Innovative project "School Museum". Innovative project "School Museum" value referenceries of local history work

Innovative project "School Museum". Innovative project "School Museum" value referenceries of local history work

In connection with the maintenance of repair and restoration work, entering visitors to the Kremlin's territory is carried out through the Trinity Gate, the exit - through Borovitsky. The passage of visitors to the Armory and Exit is carried out through the Borovitsky Gate.

December 25.

the territory of the Moscow Kremlin is closed for visiting. Armory works in normal mode. The passage of visitors is carried out through the Borovitsky Gate of the Moscow Kremlin.

December 31 from 16:00, January 1 to 12:00

the territory of the Moscow Kremlin and the Armory Closed to visit.

From October 1 to May 14

Museums of the Moscow Kremlin are moving to winter mode. The architectural ensemble is open to a visit from 10:00 to 17:00, the Armory is open from 10:00 to 18:00. The sale of tickets at the box office is carried out from 9:30 to 16:30. Day off - Thursday. The exchange of electronic tickets is made in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement.

From October 1 to May 14

the exposition of the bell tower "Ivan Great" is closed for visiting.

In order to ensure the safety of monuments in adverse weather conditions, access to some museums can be temporarily limited.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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1 to Moscow M.V. Lebedeva 2016. Regulations on the holding of an urban competition " School Museum: new opportunities "1. General provisions 1.1. The city competition "School Museum: New Opportunities" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held for students, teachers and managers of the educational organizations of the city of Moscow competitions are aimed at implementing the development tasks of the education system formulated in Federal Law from December 29, 2012. 273-F3 "On Education in the Russian Federation", the State Program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (GG.) "Development of the formation of the city of Moscow (" Metropolitan Education ")" This Regulation determines the procedure for organizing and conducting a contest The materials of the competition are posted by the Organizing Committee on the portal of the city Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow at: Methodical space / Museums of educational organizations / Festivals, contests, projects / "School Museum: New Opportunities" The Organizing Committee on its discretion can use the materials of the competition participants in order to prepare printed and electronic publications. 2. Competition goals 2.1. Objectives of the competition: the search for new approaches to the socialization and process of forming the identity of the younger generation by means of museum pedagogy using the socio-cultural resources of Moscow, its districts, districts, museums of educational organizations; Detection 1.

2 best pedagogical practices of the organization of museum-pedagogical activities of the competition tasks are: 3. The tasks of the competition are the creation and use of the museum and educational environment, taking into account the wishes of students as a basis for creative and spiritual development, education of patriotism in the younger generation; - support for pedagogical initiatives to increase museum culture by stimulating the participation of students in educational and general cultural activities, identify innovative techniques of school museums and the dissemination of their work experience; - the preservation and revival of folk traditions, customs, cultures as the conditions for the development of interethnic relations in the field of folk art and the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other ethnocultures; - Popularization of the activities of the Museum of Educational Organization as the space of education and upbringing. 4. Organizing Committee of the Competition 4.1. For the organization and holding of the competition, the City Organizing Committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) The Organizing Committee of the Competition consists of Methodists of the GBOU City Methodological Center Dogm (Appendix 1) and performs the following functions: - forms the composition of the professional jury and organizes his work; - preparations, conducting and general management of the competition; - Determines the system of promotion, rewarding participants. 5. Terms of the competition 5.1. In the competition, the authors of individual and group works can take part (except for nominations 1, 2) and teachers according to the following nominations: Nomination 1. "Times of the binding thread: lesson (occupation) in the School Museum" 2

3 forms of performance: individual and group (no more than two authors) Methodical developments of traditional lessons and training sessions using museum resources in the following categories: C Category Traditional lesson Interactive lesson 1 for pupils of pre-school departments 2 for students at the level of NO 3 for students on LLC LLC 4 for students at the SOO level All methodological materials indicating the nominations of the competition and the authors of work are posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"). Nomination 2. "Museum Space": author's concept and / or program development program of the educational organization with a description of the forms and methods of integrating the museum into educational space. Form of performance: Text material posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"), indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work. Nomination 3. Museum History: History (Essay, Essay, Story, Chronicle, etc.) Creation of the Museum of Educational Organization (Founders, Formation of Exposure, Stages of Development, Exhibits with "Private Stories", etc.). Forms of performance: text material, photo albums, presentations, videos, etc., posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"), indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work. Nomination 4. "Museum route": - game guide for the school museum, route leaf; Representation form: booklet, album, comic, etc., posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum") (Appendix 2). - excursion route for children with ABS on the museum of the educational organization;

4 form of representation: Methodical development of an excursion posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum") (applications 2, 3). - virtual excursion at commemorative places of the district, district or city; Excursion reconstruction, author's excursion with elements of personal stories, etc.; Presentation forms: video, presentation posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"), indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work (Appendix 2). Nomination 5. "Museum game": traditional board games, museum lotto, museum "puzzles", reconstruction games, etc. Form of submission: a description of the game with a photo or a presentation posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum") , indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work. Nomination 6. "Museum genres (evolution of household subjects)": stories, fairy tales, riddles, poems, copyrighted texts, etc., dedicated to the history and evolution of objects of life - exhibits of the Museum of the educational organization. Form of work presentation: Materials posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"), indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of work all the works presented in the nominations, experts are estimated in absentia, identifying the winners and medalists of the competition, using the references provided by the participants of the Competition Materials. Filling the form "Address Registry of Competition Materials" is carried out by reference. For work on nominations 1, 5, 6, full-time protection is provided, in addition to the correspondence examination. Each criterion of all nominations is estimated by 10 points, the maximum evaluation of the work is 50 points. Full-time protection of the work of the nomination 1 (methodological developments) will be carried out in the form of a master class with a demonstration of video recording or presentation of classes with children on the presented technologies (~ 10 min.) (Appendix 4). The works of nominations 5 and 6 are also undergoing absentee expertise with the exhibition of similar points and the definition of medalists. After a full-time demonstration of work, the expert community defines the winner (winners) out of 10 winners of the competition that received maximum amount Points. Full-time protection of the works of nominations "Museum game" and "Museum genres" will be held in the form of a demonstration 4

5 projects that can be submitted within 10 minutes. Original is welcome. 5 Criteria for evaluating the work of the nomination 1 "Times of the binder thread: a lesson (occupation) in the School Museum": - Pedagogical feasibility of selection of detention, means, methods and forms of work when conducting lessons (classes) in the museum; - Methodical development, its compliance of GEF; - novelty and the relevance of the presented materials (personal, meta-concrete, subject results); - accounting for age-related characteristics of students; - A variety of forms of organizing students. Criteria for evaluating the works of the nomination 2 "Museum space": - the purpose of the museum's development and objectives; - compliance of the content of the concept / program of the claimed goal and tasks; - accounting for the age characteristics of various categories of visitors to the museum; - determination of the place of the museum in the educational space of the educational organization, organization of criminal and extracurricular activities; - Author's approach to creating a concept / program. Criteria for assessing the work of the nomination 3 "Museum history": - research nature of the work (the use of various types of sources); - author's approach; - originality; - Form of the material (logic of presentation, possession of the literary language, culture and pattern imagery); - description of the prospects for the development of the project and the possibilities of its practical use in the educational organization. Criteria for assessing the work of the nomination 4 "Museum Route": game guide, route list:

6 - active use of museum objects, complication and consistent representation of the content, accuracy of information; B - a combination of realistic and fantasy both in the content and form of its presentation: "fantasy" can be represented by combining information to the story play, a single attractive character for children, the "Travel" format, "opening", etc.; - the optimal number of different content and types of assigned tasks; the presence of tasks contributing to the development of children's creativity; - the use of methods for fixing "success and failures" of children who contribute to the development of reflexive skills; - Aesthetics of registration. Excursion route for children with APV: - compliance with the requirements (Appendix 2); - accounting of the characteristics of the audience; - a variety of forms of organizing students' activity; - the integrity of the perception of the excursion (completeness and depth of information presentation); - The presence of "feedback" with visitors. Virtual excursion at memorable places of the district, district or city; Excursion reconstruction, author's excursion with elements of personal stories, etc.: - originality and quality of video files; - integrity of the perception of virtual excursion (completeness and depth of information presentation); - quality of the video de - sound quality; - Form of the material feed (logic of presentation, possession of the literary language, culture and pattern imagery). Criteria for evaluating the work of the nomination 5 "Museum game": - originality; - availability of instructions with a description of the rules of the game, its configuration);

7 - manufacturability (available rules of the game, the ability to replicate, develop alternative options); 7 - compliance of the stated age-related category of players; - availability of educational functions of the game. Criteria for assessing the work of the nomination 6 "Museum genres": - the expediency of the choice of exhibits; - accounting of age-related characteristics of the audience; - quality of the material presented, design; - originality; - Author's approach The results of the competition are published on the website of the city methodological center in the section Methodical space / School museums / festivals. Competitions. Projects The participants in the competition receive the participant's certificate in each nomination the winners and the winners of the competition are determined. 6. The procedure and timing of the competition 6.1. Competition events are carried out in accordance with the contents of the materials presented by the authors. Competition is held from September 5, 2016 to May 21, 2017. Calendar of the Competition (Nomination 1) Date of holding Event I Stage - correspondence registration on the site Placement of competitive materials Place of GBOU MMC Department of the City Education

8 Examination of materials for the selection of the best methodological developments to participate in the infinite stage of the competition of Moscow, the formation of a short-ended group of participants of the Competition for the organization of master classes. Consultations of Methodists for conducting master classes II Stage Full-time (for nomination 1) Organization and conduct of workshops (on schedule) for nominations "Traditional lesson" and "Interactive occupation" Full-time protection of submitted lessons and interactive classes for nominations Educational organizations of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow Definition The winners of the competition in all nominations are the presentation of the advanced experience of teachers at the city conference of the leaders of the educational organizations. The ceremony of awarding the winners of the GBOU contest of the MMC Department of Education of the city of Moscow Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. Publication and publication of the collection of the best materials following the results of the competition of the GBOU MMC Department of Education of the city of Moscow

9 Calendar of the Competition (Nominations 2-6) 9 Date of implementation Event Expected Result I Stage Registration On the SeptemberOkturn website Consultations of methodologists for the design of competitive materials. Webinars, information meetings (see the plan of the GMC) addresses and phone numbers of methodologists in the direction of "CISSISPATRIREIC EDUCATION AND MUMES OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS" (Appendix 1) study seminars for the participants of the competition (according to the HMC plan) accommodation of competitive materials. Filling the form "Address Registry of Competition Materials" is carried out by reference. Examination of work. The formation of a short list of participants (medalists) of the competition for organizing demonstration of works submitted on the nominations "Museum game" and "Museum genres". - creating a project information card; - informing participants about the organization of the competition, the design of materials; - guidelines For the preparation of works on full-time demonstration projects

10 Yu II stage Full-time protection of works presented in the nomination "Museum game" full-time protection of works presented in the nomination "Museum genres" - the formation of a collection of excursion routes for children with HSA and museum games for various age-related categories of students; April Determination of the winners and prize-winners of the city stage of the competition (nomination 2-6) award ceremony of the winners of the competition. Representation of the best practices of teachers at the city conference of leaders of educational organizations - Creating a video formation of excursion routes; - Updating museum pages on official websites of educational organizations April, May Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. Publication and publication of the collection Following the results of the certificate competition by phone: 8 (499), the composition of the organizing committee of the city competition "School Museum: New Opportunities" Annex 1 - Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna - Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow ;

11 - Zernov Dmitry Igorevich - Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow; 11 - Melina Svetlana Ivanovna - Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Methodist of the Olooding Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow; P / p. F.I.O. Methodist District Pin telephone number 1. Grigoryan Sergey Azatovich Yuvao 8 (499) Kabakov Aleksandr Petrovich ZAO, CAO 8 (499) Kamagin Olga Evgenievna VAO 8 (499) Lithuanian Andrey Nikolaevich Svoo 8 (499) Melina Svetlana Ivanovna Yuao 8 (499) Tibenko Lyudmila Viktorovna Yuzao 8 (499) Cherkunov Aleksei Viktorovich Zelao, SAO 8 (499) Shinyev Sergey Aleksandrovich Szao 8 (499)

12 9. Shishkin Sergei Tinao 8 (499) Valerevich Appendix 2 Requirements for the content and design of work (nomination 2-6) 1. Presentations and videos can be performed by any software and presented according to the following requirements: - Video format and video expansion: AVI, WMV, MPG, MOV, MKV, FLV, MP4; Animation: SWF, EXE; Presentations: RRT, RRTH, PPS, PPSX, PDF; - volume of video - no more than 1 GB, presentations - 15 MB; - The duration of the video film is not more than 30 minutes. 2. Methodical developments of excursion routes on the Museum of the educational organization for children with ABS, in addition to the individual text of the guide, should contain the following information: - Characteristics of the target audience; - short description Museum indicating the conditions for excursions for children with ABS; - a brief annotation of the excursion, its purpose and task, duration; - Characteristics of the route of the excursion (Table): Name Objects of the test Time Substitutes and list of key issues Organizational instructions * Methodical instructions** * The "Organizational Indications" column placed recommendations on the movement of the Group, taking into account the special rate of excursion, the possibility of organizing recreation, ensuring the safety of children with ABS. ** In the column "Methodical instructions" formulates the basic requirements for the guide on the method of conducting an excursion, the use of methodological techniques. 12

13 Appendix 3 Useful references 1. Emelyanov B.V. "Excursion science" [Electronic resource] - Access mode: 2. Samples of route sheets: RU / Archive / Osnovnaya-Programma /; - Museum route for children with APV Appendix 4 Criteria for evaluating master class of contest participants (nomination 1), conditions for its implementation: the existence of goals and objectives, the degree of their implementation; implementation of an activity approach; the predominance of students' activity on the activities of the teacher; Creation and support of a high level of motivation and high intensity of the activities of the lesson participants (classes); the level of visualization and the technological nature of the lesson; active use of museum objects; Culture of communication with students; culture of public speech (argument, logicality, sequence of presentation); The quality of the implementation of the main professional functions: learning, education, development (correction) in the process of pedagogical activity. To participate in the city stage of the competition, the winners of the qualifying stage, who scored the maximum number of points along the amount of correspondence and full-time stages (Methodical development, master class) are accepted. To participate in the city stage of the competition, they are accepted at one job for each age category, no more than eight work from each of the 11 territories of the metropolitan region. To protect the lesson, the organizing committee provides multimedia equipment. A demonstration of the project on the authors equipment is allowed. During the demonstration of the lesson, technical assistance is provided. The time provided to protect the lesson - 10 minutes, of which 2 13

14 minutes are allocated for answers to the questions of the expert jury. After 7 minutes of protection of the project, the contestant will be warned that one minute remains until the end of the protection. If the project is a video, then no more than 10 minutes are given to its demonstration. 14 On the defense of the lesson, the accompanying participants of the family contest may be present, but not more than one person for each participant. Only contestants representing a master class can answer questions about the jury. Questions may have only clarifying. After completing the full-time protection of work, all members of the expert jury fill the personal assessment protocols. In accordance with the completed protocols, the Organizing Committee identifies the winners of the competition.

1. General provisions 1.1. City Competition "School Museum: New Features" (hereinafter - Competition) is held for students, parents, teachers and leaders of educational museums

Appendix 1 approved by order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Komi from "26" April 2017. 414 Regulations on the Republican Competition of Educational Organizations Museums

Regulations on the city contest Agitbrigad "New Generation Chooses ..." within the framework of the city project "Moscow Positive space!" 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision determines the purpose and task

Regulations on the interregional scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren "Learning financial literacy on mistakes and success of literary heroes" 1. General provisions 1.1. The present position determines the goals

Tensive GMCDOGM.R. Lebedeva 2017. Regulations on the city competition Agitbrigad "The new generation chooses ..." 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision determines the purpose and objectives of the city competition Agitbrigad

Regulations on the holding of the festival "Information technologies: Flight of Thoughts" 1. General provisions This provision determines the goals, objectives and procedure for the festival " Information Technology: Flight

Pedagogical ideas and methods, demonstration of pedagogical achievements of subject teachers, staff staff. Competition's tasks: Activation of creative activities of the Pedagogues of the Krasnoselsky district

The future is aimed at the involvement of schoolchildren and students in project activities, forms the skills of design and modeling. 1.4. Participation in the competition is voluntary and means familiarization

Regulations on the district competition "The relevance of the use of information technology tools in educational activities In the light of the implementation of the GEF "1. The general provisions of one of the main tasks on the modern

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for organizing and conducting a city competition for teachers of primary classes "The new quality of the lesson. We work according to GEF "(hereinafter - the competition), his

Regulations on the Regional Stage of the Art Program program for 2016 2017 in the Chuvash Republic 1. General provisions Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia from 27.10.2016 2192 1.1. Regional

Work plan for the work of CO for 2015/2016 school year P / n date name Event participants Organizers 1. 09/17/2015 City meeting specialists from the district department to work with school executives

I Approve director of GBOU GMC Dogm / JH - M.V. Lebedeva LSHT & Mmm / and! 2015% GT: - Regulations on the city's vocational guidance festival of multimedia projects "Parade of Professions - XXI century" 1.

Center "Russian Museum: Virtual Branch" Department of Information Technologies and Network Safety Coordinated by the head of VRM N.V.Sukhoviev "January 12" January 2017 A coordinated director DS Lavrov Head

Approve director of GBOU GMC Dogm M.V. Lebedeva 2015 Regulations on the holding of the competition of the best practices that promote the professional development of students, "Prof-idea: Information resource C (C)

Appendix 1 To order of management of education and youth policy of 15.10.2014 806 \\ 01-06 Regulations on the marathon of training subjects "On the route Gos NOO and LLC" from a competent teacher to a new quality

Appendix 1 To order of the Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk Region dated September 13, 2017 1785_ Regulation on the regional competition museums of educational organizations of the Bryansk region "School Museum New Opportunities"

The project was approved by order of the Education Department of the Yaroslavl Region from the draft Regulation on the Regional Competition of Educational and Socially significant projects "Change the world for the better" 1. General provisions

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Kamyshlovsky Technology Industry

Government of St. Petersburg Committee on Education State state-financed organization Additional vocational education St. Petersburg Academy of Postpolomal Pedagogical Education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Altai Territory Order of 2017 G. Barnaul on approval of the Regulation on the regional competition among consulting centers on bEST PROGRAM Rendering advisory

Regulations on the holding of an urban professional pedagogical competition for the use of information technologies in the educational process "Infotopic" 1. General provisions 1.1. This position determines

Department of Education of the city of Moscow Southern Administrative District State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 932" 117534, Moscow, Chertanovskaya, d. 62 A E-mail:

The project "School Museum as a resource for the development of socialization and education of students in the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

general education

    Description of the main problem and justification of relevance

its development

Modern Russian education is currently undergoing significant changes, during which a look at approaches and forms of training. These changes affected our institution. The school is a platform for the introduction of GEF not only at the level of primary general education, but also the main one. There is a need to organize a variety of extracurricular activities that contribute to the development and education of students. We use various resources: gym, library, assembly hall, specialty subject rooms. And the school museum is also no exception. But sincematerial and Technical Conditions of the Museumdo not meet the increased needs for education and education of the student's personality, impede the effective use of its content and introducing new forms of training at its base, the use of this school resource is in question. It is also necessary to transform the forms of storage, accounting and use of the expositions of museum funds.

School Museum it has a huge educational and educational potential, as it retains and exhibits genuine historical documents.

One of the leading destinations in the activities of the museum is the civilian-patriotic education of the younger generation. The main materials are located in two halls: "The Hall of Combat and Labor Glory", "district and school during the Great Patriotic War".

In this work, the main forms were:

    Work with veterans.

    Search and Research . The materials of the school museum are often becoming the subject of research work on the topic "Great Patriotic War» who are guys protect at school and conferences.

    The work of the Club "Young Historian". In 2014, the children-youth club "Young historian" was created. Excursions for patriotic education of the younger generation are developed.Trained guides from among schoolchildren of grades 5-9 (10 schoolchildren).

Publishing Museum. Club "Young historian" publishes the "Search" newspaper. The Council of the Museum holds posters and drawings contests, presentations dedicated toGreat victory; Conducts work with residents withela; Cooperates with the district newspaper "Rural News".

The results of the school museum are posted on the school site.

External communication museum . Close connection supports the school museum with the museum of Novokuznetsk.

One of the solutions to the problem is to create a Virtual Local Lore Museum at school. Allocation of the educational function of the virtual school museum as a leading is determined by its significance: the creation of a special educational environment for the formation of a holistic attitude towards cultural and historical heritage, which reflects the universal values \u200b\u200brepresenting life Mir man.

School Museum as a resource forMBOU "Krasulins Oosh" is valid in innovative mode. Our resource center will assist educators and specialists of educational institutions of the area enteringadministration of GEF , in effectively planning and monitoring your professional activity, formulation of clear and fulfilled tasks for organizing and improving the efficiency of your work.

    Project goal and objectives

Objective of the project : creating conditions for the development of the educational potential of the school museum through its modernization.

This goal is aimed at the entire pedagogical process, permeates all the structures, integrating educational classes and the extracurricular lives of students, a variety of activities.

Concerning school Museum Mission Municipal budgetary general education institution "Krasulinskaya Main Communications School" of the Novokuznetsk Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region -from put the most favorable development conditions for all children. The school is designed to form an adaptation tool to a rapidly changing life, to maintain personal qualities in the very difficult circumstances of life, to learn to live in peace with others, fulfill their duties, respect and love people.

To achieve the goal and implementation of the mission of the school museum it is necessary to solve the followingtasks:

1) refresh the system of civilian-patriotic education using the school museum resources;

2) develop the material and technical base of the museum by introducing new forms of use of exposures;

3) increase the availability of funding by creating a virtual school museum to organize extracurricular activities and additional education.

    Criteria and performance indicators and

project efficiency

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of generalized estimated indicators, including its systemic, informative and organizational nature of the educational process, the use of modern educational technologies, the breadth of education.

The results of the project implementation Estimated in the following indicators:


Study methods

Organization of the work of the school museum as a structural division of the school and one of the forms of work on the development of creative amateur activities and the public activity of students, to upbatism.

    Status of the material and technical base.

    Museum equipment necessary multimedia technology.

    Modernization of traditional forms of work.

    The share of modern technologies, including information, in the organization of the educational process.

    The presence of local regulatory base School Museum Activities.

    Active system of interaction with various public organizations.

    Increasing the professionalism of the heads of school museums (the degree of participation of school museums in research and educational events of the district, conducting activities based on their museum to exchange experience).

    Positive dynamics in the public recognition of the educational and educational potential of school museums.

    Pedagogical observation.

    Questionation of teachers learning and their parents.

Improving the effectiveness of the learning of software on the history of Russia and local history,

geography, literature, technology and ICT.

    High results of learning students on local history, literature, geography.

    Increase ICT competencies.

    Provision of the process of teaching history didactic materials, local lorded literature.

    Growing the interest of students to study the history of their institution, district, cities, countries, the manifestation of a sense of patriotism to their country.

    The increase in the number of children attending the school museum using the Museum Funds to prepare abstracts, creative works, tasks on the subjects of the school program.

    The increase in the number of teachers using the possibilities of the museum to conduct lessons on the school subject program, classroom watches, other educational events.

    Analysis of the outcome of educational work.

    Pedagogical observation.

    Icutting learning.

    Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis.

Questionnaire "How do you feel about learning on various subjects?"

5. Pretending of subject and metapredal (cognitive, communicative, regulatory) results of students in GEF.

Creating conditions for the development of the versatile interests and abilities of schoolchildren, the realization of their cognitive interest.

    Favorable emotional and psychological climate in the team.

    The number of activities conducted on the basis of the museum.

    Number of visitors to the school museum.

    The increase in the number of winners and winners, contests, competitions, conferences of a different level associated with the Museum's profile.

    Increase the intellectual, creative, social activity of students.

    The number of projects created using the museum base.

    The level of implementation of project activities and an activity approach to the education and education process.

    The presence of publications on the topic of the project at the municipal, regional levels.

    Analysis of the outcome of educational work

    Pedagogical observation.

    Icutting learning.

    Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics:

methods for determining the level of public activity of students.

5. Pretending the personal results of students in GEF.

Monitoring, seminars, consultations.

4. Expected results and project implementation effects

The museum is organically entered into the educational space of our school, which allows to implement a systemic and activity approach in the framework of the transition to the federal state educational standard general education (hereinafter FGE).

In the process of implementing the project, the work of the school museum in the educational process of the educational institution and to society should be integrated into the educational process; expanding the possibilities of the school museum due to social partnership with museums of other educational institutions, museums of the city, the Council of Veterans; creating a virtual museum; Presentation of the final materials of the project on the Internet and the media.

Expected project implementation results:

    social request for the creation of a resource center based on the school museum for development of socialization and education of students in the conditions of administration of GEF;

    updating the system of civilian patriotic education using the school museum resources;

    development of the material and technical base of the museum by introducing new forms of use of exposures;

    increasing the availability of the use of funds by creating a virtual school museum to organize expectation and additional education;

    introduction of teachers to educational plans of the Museum Fund Materials;

    creating teachers of a bank of methodical developments and recommendations;

    improving the professional competence of teachers and specialists in the fielddevelopment of socialization and education of students in the conditions of introduction of GEF;

    implementation of real interdisciplinary cooperation both within its team and in other educational institutions of the district;

    improving the scientific and methodological potential of pedagogical workers MBOU "Krasulinsky Oosh" and the educational and material base of the school.

Registration of project implementation results:

    development of a model of a program of civilian-patriotic education of students based on the activities of the school museum;

    methodological developments of museum and local history classes on the sections of the expositions of the school museum;

    methodological developments on the use of collections of the school museum in the urgent and in extracurricular activities of subject teachers, work of class managers, teachers of additional education;

    publications, including the activities of the School Museum, to implement the innovative priorities of the School Museum in museum and local history activities;

    development of a series of multimedia presentations, giving the opportunity to carry out thematic virtual excursions.

As a result, the project of the School Museum in the MBOU "Krasulinsky Main Community School" of the Novokuznetsk Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region will become the center of additional education, the center of civil and patriotic education, the Center for Studying the History of the School, the village of Kemerovo and the Center for the Formation of a New Type of Personal Personal.

    Terms and stages of project implementation

I Stage (2015 - 2016) - Preparatory

Analysis of the state of educational opportunities of the school museum. Actualization of the project among participants in the educational process. Definition of the circle of individuals from the number of teachers, the school administration to lead the project, the distribution of roles, the creation of temporary working groups. Development of a work plan and program of the museum. Creation of a plan to modernize the school museum (museum equipment, cosmetic repair of the museum, software).

Conducting training classes, seminars, discussions, consultations with teachers to study the modern theory and practice of museum pedagogy with the invitation of the Museum of the Museum of the city of Novokuznetsk.

I Stage (2016 - 2017) - Practical

The main task at this stage is the inclusion of the museum resource in the urgent, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The content of the practical stage:

    Cosmetic repair of the premises of the museum

    Installation of new museum equipment

    The introduction of modern information technologies to the work of the museum

    Creature Internet-Eversion of the school museum (create an electronic database of the museum funds, which will ensure the consideration and safety of the museum collection)

    Development of the ability of studying research and project activities using museum sources (participation in the creation of social and creative projects, educational and research works).

    Conducting a school conference of research projects on the local history and history of the Kemerovo region

    Organization of the presentation of the School Interactive Museum

    Expansion of the competence of teachers, mastering project activities and museum pedagogy through seminars, conferences, master classes, individual consultations

    Creating a data bank of its own methodological developments and publications

    Expansion and update of exposures, replenishment of the Museum Fund

III Stage (2017 - 2018) - Analytical

The main task of this stage is the analysis of the results of activity: achievements, shortcomings, adjusting further work on the stated issues, design of the project, publication, exchange of experience.

Content of the final stage:

Summing up, exchange of experience of project participants at the meetings of the pedsovet, the Methodological Council, school methodological associations of subject teachers, working groups.

Conducting a conference "Results of the project" School Museum as a resource of spiritual and moral development, socialization and education of students in the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard ".

    The main risks of the project and the way their minimization

    The main risks of the project

    Ways of their minimization

    Changing the place of work of the project participants:

    • Head


    The project management initially exercise two people.

    Throughout the project implementation, the school program "I am Professional" is valid to increase the professional competences of pedagogical workers, i.e. At school there is always a reserve of personnel capable of implementing innovative activities.

    Low motivation of teachers and specialists of educational institutions of the district to cooperate with MBOU "Krasulinskaya Oosh" on the topic of the project

    Improve the motivation to interact together with the management of the administration of the Novokuznetsk municipal district of the Kemerovo region

    Insufficient competence of project executors in solving any specific issues

    Cooperation with museums of the city of Novokuznetsk

    Cooperation with Methodists IMC "Department of Education Administration of the Novokuznetsk Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region"

    Lack of financial funds for project implementation

    Attracting sponsorship

    Possible ways to implement project development in educational practice MBOU "Krasulinsky OOSh"

In order to form a new type of learning, you need suchmethodical approaches that would beto ensure the development of students in the unity of urgent, extracurricular and socially significant activities in the context of the joint work of the pedagogical team of the school, family and other institutions of the Company in accordance with the requirements of the GEF project of general education.

With the help of traditional and innovative technologies, the developed project will allow:

    through useInternet-Reurs to realize the opportunity to find like-minded people, establish connections with other museums, quickly exchange experiences;

    organize classes in groups in the museum, historical and local history games, research conferences;

    conduct lessons - reconstruction on literature, history, local history;

    carry out theatrical excursions using the exhibits of the museum;

    using electronic format, making exhibitions and thematic excursions more accessible and mobile, and therefore will allow to interest and introduce a wide range of people with them.

    Proposals for the dissemination and implementation of the project results into a massive practice

Our experience is supposed to distribute through seminars, master Classes, Practical meetings on the diagnosis, activities of teachers implementing GEF.

Effective way The distribution is publications on the topic of the project at the municipal, regional and federal levels. Mandatory for project performers is to submit its positive experience on sites, a virtual museum.

Certain opportunities for distribution has a school site. All information about the implementation of the project, the positive results will be postponed in the section "Our Innovative Activity".

Project performers are ready to discuss acute issues on the Internet through network communities, which is also a rather powerful tool for distributing our experience. It is interesting here the possibility of spreading experience is not because "sent" to the seminar, but a personal interest in organizing work in the urgent and after-school time in accordance with the requirements of the GEF project of general education.

So, our experience we are ready to distribute in the following ways:

    Seminars, consultations;

    Publications on professional sites and publications;

    Placement of information on the school website and the site of the Novokuznetsk municipal district;

    Through network communities, communities of the methodological associations of the area.


"Museum as an informational and educational space of school"

Work library


Cool hours

Meetings graduates

Meetings in ETeranov

Educational events



The work of the children-youth club "Young historian"

Themed evenings

Learn of courage


Extracurricular activities ( primary School,

5-7 classes)

Individual visits

Presentations, video films

Design and Research

Parental meetings

Days open doors

Seminars, conferences

    The main activities for the implementation of the project

Planned events



Strengthening the material and technical base of the museum

Cosmetic Repair of the Museum


Head farm

Purchase office equipment and furniture for the museum


Head farm

Organizational work

Formation and organization of the work of the Council of the Museum, Club "Young Historian"


Development of the Work Plan and Museum Program


deputy. Director of BP

Formation and organization of the work of the museum asset


Museum Head, Museum Council

Creating an electronic book of accounting and storage of the museum exhibits


Museum Head, Museum Council

Organization of excursion work

During the project period

Museum head, deputy. Director of BP

Development of the Hoping Museum Exposition Plan

March - October 2016

Museum Head, Museum Council

Organization of work with the expositions of the museum

During the period of implementation


Head of Museum

Utility work

Organization of urgency on subjects through museum lessons using the exhibits of the museum and methodical material

During the period of implementation


Head of the museum, teacher of literature, history, geography,

cool leaders

Acquisition of work skillsc.c.overweight software products: built-in graphic editor of the MS Word program and PhotoShop graphic editor


Museum Head,


Use of information technologies of universal (basic), multimedia technologies, network technologies in order to form information competence of students

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,


Selection and preparation of documents of the museum for organizing independent work with them students in class

During the period of implementation


Conducting museum lessons with the participation of veterans and participants of the wars

During the period of implementation


Head of Museum, history teacher

Extracurricular work , extracurricular work

Conducting classes in the framework of extracurricular activities 1-4 classes, 5-7 classes

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council, teachers to

Organization of excursions in the school museum

During the period of implementation


Museum Council

Conduct school lectures, seminars, NPK. Organization of search and research activities

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council,

deputy Director for BP

Participation of schoolchildren in contests, projects, conferences of various levels

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council, deputy. Director of BP, OIA

Participation in the annual municipal NPK

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council, deputy. Director for OIR

Conducting thematic clocks

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

MO class leaders

Organization of excursions for members of the Museum Council

During the period of implementation


Head of Museum

Master class for excursions (with the invitation of employees of the city museum)

During the period of implementation


Head of Museum

Development and holding of excursions in the museum on various expositions

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council,


Creating and replenishing the Museum Methodological Database:



    Cognitive literature


Museum Head,

museum Council

Participation in the Month of Military Patriotic Education

During the period of implementation


Museum Head, Museum Council

Cooperation, joint events with the library of school and village

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council, librarians

Organization of work and holding meetings of the children's and youth club "Young historian" at the school museum

During the period of implementation


Museum Head, Museum Council, Club Head

Communication with the public, with veterans of war and labor, local wars veterans, pedagogical veterans

During the period of implementation


Museum Head, Museum Council

Practical work. Action "Timurov Movement"

During the period of implementation


Museum Head, Museum Council, deputy. Director of BP

Creating a booklet about the school museum


Museum Head, Museum Council

Creating a Foundation for genuine exhibits


Museum Head, Museum Council

Creation and replenishment of the Museum electronic databases

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum Council

Creating a virtual museum


Head of Museum

Creating an electronic reference to the museum


Head of Museum

Scientific and methodical work

Participation in workschool methodical associations of class managers, workshops of class teachers in patriotic education

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

deputy. Director of BP

Development of tours of excursions to help teachers of local history, history, class managers

During the period of implementation


Museum Head,

museum asset, deputy. Director of BP

Methodical work With a pedagogical team

During the period of implementation


Coordinator work with public organizations

During the period of implementation


Head of Museum

Organization of communal activities that unite the efforts of students, teachers and parents

During the period of implementation


Museum head, deputy. Director of BP and OIA

Creation of methodological developments of museum and local lore activities on the sections of the school museum

Creation of methodological developments on the use of collections of the school museum in the urgent and extracurricular activities of teachers-subjects, work of class managers, teachers of additional education

During the period of implementation


Head of the museum, head. library, subject teachers, teachers up

Raising qualifications (head trainingi am a museum)

According to a promising school plan

Museum head, deputy. Director for OIR

District round table "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the child's inclusion in a general education system"


Pedagogical mastery festival


Head of the museum, head. library, subject teachers, deputy. Director for OIA and BP

District Seminar "Tolerance - Unity in Diversity"


Head of the museum, head. library, subject teachers, deputy. Director for OIA and BP

District Scientific and Practical Conference "Civil-Patriotic Education Based on the School Museum's activities"


Head of the museum, head. library, subject teachers, deputy. Director for OIA and BP

    Possible Financial Provision of the Project, the necessary resource support for the implementation of the innovation project

To implement the project in an educational institution there are the necessary conditions: The school works in stable operation and development mode, the creative group of developing an innovative project is organized, there is a necessary material and technical base.

The main thing:

    extensive experience of local history work and the museum;

    positive motivation of the pedagogical team in advanced training: 60% of teachers passed coursework on the topics of "Information technologies in an educational process", 95% - "Organization of an educational institution for preparation for work on GEF (initial and basic general education)"; "Management of the educational institution in the implementation of the implementation of GEF".

    Required resource provision when applying an innovative product

    technical: Computer support of users of this innovative product (computer workplace teacher, training, parents or computer class);

    information: Bank of student works created in programsPublisher.; POWER POINT; registration on the school site; availability of access to the Internet;

    software: availability of programs that provide access to the high-speed Internet;

    personnel: Professional pedagogical frames owning computer literacy, information culture necessary to organize an educational process in a telecommunications environment and laid on a new pedagogical framework, the essence of which make up modern pedagogical technologies;

    social: the cumulative potential of active participants in the educational process associated with the formation of social innovative behavior.

    Form Description Network interaction organizations

"Krasulinsky Oosh"

with other educational organizations

Are assumed Diverseforms of interaction :

    organization of joint holidays, conducting lessons in the museum and libraries, parents thematic meetings, round tables, excursions, circle work.

    thanks Internet-Rouruses appears the opportunity to find like-minded people, establish connections of the Museum of MBOU "Krasulinskaya OOSh"with other museums, quickly exchange experiences.

    the use of electronic format will provide an opportunity to do exhibitions and thematic excursions more accessible and mobile, will interest and introduce a wide range of people with them.

    generalization and distribution of teachers and school experience through the media.

    creating project workshops.

    conducting a district seminar, master classes for teachers, heads of educational institutions of the Novokuznetsk municipal district.

    organizing meetings with veterans, participants in war, representatives of various enterprises.

    Organization of virtual museum tours.

    Participation in the organization and holding of district competitions: school guides; design work based on museum exhibits; Contest drawings on patriotic and local history subject.

See the application "Scheme" Museum as an informational and educational space school. "

    Control group of participants Innovation:

Deputy Directors

Subject teachers



Head of Museum

Head of the library

    Monitoring system control system

    Preliminary (input control of all types of resources, readiness checks for work ...)




    Current monitoring and evaluation of results.

In the course of solving the tasks of the project, the school's management should constantly carry out the current control of its work to be confident that the methods used lead to the goal. Periodically, it is necessary to conduct a statistical analysis to identify development trends. Once a year, work should be assessed in all the main directions of current planning to find out the following:

Are the tasks set and whether the claimed goals and objectives of the project are achieved, the school curriculum as a whole;

Whether the needs of the school community are satisfied;

Is it possible to react to change needs;

Is the resource provision;

Whether these directions are profitable.

15. Note the address of the placement of an innovative project on the Internet For the purpose of his public discussion

Innovative project MBOU "Krasulinskaya Oosh"« School Museum as a resource for socialization and education of students in the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard» posted on the website MBOU "Krasulinskaya Oosh".

Analysis of the work of the school museum in 2015-2016 academic year

Our school museum is 16 years, It was created in the 1998-1999 academic year on the basis of the Cabinet of the History of MOU "Sosh with. Bagaevka. "

The museum is located in the classroom of the Cabinet of history, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 68 square meters. meters.

By the nature of the materials of the Museum - the historical and local history.

The role and importance of school museums increases with the need to implement the state and regional program on the patriotic education of young people in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Value Orders

    civilian patriotic focus of education of children based on the development of historical memory;

    strengthening the communication of generations for awareness of a schoolboy as a successor heritage of the past;

    formation of student objective and historical approach to the study of past our homeland through various forms of search and museum work

As applied to history as a training subject means: historic regional studies has become its mandatory component.

Lessoning helps young deeper to understand the meaning, the essence of important standards included in the country's Constitution: "Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, take care of the monuments of history and culture," "everyone is obliged to maintain nature and the environment, carefully refer to natural wealth." (Art. 44 and Article.58).

The main thing purpose The activities of the school museum are the formation of a harmoniously creative personality, a patriot of his country, its land. Our motto "There is no past today - without him and tomorrow."

Education of students in the spirit of patriotism, civil identity, high morality is one of the fundamental tasks Personality development. The implementation of this task is the program of the activities of the School Local Lore Museum of MOU "Sosh with. Bagaevka. " The school local lore museum has a huge educational and educational potential, as it retains and exhibits genuine historical documents .

Traveling through the native land, studying monuments of history and culture, objects of nature, chatting with participants and eyewitnesses of studied events, getting acquainted with documentary, visual heritage facilities in their existence, in museums and archives, students receive more specific and figurative views on history, culture And the nature of your edge. They learn to understand how the story malaya Motherland Related to the history of Russia as various historical, political and social, economic processes occurring in the state and in the world affect the development of these processes in their native land, school.
In this way, museum is one of center of Patriotic Education students of MOU Sosh with. Bagaevka.

In 2015-2016academic year The school museum continued to fulfill educational and cultural and educational activities as on the lessonsand in hourly time.

Students of grades 5-11 in the history lessons in 2015-2016 The academic year continued to study (in the context of the history of Russia) their native land and showed genuine interest in its history, traditions, customs, its achievements and losses too.

Work with school audience throughout the school yearit was conducted in extracurricular time in all directions and was dedicated to the events of the year: 71-anniversary Victory The Soviet people in the Went of 1941-1945 (a social and significant project "Victory enters each courtyard"). During the reporting period, much attention was paid to the preparations for the 80th anniversary of the Saratov province: a selection of materials on history (its education) was carried out based on the materials of the named Exposure at 4 Quarters Trained Excursion for students and teachers "My land in the fate of Russia"

Active schoolchildren began to implement a school project to the 80th anniversary of education with the Aratov province, starting to design the thematic exhibition. High school students participated in the regional contest of museums "We invite you to the museum", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of education with the Aratov province, the competition is held from October 15 to November 30, 2015.

Within the framework of the same event, the activists of the Schmakov Museum A .. Lyashtskaya A, grade 8 students ,. Take part in VII InterregionalMartynov's readings. On the competition was presented social and significant project- Virtual tour of the Saratov District "Here the Motherland of My Open ..." in the team of students in 7-11 classes of the Saratov district. The team was awarded a diploma of 3 degrees.

The museum uses a variety of forms of events:

1. Focused focused work on propaganda Days of military school of Russia (registration Calendar of significant dates,overview and thematic lectures).

2. The School Museum is actively and fruitful excursion activities, it comes to its visitors all the uniqueness, the uniqueness of the history and culture of the native land, his rich potential.

Excursions to the Museum:

Prepared thematic excursions to the museum:

History of Bagaevka in verse

Overview lecture on the museum.

Newpresentation of the history of the village of Bagaevka.

Our hero of the Soviet Union - Kotov N.V.


1world War: Forgotten war.

2mirova: how it was "

Use of materials electronic archiveoN. - line "2 World War II"

"The history of the creation of a school museum", "How do exhibits live in the museum?"

"Museum of Memory Guardian"

"We invite you to the museum" and others.

"Bagaevtsi-soldiers of victory"

"They are proud of the Motherland"

"Medal for the fight, the medal for labor from one metal is poured"

3. Worked media Antiaticsmuseum "From the Kremlin to Berlin"

« And we look at the story again ": January 27 - Removing the blockade of Leningrad, Kursk battle, Battle for the Crimea: from Sevastopol to Perekock, Stalingrad Battle, etc.

4. Regional science study,and the organization research activitiespupils are currently being considered as powerful innovative Educational technology. It serves as a means of a comprehensive solution to the tasks of upbringing, education, development in modern society. Students of grades 5-11 in the history lessons in 2015-2016 The academic year continued to study, (in the context of the history of Russia) their native land and conduct research work, showing genuine interest in its history, traditions, customs, its achievements and losses too.

Participation of schoolchildren B. search, research, project, propaganda work dedicated to 70th anniversaryend of 2 World Voons (1941-1945), 71- anniversaryPases of the Soviet people in Bords of 1941-1945, the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Saratov province of Kochetkova I. Student of the 10th grade Research "Bagaevtsi-soldiers of Victory" presented at the Scientific and Practical Conference, ranked 2nd.

As part of the preparation forThe 80th anniversary of the formation of the Saratov Guberniakhetkov I. was invited to Round table Regional value "Saratov Territory: from sources to modernity," where she presented the presentation "Bagaevtsi-soldiers of victory"

5. Museum lessons and museum hoursthe attractive form of work of the school museum was: "The Day of People's Unity on November 4," "Man inventor" (review of museum exhibits), "Kursk Battle-Fire Arc", 2 Speaker of the Blockade of Leningrad "," Afghan War - Local War of the 21st Century. "

The students actively participated in the events dedicated to the 71th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Secondary Grooms, which were held in various forms: museum hours, oral journals, exhibitions, media sets, courage lesson, participated in various promotions and projects. For example, the museum watches: "Crimean operation 04/08/1944-12.05.1944"; "Meeting of Soviet and allied troops on R. Elbe;" "Battle for Berlin 16.04.1945-02.05.1945- - the capitulation of fascist Germany 08.05.1943;" "Victory May" and others.

Members of the local history mug "Know your land" from 9, 10, grade 11 prepared the oral magazine "Russia is proud of. Saratovtsy - Full Cavalers of the Order of Fame. Bagayevtsy: Alatyrtsev A.T., Morozov V.P., Boilers S.T. - Order of Glory 3 degrees. Materials were lit on the community-wide line.

I deserve gratitude in this work Students Schmakov A., Lyashtskaya A.-8 class, Paronko A., Aleksushina Yu.-9 class, Kochetkova I., Karacanova E., Morozova., Petrov K. -10 Class, Ismailova M. - Grade 11.

Also on the basis of the museum on September 2, 2015 was organized a meetingstudents of S. veteran West Baev N.L. "The memory of alive," they treated them with great interest and respect for the life of a veteran during the years of military likholety. That year the meeting was dedicated 70th anniversary End of 2 World Voons (1941-1945).

6. It became the tradition of our museum on the birthday of our countryman Kotlova N.V.- Hero of the Soviet Union on December 21 courage lesson. The asset of the museum was Presented presentation on the feat of Kotlova N.V. For students of grade 5-8 and placed flowers to a memorial plaque.

7.Mectic cool hours"The victory enters each courtyard" by class managers were held using the materials of our school historical museum.

8.Vacht Memory: "Let's bow down the great years" held in the framework of the month of civilian-patriotic education "the name of the soldiers!"

9.Dell work on studystories of Saratov region by books:

"Related by one destiny", "Fate My -Saratovsky District", "Memorable Places of the Saratov Region", "Essays of the history of the Saratov Volga region", "Pages of the Chronicles of Saratov", "City of Volzhskaya Fate", "Years and People", "Saratov" merchant " , "Steamer on the Volga", "Century and Stones", Encyclopedia of the Saratov Territory and DR

Museum search group Also left a trace in the activities of the museum. The museum fund has been replenished with new exhibits (vintage coins of the 19th century, etc., student notebooks, household items, etc.)

Send the method of local history search, study the sources on the history of the native land. Students could in the historical and local history mug « Know your land »

Thus, in our school, the task of preserving the richest value traditions is successfully solved through the school museum as an educational and educational center.

Analysis of the school museum allowed me to do the following conclusions:

1. For 16 years, the museum is the center of civilian-patriotic education; On its basis there are events, sightseeing work, history lessons.

2. The museum employs schoolchildren of grades 5-11, the museum council works.

3. The organization of mass events and participation in them is a living research activity of students themselves.

4. Interaction with various organizations and living witnesses of events give a rich material to understand its importance.

5. Mutual assistance and cooperation of students and teachers in research and excursion work gives positive results: surveys carried out among students have shown that students are interested in the work of the museum, take part in the preparation of museum events, they have a desire to visit it, most want to be guided signs.

6. Working in the museum, students acquire the skills of creative thinking, self-search for the necessary information, learn to analyze the material studied and use it in everyday life, communicate with peers and the older generation, and their museum culture increases.

7. High school students help younger adapt to the unusual environment for them.

8. The museum is visited annually all the school classes, graduates of past years, parents, residents, veterans.

Thus, the museum is educational and educational space for the acquisition of civilian behavior ..

9. My pedagogical practice convincingly proves that the use of local history material for training purposes exacerbates the attention of students to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, helps the development of independent creative thinking, solid beliefs, skills and skills, practical application gained knowledge in life.

Students not only learn to use literature, but also show activity assembly on the necessary topics. The constant complication of independent work with a support for early knowledge gained, compliance with a certain sequence produces the ability to analyze, synthesis, generalization. Active creative search, which is created when conducting independent work, allows the apprentice to survive the joy of success, believe in his strength, learn to overcome difficulties, to educate self-education skills

It should also be noted that the local material, the museum exhibits make elements of novelty to the study of the item of history.

Local history material is convenient for comparison and comparison - in this case, students learn to think and draw conclusions.

Regional material reveals the specific features of the development of the Saratov region, gives a positive result in patriotic and spiritual and moral education.

10. School Museum is a scientific laboratory for beginner researchers - students. Regional science is the most massive type of science: large scientists can take part in the collection of materials, and a schoolboy.

The results of student research activities are used in the lessons in the process of studying and assimilating software material, as well as in extracurricular activities (from communication, performances, project to research work presented on the classroom, school district scientific and practical conference)

School Museum - Tribune for the formation of discussion skills.

Any exhibit of the school museum can turn into a field of schoolchildren's activities.

Thus, our school museum is a place, space for the formation of key competencies of students (communicative, information, civil, legal).

Summing up the work of the school museum over the past year, you can define some New perspectivesin his activities.

In 2016-2017the academic year is set to the task even more actively use the educational and educational potential of our school museum.

All our work will be held in the framework of the research project."My land in the fate of Russia" dedicated to 80th anniversary the formation of the Saratov province and 50th anniversaryBhaaev school.

Special attention will be paid to the history of our village, the Saratov region, his people. We plan to update the expositions of the museum, the exhibition of the museum, as well as systematize the main stock material of the museum. The asset of the museum sets itself the task of improving the conditions for the storage and use of the main and supporting museum fund.

We plan to continue writing the chronicles on the classes of school history of the page and organize the release of an information sheet "Word about school";

We plan to attract to work with the museum of all participants in the educational process through excursions, competitions, conferences, quizzes, oral journals, museum and information clock and other forms of activity.

The task is set in the next academic year to take an active part in the events of the municipal and regional, All-Russian level on local history.

One of the responsible activities of the asset of the school museum in the future academic year will be continued Transfer of local history materials to electronic memory media and the continuation of the creation in the Museum of MediaResours.

School Museum: Neronova TM

In 2017-2018 academic year, we will also take part in City competition

"School Museum: New Features"

Here are the excerpts from the Regulations on those nominations in which we plan to participate.

3. Procedure for the competition

3.1. In the competition, the authors of individual and collective workLike students (except for nomination 6 and 8) and teachers according to the following nominations:

Nomination 1. "Museum Gallery": Subject photography (photo of museum exhibits), genre photos, panoramic photos, interior photography, documentary photography (photo report), photo portraits, mobileography, photo collage, photo albums, thematic photo exhibitions, museum postcard and other types of photos, thematically directly related to the activities of the Museum of Educational Organization;

Work presentation form: from 5 to 7 photos (JPEG format) with a brief annotation, posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum"), indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work.

Nomination 4. "Museum game": board games, museum lotto, museum "puzzles", reconstruction games, etc.

Representation form: Description of the game with a photo or presentation posted on the website of the educational organization (section "School Museum") indicating the nomination of the competition and the authors of the work.

Nomination 6. "Times Binding Thread: School Museum Occupation"

Form of work presentation: methodological development of classes (no more than 2 authors) using museum resources in the following categories:

5.1. Criteria for assessing the work of the nomination 1 "Museum Gallery":

- Compliance with the subject of the competition: The photo (s) should (s) be about the Museum of the Educational Organization, about its exhibits, expositions, about people who create a museum, about visitors, museum activities, etc.;

- Artistic and originality: The photo should attract attention to the feature of the art decision (composition, light, color, etc.) and originality;

- Informative: For competitive photos, it is important to transfer information about the unique process or object of shooting by snapshot; It is necessary to accompany the snapshot of the brief annotation, reporting on the object or process additional information;

- image quality;

5.4. Criteria for evaluating the work of the nomination 4 "Museum game":

- originality;

- availability of instructions with a description of the rules of the game, its configuration;

- manufacturability (available rules of the game, the ability to replicate, develop alternative options);

- compliance of the players of the claimed age category;

- availability of educational functions of the game.

5.6. Criteria for evaluating the work of the nomination 6 "Times of the binding thread: a lesson (occupation) at the Museum of the Educational Organization":

- pedagogical feasibility of selection of detention, means, methods and forms of work during classes in the museum;

- novelty and the relevance of the presented materials;

- accounting for age-related characteristics of students;

- a variety of forms of organization of students' activity;

- compliance with the proposed clause structure (see Appendix 1).


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