The connection of the generations of the Olympiad voting will not be interrupted. - Moscow MetaPered Olympiad "will not interrupt the connection of generations!"

The connection of the generations of the Olympiad voting will not be interrupted. - Moscow MetaPered Olympiad "will not interrupt the connection of generations!"

State budgetary general Education Moscow city "School with in-depth study of English language № 1228"

Prepared: Vorotyntseva Julia (the Olympiad medalist will not interrupted the connection of generations - 2016. Rating 26 b.)
Head Marchenko E.A.

We remember not returning from the war
War passed, suffered.
But pain calls to people:
Let's, people never
Do not forget about it!
Then to forget this
Do not dare genera.
Then, so that we are happy to be,
And happiness - not in oblivion!
A. Tvardovsky

The Great Patriotic War is four terrible years in the history of our country. No war carried out so many people's lives like this. She did not spare anyone: neither children nor old people, nor women. It is difficult for us to imagine what is possible. But this, unfortunately, it was. Millions of people died on the battlefield, captive, from hunger and diseases in destroyed cities and villages. And those who survived, have suffered a lot of troubles and suffering in this time. Our family did not remain aside of these terrible tests for our country. From my grandmother's stories, I know that my relatives also contributed to the common cause of fascism. And I want to tell me about my great-grandfather on the maternal line, which died even before the birth of my grandmother.
The Motherland Semyon Pavlovich was born in 1905 in the peasant family in the village of Knyazishchevo of the Odoyevsky district of the Tula region. After the revolution, the village was renamed Lenino. In the same time, in the thirties, my Prapraded worked as the secretary of the executive committee of the village council. In 1938, he was repressed for issuing a passport to a person who wanted to go to the city's earnings. At that time, it was very difficult to move from the village. For this, he was sent to the Urals to the Usolsky Correlation and Labor Camp on Logging. It was one of the camp of the Gulag. In the most difficult conditions, he spent three and a half years. The war began. In the summer of 1941, Semyon Pavlovich was called to the front. Its, like other prisoners from the camps, sent to the penalty battalion. What is a penalty battalion? These are the people who were sent to the forefront, in the most dangerous places, under the enemy bullets, sometimes even without proper gear. And my grandfather passed through this and managed to show himself a bold and loyal defender of the motherland. Then he was transferred to 77 Guards motorized rifle Order of Suvorov Regiment, where he was a senior medical service. Together with the regiment, he participated in the battles near Moscow, the Kursk battle, Oryol, Bryansk, Belarusian and city offensive operations. From the battlefield, he made hundreds of wounded fighters, in his account not one saved life.

On December 27, 1943, in heavy bloody structures in Belarus, my Prapraded died. He was buried near the village of small packs of the city district of the Vitebsk region. For his courage and determination, he was awarded the medal "for the courage" and the Order of the Red Star, which did not have time to get. Such a difficult life path was at my great-grandfather. Praprababushka after 1938 he did not see him so much. And he loved her very much and wrote about it in letters from the front. And he also loved his homeland very much and, despite everything, did not regret his life for the life of other soldiers, for the sake of his country, for us with you. We are holy honorable about the hero of our family. I am proud of my grandpa do! We all keep past for the future. This memory is important and necessary not only to current, but also future generations. Now some politicians are trying to distort the facts of those times, reduce the importance of the contribution of the Soviet people in the defeat of fascism. In some countries, monuments are demolished by Soviet soldiers-liberators. This is all unacceptable. This is a betrayal from the current generation. Story does not forgive when they forget

In the capital, a parade of Cadet "Not communicate generations! "

The IV Parade of the Cadet was held on Poklonnaya Mount, "the connection of generations will not be interrupted!", Dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. The date of the parade was timed to the day of the memory of St. George Victorious and the Day of the coat of arms and the flag of Moscow.

"Here, on Poklonnaya Mount, people have gathered for different generations, which are united by love for the debris and its capital. Together with us - the heroic front-line and workers of the rear, who saved their native land and the whole world from the fascist of the plague, together with us - the valiant veterans of military service, brave officers, bringing the glorious fortress, together with us - bold and wonderful youth, victory heirs worthy of His fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfather, "said Sergey Sobyanin, stressing that he was a good tradition to spend the parade on the eve of Victory Day.


In the parade of Moscow, more than 2.5 thousand cadets - students of the Cadet classes of secondary schools and cadet boarding schools participated. Among the honorary guests - the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, the power departments, the veterans of the Great Patriotic War And the heroes of the Fatherland. There are only more than 20 thousand people. Patriarch Kirill noted that it was from the feats in his youth, the ability of a person to commit feats in life is formed: "This is how the feats of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War committed, the names of which we will remember the Victory Day." He awarded the Hero Technical Fire and Rescue College Russian Federation V.M. Maximchuk, as well as schools No. 1000 and 1785 for the achieved of successes in the spiritual and moral education of students and participation in the Interregional Festival-competition "Altar of the Fatherland".

Sergei Sobyanin congratulated veterans, cadets and their parents with the day of the coat of arms and the flag of Moscow and the upcoming day of victory. He also presented with letters of thanks to the Mayor of Moscow to the winners of the city competition "The Best Cadet Class". They received students of the 7th "in" class of school No. 2120, the 8th "K" class of schools No. 1874, the 9th "K" class of school No. 2026 and the 10th "W" class of the Cadet boarding school number 1 of the first Moscow Cadet Corps. "You pronounce yourself in school, creativity, actively participate in the public life of the city," said Moscow Mayor. He reminded that the Cadets participated in the solemn march on November 7, dedicated to the 1941 parade. "The cadets of Moscow are courage and dignity, discipline and learning, healthy and active lifestyle, honesty and patriotism," Sergei Sobyanin added.

Cadet and Chairman of the Moscow City Council of Veterans Vladimir Logych. "This victory today unites all independently of belonging to political parties, denominations and other organizations. It unites our people, it is represented by the material power of our society. And the main task of our youth is to understand the meaning of this victory and take it, "he said.

About five thousand schoolchildren visited the Interactive Victory History lesson in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It began in the morning and ended before the start of the parade.

For the first time at the parade carried a copy of the Banner of Victory. Her Moscow Cadets veterans of the war were presented at the city forum of the Cadet Education "Honor to serve a dedication!" February 19 of this year.

The parade of the Cadet Movement of Moscow "The connection of generations will not intervene!"
Today, Cadet classes are open in 168 Moscow secondary schools. In fact, cadet education has become one of the types of profile training in educational institutions of the capital - it is obtained by 12.5 thousand students.

The city also has 12 cadet boarding schools, among them the Moscow Military Sumorovsky School, Moscow Presidential Cadet School named after MA Sholokhov troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Cadet School of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation named after Alexander Nevsky, Moscow Cadet Corps "Pension Pupils of the Ministry of Defense of Russia", Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. This number includes seven urban cadet boarding schools, of which two institutions - structural divisions of the College of Police and Technical Fire and Rescue College No. 57 named after the hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maximchuk. Total cadet education in Moscow is obtained by 15 thousand people.

Competitive selection takes into account progress in school, physical development, state of health, further choice of the profession of the military. In 2017/2018. academic year The contest was 3.5 people in place.

And in the 2016/2017 academic year, 65 cadet became winners and prize All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren at the federal and regional levels. 541 Cadets - Winners and prize-winners Olympiads of the city level (Moscow Olympiad of Schoolchildren, City Olympiad Museums. Parks. Manors ", Museum-historical Olympiad" 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow "and others). 1012 Cadet - Laureates creative competitions Urban level, 4.6 thousand cadet passed the norms of the GTO on the golden and silver signs of the difference. In addition, 52 cadet became laureates of creative international competition competitions, 292 - All-Russian.

In 2017, over 90 percent of the graduates of cadet classes and institutions entered higher educational institutions, including more than 65 percent - in the universities of the Ministry of Defense and other power ministries and departments of Russia.

Every year, Moscow Cadets are involved in the city events of the patriotic orientation, including:

Solemn march on Red Square on November 7, dedicated to the historical parade on November 7, 1941;

The parade of the city of Moscow "the connection of generations will not intervene!" dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

The Moscow City Forum of Cadet Education "Honor I have served to serve!" Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland;

Cadet Class Day at the Victory Museum (Vakht Museum by Honorary Karaul in the post number 1 at the fire of memory and fame on the Poklonnaya Mount);

The Moscow Meta-MetaPide Olympiad "will not interrupt the connection of generations!";

Events, dedicated to days Military Glory I. memorable Date Russia.

Patriotic education plays in the formation of a real person's personality, and even a big role than general education school items. In this regard, the Moscow Department of Education is carried out by an important and necessary competition - "Generations will not interrupt." This is a meta-credit Olympiad, which will be held in 2019 for the sixth time. The organizers pursue high goals: an introduction to the main national value orientation Fatherland is a patriotic relationship, social responsibility, civil position, the preservation of the valuable historical heritage of the native country and the support of children who have pronounced social motives with the help of their implementation.

"There will be no connection between generations" - the Olympiad, in which in 2018 there were more than 15,000 schoolchildren of the capital, in 2019 she will acquire an all-Russian scale. To tell about the life and fate of a familiar veteran can almost any schoolboy of our huge country.

How to get to the competition

Participation of schools and secondary schools will be able to participate in the Olympiad educational institutions 5-11 classes. Competition will be held in absentia by one tour. The provision on holding, lines, requirements and summing up the Olympiad "will not interrupt the connection of generations" in 2019 it will be possible to download on the website of the capital's education department Dates - December 2018 - March 2019.

Participants must register on the link that will appear on the website of the city methodological center The confirmation link will have to refer to the contestant, and then the participant code, which will need to inform the local head of the Olympiad (responsible teacher). Then approximately until the end of March 2019, it will be necessary to place the work in the Personal Account (story, an essay) in PDF format.

Requirements for work

The guys should be personally familiar with the heroes of competitive stories, take interviews from them, carry out a slight study and its results are in the text in the form of reasoning. Work size - up to 2 pages of printed text. The writing should be written in compliance with ethics, as well as spelling, syntactic and stylistic standards and rules of the Russian language. It is important to comply with the historical and logical accuracy of the narration. Photos of contestants with veterans, as well as pictures from personal archives (no more than 3 pieces) are welcome. It is also important to also mention the mutual influence of the contestant on the hero in the process of preparing the work. For example, the story about helping the elderly to master the computer or use the Internet network, register them account on the site of payment utility, etc.

Experts will evaluate the stories of contestants in several nominations:

  • The feat of veterans in the Great Patriotic War.
  • Labor workers rear.
  • Not easy childhood of children of war.
  • Fate of labor veterans, armed forces, law enforcement agencies, emergency services.
  • Organization of volunteer support to older people and veterans.

Full requirements and regulations on the organization of the Olympics will be posted later on the website of the Department of Education.


Each work sent to the Competition will be assessed at least two independent jury members with scores on approved evaluation criteria. The results will be scented on the site within a month after the contest is completed. The number of prize-winners and winners will be determined by the organizers depending on the number of students who participated. All participants will receive commemorative letters, and winners - prizes and gifts from the Olympiad Organizing Committee. Rewarding will be held in full-time and correspondence.

With confidence, we can talk about what, in fact, in this Olympiad will benefit everyone who sent his story. The memory of terrible events and heroism, a feat and life, no matter what, about mutual assistance, the salvation of people and peaceful life will live in the following generations. Even if only one schoolboy thinks about the great feat of past generations and one-sole veteran will become easier and more interesting to live, this competition will already justify its organization. And if you suggest that each schoolboy will make it useful from the personal history of the elderly hero, the future generation, sitting now on school desks, will become more responsible for the fate of his native country, for whom his grandfathers and great-grandfathers worked.

How was the meta-reported Olympiad in 2018: video

"The apple trees and pears flourished ..."

War is a terrible word, the meaning of which our generation will not fully understand, it leaves deep scars in the hearts of the people who at least one day were in the soldiers' troop or an hour near the airline, this is never forgotten. My parents and I have long made up the archive of documents of relatives on the Mamina Line about the Great Patriotic War. This is the story of my family in the history of our country. And today I will write about my great-grandmother, Ulyanovoy Natalia Metodievna, born in 1929 from the city of Naro-Fominsk.

She was only 12 years old when the Great Patriotic War began, she became a witness when in October 1941 six days walked a fierce air and ground fight on the approaches to Naro-Fominsk. Natasha cried from fear and resentment, when the city smoked the flame, the buildings were crumbling, fruit gardens burned. The fascists blew up bridges and the maternity hospital, burned libraries and schools, disabled water pipes and sewers, electrical and telephone exchange. She miraculously survived the occupation of the city of Naro-Fominsk, because the invaders made monstrous crimes, killing and inspired by 1824 people, extinguished 684. After the liberation of the hometown from the fascists in late January 1942, Natasha began to work with adolescents in the shop of spinning-weaving factory, which produced Fabric for parachutes, raincoat tents, powders. A small, fragile girl who dreamed of becoming an actress now did not come out from the territory of the workshop. Heavy physical work and the noise of spinning machines pulled out to the end, but the main desire was just sleeping in a clean bed, eat for an opportunity, sit in the silence of apple orchard. A peaceful, quiet and peaceful life, theater and beautiful clothes she just dreamed. But then she gave the word to revive orchardAs in the song "Katyusha" about apple trees and pears, because the previously burned the invaders when capturing the city.

After the victory of Ulyanov, Natalia Methodiyevna studied in a technical school and worked at the factory, married and became a happy mother, then grandmother and great-grandmother. We often visited her and brought medicines, products, warm things, paid for housing and communal services and precisely in these simple, but touching moments a smile and sincere thanks to everyone were visible. She never complained about Household problems, just requested to take care of the family archive with photos and recipes, yes save the garden. After all, the connection of generations should not be interrupted.Remembering military childhood, the great-grandmother tried not to talk about a difficult military childhood pathetic, he said that a piece of brushed sugar was a unrealized dream. How rejoiced the guys from her streets sweets and the first harvest miraculously surviving summer apples. Therefore, for grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the city of Naro-Fominsk, she raised a fruit garden, where only an apple tree had 24 trees of different varieties. She patiently, according to special recipes, taught her daughters and beds to cook jam, jumped and pasteil, so that in the house for children there were always sweets, whom she lacked in a military childhood. We carefully store her recipes and pass on the women's line. Unfortunately, in 2009, my great-grandmother, Ulyanovoy Natalia Metodievna, did not. I can not forget her labor hands who were not afraid of hard work. These are the hands of a military pore, which "fabrics" victory in the literal and figurative sense, gave themselves entirely in the name of a peaceful future, repeating every day the words "Everything for the front, all for victory." And in peacetime, she was digging and instilled, Sitshala and watering ... Everything for children and grandchildren.

Arguing today, in peacetime on the topic "I will not interrupt the connection of generations," I am grateful to my great-grandmother, Ulyanova Natalia Methodiyevna, for the continuation of our kind, for the family archive, for the fruit garden and everything that she told us what she taught. The most important qualities with which she possessed were modesty, self-sacrifice and kindness to everything alive on the planet.

Requirements for the design of the Participant of the Moscow MetaPrequent

the Olympiad "will not interrupt the connection of generations"

1. The essay is accepted as a file in the PDF format containing printed text and

inserted images.

2. Format of the A4 sheet, the orientation of the sheet is portrait, Times New Roman font, size 14,

interval 1.5, left field - 20 mm; The right field is 10 mm; upper field - 10 mm; bottom field -

3. Operations volume - up to 2 pages of printed text. It is permissible

excess composition size. Inserted images (no more than 3) can increase

number of pages of work.

4. A file with the text and photographs is stored in format.pdf. The size

the resulting file should not exceed 5 megabytes.

Even below, I offer several examples of how others made essays. By the way, these essays are winners!

"The connection between generations will not be interrupted!"

A good tradition in the thirty-year history of our school was meeting with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Afghan and Chechen events, rear workers and even with those who are called "children of war".

If you knew how students are accepted, school teachers! Concert rooms, souvenirs, draw posters, postcards ... School blooms from admiring children's views, "trembles" from stormy enthusiastic applause; No one hides the tears of gratitude to such amazing people.

After one of these meetings, we, students of the 10th grade, approached a very modest man - the guest of the school - Mothoyzkov Vladislav Nikolayevich. That's what we learned about this person.

Vladislav Nikolaevich was born in 1938 in the builder's family. Mom was engaged in raising children. The life of the usual family was the same as the life of most families in our country.

Rock date - June 22, 1941 in the root turned his life. In the summer of 1941, the Father was mobilized to the front, the 70-year-old grandfather remained for the elder. Little Vladika was 3 years old when the war began, but so far since childhood has a taste of bread with additives, cake, linden leaves ... But so everyone lived, no one complained, the main thing was a dream about the victory, a dream of a peaceful life. Vladislav Ros, studied, in the summer he worked in the collective farm, was called into the army in the construction troops. So the next and very important milestone began in the life of our hero. He forever remembered on November 10, 1957 - a call day and on December 5 of the same year, when he accepted the oath and retained her loyalty to the end.

Studying in the regimental school of sergeants, the supercurrent service in the near Moscow city of Tuchkovo hardened the character, set the love of the army with which Mothoykov V.N. Tied his fate.

Vladislav studied a lot, listened to the advice and instructions of the elders. How did this life lessons come in handy when he himself became a teacher! How many young people he helped choose the road in life, to instill love for the profession of a military builder.

Teachers are famous for Russia

Pupils bring fame to her.

Among graduates Motodekova V.N. The leaders of large construction departments, the special pride of Vladislav Nikolayevich - General Army Abroskin N.P., Head of the Federal Service for the Russian Federation.

It will not interrupt the connection of generations! After dismissal in the reserve Motyzochkova V.N. It does not lose contact with the organs of the armed forces, actively participates in the work of the Council of Veterans of Military Service with the Specialties of the Russian Federation, provides assistance to the military registration and enlistment office during the preparation of youth to appeal to the army.

Motyzhenkov V.N. - Beautiful family man. His daughters were seen how the father had believed to his mother and his wife's mother and his wife (fathers went away from life) and, becoming adults, keep the warmth of the family hearth, protect their parents and family traditions.

The best commander of the platoon of the Federal Special Construction Service of the Russian Federation, Deputy Commander of the Company in the Political Part, Commander of the Company, for ten years - Hardside, awarded Motherland, among whom the title "Excellent of military construction". President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. The activities of the team of Special Constitution of Russia highly appreciated, noting the decent contribution of the Federal Special Construction Service to strengthen the economic and defense power of our state. Motyzhenkov V.N. - a decent veteran of Specstroy Russia, which made a lot for the successful activity of their team.

Vladislav Nikolaevich - frequent guest In the schools of our Solntsevsky district of the Western district of Moscow. This is a very modest person. He does not make hero, he does not boast awards. He devotedly serves his homeland, infinitely loves people and tactfully teaches the younger generation. We are glad to our new acquaintance and with pleasure offered to assist in the systematization of its archival documents, photos, in creating a personal site. Vladislav Nikolaevich asked to teach him to communicate in the social network classmates, "to use Skype. We willingly join the role of teachers. With such a "student" nice to communicate.

Heroes - the best people his country; And not only those who committed a military feat, and something important necessary for the country, its welfare and culture, for the life of each compatriot

The connection of generations is not interrupted - the essay of the combat path of veterans "the connection of generations will not interrup


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