Questions of the assessment of knowledge in the chemistry of the base level. Chemistry estimation rates

Questions of the assessment of knowledge in the chemistry of the base level. Chemistry estimation rates

The results of chemistry must comply with the general objectives of the subject and the requirements for his assimilation. Learning results are estimated at five points. As evaluated, the following qualitative response indicators are taken into account: depth (compliance with the theoretical generalization studied); awareness (compliance required in the program skills to apply the information obtained); completeness (compliance with the scope of the textbook program and information).

When evaluating, the number and nature of errors (significant or insignificant) are taken into account. Significant errorsassociated with an insufficient depth and awareness of the response (for example, the student incorrectly indicated the main signs of concepts, phenomena, the characteristic properties of substances, incorrectly formulated the law, the rule, etc. and the student could not apply theoretical knowledge to explain and predict the phenomena, establishing causal - investigative ties, comparisons and classification of phenomena, etc.).

In-interest mistakesdefined incomplete response (for example, omission from a type of any uncharacteristic fact when describing the substance, process). These include reservations, the descriptions made by inattentiveness (for example, one error in the designation of the ion charge) is made to two and more equations of reactions in full ion.

The results of training are checked in the process of oral and written responses of students, as well as when they perform a chemical experiment.

Assessment of theoretical knowledge

When evaluating the response, it is necessary to take into account the possession of students with the material of the current topic and the use of knowledge, skills and skills of the previously studied material on the basis of the oral or written response of the student.

Rating "5":the answer is full and correct on the basis of the studied theories; The material is set forth in a certain logical sequence, literary language; Answer independent. One or two insignificant errors are allowed that the student independently corrects during the response.

Assessment "4":the answer is full and correct on the basis of the studied theories; The material is set forth in a specific logical sequence, and two or three insignificant errors fixed at the request of the teacher are admitted.

Rating "3":the answer is complete, the student owns the material of the current topic and the material passed, but an essential error is allowed or an incomplete response, inconsequential.

Rating "2":in response, a misunderstanding of students in the main content of the educational material is detected or significant errors are allowed that the student cannot correct when the teacher leads.

Evaluation "1":no response.

Evaluation of experimental skills

The assessment is made on the basis of monitoring the student and the written report for work.

Rating "5":the work is fully and correctly made correct observations and conclusions; The experiment was carried out according to the plan, taking into account the rules of safety of life and rules for working with substances and equipment; Organizational and practical skills and skills are manifested (the cleanliness of the workplace and the order on the table is supported, reagents are engaged in economically). The work report is issued without errors, according to plan and in accordance with the requirements for the registration of the report.

Assessment "4":the work is done correctly, the correct observations and conclusions are made, but irreversible errors in working with substances and equipment are carried out. One or two insignificant errors in the design of the written report on work are made.

Rating "3":the work is carried out correctly at least with a significant or significant error during the experiment, in explanation, in the work of work, in complying with the rules of life safety when working with substances and equipment, which is corrected at the request of the teacher. One or two significant errors are allowed in the design of a written report on practical work.

Mark "2":two (or more) essential errors during the experiment, in explanation, in the design of a written report on work, in compliance with the rules of life safety when working with substances and equipment that the student cannot correct even at the request of the teacher.

Mark "1":the work is not fulfilled, the student does not have experimental skills, the written report on work is not issued.

Evaluation of the ability to solve experimental tasks

Rating "5":the decision plan is compiled correctly; The selection of chemical reagents and equipment is correct; Danched a complete explanation and conclusions.

Assessment "4":the decision plan is compiled correctly; The selection of chemical reagents and equipment is properly carried out, while no more than two non-essential errors are allowed in explanation and conclusions.

Rating "3":the decision plan is compiled correctly; The selection of chemical reagents and equipment was properly carried out, but a significant error is allowed in explanation and conclusions.

Rating "2":two (or more) significant errors in terms of solutions, in the selection of chemical reagents and equipment, in explanation and conclusions are admitted.

Evaluation "1":the task is not solved.

Evaluation of skills to solve settlement tasks

When evaluating the solution of settlement tasks, it is necessary to take into account the knowledge of the knowledge of theoretical and practical material, the skills and skills of its use to compile the plan to solve the problem and performing exercises.

Rating "5":Correctly understood the task, the algorithm for solving the problem is compiled, there are no errors in the logic of reasoning and solving, the correct answer is obtained, the task is solved by a rational way.

Assessment "4":in the logic of reasoning and solving there are no significant errors, but the task is solved by an irrational way or no more than two non-essential errors are allowed, the correct answer is obtained.

Rating "3":The task is understood correctly, in the logic of reasoning there are no significant errors, but a significant error is allowed in mathematical calculations.

Rating "2":there are significant errors in the logic of the argument and decision.

Evaluation "1":the task is not solved.

Evaluation of written checks

Rating "5":the answer is full and correct, an insignificant error is possible.

Assessment "4":the answer is incomplete or not more than two insignificant errors.

Rating "3":the work is made not less than half, one essential error and two or three insignificant are allowed.

Rating "2":the work is less than half or contain several significant errors.

Evaluation "1":the work is not fulfilled.

In assessing the fulfillment of written test work, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of a single spelling regime.

Assessment of test work.

Tests consisting of five questions can be used after studying each material (lesson). Test out of 10-15 questions is used for periodic control. Test from 20-30 questions must be used for final control.

When evaluated, the following scale is used: for test from five questions

 There are no errors - factory "5";

 One error -axo "4";

 Two errors - Zven "s";

 Three errors - "2".

For test from 30 questions:

 25-З0 correct answers - factory "5";

 19-24 of the correct answers - the mark "4";

 13-18 of the correct answers - the factory "s";

 Less than 12 correct answers - Zven "2".

Evaluation of abstract

Essay is assessed by the following criteria:

 Compliance with the requirements for its design;

 need and sufficiency to disclose the topic given in the text of the essay of information;

 The skill of the student freely state the main ideas reflected in the abstract;

 The student's ability to understand the essence of questions asked by members of the attestation commission and formulate accurate answers to them.

In disagreement, the student with an assessment received at the control event, he has the right to increase it until the final assessment for the topic. At the same time, the teacher should ensure verification of the level of assimilation of those elements of control, according to which the student has not found enough strong knowledge.

Final assessment for the topic, semester, academic year Determined as arithmetic current estimates. The final assessment should reflect the real level of personal learned knowledge, skills, skills.

The educational and methodological complex of chemistry as an academic discipline includes sets of documents:

 regulatory and instructive support of the teaching of the educational discipline "Chemistry";

 software and methodological and didactic support of the educational subject;

 Material and technical support of the subject.

Results of learning

The results of studying the course "Chemistry" are given in the "Requirements for graduates", which fully complies with the standard. Requirements are aimed at implementing activity, practical-oriented and personally oriented approaches; development of students in intellectual and practical activity; Mastering the knowledge and skills in demand in everyday life, allowing to navigate the environment, meaningful to preserve ambient and own health.

Category "To be able" includes requirements based on more complex activities, including creative: explain, study, recognize and describe, identify, compare, determine, analyze and evaluate, conduct an independent search for the necessary information, etc.

In the heading "Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life", the requirements that are leaving the framework of the educational process and aimed at solving various vital tasks are presented.

Requirements for graduate training

In accordance with the requirements of the standard for chemistry and selected from the federal list of textbooks, the Chemistry teacher during the verification and control of knowledge on the subject can be focused on the following levels.

The first level is reproductive. Performing students of the tasks of this level relies mainly to the memory. The achievement of this level involves students:

Knowledge of the names of individual chemical elements, substances and reactions;

The ability to orally or in writing to describe chemical facts, concepts or phenomena (reaction);

Understanding the role, values \u200b\u200bor application of individual chemicals or reactions;

The use of chemical symbols - chemical signs, formulas and equations;

Knowledge of some devices used in chemistry, the ability to collect the simplest of them and use when performing a chemical experiment.

To check the knowledge and skills corresponding to the first level, the reproductive type of tasks is used, which suggests the reproduction of individual knowledge and skills. Checking the first level of knowledge is easily carried out by the forms of automated accounting.

The second level is productive. The achievement of this level involves students:

Understanding the wording of the most important chemical concepts, laws, theories and the use of them in similar situations;

The ability to establish the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of chemicals;

The ability to calculate the chemical formulas and equations;

The ability to independently conduct a chemical experiment according to the instruction of the textbook or to instruct the teacher and fix its results.

To verify the ability to apply these knowledge in curriculum, tasks are used, the execution of which is possible not only on the basis of memory, but also on the basis of comprehension. Therefore, along with the psychological operation of reproduction, the recognition and phenomenon of the transfer are widely used. To fulfill such tasks, more intense mental activity of students is required than when performing tasks at the first level.

The third level is creative. The achievement of this level involves students:

The ability to predict the properties of chemicals on the basis of knowledge of their composition and structure and, on the contrary, to assume the structure of substances based on their properties;

Understanding factors allowing to control chemical reactions (speed, direction, product output);

Ability to design, carry out a chemical experiment, as well as fix and analyze its results;

The ability to navigate in the flow of chemical information, to determine the sources of the necessary information, receive it, analyze, draw conclusions based on it and submit in the appropriate form;

The ability to recognize the contribution of chemistry into the formation of a holistic natural science picture of the world.

To verify the knowledge corresponding to the third level, and the ability to apply them in curriculum uses a reflective type of tasks, the execution of which relies on reproductive knowledge, but requires deep reflection, ownership of logical techniques (analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison, abstraction, classification)

Mark "5" Puts in case:

  • Knowledge, understanding, depth of assimilation of the trainee of the entire volume of software material.
  • The ability to allocate the main provisions in the studied material, on the basis of facts and examples to generalize, draw conclusions, to establish interdisciplinary and insecurity, creatively applies the knowledge gained in an unfamiliar situation.
  • Lack of errors and shortcomings when playing a studied material, with oral responses to eliminate individual inaccuracies with the help of additional teacher issues, compliance with the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for writing written works.

Mark "4":

· Knowledge of all studied software material.

· Skills to highlight the main provisions in the studied material, on the basis of the facts and examples to generalize, draw conclusions, to establish in-credit links, to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

· Minor (non-bubbling) errors and shortcomings when reproduced by the material studied, compliance with the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, rules for writing written works.

Mark "3" (level of representations combined with elements of scientific concepts):

· Knowledge and assimilation of material at the level of the minimum requirements of the program, difficulty with independent reproduction, the need for minor assistance to the teacher.

· The ability to work at the level of reproduction, difficulties in response to modified questions.

· The presence of a rough error, several non-bubbles when reproduced by the studied material, a minor non-compliance with the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for writing written works.

Mark "2":

· Knowledge and mastering material at the level below the minimum requirements of the program, individual ideas about the material studied.

· No skills to work at the level of reproduction, difficulty in response to standard questions.

· The presence of several gross errors, a large number of non-bubbles when reproduced by the studied material, a significant non-compliance with the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for writing written works.

Mark "1":

· It is put for the complete ignorance of the material studied, the lack of elementary skills and skills.

Introduction GEF LLC requires rethinking pedagogical activity In general, evaluation practices in particular.

The Russian school is not one decade exists in five-point estimation. From a certain point, such an estimation has become a factor inhibiting the development of the education system. Not a single participant in the educational process does not satisfy the traditional system. Instead of a five-point estimation, it became three-point: "1" and "2" marks do not exist - it is simply the markers of unsatisfactory result, which are used only at current estimation and is practically not used in the final, which explicitly indicates their nominal existence and actual non-use.

In the conditions of the exam sweat and the image "5", an excellent mark in the certificate is not consistent with the results of a single state exam.

An officially 5-point estimator scale was officially approved in Russia by the Ministry of Folk Education in 1937:

"1" - weak successes;

"2" - mediocre;

"3" - sufficient;

"4" - good;

"5" - excellent.

During the XX century, the estimate "1" gradually came out of use, as a result, the 5-point system was transformed into a modern 4-point. IN last years in Russia in some educational institutions Returns the 5-point system ("1" - score for unfulfilled work). This, traditional for Soviet education, the system is now universally applied in Russia.

In modern Russia, most often (for the lack of regulatory documents at the level of the Ministry of Education and Science), the evaluation for a quarter or half of the year is derived as the average arithmetic current (including control) estimates. In this case, the valuation for the test work is current.

In the traditional estimation system, there are problems:

· The criteria rate of assessment has not been developed;

· Curiousness for students requirements, the execution of which is estimated;

· With a 5-point system, the student is extremely limited to the ability to see the dynamics of its own development, which does not contribute to maintaining the motivation of the teaching;

· Orientation of estimation only on the formation of subject zunov;

· Use of methods, tools, forms of estimation without taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren;

· The absence of uniform approaches and continuity in assessment in the transition of students from one stage to another;

· The "teacher-student" relationship is determined by the controlling function of the teacher;

· Relationship "Parent-Child" and "Parent Teacher" also do not cause positive emotions: with 5-point estimation it is very difficult to talk about objectivity, and this is what the participants of the educational process are waiting for this;

· The child in the context of traditional estimation does not learn to control and evaluate itself, adequate self-assessment is not formed in children;

· Low competence of teachers in the area of \u200b\u200bgoals, objectives, contents, methods and means of organizing evaluation activities, its role in the formation and development of estimated and reflective skills, meaning in maintaining psychological health.

Assessment of test results

Assessment of responses of testing participants is one of the important operations of knowledge control. The insufficiently thoughtful approach to evaluating the answers can largely reduce the previous efforts to prepare, organize and conduct control. When assessing knowledge, first of all, the choice of the correct evaluation criterion is important. He along with other factors affects the objectivity of this assessment.

Criteria for evaluation of the answer may be different. In practice, two criteria are most often used:

· The ratio between the number of correct answers to questions with the total number of test issues;

· Time spent for answering questions.

When translating the primary test point in the 5-point system, an exemplary scheme is used.

With the number of questions in the test, 10 estimates will be the following:

"Excellent" - at 9-10 correct answers,

"Good" - at 7-8 correct answers,

"Satisfactory" - at 5-6 correct answers,

"Unsatisfactory" - with the correct answers less than 5.

For large quantities Questions in the test, appropriately a numerical range of correct answers to replace the percentage of the correct answers, then the assessment may correspond, for example,

"Excellent" at 90% of the correct answers,

"Good" with 70% of the correct answers,

"Satisfactory" at 50% of the correct answers,

"Unsatisfactory" with the correct answers less than 50%.

In some cases, when the inaccuracy in the knowledge of the material is completely unacceptable, the response assessment may be alternative, that is, the teacher will interest whether the entire material verifiable knows (answered true to all test questions) or does not know (allowed at least one error) .

When solving the question of how to choose the first criterion of knowledge, it is advisable to take into account the possible unequivocability of issues in tests. In the test, one or more questions may be basic, i.e. more complex for the response, or including the most important material, and the other questions are optional. In this case, the specific "weight" of the main issues will be higher than additional, and may more influence the adoption by the teacher to make an assessment.

The second criterion - the time spent for answering questions is applied in cases where it is necessary to evaluate not only the correctness of the answer to the questions, but also the time required to respond. Most often, this criterion applies when the main tests of tests are issues with an effective input method and when the responses are provided for solving problems in a limited time. For example, the test includes issues, when answering which tasks are provided for the time. The checked must perform the necessary calculations that require not only correctness, but also the speed of execution.

In this case, when testing, the time is set, and by its expiration, the answers of the checked, which have been inserted at the set time are estimated at the first criterion.

Answers to be checked that did not have time to respond are estimated as unsatisfactory, or an assessment on the first criterion is appropriately reduced. The numeric values \u200b\u200band the first and second criteria developed by the teacher for various sections (topics) of this discipline must be consistent with each other. It is also necessary to negotiate the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the criteria used by different teachers.

Thus, when organizing and conducting testing, in order to ensure the objectivity of the evaluation of the result, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

Instruct computer testing checked

Before monitoring, make sure that the response input methods are checked in the test

Install the results of the control, guided by certain and coordinated knowledge assessment criteria

Analyze the results of control in order to identify and eliminate possible deficiencies in the developed issues and used tests.

Transfer primary ballots OGE in chemistry

in the 5-point system in 2015

(work without a real experiment)

The exam results can be used when taking students to high school profile classes. The reference classes in the selection classes may be an indicator, the lower boundary of which corresponds to 23 points.

(work with the real experiment)

The exam results can be used when taking students to high school profile classes. The reference in the selection of profile classes may be an indicator, the lower boundary of which corresponds to 25 points.

Formula for translation of primary scam points in test

where T is a test score of the EGE (on a 100-point system, which goes to the Certificate of EGE), θ is the primary score of the exam, θmin is an estimate corresponding to one primary score, θmax is an estimate corresponding to the primary score, per unit smaller as possible. The rounding is carried out to an integer according to the rules of mathematics. The zero primary score corresponds to 0 for the exam, and the maximum possible primary score corresponds to 100 points per USE.

Scale of translation of primary scam points for chemistry in test2015


Primary score

Test score

Primary score

Test score

% execution

Table 1

The maximum number of points that may be examined for the fulfillment of the entire examination work of the OGE in chemistry (without a real experiment), 34 points.

The exam results can be used when taking students to high school profile classes. The reference classes in the selection classes may be an indicator, the lower boundary of which corresponds to 23 points.

The transaction scale of the primary score for the execution of the examination work in a five-point scale (work with a real experiment, Develusion 2)

table 2

The reference classes in the selection class can be the indicator, the lower boundary of which corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that may be examined for the fulfillment of the entire examination work (with a real experiment), 38 points.

The system of evaluating the implementation of individual tasks and examination work OGE 2018 in chemistry as a whole.

Checking students' responses to the tasks of part 1 is performed by experts or with a computer. The correct execution of each of the tasks 1-15 is estimated by 1 point. The correct performed each of the tasks 16-19 is maximally estimated by 2 points.

Jobs 16 and 17 are considered true, if each of them is correctly selected for two answers. For an incomplete answer, one of two answers is correct, or three answers are named, of which two are faithful - 1 point is set. The remaining answer options are considered to be not true and evaluated 0 points.

Tasks 18 and 19 are considered true, if three conforms are correctly installed. Partially faithful is the answer in which two correspondences of three are established; It is estimated to 1 point. The remaining options are considered an incorrect answer and 0 points are evaluated.

Checking the tasks of part 2 (20-23) is carried out by the subject commission. When evaluating each of the three tasks, an expert based on a comparison of a graduate response with a response sample given in the evaluation criteria, reveals the study elements in response, each of which is estimated by 1 point. Maximum evaluation for the correct task: for tasks 20 and 21 - 3 points; in model 1 for the task of 22 - 5 points; In the model 2 for the task of 22-4 points, for the task 23 - 5 points.

Tasks with a detailed response can be performed by learning different ways. Therefore, the sample samples given in the evaluation criteria should be considered only as one of possible options Answer. This applies, above all, to methods for solving settlement tasks.

- the answer is full and correct on the basis of the theories studied;

The material is set forth in a certain logical sequence, literary language;

Answer independent.

Answer "4" ;

The answer is complete and correct on the reasons studied theories;

The material is set forth in a certain logical sequence, and two or three insignificant errors fixed by the requirement of a teacher are allowed.

Mark "s" :

The answer is complete, but there is a significant error or an incomplete response, inconclusive.

Mark "2" :

When responding, a misunderstanding of students in the main content of the educational material is detected or significant errors are allowed that the participating cannot correct with the teacher leading issues, no response.

2. Evaluation of experimental skills.

The assessment is made on the basis of observation of students and a written report for work.Mark "5":

The work is fully and correctly made correct observations and conclusions;

The experiment was carried out according to plan, taking into account the safety and rules for working with substances and equipment;

Organizational - labor skills are manifested, the cleanliness of the workplace and the order (on the table, the reagents are engaged in economically use).

Mark "4" :

The work is done correctly, the correct observations and conclusions are made, but irreversible errors in working with substances and equipment are carried out.

Mark "3":

The work is done correctly at least with a significant error during the experiment in the explanation, in the work of work, in compliance with the safety regulations at work with real societies and equipment, which is corrected at the request of the teacher.

Mark "2":

Two (or more) essential errors during: experiment, in explanation, in paperwork, in compliance with the rules of technology without danger when working with substances and equipment that the student cannot correct even at the request of the teacher;

The work is not fulfilled, the student has no experimental skills.

3. Evaluation of the skills to solve settlement tasks.

Mark "5":

There are no errors in logical reasoning and solving, the problem is solved by a rational way;

Mark "4":

In logical reasoning and solving there are no significant errors, but the task is solved by an irrational method, or no more than two non-significant errors are allowed.

Mark "3":

There are no significant errors in logical argument, but a significant error is allowed in mathematical calculations.

Mark "2":

There are significant errors in logical reasoning and solutions.

No response to task.

4. Evaluation of written test work.

Mark "5":

The answer is full and correct, an insignificant error is possible.

Mark "4":

The answer is incomplete or not more than two insignificant errors.

Mark "3":

The work is made not less than half, one significant error is allowed, while two or three insignificant.

Mark "2":

The work is performed less than half or contains several significant errors.

The work is not fulfilled.

When evaluating the execution of written test work, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of a single spelling regime.

5. Assessment of test work.

Tests consisting of five questions can be used after studying each material (lesson). Test out of 10-15 questions is used for periodic control. Test from 20-30 questions must be used for final control.

When evaluated, the following scale is used: for test from five questions

no errors - rating "5";

one error is the rating "4";

two errors - evaluation "s";

three errors - the rating "2".

For test from 30 questions:

25-З0 correct answers - rating "5";

19-24 correct answers - the rating "4";

13-18 of the correct answers - the evaluation "s";

less than 12 correct answers - the rating "2".

6. Evaluation of the abstract.

Essay is assessed by the following criteria:

compliance with the requirements for its design;

the need and sufficiency to disclose the topic given in the text of the essay of information;

the skill of the student freely state the main ideas reflected in the abstract;

the ability of the learner to understand the essence of questions asked by members of the attestation commission and formulate exact answers to them.


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