Automatic 25 amp which cable. What machines to put in an apartment or private house? Let's imagine how the machine is triggered when a short circuit occurs

Automatic 25 amp which cable. What machines to put in an apartment or private house? Let's imagine how the machine is triggered when a short circuit occurs

Circuit breakers are switching equipment designed to protect electrical wiring from overloads. If the chain is in a normal state, the current is supplied to it from the total highway through the machine. When the current value exceeds the critical parameters, the device is triggered and de-energized the line. In this article we will talk about what machines to put in a private house or in the apartment in order to ensure the health of the wiring and protect yourself and their property from fire.

Selecting the protective machine, it should be borne in mind that the value of the current causing its triggering should be less than that permissible by approximately 10%. Holding the alleged loads, you need to select the cross section of the conductors, based on the results obtained.

If you plan to increase the load, you need to install cables that have a greater section at the same time replacing the protective device to more powerful. If this is not done, old electric wires From excessive load just burn.

Device and principle of operation av

For home network, the VA series switches are most often used. Their feature is the presence of two types of protection, namely, thermal and electromagnetic.

The packet consists of several parts, the main of which is a bimetallic plate reacting to the value of the current that passes through it. Upon exceeding the nominal plate, the plate is heated, bends towards the disconnection and causes the automaton's triggering.

After normalization, the current is cooled, after which the protective device can be turned on again.

So it works thermal protection.

The operation of electromagnetic protection occurs under the influence of streams of KZ. When they pass through the release, the movable recently moving core is shifted to the side and causes the disabling mechanism that opens the contacts and de-energizing wiring.

Device and principle of operation of the circuit breaker on video:

The opening of contacts causes the appearance of a high-power electrical arc that can lead to their destruction. To neutralize it, the device is supplied with an extinguishing chamber, which consists of parallel metal plates. Attaching them, the arc is crushed into parts, cools and goes out.

If necessary, turning on and off automatics can be done manually. A good vehicle can withstand the electrons passing through it through it, if the latter does not exceed the denomination.

Varieties of protective automata

These devices are divided into several types, each of which has its own features of the work and is intended for installation in various chains:

  • Ma In these machines, thermal discharge is not provided. When connected to the load (for example, an electric motor), the current relay requires only a switch that provides protection against KZ.
  • A. The thermal release in these devices is triggered when the magnitude of the electric flow exceeds the denomination by 30%. Electromagnetic discharge here causes de-energization of the network in 0.05 C if the current exceeds the nominal value by 100%. If for any reason the coil did not work, then by approximately 25-30, thermal protection, which causes the operation of the machine. Protective devices of type A should be installed in electrical strokes with semiconductor elements that may come to a malfunction even with a slight increase in current. In order to protect the electronic devices in the chain, the machines of the brand z may be triggered by increasing the current twice.

  • B. In these devices, the operation of the thermal release occurs within 4-5 s, and the electromagnetic protection is valid for 0.015 s, if the current exceeds the denomination of 200%. The automata of this type is widely used in lightweight circuits that differ in a small value of the start current.
  • C. Such machines are the most common. Both types of protection in it are triggered when the value of the nominal current passing through the switch is exceeded by 400%.

This is a device that allows moderate start-up current, it is best to put in the household electric shield.

  • D and K. These devices are usually installed in industrial networks with large equipment starting currents. However, the automatic brand D can be installed in a private house in which an electric boiler or high-power electric motor is connected.

Having understood with the types of devices, go to the question of their choice.

How to choose an automatic switch?

The choice of circuit breakers is carried out on a number of criteria:

  • Rated current. If this parameter is exceeded, the switch is triggered, thereby protecting the chain from damage due to overload. It should be selected, based on the cable cross section, which are connected to AB. The rated current for the protective device should be 85-90% of the value that the wiring is capable of withstanding.

  • Selectivity. Choose the value of the current follows, based on the load value of a specific line. The value of the current for the main household appliances and elements is usually: 10 A - for lighting devices, 16 A - for electrical sockets, 25 A - for high-power electrical devices, 32 A - for electric stove and 40 A - for the main switch. These are general indicators that may vary. For example, if the device is connected to 25 A is performed through electrical outletIt is selected under a similar current.
  • Transition current. The nominal value of this parameter should be selected based on the load. The switching device for electronic devices should have a brand A or Z, a circuit breaker for a powerful high-current electric motor - D, a protective device for an electric heating boiler - C, and for lighting devices - V. If the brands of automata are chosen correctly, then equipment included The chain will be securely protected, and AB will not work when turned on, for example, welding or motor apparatus.
  • Number of poles. To protect a single-phase household network, to which high-power devices are not connected, a single or two-pole machine gun will be sufficient. If the chain is included, for example, a heating boiler or an electric motor into three phases, then AB must be three-pole.

  • Manufacturers. Both in Russia and abroad, the production of circuit breakers has been established, and to pick up a high-quality machine, you need to focus not only on the claimed parameters. Buy good technique In the market, "from under the floors", it is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, buying protective devices better in specialized points, where they are sold with related documentation. Leading manufacturers are valued by the brand of their company and a high rating, so you can not be afraid to run into a low-quality product.

About the nuances of the selection of the circuit breaker on the video:

Which firm switch is better to choose?

As we have already spoken, you should not purchase cheap protective devices from the incomprehensible manufacturer, since the safety of people and property depends on the quality of these devices.

To protect yourself from troubles associated with bad line protection, just buy a high-quality automatic machine, which, by the way, is worth the most more expensive fake.

If we talk about specific firms, we can advise the Schneider Electric, ABB and LEGRAND devices, which are at the denomination of 16 and currently stand from 120 to 230 rubles. There are more simple and budget options A similar nominal, the price of which today does not exceed 50 rubles - EKF and IEK.

All AB provides a certain number of triggered. Use protective devices as load switches undesirable - this leads to wear of the mechanism and burning contacts. In accordance with the requirements of PUE, the load must be switched through relay or contactors.

It is very important not to be mistaken when determining the necessary number of protective devices. As a rule, the introductory automatic is installed in the first place. Other packagers protect lighting lines, outlets, as well as powerful electrical appliances that have no built-in protection.

On AV production of different firms, cables are connected and attached differently. Therefore, if you need to replace the automata in the shield, it is better to put similar products instead.

Overview of the "Hager" circuit breakers in the following video:


Summing up, let's say that modern circuit breakers protect electric network And devices connected to it from both short circuit and long-term overloads. In the first case, the thermal release is triggered, and in the second - electromagnetic protection.

Recall also that it is necessary to use AB in direct purpose, and do not apply electrical appliances in their quality switches, otherwise They will quickly fail. After reading this material, you learned what machines should be put in an apartment or in a private house.

The internal wiring of a residential building or apartment consists of several elements that have their own purpose, but the main one is an introductory machine. What is this device and why it is needed, let's understand detail.

Machine input - varieties and basics of device selection

The introductory device allows you to automatically turn off the electrical wiring when a malfunction, and in case it will suddenly need to be repaired or upgrades. In modern apartments, the input devices are located on the staircases or in Tambura, and here in low-rise buildings they are usually put on the street. Externally, AV is very similar to the standard machines, which are installed in the distribution panel, but the testimony of the rated current is significantly larger. In addition, they are very convenient to turn off the electricity throughout the house at once.

Introductory devices are presented on the market by two-pole, three-pole and four-pole models. Choose them depending on the power supply system, which was selected for a specific object. In some cases, it can be noted that a single-pole automatic machine is installed as a protective automatic device. It is extremely recommended to do it, because with this installation, the device only breaks the phase line, while neutral remains connected to the voltage source. Such an approach does not guarantee one hundred percent protection.

Understand what power you need an introductory machine for a particular case is not so difficult. To do this, it is necessary to summarize the currents of lines intended for nutrition and cable. After calculating the value, you need to understand that the maximum load situation can happen - this is the inclusion of all available devices at one point. Relying on it, you can calculate the necessary rates of the machine, the operating current and the existing wiring. The correct solution will choose a device that has exceeding the maximum current to the short circuit case will be 1000-1500a.

An important aspect when selecting the input device will be the phase of the power supply and the power consumption of the object on which the electrical input is to be installed. If one-phase meal is selected, the choice should fall on a two-pole machine. If the powered object has a three-phase supply, then in this case the three-pole or four-pole introductory machine is chosen. Voltage supply to VA is carried out by an underground or air manner. The latter variant is especially common to supply three-phase four-wire power supply.

A two-pole input machine - a standard solution for typical apartments

With voltage drops and in order to protect your own dwelling at present, an introductory machine for 25a, 32a or 50a is used for a single-phase network. In essence, a two-meter is also called a two-pole automatic - represents the structure of two combined single-pole automata, having a single shutdown lever and a common blocking between the shutdown mechanisms. Why does he have such a design? The fact is that the rules of electrical installations, which are guided by electricity, prohibit the rupture of the zero wire. Two-hectares are mounted on the phase, and on zero, and when they triggered, complete de-energization occurs.

Important! It is forbidden to install two single-pole introductory devices instead of one two-pole.

Two-pole machines are used when replacing wiring in an old residential foundation. There, as a rule, there is a two-wire wiring consisting of a phase and zero. There is no ground in it. In the new housing stock, the installation of two-generals for disconnecting the entire apartment is also common. The fact is that due to the low qualification of electricians or during an independent installation of the introductory machine, there is a possibility of incorrect input connection. Sometimes wires can be confused that it does not exclude electric shock when the machine is turned off only to a certain posting line in the apartment. With the use of a two-pole such an option disappears.

Connecting a two-pole input device occurs by supplying a phase to it, which from it moves to the meter, and then on the protective shutdown device. After that, the phase is distributed to the installed circuit breakers. The neutral wire is connected to the second pole, then entering the counter, after which it goes to the Uzo of each individual line. Grounding goes directly to the Protect Earth (Protect Earth), and then on the points set in the apartment. It does not connect to the two-repell. With such a connection, the introductory machine will be triggered not only when problems on the input line, but also in case of problems on a single line in the apartment wiring, if the machine standing on it, for some reason, has failed.

Electric inputs for a three-phase network

In apartments equipped with electric stoves, and some homes can be held a three-phase network. Three-general or four-pole AV are used as the introductory devices. Three-solves will be applied to simultaneously disconnecting all phases of the network in the event of a short circuit (short circuit) or overload. A separate phase is connected to each device terminal. After Wa, the counter is set, the protection of which should be 63 A. Since the wiring house has a big length, then there is a big risk of current leakage. To this end, after the meter, the RCD is set to the current leakage of 300 mA.

Quadruple machines are a rather rare option for using them in a three-phase network. They are used in the case of the supply of a four-wire power grid. The main difference of it from a three-general machine is that here the zero wire is supplied to the fourth pole after connecting to the first three phase wires. The further distribution scheme of the wires occurs by analogy with a three-solid introductory device. You can often find options for using a four-pole machine for connecting four phases. In this case, when you closure on one of the lines, all four will be deranged.

When choosing an introductory machine for a three-phase network, it is necessary to add all the loads entering each phase separately. The operating current of the automaton is simply calculated. For this, the resulting amount in kilowatts is multiplied by 1.52 (coefficient for voltage 380 V). The rated current of the machine must be higher than the worker, so we select the nearest value for it. This condition acts in the case of the same load on all three phases. If some of them accounts for a large load, the calculation is carried out at the maximum value, the indicator of which in kilowatts is multiplied by the coefficient 4.55 (for voltage 220 V).

We select a suitable input machine - what parameters you need to rely

Having considered the main types of introductory devices, you need to pay attention to the parameters, to consider that you need when choosing a suitable option for installation in a separate case. First of all, we define the maximum short circuit current. This is an indicator at which the input device should work and break the electrical circuit. WA is offered with parameters from 3 to 10 mA. The optimal option will be the device with an indicator of 6 A. For apartments, it is allowed to install automata for 3 mA, especially if the option of the CZ is minimized. If the dwelling is located next to the substation, then in this case it is recommended to pay attention to the input devices by 10 mA.

Next comes the operating current indicator, which we mentioned earlier. In this case, it is necessary to consider not only the total load per network, but also. These parameter calculate this parameter as follows: the power of the entire electrical equipment located in the house is folded, after which the result obtained is multiplied by 0.7 - the coefficient of simultaneous operation of all equipment. The resulting value is divided by 220 (380). The final result is the rated current, which should be at the acquired input device.

When choosing Va, it is not necessary to do without such a thing as a type of current characteristic. Since exceeding the start current over the worker can be higher than several times, the machine can determine such a parameter as a short circuit. As a result, there will be open circuit, which is not at all necessary. To do this, there is a certain gradation that allows you to select the device correctly:

  • B. It is used if there are no powerful electrical appliances.
  • C. Used in the presence of electric stove, boiler and similar equipment. Applied in homes where medium power devices are not on permanent basis: welding machine, concrete mixer, etc.
  • D. Put in the presence of powerful equipment.

Important. Installing VA in the house, pay attention to the state of the wiring. Perhaps, before installing it costs it.

In this article, I want to touch such an important topic as the correct calculation of the cross section of the electrical wiring cable. The quality and safety of all electrical wiring depends on the choice of cable cross-section. When the cable cross section, the current current will exceed the maximum allowed operating current. At the same time, the operating current of the wiring is limited to the maximum allowable heating temperature of the wire when the current is proceeding. When this temperature is exceeded, insulation begins to overheat and melt, which leads to the destruction of the cable. For hidden wiring, the thermal conductivity of the wire is smaller than for open wiring, the wire is worse cooled and, accordingly, less permissible operating current.

It is not necessary to save on the cable, since with the wrong choice it will have to be replaced, and this is a time-consuming process, often meaning the beginning of a new repair.

Calculation and selection of cable cross section

The rated current of the circuit breaker is selected greater than or equal to the estimated current of the line, and should not exceed the maximum allowable load in the electrical circuit or cable:

I calculate<=I н <=I доп

To ensure protection against current overload, the rated circuit of the operation of the circuit breaker must be 45% less than the maximum allowable load for the electrical circuit or cable:

IT.<=1,45*I доп

where I calculate the circuit current;

I add - permissible load of an electrical circuit or cable;

I n - nominal circuit of the circuit breaker;

I tr - current triggering of the thermal release;

Maximum current that can withstand the cable should be defined in Table 1.3.4. (Rules of electrical installation devices). Hidden wiring, made in the stroke under the stucco, equates to the wiring laid in the pipe.

According to the modern requirements of electrical safety, wiring in apartments (cottages, offices) should be performed by a three-wire copper cable or wire, but when calculating the grounding conductor (RE) is not taken into account, so we use a column with the parameters of the two-core wires:

In the event that you have electrical wiring with an aluminum wire in the house, you can use Table 1.3.5. which specifies the values \u200b\u200bof the maximum permissible current values \u200b\u200bfor wires and cables with aluminum veins:

Choosing a cross-section of the wire, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for its mechanical strength. According to TKP 339-2011, P.8.4.4 in buildings should use cables and wires with copper conductors. The smallest permissible cross sections of conductive veins and cables in electrical wiring on TKP 121 are shown in Table 8.1.

According to this table, the minimum cross section of the conductor for power and lighting circuits is 1.5 mm 2. Therefore, if as a result of calculations, it turns out that the required section is 1 mm 2, then it is necessary to select a minimum conductor at least 1.5 mm 2.

What will happen if you do not take into account the setpoint of the thermal release when choosing a machine? For convenience, consider an example:

Take the most common quantity of the automaton - 16 A, the overload current, in which the machine will work for an hour will be equal to 16 * 1.45 \u003d 23.2 A (the table above was presented, from which it can be seen that the value of the thermal release setpoint is 1.45 Rated current). Accordingly, it is under this current and it is worth picking a cable cross section. From Table 1.3.4. We select a suitable section: For hidden electrical wiring from copper - this is at least 2.5 mm 2 (maximum overload current 27 A).

Similarly, it is possible to carry out calculations and for the machine 10 A. The current, in which the machine will turn off within an hour will be 10 · 1.45 \u003d 14,5A. According to the table, the current corresponds to the cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm 2.

Very often, the installers neglect this rule and to protect the line with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 put the circuit breaker with a nominal value 25a (after all, the line can long withstand a current of 25 A). But at the same time, they forget that an unconcted current of such a machine is 25 * 1,13 \u003d 28.25 A, and this is already a longer permissible overload current. The current at which the machine will turn off within an hour will be 25 * 1.45 \u003d 36.25 A !!! With such a current and during this time, the cable will overheat and burn.

Also, you should not forget that in the cable market market, most of the cable made are made not according to GOST, but by that. It follows from this that their actual cross section will be understated. Buying a cable made by one, instead of a cable with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2, you can get a cable with an actual cross section lived less than 2.0 mm 2!
Here is an example of what can happen in case of neglecting the rule of sequence of the cable and automaton section:

Select the circuit breaker

Given all the above factors, to increase the safety, reliability and durability of the electrical wiring, it is worth applying the following cable cross-sectional ratios that protect this line:

  • 1.5 mm ².10 A.2200 W. → mainly used for lighting lines.
  • 2.5 mm ²16 A.3520 W. → Used in separate lines for powerful household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, etc.) or domestic outlet groups.
  • - 4 mm ².25 A.5500 W. → For power chains (powerful electrical appliances, electric heating system, etc.).
  • 6 mm ².32 A.7040 W. → For power chains (electric stove, electric heating system, etc.).
  • 10 mm ².40 A.8800 W. → for input or power circuit lines;

After the wire sections have chosen, they are checked for the permissible loss of voltage. With a high length of wires, the voltage to consumers can reach significantly lower than the nominal. The permissible loss of voltage in the wires should not exceed 5% of the rated voltage. If she it will be more permissible, then it is necessary to choose a larger wire. As part of this article, we will not consider checking the loss of tension.

Circuit breakers are designed to protect electrical wiring from overload and short circuit. It is mistaken to believe that when choosing an electrical appliance, you need to be guided by the network load indicators. The machine protects the cables and wires, and not connected household appliances.

With an increase in the load on the electric network, the current is increasing, due to which the wires begin to warm, and the insulation is melted. At this point the circuit breaker is triggered. The current ceases to enter this section of the chain, because The electrical appliance opens it. Circuit breakers put on entering.

Types of automata

Types of circuit breakers are distinguished by release. The release is a structural element of the machine to which the main function is assigned to the mains of the power grid in the event of an increase in voltage.

  • Electromagnetic releases - instant response and operation of the machine. Principle of operation: With an increase in the current force, the core in the hundredths of the seconds is drawn, thereby straining the spring, which makes it makes itching
  • Thermal bimetallic releasers - the network break occurs only if the limit values \u200b\u200bof the cable parameters are violated. The principle of operation lies in the bend of the plate when it is heated. She pushes the lever in the machine, and it turns off
  • Semiconductor releasers are used on AC / DC networks on entering. Line rupture operations transformer block

Sensitivity characteristics for overload

First you need to pay attention to the main characteristics of the triggering:

  • Characteristic A - for electrical wiring with particularly sensitive equipment. Calculation of the instantaneous reaction of the machine for overload
  • Characteristic B - to protect electrical wiring (sockets and lighting) from the load in residential buildings. A small delay in the operation of the automaton with an increase in the current for 3-5 times from the nominal value
  • Characteristic C - to protect electrical wiring from a load in residential buildings and for networks with a large start current. The most common characteristic. The machine does not respond to small voltage jumps, and only triggers with serious overloads - increasing current for 5-10 times from the nominal value
  • Characteristic D - to protect the electrical wiring from a load with a large start current. Install at the entry to control the electrical network of the entire building. Disables the network with an increase in current 10-50 times from the nominal value

Choosing a machine for the number of poles

Depending on the purpose of the application of the automaton, the number of poles of the machine can choose:

  • Singo-pole - to protect lighting and sockets
  • Two-pole - to protect powerful household appliances (washing machine, electric stove, etc.)
  • Three-pole - to protect generators, borehole pumps, etc.
  • Four-pole - to protect the four-wire network

Power Machine

Selecting the circuit breaker is carried out by nominal current. To calculate it, you need to use the generally accepted formula:

Where: i is the current value

P - Power of all electrical appliances in W

U - voltage in the network in (usually 220V)

In addition to the choice of the automatic power switch, it is necessary to take into account the calculation of the maximum operating current. The rated current must be greater than or equal to the maximum. To calculate, you need to summarize the power of all devices and divide it to the voltage in the network multiplied by the downward coefficient.

Depending on the type of wiring, the calculation of the limit values:

  • For aluminum wires - up to 6A 1 square millimeter
  • For copper wires - up to 10a per square millimeter

When installing the circuit breaker, you need to take into account and increase the coefficients. They are calculated from the number of electricity consumers:

  • Consumer number 2 -0.8
  • Consumer number 3 - 0.75
  • More than 5 consumers - 0.7

In addition to raising, lowering coefficients are used to calculate: the difference between the total and power consumption. Value 1 - for the simultaneous connection of several household appliances and 0.75 - if there are household appliances, but due to the absence of sockets, it is impossible at the same time.

After the calculation, you need to verify the table to the maximum allowable current value for the conductor:

The main rules for the choice of automata

  • Buy automatic need in specialized stores
  • When choosing a manufacturer, give preference to the most famous and reliable
  • Cannot acquire automata with damaged housing
  • The choice of the machine must match the wiring parameters after the capacity calculation
  • For the old electrical wiring, in which aluminum wires were used, you can use the automaton of no more than 16a, or two 16a in the presence of two outgoing wires. Includes at the same time several types of household appliances can not

The selection of the circuit breaker is a very important parameter, from which the quality of the specific electrical appliances and the network as a whole depends. To find the right circuit breaker, it is necessary to be guided by certain rules that you need to know.

The choice of an automatic load of the load should be performed correctly, because otherwise problems may arise.

Circuit breakers are one of the elements of protecting the electrical network from reboots, and they must be qualitative. The power consumption of electricity should not exceed the power of the machine itself, so before buying it, you need to carefully calculate real needs.

Read more about the methods of choice

There are several ways to choose automatic switches to be successful and as high quality. To select the desired option, it is worth correctly determining the rated load indicator in the electrical network.

The more the equipment works, the more powerful you need a machine.

Selection using a table

The easiest way to choose the desired automatic with the help of a special table, which is quite volumetric. Having learned the total capacity of all the instruments, you can choose a single-phase, two-phase or three-phase switch without unnecessary problems.

The selection can be performed in a matter of minutes, if the total power of the devices is slightly lower than in the table, it is worth choosing about the same option, but it is better that its power is even slightly higher.

Selection of graphic method

You can choose an automatic switch according to your needs with a special graphic scheme. This scheme can be found on the Internet without any problems, it indicates the rated current of the machine and its power in kilowatts.

Specific current nominations correspond to certain power indicators, due to which it is possible to determine the desired option. This method is almost as convenient as a table, so many consumers actively use it.

If you look at the graphics indicators that are horizontally, you can find the current load indicators, and the vertically indicates the data on the power of the specific network site used. Power you need to calculate yourself, and then using this indicator, you can determine which switch is required.

Special selection nuances

When choosing a machine, you need to consider the fact that the number of household appliances can significantly increase in the house. Given this factor, it is worth taking a machine that has a power slightly higher than the current moment. If the number of equipment in the house increases, and it is actively used, respectively, the load on the electrical network becomes higher.

Tip! If the machine is already installed, and the equipment in the house has become more, then you just need to buy a new one and install it. Only in this case you need to take care of the new wiring, because Old may not cope with the load.

Having calculated the amount of voltage in a specific segment, buying a machine, to this number it is worth adding another 50% so that if necessary, it was necessary to urgently run behind the new switch. The calculation of the required power is easy. Even a schoolboy to cope with such a banal task.

Using the raising coefficient, you can safely insure yourself of unexpected situations. But there are such cases when they are advised to use a non-boost, but a lower ratio, but they are quite rare.

It is important! If the network accounts for an increased load, due to the inclusion of a plurality of powerful electrical appliances, then it is necessary not to simply change the switch, but to check if the wiring will withstand such loads.

How to choose a three-phase machine?

Three-phase machines are just perfectly suitable for the network of 380 volts, they are considered the most powerful.
To decide precisely with the choice of this device, it is worth following such rules:

  • determine the total power of all devices used;
  • calculate the power connected to the power supply system;
  • multiply the result obtained by the coefficient whose value reaches 1.52;
  • select a circuit breaker for the table in terms of table.

Knowing how to choose a machine for a network of 220 or 380 volts, you can safely buy an automatic for home, having confidence that it is high-quality. It should take into account the fact that the nominal strength of the current should be more than 15% than the result obtained earlier during calculations.

The principle of choice of single-phase and two-phase automata is approximately the same as for three-phase.


Absolutely every adult should learn how to choose an automatic switch, because in the house it is impossible to do without it. To properly choose the machine, you need to calculate the total power of all functioning devices by making a small power supply to the future.

Additionally, you need to see if the wiring will withstand the specific load value.

High-quality automatic is worth buying in a specialized store, determining its power and model using a special table or schema. Choosing an automatic, you need to take into account your real needs and then it will be really good.

The main thing is to correctly determine the power of all electrical devices in the house. It can be easily done if you look at the body of one or another device, where all the technical characteristics are spelled out. Given all the nuances of choice, you can find and buy an automatic machine for your home, which will withstand the load of the electrical devices used.

It is very easy to carry out the right calculations, so it's simply not to cope with such an easy task that many users have already proven, selecting this thing for the work for the first time, without experience.


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