Reset wastewater on relief - conditions and norms. Problem moments in relief relief issues

Reset wastewater on relief - conditions and norms. Problem moments in relief relief issues

There are quite often cases when the groundwater is located very highly or there is no territory on which the wastewater sewage treatment plants can be built.

In most such options for the organization of drainage in the drainage canva, or the lowered area, located nearby, requires a discharge permit. wastewater.

It is strictly forbidden to reset the drains containing organic and bacterial contaminants, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds that can cause harm to the environmental and sanitary background.

The discharge rate on the relief is similar to the standards of removal of waste water in the reservoirs.

When implementing this process should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the residential buildings of neighbors is to avoid unpleasant odor to the nearby sites, which may end the proceedings in court;
  • device of aerobic reactors of various configurations capable of ensuring the desired amount of wastewater;

  • with the performance of sewage treatment plants not more than 700 m 3 for sanitary zone Must be assigned at least 50 m;

  • the pipe intended for reset must be insulated and have the necessary slope, the end of the pipeline must be located above the ditches to prevent the intensity of water at the output.

With the impossibility of organizing the drainage of wastewater, the drainage pump is used.

Scheme of the organization of discharge of wastewater

Relief discharge on the relief in modern conditions can be carried out according to the following general scheme.

Household and industrial drains should be processed using equipment intended for cleaning:

  • mechanical
  • biological.

Surface drains are subjected to mechanical cleaning. Reset wastewater to the area is carried out at a specific point.

The list of pollutants and their maximum permissible concentrations are given in standards for discharges of harmful substances from the sewage in the reservoirs.

Wastewater standards are determined differentially, given the conditions for taking wastewater for specific receivers.

To determine the volume of discharged waters, it is necessary to carry out procedures for production and environmental control, these activities include:

  • challenge specialists to the object
  • taking and preservation of wastewater samples,
  • filling out documents set by standards
  • analysis taken,
  • drawing up and issuing a protocol in which quantitative and chemical indicators are indicated,
  • determination of waters.

Waste and natural water treatment measures

Relief discharge on the relief, first of all, requires their composition to the indicators established by existing standards.

Purification of wastewater can be made in several ways:

  • Mechanical method - lies in filtering and upholding water. Constructions intended for trapping coarse mechanical particles are equipped with sistribution tanks, lattices, sieves. This method of purification makes it possible to allocate more than 60% of insoluble substances.
  • Physical and chemical - It is added to the drains of chemical reagents, which react with pollutants and form an insoluble precipitate. This method allows to remove about 90% of insoluble impurities, in addition, fine particles of organic substances are removed. The following processes are used in this method: adsorption, electrolysis, oxidation, extraction, coagulation.
  • Biological - Applies physiological and biochemical cleansing. Types of biological treatment facilities - biological ponds, aerotanks, biofilters.

Adsorption method for cleaning

The adsorption method is the easiest and most effective for deep cleaning.

It allows you to extract a significant number of pollution:

  • substances, worsening the smell and taste of water,
  • herbicides and insecticides,
  • viruses and bacteria
  • benzene and phenol.

Adsorption is used in complex cleaning processes, to extract individual components from multicomponent mixtures. The method is most effective for the final cleaning stage, when the concentration of harmful substances is insignificant.

Using this method, dropping wastewater into the ground occurs with almost zero values \u200b\u200bof the content of residual contaminants.

The adsorption method is based on water filtration through microporous grainy adsorbents, which have a significant inner surface. It is due to this quality of the filtering material from water you can remove impurities in the molecular state.

The adsorption process takes place in several stages:

  • organic substance molecules diffuse through a liquid film that surrounds the particles of the adsorbent;
  • the organic molecules fall on the surface of the adsorbent;
  • internal diffusion of molecules is carried out.

The rate of the last stage is determined by the size of the molecules of the sorbable substance and the type of adsorbent.

When the temperature increases, the diffusion rate increases, but the degree of adsorption decreases, and the pH growth leads to an increase in the adsorption of organic substances.

The most common adsorbent is activated carbon.

Types of adsorption filters

Using adsorption filters, effective cleaning of natural and wastewater is carried out. .

The most common designs of these devices:

  • Sorption filters BWT. It is used to reduce the content of aggressive carbon dioxide, removing suspended particles, chlorine compounds, while changing the level of water rigidity. The filtering material serves activated carbon with a significant adsorption surface. Filters are compact and have simple manual control.
  • NVR type cartridge filters Designed to remove organic substances from water, chlorine, unpleasant taste. Some modifications of these devices are equipped with a polyester filtering element that allows you to hold mechanical impurities.
  • CF Series Sorption Settings Designed for industrial use and differ in high performance and significant sorption activity.

Studies prove that not only physico-chemical, but also biological processes occur at the active angle. Organic substances that adsorb active coal in the presence of oxygen dissolved in water are a nutrient medium for the development of aerobic microorganisms, oxidizing organic.

Biofilenka generated from microorganisms gradually reduces the adsorbing power of coal, so periodic coal regeneration is necessary. In real conditions, self-degeneration of activated carbon can be carried out, thanks to the inclusion in the process of anaerobic microorganisms.

Protection ambient It is one of the most important issues of modern society. Poetterai discharge of effluents in the environment must strictly observe the norms for discharge of wastewater in the reservoir and relief. Improvement and regularity of controlling measures will reduce the level of pollution of the territory of household and industrial runoff.

The priority objectives in the field of environmental protection today are considered to be the introduction of technologies by industrial enterprises that would lead to a reduction in the total amount of wastewater and increase their cleaning, having in mind the possibility of implementing re-use systems. The problem of unjustified loss of water at all stages of the technological cycle remains very relevant. Special attention should be paid to the prevention of discharges into natural reservoirs and relief, industrial and household wastewater, with a sufficiently high degree of cleaning.

Of course, the conditions for discharge of wastewater can be very different depending on which industry in question. For example, a separate conversation should go about the chemical industry enterprises, the wastewater of which can be dangerous both for the normal functioning of the environment and for the environment. In the sewage systems of such enterprises there is always a potential threat to the release of toxic and explosive gases, which can lead to pipelines explosions and even represent direct danger to the life and health of the service personnel. That is why the reset of poisonous reagents and processing products, acidic sludge acids from storage containers, as well as precipitation from the technological devices used during their cleaning, is strictly prohibited. In this case, it is necessary to collect toxic and poisonous products into special technological accumulative containers made of fiberglass, durable plastic or metal designed to dispose them with subsequent destruction.

It is not allowed to reset to citywide sewage networks and surface drain from the territory of industrial sites in the conditions of active full separate sewage. If it is established that the degree of contamination of surface effects may exceed the values \u200b\u200ballowed by the reset conditions into natural water or on the relief of any types of wastewater, in this case, the main parameters of the surface runoff must comply with the same requirements that are presented to production fees.

As is known, the Law "On Environmental Protection" establishes a negative impact on the environment. To such species, the law relates: reset polluted wastewater into surface water bodies. As well as,unorganized reset On the terrain of the drain of the drains formed as a result of both ordinary atmospheric phenomena (snow, rain) and after wet cleaning of asphalt and concrete coatings in the absence of industrial and storm sewage systems on the industrial and storm sewer industrialization.

In violations, penalties are applied in the form of fines enlarged in 2015 at 20 times. And with gross or repeated disorders, law Russian Federation Even criminal liability is provided.Read more, about penalties and criminal liability can be found in the articles of chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Chapter 26. Environmental Crimes
Article 246. Violation of the Environmental Protection Rules in the work
Article 247. Violation of the rules for the treatment of environmentally hazardous substances and waste
Article 248. Violation of safety rules when handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins
Article 250. Water Pollution
Article 254. Right of the Earth

In the case of country private houses, the discharge of wastewater is possible to a lowered area of \u200b\u200brelief, if the territory does not allow to equip filtering devices. At the same time, the main characteristics for the purification of such drains do not differ from the norms of wastewater relief in the natural reservoir. In most cases, various kinds of aerobic reactors are applied for this, even though they are not always able to provide the desired quality of cleaning of household and shopping effluents. SNiP norms are prescribed by the presence of a sanitary protection zone at least 50 meters, if the performance of aeration facilities is up to 700 cubic meters per day. Finally, it should be taken into account that the smell comes from the screening can deliver well-known inconveniences for you and your neighbors. Therefore, if you want to insure yourself from trouble, up to litigation, then it will be cheaper to ensure as much as possible and the maximum possible degree of water purification.


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Good day! I have a question - an industrial enterprise that does not have a storm sewage, a common pipe, through which the flow of rain and melting water occurs, and does not have a permission to be inorganized reset from rap

Which is the flow of rain and melting water, and not having water objects should have permission to unorganized reset With rain and thawed waters? Lit can reset on the relief slaughter resetin water bodies? Thanks for the answer. Dear Irina Vladimirovna! In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal ...

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The prosecutor's office of the enterprise ZAO Novomor Terminal received an order about the need to obtain permissible standards resets harmful substances in water object (Black Sea). There are no storm sewage and organized reseta ... ... It is necessary to pay attention to minimization resetdub pollutants in water bodies and water floors areas ( relief terrain). Reset substances and microorganisms in the composition of the waste (including storm) and drainage waters on the catchment area ...

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The procedure for developing and approving the standards of permissible environmental impact on the inorganized resetand with superficial (rain and thawed) wastewater on relief terrain and therefore there is no possibility of issuing an appropriate permit on reset. In 1998 Goscomecology ...

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The company is engaged in the development of environmental projects in different industries. So for the object requires a draft standards for permissible reseta. relief terrain. When requesting to the territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor, I was given an answer in which it was proposed to contact the federal ...

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Checking MUP "Vodokanal" AnApa was recorded that the expired permission was expired for the maximum permissible reset Pollutants in the Black Sea In particular, when checking the MUP "Vodokanal", the orders were recorded that ... ... P.Abrau-Durso, it was found that these structures were destroyed, reset wastewater without cleaning is carried out directly on relief terrain. Also, violations were recorded when checking Sochivokanal LLC (Separations of Schochi ...

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Territory of military unit No. 74400, which is included in the border security zone National Park "Plescheyevo Lake", occurred reset Sewage Wastela on relief terrain. Part of pollutants, staining reliefthe locality came to the lake. Administration of FGBU "National ...

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Ilida. During the inspection, it was found that the storm drains from the production sites of the workshops randomly reset on relief terrain and river Ilota. Thus, the water object is regularly contaminated with petroleum products, numerous spills and ... ... an audit of compliance with the enterprise payments for environmental pollution with real parameters of the content of pollutants in their resetoh.

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Companies of the company are two times lower than the average for refinery of Russia (3.05 kg / ton). Since 2004, completely discontinued reset Polluted waste water refinery in water bodies. The specific indicator of emissions of pollutants of enterprises of petroleum product support ... ... 1.04 to 0.5 kg / ton of sales), specific indicator resetdub polluted wastewater in surface reservoirs and on relief The terrain is five times (from 0.05 to 0.01 cubic meters / ton of products), a specific water consumption indicator - at six ...

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November 8, 2013, 10:08

Question.What regulatory documents will refer if the reset of the storm waste water is carried out on the relief and there is no water object? Is the or-sanitation by nature user in terms of discharge into a water object? Should the fee for negative impact? What are the standards to navigate when calculating payments in this case? Is it allowed on the legislation to relief?

Answer. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 23. Federal Law from 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" Digures of chemicals, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms to the environment within the established standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, discharge limits are allowed on the basis permits issued by the executive authorities exercising public administration in the field of environmental protection.

One of the types of negative environmental impact in accordance with Art. 16 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ

there are discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, underground water bodies and waterborne areas.

The concept of "relief relief" is not legally defined.

Today, the only document that allows you to calculate the volume of drain, melting and watering waters, are Methodical instructions By calculating fees for an inorganized discharge of pollutants into water bodies, approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1998.

In the methodological instructions, under inorganized discharge of pollutants, the removal of pollutants from the territory of the catchment of enterprises and organizations and the adjacent infrastructure relating to industrial systems, an inorganized superficial drain (the diversion of raindrop, melting and watering waters beyond the territories of enterprises on the natural bias of the locality in the cuvettes of roads, ravines Directly in rivers, streams, ponds and other aquatic facilities either in the storm sewer of neighboring enterprises and organizations).

In the letter of Rosprirodnadzor from 30.08.2012 No. OD-06-01-31 / 11634 "On charging for inorganized discharges on the relief of the terrain" the following position of Rosprirodnadzor is set out: "Clause 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ determined that the negative impact on the environment is paid.

The fee for the negative impact on the environment on the basis of the definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2002 No. 284-O is recognized as a mandatory public-legal payment. It is individually compensated and compensatory and is not a tax, but a fiscal fee. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation under the collection is understood to be a mandatory contribution, the payment of which is one of the conditions for granting payers of certain rights or issuing permits (licenses).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.08.1992 No. 632 approved the procedure for determining the fee and its limit size for pollution of the environment, waste placement, other types of harmful effects (hereinafter - the order), which in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Procedure applies to enterprises, institutions, foreign and individualsexercising in the territory of the Russian Federation any activities related to environmental management.

Provisions of Art. 23 of the law it is determined that it is allowed to make discharges of various pollutants and microorganisms into the environment within the established standards permissible discharges Based on permits issued by the executive authorities, carrying out the government in the field of environmental protection.

In the absence of permission, the discharge fee is calculated as an over-limit environmental impact with the use of a fivefold increase in the coefficient on the basis of paragraph 6 of the order. "

To date, there are no documents in the current legislation, the regulatory calculation of the relief relief and the procedure for approving the standards of permissible impact on relief relief (both organized and unorganized), and therefore there is no possibility to issue an appropriate permission to reset. The Rosprodnadzor authorities insist that when making a fee for reliefing the relief, the raising coefficient 5 and the standards for resetting into water objects established to calculate the superlimite fee, despite the fact that the relief is wrong with the relief equal to reset to the aqueous object.

Courts also support the position of Ros-Napanese.

Resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Volga-Vyatsky District of 06/22/2012 No. A79-7613 / 2011. Calculation of fees for an inorganized discharge of pollutants into water objects is made by nature users, taking into account the methodological instructions approved by the State Committee-Ecology of the Russian Federation 29.12.1998.

JSC is a payer for environmental pollution in connection with the implementation of an inorganized surface reset on the area of \u200b\u200bthe area from the territory (catchment) of the enterprise.

After checking the calculation of the fee for a negative impact on the environment in the first quarter of 2011, the courts recognized him justified. At the same time, they proceeded from the fact that in the first quarter of 2011 did not conduct OJSC laboratory analysis water (surface runoff) to establish the actual concentration of pollutants; The calculation of the management is made taking into account the provisions of the methodological instructions and data of meteo-rological observations.

The reference of the Company is not the misunderstanding of the fivefold increase in the coefficient of inconsistency, since the permission for the discharge of substances and microorganisms for Water-Plated Square at JSC is absent, in Rosprirodnadzor, with the relevant statement about the issuance of such permits of the OJSC did not appear.

Resolution 7 AAS of 10/17/2011 No. 07AAP-7345/11. The court indicated that the territorial authority of the Rosprirodnadzor had no objective opportunity to issue the requested permission to the inorganized reset. In the absence of a discharge permission, the fee is made as for super-luminat. This provision cannot be the basis for imposing the obligation to issue such permission to the authorized authority in the absence of legal grounds.

Thus, there is a space in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the regulatory legal acts reset the relief is not prohibited, to legalize this type of discharge is not possible. Until the methodology for calculating the relief relief and the procedure for approving the standards of permissible impact on such a discharge, nature users are forced to pay for relief, will be developed and approved.

The protection of the habitat is an important priority for human activity. Wastewater discharge containing organic, bacterial contamination, phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, create a significant threat to the environmental and sanitary welfare of the surrounding background. Such actions are prohibited by environmental and sanitary standards. But, contrary to prohibitions, reset the wastewater on the relief is relevant.

How legitimate these actions are, we will discuss in our article. In addition, we will raise the question of the conditions of reception and methods of cleaning of wastewater.

Trap for nature users

There are often cases when nature users complain that they are hampered by the organization of filtering devices for sewage:

In this case, they use low landscaped terrain, with confidence that wastewater relief discharge can be produced.

But where did such confidence come from? Take the phrase about the resolution of such actions in print editions or on the pages of Internet sites without referenceing it to a certain regulatory document would be reckless.

It is also good that in frequently found pervisions, asked not to forget about the standards filed to the quality of allotted waters.

Again, where to take the standards, if, in fact, it is forbidden to get the relief of wastewater.

It comes to revenue quite a dubious statement that the traffic rules coincide with the discharge of the water used in the reservoirs.

Attention. As far as so, we still have to figure out that such a permitted "trap" does not become a trial or payment of fines on the application of the environment in the form of propagation of polluted wastewater.

Actual theme of modern legislation

At the moment, the current legislation prepares changes regarding environmental protection. Many questions in them are not covered, so they acquired the status of important and relevant problems.

One such problem is to discharge wastewater on the relief.

It takes a lot of legal proceedings and disputes.

In many cases, nature users relief wastewater on the relief based on permission to carry out such actions. There is a disputed moment.

In the administrative regulation, Article 5, the technical supervision bodies issuing permission to be discharged for the efforts, it is indicated that economic entities can reset the water used into water bodies.

About the effluent on the relief in this regulatory document does not say anything.

Some control bodies explain the need to obtain a relief in that in any case, the drains through the land will be imbued with some water object.

The unreasonableness of this explanation is confirmed by the Water Code, Article 2, in which the actions associated with the actual problem of which we are engaged in our article are not regulated in any way.

In addition, it is assumed that really waste water on the relief is sent to the reservoirs, then ways to trace the quality and quantitative changes occurring with drains until there is.

According to the water codes, the aqueous object is a water, the concentration of aquatic masses in which has signs and shape of the water regime.

Obviously, it is impossible to equate the removal of wastewater in the reservoirs to the relief.

In addition, in the law "On Environmental Protection", the discharge of the effluent is considered to be negative on the environment and is paid.

The standards of charges are again taken from discharges into water bodies.

The validity of the payment in the issue of drainage on the relief refers to the controversial topic.

With a thorough analysis of this issue, it turns out that the authorities, invited payment for the discharge of wastewater, are guided by the methodological instructions in which the payment procedure for the drainage in the reservoirs is indicated and equal to the relief relief.

Attention. Methodical instructions do not relate to regulatory documents.

Therefore, a regulatory document is needed to determine the factors of equalizing discharges in reservoirs to relief discharges.

Currently, the solution for wastewater discharge on this issue remains under development.

Scheme of modernity

In addition to the actual topic described above, I want to describe the current scheme of removal of the utilum used:

  1. Household and economic drains are treated with the help of equipment of biological or mechanical cleaning of wastewater.
  2. Surface drains pass mechanical cleaning.
  3. Escrew to the regional wastewater takes place at a permanent reset point.

Their composition includes:

  • departure of experts on the object;
  • performance of effluents;
  • preservation of samples;
  • filling out the necessary documents;
  • sample analysis of stocks;
  • issuance of an analysis protocol indicating quantitative and chemical indicators;
  • determination of stock volumes.

The implementation of the PEC procedures followed by obtaining permission requires significant funding.

As we described above, the equalization of relief discharges to the reservoirs is not supported by legitimate documents.

As a result, the tax authorities or independent audit organizations may arise questions about the illegal basis for the implementation of discharges and payment of these actions.

Therefore, the choice of the right path is only in your power.

Points of discharge of stock

In addition to the self-ejecting discharge of wastewater in the reservoirs and the relief is carried out in:

  • city \u200b\u200bsewer systems;
  • wrappers;
  • other sewage systems intended for industrial and household wastewatering.

Each network identifies the conditions for receiving wastewater, which are designed to resolve the following issues:

  1. Ensuring the safety of groundwater, soil layers and the environment from waste contaminants.
  2. Ensuring an increase in the efficiency of sewage disposals and their safe operation.
  3. Warning of possible failures in sewage networks.

Rules for the reception of wastewater in the drainage network

To ensure the stable operation of the drainage system and prevent its destruction when interacting with negative substances, the flow of efflunds occurs in compliance with certain rules and requirements:

  • eXECUTION OF WAYS IN WATER SUBJECTIVE NETWORK ONLY through devices devices that are equipped with hydrotherap;
  • eXECUTION OF WAYS in the rain network through rain-seekers;
  • reception of production waste is allowed in a drainage network if it does not lead to a violation of the network and cleaning facilities.

At the same time, production drains should:

  • do not contain suspended impurities in the amount of more than 500 mg / l and other substances clogging pipes:
  • do not exert the devastating effect on elements of structures and materials of the system;
  • do not contain in the composition of gaseous substances and hot impurities. Contributing to the formation of explosive mixtures;
  • do not exceed the temperature of more than 40 degrees.

It is not allowed in a drainage network to dump wastewater:

  • with the presence of pollution of mineral origin;
  • different types of drains that form poisonous gases during mixing;
  • containing bacterial contamination;
  • unexvertible water used from poultry farms and meat processing plants;
  • the remaining vehicle washing in the garages (exception is an exhabile network).

The water used, which enter the drainage network must be neutralized and conditionally clean, the purification indicator of which is determined by sanitary supervision.

Streams that do not satisfy the described requirements should pass preliminary training on local treatment facilities.

Rules for receiving effluents in the city network

Requirements for inclination in the network of urban sewers are determined by the regulatory document that determines the rules for the reception of used industrial waters into the sewage network of settlements.

Basic reception provisions:

  • joint collection of industrial and domestic water waters is expedient if the first is required to clean and they can jointly be purified by a biological or mechanical cleaning method on urban cleansing facilities;
  • the discharge of the drain should not lead to the destruction of the operation of the network, the formation of clogging, toxic gases;
  • wastewater removal should not contribute to the sewage system of pathogenic bacteria, while not to break the mode of operation of the cleaning devices.

The list of objects having the opportunity to reset the estates in the city network, determine the water supply and sewer organizations.

In their competence there is a calculation of the permissible concentration of pollution of wastewater.

To date, the procedure for monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements of wastewater is determined.

It includes such events:

  • conducting laboratory controls;
  • identification of unorganized discharges exceeding the content of pollutants;
  • presentation of penalties when identifying violations.

Methods of cleaning of stocks

There was an opinion that the drains, falling in the pond, are purified by naturally.

However, discharges became so great that nature does not cope with a significant amount of pollution.

In addition, many household and production grounds at the preliminary stage of reception in the central network should be cleaned to achieve the content of pollutants in them corresponding to the regulatory indicators.

Purification of natural and wastewater is carried out using various methods:

  • biological;
  • physico-chemical;
  • mechanical.

The essence of mechanical purification is to remove mechanical impurities from sewage by filtering and settling.

To capture the coarse particles in mechanical structures, various sieves, sumps, grilles are installed. Conducting leads to over 60% of insoluble impurities from sewage.

The physico-chemical principle of purification is to add chemical reagents to the wastewater, reacting with pollutants and causing the deposition of insoluble sediment.

The chemical method leads to a significant decrease in insoluble impurities (up to 90%). It also allows you to remove fine particles of organic substances.

Wide use in the physicochemical method found:

  • electrolysis;
  • oxidation;
  • coagulation;
  • extraction;
  • sorfaction of wastewater.

Biological purification is based on the use of patterns of physiological and biochemical purification of natural reservoirs.

There are several types of biological sewage treatment devices:

  • aerotenks;
  • biological ponds;
  • biofilters.

Biofilters contribute to the passage of wastewater through coarser-grained materials that are covered with a bacterial film. Biofilters provide the process of intensive oxidation of pollutants.

Aerotenks are reinforced concrete tanks, which purifies the beginning in which is a bacterial active IL, which contributes to wastewater treatment.

The main task of the biological method is the removal of organic substances, phosphoric and nitrogen compounds from wastewater.

It is carried out on the basis of two processes:

  • aerobic - the destruction of the organic organic microorganisms with oxygen;
  • anaerobic - destruction without the presence of oxygen.

When used both artificial and natural reception.

Environmental protection refers to the most important problem. Therefore, wastewater production requires compliance with all requirements and sanitary standards; the introduction of new technologies in production processes, the principle of operation involves the discharge of waste; urgent decisions of legislative issues, such as wastewater discharge; Improvement and regularity of controlling activities; Uniformity of wastewater evaluation methods. Only an integrated approach to this issue will reduce the pollution of the natural environment and avoid an environmental catastrophe.


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