King Scottish ruthless to enemies came. Heath honey, Scottish El

King Scottish ruthless to enemies came. Heath honey, Scottish El

The legend of heather honey, sneaking in songs, ballads and even in animated films, has several millennia, according to some researchers. So long ago, no one will take the exact dates to suggest, the Pictites tribe among many other tribes lived on the territory of the current Scotland. It was the pictages that they became famous for the onset inscriptions - hence the concept of "pictogram" - and the recipe for Scottish Elya.

Legend of Heath Honey

When Scott tribes came to the land of the people of the people (and it happened in the fifth century of our era), then Scott (sounds rude, but based on the legend, very much coming) the king, wishing to find out the recipe admiring him then not at all of the Scottish Ela, which is local Residents called "heather honey", ordered the leader of the tribe to tell how the picats prepare it.

However, the leader of the Pictites turned out to be a wise psychologist, a courageous man and the faithful ruler of his people. He deceived the king, saying that he would reveal the secret of making heather honey after his son. The boy was dropped into the sea, and his father, who was afraid, as if the young man did not give up the secret of cooking a drink beloved by the Scott, rushed to the king and pulled him in the abyss. So the leader of the Pictites was killed and the recipe for the preparation of Scottish Elya was lost, which had thousands of years of history.

This harsh legend was set forth by R. Stevenson in his famous ballad. In Russian, it is known in the translated S.Ya. Marshak:

From Heath Drink
Forgot long ago.
And he was sweetering honey,
Drier than wine.
In the boilers cooked it
And drank the whole family
Baby Medologies
In the caves underground.
King Scottish came
Ruthless to enemies
He drove poor picts
To the rocky shores.
On the heather field
On the field of combat
Lying alive on the dead
And dead - on live.

Summer in the country has come,
Heather blooms again,
But no one cook
Heath honey.
In their graves are cramped,
In the mountains of the native land
Baby Medologies
They found themselves.
King on the slope goes
Above the sea on horse
And next to the seagulls
With an expensive on par.
The king looks sullenly:
"My again in the edge
Flowers a swaw heather
And honey we do not drink! "
But here is his vassals
Note two
Recent medical workers
They came out from under the stone,
Shooting on white light, -
Old humpback dwarf
And a boy fifteen years old.
By the seas of steep
They were led to the interrogation,
But none of the prisoners
Words did not say.
Corn Scottish king
Not moving, in the saddle.
And small people
Stood on earth.
An angry king said:
"Tract is also waiting for
If you do not say, devils,
How did you cook honey! "
Son and father were silent
Standing at the edge of the cliff.
Heather ranked over them
Shafts rolled into the sea.
And suddenly the voice rang out:
"Listen, Scottish king,
Talk to Tobyu
With the eye on the eye let me!
Old age is afraid of death.
I will buy life with treason
Issue cherished secrets! " -
Dwarf told the king.
His voice sparrow
Cold and clearly sounded:
"I would give a secret for a long time,
If the son did not interfere!
The boy of life is not a pity,
The death of him is nipple ...
I sell my conscience
It will be conscable for it.
Let him touch it tight
And throw in the bunch of water -
I teach Scottish
Prepare vintage honey! .. "
Strong Scottish Warrior
Boy firmly tied
And threw in the open sea
With coastal sheer cliffs.
The waves over it closed.
Measurement Last Creek ...
And it answered it echo
From the cliff father-old man:
"I said the truth, Scots,
From my son I was waiting for trouble.
I did not believe in the persistence of young,
Do not shaving beards.
And I'm not afraid of fire.
Let me die
My holy mystery -
My heather honey! "

The readers of the older generation may also remember the same harsh cartoon Soviet film shot on this ballad. Who does not remember or want to refresh him in mind, can do it - there is a video at the end of the article.

For now you can listen to the song "Heath Honey":

And we will return to legend. And we analyze it from the point of view of quite serious scientific research.

From the history of Scottish Elya

The history of this drink is inseparable from the history of the people created by his people. So, the people of picts are one of the most mysterious. In the legends numbering hundreds of years, this tribe is associated with the Dwarf People who lived in the caves. Something pictages in these ancient texts resemble elves, similar to them with their bizarre features and strange behavior.

Pictages were managed by their king, one of the constant problems of which was to reflect the next attack of neighbors. And the neighbors were the tribes of Anglo-Saxons. It was believed that the picats possess magical abilitiesSupported through the mysterious potion - the most heather honey.

Archaeologists that produced excavations on one of the parking times of Neolithic, discovered the remains of the clay dishes containing traces of the beverage obtained by fermentation from heather. So legends have a completely serious background.

But the question of bloodshed battles to the last person from the picket tribe, most likely, is not true by its very formulation. The fact is that the Tribes of Scott, who came to the land of the Pictites, were not conquer, but by immigrants. British historians tend to think that the Scots come from and from the Pictites, and from the Irish. So the assimilation of two kindred peoples occurred in the historical perspective.

It should be assumed that the loss of the Scottish Ely recipe occurred not during the mixing of these peoples, and later, perhaps at the beginning of the eighteenth century, when Scotland was deprived of his national customs as a result of the conquest of these lands and, accordingly, those who lived on them, England. It was then that was ordered to prepare ale only with the use of malt and hops.

However, the Scots resisted these prohibitions, while maintaining their traditions in the mountainous regions, which for conquerors - the British were difficult to access. Actually, these places were the historical homeland of the pict tribe.

The recipe for the manufacture of heather honey was discovered in 1986, thanks to Bruce Williams and a kind of mysterious lady, who visited his store in his own brewer. The lady asked Williams to help her decipher the recipe for an old drink written in ancient language. However, learning that for this recipe for the preparation of a drink is required to spend more than seven hours, the lady abandoned his idea, limited himself to the acquisition of an ordinary set for brewing, and the recipe left in the store.

The first brewery, where Vesk Honey was reborn from non-existence, became a small "West Hyland Burnie", which was in Argille. When the volumes have increased, the Brewers of the Scottish Elya moved to Alloa, to larger production of "Maclay and Co.". By the way, the first and second brewery are located on the very lands that the Pictites tribe lived from time immemorial.

And from the very beginning of our century, the old beer is made by Heather Ale Ltd, located close to the Glasgow factory already in industrial volumes.

The features of the Scottish Elya formulation

First of all, it should be noted that in ancient times the malt used for the manufacture of heather honey was cooked separately from the tops of the sprigs of the plant until the wort was obtained. Already later, he was added to him just the collected flowers of heather. Then the whole lot was left to be fermented for almost two weeks. During this time, the drink gradually became more saturated and dark, acquired a soft taste and amber color.

To revive the ancient drink, Williams had to take truly heroic efforts: he had long selected the right time to collect heather for the preparation of Scottish Ely, carefully disassembled with the peculiarities of his pre-treatment. And I found out that only the tops of the plant should use, because on the weathered stalks of the heather appears almost imperceptible cohabitant - moss, which is present in the finished drink, gives an undesirable taste and a light effect of drug exposure. Perhaps it is precisely because of this ancient heather honey and rendered on the ancient tribes that the most euphoric action, due to which the Scots - everything in the same legends - felt a complete merger with nature.

This difficult way came to us the famous scottish El.. And now - the promised cartoon film "Heath Honey":

Theme lesson:Robert Lewis Stevenson. Ballad " Heath honey».

Objectives lesson:

Personal: Know information about the life of the writer, the events about which are told in the ballad.

MetaPermet: the ability to highlight the main thing in the text; Answer questions.
Subject: to understand what the character traits glorify the author; To be able to find signs of the genre of ballads in the "Veresskovy Honey" by R. L. L. Lyunson.

Type of lesson:Reading lesson and discussing a work.

During the classes:

"I believe everyone will be there

Where all his life seeks himself. "

R.L. Stevenson.

  1. Organizing time

  2. Actualization of knowledge
- What is the ballad?

  1. Work on the lesson

  1. The word of the teacher.
- Today we will get acquainted with the work of Robert Lewis Stevenson and with his work "Heath Honey".

R.L. Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850 in Scotland, in the city of Edinburgh. Parents of the future writer were secured people. Grandpa and Pope Stevenson were engaged in the construction of lighthouses. Father took him with him to work. Therefore, young Robert attracted everything that was connected with the sea. I liked the boy for a long time to sit on the shore, he watched the waves for hours, listen to the stories about shipwrecks, about different marine adventures and dream. All this has a boy's imagination and a love for his native land, to the history of Scotland: bright, contrasting, gloomy, full romanticism and tragidity.

The life of the writer was not simple. By inheritance from Mother, Robert got a hard disease - tuberculosis, and he was for a long time chained to bed. It is very scary, while incurable disease.

But… dreams about travels, about the sea, which seemed to be unnecessary, helped to overcome the disease: a feather and paper came to help the boy.

Robert Lewis tried to record on paper, all that saw.

Robert Lewis Stevenson known to readers of the whole world as the author of the novel "Island treasure " (1883), which for more than a hundred years has remained a favorite book of children and adolescents. Stevenson also wrote many other novels, but it was the "Treasure Island" that made his name so popular. The future writer, in childhood, surprised all the wealth of his imagination and the ability to speak extremely interesting.

At the insistence of Father, Stevenson was held for several years on the engineering, and then at the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of the University of Edinburgh and even received the title of lawyer. But the love of writing turned out to be stronger.

It was very difficult to overcome the resistance of the parents who wanted him to continue his career of a lawyer, but the young man succeeded. He becomes a writer.

"I longed for life, I longed for adventure, a great effort of will, I almost defeated the disease. Love to the homeland and her history gave me strength. I fought and lived, "so he wrote in his memories.

Robert Stevenson constantly had to experience the blows of fate and fight for their existence.

Listen to that the doctor prescribed a physician when he was only 24 years old: "Absolute peace, no unrest, even pleasant; Not too much, not to drink too much, not too much laugh; It can be a bit, really a little to write, very little to talk and go as little as possible. "

But Stevenson did everything on the contrary: in contraindications, "no excitement" is written, and he constantly got into different storiesThe doctor prohibits a lot to move much, and he walked on the boat, and traveled on foot in various countries, and was able to build a house on Samoa Island, which is in the Pacific Ocean.

Stevenson writes: "For 14 years, I have not felt healthy for 14 years, I woke up with the sick and went to bed exhausted, and all this time I worked, not retreating from my duty and intended path. I wrote in bed, wrote when I had a blood throat, wrote when I beat the chills, wrote, torn by cough, wrote when my head was spinning from weakness, and I think I raised the glove with my fate, And she won the battle with life.

Four years Stevenson with his family lived on Samoa Island, and his local inhabitants, the natives loved and respected, says such a fact: to bury it, specially - in full silence in the vow, they voluntarily abandoned through the tropical forest to the top of the top High mountain Vea. And there, on the grave stone, lines from the poem of Stevenson were knocked out:

Under the starry sky, in the wind
Place the last Issue.
I happily lived, easily die.
And they are ready to lie down in the grave.

On the stone, write the gravestone like this:
"Here he wanted to leave a sign,
From the sea returned, the sailor came,
And the hunter returned from the hills. "

Here we met with such a person in difficult fate. Stevenson wrote a lot of books, after his death more than 30 volumes were published. The most famous steel works "Treasure Island", "Black Arrow", "Kidnapped".

Among the small genres gained special popularity ballad "Heath Honey".

  1. Work on the ballad.
"Today we will also get acquainted with the Ballowa of Robert Stevenson, which was based on a folk legend of picats.

Once a long time ago they lived in Scotland. It was an extraordinary people. As legend says, they were engaged in the manufacture of honey, so sometimes they were also called medical workers. Honey them was not simple, but heather, i.e. Welded from heather - an extraordinary flower, which grows in Scotland.

There exist whole thickets of this plant.

  • We listen to the audio recording of ballads.

Heath honey.

From Heath Drink

Forgot long ago.

And he was sweetering honey,

Drier than wine.
In the boilers cooked it

And drank the whole family

Baby Medologies

In the caves underground.
King Scottish came

Ruthless to enemies

He drove poor picts

To the rocky shores.
On the heather field

On the field of combat

Lying alive on the dead

And dead - on live.

Summer in the country has come,

Heather blooms again,

But no one cook

Heath honey.
In their graves are cramped,

In the mountains of the native land

Baby Medologies

They found themselves.
King on the slope goes

Above the sea on horse

And next to the seagulls

With an expensive on par.
The king looks sullenly:

"Again in the edge of my

Flowers a swaw heather

And we do not drink honey! "
But here is his vassals

Note two

Recent medical workers

They came out from under the stone,

Shooting on white light, -

Old humpback dwarf

And a boy fifteen years old.
By the seas of steep

They were led to the interrogation,

But none of the prisoners

Words did not say.
Corn Scottish king

Not moving, in the saddle.

And small people

Stood on earth.
An angry king said:

"Torture is both waiting for

If you do not say, devils,

How did you cook honey! "
Son and father were silent

Standing at the edge of the cliff.

Heather ranked over them

"Listen, Scottish king,

Talk to Tobyu

With the eye on the eye let me!
Old age is afraid of death.

I will buy life with treason

Issue cherished secrets! "-

Cold and clearly sounded:

"I would give the secret for a long time,

If the son did not interfere!
The boy of life is not a pity,

The death of him is nipple ...

I sell my conscience

It will be conscable for it.
Let him touch it tight

And throw in the bunch of water -

I teach Scottish

Cook vintage honey! .. "
Strong Scottish Warrior

Boy firmly tied

And threw in the open sea

With coastal sheer cliffs.
The waves over it closed.

Measurement Last Creek ...

And it answered it echo

From the cliff father-old man:
"I truth said, Scots,

From my son I was waiting for trouble.

I did not believe in the persistence of young,

Do not shaving beards.
And I'm not afraid of fire.

Let me die

My holy mystery

My heather honey!

  1. Fastening the material studied.

  • Wordwork.
Picts are the people who lived in the first centuries in Scotland.

Welject - here: a person who leads the country, ruler, ruler.

Pacific, Nurt, Nurta - whirlpool.

Guys, determine the topic and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Topic: The death of the last people from the small people of medical people.

The main idea: the struggle for independence and freedom against the conquerors.

  • Conversation
- Tell me what has happened long ago in the country of Pictites?

Accounting: ruthless

How did the Father and Son died? Why did the old man decide to deceive the Scots?

Uch-K: I was afraid that the son would not withstand torture, wanting for him easier and fast death than on the fire.

Why is the heather honey for the old man "Holy Mystery"?

Uch-K: Because these are their traditions, if they are conveyed, it means to betray their history, their people.

In the name of what the old man does his feat?

Uch-K: In the name of preserving the memory of ancestors, in the name of loyalty to his homeland.

- "Heath Honey" - Ballad. Why do you think Stevenson appealed to this genre?

Uch-K: He wrote about the legendary historical times of Scotland, imitating the folk epic. Express the idea of \u200b\u200bloyalty to Him seemed easier for him in such a genre like a ballad.

We have already remembered today what is the ballad. Find the features of the ballads in the "Version Money".

Uch-K: historical plot, tragic episode in the history of war, the tragic episode - the death of the last pictites, the heroes are true patriots, the element of the mystery - the Möday recipe, dying together with the heroes; The characters of the heroes are revealed in a dramatic dialogue, emotional sympathy of the author; Landscape staining and landscape ending.

V.. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Finish the phrase:

After reading the ballad, I came (came) to the conclusion ...

The most interesting thing in the ballad is ...

On the site of the old pict, I would ...

So what makes it makes it think?

Accident: about courage and courage, about the cruelty of the heart, about the preservation of the holy mystery, etc.

The same thoughts and feelings were owned and Stevenson, when he heard the first story of the conquest of Pictites, and then shifted it on the literary way. In order for the memory of courageous and bold pictages in the hearts of people, so that everyone thinks over such vices, like cruelty, anger, anger, what they can lead to.

D / s.Write an essay on the topic:

My perception of Poland Stevenson "Heath Honey".

Fears - an integral part of our whole life: the fear of the new team, lesion, spiders, snakes, clowns, darkness, closed space ... This list is wrong, and for many it also contains a familiar phenomenon - old age. This is not just a trivial fear with which, unfortunately, everyone is encountered sooner or later. His influence on human body It is so significant that there is a separate definition for the designation of fear of old age - Gerontophobia. And the perplexity of this issue is even considered by special science - gerontology. But is the usual physiological process of aging really deserves such attention? Let's figure it out in this matter.

Where does the fear of old age

First of all, it is worth noting that people are not afraid of old age as such - they are frightened by its possible consequences: changes in appearance, loneliness, change. Obviously, with age we change (this is observed from an early age), but only in maturity it seems to us that further changes may be disgusting. It often happens because of negative experience: for example, in childhood, we were surrounded by uncompatient grilling old men, not appreciating their health and beauty. If we talk about fear to stay alone or become a burden, then the problem can also go in our observations.

But our personal empirical experience (what we see ourselves) does not mean that it is the only possible variant Event development. Surely, you met personally or heard the stories of our friends about the most loved grandmothers and grandfathers who live a soul into the soul, stylishly dress, in their 70 continue to go to the gym and walk to the night. Therefore, it can be safely argued that the case in human psychological predisposition to the perception of negative information. We are much easier to remember or notice something bad, and for positive experience, we need to make efforts.

How to stop afraid of old age and start living in your pleasure? We have prepared for you three effective ways.

1. Live to full so that then it was not sad about the aimlessly spent

If we were just afraid of old age, it was unlikely that this question was so acute. The problem is that this fear sufficiently negatively affects our lives. Just think how much time did you spend in front of the mirror, looking for a new wrinkle or gray hairs? How much did you spend the opportunity, upset because of the next one, added to your age? Not in vain Catherine Denev said: "I'm not afraid of old age. The youth is not good because you just think, as if not to stop. " Therefore, you should pay more attention to your well-being today: to play sports, it is easy to eat, go crazy, love and create. After all, if you live on a complete, then I will not regret what.

2. Accept and understand

The next important step in the fight against your fear is the realization that old age is only a natural physiological process in which even something beautiful can be found. For example, in Japan, samurai was forced to undergo a special practice about taking old age and death. They were taught the irreversibility of these phenomena, the fact that there is nothing terrible. As a result, samurai is still considered the most invincible warriors.

In addition, if you turn the fact that you are so frightened in old age, the pros, it will be much easier to live. For example, the famous photographer Ari Seth Cohen makes that amaze and attract their elegance and beauty. They do not hide their flaws, do not plastic Operations And on the contrary, they are proud of their wrinkles and years. Some women even fell on the Vogue pages.

3. Old age is not a year

The third important point is that, no matter how strange it sounds, but the old age is invented. Yes, everything is right. Our body never agitates, he does not have such a property: each cell of our body is constantly updated. The only thing that wear out irretrievably is crustal eyes and a part of the brain. Skin cells are regenerated in 2 weeks, and blood is updated in 150 days, liver - for 1 year, stomach - 5 years, bones - 10 years, intestine - 16 years. You just do not physically die.

Why do we change so much over the years? It's all about our lifestyle. One hundred percent you noticed that one woman could look for 20 years, and the other - by 40, although they will both be about 30. Nutrition, activity, alcohol use, smoking and other negative factors slow down the natural process of rejuvenation of the body. So the secret of youth is all familiar health secrets.

Do not try to force yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle. Just accept it as part of your life, some of themselves. Start getting pleasure from how great you feel and look great. Then no one will ever be able to even assume how old you are, after which you have to blush when men, several times younger than you, will care for you.

Forget about old age, forget about fears! Life is too short to spend it on so useless things. Therefore, remember that a clever woman with age is only good, and wise is always beautiful.

In fact, having visited Scotland, I was pleasantly surprised that I was not forgotten, glory, god, cook until now and different ways. Here, for example, the recipe:

For "Versere Money" will need: 20 g of flowers, 500 g of sugar, 1 l of water.

Fill the flowers with boiling water, insist the day, strain, add sugar, bring to a boil and burst on glass cans.

Drinks from heather:

1) 5 g of dry flowers in 1 liter of water boil 3 minutes, grate the grass, add 80 g of honey, stir.

2) 40 ml of sirop of heather, 20 g of currant sheet, 300 ml of water. Currant leaves Cook for 7 minutes, strain, then add syrup. Drink better chilled.

(To illustrate this article, the works of the artists William Didier-Pouget, Gaston Vincent Anglade and Preston Rex, Read more about artists in the Pro-Art Community, see)

Heather is, first of all, a magnificent madoneos with a pleasant smell, grows in the tundra, pine forests, on peat swamps, gari, sands. As a rule, this honeycomb is found in Ukraine, Western European countries, in Siberia, in the European part of Russia, in the Azores and in Malaya Asia, there are even in the north and in the west of Africa. Nevertheless, the largest heather empty (are huge thickets formed with other specific species of Eric) grow in Scotland. Heather fields there occupy about 75% of the heather waste around the world.

Someone likes the taste of heather honey, someone rejects him not familiar bitterness. However, the true experts in the UK are so highly appreciated this honey that the name "Honey Rolls-Royce" was gained.

The indescribable fragrance is the first thing that attracts in heather honey. At the same time, his taste is tart and even bitterly bitter. It remains after its use and a fairly strong aftertaste. The color of the heather honey is dark yellow up to yellow-red, and when crystallization it acquires a reddish-brown shade. Some even compare the heather honey on the saturation of taste from Toffi. Stronger and expressive becomes the taste of this honey at long storage.

In herassk honey contains a large number of protein substances (approximately 2%), which is also honored. This contributes to the fact that with long-term storage, it is not crystallized, but acquires a gland-shaped form. However, when stirring, honey again acquires a liquid look, but over time it thickens again.

"Heath Honey" (Valery Zorgugueva Translation - Naturally, it is impossible to surpose the singer of the story. Neither Stevenson neither Marshak - Koryvo somehow succeeded, so only an excerpt will give, but the guy tried :-).

In Scotland honey heather, on the slopes of the mountains grown.

And every resident sally believed that he attached to them.

When the drink is precious, that was watery

They boiled, knowing the price, then the whole country has shown.

But one day it happened, the king decided to find out the secret,

I went war, not knowing the mercy, there are no medical workers.

Under the root of a small people, he destroyed without regret.

And heather he already blooms, bloody-red as a banner.

And he poured force, ready to shed, live nectar.

But only the corpses and graves, almost in each - medical staff.

I am old and let me die with me, forever in eternity, melted, from heather scented honey.

Copyright: Valery Rastorguev, 2012.

From the Picks during the "Scottization" of Scotland, the Dallariad Area was cleaned, but the tradition of manufacture of heather Elya continued to live, especially in the mountains of Scotland (Highlands, Highlands). By the 12th century, Country of Scotland and Davilliad, Gaela called her "Alba", and the Heath El became the familiar drink in the clans.

Leann Fraoch. (Pronounced Lyan Fray Ogh with soft "oogh", Laien Freukh) in Gaelian language (Scottish Celts) means Version (Fraoch) beer. Bell Heather's plant, also called Bonnie Bells (Erica Tetralix, Swamp Hear and E. Cinerea), has bell-shaped flowers in color from white to violet, blooms from April to June. Ling Heather or Broom Heather (Calluna Vulgaris, Heather Calluna) has small, tub-shaped flowers that are white, red or purple and bloom from August to September.

For brewing needs, only the upper five centimeters of the plant use, within 36 hours after the collection or should be stored at temperatures below 38 degrees F (3 degrees C), due to the fact that it loses its valuable flavor.

Moss (FOG) grows on a weathered stalk inside the plant of heather, and not about colors, and contains wild yeast. FOG has some narcotic properties that were excluded from commercial recipes. Moss grows deep in the stems, but it flies in the air at the time of colors. It is a light white powder, which can be easily removed, rinse the plants in cold water.

Heath El without a doubt the most old brewing heritage of Scotland.

The drink was prepared as follows:

At first they made a jam from the Scottish Elute Maloda, cooked wort with the blooming tops of heather, then covered his surface with fresh flowers of heather, left to cool and fermented 12 days, until the heather turns.

El drank directly from the Capacity called Cran (Barrel), in which a quarter of the crane was done on a quarter to height. This is an amber, slightly carbonated El with a soft bitterness, strong oily body and wine-friendly, during the old Alliance (AULD Alliance) in the 18th century, the French called the Scottish Burgundy, and the British of Scottish Malvazia.

I cite a real commercial recipe for making heersfall from Glenbrew, Brucewilliams, 736 dumbartonrd., Glasgowg116rd:

Heath El.

Components for 5 gallons (20 liters)

6 2/3 pound (3 kilograms) Ground Scottish Elea Malod, or 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) of the American located bicycle barley and 10.5 oz (300 grams) of amber malt (crystalline or cara-type)

12 2/3 cups (3 liters) slightly compressed floral tops heers

3/10 ounce (8 grams) Irish Moss (10 minutes)

2 3/5 gallon (10 liters) soft water camp yeast

From 1/2 to 3/4 Cube Sugar Cups (for carbonization)

Initial density: 1.048 Final density: 1.011

Pull the malt at 153 degrees F (67 degrees C) for 90 minutes. Rinse in order to collect 5.25 gallons (20 liters). Add about half a gallon (2 liter) slightly compressed tops of heather and boil on high heat for 90 minutes.

Miss the hot wort through a sieve, filled with 2 cups (0.5 liters) of the herasskops in the fermentation Chan. Let cool and ferment at 61 degrees F (16 degrees C) from seven to 10 days. I recommend applying the yeast of a camp type. Initially, I used yeast for Scotch Ale (Scotch Ale), but over the years of cold slow fermentation, a raus developed with a bias towards the grassroots fermentation. When the density reaches 1.015, usually for the fifth day, telect 1/2 gallon (2 liters) of ale, add 2 cups (1/2 liters) of peers flowers and heat up to 158 degrees F (70 degrees C). Cover and leave to remove for 15 minutes, then return to the fermenter.

And finally, the text of the original ballad of Stevenson with sounding in video. And also, (by the way) about how it is useful to be able to read the works in the original - in the English edition of Ballads, Stevenson himself mentioned that pictages "Little People" (English. Dwarfish Folk) were actually not destroyed, but assimilated with scotties in the IX-X centuries.

Heather Ale: A Galloway Legend

By Robert Louis Stevenson 1880

From the bonny bells of heather


Was Sweeter Far Than Honey,

Was Stronger Far Than Wine.


And Lay in Blessed Swound,

For Days and Days ToGether,

In Their Dwellings Underground.

There Rose A King in Scotland,

A Fell Man to His Foes,

He Smote The Picts in Battle,

He Hunted Them Like Roes.

Over Miles of the Red Mountain


And Strewed The Dwarfish Bodies

Of the Dying and The Dead.

Summer Came in the Country


But The Manner of the Brewing,

Was None Alive To Tell.

In Graves That Were Like Children "s

On Many A Mountain "S Head,


Lay Numbered With The Dead.

The King in the Red Moorland.

Rode on a Summer "s day;

And The Bees Hummed and The Curlews

Cried Beside The Way.

The King Rode and Was Angry,

Black Was His Brow and Pale,

To rule in a Land of Heather,

And Lack The Heather Ale.

Never A Word They Spoke:


Last of the Dwarfish Folk.



And The Dwarfish and Swarthy Couple


Down by The Shore He Hood Them:


"I Will Give Thee Life Ye Vermin

For the Secret of the Drink. "



The Heather Was Red Around Them

The Sea Rumbdle Bellow.

And Up Spoke The Father,


"I Have A Word in Private

A Word for the Royal Ear.



I Would Gladly SELL THE SECRET ",


His Voice Was Small AS A SPARROW "S,

And Shrill and Wonderful Clear:

"I Would Gladly SELL MY SECRET,

Only My Son I Fear.

"FOR Life Is a Little Matter,

And Death Is Naught To The Young;

And I Dare Not Sell My Honor,

Under the Eye. Of My Son.

Take Him, o king, and bind him,

And Cast Him Far in The Deep;


That I Have Sworn to Keep. "

Neck and Heels in a thong,

And a Lad Took Him and Swung Him,

And Flung Him Far and Strong

And The Sea Swallowed His Body,


And there on the cliff Stood the Father,

Last of the Dwarfish Men.

"True Was The Word I Told You:

Only My Son I Feared;

For i Doubt the Sapling Courage

That goes without the beard.

But Now in Vain Is The Torture,


Here Dies in My Bosom

The Secret Of The Heather Ale. "

Translation S. Marshak (1941)

From Heath Drink is forgotten long ago. And he was sweetering honey, drier than wine.

In the boilers, it was cooked and drank the whole family of babies-medical stars in the caves under the ground.

The king of Scottish, ruthless to the enemies, drove the poor pictures to the rocky shores.

On the heather field, on the battlefield lay alive on the dead and the dead - on the lively.

Summer in the country has come, heather blooms again, but there is no one to cook heath honey.

In their graves are cramped, in the mountains of the native land, the babies-medical machines have found themselves.

The king on the slope goes over the sea on the horse, and the seagulls are solved next to the road alongside.

The king looks sullenly: "Again heather blooms in the edge in the edge, and we do not drink honey!"

But his vassals were noticed by the two recent medical workers left alive.

They came out from under the stone, squinting on the white light, - the old humpback dwarf and the boy fifteen years old.

By the shore of the sea, they were led to the interrogation, but none of the prisoners did not say.

Sat the king Scottish, not moving, in the saddle. And small people stood on Earth.

An angry king said: "Tract for both is waiting, if you do not say, devils, how did you cook honey!"

Son and father were silent, standing at the edge of the cliff. Heather ranked over them, trees rolled into the sea.

Old age is afraid of death. I will buy life with treason, I will give a cherished mystery! "- Dwarf told the king.

The boy of life is not a pity, the death is nipple ... I will sell my conscience with him.

Let him be tightly tied and throw in the puchin of the water - and I will teach the scots to cook ancient honey! .. "

The strong Scottish warrior of the boy tied firmly and threw in the open sea

With coastal sheer cliffs.

From the cliff father-old man:

The waves over it closed. Stopped the last cry ... And it answered it echo

From the cliff father-old man:

"I said the truth, Scots, I waited for trouble from my son.

I did not believe in the persistence of young, not shaking beards.

And I'm not afraid of fire. Let me die

My holy mystery is my heather honey! "

By the way, the very first translation into Russian, this ballad was made by Nikolai Chukovsky in 1939, but in comparison with the Marshakovsky and Rhythm who loved since childhood, and the style, in my opinion, is greatly losing, judge by themselves, bring full text:

N. Chukovsky translation: Heath beer.

(Scottish tradition)

Splifted solid red heather

And cooked from it

Beer is stronger than the wines of the stall

Honey honey itself.

This beer drank, drank -

And for many days later

In the dark housing underground

Put asked for a friendly sleep.

But the King of Scottish,

Ruthless for enemies.

He broke the troops of the pictures

And drove them as goats.

On steep bugger slopes

He was flying after them

And scattered everywhere

Piles of dwarf bodies.

Summer again, heather again.

All in bloom - but how to be here

Kohl do not know how

Fear sweet cooking?

In children's little graves

On the hill and behind the hill

Everyone who knew how to cook beer,

Sleep forever dead sleep.

Here is the king of the bugger field

Rides in the silent summer heat

Hears the fed bees a buzz,

Pttya drying over himself.

He is sullen and dissatisfied -

What sadness can be:

Edit the heather kingdom

Beer w is sweet not to drink?

Following him, vassals jump

Through heather. Suddenly look:

For a huge old stone

Two dwarfs are sitting.

Here they are chased and grab.

Captured finally

Two dwarfs of the latter -

Son and with him an old man.

The king himself approached them

And looks on babies,

On cornted, blacknate,

Chile little people.

He leads them straight to the sea

On the rock and palloon: "I

I will give you life for the mystery

Mystery of sweet drink. "

Son with his father stand and watch:

The edge of heaven is wide, high,

Hot heather flaming

The sea splashes at the feet.

And the father suddenly asks

"Allow me quietly

Wrone with the king!

Life for an old man stands a lot

Nothing is worth shame.

I would open you a mystery -

Quietly whispers in silence:

I would open you a mystery

Only the Son is scary to me.

Life for young stands little

Death is not worth nothing.

Everyone would open, but ashamed,

A shame of my son.

You will tie him to stronger

And the throat in the puchin of the waters!

I then reveal the secret,

What kept my poor race. "

So they tied the son,

Neck to heels screwing

And threw it right into the water

In waves of raging tide.

And his sea loose

And stayed on the rock

Only an old man - the last

Dwarf Picture on the whole earth.

"I was afraid of my son,

Because, you know myself,

It is difficult to feel trusted

To befelling bravers.

And now cook torture,

I will not give anything.

And forever will die with me

Mystery of sweet drink. "

Roller with a song version on english language "Heather Ale: A Galloway Legend

By Robert Louis Stevenson ":


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