Cherries without tassels. "Classic" cherry jam with tassel

Cherries without tassels. "Classic" cherry jam with tassel

Sweet cherries are richer, lower cherries. Her fruits are bigger and licorice. Few people know that the dark color of these berries gives even more color to the speech, so I can push the antioxidant effect. Even though it is possible to prepare її for the winter, a good choice would be P'yatikhvilinka cherries. It's getting ready for special recipes that allow you to minimize the hour of thermal processing. Zavdyaki berries are overwhelmed with cilimes, and they take more vitamins, less when brewed in the traditional way.

Cooking features

Under the name "P'yatikhvilinka" there are common recipes for jam, so boil no more than 5 quills at a time, wanting to work and sprat once in a while with breaks to seep out with syrup. You can prepare "P'yatikhvilinka" with cherries in different ways. Some options are rozrakhovanі on varіnnya yagіd with tassels, for others, the fruits are cleaned in front of the tufts and less than a second, add a heat treatment. The technology of cooking laosshchiv in the form of which can be a trifle refrigerated, but the main principles of cooking are left alone.

  • Before cooking, it is necessary to sort out the cherries, remove the spoiled, unripe fruits, which are overripe, then wash them in running water and dry them. Let the berries dry out more, like hanging on a towel, which is good for picking up water.
  • Cherries should be shaved off the cherries already after they are dried and dried, otherwise you can drink water in the middle, through which the berries become rare.
  • After the removal of the needles, you can proceed to the removal of the brushes. For the presence of a special accessory in the booth, which saw the tassels from the fruits, it is clumsy to get out of the zavdannya. Aleone can be seen without the presence of such outbuildings. You need a hairpin or a similar item. The hairpin is zanuryuyut at the pulp of the cherry through the opening near the area where the needles are attached to the fruit, the tassel is soldered and the name is drawn. For the obviousness of reaching a kilogram of cherries, you can clean the tassels in this way for 20 quills.
  • Varennya, brewed with cherries with tassels, come out fragrant, but you can’t save long. In the course of time, hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic, is established in the brushes. Sounds important that the maximum term for the preservation of cherries with tassels is 12 months, but not obov'yazkovo pull from cym so long. The earlier you live dessert, the safer wine will be for your body.
  • Do not vicorate aluminum utensils for brewing cherry brew. Aluminium, when in contact with organic acids, like in berries, oxidizes, making it acidic.
  • Roblyachi cherry brew for the winter, jars of new items need to be sterilized, and the lids are worth it.

Preserve cherry jam in a cold place, although some recipes allow you to prepare a dessert, which is good for room temperature. In order to get a dessert before the wine is zipped, dosvіdchenі gospodarki stick notes on the jars from the appointed date of the preparation.

The classic recipe for jam with cherries "P'yatikhvilinka" (with tassels)

Warehouse (for 1.5 l):

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 0.75 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out, beat the berry. Let it dry.
  • Store at the pan, sip the zukr.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid, the sprat will crackle. Do you allow me to mix berries with zucr without damaging their integrity.
  • Take a pot of cherries for a sprat of a year from the refrigerator. You can move on to the next stage if the berry is released with sik and tsukor, it may open up more.
  • Put the saucepan on a medium fire, bring the boil to a boil, and cook 5 quills, knowing the pin. You can’t see the pint, the sourdough stew is sour.
  • Take the pot out of the fire, cover it with gauze or cloth (but not with a lid). Leave it until the end.
  • I want to bring dessert to a boil and cook 5 chills.
  • Sterilize jars and lids, as they fit.
  • Lay out the jam according to prepared jars, seal them tightly.

After cooking, you can take care of the room temperature. You can cook yoga not only in a pan, but also at the basin.

Varennya with cherries "P'yatikhvilinka" with tassels in syrup

Warehouse (for 1.75 l):

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wimite, dry the berries, remove the chicks.
  • Boil water. Adding tsukor in portions and achieving a complete expansion, make a thick syrup.
  • Drop the cherry from the syrup and check it, if the syrup boils. Raise the pelvis out of the fire.
  • Cover the gauze and leave it alone.
  • If the syrup is okholone, put the basin on a full fire, bring the boil to a boil and cook at least 5 quills, knowing the pin that protrudes on the surface. The hour of boiling can be increased by 5 minutes or repeat the procedure after 2-3 years, so that the boil is taken at room temperature.
  • Lay out the jam in sterilized jars, roll up.

When the brew was boiled, only 5 quills were boiled, which is taken for a temperature no higher than 16 degrees. If you increase the total hour of boiling the dessert up to 10 minutes, you can trim it at room temperature. It is important to remember that cherry jam with yagid with tassels cannot be saved for a long time.

Varennya with cherries without tassels "P'yatikhvilinka"

Warehouse (for 1.5 l):

  • sweet cherry - 1.5 kg;
  • zukor - 0.75 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wimit and dried cherries clean from the brushes, store at the basin.
  • Zasipte tsukr, fill it for a year.
  • Put a bowl of cherries on a full fire, bring to a boil. Cook 5 quills, knowing the kick.
  • Fill in the fields with a stretch of 8-12 years.
  • Bring to a boil again, cook for 5 chills|minutes|. If you want to take a thicker brew, repeat the procedure again after 8-12 years.
  • Lay out the dessert behind prepared jars, seal tightly.

Cherry boiled without pits is good for room temperature. You can eat this dessert by hand, you can serve it not only OKremo, but pour it over the pancakes, mlintsi.

Varennya with cherries "P'yatikhvilinka" come out garnished and browned, for those who do not boil for a long time. Zrobiti yoga can be for different recipes.

Regardless of those that cherries and cherries are the berries of the same family, cherries are more often preserved. Maybe, through її nasicheniya kolіr and nі z chim not equal aroma.

Cherry fruits do not have a strong smell, but if you want to taste the berry jam once, it will be savory, it’s even more delicious. Cherry jam comes out of the world as licorice, we’ll see through the syrup of garlic color. Lack of natural acid in rich berries, the gentleman, should be added to lemon juice or citric acid.

A cream of savory tastes in cherries and other perevagi. This berry is rich in potassium, as well as other microelements: calcium, salt, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and iodine. The new one has vitamins A, B1, B2, Z, E, PP.

Cherries ripen early. For good weather minds, you can already pick up a disgraceful harvest from chervni with savory berries - even if there are no other fruits. To this, the gentlemen do not spend such an opportunity and proceed to preparing in reserve - cooking.

Thin cooking

  • Varennya to cook only from crucified cherries. It is unacceptable to vicorate zipped berries or to be bitten by birds. The fruits are not guilty, but they are overtaken, otherwise, during heat treatment, the stench will take shape and boil.
  • Sob the berries do not sag before the hour of cooking, we recommend blanching them in the sprinkles beforehand, and then cool them down in cold water. Deyakі gentlemen replace this by pricking the skin berry with a bark, but this process is also laborious.
  • For those reasons, it is necessary to carry out the cooking in two or three stages, savoring the berries in hot syrup. If you don’t rob it, but cook it in one go, then the berries often burst and look wrinkled.
  • When brewing cherry jam, there is a bagat of pina, as it is necessary to see it with noise, otherwise the product cannot be stored for a long time.
  • Boil cherry jam like with brushes, and without them. For їх vydalennya z yagid vikoristovuyut spetsіalny pristriy or zvichaynu hairpin. It is necessary to see the brushes carefully, so as not to crush the berries.
  • To give the cherry flavor and light sourness in the end of the brew add vanillin and citric acid.
  • Do not cook the brew immediately at the great obsyazi, to the one who, under the damp vag, the berries change and lose their shape.
  • When the jam is ready, pour the jars at the jar, as if it is necessary to fill it with soda, rinse thoroughly with hot water and dry it.

Varennya with cherries with tassels

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 1-1.2 kg;
  • water - 1.2 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - 0.5 packs (5 g);
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, see all the zipped berries, as well as the kissing of the birds. Rip off the stalks. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water.
  • Sob fruit under the hour of cooking did not grimacing, it is recommended to prick them with a bark. Ale tse already a long time, like a bagato. Therefore, the best option is this: put the cherries in small portions in a crusher and put them in a saucepan with dill. Pasteurize 1-2 whilini. Cool down quickly under a stream of cold water.
  • Prepare the syrup. Put tsukor near the cooking basin, pour water. Bring to a boil and boil 5 chills. Like kalamutny syrup, pass through a sprat of gauze balls.
  • Whisip the cherry. Bring to a boil, knowing the pin.
  • Leave the brew dead and let it brew for 4 years. For the whole hour, the berries are well fed with syrup.
  • Put it on the stove again and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Let's have a drink at 4:00. Repeat the procedure for another two.
  • For example, add citric acid and vanillin.
  • Ready to cool the cherry jam at the basin and then transfer it to clean, dry jars. Close with parchment paper. Cherry jam can be hermetically rolled up. At the same time, pack the yogo in a sterile dried jar in a hot looking way, then turn it upside down and cool it down in such a looking way.

Varennya with cherries without pits: first recipe

Ingredients for two 1 l jar or for chotiri 0.5 l:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method

  • You need stigli, ale mіtsnі cherries. Vimite a handful of them under running water. Give me some stacks. To see the fruit stalks.
  • Let's help for the help of a special outbuilding, like you can buy in the store, and remove the brushes from the bag. If you don’t have yoga, then you can speed up with a great hairpin or a hairpin.
  • At the cooking basin, sip tsukor, pour water and put a container on the stove. Make syrup. Yakshto vin viyshov kalamutnym, yogo bazhano pass through a sprat of balls of gauze.
  • Drop the cherry in the syrup. On a medium fire, bring to a boil, seeing the sting that appears on the surface.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and let the cherry brew for 10-12 years.
  • Put the brew back on the stove. After that, how to boil it, I will wake up again for 12 years. Repeat the procedure for another two.
  • Let the brew cool, and then package it in clean, dry jars. Close with parchment paper.

Cherry jam without tassels: another recipe

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 700 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

Cooking method

  • Pick up the cherry berries, pick out the worms and the zipper. Rinse under running water. Take the pins.
  • For additional hairpins, or a special one, I’ll build a sling brush. All the sik, which was seen with tsoma, anger at the boiling basin.
  • Place the prepared sweet cherry at the pelvis, spherically siphoning the zukr. Leave for 12 years in a cold place. For the whole hour, the berries will give sіk, to repair part of the tsukra.
  • Next day, put a basin on the stove and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Sob the berries are not burnt, you need to carefully stir the jam. Know the kick that is coming.
  • After that, how to boil the boil, cook yogo 30-40 khvilin. For example, make the fire smaller, so that the boil does not burn, otherwise it will be an unacceptable caramel taste. At this hour, add lemon juice.
  • Varennya is not guilty of being rare. Yogo readiness is overturned by dropping syrup on a saucer: wine is not guilty of rose.
  • Hot-looking cherry jam is packaged in dry sterile jars and rolled up with plaque lids.
  • Turn the bottom upside down and cool in this position.

Varennya with cherries "P'yatikhvilinka" with tassels

Ingredients for three 0.5 l containers:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 500 g;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • For the brewing of this brewing, take a large cherry. Rinse under a jet of cold water. Give me some stacks. To see the fruit stalks.
  • Place the berries in a wide bowl with a thick bottom (important). Zukrom sip. Pour water. Gently mix the berries.
  • Place dishes made of cherries on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Sob the berries are not burnt, it is necessary to carefully mix them up.
  • From the moment of boiling boil 5-7 quills. Pina, how to say, take the shoes off with a noise or with a spoon.
  • Prepare sterile jars, which should be absolutely dry at the time of packaging.
  • Have a hot look to lay out their varennya. Roll up the glass with bluish caps.

Varennya with cherry thick

Ingredients for two 1 l jar or for chotiri 0.5 l:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • zukor - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, see the berries with wormholes. Rinse under running water. Give me some stacks. Rip off the stalks.
  • Place the berries at the boil basin, soak with zukr.
  • Gently stir and put on the stove. Bring to a boil in full fire. In an hour, let the berry sik, and the zukor can open up.
  • Pour part of the syrup into another bowl, and boil the berries to the required thickness.
  • At a hot stand, pack in dry sterile jars and roll up with lids. In an inverted look, it is necessary to cool. Such a brew can be covered with parchment paper. Let it cool down, and then put it in a dry jar.

Gentlemen, take note

  • Cherry jam can be prepared with additions of cherries, lemons, oranges and other berries and fruits.
  • The number of tsukru can be increased or changed in fallow in the cherry variety and acidity.
  • When all the sanitary facilities were taken, they could hermetically close the brew, not sterilize, the shards of the hour were reached, the pasteurization of the bacteria and microbes, which they drank to the jar at once, died.
  • Cherry jam is taken from a dry, dark, cold place.

Good day friends! Today, I’ll share how to cook jam with cherries for the winter, how you can make chi without tassels with tassels. Tse lie in your relish, in the presence of an hour that bajannya.
Chereshneva sprout without brushes or with them. It is important that you come out savory with brushes, through your specific eyelid touch. Ale vіdokremlennya tassochok vіd m'yakotі - on the right to finish the worker, to that as a robiti - virishuvati you.
For both recipes, cook out in a kіlka prijomіv, so it will turn out to be the tastiest and most beautiful.

Cherry jam - recipes:

Properly prepared, it will be visible, from the whole berries that swim near the syrup. To find out some secrets, read mine for the sake of understanding.

How to cook savory cherry jam correctly - sprats are pleasing:

  • Jam can be prepared from cherries, be it a variety of colors, but remember that the stench will be juicy and stiglim.
  • Dosvіdchenі misters glad to cook cherry jam with yagіd variety Trushensky, Napoleon black and rozhevy, Francis.
  • Cook the sausages without haste, in a sprat of prijomiv, as if you were working fast and in the great fire, then the zukor will not be able to seep the apple and frown out.
  • When making cherry jam, prepared for the winter, take off the shoes, otherwise you won’t be idle for a long time, work with noise.
  • There is one more kind of good gifts: before cooking, pierce the skin with a bare bone, or saute the fluff by the water at 90 degrees.

Varennya with cherries without pits:

Recipe number 1.

The best varennya wiyde z yagidok light varieties.
We need:

  • Cherry berries - one kg.
  • Zukor - 1200 kg.
  • Water is a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare a yagidka - remember, let the crumbs dry and, for the help of clumsy outbuildings, remove the brushes. I bought such a thing a long time ago, I don’t remember how it’s called correctly, but it’s easy to see the brushes. And I remember, like a child, we were robbed with a magnificent hairpin.
  2. Now prepare the syrup: visipte tsukor in cold water and let it boil. To make the zukor more swishy, ​​mix the syrup regularly.
  3. Add cherries to boiling syrup and boil. After that, take it from the stove and take it for about 12 years.
  4. Just don’t hurry, carry out the whole procedure a few times: bring the apple to a boil and let it cool. It’s not less than 3 times, but the best 4-5 times.
    Pour the finished cherry jam into jars and close with polyethylene lids.

Cherry jam for the winter can be prepared in sucrose syrup, and I gave the recipe more. Ale is a way of preparing your own juice. Okremo I didn’t write the recipe. It’s less obvious that the berry is not filled with hot syrup, and the cherries are sizzled with zucr, then we spend a couple of years (two - three), so we saw a sik from the yagid. Well, let's go to the cooking process itself for a few steps.
Cherry jam, prepared for the winter, will not be more fragrant, and you will not take away a bright relish, like that of a cherry one. Tom is often added to the new ingredients, which can have more savory relish. You can use gingerbread, lemon peel, apricot tassels or almonds. I am sharing with you a recipe for hairy peas.

Recipe number 2. With hairy peas.

We need:

  • Cherry berry and zukor - 1 kg each.
  • Water - 350 ml.
  • Pea hairs, peeled - 300 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla tsukor - on the tip of a teaspoon.

How to cook:

Cook lasoshchi for this recipe - on the right, ask a worker, who has a lot of time to prepare cherries. Ale, don’t mess around, that’s the varte.

  1. Remove all the tassels from the yagid on the back, and then, on the spot, put a small piece of hairy pea on the skin.
  2. Then prepare the syrup in the usual way: pour cold water over the zukor and, stirring, let it boil.
  3. Pour boiling syrup (from the stove) over the berry, so that the wine is completely covered. Let stand for three years and put it on a small fire.
  4. Do not let the brew boil too much, so that the berries do not fall apart. If the cherries become clear, the jam is ready. For a sprat of whilin, before the end, put lemon juice and vanilin at the brew. Pour into jars at a hot sight.

Varennya with cherries with tassels:

Recipe number 1. With brushes.

  • Cherry tsukor - take 1 kg.
  • Water is one bottle.
  • Citric acid - pinch (bajannya)

How to cook:

It is practical to cook jam with cherries with tassels without changes, just like without them, just as you remember, take a little less tsukr.

  1. To make the syrup on the cob - dissolve the zucchini near the water and stir regularly, let it boil.
  2. At boiling zukrovy syrup, store cherries, check, if it boils and burns out of the fire. Then let it brew, but it’s less rich, lower persha varennya - only 3-4 years.
  3. I again bring to the boil 3-4 more times. If you forget, then in the end, boil a pinch of citric acid.

As soon as midnight and cherries appear on the shelves, it’s time to think about preparing for the winter. Wait a minute, even if it’s so welcome on a frosty evening, open a jar of fragrant jam and enjoy it with relish over a cup of tea. And also homemade brews for all kinds of specialties: pies, cakes, waffles, mlints, etc.

The process of harvesting is clumsy, but it takes a lot of time. Before canning, it is necessary to clean the cherries from the stones, and then boil them into a sprat of priyomiv, so that the syrup seeps out. Zagal process borrow mayzhe dobu, then we will thicken the brew, with spicy berries, fragrant and even savory. In order to give it a special character, add a sprat of lemon - wine to add sourness and taste of sweet cherry.


  • sweet cherry 500 g
  • zukor 300 g
  • lemon 4-6 skibochok

How to cook jam from cherries without brushes.

  1. Sweet cherries are washed well in cold water and given a little bit of drain.

  2. You can see tails and brushes. Like a sweet cherry, you can make a brush just by cutting the berry into two halves. If it’s juice, then it’s possible to see it behind the help of a special outbuilding, or just with a hairpin.

  3. Peresipaemo berries tsukrom and zalishaemo in such a look at 6-8 years (or at night).

  4. In the morning, the sweet cherry will give enough juice to the juice, and the grains of the grains will begin to spread.

  5. We put a saucepan with berries on a full fire and cook 5-7 chills from the moment of boiling. For an hour of cooking on the surface, there is a lot of pine - this is a normal practice for cherry jam. Accurately we know the kick for additional noise. As soon as the boil is boiled, we clean the pan from the stove and fill it up until it reaches 5-6 years old, so that the berries leaked out with syrup.

  6. Lemon is thoroughly washed by warm water, you can use a brush to clean it from the surface of your head and zabrudnennya. Narizaemo at once from the zest into thin staves. As in the process of cutting, brushes are tangled, their clothes are cleaned, otherwise they are boiled. We put a bunch of lemon at the boil, bring it to a boil and boil 5-7 chills. Anew zalishaєmo ostigati for 5-6 years.

  7. For the rest of the third time, we boil the berries, and then thrive - 15-20 quills until the syrup thickens.

  8. We immediately pour the jam into hot (!) sterilized jars, reminiscent of them on the very neck.
  9. Cork with clean sterilized lids and turn the jars upside down.
  10. It is left in an inverted look until it is fully realized, after which it is corrected to take it to the basement. It is good to preserve the jam from cherries for a stretch of 1 fate, until the offensive I give birth.

Varennya with cherries with a tassel may have a special relish and aroma. As if you were a happy sweet cherry tree in your summer cottage, be sure to speed up your ability and continue to be satisfied with the fruit of the cherry tree until winter itself, and the canned її at the sight of the boil. From cherries you can work not only boiled, but also uzvar, jami, pies. At the fermentation, berries can be put in without brushes and with them.

If you choose, how to cook jam with cherries with a tassel or without it, you should be sure that whole cherries with heart preserve their lower aroma for a long time. Before that, the procedure for curing the brush is laborious and the shape of the berry when it is needed. That is why, often, the choice of a state gift falls on the preparation of cherry jam with a tassel.

What is the sweet cherry?

Sweet cherry herbs are low-calorie, so it is recommended to take a dormant diet. The stench is not only dietary, but rather corisne, to that, calcium, magnesium, iodine, salt, copper, phosphorus, pectin, malic acid, glucose and vitamins A, B1, B2, E and PP. Antioxidants in the form of polyphenols make it possible to fight pain caused by various ailments. Before the fortune-telling of iodine, the great number of people cope well with thyroid diseases. And it’s good for people, who suffer for shortcomings. At the sight of their relatives - sweet cherries do not call for an increase in acidity, and, therefore, you can get used to them, who have ailments, but not great ones.

Varennya with cherries with a tassel

For the sake of saving all the cherry vitamins in the brew, and also the “recipe-pyatikhvilinka” is being propagated at its own time. For five minutes of cooking, you can cook zilla for licorice, which does not compromise on long-term procedures for cooking.

Preparing the brew:

Varennya with cherries with a brush for a standard recipe

The recipe for jam with cherries with a tassel is ready to cook, as if it is poured into a thrival rich boiled yagid with sucrose syrup. For a classic recipe, you need to take 1 kg of cherries, they need 1.2 kg of zucru. The rest is taken a little more, to that the brushes may have the power to clay the great kilkist tsukr.


Cherry jam with tassel and lemon

Overworldly cherry malt can be diluted with sourness by adding lemon shreds to the sill. For such a winter malt, about 1 kg of sweet cherry is needed, which is diluted in kilograms of zucru. Tsya kіlkіst іngrediєntіv іmаgaі preparation of one small lemon, wag 180-200 grams. Those who like to experiment with the replacement of lemon can add an orange, as well as add some chickpeas.


Instead of lemon, you can add citric acid (6 g).

Varennya with white cherries with a tassel

Vlasniki of white cherry trees can prepare a miracle brew for the winter, having grown only 1 kg of fruits. The relish of tsikh yagid is not too licorice, it will be like that when cooked. In order to save the natural malt, it is necessary to prepare 7 bottles of zukra, so that the bazhannya can add relish, you can increase the amount of zukra. 3 drops of citric acid will help relieve the tediousness of cherries and tassels for the winter.


Enrichment with the aroma of varennia is complemented by vanilin or orange juice, take a few of them to your liking.

Varennya with cherries with a tassel is prepared without trouble and physical suspense. A variety of sweet cherries, a lot of zucru and stages of cooking are poured into the sub-bag relish. Try to prepare a jam for all the given recipes, and know that one, at least, will get rich with you for a lot of years. Warm winter evenings to you from tea and cherry jam!


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