Directed sound emitter. Infrasound emitter for noisy neighbors

Directed sound emitter. Infrasound emitter for noisy neighbors

An audio system with directional sound intended for the mass market. This is an acoustic column, the sound of which he hears only one person in the room, as if he put on the headphones.

We tell how it works and where such technologies are already used.

What is a system of directional sound

Such systems differ from conventional columns in that forming a narrow audio stream, which is heard only before it. The first dynamics of directional sound appeared in the late 80s.

The design was quite primitive. They were the usual speakers hung under the ceiling, which surrounded the plastic dome. The sound was reflected from the inner surface of the dome and was heard only to a person standing directly under the device.

In the 90s, another technology appeared in which ultrasound is used. In this case, the column using piezoelectric converters radiates the sound, the frequency of which is beyond the limits of the human hearing range. But as the sound waves propagates in the air there is a manifestation of audible frequencies (due to nonlinear effects).

These systems have a serious drawback. They are designed for the fact that the listener is in one place - often the columns are placed on the ceiling, and the sound is concentrated at the point under them.

How to solve this problem

The engineers of the Israeli startup of Noveeto solved this problem. Their directional sound system can pass the sound to the listener, regardless of its location in the room.

The acoustic column has 3D sensors that track the position of the user's head. After that, the system itself calculates, in which direction and at what angle should be sent to the sound waves (in this case ultrasound is also used). As a result, "virtual headphones" are formed on the user's ears - small areas in which music is heard.

Sensors react to the movement of the listener and move the sound stream if a person turns his head or sits towards another place. In this case, the system is able to recognize several people sitting next to people and send a personal audio stream of different volumes.

Demonstration of work technology can be found in this. video from CNBC:

Now the NOVETO system is located at the development stage, so it has certain disadvantages. For example, if you turn to the column with one ear, the sound will only come to it (obviously, the system simply "does not see" the second ear). However, according to representatives of the company, it can be corrected if you place an additional audio system on the ceiling.

Another point over which work is also conducted - sound quality. As journalists from Business Insider are written, Noveeto columns are still playing audio with distortions. Plus such systems, due to the design features, poorly losing low frequencies. The Director General of the startup says that over time, the sound quality of the system will be significantly improved.

Where technology will apply

Now the system of directional sound is infrequently found in everyday life. They are mainly used in museums or exhibitions. Visitors can listen to the lectures of electronic guides and do not interfere with others. Sometimes such systems can be found in stores near the shelves with a commercial commodity. Such technologies are also used in banks. For example, in some branches of Sberbank installed terminals for video components with speakers of directional sound.

It is expected that with the advent of compact systems similar to Noveeto devices, the directional sound will become more familiar technology. And the most promising areas of its use are visible to the audio systems for offices and cars.

In the office of the directional sound systems, you can equip the rooms for video conferencing or workplaces of employees who are forced to conduct most of the day in headphones. These are dispatchers or call center operators.

Photo Bryce Johnson /

In cars directed sound can use the driver to answer the call, or passengers who want to listen to music and not distract human driving. In particular, Noveeto has already concluded a deal with Seat, which will tested a new audio system in their cars.

Who else develops similar systems

The directional sound is interested in other automotive companies, in addition to Seat. Hyundai and Kia work on the "separate sound zone" system (Separated Sound Zone). Each place in the car will be equipped with a separate directional column, so all passengers can listen to different music or podcasts and do not interfere with each other.

Similar audio systems plans to implement and Renault. The company has invested in the startup Akoustic Arts, which develops "personal" columns.

At the CES 2018 exhibition, simultaneously with the NOVETO system, a compact S-ray sound speaker from Samsung was presented. This device is placed on the palm of palm, and it can be connected to the smartphone. The column was created in the SAMSUNG C-LAB creative laboratory, and while only the first prototype device is ready.

Despite its potential and statements by CEO Noveeto, the technology of directional sound will not replace the headphones for a long time. If only because all these projects are in the early stages of their development. However, technology has potential, and perhaps in the future, it will be able to show themselves in a wide variety of spheres of our life.

P.S. More about audio technologies, sound and music - in our Telegram-channel:

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/ Audio Equipment / Acoustic Systems / Systems of directional sound

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What is a directional sound?

Directed sound is called its distribution in one direction. At the same time, his sound is the same as close to the speaker and at a distance of up to 40 m. It effective tool To organize advertising, sound maintenance in museums and of course to attract interest from visitors to a stand at various events.

Speakers and speakers of directional sound - It is also an excellent solution to limit the sound space, speech confidentiality in the premises, attracting attention, improving the labor ability and creating a wonderful mood at office staff and their customers.

Applying these devices will help you approach the organization of sound space in any room from the new side.

How much are the system of directional sound?

Would you like buy directional sound systems? Our specialists will help you with this. All information at the cost, delivery and availability of discounts and stocks you can learn from them. Delivery of the system, speakers, speakers are carried out in promptly short terms throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an emitter of directional sound has a long history. Also in late XIX. The century famous for its extremely visual experiments American physicist Robert Wood, together with his friend, the porter designed almost a three-meter cardboard megaphone with a diameter of more than half a meter. According to William Sibruck, Vouda biographer, with his help it was possible to transfer a voice to a very long distance - to make unexpected comments to people standing in two or three quarters. Sitting in Wood's room on the top floor at home on Mc Culloch Street, they waited for a suitable sacrifice. A man who goes on a blank street at the end of the quarter, said: "I apologize, you have dropped something." He stopped, looked back, then under his feet and, after it, it was going on.

What is a directional sound?

A directional sound is an effect in which the sound applies like a spotlight beam in a strictly specified direction and "beats" in a clearly specified space. If a person who is in this place will leave him, he will stop hearing the transmitted audio message.

Presentations for viewing:

How to get directional sound?

To get a directional sound from the usual dynamics, it would have to make the size of the house. The problem is that the sound that is created in ordinary loudspeakers, columns, has no pronounced direction: it extends to all parties due to the phenomenon, which is called the diffraction of acoustic waves in physics. Simply put, it is to envelop the sound wave of obstacles or the "erosion" of the sound beam. The degree of "blur" depends on the wavelength and on the size of its source. In order to get rid of the unwanted dispersion of the sound, the length of the sound wave must be substantially (by 3-4 orders) less than the source size.
The human ear can perceive only multi-meter waves, the length of which significantly exceeds the dimensions of traditional speakers. To turn the usual speaker in the sound "laser", it would have to make it the size of a multi-storey house.
Reducing the length of the sound waves in order to create a narrow sound beam will lead to the fact that the person simply cannot hear it.

How to "settle" sound?

The solution was found in 1997 by Joseph Pompei, the founder of Holosonics. They developed a device consisting of a set of ultrasonic emitters, which first converts a normal beep to a special ultrasonic format. The length of the ultrasound wave is much smaller than the size of the dynamics (only a few millimeters), so the waves are emitted by a narrow beam. Then, right in the air (approximately half a meter) due to its properties, the disclosure of "laid" in ultrasonic pulses of audible frequencies occurs.
As a result, the ultrasound radiated by the speakers forms a sound pillar with a diameter of about a meter. Being inside this post, a person hears high-quality sound, but it is worth it to take a step to the side ... and the sound almost disappears!
Such a sound pillar can be directed, like the spotlight beam, personally or another listener. It can be reflected from the walls as a ray of light, while maintaining its narrow orientation. At the same time, the reflection of sound from the surfaces inside the post (for example, from people) is almost not heard to those who are outside.
The device allows you to achieve almost impossible: without any headphones and sound insulation to direct the sound at the desired point with an accuracy of several centimeters.

Directional sound features:

  • Sounding at the same time several "zones" at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from each other in one room without creating messy noise;
  • Providing local sound in the desired place while maintaining silence in the room as a whole.

Application area

  • Equipment of shops of shopping complexes without excess noise;
  • Sound equipment of exhibitions and exhibitions;
  • Equipment museums and demonstration halls;
  • Equipment of audio advertising goods and services;
  • Sound equipment for banks and offices;
  • Conducting mass events and shares;
  • Equipment of beauty salons, SPA and fitness centers

Multimedia in complex or sound sensitive rooms.

In museums
Systems of directional sound are used as sound equipment in many world-class museums in order to pass the sound only to those who want to hear it, while maintaining common silence. Schirn Kunsthalle built a new gallery for presenting Matis and Picasso works. For this gallery, a voice acting was required, but no one wanted to put up with noise, so the sound spots "directional sound" were mounted in the ceiling right above the visitor heads. Those who wanted to hear the sound heard him, while in the room there was a common silence.

In libraries
Of all the quiet places, the library is perhaps the most sensitive to the surrounding noise - even a quiet conversation may distract others. In the very center of the New York Public Library, a group of displays was installed to display the most different information. And only the use of the "directional sound" system allowed to ensure the preservation of the total silence with the directional transmission of sound information.

Voice of advertising boards on the streets
Until today, it was difficult to add sound to an advertising shield due to a variety of problems, including preventive noise. But with the help of a system of directional sound, it is possible to focus the sound on a certain territory and transmitting sound information into a small area of \u200b\u200bspace.


It has always been believed that my house is my fortress. However, moments appear when it is simply impossible in his own apartment.

Delivered the inconvenience can a lot: noisy repairs in the next apartment, very loud music and, of course, drunk makeup from above every night for a long period of time.

The noise that goes on the round day makes it right away to seek at least some decision to eliminate it. However, not everyone knows how to overcome the noisy neighbors.

IN Federal Law It is said that noise level should not exceed 40 dB in the period from seven in the morning to eleven o'clock in the evening, but at night this figure should not go beyond 30 dB.

If you take at least some comparison, then all the sounds should be three times quieter of automotive alarm. But still do not forget that in each region there may be amendments to this law.

If the norms are violated by users of residential premises, all actions from unscrupulous neighbors are transferred to the discharge of an administrative violation.

However, it happens that while there are laws, unfortunately, they are not fulfilled. In this case, there are a pair of options for solving the problem.

When the interference is very loud music, you can try to negotiate peacefully. This method is undoubtedly considered the best at that time if all participants in this conflict are in adequate condition.

It can be explained that you have a child of small age in your apartment and in the afternoon he needed to relax, but in the evening he should go to sleep at nine. You can make a compromise and understand each other.

In the event that the peace negotiations did not benefit, it is possible to go to the district site, which should be sought in this situation at the request of the applicant. If a drunken debacio takes place in a neighboring apartment, then it is best not to climb into it, since it is possible to suffer. In this case, the law enforcement authorities should intervene, which immediately come to the place of call and eliminate the conflict.

Neighbors make repairs

All repairs are a separate topic. Conducting work using a drill, a person honestly thinks that he doesn't do anything bad, as the time working, and therefore the law is not disturbed.

But in some cases, this kind of noise can be worn out and the old woman, which spiked the migraine and wake little child. In this case, it is impossible to complain, since the law is not really broken.

If a person is brought up, then you can independently solve the time of the time of the most noisy repair workThat will give the opportunity for this period of time to go with the child to walk or do not go to bed at this time, but simply transfer it.

Request for help

So what should be done if the noise continues, and nothing happens to agree? It should be noted that the arrival of the precinct often simply does not give those results that I would like. Very often, the present moment depends on how much corruption is flourishes in this area and, of course, from the personality of the intruder.

In the event that the precinct does not take any measures on the application or does not change anything after it arrives, it is necessary to contact the prosecutor's office, which follows how the laws are observed. There must definitely deal with and the answer will come in writing.

If it did not help here, then only the court remains. If served statement of claim, There must be weighty evidence that you are really impossible to relax in your apartment because of noisy neighbors.

How will the request affect the ZHES?

There is another instance in which you can turn with a complaint about especially noisy neighbors from above, which I want to pump. There should be referred if there really do not happen any illegal actions that are the debaches.

For example, constantly somewhere dogs dog or just loud music from a neighbor from above. In these cases, it is permissible to appeal to the HCP. As a rule, employees of such a institution say that it is possible to spend some conversation, but it is not a fact that they will open an apartment. Therefore, it is easier to call the police.

However, police officers are in no hurry to help, since their position of the departure is tuned only on illegal actions, and loud music is the work of the Jes. And when the circle is closed, you should think about alternative methods.

There are exceptions

The law on silence has items that may not be distributed over time.

Do not include such items as:

  • Crying a little sick child;
  • Meow cat or dog barks;
  • Call in the bell churches;
  • Carrying out events and holidays on the street;
  • Rescue or emergency work accompanied by noise.

Consequences for violators

After the first warning was presented, and the effect was not followed, then an administrative penalty is provided. Its value will depend only directly from the one who served as a concern - individual or legal.

In addition, it is said that they can be brought to pay a fine and those who like to put an amplifier to the balcony. In the law there are clear criteria for the violation of the silence, for which the penalty will have to pay:

  1. Work construction and repair at night;
  2. The use of pyrotechnics and fireworks;
  3. Listening to loud music when applying amplifiers;
  4. Whistle, loud cries and more.

Independent help

In the event that no methods no longer help fight noisy neighbors, you can simply make a repair by applying materials having increased soundproof properties.

However, it is not always a way out. Yes, and the case is quite troublesome. You can try to apply infrasound.

What is infrasound?

Infrasound is called elastic waveswhich are analogues of sound, but possessing lower frequencies that people do not hear. The upper limit of the infrasound range is 16-25 Hz.

Until now, the lower boundary is not revealed. In fact, infrase is present in everything: in the atmosphere and forests and even in water.

Actions infrasound

Infrasound actions occur due to resonance, which is the frequency of oscillation large number Processes in the body. Alpha, Beta and Delta Rhythms of the brain also occur on the purity of infrasound, as, in principle, the heartbeat.

Infrasound fluctuations may coincide with fluctuations in the body. Subsequently, the latter are enhanced, due to which the work fails of a body. It can reach not only before injury, but also before the gap.

The frequency of oscillations in the human body varies from 8 to 15 hertz. At the time when the person is affected by sound radiation, all physical oscillations can get into the resonance, but the amplitude of the microsuit will increase many times.

Naturally, the feeling of what affects, a person will not be able to understand, because the sound is not heard. However, there is some kind of anxiety. If there is an extremely long and active impact of a special sound to the entire human body, the breaks of the internal vessels occur, as well as the capillaries.

Typhoon, earthquake and volcanic eruption emit a frequency of 7-13 Hertz, which gives a call to a person to quickly relate from the place where disasters occur. Infrase and ultrasound can very easily bring a person to suicide.

A very dangerous interval of sound is the frequency of 6-9 Hertz. Very strong psychotronic effects most of all are at a frequency of 7 hertz, which is similar to natural brain fluctuations.

At such a moment, any mental work is simply impossible, since there is a feeling that the head at any time can "burst as watermelon." If it is not a strong impact, then it simply rings into the ears and a feeling of nausea appears, vision and the person is worse and the person gives care of a valid fear.

The sound that has an average intensity may upset digestive organs, the brain, to generate paralysis of blindness and general weakness. Strong impact damages or fully leads to a heart stop.

Ultrasonic emitter

You can independently build an infrasound emitter that will not bring any damage human organismHowever, the unwanted neighborhood will be less noisy after its use.

Ultrasound design

The scheme is as follows: the simplest generator to create oscillations starts from the coil, which is available in the dynamics for sound. The relay is necessary to start the condenser. If you push the speaker to serve and turn off at all.

Next, the scheme begins to work on the resonant frequency of the coil. We also need transistors that will be low-frequency and produce a specific sound power. As a nutrition, a ninety-toned bearet from a non-working modem is used.

Resistors R2 and R4 are volume controls. The scheme produces work on the pendulum resonance. However, the entire electrician takes about two watts, but at the exit about twenty, so the speaker does not work without them.

Any sound speaker of the LF is suitable. Required condition - put in the housing, since in that case an acoustic " short circuit" In the form of the case perfectly fits the pan. At the dynamics for sound, when using the electorole bison, the ears are cut down, then it sticks out in the bucket and grows the "moment" over the perimeter.

Setting up an infrasound device

Initially, the entire system is collected on the table and the entire electrician is checked. Initially, this must be done without a weighting agent. After switching on, the speaker should begin to buzz at the resonance frequency.

If it does not immediately come out, it is necessary to work with the capacitance of the capacitor. Then the entire device is going to the pan, they are sampled with "moment" all the slots between the speaker and the body, and then melt the spiral of the weightlifier and glue the dynamics to the diffuser to the diffuser.

If there is no possibility to find a normal chiser, you should adjust the ultrasound frequency of 13 Hz when using an oscilloscope and a LISU-LISU generator. Then the power is turned on to check for a few seconds to see what happened. Next, the device turns off and the cutting of the spiral of the weighting agent begins until it turns out the double listing.

Vidavision offers various directional sound systems

They are created on the basis of the most advanced achievements and give the sound a new quality - localization.

Advantages of directional sound:

  • It is possible to voice one or more areas in the room, retaining silence as a whole.
  • The distance between the voiced zones is from 1 meter without prejudice to the sound picture.
  • Various design options are from invisible on the background of the ceiling and walls, to futuristic "domes."
  • A wide selection of sound zone and fastening height.

Underwater speakers.

The underwater column is based on the principles of "tactile sound", it allows you to listen to music under water. Thanks to unusual technology, there is no sound distortion, as if you tried to listen to the speakers from under the water, which are on land.

Submarine columns are:

  • Very clear sound under water .--
  • Easy installation in any pool.
  • It is used to prepare athletes, water therapy, in private pools.

In the mid-90s, the first samples of underwater speakers appeared, as the result of using tactile sound technologies for hearing information in the 1Gz-800Hz range in the aquatic environment. Such speakers found themselves numerous applications, from private pools, before training athletes- synchronists and swimmers. Due to the fact that underwater speakers are easily installed in the pool into a standard light niche, or simply fall into the water on the cable, clean and clear sound under water became accessible to all pool owners. In particular, underwater speakers are in demand by those who use the pool regularly - for swimming, entertainment guests and just relaxation. Where underwater columns are used:

  • Training pools.
  • Various prestigious resorts.
  • Olympic training center.
  • Private pools.
  • Training of synchronous sailing commands.
  • Sea biological research.
  • For the interaction of military divers.
  • Training of marine animals.

Among the manufacturers of underwater acoustics, the highest quality and interesting solutions are offered by Aquasonic, Realsound, Clark Synthesis Tactile Sound.

Hidden voice.

Solid Drive is a miniature sound converter of a hidden voice system, transmitting the acoustic energy of the surface, transforming any object to a high-quality sound source. Glass shop windows turn into one big speaker, which allows you to attract buyers by passing sound through the glass and without resorting to the complex installation of acoustic systems.

The Solid Drive used the technology of using powerful neodymium magnets, as well as paired symmetrically located motors designed to transform sound into strong vibrations, which in turn are transmitted by solid surfaces. The device is capable of any solid surface to turn into a speaker. There is the possibility of strict limitation of the space-visible space, the ability to use as a stereo and mono emitter using two built-in convex aluminum1 "micro emitters.

Interior acoustics.

Also ready to offer the interior hidden acoustics of Amina Technologies. The company's products can be completely hidden from eyes, sharpen, paint or stick with wallpaper. And your walls drown in the literal sense of the word.

All-weather speakers.

All-weather designer speakers with good sound for use on open space - The result of more than seventy-year-old collaboration of acoustic engineers, artists, and sound designers. The result of this work was the most reliable and weatherproof professional sound equipment of the Hi-End class: columns in the form of stones, flower pots and even coconut palm trees.

Such columns are used for:

  • Landscape design
  • Private houses
  • Hotels
  • Registration of parks

When choosing high-quality and reliable all-weather acoustics, it is worth paying attention to the products of B & W, Speaker Craft, Acoustic Energy, Monitor Audio.

Tactile sound.


  • TACTILE SOUND allows you to feel the sound with all body.
  • Low-band sound from 20 Hz, up to 17 kHz allows you to feel all shades, and not just shake everything around.
  • Tactile Sound is tested in Russian cinemas and museums, its effect was marked as amazing.
  • The effect of tactile sound is achieved not due to the volume.
  • The standards of installation in the chair, under the floor, or flooring.

The TACTILE SOUND system enjoys the greatest demand as an addition to home theaters and playing systems. With Tactile Sound, visitors to the Paleontology Museum will not forget, as, shuddering land, a giant lizard passed by them, and cadets, sitting at a combat simulator, fully loaded into the atmosphere of hostilities. Technology. Solid Drive ™ was created on the basis of a patented technology using very powerful neodymium magnets and paired symmetrically arranged motors to convert the sound signal into strong vibrations transmitted by solid surfaces with direct contact. Qualitative sound in the range of 70Hz-15kHz begins to play with the entire surface.


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