Why do the Egyptians want to marry Russians? "I do not work, my husband and daughter fully contains." What is this - marry the Egyptian revelation of the Russian girl married Egyptian

Why do the Egyptians want to marry Russians? "I do not work, my husband and daughter fully contains." What is this - marry the Egyptian revelation of the Russian girl married Egyptian

Egyptian wedding

Well, what woman does not dream of marriage? And the husband is a foreigner - the dream of most Russian women. Previously, married for a foreigner was considered prestigious, and now it began to meet much more often. But, no matter how prestigious and how much you did not like your future husband, you need to know all marriage nuances, especially if the Egyptian husband.

Egypt can rightly consider the country of resort novels: excellent mood, sun and romantic situation on the most beautiful beach. You do not want to leave for such a fairy tale at all, and besides, the persistent Egyptians invite you to return to their homeland, but only no longer a visit, but as a legitimate spouse. Most Russian women throw everything, and racing the unknown city towards their dream, and the most simple female happiness is not knowing that they are waiting ahead.

Egyptians are one of the most romantic men, and there is not almost a single local resident who would not get acquainted with tourists. Familiarity in Egypt occurs as follows: Acquaintance, after which there are many compliments, from which no woman in the world cannot resist. After that, the long-awaited offer of the hand and the heart of their chosen. Ask why everything is happening? Because the atmosphere itself has to resort novels. Basically, male half of the population works in large resort cities, which will not tell about their wives who are far from them. The fleeting novels in Egypt with local residents are prohibited by religion, both for men and for women, but it does not prevent them from raising fleeting novels with women who fly to relax in their country.

How much does love cost

In addition to strong love It is also necessary to dowy. That is, Egyptian, hardly refuses an expensive gift or from a hike to a restaurant at your expense. There are no large salaries in Egypt, so they themselves cannot afford.

To get all this, you do not have much effort to apply. All you need is not to skip on beautiful wordsThat we are all, so love and recognition in eternal love. If you manage to get acquainted with the rich lady, you can even get an apartment as a gift as a family nest, in which the young couple will be very happy and will grow their kids.

Egyptian man

All these are little things, compared to the fact that you are at least a decent cost for the apartment, the rest can pay and the groom, but if the property will be recorded on your husband. And at first, the bride does not pay attention to this, since she is sure that this love is the most united and long-awaited to the end of their life, and it will not be able to destroy it. And with good scenario, and business, well, if he, of course, has, his spouse can also move to her husband. And at this time, the husband will praise before his real legitimate wife, an expensive car and other expensive things. Wealthy men meet, but extremely rare.

Egyptians relate to marriage pretty religious. Before concluding a marriage is an orfy contract. It is made up in two copies - for each side by instance. You should sign this document in the presence of two men, or women, but in this case the presence of four women is necessary, as two women are equal to one man. All transactions in Egypt are in court in the presence of a lawyer.

Such contracts are not talking about anything, since they are not registered anywhere, and, accordingly, do not oblige newlyweds. For the Egyptians, this is just a civil marriage, and the husband can have such contracts as much as possible. It is terminated by such a contract very easily - after the marriage ceased to exist, the contract is simply torn.

Then you ask, and why is it generally necessary and what is its advantage? Without such a contract, a man has no right to invite a woman to his home, and even more so come to visit her. Not even speaking about the fact that he cannot take it just by hand - it can immediately pick up the police. Simply put, the ORFI contract is a document that allows you to lead a love relationship. In Egypt, concierges are working in homes - men who inspect the presence of this contract if it is missing, then you will not be put into the building. Egypt is primarily a Muslim country.

If you decide to conclude a civil marriage, the ORFI contract can be concluded legally, also in court for lawyers. In this case, the document will be certified by numerous signatures and seals. Get a document confirming that from now on you are your husband and wife you can approximately three months later. This document gives the right of spouse to officially receive a visa for the first time for half a year, then for a year and later for five years. After that you can get a passport. Now you can buy tickets at prices for locals. Foreigners sell them several times more expensive. The orfy contract is valid only in Egypt. In other countries, it does not provide any value. To settle this question, you can make marriage at the embassy of the country from which the bride itself, or in her homeland.

Exchange rings

If you think that there is nothing in the official marriage, then you are very mistaken. When concluding a marriage with Egyptian, any money question must be carefully monitored. Most newlyweds prefer to enter into a marriage contract. This is not exactly the contract that we all know - it is very different from our usual treaty. But no matter how there it was, with a divorce, any controversial issue will be solved according to the laws of Egypt.

At the same time, lawyers in Egypt do not try to explain and tell all the subtleties. When divorced, the spouse has the right to receive compensation. To do this, at an open account in the bank put some amount with which it pays taxes. If it does not reach the divorce, then you are entitled to take advantage of these money. It often happens that the husband does not have one wife, but a few. In this case, it is better to progress, open an account, and every month transfer the amount registered in the contract.

The process of termination of marriage occurs in the courtroom in the presence of a lawyer. All property will remain its owner, regardless of whose money it was bought. So, for example, the spouse may not guess that the car donated to her, her husband can be recorded on him. To speed up the divorce process, it is necessary for the application to file a husband. In this case, he will be considered in the first month. If a wife gives a divorce, then the case of consideration can be delayed the smallest to six months. If the party is not capable, then the marriage can also be recognized as not valid, but, the love of it does not apply to this.

These are just the most important nuances that you need to know women going to marry Egyptian. In fact, there are much more underwater stones, which also make in themselves many mysteries.

Egypt is one of those places where you dream to visit from childhood, learning from school bench that the pyramids are the only preserved miracle of the world, but not only they attract tourists from all over the world, and especially from Russia. The warm sea, the "all inclusive" system and temperamental men are, perhaps, the main reasons for many young and not very women go to this country of the Sun and the Desert, and when the sun hardened the sun, the mind is blurred by pairs of salt water, and the lady with his head will dip Vacation, instincts do not sleep and work like a clock - find a man, get married, tag children. Here then there is a great idea - and why not get married to Egyptian.

I want to marry Egyptian

It's simple here, for a start, it would be nice to familiarize themselves with the traditions and customs of the country in which you gathered to look for your faithful and save money for the trip, you can certainly get acquainted via the Internet, but we consider that "On the ground" will work and more interesting and productive.

So, after a few months of hard work and accumulating the required amount, you are finally in a luxury hotel, go on a luxurious corridor of a five-star hotel, your suitcase is in hand, for example, Saira, you come to the number, it shows the air conditioner and the bath, you extend it Tips, a snow-white smile stands out in contrasting against dark, chocolate leather, he speaks English, fortunately you too, he sprinkles you with compliments, the word for word and rest begins with an unforgettable incident.

After that, as a rule, learn and various romantic signs of attention follow, because the Egyptians are very temperament and almost every man of this country is not to spin the novel with a foreigner, and care of Egyptians can like no oneBut mostly words, numerous compliments, hands and heart offers in different genres, promises of love to the coffin and poems will be sprinkled here. Well, is it possible to resist the simple Russian lady here, which came from cold and unrefected Russia?

How to marry Egyptian

According to Egyptian customs, and egyptians are very scrupulous to marriage From a religious point of view, the conclusion of marriage is worth starting from the Ufi contract, which is a temporary form of marriage in Egypt. To conclude an orfy contract, it will be necessary to purchase a blank, hire a lawyer and find two witnesses, by the way, one only form costs 150 pounds. The conclusion of this kind of contracts in Egypt is an ubiquitous practice, as it allows you to conduct a sex life without breaking the laws of morality, by the way, the groom has such marriages anywhereAfter all, the official confirmation of the marriage is only a form that can be easily destroyed if necessary.

Official Egypt against such procedures, as if a man throws a girl, she can lose a family forever. Another thing is a marriage with a foreigner. For a man, such a form is most appropriate, it is not necessary to worry about buyback, the camels no longer gives, often by satisfying a symbolic pound. But social status grows at times, on Egyptian and the Russian wife look like a balovnya fate.

For girls, everything goes like on oil only until everything is good and spouses such a status of his woman, but as soon as he wants to marry officially, a new milestone begins. The whole process is quite laborious and can last for months, so what will be necessary to do:

1 - go to court who recognizes marriage official. For this you need a passport, Ofi, 2 witnesses.
2 - change a visa with a tourist on the guest.
3 - Certificate of his wife's parents about marriage.
4 - Top

In the consulate of your country for more information
5 - After that, we make 6 photos and with documents from the consulate, ORFI, contact the Ministry of Justice, which is located in Cairo on Lazoughly Square.

After these five steps, be prepared for the fact that the issue with religion will becomeMost likely you have to accept Islam, but by law, if you confess Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Muslim can marry you, but children will be Muslims. If you are a representative of any other religion or an atheism, then the marriage is impossible. During a visa, your Sair is obliged to submit you to relatives, according to traditions, Arabs honor hospitality and contact you only "Madame".

How to marry Egyptian in Russia

However, if you do not want to live in a foreign land, and you can feed yourself and feel good at home, and Egyptian Oh, how fell in love and does not want to let go, so let him come! First you need to apply to the registry office., Take care, by the way that your chosen one would be married to this, according to Russian legislation, marriage is impossible between persons consisting in another official marriage. So it will be needed in the registry office:

- Joint statement
- Passports
- If Sair was married, then references on the termination of the previous marriage
- certificates from the place of residence of a foreign citizen and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage

It is very important that all the above documents must be translated into Russian, and the translation must not only assure the notary, but to put apostle. In addition, in accordance with Russian legislation, the laws and norms of the state, whose citizens they are, are applied to each of the coming marriage.

Marry Egyptian. Personal experience

My story is very simple and banal, we gathered with friends on holidays to Turkey, and at the last moment we decided to go to Egypt, they say better there. The hotel is five star, in which the ticket was bought was the last on the list, and in the bus, there were only a man on the bus 10, so I was having relaxing, I don't care about anything, not knowing that the guide would continue to be a very important part of my life.

We flew pretty late when the plane sat down, just darkly. Sair met us as laid with a smile, each gave a compliment, from which my girlfriend wallets began to hate fun and cover his mouths with palms, I treated it calmly, not by turning attention to the annoying Arab. However, on the way, he began to like more and more fun, he decorated a long way to the hotel, and now, we arrived, Sair helped get a suitcase, helped get out of the bus, all the time I repeated said straight or hinted as I liked it and promised to come to Hotel and find me tomorrow.

But when it came tomorrow, early in the morning, while swimming in the cool water of the sea, we went to. It cost me to distract or think about the girlfriends started to gaguat and ask if I didn't think about Arab, they were fun, they were all married, they are waiting for their homes, and I'm still alone.

But the next day nobody came to see me to seek me, the staff was mil and when young men learned that I was alone, then I had a certain interest, I had already started to forget about the guide. He appeared on the third day. With flowers, all such macho, then at the light of the twilight I did not have time to consider how beautiful it was. Gave flowers, talked, invited to a restaurant. In the evening I was going for a long time, went down, sang, sit by the sea, says I went to me, I thought that why not, if you would always have time to go. The apartment has a small and unwashed hole, when it came to, left, refused, poverty embarrassed.

Then a lot more walked, they talked, as it seemed a friendly friendly, however, at the arrival of the lady, I rolled back on me, I could not tear myself away from the phone, constant calls, Skype, in the end he sends money, I'm going to him, I get acquainted with my parents, I get married ... I rent an apartment in Russia, he doesn't strain me with religion, I did not correctly - I don't think that you can judge, but i'm happy.

In contact with


Tourist reviews 2014.

  1. Laila:

    Very much inconsistent and inaccuracies. It seems that the author "heard the ringing, but does not know where he is." As for the orfy contract, he is not considered a marriage, and can only be useful because it gives the right to receive a 6-month visa, according to which the official marriage can be concluded. The courts are no longer legalized. To conclude official marriage with a foreign, there is a certain procedure, upon completion of which, the couple receives a marriage certificate. About the conclusion of marriage in Russia, too, there is inaccuracies. Apostille in Egyptian documents do not put at all. About the "married" girlfriends pleased)))) Is it worth marrying the Egyptian or not, let every woman decides for himself.

  2. shalimar:

    Hello. I decided to associate life with Arab. We met for a long time. He is moderately pretty, intelligent, my one-year one, all the time swore, which is very honest. He introduced me to his parents, relatives, came to Russia. In general, everything is fine. Officially draw up relations, after the life experience gained, I did not rush. We had only an orfy marriage. It came to children. Arabs, I will say girls, very hot blood. They are jealous even to women and children girlfriends. Despite the fact that it is not having a penny behind and putting anything for the birth of a child, giving only promises to behave at home as a full-fledged owner. It is not possible to catch on the lies, unscrews like. May look into the eyes and immediately sing the bike. After the birth of the child it became even worse. Without his knowledge, you will not do anything. He tortured my eldest son. This is despite the fact that the fully content of the "dad" I took over: and tickets for the flight, and meals, etc. And they eat not like our men. And he was not worried where the food is taken. Once I swatched and put him in a salad bowl under Olivier that we are on new Year We do (imagine obsess). And what do you think - Ikal but ate. And after that three times. From the kitchen crawled at two nights. Jacuzzi he loved himself - he wrapped out there every 5 per day. As I fall asleep - I tried to smoke my phone. Removed photos from my messages and sent to myself. All the time greeted to cook the food Egyptian way)). I watched this nightmare five times, removed the kitchen and went. After that, these gusts tried to stop. Products on this path goes frantic quantity. If my family was fed by five days in the refrigerator, then for the preparation of one dish in Egyptian, these products ended. Egyptian kitchen is not tolerated for Russian stomach. This is all embossed-missed and pinched in wild amounts of oil. It is surprised that we are not enough Russians and small portions. I also thought: how much money should you earn your family in Egypt, so that you have found, although I don't seem to be a poor girl? I didn't want to adapt to life in Russia. It was believed that everyone should understand him and adapt to him. In the mosque, it was so dressed that the grandmother-neighbor poorly grabbed his heart when she encountered him in the doorway. Constantly sitting on the Internet in attempts to earn quick money to live in Egypt, as well as communicated with women. Further it turned out that in the first flight to me in the plane he focused aunt at the age and later when he flew to me for my own account in the interruptions between transplanting aircraft in Moscow, they have fun with this aunt in nearby hotels. I sent it to him money. And who knows how many such aunts he had. But the oaths in love was to me from his side is not an estimate amount. I bought him a train ticket (side, upper, a second-bill place near the toilet) and put the condition: or he dumps his aunt or I causing the migration service and he leaves to Egypt. He rushed at me and began to choke. It came to the police. Before the police, he waved our marriage contract. I want to warn girls who cause someone at the invitation: 1. In the event of an attack or some other behavior, an invited person can be attracted, however, if it is planted in the Russian Federation, and another thing, if it is consensy conditionally. And this frame, as it is registered at your address for the term of conditional condemnation will live with you, at least 6 years old and only go to celebrate. 2. You are responsible for it. If something happens to him or something he will do - to delete and pay for you. 3. To invite you sign a warranty letter for which you must provide him cash For existence, housing, medical care, etc. So, let's say, in my case, after the attack and the prospects of conditional condemnation, he threatened to go to the police with a complaint because I don't let him go home and I do not give him money and I do not buy a return ticket (at that time about 100 thousand rubles) back to Egypt. From blackmail, I almost suffered. Thanks to our district, we have achieved, so that he has signed a refusal of my warranty from the notary. Only then I sighed and bought, as his beloved aunt demanded and he is a ticket to Moscow. That's how everything was not pleasantly ended. But it is instructive. Our men that do not speak better. And the child is just wonderful. Sun. The only one is the Arab mound threatened to make DNA and sue him. That's interesting - turn out or not? And also: Before contacting Arab, look at the black leaf on the Internet in which the girls post the photo with whom they had the case. I will definitely hang there, so that no one caught the tricks of this abnormal.

The whole Russian-speaking population located on the territory of Egypt can be divided into three categories: tourists, temporary workers and permanent residents. The third category includes, mainly girls who have been marriage with the inhabitants of this country.

According to the statistics of marriages between Russians and foreigners, the Egyptians become chosen by the chief of Russian brides. It is unlikely that this phenomenon can be explained only by the increasing popularity of tours to the country of Pharaohs. What attracts the mysterious Russian soul Egyptian love?

Today on glossy pages of magazines or sincere women's forums, you can find a lot of revelations of girls who dared to marry Egyptian. Reviews and comments are absolutely different.

Why do the Egyptians like Russian girls?

As you know, Russian beauties are very strongly attracted by Egyptian macho. First that conquers eastern men - Attractive appearance. Surely, no one can argue with the fact that Slavic girls have always been considered the most beautiful representatives of the beautiful sex. In the second plan - a congenital desire and ability to follow yourself. It turns out, well-groomed is also an important feature of the nature of the future chosen of the Egyptian. And of course, where to go without bed. Here, Russian ladies are also not on losing positions. If all these advantages are also supplied by the famous economic activity of our compatriots, then they are generally no price. Against such weapons is not that the Egyptian will not stand, you can conquer anyone.

There are several reasons why Russian girls marry Egyptians. First of all, this is a striking difference of Arabs from their compatriots. Beautiful courtship is the main trump card of Egyptian men. They are romantic, emotional, cavering, caring, attentive. Showing the girl with compliments, they show a living interest to her, ready to fulfill any her desire, literally get the star from heaven. Probably, this is not enough for many Russians in their daily life in their homeland. They are often unable to confront Eastern romanticism for the simple reason that they do not indulge with this luxury compatriots. Romance in our time in general turned into some kind of mystical creature, which lives anywhere, only not in love relationships.

It should be noted that on the part of Egyptian, sometimes it is a very familiar role. Many Russian women, happily living in Egypt with their Arab husbands, noted that they are actually worthy husbands and real men, ready to protect their wife from all adversity. Egyptian husband is a devotee, kind, gentle and generous person, loves children very much and cares about them on a par with his mother literally from the first days of their birth. Father-Egyptian does not prefer children of any sex, equally loves the sons and daughters. In addition, it is important that the Egyptian husband always sober, because the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited by religion. In most cases, it is the husband completely contains a family, and the wife is busy with household.

Why don't Egyptians stop "expansion" of Russian girls?

For those who were lucky enough to visit Egypt, will not be discovered the fact that Egyptians are in every way trying to become similar to "white women". To this end, they use a large number of Cosmetics, which clearly does not improve their position. Even a certain stereotype was formed about the fact that the Egyptian on the wedding day looks not very attractive due to excessive use of white powder. Many Egyptian girls straighten up, and even brighten the hair. With these actions, they only confirm the prevailing position of women with the European or Slavic type of appearance.

Enough strange for our perception remains the model family relationships In the Egyptian family, or rather, the position and role of a woman in this system. Vacationers are surprised that the Egyptians do nothing more, except to be careful about children and all day after the TV shows. Obviously, not every man like this, especially, Egyptian.

The warm climate of this African country, the wonderful nature and the purest sea play an important role in choosing Russian girls. Do not frighten them even significant mental, religious and cultural differences between Russia and Egypt. On the contrary, immersion in a new cultural environment, the study of traditions and customs of another country for many becomes a real discovery, because this ancient country is full of riddles and secrets.

If you are for 40, then all my heart welcome your decision, most likely you have enough mind not to make up the relationship officially. Council, what is said, yes love! Habibye in your pleasure. The girlfriend itself lives in Egypt with Khabibka, who is younger than her son).

If you are in gentle age and intend to marry Araba, then here are several delight tips ( good advice Sometimes more expensive money!):

1. Never get married to Araba
2. Never get married Araba
3. Never get married Araba

This is, of course, a joke, but in every joke there is only a joke, as you know ...

If you are still hard in your desire, you should understand that they have a lot of risk and for a minute should not forget about it. But I understand that it is absolutely impossible when you say something in the spirit: " Your father stole the stars and made you my eyes" or " I'm jealous even the wind that touches your hair".

Are there many women in Russia who have heard similar to their address from local men? Who can resist such a beautiful courtship?

If the Arab men are strong in something, then this is undoubtedly in the issues of seduction.

And our, Russian men if we are weak in something, then that they forget that the woman loves ears. And loves beautiful courtship.

But let down from heaven to the ground. First, just facts.

1. Foreign marriage is an increase in the status of Egyptian.

2. In addition, it is profitable: no dear prebrid gifts do not do. Some of our women themselves are ready to pay for marriage with Egyptian.

3. And this is another plus: enrichment. You will sell accommodation, put everything in his business (you will think that in your overall), closure bills in your homeland and transfer money to it. Etc. When you do not have anything, a very ugly story will begin. Conclusion: Never disclose your true financial situation to the fiance and do not think of chopping the ends in the homeland. The apartment is better to pass, accounts not to close. It is better to leave money for the education of children and every unforeseen case. Discover the deposit and get percent from them. Do not tell my husband about it. He promised to keep you? Here even ...

4. Are you ready to deal with the whole life only by the house? Work, most likely, the husband will not be allowed. This is a decrease in status. This reports it that he himself is not able to feed the family, shame. Even if you are bad to live, not every husband will go to work. And without his permission, you will simply do not get to work. No implementation at all!

5. Dress up as before? You can not! It throws a shadow on your husband. Closed clothes. Without the husband's resolution, you can not even initiate conversations with anyone! Someone can live like that. And you?

6. You will try to promote children as soon as possible. Children tie a mother. Through them you can influence it. Meanwhile, in the event of a divorce, children will remain with his father. If you decide to start a child, we must understand that we give it forever the family of her husband. You yourself can live there or escape, but you can take a child only with cunning or crime.

7. By the way, the child will be a Muslim. Rather, you will also have to accept Islam too. It is not necessary, just very desirable. By the way, in Egypt there are Christians, a small community.

8. Legalization of marriage in Egypt is that another quest. Your loved one will tell you that enough Orfi is a kind of marriage contract concluded from the notary in the presence of two witnesses, but in reality everything is much more difficult. If you want your marriage to confess in Russia, then read here: http://kunstkamera.net/topic3276.html recording is already quite old, always get the latest data in the consulate!I will write his phones below. The credibility of the consulate staff will be said that they warmly dissuade each girl from marriage for Egyptian, for they were tired of those who resort to them with children and asks for help. But neither they nor I do not grow yourself with thoughts that it will help when there is such a song in the ears ...

By the way, a good site: http://kunstkamera.net/
Specializes in marriages with Arabs. I recommend it absolutely sincere. This forum and it is communicated by Egyptian wives and those who suffered from the hot Arab guys.

Useful articles Kunstkamera: http://kunstkamera.net/forum15.html
And there is an identity board: http://kunstkamera.net/forum16.html Place your groom and wait for the answers. Maybe someone identifies him, makes you a lot of nerves. And in general, read this - cuts off.

You know, I myself rarely give such advice. All these black lists of grooms can accommodate, such a negative from them! But in this case, I just begging, read them.
Arabs may be too dangerous ... It is precisely the fact that their religious law has a greater force than civilian. And this religion is very unfriendly to women ...

It's one thing, if you absorbed her with mother's milk, she does not cause such a protest. Another thing when you grew up in the state where no religion was at all where you got higher education and an idea of \u200b\u200bgender equality.

In this post, I will tell you how I married Egyptian in 2012, as well as ladies detailed instructionsWhere to go and what documents are needed to make marriage with a citizen of Egypt today. If you are not interested in my personal life, then go immediately at the end.

Instead of the preface: the guide prepared by me is not suitable for everyone, since different "marriage rules" for foreigners act in the country different countriesFor Egyptians of different religions, and sometimes with the same source data, people pass different ways, because different employees of the same organization are guided by different rules for receiving / issuing certificates, depending on which legs they stood up today :)

First of all, if you really want to marry Egyptian, you need to decide whether the desire really is very strong, and the situation is critical. With the slightest doubt, throw this idea and live quietly!

If still really want, then listen, as it happens ..

My story of marriage with Egyptian

We had a classic option: I am a girl from Russia, my bridegroom - Egyptian Muslim. We contacted the consulate, I interviewed all the acquaintances that have passed this path, and in the end, I prepared such a list of documents by their posting:

  • Help from the registry office

The fact that I am not married to the Russian Federation. However, many of our registry office do not have that such a certificate in principle can exist, and therefore refuse to issue it.

Another difficulty is that in our country there is no single database for the regulations and it is quite logical that if you married in one registry office, it does not mean that all registry offices know. Guided by these findings, many registry offices do not take responsibility to issue certificates with knowingly unverified information. But sometimes they come across quite adequate and loyal registry office, where you will write what you want, only money let's ... In general, how lucky :)

  • The help must be put apostille.

This is such a wisdom stamp, which confirms that your certificate is the most real and cool help. And this apostille is placed only in the main registry office in Moscow. And it is worth a lot - in 2012 the price was 1500 rubles.

But it is worth considering that the apostille put on documents designed not for all countries, but only those who in some shaggy year signed the Hague Convention. Egypt ignored this event then, therefore, for certificates intended for Egypt, such a seal does not put in principle. But you must!

  • Help from both parents that they are not against my marriage with a citizen of Egypt.

Take where you want, but most importantly, wrap it with the notary. Notaries as a rule, first fall into a stupor, at the request, assure such paper, and then assured at the highest rate :)

  • Certificate From parents need to assure an apostil. See p2.
  • If you suddenly do not have both or one of the parents, then we need an explanation where they died, for example, or left and threw you, a thirty-year-old single aunt on the mercy of fate, or maybe they are wanted .. all sorts of certificates obtained for this purpose should be certified by the notary and apostil :)
  • If you are a Christian, then you need help that you are a Christian.

No one knows exactly where they give such references. Presumably in the church, where you were baptized, but some of the father do not understand how you can issue such a certificate, because they have no archive at all, or it is, but only since 2000, or the archive was, but burned ..

Either just no one remembers where they were baptized, and we have (like regiplings), and we are not obliged to notify all the Russian churches about the fact of the baptism of a particular person. Or your parents remember where you were baptized, but it was a long time ago, and then you lived in Kamchatka, and now in Moscow.

IMHO easier to reinforce and demand a document. Either pay the father of money to write you the paper from your words. (hereinafter referred to as the notary and apostille :))

  • If you muslim, the same thing is that in paragraph 6, only the case must have with a mosque. And considering that in Islam there is no such concept as "baptism", I don't know how to get out there. The same topic with Judaism.
  • If you atheist Or follower of any other religion other than the above, then without options - either urgently baptized / take Islam / Jews, or forget about your Egyptian narrowed forever! Because other religions do not happen in the world!

In parallel, my groom collected this:

  • Certificate from the police that he does not judge (This requirement is not entirely clear to me, because maybe I fell in love with the alarm, so I am not marrying now?)
  • Certificate that he is not married (This requirement I am impressed, but also seems illogical, considering that I am getting married to the Muslim country, where it is officially allowed to have 4 wives. Maybe I want to become the third beloved wife with all my heart! The same illogical seems to be the Egyptian state. Organs Which do not understand how to write it, where this fact is to check and why it is necessary).
  • Reference on registration (Aha, given that there is no such thing as a registration in Egypt, it is certainly to spit once :) and they also do not exist. There is ownership of housing, but if for example, the bridegroom lives in an apartment with parents, and the owner of the housing Dad, I do not really understand how the required reference should look like. From the words of witnesses, probably ...)
  • Well passportOf course (I love this item)))

What we did

We collected half the required documents and with this set decided to turn directly to the Russian consulate in Cairo, because the next stage was just obtaining a certificate in the consulate that my homeland is not against give me marry abroad. (Before that was a preparatory stage :))

It turned out that I did not have apostle on any piece of paper, and my husband had nothing at all, except for a passport. What was our surprise when it turned out that while we ran in the soap on notaries, our consulate abolished the requirements of half of the certificates due to the fact that, in principle, it is impossible to receive, and now the certificate of the absence of an obstacle for registration of my marriage is given simply on the basis of Our passports. No, well, ok?!

Notice, about all the above references I am not from my head! This Ahmed traveled to our consulate, there on the door there was a list of necessary documents, he photographed it on the phone (!! That is, you won't have it that he has bad memory!) And he sent me.

And when we drove into a consulate without his references, we just decided to clarify and check and check whether all my references were issued. And came out from there right away with the resolution! Here it happens :)

So we became the happy owners of a marriage permission with a foreigner.

The next stage is to persuade the Egyptian side.

To do this, we went to the lawyer and concluded that we type a husband and wife, but at the same time we do not have the rights of a husband and wife. It is difficult for me to explain the whole deep meaning of this paper, but roughly speaking, she gives you the right to sleep together. (From now on you can start, Gee-Gey).

Here with this piece of paper, a bunch of photos, copies of passports and certificate from the Russian consulate we went to the visa center and filed documents on bride's visa. There were a queue, of course :)) paid approx. 80 dollars .. waited a couple of months and at the end received a visa for half a year. During this period, we needed to have time to arrange everything left.

After receiving the visa of the bride, we went to the hospital where they got certificates that we do not fools are healthy :)In our hospital for 20 pounds (3 dollars) agreed to close the eyes to all our possible physical and mental disadvantages :)) We did not take any tests, they gave references so simple for money.

The official value of such references is $ 8 for Egyptians and 80 dollars for foreigners. Well, and 20 pounds on the feet of the extrusion of references, so that all this is done in one day and without analyzes. This is not careful about the health of the nation :)

Having received the references we went to the post and acquired brands! Yeah, not kidding :) for 9 dollars. I then worn with this brand as a chicken with an egg, she was such a small infection, so tormented to get lost! But she was useful only at the very end.

And finally, we went again to Cairo, found a Foreign Ministry there, in which we received our ORFA Contract (Well, you remember, according to which we are husband and wife, but not husband and wife).

Then, if you still christian, you need assure your certificate that you are a christianFirst, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then at the most important church of Cairo (a predetercation must be transferred to Arabic, of course).

If you get married Muslim, then consider what you're lucky - Next is the finish line. And if for a Christian, then after you prove that you are not a camel, you are a real Christian with all the seals, you will need (ATTENTION!) - Crighted in the local church! Because only Egyptian Christians are the most Christian Christians :)

And if you are a Muslim or if religion does not have a decisive value for your mental equilibrium, I am very advised to ask you to write in the "permission to marriage" that you confess Islam. In fact you will save a bunch of time, nerves and money for picking up / Signing references about religion. Here everywhere, even with us, the consulate, Muslims believe in the Word and do not prove anything.

Finish straight

The first stage of the finish line

Well, in this place we came close to the dream! Soon, very soon you can wear a ring on the ring finger! Soon, but not now :))

We made copies of the entire collection of the help, which we managed to collect over the past few months (for several copies of each other - you never know what?! :), added photocopies of passports, photocopies of pages with a visa, put it all good in one big folder, there They laid 5 photos of each of us, did not forget the brand (!), And they went to storm the office with the romantic title Shara Akari (Well, something like the registry office).

This institution is located wherever you thought - quite next to Tahrir Square, on which all significant events of the political life of Egypt are held. And while we collected documents with the goal of creating a cell of society, the people on Tahrir Bunning in order to overthrow the next regime! Tanks there, barricades, shootout .. Well, you understand.

Daily reports from the battlefield, of course, did not add optimism to me .. went there were frankly scary, but it was vital, because it was necessary to finish all this song

  • before the expiration of the visa of the bride and
  • before childbirth, which are coming in March.

A. late time It would be very difficult for me to take a trip to Cairo (5 hours by car in one direction), so we decided that the war is not a hindrance to our happiness. We get married even under bullets :)))

On the same forum, the girl has passed all this hell very detailed to me bypassing me, how to get to the cherished ball Akari, if suddenly demonstration, tanks, etc. I ranked the map with the departure scheme and rushed into battle :)))

Barricades at the entrance to our office

The second stage of the finish line

Akari's ball is a huge government-anthill, on the fourth floor of which foreigners are painted and bred. There were darkness to the people there.

In the lobby, something like a cafeteria was organized, where the people could wait, drink tea and merciless smoking. It was all engaged in this. The smoke vendor was such that it was not possible to distinguish his groom from someone else's :) The most recent, with which it can be associated with all this event - so it is with a solemn point of marriage than strangely, this event was ..

The waiting room in the office, the people are already little because the end of the slave. day

While I sat down at the table, my still future spouse rushed to find out where we need to give all of our hard pieces of paper. I waited it with half an hour, and in my Russian naivety, I decided that it was probably my man could not break through to the cabinets, I will go to everyone my belly, and I will be pregnant everywhere without a queue and will miss!

Yeah, naive Chukotka.

Instead of missing me everywhere, everyone began to mow on me with suspicion and turn back to me, blocking the passage. And then, when I still found my man, and we were let in the office, the Grozny Uncle arranged to my Ahmed, the real bullhead on the topic: "Yes, like you could, the cable, to the wedding, flicker!" :)

I first did not understand - he is joking or what? Then, when I saw the eyes like Ahmed, I started my eyes and began to apologize that he would not be so much, I wouldn't fall straight with the chair .. it was very uncomfortable, but it's just impossible to keep it :) Ahmed solemnly swore that it was In the first and last time, and in the redemption of his guilt, he is ready to marry me .. Here's right now !!! (let's quickly!)

Then the uncle looked at me and asked if I was ready to marry a man's heading, after all that he created? I was so rejected to answer: "No, too! Give me all the references back, I wonder for this fool I will not go! :) But I gathered the will in the fist, and said that yes, I really want to marry!

Third stage finish line

But we did not accept the documents on this day. It turned out that in the certificate from the consulate lacks three words "and was not". That's so. Well, that is, it is written there "and this madam is currently not married." And it is necessary "... not married and not"

And by the way I was. But I thought that now I will say what was, and they will answer me - but let's bring you from Russia Certificate of death of your first spouse, certified by the notary, with an apostil from Moscow, translated at the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Cairo and certified in Foreign Ministry .. And then I fully realized why people become traitors!

Ahmeda and I went to the consulate (miraculously hit the working day 10 minutes before the closure, the next reception in 3 days), and there I looked at the consul in my eyes and said - please please that I was not married. He says: "I was not exactly?" I say: "It's more accurate! Was not".

And the next day we were waiting for a visit to the ball Akari Doubl 2.

This time the documents accepted. But in total, we left 4 hours to carry all these papers from one office in another. Secret meaning of these campaigns is incomprehensible to even employees of this organization. Because it looked like this:

- Now you have a number 4 in the cabinet.

We go, there is a queue, we wait, come up, give documents aunt at the table. She looks at the stack of documents for a long time and intently, and says:

- Okay, now in your office number 8.

What is Leshell, we showed her papers ?? She didn't even put a signature! She even stipulated our papers!

Come to the Cabinet number 8 (queue and TP)

- Put the documents on the table and wait outside the door. All employees also leave the cabinet after us. We wait. The door to the office is open inside anyone .. It turns out everything is left to pray / drink tea.

Considering that the working day from 9 to 13, it is, of course, it is vital to spend half an hour to "pray." Do not work for people 4 hours without interruption?! At least a couple of times you need to stay!

And they also have recently computerized the process. Therefore, the fact that they used to quickly filled from hand, now they are printed by one index finger on the computer .. type in turn, because the finger is tired :))

In general, we came out from there tortured in shreds, tired, hungry, smoked from all sides, but completely married!

Well, now, as promised -

Step-by-step plan for those who want to marry Egyptian:

  1. Call to the consulate of the Russian Federation and clarify which documents you need to provide (most likely only the passport of the Russian Federation) for reference that you do not have obstacles to marry.
  2. At the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Cairo to receive a certificate, in the reference, among other things, it is better to write right away that you are not married, and that you are Muslim.
  3. To conclude an Orfi contract if you don't have it, although if you are together for several years, then you already have it already, so take it.
  4. According to ORFI, certificate from the consulate and passport of the husband to submit documents for a visa of the bride at the local Gauzate (keep in mind that this visa is issued only once in life, so from that moment the time went!)
  5. In the State Hospital to get special certificates that you have no diseases (given on the same day for a small bribe without analyzes)
  6. In the mail to buy a special brand
  7. Relaterate your ORFI in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo
  8. If you are a Christian, then in the Foreign Ministry to assure a certificate that you are a Christian
  9. Discover all you have, including passports and pages with visas, put everything into one folder, add 5 photos of each of you and go to Akari's ball on Lazoogly Square in Cairo.
  10. Here you will either be married, either say, which is missing :)

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