Hyde in the Polish branch of tanks. Polish Tanks World Of Tanks

Hyde in the Polish branch of tanks. Polish Tanks World Of Tanks

Maxim Chuvalov (World Of Tanks Product Manager) gave an interview to the Polish portal Gamezilla, transferred an article for you.

Answers concern the Polish branch of tanks in World of Tanks and some other aspects:

At what stage is the development of Polish tanks in WOT?

We have collected a lot of information about Polish tanks. A wide variety of models. What keeps us at the moment is the lack of tanks at the highest levels.

Low and medium levels are filled, although not all machines are unique due to the presence of modified Soviet tanks, but this is not a tragedy. But with the tops we have a serious problem, especially with 10-kami. Actually, so we first and took up the Swedes - there were no problems with the tops.

I would like, of course, that the Polish branch of tanks was in the game. We will work on it, but what happens until it is not clear. Will Polish tanks in the game will be a separate tree, or will be in the tree assembled from cars of different nations.

The question is not closed, the work continues. True, we do not know when it is over and what will be the final result. We do not want to promise anything, but be sure we do everything in our power.

Today we launch the first total update test 1.1 with the campaign of personal combat missions "The Second Front", the branch of Polish tanks, new and updated cards and something else.

Personal combat tasks: "Second Front"

The long-awaited new campaign of personal combat missions "The Second Front" is already here. Three combat operations with various conditions of tasks and three new tanks as the main award. This campaign will be a serious challenge, and tasks will be generously rewarded.

The "second front" will be available to all players. If you have not completed the first campaign, both tasks can be performed simultaneously. After updating 1.1, we plan to gradually open operations: the first will be available immediately, then for those who performed it, the second one will appear, and after some time after the release and third.

"Second Front" is a new challenge for your game skills. In three operations of this campaign, personal combat missions will have a different set of conditions:

  • First Operation: You need to perform a certain condition for an unlimited amount of battle (for example, Introduce 10,000 damage. Damage for any amount of battle). The tasks of cumulative and will require diligence.
  • Second Operation: It is necessary to fulfill the condition for one fight. Very similar to the tasks from the first campaign: you have to show how cool you can be in one battle.
  • Third Operation: Stability - a sign of skill. You will have to show a steady result in the battle series (for example, maintain a certain average damage in ten battles in a row).

List of all personal combat missions campaign "Second Front" (will be a little later)

In the new campaign of personal combat missions there are no hard restrictions on the classes of technology. Instead, national associations will appear, on the technique of which tasks must be performed - on one chain (15 tasks) in the operation for each of them. There are four of them four:

  1. Union: USSR and China.
  2. Block: Germany and Japan.
  3. Alliance: USA, United Kingdom and Poland.
  4. Coalition: France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Italy.

The award in the framework of the "second front" will be three absolutely new cars with unique features. Here they are:

British PT-SAU VI Level Excalibur

The car, created within the framework of the British project, known under the collective name "Beetles" due to the unusual form of the hull.

Heavy Tank of the USSR X level "Object 279 (P)"

The project of a heavy tank on four caterpillars proposed by the Trojan designer in 1948 and subsequently agrees in the "Object 279".

Note: A level restriction will be valid for technology on which you can perform each of the "second front" operations:

  • Excalibur - VI-X levels.
  • Chimera - VII-X levels.
  • "Object 279 (P)" - VIII-X levels.

You will receive not only these cars, but also another game property, as well as a female crew.

You can track the task execution directly in battle using the Tab or N key. This feature will be available only for new tasks within the "second front", but we plan to add this opportunity for the first campaign.

Note: On the total test, the first operation can be performed immediately. On the evening of August 3, the test accounts will be charged for the "Second Front" campaign - and you can proceed to the second operation. The third will not be available on the overall test.

We will tell you more about the "second front" in a separate article.

New maps


The card is at the stage of final optimization and refinement. Performance problems are possible on this map.

As you know, Minsk is a special city for wargaming, because the company was founded here. On the map, we recreated the city center of the beginning of the 1970s, changing something for the convenience of the gameplay. If you visited Minsk, many places will learn right away. If not, just admire the city landscape and plunge into the past of the city!


At the heart of this card does not lie any specific historical place. It was created based on the battle under the rocks and combines open spaces and the opposition points. On the location you will find wide fields, a large amount of vegetation, small rustic buildings focused around the high church. The central point of the map is a small brick factory that will become an important strategic point during the battle.

Changes on current maps


Many positions (including aircraft carrier and serpentine road) are recycled. Fights on this map will be more honest.

Siegfried line

The location of the northern team is strengthened on the map. Many points are reinforced with additional stones. Also changed the landscape.


The card demanded a rebalance, because gave a significant advantage of the Northern Team: the left flank provided it more convenient and quick access to the central island. Using thermal maps and statistics, we made this location more balanced and honest in relation to the southern team.


Now only IV-VII level technique will be able to fight on this map. With minor modifications designed to help the southern team, the bulk of the changes should ensure shelter from fire in different positions.


The card is recycled in HD quality, and its size increased from 800 × 800 to 1000 × 1000 m. Also amended, which will improve the gameplay for all types of technology. In addition, the eastern part of the card was completely redesigned.

Before updating 1.1, we will publish a separate article with detailed information about the changes on each card.

Polish branch of technology

Polish tanks will appear with the Polish card in the game. It's time to get acquainted with a new branch of technology: ten cars are ready to check the battle!

We decided to add this nation as a sign of respect for the dedication and courage of the Polish people during the two world wars, when the territory of Poland turned out to be in the very center of conflict.

The branch will begin with LT at low levels, the art will continue on medium and end with heavy tanks at high. Come in the game and experience Polish cars in battle!

List of change change

New campaign of personal combat missions "Second Front"

  1. The new campaign consists of three operations:
    1. Excalibur (available immediately);
    2. Chimera (will be available after unlocking for the application of the order, which will be accrued in the evening of August 3);
    3. "Object 279 (P)" (will not be available on the overall test).
  2. Each operation includes four branches of tasks. Each branch is performed on machines of a certain unification of nations (without binding to the type of equipment):
    • Union: USSR, China.
    • Block: Germany, Japan.
    • Alliance: USA, United Kingdom, Poland.
    • Coalition: France, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy.
  3. Access to the new campaign is open immediately and does not depend on the results achieved in the first campaign. Thus, the tasks of two campaigns can be performed simultaneously.
  4. In each branch of the campaign "Second Front" for 15 combat missions: 14 can be performed in any order, and the 15th opens after the execution of all the previous ones (as in the first campaign).
  5. Each operation has its own characteristics of tasks:
    • Excalibur operation: Accumulative tasks. The condition is performed for an unlimited number of battles (for example, to apply 10,000 damage. Damage for any amount of battle).
    • CHIMERA Operation: The condition is performed for one fight (as in the first campaign).
    • Operation "Object 279 (P)": The condition is performed for a certain amount of battle. If the failure fails, progress is reset and the task needs to begin again. This operation is not available on the overall test.
  6. For the execution of each task, award is issued in the form of loans, equipment, etc. For the passage of the entire operation, a unique machine is issued, which cannot be obtained in other way.
  7. Added progress to perform tasks in battle:
    • In version 1.1, progress will only work for a new campaign.
    • A detailed description of the accepted tasks will appear in battle when you press the Tab or N key.
  8. Now there are two indicators of personal combat tasks in the hangar - for each campaign.
  9. Operations campaign "Second Front" will be opened sequentially after a certain period of time. Those who complete the operation before the appearance of the following will receive a unique emblem.
  10. Improved interface of the first campaign:
    • The main screen is completely redone, so that both campaigns can be displayed on one screen.
    • Improved task card.
    • All items are given to a single type, taking into account the features of both campaigns.
    • Added new premium screens for performing personal combat missions.
    • Processed display tasks in battle by pressing the Tab key.


  • Added map "Studyanka" in Polish Setting.
  • Added Map Minsk.
  • Translated into HD and added to the game Map "Promzone". Main changes:
    • Increased size from 800x800 to 1000x1000 m.
    • Fully redesigned eastern part of the card.
    • Balance and gameplay changes are made.

Balanced changes made on the following cards:

  1. "Calm";
  2. "Siegfried Line";
  3. "Rudniks";
  4. "Provinces".

In battles on the "province" will now enter the technique only IV-VII levels.

  • Now you can change the appearance of the entire level of the IX level.
  • Updated WWISE sound engine: corrected critical errors of the sound system, new opportunities appeared to improve sound in the game.

Polish branch of technology

Added full branch of Poland technology, consisting of ten cars with i to x level:

  1. 25TP KSUSST II.
  2. 40TP Habicha.
  3. 45TP Habicha.
  4. 53TP Markowskiego.
  5. 50TP Tyszkiewicza.
  6. 60tp Lewandowskiego.

Changes in the technician parameters

  • Added an Early Object Tank (for Testing SuperTesters).
  • Added tank is-2m.
  • Added medium tank chimera (for testing by supertext).
  • Added PT-SAU Excalibur (for testing by supertext).
  • IX Object 430 Option II: The displayed engine power 4TDF is changed from 580 to 610 liters. s., What corresponds to the actual one.

How to take part in testing

Participation in testing

  • Run the installer that downloads and installs the test version of the client 1.1 (1.55 GB for the SD version and an additional 610 MB for the HD version). When you start the installer will automatically offer to install a test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify a place to install.
  • If you have the previous test version, 748 MB will be downloaded in this case.
  • Please note: Installing the folder containing the test client files of previous versions may cause technical problems.
  • Run the set test version.
  • Only those players who have been registered in World of Tanks can take part in the test until July 24, 23:59 (MSK).

general information

  • because of large number Tankists on the test server set to the user input. All new players who want to participate in the update test will be queued and will be able to enter the server when it is free.
  • If the user has changed the password after July 24, 23:59 (MSK), authorization on the test server will be available only by the password, which was used before the specified time.


  • Payments on the test server are not made.
  • On this testing does not increase the earnings of experience and loans.
  • Achievements on the test server will not switch to the main one.
  • During testing 1.1, planned technical works are held on test servers (25 minutes on each server, starting from 7:00 (MSK)).
  • Please note: the test server extends the same rules as on the main game. Therefore, they are punished for violation of these rules in accordance with the license agreement.
  • User support center does not consider applications related to the common test.
  • We remind you: download the WORLD OF TANKS client, as well as its test versions and updates more reliable in a special section on the official portal of the game. Downloading the game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of infection with malicious software. The developer team is not responsible for reference to the game client and updates (as well as for their contents) on third-party resources.

This year we promised to add two new nations to the game. "Italians" appeared first, and now the time "Poles" came. The branch will begin with LT at low levels, the art will continue on medium and end with heavy tanks at high.

Adding to the game of the Polish nation is quite logical, considering the dedication and courage of the Polish people during the world wars. In addition, Poland was among countries that developed their own tank buildings before the beginning of World War II.

Download Total Test 1.1

Low-level cars

Early Polish cars borrowed a lot from the technique of leading tank powers. Their characteristics are similar to the parameters of other nations: good mobility, relatively weak armor.

In the game plan, the distinguishing feature of Polyakov begins to manifest itself in the initial levels - their slightly increased one-time damage compared to Odnoklassniki.


The famous Vickers Carden Loyd tank is taken as the basis of this machine. It weighs a little more than 4 tons and is driven by an engine with a capacity of 85 liters. from.


Machines on III and IV levels can be considered as a transitional stage from light tanks to average. For 10TP, the prototype was created and successfully conducted tests in 1938-1939, however, due to the start of World War II, the work on the car was stopped, and the prototype was destroyed.


Similar history in 14tp: the work was suspended in early 1939, since they did not find a suitable engine. As a result, the tank was never collected due to the beginning of the war in September of the same year.

Medium levels

Introducing the transition to heavy tanks at high levels, the V-VII levels are very inhomogeneous from the point of view of the gameplay and perform several combat roles. It is easier to present average levels like this:

  • V Level - Light and Medium Tanks Hybrid
  • VI Level - Medium Tank with Armor "Heavy"
  • VII level - heavy tank, which is played as a hybrid of medium and heavy tanks


The Polish gaming community has long been waiting for this tank V level, the concept of which was developed in 1937. This machine is the development of low-level Polish technology with a 75 mm tool and one-time damage in 135 units. Impressive, if compared with Odnoklassniki.


We got to two incarnations of the concepts of Edward Habic. Both tank are the ideas of a talented Polish engineer in which he combined the best of the German and Soviet models of that time. Soviet influence is noticeable in inclined armor, and German - in compact towers and high firepower, which will be a feature of Polish tanks since the level VI.


Please note: playing in the transition machine VII level, it is important to be extremely neat in battle, as it has a very modest booking.

Top levels

Since high-level Polish technology remained the drawings in the archives, we believe that this is a great opportunity to show how these tanks would look in the metal. Three graduate engineers projects would differ significantly from post-war Soviet technology, which was in service.


This type of level VIII is prepared for gaming process at x level. This is a heavy and bulky tank with a solid tower on a weakened body. The car has three guns, but more efficiently and more comfortable to play two of them (105 mm and 122-mm).


This IX level tank can be viewed as a "younger brother" of the top car. He will have a high one-time damage of 130-mm guns. In general, it is worth paying attention to its destructive strength and good booking, which, however, has greatly affected at speeds.


You will be mistaken if you consider this car by Soviet, based on its size and appearance. Given that a 152-mm gun was installed on the tank, it is necessary to shoot extremely reasonable. 250 mm briefs are not very much, but with an accurate shooting you can apply 750 units of damage at a time. The angle of declining the guns is very good and is -8 degrees.

This monster X level occupies a place somewhere between the IS-4 and E-100. This is a heavilywitted slow tank, capable of applying a high damage and perfect to join the opponent defense.

SuperTest came out new tank 45TP Habicha (TT-7, Poland, pumped). We descend from high mountains on Middle-Level. From this tank and the most serious ascent to the top begins. There are 3 tools to choose from, but we note the top and, suddenly, Fugasnitsa Habik. Khm, an interesting solution from developers. (More Fugasov God Fugasov !!! 11!)

Crew 4 people.

Avantproekt heavy tank. It was assumed that the car would be the further development of the Habic Tank. Armor sheets of the case made thicker and placed rational angles of inclination. It was assumed to establish more powerful than the predecessor, the gun. Further sketch works did not go.

Appearance and TTX Preliminary, with Super Details.

Not so long ago information about the second tank of the Polish Tree surfaced. Recall that the first Tank of Poland was PT 2 levels "TKS 20.A", which the developers have shown more than a year ago. Now it appeared in all its glory premium tank 4 levels czołgśrednib.b.t.br.panc. Having in arsenal two Polish tanks and the response of developers that the Polish branch may appear in our game, we decided to make our own tree, relying on our own flair and information from the forums.

I level - TKW

In all its historical concept, this is a tank, but in many sources it is still positioned as light tank. Without an inconspicuous machine will fit into the game as it is impossible by the way. Arms consists of 7.92 mm machine gun, about booking at such low levels to speak without, but still the numbers are numbers, from 4 to 10 mm. The maximum speed is impressive, 46 km / h at a specific power of 17-18 hp / t. The crew of this unit consisted of 2 people, because, a clear case, that with a width of 1.8 and an altitude of 1.3 m, it would be closed in a car.

II level - 4r

An experienced light tank of the Polish army was developed before the Second World War. It was supposed to arm a 20 mm automatic instrumentwz .38 FKA. . Booking the case reaches 17 mm in the forehead and 13 mm on sides. The tower had a circular armor at 13 mm. The car reached 55 km / h on a flat road and practically the same speed of rough terrain.

III level - 7r

7Tr is a continuation of work on the creation of tanks of the TR series, and is a certain twin of the Soviet T-26. According to data from the Internet, it was tried to arrange six different tools for caliber 40, 47 and 55 mm, but ultimately installed 37 mm gunsBofors. . The towers were also moved like gloves, since each tool had to make a new tower.

It is possible that in the game, if, of course, it will appear, this unit will have many variations of weapons and towers. The armor is quite small and reaches a maximum of 17 mm. 110-strong engineSaurer. it will overclock our Pole to a pitiful 32 km / h.

IV level - 10tr

At first glance, it may seem that the tank is similar to the Soviet BT-7, but we assure you, it is not. The machine is a practically new and individual development of a lightweight high-speed tank with a pendant Christie. The maximum speed, as indicated in many sources, is 50 km / h. Armed all the same 37mm gunBofors. What is standing on the predecessor, 7r. For the 4th level, such a gun will be very weak. Armorists are wildly thin, 20 mm in all projections will be very good to catch enemy funds.

V Level - 14r

Based on archival data about this tank, it can be argued that a good Svetle will be released from it. 50 km / h along the highway - an excellent indicator for this unit. 14r on its concept is the same 10tr, but from historical sources it is said that the Germans found the data claiming that the Tank 10Tr was planned to be upgraded by increasing the wheelbase to 5 carrier wheels and enhance the booking of the machine. There were no data on the guns, but the information of the Poles speaks about the same 37 mm cannon as 10tr and 7r. The thickness of armor in the forehead tank reached 50 mm, on sides 35, and in the stern 20 mm.

VI level - 20tr V.2

22 tons of steel and large sizes, it is unlikely to give him the title of the middle tank, but the Internet data says that way. The project of the Polish tank of the breakthrough consisted of several options and sketches, but we liked this one. On the tank was planned to be installed, or 47, or 75 mm gun. Many will think that the car will be slow and smooth, but archival data tell us that the tank was to develop 45 km / h. The housing forehead had an armored corpaluit with a thickness of 50-80 mm, and on sides of 35-40 mm. For the 6th level, the indicators are not the best, but it is only assumptions.

To all this tree add some information about the newly minted Polish tank 4 level Czołgśrednib.b.t.br.panc.which is already tested on SuperTest.

The machine for its level does not have superpose and is the simplest ST-4. The gun pierces the armor in 63 mm, causing 50 damage. Recharge will take 4.12 seconds, the time of information is 1.73 seconds and the shooting accuracy will be 0.36 m / 100m.

With the dynamics of our premium Pole is also all over the middle level. The specific power of 26 horses per ton of weight will accelerate the tank up to 45 km / h. Rotate on site will be carried out at a speed of 36 degrees / s. Booking with us, as well as all medium tanks of the 4th level, is absent. 50 mm in the forehead of the case and the tower will hardly save us.

In the result, let's say that this branch is absolutely alleged and there is no reliable information on the establishment of a tank with this branch for a certain level. We can learn more about the tree itself only with the mouth of the developers. Patience and good luck in battles!

And here is the first official swallow from the Polish Front. Of course, there is no information about Polish tanks for a long time, and not enough. But there was no release of machines in the game. A new premium tank was released on the World of Tanks Super Tanks, and part-time, the first representative of the Poland branch. It refers to the class of medium tanks, will settle at 6 level. His name is rather funny - Pudel.

The tank is not something unique - this is a sample of the most mass modification of the German tank Panther - PZ.KPFW. V Panther Ausf.g. During the Warsaw uprising, two Panther Ausf.g were captured by the Poles. They caused emblems, national colors and many other external changes.

In addition to appearance, players will be interested TTH TankaThe analysis of which is presented below.


840 hitpoints are a huge safety margin, as for a medium-sized level 6 level. In the forehead body, an inclined plate with a thickness of 85mm, and the front of the tower contains 100mm armor plus a mask that covers almost the entire tower. Board hull 50mm and 45mm tower and without special slopes. An overview of 370 meters is a strong indicator on this game lvle.


The engine gives the power of 700 horses, and with a mass of 44 tons we obtain a specific power equal to almost 16 horsepower on a ton. Not the best indicator, but tolerant. The maximum speed forward is 55 km / h (but they will not be so easy and quickly), and back 20km / h and it is very nice to hear. The chassis is spinning at a speed of 30 degrees per second, the tower on the degree quickly. Unfortunately, the turnover is considered weak.


The tank was taken from the Germans, because the weapon awaits us rather familiar and very common. This cannon is known as 7.5 cm kw.k. 42 L / 70. 150mm purses on BB and 194 on BP is enough with interest to 6-7 levels, as well as not bad even against the eight. One-time damage 135 units, recharging time of 4 seconds, from which we get DPM equal to 2011. Accuracy 0.34m is excellent (this is the indicator above average), and the mixing 2.2 is quite comfortable. Ovn down are equal to -8 and this is another good news.


The first tank in the new game nation always attracts attention to how it does not work. Based on the history of the tank and its roots, it is possible to assume its features of TTX, and these assumptions are confirmed without any problems. Pudel is a tank with an excellent tool, good armor and medium mobility. He is not imba, but it is quite universal. You can use it without any problems at the expense of a strong breakdown and good accuracy. And you can play and actively, taking into account the high damage per minute and a large margin of safety.

As for me, Pudel a worthy candidate for the first Tank of Poland. And how it will come out - we will learn already on release.

For deeper analysis and interest, additional screenshots of the tank and TTX are located below.

To new meetings, tankers!

Wargaming.net has released another update for the World of Tanks multiplayer arcade tank simulator at number 1.1. The key features of this patch have become new maps "Minsk" and "Studyanka", the second season of personal combat missions, the new combined branch of Poland Tanks and the game event "Battle of Bloggers".

According to developers, the Minsk card recreates the center of the capital of Belarus of the early 1970s with unprecedented accuracy. Thanks to the use of photocating technology, many small parts are reproduced, for example, bas-reliefs and capitals of buildings columns. Residents and guests of Minsk with ease recognize Circus, Gorky Park, Svislechi Park, Opera House and architectural ensemble on Victory Square.

"Map" Minsk "is a way to visit the capital of Belarus, without leaving home. If you like Minsk, a virtual tour can be continued real, arriving on September 9 for the holiday "Tanker's Day" in the Victory Park, which is located behind the edge of the card, "said Yuri Kuryavy, World Of Tanks Operational Director in the CIS.

Personal combat tasks The "Second Front" campaign is created taking into account the wishes of the players. Their execution will allow "tankers" to earn new awards in battles and get a unique armored vehicle for free, which is impossible to produce in a different way: British PT-SAU Excalibur and Middle Tank Chimera, as well as the Heavy Soviet Tank "Object 279 (P)" on four caterpillars, created To overcome atomic shock zones. The tasks can be performed as part of the team of one of the four famous tank bloggers in the CIS region (Amway921, Lebwa, Jove and Yusha), getting extra glasses for friends returned to the game. Personal contribution to the "Baltility of Bloggers" is generously rewarded (including game gold, team emblems, inscriptions and styles). Return players will receive additional gifts, and the winners are unique chevrons.

Poland tank branch consists of lungs, medium and heavy tanks Interval period and World War II. They differ from the "classmates" of a high one-time damage and thick armor at the top levels. Machines starting from the fifth level and above are based on the projects of the Epoch of the Polish People's Republic and have never been implemented in Metal.

Together with Polish tanks in World of Tanks, a "Studyanka" card appeared. The location was created on the basis of the site of a large battle of the Second World War, in which the Soviet-Polish group defeated the Tank Divisions of the German Hospital "Herman Gering". Music theme Maps built around the Polish People's Song "W Moim Ogródecku" ("In My Garden") performed by Folk-rock band żywiołak.

Read with all the changes and innovations of the WORLD OF TANKS 1.1 patch can be


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