Liver with sour cream sauce with tsibulei. Pig's liver, lubricated with cibuley and sour cream: cooking features, recipes and tips

Liver with sour cream sauce with tsibulei. Pig's liver, lubricated with cibuley and sour cream: cooking features, recipes and tips

The miraculous powers of the liver lie not only in the fact that it is rich and savory, but also in the fact that it is preparing for it more quickly. Yalovichi liver, stewed in sour cream with cibuley, add to the treasure chest of your recipes and thus you follow the principles of healthy eating, and you also love to eat deliciously.

This way of cooking allows you to take away the pulp and the juice of the liver in a fragrant podliv.

Like a theater begins with hangers, whether savory grass begins with correctly chosen products. It's best to buy the edge of a yalovicho liver from a young creature. There is a minimum of chewing ducts. and it means that the liver is ready to be as low as possible.

The liver has a reddish-brown color, with a glossy surface and a mother-like licorice smell.

Is the cookie taken? Let's start to celebrate, start cooking stewed liver with sour cream.

Products for the recipe liver stewed with sour cream
Yalovich's liver 500 grams
Tsibulya 1 large head (150 grams)
Sour cream 100 grams
Boroshno 1 teaspoon with hot water
Roslinna Oliya 1-2 tablespoons
Strength for relish
Pepper chalking for relish
Chasnik (behind the bajannyam) 2 cloves
Muscat Gorіh (behind the bazhannyam) for relish
Paprika melena (for bazhannyam) for relish

How to extinguish the liver with sour cream with cibula

Heat up the kettle ahead. The liver is cleaned in the form of spitting, you can see how many judges can. Narizaemo cubes chi cubes.

We put the liver pieces in a bowl and fill it with dill, mix it up.

The water is poured out and the liver is poured with sprinkles again. Once again we change, so that the surface of all the shmatochkiv became gray. In front of the "scalded" see the hot water from the liver and allow the vision of the water to be seen when obsmazhuvanni.

Let's see the liver for drushlyak.

Ready sour cream sauce. At the missus we mix sour cream, silt, pepper, and sprinkle that flask with sprinkles. Good vimishuemo wine.

Tsibulya is cut into cubes or a quarter into rings.

At the frying pan in olive oil, I smeared the cibula.

Potim dodaemo shmatochki liver and lubricate, pomishyuchi, 2-3 quills.

Now it is no longer enough to fill the liver with sour cream sauce. After that, as the sauce boils, we crook the frying pan with a lid and simmer about 5 quills. It is impossible to extinguish for a long time, so that the liver does not become humic.

For a banquet in the country, we add spices and passes through the freshwater. The fire is silent and flooded under the roof on a sprat of whilin.

That's it, the yalovicha liver is ready, stewed with sour cream. Served with a garnish, adding to the color and aroma of fresh greenery.

The liver is one of the poorest products, which does not like the traditional thermal processing. How long do you cook or lubricate, the weed is dry, zhorstka, not tasty. With the right approach from the liver, you can easily prepare a rich savory snack. Especially, to add to the popular product tsibuleya.

Yalovich's liver with tsibuleya - the main principles of cooking

The front part of the liver burns near the washing and visible visible spit. If not, the product cannot absorb the juices of additive ingredients. Let's dry the liver and decorate it with small pieces. The recipe determines the form of that expansion.

Cibulya vikoristovuєtsya mainly ripchasta. Vіn harmoniously join with the yalovichoy liver and tsі two products miraculously add one to one. Often put carrots, sour cream, mushrooms, potatoes and other vegetables in the liver.

The liver with cibula is stewed, lubricated, baked. You can cook straws in mountaineers, slow cookers, for a couple. They are supplemented with various spices, herbs, served independently and with garnishes.

Recipe 1: Stewed liver of yalovich with tsibuleya in sour cream

Instead of sour cream for the preparation of such a yalovich liver, you can take tops with a chibula, and with a fat content of at least 15%. Strava is miraculously suitable for garnishes with cereals and vegetables, it’s not good to eat pasta with pasta.


0.6 kg of liver;

0.2 kg cibuli;

0.25 kg sour cream;

0.2 liters of broth;

2 spoons of boroshn;

Laurel leaf and trochi crop.


1. Rіzhemo promit that cleaned liver with small pieces, like for goulash.

2. We cut the qibul into cubes, throw it into a frying pan with oil and start greasing it.

3. After a couple of strands, we add a liver, curl and smear three strands under the lid.

4. We take the lid, we steam the surpluses of the water, and as soon as the small things begin to be smeared, we add borosno. Visipaemo evenly, so that she didn’t gather her breasts.

5. Spread sour cream, mix it up.

6. We add strength to the broth, you can season it like that in the pan.

7. We extinguish all at once more sprat of whiffs, we check for readiness.

8. Let's chop with a crop, put in a bay leaf and wink. Curve, let's stand five times, you can serve it.

Recipe 2: Yalovich's liver is lubricated with cibula on a frying pan

Recipe for the simplest liver lubricated with yalovichoy tsibulei, so that you can cook less for pivgodin. Vіdminny variant for a swedish evening.


0.5 kg of liver;

2 cibulini;

50 ml of olive oil;

1.5 spoons of boron;

0.5 bunch crop.


1. We clean the liver, wash it well and cut it with straw. Let's leave it for now on the detailed doshtsi.

2. The heads of the cybuli are cleanly in the form of lushpinnya and also shaky with straws.

3. We pour olive oil into a frying pan and play it. Dodaemo tsibulyu, fire robimo great.

4. We immediately obsipate the prescription boroshka liver, shvidko we mix it with our hands directly on the back of the doshtsi and it is corrected to the cibula. Pіdrum'yanyuєmo khvilinu that tidy up the fire.

5. Curve the frying pan with a krishko and let it smear like that.

6. Potim vіdkrivаєmo, salt, add black pepper and lubricate without a lid until ready. Still close to three hvilin. Chi is not overridden.

7. Vimikaєmo, sippaєmo chop with a crop.

Recipe 3: Stewed Yalovich's Liver with Cibulae and Carrots

A variant of vegetable herb with yalovichi liver, cibulia and carrots. For the preparation of vicorist, a large frying pan or cauldrons.


1 head of cybuli;

0.3 kg of liver;

1 carrot is large;

3 spoons of olive;

Strong pepper;

Greenery behind the bazhannyam;

130 ml chi water broth.


1. Shinkuemo with great pivkiltsy cibula and throw it into a frying pan with a roasted olive.

2. Carrots are cleaned and trimmed with even thin rings. We shift to the cibuli, we smear it all at once.

3. We cut the liver into cubes of three centimeters and add it to the frying pan.

4. Lubricate the cob without a lid, as soon as the sik is more often, pour in the hot broth, indications in the recipe. Curve and languish close to seven hvilin.

6. We throw greens, we wink.

Recipe 4: Yalovich's liver with tsibuley in a mountaineer

Recipe for those who do not have time to prepare the evening. It’s necessary to know ten hvilin and all of them to be hired as miners. Let the oven turn to 190 degrees, let it warm up for now.


0.5 kg of liver;

0.15 kg of sour cream;

30 g of butter;

0.5 spoons of boroshn;

2 cybuli heads;


Sir for the bugs.


1. Large cut cibulus. You can use straws or pivkiltsy.

2. We sip on a borosny cibul and grease the whilinka in roasted oil. Guilty z'yavitisya rum'yana skorinka.

3. Vimikaєmo tsibula, add sour cream, pepper and salt, you can throw in seasonings and some dried crop.

4. We cut the liver with large pieces of about 50 grams.

5. We put in the miners on a spoonful of sour cream from the cubule.

6. Let's sweat the little pieces of the liver and cover them with sour cream and cibules.

7. From above, you can throw a small piece to the sir, so that an appetizing squirt appears.

8. As a matter of fact, the mountaineers get ready for the oven, after 40-45 minutes. Yakscho dodavavsya sir, it’s better to cook without a lid.

Recipe 5: Yalovich's liver is smeared with cibula and apples

An unusual recipe for a savory yalovicho liver lubricated with chibula and fresh apples. Grava takes on relish, maє spicy sourness and marvelous aroma.


2 cybuli heads;

0.5 kg of liver;

2 apples;



1. I’ll wash the liver with narcissus cubes no more than a couple of centimeters. We throw it into the baked olive and start lubricating it.

2. For two hairs we throw an apple before it, cut in pieces. Lubricate on the great fire.

3. Tsibulyu tezh not dribbling shmatochki and dodaemo three hvilin after apples.

4. We cover everything at once, we see a lot of juice from apples, so I can buti. Periodically pomіshuєmo, so that the liver of the beast did not sing, but it took in the water.

5. We bring the strain to readiness of the liver. For a couple of chills before the end, seasonings are added. I'm preparing the grass from the liver, sipping the greens.

Recipe 6: Yalovich's liver with cibulia and carrots in tomato

Recipe for the lower liver of yalovichi with cibulei and carrots in rich tomato sauce. Paste is prepared for yoga, or you can take fresh tomatoes, rub them or trim them in some way.


0.5 kg of liver;

2 pieces of cybuli;

3 spoons pasture;

1 spoon of sour cream;

1 carrot;

1 spoon is borosna;

Greens, season;

250 ml broth.


1. Shinkuemo straw cibula and carrots, you can fold it all together.

2. We throw it on a frying pan with oil, grease the troch, so that the vegetables are lightly shriveled.

3. Now the heart of the liver. Rіzhemo її yak zavgodno, ale no better. Let's sip borosno.

4. With a spatula we zsuvaemo the vegetables in one beak and we transfer the liver to the open area. Shvidko smeared to a ruddy crackle from the lower side.

5. Now you can mix everything at once with vegetables. Get ready for three hvilinkas.

6. Put tomato paste, smear until brown color.

7. Now a dash of sour cream, it’s just necessary to warm it up with good storage with us.

8. Don't add the broth. Motherland can be hot. The deputy of the new one can win the great okrip.

9. At what stage do we add spices to the grass, do not forget to salt.

10. After boiling, the fire changes, languishing until ready. Greens are thrown in the very end, or we can eat the dish already in the plates.

Recipe 7: Stewed yalovich liver with tsibuley and potatoes

Even better and simple is the grass from the liver of a yalovichi z tsibulei, as it is possible to beat like a first grass to a friend, to file an insult or a supper. It becomes less and less necessary to regulate the number of natives.


0.4 kg of liver;

2 cybuli heads;

0.6 kg of potatoes;

Oliya, spice it up.


1. The cibula is smeared first. The heads are cleaned with medium cubes and thrown into a bowl with hot oil. You can vicorate a high frying pan chi cauldron.

2. The liver is naturally not crispy, otherwise it will be cooked crispy and will be firm. Robimo shmatochki for 30-40 g. Smazimo nedovgo, dosit hvilinki.

3. Potatoes are peeled, we cut a little more for the liver. We throw at the scorching mass.

4. Now black is redini. You need boiling water or broth. As soon as a thick grass is prepared for another, then one or two bottles are sufficient. If it is necessary to cook stewed grass, close to soup, then the homeland is guilty of currying potatoes.

5. Add strength, trochs of pepper and curve it.

6. Stew potatoes until ready, throw a bay leaf for relish, season the greens differently.

Recipe 8: Yalovich's liver is lubricated with tsibuleya and mushrooms

Another recipe for buttered yalovichi liver with cibulia in sour cream, ale tsy once again added to the pecheritsa. Mushrooms give the country a wonderful aroma and greatly ennoble the taste. Yogo needs to be prepared!


0.4 kg of liver;

0.3 kg oven;

0.2 kg cibuli;

0.2 liters of sour cream;

2 cloves of a watchmaker;

Oliya, sіl;

Trohi crop of fresh dry chi.


1. Pecheritsa should be boiled in sprinkling for about 15 quills. You can cut the mushrooms into pieces, so that we don’t get chilled later. The ovens are ready, we put them in a drushlyak, let them drain the motherland for now.

2. Shinkuemo tsibulyu kіltsami, lubricate with additional olії or be-such fat to transparency.

3. We add a liver, we cover it at once. The by-product is cut into cubes of troch more than three centimeters and similar cubes.

4. As soon as the little things get better from the sides and start to lubricate, you can start the mushrooms. At this stage, the maximum fire was robbed, so that the vologa was more steamed.

5. Liver with pecheritsy salted, peppered, lubricated until ready. We sip dry or fresh crop, trimmed by a watchmaker (for bazhannyam), we immediately wince and let it brew. It’s better to cover the frying pan with a lid for fifteen.

The farinaceous panuvannya does not give the liver a sik and sprya swidky appearance of a ruddy streak. To cover the shmatochki with flour, you just need to sip and mix them. To shy away without a trace before putting it on a frying pan.

Lost greased chi stewed liver? You can beat її in a combine and weide a wonderful pate. For juiciness add tops of chi oil.

Straws from fresh liver always look savory, lower from frozen offal. The very same dosvіdchenі gospodarki buy cooled meat product.

Be-yak, the grass will be lower, like a liver in front of vikoristannyam in milk or tops. Dairy products revitalize fibers, soften and shatter the lower ones.

The liver in a tomato can be hard and dry through a large amount of acid. Even if you are not convinced of the result, it is better for sauces to vicorate or sour cream. You can mix dairy products with tomatoes.

Do not add salt to the liver on the cob, and then do not add more spices when urinating. The strength takes the water in the product, sprinkles the active vision and the distant evaporation of the juices. Salt the liver stray is necessary for the preparation.

The liver with sour cream sauce is even more savory and rich goulash, which is ideal for any garnish. It should be noted that today there are even richer ways of how from the presented by-product it is possible to prepare savory and fragrant grass. We wrote stories about the deacons from them in our articles.

General information about the product

First of all, I would like to present you a recipe for the recipe “Liver in sour cream sauce”, the next report will tell you more about this product. The liver is just a core ingredient, from which one can work absolutely different stravi. This offal is especially often recommended to be used by those who are aware of a deficiency of saliva in the body. Adzhe wines with zim and other brown elements.

Get ready for delicious goulash

How can you cook a cookie? Stewed in sour cream sauce, it will come out tastiest and fragrant. Ale first, proceed to the meeting of the presented stravi, it is necessary to prepare:

  • sour cream of maximum fat content thick - about 150 g;
  • carrot fresh juice - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh yalovich liver - 600 g;
  • sil that pepper of chalking zapachny - zastosovuvati for relish;
  • the greens are fresh at the sight of the crop - the middle bunch.

Offal processing

The liver in sour cream sauce comes out even savory and lower. Ale first, prepare such an herb, next, make good use of this ingredient. It is necessary to rinse it in warm water, and then we will see all the unnatural elements in the spit of the zhovchny duct. Before the speech, with the rest of the next, we will protect you. Even if it’s zhovch vipadkovo to spend on a clean lot of product, then you’ll drink a lot of bitterness.

In addition, as an offal will be processed, it is necessary to rinse it again and cut 3-4 centimeters into shmatochki.

As soon as the vegetables are green, then remember them well, clean them, as it is necessary, and then chop them finely.

Thermal processing

The liver in sour cream sauce is best cooked in a deep stewpan. It is necessary to burn all the offal from the new one, and then put the yogo on a full fire. After that, as the liver changes in color and gives its own sik, you should mix well and quench under the slit krishka with a stretch of 22 hvilin. As soon as the broth is boiled away, it is necessary to pour a small amount of water into the stewpan. Together with the motherland, it is necessary to add cibulin and carrots to the dishes. Prepare the mustache of the ingredients of bazhano with a stretch of 30 strands. For the whole hour, the liver, and the vegetables, become more and more soft. Dalі їх sіd smack with spices, sour cream and fresh chopped greens. Having mixed the components, it is necessary to bring them to a boil, extinguish about 3 whilins, then take them out of the fire.

How to serve before the dinner table?

Yak bachite, yalovicha liver in sour cream sauce does not include expensive and rare products. After that, as rich and fragrant goulash will be ready, you should proceed before it is served on plates. Order from offal in sour cream is recommended to roztashuvaty yakiy garnish. The ideal option is potato mint, Greek porridge, pasta or rice.

Cooking by-product at the multicooker

About those, how the yalovich liver is prepared with sour cream sauce for the help of a kitchen stove, the world has been told. Alestrava from a similar offal can be thermally processed in such an attachment, like a slow cooker. For whom do we need:

  • sour cream of maximum fat content is thick - about 160 g;
  • chicken liver of maximum freshness - approximately 700 g;
  • medium white cibulini - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled water - 130 ml;
  • strength, chalking pepper, saffron and marjoram - wink for relish;
  • borosno light - a small spoon;
  • oliya sonyashnik - 4 large spoons;
  • tomato sauce - 2 large spoons;
  • greens are fresh at the sight of crops and parsley - the middle bunch.

Preparation of ingredients

Chicken liver with sour cream sauce comes out even lower and savory. Significantly, that such an offal should not be so strong, like a yalovichi. At zvyazku z tsim yogo is often zastosovuyut for the preparation of various goulash and other herbs.

After the preparation of the main component of yoga, it is necessary to defrost, and then rinse and clean it from the veins and veins. They gave the liver to be shaken to finish the big shmatochki.

What cibulin is worth, clean it and cut it into thin pivkiltsya.

Cooking in a multicooker

Chicken liver with sour cream sauce is ready to finish the shvidko. For this next, pour in the trochs of olії sonyashnik into the multicooker, and then add the cibulini and grease them on the program of the vipіchka with a stretch of 10-16 strands. After that, until the golden sheep, it is necessary to place the shredded offal. After mixing the ingredients, they should be smeared with spices, and then pour boiled water and quench in the normal mode with a stretch of 40 strands.

After the appointed hour before the chicken liver, add the sauce (tomato), sour cream and fresh greens. In such a warehouse of components, it is necessary to extinguish close to 9 quills. As if after the end of that hour, the time has come too soon for you, then you can add it lightly, ahead of you, mixing it in a small amount of cold water.

Properly serving goulash to the dinner table

Chicken liver with sour cream sauce is ideal to eat with any kind of garnish. Ale, the most delicious such goulash comes out at once from crushed potato bulbs and pasta. Dodatkovo to a sieve insult, you can add fresh vegetable salad and greens.

Robimo savory and succulent vegetable and pork offal

With proper preparation, pork liver in sour cream sauce comes out even savory and fragrant. Ale first, proceed before such a stray is created, it is necessary to prepare:

  • sour cream of maximum fat content thick - about 140 g;
  • pig liver maximum freshness - approximately 700 g;
  • cibulini white medium - 2 pcs.;
  • oliya without the smell of sonyashnik - 5 great spoons;
  • meaty tomatoes - 2 large pieces
  • sіl, pepper chalking zapachny - vikoristovuvat for relish;
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • low-fat milk - 600 ml;
  • the greens are fresh at the sight of the crop and parsley - the middle bunch.

Product processing

So that the liver in sour cream sauce turned out to be the most fragrant and rich, it is recommended to cook not only with a dairy product, but also with vegetables. For this it is necessary to take meaty tomatoes, carrots and cibulini parts. Then they gave the vegetables to be cleaned from the skins, and cut them into thin straws. After that, it is necessary to spread the by-product processing. Pig's liver must be rinsed in warm water, and then watered into the liver of the liver ducts. Because this ingredient is not hot, it is recommended to cut it into large shmatki and pour fresh milk. Vitrimuvati for such minds is an offal of bazhano protyag pіvgodini.

Grease in a frying pan

While the pig's liver is urinating in the milk, proceed to coat some of the ingredients. For whom it is necessary to strongly roast the soniashnikov oliya in a saucepan, and then put carrots and cibulini in it. Brush the vegetables until light golden. After that, before them, it is necessary to add small pieces of pork liver and cook them under a closed lid with a stretch of pivgodini. Moreover, it is not recommended to add water to the saucepan. The products are guilty of needing wet juice.

After the appointed hour, it is necessary to add meaty tomatoes and spices to the pork liver and cibules. After ¼ of a year, thick sour cream and chopped greens are added to the saucepan. In such a warehouse of ingredients, it is necessary to quench with a stretch of 10 strands.

How to properly serve straw to the table?

As you have already noted, this recipe does not transfer the supplemental whiskey of drinking water. Mustard components should be properly quenched in wet juice. Such a way of preparing goulash to make yogo is more rich, savory and fragrant. For the bazhannya to the finished dressing, you can additionally add grated cloves to the watchmaker. Ale tse neobov'yazkovo.

Serve pork liver with sour cream sauce to the table, a photo of which you can like in the presentation of the article, next to a hot one. When preparing goulash, it is necessary to generously pour over any kind of garnish. It is good for such a situation to cook pasta or spaghetti, Greek porridge or mint potatoes.

P_vedemo p_bags

About those, how it is possible to cook a liver with a sour cream-tomato sauce, the world has been told. But if such a grass looked really savory, then not only good to make the main product, but it’s right to come.

Ideally, it is necessary to bathe the couple's liver with maximum freshness. If such an ingredient for strains could not be known, then it would be possible to freeze the offal. Moreover, wine is not to blame for the dark color, as well as the mother's unacceptable smell. However, if you are powerful enough to use the liver you have chosen, then it is not recommended to use vicory for cooking goulash. Adzhe vzhivannya zіpsovanogo zіpsovannogo zіpsovannogo zdatnogo product harm not only your health, but the body of your loved ones and other people.

Shvidka is a savory herb for the evening - chicken liver with sour cream and carrots and cooked in a frying pan. The recipe is even simpler, it’s a smut here - don’t overheat the liver on the fire, and then it’s just more tasty to go out.


  • 500 g chicken liver
  • 1 medium cibulin (100-120 g)
  • 1 medium carrot (100 g)
  • 1 st. l. borosna
  • 1-2 teaspoon cloves
  • 4-5 art. l. sour cream
  • nutmeg pea jerky
  • strength, pepper for relish

Carrots to the point of strain are added to obov'yazkovo, the specific smell of chicken liver is fading away.
I also want to indicate that the strength of that seasoning is added only in the very beginning of preparation.


The liver is relatively miєmo and you can see all the veins. Miєmo under running water and especially follow it, so that not a drop of zhovchі is left, otherwise we should work on it, the grass will strongly growl.
Narize the liver with great pieces.

Tsibulyu is rіzhemo with pіvkіltsy or quartered kіlets.

In olive oil, we smear the cubula until it becomes clear, then we add carrots grated on the great third, and we saute the vegetables until the carrots are soft. Let's sweat the frying pan and let's kill it.

We put another frying pan on the middle fire, pour a little oil and heat it up. Narizan shmatochki kuryachoi zhіnki rolled in boroshni, vykladeymo in rozіrіta oliya and stretched about two khvilin shvidko smeared, pomіshyuchi, until the stench poiliyut and lightly zarumyatsya. Salt, I repeat, is not yet required.

We invite you to the liver cibula with carrots.

We close the pan with a lid and trim on a small fire 2-3 hvilin, no more.

Then we clean up the lid, add sour cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg to the pan. I always add nutmeg peas in sour cream and top sauces, I especially appreciate wines to taste tops of these sauces.

If you want to drink more, add about a quarter or a third of a bottle of hot water from the kettle. You can see it through the presser. Everything is peremіshuєmo, trimaєmo on the fire, close to the hvilin and vimikaemo the stove.

I again close the pan with a lid and let the grass infuse 10-15 whilins.
Garnish suddi pidide be-someone. The best chicken liver with sour cream miraculously eats with rice, with pasta, with mashed potatoes, and with buckwheat. I’ve cooked this once, it’s even deliciously simple!

1. The liver is good miєmo under cold running water, then we transfer it to a bowl with dill, literally on the whilina. Then we fill it with cold water.

2. Cleaned in the form of plive, cut with straws of 0.7 - 1 cm.

3. Pour olive oil into the pan, put it on a medium fire, if the olive heats up, it will damage the liver.

4. Instead of a frying pan, mix it up by stretching a dekilkoh whilin until all the rind is boiled.

5. Creep is trimmed with a knife, and the qibule is trimmed with pivkiltsy. Let's get to the liver.

6. Add spices: nutmeg, paprika, chalking coriander.

7. Obsmazhuyemo yalovich liver with cibulei 5-7 khvilin. Add 1⁄2 flasks of boiled water, check for boiling. We sweat with a krishko and change the fire. Gasimo 10 - 15 quills.

8. Sour cream is mixed with sill and black pepper, put into the pan, mixed well.

9. We pour in a lot of water, which is gone, we mix it up so that there is no breast. Instead of a bottle, it is poured to the liver with sour cream and cibulia. Let's move on. Gasim until the sauce thickens. After the preparation, let's let the strain infuse khvilin 10-15.

Yalovicha liver with sour cream is ready.

10. Served with a side dish, fresh vegetable salad or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes.


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