Theodore Roosevelt Pedagogue Brief biography. Good Teddy

Theodore Roosevelt Pedagogue Brief biography. Good Teddy

Roosevelt Theodore (1858-1919 RR.)

American politician, 26th US President, author of many works of political and historical content.

Born in New York. I received a home education, because because of weak health, I could not attend school as a child, then I entered Harvard University. Traveling around Europe and the study of the right has completed his education.

Even at the University Roosevelt began to write "the history of war of 1812 to the sea", which was published in 1882 in 1885, began writing the fourtomy labor "Weld Conquest". In 1881, Roosevelt took a proposal to run into the New York Legislative Assembly. Easy to win, became the leader of a moderate reformist of the configured grouping of the Republican Party. In 1886, he took part in the struggle for the post of mayor of New York with Gorgem and E. Hewitt, but failed defeat.

Roosevelt resumed his literary activities. His political career seemed completed, but President B. Harrison appointed Roosevelt in 1889, a member of the Civil Service Commission, where he worked until 1895, when he was appointed one of the police commissars of New York. Even in the youth, Roosevelt struggled with corruption in the urban police service and now took an energetic investigation of police connections with a criminal world.

In 1897 he was appointed assistant minister of naval forces.

He advocated the war with Spain and used his position to prepare the sea fleet to the expected conflict. After the announcement of the war, along with her friend, L. Wood has formed a cavalry regiment, which consisted mainly of cowboys and students. The colorful division attracted attention and got the name of "Lidh Riders". In 1898, T. Platt, the leader of the New York Republicans, offered Roosevelt to run for the post of governor.

In 1900, Platt supported his candidacy for the post of vice president of the United States. On September 6, 1901, President McKornley was fought by an anarchist bullet, and Theodore Roosevelt became his successor.

In 1904, Roosevelt was re-elected. Persistently conducted a policy of preserving the country's natural resources. Often, contrary to the resistance of the Congress, he stubbornly added to the number of national reserves Millions of acres rich in forests and minerals of lands.

Roosevelt, became the president of the country shortly after the United States acquired its first significant possessions abroad.

In order to protect these acquisitions, he strengthened the army and fleet and began the construction of the Panama Canal. The government of Roosevelt's government in considerable, degree contributed to the emergence of the Venezuelan crisis of 1902-1903.

Presidential mediation in graduation russian-Japanese war And the conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty of 1905, interference with the dispute of European powers due to Morocco in 1908 was involved American diplomacy to Asian and European power policy. In 1906, Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Prize of the world as a sign of recognizing his intermediary role in achieving peace between Russia and Japan.

In 1914 he witnessed the defeat of his progressive party during intermediate elections. After imprisoning the truce of the warring European powers in 1918, became a Ryan enemy of the peace initiatives of President Wilson.

Upon returning to USA, R. was elected to the New York State Assembly from the Republican Party. But soon after the birth of the daughter of Alice Lee (later Longworth), R.'s wife died. The lucky widower moved away from politics and lived for some time on the ranch.

Returning to political activities in 1886, R. put his candidacy for the election of the mayor, but was defeated. Then he married Edith Kermit Careou and settled on Long Island. Five children were born in the family. In those years, R. combined the obligations of the authorized state service of the United States (1889 ... 1895) and the New York Police Commissioner (1889 ... 1897). Being a police commissioner, R. tried to break the neutrality in relations between the municipality, the police and the criminal world. To make sure that his orders are performed, R. put on a black cap and walked in slums at night, watching patrol; This manner led to delight of cartoonists and brought R. wide popularity.

After President William McCill appointed him in 1897 by the Assistant Secretary for Fleet Affairs, R. began to prepare for a possible war with Spain. He requested $ 1.5 million to weapons and fuel for the fleet. In February 1898 P., fulfilling the responsibilities of the secretary, gave the secret telegram Commodor George Dewey to Hong Kong with the Council to prepare to attack the Spanish fleet in the event of war. Thanks to this warning, two months later, Dewey was able to defeat the Spanish fleet in the Bay of Manila. In April 1898, Congress announced the War of Spain, and R. in the rank of lieutenant colonel organized a volunteer regiment, mainly from the number of cowboys, which soon became known as "Roosevelt Beretors". R. Himself fought near San Juan Hill and in the battle of Las Guasimas.

Returning to the US National Hero, R. nominated his candidacy for the post of governor; "Beretors" played a certain role in its election campaign. Having won a small advantage, R. became the governor in January 1899 at the new post R. convinced legislators to create a housing rental commission and establish a civil service system. Local Republicans, alarmed by the independence of P., decided to displace him from the state, putting forward the governor to the post of vice-president (traditionally deprived of any power). In 1900 R. won the elections along with the president of McKornley. However, on September 14, 1901, McKornley was killed, and R. became president, the youngest in the history of the United States (he was only 41 years old). "You just look," said the leader of the Republicans Mark Hanna, - this feature Cowboy is the President of the United States. "

R. Brought B. The White house Dynamic, decisive style of the leadership, which he used to propaganda his views. "I did not usurp the authorities," he said later, "but I significantly expanded the framework of the executive." R. created a moral guide, mobilizing public opinion and lied into political actions. He transformed the federal government to the defender of public interests and the arbitrator in the conflict of economic groups. He supervised and control over the trusts, a very popular step was the initiation of the case against the "Nordic Securities Company" (railway cartel), which the president won. The Government of R. also acted as an arbiter in disputes between labor and capital, as, for example, in the coal strike of 1902.

In the field of foreign policy, R. was an expressant of the imperialist sentiment of that era. Convinced that the naval power is the basis of America's position in the world, R. in every way strengthened the fleet. He supported the Panaman Revolution against Colombia, as a result of which an independent Panaman State was formed, and the United States was able to purchase a channel zone for $ 40 million. Within the framework of the Caribbean Defense Strategy, R. revised the doctrine, formulated by President James Monroe in 1823 (the doctrine warned the European powers from interference with the Western Hemispheres). According to P., the United States should not remain aside during the economic and political crises in the region that could leave unstable American states defenseless before the intervention of Europeans.

With the support of business world and progressors in 1904. G. R. was elected president by a majority of 2.5 million votes. He interpreted his victory in the election as a reform mandate. During its second presidential term, R. held the law of Hepbern on railways, the law on the inspection of meat quality and a number of others. Despite the opposition of industrialists of the West, R. added 148 thousand acres of land to national reserves; The establishment of the National Commission on Conservation began a systematic study of the country's natural riches.

In Asia R. sought to preserve the existed balance of power. When Japan declared the war of Russia in 1904, R. hoped that the Japanese success on the sea would force Russia to refrain from the invasion of Manchuria. The complete victory of the or the other side would threaten the interests of the United States in the Pacific Ocean. In 1905, at the request of Japan, R. invited rivals to hold a peace conference in Portsmouth (New Hampshire). When negotiations went into a dead end, R. turned to the governments of both parties with a call to achieve a compromise. In September, the Portsmouth World laid the end of the Russian-Japanese war. Although R. did not speak at the conference as president of the United States, he later admitted: "Only thanks to the president's post I was able to do something." For its role in the signing of Portsmouth Treaty R. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize of 1906. The pacifists criticized the decision to award the award to the Frank Militarist, but the fans of R. indicated that, approaching the end of the war, the president saved thousands of lives.

Best days

After leaving the White House in March 1909, R. Some time spent in Africa, lectured in Oxford and Sorbonne, traveled in Europe. Since the breech between the conservatives and progressors during the administration of William Howard Taffet continued to expand, R. found his debt to return to politics and put his candidacy in the presidential election of 1912, but was defeated. IN last years R.'s life repeatedly ridiculed President Woodrow Wilson for his caution, he was opposed to the US joining in the League of Nations. At the age of 60, R. unexpectedly died during sleep.

R. Left an impressive trace in American politics. As a politician, he early understood the need for reforms, organized public opinion and helped the laws to take the necessary decisions. As president, he widely used the possibilities of administration, if necessary, taking tough or moderate solutions. Realizing the danger of capital concentration, R. supported the laws that defended the consumer and regulating the business. He was a supporter of a reasonable use of natural resources, speaking from the position of public interest.

In the sphere of international relations, R. broke with the traditions of American isolationism and laid the beginning of diplomatic contacts with the peoples of Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. Historians often criticized his imperialism of the time of the Spanish-American War, as well as tactics strong hand, manifested during the construction of the Panama Canal. However, it should not be forgotten that R. - the first American, who became the laureate of the Nobel Prize, its legislation marked the beginning of the first period of American reforms. The Spirit of Confidence, Rivalry and Passion, so characteristic for his time.

Roosevelt Theodor

(born in 1858 - mind. In 1919)

26th US President (1901-1909). Republican. Winner of the Nobel Prize of the world for efforts in the conclusion of the Portsmouth Treaty. Honorary Citizen London.

The name of Theodore Roosevelt in the consciousness of Americans is closely connected with the US exit to the level of the modern world power. It was about this way to him and many contemporaries in Europe. Even the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph, considering himself "the last representative of the old system," called Roosevelt the embodiment of the "Movement of Modernity to the Future". To win such a reputation, it was necessary to work a lot, and most importantly - to have tremendous ambition and a sense of time. The ambition of Roosevelt was enough with an excess. As for the sense of time, here the US President did not have equal. Moreover, according to the American Psychological Association, recently tried to determine the "formula of the ideal president", the most close to it is that theodor Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in the aristocratic, American concepts, family, and considered his pedigree best of possible in America. His father, Theodore Roosevelt-senior, was a respected wholesale merchant glass and among his ancestors, the Dutch in blood, had founders of Pennsylvania. His mother, Martha Bulloh Roosevelt, was the daughter of the head of the first government of Georgia, a rich planter and slave owner.

The boy was born weak and painful. It seemed a congenital lack of vision (he was blind on one eye) and asthma had to adversely affect the nature of Theodore. After all, he could not participate in the players of peers and inevitably subjected to ridicule. However, Theodore grew up, observational, although he was inclined to self-analysis. This rare combination subsequently allowed him to easily navigate in any atmosphere. In addition to this, the desire for championship, stubbornness, egoism, arrogance, narcissism, contempt for people, audacity, and often deliberate rudeness allowed Roosevelt to further become one of the most fortunate and extraordinary politicians in the latest history.

The boy read a lot, passionately interested in zoology, admired the revolutionary for that time the theory of Darwin. At the request of the Father, he already visited England, France and Germany at the eleventh age, which significantly expanded its horizons and made food for early reflections on the non-European and American lifestyles.

Initial education Theodore received at home. Private teachers have prepared him for admission to the Elite Harvard University, where under the influence of Henry Cabota Lodge The Future Senator from Republicans in Massachusetts Theodore firmly decided to devote himself to a political field and entered the University of Columbia to deepen his knowledge in jurisprudence and history.

During the years of apprentices, Roosevelt managed to marry. His choices became the daughter of the largest banker Boston Alice Hateway Lee. In 1884, she gave her husband to her daughter Alice, but she died at childbirth. The young widower was hardly experiencing a loss, but already in 1886 he married Edie Cermit Careou, with which he had five children. Family problems did not interfere with Roosevelt's political career. Already in 1881, he successfully ran out of the Republican party at the Parliament of the State of New York.

At that time, the political atmosphere of America was determined by representatives of the largest companies. Huge trusts that own tremendous capital, sought a policy of themselves. Business giants - Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Morgan, Gould, Drew, Fisk - forgot about elementary respect for legal norms. The political sphere was dominated by corruption, buying votes and falsification of elections. Under these conditions, Aristocrat Roosevelt, despite the condemnation of his circle, which considered the policy of not for gentlemen, boldly performed on a political field against corruption in Justice and the police. The young deputy called names, demanded the court and the reform of government.

His public speeches have become a sensation. They differed with emotionality and expression, and the appearance of a young policy - carefully selected clothes, the golden pensne - produced the impression of the circumstance, internal discipline and hidden energy. On Theodore drew attention to the highest political circles of America.

In 1884 Roosevelt survived a deep mental shock. A mother and wife died in one day. In the diary, Theodore recorded: "From now on, my life is over and for joy and for sadness." He decided to abandon politics and move to the West, in the consciousness of Americans associated with the romance of the development of unknown lands.

Theodore settled on a farm in Dakota and in the first days got the nickname "Four Eyes" - with a hint of glasses. Imitating residents of the "Wild West", he studied to drink whiskey and smoke, but did not succeed. He began to wear a pistol inlaid, Sombrero, a shirt made of bizonium skins and boots with silver spurs. He tried to swear, but caused only a laugh of others. However, the hardness and determination of the novice soon forced the mockerels to shift. He could well stand up in Salun, however, not with the help of a revolver. Boxing skills gained in Harvard did their job. There were no more wishing to run into trouble.

Gradually, the West helped Roosevelt to gain peace of mind and taste for life. In the spring of 1885, he wrote a three-volume "Hunting Travel in a resident of the Rancho", "Life on the ranch and hunting trail", "Wild Region Hunter", which became a hunter in extensive literature on the "Wild West".

In 1886, he returned to New York and again took a place on the political arena at first local, and then nationwide importance. After the president came to power, McKornley Roosevelt appointed Minister of Navy. The new minister began to actively engage in its modernization, or rather, the creation.

IN late XIX. in. The rapid economic development of the country has delivered the problem of obtaining a new living space to the ruling circles of America. The first stage of achieving this goal was the desire to disseminate the impact on the territory of Spanish colonies located in close proximity to the United States. Theodore Roosevelt was a hot supporter of war with Spain. The reason for the beginning of hostilities was found quickly. On February 17, 1898, the American cruiser Maine was blown up in the harbor of the Cuban capital of Havana. Without waiting for the official investigation of the reasons, Roosevelt stated: "The blood of the killed on the" Mayna "does not have a simple reimbursement of losses, but to a complete redemption of guilt, which can only be the expulsion of the Spaniards from the New World." On April 25, 1898, a war was announced, four months later the defeat of Spain. Cuba was in the hands of Americans. Roosevelt, during hostilities, demonstratively went to Florida, where the American military units were formed, and headed the cavalry regiment, called "Liche Riders". So he became the hero of war and one of the most famous men in the States.

At the end of 1898, Theodore was elected Governor of New York, but national popularity allowed him in 1900 to become a vice president under President McKornley.

Changed on September 14, 1901 by the killers of Mac-Kinley's killers, the new head of the state, from the first steps, showed itself as president of a completely different type, primarily concerned about the external image of the country and its own. His big family settled in the White House. The new president began to put it as a sample of public and personal life. The residence was open to visitors regardless of social status and citizenship.

The first of the American President Roosevelt understood how powerful tool could be the press in skillful hands. Prior to that, the print was used only episodically. Roosevelt decided to mobilize newspapers in support of its foreign policy and domestic political course. On the day of pronouncing the oath, he collected representatives of the largest newspapers and appealed to them with a call: "Each of you should be now my friend," and then set the regulations for communicating with a white house for them. But at the same time put forward a harsh condition: reporters should not publish anything that would cause his objection. Later, he created a real "newspaper office" from the number of loyal journalists who trusted the "hot" information.

Using newspapers Roosevelt purposefully formed the opinion of his extraordinary luck. This manifested even in trifles. For example, reporters were categorically forbidden to write about his classes with tennis or hunting so that the Americans did not consider him a having president. The positive image of the people should have been created by the legend of the extraordinary hardworking of Roosevelt. Therefore, newspapers were represented that he was very energetic, he was in eternal movement, starts work at 8.30 and does not stop her even during shaving and meals.

His pathological ambition and painful pride did not compile the secret for anyone. Minor censures or criticism caused him almost paralysis. He always sought to be the center of attention. One of his sons somehow almost noticed: "Father does not like to go to the wedding and funeral, as he cannot be a bride at the wedding and the dead at the funeral."

Imijmeker Roosevelt did not get. This phenomenon in the practice of American presidents appeared much later. But advertising tricks have already begun to be applied. An example of this is the world famous fame "Bear Teddy". The toy was created after a widely advertised fact that happened on the hunt: Roosevelt allegedly regretted the young bear and did not kill him.

The internal policy of the president was based on the fight against monopolies and corruption. He himself described her as a "honest deal" and achieved considerable success. There was meant state control over gigantic trusts. At the same time, the enterprises were divided into "bad" and "good." The latter was those of them, which, besides interest in profit, take into account the benefit of society. Already in 1904, the influential railway conglomerate "Northern Joint-Stock Company" was dissolved by the decision of the Supreme Court. Judicial prosecution and other trusts were initiated.

Another victory Roosevelt was the recognition of state law to interfere in conflicts between workers and entrepreneurs. In 1902, during the age of Pennsylvanian miners, he fell on the side of the strikers and with the help of the Arbitration Court made concessions, the truth is minor, by the owners. The President performed for an eight-hour working day, for the adoption of laws on the protection of children and women. He sought to tighten immigration laws in the interests of Americans. Merit of Roosevelt should also be protected ambient. With it, the implementation of a large-scale irrigation plan of arid regions of the West was launched, legislation was introduced to protect forests from deforestation, newly existing national parks were open and expanded.

In the field of Foreign Policy Roosevelt cherished grand plans. He sought to achieve global influence and was guided by the principle set forth in a very original form: "Speak gently and won't get a big bubble." It was he who for the entire XX century determined three directions of US policy. The first - South American - assumed the displacement of European states from this region. The second is Asian - it was designed to provide US strengthening American positions in China and the containment of Japan. The third - European - was aimed at strengthening influence in Europe. For this, he was needed "Dubinka" - a powerful navy.

First of all, Roosevelt sought to achieve American military superiority in the Caribbean region. In December 1904, "Conclusion of Roosevelt" was added to the famous "monroment doctrine". It proclaimed the US police functions to control the behavior of the power of catering in the Caribbean. Next year, the customs control of the Dominican Republic was imposed, and in 1906, the US military units landed in Cuba.

The president was especially interested in the possibility of building a Panama Canal. In order to gain control over the territory, he achieved the rejection of Panama from Colombia, recognizing the independence of the first. If the Panamans did not meet him, the president would have untied the war.

On the eve of the presidential elections, 1908, the scandal broke out. The newspaper "New York World" published an exposure article on abuses in the construction of the Panama Canal. Among the persons who have gone through big capital, Roosevelt's son-in-law was named. The president began a court matter against the newspaper Joseph Pulitzer editor, but lost him. However, information about who still awarded 14 out of $ 40 million released by the US government for paying to French shareholders, no one never received.

Despite the obvious desire for expansion, in 1906 Roosevelt received the Nobel Prize for working to strengthen the world. The reason for the organization of peace negotiations between Russia and Japan, leading the war. He proposed to convene a peaceful conference in the American city of Portsmouth, made concessions in favor of Russia and safely completed peace negotiations. Despite the fact that the US-Japanese relationship after that was given a crack, Roosevelt said with satisfaction: "We are the greatest existing and physical strength, and the world on earth depends on us."

In 1909, the term of presidential powers of Roosevelt expired, but this did not mean the end of his participation in political activities. In 1912, he once took an attempt to sit in the presidential chair. In October 1912, less than a month before the presidential election, an attempt was made at the ex-president. It happened during the election trip around the country in Milwaukee. Candidate accompanied by several persons came out of the hotel and sat down in the expectation of his outdoor car. Then he got up to the whole height to welcome the crowd. Shot came. The bullet fell into the chest, but the president was rescued by a metal case from glasses and folded twice as 50 pages of the text of the speech. Rather, from shock than from pain, Roosevelt fell to the seat. The criminal immediately grabbed. He was threatened quickly in place, but Roosevelt stopped people. However, his generosity was actually an ordinary calculation. Later he said: "I would not mind if this person was killed right there, in place, but it seemed to me unreasonable and inappropriate to be killed in my presence." Also, he did not bother to cancel the performance, and is not in vain. He was met with stormy ovations. And yet the voices received by him as a result of this incident did not help win the campaign. President Woodrow Wilson became president.

In 1918, Roosevelt again nominated his candidacy for the elections of 1920. He had enough chances, but led the state of health. On January 6, 1919, the Ex-President died in his estate Sagecher Hill, not far from New York. He was buried without military honors, orchestra and lush speeches. America Wilson sought to open the world. Now the hegemonic plans of the brilliant Theodore Roosevelt were incomprehensible.

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Fact: TR, a loving nature and conservative, seeking to overcome the difficulties of life.

Biography: With the murder of President McCinli, TR, who has not reached the age of 4, has become the youngest president in national history. He introduced new power And energy to the presidency, he vigorously led the Congress and the American people to progressive reforms and strong foreign policy.

He had a point of view that the President, as the "manager of the people," could take any actions for the benefit of the people, which are clearly not prohibited by law or the constitution. "I did not usurp the power," he wrote, "But I expand the boundaries of the application of the executive."

Yunost TR sharply differed from the life of the presidents of log huts. He was born in New York in 1858 in a rich family, but he also struggled - with poor health - and his triumph became possible, because He was a supporter of tense life.

In 1884, his first wife, Alice Lee Roosevelt, and his mother died in one day. Roosevelt spent most of the next two years on his ranch in Bedlands (Badlands) in Dakota. Here he overcomed his grief - lived in the saddle, distilling cattle, hunting for a big game - he even caught criminals. During the visit to London in December 1886, he married Edith Karou.

During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was a lieutenant colonel of a shelf riders, which he commanded during the battle under San Juan. He was one of the most prominent heroes of this war.

Entrepreneur Tom Platt, needing a hero to distract attention from scandals in New York, attracted Roosevelt as a candidate from the republican party to the position of the governor in 1898. Roosevelt won and gained fame on this field.

As president, Roosevelt adhered to the idea that the government needs to be a skilled arbiter in conflicts of the economic forces of the nation, especially between labor and capital, guaranteeing the rights of each and no one preferred.

Roosevelt appeared effectively as a "crash of the trust", accelerating the decay of huge railway associations in the northeast. Other antitrust court cases followed Sherman's act.

Roosevelt more actively sent the United States to global politics. His favorite saying was "gently say and carry a big stick ..."

Conscious of the strategic need for a short path between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Roosevelt provided the construction of the Panama Canal. He adhered to the monroment doctrine, which made it possible to prevent the emergence of foreign bases in the Caribbean and assign the exclusive right to intervention to Latin America to the United States.

He received the Nobel World Prize for mediation in the Russian-Japanese war, the conclusion of an agreement on immigration with Japan, and the parcel of a large white fleet in a tour of goodwill around the world.

Some of the most effective achievements of Theodore Roosevelt were achieved in nature conservation. He greatly increased national reserves in the West, reserved land for general use and encouraged large irrigation projects.

He infinitely opposed various things, big and small, exciting listeners with her high voice, putting forward the jaw and knocking his fist. "Living a tense life" should have been a rule for anyone who surrounded him. Theodore Roosevelt hung up with his five young children and led the ambassadors for walks on rock crying Park in the Federal District Washington.

After leaving the presidency in 1909, Roosevelt went to African safari, then looked back into politics. In 1912 he participated in the presidential election on the list of progressive party.

During the campaign in Milwaukee Roosevelt, a fanatic shot in the chest was injured. He soon recovered, but the words spoken by him at the time could be applied to the time of his death in 1919: "There is no happier of me, in all respects."

Theodore Roosevelt as a man

Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York. In childhood, he fought with weakness, myopia and asthma. His love for reading contributed to the upbringing of love for nature. He also exercised energetically and had an interest in the fact that he called the "tense life."

He entered Harvard University at 18 with the intention to become a naturalist. In the last year, he began working on the book "Sea War of 1812". TR completed his studies on the 21st progress in the release of 177 people in 1880 and married Alice Hatewei Lee.

After graduation, at the age of 22, Roosevelt joined the Republican Club of the 21st District of New York and was elected to the New York Legislative Assembly.

Mother Trot died from Tifa in February 1884, and his wife died two days later, giving the life of their daughter, Alice. TR left New York to restore forces and confidence, having left for ELHORN ranch in North Dakota.

Returning to New York in 1886, TR was unsuccessfully participated in the election of the mayor. In the same year, he married Edith Kermit Karou, who gave him five children. In 1889 Tr received a place in the Committee for the public service.

He attracted national attention to fighting favoritism. Position Tr: Places in public service should receive the most qualified applicants.

In 1895, Roosevelt received the post of commissioner of the New York Police and struggled with Democrats and Republicans for the establishment of a system of advantages necessary for appointing to service and promotion. In 1897, Tr was appointed assistant to the Minister of Navy. He immediately began to strengthen the power of the Navy.

Regarding the experimental steam naval aircraft, Tr wrote: "It seems to me that the government is worth checking whether it will work in a scale of sufficiently large to be used in hostilities." The war, which he meant, was plotted with Spain for control over Cuba.

During the Spanish-American War in 1898, Tel resigned to participate in the battle. He organized the first American cavalry regiment "Heavy Riders" and saw the battle in San Juan. Returning from Cuba Hero, Roosevelt was elected governor of New York in 1899, and resumed his work on reforms. He tightened control over enterprises with a stiff labor system and pushed the government to supervise communal and insurance companies.

Theodore Roosevelt annoyed republican figures that were now broken between the desire to get rid of him and the desire to use his ability to attract voters. Their decision: to put it in the vice-presidents.

TR became an assistant to McKornley during the 1900 presidential elections. Its popularity has increased the chances of Mac-Kinley to the victory.

Mr. McKinley was mortally wounded by a hired killer on September 6, 1901. Weekly later, TP was shifted as the 26th president.

In the first year of his presidency, TR answered calls for reforms to the initiation of a court case against the Northern Company on Securities, then against the trusts for the production of beef, coal and sugar. TR has also been actively active to conserve nature. He separated 150 million acres of lands for common use, doubled the number of national parks and created 16 national monuments.

In 1902, Tr initiated the creation of the Panama Canal. He intermed in achieving the world, which put the end of the Russian-Japanese war in 1905, and became the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World. In 1907, Tr sent 16 American warships in a world journey. This big white fleet was, as TR noted, "the most important thing for my business to advance towards the world."

In 1909, TR left the White House, but continued to live a "tense life." He began the African safari, where more than 500 animals and birds became its hunting prey.

He returned to politics during the presidential election of 1912, although the Bull Moose Roosevelt party could not provide sufficient support for his new ascent to the presidency.

With the death of His Son, Quentin, in 1918, the energy of TR began to fade. Early in the morning of January 6, 1919, Mr. Roosevelt died.

"Death was supposed to caress him sleeping," said Vice-President Thomas Marshall, "because if Roosevelt wake up, the battle would have broken down here."

Mr. Roosevelt was the first president who flew, and the first that was immersed in a submarine. As an assistant minister of naval forces, he supported the research and development of marine aviation (aircraft carriers).

Former Minister of Naval Forces John Lehman said: "Tr was one of the architects of our modern naval forces. His faith in the need to strengthen the navy was fully confirmed by the entire further history. "

Dynasty Roosevelt

As the President of the United States was supposed to be in New York to participate in the annual parade for St. Patrick's Day, he agreed to be a planted father at a wedding, which was supposed to take place in the house made of brown stone just on Fifth Avenue. Even without the participation of the president, the wedding was supposed to be an important public event: the list of guests included Astor, Livingstones, Vanderbilt and other pillars of society. In addition, it was on this day that every year the fashionable fifth Avenue was reserved for the sons of Ireland and those who felt emotional or political relationship with them. The close proximity of these associations ensured the occurrence of confusion. Avenue was the sea of \u200b\u200bvarious parades. Street sidewalks were blocked. Add a US president to this fuel mixture - and chaos is guaranteed. Some of the guests sandwiched on all sides were able to get to the place only after the Rev. Imdikott Pibody performed the ceremony. But it was only the beginning of the test of the young couple on the day of their wedding ...

President of the United States on this march of freedom in 1905 was theodore Roosevelt, about which his youngest son said later: "Father always wanted to be a bride at every wedding and a corpse at every funeral." The bride was his niece Eleanor, the remaining orphan daughter of his unfortunate brother Elliota; The bridegroom is a twenty-year-old student of the Columbia School of Law Franklin Delaware Rozwell.

Name: Theodore Roosevelt

State: USA

Field of activity: President of the U.S.A

The greatest achievement: 26th US President.

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president from 1901 to 1909. He was a supporter of liberal reforms and a moving figure of the progressive century.

Roosevelt was an excellent hunter. He worked on the creation of the first in America National Parks - Reserves. In addition, he wrote several books on military history. He was awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for the efforts to terminate the Russian-Japanese war. Roosevelt contributed to the development of the US Navy and supported America's participation in.

early years

The childhood of Theodore Roosevelt was marked by poor health. He had night attacks of asthma and choking. However, despite this, he was an active and cheerful child. Stressful exercises helped him overcome the attacks of the disease.

Father Roosevelt was a businessman and philanthropist. Theodore admired them strongly. Father tried to develop in his children (which was four) fearlessness, honesty and morality. Roosevelt believed that it was his father who helped him overcome his innate timidity and weakness of the spirit. He later wrote about this in his book "Strenuous Life" (1901).

Nominally Roosevelt was a Christian. He visited the Dutch Reformed Church, then the Episcopal Church, where he met his wife. In political terms, Roosevelt rarely referred to religious traditions, preferring instead to appeal to the mind and morality.


Roosevelt got home primary education. This allowed him to in-depth to the subjects to which he really had a tendency: geography, history and foreign languages. At the age of 17, he entered Harvard College, which graduated from perfectly. He was a good student, despite the gaps in mathematics. In addition, Roosevelt was engaged in sports such as rowing and boxing.

Already during high school training, Roosevelt wrote "Naval War of 1812". This work was well perceived as a scientific study of warning war on the sea. All this clearly demonstrates that Roosevelt was a versatile student and a large patriot of America, who was not indifferent to her fate. The study of the possibilities of military operations on the water prompted Roosevelt to create an American fleet of America when he took the presidency of the country.

Father Roosevelt died when the future president studied at Harvard. For Theodore, it was a big blow, because with his father they were very close. However, after the death of Father Roosevelt received a great inheritance, which helped him to gain financial independence. When Roosevelt graduated from Harvard University, he entered the Colombian Law Academy. He did not like to learn the right, instead he sent all his efforts to study politics.

Political career

Despite the young age, Roosevelt was able to receive the post of secretary in the Republican Party in New York. So began his political career. For the posts of Secretary of State Roosevelt earned a reputation for the exposer and fighter in the judicial environment and elite. It raised his rating and already in 1884 he became a key figure in the Republican Party. However, instead of Roosevelt, James Blaine was chosen to represent Republicans in the election. For Roosevelt and his family, it became a big shock and prompted him to leave politics. He returned again to the ranch in North Dakota.

Family life

In 1880, at the age of 22 Roosevelt married Alice Hathaway. In 1884, the spouse gave him the daughter of Alisa and soon died. It became a heavy test for Roosevelt, because shortly before the death of his wife he buried his mother.

After Roosevelt decided to leave politics for a while, he moved to the West, where he became the leader for new immigrants. There he wrote three books on the ranch and hunting, including the best-selling "The Winning of the West". Having spent two years in the West, Roosevelt returned to the east coast and soon married Edith Kermit Karoou. Couple had five children.

In 1886 Roosevelt became a candidate for the post of Mayor of New York from the Republican Party, but took only third place. He again left a policy, but after the election of Harrison president in 1988, Roosevelt was appointed to the US Civil Service Commission. Roosevelt struggled with the patronage system, which implied that well-paid jobs receive people across acquaintance or for money. Using its popularity in the people, Roosevelt regularly attached cases of corruption to publicity and raised a storm of public indignation. Roosevelt achieved the reputation of the reformer and disinterested, honest person.

Work in the police

In 1895, Roosevelt was appointed to the post of Commissioner of the New York Police. At the new work, he continued his zealous struggle with corruption. Roosevelt treated to his work very seriously. He even walked at night to criminal areas of the city to personally check how patrol perform their work. His police reforms gave the conflict in the ruling circles, thanks to which the position of the police commissioner was soon abolished.

After the presidential election of 1896, the newly elected President William McKinley appointed Roosevelt to Assistant Secretary of the Navy. In practice, Roosevelt performed the secretary duties fully, since he had much more energy and interest in work than his nominal boss. In 1898 Roosevelt played an important role in mobilizing the fleet of America to interact with the Spanish fleet, which at that time was in Cuba. Roosevelt agitated for war. He supported Montro Doctrine and wanted Europe to leave North and South America.

Mayor of New York

In 1898 Roosevelt was elected to the post of Governor of New York. Using his post Roosevelt was engaged in the economic settlement of the activities of large companies that received government grants. He successfully overcame the barrier between the capitalist free market and socialist radicalism.
In 1900, Roosevelt's popularity increased so much that he rankled and was elected vice president of President McCinley. Despite significant discrepancies in the views between them, McKinley hoped that Roosevelt's popularity could increase his own rating. The irrepressible energy of Roosevelt and the competent campaign helped the Republicans to win the elections. In the pre-election period, Roosevelt, among other things, agitated for annexation of the Philippines.

In September 1901, McCinley's president was injured by a single anarchist shot and later died from the wounds received. This meant that the post of head of state should now take Roosevelt. Being president, Roosevelt continued to reform large companies (trusts). Under these reforms, 44 trust, including oil companies, J. Rockefeller.

"Fair deal"

In 1902 Roosevelt supported the creation of the Ministry of Labor and Trade after the May strike of miners. The President personally intervened in the conflict to find a successful solution that is profitable for both parties. Roosevelt called it a "honest deal" between workers and capitalists. By the end of his presidency, Roosevelt introduced progressive income tax, inheritance tax and reforms that increase the well-being of citizens.

Roosevelt actively reformed other areas. He regulated railways, investigated corruption, carried out prohibitions on the maintenance of hazardous chemicals in food products. Roosevelt was one of the most active presidents of his time. His zeal to reform was distributed to many areas, but Congress did not always support him. By 1907, when Roosevelt was re-elected for a second term, Congress in open sabotaged the initiatives of the president, overlapping the veto almost all of his suggestions.


Roosevelt's success was partially explained by his personal charisma, and the fact that he knew how to build a good relationship with the press. Roosevelt held briefings daily in the White House. Roosevelt was the first president who led to the White House Press. This made him the most famous president of the world at the end of the nineteenth century. The press gave him the nickname "Teddy", which Roosevelt hated. He preferred to be called simply and respectfully - "Colonel".

Roosevelt's rule was on the era of mass immigration. He considered it extremely important that immigrants assimilated in America to reserve it as their country, respecting her story and the flag. For this purpose, Roosevelt organized an immigration depot on the island of Ellis, through which millions of people passed. Roosevelt opposed racial discrimination, he even appointed some African Americans for posts in federal institutions. He said that slavery was the greatest sin of America.
However, by the end of his presidential period Roosevelt again raised a racial question. He showed concern about the decline in the fertility of white children in the country.

During his presidency, Roosevelt launched a number of measures to preserve natural monuments of the United States. He created 5 national parks and 18 conservation zones. Among other things, several major reserves and national monuments were created. Roosevelt considered the nature of America's greatest heritage.

Foreign policy

Being President Roosevelt sought to take control of the Panaman Canal. He planned that it would be the most important trading route for communication between the Eastern and Western coast. For this Roosevelt was often criticized, because the Panaman Canal cost very expensive for the American budget.

Among other things, Roosevelt sought to further build the US Navy, to the annexation of the Philippines and deepening to the territory of Asia.

Roosevelt has achieved great success in foreign policy, acting as an intermediary during, for which he later received the Nobel Prize of the World. During the reign of Roosevelt, relations between the United States and the United Kingdom have improved significantly, overcoming a long conflict after the war of independence.

In 1902-1903, Roosevelt played an important role in the Hague, in arbitration between European powers and Venezuela. After two presidential terms, Roosevelt decided not to run for the third time. Instead, he went to a tour in Europe and Africa. He performed as a public figure with speeches about Court and Navy.

Sunset Political Career

By 1912, Roosevelt was disappointed in his successor - Tafe. He believed that Taft was too conservative and weak, so Roosevelt again became a candidate from the Republican Party. However, it soon became clear that he would play taffeta. Then he created his new progressive party together with Republicans like-minded people.

During his election speech, Roosevelt received a shot into the chest. He did not stop, and brought his speech to the end (90 minutes). The bullet remained in his chest for the rest of his life. After Losses Woodrow Wilson in the presidential election, Roosevelt went to the expedition on South America. During the trip, he badly damaged his leg and infected with malaria. After this incident, he will suffer from health problems until the end of life.

At the beginning of World War II, Roosevelt performed with the condemnation of German aggression and urged the United States to entered into conflict. He criticized the neutrality of Woodrow Wilson, but until 1917 most Americans did not support Roosevelt's position. In March 1918 his younger son He died in this war. Roosevelt himself died on January 6, 1919


Roosevelt made a great contribution to the reform of the American economy and the fight against corruption. He balanced power between government structures and commercial trusts. He was immortalized on Mount Rushmore along with, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln in 1927.


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