Equipment on STB 1.

Equipment on STB 1.

Who claimed a new onset of its level, but because of some negative sides, he could not fully implement himself in his model, having excellent damage and excellent recharge rate, the technique lost in terms of maneuverability, accuracy and booking towers. This combat unit is 10 level, does not have a real prototype, but has a fairly successful and positive reputation among World of Tanks players. Let's consider this tank in more detail and find out what the reason for his not perfect.

A little about the STB-1 technique

STB-1 Japanese tank, which became a universal favorite of players, but could not take a leading position among similar models. This technique has a slaughter tool, which turned out to be weak in terms of information and scattering, roughly speaking "oblique". In addition, this car was cut in speed and endowed weak places in the mask of the gun. These all negative sides played their role and did not allow the tank to become the main level in the ranks of level 10.

The gun of the Japanese representative has 105 mm caliber, which allows damage to 390 units of strength, punch the armor with a thickness of 258 mm and perform shots at a speed of 8 shots per minute. The total DPM reaches almost 3000, which is the highest indicator among similar tanks.


  • Case: forehead - 110 mm, side - 35 mm, feed - 25 mm;
  • Tower: LOB-132 mm, side - 132 mm, feed - 27 mm.

Based on the booking data, it is clear that the STB-1 tank that does not have a special advantage in the near battle. Even understated silhouette does not allow himself to confidently feel against the formidable representatives of other nations. Even the tower, which has an impressive indicator and excellent ledge, does not save from the breakdown, as it has a lot of weak points in the mask of the gun, which is a rather vulnerable place in any combat situation. One thing pleases that the tank review is 410 meters and this allows you to expand tactical use.

Optional Equipment and Equipment STB-1

With additional equipment, everything is simple, to invent anything and do not need to calculate. As for additional modules, the following should be installed: enlightened optics, rate and improved ventilation. Yes, the STB-1 is bad mixing and no equipment will make it better, so it is better to focus on another.

Equipment remains standard: a small first aid kit, a small repair kit and a fire extinguisher (instead of a fire extinguisher, you can take rolls with you).

With the skills of the crew of things, there are no changes, first of all necessarily rush the light bulb and repair, then it is worth choosing a martial fraternity, to put a disguise on the third place, and the fourth column of skills, use to fill the spaces, that is, the commander to put the repair, and distribute the rest of the crew Skills that improve maneuverability and recharge.

Comparison with similar combat machines

If we take into the first comparison of the general DPM, our Japanese is a clear favorite among all 10 levels, but if you begin to consider combat efficiency, the Japanese tank becomes more modest. It allows himself confidently to feel in comparison with Chinese, German Leopard I and E-50M, as well as perfectly can cope with the American M60 and M48A1 Patton. Forgot the English FV4202 also forgot. But the French Bat.-Châtillon 25 T and the Soviet T-62a, already in many aspects bypass STB-1. Consequently, our representative is awarded the honorable third place. It goes to the top three leaders thanks to his Damagu, profile of models and rapidity. Reservations can not be considered, the more class, to which our tank owns, is Art.

Tactical application STB-1

But in terms of applying this tank, here you must appreciate your entire style of play and your gaming opportunities. For example, if you do not have enough experience in terms of using a weak tank in the rear of the enemy, then it is better to use the long-running tactics, which will cause a damage to the enemies and defeat. And if you are real wORLD player Of Tanks and have just excellent performance of your game, then you place the place in the hot points of the card, where you can hold the enemies and apply stable damage, as well as storm the flanks with them. In general, the Japanese technique, which we looked, completely depends on the player's skills, it gives a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to take advantage of them.

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Years of production - Years of operation from Number of released, pcs. 873 Main operators Dimensions Length with a gun forward, mm 9420 Width, mm. 3180 Height, mm. 2248 Clearance, mm. 450 (from 200 to 600) Booking Type of armor Steel homogeneous Forehead housing (top), mm / hail. 110/65 ° Armament Caliber and Garm 105-mm Royal Ordnance L7 Type of guns cutting Stem length, calibers 56 Amusement guns 55 Corners of VN, hail. from -6 ° to + 9 ° (+12 °) Sights J3, with night vision and laser rangefinder devices Machine guns 1 × 12.7 mm M2HB,
1 × 7,62-mm Type 74 Mobility engine's type Engine power, l. from. 750 Speed \u200b\u200bon the highway, km / h 53 Highway reserve, km 300 Specific power, l. p. / t 19,7 Type of suspension Individual hydropneumatic (eng.)russian The width of the caterpillar, mm 550 Specific pressure on the soil, kg / cm² 0,87 Overcomed by lifting, hail. 30 Overcome wall, m 1,0 Overcomed by ditch, m 2,7 Overcome by Brod, M 1.0 (4.0 C OPL) Media Files on Wikisklad

In addition to the base tank, a number of specialized cars were also produced at its base. Engineering tanks based on Type 74 were used as bulldozers for clearing the territory in the accident area at Fukushima NPP.

The first prototype called STB-1 was created in 1968 - 1969, it was planned to equip the charging (AZ), and the remote control system of the anti-aircraft machine gun. However, by 1971, STB-3 was represented with an elongated tower design. From the charging and remote control system, it was decided to abandon the high costs and complexity of structures.

STB-1 / STB-2 during the first tests

The final prototype STB-6 was introduced in 1973, and already in 1975 there was a mass production.

By January 1980, 225 cars were delivered.

Tank to other countries did not come. In combat actions did not accept participation.


For the tank, a traditional layout scheme was adopted with the rearmost location of the MTO and separate accompanies of the crew consisting of four people: a tank commander and a gunner - on the right, charging to the left of the gun, and the driver-driver - in the left front of the case. A feature of the tank is the small volume of inhabited branches, which is due to the orientation on relatively low-speed tankers. The use of hydropneumatic suspension was determined on the layout, which allows changing the clearance and the position of the tank relative to the reference surface.


The main weapon is the English 105-mm rush gun with concentric anti-type devices, which is produced in Japan under license. Equipped with thermal protective casing of the trunk.

In ammunition Type 74 includes only armor-piercing pyline and armor-piercing shells, only 55 shots. Most of the ammunition is placed in the body to the right of the driver, smaller in the tower feed niche.

Type 74 on the exercises

Later in the ammunition were added Bops.

With a gun spam 7.62 mm machine gun with an ample of 4500 ammunition. A 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun is opened between the hatches of the commander and charging on the bracket. Fire from a machine gun can lead both charging and commander. Camcondition 600 ammunition. On the sides of the tower of the tower installed three smoke grenades of the caliber of 60 mm.

Fire Management System (SUO)

Type 74 on the exercises

The fire management system includes a laser sight of the commander of the commander, the main and additional gun sights, stabilizer, ballistic calculator, the control panel of the commander and the gunner, control drives. The functions of measuring the range and preparation of data for firing is assigned to the commander. It enjoys a combined (day-night) periscopic sight, which built into a laser rangefinder on a ruby, measuring the range ranging from 300 to 4000 meters with an accuracy of ten meters. The sight has an eight-time increase and is associated with a cannon with a parallelogram device. For a circular review, there are five periscopic examinations installed around the perimeter of the base of the commander hatch.

The gunner uses the main combined (day-night) periscopic sight with an eight-round increase and auxiliary combined telescopic sight. Night active type devices, backlight is performed using a xenon spotlight installed on the left of the gun mask.

A two-plane stabilizer with an electromechanical drive of the tip provides fire from a cannon and a paired machine gun as a router and a commander with the same control panels. The gunner can use, in addition, duplicating manual vertical vertices and horizon.


In terms of protection, type 74 is close to M60A1 and Leopard-1 tanks. Armor steel monolithic, welded body, tower cast with smoothware and significant inclination angles. The maximum thickness of the frontal part of the housing is 110 mm at an angle of inclination of 65 degrees. The tank is equipped with a system for protection against OMP.

Engine and transmission

Type 74 on the exercises

In the stern part, the engine with transmission and serving systems, as well as two fuel tanks and four batteries are placed in the stern unit.

The tank has a two-stroke V-shaped decade-cylinder multi-fuel diesel for air cooling with a capacity of 550 kW (750 hp). Two axial fans and housings are mounted on the engine to direct the coolant flow. In front of the engine, two turbochargers are installed, each of which has a link with the crankshaft, which ensures the necessary compressor promotion when the engine is started.

MTSUBISI MT7SA transmission mechanical, planetary, with frictional transmission (six front and one reversing) and differential turning mechanism


The chassis is a five-level, without supporting rollers. A feature of the tank is the installation of hydropneumatic suspension inside the case. The first and fifth pairs of suspension knots are adjusted from the driver's seat or commander. At the same time, a differential (by 6 degrees), roll (by 9 degrees), clearance (by 450 mm) may vary. If necessary, the suspension can be blocked (when damaged during shooting, etc.).

Catering tension can be adjusted from the driver of the driver using the hydraulic of the stretch mechanism. Opported rollers are two-tight. The tank uses caterpillars with rubberometallic parallel hinges.

By mobility indicators, type 74 occupies an intermediate position between the tanks "Leopard-1" and M60A1. The maximum speed is 53 km / h. Power reserve 300 km.

Type 74 is adapted for underwater movement (when installing pipe-laza over the commander hatch and two pipes for exhaust gases). One tank in each company is equipped with a bulldozer dump.


Options of the 1970s

  • Type 74 First MOD (74 式戦 車 初期 生産型)
  • Type 74 MOD B (74 式戦 車 B 型)

Modifications of the 1980s

  • Type 74 MOD C (74 式戦 車 C 型)
  • Type 74 MOD D (74 式戦 車 D 型)
  • Type 74 MOD E (74 式戦 車 E 型)
  • Type 74 mod f (74 式戦 車 F 型)

Latest Modification 1990-1993

  • Type 74 MOD G / KAI (74 式戦 車 G 型 / 改) - presumably has a new SUO. Passive IR Camera, shells of the BOPS type of a new sample, side screens to protect against cumulative and fugasal ammunition and possibly combined armor. Modification "MOD G / KAI" was the last attempt to modify the tanks type 74, and in 1993 it was canceled due to the unjustified value.

Machines based on type 74

  • Type 75. - 155 mm self-propelled warm
  • Type 87. -

9-03-2017, 11:52

Hello to all adherents of tank battles, with you site! Friends, now we will talk about interesting and in your own strong apparatus, the Japanese average tank ten level, in front of you STB-1 Hyde.

This car has already appeared in our favorite game for quite a long time, she certainly found her owners, but now we will consider in detail STB-1 TTX, We will discuss the questions of his configuration and talk about tactics so that some could decide for yourself whether it is worth downloading this tank, while others knew what to expect from him in battle.


For a start, each player should know that this Japanese has a completely ordinary for the average tank of the tenth level a margin of safety, as well as higher than many peers basic overview of 410 meters, which gives us a slight advantage ..

From the point of view of security, this representative of the Japanese tank building is very ambiguous, it is meant that STB-1 characteristics Reservations are relative and called their unconditional strong.

Let's start with the good and this is a tower, which in the frontal projection has a rather serious thickness. "Naked" numbers will not tell you about it, because all the power consists in its streamlined form and compact sizes. W. STB-1 World Of Tanks The lead in the head of the Tower varies from 180 (a thin spot near the mask) to 550 millimeters and above. But the mask itself at the base of the gun is very vulnerable, in 90% of cases it will not be poured, as well as the roof hatch, if you get.

As for the body, it is always necessary to hide it, because even if there are really good rational slopes of armor, here STB-1 tank It has no more than 190 millimeters of the reduced armor, that is, the technique of the eighth level will be able to apply damage.

The same applies to the side projection of the machine, the side of our Japanese is so thin that even exhibiting the right rhombus, they will be pierced very often.

However, the medals have a bright side, it lies in the fact that middle Tank STB-1 It has almost the best masking indicators among all ST-10. Such results are achieved due to a very low silhouette and thanks to this quality can be very effectively fire from bushes.

In addition, all flaws in booking STB-1 World Of Tanks We are interested in compensated by excellent sketch. Our Japanese boasts a very good maximum, wonderful dynamics and no less good maneuverability, which makes the tank dynamic and mobile.


The gun in our case is the pride of the car and its owner, it is really terrible and more comfortable. There are no serious problems with arms, but along with the benefits, there are some small shortcomings that you also need to know.

So, first of all, STB-1 gun It has a standard alfactory classmates according to the standards, but thanks to excellent rapidity, we can apply about 2925 units of pure damage per minute, this is one of the best indicators among the ST-10.

Throughout in our case is unpretentious, since all peers have these indicators are approximately the same. Meaning that japanese average tank STB-1 It can be comfortable to fight with most of the techniques using only standard subcalateers and their mobility. But for comfort it is better to have about 15 gold coupons with you, they can come in handy.

And here is the nuance that it is worth knowing is in the accuracy parameters. In general, the scatter STB-1 WOT Pleasant, but the speed of information and stabilization make the player lose some time to apply a sight shot.

Returning to positive factors, it is worth noting another nuance - the corners of the vertical tip STB-1 tank It has the best among classmates, the gun falls at 10 degrees, which makes it great to play from the tower and relief.

Advantages and disadvantages

In general, it is clear from all the above that the car in our hands is strong and she has a decent amount of strengths, but it is also important for the performance game. STB-1 World Of TanksSo let's allocate its advantages and disadvantages separately.
Strong and ricochetic tower;
Good basic review;
High imperceptibility coefficient;
Excellent mobility;
One of the best DPM indicators among the ST-10;
The best mistake among classmates.
Weak body booking;
Vulnerable mask guns;
Mediocre accuracy;
Frequent crites of internal modules and crew members.

Equipment for STB-1

Through the installation of additional modules, you can both improve the existing strengths of the tank and to correct its disadvantages. In our case, we will be engaged in both the other, so in general tank STB-1 Equipment It is better to put the following:
1. This is an excellent option that will increase our already great damage per minute by making it even more dangerous.
2. - With obvious problems with accuracy, this module is needed, because with it the process of damage will be more comfortable.
3. - Give the complex boost characteristics, which will improve the DPM, the speed of information and the range of review.

Education crew

It makes no sense to stop there, since we have another great way to increase the source parameters of the machine. The correct distribution of skills between crew members has a very serious impact on comfort in battle, so that for STB-1 peppers Learn such:
Commander (radist) - ,,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Charging - ,,,

Equipment for STB-1

Standard for most tanks remains the moment of buying consumables, where in order to save items,. But because of the frequent Cretes of the wake, fuel tanks and crew members, much safer to carry STB-1 Equipment From, where the last option can be replaced by, but it will have to play much more careful.

Tactics games on STB-1

For the most part, this unit is a classic middle tank in all understanding. Our goal in battle is quite universal, that is, for STB-1 tactics Inappropriate a careful game, while we must try to apply as much damage as possible, in case of needing to ensure intelligence, etc.

If we talk about damage, our potential is huge, since the DPM is very high. But lead fire from long distances japanese average tank STB-1 Conducts bad, drawbacks are affected. For this reason, our creation of damage in the near and medium distances can be carried out in two ways.

Firstly, STB-1 tank It is capable of playing from the relief of the area due to comfortable corners of the vertical tip. If you do everything right, you can even beat a lot of enemy tower shells, but for this try to move as much as possible.

Secondly, remember that STB-1 WOT There is an excellent disguise, which means that if you get in a bush away, you can apply damage and not even glow, which is also very convenient.

For those who chose a contact battle, you really must be constantly in motion, first of all so you will protect yourself from artillery players. Moreover, tank STB-1 World Of Tanks It is so moving that it may easily circle less mobile technicians, sending unlucky opponents to the hangar, not even getting damage in response.

In addition, you need to understand that STB-1. He is an excellent support for support, because there is nothing more pleasant than imparting damage with impunity, while the opponent is distracted by allied heavy. It is understood that we are able to significantly increase the flanking with our presence, but in any case you must be very careful, always try to hide the case, follow the situation around, but at the same time act actively, only in this case the Japanese will open in your hands and will Pleasure the game.

Hello everyone, dear friends! With you TEAM.2! Today we will detail in detail the Japanese average tank level 10 STB-1. We will look at its TTX, advantages, shortcomings, as well as I will describe for you the optimal battle tactics on this tank. This tank was very loved by some field commanders and is frequent guest. When playing on sandy maps, as well as on the maps, where a good embodiment is required. So, let's start the machine.

About tank

At the moment, the Japanese branch has only 1 tank level 10 - this is the average Tank STB-1, its feature is that it has a small and well armored tower, there is a chance of breaking through, but if you make a maneuver on a tank, then to surfaches and get in right place It is extremely difficult, so the game due to the hills from the tower on this tank is very comfortable. The second feature can be called an instrument that has a good middle damage, a good breakdown, excellent DPM and magnificent UVN, but also possesses bad accuracy, and often the projectile will fly no where you need.


A 105 mm tool has a 258 mm breakdown by a basic subcalibular projectile, this is not the highest punching rate from st at level 10, but this is enough to make it comfortably piercing the entire technique in the game at the moment. The spread 0.36 and the time of information 2.3 seconds make the game more difficult than on the Soviet art, we need to spend time on minimize, and I don't advise you to shoot without it, because even with complete information, bad accuracy makes itself felt. With such a gun fighting in the near distances - what we need, we will be able to realize the advantages of the tool itself, as well as the towers and at the same time the disadvantages of accuracy and information will be almost not noticeable. The shooting on distant distances is possible, but even with full attention is not guaranteed the accuracy of the hit, and the fiddles of the enemy felt very difficult.

Let's go to TTX

1950 units of strength - the average level at the level and is not a feature of the tank. It is important to note that good dynamics and tank maneuverability allows us to change flanks often and move on the map as it is convenient for you, with these parameters the tank has no problems. Taking advantage of your speed you can quickly take a favorable position for you or bypass enemy tanks from another flank, if it is not possible to apply a permanent damage. Booking a tank leaves much to be desired, hopefully at the impetus is not necessary if you did not break through the opponent, then it is good luck for you or failure for him, but not a serious booking of the car. STB-1 has a very good review, in the basic state it is 410 meters, not all tanks can boast of indicators.

Selection of crew skills

As for the choice of crew skills on STB-1:

Commander Radist -
sixth Sense,
the Brotherhood of War,
Gunner -
smooth turn of the tower,
the Brotherhood of War,
Driver mechanic -
smooth move
the Brotherhood of War,
Charging -
non-contact belay tab
the Brotherhood of War,

Optional equipment

Now let's talk about the selection of additional equipment on the tank.

The choice is obvious:
middle Caliber Tire Resource,
improved ventilation I.
stabilizer vertical tip.

Selection of equipment

Here is another standard, namely:
small Remkomplekt,
small first aid kit
manual fire extinguisher. I advise you, use premium equipment, which is quite expensive, but it can significantly increase the vitality of your car in battle. So feel free to put on your tank
big Remkomplekt,
large first-aid kit I.
automatic fire extinguisher. But instead of fire extinguisher you can put

Tactics and application

With the exception of some factors, STB-1 is a classic medium tank. The goal in battle is the same as the other average tanks, only we cannot play in the "sniper", as the Soviet Arts do, but the rest of the game on the tank is very comfortable. Using the speed and dynamics, we offer a lot of tactic game on it, we can detect enemy tanks, if in a team besides you, it is also to do this, we can also occupy a comfortable position and be the main damage supplier or you can use the tower and shoot with other folds on folds terrain.

Personally, I use the high DPM of this car. It is fairly easy for me to find a position in the folds of the terrain on the near or middle distance in relation to the enemy and constantly damage. The game will become even easier if there will be several heavy tanksthat will take on all damage and distract the enemy, you will only stay shoot and occasionally make maneuvers from artillery.

To the note by novice field commander: STB-1 perfectly feels like "El Halluluf" or "Prokhorovka", on these cards close contact with the enemy has almost 100% probability and it is the "Japanese" can apply the main and decisive damage , After all, you can make an average of 390 units of damage on the tanks of the enemy on average and not get damage in response, and if necessary, the Japanese can easily change the position and move to another flank.


STB-1 - a comfortable middle tank, whose initial task is to damage in medium and near distances, it copes with this task by 100%. If you can understand the game on this tank, then it will become one of your favorite in the hangar and you will reck out it at least several times a day. But if you can't get used to him, he will call you disgust and you will no longer find sense to keep it in the hangar.

My verdict is STB-1 only for an amateur, but such lovers, as practice shows, a lot. If you are a fan class of medium tanks, then you have to be in the hangar and with time you will definitely understand it. Personally, the tank fell in the soul and takes a slot deservedly, each fight brings pleasure and in any battle you can find it use.

Overview of the Japanese Middle Tank Stb-1 STB-1 is a new average tank, which appeared in the patch 8.10 and occupies the tenth level in the Japanese branch of the development of tanks. STB-1 is a "certain balance" between the Soviet T62A and the German Leopard 1. The Japanese average tank has excellent UVN, a good ladies and rapid cannon, well armored tower and a "cotton case" in the style of American average tanks. STA-1 was built on the basis of Americans and is represented at 8 levels of the Japanese branch. The development of STB-1 still relied on previous models of tanks, therefore was taken over the "main" principle of American tank construction - "Cardboard Corps / Durable Tower". STB-1 Judging from a historical point of view, this Japanese tank is one of the most modern presented in WOT, since the prototype of the tank was represented by the public only in 1970. The development of STB-1 was launched in 1965 against the background of what Type-61 (submitted at the 9th level of the Japanese) inferior to new developments of European countries, as well as Soviet and american tanks. At that time, the USSR was already T-55, and the Germans were content with a leopard, the Americans developed the M60 project. Japanese tank engineer Condo in his reports noted that the tank should be not only well armed, but the mobility mobility should play a key role in order to new tank It was possible to use in various general operations. In addition to the overall name, STB-1 tank in developments was also called Type 64. In 1965, a new combat machine development program was launched - STB-1. Some developments were a kind of know-how of Japanese tank buildings: a hydropneumatic suspension, designed by Type61, stronger engines, improved engine power transmission to caterpillars. In March 1965, 700 strong air-cooled engine was developed under a new car. The trunk for the tank gun was imported from Europe under NATO license. The instrument of the Royal Ordnance caliber of 105 millimeters was used on the tank M68 Americans. The Japanese frustrated the executioner to the gun, created a very new gun of the gun. In 1966, a new 105-mm gun was installed in the prototype of the tower, and in the next two years, tests were carried out on the aiming and rotation of the tower. The first version of the prototype STB-1 had the name ST-T. His tests were held in August 1967, and in 1969 in April, in April, passing 5500 km and shooting hundreds of ST-T shells completed the test program. In 1968, the construction of a new STB-1 combat vehicle was started and the next year 2 cars were built - STB-1 and STB-2. In 1970, the prototype of the machine showed the press, and in 1971 his developer stated that both prototypes showed excellent results in both mobility and firepower. The next phase of the Tank Development was only reduced the cost of its creation, since in fact the tank was very expensive. It is possible to pump up to STB-1 through Type-61 for 255 thousand experience. If you don't want to spend time for pumping, you will have to spend about 4900 rubles or 818,590 free experience. Perhaps this is one of the most expensive pumping of tanks among the average tanks of all nations, since the pumping STB-1 from the first level will require spending 36,744 gold. The cost of the tank is 6,100,000 silver, but in some promotions it was possible to purchase with a 15% discount for 5,185,000 silver. Characteristics of STB-1 STB-1 after purchase appears before the player in the top-end configuration and do not study anything. The strength of the Japanese car is 1950 units, and the minimum tank cutting mass - 37.4 tons. Maximum STB-1 can be loaded up to 40 tons. Chassis STB-1 allows you to deploy the Japanese body at a speed of 52 degrees per second, which is quite comparable to the turnover of Soviet middle tanks and the German leopard. As a power plant, a historical engine Mitsubishi 10ZF21WT with a capacity of 750 horsepower is provided. The developers have repeatedly stated that the Japanese branch of tanks is deprived of "paper", which is very pleased. This engine from Mitzubishi allows you to neglect the tank to a historic 53 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the electrical power of the engine is 20.05 horsepower on a ton of weight, which speaks of good dynamics. The Japanese tank is installed a radio station of the Type 67 of the tenth level with a radiocommunication range of 750 meters. The record holder, of course, is T62A, but also 750 meters is quite enough to conduct fights on all maps. So that the cards of 1500x1500 have not appeared, this radio station will be enough with interest. The STB-1 tank housing is weak. Only the frontal part has 110 millimeters of thickness. Moreover, it is only the upper armorist, and the thickness of the lower armored personnel of the forehead housing is 80 millimeters. The tank board is covered with a layer of armor with a thickness of 35 millimeters, and the feed has a reservation at 25 millimeters at all. If an art projectile is hit with Alfa 2000+ in the board or stern, the Japanese Vanlagot. The tower, unlike the corps, it's better book, but in the mask of the gun there is a "hole" - shooting in the barrel, the gun is criticized and the damage passes. The headset of the tower has a booking of 132 millimeters. The boards are also covered with a layer of steel at 132 millimeters, and the feed is easily booking, as its thickness is just 37 millimeters. But given the fact that the tower is cast and has rational angles of the tilt of the armor, rickestity increases at times, especially when shells fall into the frontal part. Turning towers at a good level - 42 degrees per second, but inferior to the turning time of Soviet average tanks. But in contrast to the Soviets, the tower has a better review - 410 meters. 105 mm Rifled Gun - 105 millimeters caliber gun installed in the Japanese. The Japanese is distinguished by the fact that he has the best UVN among all medium tanks. Three types of projectiles are provided to the tool, among which only cumulatives are bought in gold. 105 mm Podkalibernet shell stitches the "middle" armor with a thickness of 258 millimeters with Alpha in 390 damage. In case of 330 millimeters, the cumulative causes the same damage at 390 units, which is a podka-caliber projectile. But a fragantic-fuke 105 millimeter projectile with an average armor-in-line 53 millimeter is capable of applying 480 damage. The spreading spread is 0.36 meters per hundred, and reduction is 2.3 seconds. In contrast to the same T62A, the gun worse in accuracy and in detail. Punch rate at a decent level - 7.5 shots per minute or 8 seconds for charging. Camcope to 105 mm Rifled Gun is 50 shots. Additional equipment to STB-1 is provided by all equipment, but perhaps the best option will be the next set: - the "gun price" will increase the raininess of the gun, and it has a Japanese at a good level. - "Putting stabilizer" will reduce the scatter of the trunk. - "enlightened optics" when good review Give an excellent bonus of 41 meters, which will allow you to increase the review of up to 451 meters. Of course, the "enlightenment" can be replaced with "improved ventilation", but only if the "combat fraternity" is pumped by the crew. It is not advisable to use the tank as a PT-SAU, so the "grid" and "stereotrub" will not be needed. It is also not recommended to improve the survivability of the car at the expense of an anti-skid approach, since the maneuverability of the car will fall, and there is no sense from the side of the face. The crew and peppers crew of the Japanese consists of four people: commander, charging, gunner and mechwod. Responsibilities of a radio station are assigned to the commander. While you will run to STB-1 in any case, you will already have a crew with 1-2 pics. Therefore, depending on the tactics of fighting, you can go on two ways to develop the crew. Sharing a "camouflage" player should fight at the expense of UVN from shelters. "Repair" also involves keeping more active fighting. To begin with, the commander should pump the "sixth sense", in order to avoid the Vanchotov from the art while sitting. The driver-driver first is worth pumping "king off-road" to improve the dynamics or "smooth move" to reduce the scatter during shooting on the go. It is necessary to download "non-contact amateur", since it is very vulnerable from the right side of the body. The flood to enhance the "smooth movement" of the mehvod pumping the "smooth turn", which reduces the spread of the gun. The second skill can be hammered either "repair" or "disguise". Many players are swinging in half: two of the crew members "Repair", two - "disguise". The third skill can be reconciled by previous peppers, as special skills are not so important on top machines as common skills. The fourth skill can be downloaded by the "combat fraternity" only if you plan to install the "Improved ventilation" on the tank. Without it, it makes no sense to swing "BB", since the bonus will be almost impaired. Or you can go along the way of pumping special perks: the commander to pump a "radio trip" to obtain a bonus to a review, anema - "gunsmith masters", as the tool is often criticized, the driver - the driver - "king off-road" to improve the dynamics, and the charging - "desperate ", in view of the fact that medium tanks and at 190 strength continue to live on the battlefield. As a result, the crew table of the crew STB-1 looks like this: Commander / Radioist: Sixth Feeling \u003e\u003e Repair / Disguise \u003e\u003e Disguise / Repair \u003e\u003e Radio Hat. Chargeing: Non-contact units \u003e\u003e Repair / disguise \u003e\u003e Disguise / repair \u003e\u003e Desperate. Mechanic-driver: Smooth movement \u003e\u003e Repair / disguise \u003e\u003e Disguise / repair \u003e\u003e King off-road Pressure: Smooth turn of the tower \u003e\u003e Repair / disguise \u003e\u003e Disguise / repair \u003e\u003e Master-gunman. Additional equipment and economics Perhaps the best option for Japanese equipment - Standard: Small first-aid kit, repair kit and gold fire extinguisher. The cost of the subcalacer is 1,200 silver, and a fragration-fuzkassium projectile - 880 silver. For a cumulative projectile to a 105 mm tool, 4000 silver or 10 gold will have to give. In the ammunition, in any case, there must be several cumulative and fragmentation shells in cases of trying the well-armored goals or a database capture. The yield of the Japanese is quite comparable to the yield of other strokes level 10, and the cost of repair is approximately 25 thousand silver. The tactics of fighting the Main Plus of the Japanese is the best mistake in the game. This is worth using when dealing with the enemy. Holding a distance, you can shoot the enemy both with higher and lower positions. The right part of the body is a womel, so leaving right side should be careful. Accuracy, of course, is worse than the Germans, but it makes it possible to get into the hatches from one hundred meters. But the armor doomes sometimes lacking for the fight against distances. However, it does not make sense to advise the owners of the Japanese, because I dare up to 10 Levla, they will understand the specifics of Japanese tanks. Pluses of STB-1:  The best unesses of the gun in the game, good rapidness indicators and accuracy of cannons, as well as high DMP.  Good tank maneuverability, high overclocking dynamics.  Excellent overview of 410 meters.  The low silhouette of the tank, as a result, good masking indicators. Minuses STB-1:  Cardboard case, vulnerable to fugasam.  Vulnerable watelling, especially in the right front of the hull.  Long pumping in contrast to pumping other medium tanks.  Low maximum Japanese speed of 53 kilometers per hour.  Weak tank critical resistance and great chances of frequent damage to the modules. Conclusion Definitely, STB-1 is a wonderful dynamic machine with excellent UVN and firing indicators. Undoubtedly, on the global map, he will compete with T62A for the right to occupy a place in the team, but most of the players will not be loved for a weak booking and longer pumping. The best option to check whether the tank is good or not - ride it on the test. Only then can you understand whether it is suitable for you, for the taste and color of all tanks are different, and the opinions of people do not always coincide.


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