What part of the pond is considered an environmental zone. Water protection area of \u200b\u200bthe water facility and construction limitations. Engineering and Technological Events

What part of the pond is considered an environmental zone. Water protection area of \u200b\u200bthe water facility and construction limitations. Engineering and Technological Events

Although the water protection zones are created and coastal stripesBut this does not mean that their lands cannot be used for country construction, and. In the water protection zone you can also buy, engage in their privatization and rent. In addition, they can be built and built up, so they will have to comply with all restrictions and not violate the laws.
In accordance with Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the water protection area will be considered the territory adjacent to the coastline of the seas, lakes, channels, etc., on which a special economic regime and any other activity is established in connection with the prevention of pollution, water clogging. , as well as the preservation of all objects of the animal and plant world. Coastal protective bands should be installed, where economic restrictions and any other activity are introduced. Out of cities and settlements, the border will be considered the coastline. In the case of a storm sewer or embankment, the border will be held on the parapet.
The length of the water-powder area affects the width of the water protection zone. Suppose if the stream is less than 10 km, the water protection zone will be 50 meters, and if the river is more than 50 km long, then 200 meters. If the length is less than 10 km, the water-protection zone will coincide with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone in the source is 50 meters. If the lake or the reservoir possess a water management no more than 0.5 sq.m, then the width of the water protection zone will be 50 meters. By the sea, the width of the water-powder zone will be 500 meters. The width of the coastal protective band varies depending on the shore slope. In the case of a reverse or zero slope - 30 meters, a bias of up to three degrees - 40 meters, a bias of more than three degrees - 50 meters. If the reservoir has a special fishery valueThe width of the protective strip is 200 meters. On the territory of water protection zones, you can design and build economic or other objects, but only if they are equipped with structures that will ensure protection against pollution, clogging and water depletions.
It is impossible to use wastewater to fertilize soil within the boundaries of water protection zones. It is also forbidden to place cemeteries, disposal of production waste, cattle boring. It is forbidden to use aviation measures to combat pests and diseases in plants. You can also organize traffic and parking vehicles. Only movement on roads in specially equipped places that have a solid coating are possible.
It is also forbidden to break the lands, place the dumps of the blurred soils, the grazing of animals and organize the summer camps for them.
No matter how great is the temptation to use in personal needs. coastlineBut it is categorically prohibited. Any territory located at a distance of 20 m from the water is a place common use. It is impossible to access them, which is clearly regulated by Article 6 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Everything that is on this twenty-meter plot can be leased in accordance with Articles 30-32.34 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.
Ponds are not real estate objects and they cannot be taken as land in or ownership. But if the reservoir is located inside the private property site, it automatically becomes yours. But in accordance with Article 8 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, it can only be a pond or a watertic quarry, but not a lake. It will not be possible to divide such a plot, and if the site is sold, then the reality will go to the property of the new owner. Separately design reservoirs do not need.

The vegetation cover of the basin is very small, the remnants are preferably located in the sources of the Sino river and its formers. The upper and average segments have a regular stream downstream, and the lower limit depends on the Jacqua delta, with a density and even reflux. Kislak vegetation and small plains. These are areas with low population density, with small rural objects, agriculture which are diversified. Livestock is also weakly developed, but we find small breeding of dairy cattle, pigs and birds.

In the middle part of the Sinos River, the population density increases, but two large cities are not located near banks. This part of the river has no rural nature as the top. The main influx of the Sinos River in the middle part is the Pararanhan River, which depletes municipalities, such as Takwara, Irezrezhina, Trots Koroas and part of Gramoudo and Kannel. The corresponding frequencies of conma classes should also be used for heavy metal graphs.

Reprinting materials is allowed only with the placement of the link to

The territory of coastal zones, especially in the resort cities of Russia, is traditionally attractive for the development of tourist infrastructure, the construction of hotels, as well as residential and commercial real estate. Current economic and political instability creates additional opportunities for development in Russia in foreign tourism. The potential of Russian regions is not fully implemented, which encourages investors, including international network operators, invested in the development of these territories.

Water quality index? National Sanitation Foundation. National Environmental Council. Concentration of dissolved oxygen. The section between the sources in the Karabera and Campo-Bom is the predominance of analyzes of class 1. This area has a low concentration of the population, before entering the capital region of Porto Alegre. After the entry into the capital region of Porto-Alegre, a sensitive decrease in class 1 with classes 2-4 and even concentrations outside the class 4. The predominance of the stream of stream and the stream of flow Louise Rau has significant frequencies outside the class.

What are the features of the use of lands in coastal zone Provided by law, which establishes restrictions and prohibitions regarding the management of these territories - these and many other issues will consider in this article.

According to the Water Code of the Russian Federation, land plots located near the sea can be bought, rent and build. However, the specified does not mean that the owners of such land plots are completely free when determining the procedure for their use, since the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a special regime that imposes a number of significant restrictions.

In these two places, fish mortality is often observed during drought periods. The average concentrations on these sites demonstrate a trend towards falling, increasing the likelihood of the appearance of a new marine mortality in the dry season. The streams of the port of the port of 40 leather factories located in the municipalities of the Old Estancium and the Porta are depleted. Louise Rau streams draining the central square of Novo-Hamburg, conducting wastewater and industrial estates from leather plants and metallurgical enterprises. We allocate an increase in the average concentration at the mouth of the port of the porta, and the concentration at the mouth of the Louis Rau's stream is also higher than in last years.

Based on the provisions of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, three types of "protection zones" can be installed in relation to land plots located near the sea: the water protection zone, the coastal protective strip and the coastline of public.

  • Water protection zones

Under the water protection zones of the seas, in accordance with the provisions of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, refers to the territories that are directly adjacent to the seashore. The width of the water zone of the sea is 500 meters. Restrictions on economic activities are established within the borders of these zones in order to prevent pollution water object.

Schedule 2 - frequency of solid oxygen classes. The average annual concentrations of dissolved oxygen. When entering the capital region, the concentration of organic substances increases, especially along the stream of the port and Luis Rau. Chart 5 shows that these two sections are distinguished by high concentrations of organic matter, especially in the port of portu, where these concentrations have increased in recent years, reaching the average annual value of class 4.

We positively note that the average annual concentration of fecal coliforms at the mouth of the João Correa channel, as well as on the selection sections of Sapichi and Kanoa samples decreased in recent years. The sewage system of the municipality of Soy Leopoldo was expanded on the site. Graph 6 - frequency of fecal coliform classes.

So, within the boundaries of the water protection area, among other things, the movement and parking of vehicles, the placement of gas stations, flavors of fuel and lubricants, stations is prohibited maintenance, carrying out car wash, as well as wastewater discharge.

The construction of construction (reconstruction) and the subsequent operation of capital construction objects within the boundaries of water protection zones is allowed only under the condition of equipment of such objects providing protection water objects from pollution.

Schedule 7 - annual average concentrations of thermotractoric coliform. Graph 8 shows the frequency of analyzes above classes 1 and highlights the results obtained in the Louise Rau stream, where lead, copper, nickel and zinc metals represent the highest frequencies above classes 1 and the central region of Novo Hamburg has galvanic plated galvanization and can potentially be the main The source of these metals. In these areas of monitoring there are no water intakes for catering.

This is an area with low population concentration and agricultural activities. In the context of the Sinos River in the metropolitan region of Porto-Alegre, a drop of dissolved oxygen is shown, reaching critical fish mortality rates at the mouth of the Louis Rau's mouth and at the mouth of the Portu River. The concentrations of the organic matter are also high in the metropolitan region, especially in the Louise Rau stream and the port of the port. The concentrations of heavy metals at the mouth of the Louis Rau stream now exceed the class 3 limits, since the current legislation is more restrictive of lead, copper and common chromium metals, and nickel has the same limit for all three classes.

The choice of the type of security facility is carried out by the developer independently, taking into account the need to comply with the established standards permissible discharges pollutants, other substances and microorganisms. Such structures that ensure the protection of water objects are:

  • centralized drainage systems (sewage), centralized storm wrappers;
  • structures and systems for the discharge (discharge) of wastewater into centralized wastewatering systems (including rain, melt, infiltration, polyvual and drainage water), if they are intended for the reception of such water;
  • local treatment facilities for wastewater treatment (including rain, melt, infiltration, polyvual and drainage waters), ensuring cleaning them, based on the standards established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of protection ambient and the water code of the Russian Federation;
  • constructions for the collection of production and consumption waste, as well as structures and systems for the discharge (discharge) of wastewater (including rain, melt, infiltration, polyvual and drainage waters) to receivers made of waterproof materials.
  • Coastal protective strips

Coastal protective bands are included in the boundaries of water protection zones. Width of coastal protective zones varies from 30 to 50 meters depending on the shores of the sea.

There are no water intakes on this site where it depletes all pollution from the central part of the new Gambo. The most likely origin occurs in the production process of some metallurgical. In addition to strengthening control, both in the sources of industrial wastewater and in wastewater The tendencies of a decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in several control measures were also taken.

Surface quality water resources Guyba basin - inclusion in the framework process. International Symposium for Water Management. Diagnosis of pollution created by industries located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Guyba Hydrographic Basin.

In the territories of settlements in the presence of centralized storm sewers and embankments of coastal protective bands coincide with parapets of such embankments.

In addition to the restrictions established for the water-protection zone, within the boundaries of coastal protective bands, among other things, the disintegration of land and the placement of dumps of blurred soils is prohibited.

Assessment of the quality of water Guaiba Lake as support to the control of the hydrographic pool. Geographical information systems have a wide range of applications in the field of environmental protection. First, we will consider the current legislation on this topic, and then how to apply a buffer operation for this purpose.

This textbook is a guest post, written by José Ricardo Pittanga Negro, born in El Salvador, Bahia. Subscribe to our tape and get our. The process of creating the so-called New Forest Code, which is not actually a code, and ordinary law, was a long, controversial, laborious and very educated. As a result, in addition to the new law, there was a more conscious Brazil inserted into world discussions on environmental issues and, of course, more stable.

  • Coastal stripes of general use

General use coastal bands are included in the boundaries of water protection zones and coastal protective strips.

Under the coastal lane is understood as part of the Earth 20 meters wide, adjacent directly to the sea, which is intended for general use.

The new law made some changes that will mainly affect 30% of Brazil territory, which have already suppressed their vegetation and which produce food, fiber, energy and guarantee a positive trade balance. Anyway, from the gate to the inner, as a new law?

The discussion was very passionate, ideological and infected urban romanticism, which does not know the reality in this area, which ultimately damages the adoption of technically more suitable criteria. The practical consequence of this change is that the floodplains when they are outside the required protective strips are no longer considered to be conservation zones and can be used that well, since almost 80% of rice produced in the country is in the floodplains.

In other words, any territory located at a distance of 20 meters from the water is a common destination. Coastal strips can be easily used by any person for movement and stay near them, including for fishing and mooring boats, sailboats and other floating funds.

Privatization of land within the coastal strip or other restriction of free access to them is prohibited.

Again, Brazil is superior to any other legislation of the world, when part of the private property, without any subsidy or the participation of the state, is intended for the collective good. Changes in relation to the legal reserve are associated with the lack of property registration, the possibility of calculating the permanent conservation areas to complete the required percentage and the possibility of compensation outside the property and watershed, requiring that the area used to compensate for the missing legal reserve is in the same biome.

Thus, it is also a rule that does not require the addition of a legitimate reserve for the one who suppresses vegetation in accordance with the legislation acting at the time of suppression. The purpose of the new law is to provide an opportunity to regularize respect for history, activities, conscientiousness and advantage of the manufacturer.

Charge charges for accessing the water object and its coastal strip, as well as the establishment of fencing on such an aqueous object does not comply with the current legislation. The organization of the private beach within the coastal strip of the water site also violates the procedure for the use of such a territory. Such actions contradict the provisions of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, enshrining the right of each citizen to have access to public facilities and free to use them for personal and household needs (see, for example, the decision of the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal of March 28, 2012 in case No. 70-8868 / 2011).

This change is not only legal, but also concepts, the beginning of the process of nature assessment, in which environmental services offered to the environment can be transformed into money. In addition, the measures necessary to implement sustainable practices will have incentives, such as facilitating access to loans and tax exemptions.

The main goal of the new Code is to protect the environment, without interfering with the activities being developed and regulating how to develop it from this moment. As a tool of this organization, an environmental cadastre was created in rural areas, which will be mandatory for all rural facilities in the country.

On the terrain of the boundary of water protection zones, coastal protective strips, the coastal general use bands of water bodies are marked by special information signs. At the same time, the owners of sites located near the sea should not prevent the placement of information signs in such sections.

It should be borne in mind that water protection zones, coastal protective stripes and coastal strips General use is established by the law on the basis of the fact of the adjustment of the territory land plot to the appropriate water object. The width of such "protection zones" is determined at the legislative level and cannot be established otherwise on the basis of the sub-banner regulations of the Russian Federation, nor on the basis of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed formed judicial practice (See, for example, the definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2008 No. 33-G08-5).

The Ministry of the Environment acquired the necessary images, and the producer will complete the registration on the web site of environmental agencies of these images, indicating where their constant conservation zones and remnants that can be used as a legal reserve are located.

For properties above, 4 tax modules will require a card that does not need to be binding, but requires a descriptive memorial and indicating geographic coordinates, at least with one point of mooring around the perimeter. For regions with less than 4 fiscal modules, the procedure will be simplified without the need for a card or memorial, just a sketch.

Speaking about the features of the use of lands in coastal zones, it is important to take into account the specifics of individual regions.

For example, until January 1, 2017, the so-called "transitional period" was installed in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ "On adoption in the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and Education in Russian Federation New Subjects - the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol determined that, in agreement with the federal executive body, the authorities of the Republic of Crimea, as well as the city of Sevastopol, can independently establish the characteristics of the regulation of urban planning and land relations.

These programs should be established by law by each of the Federation states in accordance with local capabilities and common factors and form a set of rules that will serve as a roadmap for the necessary environmental adjustments. On the day of publication of the law, a temporary measure was also published, which changed it and introduced several rules. In practice, at present, part of the legislation that is consolidated and will not be changed, and another part awaiting voting, which can be changed.

After so many battles, it is necessary to combine manufacturers again so that the voting occurs in a timely manner, if it does not occur to consolidate use. A decree published in the "official messenger" on making changes to the Forest Code restores the so-called "stepladder" with large liabilities for restructuring local vegetation, the more property. Temporary measure that changed this item.

In accordance with the agreement between the Federal Agency for Water Resources and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on the transfer of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, the implementation of part of the authority in the field of water relations, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 05, 2014 No. 1466-p, Ministry of Ecology and natural resources The Republic of Crimea can independently set the boundaries of water protection zones and the boundaries of coastal protective strips of the seas or their individual parts.

While the rural residents won in the Senate and House with a proposal for a smaller range of protection for medium and large objects, the environmentalists have performed for the large area of \u200b\u200bthe reforestation, which has already been supported by the government. The veto came to postpone into the direction of any text of inequality between social and environmental, which indicates that he saves the Decree "Fireman" for small farmers. He does not understand the government that we need to reduce environmental protection for medium and large owners - said Isabella Tayyshira Environmental Minister on Wednesday.

At the end of May 2016, the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov gave instructions to prepare an order about the full temporary ban on any construction works On sites closer than 100 meters from the water.

Such a ban is planned to be established in order to revise all land plots previously provided by the state land users, as well as to curb the construction of unauthorized buildings within the "protection zones" of water bodies.

In this regard, at the current time, the acquisition of the "object by the sea" it is possible to approach extremely carefully, since there is a high risk of recognizing such an object by unauthorized construction according to the results of the above revision.

At the same time, even if the property placed near the coast with violation of legislation in the field of protection of water bodies is not recognized as a unauthorized construction, owners of such land plots within the "Protection Zones" and other land users should take into account the risks of attraction to justice.

Thus, the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses is provided for administrative responsibility for violating the mode of use of land plots in the "Protection Zones" and the rules for the protection of water facilities, as well as for non-compliance with the conditions for ensuring the free access of citizens to the Water Object of General Use and its coastal strip.

Depending on the nature of the penalty of physical, legal, as well as officials for such offices, vary from fine (in the amount of from 3 thousand rubles to 500 thousand rubles) to the administrative suspension of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for up to 90 days. At the same time, drawing responsibility for violation of water legislation does not relieve the perpetrators from the obligation to eliminate the violation committed and reimburse the harm caused by them.

Pollution of waters and marine environments can also be entitled to criminal liability, up to imprisonment for up to two years (depending on the degree of danger of such a violation).

In addition to the specifics of the use of coastal territories described above, other restrictions may be established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So, for example, in order to create required conditions For the safe operation of the infrastructure of the seaport infrastructure on land adjacent to the border of the seaport, security, sanitary protective and other zones with special conditions for the use of land can be installed.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in accordance with the provisions Federal Law №261-FZ "On maritime ports in the Russian Federation and amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" of November 8, 2007 Land plots within the borders of the seaport cannot be owned by foreign citizens, individuals without citizenship, foreign organizations.

Summing up, we note that the parameters of the use of any land plot, including the territory of coastal zones, as well as the possibility of placing one or another construction object on it, should be a thorough check in each particular case. Only a comprehensive assessment of the suitability of the land plot for the objectives of the construction of the facility will avoid the risks of its recognition of the unauthorized construction and the imposition of responsibility for the developer.

Additional Information

For all issues arising from the above, or for more details, you can contact Elena Stepanova and Olga Sofinskaya to the Capital Legal Services office in Moscow.


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