Microscopic examination of prostatic juice. Analysis of prostate juice: indications, features and decoding results

Microscopic examination of prostatic juice. Analysis of prostate juice: indications, features and decoding results

An analysis of the prostate juice is included in the list of studies necessary for the diagnosis of prostatitis and hyperplasia. Microscopic fluid research allows you to put a preliminary diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment regimen.

The study of the composition of the prostate juice is shown to all men older than 40 years. In preventive purposes, you must attend the doctor annually and take the analysis. This will allow you to promptly detect the beginning of the pathological process in the prostate and adopt therapeutic measures.

Analysis is required for the following symptoms:

  • Drawing pain and as well as;
  • Feeling.

The study allows you to determine at the initial stage of development. The analysis is used to determine the fertility of the man and the possible deviations of the composition of the seed fluid, which may entail problems with the conception of the child.

Fence of fluid for analysis

The prostate gland is highlighted with finger exposure to the organ. This means that the analysis is carried out by massage of the prostate. The procedure is painless and lasts about 5 minutes.

After the finger exposure to the organ, the secret is allocated through the urethra. This liquid is collected in the sterile container and is transmitted to the laboratory.

With some pathologies, the secret is not allocated enough. In this case, the patient must persist in a special container. The analysis can be carried out with insignificant plugs of juice in the urine.

Preparation for analysis

To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to prepare for the surrender. Approximately 4-5 days is recommended to refuse sexual acts, alcohol and drug intake.

Physical exertion can negatively affect the result of the study. It is important to adhere to a gentle diet, eliminate fast food, fatty and acute food.

In the evening, before analyzing, the intestine cleansing should be made. Before the massage, the patient should go to the toilet and purle. This is necessary in order to ensure the lack of a liquid released, it was possible to analyze the first portion of urine immediately after the finger exposure.

The study is prohibited during anal cracks, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or any other violations, as a result of which massage may result in tissue damage.

In infectious diseases, elevated body temperature and fever, the analysis cannot be passed.

How to understand the result?

Deciphering the analysis of the secret of the prostate allows you to diagnose a number of diseases.

  1. If the released juice is too small (less than 0.5 ml), the acute prostatitis is diagnosed. Increasing the number of secrets Over 2 ml allows you to suspect blood in a prostate.
  2. Normally, the released liquid has a dairy-white color. Yellow and muddy secret testifies to prostatitis.
  3. An important indicator is juice acidity. With acute prostatitis, an increase in acidity is noted, the alkaline response is characteristic of chronic disease.
  4. Increased level of leukocytes in prostate juice is inflammation of the organ in the acute stage.
  5. Normally absent erythrocytes are completely absent, but single interspersed are allowed. An increase in this indicator is a dangerous signal indicating cancer or acute inflammation.
  6. The absence of lecithine grains in juice is chronic prostatitis.
  7. If gonococci or trichomonades are found in bacterial sowing - gonorrhea and trichomoniasis are diagnosed. Spore fungus in the secret appear during the fungal infection of the prostate gland.
  8. The presence of amyloid inclusions indicates a violation of the outflow of the secret. Amo-shaped calves appear in the hyperplasia of the gland.
  9. Normally, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora is not in the secret. About bacterial prostatitis testifies a large number of Bacteria in juice.

Based on the study, the primary diagnosis is made. Additionally, an ultrasound examination and a number of laboratory tests (blood test, urine) are appointed.

Repeated microscopic and bacterial examination of the juice may be needed with an unspecified diagnosis. Regular analysis of the analysis makes it possible to estimate the effectiveness of drug therapy and, in the event of unsatisfactory results, adjust the treatment regimen.

Often deviations from the norm defined by the analysis are caused by the thickening of the juice due to circulatory disorders and the stagnation of lymphs. In this case, the prostate massage is shown to normalize the outflow of the secret. Repeated analysis is made after several massage sessions.

The prostate gland (prostate) is one of the most important glands of the male organism and its sexual sphere. It performs a series of functions, with a violation of which the process of fertilization becomes impossible.

The indicator of the status of the prostate gland is its secret, or, as sometimes they call it ,.

Morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of the secret

The success of the prostate gland is a kind of whitish liquid substance, which in the process of sexual intercourse is released into the lumen of the urethra, where it is mixed with the product of the activity of seed bubbles and cooper glands. So seed fluid is formed. Subsequently, spermatozoa is attached to the seminal fluid, and as a result of ejaculation, sperm is distinguished from the urethra; At the same time, the proportion of the proportion of the prostate gland is one third of its volume.

The development of the secret of the prostate is carried out by the glandular part of the prostate gland, which represents several tens of hollow tubes opening into the urethra. The separation of the separation is promoted by the reduction of the smooth muscles of these glands.

Functional importance of the Prostate Secret

The prostate gland juice is primarily a kind of protective cushion for spermatozoa, who left the limits of the male organism. In addition, it is thanks to this secret, spermatozoa pass through the urethra intact.

  1. The secret of the prostate gland contributes to the creation of a neutral environment in the urethra cavity. It is very important because spermatozoa in an acidic environment Quickly die.
  2. It makes sperm with liquid, thereby facilitating and speeding up its passage through the urethra.
  3. Biological substances that are part of the secrecy serve as a nutrient medium for spermatozoa.
  4. The unique composition of the secret ensures its antimicrobial activity and protection of the genital organs from attacks of various infectious agents.

Thus, the state of spermatozoa is depends on the state, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state of the prostate gland, which determines the high diagnostic value of the analysis of the secret of prostate.

Normal biochemical composition

Biochemical analysis of prostate juice allows you to establish the presence of its following components:

  • water (the main component, up to 95% of the total volume);
  • alkaline salts (potassium, sodium) and non-chinny metals (calcium, zinc): chlorides, phosphates, bicarbonates, citrates;
  • lemon acid;
  • enzymes (phosphatase, hyaloronease, fibrocaine, fibrinolysin);
  • prostaglandins;
  • sugar (fructose and maltose);
  • sinter;
  • protein structures (immunoglobulins).

Conducting a microscopic analysis of the secretary of the prostate allows the laboratory assistant to detect cellular (leukocytes, cells of the epithelium) and non-cellular inclusions (cholesterol crystals, lecithin grains and amyloid tales).

Diagnostic value of the analysis

Deciphering the results of the analysis of the secret of the prostate allows you to diagnose the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland and indirectly determine its functional state.First of all, this study is used to diagnose and confirm the presence of chronic prostatitis. In addition, special techniques make it possible to identify the causative agent of the infectious process and even determine its sensitivity to different groups of antibacterial drugs.

Often, the study of the Prostate Secretary is carried out by the method of light microscopy by carefully studying the painted drug applied to the slide. In some cases, a bacteriological study of this biological fluid is carried out by applying it to a nutrient medium in Petri dish with the subsequent creation of conditions favorable for breeding different species microorganisms. This analysis makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of infection to antibiotics, that is, to make an antibioticogram, which is of great importance for treating treatment. This is a very accurate, time-tested method of diagnosis, which has only one large drawback: a long period of analysis.

The most modern method of studying the proportion of the prostate gland for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is a polymerase chain reaction. This analysis of prostate juice is carried out using special equipment and gives accurate results.

Material fence technique for research

The procedure for the collection of material for diagnosis delivers many unpleasant sensations to men, especially if the inflammatory process takes place in the sexual area. The correct fence of the secret is one of the main factors of the accuracy of the analysis of the analysis of the analysis.

Manipulation is carried out in hospital conditions by a specially trained specialist. Before her holding a man is offered to empty the bladder. Then, if during the inflammatory process, a man notes the presence of a selection from the urethra channel, washing the urethra with a physiological solution of sodium chloride.

After preparation, a medical worker on a special technique massages the prostate gland through an anal hole. The secret, which, due to pressure, the prostate slices is released from the outer hole of the urethra, are collected in the tube (for a subsequent bacteriological study or carrying out the polymerase chain reaction, the test tube must be sterile). It is possible to draw secretions on the subject glass.

If the secret did not stand out, it is assumed that he fell into the bladder. Therefore, the man is offered to overcome once again, the urine is collected and centrifuged. However, such an analysis will show a less reliable picture.

It is important to take into account that the fence of the material by massage is contraindicated in the presence of sharp inflammatory processes in the genitals.

Results of analysis: Normal and pathology

Deciphering the analysis of the proportion of the prostate gland by assessing its morphophysiological qualities and the subsequent microscopic study is as follows:

  1. The amount of material is normal from 0.5 to 2 ml. Reducing the quantity and difficult often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in its tissues.
  2. Color: Norma reminds liquid (strongly diluted with water) milk. White, with a yellowish tinge or transparent color may indicate the prostate.
  3. The density should be equal to 1.022. Any deviation from these numbers indicates inflammatory phenomena.
  4. The medium reaction must be neutral, a slight deviation is allowed to the alkaline side. Oxidation indicates an inflammatory process and can indirectly indicate the deterioration of fertilizing sperm qualities.
  5. Lipoid Taurus (lecithin grains) When microscopy, completely cover the field of view, there are more than 10 million in the millilitress of their secrets. Within inflammation, their number is significantly reduced, up to the complete absence. It also serves as an indirect sign of violation of sperm fertility.
  6. Leukocytes. When calculating the special instrument, their number is approaching 300 cells in 1 μl of material. If the study is carried out by a microscope with a factor of an increase in lens to 280, up to 10 leukocytes are found in the field of view, and with an increase in lens ratio to 400, they are reduced to 5 cells in the field of view. In this case, the absence of leukocytes is allowed. With any inflammatory process, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the field of view or 1 μl of the secret occurs.
  7. The erythrocytes are normal (there is no single appearance of them). An increase in the number of erythrocytes may indicate an oncological process in the tissues of the prostate gland or a pronounced change in prostate due to prostatitis.
  8. Cells of the broken epithelium of output of prostate gland: Normally, there may be no more than two in sight. An increase in this number up to 10-15 cells indicates a descumato inflammatory process, that is, the pathological peeling of the epithelial cavity.
  9. Giant cells are not defined normally, their appearance is associated with a chronic inflammatory process and stagnation in the prostate gland.
  10. Betthera crystals (inclusions formed when frozen and drying the mixed product of various secretory organs of the male sexual system). Are not a diagnostic criterion, since normal work The prostate gland, and in the presence of the inflammatory process, are found in single quantities.
  11. Pathogenic microorganisms (gonococci, trichomonas) are not completely completely, detected with prostatitis.
  12. Mycelium Mushroom Normally in the Security of the Prostate gland is not found. Its presence indicates fungal or mixed inflammation of prostate tissues.
  13. Conditional pathogenic microflora (coils and some types of sticks that are constantly present in the body). It can be detected in a single quantity, a large number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms indicates the development of non-specific inflammation.

Additional Secretary Study includes testing for the presence of a fern symptom. The technique is very simple: to the secret of the prostate gland applied to the slide, add a drop of a physiological solution of sodium chloride. The drug is dried and examined with a light microscope. With the change in the physical and chemical indicators, the prostate of the sodium chloride molecule falls into the sediment, forming a drawing, resembling a fern leaf print.

It is important to remember that a single preparation of a normal analysis of the assay of the secret of the prostate is possible and in inflammatory processes, since the withdrawal prostate gland flows can be blocked by a viscous secret. It is especially important to take into account if, in the clinical picture of prostatitis, the decoding of bacteriological sowing or polymerase chain reaction did not show the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

The most important examination to determine the status of male health is an analysis of prostate juice. It is carried out in suspected prostatitis, to assess the effectiveness of treatment, as well as in violation of fertility. Male older than 45-50 years is recommended to take this analysis every year even in the absence of any disturbing symptoms.

Analysis of the prostate as a male health marker allows you to confirm or disprove inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. According to the results of this study, you can diagnose adenoma, prostatitis, or suspect a malignant neoplasm.

Juice is a whiten liquid produced by the prostate gland. Its main function is to ensure the vital activity of spermatozoa after ejaculation. It is thanks to the secret of spermatozoa that can fertilize the egg for a few days after entering the female organism. The juice dilutes the seminal fluid, and also changes the acidity of the Women's vagina environment, allowing spermatozoids to achieve an egg.

Prostate juice is required to conceive

The prostate gland is about a third of the total seed fluid. The composition of juice contains special substances of protein nature - lecithin grains. It is they paint juice into a dairy-white color and provide the desired consistency of the liquid. This secret is produced in a prostate, but at ejaculation, it is pushed into the urethra, which is mixed with seed fluid.

With violation of the prostate gland function, a change in the juice composition occurs. With a stagnant prostate, the secret is thickened, its outflow is disturbed. Due to structural changes in juice, the fertilizing ability of a man is reduced, which is due to a decrease in the number of lecithine grains. With acute infectious inflammation, pathogenic microorganisms are found in the composition, which makes it possible to diagnose the form of the disease and identify the type of pathogen. In adenoma and oncological diseases, there is a change in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and epithelial cells as part of the secret.

Analysis of the Secretary of Prostate: Indications and Types

Indications for analysis are any pathological conditions accompanied by pain in the perineum, which allow to suspect prostatitis. The reason for the fence of fluid to the examination is complaints with patients on impaired urination, burning and discomfort in urethra after urination and ejaculation, spastic pains in the lower abdomen.

It is known that changes due to physiological aging occur in the prostate gland with age. An analysis of the prostate juice allows you to detect the beginning of the pathological process and take the necessary therapeutic measures.

With a decrease in fertility and unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, this is also shown. It is carried out along with the analysis of seed fluid to determine the fertilizing ability of a man.

Prostate juice as a marker of pathological changes in prostate gland is examined in two ways - microscopic and bacterial.

Microscopic research allows you to reveal the fact of inflammation.

Microscopic research allows you to estimate:

  • the number and consistency of juice;
  • the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • the number of lecithin grains;
  • the presence of blood consisted of the secret.

Thanks to the microscopic examination, the fact of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland is established. The drug for research is painted with a special substance, and then placed on the slide. All quantitative changes in the composition of the juice are estimated to fill the field of view of the microscope. Based on these manipulations, analysis is performed.

Then the bacterial sowing should be detected:

  • pathogenic microflora (mushrooms);
  • pathogenic staphylococci;
  • trichomonad;
  • gonokokkov;
  • conditional pathogenic bacteria (cinema chopstick).

Decoding of bacterial sowing allows you to determine the type of pathogen of the inflammatory process. The norm implies the complete absence of any microorganisms in the juice. Based on the bacterial sowing, the susceptibility of the pathogen towards antibiotics and the purpose of drugs is carried out.

Bacterial Analysis of Prostate Juice Allows you to determine a specific type of infection and choose a treatment scheme

How to prepare for the survey?

For analysis requires preparation. As a rule, the doctor warns the patient in advance of the patient about all the restrictions on the eve of the analysis.

It is recommended to refrain from sex for three days. 5 days before the appointed date of research, it is necessary to stop the reception of any drugs, especially anti-inflammatory means of a non-steroidal group. IN otherwiseThe reception of drugs can adversely affect the results of the analysis.

The day before the cleansing enema should be made. Clean the intestines are re-recommended 2 hours before manipulation. It is important to remember that the study is carried out only on an empty bladder, so before analyzing should be obsessed.

Also, a day before the survey, it is necessary to minimize physical activity, avoiding strong loads. A light dinner is allowed for the night, although in most cases there are no restrictions on reception.

Recommending how to prepare, you need to know how to make research.

Collection of juice

The prostatic secret is generated in response to the prostate stimulation. This manipulation is carried out rectally. The patient takes the knee-elbow pose, or falls on the side, tightening his knees in the chest. Such a body position ensures relaxation of the pelvic muscles, thanks to which the manipulation is easier. The doctor then introduces his finger into the rectal hole and makes a massage. It consists in stroking the organ from the periphery to the center and in the opposite direction. After a few minutes from the prostate gland, the secret is distinguished, which protrudes from the urethra. Its quantity is not large - from several drops to two milliliters.

In some cases, due to inflammation, the outflow of the prostate juice is broken. In this case, it allows the collection of the first portion of urine after rectal impact. That is why the patient is offered to perseverate immediately before analysis - then the urine collected after exposure will not have extraneous impurities.

If you get the secret of prostate difficult, you take urine

Decoding results

Deciphering analysis is carried out in several stages. Not only the composition of the liquid, but also quantitative indicators is estimated.

  1. The decoding begins with determining the amount of fluid. The norm is up to two milliliters. In case of infectious inflammation, the fluid is less, with stagnation in the pelvis organs - more, up to 4 ml.
  2. The rate of leukocytes and erythrocytes is their complete absence in juice. With increasing leukocytes, inflammation is diagnosed, elevated red blood cells indicate a stagnant prostatitis.
  3. Normal macrophages are absent, with inflammation they are found in the composition of the juice.
  4. Giant cells appear only in body pathology, the norm is their complete absence. The number of epithelial cells with prostatitis increases to 15-20.
  5. The analysis of the analysis includes one of the most important parameters - determining the number of lecithine grains. Norma is more than 10 million grains in 1 millilitress of the preparation under study. They are determined to fill the field of view of the microscope. With acute infectious inflammation of the prostate, their amount sharply decreases, with chronic stagnation of prostate, lipoid tales or lecithine grains may be completely absent.
  6. Bacterial composition of juice is necessarily investigated. When pathogenic staphylococcus, a bluecake, chlamydia or gonococci is detected in the analysis, diagnoses infectious prostatitis.

Deciphering analysis allows not only to diagnose, but also to choose drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, as well as assess the reaction of pathogenic microorganisms on antibiotics.

Depending on what will show the study of the juice allocated to the gland, it is possible to draw conclusions about the further forecast.

To assess the effectiveness of the selected therapy, a repeated analysis is assigned after some time. Most often it is prescribed in a month. The re-examination can show changes in the juice after the course of antibacterial therapy. If the dynamics of improvement is unsatisfactory, it is a re-study that allows you to identify the ineffectiveness of treatment in a timely manner and adjust the drug intake scheme, or replace them with potent drugs.

Contraindications for analysis

The analysis cannot be carried out if there are damage or inflammatory process in the rectum. With exacerbation of hemorrhoids or in the presence of anal crack it is prohibited.

Conductors in prostate gland is an absolute contraindication to a rectal survey of the organ and finger stimulation of prostate. Otherwise, the councils can come into motion and damage the body tissue.

The prostate gland is not examined rectally with malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory process or tuberculosis of the organ.

If the patient is cut, feels ailment or noticed an increase in body temperature - the analysis is transferred. About any anxiety symptoms On the day of the survey, you need to warn your doctor, any deterioration in the well-being is a reason for the delay of the study.

Until August 10. The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is carried out by the program "Russia without prostatitis". In which the drug is available at a reduced price 99 rubles. , all residents of the city and the region!

In disruption of urination, accompanied by pain in the crotch area, there is a reason to assume pathology in the prostate gland, including prostatitis. To clarify the diagnosis, along with instrumental methods, laboratory studies are used, one of which is the analysis of the juice (secret) of the prostate in men.

We will tell you how it is done, we will give information about the correct preparation and tell me how to make a preliminary decoding without waiting for the doctor's conclusion.

Why collect prostate juice

The secret of the prostate gland is a transparent and durable liquid, which is produced in the organ for equipping the desired consistency of the ejaculate. The juice is more than 90% consists of water, also in its composition identified some microelements, lecithin grains, epithelial cells and a number of other substances.

The prostate gland is normally sterile and therefore there are no Bactria in its secrecy. However, with an inflammatory process, leukocyte levels will be increased, and in the case of infection - various pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms will be marked in the analysis. Therefore, the laboratory study of the Secretary of the Prostate is part of the diagnostic measures.

How to prepare for analysis

The taking of prostate juice refers to measures that do not require special preparation. However, a man must adhere to some rules whose violation can distort the final results.

  1. A week before the designated date you need to abandon sex.
  2. For 3-5 days exclude alcohol.
  3. The last week before the study it is desirable not to visit the bath, do not swim in the pool.

Sports are admissible, but with loads regulated by the doctor. This moment should be stated separately and not deviate from the prescriptions. Otherwise, you will have to take the analysis of the secret again, with a favorable time to start treatment may be missed.

Antibacterial drugs in preventive doses may be assigned to the removal of the bladder for 3-4 days to the chosen dates. Directly on the day of the fence, you need to make a cleansing enema and to wash the genitals thoroughly, paying special attention to the extreme flesh.

How do you take a secret for research

Sometimes the take secret is combined with a four glass of urine breakdown. In this case, the first two portions of urine in 30 and 10 ml, the patient collects into containers, then proceed to the fence of a prostatic juice.

The secret of prostate can be taken after rectal massage gland. For this, a man becomes "on all fours" or falls on the side. Next, the fence is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. The doctor delivers Vazeline to the anal hole and introduces his finger into it.
  2. Explores the body, paying attention to the consistency of the prostate, size, location and other points.
  3. Cautious movements from the edges to the center strokes the prostate gland, while slightly pressing on it.

After a few minutes of such stimulation, the secret will begin to be actively produced, then it will be separated through the urethra. Liquid is collected in the container and sent for further research.

With prostate, the body is inflamed, so the procedure may be painful. The recommendations of the doctor will help reduce the intensity of pain, but completely get rid of it will not work.

In the case of a protracted pathological process in organs gOOD SYSTEM Even after massage, the juice does not stand out. This may be due to changes in its consistency or barriers in the urethra. If possible, the surveyed will be asked to go to the toilet for a small need and collect the first 15-20 ml of urine. It is in it that will contain a secret of prostate.

It will not work independently assert. It is impossible, without having knowledge in the field of anatomy, to grope through the rectal wall of the prostate and, moreover, to have a correct impact on it. Therefore, manipulation of the fear of biological material is better to entrust the doctor.

Contraindications for analysis

As in the case of rectal massage of the prostate gland, the fence of the prostate juice has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • aggravation of bacterial prostatitis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • abscess;
  • calculous prostatitis;
  • acute urine delay;
  • hemorrhoids, anal cracks and other pathologies of anus.

In this case, the manipulation in the rear pass can cause serious complications, because the diagnosis is made on the basis of other methods of examination.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

100% deciphered the results of the analysis of the secret of the prostate will not work: in the conclusion, many specific terms, plus you need to know all the indicators normally. However, it is possible to make a general conclusion about the pathology in the body, for this you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bmicroscopic parameters.

Important in decoding results have:

  • the volume of the secret and its acidity, odor, density;
  • the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • the presence of bacteria and fungi.

Each factor has its own normal values, deviations from which indicate the development of pathology. At the same time, the final result depends on the technical features of the laboratory, which also needs to be considered.

If there are no pathologies in the prostate gland, the secret must comply with the following indicators:

  1. The volume of juice is 0.5-2 ml.
  2. Color - light white.
  3. Density - 1.022.
  4. pH - 7.0.
  5. The smell is specific.

Normal indicators of microscopic research can be found in the table.


The value is normal

If a study is scheduled for a prostate secret, decoding analysis is interested in any patient. Analysis of the secret of the prostate is a microscopic study of fluid, which is produced in the prostate gland. This analysis makes it possible to identify inflammation, evaluate their severity and even to a slightly functioning of the body.

It is worth remembering that other laboratory studies can be involved in the secret of prostate, namely sowing (bacterial research) and, of course, PCR diagnostics.

How to pass the analysis?

Thanks to a special massage, the material is obtained for analysis, and the liquid that has been separated from this channel is applied to the glass for further research.

There are patients who have no secret to get. In such cases, after massage, the prostate specialist asks the patient to assemble the first portion of urine, which is able to wash away the separated secret from the urethra. If urine indicators have any deviations, this suggests that the analysis reflects changes in prostate gland.

Results of analysis

What analyzes of the secret of prostate can be considered normal? How exactly is the result and which deviations are possible?
Normal is the amount of from 0.5 to 2 mg. If the indicators are below the norm, then the patient is prostatitis, and an increase in value can manifest itself with some stagnant phenomena.

Normal color analysis will be white. With inflammation of the prostate gland, the color can range from saturated white to yellow. The fact is that all sorts of shades are obtained due to impurities in this secret of the blood.

The natural smell of the secret is a specific smell of samper, and with any deviations it will be nonspecific.

Density with normal secrete will be 1022.
The reaction of the pH in normal analysis of the secret will be either weakness or neutral. In other words, the pH level will be equal to 6.4 to 7. As a rule, in the process of acute prostatitis, either when the chronic level of the pH is aggravated into the acidic side. If the patient has chronic prostatitis, while not exacerbating, the reaction may even be alkaline.
A significantly increased number of leukocytes, which is very different from the norm, indicates that an inflammatory process has already begun in the prostate. It must be remembered that leukocytes are able to mix in the secret in the process of passing through the urethra.

Under normal analysis of the secret of the prostate, erythrocytes or single, or absent. If they increase significantly and are far behind the norm, the patient has such a disease as prostate or prostate cancer.

If the number of epithelial cells significantly exceeds the norm, then this also gives a disappointing signal that the patient has begun the inflammatory process in the prostate.

With normal analysis, macrophages are either single or absent. The number of microphages can increase only with chronic inflammation or stagnation.

Along with all the above, such indicators as gigantic cells and amyloid calves are absent. It is their absence that says that analyzes are normal. They can only manifest themselves in chronic inflammation in the most prostate gland and are able to provoke various stools.
Lecitin grains under normal result should be quite a lot. Their amount is capable of decreasing only in the case of the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.

So-called Bechecher crystals with normal indicators are single. It is also worth noting that no features in diagnostics have no indicator.

The fern symptom with a normal indicator should be positive. In cases, with any deviations, it will naturally be negative.
Gonococcus should not be detected, but if the patient has been developing prostatitis, it can provoke gonorrhea.

With a positive result of the analysis, the prostate trichomonade secret is not observed, and in all sorts of inflammatory processes, trichomoniasis is manifested.
In addition to all of the above, no fungi is detected at normal indicators. But if the patient has such a disease, as prostatitis, then they can be noticed without difficulty.

Bacteria with normal indicators are single. If the patient has prostatitis, then such bacteria are manifested in a huge amount.

Morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of the secret of prostate

As mentioned above, the secret of the prostate gland of a healthy person is represented as a whitish liquid substance, which is able to stand out from the lumen of the urethra, where it is already beginning to interact with the product of activity and activity of seed bubbles and, of course, the cooper glands.

Thus, the seed fluid itself is formed. As a result, spermatozoa is connected to the already formed seminal fluid, after which the sperm is distinguished during the ejaculation. It is worth noting that when this process appears, a third of the volume of sperm falls on the secret of the prostate gland.

The secret itself is produced from the prostate gland, namely the iron part of it, which is presented in the form of numerous hollow tubes, which, in turn, are opened in the urethra. In order for the secret to outward, it is necessary to provoke a reduction in the smooth muscles of these glands.

What is the functionality of the secret of prostate?
The prostate gland juice is a protective pillow for spermatozoa, which forcibly left the male organism. Moreover, it is for this reason that the spermatozoa is capable of passing through the urethra intact.

The fact is that the secret of the prostate gland can provide a neutral environment in the urethra cavity itself. It is very an important pointSince spermatozoa, being in an acidic environment, may die.

The prostate gland juice gives sperm the type of fluid, which makes it easier and speeds up the entire process of its passage through the urethra.
All biological substances that are committed to the Secretary are primarily a nutrient habitat for spermatozoa.

In addition, the proposal is capable of providing its antimicrobial activity and good protection of the genital organs from all sorts of attacks of different infectious agents.

From this it follows that the state of sperm directly depends on the overall state of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the secret.
The biochemical composition of the prostate juice includes:

  • 95% of water;
  • salts of all sorts of alkaline and non-skinny metals;
  • citric acid;
  • all sorts of enzymes, sugar, sperm, prostaglandins, as well as protein structures, namely immunoglobulins.

Remember that when any symptoms and deviations appear, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Be healthy!


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