When Valentina's name is in the church calendar. When Valentina's name is celebrated

When Valentina's name is in the church calendar. When Valentina's name is celebrated

What do we know about Valentina? Many will only say that it is a female form of men. Paired names - Valery Valeria, Peter-Petronia, Ivan-Ivanna (Zhanna) - are quite common. But it is not necessary to think that in all cases for the happy fate of the girl answers the male guardian angel. Valentina Name Day can be celebrated on February 14. Then the whole world celebrates the day of lovers. But there are holy patroness Valentin. And in this article we will tell you when celebrating the day of the angel of girls and women with such a militant name. We will also reveal his magic mystery. You will learn how Valentine's name, which you spoke your newborn daughter, to reflect on its fate and character.


The origin of the word is such. The name Valentine has Latin roots. IN Ancient Rome They still called children with epithets. That is, parents, blinded Son Valentine or Valentin, wanted the boy to grow strong and strong. Even before the Nativity, the female form of this name appeared. Valentine Parents referred chateacity to life. Given that in those days, half of the babies did not live to ten years, it was a very valuable wish.

Names with the root of "Valent" (power, power) in ancient Rome was quite a lot. Especially so loved to ban the boys. Some diminutive and caustic forms - Vall, Tino, Val, Tincho, Valcine and others - have become their own names from different Romanesque peoples and those ethnic groups that were part of the Roman Empire. Related Valentina and Valery. In both words there is a root of Vale. By the way, the Romans completed their letters. "VALE!" You can translate as "Health!".

But back to Valentines. At the dawn of Christianity, several saints with this name were famous as martyrs. And among them and women. Who are they, and when should the name day of Valentina be celebrated?

Patron lovers

We first tell you about the world-famous Bishop of InterTea (modern Italian city of Terni). When February 14 is celebrated by the Day of Lovers, this is his name day. Valentina became famous as martyrs for faith. Was, for example, a certain priest in Rome, beheaded during the Emperor Claudia. But the patron sieve of lovers (as well as beekeepers, epileptics and newlyweds) is the most famous of the early Christian saints. Its image is idealized by later romantic poets.

Allegedly, the bishop secretly walked legionnaires with their chosenses, although the emperor banned the soldiers in the service to marry. For that Saint Valentine and suffered. The Catholic Church celebrates the day of the memory of the bishop of Terni on February 14, and the Orthodox - July 30 for the Julian calendar (August 12 in a new style). In addition, the eastern branch of Christianity is honored by Valentina-Romans's priest. This happens 6 (19) July.

Bold Virgo, Brave Christian Martyrs Sisters

But the early church knew not only men who have posted life for serving the Son of God. Women were no less brave. At the very least, two of them wore a beautiful name Valentine. Who were they? The first Valentine was born near the city of Caesarea (Palestine), lived in the reign of Emperor Maximin II Galeriya. She was distinguished by rare beauty. She was conveyed to her as a Christian. Valentina led to the court to the procurator (representative of the Roman power in the province) Firmylian. He combat the beauty of the girl, decided to rescue it. He said that Valentina slandered, and in fact she honors the Roman gods. He ordered to take her to the temple so that she demonstrated it there. But the girl put a stone on the altar and turned to the burning light back. After that, the young Christian was mercilessly beaten, and then beheaded. Church names Valentina Kesiairovskaya marks 10 (23) February.

Another holy martyr for faith in Christ is one of the sisters. Valentina and Chonya were from Egypt. Caesaria were shown to testify before the procurator. Sincerely confessed their faith and were burned alive. The legend says that sisters executed together with Saint Paul. Valentina's names for the Orthodox calendar are marked 16 (29) July.

Holy West in Russia

Christianity came to our country with Greek monks-saint. They introduced Valentine's name to the masses. At first he was taken together with the post. That is, they made themselves women who adopted monastic vows. And since in the Novogreic language, the word "Valentine" was pronounced as "Aulandin", it gave rise to the formation of a new name. Gradually, the alesshines began to impose girls without joining the monastery, but with baptism. This name has become even more popular in pre-revolutionary Russiathan the original one. But it did not disappear completely. Therefore, the name day of Valentine in the church calendar and are celebrated twice a year. In the summer, July 29, the memory of the saints of the Great Martyrs of Chone and Aleceptine. And in February, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of Angel Valentina Caesarian.

Mystery name

The encoded WALE syllable (power, power) should make a girl more courageous and strict. Such is it - but only in relation to himself. To other Valentine - the kindness itself. She tends to see only good qualities in people. She likes to help others. In childhood, Valechka is the perfect child. She is obedient, moderately playing. She loves her peers because it is always ready to help in trouble. But she thinks little about himself, and unfair people can take this. Valentina is often perceived as a "vest" in which you can cry.

How do girls choose a profession with this name? If they celebrate Angel's Day in winter, they become flyers, cosmonauts, programmers and, in general, overcome serious, men's classes. If the name day of Valentine on the church calendar comes for the summer, such women are very romantic, sensitive. They have perfectly developed intuition. They are well versed in art, especially in painting and music. Such valentines often become actresses.

Influence of the name on privacy

Any mother, groaning his newborn daughter, wants family happiness for her. And what can I say? Whenever you celebrate the name of Valentina - in February or July, it all will work fine. She is not looking for ideal - after all, people are composed of positive and not too positive features. The first place Valentine puts the world and the field in the family. She agrees to not defend his position - and soon the husband himself will make sure that it was right. Selected Valya is not looking for - she simply meets the reciprocity of the one who loves it unless.

She is an excellent mother and teacher of their children. Valya loves to receive guests and a wonderful mistress. But she has negative qualities. This is an addiction to gambling. She painfully worries defeat and craves revenge. Therefore, she should not have happiness in the casino.

Amulets Valentine

Named Orthodox This woman celebrates twice a year. And what do esoteric symbols give her? A favorable tree at Vali - Iva, and the flower is forget-me-not. She needs to give things the color of the sea wave. Stone talisman for Valentina is pearls. She smiles happiness on Thursday, and the best time for her is winter. It would be good if Valentine on the sign of the zodiac was fish. She patronizes Venus.

The meaning of Valentina: "Strong", "Strong" (LAT)

Valentina since childhood is a good child. A kindness is the quality that the red thread is through its whole character. She is also very foul and responsive. However, the owner of this name is very quick-tempered, their anger goes back quickly, as lighting up. She can offend a word, but after a couple of minutes he regrets it.

It can succeed in any professions. But more often stops its choice on medicine, raising children. Valentine loves to joke, but does not perceive the jokes in his address, often they offend her. Even in the most innocent joke, she can see the subtext. Very devoted to his friends, protects them even in their absence.

Valentine is looking for his chosen one for a long time, she absorbs him from many. And it stops only on the one that will love. For him and marry will come out. All my life appreciate and love their husbands. Valentine's owner is always a good mistress, knows how to save homely focus. In her house she is always cleaned and cozy. They are also good mothers, infinitely loving their children.

Speed-ladded forms of Valentine: Valek, Valya, Valya.

Congratulations, Valentina,
Life would be like raspberry,
Sweet, bright, juicy, tasty,
Never be sad!

All let them work well,
As you wish you yourself
Cute house, of course, cottage,
And so that the money was.

Let the finance be a lot
Let the only road be happy
Will be in your life
And let the dream come true!

Currency! Valentine!
You are so irresistible
Elegant, stunning,
Small and charming!

Friend, sociable
And just amazing!
Decent respect
For all your aspirations!

For work and understanding,
For all your efforts,
For affection and care
For the best job!

Accept congratulations
Honor and respect!
All the best, you, and vigor!
You are just an angel, a shower.

Valechka, I wish you the execution of all dreams, good health and limitless happiness! Let Love and Kindness always reign in your heart! I wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions, excellent mood and colorful moments! Let your smile decorate this world!

It is necessary to be strong
In difficult times.
Valentine Power
From the birth of Dana.

And you are successful in your work,
And the family is loved,
So trouble and misfortune
Let them go past.

Only joy, only happiness
Let them find a way to you,
And for our Valentines
Will welcome yourself!

My soul is light -
I know I reason:
Time finally came
Congratulate Valentina.

I will ask the sky
Shine for you
Let them be fulfilled today
All your desires.

Sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and laughter
Let this day bring
Let with success and success
Happiness to the house will come to you.

Dear Valentine,
Congratulations we are!
Be always active,
Do not pain you never.

Let the troubles pass by
And they are afraid of the enemies,
So that you are a strong spirit,
All dreams were performed.

Plus health, plus good luck,
Loyal, devotees,
Be happy
Only pleasant news.

Happiness, joy, good luck,
Money full wallet.
Let everything be like you want
Pouring a smile to the future.

Valentine, be healthy,
Don't your hands, you never.
Let him be wonderful
In your life, everything is always.

Valentine, let everything be
Super classes you have!
On this day I congratulate
Very sincerely you.

You really want to wish you, Valya,
So that you like rose, all the time bloom,
To dreams all the reality of steel,
To always be happy!

Let all be: and the love is unearthly,
And a lot of health, friends and girlfriends,
You only good i, vanya, wish,
Let only joy waiting for you around!

Congratulations to you, Valentina,
And I wish only happiness in fate.
Let life be filled with positive,
Every day gives the joy to you.

Let luck do not leave you,
And friends will not let go.
Let love whispering gentle name,
From the troubles of the angels, let them catch up.

Valentine, Valya, Valya -
Large soul man.
Merry, good, stubborn,
But not angry, from a honest soul.

You will always refer to help,
Help help everyone serve.
If necessary, in the snow, and in the cold
Greeting part of your heat!

Valentine, Valya, Valya,
Let only success be accompanied.
You are always good with us,
Let your cheerful laughter sounds!

Congratulations, Valentine!
Here is your holiday.
Stay always cute
Angel kept you.

Let success in work be,
And in everyday life - comfort, peace.
Let the sadness forget you
You won't know this.

Let Love plays wings,
You will happily take you
The fairy tale will immediately become ...
Let not end the flight!

Congratulations: 58 in verse, 17 In prose.

Girls by name are distinguished by a sincere and benevolent character, women namesman gives a welcome and hospitality. If you have to visit the name day, which will make it miss, they don't have to miss, because the cheerful currency is able to arrange a grand holiday.

The name-formality refers to the category of paired names that correspond to both women and men. The translation of the same name "Valen" of two forms of the word is associated with epithets Healthy, strong, even powerful. Calling children of the female or male form named, parents wished the boy of good health, and the girl is to be a chain to life, because in the pre-Christian times among babies was high mortality.

According to the Scandinavian legend, the son of God wore the name of Vali, he was predicted to survive the moment of the end of the world and see the beginning of the new world. With the birth of Christianity, the ranks of the saints were replenished with martyrs, whose names are celebrated on such days:

  • January 8 was the Day of the Martyr Valentina and Ufa Bishop Andrei;
  • February 23 celebrate the day of the virgin martyr beauty Valentina Kesiairskaya;
  • July 29, the martyr Valentina, which was also called alentine.

How to celebrate Valentina Name Day: You should choose the day of honor that the holy martyr who is closest to the birthday of the currency. Particularly expensive presents on the Angel Day do not give, the main gift to the name will be attended.

Features of the birthday character

  • Valusha grows a good and responsive child, she is experiencing for people who fell into trouble, regret homeless animals, bringing them home. The girl is movable and obedient, but takes too seriously. The nature of the Valeki is not devoid of hot spirits, but for short moments of anger are replaced by sincere regret.
  • Dreams of adult Valentina are not at all about career growth, but about creating a strong family, the girl craves to make up the rapid of children. Going to marry, serious vigorously chooses a decent challenger capable of the sincerity of feelings. Coming out married, balanced carrier becomes an excellent mother for his children, a hospitable mistress.
  • With all the positive features of the character, a peace-loving currency has one negative quality - amarness. Therefore, carriers should not be engaged in gambling, painfully surviving defeat, the owner of the name is configured to revenge.

Communicating with the shafts, it should be noted that she does not understand the humor, sharply responding to a joke in his address. In addition, the scrupulous for the nature of the lady suspiciously applies to monetary calculations, encroachments on their rights.

What is known about the saints of patrons

On the day of the birthday of the church calendar, Holy Valentine is asked to condesceve God's mercy and grace, they are waiting for forgiveness, strengthening the principles of faith, pious life in love. Christians have a holy martyr in great respect, they are treated to get rid of falseprooroks, protection against the adepts of false cohings and temptations, asking for purity of thoughts.

The main dates when Valentines should celebrate the name day, are considered the days of February 23, as well as July 29. If you are going to call the daughter Valentina, learn more about her saints patroness.

Who were the Holy Martyrs

The memory of Valentina Caesarian

Device Virgin was born near the city of Caesarea, located in Palestine. The future holy behalf of the righteous lifestyle, helping the suffering as a good christian. After the donos on the commitment of the pagan gods, the bold maiden had to appear before the court of the procurator of the province of Firmylian. The official ordered a young Christian to abandon his faith in favor of paganism, which she did not.

Then the martyr, not only beautiful outwardly, but also internally, beheaded. Over time, the girl who lived for faith was built into the rank of saints, assigning the name of Valentina Kaesarian, whose name was celebrated on February 28 according to the church calendar.

Holy Sisters-Martyr and Paul

Sisters Valentina and Chonia, originating from Egypt, also fell a martyr's fate. During the reign of Maximilian, who made the persecution of Christians, sisters, together with Paul, led to the Emperor's court. Pious Christians refused to bow down by Palestinian idols, the martyrs firmly convinced that the Lord for their suffering would open them the road to the kingdom of heaven.

After martyrs for the order of the ruler, the Christian sisters burned at the fire, and Paul was beheaded. Name Day of St. Valentina, as indicated in the church calendar, celebrate July 29.

Valentina Tereshkekova left the most notable mark in the history of modern society, which became the first woman-astronaut in 1963. A courageous carrier of a decent name on board the East-6 spacecraft made 48 revolutions around the planet.

History of men's Orthodox Saints

Since women's names efficiency comes from the male naming Valentine, it is impossible not to remember the saints of the same name, fought for the principles of the Christian faith.

  • According to the church calendar, the day of Angela Valentina Dorostolsky celebrate on May 7th. The 30-year-old warrior from the city of Dorostol suffered for faith Christ during the times of terrible persecution of Christians.
  • On August 12, the Church Calendar is noted as the Day of Memorial Day of the Sacred Piece of Valentine, Bishop Interamnnsky. The saint is read as a patron of pharmacists.
  • The priest Valentine, nicknamed Roman, chance to suffer for faith in the reign of Emperor Claudia II. Mean the saint on July 19.

Some believe that Valentina can celebrate their name-on February 14th. The date is recognized as a worldwide in love with a romantic legend of Holy Valentina, who connected the fate of lovers of hearts. However, there is no such holiday in the church calendars of Orthodox and Catholics, so this date cannot be considered an angel of Valentina.

On the day of the bright name of Valentina, when she celebrates an angel's day on the church calendar, send it to her sms-ku with warm wishes of peace and warmth in the shower, luck in all and family happiness.

What you remember the bottom of the angel of Valeki will be for her the best gift for the day of the birthday. For a beloved woman, you can prepare an ornament with pearls, it is considered a mascot name, as well as add a modest bunch of forget-me-not. Choosing a present to the day of the angel, do not forget that the blue-green color is considered to be magical.

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For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

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Name Day Valentine on the church calendar is customary to celebrate in February twenty-third. This day is the day of memory of the pious martyr, which was executed, without leaving Christian fabrics. Valentine's name is pair male name Valentine, which comes from the Latin word "Valens" - strong, healthy. Church form - Waalin.

Etymology named

It will be worth it for those who wear this name, to know the history of the patroness of the name. One of them says that Valentine's martyr lived at the end of the third century AD. Unfortunately, only the history of her death reached this day. At that time, the lands of Palestine Rules of Firmylians, who experienced hatred to all who professed Christianity or at least somehow supported his ideology.

Together with the Martyr Valentina, two more Christian women were given to the ruler - Ennaph from Gaza and Paul from the Caesarea district. Valentine refused to worship with pagan idols, and when she was taken to the sanctuary of polyns for the victim of their gods, she desecrated a place for the victims when she threw a stone and turned his back to him. It led the ruler into rage, he ordered the soldiers to cruelly beat her. After a long torture, women cut off their heads.

As previously mentioned, female name Valentine went from male. Martyrs with such a name before death stood for their beliefs. One of these Christians was Saint Valentin Dorostolsky, who was executed in 288 of our era. A thirty-year warrior from the army of the ruler Avsalon, was not afraid to openly confess Christianity, for which he was devoted to martyrdom.

Influence of the name on the fate and character of the owner

Valentine's name was greeted by girls, wanting a good health and strength to a child. After all, it is no secret that in ancient times, almost half of the children did not live and before adheral of age. And the power of the maternal faith with God's help really endorsed the carriers of this name good health and unbending spirit.

As a rule, Valentina lovely hostesses, caring wives and mothers. Their craving for creating comfort is visible in the ability to prepare perfectly and create a warm atmosphere in the house. Valentines love to knit, sew, embroider, successfully using their skills in everyday life.

At the young age, Valentine has many fans, but coming out married, retain loyalty to their spouse. As in family life, in work they are very responsible and neat, do not tolerate bustle and speaking solutions. Often, Valentina occupy high positions.

Name of name in Orthodoxy

In Russia, Christianity brought the monks-saint from Greece. Thanks to them, the name Valentine was spread, which was originally taken with monastic. And since the name of Valentine sounded like "Aulandin", it served as the appearance of a new name.

Over time, girls began to give the name of Alevtina not with the adoption of monastics, but during the rite of baptism. Before the revolution in Russia, the name of Alevtina was even widespread than the initial one. Therefore, the name day Valentin in the Orthodox calendar is celebrated several times a year. In the middle of summer, the memory of the Great Martyrs Aleceptina and Chonia, and in the second winter month, Christians celebrate the Angel of Valentina Caesarian.

Dates named Valentina in 2018

Name Day Valentine is celebrated three times a year:

  • January 8. This month was ranked in the face of the Saints Valentine's Great Martyr, so Names celebrate Valentines, born in the period from July 30 to January 8;
  • February 23. The day of memory of the Great Martyr Valentina Caesarian;
  • July 29. Name Day Valentin, whose patronitress is Valentina's martyr (Alevtina).

And if for the name it is left at once for three days, then the Angel day for the church calendar is celebrated only once a year.

Congratulations on behalf of

Women with the name Valentine - undemanding. They will be glad to any gift and congratulations, especially in our days they do not often remember such a holiday, not to mention that they have congratulations and noted. Not the value of the gift is important valentine, but sincerity and the warmth of your attention to it.

For many people, the name of the sacraticles name to the child has already become a tradition. In addition, this list can also determine their saints. So, on October 17, the owners note the owners of many names. These include both women and men. In this article we will consider this question in more detail.

Women's names

On this day, the day of the angel girl with beautiful and rare names is celebrated. So, Women's names of October 17 celebrate Veronica, Domnin and Broskudka. Interestingly, all these names are very closely related to each other and this date.

It was October 17 that the memory of the Martyr Domunin and Her daughters of Veronica and Broskudia is revered. They lived in Syria and were injured for Christ in 304. Mom herself was very beautiful and secured, but at the same time she also had a rich inner world. In the same spirit, she raised two of their daughters. The whole family was chased for their faith. When they were caught, Domnin, together with daughters, jumped into the river, which proceeded nearby. They decided for themselves that such death would be a flight to God, and it will be better than betraying your soul into demons. Since then, women's names have been celebrated on October 17 in honor of this family.

Male names

For a boy born on this day, the choice of names is even more. Men's names on October 17 celebrate: Guri, Peter, Vasily, Stepan, Tikhon, Mikhail, Dmitry, Yakov, Anisim and Nikolay. But among these saints there are some who are especially honored on this day.

The first of them is the Kazan and Sviyazh Saint Guri. It is he prayed for this day about the protection of children and adults from various misfortunes.

Saint Guri.

He accepted this name together with the posture, and in fact his name was Grigori Grigorievich Rugotin. He was born in the poor family, from the young age was forced to work. So, he was in the service of Prince Ivan Penkov and held the position of managing in his house. St. Guri was a deeply believer man and deliberately refused to communicate with women. But by the will of fate it was undeservedly accused of the prince's wife and threw a dungeon.

But even there he did not give up. Saint Guri wrote small training books. They briefly set out a diploma for teaching children. He even managed to sell his works, and he gave the revenue money to the poor. After some time, St. Guri was freed. He immediately accepted the lead in one of the most stringent monasteries - Iosifo-Volokolamsky. After some time, St. Guri became an igumen of this monastery and stayed for positions for as many as 9 years.

During this time, he built a lot of monasteries, churches and temples, as well as one Blagoveshchensky Cathedral. It was in him for a long time resting the power of St. Guria. At the moment they are located in the cemetery temple of Kazan. Since the name Guriy is quite rare in our time, on October 17, the name day notes and George.

Rev. Pavel Received and St. Dmitry Rostovsky

Speaking about this date, it is impossible not to remember such a saint like Pavel True. He lived in the IV century and was quite simple and good man. It was on October 17, the name day marks all men who wear the proud name Paul. He had a wife. At 60, he learned that she changed him, so he left her and never returned. The rest of the life of Paul dedicated to God. He came to the Kelia of St. Anthony and began to ask him to accept him, but he refused him. Paul stood three days there. Saint Anthony squeezed over him and let himself. Rev. Pavel Received was very humble, he fastened and lived in constant prayer. For such a feat, the Lord gave him a gift to cast out demons.

You can also seek the saint also on this day for help, because during my life he worked a lot of miracles. Dmitry Rostovsky was a good pastor, a wonderful writer, a pious devotee. All his life he prayed, lived in accordance with God's laws, helped all the suffering and asking for help.


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