
Lara Tower from 70 to 120.

Booking Somua SM.

Screenshots Somua SM in HD

Premium Amx M4 MLE. 49 LIBERTE French heavy tank of the eighth World of Tanks.

The next All Expected French Premium Tank AMX M4 MLE. 49 (from Armor) will be available in updating 9.16 with a unique camouflage dedicated to the map "Paris" approximately in October 2015.

How much is AMX M4 MLE. 49 Liberté.

AMX M4 MLE. 49. will be sold by various favorable offers, but most likely, together with personal reserves in packages. For gaming gold, French TT will not be available, the tank will be with a unique three colored camouflage and a rooster, similar camouflage is available on the console in AMX FCM 50 T tank looks very cute. The approximate value of the tank will be 2,200 rubles.

Characteristics AMX M4 MLE. 49 Liberte.

The heavy French premium tank for testing was available on the SuperTest from the update 9.12, and the exit must only at 9.16, the entire patch tank was tested and tested, so, we will analyze that AMX M4 MLE. 49 is available in characteristics.

French heavy tanks were not particularly distinguished by the magnificent booking of their cars, but here is AMX M4 MLE. 49 Liberté can be pleasantly surprised by his frontal booking, whose VLD is under an inclination of at least 210 mm, and the lack of direct corners of armor only increase the likelihood of ricochets from armor. The tower is very armored, thereby AMX M4 MLE. 49 Looks like an American heavy tank 8 level M6A2E1.

If you compare with breasts French TT 8 levels WOT, namely AMX 50 100 and FCM 50T:

AMX M4 MLE has at least some less reasonable booking that you will not say about AMX 50 100 and FCM 50T. One-time damage in 300 units is suitable, with a breakdown of 232 is very different, but the instrument rate (DPM) and the speed of information is worse in comparison with single-level equipment, but the scatter in 0.3 must please. Tank speed indicators are not particularly outstanding, but there is armor.

How to play French TT AMX M4 MLE. 49.

Play AMX M4 MLE. 49 Liberte as on any other tanks world Games Of Tanks on various tactics, depending on the setup of the team and the card. AMX M4 MLE fighting level. 49 Liberte Normal, throws to 10 levels, preferential levels of battles on this premium tank is not. Therefore, hitting dozens of armor does not particularly decide, since the breakdown is much more, only one can expect only random ricops. Therefore, act very carefully, it is advisable to try to play from the AMX M4 armored tower (to roll back, recharging to go to the tower forward again to get stered) and in no case should you climb ahead of everyone.

But while in the top of the list AMX M4 MLE. 49 Liberte can calmly show a tilt of his huge frontal silhouette before other hard tanks, but do not forget about PT Sau who clearly have enough breaks and does not matter the angle of inclination of your armor.

AMX M4 MLE crew and peppers. 49 Liberte.

The crew of the AMX M4 Tank. 49 Liberte consists of 5 people, for the French, a standard option for heavy tanks, because on the lungs and medium-sized French tanks, three people are usually.

Having five people the necessary peppers to increase the maneuverability and survival of the tank, as well as all the characteristics for a comfortable game.

Equipment for AMX M4 MLE. 49.

The simplest solution to put standard ordinary consumables, if there is no skill to quickly press the fire extinguisher, then install the automatic fire extinguisher.
Equipment for AMX M4 MLE. 49 LIBERTE: Having a skill of combat fraternity from all crew members, it is best to set the best ventilation to enhance all the characteristics, enlightened optics to increase the review and an instrument rate to increase the tools rapidness.
As one of the options, you can replace the module of improved ventilation to the vertical vertex stabilizer for the exact shooting.

Brief over AMX M4 MLE tank. 49 Liberte.

Summing up can be noted booking forehead French Premium Tank 8 WOT level, good mobility With your weight, there are vertical corners. Of the minuses, the tank immediately follows: no preferential fighting, big dimensions tank, low rapidity guns.

But still the car turned out to be very interesting at the expense of the booking, but the lack of preferential fighting is very pleased, because there is a famous FCM 50T which sometimes even tankers, let's see how this tank behaves in random.

AMX M4 MLE video. 49 Liberte.

Hello, tankers!

Recently, the company WargamingThe developer and the publisher of the game decided to introduce premium techniques for a limited period. This approach can find a lot of explanations, but the fact remains a fact - the latest "Premiers" introduced into the game "is sold. This applies to the new French TT. Meet - AMX M4 49.!

Historical reference

After the end of the Second World War of the French army, a modern heavy tank was needed. The work on the new tank was simultaneously two French firms: FCM and AMX. The projected car borrowed a lot from the German tank-building school and was like Tiger II.

Since the development of the development and until 1949, the AMX M4 project has undergone a huge number of changes. WOT added model 1949, from here and numbers in the title - AMX M4 MLE. 49. But the French have sought to be perfect for so long that the project is outdated in the development process. One of the latest ideas (dated 1950) is the installation of a 100-mm gun with which AMX M4 is presented in the game.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Armor. Armor is there, and what else! Protection from the "French", usually, mediocre, so they shoot in them without thinking. Here enemies and suits surprise, because Armor of LBA AMX M4 MLE. 49 - 190/250 mm (body / tower) under rational slopes. At the same time, the slope of the windshield corpot of the case provides 250 mm The reduced armor, and on the VIII level it is a significant argument even against high-level cars! True, the protection of other projections is not so impressive - 55/120 mm from the side and 40/60 mm from the stern.

Strength - 1500 - The usual business at 8 levels.

Firepower. AMX M4 MLE. 49 Armed with a 100-mm French tool SA47, with whom players could face AMX 50 100 and Bat.-Châtillon 25 T AP. One-time damage - 300 units, the remaining indicators are also at the level.

Main projectiles to our instrument - BB with a break of 232 mm. According to this indicator, the gun in the top three among the "premises" VIII level. Premium ammunition - BP-shells with a break of 263 mm. This is enough to snap up even on the tanks level older. Podkalibers have a pleasant speed and the floor path, but worse normalization: 2 ° against 5 ° in BB. There is also a fugas with a break of 50 mm and Alpha in 400 units.

The accuracy of the gun is 0.36 m per 100 m, the tipping time is 2.9 s, which is long enough. The "pumped" modules of the tank is reduced for 2.4-2.6 s - but also to play with such indicators. In the drain, the gun is charged for 10.29 p. With "full minced meat" - just 8.15 s. For a tool, appreciating up to 300 units of damage, this is long enough. Uvb from tank is excellent: -10 ° down and 20 ° up, and they can be used in battle.

Dynamics. Hanging quality AMX M4 MLE. 49, as for heavy, decent. Especially considering the mass of the tank - 70 tons. Powerful (1000 hp) 12-cylinder maybach accelerates the car up to 40 km / h. Reverse speed - 15 km / h. Specific power tank - 14.29 hp / t. But the rotation speed is seamless - only 25 ° / s.

Detection. AMX M4 MLE Overview. 49 - 370 m. Pretty middle rate by the standards of the eighth level. But with optics, the review is 407 m. True, putting optics on TT - an ambiguous decision.

Masking from the tank mediocre - mainly due to its gigantic sizes and guns with the muzzle brake.

Farm quality. Farm on Amx M4 is a pleasure, but only if you know how to apply this tank. He has no preferential status - our TT gets into the battles to dozens, though, even there he is able to show himself well. In the top you can play aggressively, but you need to remember that the opponent should only see the forehead. BB armored frost grabs the tanks of the VIII-IX level, the "golden" shells are rarely needed.

For a good fight with (1500-2000 units of damage), we export 30-45 thousand silver without a PA and 45-65 thousand silver with pa.

Choice of equipment, equipment and crew peppers

Pumping crew. Increase the firing tank features:

  • Commander: "Light Bulb", "Combat Brotherhood", "Repair", "Eagle Eye"
  • Powder: "Repair", "Combat fraternity", "Smooth turn of the tower", "Master-gunsmith"
  • Mechov: "Repair", "Combat fraternity", "Smooth move", "Master of Taran"
  • Radist: "Repair", "Combat Brotherhood", "Radio Human", "Inventor"
  • Charging: "Repair", "Combat Brotherhood", "Non-contact Baukend", "Desperate"

Choosing equipment.Characteristics AMX M4 MLE. 49 imply an active game in the attack or at least support for attacking allies. On this tank it is impossible to sit in the rear and wait for someone to do everything for you - you should be in the forefront of the offensive!

Game style " Heavy tank breakthrough ": "Resselon", "Stabilizer", "ventilation". With such a setup, you need to lead the allied forces into the attack, because AMX M4 MLE. 49 Very strong armor capable of withstanding the fire of tanks levels-two above. But remember fragile sides.

Selection of shells. Amusement - 60 shells. They are enough practically for any fight. BC based on your preferences, but if you can't decide on yourself, I recommend the next set:

Setup shells for playing random (BB / BP / OF):

  • "Breakthrough Tank 1" - 48/10/2
  • "Breakthrough Tank 2" - 43/15/2

Selection of equipment. Equipment set Standard: remkomplekt, aid kit and autoFress. You can put "Strong coffee" And get an increase in all the indicators, but do not forget that the main task of our car is to bring silver, and not vice versa.

"Armor on our tank is a strange subject," as one famous meme says - "it seems to eat and it seems to be no." AMX M4 MLE. 49 boasts to the amazing booking of the forehead, but armor of sides - just horror. Remember: the enemy should not see nothingexcept the frontal projection! It is worth trusting the body and show a vulnerable side or skating rink, and you immediately get a reminder that you should not do that.

Armor of the forehead is holding a blow, especially since the "Frenchman" envy, most players do not even think where to shoot. Even now, many newcomers come across this trick. Why there are newcomers - many ordinary players still do not know where to punch this car if she is just forehead to the enemy!

But how good the Armor of the forehead is as bad armor of the sides - it makes himself by any shells under any corners. Therefore, try not to substitute the "cardboard" boards.

You can draw the following conclusion: you do not need to be trapped as on Soviet heavys, to turn the board at an angle - it still does not tankers; It is not necessary to remember the above thickness of all the armoredists - it is enough just to go to the enemy at right angles. Then you can enjoy the sounds of the ricochets of enemy shells from your armor. Impressions are indescribable!

But do not get fond of tanking - remember that we have a car for farm, which means you need to shoot a lot. AMX M4 MLE gun. 49 Comfortable, even despite the mediocre tip time. But most of the skirmishes we will hold forehead in the forehead, so the tip is not so important.

In the battles of the VIII level you need to take the initiative and put everything that moves. At the same time, hold on the allies, because alone you can not live a goal for a long time - any Fluster, which lasted in the board, consider the right death. The main thing is to remember the vulnerability of AMX M4 MLE. 49 and not to substitute the enemy - for this you need to calculate even movement. For example, any light on the open road, and you are in the hangar! I did not notice LT, going to a narrow street - you are in the hangar! Etc.

In battles at x level, we cautiously - even the frontal armor does not guarantee security. Play support, help the upcoming allies. If everything is bad - retrain in a sniper, at least a sniper from AMX M4 MLE. 49 Not very. But the BP shells are saved here. When you need to shoot at long distances, the flight speed of the BPS should be enough.

Do not forget about artillery that loves AMX M4 MLE. 49 tank due to slowness and and poorly protected roof. Consider - "Vanzhoty" are not excluded even after the "APA" tank.

Overview of advantages and disadvantages of the tank. RESULTS


  • canceled frontal booking;
  • comfortable UVN;
  • extensive ammunition;
  • excellent armored aircraft with a basic projectile;


  • mediocre dynamics;
  • long enough reduction;
  • insufficient review;
  • very weak booking of sides and feed.

AMX M4 MLE. 49 - a fairly good and balanced tank. Each advantage compensates for any disadvantage. In this case, the car is excellent Farmit. If you master the AMX M4 MLE. 49, he will bring not only silver mountains, but also will give an unforgettable feeling. The tank can be recommended to the average player. The newcomer will certainly be headed head and comes to rapid actions.

Good luck on battlefields!


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