How to cook food potato pancakes. Potato potato pancakes recipe with photo

How to cook food potato pancakes. Potato potato pancakes recipe with photo

Draniki, or potato pancakes, are called among the people - this is a simple and even savory dish that reaches the Belarusian cuisine. You can cook yogo leather in your own kitchen, vicarious products, like you can find in any refrigerator. Potato pancakes are easy to swell. We suggest to your respect the simplest recipe for potato pancakes with pokrokovy vicons.

How to cook food?

For the preparation of draniki, potatoes are needed, and eggs are a lot. In other recipes, other components may be added, but without setting the base pancakes, you will not see them. Virobi vipkatimemo with a creamy consistency. For yoga preparation, potatoes should be peeled from the skins and trimmed. Whisk a medium grater chi food processor. Little trick: grate the potatoes before cooking. If the juice is seen even richer, it is better to anger the part more accurately. The simplest recipe for potato pancakes does not include the addition of other vegetables at the dough. All the same, you made pancakes from a bunch of vegetables, dressing everything in the same order. Cicavius ​​fact: in their classic version, the wounds are prepared for the help of the best grater. This is how our grandmothers robbed them, but it is impossible to call the method of roasting potatoes the most visible and simplest.

Just like you did to prepare a simple, ale sitna supper - try the recipe for draniki with potatoes. The stench is similar to small mlins, so smeared, with a crunchy twist. At the same time, in the middle, they are filled with juices and soft. The potato pancakes are being prepared defiantly awkwardly and quickly, more than an hour go to those to grate the potatoes. Smazhenі deruni, as they are called, є independent grass. There is nothing more to work with them, just pour some sour cream on top - and your tasty supper is ready. You can add more at the classic harvesting of other vegetables. For example, these potato pancakes will be more juicy and lighter. And with minced meat or cheese, the stench will become strong, which is especially suited to the strong half.

For derunіv pіdіyde be some sort of potato, but rather buy root crops with the addition of starch. Vіn vіdpovіdaє for those shchob mlintsi trimali form that did not fall apart. In such fruits, the pulp will be yellow, and the skin will have a light shortness. Before speech, choose large specimens - it’s easier to bear them, lower rubbish.

Young potatoes for draniki do not beat. Her starch is too little and the milk drops down.

Here are some other nuances:

  1. Deruny grated by hand on the potato terts look savory. Grate the potatoes, cherguyuchi її z tsibulei - even harvesting does not darken so shvidko.
  2. Do not put a lot of boroshna, otherwise the mass will become humic, and the turds themselves will be hard. Rather add a spoonful of starch for the need.
  3. Paper towels will help you to get rid of the fat. Put the potato pancakes on them in a pan, and if the fat is drained, transfer it to a dish.

Recipe for potato pancakes Pokrokovo

The most ancient recipe is made up of the minimum quantity of products. All the potatoes, spices and “creaky” components are just like an egg. You can do without eggs, but in such a time the potato pancakes are rotten. When turned over, the stench falls apart. At this time, try to add more boar, but do not overdo it, otherwise the grass will become hard.

Recipe for classic potato pancakes:

Persh nizh add flour | borosno | z|iz| an egg, rub the grated potatoes and pour the sik. Todі zagotіvlya vide thick. And trochs of dry chi fresh chasnik will be given to potato pancakes of a piquant taste. For an amateur, of course.

Recipe for potato pancakes with minced meat

M'yaso and potatoes are ideally poednannya, such potato pancakes come out green, juicy, and arable. Zagalom, even savory. It’s not shameful to bring taxes on the holy stele, not those for a weekday supper.

The technology of preparation may have some characteristic nuances:

Tsikav variant of potato pancakes

Love sir - try the recipe for potato pancakes with syr. Work it all up, just add 100 g of hard syrup to the preparation. You can have a little more, so the viide is even tastier. Sirnі deruni swell up with a unique texture, drag out because of the sir. Until then, the relish becomes a little malty. And you can also make it, like minced meat - viklasti sir seredinі mlintsіv.

Another original recipe for potato pancakes and zucchini. Replace half of the root crops with grated zucchini, and the grass will not be so strong, but more dietary. For gusto, I guess a little squash pancakes, but only a little better for potato rahunki.

Dietologists say that potato peels are important for a slug and are not too brown. Do not hurry to look at the appetizing evening. Recipe for draniki with potatoes in the oven pidid navіt tim who takes care of the figure. Prepare, like a dream, grated potatoes with an egg, boar and spices. Ale, add a couple of spoons of olive oil to the masa.
Cover the sheet with parchment, put a spoonful of potato masa and bake 20 quills. Turn the potato pancakes over and leave them for 30-40 more quills, the docks will not show up, the smudge is smeared. I’ll turn it over again, so that it’s lubricated and zvorotny bіk, and vipіkayte another quarter of the year.

І smeared, and baked potato pancakes serve with sour cream. You can tease. They are more often hot, "out of the heat - out of the heat," but the next day, the rose of the grass is filled with savory.

Video recipe for potato pancakes with meat

From potatoes you can cook a lot of savory and blue herbs. One of them - tsedraniki. And what is it and how to prepare such grass?

What are draniki?

Draniki - tse, in fact, potato pancakes. Such a grass is vvazhayut, but it’s smelt out and in the kitchens of other countries of the world.

So, in Ukraine, pancakes are called pancakes or potato pancakes, in - latkes, in Sweden - ragmunks (which translates as "bristle monk"), in the Czech Republic - bramboraks, in America - hashbrowns, and in Lithuania such a grass is called potato milkers. Before the speech, the word draniki from the old Russian language is translated as “rub, fight”, you can understand that in the name the whole essence of stravi is avenged.

Trochs of history

It is not clear, if potato pancakes began to grow in from the very sight, if we see the stench in front of us. Aje potatoes began to be cultivated for a long time, and, imovirno, the most addictive strains were prepared from it. So, the first riddles about draniki dated 1830 rock.

I deyakі vvazhayut that the stink z'appeared under the infusion of German cuisine. And yet, like the battle of the fatherland, still vvazhat Belarus, then they rubbed a bunch of potatoes not on the third (there were simply no graters), but on the dosh.

At your hour, there were potato pancakes for snacks. And there was also such a tradition: before the main meal, it was necessary to eat the edge of black bread. Draniki always eat only in hot looking sour cream, we melt with bacon or butter.


Today, there are few different recipes for draniki, but in a cob-like appearance, such an herb was formed from only a few components. Pererahuemo ingredients, as if victorious most and best:

  • Potato. About the new varto, it’s okay, even the same wine is the main and most important ingredient. Vіd yogo choose to lay down the relish of the finished stravi. Choose a variety of varto with high starch, so that even if it is not enough, potato pancakes will not be juicy and soft, or burn at the lubrication process. it’s better not to vikoristovuvati, the new starch is not rich.
  • Eggs play the role of a happy element, so you can add them too. Call for 4-5 cartoplins fall on 1 egg.
  • Tsibulya. Tsibulya, in a better way, to crush the potato pancakes with juices and give them a pleasant relish. In another way, cibulny sik protects potatoes from darkening, and it allows the potato mass to be saved longer.
  • Boroshno chi starch. If you didn’t know how to starch potatoes, then add starch at the cooking process. Yogo can be replaced with wheat or corn boar.
  • The deputy of the cibulist deyak vikoristovuyut kefir, which also turns dark.
  • Strength and pepper add to the taste. If there are other seasonings, then traditionally the stench is not vicorated. Ale, you can add a chasnik chi greens crop chi parsley.
  • If you like experimenting in the kitchen, you can make potato pancakes with stuffing, or just mix potatoes with vegetables and minced meat.

How to cook?

How to cook savory potato pancakes? It is necessary to remember about deaki rules. Axis of the main cooking steps:

  1. Peel the head and cut the potatoes.
  2. Now it is necessary to proceed to the details. How to grate potatoes? To lay everything in your likeness and savours, and also in view of the fact that you want to eat potato pancakes. If you are planning to cook lower and uniform potato pancakes, then vikoristovyte a grater, what a dere. If you want the potato pancakes to be smothered and crunchy, then rub the potatoes on the middle or wind the big third. If you don’t have much time, then for detailing you can use a blender or a meat grinder.
  3. Potim іz kartoplі we need vіdzhati zayviy sіk. Vzagali, you can not work anything, to that which you give the country a special relish. Before the speech, masa from the juice is called tarkovoy. And the masa is also clinked (it’s boiled at the same time). In the rest of the day, the potatoes are boiled on the cob, and then we look at the cooked one.
  4. Now mix potato masa with an egg, add|add| qibulu or other ingredients, as well as sil | salt | and pepper. Zamіsiti іsto. For the consistency, it’s not overly thick sour cream.
  5. Now get ready to cook. Lubricate potato pancakes the best, in such a look the stench will be crunchy. Ale, you can also beat the oven, slow cooker and wind a double boiler. Before speech, for greasing it is better to heat fat or top oil, or you can vicorate and splendid roslinna (rather refined).


We offer you a sprat of recipes for draniki.

First recipe

The simplest potato pancakes. Ingredients for preparation:

  • 3 large maple;
  • 1 small cibulin;
  • 1 egg;
  • sіl that pepper for relish.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the potatoes and grate them. For consumption, pay zayviy sik.
  2. Cibula is also cleaned and finely cut, or grated, or finely chopped in a blender.
  3. Mix potatoes and cibula, add an egg, salt and pepper. Mix everything well.
  4. Grill olive oil in a frying pan.
  5. Put the masa with a spoon on the frying pan, filling the free space with potato pancakes (not less than 1 cm), so that the stench does not stick.
  6. Coat potato pancakes until golden color from the skin side.

The recipe is different

If you do not show life without meat, then prepare meat pancakes. Axis you need:

  • 100 g pork;
  • 100 g of yalovichini;
  • 700 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 3 tablespoons of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 bunches of green crop;
  • pepper that strength for relish.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat, clean it and pass it through the meat grinder. You can pass the cubula through the meat grinder and clean it.
  2. Peel the potatoes and grate on the middle third. See zayviy sik and mix potato masa with kefir and egg.
  3. Chop the crepe with a knife, wash it in front and dry it.
  4. Add minced meat, chopped krip, pepper and strength. Mix everything vigorously.
  5. Lubricate the potato pancakes with butter.

Third recipe

More savory potato pancakes with mushrooms. The list of ingredients is as follows:

For draniki:

  • 600 grams of potatoes;
  • 300 g fresh ovens;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cibulini;
  • 2 tablespoons of boroshn;
  • sіl that pepper for relish.

For sauce:

  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 2-3 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • greens crop;
  • sil.

How to cook? Everything is simple:

  1. For the cob, take mushrooms. Kindly remember them and put them on small shmatochki.
  2. Grill the olive in a frying pan, brush the mushrooms.
  3. Now grate the peeled potatoes on the dry third.
  4. Clean the cibula and grind it finely or grind it in a meat grinder or on a blender.
  5. Eat potato masa with mushrooms and cibula, add borosno, eggs, pepper and strength. Mix everything well.
  6. Place the masa in the pan, coat the potato pancakes from the skin side with 4-7 strands each until golden brown.
  7. Now prepare the sauce. For whom, clean the clockwork and rub it on a fine grate, chop the crepe with a knife (do not forget to use yoga). Add the cream cheese to the sour cream, salt and mix everything.
  8. Serve hot potato pancakes with sauce.

A dekilka of brown delights for the drive of cooking draniki:

  • If you tried to cook potato pancakes with stuffing, then work the stuffing in the back, it’s your fault to be ready. So, if you vikoristovuvatimete siri mushrooms, then the stench will not be fried.
  • Begin to coat potato pancakes as soon as the dough is prepared. Grated potatoes are not taken away from the refrigerator.
  • Do not harm the olії. Vono can twist the potato pancakes in half. If there is not enough olії, then potato pancakes will not be crispy and golden.
  • After cooking, remove too much oil, soak potato pancakes with paper servettes.
  • Cook potato pancakes at once, so that the stench will no longer be so savory at the roasted looking one. It’s better to serve such grass directly from the frying pan.

Now you know about the preparation of draniki. Delight your household and guests with a simple, but savory herb!

Dosvіdchena Mrs. be-yakoy mitі is ready to name at least 10 herbs prepared from potatoes. Among them there will be pancakes obov'yazkovo. Tsі Belarusian lasoshchi have long gone from the primal home pobut.

The advantage of draniki is the high sourness and ease of preparation. A musty pair of potato cakes can be replaced by an additional intake of hedgehogs. You can supplement your meal with vegetable salad or simple sauerkraut. The recipes of the stray are impersonal and all the stench is breathed in by a miraculous relish and a pleasant taste.

Potato pancakes - classic classic recipe with photo

The middle of the impersonal garnish is not the best choice, the shards can be finished with a fatty product, even if you are ready for a great number of oliy. Prote їх it is possible to grow with less calories, drinking from the spirits!

Tim is not smaller, potato pancakes without grease, we are not the same, the relish of those we know so well from the very childhood. To that, as you are tired of buckwheat and pasta for garnish, the recipe for classic potato pancakes is propagated to your respect, as you will definitely eat with us types of meat and ribi.

Your rating:

Cooking hour: 30 hwilin

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Potatoes: 500 g;
  • Boroshno: 150 g;
  • Sour cream 15-20%: 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg: 2 pcs;
  • Cibulya: 2 pcs;
  • Chasnik: 2-3 cloves;
  • Strength: pinch;
  • Pepper: for relish;
  • Oil for lubrication: 100 ml;
  • Greens: for relish;

Cooking instructions

Serve potato pancakes as an independent weed, there with vegetables and meat. Like a sauce, you can vicorate sour cream with a teaspoon and pepper - a delicious addition!

How to prepare a pisny option?

Often potato pancakes are free to cook at the day of fasting or rozvantazhuvalnyh diet.


  • 6 or 7 maps;
  • 1 rіpchatu cibulin medium size;
  • 3-4 st. spoons of wheat boroshn;
  • 4-5 art. spoons of olії be-like dewy.

Often, for each type of strain, add 1 head to the watchmaker. Yogo is added at once with a qibulei and a tribly rіzhut.


  1. Potatoes need to be thoroughly peeled from the skins and washed by running water.
  2. Grate the bulbs on a special grate with large openings and remove the fluff on the sprat, shob | abi | masa gave sik.
  3. Too much to anger. Otherwise formed cutlets literally float near the homeland.
  4. Tsibulya dribly write or rub it on the third. Dali yogo to give masu to the potato grower.
  5. In preparation, mashed potatoes are boiled borosno. Vimishuet resolutely.
  6. You can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the mass, so that the cutlets are ready more likely to be creamed in the frying pan.
  7. Heat up a frying pan with olive oil. For the molding of the dough, it is sufficient to pour a tablespoon of dough into the frying pan.
  8. Cutlets are smeared with approximately 4-5 strands from the skin side. For an hour, the stench melts into an effective golden color.
  9. Dali the frying pan can be covered with a lid, transferred to a full fire, and it can be “reached” for another 20 quills.
  10. Sometimes for tsієї, put the patties on 10-15 quills at the roasting of the oven shaf.
  11. Ale wounds do not need to be brought to readiness. Try one after the smearing - it is possible that the stench will not require further cooking and the grass is ready again. Tse to lay in the stock pancakes and varieties of potatoes.

Draniki without eggs with semolina

An alternative option for draniki without eggs is to choose a recipe, in which semolina is won.


  • 7 or 8 maps;
  • 1 head of cleaned cybuli rіpchastoj;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of a dewy type;
  • sil.

For bajans you can add:

  • pinch of black pepper;
  • 1 head of a watchmaker, which rubs chi finely;
  • I will trim the greens.

Such additives enhance the taste of the finished product with a hint of flavor and variety.


  1. The first crop is the peeling of potato bulbs from the skin.
  2. Dali yogo is necessary to rub on a grater with great middles. Otriman masu bazhano vіdzhati, having spared the grass in excess of juice.
  3. Shake the head of the cybuli roughly. One hour you can shake the head of a watchmaker.
  4. Add to mashed potatoes and carefully mix all the components.
  5. Let's step on the crock to add semolina.
  6. Puree with semolina can stand for 10-15 hvilin, so that the manna groats swell and seep through the motherland. If so, you can add seasonings and spices.
  7. Prepare pancakes in a hot frying pan, on which oil is already heated.
  8. Coat potato pancakes with 4-5 strands from the skin side and then bring another 10 strands on the right fire under the lid until fully cooked.

Recipe for adding minced meat - delicious and delicious!

Some garni pancakes with minced potato can become full-fledged meat grass. For whom it is necessary to add minced meat to draniki.

To invite friends and members of this family with sieve grass, need to take:

  • 300 UAH the very type of minced meat that suits;
  • 6-7 potatoes;
  • 1.5 cybuli heads;
  • 1 or 1.5 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • pinch of black pepper.


  1. Potatoes should be carefully peeled and washed in running water. Let's rub yoga. For whom the grater is not too big. I’m ready to put the masa on a sprat of whilin and put it into a drushlyak or a sieve, so that I can see the vologer’s dream.
  2. Chasnik and tsibula friedly rіzhut і add minced potato mincemeat. Dali add chicken eggs and spices.
  3. The stuffing is stuffed with minced meat, in which you add strength and half of the finely minced cibulini to the taste.
  4. Roslinna oliyu wriggle into the pan and let it heat up. At the rozіrіtu olіyu with a tablespoon put a ball of potatoes, put a ball of minced meat on it and close it with one more ball of potatoes. The edges of the potato pancake with the meat are crushed.
  5. Cover the cutlets with 4-5 strands from the skin side and leave them to reach the right fire under the lid or a hot oven for another 20 strands.

How to make savory potato pancakes with cheese

Among the savory and fragrant recipes in an important place, the lower pancakes from cheese are occupied.

Required products:

  • 7-8 medium potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 UAH be-what a sire;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 head chasnik (for relish);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • black pepper.

In minced meat, it is often necessary to add finely chopped greens.


  1. Most of the time it is necessary to prepare potatoes. Yogo is carefully cleansed from the skin, you can see the poshkodzhenі dіlyanki, miyut near the running water. Prepare minced meat with the help of a large grater.
  2. As long as the wine is given, it is a kind of obov'yazkovo to anger, it is necessary to shake the head of the cubula and the clove of the watchmaker. The watchmaker is often seen at the man’s for help, or rubbed on the rubbish.
  3. Anger zayviy sіk z grated potatoes and zmіshuyut otrimana masa with sliced ​​tsibuleya and hourly.
  4. At minced meat, add an egg, sil, black pepper and sir. Sir it is necessary either to cut it roughly, or to rub it on the great third.
  5. A frying pan with olive oil is heated. Pancakes are laid at the boil with an olive oil with a tablespoon.
  6. Coat the leather potato pancake from one side with about 4-5 strands until a golden fleck appears, then turn over and grease the insoles well.
  7. Let's burn the frying pan with a lid and cook about 15-20 quills on a proper fire.

3 mushrooms

Uruznomanіtnіti povyakdenny stіl add savory potato pancakes with mushrooms, you can cook yakі with vikoristannye or dried and canned mushrooms.


  • 7 medium maps;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 200 UAH Sirikh, canned chi zazdalegіd soaked dry mushrooms;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • pinch of black pepper;
  • greens to taste.


  1. Potatoes need to be peeled from the skins and thoroughly rinsed with cleansing water.
  2. Dali її rub. For whom, take more than a large grater, and then deprive them of 10-15 quills, so that the masa let out a sik. Yogo obov'yazkovo anger.
  3. I’m ready to give the masa a finely carved cibula and a watchmaker. Like vikoristovuyut greens, tezh її drіbno cut and introduce minced meat at potatoes. Dali go egg, strength, pepper.
  4. Mushrooms need to be prepared ahead of time. Preserved products are thoroughly washed, dried, soaked until swollen and in two waters, or wild mushrooms are also boiled. After them, they tremble shakily and add minced meat to the potatoes.
  5. Roslinna oliya is poured into a frying pan, put on fire and allowed to rise. At the hot olive, pancakes are laid with a tablespoon. It is necessary to smear 4-5 quills from the skin side.
  6. Finish cooking on full fire in a frying pan, like next to cover with a lid. You can bring potato pancakes to full readiness in the back of the oven. For which you need 15-20 quills.

How to cook pancakes from potatoes and zucchini

In the summer season, the skin gentleman can pamper the sim with light and savory potato pancakes from young potatoes and zucchini.

For any mild dietary problem will be necessary:

  • 6-8 maps;
  • 0.5 medium zucchini;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 4-5 table spoons of dewy oleoresin;
  • pinch of black pepper.

In such minced meat, vrakhovuuchi large amount of vegetable juice, sometimes add 2-3 tablespoons of borosna.


  1. Potatoes and zucchini need to be thoroughly peeled from the skin. (You don’t have to clean the young vegetables.) They rub them further, for which they take more than a grater with large middles.
  2. Minced meat from zucchini and potatoes are thoroughly cooked.
  3. They gave in the new one to add details of the cibula and the hourglass, to drive in an egg, to put salt and black pepper.
  4. Pour olive oil into the frying pan and warm it well.
  5. Sometime vegetable cutlets are served with a hot olive oil tablespoon. The skin side is covered with a golden twist for about 5 quills on a medium fire.
  6. If potato pancakes are smeared on both sides, the fire is changed, the frying pan is covered with a lid and it is filled with bread until it reaches full readiness for 15-20 quills.

Z tsibuleyu - juice, piquant, tasty

The relish of suffering from the tsibuli of underestimation of the bagatma by the masters. To see if we can taste the taste, we can cook juice potato pancakes with tsibulei.

Need to take:

  • 3 great ripparts of cibulini;
  • 5-6 maps;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • a pinch of black ground pepper;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil.

Yak robiti:

  1. The first cut is the peeling of potatoes and cibules in the form of skins and husks.
  2. Cibula is cut with thin rings and smeared with olives to a golden color.
  3. Grate the potatoes with large middles, anger the zayvi sik and zmіshuyut from the smeared tsibuleya.
  4. Add manna to the groats in the masa and fill it with sprats of whilin, so that the semolina is swollen.
  5. In minced meat, beat eggs. In otrimana sumish add strength and pepper. You can rub the clove of the watchmaker.
  6. Put the frying pan on a strong fire and pour oil on the bottom. If the olive heats up, it has molded molds. From the skin side to a golden stench, about 5 whilins are prepared.
  7. They let the fire change to the minimum indications and bring potato pancakes to full readiness for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook potato pancakes in the oven

Such a savory grass, like pancakes, do not always get drunk on the quiet, who control their body weight. Nasampered for the rahunok obsmazhuvannya at the great kіlkost dewy olії. Cooking them at the oven, you can waste too many calories.


  • 6 great or 7-8 other bulbs;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of borosna;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • pinch of black pepper to taste.


  1. To take away the savory and rum'yana in the oven, rub the potatoes on the great third. Add the head of the cybuli to the otriman masu. In front of the cibula, they chop finely. You can add a head to the watchmaker that greens. Pour an egg into the masa and mix in vigorously.
  2. The oven is heated to approximately 200 degrees. Decorate deco with a thin ball of dewy olive. Virobi put a spoon on the surface for about two or three centimeters, one in one.
  3. Vipіkati prepared dietary cutlets are the best for five quills from the skin side in a hot oven. Turn them over for the help of wide shoulder blades.
  4. Then you can just turn off the oven and put pancakes in it for 10-15 more quills for complete readiness.

Diet without boron

Dietary potato pancakes without a boar can take a small amount of calories, but for the taste of the stink, they also take that meal.

Need to take:

  • 7 medium maps;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 chastochku chasnik;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 3-4 table spoons of dewy oleoresin;
  • pinch of black pepper.

Especially the strain without additional whiskey is boroshna є maximum use of minced potato radiny.


  1. Grate peeled and carefully wash the potatoes. For whom to take a large grater. Grated potatoes are left to give a sіk, which then we resolutely anger. You can swipe the masu with your hands.
  2. They also rub the cibula on the great third, or else it wobbles wildly. Cicavius ​​prismak give a grated clove to the watchmaker. Often sumish includes chopped greens.
  3. Add oil to the pan with a spoonful of oil one at a time.
  4. From the skin side of the pancake on the middle fire, about 4-5 quills are smeared. Let's change the fire. Draniki will be ready after soaking under a lid on a proper fire in about 15-20 minutes.

In order to taste savory potato pancakes of any type, it is necessary to take a lot of pleasures and recommendations:

  1. At the potato grower, they often give the qibule to preserve the white color.
  2. Smearing the mills is carried out on the middle fire. Bring potato pancakes to full readiness at the oven on the stove under the roof.
  3. If you love potato pancakes with crispy edges, cook them in a proper fire until cooked, without curling the lid.
  4. Indicate the stage of readiness of the lower side, you can see a golden fleck on the cob at the edges.
  5. Draniki are ideally eaten with sour cream, in a yak you can add greens and a bowl to a ruban.
  6. Call this dish to serve without bread.
  7. So that the dish is less fat, put potato pancakes on paper towels in a frying pan, so that you can pick up too much olive oil.

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Draniki (abo potato pancakes) are the most popular potato pancakes in Belarus, which have made their way to the cuisine of the coastal regions: Ukraine and Russia. Grated potatoes with a teaspoon, cibulae and eggs are smeared on a roasted pan in olive oil or animal fat. To go out is already a sitna and a simple strain. The main "partner" of hot potato pancakes is sour cream. Obviously, this herb cannot be considered dietary, even if the calorie content of potato pancakes is 170 kcal per 100 g, and even if there is flour in the dough, then all 199 kcal. Ale tse nіyak not zmenshuє їхної popularity, і people kohannya stench not to waste nіkoli.

Pokrokovy recipe for potato pancakes to learn how to cook spravzhnі Belarusian pancakes.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Potato - 10 pcs;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Oliya for obsmazhuvannya.

How to cook potato pancakes:

Best recipes for potato pancakes

Having learned the classic recipe for potato pancakes, you can proceed to some of the more folded options. Adzhe їх are prepared with vegetables, and with meat, greased in a frying pan and baked at the oven. Axis and go out, it’s simple and strong to keep secrets from one’s own.

All recipes for potato pancakes are similar, but sometimes the detail is insignificant, changing the taste of passion.

Vegetarian potato pancakes with vegetables

Suvori adherents of vegetarianism also love Belarusian cuisine, especially potato pancakes. Adding to the freshly cut vegetables, potato potato pancakes without eggs, they come out even though they are sweet, but even more so.


  • Potato - 8 pcs;
  • Carrot - 1 pc;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs;
  • Strength, spices - for relish;
  • Cibulya - 2 pcs.


  1. Peel and rinse potatoes of medium rosemary, large carrots and cibulini and rinse with water.
  2. Grate all the vegetables into one bowl. Grate the rest of the potatoes so that they do not darken too much. Sumish salt and season with spices to taste. I'll take home.
  3. Pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it up. Sumish tіlki in a hot olіya, giving the shape of a shortbread. Robiti potato potato pancakes are not the same, so the middle can not be baked.
  4. Smear the deruni from the skin side, the docks will not appear ruddy squirt.

Derun with cheese and tavern

Potato potato pancakes with syrup - not only appetizing, but even more so. And if you add a little bit of tavern and greenery, then you will have a full supper without any garnishes.


  • Potato - 6 pcs;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Shinka - 200 gr;
  • Sir - 200 gr;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Creep - 1 bunch;
  • Boroshno - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Strength and spices - for relish.


  1. Clean the tsibulyu and potatoes. Krip drіbno narіzati. All the vegetables, Sir, grate the shank. In this recipe for draniki with potatoes, all the ingredients are to be rubbed on the largest third, so that I become a cash-like product. Too much to anger.
  2. Add eggs in the sum, krip that borosno. Mix everything and salt for relish.
  3. With a spoon put sumish on a hot frying pan with butter, giving the form of pancakes. Brush to a golden color from the skin side.

Analogue of pirіzhkіv іz minced meat

In accordance with classic recipes, you can cook pancakes with potatoes at the same time as pies with minced meat.


  • Potatoes - 60 pcs;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Minced meat - 200 gr;
  • Strength that pepper for relish;
  • Boroshno - as needed.


  1. For potato sum, vegetables need to be grated on a grated grate. Salt the potatoes and season with spices to taste. Rіdina, who showed up, anger. Drive in a sum of eggs and mix everything. As soon as a rіdka consistency comes out, it's necessary to add a little bit of boar.
  2. Minced meat can be vikoristovuvat whether it be, or rather, take a crushed pomelo without a large amount of fat. Add the grated qibula to minced meat and season with spices. Mix everything until I become homogeneous.
  3. Potato potato pancakes with minced meat are less likely to be smeared on baked olives. Spoon a thin ball of sumishi with a spoon, and put trochs of minced meat to the beast. Minced meat is spread over the entire surface of the pancake. Put a thin ball of potato sum on the filling again. As soon as one side is fried, carefully turn the potato pancake over, soaking it so that the filling does not evaporate.
  4. Such meaty potato pancakes are prepared under a closed lid in order for the minced meat to steam up in that hour, until the squash settles down.

Recipe for multicooker

You can cook potato pancakes not only in a frying pan, but also at a multicooker. With this option, you need a minimum amount of oil, which is even better for a healthy way of life.


  • Potato - 1 kg;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Strength and spices for relish.


  1. Peel the qibula and that potato. Grate the vegetables. Angry the motherland that you have done.
  2. Crack the eggs. Season everything with spices. Vsipati flour|boroshno| Relatively mix the sum to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Grease the bowl of the multicooker with olive oil. Form potato pancakes with a spoon and put them on the bottom of the bowl.
  4. Prepare on the mode "Vipichka" or "Speck" 20 quills from the skin side.

With mushrooms and pork belly for a mountaineer

The preparation of potato pancakes has not been an extraordinary procedure for a long time. Fantasy and the desire to search for new tastes lead to the fact that simple stravi change to unrecognized. Such potato pancakes with mushrooms and pork belly at the mountain-maker's can become an embellishment of the Christmas table.

Classic potato pancakes are taken as the basis of the strain, as it is necessary to cook it in any handy way.


  • Classic potato pancakes - 15-20 pieces;
  • Pecheritsy - 300 gr;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs;
  • Pork belly - 500 gr;
  • Sour cream - according to the product;
  • Greenery, sir - for the bajannyam;
  • Strength and spices for relish.


  1. Please, the potato pancakes are ready.
  2. Cut the brisket into dry sticks and brush in a dry frying pan until cooked. Khvilin 15-20 will be enough. Put the meat on a plate, drain the fat from the frying pan.
  3. The stoves are cut with plates, and the cibula with thin pivkilts. Put everything on a frying pan and quench until soft 5-7 quills.
  4. Place 2-3 potato pancakes on the bottom of the portions of the oven for the oven. Brush them with sour cream. From above we cast a ball of mushrooms from the cibulae, and then the brisket. Close the beast with 2 potato pancakes, as if to cover it with sour cream. Cover the mountaineer with a cap.
  5. Zapikati at 200С 30 khvilin.

Potato potato pancakes in the oven come out richly lower and softer, lower in the frying pan, because Zayva Vologa not go, but get into the wilderness.

So that the pancakes do not fall apart when baked, in the process of preparing obov'yazkovo, anger the whole country and add flour to the dough.

Potato potato pancakes with meat - an original herb, savory taste like going beyond the rahunok to the thick chicken fillet.


  • Potato - 6 pcs;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Sil - ½ teaspoon;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chicken fillet - ½ pc.


  1. Chicken breasts are cut into small flat pieces.
  2. Clean the vegetables and remember. Grate їх on tertzi be-such a rozіru. Season the sill with pepper for relish, eat with fillets. Vіdtsіditi surplus water.
  3. Beat in the eggs and mix gently. With a supra-rare consistency, the dough should be added generously. Mix the whole mass until I become homogeneous.
  4. Grease potato pancakes on a roasted pan with oil over medium heat, or a little strong. Spoon with a spoon, giving a thin rounded shape. Shchob m'yaso not lost sirim, the pancake is not guilty of buti tovstim. If the rouge streak appears from two sides, clean up the fire of the troch and cover the frying pan with a lid for 3 hvilin. And here the chicken fillet is definitely cooked.

Non-violent pancakes with crab sticks

Having added new warehouses to the main recipe, you can take away the marvelous relish and unimaginable juiciness of the color. Potato potato pancakes with original stuffing made of crab sticks will make you happy at once.


  • Potato - 4 pcs;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Chasnik - 2 cloves;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Crab sticks - 4 pcs;
  • Boroshno - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Strength and pepper for relish.


  1. Greens are crispy. Fresh green tsibulya to add spring farb and yaskravnosti.
  2. Trim the crab sticks by cutting them into small cubes or rubbing them on a grate.
  3. Grate potatoes and cibula on a medium-sized grate. I'll take the water.
  4. Add eggs, greens and crab sticks to the vegetables. For relish, season the sill with pepper.
  5. Cover potato pancakes on a hot frying pan from two sides until a ruddy crackle appears.

Potato-zucchini recipe

Do you want a cicava?

In the summer period, when young zucchini are only just emerging, it is good to pamper yourself with fresh vitamins. That child's tavern looks richer with such a look.

And yet the recipe is rozpo_st, how to cook potato pancakes in a very unusual way from wheat and semolina.


  • Potato - 2 pcs;
  • Zucchini - 1 pc;
  • Tsibulya - 1 pc;
  • Manna groats - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sir - 50 gr;
  • Oliya - 2 teaspoons;
  • Strength for taste.


  1. Peel the potatoes and cibula from the skin. Like a young zucchini with a thin skin, you can not see it. Grate the mustache of the vegetables with the same rosemary. Obov'yazkovo vydaliti zayva homeland.
  2. Add semolina to the vegetables, borosno and white plastic pomelo. Mix everything well. In times of re-appearance, I will wake up again.
  3. Pour 1 teaspoon of olive into the sum. Salt to taste and mix everything.
  4. Lubricate the same pancakes best on a non-stick coating. For such a frying pan, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, which is left out, will be enough. If the frying pan heats up, use a spoon to spread the masa, pressing it into the shape you need.
  5. Brush the potato pancakes on both sides until you get a golden color and a crispy crackle. With this process of cooking, the pancakes are smeared more, lower at the great number of olives, then the stench comes out dietic.

Why eat potato pancakes

In order to evaluate potato pancakes with a proper rank and to taste their relish, it is necessary not only to cook them correctly, but also to serve them correctly. Why eat potato pancakes? That's good for you!

  1. Sour cream and sauces on the її basis - the widest dressing for potato pancakes. You can make the sour cream gostrіshim, having seen in it through the press 2-3 cloves of the teapot. So good pide fresh greens. Dekilka sprigs of crop and 2-3 feathers of a green cibula are finely cut and minced with sour cream. And be it any other sour cream sauce, it is wonderful to eat with potato pancakes.
  2. Mushroom sauce is different for popularity. In a frying pan, add trohi of olive oil and brush on it 2 tbsp. spoons of borosna to caramel color. Pour in 2 bottles of mushroom brew and bring to a boil. Add strength and pepper to taste. At ready-made sauce, you can add greens.
  3. Before pancakes with minced meat, it is ideally prepared for home-cooked ketchup.
  4. As an original addition, you can serve potato pancakes with thick apple or crane sauce.

So that potato pancakes always looked like food and crispy, and not just boiled potatoes in kіrtsі, vikoristovyte sprats of brown porads.

  • Yaku potatoes better vikoristovuvati? Potato pancakes are prepared only from old potatoes. Tobto. from the fact that having lain down for 2 months after vykopuvannya. It is not so tasty grass to come out of young potatoes.
  • How to make crunchy pancakes? Obov'yazkovo it is necessary to plant potatoes and tsibulyu in excess of redini, tk. won't rob the dish more varim. So, too much borosh zmenshuє crunch, roblyachi is thickly humovym.
  • How to grease potato pancakes? Golovnya - do not shake the olії, so that the pancakes do not burn. And for equal preparation, they should be spread when putting them into a frying pan.
  • How to speed up the cooking process? To make potato pancakes more crispy, you can use a blender or a combine. Tsya kitchen appliances significantly save an hour.
  • How to grow potato pancakes with less calories? To change calories, you can boil the potato pancakes in the oven or cook in the multicooker. In these vipads, oliya mayzhe does not vikoristovuetsya. When lubricated in a frying pan, the pancakes are ready to be laid on a paper servlet, so that it absorbs excess fat in itself.

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