Government Decision 861. What is technological connection to the power grids

Government Decision 861. What is technological connection to the power grids

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All you need to know about technological connection is described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 "On approval of the rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and providing these services, the rules of non-discriminatory access to services for operational dispatch management in the electric power industry and the provision of these services, the rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of the administrator of the wholesale market and the provision of these services and rules technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers of electrical energy, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical equipment facilities belonging to network organizations and other persons electric networks"- (technological connection rules)

Technological connection is performed if:

  • joining the integrated devices commissioned for the first time;
  • if you decide to increase the capacity of previously attached, reconstructed power receivers;
  • want to change the power supply category of power supply devices;
  • want to change the access point to the network;
  • if you have changed a type of production activity, which does not entail a revision of the magnitude of the maximum power, but changing the external power supply scheme of the power receiving devices.

All these events have to pay, on the basis of an agreement concluded between the applicant and the network organization.

Specifications can be restored without the conclusion of an agreement on technological connection If their loss has come in connection with the liquidation, reorganization, the termination of the activities of the former owner (applicant), the sale of objects and for other reasons.

The technological connection procedure includes the following steps:

1. Applying a legal or individual (hereinafter - the applicant), which intends to carry out technological connection, the reconstruction of power receiving devices and an increase in the maximum power, as well as change the power supply category, the point of attachment, the types of production activities, which are not engaged in the revision (increase) of the maximum power, but changing the external circuit Power supply of power drivers applies to the network organization.

The application is submitted to the network organization, the facilities of the electric grid economy of which are located at the lowest distance from the borders of the applicant's site.

Under the distance from the borders of the applicant's site to the objects of the network equipment of the network organization refers to the minimum distance measured in a straight line from the border of the site, which contains an attached power receiving device to the nearest electrical network object (power lines support, cable line, switchgear, substation) having a cable line The voltage class specified in the application that exists or planned to commissioning in accordance with the investment program of the network organization approved in the prescribed manner.

If the applicant does not own information about the facilities of the electric grid economy of which network organization are located at the lowest distance to the borders of his site, he has the right to send a request to the local government body, in the territory of which the relevant objects of the electric grid economy are located. The query should indicate the location of the objects of the electric grid economy, the belonging of which must be determined. The local government body is obliged to submit information to the applicant within 15 days on the belonging of the objects specified in the request of the facilities.

The application may be submitted to the applicant's network organization personally or through an authorized representative (on the basis of power of attorney), and also sent by a letter.

2. Conclusion of a contract for technological connection.

The network organization sends to the applicant for signing a completed and signed draft agreement in 2 copies and technical conditions as an integral application to the contract within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, and with accession on an individual project - from the date of approval of the amount of fees for technological connection by the authorized body of the executive government in the field of state regulation of tariffs.

In case of disagreement with the draft agreement submitted by the draft agreement, the applicant has the right to send a network organization a motivated refusal to sign a draft contract with a proposal for change. If within 60 days from the date of receipt of the signed draft agreement the applicant does not send a signed agreement to the network organization or a motivated refusal of its signing, the application is canceled.

The contract is considered to be concluded from the date of receipt of the contract signed by the applicant in the network organization.

6. Actual voltage and power supply (power supply), carried out by turning on the switching machine (fixing the switching machine in the "Included" position).

7. Drawing up an act of technological connection, the act of distinguishing the balance sheet, the act of distinguishing the operational responsibility of the parties, as well as the act of coordination of technological and / or emergency armor (for the applicants specified in paragraph 14 (2) of technological connection rules).

Connecting certain objects of real estate to power grids is carried out within the framework of technological connection agreements. Their conclusion is regulated at the level of federal legal acts. What are the key positions of these sources of law? What are the nuances of connecting to power grids of objects belonging to individuals and legal entities?

Technological connection: Regulatory regulation

How technological accession to electrical networks should be carried out, is governed by a separate legal act - the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 861, adopted on December 27, 2004. This regulatory source set a number of rules:

About non-discriminatory access persons to electricity transmission services, on dispatching management, as well as the trade infrastructure provided by the Administrator in the wholesale market;

On the technological connection of devices on the reception of energy belonging to consumers and other objects.

In general, the totality of these rules forms the rules for technological connection. Consider the features of this procedure.

In what cases is technological connection?

Technological connections to electrical networks can be carried out if:

Devices for receiving electricity are put into operation for the first time;

The capacity of the previously attached infrastructure of the appropriate type increases;

Changed data about the reliability categories of the supply of devices, the point of attachment, the types of economic activity of electricity consumers, as a result of which adjustments are made in the external supply scheme for electricity receiving.

Technological connection - a procedure that is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the supplier is a network company, and the applicant in the status of individuality, IP or organization. Technological connections to electrical networks are carried out within several stages. Consider them.

Stages of technological connection

Technological rules of accession to electrical networks involve this procedure within the framework of such steps as:

Submission of an application for attachment;

Signing a contract with the supplier;

Fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

Obtaining permission to admit objects into operation;

Actual connections and voltage supply;

Drawing up an act on the accession and subsidiary documents.

We study the specifics of the marked steps in more detail.

Stages of joining: Applying

So, first of all, in order to implement the technological connection, one or another subject of legal relations is applied by a provider - a networking company, which is located at the next distance to the territory of the applicant. If necessary, the contact details of the supplier may be provided by the municipal authority.

Application for technological connection to electrical networks is sent by the customer personally or through a trustee. You can also send the corresponding document to the network company with a letter. In some cases, suppliers are asked to coordinate the procedure for making an application by telephone in advance. But in any case, it is recommended to contact the network company in advance and find out which methods will be optimal.

Signing contract

After an application for technological connection to electrical networks is processed by the provider, the corresponding organization is and sends the Customer's draft treaty, as well as the technical specifications as an application to it. Prepare and send a contract to the customer A network company must generally within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

If the partner does not arrange conditions under the contract, it has the right to send a motivated refusal to conclude to the Supplier, as well as proposals for its adjustment. If within 60 days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement, the Customer will not confirm his consent to conclude it either does not express the desire to make changes to it - the application for joining is canceled. But as soon as the Customer signed by the Customer will be received by a network company, then the treaty between it and the consumer is considered to be concluded.

Performance of the terms of the contract

Technological connection to electrical networks is a legal relationship in which the rights and obligations of the Parties are assumed. Their list is prescribed in the contract, which is issued and lies with electricity supplier and consumer at the previous stage. After the contract signed, the parties must implement the activities provided for by it. Their list can be represented in a fairly wide spectrum - but mostly these measures are aimed at preparing the necessary infrastructure to run objects.

Permission from authorities

Technological connections to electrical networks can only be implemented if the tolerance of certain objects into operation will be resolved by the competent federal authority, which carries out technological supervision. Note that in the rules of joining, approved by law, may be prescribed cases in which the receipt of the appropriate permission is not required for certain categories of applicants.

Actual electricity attachment and supply

After the permission to technological connection is obtained, the actual connection of the customer objects to electrical networks can be performed. As part of this procedure, various technical eventsassociated with the configuration of the applicant infrastructure and the electricity to it. After the necessary network parameters are checked and activation will be allowed - electricity is supplied.

On joining

The final stage of the technological connection procedure is the signing of an act of its implementation. In addition, the compilation of this document may be accompanied by the formation of a number of other sources. In particular, such as the act on the delimitation of the balance, about the operational responsibility, coordination of technological or emergency armor.

Consider in more detail what specific measures are implemented within such a procedure as technological connection to electrical networks. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 also regulates their list.

Activities at joining

Relevant activities include:

Preparation of technical conditions;

Development of project documentation;

Performance of technical conditions;

Inspection of devices for receiving electricity;

Actual attachment and activation of switching infrastructure.

Consider the specifics of these events. More details.

Technological connection activities: Preparation of technical conditions

The rules of joining the electrical networks are prescribed to perform this event of the network organization. In addition, this company should also agree with the system operator - a person who carries out operational dispatching functions in electric power systems, as well as related organizations that provide services for the supply of electricity, in cases established by law.

Development of project documentation

The development of relevant documentation is carried out both the network company and the customer of accession. At the same time, the first subject of legal relations should follow the obligations that are written in technical specifications. The customer develops this documentation, in particular, if technological connection is carried out to electrical networks land plot. In this case, it needs to reflect the boundaries of the relevant territory. Note that in some legal relations, the development of the customer of the project documentation is not carried out.

Performance of technical conditions

The next event that must be conducted within the framework of the technological connection procedure is the implementation of approved technical conditions. In this case, the tasks are assigned, again, both on the network company and on its customer. The first subject of legal relations, in particular, is responsible for connecting devices for receiving electricity to the infrastructure that provides anti-emergency response of automation.

The event under consideration also implies a network company to check the fulfillment by the customer of technical conditions. The results of this procedure technological rules of accession to electrical networks are prescribed to be recorded in separate acts. This check is not carried out if:

The maximum power of applicants belonging to the applicants on electricity receiving does not exceed 150 kW as part of temporary connection;

The applicant is an individual, and its equipment has a power not exceeding 15 kW.

Survey of devices

This event, in turn, should be a representative of the competent federal authority, which is responsible for conducting state supervision in the field of electricity supply. In addition, a network company and owner of devices for receiving electricity can also be involved in the survey. In some cases, a representative of an organization carrying out operational dispatch functions is connected to the event under consideration.

Actual accession

This event actually corresponds to one of the above stages that we have discussed above that establish the rules of technological connection to electrical networks. So, it is assumed to join the customer's objects to the power grids, after - the activation of the switching infrastructure. Similarly, as soon as the relevant event is completed, acts are signed: on accession, distinction of the balance, operational responsibility, reservation.

The most important aspect of legal relations, within which the technological connection of objects to the electrical stations is carried out - payment of electricity suppliers. Consider it in more detail.

Payment of Electricity Suppliers

Payment for technological connection to electrical networks - IDGC or another supplier, is carried out in accordance with the appropriate tariffs approved by the Organization, rates per unit of power, as well as formulas fees. In addition, the Customer may need to pay for the costs, which in terms of legislation are not included in the charge fee. The lists of the costs are usually fixed in certain legal acts adopted by the authorities of the Russian regions.

It can be noted that the customers of network companies are in many cases budget organizations. In this case, they need to correctly reflect the costs of technological connection to electrical networks in the balance sheet. CUP - the classifier of operations sector operations, prescribes budget institutions Fix data costs within the framework of the Stand 226.

Certain nuances are characterized by connecting to networks of private residential buildings. Consider them in more detail.

Connecting to private household houses

The rules of joining the electrical networks of the private house as a whole are based on the same norms of law, which regulate the appropriate procedure, whose participants are legal entities. The algorithm for solving the task of connecting to power grids at home by an individual involves the implementation of the following basic actions:

Appeals to the network company - close to the land plot,

Submission to the appropriate organization of the application, the layout of devices for receiving electricity,

Copies of documents certifying ownership of a private house and plot,

Obtaining and performing technical conditions - independently within the site, with the assistance of a networking company - outside it,

Organization of inspection of equipment of network companies and the actual connection.

In general, the owner of the house owner is obviously similar to those characterizing the tasks of the customer organization of the networking company services that we have considered higher in the context of technological connection activities. In this sense, the approaches of the legislator to regulate this procedure are characterized by uniformity.

At the same time, it is quite possible that this or that the inclination of electrical installations to electrical networks, formulated in a certain way in the legislation, can be interpreted in practice differently in the context of solving problems characterizing the connection of corporate and private objects. Therefore, in order to conduct the technological connection procedure in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation, the owner of the house is desirable to seek advice on competent specialists.

The cost of connecting services to the power grids of residential buildings is usually based on the calculations, which are based on the 15 kW of the plug-in power. Also matters the distance of the residential building to the nearest network infrastructure object. If it exceeds the indicators established by law, then technological accessions to electrical networks are carried out on the basis of the tariff determined by the regulations of regional authorities. For example, the tariff service or the Energy Commission.

The deadlines for the accession of residential buildings to the power grids should not exceed 6 months if the supplier's energy infrastructure is located up to 300 meters to the customer's real estate object in the city, or within 500 meters - in rural areas. This period increases to 1 year if the distance exceeds the specified values.

Upon completion of the house connection, the mainstreams are signed, as in the case of legal relations with the participation of Jurlitz, acts about technological connection, the delineation of the balance and operational responsibility of the customer and the supplier.

From the explanations about the technological connection to the electrical networks "Methodological manual for entrepreneurs." FAS Russia, Russian Support 2009

Terms and Definitions

« consumers of electrical energy"- persons who acquire electrical energy for their own household and (or) production needs;
« network organizations»- Organizations owning on ownership or otherly established federal laws The founding of electric grid facilities, using which such organizations provide services for the transmission of electrical energy and are carried out in the prescribed manner technological connection of power receiving devices (energy plants) of legal entities and individuals to electrical networks;
« act of delimitation of the balance sheet power grid"- a document compiled in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices (energy plants) of individuals and legal entities to electrical networks, which determines the boundaries of the balance sheet;
« act of distinction of operational responsibility of the parties"- a document compiled by the network organization and the consumer of electrical energy transmission services in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices, which determines the boundaries of the parties for the operation of the respective power receivers and electrical output facilities;
« border of the Balance Suppliness»- The line of the section of the electric power facilities between the owners on the basis of property or possession on a foreign law provided by federal laws, which determines the border of operational responsibility between the network organization and the consumer of electrical energy transmission services (by the consumer of electrical energy, in the interests of which the contract for the provision of electrical transmission services is energy) for the condition and maintenance of electrical installations;
« electric network connection point"- the place of physical connection of the power receiving device (energy installation) of the consumer of services for the transfer of electrical energy (consumer of electrical energy, which is in the interests of which an agreement on the provision of electrical energy transmission services) with an electrical network of a network organization.

3. General provisions

3.1. The technological connection procedure is performed when the first commissioned, previously attached reconstructed power drivers, the attached power of which increases, as well as in cases in relation to previously attached power drivers, change the power supply ratio category, points of the accession, types of industrial activity, not entering the revision The values \u200b\u200bof the attached power, but changing the circuit of the external power supply of such power drivers.
3.2. Technological connection is carried out on a reimbursable basis on the basis of an agreement concluded between the network organization and legal or individual.
3.3. Technological connection is a comprehensive procedure, the steps of which are:
1) submission of an application for technological connection;
2) conclusion of a contract for technological connection;
3) the parties by the Parties of the Agreement provided for by the Treaty;
4) obtaining the permission of Rostechnadzor to allow the applicant facilities;
Attention! Obtaining the permission of Rostechnadzor to the tolerance of the object is not required for:
- objects of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs with a capacity of up to 100 kW inclusive;
- objects of individuals with a capacity of up to 15 kW inclusive (for household needs);
- temporary connection of objects with a capacity of up to 100 kW inclusive.

5) implementation of the network organization of the actual attachment of the applicant facilities to electrical networks;
6) actual reception (feed) of voltage and power (fixation of the switching machine in the "Enabled" position);
7) Drawing up an act on the technological connection and the act of distinction of the balance sheet and operational responsibility.
3.4. The network organization is obliged to fulfill with respect to anyone who has applied to it by the process of technological connection, subject to them to comply with the rules of technological connection.
The conclusion of the contract is mandatory for the network organization. With an unreasonable refusal or evasion of a network organization from the conclusion of a contract, an interested person is entitled to apply to court with a claim for coordinating the contract and recovery of damages caused by such unreasonable refusal or evasion. Also in such a situation, the applicant has the right to apply to the antimonopoly authority with a statement about the initiation of the case on violation of antitrust laws.
Attention! The network organization is not entitled to refuse the applicant in the implementation of technological affiliation due to the lack of technical capabilities. The legislation in the field of electric power industry does not provide for such a reason for refusing technological connection.
The rules of technological connection establish only the features of the technological connection procedure for individual categories of consumers in the absence of a technical capacity from the network organization.
In the absence of technical capabilities:
- in relation to objects of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs with a capacity of up to 100 kW inclusive, as well as objects of individuals with a capacity of up to 15 kW inclusive (for household needs) a network organization is obliged to implement technological connection activities in common order, as in the presence of a technical capabilities;
- For other facilities, a network organization is obliged within 30 days after receiving the application to contact the authorized executive body in the field of state regulation of tariffs (hereinafter referred to as the regulatory body) for calculating the fee for technological connection on an individual project.
If the applicant agrees to carry out the calculations for technological connection on an individual project in the amount determined by the regulatory body, the network organization is not entitled to refuse to conclude a contract. The network organization has the right to refuse to conclude a contract in the absence of a technical capabilities if the applicant does not agree to the technological connection on the size of the fee defined by the regulatory body.
3.5. The implementation of technological connection may not exceed:
- 15 working days (if the application does not specify a longer period) - for applicants for temporary (for a period of no more than 6 months) technological connection, if the distance from the applicant's power receiving device to existing electrical networks of the required voltage class is not more than 300 meters ;
- 6 months - for legal entities that attached the power of which does not exceed 100 kW and individuals, in the case of technological connection to the electrical networks of the voltage class up to 20 kV inclusive, if the distance from the existing electrical networks of the required voltage class to the boundaries of the applicant's site on which are located The attached power receiving devices is not more than 300 meters in the cities and towns of urban type and no more than 500 meters in rural areas;
- 1 year - for applicants, the total attached power of the power receiving devices of which does not exceed 750 kVA, if a shorter time is not provided for by the corresponding investment program or the Agreement of the Parties;
- 2 years - for applicants, the total attached power of the power receiving devices of which exceeds 750 kVA, unless other terms (but not more than 4 years) are not provided for by the appropriate investment program or agreement of the parties.
Attention! Procedure of technological connection is one-time:
- the fee for technological connection is charged once;
- when changing the form of ownership or owner (applicant or network organization), the implementation of a new technological connection procedure is not required;
- Changing the shape of ownership or owner (applicant or network organization) does not entail repeated payment for technological connection.

4. Submission of an application for technological connection

4.1. When solving the question of which network organization to submit an application for technological connection, attention should be paid to the distance from the borders of the applicant to the nearby objects of the network organization.
Under the distance from the borders of the applicant's site to the objects of the network equipment of the network organization refers to the minimum distance measured in a straight line from the border of the site (finding the integrated power receivers) of the applicant to the nearest electrical network object (power lines support, cable line, switchgear, substation) having a cable line The voltage class specified in the application that exists or planned to commissioning in accordance with the investment program of the network organization approved in the prescribed manner and within the deadlines established for technological connection (see clause 3.5).
If at a distance of less than 300 meters from the borders of the applicant's site, there are objects of electric grid economy of several network organizations, the applicant has the right to send a request to any of them. This rule does not apply to applicants who intend to carry out the technological connection of power receiving devices on an individual project.
If only one network organization is located at a distance of less than 300 meters from the borders of the applicant site, the applicant sends an application to this network organization.
If all the objects of the power grid farm of all network organizations are at the removal of 300 or more meters from the borders of the site, the applicant must send an application for the conclusion of a contract to the network organization, the facilities of the electric grid economy are located at the lowest distance from the borders of the applicant's site.
Attention! The requirements of the network organization so that the applicant independently settled questions related to mediated attachment (i.e., with accession to third-party electrical networks), are unfounded. The network organization is obliged to resolve issues with the owner of the facilities of the electric grid farm, through the objects of which will be mediated joining.
4.2. The application is sent by the applicant to the network organization in 2 copies with a letter with the investment describing. The applicant has the right to submit an application through the authorized representative, and the Network Organization is obliged to accept such an application.

5. Requirements for the content of the application for technological connection. Completeness of documents

5.1. The application for technological connection of individuals of individuals with a capacity of up to 15 kW inclusive (for household needs) should be indicated:
a) surname, name and patronymic of the applicant, series, number and date of issuing a passport or other identity document;
b) the place of residence of the applicant;
c) the name and location of the power receiving devices that must be attached to the electrical networks of the network organization;

e) maximum power of the applicant's power drivers.

5.2. The application for technological connection of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs with a capacity of up to 100 kW inclusive should be indicated:
a) the requisites of the applicant (for legal entities - the full name and number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL), for individual entrepreneurs - the number of entries in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneurs) and the date of its entry into the registry, for individuals - surname, first name, patronymic, series, number and date of issuance of a passport or other identity document);

d) the timing of design and phased introduction to the operation of power drivers (including stages and queues);
e) phased power distribution, input terms and information about the category of power supply reliability when entering power drivers in stages and queues.

h) Proposals in the order of calculations and installments of installment payment for technological connection - for the applicants, the maximum power of the power receiving devices of which is over 15 and to 100 kW inclusive.

5.3. In the application for technological connection of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, the total attached power of the power receiving devices of which does not exceed 750 kVA, should be indicated:

b) the name and location of the power receiving devices that must be attached to the electrical networks of the network organization;
c) the place of finding the applicant;
d) the number of attachment points indicating the technical parameters of the elements of the power receiving devices;
e) the claimed level of reliability of power receiving devices;
(e) Design and phased deadlines for the operation of power receiving devices (including stages and queues);
g) phased power distribution, input terms and information about the category of power supply reliability when entering power devices in stages and queues.
h) the maximum power of the applicant's power drivers;
and) the nature of the load (type of production activity).

5.4. In a temporary application (for a period of no more than 6 months), technological connection to ensure the electrical energy of mobile objects with a maximum power up to 100 kW inclusive must be specified:
a) the requisites of the applicant (for legal entities - the full name and number of the entry to the register in the enterprise, for individual entrepreneurs - the number of entries in the Eagle and the date of its introduction to the registry, for individuals - surname, name, patronymic, series, number and date of issuing a passport or other document certifying personality);
b) the name and location of the power receiving devices that must be attached to the electrical networks of the network organization;
c) the place of finding the applicant;
d) the timing of design and phased introduction to the operation of power drivers (including stages and queues);
e) step-by-step distribution of power, input terms and information about the category of power supply reliability when entering power devices in stages and queues;
e) the maximum power of the applicant's integrated power receivers;
g) the nature of the load (type of economic activity of the business entity);
h) temporary connection period.

5.5. The application of other consumers shall indicate:
a) the applicant details (for legal entities - the full name and number of the entry in EyhRL, for individual entrepreneurs - the number of entries in the Eagle and the date of its introduction to the registry, for individuals - last name, name, patronymic, series, number and date of issue of the passport or other document certifying personality);
b) the name and location of the power receiving devices that must be attached to the electrical networks of the network organization;
c) the place of finding the applicant;
d) the maximum power of power drivers and their specifications, quantity, power of generators and connected to the transformer network;
e) the number of attachment points indicating the technical parameters of the elements of power receiving devices;
e) the inventive level of reliability of power receiving devices;
g) the inventive nature of the load (for generators - the possible speed of the set or reduction of the load) and the presence of loads that distort the shape of the electric current curve and causing voltage asymmetry at the attachment points;
h) the value and substantiation of the magnitude of the technological minimum (for generators), technological and emergency armor (for consumers of electrical energy);
and) the periods of design and phased introduction to the operation of power receiving devices (including steps and queues);
k) step-by-step power distribution, input terms and information about the category of power supply of power supply when entering power devices in stages and queues.

Attention! The network organization is not entitled to demand from the applicant to submit any other information, and the applicant is not obliged to submit any other information.
5.6. The following documents are attached to the application:
a) the location plan of the power receiving devices that must be attached to the electrical networks of the network organization;
b) a single-line scheme of the applicant's electrical networks connected to the electrical networks of the network organization, the nominal voltage class is 35 kV and higher, indicating the ability to reserve from its own sources of power supply (including reservation for their own needs) and the possibility of switching loads (generation) by internal networks applicant;
c) list and power of power receiving devices that can be attached to devices of anti-emergency automation;
d) a copy of the document confirming the right of ownership or otherwise stipulated by the law on the object of capital construction and (or) the land plot on which the applicant facilities are located (will be located), or the right of ownership or otherwise stipulated by the law on power receiving devices;
e) power of attorney or other documents confirming the powers of the applicant's representative submitting and receiving documents if the application is submitted to the network organization by the applicant's representative;
e) forms of modular technological connection schemes of power receiving devices approved by the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation- only for objects of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with a capacity of up to 100 kW inclusive, objects of individuals up to 15 kW inclusive (for household needs).
Attention! The network organization is not entitled to demand from the applicant to submit any other documents, and the applicant is not obliged to submit any other documents.

Special attention! The forms of modular technological connection schemes are not currently approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the network organization is not entitled to require the applicants to submit modular technological connection schemes before approving the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, and the applicant is not obliged to represent modular schemes. Failure to submit the applicant of the modular scheme cannot be the basis for refusing a network organization in the acceptance of the application and the conclusion of the technological connection agreement.

6. Conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of technological accession
7. Content and validity period of technical conditions

8. Payment for technological connection and payment procedure

8.1. The technological connection of power receiving devices with a maximum power not exceeding 15 kW (taking into account the power connections previously attached at this point), it is established on the basis of the cost of technological connection in the amount of no more than 550 rubles (pricing base point 71).
8.2. If the applicant is a non-profit organization for the supply of electricity to citizens - members of this organization, which is calculated on the general member of the commissioner, the applicant's network organization should not exceed 550 rubles multiplied by the number of members (subscribers) of this organization, subject to accession to each member of this organization no more 15 kW.
To non-commercial organizations on which the specified rule applies include:
- Horticultural, garden or country unprincipled associations of citizens (horticultural, vegetable or country non-profit partnership, horticultural, gardening, or country consumer cooperative, horticultural, vegetable or country non-profit partnership) - non-profit organizations established by citizens on voluntary principles to facilitate its members in solving common Socio-economic problems of conducting gardening, gardening and country farm (hereinafter referred to as horticultural, garden or country uncommon), united economic buildings of citizens (cellar, sores and other structures), calculated on the general meter at entering;
- Religious organizations contained due to parishioners;
- Garage-building, garage cooperatives, car parks, calculated on the general member at the introduction, in the event that, by solving the regulatory body and decorated with a separate decision, these consumers are related to the "Population" tariff group.
8.3. For other applicants, the size of the technological connection fee is determined in accordance with the decision of the regulatory body.
8.4. For applicants - legal entities with an associated power of objects Over 15 to 100 kW inclusive payment procedure is established as follows:
- 15 percent of the board are made within 15 days from the date of concluding a contract;
- 30 percent of the board are made within 60 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, but not later the date of actual accession;
- 45 percent fees are made within 15 days from the date of signing by the Parties to the act on the applicant of technical conditions, the act of examining the instruments of accounting and coordinating the estimated accounting scheme of electrical energy (power), as well as the act on the delimitation of the balance sheet of electrical networks and the act on the delimitation of operational responsibility of the parties;
- 10 percent of the board are made within 15 days from the date of actual attachment.
At the same time, for small and medium-sized businesses in the contract (at the request of such applicants), an interest-free installment of payment in the amount of 95 percent fee for technological connection with the condition for quarterly payment of fees with equal shares from the total amount of installments for the period up to 3 years from the date of signing by the Parties to the act of an act Implementation of technological connection.
For other groups of consumers, the procedure for payment is established by the terms of the contract.

9. Finalization of the process of technological connection
10. Disclosure by network organizations of information on technological connection

11. Answers to frequently asked questions about technological connection issues

1. Question: I have submitted documents for connecting the house to the power grids to the network organization. After 2 weeks, we were informed that our documents were sent to a private networking company, and there are no lines of a network organization in our area. In a private networking company, for connecting the house to the power line, huge money for each KW connected and increased tariffs for electrical energy is taken. What do we do in this situation?
Answer: You need to determine what is the distance from the borders of your land to the nearest object of the power grid economy of the network organization. If this distance is 300 or more than meters, the network organization arrived correctly. If the distance is less than 300 meters, the network organization will unreasonably evade the conclusion of the contract with you and you have the right to appeal its actions in the prescribed manner.
Private network organization is not entitled to independently determine the amount of the cost of technological connection to its electrical networks, as well as the cost of transmission services for electrical energy over its networks. These tariffs are subject to government regulation and their dimensions are established by government agencies authorized on state regulation of tariffs. At the same time, if the power declare is up to 15 kW inclusive, the cost of technological connection for you should not exceed 550 rubles.
If a private network organization independently determines the cost of technological attachment and prices for electrical energy transmission services, it violates the legislation, including antitrust. You are entitled to appeal the actions of the private network organization in the prescribed manner.

2. Question: I have submitted an application for technological connection to electrical networks to the network organization. Due to the lack of a network organization's reaction, I wrote a letter to a network organization with a complaint about tightening the procedure for issuing the contract. In response to the complaint, I received a letter with a proposal to conclude an agreement with an undencing condition, according to which the implementation of activities from the Network Organization will be carried out within 6 months from the date of commencement of the regulatory act of the executive authority in the field of tariff regulation, which includes the drop-down income of the network organization from accession Interactive devices with a maximum power not exceeding 15 kW inclusive, in the tariff for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy.
Answer: This is a gross violation by a network organization. The network organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with you and fulfill the technological connection activities on time, regardless of when the decision of the regulatory authority will be accepted and will come into force on compensation for the falling spending of the network organization.

3. Question: I applied to the network organization, received an agreement on the implementation of technological connection and technical conditions. Due to the fact that the contract did not comply with the rules of technological connection, I sent a request to the network organization to correct this agreement and bring it into line with legislation. What was the oral refusal to receive. Are the actions of the network organization legitimate?
Answer: If the network organization receives from the applicant to refuse to sign the contract due to the fact that it does not meet the law, the network organization is obliged to bring the draft treaty in accordance with the rules of technological connection within 5 working days from the date of receipt of such a requirement and submit to the applicant a new version Project contract for signing. The refusal of a network organization in a similar situation is unlawful.

4. Question: I filed an application for the technological connection of an object with a capacity of 4 kW to the network organization. Within 3 months, I constantly called the network organization and received the same answer: "Your application is under consideration." After my appeal to the network organization's website, I had an answer that the timing of consideration of applications for the issuance of technical conditions was up to 40 days, but due to the workload of specialists, the timelines may be increased. Ultimately, I was refused to issue technical conditions due to the congestion congestion.
Answer: A network organization was obliged to send you a completed and signed draft agreement and technical specifications no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of your application. The actions of the network organization for tightening the directions of these documents are illegal.
In addition, the network organization is not entitled to refuse to implement technological connection due to the approach of the substation. You have the right to appeal the actions of the network organization in the prescribed manner.

5. Question: I can not get consent from the neighbor to join the LPP, which he partly pull out, as it requires a considerable amount. Does the state regulate some of the state what amount does he request from us?
Answer: You do not have to receive consent from the neighbor to join the LPP, which he partly pull. You must apply for technological connection to the network organization. The network organization is obliged to independently settle all issues with mediated joining through the objects of your neighbor. If a network organization cannot resolve issues with your neighbor, it is obliged to carry out technological connection to another way.
At the same time, if the power you attach is up to 15 kW inclusive, you pay no more than 550 rubles.
Your neighbor is not entitled to demand with you paying him money. If technological connection will be implemented indirectly through the objects of your neighbor, it will not have the right to prevent the overflow of electrical energy and not have the right to demand for this payment. If the owner of electric grid facilities, through which mediated technological connection, wishes to receive remuneration for this, he must apply to the regulatory tariff authority that will establish a tariff for services provided. At the same time, it will be entrusted with all the obligations that are imposed on the legislation on the network organization.
This conclusion follows from the rules of non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy, the rules of technological connection, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2004 No. 861.

6. Question: Does the network organization have the right to demand payment of technological accession (such was the requirement of employees of the client department) before the draft treaty on the technological connection and the project of technical conditions?
Answer: A network organization is not entitled to require you to make a fee for technological connection before you receive the draft treaty and technical conditions, since the contract with you is not yet concluded. The agreement on the implementation of technological connection is considered concluded from the moment the network organization signed by the applicant is obtained. Only after that you have obligations to pay for technological connection.

7. Question: The director of the network organization signed my application for the technical conditions on the accession of an object with a capacity of 3 kW and sent me to the company LLC with the words "all other questions he will decide." In the company, Ltd. with me concluded an agreement on the implementation of project work and an agreement on the conduct of installation work and their coordination. The total cost of work under contracts is more than 60,000 rubles. Are the actions of the Network Organization and the Firm Ltd.?
Answer: The applicant independently determines which organization will carry out project and installation work within its area (naturally, by agreement with such an organization and in the event that such works need to be carried out). Design and installation work for the applicant can perform any organization that deals with these activities. If the network organization imposes a specific company to the applicant, which will execute design and installation work for the applicant, such actions are unlawful. For the agreed actions of the network organization and other persons who lead to the restriction of competition and the infringement of consumer services for technological accession of antitrust laws are established the most strict responsibility.

8. Question: I need to connect an 8 kW with a capacity of 8 kW to electrical networks. Whether the actions of the network organization are legitimate, which requires that I pay for the cost of technological connection in the amount of 4,400 rubles, plus VAT, at the rate of 550 rubles. For each kW of power?
Answer: The actions of the network organization are illegal. In this case, the cost of technological connection as a whole should not exceed 550 rubles. At the same time, if you are an individual, VAT is already included in this price.

9. Question: The distance from the border of my land to the nearest support of the network organization is about 6 meters, and the declared maximum power is 5 kW.
When applying for technological connection, I was asked to use a typical modular scheme. My note, a representative of the network organization answered that the approved schemes will be later and this issue will be resolved at the stage of preparation of the Agreement and Technical Conditions.
Later, I was summoned to the office of the network organization with a proposal to get acquainted with the draft treaty and urgently sign it.
The contract was not fully submitted, technical conditions were absent in the contract. In addition, the contract contains the requirements for the provision of a network organization of the permission of Rostechnadzor to allow the power installation of a residential building. In addition, in the draft contract, I proposes technological connection on an individual project.
Are the actions of the network organization legitimate?

Answer: The network organization performed a complex of violations:
1) Typical modular technological connection schemes must be approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Currently they are not approved. Consequently, the network organization is not entitled to require the submission of the modular scheme, and it is not entitled to refuse you in technological connection because of their failure;
2) A network organization is not entitled to demand an urgent (immediate) signing of the draft contract. You have the right to sign it within 30 days from the date of receipt of the contract completed and signed by the Network Organization;
3) the contract must contain technical conditions;
4) to attach the power installations of your residential building, the capacity of which is 5 kW, it does not require obtaining the permission of Rostechnadzor to the access control;
5) Technological connection in your case is carried out in general, and not by an individual project (power plant power is 5 kW).

10. Question: I applied to attach an 8 kW object. According to the obtained technical conditions, I must from the RU-04KW GKP-175 on the existing supports to the object to mount the VL-038KV. To obtain an act of distinction of the balance sheet and the act of carrying out technological connection, I must submit an act of admission to the operation of the power receiving devices obtained in Rostechnadzor. In the design organizations, the cost of reference from Rostekhnadzor is about 15 thousand rubles.
Are there any actions of the network organization?

Answer: The actions of the network organization are illegal:
1) A network organization is obliged to fulfill all activities to the borders of your land plot and not entitled to impose on you to laying power lines to your land plot;
2) A network organization is obliged to sign an act of delimitation of the balance sheet and the act of carrying out technological connection. At the same time, the Network Organization is not entitled to require the permission of Rostechnadzor's permission to access the power receiving device and paying money.

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