Prince Yaroslav Wise. Yaroslav Wise Yaroslav Wise Biography in Ukrainian

Prince Yaroslav Wise. Yaroslav Wise Yaroslav Wise Biography in Ukrainian

Prince Yaroslav Wise

It is better to take offense than to apply it.


Prince Yaroslav Wise was born in 978. His father was Prince Vladimir, who was planted his young son on the princely throne of the city of Novgorod, who was the rules until 1019. After the death of Prince Vladimir, the Kiev throne captured Svyatopolk, who was blinded by the thirst for the authorities, killed three of his brothers: Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav. Wanting to punish her brother, Yaroslav collects an army for a hike to Kiev. Total army consisted of forty thousand Slavs and thousands of hired Varyag. This campaign was started in 1016. The confrontation with the Svyatopolk continued until 1019, and ended with the murder of the latter.

Beginning of the Board

So Prince Yaroslav Wise began his board, which lasted 35 years. This time will undoubtedly be called golden times in the history of Kievan Rus. But initially everything was not so smooth. The reign of Yaroslav, even after the death of Svyatopolka, was not unconditional. Mstislav deleted, who held the princely post in the city of Tmutarakani at that time, refused to recognize the brother with the sole ruler of Kievan Rus. Mstislav gathered the army and went to Kiev. The key battle of this confrontation occurred on river Ruda in 1023. In this battle, Yaroslav was defeated and went to Novgorod to collect a new army. It should be noted the fact that Mstislav showed rare generosity and decided not to challenge the reign of his brother. He suggested that Yaroslav edit all the lands on the right side of Don, leaving the left part. Yaroslav refused.

Section and association of the country

However, after returning to Novgorod, Prince Yaroslav Wise collected a new army and went to a meeting with his brother, which occurred near Kiev. It was agreed to conclusted the Union and divided the lands of Kievan Rus among themselves. Mstislav took control of all Eastern lands, Yaroslav - Western. The only boundary between the ownership of the brothers was Dnipro. This event was truly key to Rus. For the first time, the country, before that, constantly tormented by internal and external enemies, gained peace of mind. The consent of the princes was complete and they did not dare to violate the conditions of the signed world. It continued until 1036, when Mstislav died. After the death of Brother, Prince Yaroslav Wise became a full-fledged ruler. Now under his control was the whole Kiev Rus: its western and eastern part.

1036 marks not only the reunification of the Western and Eastern land of Russia. It was this year that, near Kiev, a battle was held with Polovtsy. The Russian army won a magnificent victory, by the head of the enemy. From now on, they did not imagine such a formidable force. Now the prince could focus on solving other urgent problems.

Completion of Board

In history, Prince Yaroslav entered the name of the wise. So the people of Kiev called him, because it was when it was opened the first educational institutionsAnd also compiled the first written arch of laws - "Russian True".

In the last years of your life, this ruler sent to the struggle with a possible after his death of a civil war. To do this, he himself decided to divide the country between his sons. So, Izyaslav, the eldest son, was visited by the city of Kiev, Svyatoslav became the ruler of Chernigov, Vsevolod inherited Pereyaslav, Igor became a prince in the Vladimir-Volyn land, Vyacheslav became the ruler of Smolensk.

Yaroslav Wise died in 1054, leaving His sons the Great Country, which, after a long period of calm, declared itself as a strong power.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich Wise (978-1054) - Rostov and Novgorod Prince, Grand Duke Kiev, son of the Baptist of Russia. After numerous battles with their brothers, he was able to secure the southern and western borders of the state. Also during the Board of Yaroslav, dynastic ties with European countries were established. It was with him that the Russian truth was made. In addition, the Golden Gates, Pechersk Monastery and St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev were built with the state leader. To soften the dependence of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium, the ruler sent to the temple of his Metropolitan Illarion.

Family ties

Discussions are underway among historians about Yaroslav's life, however, most of them adhere to the version of the 978th \u200b\u200bbirthday. He was born in the family of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who surrounded Kievan Rus. The mother of the statesman was Rogned Rogvodovna.

Already in 987, he received the title of Rostov Prince. This year the city called Yaroslavl was founded. Since the boy was very young, the breadwinner was put to him and the voivota Buda. He helped the ruler to be mastered, afterwards he became the closest associate of Yaroslav.

After the death of Vysol, in 1010, Yaroslav was recognized by Prince of Novgorod. In 1014, he first refused to pay tribute to Kiev, which led to the disagreements with the Father Vladimir, at that time standing at the head of state. He cleared, began to prepare a campaign to punish his son. However, he later fell ill and died suddenly.

Other sons of Vladimir took over the task of pacifying his brother. From 1015, Yaroslav's conflicts were started with Svyatopolk Okayanne and Mstislav Tmutarakan. They lasted for several years. During this time, the boundaries of the state moved several times.

Conflicts with brothers

When Vladimir died, his place was taken by Svyatopolk. He had to destroy three brothers to preserve power. Boris, Svyatoslav and Gleb died from the hands of the ruler's hired killers. This fate was waiting for the younger brother, but she managed to win in the battle for love. In 1016, Svyatopolk escaped to his test of Boleslav, two years later, they tried to attack Yaroslav. The battle occurred on Volyn, on the shore of the Bug. At the time of Boleslav managed to take possession of Kiev, but later he climbed the son-in-law and left. At this time, the wise again attacks with his vicarius and wins.

In 1019, Yaroslav managed to become Kiev Prince. His main goal, he saw the protection of his native land from Pechenegs and other conquerors. Under his authority, the ruler united almost all the Old Russian territories. But for full-fledged management, a man took to deal with other relatives.

In 1021, he expelled his nephew of Bryachland Polotsk, after that dividing the state in the Dnieper with Brother Mstislav. In 1036 he dies, and Yaroslav again becomes the only prince. At the same time, he sends his son Vladimir to the post of Novgorod sovereign.

Wise preferred to solve all the issues with the help of diplomacy, resorting to violence only as a last resort. The studies of his remains showed that the statesman had almost completely dismissed the leg. He could not do without any assistance, since he was very chrome.

Some historians argue that injury was obtained during civilian brothers. Other scientists believe that Yaroslav was chrome since childhood. In the chronicles there are confirmations of the second version, allegedly in his youth, the ruler suffered paralysis of the legs. But it did not silence him physical strength.

Management of Kievan Rusy.

Wise ruled Kiev from 1019 to 1054, during which time Russia became the strongest country in Europe. The territory was circled with a stone wall, and the main gate of the city was called "golden". The church of the Annunciation towers over them. Thanks to this state actor, the first full set of Russian truth laws was published in Russia. To strengthen the protection of the state, several fortresses on the RUS 'River were cut down.

He also founded several monasteries, among them, Yuriev and Kiev-Pechersky, as well as the Cathedral of St. Sophia. The foundation for the last of them was laid on the place of the enchanting victory over nomads. Even now the temple is striking its magnificence of citizens, frescoes and mosaic perfectly preserved. For decoration, the statesman invited the best masters from Greece. Nearby from the Cathedral is the monasteries of St. George and St. Irina.

Special attention has given the sovereign to the church and the development of writing. He gathered numerous translators and bookstarts to expand the library of Kiev Rus. Throughout the land, the children studied literacy thanks to the gaze open in Novgorod for boys. Yaroslav and spent a lot of time reading. Specialists hired by him translated books on Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages.

In 1054, the prince feels the approach of the death, so divides all his lands between the sons, visiting them to live in the world. Kiev throne went to the prince of Izyaslav. The statesman passed on February 20, 1054. He was buried in the marble coffin, the ceremony took place in the Church of St. Sophia.

Dynastic marriages

Yaroslav Vladimirovich for his life was married only once, but the chronicles mentioned the two names of the spouse - Irina and Anna. The wife of the statesman was named Ingiger, she was a daughter of Swedish Konong Olav. According to historians, when baptism, the girl received the name of Irina, after being touched in the nuns began to call Anna.

To strengthen its authority, Yaroslav issued all daughters for the kings of other countries. Elizabeth became the wife of Norwegian Garald, Anastasia married the Hungarian ruler Andrei. Historians paid a lot of time to study the fate of Anna Yaroslavna, who became the wife of the French king Heinrich I.

The son of Vsevolod Prince married the Greek Tsarevna, two more offspring tied themselves to marriage with German princesses. Izyaslav took the sister of the Polish Prince Casimir, which, in turn, married the sister of the wise. Her name was Dobhnev. Yaroslav Vladimirovich sought to build a policy on love and diplomacy, avoiding the use of weapons. He hoped that her sons would continue his case, but the death of the sovereign became an impetus to the beginning of feudal fragmentation.

For their life, the statesman managed to do more than many other rulers. He was a hard character, constantly sought to enlighten, for which he was nusted to wise. The Russian Orthodox Church remembers and annually honors his prince's memory. IN leap year This date falls on March 4, after the rest of the time - by the 5th number.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich, in the historiographic tradition, Yaroslav Wise. Born ok. 978 - died on February 20, 1054 in Vyshgorod. Prince Rostovsky (987-1010), Prince Novgorodsky (1010-1034), Prince Kiev (1016-1018, 1019-1054).

Yaroslav Wise was born about 978 years. The son of the Baptist of Rus Prince (from Rurikovichi) and Polotsk Princess.

When baptism was inflicted by George.

Yaroslav is first mentioned in the age of time for age in Article 6488 (980) of the year, in which he is talking about the marriage of his father, Vladimir Svyatoslavich, and Roggeds, and after the 4 Sons are listed, born from this marriage: Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod.

Year of birth Yaroslav Wise

Article 6562 (1054) of the year, where the death of Yaroslav says, it says that he lived 76 years old (according to the ancient Russian account of years, that is, he lived 75 years and died on the 76th year of life). Accordingly, according to chronicle news, Yaroslav was born in 978 or 979. This date is most common in the literature.

However, there is an opinion that this year is erroneous. In the chroniclee under 1016 (6524), the year refers to Yaroslav's workout in Kiev. If you believe this news, Yaroslav was to be born in 988 or 989. This is explained in different ways. Tatishchev believes that there was a mistake and should not be 28, and 38 years. In unaccomplished to our time, the chronicles, former at its disposal (Sliced, Golitsyn and Khrushchev, the Chronicles), were 3 options - 23, 28 and 34, and according to the Orenburg manuscript, Yaroslav's date should be attributed to 972.

At the same time, in some late annals, not 28 years old, and 18 (Sofia First Chronicle, Arkhanghelogo Chronicler, Ipatiev List of the Ipatiev Chronicle). And in the Lavrentiev chronicles it was stated that "and then Yaroslav Novgorod is 28 years old", which gave the basis of S. M. Solovyov, to assume that the news refers to the duration of the Novgorod replacement of Yaroslav: if you take the right 18 years - then from 998, and if 28 years old - then the cumulative board in Rostov and Novgorod since 988. Solovyov also doubted the correctness of news that Yaroslav in the year of death was 76 years old.

Taking into account the fact that the marriage between Vladimir and Roggeda was now concluded in 978, as well as the fact that Yaroslav was the Third Son of Roggeds, he could not be born in 978. According to historians, dating in 76 years has appeared in order to present Yaroslav older. However, there is evidence that it was Svyatopolk who was elder from sons at the time of the death of Vladimir. The words of Boris, who he told his squad, not wanting to occupy Kiev, because it was Svyatopolk who's senior: "He is RѣCh · Don't Budi MNѣ's Hands on Brother Starshigo · Things and Father Melting · Father Miso. "

At the moment, the fact of the seniority of the Svyatopolka is considered proven, and the indication of the age is considered to be evidence that the chronicler tried to submit the eldest to Yaroslav, thus justifying his right to the Grand Diction.

If you take a traditional date of birth and seniority of Svyatopolka, then this leads to the revision of the chronicle story about the struggle of Vladimir and Yaropolk for the Kiev throne, and the capture of Polotsk and the marriage of Vladimir in the Rogged to 976 or by the beginning of the year 977, before his care.

For more information about the age of Yaroslav at the time of death, these studies of the bone remains of Yaroslav, conducted in 1939-1940. D.G. Rokhlin points out that Yaroslav at the time of death was over 50 years old and indicates a probable year of birth, 986, and V.V. Ginzburg - 60-70 years. Based on this data, it is assumed that Yaroslav could be born between 983 and 986.

In addition, some historians Following N.I. Kostomarov expressed doubt that Yaroslav is the son of Rogged. However, this is contrary to the news of the chronicles, in which Yaroslav is repeatedly called her son. There is also a hypothesis of the French historian Arrignon, according to which Yaroslav was the son of the Byzantine princess Anna, and this is explained by the intervention in 1043 Yaroslav to the internalization cases. However, this hypothesis also contradicts all other sources.

Yaroslav Wise (documentary)

Yaroslav in Rostov

In the "Tale of Bygone Years" for 6496 (988), the year reported that Vladimir Svyatoslavich put his sons in various cities. Among the listed sons there are Yaroslav, who received Rostov as a table. However, the date specified in this article is 988, it is sufficiently conditional, since it contained a lot of events. Historian Alexey Karpov suggests that Yaroslav could leave Rostov not earlier than 989.

In the annals on the Board of Yaroslav in Rostov, nothing is reported to nothing but the fact of suicing on the table. All information about the Rostov period of its biography is late and legendary in nature, the historical reliability of their small.

As Yaroslav received an Rostov table with another child, the real power was in the hands of the mentor sent with him. According to A. Karpov, this mentor could be mentioned in the annals in 1018 "Kormillez and the Voivode name to Buda (or BUDOY)." Probably he was the closest companion of Yaroslav in Novgorod, but the breadwinner during the period of the Novgorod replacement was no longer needed, so it is likely that he was an educator of Yaroslav back during the Rostov renovation.

Over the time of the Board of Yaroslav in Rostov, the foundation of the city of Yaroslavl, named after the prince, is associated. For the first time, Yaroslavl is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" under the 1071 year, when the "Rolling of Magi" was described in the Rostov land. But there are legends that attribute the foundation of the city of Yaroslav. According to one of them, Yaroslav traveled along the Volga from Novgorod to Rostov. According to the legend on the way, a bear hit him, whom Yaroslav with the help of a suite lifted the secretion. After that, the prince ordered a small wooden fortress on an impregnable caution over the Volga, named by his name - Yaroslavl.

These events were reflected on the coat of arms of the city. This legend was reflected in the "Tale of the construction of Grada Yaroslavl", published in 1877. According to the studies of the historian and the archaeologist N. N. Voronina, the "legend" was created in the XVIII-XIX century, however, according to his assumption, the "legends" was formed by popular legends associated with an ancient bear cult, characteristic of the tribes who lived in the forest strip of modern Russia. The earlier version of the legend is provided in the article published by M. A. Lenivtsev in 1827.

However, there are doubts that Yaroslavl legend is connected with Yaroslav, although it probably reflects some facts from the initial history of the city.

In 1958-1959, Yaroslavl historian Mikhail Germanovich Meyerovich substantiated that the city appeared no earlier than 1010. This date is currently considered to be the foundation date of Yaroslavl.

Princes in Rostov Yaroslav to the death of his older brother Vyshlyava, who rules in Novgorod. "Tale of the time years" of the date of death is not reported.

In the "power book" (XVI century), it was reported that Highly died before the Roggeds, Mother Yaroslav, the year of death of which is indicated in the "Tale of Bygone Years" (1000 year). However, this information is not based on some documents and are probably guessed.

Another version was led to the "History of the Russian" V. N. Tatishchev. Based on some not reached to our time, the chronicles (Probably Novgorod origin), he places information about the death of High in Article 6518 (1010/1011). This date is currently accepted by most historians. I changed the above in Novgorod Yaroslav.

Yaroslav in Novgorod

After the death of the oldest son, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich was considered Svyatopolk. However, according to Titmar Merzeburgsky, he was planted by Vladimir to the dungeon on charges of treason. The next son, Izyaslav, also died, too, after his father's life, he was actually deprived of the right to inheritance - Polotsk was allocated for him. And Vladimir in Novgorod put Yaroslav.

Novgorod prince at this time had a higher status than Rostov. However, the Novgorod Prince still had a subordinate position to the Great Prince, paying annually tribute in 2000 hryvnia (2/3 of the lands gathered in Novgorod and subordinate to him). However, 1/3 (1000 hryvnia) remained for the content of the prince and his squad, the size of which was inferior only to the size of the squad of the Kiev Prince.

The period of the Novgorod replacement of Yaroslav up to 1014 is as little described in the chronicles, as well as Rostov. It is likely that from Rostov Yaroslav first went to Kiev, and from there had already left to Novgorod. He arrived there, probably no earlier than 1011.

Before Yaroslav, Novgorod Princes from the time of Rurik lived, as a rule, at the settlement near Novgorod, Yaroslav settled in Novgorod itself, who, by the time, was a significant settlement. His princes courtyard was located on the trade side of Volkhov, the place was called the Yaroslavovo courtyard. In addition, Yaroslav had a country residence in the ruler of cancer, placed south of Novgorod.

It is likely that the first marriage of Yaroslav belongs to this period. The name of his first wife is unknown, presumably, her called Anna.

During the excavations in Novgorod, archaeologists have found the only one until the specimen of the lead printing of Yaroslav Wise, suspended once for the princely literacy. On one side, the holy warrior George with a spear and a shield and his name, on the second - a person in a raincoat and helmet, relatively young, with protruding mustache, but without a beard, as well as inscriptions on the sides of the sick figure: "Yaroslav. Prince Russian. " Apparently, a pretty conditioned portrait of the prince himself, a volitional man with a hunchback of a humpback nose, whose suicide appearance is reconstructed on the skull of the famous scientist - archaeologist and sculptor Mikhail Gerasimov, is placed on the seal.

Speech Yaroslav against Father

In 1014, Yaroslav resolutely refused to pay the Father, the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the annual lesson in two thousand hryvnias. Historians suggest that these actions of Yaroslav were associated with the intention of Vladimir to transfer the throne to one of younger sons, Rostov prince Boris, whom he in recent years has brought to himself and transferred the command to the princely friend, which actually meant the recognition of Boris heir. It is possible that that is why the Senior Son of Svyatopolk risked against Vladimir, who fell into imprisonment (he stayed there before the death of his father). And it was these news that could encourage Yaroslav to oppose the Father.

In order to confront the Father, Yaroslav, according to the Chronicles, hired Varyagov for the sea, which arrived led by Eumund. Vladimir, who in recent years lived in the village of Berestovo near Kiev, ordered "Treed the Way and Trip Bridges" for a hike, but fell ill. In addition, in June 1015, Pechenegs were invaded and the army assembled against Yaroslav, which Boris headed, was forced to go on a reflection of a raider of steppes, who, having heard about the approach of Boris, turned back.

At the same time, the Varangians hired by Yaroslav, doomed to inaction in Novgorod, began to arrest. According to the Novgorod first chronicle: "We started the Varyagi violence to create on the painted wives."

As a result, Novgorod, not to withstand the workman violence, rebelled and killed the Varyagov in one night. Yaroslav at that time was in his country residence in cancer. Having learned about what happened, he called for representatives of the Novgorod nobility who participated in the mute, promising forgiveness, and when they arrived at him, severely dealt with them. It happened in July - August 1015.

Already after that, Yaroslav received a letter from his sister, in which she reported to the death of his father and about the events that had happened after this. This news made the prince of Yaroslav to enter into a world with Novgorod. He also promised to pay the virgin for each killed. And in further events, Novgorod residents invariably supported their prince.

Yaroslav in Kiev

On July 15, 1015, Vladimir Svyatoslavich died in Berestov, and did not have time to repay the rebellion of his son. And Yaroslav began the struggle for the Kiev throne with the brother of Svyatopolk, who was freed from the dungeon and declared their prince rebelled Kievans. In this struggle, lasting four years, Yaroslav relied on Novgorod and on the hired Varangian squad under the leadership of Konung Eymund.

In 1016, Yaroslav broke the army of Svyatopolka near the love and late autumn took Kiev. He generously awarded the Novgorod squad, herding each warrior ten hryvnia. From the chronicles: "And let them go home everyone," and giving them the truth, and the charter speaking, Tako Ruchki them: In order, we walk, I have been writing to you, keep you bare. "

The victory under the love did not graduate from the fight against Svyatopolk: Soon he tried to Kiev with Pechenegs, and in 1018 the Polish king of Boleslav Brave, invited by Svyatopolk, broke the troops of Yaroslav on the shores of Bug, captured her sisters in Kiev, wife Anna and Machahu Yaroslav and, instead of To pass the city ("table") with her daughter's sickness, he made an attempt to establish himself in him. But the Kiev residents, outraged by the frenzy of his squads, began to kill Poles, and Boleshal had to hurry to leave Kiev, having deprived the Svyatopolka of military assistance. And Yaroslav, after the defeat, returned to Novgorod, prepared to run "for the sea."

But Novgorod, headed by Postener Konstantin Dobryny, having sanging his court, said the prince that they want to beat him with Boleslav and Svyatopolk. They collected money, concluded a new agreement with the Varyags of Konung Eymund and armed themselves.

In the spring of 1019, this army led by Yaroslav carried out a new campaign for Svyatopolk. In the battle on the Alte River, Svyatopolk was defeated, his banner was captured, he himself was injured, but fled. Konung Eymund asked Yaroslav: "Do you order it to kill him, or not?", - What Yaroslav gave his consent: "I won't do anything to you: neither to customize anyone to (personal, chest on the chest) battle with the konung Burisleif, Neither to pour anyone if he is killed. "

In 1019, Yaroslav married the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Schinkconomg - Ingigere, for which the conken of Norway Olaf Haraldson, who devoted to her Vope and subsequently married to her younger sister Astrid. Ingigerdu in Russia sacrament in a consonant name - Irina. Aldegaborg (Ladoga) was obtained as a dowry from Father Inhigerda with surrounding lands, which were received by the name of Ingermanland (lands in Ingrids).

In 1020, the nephew of Yaroslav Bryachislav attacked Novgorod, but on the way back it was overtaken by Yaroslav on the court river, smashes here with his troops and ran, leaving prisoners and looted. Yaroslav pursued him and forced him in 1021 to agree to peaceful conditions, appointing two cities to him and Vitebsk.

In 1023, Brother Yaroslav - Tmutarakan Prince Mstislav - attacked his allies to Khazari and Castogi and captured Chernigov and all the left bank of the Dnieper, and in 1024, Mstislav defeated the troops of Yaroslav under the leadership of Varyag Yakun under deceiving (near Chernigov). Mstislav suffered his capital in Chernigov and, sending ambassadors to the fled to Novgorod Yaroslav, offered to divide the Earth to the Dnieper with him and stop wars: "Sit in my Kiev, you are an older brother, and let me be this side."

In 1025, the son of Bolevlava Brave Meshko II became the king of Poland, and his two brothers, fear and Otto, were expelled from the country and found shelter from Yaroslav.

In 1026, Yaroslav, having gathered a big army, returned to Kiev, and concluded peace from the city with Brother Mstislav, agreeing with his peaceful offers. The brothers divided the lands on the Dnieper. The left bank was preserved for the Mstislav, and the right bank for Yaroslav. Yaroslav, being the Grand Duke of Kiev, preferred to be located in Novgorod until 1036 (the year of death of Mstislav).

In 1028, the Norwegian King Olaf (later called the Holy), was forced to flee to Novgorod. He arrived there along with the five-year-old Son Magnus, leaving in Sweden his mother Astrid. In Novgorod, Inhigerda, Mother's Sisters, Magnus, Yaroslav's wife and the former Bride Olaf, insisted that Magnus remains at Yaroslav after the return of the king to Norway in 1030, where he died in the battle for the Norwegian throne.

In 1029, helping Brother Mstislav, made a campaign on Jases, drove them from Tmutarakani. In the next 1030, Yaroslav won Chud and laid the city of Yuryev (now Tartu, Estonia). In the same year he took Belz in Galicia. At this time, the uprising rose against King Meshko II in Polish Earth, the people killed the bishops, Popov and Boyar.

In 1031, Yaroslav and Mstislav, supporting the claims of unappropriate to the Polish throne, gathered a big army and went to the Poles, wanted the cities of Peremyshl and Cherven, won the Polish lands, and, taking captured many Poles, shared them. Yaroslav raised his prisoners along the Roma River. Shortly before that, in the same 1031, Harald III is severe, the King of Norway, the supreme brother Olaf Saint, fled to Yaroslav Mudrom and served in his squad. As it is customary, he participated in the Kampanea of \u200b\u200bYaroslav against the Poles and was the head of the troops. Subsequently, Harald became the son-in-law of Yaroslav, taking in his wife Elizabeth.

In 1034, Yaroslav puts Prince of the Novgorod Son Vladimir. In 1036, Mstislav died suddenly on the hunt, and Yaroslav, apparently fearing any claims to the Kiev prince, sharpened his last brother, the youngest of Vladimirovichi - Pskov Prince Sudislava - to the dungeon (fender). Only after these events, Yaroslav decides to move with the courtyard from Novgorod to Kiev.

In 1036, he won the Pechenegs and released Russia from their raids. In memory of the victory over the Pechenegs, the prince laid the famous St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kiev, artists from Constantinople were caused to paint the temple.

In the same year, after the death of Brother Mstislav Vladimirovich, Yaroslav became the sole ruler of most of Russia, with the exception of Polotsky Principality, where his nephew Bryachlus was contacted, and after the death of the last 1044 - Vslav Bryachlivich.

In 1038, Yaroslav's troops made a campaign on Yatvägov, in 1040 on Lithuania, and in 1041 a water campaign on the lands in Mazovia.

In 1042, his son Vladimir won yam, and in this campaign there was a big paddle horses. At about this time (1038-1043) from the Knude of the Great to Yaroslav, the English Prince Eduard exterior fled.

In addition, in 1042, Prince Yaroslav Wise had great help in the struggle for the Polish royal throne of the grandchildren of Bolesca Brave - Casimir I. Kazimir took his wife Yaroslav - Maria, who became the Polish Queen Dobron. This marriage was concluded in parallel with the marriage of the son Yaroslav Iaslav on the sister of Casimir - Gertrude, as a sign of the Union with Poland.

In 1043, Yaroslav, for the murder of the "one famous Russian" in Constantinople, sent his son of his Vladimir together with Harald Surov and the Voevoda, Emperor Konstantin Monomakh, in which hostilities unfolded at sea and land with varying success and ended with the world concluded in 1046.

In 1044, Yaroslav organized a campaign on Lithuania.

In 1045, Prince Yaroslav Wise and Princess Irina (Ingegere) went to Novgorod from Kiev to the son of Vladimir to bookmark the Stone Sophia Cathedral, instead of the burnt wooden.

In 1047, the Yaroslav of the Wise Union with Poland occurred.

In 1048, the ambassadors of Heinrich I French arrived in Kiev - asking the hands of the daughter of Yaroslav Anna.

The reign of Yaroslav Wise lasted 37 years. The last years of life, Yaroslav spent in Vyshgorod.

Yaroslav wise died on February 20, 1054 in Vyshgorod, exactly on the holiday of the celebration of Orthodoxy in the hands of the Son of Vsevolod, survived his wife in Ingigeru for four years and for two years of the eldest son Vladimir.

In the inscription (graffiti) on the central neopa of the Sofia Cathedral under the Ktitivo fresco of Yaroslav Wise, dated 1054, the death of "Tsar OUR": "In 6562 MCCs of February 20 Assumption (and) eq (a) of our (e) In (ocresury) in (n) food (Liu) (Mu) h aeodora. "

In different chronicles, the exact date of death of Yaroslav was determined in different ways: or February 19, or 20th. These disagreements academician B. Rybakov explains that Yaroslav died on the night from Saturday to Sunday. In ancient Russia, two principles existed to determine the beginning of the day: on a church account - from midnight, in everyday life - from dawn. That is why the date of death of Yaroslav is called differently: one account it was still Saturday, but in another, church, - already Sunday. Historian A. Karpov believes that the prince could die 19 (by the annals), and buried it on the 20th.

Nevertheless, the date of death is not accepted by all researchers. V. K. Zibov dates this event on February 17, 1054.

Buried Yaroslav B. Sofia Cathedral In Kiev. The Marble Sixton Sarcophage Yaroslav and now stands in the Cathedral of St. Sofia. It was opened in 1936, 1939 and 1964 and there were not always qualified studies.

Appearance Yaroslav Wise

According to the results of the opening of January 1939, Anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov in 1940 created a sculptural portrait of Prince.

The growth of Yaroslav Wise was 175 centimeters. The face of the Slavic type, the middle height of the forehead, the narrow nose, a strongly protruding nose, large eyes, sharply discussed mouth (practically with all the teeth, which was encountered then in old age extremely rarely), sharply protruding chin.

It is also known that he was chrome (because of which he went bad): on one of the versions - from birth, on the other - as a result of injury in the battle. Prince Yaroslav's right foot was longer than the left, due to damage to the hip and knee joints. Perhaps this was a consequence of hereditary perthes disease.

According to Newsweek magazine, when opening a box with the remains of Yaroslav wise on September 10, 2009, it was found that it is presumably, only the skeleton of the wife of Yaroslav Princess Ingegere. In the course of the investigation conducted by journalists, the version was put forward that the remains of the prince were taken out of Kiev in 1943 during the retreat of German troops and at present, perhaps are at the disposal of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the United States (the jurisdiction of Constantinople Patriarchate).

The disappearance of the remains of Yaroslav Wise

In the XX century, Sarcophag Yaroslav Wise opened three times: in 1936, 1939 and in 1964.

In 2009, the tomb in the Sofia Cathedral was again opened, and the remains sent to the examination. At the opening, Soviet newspapers "Izvestia" and "True", dated 1964, were discovered.

The results of the genetic examination published in March 2011: in the tomb is not male, but only women's remains, and composed of two skeletons, dating back in a completely different time: one skeleton of the time of the ancient Russia, and the second one for a thousand years old, that is, the times of Scythian settlements .

The remains of the ancient Russian period, according to the anthropologists, belong to the woman, in life a lot of difficult physical labor, - obviously not a princely kind. The first of the female remains among the skeletons found also wrote M. M. Gerasimov in 1939. Then it was announced that in addition to Yaroslav Wise in the tomb, other people were buried.

The Frame of the Pracha Yaroslav Wise can bring the icon of Nikola wet, which was taken from the Sofia Cathedral by representatives of the UGCC, retreating together with the German occupiers from Kiev in the fall of 1943. Icon was discovered in the Holy Trinity Temple (Brooklyn, New York, USA) in 1973.

According to historians, the remains of the Grand Prince should also be sought in the United States.

Yaroslav Wise - Monument "1000th anniversary of Russia"

Personal life Yaroslav Wise:

First wife (up to 1019) - presumably, Norwegian named Anna. Was in 1018 captured in Kiev captured by the Polish king Boleslav brave with the sisters of Yaroslav and was taken to Poland forever.

Second wife (from 1019) - Ingegere (in the baptism of Irina, in atocacy, possibly, Anna); The daughter of the King of Sweden Olaf Schrekonung. Their children went throughout Europe.

Sons Yaroslav Wise:

Ilya (up to 1018 -?) - The possible son of Yaroslav Wise from the first wife, taken into Poland. Hypothetical Prince Novgorod.

Vladimir (1020-1052) - Prince Novgorodsky.

(Dmitry) (1025-1078) - married the sister of the Polish king Casimir I - Gertrude. Grand Duke Kiev (1054-1068, 1069-1073, 1077-1078).

(Nikolai) (1027-1076) - Prince Chernigovsky, suggest that married was twice: the first time on Killikia (or Kikilia, Cecilia), unknown origin; The second time is likely on the Austrian princess Ode, the daughter of Count Leopold.

Vsevolod (Andrey) (1030-1093) - married Greek Tsarevna (presumably daughter of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh), from marriage from which Prince Vladimir Monomakh was born.

Vyacheslav (1033-1057) - Prince Smolensky.

Igor (1036-1060) - Prince Volynsky. Some historians take Igor fifth place among the sons of Yaroslav, in particular, relying on the order of transferring sons in the news of the will of Yaroslav Wise and the news that, by the death of Vyacheslav in Smolensk, Igor was removed from Vladimir ("Tale of Bygone Years").

Daughters Yaroslav Wise:

Elizabeth She became the wife of the Norwegian king Harald Surovoy.

Anastasia I became the wife of King Hungary Andrish I. In the city of Tikhon, on the shore of Lake Balaton, the church was named after them and a monument was established.

He was married to the king of France Heinrich I. In France, it became known as Anna Russian or Anna Kiev. In France, a monument is established in Sunlis Anna.

Holy relatives of Yaroslav Wise:

The future Orthodox Sacred Prince Yaroslav (Konung Yaritlev) was a saint of the Olaf Saint Norwegian Saint Norwegian Saint-Konong - they were married to the sisters: Yaroslav on the older sister, the future Orthodox St. Inhigerd, Olaf on the younger sister - Astrid.

Before both saints, there was one bride - Princess Inhigerd Swedish (in Russia, the Prague Princess Irina), which in the spring of 1018 gave consent to marry Olaf Norwegian and personally embroidered raincoat with a gold clasp his bridegroom, and in the fall of the same year at the request of the father Consent to marry Yaroslav (the wedding took place in 1019).

The romantic relations of Olaf and Ingigerd from 1018 to 1030 are described in three Scandinavian sagas: "Saga about Olaf Saint", "strands about Eymunda" and so on. "Rotten skin."

In 1029, Olaf, being in exile in Novgorod, wrote Visa (poem) about Ingigerd; Part of it reached the present. According to Sagam, Olaf in Novgorod in the winter of 1029/1030 revealed two miracles of healing: in particular, he was heal the seriously ill nine-year-old son Yaroslav and Ingigerd, the future of the Orthodox St. Vladimir (Waldemara). After the death and glorification of Olaf in Novgorod, b. Ural Grada Yaroslav, the Church of Olaf Saint, ninnable "Varyazhskaya", was erected.

The juvenile son of the future Saint Olaf Magnus was good after the death of the father adopted by the future Saint Yaroslav wise, brought up in his family and at the achievement of the majority with the help of the adopted father received back the throne of Norway, and then Denmark.

Yaroslav Wise - Brother of the Orthodox, first glorified by the Saints - Princes of Boris and Gleb, Father of the Orthodox Saints Vladimir and Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the grandfather of the local Orthodox St. Vladimir Monomakh and the Catholic Gogo of the Great, Graph Vermandoua.

Yaroslav was buried in Sofia Kievskaya in the former sixth proconely marble Tomb of the Holy Roman Pope Clement, which his father Vladimir Svyatoslavich brought out from the conquered by the Byzantine Chersonese. The tomb is still.

There is also a point of view that Yaroslav wise was another daughter named Agat, who became the wife of Eduard exile, the heir to the throne of England. Some researchers are questioned the fact that Yaroslav was the son of Rogged, and there is also a hypothesis that he had a wife - Anna, who died about 1018. Perhaps Anna was Norwegian, and in 1018 she was captive by Boleslav brave during Kiev . There is also a hypothesis that a certain Ilya is the "son of King Rusi" Yaroslav Wise.

The origin of the wife of one of the sons - the German Princess of ODA, Daughter Leopold, is a controversial fact in part of the belonging to the samphany (rulers of the Northern Mark) or to Babenbergs (rulers of Austria to Habsburgs). The controversial is both his wife, Vladimir, Svyatoslav or Vyacheslav. Today, the dominant is the point of view that Ode Leopoldovna was a wife of Svyatoslav and came from the genus Babenbergs.

Yaroslav wise in culture

Yaroslav is a traditional character of literary works of the agiographic genre - the lives of Boris and Gleb. The very fact of killing serves for the ancient chroniclers a favorite theme for individual legends. In total, the "Tale of Boris and Gleb" has been preserved in more than 170 lists, of which the oldest and most complete are attributed to the St. North and Chernioriza Jacob Mnyu.

There says, for example, that after the death of Vladimir, the power in Kiev seized the Steyoka Vladimir Svyatopolk. Fearing the rivalry of the great children of the Grand Duke - Boris, Gleb and others, Svyatopolk primarily asked the killers to the first challengers on the table in Kiev - Boris and Gleb. The messenger sent from Yaroslav gives Gleb's message about the death of his father and the murder of Boris's brother ... And the prince of Gleb woves on the river in the roaster, and his enemies overtakely surround it. He realized that this end and voted by a humble voice: "Once already started, starting, to accomplish what they were sent." And the sister of Yaroslav Suislav warns that their brother Svyatopolk is going to eliminate him.

Yaroslav was also mentioned in the "word about the law and grace" of Metropolitan of Hilarion and in the "Memory and Praise of the Knuckle Russian Vladimir" Jacob Mnich.

As Yaroslav was married to Ingegere - the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Schreconomg and satisfied the dynastic marriages of his daughters, including Elizabeth (Ellision) - with the King of Norway, Harald Surov, he himself and his name is repeatedly mentioned in Scandinavian sagas, where he appears under the name " Yarisleva Konong Holmgard, that is, Novgorod.

In 1834, Professor at St. Petersburg University of Senkovsky, translating into Russian Sagu on Eymunde, discovers that Varyag Eymund, together with a friend, was hired by Yaroslav Wisely. In Saga, it is told as a konung Yarisleif (Yaroslav) fighting with a konunglaif (Boris), and in the Burisleyfe Saga deprive the lives of the Varangians by order of Yarisleif. Then some researchers on the basis of Sagi about Eymund supported the hypothesis that the death of Boris - the "work of the hands" of Varyags sent by Yaroslav Wisely in 1017, given the fact that Yaroslav, and Bryachov, and Mstislav refused to recognize the Svyatopolki lawful prince in Kiev.

However, the hypothesis of Senkovsky, based exclusively on the Sagi-Eymunde data, the active supporter of which is currently the historian-source I. N. Danilevsky, proves the possible "involvement" of Yaroslav only to the murder of Boris ("Burzleva"), but not Gleb, which in the saga is not mentioned at all.

At the same time, it is known that after the death of Prince Vladimir, only two brothers - Boris and Gleb declared their loyalty to the new Kiev prince and pledged to "honor him as her father" and it would be very strange for Svyatopolk to kill their allies. To date, this hypothesis has both its supporters and opponents.

Also historians, starting with S. M. Solovyov, suggest that the story of the death of Boris and Gleb is clearly inserted into the "Tale of Bygone Years" later, otherwise the chronicler would not repeat again about the beginning of the reign of the Svyatopolka in Kiev.

Old Russian chroniclers raise the topic of Wisdom Yaroslav since "praise books", placed under 1037 in the "Tale of Bygone Years", which, according to their legends, is that Yaroslav Wise is because he built the temples of Hagia Sophia in Kiev and Novgorod, There is a devoted to the main temples of Sofia cities - the wisdom of God, which is devoted to the main temple of Constantinople. Thus, Yaroslav announces that the Russian church stands on a par with the Church of Byzantine. Menting on wisdom, chronicles, as a rule, reveal this concept, referring to the Old Testament Solomon.

The oldest portraits of the Kiev Prince was performed during his life on the famous fresco in the Cathedral of the Holy Sophia. Unfortunately, part of the frescoes with portraits of Yaroslav and his wife Ingegere is lost. Only a copy of A. Van Westerfeld, the court painter of Lithuanian hetman A. Radzivil, made in 1651 with a whole fresco, was preserved.

The famous sculptor and anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov carried out the reconstruction of the face of Yaroslav on his skull. The sculptural image of Yaroslav was created by M. O. Mikishin and I. N. Schroeder at the Millennium Monument in 1862 in Novgorod.

In the artistic literature: It is the secondary hero of the historic novels Valentina Ivanov "Rus Great" (1961), Antonina Ladinsky "Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France" (1973), in the historical story of Elizabeth Poleela "Treasure Harald", as well as in the story of Boris Akunin "Fire finger "(2014).

In cinema:

- "Yaroslavna, Queen of France" (1978; USSR) Director Igor Maslennikov, in the role of Prince Yaroslav Kirill Lavrov;
- "Yaroslav Wise" (1981; USSR) director Grigory Kohan, in the role of Yaroslav Yuri Mravitsky, Yaroslav in childhood Mark Redness;
- "Yaroslav. Thousand years ago "(2010; Russia) Director Dmitry Korokkin, in the role of Yaroslav Alexander Ivashkevich.

(978-1054) There were 6 sons: Vladimir, Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor, Vyacheslav. Senior son Vladimir Died at the life of the Father in 1052. He had a son Rostislav. It would seem that he had to inherit the princely throne in the city of Kiev. But according to the law or a number of Yaroslav wise after the death of the Grand Duke, the heir was not his son, but the next brother's seniority. If the generation of the brothers stopped, the throne inherited the Son of the Senior Brother. And after his death, the son of the next brother, and so on.

The sons of Yaroslav Wise are forgiven with a dying father.

Therefore, in 1054, when Yaroslav Wise died, the princely throne in the capital of Kiev got second son Izyaslavu (1024-1078). It should be noted that he did not enjoy the love of Kiev. But those endured the unloved ruler until 1068.

At the specified year, Polovtsy moved to a trip to Kievan Rus. Sons Yaroslav Wise (Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod) put their squads against the invaders. On the Altea River, a battle occurred, in which the Russian army suffered defeat.

Izyaslav returned to Kiev, where the inhabitants demanded his weapons and horses to fight the Polovtsy again. However, the prince, knowing his unpopularity, did not decide to distribute weapons. Then the Kiev residents rebelled, and the Grand Duke, taking with me the son of Mstislav, fled to Poland.

At this time, Prince Polotsk Vseslav languished in Kiev instruction. Farrow represented a log houses in the ground without windows and doors. The prisoner was lowered on the rods. In the same way, I was given food and water. Conclusion in the case was considered a harsh punishment. What was the prince of Vslav?

He took the grandson of Izyaslav Vladimirovich, the son of Vladimir Baptist. Sit on the reign in Polotsk and headed the opposition to Yaroslavich. In 1067, he captured and plundered Novgorod, but the Sons of Yaroslav Wise was broken on the Nemig River. I did not meet the winners, relying on the "shaped kissing", but was captured and planted in a fear.

When Izyaslav fled from Kiev, the townspeople were separated by the bubbers, freedom and proclaimed him by Kiev Prince, as they believed that the great-grandfather Vladimir had all the rights to the Kiev throne.

And the fledgest from Kiev, Izyaslav and his son Mstislav wound with the support of the Polish king. In 1069, the Polish army, which was headed by Mstislav Izyaslavovich, moved to Kiev. Proclaimed by Kiev Prince, Vseslav did not have a big squad, so he did not fight the regular Polish army. Throwing Kiev to the arbitrariness of fate, the prince fled to his native Polotsk.

Mstislav entered Kiev and learned the cruel violence over the inhabitants of the city. Torture and executions forced Kievans to turn to other sons of Yaroslav Wise - Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. Those demanded that Mstislava stopped bloodshed. After that, the execution stopped, and Poles began to cut at night. They left Russian land and went home, and the Kiev throne again took Prince Izyaslav.

However, in 1073, the unloved prince Kievans were again expelled, concluding this time the Union with his brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. Izyaslav was again forced to flee into Poland. He was robbed and deprived of all means. But for the Operal Prince passed the Pope, and the princely jewels were returned.

After the expulsion of Izaslav in Kiev for the throne third Son Yaroslav Wise Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav (1027-1076). Its fully supported fourth Son Vsevolod. (1030-1093). It should be noted that Svyatoslav contemporaries characterized as a man of smart, volitional and talented in military business. He sought to establish good relations with Polovtsy, but the countries of the West ignored. Negatively, the new Kiev Prince refers to Byzantium. As a result, he did not establish a real strong world with Polovtsy and finally spoiled relations with the Byzantine Empire.

The older sons of Yaroslav Wise left a noticeable trace in the history of Kievan Rus. This cannot be said about the two younger brothers Igor and Vyacheslava. Prince Igor (1034-1060) The last 3 years has been sitting on the reign in Smolensk. Died at the age of 24. Prince Vyacheslav (1036-1057) also rejected in Smolensk to Prince Igor. He died quite a young man at the age of 20.

Kiev Prince with his buddy

After that, a little retreat will be back to the eldest sons of Yaroslav Wise. Their further rule is characterized by the fact that part of the population of Kievan Rus began to return to paganism. Slavs believed in the spirits of the dead and the spirits of nature. At that time, such views were not considered a religious cult, but called the guidelines. Subsequently, they began to call the superstition that the essence did not change.

However, such worldviews have become a base for the outbreak of pagan fanaticism. He is marked in the chronicle 1071. Volkhivi appeared on Russian lands. These were real fanatics, and their movement captured more and more new areas. Militant pagans on Beloozer entered the confrontation with the governor of Svyatoslav Yan. He turned out to be a strong and merciless man. With his buddy, he dispersed the rebels, and the whales-instigators captured. The next morning they hung them on the trees. The next night, the corpses of the beggar bear, which scores for the Gentiles by the beast respected.

Fanatics Magnatics appeared in Novgorod. Here they were opposed by the son of Svyatoslav Prince Gleb. Hiding under the cloak of the ax, he asked the main kudesman, is that future knows. At this Kudesman proudly replied: "I know everything." Then Gleb asked: "Do you know that you will be today?" Volkhv alone nodded his head and Mili: "Miracles are creating great!" Then the prince pulled out an ax and borrowed the main wrap, having proven to everyone that he was a nickidal prophet. After that, the crowd was separated, the chronicler narrates. So vigorously and merciless the power suppressed the rebellion of the pagans.

But in December 1076, Kiev Prince Svyatoslav died, without surviving up to 50 years. His unexpected ending was broken by a political equilibrium that began to develop in Kievan Rus.

Svyatoslav Yaroslavich left 5 sons. And immediately the question arose: to consider the legitimate Great Kiev Prince and the usurper, who captured the throne during the lifetime of the elder brother Izyaslav? The fate of sons depended on the decision of this issue, since in Kievan Rus, there was a very cruel custom.

In anything, they were "expelled from life." They were not killed, but deprived of the right to deal with the work that fed their family, that is, they made outgoing. There have been 3 categories of such people. These are Popovsky sons who failed to master the diploma. Halsed merchants and peasants or siders who devalected from the community.

Was in Russia and the 4th category of rogue. She treated the princes. That is, the prince orphaned earlier than his father was able to take the princely table, forever deprived of all the rights of possession of the throne. And therefore Sons of Svyatoslav threatened the fate of prince-rogue.

The point in this scrupulous business was put in the fourth son Yaroslav Wise Vsevolod. He invited to the reign in Kiev Opt Izyaslav. It motivated it by the protection of Russian lands from the Poles. In 1077, Izyaslav returned to Cymbol, and the reign of Svyatoslav was recognized illegal. Thus, his sons became princes of outcasts. Vsevolod himself sat down on the reign in Chernigov.

Princes-Roshoi Oleg and Roman Svyatoslavichi fled to Tmutarakan. Here they united with the same outcast of Boris Vyacheslavich and moved to Russia, in order to raise specific cities by force. Against them made their uncle Izyaslav and Vsevolod. A large battle occurred in 1078 on Niva near Niva near Chernigov. In this terrible slaughter, Prince Izyaslav and the young man Boris Vyacheslavich were killed. The Grand Kiev Prince became the last of the surviving six brothers Vsevolod.

He reigned in the capital of Kiev from 1078 to 1093, that is, before his death. Vsevolod had to Father Vladimir Monomakhu and the Eupraction, which was married to the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Henry IV.

With the new Veliky Kiev Prince, Russia united for a short time. At the same time, relations with Byzantium have deteriorated and improved with Western Europe. As for the steppe neighbors, the political situation was extremely difficult here. Two nomadic people lived in the steppes: Polovtsy and Turks. They were bent with each other, and if Rusichi concluded a union with Turks, they became enemies of Polovtsy, and vice versa.

The situation as a whole was complicated, and an aging Vsevolod handed the initiative and the actual power in the hands of his son Vladimir Monomakh, who was sitting on the reign in Chernigov. The Grand Prince himself experienced in the end of the life of "sadness" and died in 1093.

So in Rus ended historical epoch, The main violin in which the sons of Yaroslav Wise played. And the Kiev throne and the title "Prince of All Russia", introduced by Vsevolod, received in accordance with the stronger order of the Swallopolitia of Svyatopolk II Izaslavich. He had to Son Izyaslav, and the printed before that in the city of Tour.

Alexey Starikov

One of the most revered ancient Russian princes is Prince Yaroslav Wise, the Son of the Great (Baptist). He received the nickname of the wise for the love of enlightenment and the creation of the first famous law of laws, later than the "Russian truth".

And he is a father, uncle and grandfather of many European rulers. Under Baptism, Yaroslav received the name of George (or Yuri). The Russian Orthodox Church honors it as faithful and even introduced the day of his memory to the sacrats. The leap year is March 4, and in the usual - 5th.

Childhood and youth

About the date of birth of Yaroslav Vladimirovich and today argue. But most historians and scientists tend to the fact that the prince was born in 978, although full confidence There is no one in this. His birthday is all the more unknown.

His parents were Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who belonged to Rurikovich, and Polotsk Princess. Although there is no consent here. For example, the most famous historian Nikolai Kostomarov doubted that it was Rogneda who was Mother Yaroslav. And his French colleague Arrignon thought at all that the Prince gave birth to the Byzantine Tsarevna Anna. Allegedly this circumstance explains his intervention in the internalization cases in 1043.

But for the sake of justice it is worth noting that the rest of the historians are inclined to consider the rognd of a woman who gave life to the most famous of the Old Russian princes.

All four offspring born in marriage with Roggeda, Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav and Vsevolod, Grand Duke Vladimir sent to pronomize in different cities. Yaroslav got Rostov. But since the boy was barely 9 years old from the family, the breadwinner was pressed to him and the Voivode Budoy (in other sources of Buda). Later, when a rising prince Yaroslav Wise began to rule the Novgorod, the breadwinner and the mentor turned into the nearest associate.

Governing body

This period is the character of legends and legends. The time of Prince Yaroslav Wise, as well as the person itself, some historians tend to idealize, others - to demonize. True, as usual, somewhere in the middle.

The princess Novgorod had a higher status than the management of Rostov. Still, the Novgorod ruler had a subordinate status in relation to Kiev, that is, Vladimir. Therefore, Prince Yaroslav Wise in obligatory manner every year paid Father 2/3 of the given from the Novgorod lands of Dani. It was the amount of 2 thousand hryvnia. 1 thousand remained for the maintenance of the Velmazby himself and his squad. It must be said that its size only a little inferior to the squad of Vladimir.

Probably, this circumstance pushed the son to draw up and in 1014 to refuse to pay a huge tribute to the father. Novgorod residents supported their landlord, what is the information in the preserved chronicles. Vladimir was angry and began to prepare a hike for the ability of the riots. But at that time he was in old years old. Soon fell ill and supremely died and not punishing his son.

Father's place was taken by the eldest son - Svyatopolk Okayan. To protect yourself and keep power in your hands, he destroyed three brothers: Boris, who was particularly loved by Kievans, Gleb and Svyatoslav. The same fate was waiting for the Novgorod Postener. But he managed to defeat the Svyatopolka in a bloody battle under love and in 1016 he entered Kiev.

A fragile truce between brothers who shared Kiev in the Dnieper, from time to time passed to the "hot" stage. But in the 1019th, the Svyatopolka did not, and Yaroslav Wise began the undivided government to the Kiev throne.

The huge merit of Prince Yaroslav wise became the victory over the pechenegs. It happened in 1036. As the chronicles say, the city was placed by nomads at that time when the ruler was emitted to Novgorod, where he took part in the Temple tab. But having received the news of the danger, he quickly returned and defeated Pechenegs. From this point on, their devastating and bloody raids on Rus have long stopped.

It began "golden" time Yaroslav Wise. After the wins wins, the Velosa was taken for grandiose construction. At the site of the brilliant victory over the nomads, the Sofia Cathedral was laid. He was largely a copy of the cathedral in Tsargrad. Decorated with magnificent frescoes and mosaic, the temple hit the beauty of contemporaries and pleases the eyes today.

Welject did not regret funds on church wellness and invited to finish the Cathedral of the best Greek masters. And the famous golden gates appeared in the city, repeatedly the same in the Tsargrad. The Church of Annunciation has grown over them.

Internal and foreign policy

The ruler has made considerable efforts to interrupt the dependence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the brought over it by Visantia. Therefore, in 1054, for the first time in the history of Russia, her church was headed by Russian, and not the Greek Metropolitan. His named Illarion.

The internal policy of Yaroslav Wise was aimed at improving the formation of the people and the elimination of the residues of the pagan faith. Christian faith was vaccinated with a new force. In this son continued the case of his great father, Vladimir Baptist.

Son ordered to translate Greek handwritten books to Slavic. He himself loved to read and tried to instill love for reading and enlightening his subordinate. The clergy began to teach children by literacy. In Novgorod, a school for boys appeared, which adopted 300 first students.

The number of books grew rapidly and book wisdom was built in a kind of time of that time. Be enlightened to be prestigious.

In the story of the time years, it is referred to a certain meeting of books and documents, which is customary to call the Library of Yaroslav Wise. Scientists talk about different quantities: from 500 to 950 volumes. According to some reports, the library was transferred to the prince (by other information - his great-grandchildren) of the Sofia Cathedral.

Since the ancient books that a thousand years have not been found, there are many hypotheses where they can be stored. Some argue that it can be the dungeon of the Sofia Cathedral, others talk about the catacombs of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the third - about the vydubitsky monastery. But there are skeptics that believe that invaluable folites could not survive after devastating Polovtsy raids and fires.

Another version that has the right to exist is the Library of Yaroslav Wise has become part of an at least the legendary library.

Prince Yaroslav Wise stood at the origins of the appearance of the first Russian monasteries, including the chief - Kiev-Pechersky. The monastery not only made a huge contribution to the promotion and popularization of Christianity and Orthodoxy, but also played a huge role in the enlightenment. After all, the chronicles were made here and books were translated.

And at this wonderful time, the "Russian truth" of Yaroslav Wise appeared. This is the first set of laws of Russia, which followers added and increased.

Historians highly appreciate the external politics of Velmazby, in which he also achieved tremendous success. It seems that he was the first of the Russian princes focus on diplomacy, and not the power of weapons.

At that time, dynastic marriages were considered the main way to establish relations with other states. And since Kievan Rus during the board of the wise turned into an enlightened and strong state, then "to breed" with her, many rulers of European countries expressed.

The wife of Yaroslav Wise became the daughter of the king of Sweden Olaf - Inhigerda, who received the name Irina after baptism. From the Father she got a rich dowry - the city of Aldeagaborg (later Ladoga). The land adjacent to it was called Ingermanland (which is translated as in Ingrids land).

The son of Prince - Vsevolod - married Greek Tsarevna. Two more offspring - on German princes. Son Izyaslav took his wife to the sister of Polish Prince Casimir, and Casimir himself married her sister wise - Dobogen.

The same dynastic marriages were among the daughters of Kiev Venelmazby. Elizabeth was married to the Norwegian King of Garald, Anastasia - for the Hungarian ruler Andrei. But the most famous and revered daughter Anna Yaroslavna, who became the wife of the French king Heinrich I. As a result, such foreign Policy Prince Yaroslav Wise turned out to be connected by the Uzami kinship with many strong neighbors, neighbors and distant.

Foundation of cities

Prince Yaroslav Wise founded Yuriev. It happened in 1030, when he went camping to chud. The new city, named after his angel, appeared on the shore of the lake. Now he is called Tartu and is the second largest Estonian city after Tallinn.

Another city of Yaroslav Wise is Yaroslavl, although some historians consider the fact of its foundation by the prince not indisputable.

There is another Yuryev who was founded by the prince. This city turned out to be at the same time both the fortress, which was included in the Pojon Defense line. He was erected to protect Kiev from nomads. In 1240, Tatar-Mongols were destroyed, leaving only the ruins of the church. Around her and the city was revived, having received the name of the White Church. He is so called today.

Personal life

Many historians agree that Inhigerd's wife, after baptism, who became Irina, had a huge impact on her husband and left a marked mark in the history of Russia. On the land received from her father in 1703, St. Petersburg was built.

In Kiev, thanks to Princess, Irina appeared the first female monastery. It was built at the Church of St. Irina. One of his columns "lived" to the middle of the twentieth century. Now only a quiet Irininskaya street resembles the existence of the temple.

How was the personal life of Yaroslav Wise and Ingigeria-Irina - today it is difficult to say. It is only known that in marriage with her 6 sons and 3 daughters were born. The spouse shared the views of her husband and moved into his faith, making a lot for her promotion.

Handsome, the great noble, it seems, was not. Strongly protruding nose and the same chin, sharply outlined mouth and large eyes did not add attractiveness. And he was chrome due to the different length of the legs. According to one version - due to the hip and knee-damaged in battle, and on the other, due to the hereditary disease of Perret.

There is a historic puzzle riddle to which different historians have their own opinion. Some of them claim that the prince Yaroslav Wise was married twice.

His first wife allegedly was Norwegian Anna. In this marriage, I was even born the son of Ilya. But in 1018, he, together with his mother, was captured by the Polish king Boleslav brave and was taken to Poland forever. This version is allegedly confirmed by the fact that the name Anna is found in some chronicles.

But there are opponents of this controversial version. They argue that everything is much easier. Anna is the monothe name of Ingrid Irina. Allegedly, at the end of his life, she knead himself into a nun, taking this name. In 1439, Archbishop Evfimius counted Anna to the face of saints. It is considered heavenly patroness Novgorod.

It is noteworthy that the prince of Yaroslav Wise himself was ranked sainted only in the XXI century.


The last years of life, Prince Yaroslav Wise spent in Vyshgorod. He died on the holiday of the celebration of Orthodoxy on the hands of one of his sons - Vsevolod, survived for 4 years a wife and 2 senior sons, Vladimir.

The date of the death of the prince is considered February 20, 1054. He was buried in the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev, in a 6-ton marble sarcophage. Unfortunately, the remains of the Great Ruler disappeared. It is known that the sarcophagus in the twentieth century opened three times: in 1936, 1939 and 1964. And it was not always qualified and conscientious.

After opening in 1939, the remains of Yaroslav Wise sent to Leningrad, where the scientists of the Anthropology Institute for the first time confirmed that one of the 3 skeletons (male, female and children's) from the open burial really belongs to the prince. According to the found skull, Anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov managed to restore the appearance of the ruler.

The remains returned to Kiev. But in 2009, the tomb was revealed again and found that the remains of the oldest of Rurikovich do not. There were two female skeletons on the spot - one time of Kievan Rus, the second even more long-time Scythian period. And in the tomb, the newspapers "Izvestia" and the truth of 1964 discovered.

Many historians and researchers tend to the version that the remains should be sought in the United States. Allegedly they were taken out in 1943, when German troops retreated.


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