Frank wedding outfits. Sexy wedding dress (photo)

Frank wedding outfits. Sexy wedding dress (photo)

Natalia Erofeevskaya

Wedding is always serious troubles, in the preparation process, everything is thought out to the smallest details: interiors, menus, list of invited, photo and video session, various events that will make the celebration unforgettable.

With particular thoroughness, future brides are suitable for creating their own festive image: dress, hairstyle and makeup should be flawless, After all, this day is so alone, it does not repeat it, guests guests and relatives notice all the mistakes, and the photo and video shooting snatch even the most seemingly minor details.

When choosing a solemn dress, every modern bride wants to be unique and original, stylish and fashionable - and here that the most crazy ideas are born in the female head, which often just kill all its natural femininity and refinement, grace and grace.

We offer to look at the fantasy designers doing, well, if just a strange and unexpected decision, but sometimes completely vulgar or stupid wedding dress. Throw out what moments when choosing a dress should pay attention to not look ridiculous or too pretentious.

In the pursuit of the originality and extravagancy of the girl only on the very festival to the great horror they can feel the oblique glances of others and realize that steel widespread. So maybe it was worth stopping the choice on the classic, perfectly sitting on the figure outfit instead of a pesting embarrassing the crown on the head, barely covered breasts and a multi-meter plume, about which by the end of the evening who just does not pull the legs?

The proposed unessed brides, funny and ugly dresses will help prevent such an error in their own life - see, but do not repeat!

The funniest wedding dress in the world

Typically, ridiculous finds in the image of the bride, sometimes causing only bewilderment or grin, and sometimes a homeric laughter sin designers from Kutuur - it is in their collections that you can find the worst wedding dresses.

Indeed, classic styles on the podium are already irrelevant, there is nothing to be surprised in them, since all the permissible chips are already tricked. What remains unacceptable! And then on wedding modes can be seen anything: From Egyptian mummy with stylized cranial brain podol and something remotely resembling an osine nest on the head to the "miracle in feathers", and this is not even a metaphor.

Do you want to be a foam for shaving at your wedding or Mrs. air balloon? Or maybe a plastic spiral?

Wedding dress Funny and wedding dress is beautiful - these are still two different concepts, and they should be distinguished at the selection stage of the festive dress. Of course, it is impossible to deny the fact that fashion dictates its rules And in this area: the dresses have a fitting style, the coil skirt, the length of which can also vary from the daring mini to the hem "to the floor".

The presence is also changing, and the shape of the sleeves (lanterns, bat, three quarters, full length), varies the width of the straps: from wide to thin as threads. Wedding fashion is subject to literally every centimeter dresses, which is why designers are trying to embody their fantasies to the maximum.

The most terrible wedding dress in the world

In this category will take photo of frankly unsuccessful outfits of the bridecausing a feeling of bewilderment and even doubt available common sense Their creators and the owner. Such an unsuccessful wedding dress is terribly and on the idea, and by execution, and by the impression it produces.

Do you think that the case is in the absence of an elementary taste? Everything is much easier: the desire to stand out among the multi-million crowd of brides and become a single caterpillar in a cocoon or a woman-snowman pushes young beauties to such a strange choice. The most ridiculous wedding dresses, the photos of which are presented below, there really exist.

Sit and think: i would never put it? Knowing how stupid wedding dresses look like, the normal bride will not allow such an error - let the bride and invitee admire the pretty way, and do not shake from such oddities.

To the same category, we will take frankly obscene outfits. Indeed, at a wedding can not be anything worse than an indecent or just a vulgar dress of the bride. After all, her image itself implies impossibility, purity, femininity and charm. The worst thing that may be in the wedding female dress - this is an exhibited body, intended for this day to one single person, a future husband.

Ridiculous wedding dress

This header corresponds fastened, suffering from a miserable dress. Of course, it is not always worth sticking to classic stamps and choose a rigorous classic for this happy day, but it is possible to avoid the most common errors.

  1. Excessively outdoor style, transparent fabrics.

The bride is a symbol of the whole wedding, the personification of the purity of relationships, femininity, grace

Even if you have a magnificent model figure, you should not at the bottom of the exhibition of long tanned legs and a decolted breast - all this place on the beach or in the sauna, the wedding ceremony is not the most suitable place to demonstrate your own courage and the exposure of the female body. Well, about distant from perfection, the shape in tight corsets and barely covering the buttocks skirt and not worth talking.

And in this model, it is quite possible to assume that the girl with shame and decency is all right, but simply did not have enough money for a full-fledged dress, I had to be content with a grid with stylized fines.

Quite strange, even by the standards of modernity, making a huge sled to morality and morality, the desire of the bride to show the surrounding as much as possible, albeit so beautiful, well-groomed, tightened ... Isn't it?

  1. Excess decor and pathetic parts. Even gentle roses in a huge amount on an elegant dress may be inappropriate: the decor should be a little and he should become a highlight of the outfit, and not turn the bride into the flower bed. It is worth carefully treating metal details, sequins, rhinestones - an excess of these luxury in combination with necklace or beads, earring, rings on the fingers and bracelets can make a charming girl with a sparkling Christmas tree.

It is difficult to submit the bride in one of the dresses presented below for a festive table or a honeybaling car nearby? Yes, sometimes girls in pursuit of beauty forget about the elementary amenities and freedom of movement.

  1. Horrible Croa. Often, a strange wedding dress looks strange not because it is ugly or scary, but because it simply does not fit the features of the figure or has an unsuccessful cut. Pyshechki are trying to squeeze into a model dress 42, and the slims wear shapeless balachons, under which both the figure is difficult to guess. ace must be keen on the figure and taking into account its features, too complete chest should be covered. The skirt must have a length of time and not to be too wide - a lush crinoline with a diameter of 5 meters will deliver serious problems on a photo shoot when landing in a car, in a wedding dance, at a festive table.

A terrible wedding dress is present in our selection: it seems that the silhouette is classic in it, and the tissues do not cause any complaints, but the facade of this outfit is clearly Nepuritian character - the female sexual body is shown in the smallest textiles. details.


In trying to promote in the originality of other brides many girls are moving all the boundaries of reasonable. Departing from traditional canons of beauty and grace, they choose extremely coup open styles, inconceivable cut, unnatural forms, a shocking combination of colors, a nonundensible decor. Probably at this moment it is worth stopping and thinking: how not to lose your natural tenderness and femininity for such a crazy way. And the extravagant outfits at the wedding were, there will be - but let them remain on the pages of wedding websites, in fashion magazines, in Paris and New York podiums.

December 9, 2017, 02:38

Fashion does not stand still and constantly moving forward. And wedding - the more no longer ceases to amaze. Fashion houses constantly produce new more and more interesting and original collections of wedding dresses. Some designers adhere to classics, but at the same time experiment with shades, design, various elements of the decor. And some are trying to move away from generally accepted standards and propose to implement their most bold and frank ideas.

IN lately Popularity is gaining quite open and provocative dresses. Therefore, you can now see dresses opening the neckline, back, legs. They are also decorated with transparent lace and stones. But this is not all.

Therefore, now we are talking about the most frank wedding dresses that caused ambiguous and contradictory emotions. Of course, not every bride will decide on such a rather bold step, but perhaps such "hot" ideas will be able to inspire on the outfit for the first marriage night.

The greatest scandal in the wedding fashion industry produced a dress from Kavinar Gauche, released in the 2012 collection. Thong panties and a white bra, interconnected by a thin strip of fabric - this is how the outfit just shut down Berlin at the fashion week. The image was completed by a transparent fata length in the floor. The bride could be compared with the cocoon. In general, designers Johanna Kule and Alexander Fisher-Röler struggled everyone pushing such a frank and bold outfit for the bride.

But this is not the frank wedding dress, which was suggested. The dress made from the bead just amazes with her beauty and looks great. The photo on which a rather charming girl is depicted, dressed far from the weather, but in a frank form, caused a lot of emotions in humans.

The famous singer, being happy in marriage, Beyonce does not cease to surprise her fans. As a stage dress, she chose something similar to a wound dress in the form of an unusual skirt, which is distinguished by its transparency and ease, as well as the presence of a fluff that the artist can be compared with a white swan.

The young Axinha Cat designer also decided to contribute to the wedding fashion, releaseing a rather bold collection of the most frank wedding dresses. Only instead of them, she used snow-white swimwear using wedding attributes and a loop. In principle, such an outfit would well look at the beach wedding. There he could be appropriate.

And the girl who was not afraid to try on such an outfit, became the star Pamela Anderson. In San Tropez, she married in a snow-white swimsuit. The wedding took place on the yacht, so guests and journalists were not surprised by such a bold decision of Pamela.

But 2014 was able to surprise the fashion podium. Thus, the Alessandro Angelozzi designer presented his collection called "Siren Capri". She was inspired by the maritime subject. But the end of the show was just great. The model that has long been the face of the brand, Elizabetta Canalis appeared in a frankly width dress. It was long and transparent, but with several elements of lace, which covered breasts and hips. Critics quite positively appreciated the most frank wedding dresses in the 2014 fashion collections and did not recognize it by vulgar and tasteless.

If you choose a wedding dress "For Life", then you can experiment here. A deep V-shaped or translucent corset greatly emphasized the female neckline, however, it is better to resort to ladies with beautiful forms to this option.

Dresses with open back look very feminine. The cutout on the back can be any length, but here you need to be careful. The most frank wedding dresses are better to choose girls with a well-kept back and beautiful posture.

But most often you can see brides in dresses with open legs. In this case, the outfit does not need to be short. Here you need to take care of beautiful underwear and that in such a dress it is convenient to move.

Preparation for the wedding takes a lot of time and strength. Sometimes the bride should switch a little, relax and relax. Today we want to offer you to consider the most ridiculous wedding dresses or a visual allowance that will help to avoid typical mistakes Selection of outfit from the portal In case the girl dreams looks on the wedding day, boldly and extravagantly, it is worth remembering that there is a very thin face between the outrageousness and absurdity. An interesting selection of terrible wedding dresses is waiting for you.

The most terrible wedding dresses: common choice errors

No girl wants to become a universal laughing or object on the wedding day, whose back will be whispering or regret, pretending that everything is in order. Pay attention to the most common errors when choosing a wedding dress.

  • Excess decorations or funny wedding dresses. Despite the fact that the bride on the wedding day gets more attention, it should not look like a Christmas tree. It is better to be guided by the rule - conciseness, restraint and measure. Unsuccessful examples of choosing the most ridiculous and inappropriate wedding dresses are presented in the photo:
  • Unsuccessful color dresses.The popularity of multi-colored wedding dresses has increased so much that sometimes the choice of girls enters a stupor. In order not to look like everything, the bride is able to choose a black wedding dress or experiment with color. True, this risk is not always justified.
  • . Why choose a bag, hiding dignity or on the contrary - to be afraid to breathe, as the dress is about to crack on the seams. Buy the outfit size is less, and then start to lose weight - not very good intention. The perfect dress for the bride is that who will not overshadow its beauty and benefits will emphasize best sides. Perfectly emphasize the fibulation of the trouser suit for the bride.
  • Beautiful picture does not always reflect reality. Often the bride chooses a wedding dress, after watching fashionable shows. What looks worthily on the podium is not always appropriate at the wedding celebration. The brides on the covers of glossy magazines are also dubious help in choosing. Strange and unusual wedding dresses are best left for thematic PR events.
  • Invulsion to prevent yourself. Even if you have the most beautiful and original dress, but you will feel uncomfortable in it, your image will be ridiculous. That is why it is so important to find "your" dress. Success depends on how the bride feels in this outfit and presents the rest. Believe me, the bride in a simple dress that felt by the queen will look much better than the one that cares is the most expensive dress and will shy all day, lowering the eyes in the floor. In other words, the queen in the wedding dress, even from toilet paper, will still remain the queen.

Frank wedding dress: Is it worth it?

Too frank dress can spoil the external image of the bride even with the most perfect figure. All that now offer us fashion magazines and commercials look very good on glossy pages and on TV. In reality, the generally accepted norms of the wedding festivities in a cafe with a crowd of relatives (including people of old age) are not unparalleled with a half-way bride. Therefore, think carefully, do you not bend a stick and will your image be appreciated at the celebration? A chance to fix everything may not be. Look at the pictures of the most terrible brides in the wedding dresses below, would you like to look just like?

Previously, the conservative and restrained wedding fashion every year becomes more original and more diverse. Today, the most unusual wedding dresses are not rarely found with classic outresses. Sophisticated fashionista surprise those surrounding not only with bright colors, but also original styles.

Owner slender figures Can afford sexual wedding dresses. At the same time, it is very important not to confuse sexuality with vulgarity. A similar outfit must elegantly emphasize the natural grace and the advantage of the figure of the bride. Wedding portal wedding will tell you about how to choose a sexy dress.

Seductive neckline on the back

An open back will add ease, grace, elegance and mysteriousness in the wedding image. An excellent option for those who want to look seductively and exquisitely. Sexy outfit of the bride with an open back sew from lace, taffeta and light silk fabrics. It can be models of a-silhouette, "mermaid", straight dresses in the floor or with a train. The most bold brides may pick up a wedding outfit with a deep frank neckline, but there are more restrained models that are broken only half of the back. The cutout form is also diverse. The neckline can be decorated with a transparent cloth, lace, ribbons, pearl threads. Selecting such a style dress, the bride should have excellent posture and well-groomed skin with a uniform natural tan.

Frank zone decolte

A bright accent in the bride's dress can be a deep neckline. Dress can be:

  • with open shoulders
  • with sleeves
  • with straps
  • with lowered shoulders.

Among the types of neckline are the most seductive are:

  • V-neck Various depth - is popular with the bride, visually reduces the shoulders and extends growth;
  • transparent decolte - The neckline covers the finest lace or transparent fabric, suitable for a restrained romantic image, it looks sophisticated, will help hide the problem skin;
  • cutout "Heart" Often meets in models with a corset, will help visually lengthen the neck and increase the chest.

Outfits opening legs

The dress of the bride with a cut on the leg will give a romantic image of seductivity and sensuality. For dresses with cuts, any style is perfect. It is better to choose models in the floor. Elegantly and elegantly looks like a train with a loop. Sections:

  1. cENTER - allows you to demonstrate two legs, suitable for high and slender brides;
  2. with side - Suitable for low girls, distract attention from the waist;
  3. two sides on the sides - perfectly emphasized the harness and elegance of female legs.

We recommend noting that the presence of a high cut on a dress made of lightweight fabric can be too frank, especially with windy weather. Choosing such a style, you need to take care of the beauty of the legs and underwear, and also checkeredly refer to the choice of shoes.

You can also demonstrate legs by choosing a mini model or with an asymmetric skirt.

The effect of a naked body

The most frank version of the wedding dress is an exciting combination of elegant lace and transparent fabric. Only owner of an ideal figure can afford such an outfit. If the transparent fabric seems too bold solution, you can pick up models with a body color cloth. Together with lace to decorate such models, stones, rhinestones, beads are used. The advantage of dresses with such an effect:

  • very original and brave outfit;
  • this is an excellent option for the summer wedding dress, it is comfortable and not hot;
  • translucent outfit, regardless of Leson, will benefitly emphasize the slender seductive silhouette of the bride;
  • dresses from bodily color fabric with the addition of original decorative elements are not only sexy, but also elegant.

The most frank wedding dresses

Wanting to manifest individuality and originality, the brides are solved on candid wedding dresses, which are radically different from the classic outfit. Modern designers are in a hurry to offer a lot of original models. Frank outfits of brides:

  • extreme mini, strongly opening legs;
  • skirt-pack - looks playfully and bright, will be able to become a highlight of a wedding image or emphasize the subject of the celebration;
  • short skirt - beneficially emphasizes the slender legs of the bride and at the same time fit perfectly for an active wedding celebration;
  • dresses made of transparent fabric - a very eccentric and brave outfit;
  • beach outfit - a top and light skirt or a pareo can be replaced by a traditional dress, suitable for a maritime wedding party.

Netherlands photographer Michel Clisteraster on October 2 published in Facebook, perhaps, one of the most original wedding pictures: the groom on it stands back to the audience with the sacrificed pants, and the bride dropped his knees in front of him. The signature to the picture reads: "Some newlyweds cannot wait for a party when the party will end and they will be able to go to the room to spend an unforgettable marriage night. Fortunately, they have already exchanged wedding promises and officially married. " The record of the club gathered 36 thousand likes and 17 thousand comments.

Michelle Cluster told the BUZZFEED edition that the idea for the photo was offered the mother of the bride. Prior to that, he saw a similar shot on some American site and decided that it was ridiculous. Nevertheless, the photographer refuses the very "pornographic" ideas, and in this case he did not want to be visible intimate parts of the body in the frame: "I just wanted to create a general impression." Three couples asked the same wedding photograph of the Dutchman.

The newlyweds depicted in the pictures wished to remain anonymous. The club said it was very funny people: "It was a cute relaxed wedding, everything was not too formal there."

He also explained that such wedding pictures - a tendency recent yearsWhen everyone wants to surpass each other: "People want to differ from other newlyweds. Photos should be more beautiful than their sisters, cousins \u200b\u200band friends. "


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