The winner will not interrupt the connection of generations. Among the winners of the Olympiad "the connection of generations will not be interrupted" - students of schools of the Southeast District

The winner will not interrupt the connection of generations. Among the winners of the Olympiad "the connection of generations will not be interrupted" - students of schools of the Southeast District

"Sweets of Military Childhood"

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is always alive in our memory, she did not bypass our family, in which there were those who fought and those who worked in the rear, bringing around the victory by all their might. I will write about the military childhood of great-grandfather, Temmar Dmitry Ivanovich, War Veteran, Tar Shorter. Born on August 8, 1929 in the village of Motorovo, Omsk region in the family of Lesnik, 87 years old he lives today and hesitate in the city of Sochi. Every year, we come to the great-grandfather with the whole family and celebrate his birthday, we go to the sea, in the Arboretum, Sochi Theater. And in the evenings we listen to his memories of the sweets of military childhood. It turns out that after the war in the next village there was a clause where old rags and bones took, in exchange for sweets, caramel rooting on a stick. Dmitry alone, in the forest wilder, the bones of animals and seven kilometers there and back was loaded, knowing that there would be sweets and the younger sister in the house. This story touched me to tears and made you think about your carefree and happy life In full taste, and even on candies and pies, which are always easy to eat in the Sochi house, I look different today, understanding how important it is to appreciate what you have a house, peace, family.

Prada Dmitry was 12 years old as me today, when the Great Patriotic War began. All 28 houses of a deaf village of Wosappeli within a month, fathers and older brothers were taken to the front. The times were very hard, children could not learn at school (there were no teachers). Drugs, clothing and products could not be bought, only exchange to valuable things, but they were not. Children's games and fun were forgotten. Everyone understood that here, a victory was formed in the deep rear. This thought helped survive difficulties, hunger and deprivation. Product blank was very important for soldiers at the front. As all rustic guys, he helped in the afternoon in the collective farm to pull the odds, all the hands were in scars and abrasions. Very long he was healing and wept at night, the disease undermined his strength. Seeing like mother at night under the moon, nailed yarn, knitted socks and mittens, and in the morning she cooked, cleaned and washing, he firmly decided to protect his family, as his father defended his homeland. Dmitry as he could, took care of the mother, younger sister, the economy. The desire of a small boy is faster to recover, grow, go to the front, made it not over the years enduring and adults. Responsibility for the mother and younger sister helped him survive in a timeless time. Thanks Father - Lester, Ivan Dmitrievich, showed his fish places and taught to hunt onions in the forest, put traps on a hare or beaver. He always said that the forest is a pantry. Take so much how much you need to go today, do not greed. Sisters knew the richest edges, mushrooms and berries were collected there, medicinal herbs and nuts. In the autumn, the crop of vegetables and fruits was collected. And in the winter from diseases and colds saved herbs and shank bags with berries. These are such sweets of childhood. The garden and cow, the forest was the breadwinners. Dmitry Mollar grain in the millstone, polol, watered, loose, harvested water for cattle.

Everything for the front, everything for victory! And as soon as it was 13 years old, he was taken by an assistant tractor driver, on a trailer. Dmitry fixed the rope to turn off the plow. Four years with a faithful assistant - a tractor. For the heating of the house we needed firewood, and their blank lay on the shoulders of a small boy. When, on his trailer, he proudly brought them to the house, then the rustic began to be respectfully called by name and patronymic, Dmitry Ivanovich! Hardworking and kind, responsive and cheerful. He was loved, fellow villagers were advised. He survived a lot of difficulties, need and hunger, which forced to work in an adult from an early age.

My family brought victory in the Great Patriotic War and wrote the story of our family in the history of the country. My great-grandfather, temples Dmitry Ivanovich, was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." For me, the feat is an act that makes a person, overcoming difficulties, forgetting about himself, his well-being. The labor feat of children and adolescents during the Great Patriotic War is difficult to evaluate words. We try to be worthy of great-grandfather, hardworking, bold, purposeful not to be afraid of difficulties. I believe that the connection of generations is the memory of our relatives and loved ones. While the memory exists, this connection will be. Never forget the history of my country and its roots.

And there is fishing, nightingales, hay fragrant-fragrant, and the sky is black, thick, like velvet. Again, the river is a barbell, bathe - I do not want, the kids rustic, mischievous, free. In a word, the puffles ring over the textbooks all year. Not everything, however, it turned out, but my father praised yes on the shoulder patted.
The school ended ... the bombs granted, the gorares of the fires, with the cries of women who accompanied their men to the front, "Vacation of Kol Khrushchev began. Father spent on the front (he died under Rzhev in 1942), Mother from morning to night at the plant "Sickle and Hammer" billets for bombs pulls out, often from night to morning remains. I got clogged with a week and went to work. Workers were taken and cards issued. Nothing that, because of small growth, he did not get to the handle of the machine. And the boxes are empty on what? Not all happened immediately, but he tried, oh, I tried. At the front did not ask for: to deceive the military commissar, as other boys, the greenery, healthy, failed. He did not come out: a meter of forty with a stool, as they say. Particularly did not burn - it was not before: what the plan is. Yes, at night, the lighters on the roofs had to stew. Until the victory of Kolka Khrushchev, a guy with Rogozhskaya oblast, worked at the Sickle and Hammer plant, even awarded the Order, then he studied in the FMU, served in the army, the children married, children were born.
And I did not have to brand! Unless on the workfrade.
So there was a life like a river a barbell, on bright pebbles, in which I did not like to go fishing in the summer of 1941.
I did not notice how the retirement earned, the sons were raised, I Schoronil's wife.
But not sitting without a case. And Nikolai Vasilyevich Khrushchev came to our school on a building. Everything can: cut the locks, wrench the board, hang the board, install the mixer.
Small, skinny, with a rubbed brown portfolio, where everything is caught, removed, a wrath with a puckoo on the boxes are decomposed, he walks, not in a hurry, in school, and everywhere he has time. Women teachers do not fade away: doors do not creak, the boards do not crack, and the boys-Sorvigolov picked up. It turns out that Nikolai Vasilyevich Brigada organized and became all interested in the man to teach.
Not only with the hammer and screwdriver famously controlled Nikolai Vasilyevich. He also played on the accordion, the darkens sang and a happy childhood told us about her childhood. Yes, yes, happy! After all, and his merit is that they drove our valiant fighters to the fascist fascist evident from his native land.
Now Nikolay Vasilyevich 82 years old. It frequent guest In our school: comes to the Museum "Motherland," talks about his military childhood, plays on the accordion. In the summer in the village gardens.
The language does not turn to say that we took the patronage over him. He knows everything and loves to do himself. We are simply friends with him and want to be the same hardworking, conscientious and responsible, as our dear uncle Kolya.

Julia Bunina, student of the 8th grade school №2087

Memory of the heart

Perhaps there is no worse and harder testing for a person than war. Books and films ... They can only bring us a little closer to the events of that time, but will never be transmitted in full understanding that horror that our ancestors survived. And how is it a pity that people have not yet learned to solve conflicts in peaceful way, condemning the death and suffering a huge number of innocent lives!
The lucky people who managed to endure the mountain of war and preserve the forces, faith in good and, most importantly, the desire for life. Such and veteran, which I met this year: Taking part in activities school MuseumI met a wonderful person - Mikhail Mikhailovich Kolchennikov. This acquaintance forced me otherwise to look at many things: the value of friendship, family, human life. I was struck that Mikhail Mikhailovich, who survived so many difficulties to see so much terrible on his way, managed to maintain such amazing lots and the vigor of the Spirit, which I can only envy. Probably passing so hard way, you begin to truly appreciate life.
Thanks to the autobiographical stories of Mikhail Mikhailovich, the events of the military years have become closer to me and clearer. I listened to the veteran, and it seemed to me that everything he was talking about was yesterday ...
Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in 1926. He remembers Moscow yet with cobblestone streets, with low wooden buildings, with boys playing on a rag ball and shooting out of slingshot. In 1941, Mikhail Mikhailovich was only fifteen years old when he sitting in his room, heard on the radio: war began. The boys then adults early, so the lambs went to work: he was set up aunt for the plant "Lift" (now the plant has the name "Stancolia"), where Mikhail Mikhailovich sawed the bed for rifles. Then the enterprise was evacuated to Tashkent, and the lamellae settled felt boots for soldiers. Further, Mikhail Mikhailovich was waiting for the universal, unaccomplished charges of things, wires, tears of their relatives, causal point ...
The larders were a difficult military path: I freed Belorussia, passed Eastern Prussia and reached Berlin, in the northeastern part of which, being a connection, heard in the headphones: "On the ground, on the water, the battles are stopped in the air. The war is over. "
From Mikhail Mikhailovich's stories, I especially remember one case - an amazing example of a friendly mutual manner, without which people could not survive in the war. The case occurred with Mikhail Mikhailovich on the border with Poland, during the night crossing over the Naria River. The width of the river was approximately a kilometer. A small bridge is preserved over the river. Mikhail Mikhailovich recalls: "The German from the air this bridge would not bomb. On the other side of the river, we took the bridgehead, and the infantry had to go through the river. I was a little rising and went last. While the rockets from the Germans shine, visible bridge. My rifle is on my shoulder. As the rocket went out, in the eyes dark, the bridge is not visible. Suddenly, my right leg went under the bridge, I fell, having time to cling to a wooden beam. The river was very strong. And what do you think, in my head right away? A family! I am 200 cartridges. And the Tatar was followed by me. He helped me to get out and suggested that it was necessary to go, tapping ahead ahead of the rifle. So I passed. When we switched, all cells on the shore were busy. The bank of the river was very cool. Suddenly I look, the sand on the shore behind me fell. And my tatar was under the sand. I knew that he was there. We, in the infantrymen, there was a small blade, I helped him dig up. He knocked him on a helmet, Tatar came to himself. At that moment I thought: "He saved me on the water, and I am on land." Later, when they reached the trench, Tatar was gone, I never seen him anymore. "
This story made me think about how fragile is human life, especially in war. What is striking that the fate of a person is solved by some case, luck! What did people think on the border of life and death? About favorite, loved ones, about family! I think, in many respects, due to the fact that people went into battle with thoughts about the protection of their relatives, our people were able to win.
Mikhail Mikhailovich presented the School Museum of the belt with whom he passed all his military journey, and a bookflash where his own poems and stories were collected. As a member of the museum, I work on the fact that the work of Krupennikov was published. Conducting an excursion at school, I always talk about the fate of this amazing person who established together with our people's freedom of homeland, the right to life, the right to the happiness of children and grandchildren - on our happiness.

Sofya Lukanova, student of the 10th grade school number 1222

And do not forget these years of these ...

Further from us in time for the war years. Seventy years have passed from the day of victory - the most great day in the life of our great-grandfather, but the memory of those who have approached their own life, won our peaceful present, will not fade.
I want to talk about my great-grandfather Nikolae Fedorovich Kosovo. He was born in 1906 in Kiev in the family family. After graduating from the deadlines in the ranks of the Red Army, the great-grandfather was trained in the leather technical school and received a specialty technologist leather fur raw material.
For almost ten previated years, he worked on the Darnitsky meat processing plant and by the beginning of the war he served as head of production. Peaceful profession, peaceful life ... And suddenly the war!
Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Fedorovich was in the current army. He had the title of senior lieutenant, he knew how to lead people, knew chemistry well as a technologist, so Praded was appointed Head of the Chemical Protection Service of the 339th Battalion of Aerrome Service, and on August 5, 1941 - Head of the Group to ensure the combat work of bombing regiments incendial substances At the airfield "Acute grave" in the Luhansk region. (Today on this earth is restless!)
The airfield was subjected to massive systematic bombardments of the fascists. But, despite the deadly danger, our fighters worked around the clock: discharged tons of an incendiary to the Dnieper crossing, so that the enemy did not pass through the Dnieper. In addition, his great-grandfather was ordered to remove fourteen carriages of aircraft chemical bombs from under the opponent's strike. For three days without sleep and rest, under continuous fire of the enemy, a personnel under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Kosovo worked. How hard it was for him and his combat comrades! After all, at any moment they could perish! But the combat task was fulfilled.
In our family, a premium sheet is kept with a brief presentation of the Praded's personal fight, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The commander characterizes Nikolai Kosovo as a courageous and brave fighter, a responsible and experienced specialist, a competent mentor and an authoritative leader.
War went, the combat path of my great-grandfather continued. In 1942-1943, he took part in the battle for the Caucasus. Nazi Germany, Romania and Slovakia wanted to conquer the Caucasus, since he was the main source of oil for the entire USSR. However, the plans of the enemy were destroyed due to the heroic efforts of the command and the fighters of the Red Army, among which were Nikolai Kosov, awarded for the manifestation of courage and heroism "for the defense of the Caucasus". Military service of the great-grandfather finished in 1956 in the rank of Major, having two orders of the Red Star and Medals among the combat awards.
Unfortunately, I did not know the great-grandfather, he died long before my birth. But, studying the family archives about the battle and post-war path of the great-grandfather and listening to the memories of the grandfather about his father, I understand that the story of his life served as an example for the grandfather and determined his profession. My grandfather Nikolai Yuryevich is a professional military, colonel retired, who devoted his whole life to the service of the Fatherland.
I am proud of my family history and her heroes. Most Russian families have their heroes who won fascism. They all fulfilled their debt to the end, showed courage and courage. And we have to do everything possible to keep the memory of them and in honor of this memory to preserve the world.

Egor Ivanov, student of the 7th grade school №1359

And the days are in memory of keeping ...

This year is celebrated significant data - The 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. War is a terrible word, it is the hardest test for everyone. The war bears pain and loss, cruelty and destruction, grief, death, suffering. The most defenseless are children at this time. Their childhood is irrevocably leaving, losses, deprivation come to him. Children who survived the war will never forget her ...
We reflected on the topic of the reckance of war on the Council of students, and our classmate remembered her neighbor Vera Vasilyevna Sudshany. This year she will be 89 years old, her childhood accounted for the difficult war years. She saw the harsh face of war, looked into her ruthless eyes. Vera Vasilyevna is a very sociable, cheerful man. We decided to meet her and talk.
During our visit, Vera Vasilyevna told us the story of her life. Many years passed after the end of the war, but to remember this terrible time to her very hard.
"... there was a summer sunny day. My girlfriends and younger children played in the yard. Adults were not at home when the radio announced the beginning of the war. I will never forget how people from our village, having heard a message about the beginning of the war, went outside. Cried old men, women and children. Soon, our mother came from the field, and, together with her sister and brother, surrounded her and began to talk about the fact that the war began. So we first felt that such a big grief. In our village, there was less and less than joyful laughter, there was more and more crying and bitter tears, because every day we all together were accompanied to the front. Agendas came, and men went to the front. My Father, Vasily Vasilyevich Martynov, at the end of August 1941 left the volunteer to the front. Very soon in our village there were only women, old people and children. And this year was a very good harvest, and all worries lay on the shoulders of women and adolescents. We threatened grain, dug potatoes, dragged bags with beets. At the end of October, the teenagers began to call. Among them was me. I was only 15 years old, my sister was 11 years old, and younger brother 8 years old. I, the most elder, and a few more girls from our and neighboring villages took digging trenches.
As I remember, I brought us to the village of Lebedyan, which is on the border with the Oryol region. We, girls, had to be very difficult: we have never left so far from your home. We were distributed home. Every day in the morning and before the evening we went to the field of digging anti-tank trenches of 3 meters wide, and a depth of 1.5 meters. Almost every day the German intelligence airplanes flew over us, and it's good that they did not bomb. And we started where we will have: who is in Saraj, and who is just on the grass in the garden. This Lebedyan crashed into memory by the fact that in this village it was very bad with water. One well at all, and then he was filled when a strong wind was blowing, and during the rest of the time it was empty. I remember these long turns for water with the bidones, banks, buckets, people were covered with water to work until the next windy day. Time was roast, windless. We came from the field after work, and there is no water. Sometimes, when the strength remained, we went to a splinter who was located nearby. This place, where there was always water, was guarded by watchdogs so that no one could infect water. Very afraid of provocations of fascists. For more than a month, we were digging the trenches, and finally we were sent home, however, for a short time. So we, children and adolescents, did everything that could, for the future victory. Oh, as we waited for her and hoped that the war would end, and she lasted and lasted! All this time is a mother with younger children, and all women and old people of our village, they tried to bring victory to their sore work. We plowed, sowed, cleaned the harvest and everyone handed over to the front, leaving themselves a small part to just live to spring. Fortunately, the Germans did not reach our places, and we survived. True, almost no one returned from the front ... "
Our visit lasted not for a very long time, as Faith Vasilyevna is quickly tired, and the memories were heavy. From the proposed help of home Vera Vasilyevna refused, explaining that she had many relatives, and they help her and care for her. We decided to thank her for hospitality and presented the plaid and a soft pillow for the legs. The next time we tried not to talk about the war years at all, it was hard not only for the faith of Vasilyevna, but also for us.
Historians can scrupulously calculate the number of divisions who participated in a particular battle, the number of burned villages, destroyed cities ... But they can not tell you that they thought about what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were dreaming about, those who were on their shoulders made all the terrible, but Great War. And what are you living in the XXI century, you can tell friends, your children, all of humanity?
Today, our loved ones, the peers of faith Vasilyevna, - the latest witnesses of those tragic days. We must preserve their memories as particles of history that are inseparable from what was before our birth.
Let's keep memory and transmit it to future generations.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova, student of the 8th grade of school №2110 "IOC Maryino"

Requirements for the design of the Participant of the Moscow MetaPrequent

olympiad "Ne. communicate generations "

1. The essay is accepted as a file in the PDF format containing printed text and

inserted images.

2. Format of the A4 sheet, the orientation of the sheet is portrait, Times New Roman font, size 14,

interval 1.5, left field - 20 mm; The right field is 10 mm; upper field - 10 mm; bottom field -

3. Operations volume - up to 2 pages of printed text. It is permissible

excess composition size. Inserted images (no more than 3) can increase

number of pages of work.

4. A file with the text and photographs is stored in format.pdf. The size

the resulting file should not exceed 5 megabytes.

Even below, I offer several examples of how others made essays. By the way, these essays are winners!

"The connection between generations will not be interrupted!"

A good tradition in the thirty-year history of our school was meeting with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Afghan and Chechen events, rear workers and even with those who are called "children of war".

If you knew how students are accepted, school teachers! Concert rooms, souvenirs, draw posters, postcards ... School blooms from admiring children's views, "trembles" from stormy enthusiastic applause; No one hides the tears of gratitude to such amazing people.

After one of these meetings, we, students of the 10th grade, approached a very modest man - the guest of the school - Mothoyzkov Vladislav Nikolayevich. That's what we learned about this person.

Vladislav Nikolaevich was born in 1938 in the builder's family. Mom was engaged in raising children. The life of the usual family was the same as the life of most families in our country.

Rock date - June 22, 1941 in the root turned his life. In the summer of 1941, the Father was mobilized to the front, the 70-year-old grandfather remained for the elder. Little Vladika was 3 years old when the war began, but so far since childhood has a taste of bread with additives, cake, linden leaves ... But so everyone lived, no one complained, the main thing was a dream about the victory, a dream of a peaceful life. Vladislav Ros, studied, in the summer he worked in the collective farm, was called into the army in the construction troops. So the next and very important milestone began in the life of our hero. He forever remembered on November 10, 1957 - a call day and on December 5 of the same year, when he accepted the oath and retained her loyalty to the end.

Studying in the regimental school of sergeants, the supercurrent service in the near Moscow city of Tuchkovo hardened the character, set the love of the army with which Mothoykov V.N. Tied his fate.

Vladislav studied a lot, listened to the advice and instructions of the elders. How did this life lessons come in handy when he himself became a teacher! How many young people he helped choose the road in life, to instill love for the profession of a military builder.

Teachers are famous for Russia

Pupils bring fame to her.

Among graduates Motodekova V.N. The leaders of large construction departments, the special pride of Vladislav Nikolayevich - General Army Abroskin N.P., Head of the Federal Service for the Russian Federation.

It will not interrupt the connection of generations! After dismissal in the reserve Motyzochkova V.N. It does not lose contact with the organs of the armed forces, actively participates in the work of the Council of Veterans of Military Service with the Specialties of the Russian Federation, provides assistance to the military registration and enlistment office during the preparation of youth to appeal to the army.

Motyzhenkov V.N. - Beautiful family man. His daughters were seen how the father had believed to his mother and his wife's mother and his wife (fathers went away from life) and, becoming adults, keep the warmth of the family hearth, protect their parents and family traditions.

The best commander of the platoon of the Federal Special Construction Service of the Russian Federation, Deputy Commander of the Company in the Political Part, Commander of the Company, for ten years - Hardside, awarded Motherland, among whom the title "Excellent of military construction". President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. The activities of the team of Special Constitution of Russia highly appreciated, noting the decent contribution of the Federal Special Construction Service to strengthen the economic and defense power of our state. Motyzhenkov V.N. - a decent veteran of Specstroy Russia, which made a lot for the successful activity of their team.

Vladislav Nikolaevich is a frequent guest in schools of our Solntsevsky district of the Western district of Moscow. This is a very modest person. He does not make hero, he does not boast awards. He devotedly serves his homeland, infinitely loves people and tactfully teaches the younger generation. We are glad to our new acquaintance and with pleasure offered to assist in the systematization of its archival documents, photos, in creating a personal site. Vladislav Nikolaevich asked to teach him to communicate in the social network classmates, "to use Skype. We willingly join the role of teachers. With such a "student" nice to communicate.

Heroes - the best people his country; And not only those who committed a military feat, and something important necessary for the country, its welfare and culture, for the life of each compatriot

The connection of generations is not interrupted - the essay of the combat path of veterans "the connection of generations will not interrup

The results of the participants of the Olympiad, students in grades 1-11, are taken into account when counting school rating.

To calculate school rating, only the results of the main stage of the Olympics are used. Achievements of participants on nominations, in the final prize game and in contests do not affect school rating. The results are transmitted to count the school rating automatically after publishing the final results of the main stage. To bind results to the school, the school login is used in the Statgrad system specified by the participant during registration.

As in the past seasons, 1 diploma on the parallel with a maximum result is taken into account for calculating schools.


  • diplomas winners of the Olympiad for school Winner of the Olympics (main stage).
  • diplomas olympiad winners for school They are issued in parallels (no more than 1 diploma to the parallel), if in this parallel there are at least 1 diploma diploma of the Olympiad (main stage).
  • When visiting all museums, parks and manshes, participants should be photographed against the background of the name of the object being visited. Photos on whom one schoolboy (for an individual participant) and team member for team standings (not less than half of the total, but at least two) and the museum name is downloaded by participants in the personal account. In the absence of photography, at least one object, the results of the participant are not taken into account when calculating school rating.
  • When counting school rating, the participation of the school museum in the Olympiad is not taken into account.
  • Participants with the command and individual type of credit are equally taken into account when counting school rating.

How many points do the team bring school?

Next, we quote an excerpt from the rules (block 6) of the rating of schools 2017. Please note that the maximum school coefficient receives if it has at least 4 awarded participants in different parallels (commands or individual), of which at least 2 are winners. It does not matter how many schoolchildren take part in the Olympics from each parallel. The amount does not affect the result.

The results of the participation of students in the urban Olympiads "Museums are taken into account. Parks. The estate "and" the connection between generations will not intervene. " The rating points of educational organizations are multiplied by the coefficient, calculated depending on the level of performance (in the amount of both Olympiads):

  • high level (presence of at least four diplomas, of which at least two winners) - coefficient 1,02 ;
  • good level (at least three diplomas, their no less than one winner) - coefficient 1,01 ;
  • work just started (the presence of at least one diploma diploma or winner) - coefficient 1,005 ;
  • results are not shown or missing - coefficient 1,00 .

Ivanov Egor, 7 "b"

And do not forget these years of these ...

At least for life, but to death -

Who is stronger, win.

A. Belova

Further from us in time for the war years. Already almost seventy years passed from the day of victory - the most great day in the life of our great-grandfather, butassociated about those who approached their own lives of this day, won our peaceful real, will not die.

I want to tell about my great-grandfather Kosovo Nicolae Fedorovich. He was born in 1906 in Kiev in the family family. At the end of the urgent service in the ranks of the Red Army, the great-grandfather was trained in a leather technical school and received a specialty technologist leather fur raw materials. For almost ten pre-war years, he worked on the Darnitsky meat processing plant and by the beginning of the war he served as head of production. Peaceful profession, peaceful life ... And suddenly - the war!

Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Fedorovich was in the current army. He had the title of senior lieutenant, he knew how to lead people well, knew chemistry well as a technologist, so Praded was appointed head of the chemical protection service of the 339th battalion of the airfield service, and on August 5, 1941 - the head of the group to ensure bombing regiments incendial Substances at the airfield "Acute grave" in the Luhansk region. But today today on this earth is restless!

The airfield was subjected to massive systematic bombardments of the fascists. But, despite the deadly danger, our fighters worked around the clock: discharged tons of an incendiary to the Dnieper crossing, so that the enemy did not pass through the Dnieper. In addition, his great-grandfather was ordered to remove fourteen carriages of aircraft chemical bombs from under the opponent's strike. For three days, without sleep and recreation, a personnel under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Kosovo worked under continuous fire of the enemy. How hard it was for him and his combat comrades! After all, at any moment they could perish! But the combat task was fulfilled.

Our family stores a premium sheet with a brief presentation of the Praded's personal combat sweater, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The commander characterizes Nikolai Kosovo as a courageous and brave fighter, a responsible and experienced specialist, a competent mentor and an authoritative leader.

War went, the combat path of my great-grandfather continued. In 1942-43, he took part in the battle for the Caucasus. Nazi Germany, Romania and Slovakia wanted to conquer the Caucasus, since he was the main source of oil for the entire USSR. However, the plans of the enemy were destroyed by the heroic efforts of the command and the fighters of the Red Army, among whom was Nikolai Kosov, awarded for the manifestation of courage and heroism "for the defense of the Caucasus".

Military service of the great-grandfather finished in 1956 in the rank of Major, having two orders of the Red Star and Medals among the combat awards.

Unfortunately, I did not know the great-grandfather, he died long before my birth. But, studying the family archives about the battle and post-war path of the great-grandfather and listening to the memories of the grandfather about his father, I understand that the story of his life served as an example for the grandfather and determined his profession. My grandfather, Nikolai Yuryevich, - professional military, colonel in retirement, who devoted his whole life to the service of the Fatherland.

I am proud of my family history and her heroes. Most Russian families have their heroes who won fascism. They all fulfilled their debt to the end, showed courage and courage. And we have to do everything possible to keep the memory of them and in honor of this memory to preserve the world.


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