How passive smoking affects children. Smoking child - what to do? Passive and active smoking

How passive smoking affects children. Smoking child - what to do? Passive and active smoking

Passive smoking and children

What is dangerous passive smoking?

Many of us do not even think about finding near the smoking person hurts health. Few people suspected that during the combustion of tobacco, two streams of smoke The main flow is formed with the "tightening" of the smokers. It passes through the whole cigarette, falls into the lungs and exhaled in the form of an additional (second) stream. Unfortunately, few people know that it is in it containing many times more than harmful substances. During the studies, it was found that in an additional stream, the ammonia content is higher than 45 times, resins and nicotine - 50 times, carbon monoxide - 5 times. Passive smoking is inhalation of all these connections. Pregnant and children are most sensitive to poisonous and carcinogenic substances.

Harm passive smoking

The harm of passive smoking is complex and, as not strange for many, has an even more harmful effect on the health of the people around the smokers. Scientists have long proved the relationship of passive smoking and development of diseases:

  • respiratory tract;
  • GTS;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary organs;
  • bone apparatus.

According to one of the medical British magazines, 5 years of life near the smoker can increase the likelihood of the development of blindness by 2 times. Finnish doctor Marcca Nurminen indicates that poisonous substances from exhaled tobacco smoke become a death sentence for the surrounding passive smokers with diseases of the coronary heart system. According to WHO, passive smoking was the cause of 200 thousand deaths per year.

The danger of passive smoking also lies in the fact that it, like active tobacco, increases the risk of developing cancer many times.
According to Japanese healthcare, the risk of developing breast cancer is 2.6 times higher in women who are forced to inhale tobacco smoke and cannot avoid smoking rooms. The women who have not yet begun menopause have not yet begun - this is explained by the fact that the high concentration of sex hormones can participate in the formation of a tumor in the mammary gland.

Scientists found that employees of entertainment institutions with onco-scabers in 2.8% of cases, the formation of a cancer tumor caused passive smoking.

All of the above examples suggest that the harm of passive smoking is obvious. Modern society and every potential passive smoker should think about how to protect themselves from the malicious influence of passive smoking.

Passive smoking and children

Especially sensitive to the passive smoking of the child's body - and the younger, the more negatively affects it tobacco smoke. According to WHO, almost half of all children are doomed to suffer from smoking adults. Inhalation of tobacco smoke provokes:

  • decrease in immunity;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • otitis;
  • neurobiological deviations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the formation of cancer tumors.

The influence of passive smoking on children can be immediate or manifest itself after many years.

German scientists have established the relationship between the smoking of parents and bronchial asthma in children. The risk of developing respiratory diseases in the smoking family is doubled. In passively smoking children, the risk of inflammation of the middle ear increases 1.4 times. Scientists have established the relationship between children's oncological diseases of blood, nasal cavity and passive inhalation of tobacco smoke.

It is difficult to imagine that the mother or father can put a cigarette in his child's hand, but few know that smoking a pack of cigarettes with a child can be equated to 2-3 cigarettes, which "smoked the child himself. WHO encourages all parents to remember that they are obliged to protect and protect their children from passive smoking. The consequences seemingly harmlessly inhalation of "mother's" and "daddy" smoke can be fatal for a child and bring to his disabilities!

Passive smoking has become one of the reasons for tightening anti-bacacco politics in a number of countries in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, numerous data on the dangers of this process were obtained. Scientists have discovered that the cigarette smoke contains almost 4 thousand chemicals, about 70 of which increase the risk of malignant tumors. In addition, there is a stereotype that the involuntary inhalation of tobacco products produces greater harm to humans than active smoking. So it is or not, as well as what negative consequences are carrying this process, consider further.

In contact with


The phenomena is the penetration of tobacco products from ambient In the body in the process of breathing. At the same time, a person receives a dose of the so-called lateral smoke.

Table 1. Some components of lateral smoke

Polyaromatic hydrocarbonsOrganic compounds formed during the combustion process of cellulose. Substances are potent carcinogens, can entail gene mutations
NitrosominesThe danger of passive smoking is due, among other things, the presence of nitrosamines. These are highly toxic compounds that adversely affect the liver, the hematopoietic system. In large quantities causes the development of convulsion. Increases the risk of developing cancer
PolyestersToxic high molecular weight connections

It should be noted that in passive and active smoking in the body, almost the same substances fall into the body, which seemed to mean that the consequences of these phenomena are equivalent. In practice, the situation is different. The concentration of a series of substances in the side smoke is lower than in the smokers consumed. Many of them relate to strong carcinogens. According to statistics, inhalation of lateral smoke is the third most prevalence cause leading to death in adulthood and childhood.

Dangerous components of tobacco smoke

Can the inhalation of tobacco smoke be more harmful to active smoking?

Despite the increased number of rows of carcinogens in lateral smoke, active smoking is more dangerous for humans. When inhalation of smoke from the adjacent cigarette, the substances enter the body at a higher concentration. Exhaled smoke already "filtered" and less contaminated.

Considering the topic, why the active smoking is harmful to passive, it should be noted that the involuntary inhalation of gaseous substances for 60 minutes is equivalent to smoking ½ part of the cigarette. The flow of solid particles is slightly lower, equivalent to 1/10 of part. These substances settle in the body of a non-smoking person an average of 60-65 days. When inhalation of particles in closed rooms, the harm of passive smoking can be significantly higher.

In general, both active, and passive smoking is quite dangerous. To preserve their own health, you should avoid the habit, smoking people and punched rooms.

Impact on the health and organism of non-smoking people

According to the latest data, inhalation of lateral smoke can significantly increase the likelihood of malignant tumors. In addition, the impact of passive smoking on health can entail the development bronchial asthma.

Inhalation becomes the reason for the appearance of vascular pathologies and hearts. French scientists revealed that annually in their country, about 3 thousand people die from the consequences of the consumption of lateral smoke.

Table 2. What harm makes passive smoking non-smoking

EffectsMore details
Lung cancerMalignant tumor localized in bronchial epithelial tissue. It is the most common cause of death from cancer diseases. It has been proven that the influence of passive smoking on the body significantly increases the likelihood of disease
Lor PathologyOften entails inflammation of the middle ear. Leads to rhinitis
Heart and vesselsThe harm of passive smoking for the human body is also manifested in the negative impact on the work of the cardiovascular system. It leads to a violation of heart rhythm
AtherosclerosisIs a factor stimulating the development of pathology
Bronchial asthmaChronic inflammatory process caused by specific immunological reactions of the body

This is not all than dangerous passive smoking. Inhalation of smoke leads to the development and aggravation of allergies, complicates the flow of bronchitis, leads to a violation of mental activity. The last item is especially relevant for people 50 years and older.

What harm makes during pregnancy?

The group, especially affected by the involvement of smoke consumption, includes women awaiting the appearance of a child. A number of tobacco products have mutagenic and teratogenic activity. This means that their admission to the body of women can entail the development of mutations and disruption of embryonic development in the kid. Also passive smoking during pregnancy leads to:

  • the appearance of low weight kids;
  • child birth ahead of time;
  • gene mutations, malforms of development;
  • delay mental and physical development;
  • sudden childhood syndrome.

Let us dwell on the last point. Sudden Child Death Syndrome (SVDS) is an unprecedented respiratory stop at the kid to 12 months, an effortful outcome. The causes of death are not able to determine even the autopsy. It has been proven that prematurest children are the risk of developing SVDS above. Negative factors also include attachment to cigarette. For a long time there were disputes about whether passive smoking is harmful. However, in 2006, scientists from the United States of America confirmed that the reasons for sudden child death should also include a passive form of tobacco smoke.

The answer to the question of whether passive smoking for pregnant women is dangerous, is obvious. The side smoke adversely affects the mother's body, increasing the risk of cancer, bronchial asthma, pulmonary pathologies, etc.

What is dangerous for children?

Children are often involuntary victims of lateral smoke. Adults attached to the cigarette are not always able to fully assess the risks of smoke consumption by the child. What harm causes passive smoking to children:

  • lateral smoke may cause pulmonary infections;
  • aggravates respiratory diseases, increases the likelihood of complications;
  • leads to the appearance or strengthening of allergies;
  • it is the cause of child learning;
  • increases the risk of Lor pathologies, etc.

The harm of passive smoking for children is quite large. In particular, the regular impact of tobacco products on a small body can increase the risk of tuberculosis in 2 or more times. This infectious pathology is usually affected by the respiratory organs, but in rare cases and other systems. Approximately 10 percent of the detection of tuberculosis falls on children. Previously, pathology did not succumb to treatment, but now it is possible to get rid of the disease at its early stages.

Passive smoking can cause other harm to non-smoking child organism. For example, lead to the development of granulomatous enteritis. This is a pathology that is a pronounced inflammatory process that affects the gastrointestinal bodies. Often amazing all departments of the gastrointestinal tract. In childhood, symptoms of pathology are lubricated, which usually complicates the formulation of the diagnosis. Another name of this disease is Crohn's disease. Danarily in honor of the doctor who first described the pathology in the middle of the last century.

Useful video

Social teacher Fahreyev Vladimir Anvarovich about what is actually more harmful - active smoking or passive:


  1. Everybody knows, . However, it is not necessary to underestimate and involuntary inhalation of lateral smoke. Despite the fact that in the body of a passive smoker there is only 20 percent of harmful substances, the regular effect of gaseous and solid cigarette particles can negatively affect health.
  2. Among the likely risks, not only the likelihood of the appearance of malignant tumors, but also severe lesions of the lungs, hearts, vessels.
  3. Inhalation of lateral smoke is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, in view of probable mutations and developmental disorders from the future kid.
  4. It is important to protect from tobacco smoke and children.

In contact with

Associate children with ashtrays, full of cigarettes, and cigarettes, clamped between your fingers, is not so easy. However, contrary to any logic or common sense, Kids often get acquainted with tobacco being still embryos and being in the maternal womb.

In its essence, passive smoking does not always represent a foundation next to the object, recking a cigarette. It can occur in the case of smoking the neighbor on the balcony floor above or in the bathroom. At the same time, in some cases, the smoke is sueded into the premises below for the floor. Inevitable inhalation of smoke and tobacco sediment, staying on her hair, clothes and household subjects, negatively affects any person, and in the child - doubly.

How does passive smoking affect babies?

The child whose parents are actively smoking, starts fighting for survival before his birth. Since the reproductive function of smokers is most often weakened, then the ability to conceive them many times decrease.

A pregnant woman who is not able to give up tobacco, exposes not only his health of the danger, but also a child's condition. With its bad habit, it can provoke miscarriage, all sorts of congenital fruit pathologies, premature births, as well as the appearance of stillborn. The longer the future mother smokes, the greater danger of the child undergoes: the chance of sudden death of the fetus increases almost three times.

The fact that the consequences of passive smoking for children manifest much more aggressive, indisputable. In early age, the dependence on nicotine becomes a stumbling block, break through which is almost impossible later. Cigarette smoke does not calm the nerves of the child, but leads to irreversible changes. All the forces of the young organism are directed not to early growth and development, but to combat carbon monoxide and poisonous resins. In such conditions, it is finally formed to internal organs becomes extremely difficult. Sometimes the imperceptible cigarette smoke annoys the body's mucous membrane, causing agile attacks of asthma and a protracted cough. The upper respiratory tracts are also involved and involved in pathological processes. Before acute respiratory and infectious diseases, the baby also turns out to be unprotected, because the priori immunity is suppressed. It can easily get meningitis and tuberculosis.

If desired, you can allocate other depressing aspects of passive smoking. It:

Becomes a detrimental start for more serious life experiments;
- kills brain cells by means of toxic substances contained in cigarettes;
- harms internal organs (such as heart, lungs, liver and kidney);
- increases the risk of oncology:
- violates metabolism;

It becomes obvious that the harm of passive smoking for children is huge. And this is despite the fact that we talked only about the part of the problem.

The role of passive smoking in children's life

As numerous studies show, children of smoking parents are much worse to the new conditions (including the team, entering kindergarten). They are much more likely and capricious. Those who and after birth are exposed to cigarette smoke, poorly remember information, do not know how to concentrate on certain things, harder to express their own thoughts. All this cause free radicals that prevail in tobacco smoke. They launch the oxidative process in the body, to neutralize which can only antioxidants (for example, vitamin C) can be neutralized. The reserves of such substances in the children's body are already extremely scarce, and considering that they all go to the neutralization of free radicals, it becomes obvious, why it is harmful to passive smoking for children and why it slows down growth and development.

It is worth understanding that the harm of parent smoking can manifest itself far away. A variety of deviations from the norm (both in physical and mental terms) can manifest itself at any time of the child's life. It is also important to note that children who have grown in the family of smokers, with a probability of 90% will take care of cigarettes, because parents are their example for imitation. If the child's relatives are not aware of the harm caused by cigarettes, they automatically push off to experiment. In general, the genetic predisposition and a desire to grow as soon as possible become the root cause of youth smoking.

Summing up can be said that passive smoking for kids is a kind of cross throughout the childhood. "Smoking children" often lose all interest in their lives and actually deprive the opportunities to live carefree carelessly, and this scenario is not at all what they may wish that their siblings loving parents.

You will not see anyone the fact that smoking is harmful. At the same time (according to WHO, the World Health Organization) of 1.3 billion people, that is, almost every fifth resident of the Earth, dependent on tobacco products. According to the degree of addiction, the tobacco smoking is inferior only to alcoholism, while haroensome and cocaine dependence. Nevertheless, the fact that 75% of men and 26% of women smoke in Russia, and this number is constantly growing, otherwise as a terrifying, you will not call. Every year around the world from the consequences of smoking, including passive, 332 thousand people die (WHO). More than 30% of this amount falls on the share of child mortality.

"Children and smoking" are sad, but an extremely urgent topic, at a minimum, for the reason that smoking dad is considered almost the norm. And this is not only a bad example, but also a constant passive smoking of a child, starting from the intrauterine period. What consequences have inhalation of tobacco smoke with young children and future mothers, we will tell you in today's article.

Children and smoking. The consequences of children's smoking (active and passive)

The consequences of smoking for children are crying - for them, the damage caused by substances included in the composition of cigarette smoke increases. Moreover, this applies not only to active, but also passive smoking. The child's body is so weak and defenseless in front of the tobacco poisons that the consequences of even passive smoking can become irreversible. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, poisonous resins - the terrible enemies of children's health that do not give the body to direct all the forces on the growth, development and formation of strong immunity; In such conditions, you can only talk about survival. Grow healthy and strong for a child who smokes or lives in the family of smokers, is not real.

The impact of active and passive smoking on children:

  1. Tobacco poisons affect all organs and systems of the body : Light, heart and vessels, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system etc. Proved the relationship between passive smoking and the appearance over the time of chronic diseases.
  2. Cigarette smoke inhaled by a child disrupts metabolism , undermining health from childhood.
  3. Toxic substances from tobacco smoke toxic, they kill brain cells , making a victim of passive smoking of scattered, nervous, coarse, weak, angry and inadequate.
  4. Intellect is reduced, slows down physical development child susceptible to passive smoking.
  5. "Hereditary" smoking . It is obvious that the tobacco dependence is much likely to have a person whose parents (or one of the parents) smoked as a child.

The deterioration of mental abilities due to smoking proves at least the fact that 95% of the New Year students smoke. American study of 22 thousand smoking adolescents showed: in addition to the rise in growth, these children had a reduced chest size and weakly developed lungs. Smoking girls earlier come into a sex life and look worse than their healthy peers.

We think the harm of any, including passive smoking for children is now obvious. The only way out to protect your child from the above dangers is to completely abandon smoking.

The effect of smoking on the conception of a child

The influence of smoking on the future child is a question that worries many families who are planning pregnancy. The peak of smoking Russians falls on the most sensitive age, 20-29 years.

Smoking and child conception - poor compatible concepts. The impact of tobacco weakens the reproductive function of future parents Therefore, the baby becomes much more complicated. Infertility in smoking women meets one and a half times more often than non-smoking!

A real fact for female smokers who appeal to AVO assistance: 24% of embryos takes place in non-smoking women, and from tobacco-dependent on tobacco.

Smoking Men can also complicate the conception of the child. The smoker's man worsens the quality of sperm But this is not the worst. When planning pregnancy, it is not for nothing that you advise to quit both partners: tobacco smoke directly affects DNA, can deform spermatozoa, the result becomes genetic fetal mutation And, accordingly, miscarriage or the birth of a sick child.

Smoking of the Father affects future children and from the point of view that it poisoned the health of his partner, becoming a passive smokers.

The effect of smoking on the development of the child: active and passive smoking during pregnancy and after the birth of the kid

If a woman smokes during pregnancy , This in 5 cases out of 100 leads to the intrauterine death of the fetus, increases the risk of miscarriage, congenital pathologies and deformities, delays of intrauterine development, premature genera and stillbirth. In the womb, the child of a pregnant smokers literally suffocates from carbon monoxide, which is part of tobacco smoke. The result is intrauterine hypoxia, the consequences of which can be the most terrible. In addition, smoking during pregnancy will almost certainly cause the birth of a male baby. On average, the mass of a newborn baby smoking mother by 250 grams is less than non-smoking.

Smoking of the future dad Also detrimental for the fetus. Starting from the intrauterine period, we can talk about passive smoking and its influence on the child. The baby during pregnancy is completely defenseless, because it cannot resist the effects of harmful substances from tobacco smoke. Yes, and a pregnant woman often becomes an involuntary passive smokers if someone from family members smokes at home. Bye smoke, inhaled by a person with passive smoking, contains most of the 4,000 harmful components of tobacco smoke, 50 of which are carcinogens. Thus, all these poisonous substances through the blood of the mother are transferred to the child - this is the "gift" of Kroch receives from loving relatives even before birth.

A newborn living in the family of smokers has 3 times a higher risk to die from the syndrome of the sudden death of the baby, compared with the usual kid.

If the risks of passive smoking went around the child, he was born alive and seems to be quite healthy in the first months, it is still not to deceive himself: the impact of hazardous substances on the body, the more so small and defenseless, never passes without a trace. Sooner or later, the consequences of passive smoking will definitely be shown in the form of a lag in the development, chronic diseases, weak immunity kid.

Children and passive smoking - not just badly combined words, cigarette smoke to the child in a natural way. Poor health, whims, inability to concentration, poor memory, lethargy and nervousness - sad prospects, waiting for children who grow under the curtain of smoke.

How does smoking parents affect the child?

Smoking in the presence of a child, unfortunately, in our country is commonplace. Dad, smoking directly on a carriage or confidently chilling a cigarette next to his own offshore, does not surprise anyone. "It's good that dad is generally" - women think. It's hard to argue with this, but also to lower your hands in the struggle for the health of the child are not necessary! The kid is completely not to blame for the fact that adults do not want to think their heads.

According to statistical estimates, up to 30% of parents calmly smoke in the presence of their own child, in the apartment, with closed windows. Do they know that passive smoking can brake the development of light kid by 80%? ..

Disappointing those who believe that smoking dad or mom is not so much evil, if smoking in the entrance, on the street or on the balcony: the sediment of tobacco on clothes, body and hair of adults, household subjects, the remnants of smoke, exhaled by a smokers, affect Children are almost the same as on the smoking itself.

Passive smoking of the child leads to development various diseases Respiratory system organs : bronchitis, heavy forms of asthma, pneumonia, etc. Ammonia contained in tobacco smoke is dissolved by wet mucous membranes and turns into ammonia alcohol, which increases the separation of mucus. The result becomes a wet cough.

In addition, children of smokers are more often subject to:

  1. allergies;
  2. immune deviations;
  3. infectious and viral diseases;
  4. psyche disorders;
  5. risk of leukemia (blood cancer).

Studies regarding passive smoking of children have shown disappointing results: for the smallest (up to 3 years), the probability of acquiring one or another disease of the respiratory organs increased by 56%, even if he smoked only a father; by 95% - when smoking mothers during breastfeeding; Elder children (7-14 years old) undergoing passive smoking were obvious signs of respiratory disruption.

Why do children and adolescents smoke?

The theme of children's smoking is not unremitted with the prevalence of tobacco dependence in adults. After all, parents show the child an example of how to behave in life. As you know, a bad behavior model is much brighter and more contagious. It does not matter whether the family is prosperous - the children will equally will copy everything you do. Do you know that 80% of smokers have at least one smokers parent? And if the dad smokes - almost certainly the son will eat, and if mom is a daughter ...

Even in non-smoking families, nevertheless, there is a risk that the teenager will take for a cigarette - the information propaganda of smoking is too large. Add to this the desire to appear older, "cooler", insecurity of yourself, the psyche of the teenager's psyche ... Data statistics are not surprising: 15% of boys and 1% of girls are smoked among the fifth graders, to senior classes to harmful habit 53% of boys and 28% of girls are joined.

How to protect a child from the consequences of passive smoking?

Unlocking smoking is completely - the only reasonable decision regarding cigarettes that loving parents should take. There can be no compromise here! Hugging and kissing the baby, even dad, smoking exclusively on the street, "gives" a whole cloud of poisons and carcinogens.

If you convince the smoker in that he kills his native baby, it does not seem real, at least, more often ventilate the apartment! Buy the air cleaner. Prohibit households and guests to smoke at home.

Living in the apartment where an avid smoker had already lived, it is advisable to make repairs, since the walls, ceiling and the floor in this case remain soaked with tobacco smoke.

On the street, walking with the baby, even non-smoking parents must be careful. Avoid places where someone stands near and smokes, do not come with a child in smoking rooms.

If the child is subjected to passive smoking, you should ensure that its nutrition contains a sufficient amount of antioxidants, in particular, vitamin C.

Awareness of harm to children's smoking, even passive - the first step towards the health of the whole family. We wish all smokers as soon as possible to get rid of this habit, which has already taken many lives. Do not look at the surrounding who smear might and main - think your head! Health to your children!

Many smokers do not even suspect that a detrimental habit exacerbates not only their health, but also the state of surrounding people forced to breathe nicotine couples.

Possible consequences for the children's body

The consequences of passive smoking for a child include many diseases. Chemical components of smoke penetrate breast milk and negatively affect babies. The following influence of secondary smog on the child's respiratory system is:

  • development of respiratory infections;
  • an increase in the frequency of respiratory symptoms;
  • deterioration of the function of lungs;
  • development of diseases of ENT organs (rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis).

Possible neurological violations include:

  1. reduction of intellectual, linguistic and perceptual abilities of the kid;
  2. development of aggressive behavior in relation to peers;
  3. the risk of developing behavioral problems, the appearance of hyperactivity syndrome.

If a child from the small years is exposed to toxic substances, it leads to early damage to blood vessels.

Such damage can appear in the first 10 years of the baby's life:

  • risk risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased the risk of death.

In the reports of sought-after surgeons, it is noted that the causal relationships between the impact of secondary tobacco smoke and the sudden death of small children were revealed. Sudden child death syndrome (CVDP) is 94% more often caressed kids whose parents are constantly smoking.

The absorption of secondary smog can also cause Crohn's disease - the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, which affects the muscular layer of the digestive system.

New studies of scientists confirm the connection of passive smoking and education oncological diseases in children. When the risk of lymphoma and acute leukemia increases by 200%, the possibility of forming a brain tumor is growing by 22%.


What is dangerous passive smoking for children? Secondary could negatively affect all the life systems of the children's body - destroys the mucous membranes of organs, disrupts blood circulation and causes neurological changes.

Parents can prevent the danger of passive smoking for the child - you need to leave a detrimental habit and isolate the baby from the places where the air is saturated with nicotine.

Video: All about passive smoking: harm, prevention. Smoking in the apartment


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