Bring our planet of the work. An essay on the All-Russian Competition of Works in the direction "Bring your planet" Theme "Be grateful to nature!"

Bring our planet of the work. An essay on the All-Russian Competition of Works in the direction "Bring your planet" Theme "Be grateful to nature!"

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version Works available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

Bring your planet in order ... Why? Yes, because our planet really needs help. She simply shouts from pain and injustice. And people do not hear it or do not want to hear.

Every day, from all sources of information, we learn about new and new cataclysms. Floods, fires, villages, earthquakes ... It seems to me that the Earth is protesting, it expresses his indignation in its own way indifference and the cruelty of people.

Nature has many enemies: shower, hurricanes, frosts, droughts. And not everyone can withstand them. But the most offensive thing is that they are harmful to their planet: cut down the forests, pollute the air and water by industrial waste, destroy rare animals.

The nature of the planet Earth is fabulously beautiful. I already visited many corners of Russia and abroad and managed to make sure that. Everything causes delight: endless forests and huge blue lakes, mighty rivers with picturesque shores and magnificent mountains, streams with crystal water and blue sea ... how happily look into the clean sky, on which lamb clouds float! How fun to run through green meadow, covered with daisies and bells! How cool to splash in warm sea and rushing towards the wave! But ... all this we can lose! Even think about such a scary!

We are constantly talking about environmental issues. But how to understand what they are in them? We are frightened by global warming, then global cooling. Scientists are trying to look into the future. It is necessary. But what about the present? We live now. Probably, people are able to do something today in order to save the world that they have.

Each of us can make our Earth cleaner. Is it difficult to throw away the garbage in the urn, remove behind the dog while walking, to globe the fire after a picnic? Just need to be more careful and kinder.

Every morning I go to school and admire our yard. He is so green, clean and native. And in this considerable merit of our neighbor, which constantly decorates something in it, creates compositions from natural material, if all people treated nature, could be able to enjoy her beauty, no one would never ruin the plants, would not kill Animals would not send waste into the river.

Perhaps we will ever learn to everyone. If only it was not too late!

In the summer I read the book "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery. She is not at all about nature, she is about the feelings of people. But the solid rule "got up in the morning, washed, he led himself in order - and immediately bring his planet immediately" so simple and understandable. From each of us, even from the child, it depends on what our planet will be in the future. We will learn to understand it and take care! Let us put it in order now!

Take care of the ground! Beregite
Lark in Blue Zenith,
Butterfly on the leaves of the films,
On the path solar glare ...
Take care of young searches
On the green festival of nature,
Sky in the stars, the ocean and land
And in the immortals of a faithful soul, -
All fate binding threads.
Take care of the ground! Take care ...

In one September day off in search of mushrooms, I go to the nearest forest. I walked on familiar paths, admire the beauty of the surrounding nature and enjoy silence. Birds were already flying into the warm edges, only someone's cracks of the branches and the tapping of the son-of our Forest Sanitar are heard. The leaves rip the ground with a multi-colored carpet. With a raised mood, melting funny songs, swallow the leg of the leaves and watch autumn landscape. Beautiful autumn forest! Rows come immediately to remember the lines from the poem A.S. Pushkin: "I love the magnificent nature of fading, in the bazhret and gold dressed forests ..." Good walk along the forest path!

Raise to the top Karagay-Tau and I see that a small island between the Kiga River and a birch grove is similar to the autumn fairytale corner, and I feel the joyful thrill of my heart from the wondrous beauty: crumbs, golden, yellowish, green, gray, brown and red leaves spinned In the water, they are also not sitting on the trees.

And then the river is narrow, but fun. The flow carries bright leaflets that mood like boats, from one shore to another, hurry somewhere ... A little further, some leaflets slow down their swimming, mooring to the fallen tree, and others hurry, hurry to shift on the waves.

Suddenly the breeze subsides, here and climbed the rain. It turns out the sun, as if rejoicing the meeting, invites you to walk along the forest path. I am pleased to respond, but barely do the first steps, as I notice on Earth, a big landfill is covered with leaves ... I am surprised - where is it here, because here is such a beautiful fairytale corner? Who dreamed of throwing here so much garbage? What did these people think about when all litters threw in the forest? What was not there, in this pile of dirt in the "paradise island"? Here are plastic and glass bottles, and polyethylene, and candy wrappers, and tin cans, and do not list ... Acted seen, I stood here, perhaps for a long time. My thoughts were occupied by nature. It brings so much benefit to people, and what does it receive in return? Is this your gratitude? Why do people do so cruelly with her? But for us from younger age, it was told that for good it is necessary to pay good ...

Indeed, our planet is threatened with a global environmental crisis, which is increasingly navis. The Aral Sea dried, the permanent spills of oil and the peephyhimicates lies millions of birds and fish, from the acid rain to dry a third of the forests, significantly decreases the yield of crops.

In major cities, poisonous substances are distributed, dust and smoke from industrial enterprises. Inhalation of air people causes respiratory disease. The number of patients with cardiovascular and cancer diseases increases, as well as diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Per last years And in our areas, the environmental situation has sharply deteriorated, many types of plants and animals become rare, whole forest arrays disappear, which are cut down by thousands of hectares. For several years in a row on our central road during the day and night, cargo cars with wood are rushing.

Nature protection is one of our main responsibilities. Nature decorates our life, gives us a lot of joy. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of the stream, the mysterious forest whisper! With what pleasure we admire the rag of fields, a mirror stitching rivers and the majestic huge mountains!

The person must, just be obliged to think and ask himself a question: what will remain on our planet, if everyone becomes so empty, consumer related to nature? Will our grandchildren go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, will be able to swim in the lake to the sunny day, and then hide in the shadow of the birch grove?

To protect the nature of the death and keep her wealth, you need to understand every person that nature is our house for which we are all responsible. And everyone should put in order the corner surrounding its corner, everyone should be able to truly love, understand, protect nature, refer to nature as a living being, which also needs care and protection like a person.

Yes, nature in trouble! She is unable to fix the evil that the person creates, unable to save the dying animals and birds, clean from smoke and Gary air ... Nature can not destroy so much garbage, how many people scattered on Earth ... it would be good, once again being on this island not to see this dirt ...

Falling from the neighboring poplar a big dried branch returned me to life. It seemed to me that her courageous leaves on the background were still looking at the green grass although colorfully and mysterious, but a little sad. Hummer. Time to go home!

Gobpou "Lipetsk Regional College of Arts. K.N. Igumnova "

Bring your planet

competition Gaming Program


Nogaitseva L.M., Library teacher disciplines

Lipetsk 2017

The event is carried out within the year of the ecology.

It takes place in the form in an interactive competition between the teams:

"Botany" (Team Composition: Students 1, 2 specialty courses "Library science": Yatskova Daria (1 course), Bernikova Ulyana (1 course), Orlova Victoria (2 course), Korotaeva Angelina (2 course), Chesnikova Victoria (2 course).

Team captain- Orlova Victoria.

Preparation of teams - coursework leaders Ryaguzov A.V., Alekseeva I.N.

"Eco-eye" (The composition of the team: students of 1 course of the specialty "Social and cultural activities (by type): the organization and production of cultural events and theatrical representations": SHOGO ELIZAVET, Tikhonov Roman, Panchenko Anastasia, Gordeeva Anastasia, Polunin Elena.

Team captain -Tikhonov Roman.

Preparation of teams - coursework Gorkushenkov E.I.

Objectives of the event: formation of students of cognitive interest in environmental issuesmodernity I.the desire to take place to participate in their decision, Developing an active civil position in careful environment. There are competitive tasks of a different nature for teams and viewers, in the process of executing which participants will have to demonstrate the intellectual level, creativity, logic, wit.

Scenario Events

Lead 1. Our planet rotates quietly and feels a vague concern. What happens to her?

Lead 2. . Maybe she has come, and therefore her hair was kept - the forests, the vessels were thinned - the rivers, became dry and lifeless her skin - soil, swell their eyes - lakes.

Lead 1. Animals disappear in forests, and fish in the seas and oceans. But the planet should take care of us, and we are about it.

Lead 2. Man is not aware of this. Each of us behaves like an unreasonable egoist, overlooking its own interests above all.

Lead 1. Stop, man! In his limitless indifference, you completely forgot about what has become the main problem for everything alive on this earth.

Lead 2. Anna. The year declared the year of ecology in Russia is completed. And our today's meeting is devoted to problems that do not only depends our present and future, but also the lives of all mankind on the planet Earth.

Lead 1. Or maybe if each of us thinks about what happens and do at least what depends on it, will our land can be saved? So let's try to figure out together!

Lead 2. And they will help us in this team who will take part in the game"Bring your planet in order." Dear fans and viewers, let's greet the team: the Eco-Oko team and the Botany team.

Lead 1. It is time to submit our respected jury Presentation of the jury).

Lead 2. Helps to summarize the contests of Maria. After each competition, the Commission announces the number of points for each contest and the total amount of points. All contests will be evaluated on a 5-point scale.

Lead 1. And now let's get acquainted with our teams. Announced competition"Business card".

Lead 2. We invite to the scene the team "Botany". Meet students of the specialty "Library science".

The team represents the name, emblem, motto, participants and captain.

Lead 1.

Thanks to the team and captain, please take places in the hall.

Lead 2. And now the team is"Eco-eye". Let's welcome - students of the specialty "Socio-cultural activity".

Leading Thanks, ask to take places in the hall. Our participants confidently coped with the task, and we suggest evaluating the results of the first competition.

Jury and Accounts Commission. According to the results of the competition.Team "Eco-Oko" Earned ... score. Botany team - gets .. points.

Leading 2. Anna. In the life of each person there are such books that he reread many times, which influence the course of thoughts and the perception of life. This includes the Tale-Tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince".

Lead 1 Herman. In Ne. thin thread passes ecological topic. It seems that the author of the fairy tale "foresaw" future environmental catastrophes and warned about a careful attitude towards his native and beloved planet.

Leading 2. Anna. One of the most important commandments of this fairy tale are the words: "I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order."

Lead 1 Herman. The image of the main character, created by Exupery, can serve as a kind of ideal of a resident, the owner of his planet.

[Slide 10] Leading 2. Anna. Here he is, the prince, spreading every morning the sprouts of Baobab, performing the boring, but necessary for his planet work; Here he is, baby, admiring the sunset, the beauty of the desert, the starry sky; understanding the language of flowers, who knows how to "hear the heart", and the feeling responsibility for those who have tamed,

Leading 2 Anna. So, our next competition is called "Ecology in Prose". Let's remember the books that, since childhood, revealed the mysterious, mysterious, such a unique world before us, taught good and justice, forced us to laugh and cry, and perhaps seriously think about their lives, over the fate of mankind ...

Guess how the work is called, and who is the author by passage from the book.

Setting the team "Eco-Oko".

At this time, having rested on the stone and warming and the rays of the sun, Nastya with the mitra rose to continue their way. But the very stone has a rather wide marsh trail dismantled by a fork: one, good, dense trail went to the right, the other, weak, - right.

After checking the direction of the trail, Mitra, pointing the weak path, said:

We need this north.

This is not a trail! - answered Nastya.

Well, okay, "Mitrash turned sharply. "I will not argue with you anymore: you go along our trail, where all the women walk for cranberries, I will go myself on my own trail, north.

And in fact went there, without thinking about the basket for cranberries, nor about food.

Nastya would have had to remind him about it, but she herself became angry that, the whole red, like Kumach, spit after him and went for the cranberries along the common path.

Correct answer: Mikhail's story Svavina "Storeroom Sun"

Setting the team "Botany".

- It's time to us, aunt, doing business. Pretty you beat the bumps. I want to make an actress from you ... Do you want to be an artist?

And he began to teach it to different sciences. In the first lesson she studied standing and walking on the hind legs, that she liked terribly. In the second lesson, she had to jump on the hind legs and grab sugar, who held a teacher high above her head. Then, in the following lessons, she danced, took to the music, called and shot, and in a month she could successfully replace Fedor Timofeich in the Egyptian Pyramid. She accompanied by a voice, enthusiastic focus, and the teacher was surprised, he also came to delight and rubbed his hands.

- Talent! Talent! - he said. - undoubted talent! You will be positively to have success!

Correct answer: story A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka"

And now it will be necessary to guess what product it is about, based on the characteristics of the content of the book. So attention to the screen.

Setting the team "Eco-Oko".

The main character of this story - Ignatich is the best fisherman in the village, there is no equal in this craft. Ignatic often produced poaching. All that is considerable good, which he already has, it seems not enough. Seeing a huge sturgeon, the main character I was amazed by unimaginable sizes. He is bravely rushing on a sturgeon, trying to stun it with an ax. But he himself falls into the water, where, together with its prey, it turns out to be improved by networks, and fishing hooks are absorbed into his body. And only after that I realized Ignatich, which would not be able to overcome such a fish alone. Now the fisherman and his catch ahead one fate - death.

Correct answer: Viktor Astafieva's story "Tsar-Fish"

Setting the team "Botany".

The action takes place in the 1960s in the village located in the middle of the Angara River. In connection with the construction of the Bratskaya HPP, the village must be flooded, and the residents are resettled. Many people do not want to leave the village in which they spent their entire lives. These are mostly old people who agree to the flooding of the village as a betrayal of ancestors buried in native land. Residents cannot accept it. For them, the flooding of the village is their personal apocalypse. It seems, along with people crying, the whole nature is resisting: no matter how it is crazy - it is still worth it. But after all, her strength is not impossible. And if it does not stand? Will the person himself be alive?

Correct answer: Valentina Grigorievich Tales Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera"

Setting the team "Eco-Oko".

His father is a wolf, mother - half a wolf, half a dog. He was born in the northernmost wilderness and survived the only output. Once the Volchonok bumps into the strangers to him - people. One of his hosts is a handsome Smith, so it was tied, that turned into an evil, ruthless beast. A young man saves a dog, visiting engineer from the deposits, Wyon Scott. The hero of the story quite soon comes to itself and demonstrates his malice and rage to the new owner. But Scott has enough patience to tame a dog caress.

Correct answer: Tale Jack London "White Fang"

Setting the team "Botany".

The city often met a dog: white, with black ear. At first she ran everybody on the squares and the streets, approached people, as if someone was looking for someone. But there was time, the dog lost weight, the wool was poured on it, became dirty-gray, she no longer ran, and walked on three paws. Now people looked at her Kosovo, went around the party. Yes, and the dog no longer escaped to meet them, but preferred to boast empty streets and alleys. Who only did not encounter a dog who lost the owner: with children and adults, with good people, brought and fading it, with evil who delivered the joy to torment him. But despite all his sufferings, she until the last minutes of life retained faith in friendship with man.

Correct answer: Tale of Gavriel Treopolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

Setting the team "Eco-Oko".

This English writer was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After entering the light of this book, the number of fans of his work has increased many times. The book includes stories about different animals, but the central place in them is the history of Mowgli, the boy who was signed with the wolves and became the leader of his flock. When creating a book, the author processed many scientific materials, but they did not move into the second plan of the living and direct perception of the world. The author himself did not consider this book a collection of fairy tales, calling the head of the book "simple stories", especially since readers perceived them more like myths or legends.

Correct answer: Rudyard Kipling "The jungle book"

Setting the team "Botany".

This is the famous story of American science writer Ray Bradbury. The characters of the narrative by car from the present time take a trip to the remote past. One of mandatory conditions Such a move is a categorical requirement not to go from the anti-gravity trail, do not touch anything, do not try to change not to make unpredictable consequences in history. One of the characters makes it seemingly insignificant misconduct: he comes on the butterfly, and that dies. It seems to be nothing changing in the world around, and life continues. But after returning home, at the starting point of time, travelers find their world completely different, unlike what was.

Correct answer: Ray Bradbury "A Sound of Thunder"

Lead 1. So, our contest is completed. Let's summarize it.

JURY. According to the results of the competition "Ecology in Prose"team "Eco-Oko" Gets ... points. Total scores .... Botany team

Lead 1. And now it's time homework. The teams were invited to prepare the staging on a free topic associated with environmental issues. So let's see how our teams coped with the task!

Lead 2. We invite the team"Eco-eye"

Lead 1. Dear fans, let's thank the team for the work done and support it with applause!

Lead 2. And now the Botany team will show us the results of your creative project.

Lead 1. Thank you. Fans, let's greet your team!

Lead 1 Herman. And now let's summarize the contest.

JURY. Botany team - Gets .. points. Total scores ...Team "Eco-Oko" Received ... points. Total scores ....

Lead 1. American scientist Barry Commoner in the 70s of the XX centuryformulated4 of the law of ecology:

Lead 2.

Law first. Everything is connected with everything.
In nature, everything is interconnected, any action of a person leads to the consequences, often unexpected. And although these changes are not always noticeable at first glance, they, positive or negative, will necessarily affect a person who is part of nature.

Lead 1.

Second law. Everything must go somewhere.
Any contamination (waste, heat, radiation, etc.) will return to the person back according to the first law, therefore, non-waste, environmentally friendly production technologies and utilization of household waste are necessary.

Lead 2.

Law 3. Nature knows better.
Nature is reasonable in itself. Human intervention often violates its mechanisms. Therefore, it is necessary not to conquer nature, but if possible, adapt to it.

Lead 1.

Law 4. Nothing is given for nothing.
This is the law rational Environmental Management. Saving funds for the protection of nature is returned by diseases, disasters, worsening the living conditions not only now living, but also their descendants. Neglect of this law also leads to significant material costs.

Lead 2. So, our next competition is called:everything is connected with everything. Our teams will choose envelopes, and in them - two ecological tasks. Teams will have to analyze the proposed environmental situations, identify causal relationships, predict consequences, find output.

Lead 1. I will ask the captains of the commands to choose envelopes.

Lead 2. In the meantime, our teams will task, we will play with you, dear viewers. You are invited to answer questions"Environmental Quiz." For each correct answer you will getlittle planet . And the most active viewer in the horse of the game is waiting for a surprise.

Lead 1.

Born in water, lives on earth? (Frog)

Lead 2.

What mushroom is the name of the forest predatory beast? (Chanterelle)

Lead 1.

What bird feathers are not covered with feathers, but scales? (Penguin)

Lead 2.

What legs from the giraffe is longer than the front or rear? (The same)

Lead 1.

Who sleeps down your head? (bat)

Lead 2.

What happens to bee after it is horrid? (Dies)

Lead 1.

What is eating in winter toad? (Does not eat anything, she sleeps.)

Lead 2.

What snow melts is faster - clean or dirty? (Dirty)

Lead 1.

What will the crow to do, having lived for three years? (Will live fourth)

Lead 2.

Well done, and now - questions more complicated.

Lead 1.

Most of the garbage polluting the Earth make up:

* Plastic

* Glass

* Metal (correct answer)

Lead 1.

- Before starting waste disposal, they must be:

* Suradurate (correct answer)

* Collect in one place

* Open

Lead 2.

Veda: The most terrible additive to water:

* Household garbage

* Pesticides (correct answer)

* Mineral fertilizers

Lead 2.

The first place on the total volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is:

* Heat and power engineering

* Oil-and gas processing

* Autotransport

Lead 1.

A bottle or can from plastic, thrown in the forest, breaks down unchanged:

* 10 years

* 50 years

* 100 years and more (correct answer)

Lead 2.

What is the name of the active shell of the Earth, which is inhabited by alive organisms? Biosphere

Lead 1.

What year did the first published international red book appear?

in 1966.

Lead 2.

Question: Where is the biggest reserve on earth today?

Answer: The largest territory on which any activity and intervention of human - Antarctica is prohibited. More than 810 species of plants are growing on a huge territory covered with the thick of ice and there are many species of birds and animals. ...

Lead 1.

Question: What contributes to climate change? Answer: Greenhouse effect arising from the widespread cutting of trees and drying the marshes. ...

Lead 2. Spectators, thanks for the active participation in the quiz. Let's consider our planets and choose the most active participant.Award is handed.

Lead 2. So, teams, we return to you. Please read the task and give an answer. What team is ready?

Commands read the tasks and answer

Lead 1. Well done, let's support the team by applause.

JURY. According to the results of this competition"Everything is connected with all" Team "Eco-Oko" Received ... points. Total scores .... TeamBotany - Gets .. points. Total scores ...

Video View Overhead from the Art Film "Road" ( postpocalyptic drama of the director of John Hillcouta, the screening of the eponymous novel of Kormak McCarthy, USA, 2009)

Lead 1. We viewed an excerpt from the artistic film "Road", which was removed on the novel of the modern American writer Kormak McCarthy.

Lead 2. Land died, not leaving the heirs; ruthless darkness; The oppressive black emptiness of the universe. And somewhere there they are two drunk beasts, trembling, like foxes in shelter. They are together, the Father and Son, the world, whom no more.

Lead 1. What happened? What destroyed everything alive on the planet, why is there fire and death everywhere? There is no explanation in the novel ...

Lead 2. Or maybe the planet is trying to just get rid of humanity whose actions will lead to an inevitable apocalypse?

Lead 1. Alas, B. modern world Fantasy, unfortunately, very often borders with reality. Technogenic catastrophes and natural cataclysms are confirmation, and each of them can cause terrible and irreversible consequences.

Lead 2. And we live, and in the cycle of events very often do not notice the obvious, sometimes what is happening before our eyes. And we are able to change something, but very much indifferent.

Lead 1. Arguing about global environmental issues, very often we do not notice what is happening in our eyes, and sometimes you yourself causing irreparable harm to nature.

Lead 1.

So, go to the next competition.

Competition is called "the city in which we live"

Let's imagine that our teams are activists of a volunteer youth association, the purpose of which is to improve the environmental situation in Lipetsk.

The task is as follows: Develop a program in which your association will act.

The program preferably indicate those promotions, activities and projects that are fulfilled precisely for your youth association. But you can schedule more large-scale projects, while specifying who will be attracted to this action (project) - for example - the city administration, the administration of organizations and institutions, or maybe all the inhabitants of our city.

Lead 2. Teams are given time to think, and we will see the selection of videos, they are about our city.

Lead 1. We see - our teams are ready to demonstrate to us performed tasks.

Lead 2. Respered jury, please set the estimates and summarize.

JURY. According to the results of this competitionTeam "Eco-Oko"

Leading 2. Anya. And now the time of our last competitive task is"Ecological poster" Teams are invited to draw a poster on environmental topics.

Commands on the stage are invited, they are issued by Watman and Markers.

Lead 1. And with you, while the teams will perform the task, let's see the Ecology Ecology video.

Lead 2. Respected jury, our competitive program approached the end. We ask the jury to announce the results of the contest and call the winners.

The jury calls the winners, presents the prizes.

According to the results of this competitionTeam "Eco-Oko" Received ... points. Total scores .... Botany team - gets .. points. Total scores ...

Lead 1.

Dear friends! All tasks are made. Please call the victims of the jury. WINNER'S REWARD CEREMONY.

Lead 2.

Thanks to the jury for the work, and dear viewers are thanks for your attention, support and warm applause. Dear teams, we ask you to climb the scene!

Lead 1. I would like to complete our program with the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a writer and pilot, one of the first to see the land with a high height, felt fragility and vulnerability of not only a person, but also the planet Earth and all living on it."We are all children of one ship named Earth, it means to transfer from it just nowhere ...
And each of the living on the wonderful planet named Earth it must be remembered that the present and the future depends on us ...

"Your plus" learned how to come to the ecchion. It turned out, it is not only useful, but also profitable! Rather, read about eco-shares and discounts.

If you have long been worried about the fate of our planet, but you do not know how to help her, remember:

Coffee in your mug

Irkutsk coffee shops joined the international eco-action. Come for your favorite drink with your mug, and get a discount on coffee. About institutions involved in the promotion, read

Discount in H & M

Bring old clothes to the store and get a 15% discount on one thing purchased in the H & M store.

Discount on the technique

Many shops give a discount on a new technique in exchange for old. For example, M.Video, Eldorado, DNS.

Charitable store "Tuesday"

This store is a combination of concerns about ecology, charity and business. The chip is that you can put unnecessary things to you in "Secondlymons" (special containers that are installed throughout the city). And the profit from the sale of these things is sent to help those who need it, and the implementation of the ecoprojects.


Progressive humanity has long been aware of the benefit of disposal and secondary use of some items. In the European Union, many steps are taken to massive emission, such as a ban on plastic bags. You can also easily start your eco-way.

In Irkutsk there are 64 points where you can hand over the recycle. All of them are applied to the RecycleMap waste collecting card. Here you will find where to pass the batteries, plastic, tetrapak, glass, metal, clothing, paper and household appliances.

Elena Kharchenko student IGU

When I found out where the reevers surrender, I began to collect waste paper and cardboard. And later, my family began to connect other types of recycling. And life in the house began to change. After all, the main thing is not to dispose of the garbage, and initially try not to use one-time, realize every purchase, whether it is really necessary. For example, coffee in the coffee shop is poured into a thermocrus. I use a reusable water bottle. Packages We replaced the grocery bags. And those that remained using repeatedly. Recently on the market, I bought Korean salads and put everything into your container, instead of a heap of bags for everyone.

Now, I try to take garbage every two weeks to the reservoir reception. All I rent, sort. What you need, my, such as bottles.If I bring a lot, I ask you to sit down. Once for the waste paper after repair even paid. 24 rubles!

I just begin to think ecoly friendly, but I already enjoy pleasure. After all, it is cool to plan that you are going to the store, which means to make a list and take a bag, container or thermocrus from home.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

Hooray! I'm grandmother! At the very blue sea! Here parents bring me in the summer holidays every year. The edges here are fertile, the nature of beauty is extraordinary. Air is saturated with the aroma of pine forests of mountain gorge and spicy freshness of the sea.

All year I lived a dream back to here. It is in this corner of the earth. I don't need "Coast Turkish and Africa I don't need." Here, "in the edge of the magnolia", the most pure, the living air, which I do not have enough, at home, in the stubborn, tanned by car exhaust and emissions of the "cast-iron" of a heat-friendly plant, city. I feel good, easy, calm, and I almost drink this purest air of the mountains and the sea. Living! It is giving! After all, I have asthma. And then the grandmother sentences everything, looking at me with smart and good eyes: "Breathe, cute, breathe! Our air is more expensive than gold. No wonder of the boarding houses, the sanatoriums so much built here. And from the north, and from Moscow, and from St. Petersburg - from all over Russia, people go to health here. "

Well, as not to agree with the wise of my grandmother, who lived a big and hard life and knows the price and air, and water, and the earth, and everything that gives man nature. Unfortunately, I note about myself, we begin to go out to nature and her gifts only when they are missing. I know this by own experience. I'm growing and more and more convinced that the problem of the awareness of the human value of nature becomes one of the most important problems of modernity, because a person who is not thinking about it begins to root what our life depends on. A great physicist F. Jolio - Curi said this in the 20th century: "It is impossible to allow people to guide their own destruction of the forces of nature that they managed to open and conquer."

There are a lot of examples of such an irrequisite behavior in relation to nature. And they all confirm the conclusion of specialists: Starting from the sixties of the twentieth century, the ecological state of our planet catastrophic: the destruction of soil, deforestation, lack of water, air pollution, ambient Wasteness of production activities and household emissions. Before me, I accidentally falling into my hands yellow from the time of the page of the journal "Youth", probably from the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century. Igor Shkärevsky - writer, journalist. Literally swallowing his short opuses. Proper, sharply, with pain! All about what causes a misunderstanding of the value of nature. And what wisdom in every episode. An amazing vigility of the writer simply opens his eyes to the way we are short-sighted, we create, without thinking about the consequences of our activities.

It turns out, the swamps is the "wet nose of the earth." It is like dogs - a sign of health. Dried swamps in Polesie. Now there "the wind turns dust", and the swamp "pokes the cloud in the sky."

You need to think!

I look at a beautiful plastic bag. How many of them on the garbage, in the ground buried! I remember Igor Sklyonvsky: "It's terrible to think how much the land does not breathe. Everyone will overcome the Earth ... And the plastics is expressing. "

You need to think!

Reading Igor Shkärevsky, I make discovery for the discovery. For example, a river pearl almost did not become, because the spaslies of salmon were filled with a rotten forest, and the pearl is born in the gills of salmon. But the worst thing that I read at Sklyley, although I heard a lot about the explosion at the NPP in Chernobyl, this is what's there, on pripyat, now strawberry berries, blueberries, lingonberries kill red blood tales in the human body. And this can not be stopped until nature is restored.

Here they are, the fruits of mindless human activity, who does not think about the consequences of their activities.

It is terrible to imagine that in a short period of time, a person has done so many troubles on the planet. Technical progress opens up to us great opportunities, but it is necessary to think about the consequences of the newest inventions and technologies.

With the sketches of Igor Sklyleyvsky, Etudes about the nature of V. Solowhina echoes. This writer has the same pain, the same insult from the consciousness of man's injustice towards nature. She is alive and does not need to protect! With bitter irony, Solobukhin talks about a person who messed himself with the highest being. But this creature does not value neither the breath of the air nor the green "live blade". Not idealizes the writer and ourselves, persistently repeating the pronoun 1 of the multiple number "We": "We go, we go to the grass, we pull up in the dirt, tear off caterpillars and wheels, cut off the shovels, scrape the knives of the bulldozers ..." And we do not think that one day it can happen like this: "Earth is, but there are no herbs. Scary terrible sight! " And this is no longer a discovery for me, it is a warning to all of us.

Think people, about the consequences of your invasion in nature.

I remember the lessons of history. Ancient Romans, if they built a dam or channel, always collected the Council of scientists and thought about the consequences of the construction of these structures. They looked at two hundred years ahead.

Thought Romans!

What am I?! Ancient Romans ... We have in Russia since ancient times the attitude towards land, water, the air was holy. The land was called "Mother - Kormilitsa". The man honored the water in the springs, the old icons were allowed along the river, trusted their water. The service on the Trinity in the temples was the service of everything alive. The church was decorated with birch branches, the floor rushed herbs. About the attitude of man and nature in that distant, very detailed wrote in the book of essays "Letters of the Good and Beautiful" D. S. Likhachev.

They guarded nature, treated her, shouted her in the old days. Why is it all wrong today? Why?! We live in the world when a person began to consider himself not part of nature, but its lord. Not the owner, but the Lord! For the sake of profits, he squeezes out of nature everything that can. By proud of her mind, a modern person forgot that he himself was her creation and can be destroyed in one moment, as the grass he was hitting. This indicates the loss of moral landmarks. And any immorality leads to the calculation. How not to remember the poetic lines of the poet E. Evtushenko:

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small loving

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only beasts inside yourself!

And, completing his reflections, I say again: "I need to think!" About what? About life on earth, that the nature of her lively. It must be preserved and defended.


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