What types and qualities are there varnishes for wood? Wood varnish for external work - types of warehouses and their features Oil-based varnishes for wood colors.

What types and qualities are there varnishes for wood? Wood varnish for external work - types of warehouses and their features Oil-based varnishes for wood colors.

Wood varnish - what kind of varnish can and can be used? How to vibrati correctly? What should we do first to show our respect when buying wood varnish? These foodstuffs themselves must first be taken into account in order to obtain lacquer-based material (LKM). In fact, the food choice is not as simple as it seems at first glance, regardless of the fact that there are even more plentiful products on the current market. It is very important when purchasing to take into account the specifics and power of the item or surface you plan to varnish. You can’t go to the first store you’ve visited and buy wood varnish, which depends on the price or color, and not buy it technical characteristics Whose LMB.

The preparation of wooden objects in the middle of the location is necessary to protect them from fungal growths, molds, lumps, or as an option for decoration and restoration. everyday items. The outer surface is primarily used to give tone, matteness or, for example, closeness to the façade and other surfaces of the areas. Whether it’s acrylic or acrylic, wood varnish is chosen based on the texture, strength and characteristics of the wood species. You need to coat the surface with a bunch of balls. And in such situations, if the rock is extremely porous or has a lot of scuffs and small cracks, a front primer and putty is required. The level of attention to the subject or surface plays an even more important role, so when choosing the material, it is important to put it first.

What you need to focus on, or Criteria for choosing varnishes

Wood varnish is used to treat and protect wood from various damage and rotten processes. It happens for both internal and external work. The stinks are already growing over the warehouse, technical characteristics, authorities and the sphere of stagnation. Therefore, before purchasing a varnish for wooden surfaces or objects, you would like to consider which one will be best suited in one case or another. When you go to the store to buy varnish, do not bother to read the instructions and the stock in stock, which gives priority, results, and corresponds to your selection criteria.

Varnish for internal or external work

Think about it, de vie yogo vikoristovuvatimete. In the middle of the installation you will need to buy varnish for the internal parts. If you plan to paint the façade from the street or an object that is located behind the house, then you will need wood varnish for external work. Otherwise, if you choose paintwork materials for interior work and treat an outdoor object with it, the varnished surface will simply fade or crack.

Wear resistance

For example, you need a clear varnish for parquet flooring. Vimoga to wear resistance at times the culprits are subject to mandatory insurance. Return attention to the line of two-component varnishes on a polyurethane base - the finest varnish material for parquet. It has a high level of wear resistance, so this warehouse is resistant to abrasion. You can also buy water-based wood varnish for parquet flooring - this is used for finishing wood surfaces to create a reliable and durable finish. It is not recommended to use nitrocellulose - it has the lowest wear resistance coefficient and is not suitable for parquet.

Glossy and matte

The level of gloss when choosing is also very important when it comes to the interior. Each closet has objects with the same level of closeness, so it is necessary to apply varnish, taking as a basis the benefits of other objects for the design of the room. It is not obvious that the level of glossy coating depends on the method of applying paints and varnishes, such as how well the surfaces are sanded. The color of the lining can also be adjusted to the level of gloss. And, of course, you can’t help but appreciate the shades of varnish.


Most varnish and pharmaceutical products are not safe for the human body, and there are some distributors in stock: these include varnishes, polyurethane-based varnishes, and acrylic varnish on wood for external work, and Ether warehouses. Use such materials in special workshops (painting shops), in non-residential areas, and if there is a need to use them in residential apartments, then at any time repair robots, associated with the applied varnish, the guilty bastards will be deprived of their booths for a number of days.


How many hours does it take to coat the planned surface with varnish? Few people know about this, even though in average wood varnishes for interiors take about 6 years to dry, while on the outside it takes longer to dry. That's why anyone is trying to complete all the work from preparing items over the weekend. Water-based wood varnish is the fastest-drying, and nitroglycerin-based wood varnish is the fastest-drying.

Componentity: how it can be

Most residents of our region are familiar with one-component ready-to-dry varnish. After applying this substance to the surface of the bottle, which is located in the warehouse, it is evaporated and the dry excess is removed. Professional varnishes (they are also called wear-resistant) are rich in components. Using them, you can mix the necessary components, for example, add a distributor and a curing agent. Such a composition has the power to polymerize due to the chemical reactions that occur in the new substance between the varnish and the hardening agent.


There is a need for external varnish for wood, which is self-priming, or a “primer + varnish” warehouse. In other words, not all varnishes can be immediately applied to wooden surfaces. The selection criterion, however, is not obvious, but, as practice shows, most varnishes require prior priming in order to prevent them from spreading across the surface and not creating craters and wrinkles on varnished surfaces. Paintwork materials that apply first priming are called self-priming. They can be safely applied to the surface without any hassle. It is very easy when choosing and economical when purchasing (no need to buy additional soil).


The relocation of affluent property, as well as private shops, firms, and companies is often particularly advantageous, similar to their number. Such possibilities are also being extended to lacquer-based materials. It is for such purposes that flammable varnishes are produced, and if they are precise, they are specifically required to be issued a certificate by the manufacturer. fire safety. Use of such a substance is obligatory according to the technology specified in the document.

If all the above criteria are met, the selection of the required varnish material will become less important.

Features of varnish-based materials

Each paintwork material has its own characteristics and technical characteristics. Short description The ones who swim the most are lower on the list.

Polyurethane varnish for wood. There is no harm in the process of operation, it has a high level of wear resistance. Does not change cob external look that texture. It is very difficult to regulate the temperature and humidity: the temperature should be close to 22 degrees, humidity – no more than 60%.

Alkyd and polyline varnishes. The table is not as capable of reaching the temperature and moisture as the front one. It is easy and good to apply on surfaces, including metals, and has good ability to penetrate into the pores of wood. One shortcoming is a low coefficient of wear resistance.

Acrylic varnishes. To harden wooden surfaces. Acrylic varnish has a faint odor, similar to the smell of wet wood. Wear-resistant, resistant to removal from chemical substances. Before applying this type of varnish to the surface, it is necessary to prime the surface first.

Unscented varnishes. I would like to make a report on this line of products. Many people complain about varnish robots due to intolerance to the smell of chemical agents and other components due to strong unpleasant odors, which are also harmful to the body. The developers of the varnish industry tried to create varnishes that did not have any odor, and this was not the case.

They are produced on a water basis, so there are absolutely no distributors in their warehouse. Vicor is used for trimming wooden surfaces. They are especially inspired by foreign breeders. Recently, our veterinary companies have also managed to create a moisture-free, odorless product. How to paint with such varnishes? The algorithm for carrying out painting work differs in no way from the emergency situation. Sustain both for priming and as the main material.

The most important thing when choosing varnish materials for wood is often torturing yourself with various foods. What kind of varnish is best? How to vibrate correctly? What should you do to increase your respect? However, choosing a good and consistent varnish with such a diverse range of products on the current markets of household materials is not such a difficult task. When purchasing varnish-based material for wood, it is important to check the specifics of the surface that is being coated. You can’t, for example, just go to the market and buy from the first seller that you come across, a frost-resistant varnish for external woodworking, without guaranteeing the characteristics of its paintwork.

Wood varnish work

The preparation of wood fungi in the middle is necessary to ensure their protection from the elimination and infestation of various fungi and molds, the destruction of mosquitoes, or for the decoration and restoration of objects made of wood. The external prefabricated material is first cured to give a glossy or matte finish to wooden facades and other exposed surfaces. So, be it any kind of wood varnish, including acrylic, you need to choose the texture and texture of the wood. The surface treatment must be cut out with a bunch of balls. Since the wood has great porosity, any cracks or stains must be primed and puttied first. Also, when choosing a varnish-based material, be sure to apply pressure to the object or surface to be washed.

What should we focus on at the time of elections?

Any varnish for wood is intended to provide protection to wood that is damaged due to various damage, atmospheric inflows and rotting processes. Lakofarbov materials in terms of technical characteristics, warehouse, authorities and areas of supply can be considered both for outsiders and for internal views works Therefore, before applying, you should clearly indicate which paintwork material will suit you in any case. Before you go to the store, be sure to read the characteristics and determine which product you have in stock and whether it suits your needs.

Types of varnishes for wood

Most varnish-based materials are known for their versatility in relation to wooden surfaces (parquet, doors, railings, and much more). If you are applying odorless wood varnishes, you must be aware of the special features of the varnish-based materials presented on today's market.

With modern robots, frost-resistant, moisture-resistant coatings are mainly used. This means that only such varnish-based materials can provide wood with reliable protection from aggressive atmospheric infiltration. It is strictly not recommended to use vicor for processing wooden surfaces of warehouse areas, as when hung they create an inelastic melt. Nitrolacquers are added to such materials. Also, paintwork materials that are used for external work must be kept in your warehouse with special antibacterial additives, which will help protect the tree from harmful mosquitoes and prevent the onset of rotting processes.

Alkyd varnish for wood. It is advisable to use alkyd resins and resins in your warehouse so that they are soft, durable and moisture-resistant.

The drying of the finished surface lasts for 72 years, since it is necessary to dry the balls more quickly to be applied, then select LMB from the warehouse of any present hardener. In this case, the period of death will last up to 24 years.

The alkyd-urethane warehouse is drying even faster. It is possible to add urethane group components to the varnish stock. Such varnishes dry in 12 years, without compromising the value of alkyd paints.

Olive varnishes. Such warehouses are characterized by a high concentration of oils, resins and organic compounds. The particularity of oil deposits is to change the color of wood from pale yellow to thick chocolate color. Make sure that similar paints and varnishes take longer to dry. The drying of the balls, depending on the temperature of the high temperature, can last up to several minutes.

Nitrolac. This lacquer-based material is vibrated from coxylene, resins, plasticizers and volatile agents. Nitrolacquers are widely used in the production of consumer goods in the middle of the environment. Since these warehouses are dry-drying, the drying time of the balls takes place every year, and for the value of such coating it does not sacrifice its value to similar paints and varnishes.

When applied, nitro varnish creates a thin dry film on the wooden surface, which reliably closes the pores of the wood, which allows, in its own way, to improve the waterproofing characteristics of the wood. Warmly note that if the varnish you need is absolutely not harmful to your health, then this type of varnish material will not suit you instead of your warehouse of toxic agents. The same warmth of such a complexion does not affect the skin.

Respect! When working with nitrolac, it is necessary to ensure safety and use a special respirator.

Water-based acrylic varnish for wood. Such lacquer-based materials in their storage do not contain organic compounds, therefore they do not give off an unpleasant odor, and are therefore safe for contamination in the middle of the premises. Treating a wooden surface with acrylics allows you to increase the value and also preserve the natural color and texture of the wood.

Acrylic varnishes are highly sensitive to temperature changes and moisture, and therefore cannot withstand moisture when cleaning.

Epoxy coatings. They appear to be able to dry out quickly and can become stuck for work both in the middle of the room and in the middle. This is the most universal varnish-based coating, the fragments of which can be put together for finishing any type of surface.

Polyurethane varnish for wood. This material is characterized by water resistance and high wear resistance. These characteristics made polyurethane varnish one of the materials that are most often used for the final coating of wooden surfaces, especially valuable types of wood.

Yacht varnish. Respected by the most important middle of the presentations of most critics. The dry warehouse of yacht varnish has a high resistance to a rusty infusion of salt. sea ​​water and having abandoned its name to the wide range of conditions in the production of wooden houses and yachts. This matte coating has the best elasticity and hardness. The varnish has high resistance to aggressive infusion of excess media, temperature changes and almost any other conditions.

Correct work with paintwork

Mainly for trimming planed or parquet boards To use a special, odorless mixture, we recommend that you use a varnish for wooden surfaces for this purpose. In order to clearly identify the lacquer of wood sprouts, pay attention to the following simple instructions.

Surface preparation. If the surface that needs to be treated has not been coated before, then it should be carefully processed before applying the coating. If the old varnish coating is visible, you just need to apply a new ball of varnish to the animal. The finishing of the wooden surface before varnishing is carried out on sanded wood. After sanding the surface, you must remove the saw blades, preferably with a saw, and you can move on to the next stage.

Lakuvannya. Applying varnish to cleaned wood on top paint with a pencil, a roller or a paint sprayer. Dry often after harvesting, the light wood becomes darker, and the dark wood, however, is hotter than red wood. As a rule, such a change in the color of the wood is carried out immediately after applying the varnish. Therefore, from afar, we understand the power of the vikorist warehouse.

Carved wood has its hardness, which means, in its turn, the necessary number of coating balls. Soft species, for example, pine or yawl, require 3-4 balls of varnish, and hard wood requires two. If an alkyd warehouse is being used, then to apply the first ball it is necessary to add 10% white spirit.

Vitrata per 1m²

And the remaining, if not for the sake of significance, nutrition is like consuming varnish per 1 m². Let's name the main criteria that go hand in hand with wood staining.

  1. Wood. The surface of wood with deep pores absorbs more material than wood that is less friable and porous.
  2. Sanding brush. Higher sanded wood will require less material.
  3. Viscosity. The thicker the varnish, the more waste per 1 m². For this reason, the varnish for applying the first balls is added with a resin or water, which is used to paint water-based paints.
  4. Method of application. Naymensha vitrata varnish pri vikoristanny farbopulta. More material is needed by working with a pencil or roller.

The average amount of varnish applied should be 1 l/8-10 m², and when applying less and less – 1 l/10-12 m². You must take into account all the overridden criteria.

  • How to choose an odorless bathroom solution
  • TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic, technical characteristics
  • Do-it-yourself bitumen mastic for waterproofing the foundation
  • Protection of wooden structures from rot, damage, occupation.

Often, as a finishing touch, a special wooden material is placed in the middle of the space. The lining is made from natural, environmentally friendly material. It has miraculous characteristics and, in addition, looks miraculous. They are often used to trim verandas, loggias and simple balconies. Therefore, special benefits hang on the material.

Aje tree - “living” natural material, old-fashioned. You are afraid of increased moisture, sudden changes in temperature, and various biological illnesses. Under the brightening of the dormouse, the unique berries of the tree quickly perish.

What should you use to cover the lining, the lining, or the osb of a wooden booth?

For the protection of wood and wooden lining

The surface is coated with varnish, which will ensure the preservation of the material and its properties.

Those who do not want such work, for a number of years, can show cracking, abrasions and banal obstructions.

What advantages does the wood texture bring when it has been processed?

  • The storage area became moldy and rotten.
  • Resistance to various mechanical treatments.
  • Protection from the sun.
  • Increased fire resistance
  • Aesthetic.

During installation, lining is often coated with various special-purpose materials: drying oil, antiseptic, stain. The cob appearance of the material is subject to change. Covering the lining with animal varnish refreshes it and paints it.

Select a confidential person

Tipi laku

How and with what to cover a tree?

First, get started with the application of varnish, and first become more familiar with their varieties.

The most popular types are:

  • water resistant;
  • alkydni;
  • polyurethanes;
  • acrylic

Representatives of all these groups can be used as a whole for internal health care: they do not see harmful toxic fumes and are not harmful to health. What are the features and performance characteristics of these products?



Varnishes prepared on a water base are characterized by the presence of an unpleasant odor and may remain dry. The stench is absolutely non-toxic, which is why the preparation of the lining in the container can be removed without the addition of dry substances.

There is no need to wear a respirator. Such warehouses are used for processing the wooden surface, including in the middle of the area.

All water-based warehouses have a polyurethane or acrylic base. The stench can be a different warehouse - two-component or single-component.

The only thing left to have in your warehouse is one base, a two-component one, which also hardens. Therefore, the characteristics of the two-component product are revealed by short-term indicators, which make it more durable and reliable.


These varnishes help the tree to better preserve its unique natural texture. Smells will be a wonderful choice for treating the interior surfaces of spaces. In addition to the depletion of the aesthetic properties of the vomited surface, the stench is absorbed from unnecessary infusions, including sleepy changes. The stock of acrylic varnishes can be subject to wear and tear, so please follow the instructions carefully.

Afterwards, the mixtures are diluted with ether, alcohol or water. Sumish after application hangs mayhe mittevo. The surfaces coated with acrylic properties should not be left too thick, as soon as stains appear, it is better to avoid trying to wash them off with water. For these reasons, acrylic-based varnish is not suitable for use in, for example, the kitchen, where moisture is highly sensitive.


Almost all the characteristics of the forerunners are present, but plus you still don’t have to be afraid of high humidity, and in fact the vologists themselves. Therefore, the surface coated with them can be mitten without damage.

The ability to drink water is even more important, especially for children and pets.

The coating of alkyd varnish is damaged by increased tension, protecting the wood from significant mechanical spills: it prevents the appearance of rags, causing damage and other damage.

It works wonderfully as a varnish for doors. The disadvantages of this drug include the unpleasant odor when you are addicted, as well as the time required for you to completely die. For this you need at least two dibs. A little bit of ale is easy to put in, adding a specially hardened mixture that is released.


Polyurethane is often used for parquet flooring.

It is important to re-evaluate the advantages of this group of varnishes.

The stench does not only steal the material from the old age and the weak infusions, giving it an effective appearance.

The stench allows you to add absolutely unique flavors that are not at all powerful compared to the dulcet natural material:

  • high resistance to UV radiation;
  • increased resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to such aggressive agents as meadows.

The miraculous characteristics of the drug equate to its incredible power.

The price for a group of polyurethane varnishes is significantly lower than that of other groups. Then you can apply this varnish both in the middle of the booth and in the middle.

Nuance vikoristannya laku

There are important features of drying water-resistant varnishes that can be used to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and clear result.

  • Do not forget to perform a biocorrosion treatment before laminating.
  • Whether any type of varnish is best applied, it’s best to apply it as quickly as possible. This way you can achieve the maximum value of dry casting on the material.
  • During operation, the liqueur warehouse will require regular mixing. So its structure will be uniform, it will be easier and smoother to lay down.

After the residual drying of the first ball, the surface of the crumb is sanded, after which another application is carried out.

Varnish application process

How to apply varnish correctly? The wood and lining must be thoroughly dried, only after which you can begin decorative finishing. After coating the surface, it may take at least five days. There are no special complications in the application process. The procedure is not at all difficult to complete on your own. It is important to quickly follow the recommendations of qualified professionals.

What is needed for the robot:

  • Vlasne varnish warehouse;
  • Amnesty youmu;
  • great and small brushes and rollers;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • retailer, mittens, drabini.

The surface is cleaned well, the debris is removed. If there is an old cover, it needs to be removed. Old varnish It’s easy to see for help with soda. The area, infected with fungus or mold, is coated with a non-infectious agent, which is resistant. The material will require acid sanding. For this purpose, a special sanding machine or basic sandpaper is used.

Once all defects have been removed and unevenness has been smoothed out, a ball of primer is applied to the surface to fill the pores. After it dries up, a special antiseptic warehouse is installed, which provides greater service to the tree. This is the title of a crooked ball.

For about a price, no less, you can start right up to varnishing the booth. It is better to use vicor for this penzel, made from natural bristles.

During the hour of scrubbing, no hairs fall out of it, complicating the process and absorbing the moisture of the robot. Mix the varnish so that it becomes a homogeneous, even paste. Then you will be kicked with a thin and even ball, and avoid inaccurate separation.

After the residual drying of the cob varnish ball, sand the surface of the crumbs. After this, another, residual layer of varnish is applied, which can be done without any problems.

The trees will be virobi and will require protection. For this purpose, vikorysts are leaked, farbi, varnishes. For additional help, the tree can be given any color, but the darkness will cover the little ones. This is how varnish allows you to instantly protect wood and enhance its natural beauty. Choose a varnish - on the right it’s best, how not to get overwhelmed by the variety and choose the ones you need?

Like wood varnishes

Varnish is the name given to viscous resin, which is made up of broken resins and polymers - mainly in summer breakers. If you apply any kind of liquid to the surface, then the engineer will be wiped out, and the spit will be lost - it’s too much and too much. Basically, wood is coated with varnish - one of the most beloved and most popular living materials. The problem is that when a tree is exposed to various external infusions, it needs a varnish coating first in order to prolong the life of the tree.

The varnishes are divided into layers of gloss and hardening: for work in the middle or at the end. The power of varnish lies beneath its foundation. For example, alkyd-urea varnishes can create a durable coating, and alkyd varnishes can protect wood from moisture. Oil or naftopolymer varnish will help protect surfaces that are of great importance - either way or not.

The most popular varieties are parquet varnishes. For wood, acrylic and alkyd, water-based and polyurethane varnishes are mainly used. You can buy wood varnish at any convenience store, browsing through the assortment in advance to choose the product you need.

A very important parameter for lacquer is yogo blisk. Everything depends on the brightness of the light stream bubbling up from the surface.

The type of blisk is divided into:

  1. High-gloss varnish for wood (close to this special feature is more than 90%).
  2. Gloss varnish for wood (mostly 80 to 90%).
  3. High-gloss varnish for wood (mostly 40 to 50%).
  4. Matte varnish for wood (mostly 10 to 15%).
  5. Matte varnish for wood (for this purpose less than 10%).

In addition to everything else, today there are varnishes for toning - always new, with the addition of coloring, you can change the shade and change the color.

Wood varnish: internal robots

By covering wood with varnish, you not only decorate objects, but also protect them. The varnishes themselves enhance the moisture of the wood and deepen the texture and color, and it doesn’t matter whether you use everyday materials - whether you have a wooden base, furniture, or walls.

Fakhivtsi dissect the following wood varnishes, divided for internal work:

  1. Parquet.
  2. Mebleva.
  3. Universal.

Parquet varnish

The parquet board, like the parquet itself, will require a high level of protection. Because they cannot be coated with varnish and will last less long. It is in your interests to choose a clear solution that will ensure safety and ease of inspection - varnish for parquet flooring is the same as what you need. Moreover, parquet, varnished, looks even more rich and beautiful.

Parquet varnishes come in a wide range - their strength is based on the effect they create. After varnishing, the surface will be glossy or matte - it depends on which finish you choose.

When choosing parquet varnish, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you paint the room yourself in this way. For example, if you have a bedroom, you can buy a “simpler” varnish, and even in this room there will be much less emphasis on the background, the hallway or the kitchen. In these rooms it is better to paint varnish, which provides additional protection for the surface on which it is applied.

Vibrayuchi varnish, obov'yazkovo requires greater respect for:

  1. Its technological power: lightly coat the consistency and method of application.
  2. Its external appearance: we can either be clear-sighted or be like a stain for a tree.
  3. The level of shine: gloss and matte, similar to the high quality.

Below you will learn about the types of parquet varnish.

Wood varnish: primer

You can also be victorious, including for the cob covering of the tree, in order to be able to secure it. Primer varnishes help with this situation, when you need to remove the original paint, when you need to insulate the wood or avoid wasting the excess water on the material.

Moreover, primers can be spared for varnishes, since much less finishing coat will be needed. True, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing a varnish primer, since it is responsible for the perfect fit for the finishing (primer) of the coating.

Wood varnish: water-reducing

  1. Water-based varnish for wood is most often used, and its price and quality best demonstrate its effectiveness.
  2. His warehouse contains not only water, but also emulsifiers and distributors. But the water itself is completely dry.
  3. Waterproof varnishes are produced in one type at a time. The stench either does not take revenge on the criminals at all, but the percentage instead of this speech becomes close to 5% or close to 15%.
  4. The main disadvantage of water-based varnishes is that the stench penetrates well into all crevices, which creates additional squeaks. The contractors themselves are advised to seal the primer in advance - also on water.
  5. Water-based varnishes also have such a small amount of wear because their wear resistance is very low. However, it is still possible - this is what the manufacturers do, adding special additives (although there is one more “aloe” - such materials are only applied when the moisture content is no more than 50%!).
  6. Before that, it is not possible to apply waterless varnishes with pencils or sponges - just with a roller.
  7. Since there is no need for waterless varnishes, the stench does not have a strong specific odor instead of water and is absolutely not flammable.

Wood varnish: polyurethane

  1. For waterless or polyurethane varnishes high rhubarb zahistu – їm powerfully vitrify highly navantazhenya.
  2. Moreover, these varnishes have very high adhesive powers.
  3. Polyurethane varnishes must be carefully preserved, as stink residues can be one-component or two-component.
  4. If the base is missing, then a resin, as well as acrylic or urethane, is used to create these properties.
  5. Waterless varnish dries faster than water-based varnish.
  6. Before the hour of application or before the hour of drying, the varnish must be protected - do not get any drops of water on it.
  7. Such varnishes do not require priming of wood before application.
  8. Polyurethane varnishes are more elastic.
  9. Waterless varnishes do not require a special microclimate.
  10. When using the stink, do not be afraid of water.
  11. Nowadays, polyurethane varnish is the best choice for applying to a substrate; hopefully, the surface will be of great importance on the surface.

Wood varnish: alkyd

  1. The basis for alkyd varnishes is natural brine - not oil resins. Wood and wood floors are most often used, so such varnishes penetrate deeply into the wood and smoothly cover the entire surface.
  2. Alkyd varnishes can be toxic, so they contain a high concentration of a component such as white spirit.
  3. With alkyd varnishes, the structure of the wood appears clearer.
  4. Alkyd varnishes enhance the natural beauty of wood.
  5. Oil-based varnishes tolerate various mechanical conditions well, including temperature changes and humidity.
  6. Alkyd varnishes, when applied, do not stick to all crevices and do not stick together boards or other objects.
  7. Alkyd varnish must be dried at low temperatures; it is very sensitive to drying at high temperatures.
  8. Alkyd varnishes have low wear resistance.
  9. Apply all the varnishes with a thin ball, after which you need to stitch lightly.

Wood varnish: formaldehyde

  1. The basis of these varnishes is formaldehyde resins, which are unsafe for human health, so it is necessary to apply the resin in a respirator.
  2. Such varnishes are the most wear-resistant than other types of varnishes.
  3. Formaldehyde varnishes can be applied directly as a final coat – without a primer.
  4. Formaldehyde varnishes tend to dissolve from wood.
  5. Varnishes based on formaldehyde miraculously cope with temperature changes and any kind of moisture.
  6. Formaldehyde varnishes can be applied using any tool: roller, pencil, etc.
  7. Formaldehyde varnishes have a very pungent odor - but their worst drawback.
  8. The consistency of formaldehyde varnishes is very thick - it is very sticky, so you can glue dies together.

Is it important to choose varnish for your room? Contact a specialist who can advise you on this.

It’s a lot of fun to use such an algorithm:

  1. For the bedroom and children's room - waterproof.
  2. For living room, office and balcony - alkyd.
  3. For the corridor, front room and kitchen - formaldehyde.

Wood varnish: meblevy

Wooden furniture is very expensive, so facists should pay special attention to the disposal of these items - for example, it is necessary to choose a good varnish.

Furniture varnish is great for creating a dry ball and enhancing the fineness and structure of the wood.

Today there are such features for furniture:

  1. Olive varnish for wood.
  2. Alcohol varnish for wood.
  3. Alkyd varnish for wood.
  4. Acrylic varnish for wood.
  5. Polyurethane varnish for wood.

The most popular and popular type is polyurethane. It is wear-resistant and shock-resistant. Moreover, this varnish can be used for both internal and external purposes.

Today's varnish manufacturers add polyurethane additives, for example, antioxidants or ultraviolet protection. For high performance, this is especially suitable not only for varnishing furniture, but also for high-pressure surfaces.

The advantage of polyurethane varnishes is that the stink is not bad. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly. And yet they have effective insights and do not lose power over time.

Wood varnish: modern robots

To protect wood that is on the street and is constantly exposed to various mechanical influences, you need to apply a special varnish for external work. Such a goal can promote the development of dry power and effectively protect the tree from the aggression of the external environment, harming all the individual characteristics of the tree.

Lacquer for external applications for preparation:

  • facades;
  • garden furniture;
  • gazebo;
  • parkaniv;
  • wooden flooring;
  • terrace;
  • beams and lags;
  • rubiv (zokrema ta yogo vintsiv).

Exterior varnish miraculously protects the tree from moisture and litter. Wooden objects will serve you for a long time - all you need to do is apply a layer of varnish to them.

I, uninvited for those lacquers for a tree for calling Robit Ma -Bilsh Knock Tsin, that, that of the intake for the internal Robit, Tson all the Ekononia, Aje Zhdyaki to such a zahista, vitte the lives of the village of village!

To varnish wooden objects, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Sand the wood surface.
  2. If there is a mixture of varnish on the tree, the balls need to be removed. It is best to use an emery paper (at least 100R).
  3. If you paint it with varnish, the wood can be stained with stain.
  4. After sanding, be sure to clean it thoroughly.
  5. Now apply the primer varnish - this way you will protect from the bulbs and any visual defects in the coating.
  6. Varnish applied.

The varnish can be applied in a wide variety of ways, the most extensive - using a roller or pen.

  1. Penzel. It is used when applying varnish in a highly accessible place and when preparing other elements and parts. In order not to lose traces of separation, vikorist the penzel, which forms “fluff” at the ends of the villi.
  2. Roller. Gets stuck on high surfaces. When vibrating the roller, make sure that the pile is not to blame if it has fallen beyond 5 mm.
  3. Rozroshennya. The best option is to apply the varnish using a compressor or spray bottle. The same best way This way, it is economical and allows you to get information from even more accessible places. The sawn-off farb will be of very high quality.

Apply the varnish first and mix it carefully, especially if you have chosen a two-component one. This is necessary for the durability of the varnish coating.

If you plan to apply the varnish a few times to the surface, carefully walk between the balls with an emery paper (220R) and clean up after sanding.

The balls of varnish should be based on what you are specifically varnishing: if it is a base, you will need three balls, and if it is furniture, then you will need two balls (this size includes the primer).

After you have covered the surface, you need to wait an hour for it to dry completely. There is no good reason here, since some winemakers have a word for the instructions on the jar, so it is important to read everything that is written on the packaging.

Varnish for wood. Video

In order to steal the virus different designs From wood that can be exposed to open air, it is necessary to apply wood varnish for external work. All wooden structures and parts exposed to the open air (mountings and storage elements, terrace boards, various gazebos, outdoor furniture and decorative items made of wood) are even more durable before the influx of atmospheric fall c. Snow, rain, strong wind, as well as direct rainfall and scattered mosquitoes cause a rainy flow on any unprotected wooden surfaces, so they must be reliably protected.

Polyurethane varnish for external work is a special grade of polyurethane in an organic solution. No alkyd-type additives or other types of additives are added to the varnish. The polyurethane-based varnish creates a particularly dry coating that penetrates 5 millimeters through the middle of the wood and creates a durable dry coating with improved wear resistance.

Types of polyurethane varnishes for wood for external use

Polyurethane varnish for wooden surfaces is classified into:

  • One-component. We are already preparing this type separately. Characterized by advanced indicators of environmental safety. It’s not at all bad for people who are too middle-class. There is no specific smell. With regular use, the wood coating does not fade;
  • Two-component. This type consists of a component that is responsible for the function of hardening, and the main mass. Before curing, it is necessary to mix and prepare them in order to remove the ready-to-use varnish for coating wooden surfaces. It allows you to add dry melt, which prevents the infusion of chemicals and liquids, and also creates a surface that is resistant to mechanical infusion.

Single-component and two-component polyurethane varnish will provide excellent protection on the surface of various types of wood. The smell can penetrate deeply into the fibers of the wood and ensure reliable adhesion.

Depending on the result, polyurethane varnishes can be expanded to:

  • Glyansovy. The chipped surface becomes shiny;
  • Napivmatoviy. The surface is chipped in the dark, near daylight.

What is the difference between polyurethane varnish for external work and polyurethane varnish for internal work?

The main purpose of varnish for interior work is to create a decorative appearance for wooden surfaces. The tree that is located in the middle of the area is much less susceptible to the influx of ruinous factors; the lower tree is stronger. Quick-drying varnish for wood for external work is of great importance. This moves the weeping stage and creates a more wear-resistant dry substance that protects germs from wood, both natural and mechanical.

Methods for finishing surfaces with polyurethane varnish for external work

When applying a polyurethane varnish to the surface, it is necessary to adhere to all recommendations as indicated in the corresponding instructions. Two-component varnish is especially valuable. The components must be mixed in precisely adjusted proportions, otherwise the varnish will dry out too quickly or it will be even thinner. Two-component; The varnish may catch the Swede, so he needs to get the necessary amount of varnish and not prepare it for great duties.

Before applying the varnish, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. It looks smooth, smooth and clean. So we clean and polish it first. The top may remain dry on the outside. Applying varnish to the surface of the surface is easy to protect. After preparing the surface, you can apply varnish. You can quickly apply it with a pencil made of synthetic material or with a mohair roller. It is recommended to apply varnish directly to the wood fibers, and not across them. The optimal temperature of the surface when applying varnish is between 18-24 degrees. It is recommended to apply in 3 balls. After applying the ball to the skin, leave the trace for an hour to allow the ball of varnish to dry. Let the remaining ball dry for about 7-8 years. In gloomy weather low temperature The dry period will become more intense.

The main advantages of bark-free polyurethane varnish ZAR for foreign workers

Bare-free polyurethane varnish ZAR for external work has a high-tech formula that allows you to create a reliable dry ball. This varnish is liquid-drying. For optimal temperature conditions, the nail polish will dry out in 2 years. After coating with this varnish, the surface becomes harsh and resistant to any kind of mechanical flow, especially to rubbing. It effectively protects against the influx of sleepy changes and atmospheric phenomena of different nature. ZAR polyurethane varnish contains antioxidants that protect the wood from decaying in the middle. You can visit our specialized online store for very competitive prices.

Wood varnish is a set of substances that can create melt in organic liquid and water. After the varnish is applied to the prepared surface and dries, it creates a visible dry layer.

Lakuvannya – tse effective method zakhistu from the rotting of the tree.

Vimogi to wood varnish

Wood varnish is responsible for preserving and enhancing the beauty and texture of wood. You should be victorious in these situations, if you need to give the wooden tree special decorative powers and appearance. In addition, wood varnish protects wood from decay. They can be used to create thermal insulation protection and protection against corrosion. The color and clarity of the varnish melt play an important role in the preserved texture of the wood surface.

Types of varnishes for wood and their varnishes

  1. Olive varnishes were stored in their warehouse without the use of natural resins. U the rest of the time Individual resins with modified natural oils began to be introduced into the oil varnish, adding to this the producers and sicatives. The production of piece replacements significantly reduced the cost of production of products and made the price of oil for wood illegally affordable. Olive varnish, when applied to a chipped wooden surface, creates a soft varnish like a yellowish varnish. Most often, oil varnishes are used when preparing substrates and for internal work.
  2. Alkyd varnishes for wood are prepared from glyphthalic and pentaphthalic synthetic resins with added sicatives. Sometimes such varnishes are also called oil varnishes (as a distributor of synthetic oils), due to their stench characteristics they are considered much more important.
  3. Apply alcohol varnishes and polishes to the surface evenly and apply a high shine to it. Such coatings are easy to polish, but do not protect well from moisture. Alcohol varnishes and polishes made from natural resins are produced in very small quantities. Ask them to stand still while preparing musical instruments.
  4. Alkyd-urea varnishes contain a mixture of alkyd and amino-formaldehyde resins. Such varnishes can be left to dry in the open air at normal temperatures until acid curing agents are added to the warehouse. They must be added to the varnish immediately before curing. After the introduction of hardened material, the terms of applicability may be delineated (depending on the authorities for 3-4 years to 1-2 days). The smell is even solid because it has excellent wear resistance. This material is vicorized for varnishing parquet, furniture and other elements and objects that are vicorized in the middle of the room.
  5. Nitrocellulose varnish is mixed with a mixture of cellulose nitrate from a variety of organic agents. To regulate the power of the material, resin is added to the warehouse. With the help of nitrocellulose varnish, you can create even hard and soft melt, which will improve clarity and may not stain the stain. Nitrocellulose varnish is used to treat wooden elements and components that are placed in the middle of the space.
  6. Polyester varnishes with a material to apply great quantity various components. When applying this type of paint, extreme precision of application is required. Coating on this basis practically does not allow shrinkage, it creates a thick melt, which has a very high resistance to negative inflow of water and a number of different reagents.
  7. Acrylic varnish is made from polyacrylates in organic dispensers. Spit, so it’s weak to wash. The material is environmentally friendly and is recommended for use in children's rooms.
  8. Polyurethane varnish has a very high mechanical strength and wear resistance. They are victorious to cover the forgery in the halls of palaces and museums, musical instruments. When doing this, you must carefully follow all instructions as indicated in the instructions. This material has high durability, which ensures its high performance characteristics.
  9. Water-based polyurethane varnish has only recently broken down. It carries all the advantages of acrylic and polyurethane analogues: high importance of washing and environmental friendliness. When using this product, it is better to add valuable additives: this will prolong the service life of the material.

Choice of varnishes for wood

When choosing a varnish, the following message will be sent to the card:

  1. What characteristics does the surface have after applying varnish?
  2. What evidence do you have about the application of varnish-based materials?
  3. For what purpose will the material be assigned to the product?
  4. How much money are you willing to spend on finishing wooden surfaces?

In many ways, the choice is indicated by special similarities. Deyaki nadat great significance To ensure environmental safety, choose water-based material. It does not smell absolutely harmless to human health. This is why it is often chosen for making children’s furniture. And professional furniture may not rust, because it gives the surface a matte finish after drying.

Alkyd varieties are simple to buy and affordable, so they can be recommended for cobs. This material can easily be washed out with white spirit, if the application has been allowed to soften. Polyurethane types are most often used by professionals. This material is more durable and creates a soft surface. Apply this trace with the help of a spray bottle. Furniture products are more valuable for connoisseurs and know-it-alls. Apply them manually using an additional tampon. The top, screwed in this way, looks very stylish.

No less important is the choice of color and material. Here, however, is the question of what is better: preserve the natural color of the wood or give it a completely new look. You can also apply barn-free varnish to the tree using yellow paint. This requires faith. If you have difficulty choosing, a specialist at a hardware store can easily help you determine the required color.

It is also worth remembering that each type of varnish requires its own technology of application (using a pencil, roller, spray gun or tampon) and its application until completely dry.

Therefore, before you start, please read the instructions carefully.

Since ancient times, wood has been successfully stagnated in everyday work, manufactured furniture, internal and external furnishings. The material is durable, environmentally friendly and easy to use, but has served for many years and without losing its attractive appearance, for its processing vicoric varnishes for wood are used make the surface resistant to washing, and also allow you to remove the beautiful texture of the wooden piece.

Types of varnishes for wood

Varnishes for wood are single- or rich-component viscous compounds that, when applied to the surface, create a matte or glossy sheen. The current market offers a wide range of lacquer-based materials (LPMs) that compete with each other in terms of replacement, drying properties, and curing areas:

  • Oils - stain with a high concentration of oils, resins and organic results It has a thick consistency and is important to apply with a pencil. After they are applied to the surface, a mixture of melt with a rubbery coating is formed.
  • Resins are natural, thermosetting and thermoplastic resins. For those in power, the sphere is similar to oil varnishes.
  • Acrylics are based on water, which makes wood varnishes environmentally friendly. Paintwork materials have high levels of elasticity and do not have a thick structure, apparently, their stains are lower than those of many other products.
  • Epoxy is the most universal product that can be used practically for any kind of work. They have high hardness, durability and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Alcohols (politura) - ethyl alcohol can dry literally in just a few minutes. These features include increased value and the ability to remove the surface with great shine. Among the disadvantages of the product is low water resistance.
  • Alkyds - have a synthetic surface and improve their durability, wash resistance, and wicking properties. They do not deform due to temperature changes and allow the processing of ancient wood to be intensified.
  • Nitrovarnishes - behind the warehouse are similar to alkyd ones, but they dry out much faster. The fragments of stench are not resistant to moisture and resist ultraviolet changes, most often they are cured like wood varnishes for internal work.
  • Polyefirni - relate to rich component paintwork materials. When applied, it forms a thick melt that is resistant to moisture and chemical reagents.
  • Alkyd-urea compounds are two-component compounds that require the addition of acidic hardeners. They are affected by increased musculoskeletal and vulgosity.
  • Acrylic urethanes have excellent adhesive properties and practically reduce odor, but do not collapse at negative temperatures.
  • Alkyd-urethane – when compared to alkyd, they last 2 times longer, they are easy to apply and spread over the surface. They have high elasticity and will not crack during use.
  • Polyurethanes – are characterized by high resistance to wear and durability to the absorption of the external material. Peeling with a moving pot is of low toxicity and gives the tree a lasting shine.

Technical characteristics

A report on the technical characteristics of wood varnishes can be found in the table below.

Type of varnish for wood warehouse Hanging hour Zastosuvannya
Oliyny Thickened drying or natural oils 24-72 years old Covering furniture and other wood frames, with the exception of forgery
Smolyany Piece and natural resins 24 - 72 years Vikostannya is similar to oil warehouses
Acrylic Acrylic dispersion, plasticizer, water base 2-3 years Finishing of substructures, reconstruction of wood germs, external and internal robots, including wet wood
Epoxy Epoxy resin 8-12 years Cover surfaces that recognize advanced features (wooden frames, doors, parquet)
Nitrolac Cellulose nitrate, plasticizer, resin 20-50 hvilin Musical instruments, olives
Alkydny Rozchinnik, sicatif, alkyd resin up to 48 years Furniture, parquet, floating floors
Alcoholic Resin, ethyl alcohol 20-30 hvilin Musical instruments, furniture
Polyester Polyester resin 3-6 years Surfaces that exhibit the appearance of a thick glossy coating (for example, musical instruments)
Alkyd-urea Urea, alkyd resin From many years to many days What kind of villages are there?
Acrylic urethane Urethane, rozchinnik, acrylic dispersion 1-2 years Internal works (parquet, walls and floors wooden booths or bath)
Alkyd-urethane (yacht) Urethane, resin, alkyd resin 6-12 years Covering ship surfaces
Polyurethane Resin and harden 14-20 days Covering garden sheds, parquet, external and internal walls of wooden sheds, sea yachts

Vitrata varnish for wood

Apply 1 liter of varnish to the average amount of wood varnish per 8-10 m² area. Each time the material is applied, a little less is consumed - 1 liter per 10-12 m², so when applying the surface it is necessary to adhere to low criteria, which directly affect the storage of warehouses:

  • Type of village. For wood with deep pores, more product is needed than for a finely porous surface.
  • Viscosity. The thicker the material, the more it is necessary to use it to cover a square meter of skin. To reduce staining, wood varnish is often added (or water, since the material has a water base).
  • The yakness of the wood chips. If the wood is well sanded, it will require less storage.
  • Method of application. When processing the surface with a roller or a pencil, more wood is wasted than when sawing with a farbopult.

Yak vibrati varnish for wood

Any varnish used to cover wood will protect the surface that is subject to chipping due to mechanical damage, water ingress and moisture changes, processes of rotting and ruining. The choice of this or that material is rich in what is contained in its technical characteristics, warehouse and scope of production, so it is clear to understand which product will suit each application. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Wear resistance. The greatest benefits to wear resistance are coatings for lining. The most suitable for them are polyurethane varnishes for wood, which provide optimal protection against abrasion. This category includes acrylic-urethane and alkyd-urethane paintwork materials.
  • Let me shine the steps. This parameter is original role interior design. The skin contains objects with the same shine, so when purchasing you should be aware of the similarity of the varnish and the shiny design.
  • The area is stagnant. If you are decorating the middle of the room, it is necessary to apply wood varnish to the internal parts. Yakshto nadvori – for outsiders.
  • Swidkness is dry. The skin product takes its own time to dry, which varies from 20 minutes to several years. The best way to dry warehouses is water-based, most recently polyurethane.
  • Fire safety. If internal robots are painted in wooden booths, it is important to choose paintwork materials with good resistance to high temperatures. In stores you can find a wide selection of materials that do not support the furnace. The stinks are more expensive, lower-grade varnishes for wood, but spending on fire safety still does not equal the costs that may be needed for renewal after fire.

Wood varnish for interior work

The main criterion for adding varnish to wood for internal applications is the level of its toxicity. Highly able to dictate their minds to environmental cleanliness, therefore, for cleaning the surface of the middle of the booth, choose a material that will be as safe as possible for health. In connection with this, importance is given to oil and acrylic compounds that can be applied to furniture, window frames and other materials in the children's room.

If wood varnish is selected for coating the substrate or surfaces on wood surfaces, its resistance to wear is ensured. Where there is a high level of traffic (for example, a kitchen or bathroom), the best option would be polyurethane or alkyd-urethane varnishes. For the bedroom or children's room, use acrylic and polyurethane products.

The real significance is the hour of hanging. It is better to leave the cabins for the period of repair, otherwise there is no such possibility, the surface treatment should be carried out during the warm season, when it is possible to open the windows and ventilate the rooms for a long time. Vinyatkom is a varnish for coating wood on a water-dispersion basis, which can be applied without any boundaries.

Varnish for external work

From the point of view of the result, materials for external coating differ little from those of varnishes for internal work. However, when choosing warehouses for external storage, ensure that any outdoor surfaces require greater protection from moisture, mold and rot. For these reasons, the best option would be products that, after application, create water-based and vapor-permeable melts:

  • yachts;
  • oliyn;
  • alkydni;
  • acrylic

Another criterion for choosing a varnish for wood is its resistance to ultraviolet changes. The influx of sunshine is one of the main reasons for the rapid wear and tear of the coatings, the fragments in the process of burning the warehouses quickly lose their dry characteristics. Also, when choosing a material, it is necessary to give preference to products with special additives that increase the resistance of lacquer coatings to ultraviolet radiation.

How to properly apply varnish on wood, technology

The optimal conditions for applying wood varnish are dry, windless weather with temperatures not lower than +10 °C. Best of all, the moisture content of the rhubarb will not exceed 80%, and the temperature will be between 15 and 35 °C. First proceed to surface preparation, then prepare the mask, gloves and dry eyepieces. Basic accessories are required because the work is carried out outdoors and the material is non-toxic.

The application of warehouses involves a series of subsequent stages:

  • Select a tool. To paint, use paint brushes, rollers or spray guns. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for applying solid varnishes, and brushes with synthetic bristles are suitable for scrubbing a smooth surface. Rollers are useful when you need to cover a large area. Spray guns are considered the most handy tools that can be used to treat not only facades and parking areas, but also important areas.
  • Surface preparation. To achieve good adhesion for wood varnish, prepare the surface. To do this, remove the old coating (as it is), and fill the cracks with putty. Then the wood is cleaned with a saw and sanded with an emery paper.
  • Primer. Priming the surface does not harden immediately, the protection allows you to create a smooth surface and reduce the wastage of the material. Primer warehouses are selected depending on the characteristics of the paintwork materials and according to the final result. Zokrema, for water-dispersed varnishes, use a water or acrylic primer, and to improve the wear resistance of wood, use an alkyd primer.
  • Varnish applied to wood. The final processing process begins with the preparation of the warehouse and its preparation by the retailer (if necessary). Then the first ball is applied, and the varnish is placed on the horizontal surface with smudges, vertical surface- By crossing the rocs. After processing, you need to sand until the material is dry, then sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper and apply another ball. If necessary, after drying the warehouse, cover the wood with 1-2 more balls.

At the right choice With wood varnish, following the rules for proper application, you can achieve a perfectly smooth and aesthetic surface, well protected from the staining of the external material.

From the tree that is used for the preparation of furniture and decoration. A pure natural material with unique properties, but without special drying properties the wood is unlikely to be durable. She is afraid of moisture, temperature changes, fire and storms. Often it is simple for wood, but at the same time its unique texture and color are used. Varnishes help to protect wood and preserve its natural beauty. Almost a thousand years have passed since the first such warehouse appeared, during which time the varnishes have been changing, and today on the shelves of stores there is such an assortment of different products that you can turn your head around. Let's figure out how to choose wood varnish for internal and external applications that are being damaged. different views varnishes and what it is important to take care of when purchasing.

No. 1. What are the different types of wood varnishes?

Varnish is the name given to viscous substances that are formed from resins, resins and polymers. After being applied to the surface, the resin is evaporated, removing the thick liquid. This barrier protects the tree from various negative influences. The fragments of wood used to be the main living material, first varnishes appeared inXII century. This is the wine of one German citizen and the warehouse of his dry speech, which was kept secret for a long time. Try to work out how to continue the term of the tree's service and work steadily. So, in the 15th century in England, oil-type warehouses appeared, and later in Holland and Portugal they began to produce resin-based varnishes.

Since then, the range of such products has expanded significantly, warehouses with specific authorities have appeared, so today you can’t just go to the store and buy the first varnish for wood that you come across - carefully consider the many nuances of different warehouses, otherwise you can Just don't steal the material, ale and mischief youma.

When choosing a varnish for wood, take into account the following factors:

  • minds of operation. On the street, factors such as increased humidity, constant changes in temperature and ultraviolet radiation influence the material, so it is necessary to choose a suitable warehouse for protection - only wooden varnishes will do. for external robots. As a rule, the manufacturer specifies on the packaging of the detergents that may be used in the warehouse. , furniture and wall materials can be nicely coated with wood varnish. for internal robots;
  • wear resistance. It is not always possible to cover the base with the same layer as the furniture, since the appearance on the surface will be completely different. If for other wooden objects that are not susceptible to severe wear and tear, it is better to apply a less durable nitrogen-cellulose varnish, then to cover the surface it is necessary to take larger warehouses;
  • toxicity. Most current warehouses have an unpleasant, pungent odor when dried, leaving debris organic retailers. Of course, this smell won’t disappear if the varnish on the surface dries, but when you the best looking guy, you're thinking headache, and for the worse, get rid of the serious disappointment. Polyurethane, acrylic, polyester varnishes and nitrovarnishes are applied in special ways in carpentry shops and non-residential areas. After the drying up, these warehouses become safe. If work needs to be carried out at home, and whose household members do not intend to go anywhere, then it is better to take the least toxic warehouse - this water-based varnishes the stench is practically not noticeable;
  • hanging time. A ball of varnish can hang for 6 to 72 years and even longer. Water-based varnishes and oil-based varnishes should dry quickly, alcohol-based and nitrocellulose varnishes should take 20 minutes. For this parameter, all warehouses are divided by dry thoroughly. Pay attention to this characteristic of the varnish if you understand the triviality of the work;
  • resistance to high temperatures. Heat-resistant varnishes can be applied to the wood in the same areas where. It is important not only to choose a suitable surface, but also to properly apply it to the surface, and depending on the application technique, there is a lot of room for the result;
  • blisk. The varnish can be applied to a glossy or matte surface. The vibration will sometimes be less aesthetically pleasing, the fragments of operational components from the blisk stage will not be enough to lie around. The gloss gives a rich volume, and the matte surface enhances the beauty of the wood. The level of light is indicated in hundreds of broken light streams. So, for example, high gloss varnish displays over 90% light, glossy – 80-90%, and matte- Less than 10%. There are also beautifully glossy and matte folds, so the choice is great;
  • varnish components. It is best suited for Vikonnia to work independently. one-component varnishes These are the ones that are easy to apply and create a dry melt with the help of a steamer. Professionals often vikorist two-component varnishes, in which dry spit is created as a result chemical reaction between two speeches. As a rule, such warehouses are stable;
  • the need for priming. Self-priming varnishes can be applied directly to the wood. Other warehouses require preliminary preparation of the surface: if not, then the surface may become damaged by the varnish, cracks and craters may appear.

The sale can also be closed tonal varnishes. Using this, you can give the wood the desired color or change the color. However, the classic option still loses the transparent varnish, which allows you to preserve the original little tree.

No. 2. See wood varnish

Depending on the type of retailer, you can see the following types of varnishes:

  • oliyn;
  • polyurethanes;
  • alkydni;
  • acrylic;
  • Nitrolacs, etc.

Other types of varnishes have their own characteristics of wear resistance, drying time, toxicity and weather resistance. To choose the right wood varnish for internal and external applications, you need to know the basic characteristics of the skin.

No. 3. Olive varnish for wood

Oil (also called oil-resin) varnishes used to be popular everywhere, but today their popularity has noticeably decreased. Getting ready based on resin and oil in different proportions. Previously, less natural resins were produced, but with the emergence of piece resins and modified resins, the quality of warehouses decreased.

In stock, such varnishes are divided into:

  • fatty, 65-85% oil;
  • average, 55-65%;
  • hoodie, 35-55%.

Oily varnishes cope better with dry coating, but are thinner and take longer to dry. Zazvičay danij vid laku vikoristuyut for the protection of undercover cover in residential areas. These thick mixtures, which are important to apply with a pencil, must often be diluted with a little bit. The saving period is short, the expiration time is from 24 to 72 years and more.

No. 4. Alkyd varnishes for wood

Alkyd varnishes are mixed on the basis of glyphthalic or pentaphthalic resins, as the manufacturer takes white spirit or solvent, and resins may be included in the warehouse to speed up the drying of the varnish.

To the advantage Please bring in the following:

  • resistance to moisture, temperature changes, warehouses develop resistance to extreme changes and heat to fire;
  • wear resistance;
  • low price;
  • trivial term of attribution.

In addition, alkyd layers perfectly reinforce the wood grains, and to achieve the required depth of color, you can apply a lot of varnish at any time, but in this case the process of finishing the surface will become trivial. The warehouse takes a long time to dry - this is the main minus, it will take 48-72 years. As it is critical, it is better to use varnish with special additives, which will speed up the drying process. Also significant is the unpleasant smell during drying.

Vikorist alkyd varnish is mainly used for processing sublog: go out to the front and cover the wear and tear. It is possible to apply the warehouse on a substrate with a preheat. More often than not, such a varnish will be used for covering furniture. Please add until alkyd varnish urethane group, then we take away even more from the look of the operational components of the coating. In the first warehouse, this product has a longer drying period (about 6-12 years) and a longer service life. The smell is as unpleasant as in alkyd varnishes.

No. 5. Alkyd-urea varnish

In this case, in addition to alkyd resins, amino-formaldehyde resins are included in the varnish. These are two-component varnishes that can be dried more easily with the introduction of a special acid-mixed hardener. The additive must be mixed with the varnish even before application; the specificity of the extracted mixture is small - from many years to many days, so the quantity must be precisely coated in advance.

Alkyd-urea varnish creates a soft melt on wood and protects the material well from moisture. Warehouse vikorist is important for covering and massive. You can vikorystuvati yogo ta for zakhistu wooden furniture , as well as other objects that are located in the middle of the location.

No. 6. Nitrocellulose varnishes

This varnish contains a low amount of cellulose nitrate, organic resin, resin and plasticizer. Use this popular wood varnish for internal robots It is well suited for processing furniture; it can be given a matte or glossy surface, or Don’t hesitate to protect yourself from forgery.

Main accomplishments varnish:

  • high speed of drying, from 20 hours to 5 years, average hour – 1:00;
  • high quality before polishing;
  • varnish allows you to create a smooth, hard coating with wonderful decorative properties;
  • The warehouse penetrates deep into the pores of the village and ensures fire protection.

Sered not enough This means that there is an unpleasant odor during the drying period - when toxic agents evaporate, it is necessary to carefully remove the waste from the air during the process. After drying, the varnish is absolutely safe for health. The warehouse is not very good at protecting the wood from the vaults and sunny exchanges, the value of the coating is middle, that’s why they vikorist for finishing furniture and walls in the middle of the living room.

No. 7. Polyurethane varnish

Polyurethane varnish can be called one of the most popular products. For the sake of the high value of this rich man who respects the universal. How can I say that the group of polyurethane varnishes is included? yacht varnish, it becomes clear that the operational jaundice of this warehouse is blamed.

Main accomplishments:

  • adhesion to the base is enhanced;
  • high hardness of the coating, which effectively protects the tree from moisture, chemicals, and sedatives;
  • high durability, 4-12 years.

The unique power structure allows you to vikoristuvat yogo for external robots. They cover the decks of yachts, as well as parquet flooring, furniture and other wooden objects. This is a universal warehouse. Sered minuses Because of the high price and the need to carefully adhere to the paint, it is important to carefully clean the surface from contact with hair, causing any drops of water to greatly reduce the performance of the varnish.

No. 8. Water-based acrylic varnish

This varnish can be called one the most environmentally friendly and safe. When working, it does not give unpleasant odors, so this vikoristannya is allowed to tell you. Water-resistant varnishes can be used for one day minus- The stench will take a long time to dry. In order for the spit to be completely formed, you will have to roll for about two years. In addition, it is better to prime the wood before applying varnish. For sale you can find warehouses with a small amount of organic retailer (up to 15%).

Water-based acrylic varnishes do not support wood, they enhance the natural grain of wood, but do not provide sufficient protection from vlogs. Wear resistance is also not at its best, but manufacturers produce stocks with special additives that can significantly improve the mechanical resistance of the coating.

No. 9. Water-based polyurethane varnish

The warehouse contains shipments of acrylic water-based and polyurethane varnishes, recently released, sold as one- and two-component mixtures. The varnish has high durability, wear resistance, elasticity, resistance to aggressive substances, is more environmentally friendly, durable and does not crack a lot, however, It's still high in stock.

No. 10. Epoxy varnish

Epoxy varnishes, as the name suggests, are prepared on the basis epoxy resin. The melt made from it becomes harder when the hardening agent is poured in - these are two-component varnishes. Sered Golovnikh superiority high hardness, softness of the melted molten material, moisture resistance and impact resistance. Varnish to suit for internal robots for coating underlayment coatings, as well as for external robots. Plus, it dries quickly before everything coats, no more than 12 years.

No. 11. Polyester varnish

Rich component warehouse based on polyester resins. Applied with a special gun, it requires high professionalism and sufficient precision in the robot. After drying up, you manage to get enough of this kind of spittle, which effectively protects against moisture and aggressive speech. Varnish vikorist for processing furniture, furniture and other musical instruments.

No. 12. Alcohol varnish

The warehouses are not even wider, the sphere of stagnation is no longer limited. Alcohol varnishes (varnishes) are prepared based on ethyl alcohol and resins. The alcohol quickly evaporates, so the drying time for the varnish is minimal - 20 minutes to one year. The coating is covered with a brilliant shine, but it really does not protect the surface from moisture. Warehouse vikorystuet when testing musical instruments, at least – at the carpenter’s office furnishings.

No. 13. Primer varnish

Primer varnish is only necessary for painting wood sections with finishing coatings. This warehouse also helps to achieve a more even surface and isolate the wood from excess water. It is necessary to choose a primer varnish that best suits the type of finishing coat.

No. 14. Varnish applied to wood

The process of varnishing wood is complicated and consists of several stages:

  • When removing a ball of old furbi or varnish, you can sand it with an emery paper;
  • sanding the wood and cleaning it with a saw;
  • when using a varnish color, the wood can be stained with stain;
  • applying a primer to the varnish;
  • applying dry varnish for additional help

The easiest way is to apply it with a roller, with this you can even lightly coat the surface with varnish. The pencil can be used simultaneously with a roller to clean important areas. To ensure that traces are not lost, it is better to take a penzel from small fluffs at the end. The spraying process is done by professionals, and with their help you can quickly coat a large surface area with varnish. When preparing furniture, it is better to apply two layers of varnish, for protection there are three. Apply a new leather ball after drying and lightly sanding the first one.

Correctly selecting and applying varnish will help preserve the original appearance of the wood for many years to come.
